STAR OF THE \ORTII. HEDNEisDAY, OCT. 5, 1H59. STEPHEN 11. MILLER'S new goods will be here in a day or two. You may expect a handsome and laTge assortment. •Miss MAUV BAHKLKY has just arrived from the eastern cities with a handsome assort ment of millinery goods, which she ofTers for sale cheap for cash. She has had con siderable experience in the purchasing of goods, therefore you may rest assured in being satisfied with her selection, Give her a call. Ml-s E. J. WILSON has just replenished her stock of millinery goods, and would re spectfully invite the public to call a-d ex amine tltein. Her goods are very choice, and cannot help but please the most fasti dious. A better selection of millinery mer chandise is rarely brought to this place.— Her place of busine-s is directly under the Slur of the North Office, (live her a call; her goods are of the right stripe, and she is an honorable dealer. KEEP vocit Cellar doors light, is the cry all over the country: audit apjicars to he hecessary in this place. A few evenings since some pilferer entered the cellar of our I.eighbor. JOHN I'ERSEL, and hel|>ed himself fo a rice pudding, pie. and some potatoes. The thief is respectfully invited to make Another call, he can be supplied with quite h diflerent luml Irotn the one he received— One that will hurry hiin to the laud where travelers never return. Not over two months ago our cellar was paid a visit by these light fingered gentry, but it was a water haul for them. Alas I tltey found nothing but a few old willed up turnips and potatoes, and an empty butter-plate. The old maxim was to them proved, that editors lire on 1 wind and water " Never attempt to rob an editor bad business that. ON LAST Wednesday evening powder Was placed under the dwelling house doors of several of our citizens ami our office by some wicked hands. What was the inten tion of the perpetrators of this act ve know .not, unless it was to fire the buildings. It appeared to have been p'acod under the doors in the early part of the evening, as a slight spri.ikle ol rain full between eight •and nine o'clock, and dissolved a good por tion of it. Our citizens should keep a look out for these villains. They should be caught and severely punished. It does not require a dileclive police to point nut these scamps and have them arraigned before a bar of justice, where they would undoubt edly receive the punishment they so justly merit. WE give the following receipe room in our local column, as we think it will be of some service to those who are largely en gaged as dealers in this kind of material : Receipt for Mukinu To tiler* —Take a hand fill of lli vino called lionahout, the same quantity of the tool called Nimble Tongue, a sprig of the herb called Backbite, at either before or alter dog days, a table spoonlul of Don't-vou-tell it, six drachms of Malice, a few drops of Envy—which can be purchas ed in any qanntily at the shop ol MissTabi tha Testable anJ Miss Fanny Nigluwalker. Stir them well together and simmer them for half an hour over the fire of Discontent, kindled with a little Jealousy ; then stiain it through the rag of misconstruction, hang it upon a skein o[ Streichyarn shake it occa sionally for a few days, ami it i fit for use. Let a few drops be taken just Oelore walk ing out, ami the subject will be enabled to speak all maimer ol evil, and thai continu ally. WK fiutl the following Court proceedings published in the Miners' Join mil of Potts ville, Schuylkill county, in relation to the stealing of a poike'-btiuk from John sharp less, ol Caltawissa, some time last spring, by Michael Graham : Com. vs Miilinel Grahnm —The defend ant was indicted for the larceny of a pocket book containing about SJOO, the property ol John Sharpless, of Cat'awissa. It appears that Mr. Sharpless got into the cars at Cal tawissa for the purpose of going to Pliiladel phia. When they reached Hingtowu he got. up from his seat and walked out on the platform of the station. Immediately after wards Grbhatn got up from his seat in the forward part of the car and went to the seat Mr. Sharpless had occupied, or near it, in the rear end ol the car. Grabam, after a few moments got up from the seal and walked out on the platform, inquiring of the conductor whether he could lay over until the next train, and still reach Phila delphia by the next morning— to which the conductor replied that he could not. Sharp less discovered that he had lost his pocket pook soon alter he was out on the platform and went back for it. He had it a short time before leaving the seat. Search was made for it,but could nowhere be found.— After the cars had started again search was proposed among the passengers and agreed to. A slight search was made, but the pocket book was not found. A second search was subsequently proposed by some one who thought he noticed the mark of a pocket book in Graham's pocket which he had not produced when the first search was made. This second search was thorough, and when they came to Graham he refused to allow himself to be searched. When • the cars reached Tarnaqua, a search war rant was taken out, and being produced by * S constable, he then delivered up the pock-j * el book which had been lost by Sharpless, Thf counsel for the defence contended that there was no evidence of a design to steal at the tilbe the pocket book was taken, whatever intent or design he may have formed subsequently—and that he there fore was not guilty of larceny. The Court charged that his Subsequent acts might be evidence of what fib intention was at the time of his taking thhpropetty. The jury found the defendant guilty. Not yet sen tenced. His counsel htfs moved for a new trial. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS. IIIAKT2 & UN T %X/OULD respectlully inform the citizens * * of Light Street and vicinity thai they have just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they will sell cheap lor cash. They have a large and general variety ; all that is commonly found in a Country Store, and are determined to sell cheap. In the selec tion of their goods they have paid strict ai thntion ; thereloie their merchandise will bear recommeridatiou and will prove to he of the first class. The proprietors are gentlemen and honor able dealers, and cordially solicit a liberal share of patronage. Customers would do well to call and examine their general vari e'y before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange fnr good at die highest market price. MARI'Z & F.NT. Lighi Street, May 4, 1859. ~ I'KHF KCTTV /Y TC il KS. JIADK PY B.J. WARNER and FRED. MARSHALL, of London, CXStTRPASSF.D FOTt TIME AND DT'RABILITY, having received the approbation nt die Roy AI. POJJYTKCHMC INSTITUTE OF LONDON. Prices at Retail Irom SIOO lo S2OO. The trade Mippllcd on Liberal 'terms. DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY tollman lv on hand ai Wholesale. W. EVEUTSON SMITH, No. 15 Maiden Lane, Jnlv 27. 1859. New Yolk Cm BLOOMS EURO KAICIIVIC SHOP. r pHE undersigned respectfully inform*the ■ citizens of Bloomsburg, arid the public generally, that he has taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite die Ex change Block,where he is at all times ready to wait upon hi* customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIBDRKSSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in die most fashionable style, and on ve-y moderate terms. (AP'Shampoouig, done up in City Style.— Thank fill lor past custom lie. solicits increas ed palionage and pledges his best endeav ors to give every reasonable salifaclion. FERDINAND STINE. Bloom-burg. June 29 1859. I>IIBLIC BALE OF Valuable IScal Eslate |>Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' "Court of Columbia county, Solomon Neyhard, Administrator of Benjamin Hay man, will on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22it, 1859, at Id o'clock, a. in., expose lo public sale upon the premises, in Orange township, Columbia county, at the late residence of die decedent, the following real estate : A THaC-T op land, ihe ePI end of llie form, adjoining liuid.s of VVm. Deloiig, Jacob Kaub, Win. JVlears, and oilier lands of Bcnj. llayumn'ti uai.ue, and containing 68 ACRES & 139 PERCHES, on which there are erected a Frame House, and Frame Barn, with oilier out-buildiugs. There is a good S, ring of Water on ihe premises, and all kinds of Fruit Trees.— Alioai Fifty Acres are cleared laud. At the same little lhare will be sold £3 lia CO £2 a adjoining the above properly, two of diem on die west containing respectively 5 acres and 45 perches, and 7 acres and 149 perches; die oilier four nil the south, containing res pectively 5 acres and 159 perches, 5 acres and 68 perches. 6 acres and 50 perches, and 5 acres and 130 perches, and adjoining lands of Benj. Sterner, R Siller, and D Montgomery. Late the estate of said Benj. Hayrnan, of Orange township Columbia county, deceased. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Adm'r. Orange township, Sept. 21, 1859. 1' R US PEC T US. A New Work by Eincrsoii Bruited, Author of 'Clara Moreland,' 'Frame Flow er,' "The Refugees,' 'Blanche Berirand,' 'The Artist's Bride,' &0., &i\, entitled M ILD SIEAES ONTIIE FRONTIERS ; HEROES OF THE WEST. ' Westward, Iliccourse ol Empire lakes 'ls Way!" Tins work, is Ihe only one in Book form, which for several years has rrnanaled from Ihe pen ol the gilled aulh'or, who treads now alone lire path once trodden by our own Cooper. It will contain graphic pictures of die conflicts of the hardy Pioneer, whose striles and siruggles with his Indian foe, ri val ihe tales of fiction and the tragic coun terfeits ol the mimic stage. Also thrilling narratives of Ihe daring deeds, Ihe heart trials, the heroic devotion and self-denial of noble women, ihe mo'hers of dm Wesl I Beneath 1 fro over arching forests, hand to hand, and font lo loot, the intrepid adven turer has encountered in deadly combat die ruffian rle-peradoes who made their haunts in the backwoods, and his gallant achieve ments have thrown a halo of romance over die waving prairies, die grand old moun tains, and the majestic rivers of the land of the spuing sun I Nor are these pages wanting in those gen der scenes which make up home-lite, and which are pictured with all the skill and fidelity lor which the author is pre-emi rieuily distinguished. His delineation of Frontier character, end of ihe scenery of Ihe Borders, has always the advantage of an accuracy which is the result of an intimate, personal acquaintance. The work will be primed on fine white paper, in clear, open type, and appropriately and beautifully illustrated by die most skill ful artiels 12mo . Cloth. Price, $1,25. HAMKLIN & CO., Publishers, No. 606 Chesinut Street, Philadelphia. N. B.—Agents warned in every part of the Union and the Canadas, to whom a liberal discount will be allowed. September 28, 1859-2w. FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT SHARPLESS' STORE, IN BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE citizens of Bloomsburg and vicini ty, are respectfully informed that a fre-h supply of new goods have been received at Bloomsburg. An extensive assortment has been received, one that will com Dare favorably with any in this place. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the marke*. price. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, Bloomsburg. Sept. 14, 1859. s. c- sum;, Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet Ware. Wareroom in Sliive's Block, on Main Sheet. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wsu# or sale by McKELVY, NEAL k Co] LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BUFFA LO, ALBANY.CLEVF.LAND, DE TROIT AND CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, S. E. Corner Seveuih and Chestnut Streets. J NO. B MEYERS.* H PERTH WAIT, Prof. JOHN S. HART. J. B. LIPI'INCOTT, MOIUIISL. HALLOWFLL. COUNTING HOUSE COUHSE, Comprises Book Keeping for Mercantile, Banking Railroad, and Manufacturing Business with Pennmanship, Cal culations, Correspondence, &e &e., fully qualifying the Student lor alcual business. Students receive individual In struction. Diplomas arc awarded to Graduates. $33.00 Pais for Life Scholarship good in seven Col leges; $25 for partial course. EFFnr Calalogue and Specimens of Wri ting, Address, inclosing two stamps. BRYANT & SritATTON, July 27, 1859. l'niiad'a. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The Largest and Cheapest stock ever offered in this Citi/. CHARLES Vf. DEAU, WHOLESALE DEALER IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, oilcloths, j Cotton Laps, Wadding, Carpet Chain, &c. No. 119 MARKET Street, below 2nd, (north j side) Philadelphia. FllllE subscriber has just opened an entire * ly new and complete stock of goods ol | the best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Dealers who wish to find a ' good article CHEAP FOR CASH. These goods were bought lor Net Cosh, at the grea'ly reduced prices consequent upon the stringency ol the limes, and be lieving the "nimble sixpence" to bo boiler than the "slow shilling," they are now of fered to the public at prices they de f y com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar boxes, Half Bush els and Peck Measures. Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows, corn brooms, every variety, shoe paint scrub and sweep brushes, &c. Blothes, brushes, Baskets, willow and ra tan chairs, shirt raians, bird cages, clothes lines, btd cords, skirl colds, tie yarn, twine of all kinds, together wi h a largo assort ment ol Notions and Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &o , cheap Irom auction. These goods are all new arid carefully selected, and are offered at prices that can not tail to attract attention. Buyers will invariably find it to theirown interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. Perlicular attention given to packing goods fur shipment, so as to prevent damage or cxceseive charges for freight. ZSSU Orders by Mail promptly attended I". CHARLES W. DEAN. 116 Market St., north side, below 2nd;* Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1859—1 y. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE QUAKER I'ITY PUBLISHING HOUSE ! 100,000 CATALOGUES, New, Enlarged anil lievised--Noiv Ready for Distribution. —Superior Inducements to the Public ! A new and plan for oblaining Gold and Silver Welches, and oilier valuable Prizes. Full particulars given in catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon applica tion. Valuable Gifts, worffi from 50 cts to SIOO guaranled to each purchaser. SIOO,OOO in Gifts have been disturbed to my patrons within the past six months—slso,ooo to be distributed duiing ihe next six months. The inducements ofisred Agents are morp liberal than those of any other house HI the business. Having been in the Publishing and Book selling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Gilt Enterprise wilh the greatest satisfaction to all. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county. For lull particulars address DUANE KULISON, Quaker Cily Publishing House, 33 South Third Street, Sept. 21, 1859-4 m. Philadelphia, Pa. EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE, EST AIE OF HENU I KR UM DEC'I). WILL be exposed to public Sale on the premises on TUESDAY the TWEN TY FIFTH day of October, A. D., 1859, all that certain plantation and tract of land sit uated in Montour township, Columbia coun ty adjoining lands of Daniel Kerslineron the East, Joseph Mauser on the North, the rleirs ol William Linn on the West, by lands of Frick k Hurley on the South, con taining 197 Acrs and 43 I'urcbes, Strict Measure. There are two two-storv DWELLING HOUSES on the premises, a Bank Barri, Two Wagon Houses, Corn Crib, and other out buildings; a good Spring of Water near ihe dwelling house a Weil of water wilh a pump near the Barn, AH APPLE ORCIIAIiD and other Fruit Trees, and about one hun dred and lorty acres cleared land. The above tract of land to be sold pursuant to the directions contained in the last will and testament of HENRY KRUM, Deceased, ' and will be sold in the whole or in two j pans to suit purchasers. Conditions ol the Sale will be made known by the Executors on the day of Sale. GEORGE BLECKEK, J „ PETER M KKRSHNERj I -* oCUt ° r8 ' Montour twp., Sept. 7, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given that tellers of A " administration on the estate of Rosanna Reedy, lale of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to George A. Beam, who resides in the Borough of Ber wick. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of ihe decedent are requested lo make mem known to tne administrator without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith to GEORGE A. BEAM, Adm'r. Bloomsburg, Sept. 21, 1859. BLANKS! BLANKS! ! BLANKS!) DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS AND JUDGMENT NOT'ES, of proper k desirableforms, fo* sale at the office of the ".Star ofthe North." GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by the laws of this Com monwealth, it is made "the duty of the Sheriff of every county to give notice of the general elections by publication in one or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty days belore the election," and to enumerate therein the "the officers to be elected," and to "designate the place at which the election is to be held." There fore I JOHN SNYDER, High Sheriff ol Col umbia county, do hereby make known and 1 proclaim to the cprwlisk electors ol Colum bia county, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held throughout said county on TUESDAY the ELEVENTH DAY OF OC TOBER, being the second Tuesday in said month, at the several districts within the county, to wit:— Benton township at the house of .Ezckiel Cole. Beaver township at the house of Franklin L. Shu man. Borough of Berwick at the Town Hall in Berwick. Bloom township, at the Court House in Bloomsburg. Briarcreek township, at Lemon's School House, now near Yohe's at Evansville. Catawissa at the house ol Samuel Kostetl buder, in Catawissa. Centre township, at the house of Jeremiah lless, deceased. Cuuyngtiam township at the house of Reu ban 11. Wusser. Fisliingereek township at lite house of Reu ben Knelly. Frankliti township at Clayton's School House Grpenwood township at the bouse ol Joseph R. Patton. Hemlock township at the "Buck Horn " Jackson township at the house r1 Pteekiel Cole. Locust township at the house of John L. Hurst in Slablown. Mifflin township at the house of John Kel ler. Madison township at the house of John Wei iver, deceased. Ml. Pleasant township at the house of Wil liam Hutchinson. Montour township at the house of John Richards, now occupied by William Hoi- Hogshead. Maine jpwitship, at the house ol Isaac Yet-j ter. Roaringcroek township, at the Five Points, house now occupied by —— Snyder. Orange township, at the house of Alexander Hughes, Orangeville. Pine jowsship, a! the house of Albert Ilnn ler. Sugarloaf township, at fhe house of Alinas Cole. Scott township, aflTie house of Enoch How ell, Espy. It is lutherdirected that the election at the said several districts shall be opened between the flours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the fore noon, and shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment, until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. The officers to be elected at the time and places aforesaid, are— ONE AUDITOR GENERAL, ONE SURVEYOR GENERAL, TWO MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY, ONE PERSON FOR TREASURER, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A DISTRICT ATTORNEY, A COUNTY SURVEYOR, I A COUNTY CORONER, A COUNTY AUDITOR. It is further directed that the meeting of! the return judges at the Court House in Bloom-burg, to make out the general returns shall be on the firs' Friday succeeding the general election, which will bo the four teenth day of October. The return judges of the Representative District, composed "of the counties ol Wyom ing, Sullivan, Columbia and Montour, shall met-i at the Court House in Bloomsburg, in •tie county of Columbia on TUESDAY, lite eighteenth day ofOctoter next, to make out Ihe returns for members of Assembly. And in and by the said act, I am further directed to give notice that every person, excepting justice or the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or 1 trust under the Government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city, or in- 1 corporated district whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is, or shall be employ ed under the legislatve or executive, or ju diciary department of this State, or of any incorporate district, and alo that every member of Congress, or of the select or common council, of any city commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law, inca pable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, in spector or clerk of any election of this com monwealth, and that nu inspeclalor judge | or any officer of any such election shall be eligible in any then to be voted for. Civen under my band arid seal at my of fice in Bloomsburg, this 3d day nf Sept. A. D., 1859. JOHN SNYDER, ' Bloomsburg, Sept. 7 1859. Sheriff. LIGHT STBEET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHART, Pkopkietor. rpHE Proprietor ol this hotel lakes pleas -1 ure in announcing to the public that he still occupies litis large and commodious _ f' oUse Light Street, Pa.,and is fi&at ilJUjet, ever,prepaired to accom- EgajjmSmodate travelers, teamsters,dro- SSSSSgavers and borders, with accom modations that will favorably compare with any hotel in this section ol country. The traveling public may depend on all comforts at borne, as bis tiouse is well furnished and always kepi in order. His table arid bar will always be found furnished with the best the market alfoids. Mr. E. will ever be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of his ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1858., 13T The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the property at private sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables and all Ihe neces sary outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing to em bark in the business, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. LAW BLANK STORE, No. 230 Dock Street, Philadelphia, ESTABLISHED IN 1831. The subscribers respectfully call Ihe at tention of the numerous shcriils, l'rolboiiotnries, l.nwyers. Dlngi*. Utiles tied others, to their large stock of Law Blanks, fcrtns, which an experience ol nearly 30 years en ables them to present with great acouratty of form cud neatness of style. Orders so l lieiled. A printed list of our Blanks will be forwarded, on application, free of charge. JOHN CLARK & SON, <3O Dock Street, Pbilada. Sept. 14, 1839-lni. Wt RAY. <"fAME to the premises of subscriber, in township, near New Columbus this CounlT, on or about the last of August, a YOUNG HE I) HEIFER, mouths old. The owner or hIC'W owners are requested to come IT"'" ai *ll forward, prove property, pay charges and take it away, otherwise it wiil be disposed of according to law. JACOB BECHTEL, Madison, Sept. 14, 1859. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC •110 91 <E 0P A TIII CI! U 91EDIES NO. 562. BROADWAY. TIIE (KEAT FEATURE Of this series of Domestic Remedies is that each particular medicine is a Specific for the particular disease or class of diseases whose name it bears, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular affection. Hence, persons suffering from a chronic disease or I long standing ailment, in buying a case of Humphreys' Specifics, obtain the particular one desired in tlieir case, and thus them selves make a cure which otherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small a mount of lime and medical attendance, if, indeed, it could be obtained at all. Thus multitudes suffer from Dispepsia, Billions, Costiveness, Bud Taste, Coated Tongue, and Debility, which is perfectly controlled and cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which is not promptly coilrolled and ultimately cured by the use of this Specific. Thousands who have suffered for years with this "'Billions Condition" having purchased a case of these Specifics have obtained a perfect cure and immunity from their old complaint. COUGHS, COLDS, AND SORE THROAT wliioh so frequenly lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION, are all in their early stage cured by the COUGH PILLS. Many cases of long standing Bronchitis arid irritating Coughs have been perfectly cured by this Specific. But more ! many persons have a specific liability to colds and lake litem from the least exposure. This will be entirely relieved by the use of the Cough Pills, as snores can testify from experience : So CATARRH is one of our most common and most troublesome diseases,against which the Old School Medicines and even llo rruEopathic prescriptions, are of little use.— Yet hundreds cf persons have been cured ol not only recent and tresh, but even long standing and obstinate cases of Catarrh by the use of this Specific. One aged lady in Syracuse was thus per fectly cuied of a Catarrh, which had attoyed her all her life. And a young lady at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so afflicted wth this disease as to require more than forty handkerchiefs a week, was en tirely cured in a single week by this Speci fic. PILES, bleeding and blind, is one of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure by the ordinary method*, but which find an entire ( cure in lite Piles Specific. True, lime is reqnir. Ed ; but the Specific is pleasant to take, re quires neither diet nor restraint, and being lullowed up a perfect cure is the result.— Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a cure ot Specifics, have obtained a cure for this most trying and obstinate form of disease, which lias been worth to them ten times ttie cost of the entire set. The case contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SPECIEIC known. A remedy without any deterious or poisonous substance, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a preventive when persons are residing in a faver and ague district. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that vaccination prevents small pox or bellattonno prevents scarlet le (ever, by pre-occupying the system with the true specific. Hundreds have been uius protruded and cured. THE OPHTHALMY SPECIFIC lias proved a most valuable remdy lor Sore Eyes and Eyelids, and for Weak and Blt.r rptl Sight. One lady in Indians, who bail bee, a snflerer from sore eyes for many years, ami lor two years was entirely blind, was cured perfectly by the Oplilhalmy Spe cific alone. HEADACHES to which so many are subject, find a cura tive in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time ol the attack, and also one which corrects lite condition ol the sys tem upon which it depends, and destroys the disposition to a return. The Specifics fur the various forms of FEMALE COMPLINTS have proved invaluable. Old Standing Le ueorrbcDa or Whites, attended with debility of exhaustion, and for which other forms ol medicine are ol little value, are fully con trolled and cured by the Female Pills ; while the specific lor Irregularities control almost every form of Scanty, Painful or Irregular Menstruation. DIARRHOEAS & SUMMER COMPLINTS in adults or children ara controlled like ma gic by the Diurrhcca Pills, whiie it may be averred without the possibility of successful contradiction that (lie Dysenlary Pills are the most perfect specific for that disease known. For the various forms ot FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, anil oilier diseases of children, the Fever Pills may be salely and surely relied upon. These Specifies of Prof. Humphreys, used for years in his extensive praclice,aud to the perfection of which he has devoted the re sources ol extensive knowledge, experience and study. The public may rest assured that during the lifetime of Dr. H., no one has been or shall be trusted with the preparation uf bis Specifics, and he offers the guaranty of his professional file at.d reputations that they shall be just as he represents litem. They have now been before the pub lic for five years, ami have everywhere won golden opinions trom the many thou sands who hate used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready re course and aid of the parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become the faintly physician and medical adviser of thousands ol families. Nowhere have they be n tried without having been approved, and their highest appreciation is among those ivlto have known them the longest, and most in timately. Every Family will find these Specifics all they have been recommended ; Promt Re liable, Simple and Efficient ; a Friend (in need and often a Friend indeed. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. 1. Fever Pills—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation of all kinds. No. 2. Worm Pills—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, and Wetting the Bed. No. 3. Baby's Pills—For Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervous ness of adults. No. 4. Diarrhoea Pills—For Diarrhma, Cholera, Infantum and Summer Complaint. No. 5. Dysentary Pills—For Colic, Griping Dysenlary or Bloody Flux. No. 6. Cholera Pills—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No 7. Cough Pills—For Coughs Colds, Hoarsness, Influenza and Sore Throat. Nolf. Tootkache Pills—For Toothache, Faceauhe, and Neuralgia. No 9. Headache Pills—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and fullness of the Head. No 10. Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver Complaint. No 11. For Female Irregularities—Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No 12. Female Pills—For Louchorrhtca, Profuse Menes and Bearing Down. No 13. Croup Pills—For Croup, Hoarse, Cough, Bad Breathing. No 14, Salt Rheum Pills—For Erysipelas Eruptions, Pimples on the face. No. 15. Rheumatic Pills—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in ihe Cbest, Back Loins,'or Limbs. A.—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, old mismanaged Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal, O' External. o—For Sore Weak or Inflamed F.yes and Eyelid*, Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or re cent, either with obs'ruction or profuse dis charge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. PRIC K S . Full set, 20 large vials in Mutoco Case and Book So 00. Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Case and Book $4 00. Case of 15 No boxes and Bonk $2 00 Case of any 6 Nc. boxes anil Book 1 00 Single No. boxes, with directions 25 Single lettered boxes with directions 50 Large plantation, or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials. 15 00 OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list, ntnke up a case of what kind you choose, and enclose the amount in a current note or stamps, by mail in our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will be duly relumed by mail or express tree of charge. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREY St CO, No. 662 Broadway, New York. For sale by E. P. Luiz, Bloomsburg, and all other druggist* throughout the country. July 6 1569. —3 m. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTST A glorious chance to gel Good links for nothing CP* Send fur a catalogue which will be sent to you free of postage. J. S. COTTON &, CO., PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, NO. 409 CHESTNUT sT„ PHILA'O., Have, iii addition to their regular business of publishing and bookselling, adopted the principal of furnishing a gift of the value of from 25 cents to SIOO, to the purchaser ol every Look of the value of one dollar anil upwards. Send for a catalogue, which we will send to you Iree of postage. Being largely engaged in the publishing business, J. S. Cotton & Co., have peculiar advantages of obtaining Books at very low prices, which enables them to give- more valuable presents than can be aflorded by any other house engaged in the same line of business. Any book published in the United Slates, will be lurnislted at lha publishers' price, and also a valuable gift to the purchaser without any extra charge. These gills con sists of gold and silver watches, gold chains, Ladies' splendid silk dress patterns, Time pieces, silver plated Ware, cosily sets of Catneos, Mosaic, Florentine,-Coral. Garnet, Turquois ami Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils and, Pens, Ladies' Neck and Chate lain Chains, Gents Bosom studs attd Sleeve Buttons, Pocket Knives, Porte Monnaies, and other gifts of use and value. Five hundred dollars worth of presents will be distributed with every thousand dollars worth of books sold. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent to yon, Iree of postage. Persons forming Clubs, or wishing to act as Agents, can get books and valuable gifts lor nothing! Agricultural, Botanical, Horticultural and Scientiiic Books—Historical, Poetical, Ju venile and Miscellaneous Books—Dictiona. ries, Bibles, Prayer aud Hymn Books—Al bums, Annuals, Cash Books and Works ol Fiction, and all other Books published in the United Slates, lurnislted at publishers' prices, and a hoe gitt furnished with every book. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent to you free of postage. Address, J. S COTTON & CO , No. 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Agents w nitcd in evciy pail of the Country. [Sep'. 7, 1859-41. I'ai mers uiml Teamsters, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOT, jssjj. THE subscriber would re B® speeti'ully inform the eili zens of Catawissa and vi tpvywif-l Tn trinity, that be has opened atl entirely new saddle and harness shop, in Ca'awis- i .'in ■ sa, on Main Street, a lew rioors above the residence ol Col. Pax'on, where he will at all litnes be found prepared to make all kinds ol harness Irom the lightest down to team harness, in short, he will keep on hand everything in his line Irom a horse collar down loa halter strap. He is determined not to be out done by any of his competitors. He gives a cor dial invitation to all to come forward and examine his stock lor themselves. Cour.try produce taken in exchange for work. Prices lo suit the limes. DAVID SNYDER. Caliawissa, June 15, 1859. Rising Suu Hold—Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of lite above named hotel, and has fitted it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor Itim with their patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting alttention, he can give entire satisfaction to all. His table will be supplied with the best the market aflords, and his bar willt Ihe choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be ou hand, arid his stabling is the ntist ex tensive in this section of country. MAJ. N. SEELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Executors' ."Notice. Estate of Henry Hrffmon. late of Rouringcrcck township deceased. Letters testamentary on Ihe above named estate have been granted to the undersign ed, by the Register ol Columbia County.— All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedanl are re quested to present them to the Executors for settlement, and those indebted will make payment without delay lo HENRY HOFFMAN, jr. LEONARD ADAMS, Roarir.gcreek, Sept. 7, 1859. Executors. Administratrix's Notice. jVfOTICK is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on lite estate of John Town send, lute of Madison twp., Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by 'he Reg ister of Columbia county, to the undersign ed residing in Madison twp.; said county. Alt persons having claims or demands a gainst the estate of Ihe decedent, are request ed to present them lo the administratrix tin ;y attested without delay, and all persons indebted to the estate are notified lo maek payment forthwith to HANNAH TOVVNSEND, Madison Sept. 7, 1859. Administratrix. 1859.—Dry Goods for Auiuiiu—lßs9. FULL stock of silk goods, lull slock of staple goods, full slock of fancy goods, fashionable fall Shawls, cloths, cassimeres, and veslings, blankets, qntlls, table linens, &c. &c., EARE& LANDELL, Fair I h Sf Arch Street, I'hilad'a. N. B.—Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rales. Etf*Bargains Daily Irom N. Y. Auctions. 1 September 7, 1859.—3m05. CABINET WARE ROOMS. s. C. SUITE, ESPKCTKULLY invites the attention of the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which ha will warrnnt made of good material* and ill a workmanlike manner. Al his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort mum of • - FASHIONABLE FtRNITtRE. which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and al aa low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 to S6O. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, an>{ a variety o( upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier lubles, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and commies and all kinds of fashionable work. His slock of bureaus, enclosed and oomrnon wastelands, dress-table-, corner cupbo irtls solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is lite largest in this section ol the couuiy. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with laitey gilt and common Irames. He will also furnish spring inaltrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, w hicli are superior for duiahiliiy and comfort to any bed it! use. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. TO HOISEKEEPEIisi SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT S BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS. I* mauutaclnred from commonl AvW salt, and is prepared entirely dtf- fNR lerent from oilier Saleratus. All|"® the deleterious matters extracted in such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit,iscuit, and all kinds ol a N r. 'Jake, without conlaing a particle and ol Saleratus when the Bread or Cake is baked ; thereby produc ing wholesome results. Every T'Q particle of Saleratus is turned lo gas and passes through the Bread • A* or Biscuit while Baking ; conse quently nothing remains but com mon Salt, Water ar.d Flour. You and will readily perceive by the taste AND of this Saleratus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus. It is packed in one pound pa (j® pers, each wrapper branded, "B T. Babbitt's Best Medical Salora- OO tus also, picture, twisted laof ol Breas, with a glass of efferves cing water on the top. When and you purchase one paper you should preserve the wrapper, and * be particular to gel the next exact ly like the first—brand as above, syrx Full directions for making Bread „ I U with ihe Saleratus and Sour Milk 4 (J or Cream Tartar, will accompany each | ackage ; also, directioni for making all kinds of Pastry ; also, and directions for making Soda Water and Seidlttz Powders. and MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, WITH net B. T. BABBITT'S PURE rQ uo CONCENI RATED POTASH. l) 0 Warranted double the strength of ordinary Potash ; put up in cans— I Id., 2 Ids., 3 Ids., 6 Ids. and 12 and lbs —with full directions fot mak- and iug Haril and Soft Soap. Consu mors will find this ihe cheapest Potash in market. Manufactured and for sale by *■y/x 4 " B. T. BABBITT. Nos. 68 & 70 Washington St., N. Y., and 38 India-st., Boston. Bioomsbnrg Express Office. Fur (lie ('ompnnles of lloWiird & To., AND lion: ALL orders for Goods to come by Eppress, sent Free of Charge to all parts of Ihe coun try. Money and Bills collected. All Losses and Damages promptly paid A. C. MENSCH, Agent. lif In addition to the above, the under signed is likewise agent for the sole of FLOUR //N/J FEED. which he will sell at the lowest Cash Prices. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR always on hand. Likewise GROCERIES, as Coffee, Sugar, aud Molosses. A share of Public putrottaae is respectfully solicited. A. C. MENSCH, Agent. Bioomsbnrg, July 20, 1859 3rn. GREENWOOD SEMINARY^ A BOARDING SCHOOL and Normal In stitnte, for Teachers und others. The first quarter will commence April 11th. The second after Summer vacation, on August 151h, etc. TERMS : —s3o per Quarter for all expen ses. Catalogues will be sent to those who apply tor them. VVM. BURGESS, Prin. Mtllville, I'a., March, 30, 1859. 11. II VANNATTER, CABINET MAKER. riiHE undersigned having entered into A business, and rented Wm. liabb's Shop, on Main street, near D. Stroub's Grocery, and prepared lo furnish all kinds of CABINET WORK, such as CHAIRS, BED STEADS, BU REAUS, CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, STANDS, TABLES, etc., He is also prepared to attend to HOUSE PAINTING and PAPERING, in all its de partments THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS will likewise be attended 10. He will con stantly keep on hand an assortment of Fin ished Coffins, by which he can fill all or ders on presentation. B. H. VANNATTER. Bloorr.sbnrg, June 1, 1859. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF CONRAD HESS, DEC'D, Vil/'ILL be exposed to public sale ou the premises, on Friday the twenty fifth day of November next, all that certain planta tion attd tract of land, situate in Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, adjoining lands - of Win. J. Hess on the south, Wm. Hess on the east, Win. Stephens on the north and east, and laud of the heira of Robert Mont gomery ou the west, containing one hun dred arid seventy five acres and one hundred and forty nine porches, (the quantity to be ascertained by survey.) late the ostate of Cmirad Hess, deceased. There is on the premises a Two Story Log House. a Log Bant, Frame Shed, Two Apple Orch ards, and about fifty acres cleared land. The crop of grain upon the premises when sold, will tie reserved, possession of the premises will be given to the purchaser on the first day of Aprti next. Condition will be made known on day of sale WILLIAM tIESS Executor. of Conrad Hess, dee'd. Sugarloaf twp , August 17, 1859. A. M. RUPERT, TINNER ,y .V TO VII DEALER, Shop ou South aide of Main street, below Matket. BARNARD RUPERT^ FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Shop on ihe South Side of Main Street, firs i square below Market. N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers