STAR OF Till NORTH. IVM. 11. JACOBr, EDITOR. BLUOMSUL'KU, WEDNESDAY, JI : LY 11, 1850. IFciuocraf ic Nominations. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, RIHIARDsON L. Hit [CUT, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOIL SURVEYOR GENERAL, JOHN ROME, OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. IN an article published in our paper last week, we offered to send five copies of the STAR OF THE NOKTII six months to any ad dress for /fee dollars and one copy gratis to the getter up of the club. In the time our compositor made us a little too liberal.— He offered the paper from July 6th to June lllh 1860, making eleven mouths. We had written it to read thus : From July 6lk to Jan. lllh, 1860 ; and the typo mistaking JIM. lor Jane, made us offer five months more than was intended for that amount of money. To those persons who have pro posed luking us up at this eleven months' of fer,we would say that, "we would rather be excused," as we cannot print papers at sp low a future. We have not yet got into the habit of letting our paper out to subscribers for one dollar, or one dollar and a quarter, per annum. We have known a certain would-be he id-quarter publisher in this county to do that very little thing. It shows how much he values his paper at.— Probably that is all it is worth, and he wish es to be very honest in the matter. ALL men are aspirants; but the aspirations Oi all men do not run in '.he same direction. Some men aim at, and struggle for, high positions, while others follow a common course, and appear to be content with their lot. Men who are continuady striving for place and power very seldom accomplish their objects; and when they are fortunate enough to gain their ends, nine times out of ten, they only make themselves miserable, aud appear ridiculous in the eyes of the public. They are of no service to the com munity, for what they do is invariably done wrong,—creating strife and dissatisfaction among the better class of intelligent people. Men who are chosen to mako our laws and to enforce them, should not be of this char acter, but of good sound'judgment and log ical reasoning, possessing independence enough to have a mind of their own. In the selection of jurors to sit in the courts of justice, this should be observed, and men not stumbling blocks chosen. MORGANTOWN SCHOOL EXERCISES. —On last Saturday afternoon and evening an exhibi tion was given to an august assemblage of people by this school—under charge of Miss M. A. L., of poetical notoriety—in the Grove near the Iror.dafe Company'sFumace, which was rather creditable to both teacher and scholars. Here a handsome stand, with seats in front, had been constructed in camp-meeting style. Every thing was prop erly arranged lor out door exercises of a scholastic order. On each side of the seats were stretched to tho breeze a very hand some flag. The evening exercises consist ed chiefly of singing and declamation, clos ing with an address from the School Miss, which abounded in eloquence and patriot ism. HOWEB'S CORNET BAND, which had been employed for the occasion, was in attend ance, and repeatedly enlivened the hours with their stirring strains. Upon tho whole, everything passed off tolerably smooth, consideringthe largo num ber of people in attendance; and all retired well pleased with the Morgantown School Exercises. . CATTAWIS&A AND TOWANDA RAILROAD Engineers are now engaged in locating the Cattawissa and Towanda Railroad—the char ter of the road having been renewed by the last Legislature. That portion of ihe road upon which they are now engaged is be tween Towanda and Bloomsburg, on the Lackawanna road. The proposed Catta wissa and Towanda road is to commence at Rupert, or Bloomsburg, and intersect the -Now York and Erie Railroad at Waverly, passing through Sullivan near this county. We understand that the greatest obstacle to be surmounted on the route is to get a prop er grade over tho North Mountain. WE have been informed, not long since, that a Musk Rat leak occurred in the berm bank of the canal, a few miles below Ber wick. and some sixteen feet of the embank ment was torn ou'. The break, was speedily repaired by tho foreman of the Low er Divi sion of the North Branch Canal, Mr. Hudson Owen. The Columbia Democrat says, it was a " Must Rat Leak." This must be a new kind of rat; belonging, probably, to the "pup-doodle" species. We are unacquaint ed with the Democrat's Dictionary. Like to get one. Tin late terriffic storm that passed over Yhis county destroyed, at some places, near ly whole apple orchards, by uprooting the trees. Had it not been that the storm oc cured at a dry time all the trees would have met the same fate. Barns were unroofed, school-houses turned over, and fences dis tributed promiscuously about the fields, giving everything a calamitous appearance. Such a storm as this has not been witnessed in this section for a long time before. It was not accompanied by much raiu, but with vivid lightning, fierce thundering, and a powerful wind. INSTEAD of a daily mail between this place and Cambra, we are now having a tri-week ly. Tho post office department think it not necessary to have a daily mail carried be tween these two points. The coaches are still running every day. The travel on this line is tolerably good ; at least so we are informed. W k are slill without any details of the ialo battle which was fought at Solferina, and tlie imagination is at its stretch to find out how many have fallen, how many pris-, oners taken, and the other trophies left in lire hands of the French in the great event of the 24th of June. The inference from the official telegram is that the French ar my suffered so severely that two days after the battle it was still unable to resume the offensive. The Austrians have sunk five small vessels, a large frigate and three Lloyd's steamers in the port of Manoloco, to prevent the passage of a French squad ron. The deneralship of the Austrian com manders seems to have been of a very in ferior oider. The first rule which the mili tary student has to learn is, that he should never engage with a deep stream in his rear. Nevertheless, the Austrians crossed Mincioat four points.and attacked the camps of the French. Their right wing pressed forward to l'ozzolengo, Solferina and Cav riana. The Milan Gazelle states "that the number ol political prisoners whom the Au sMians carried away with them amounted to 107, who are now in the fortress of Verona. I HORACE GHKEI.Y has been writing a series of fetters to tlio Trdnme frotn I'ike's Peak, and other points, on his route, which prove to be quite interesting. Ho says "flour is worth #44 per barrel, and other things in proportion. Less than half the four or five thousand people now in this ravine have been here a week ; he who has been here three weeks is regarded as quite an old set tler. The influx cannot fall short of five hundred per day, balanced by an effiux of about one hundred. Many of the latter go away convinced that Rocky Mountain gold mining is one grand humbug. Some of them have prospected two or three weeks, eating up their provisions, wearing out their boots—and finding nothing. Others have worked for the fortunate, lor SI per day and their board and lodging—certainly not high wages when the quality of the liv ing is considered. And I feel certain that, while some—perhaps many, will realize their dreams of wealth here, a far greater number will expend their scanty means, tax their powers of endurance, and then leave, soured, heart sick, broken-spirit.— Twenty thousand people will have rushed into this ravine before the Ist of September, while 1 do not see how hall of them are to find profitable employment here. Unless, therefore, the area of the diggings shall meantime be greatly enlarged—of which there is no assurance—l cannot imagine how half the number are to subsist here, even up to that early setting in of the Win ter which must cause a general paralysis of mining, and consequently of all other Rocky Mountain industry. With tho gold just wrested from the earth still glittering in my eyes—and one company has taken out to day, at cost of not mora than #25, a lump (condensed by the use of quicksilver jwliich looks like a steel-yard poise and is estima ted as worth #5lO. I adhere to my long settled conviction that next to outright and iudispensible gambling, the hardest (though sometimes the quickest) way to obtain gold is to mine lor it. NEW PREMIUMS. —LiberaI inducements are offered by the publishers of the Pennsylva nia)!, Philadelphia, to their friends through out the country to exert themselves in pro curing subscriptions and extending the culation of the DOLLAR WEEKLY PENNSYL VAMAN. The proprietor offers premiums as follows : Any person who shall forward to that C'ffico the largest number of new subscribers, by Ihe firs: of September, with the amount of their yearly subscription in ad vance, shall receive a premium of THIRTY DOLLARS ! To the person sending the sec ond highest number of new subscribers, TWENTY DOLLARS! For the third highest number of new subscribers, TEN DOLLARS ! The above propositions to bo limited to lists forwarded by the first ol September next. The result will be published in the Daily Pcvnsylvanian on the first of September, and in the Dollar Weekly Pcnn sylvaniun on Saturday September 3d. The premiums will bo forwarded to those enti tled to receive them on the first named day. All letters should be addressed to Dr. F. MORWITZ, Proprietor, No. 198 South Third Street, Philadelphia. a number of their zealous and true hearted Democratic friends throughout the Stale have been competitors for the three premiums ofl'ered by the publisher during the month of of June last. The largest pre mium was awarded to Jos. Gilmor, P. M., at Cochranville, Chester county, l'a. OPPOSITION REOARD FOR TUB VOHKIGNBR.— Tho Cleveland (Ohio) Herald, a Black Re publican, Know-Nothing journal, says: "We unhesitatingly aver that seven-tenths of tho foreigners in our land, are not as in telligent as the full blooded African of our Slate—we will not include the part blood." Such is the feeling and sentiment of the Opposition party, generally, North and South, and tliey act it out whenever and wherever they have the power. They have done so in Massachusetts, hv their "two year amendment" to the Constitution of that State, and they attempted it in New Jersey, New A'ork, and other States. THE Boston Post, the leading Democratic journal in Mass., compliments very highly the recent addrass of our Democratic State Committee, both on account of its sound political views and doctrines, and the abili ty with which they are presented. After giving several extracts, it thus concludes its remarks : "The citations we havo made from this address speak for themselves, and are speci mens of its logic and precision. It is a calm appeal to the reason and must command the confidence of the candid and intelligent. Victory, with such principles, will he vic tory worth having ; and the Democracy of the whole country will gladly welcome a triumph of their cause in the old Keystone State as the triumph of the old fashioned Democracy of Jefferson and Jackson." Mr. Nix, of the Susquehanna Institute, at Limestoueville, Montour county, has resign ed his position. France—Foreign News. The following is an extract from a Lon don puper, dated Paris, Thursday evening, June 23d. As'vvar is raging rather fearful ly in the "old country," such extracts as the one below may bo of interest to our readers. It says : ' The bloody'conflict dt Perugia between the Pope's Swiss guards and the people, is considered in government circles as a de plorable event. It no doubt tends greatly to increase the difficulty of the tusk which the French Emperor has undertaken of preserving)the temporal dominion' of the" Pope while emancipating Italy from the Austrian yoke. The Papal forces are con fessedly ir adequate to repress the national movement which has broken out in many large towns of the Stales of the Church.— The policy of selecting a little mountainous village like Perugia, where the population is too small to offer effectual resistance, for shedding blood in the name of Papal au thority, may well be doubted. The event is likely to double the intensity of the revo lutionary movement in Bologna, and to ex cite insurrection in all the disaffected parts of the Papal States that have hitherto re mained tranquil. The lfomans, rightly or wrongly, consider themselves included in the Emperor Napoleon's Milan proclama tion, addressed to the 'ltalian people,' and claim the benefit of his promise, that the French army shall not interfere with the manifestation of their 'legitimate wishes.' Unless, however, §wiss hirelings, now masters of Perugia, shall be supplied by French troops, nothing is more likely than that they will speedily be driven out by an overwhelming national force. "The Pays in answer to the 'various cor respondents,' which persist in affirming that King Victor Emmanuel is disposed to ac cept the dictatorship which has been offer ed him by certain towns in the Roman States, asserts that all these rumors are completely false, and that the King has re fused any sort of dictatorship, whether 'provisional' or otherwise. The fact that Prussia is making a serious diplomatic ef fort to put an end io the war seems to be every day regarded as more and more cer tain. But great astonishment is felt at the positive assertion ol the Independance that the territorial limits established by the trea ties of 1815 are to be proposed as the bases of the announcement. The impossibility that Prussia can for a moment seriously suppose that France will listen to any such proposition, gives some countenance to all I bnt the incredible assertions of certain Ger-< man journals that a war with France is really intended by Germany. The Democracy of Maine. Attempts have been made by the Press and other disorganizing and Opposition jour nals, to create a public impression that the action of the recent Democratic Stale Con vention in Maine, was hostile to the Na tional Democracy and President Buchan an's Administration. A similar course was pursued iu relation to the Vermont Convention,and for a was not without effect, but subsequent and more reliable in formation, soon disabused the public mind of the error, and it is now known that the Vermont delegates to the NationaTConven licn are friends and supporters of the Nation al administration, and entirely uncommitted on the subject of the next Presidency. And the same may be said of Maine. The Belfast Journal, a prominent and influential Demo cratic paper of that State, in an article on "the Slate Convention," dwells at some length on die proceedings of that body. It says that Mr. Smith, the nominee for Go vernor, was known as the earnest and de cided friend and supporter of President Bu chanan, and then adds : " There is nothing in the resolutions inconsistent with Mr. Bu chanan's letter of acceptance, his Sillitnan letter, the Cincinnati Platform, or the gen erally received doctrines of the Democratic parly, that the people of the territory can only abolish or prohibit slavery when they form a Constitution. It is well known that a contrary opinion would have been reject ed by the Committee, nsd if it bad been, it would have been rejected by the Conven tion, as the re-nomination of Mr. Smith over his squatter sovereignly competitor conclusively proves." The fact is, the resolutions were, as they clearly indicate on their face, the result ot compromise, with a view to entire union of the party in the Slate compaign ; and it is even more evident that the power of the Convention was iu the hands of the Nation- J al Democrats. TUB CROPS. —A gentleman just returned from a trip to Northern and Central New Hampshire, informs the Boston Traveler, that the prospects for good crops this sea son are very encouraging. The hay crop, particularly, will be unusually heavy. The same encouragement is given in relation to the wheat, com and potato crop. The Cincinnati Gazelle says Ohio will havo a good wheat crop this year, in the Miami country the harvest is nearly completed,and the grain is thick and plump, and promises to produce a much bolter quality of flour than for several years past. Corn is rather backward, but is in very good condition.— The appearances are now in favor of a hea vy crop. A correspondent of the Albany Evening Journal writes under date of July 7th, that he has passed through portions of Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Wayne, Ontario and Monroe counties. The winter wheat looks good and is free from the ravages ol the insect. It is already about ripe for the harvest. New York has mora wheat than for five years past. Spring wheat has been touched by weevil—so has barley. The latter is everywhere light. Mr. Alfred Jausmi, of Lo Claire, Illinois, died a few days ago from the sting of a bee. He was a wealthy and cultivated young Eng lishman, and was stung in the neck by a common honey bee. When stung, he said it was a serious matter for him, as he had once, after being stung, swooned away and remained insensible for several hoitrs. Sai eratus was applied to the wound, but he was soon violently ill, became insensible, and in a few minutes had convulsions, and throe-quarters of an hour from the time he was etung was dead. lamp Meeting. There \vJJbe a Camp Meeting on the Caltawiss to be held in Header's Grove, from Cattawissaon the The Committee, and those who tent 'on the ground, add the our church, on this Circuit generally in the grove cu the sth of tho Camp Ground and to for tents. Please meet at 8 o'clock, that every thing in the in one day. The i£uubury Dftnville and AA land Stations are unanimously and cordially invited to attend our Camp Meeting. We extend the free and heatty invitation to our friends of the Bloomsburg and Milton Cir cuits, and also to any other who may be disposed to lent with us or attend our camp. This Camp Meeting will be held in the most beautiful grove in all this beautiful country. The grove is a moderate emi nence overlooking theea6t bank of the Sus quehanna, and affording a lovely perspec tive of a richly cultivated and rolling coun try. This grove is contiguous to the Catta wissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad.— Here water for man and beast—for cooking and dringing—is convenient and abundant. To complete the accommodations, Air. H. J. Reader, the owner of the ground, will keep a boarding house during the Camp Meeting, where all persons who wish to attend, and do not want to be troubled with a teqt, may be ami lodged fortdbly at moderate ratoe. We look forward to this Camp Meeting with high hopes of agreat religious awaken ing in this legion of country. Brethren and friends, let us ''come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty," and seek a "season of refreshing" from his presence. Respectfully and affectionately your com panions in labor. J. I'. HALL, TltOS. GREENLY, JOSEPH READER, CHARLES MENTZ, JOHN SCOTT, VViM. FIETSWORTH, LAMBERT PITNER, ISAIAH JOHN, PETER OSMUN, President. 1 lie Presidential lilcelicn in 1860. Should Kansas be admitted as a State, the coming session of Congress, the aggre gate Electwriat rom-W the Union in 1860, will be 306—making 154 uecessary to an election. Of these 306 votes, there will be 186 from the Free States, and 120 from the slave holding States. That the latter will be cast for the candi date nominated by the Democratic National Convention, whoever he may be, may be regarded as reasonably certain; and, in that case, it will require but 34 votes from the Northern States, to secure his election These, and more, we think, aro certain to bo obtained in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, Illinois, Minne sota, California and Oregon ; for We do not believe it at all piobahle that either of these States can, in a contest between Sectional Abolitionism on the one side, ar.d the Un ion and Constitution on the other, fail to de clare in favor 61 tfcrf Httlet, by casting her vote for the Democratic nominee. Wo look with confidence to such a result, and shall labor for it. True it is, indica tions occasionally present themselves that are somewhat discouraging. Demagogism and sectionalism inspire some men claim ing to be national and constitutional in their views, to from projects and views of a dis organizing tendency and impracticable character, and thus the harmony of the De mocracy is apparently disturbed; but this state of things only an incident to our party organization, and temporary in its in fluence, and will at once disappear on the opening of thenreat contest, by the intro duction of the' opposing candidates and the principles represent. Then the arts and suggesjpns of the scheming and selfish politicians will at once cease to be regarded, and thd-IsMest heart of the coun try respond alone to the counsels and dic tates of patriotism. Then the great nation al issue involved, will stand out prominent and distinct in all its features, so that the popular mitul will find no difficulty in prop erly apprehending it, in spite of the color ings and misrepresentations of faction or section; and we cannot doubt that the result will be, as in '52 and '56, such as will in dicate alike the integrity of the Union, and of the Democratic party.— Pcnnsylvanian. " Belle Britain" writes from Paris, in March last, that crinoline is subsiding.— The haul toil of Puris have never worn hoops of such vast rotundity as wo have seen in New York ; and without being too curious on the subject, I have come to the conclusion that tho Parisian skirt, as now worn, is made of some more flexible mate rial than steel. At events; it yields more easily and gracefully in a prowd. The bon nets arc becoming larger, and the greisetles (who wear caps only) are the only bear headed people in the streets of Paris.— Trailing dresses are worn only in carriages and drawing rooms, and in cut and color they are more subdued than in Broadway. Lynch law in Kentucky. LOUISVILLE July 9.—On yesterday, a mob at Sanford, Lincoln county, in this State, took from the county jail, James Rousers, (who was awaiting trial for the murder of Mr. James Oldham in May last,) and hung him to the nearest tree. On Thursday of last week, the engineer of a train on the Oswego road saw an ob ject lying cm the track, but too late to stop the train. The cars passed by, and the en gineer saw the dytitt-waa a man, who roil ed down the as though he was dead. The was stopped, and the man jumping : "You had better keep your d—dflrs off (rom me !" There are siwKi prisoners now confined in our This is ruther a gloomy picluro to coutemfeite considering that bar vest hands and bofflcts at the Springs are so scarce.— Valley , AIIIIEST OF A POSTMASTER FOR COUNTER FKITINU —Much excitement was created in New Brighton, yesterday afternoon, by the arrest of Mr. J. Glass, Postmaster at that place, on a charge ol counterfeiting. It ap pears that, for some time back, officer Hackett ol Ravenna, Ohio, has beeu very active in picking up counterfeiters in and about his place, and has already made sev eral important arrests in that and the adjoin ing districts. From certain papers, which fell into his possession, he was led to be lieve that Glass was connected with a gang of Ohio counterfeiters, whose-capture he had been instrumental in affecting : so, de termined to satisfy himself of the fact, he came to New Brighton and laid his plans for acquiring the information he desired.— Calling on Glass, ho purchased five dollars worth of postage stamps, and received in change a small amount of bogus. This strengthened his suspicion, and on further inquiry he became satisfied that he was right, and that the accused was a confeder ate of the parties referred to. He lost no time in acquainting Marshal Campbell with the discovery, and that functionary hurrying to New Brington, Glass was arrested. His house was subsequently searched, and sev eral bogus quarters, halves, gold dollars, quarter eagles, and half eagles, found se creted in the different rooms. Two hun dred dollars in counterfeit bank bills were also found in his house. It was up made of .notes on the Chemung and York County Banks. Glas<|p-was brought to the city last evening, and taken before U. S. Commis sioner Baily for examination. He waived a hearing, and was discharged on 51,500 bail for his appearance at Court.— Pittsburgh Chronicle, 9th. MUJ.ES KILLED BY LIGHTNING.—The Leba non (Tenn ) Ilaald says : ' During a thun der storm on Wednesday night oflast week, sixteen mules, belonging to B. D. Mottley, of this vicjnity, were killed by one stroke of lightning. They were all huddled to gether under a tree. They were young mules, and were worth at least $2,500." A child in Albany, N. Y., was kicked by. a horse, whose vicious habits were known to tho owner. The child died, and the case came up before a Coronor's jury, who looked into the statute book, and re turned a verdict of "guilty of manslaughter in the third degree" against the owner of the horse, The United States District Court Grand Jury at its late session in Williamsport, ad vised the U. S Government to give the Commissioners of Lycoming county Ten Thousand dollars to aid in building their new Court House—and to be enjoyed with out charge against the U. S. A COURT HOUSE BLOWN UP. —Oil the morning of the Ist inst., some villain placed a keg of powder beneath the court house at Port Gibson, Miss., and igniting it, blew one hall the building to atoms, and then robbed the sheriffs office of $l,OOO. Dam age to the building, $12,000. The Lycoming County Insurance Com pany last year paid out $99,000 lor damages caused by fire—s9l4,ooo siuce it commen ced operation '. Ma. IVM. SIMONDS, one of the editors of the Few England Fanner, died of consump tion at his residence in Winchester, Mass., on Thursday night, aged 37 years. THE storm in Berkshire county, Mass.,on Saturday night last, damaged roads, crops and property to the extent of $60,000. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. BUTTER, 16 EGGS, 12 TALLOW, 12 LARD. 10 POTATOES, 60 Dll'D APPLES,2 00 HAMS, 14 WHEAT, $1 40 RYE. 80 CORN, 80 OATS. 45 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FLOUR pr. bbl. 9 no CLOVERSEED,S 00 MARRIED. _ Oil the 4th iiist., by the Rev R. Kelly, Mr. WM. C. ANDREWS, and Miss MAHY E. LKM MON, all of Asbury, Columbia county, Pa. In Huntington, on the 4th of July inst., by the Rev. E. Wadsworth, Mr. JAS. M. PENMNUTON, and MisS" ELIZA LAUBACH, boili of Fuirmount, Luzerne county, Pa. On Sunday evening, July 3d inst., at the residence of A. J. Evans, in Bloomsburg, by the Rev. A M. Wiley, JOSEPH R. EVANS, M. D., now of White Haven, Luzerne county, formerly of this place, and Miss SAMANTIIA JANE, daughter of Peter Appleman, of Hem lock, Columbia county, Pa. DIED. In Geneseo, Illinois, on the 6th inst., Mrs. HANNAH, consort of the lute James Boon, aged 75 years, and both formerly of this place. In Mifflin township, on Sunday morning last, July 3d, Mr. ADAM CIIEASY, aged 83 years, 3 months and 13 days. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned, Auditor appointod by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, to distribute the funds in the hands of Jacob Sheep and Daniel Ernst, executors of the last will and testament of Mary P. Mills, late of the said eoonty of Columbia, de ceased, among the heirs and delegates of the said Mary P. Mills, will discharge the duties of his appointment at the office of W. Wirt, Esq., in Bloomsburg, in said coun ty, on Thursday the 18th day of August, A. f). 1819, and one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when and where all persons may attend it they think proper. EDWARD H. BALDY, Auditor Bloomsburg, July 13, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE^ IVOTICE is hereby given rhat letters of administration on the esiale of Peter Nass, late of Mifflin township, Columbia county deceased, have been granted by the Register ol Columbia county, to the under aigned, residing in Mifflin township, Col umbia county; and all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the deced ent, ate requested to present them to the administator duly attested without delay, and all persons indebted to the estate are notified to make payment forthwith to GIDEON NUSS, Mifflin, July 6, 1859, —pd. Adm'r. lIDMI'II RHYS' SPKCII IO 110 M<EO P A TIII C REMEDIES. NO. 502. IiROADWAY. Tit E CiItEAT FEATIRC Of this series of Domestic Remedies is lliut each particular medicine is a Specific lor Hie particular disease or class ol diseases whose name it bears, uml may be relied upcn lor the cure of that particular affection. Hence, persons suffering from a chronic disease or long Handing ailment, in buying a case of Humphreys' Specifics, obtain the particular one desired in their cae, and thus them selves make a cure which otherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small a mount of time anil (nodical attendance, if,, indeed, It could be obtained at all. Thus multitudes suffer Irom Dispepsia, Billtous, Costiveness, Bad Taste, Coaled I Tongue, and Debility, which is perleclly controlled and cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or forrn'bf this disease which is not promptly coitrolled and ultimately cured tiy the use of this Specifio. Thousands who have suffered lor years with this''Billions Condition" having purchased a case of these Specifics have ootairied a perfect cure and immunity Irom their old oomplaiat. COUGHS, COLDS, AND SORE THROAT which so frequenly lead to' BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION, are all it) their early stage cured by the COUGH PILLS. Many cases of long standing Bronchitis arid irritating Coughs have been perlectly cured by this Specific. But mure ! many persons have a specific liability to colds and lake them from the least exposure. This will be entirely relieved by the use of the Cough Pills, as scores can testify Irom experience : So CATARRH is one ol our most common and most troublesome diseases,against which the Old School Medicines and even Ho iritDopathic prescriptions, are of little use.— Yet hundreds cf persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstinate cases of Catarrh by the use of this Specific. One aged lady itt Syracuse was thus per fectly cuted of a Catarrh, which had anoyeJ her all her life. Anil a young at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so afflicted w ; th this disease as to require more than forty handkerchiefs a week, was en tirely cured in a single week by this Speci fic. PILES, bleeding and blind, is one of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure by tho ordinary methods, but which find an entire fundamental cure in the Piles Specific. True, time is requir. Ed ; but the Specific is pleasant to lake, re quires nuither diet nor restraint, and being followed up a perfect cure is the result.— Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a cure oi Specifics, have obtained a cure for this most trying and obstinate lortn of disease, which has been world to them ten times lite cot of the entire set. The rase contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SI'ECIEIC known. A remedy wiltiout guy deterious or poisonous substance, which not only cures the ague, ami old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon us u preventive when persons are residing in a Liver and ague district. It prevents or protects Upon itie same principle that vaccination prevents small pox or bellaUonno prevents scarlet (e -fever, by pre-occupying the system wiih the true specific. Hundreds have been tnus protracted and cured. THE OPHTHALMY SPECIFIC has proved a most valuable reiudy lor Sore Eyes and Eyelids, and lor Weak and Blur red Sight. One lady in Indians, who had been a sufferer from sore eyes for many years, and lor two years was rutin ly blind, ws cured perfectly by the Ophlhaitny Spe cific alone. HEADACHES to which so many are subject, find a cura tive in the case. There is a specific which relieve) at the lime ol the attack, and also one which corrects the condition ol the sys tem upon which it depends, and destroys the disposition 10 a return. The Specifics for die various forms of FEMALE COM FLINTS have proved invaluable. Old Standing Le ucorrhcea or Whites, attended wiih debility of exhaustion, and lor which other forms ol medicine are ol little value, ate lully con trolled and cured by the Female Pills; while the specific lor irregularities control almost every form of Scanty, Puinlul or Irregular Menstruation. DIARRHCEAS & SUMMER COM FLINTS in adults or children are controlled like ma gic by the Dtarrhcea Pills, whiie it may be averred without the possibility ul successful contradiction that the Dyseiuary Pills are the most perfect specific lor thai disease knoviu. For Ihe various forms of FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other diseases of children, the Fever Pills may be eately and surely relied upon. These Specifics ol l'rof. Humphreys, used for years in his.exieusive pruciice,aiid to Ihe perlection of which he lias devoted the re sources ol extensive knowledge, experience and study. The public may rest assured that during the lifetime of Dr. H., no one lias been or shall be trusted with the preparation of his Specifies, and tie offers the guaranty of his piotessiunul tile at.d reputations that lliey shall be just as he represents them. They have now been before the pub lic for five years, and have everywhere won golden opinions Iroin the many thou sands who hate used them. Simple, Itee Irutn intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become ihe ready re course and aid of the parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become the faintly physician and medical adviser of Ibousuuds of families. Nowhere have lliey be n tried without having been approved, and their highest appreciation is ainoug those who have kuowu them the longest, and most in- Innately. Every Family will find these Specifics all lliey have been recommended ; Promt Re liable, Simple and Efficient ; a Friend iu need and often a Friend indeed. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES.* No. 1. Fever Pills—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation of all kinds. No. 2. Worm Pills—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, and Wetting die Bed. No. 3. Baby's Pills—For Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervous ness of adults. No. 4. Diarrhoea Pills—For Diarrhoea, Cholera, Infantum and Summer Cumplamt. No. 5. Dyseiuary Pills—For Colic, Griping Dysentery or Bloody Flux. No. 6. Cholera Pills—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No 7. Cough Pills—For Coughs Colds, Hoarsness, Influenza and Sore Throat. No 8. Tooikache Pills—For Toothache, Fuceuche, and Neuralgia. No 9. Headache Pills—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Inilness of the Head. No 10. Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak .and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver Complaint. No 11. For Female Irregularities—Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No 12. Female Pills—For Leuchorrhffia, Profuse Meuea and Bearing Down. No 13. Croup Pills—For Croup, Hoarse, Cough, Bad Breathing. No 14, Salt Rheum Pills—For Erysipelas Eruptions, Pimples on ihe (ace. No. 15. Rheumatic Pills—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back Loins, or Limbs. A.—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, old mismanaged Agues. I'.— For Pile?, Blind or Heeding, Interna', or Ex'eritat. O—For Sore Weak or I (l.rnpd Eyes and Eyelid*, Failing, V eak or U.ur'ed Sigh'. C —For Catarrh, of long standing or ie cent, either with obstruction or profuse dis charge. W. C.— For Whooping Cough, abating its violence an J shortening it- course. P K I C E S. Full set, 20 large veils in Murocu Case and Book $5 00. Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Case ami Bonk $4 00. Case of 15 No boxes and Boolf 52 00 Case of any 6 NY. boxes and Book t On Single No. boxes, with directions 25 Single lettered|boxes Willi direction. s'(j Large plantation, or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials. }J tit) OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL Look over the lint, make up a case of what kind 'you choose, and enclose the amrniiA in a current note or stamps, by mail to nor address, at No. 5(12 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by inail or express tree of charge. | Address Dr. F. HUMPHREY & CO, • No. 562 Broadway, New York. For salt) by K. P. Luiz, Bloiunsburg, ami all other druggists throughout llta country. July 6 1 j59 —3 rn. THE SECRET INKIRmTFiESOF YOITH AXD MATURITY, jrMrjfear Published Gratis, 25'h thou ' Sand: A few words on Ihe ration al lieatment, without medicine,of Soperma lorrhea, or Local weakness, nocturnal Emis sions Genital and nervous debility, Prema ture decay of the system, impotency, aud impediments to mhrriage generally. By 15. De Taney, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily remov ed Without Medicine, is in this small tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope by remitting, post paid, two postage stamps to Dr. B. De LANEY, 88 East 31st Street, New York City. June 15, 1859.-22. Notice to Uullectors anil Tax-Payers. THE Commissioners of Columbia county direct the publication of Ihe following sec tion of the Act of April 29, 1844, see. 42, P. L. 501, for the information and direction ol Collectors and Tax-Payers; and add that notice has been revived that the Slate will demand a strict compliance with its provisions : "If any county shall pay into the State Treasury its quo.a of lax levied on its said adjusted valuation, filteen days prior to first day of August, in any year, such county shall be entitled to an abatement of five per cent, on the amount so paid, and any stale lax remaining unpaid by any individual or corporation, alter said lax is due and paya ble by said county, to the commonwealth, shall bear an interest of six percent, and be a lieu on the estate on which II is charged, till duly paid aud satisfied. July 6, 1859 and Teamsters, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS Sllol\ THE subscriber would re- Wyj|B spectfully inform the cili zatcs ol Catawissa and vi- IT) cinity, that he has opened \ar"®r Mrs un entirely new saddle and \l-XT harness shop, in Ca'awis ffZ' n m l ii ■' i'' on Mailt Street, a few 'tvcsaaoMf# itonrs above the residence ol Col. Pax'on, where he will at all limes be found prepared to make all kinds of harness Irom the lightest down to team harness, in short, he will keep on hand everything in his line from a horse collar down to a halter strap. He is determined not to be oot done by any of his competitors. He gives a cor dial invitation to all to come forward and examine his stack for themselves. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Prices to suit the times. DAVID SNYDER. Caltawissa, June 15, 1859. AUDI TOR'S NOTICE. Isaac Burger, ] Common Pleas ol the vs. | county of Columbia. Ven- Jatiteß K. Fisher, j ditioni exponas No. 7- J May T, 1859. The Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, to make distribution of the moneys raised by the side ol the real estate of James K. Fisher, by virtue of the above writ of Ven ditioni exponas, wi'l attend at his office in Bloomsburg. in said county, oil Thursday the eighteenth day of August next, lor the purpose of attending to the duties of his appointment, when and where all persons interested are required to make their claims before the auditor, or be debarred Irom coming in up on said lurtd. ROBERT F. CLARK, Auditor. Bloomsburg, June 8, 1859. BLOOMSBURG DAUUUIt SHOP. T|XHE undersigned respectlully informs the -* citizens ol Bloomsburg, and the publio generally, that he has taken the Barber Shop, located on Main Street, in the while Frame Building, nearly oppo-ite the Ex change Block,where he is at all limes ready to wait upon his customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSINU, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on very moderate terms. layShampootng, done up in City Style.— Thankful lur past cusium lie solicits increas ed patronage and pledges his be-l endeav ors to give every reasonable satifaction. FERDINAND STINE. Bloomsburg, June 29. 1859. , ■ x AMERICAN HOUSE. JOHN I.EACOCK, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, I'tt. THE Proprietor of this well known estaoJ" lishment thankful for the liberal patron agO? herctolore extended him, lakes this method of informing his lrtends and ihe public, fiat he has added considerable to the facilities of his house and is nrepared to accoinmadUe all those who may favor him with thah&Sfr torn. His house aud its arrangemiWOTnlf be louiid to be in good order, jand be hopes by u strict desire toplease, to receive a full share ci-patrtTnage. He has jfiso good stu bliarg and attentive ostlers, -d JOWfl LEACOCK. Bloomsburg, July 2l y 1858. NOTICE. TV OTIC E is heteby given that, iny wife, •J-* Harriet, has lei my bed and board with out any causd Or provocation whatever, therefore all persons are forbidden to trust or harbor herlon my account, as I will pay no debts 01/ her contraction. CASPER MURKY, Cmtswdß, May is. 1859
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers