THE STAR OE THE NORTH. W. U. JACOB?, Proprietor.] VOLUME 11. SFIHIB SJGMiraiji rvßLisaen EVERY WMNNROAV av Witt. H. J.H'OBY, 'Office OB Main St., Srd Square Wow Market, TKRMS :—Two Dollars per annum if paid Within six months lrom the time of subscrib ing : Wo dollars and filly cts. if not paid with in the year. No subscription taken for a less |>eriod than six months; no discontinuance siermitted until all arrearages are paid, un less at the option of the editor. The terms if advertising will be as follows : Y)ne square, twelve lines, three times, 81 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 Dne square, three months 3 00 One year, 8 00 Choite {Joetrn. DEEDS MP KIiBSESS. Suppose the little cowslip Should hang its golden cup, And say, "I'm such a tiny flower, I hail belter not grow up." How many a weary traveler Would miss its flagrant smell ! How many a little child would grieve To lose it lrom-the dell! Suppose the glistening dew drop Upon the grass should say, "What can a little dew drop do 1 I had better roll away The blade on which it rested, Before the day was done. Without a drop to moisten it, Would wither in the son. Suppose the little breezes, Upon a summer's day, Should think theselves too small to cool The traveler on his way ; Who would not miss the smallest And softest ones that blow, And think they mako a great mistake If they were talking so ? How many deeds of kindness A little child may do, Although it has so little strength, And little wisdom, too ! It wants a loving spirit, Much more than strength to prove 110 many things a child can do, For others, by his love. The Wallace Monument at Stirling. At a meeting of this committee in Stir ling, last week, after a careful inspection of the numerous designs and models which had been already forwarded to the secreta ry, they came to the resolution of extend ing the period for receiving designs and models to the Ist of February next. Funds still continue to come in, and those now available are considerably beyond the sum of £4OOO. A correspondent of the "Morn ing Journal" thus describes some of the models: —On one of them the following description of the design is fflxed : " No. J design is about JOO leet high, by eighty diamxci, with ample circular, accomoda tion for a public promenade inside, lighted from the roof by thick glasß pannels set in the solid stone ceiling, leading to a spacious winding staircase, having access to the va rious stages of the monument up to the top, where there is an open gallery from which a magnificent view the country may be obtained. This design shows the emblem atical homage of the thirty three counties of Scotland, represented by thirty-three lachrymal urns or vases, which shadow forth the national sympathy lor, and adora tion or the hero, and are at the same time a fitting memorial of their contributions <o the cenotaph of Wallace on the Abbey Craig. At the base of the model are four recumbent, 1 but ever watchful, colossal lions, over the | public entrance to the monument, typical of tiro four quarters of the globe, Kurope, Asia, I Africa and America, as illustrating the con tributions of men in all sections of our hab itable sphere. On the apex of the model is n massive and energetic figure, about thirty feet high, of the immortal hero Wallace, resting on his sturdy double handed sword, and overlooking the battle field of Stirling. The statue is designed to be of cast iron, as also the colossal lion, wreaths, &c , and the body of the structure itself of the native rock of the Abbey Craig or from the quarries of Bannockburn." The same artist has another design, which is represented as a massive mural tower, 200 feet high to the lop of the flag staff, by forty feet square at the base. There is an ample winding staircase up to the top, where there is a gallery, from which may be obtained an extensive prospect. The other model is of ti different style entirely. It is a circular, about a 160 to 20u feet high, by 40 feet di ameter at the base. There are 12 Hutted columns about 60 feet high, supporting a broad gallery from which visitors will have a magnificent view of the surrounding country. The upper portion of the structure Is after the style of the dome of St. Peter's, in Rome, or St. Paul's, London. Above the cupola there is another gallery, intended for visitors obtaining a more extensive and bird's eye view of the magnificent scenery yrhich this sight commands. The most of designs are colossal statues, upon pedestals of various descriptions ; one or two plain and partly ornamental towers ; design an exact copy of Sir Walter mojibment at Edinburgh. IN (§§■.. of oar principal thoroughfares lately aMMfeold man with a rag-bag in his hand, wasSp picking up a large number of pieces oHMudebone which lay in the street. was of so extraordina ry a natnr^Hlapasser-by asked the quaint old he supposed they came. " Don't Know," he iwted in a queaking voice, "but 1 'specl sofflkSMfufortunate fe male was wrecked hereabout jpme where." Betting is immortal, bnt hmfc can the inun whcrbels be worse than oim who is no better, r BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA., WEDNESDAY. JULY 20. 1859. D motrtlie Candidates far the Pmideatial Nomination. In less than one year from this time the Democratic National Convention, aays the Philada. Argus, will assemble in Charleston to nominate a candidate for President of the United States, and it cannot be doubted that the public mind is much interested up on the question, who shall this candidate be ? Leaving out of discussion at present the chances for the success of the Demo cratic party in 1860, although we consider the signs of the times qnite favorable to triumph of that organisation, we propose briefly to refer to the distinguished gentle men whose names are most prominet be fore the country in connection with this nomination, and to sketch, rapidly and fair ly, their public services, together with some of the most interesting incidents connected with their histories. It is but just here that we shonkl say that much of the information contained in this article is derived lrom Lanman's Dictionary of Congress. (JEN . JOSEPH LANE, OF ORRJON. This gentleman, whose career furnishes a striking illustration of what energy, intellect and honesty can accomplish in this free country,although surrounded by difficulties, was born in the State of North Carolina, on the 14th of December, 1601. His early ed ucation was limited, and at the age of fif teen years he became a clerk in a mercan tile house iu Indiana, to which State he had : migrated from his Southern home. In 1822 he was elected a member of the Legisla ture of his adopted Slate, where he served, with occasional intervals, until 1846, at which time he was in the Senate. When war was declared against Mexico, he re signed his seat, and enlisted as a private soldier in one of the volunteer companies composing the Indiana regiment. Previous to the departure of these troops for the seat of war,he was appointed Brig. General by President Polk, and in this capacity served through the campaign, gaining the most ex alted praise from all engaged in the conflict for his courage, energy, and kindness to the soldiers under his command. When peace was concluder he returned to his home, but had hardly reached it ere he was notified of his appointment as Governor of Oregon. With a lew followers he repaired to this distant scene of his future services, and his journey over the plains and through the Rocky Mountains in mid winter—cut off for months from all intercourse with i civilized life, and suffering from cold and the want of necessary 'provisions—was un doubtedly one of the most remarkable ever performed on this continent. He served as Governor of Oregon but a few months when he was removed by Gen. Taylor, and then he was elected by the people to represent them in Congress. In this capacity he continued until the admission ot Oregon aB a State, when he was chosen one of its United States' Senators,which office he now fills. Gen. Lane is in the prime of vigorous manhood ; possesses extraordinary menial and physical powers ; is kind and pleasant in his manners, and enjoys- an enviable popularity with all who know him person ally. HON. JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF XUITUCKT, Was bom near Lexington, in that's tate, on the 6th of January 1821, and is consequent ly one of the youngest statesmen in our country. He came of a family which has made its mark upon many pages of nation al history, and the representative of it of whom we are now writing will undoubtedly achieve a place among the distinguished men of the age, honorable alike to his gen ius and his country. Mr. Breckiniidge re ceived a classical education and studied law at the Transylvania Institute. He served as major in the Mexican war, and exhibi ted a gallantry and courage which made him the pride of his regiment and the fa vorite of his associates in arms. In the me morable court martial of Gen. Pillow, he acted as counsel lor that gentleman, and distinguished himself for his legal learning and brilliant eloquence. On his return home after peace was declared, he was elected to the State Legislature, and in 18S1 he was chosen a Representative in Congress Irom the Ashland district—the home of Henry Clay. In the National House of Represen tatives he gained an exalted reputation for oratorical ability, and his eulogy on Henry Clay was published all over the country as one of the most teeling and eloquent speech es ever delivered in Congress. In 1866 Mr. Breckinridge was nominated for Vice President on the ticket with Mr. Buchanan, and was triumphantly elected. This exalt ed position he now occupies, and it is doing him but simple justice to say that he dis charges its duties in a manner worthy of all commendation. He is one of the most brilliant men of the country, and his affa bility of manner is charming. HON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, OF ILLINOIS, Is a native of New England. He was born at Crandon, Rutland county, .Vermont, on the 23d of April, 1813. His father died when he was an infant, arid his'mother be ing in moderate circumstances, he entered a cabinet maker's shop in Middlebury, where he commenced life by shoving a plane.— After serving about eighteen months at this trade, his health failed him, and he became a student in an academy. His mother hav ing married again, he removed with her to Canandaigua, New York. Here he com menced the study of law, and long after ward removed to Cleveland, Ohio. From this city he journeyed farther westward and finally settled in Jacksonville, Illinois. For a time after his arrival in the Stale which has since been his home, he was employed as clerk in an auctioneer's store, and subse- 7T-? " *Trth and felfrtt Gad and anr Country. queutly taught • school, (n his leisure hours be continued the study of the law, and in 1834 was admitted to the bar. From 'his lime his career has been one of almost un" interupted success in all respects. In 1836 he he was elected Attorney General of the State of Illinois, and in 1837 he was ap pointed by President Van Buren, Register of the land Office at Springfield. In 1840 he was elected Secretary of State, and the following year a Judge of the Supreme Court. This office he resigned, after serv ing two years. In 1813 he was elected to Congress, and served there until 1847, when he was chosen a United States Senator, in which position he has continued up to the present time, and last winter he was elect ed for a third term of six years. His career in the Senate is familiar to the people of the country. He has been intimately con nected with all the important legislation of the past ten years, and probably no man living has met with as much intemperate praise and denunciation as the' Little Giant.' To illustrate his indomitable energy, an in cident may be related here. His progress to official distinction was very rapid, and naturally excited a bitter opposition. When he was elected to the Supreme Bench, his enemies everywhere predicted that he would utterly fail because of his want of experience in the legal profession. But he applied himself with all his industry, and in a short time gained the reputation of be i ing one of the most correct and efficient Judges Illinois ever bad. So it has been throughout his career. He has always suc ceeded in commanding respect for his tal-1 ents, even when his policy and motives | were most condemned. In personal ap pearance Senator Douglas is anything but commanding, and his physiognomy is not very prepossessing. His manners are somewhat brusque, and his style of oratory unpolished but forcible. He has many de voted friends, and many bitter enemies. A Sample Clerk. Jem B. is a wag. A joke to Jenr. is both food and raiment, arid whenever or where ever there is an opening for fun he has it. Jem was recently in a drug store, when a youth, apparently freßh from the mountains, entered the store and at once accosted. Jem, stating that he was in search of a job. „ "What kind of it job inquired the wag. ' a most ... tyh'Wf— |vnnt tog*l* k>o<l of s' ntsel y>b. I *ltireu of farmin', and can turn my hand to ttjost anythin'." • "We,y, we hfant a man ; a good, strong and healthy man, as a sample clerk." "What's the wages 1" "Wages are good, we pay 81000 to a man in that situation." "What's a feller to do 1" "Oh, merely to test medicines that's all. It requires a stout man, one of good consti tution, and as he gets used to it he doesn't mind it. You see, we are very particular about the quality of our medicines, and be fore we sell any we test every parcel. You would be required to take—say six or seven ounces of Castor Oil some days, with a few doses of Rhubarb, Aloes, Croton Oil, and similar preparation. Some days you would not be required to take anything, but as a general thing, you can count upon—say from six to ten doses of something daily.— As to the work, that does not amount to much—the testing department would be the principal labor for you, and, as I said before, it requires a person of very healthy organization to endure it, but you look hear ty, and I guess you would suit us. That young man (pointing to a very pale faced, slim looking youth who happened to be present) has filled the post for the past two weeks, but he is hardly stout enough to stand it. We to have you take right hold, if you are ready, and if you say so, we'll begin to-day, here's a new barrel of castor oil; just come in. I'll go and draw an ounce." (Here verdant, who had been gazing in tently upon the slim youth, interrupted him with—) "N-n-o, n-o I g-u-e-t-s n-o-t—to-day, any how I'll go down and see my aunt, an' ef I conclude to come, I'll come up to-morrow ar.' let you know." And he did not come; it is supposed he considered the work too hard. A FRENCH magistrate noted for hia love of the pleasures of the table, speaking one day to a friend, said : "We have just been eating a superb turkey ; it was excellent, stuffed with truffles to the neck, tender, deli cate, and of a high flavor. We left only the bones." "How many of you were there ?" said his friend. "Two," replied the magistrate, "the turkey and myseii." A MISER died ouce, and the gods being puzzled as to what punishment was ade quate for so depraved a character as Momus the god of mirth, said: 'The best punish ment for such a wretch, is to send him back to the earth, and let him see what use his heira are making of his riches!" "Ir a man steals my umbrella," says Hunker, "it's no use makin' a fuss, it only shows that an umbrella equilibrum has been broken. Now, if 1 take one from some one else, that restores the equipoise. There is really no umbrella lost; and an umbrella is only lost when it is used up." "BEN," said a father the other day to his delinquent son," "I am busy now—but as soon as I get time, 1 mean to give you a confounded flogging." "Don't hurrv your self, pa," replied the prient lad, "I can wait." A Lion Adveatnre 1B Algeria. I was ronsed by something, and felt a pain in my head, and directly afterward 1 received a blow on the bead through the side of the tent, which made me think for ■ moment that I had been struck by an iron bar with claws at the eno, which I carried with me in my wagon ; but in an instant the idea flashed arcoss me that it was a lion which was sniffling at me through the back of the tent. If I remained without moving, there was the probability of the beast tear ing up the lent and dragging me through.— On the other hand, an attempt to move clos er to the fire would probably be detected, as ihetiion has ibo smue-scManpciertsrlcif as the cat, and would doubtless have sprung upon me in that case, and have carried me off. While hesitating what to do, the ani mal, most likely from not being able any longer to feel anything through the wall of the lent, must have turned away, for after what was in fact, but a lew moments, but which seemed a very longtime, there was a terrific shriek, followed by a low, deep growling, then a shot and a louder growl.— I lelt about for my revolver, which I had placed beside my head before going to sleep, and creeping round the lent I saw the hor roid beast standing perfectly still, with glar ing eyes, and continuing the same low, deep growling, and holdingr.inj his mouth the body of a man, which he occasionally lowered to the ground as if with the inten tion of taking a firmer hold, but never en tirely letting go ot it. I saw by the direc tion of his look that he-hatl caught sight of me, and so terrible were the associations < connected with the beast in my mind that j i dared not move or breath for some seconds | when the thought suddenly occurred to me that it must be the body of Hamed that he held in his mouth. My liking for this man had become so strong that the desire to res cue or avenge him drove every feeling of fear out of my mind, and, with steady aim, ! I fired at his body just behind the shoulder, j Singularly enough, although I knew I had hit him, he merely gave a loud growl and remained stationary, without reluxing his hold of the Arab's body. How long he would have remained in this state of immo bility 1 can't say, but I was just about to try the effect of a second shot, when a regu lar volley of guns was fired from out of the darkness ; the beat: sprang toward me, al most at the same instant that I lelt a sharp, stinging sensationfißhe upper pan of my arm, and fell to the ground, so close to mo that I fell back to avoid a blow from his claws in his death struggles. They did not last long, and as soon as they were over 1 fetched a lighted brand from the tire, and first holding it to the face of the dead man to see who it was, and feeling much reliev ed at finding it was not Hamed, I waved it about aB a signal for the others that they might come with safety. They soon came and clustered round the body of the dead lion, some kicking it, others spitting on and reviling it, and all of them claiming the honor of having killed him, a claim that they seemed far more interested in defend ing than in commiserating the fate of their dead companion. All the efforts we made to release the lat ter unfortunate from the jaws of the lion were unavailing Without having recourse to our knives, and as there was not the least doubt of his being dead, for the teeth of the powerful brute were buried in his chest and back, we determined on leaving both bodies where they were until daylight.— The first thing I did when I awoke was to look for the bodies of the Arab and the lion. They were lying were the beast had fallen in the night, and fts stiffened jaws still held the body ot the man as in a powerful vice. Tbe desire of preserving a record of the event for my friends in England to look at was too strong to be resisted ; so we set to work, cut three pieces of timber to a point, and having raised the lion to a posi tion, kept him up by means of the pieces of wood. To conceal these, I planted a shrub here and there, which had the desired effect; and the result 1 obtained was a neg ative, the like of which I believe never was seen. The altitude is as natural as possi ble, and makes one shudder to look at it. A THRILLING ROMNCE. CAPTER, I. She stood beside the alter, with a wreath of orange buds upon her head—upon her back the richest kind o' duds—her lover stood beside her with white kids and dickey clean—the last was twenty-one year old, the fust was seventeen. The parson's job was over—every one had kissed the bride, and wished the young folks happiness, and danced, and laughed, and cried. The last kiss had been given and the last word had keen said, and the hap py pair had simmered down, and sought the bridal bed. CHAPTER 11. She stood beside the wash tub, with her red hand in the suds ; and at her slip-shod leet there laid a pile of dirty duds; her husband stood beside her—the crosses! man alive—the last was twenty-eight years old, the fust was twenty-five. The heavy wash was over—and the clothes hung out to dry—and Tom had stuck his finger in the dirty baby's eye. Tom had been spanked and supper made upon a crust of bread, and then the bride and bride groom went grumbling to bed. Byron was disenchanted when he saw his eoamorata eating. In other words, he faltered when youth and beauty-were at stake. IAE TRUTH DOTH NEVER DIB. Though kingdoms, States, and Empires fall, And dynasties decay ; Though gorgeous lowers and palaces In heaps of ruin lie, Which once was proudest of tho proud, The Truth doth never die \ We'll mourn not o'er the silent past j Its glories are not fled, Although its men of high renown Be numbered with the dead. We'll grieve not o'er what earth hath lost, It can not claim a sigh ; For the wrong alone hath perished, The Truth doth never die I All of the Past are living stßl. Alt that <in go.f .mil true Jv. The rest hath perished, and it did Deserve to perish too ! The world rolls ever round and round, And time rolls ever by ; And the wrong is ever rooted up, But the Truth doth never die ! A Russian Wolf Hunt. We translate the following story from a late number ol M. Alexander Dumas's news papers. It is an extract from one of his letters from St. Petersburg : Wolf hunting and bear hunting are the favorite pleasures of the Russsian. Wolves are hunted in this way irTthe winter, when the wolves being hungry are ferocious.— Three or four huntsmen each armedjwilh a double barreled gn, get in a troika, which is any sort of a carriage drawn by (three hores—its name being derived from its team and not ita form. The middle horse trots always ; the left hand and right hand horses must always gallop. The middle horse trots with jhis head hanging down, and he is called the Snow-Eater. The two olherstb&ve only and they are fas tened to the poles in the middle of the body, and gallop, their heads freejj'they are called the Furious. The troika is driven by a sure coachman, | if there is such a thing in the world as a j sure coachman. A pig is tied to the rear of i the vehicle by a rope or a chain, (lor great er security,) some twelve yards long. The pig is kept in the vehicle until the huntsmen , reach the forest where the hunt is to take place, when he is takeirout and the horses started. The pig, not being accustomed to this ghit, squeals, and his squeals soon de generate into lamentations. His cries bring . out one wolf, who gives the pig chase ; (Hon two wolves, then tlirae, then ten, then fifty wolves—all posting as hard as they can alter the poor pig, fighting among them selves for the best places, snapping and striking at the poor pig at every opportu nity, who squeals with dispair. These squeals'of agony arouse all the wolves in | the forest, within a circuit of three miles, and the troika is followed by an immense flock of wolves. It is now a good driver is indispensable. The horses have an instinctive horror of wolves, and go almost crazy : they run as fast as they can go. The huntsmen fire as fast as they can load—there is no necessity to take aim. The pig squeals—the horses neigh—the wolves howl—the guns rattle ; it is a concert to make Mephistopheles jealous. As long as the driver commands his horses, fast as they may be running away, there is no danger. But, if he ceases to be master of them ; it they baulk, if the troika is upset, there is no hope. The next day, or the day after, or a week afterwards, nothing will remain of the party but the wreck ol the troika, the barrels of the guns, and the targes bones of the horses, hunts men and driver. Last winter Prince Repnine went on one ol these hunts, and it came very near being his last hunt. He was on a visit with two of his friends to his estates near the steppe, and they determined to go on a wolf hunt. They prepared a large sleigh in which three persons could move with ease, three vigorous horses were put into it and they selected a man born it the country and thoroughly experienced in the sport.— Every huntsman had a pair of double bar reled guns and a hundred and fifty ball car tridges. It was night when they reached the steppe ; that is, an immense prairie covered with snow. The moon was full, and shone brilliantly ; its beams refracted by the snow gave a light scarcely inferior to daylight. The pig was put out of the sleigh and the horses whipped up. As soon as the pig felt that he was dragged he began to squeal. A wolf or two appeared, but they were timid, and kept a long ways off. Their number gradually increased, and as their number augmented they became bolder.— There were about twenty wolves when they came within reaqh of troika. One of the party fired ; a wolf fell. The flock became alarmed and half fled away. Seven or eight hungry wolves remained behind to devour their dead companion. The gaps were soon filled. On every side howls answeied howls, on every side shap noses and brilliant eyes were seen peering. The guns rattled vol ley after volley. But the flock of wolves increased instead of diminishing, and soon it was not a flock but a vast herd of wolves in thick serried columns whioh gave chase to the sleigh. The wolves bounded forward so rapidly they seemed to fly over the snow, and so lightly, not a sound was heard ; their num bers continued to increase, and increase, and increase ; they seemed to be a silent tide drawing nearer and nearer, and which the guns of the party, rapidly as they were discharged, had no effect on them. The wolves formed a vast crescent, whose horns began to encompass the horses. Their number increased so rapidly they seemed to spring out of the ground. There was some thing wired in their appearances, for Where could three thousand wolves come flrota in such a desert of snow. The party had taken the pig into the sleigh his squeal increas ed the wolves' boldness The party con tinued to fire, but they had now used above half their ammunition, and had but 200 cartridges left, while they were surrounded by three thousand wolves. The two horns of the crescent came near er and nearer, and threatened to envelope the party. If one of the horses should have given out, the fate of the whole party was sealed. "What do you think of this Ivan V\ miii Prince Rapnine speaking to ttie driver. "I had rather be at home, Prince." "Are you afraid of any evil consequences "The devils have lasted blood, and the more you fire the more wolves you'll have." "What do you think is the best thing to be done t" "Make the horses go faster."— "Are you sure of the horses t" "Yes Prince.' "Are you sure of our safety V' The driver made no reply. He quickened the horses, and turned their heads towards home. The horses flew faster than ever. The driver incited them to increased speed by a sharp whistle, and made them desctibe a curve which intersected one of the horns of the crescent. The wolves opened their ranks and let the horses pass. The Prince raised his gun to his shoulder. "For God's sake don't fire !" exclaimed the driver, "we are dead men if you do!" He obeyed Ivan.— The wolves astonished by this unexpected act, remained motionless for a minute. Dur ing this minute tbe troika was averst from them. When the wolves started again after it it was too late, they could not overtake it. A quarter ot an hour afterward they were in sight of home. Prince RrapninO thinks his horses ran at least six miles in these fifteen minutes. He rode over the steppe the next day, and found the bones of more than two hundred wolves. Horoscope for LadirB. We extract the following 'Horoscopes,' in each month in the year, from an old paper : January. He who is born of this month will be laborious and a lover of good wine, but very subject to infidelity, but he will be complacent and withal a very fine sing er. The ladies born of this month will be pretty, prudent housewives, rather melan cholly, but yet good tempered. February. The man born in this month wilt love money much but the ladies more, he will be stingy at home, but a prodigal abroad. The lady will be a humane and affectionate wife and tender mother. | March. The man born in this month will be rather handsome, will be honest and prudent ; he will be a jealous, passionate . chatter box. April. The man who has the misfortune to be born in this month will be subjected to maladies, he will travel to his advan tage and love ladies to his disadvantage, for he will marry a rich, handsome heiress, who will make——what no doubt you all understand. The lady of this month will be tall and stoat, with agreeable wit and great talk. May. The man born In this month will be handsome and amiable ; he will make his wife happy. The lady will be equally blessed in every respect. June. Born now he will be of small stat ure, passionately fond of women and child ren, but will not be loved in return. The lady will be a giddy personage, fond of cof fee ; she will marry at the age of twenty one and be a fool at forty-five. July. The man will be fair, he will suf fer death for the wicked woman he loves.— The female Of this month will be passively handsome with a sharp nose, but fine bust. She will be of rather sulky temper. August. The man will be ambitious and courageous ; he will have several maladies and two wives. The lady will be ambiti ous and twice married, but her second hnq band will cause her to regret her first. September. Born in this month he will be strong, wise and prudent, but too easy with his wife, who will give him great un easiness. The lady, round face, fair hair ed, witty, discreet, amiable aqd loved by her friends. October. The man of this month will have a handsome and florid complexion ; he will be quick in youth and always in constant. He will promise one thing and do another, and remain poor. The lady will be pretty, a little too fond of talk, will have two husbands who will be very likely to die of grief, she will best know why. November. The man born now will have a fine face and be a gay deceiver. The la dy of this month will be large, liberal and full of novelty. December. The man born in this month will be a good sort of person though pas sionate. He will devote himself to the ar my, and be,betrayed by his wife. The lady will be amiable and handsome, with a good voice, and well proportioned body; she will be twice married and Temaln poor, but continue honest. A young lady explained to a printer the other day the distinction between printing and publishing, and at the conclusion of her remarks, byway of illustration, she said, 'you may print a kiss on my cheek but you most not publish it.' A* exchange says, the best cure for pal pitation of the heart, is to leave off hugging and kissing the girls. If this is the only remedy that can be produced, we, for one, say, let 'er palpitate ! [Two Dollars per AD DUB. NUMBER 28, Rewxpiper Artiiin The following are samples of short edito rial articles which WO find continually float ing on the sea of Newspaperdom. They are good ami may ptovo worthy of re-pub lication. as not inappropriate to the general ity of newspaper readers ; "Stop my paper." So says the subscriber. Well, certainly ho has the right tb stbp his paper whenever he pleases ■ and anybody has the right to retjuiro of hittt a reasDh for it. It may be one which he does ndt ChOos'o to make pub lic. He may not like the paper, or he may dislike the editor, br he may feel that be lra noTtmelo read, or If Hb has, that he had rather spend his tithe in reading some thing else, or he itiay feel that he is not able to pay for it—at all events he is under no obligation to give any reason to anybody for It. Nevertheless you Have some reason for it, good Or bad. Borne of them we have hdard often enough to know, and some of them we intend to guess at. One says, "stop my paper, I don't like your principles."— Well, that's vbry well. No man ought to sustain a paper which advocates bad ciples ; but let us see about that. If you are always able to find out the principles of a paper, ydu ate more fortunate than we are. But then if you ban, ate you sure thjS principles are bad f What are your prin ciples? Areyonsute that you have any, or ever had ? Sometimes we find you sup porting one man, or set of men, and some times anbthen Somebody lias charged principles. If you have changed principles, you may chdnge again ; if ydtl have been wrong once, you may be wrong again— besides a man or paper may differ with you and you be right. "Well," says another, 11 1 agree with you, ahd like your paper very much but I must curtail my expenses." It is very Well too, if you have been extravagant to curtail and be more economical, but had you not better cut off larger expenses—some that are more Injurious to you f Your paper costs you but a very small amount of money, and it brings with it no bad habits, and involves the ne cessity of no other expenses—nay, perhaps it keeps you out of bad habit, and saves you the expenses consequent upon them. It affords yoti employment of time which might otherwise be badly employed, and no man ever had a good paper for One year without geltiog the worth of his money out of it, to say nothing of the benefit derived from It by the family. says another, "stop rty paper; not that I dislike your principles or your pa per, on the contrary, I am well pleased with it—but my neighbor takes it, and 1 have the use of bis." A good may publishers complain very greatly of " newspaper bofrOvters." Fof ourselves, we Would prefer, of course that everybody would take the paper for himself and pay for it; but we have no complaint to make of anybody on that score, if there Is anybody who likes Ottf paper and is un able or unwilling 10 pay for it, we hope those who do take it will lend it to him.— But suppose you can have the benefit of it for nothing ; il you think it advocates good principles, don't you think it is your duly, aye, and your interest, to help and support it? Suppose that every body would adopt your course, then there would be nobodyiof whom you could borrow. Do you take one and pay for it, and there will be two to lend instead of ond: Yon will help in this way to disseminate good principles, 'and; you will furnish the publisher with the means of disseminating them more efficiently. You will serve yourself and the country. In stead therefore of stopping your paper when your time is out, go out amongst youi* neighbors and gather up a dozen new sub scribers and send up their names and '.he money, and you will feel the better for it at least a whole year. See and Say* He who sits down to write having noth ing to say, must be peculiarly weak in pur pose if he does not succeed in saying it at greul length. We are specially cautious of '.he orator who is'unexpectedly' called up on for a speech, and'cannot add anything | to what has bean already said'—he certain | ly will add much to what has been already endured. A man must know precisely what ho would shoot at, to make his shots tell on the game. It lakes a world of noisy powder to drive a bullet to the eye of an invisible! target, which you only have a vague no tion is located somwhere from east-soutii east to the extreme north west corner of the lot. The sportsman, deer stalking kbewl a bush pasture, who fired away at his dubi ous game with such rare discrimination that he was to hit it if it proved to be a deer, and miss it if it unluckily should be a calf, is a worthy type of those literary sharp shooters who sit down 'with nothing par cular on their minds,' and get up with noth ing particular on theif sheets—with this difference, that howsoever blankly these geniuses miss, or hang fire, they are fatally certain to bring down the calf. Know pre cisely what you would say, and we shall know with tolerable precision what yout have said. if you see a thing, you ean say it, though you were the least tongoey of your father's children. If you only see a foggy sketch of a thing, ranging anywhere in the visible cre ation, from a horse shed to an apple tree, with faint indications of a water fall, with red damask certains, you will certainly bis balked in the attempt to give a clear con ception of that thing, though you be endow ed with endless dictionary, and the pen.—- Sec and say, and till then be mum.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers