STAR OF THE NORTH. IVM. 11. JACOIIY, EDITOR. BLOOMSBLRG, VVEDST.SD.IV, FEB'Y 9. 1859. THE BOAKU OF DiaKcroas ol the Lacka wanna and liloomsburg Railroad Company Jield a meeting at Kingston, Luzerne county, on Thursday, February 3d inst, and elected Mr. M. W. JACK-OS, of Berwick, Superin tendent, vice MAJ. E. MCNKAL, resigned.— Tltis is, now doubt, a good appoiiumetit, and well deserved. Mr. JACKSON is one of the best business men in the County, and there is no reason why lie should not make a good and efficient Superintendent. We hope the road may continue to prosper un der his management, as it has done hereto fore under the control of the retiring officer. | D. G. DHKI-B.UTI was elected Direcior to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. JACKSON re ceiving lite Superintendency. i WE have received a number ol a paper entitled the Sand y Schiol Time*, published by the American Sunday School Union, in I'liiladelphia. It is a paper in every way adapted to the use of Sunday Schools Teachers and Scholars, will find it to con tain very useful information for them.— None, infact, who are connected with Sunday Schools should be without it. It is printed upon good substantial paper. Send for it, Teachers, and introduce it in your schools. I'rice one dollar a year. BEKWICK GAZSTTE. —Through lite rush of business on hand last week wo failed to notice in the STAB (lie change which lias taken plane in that paper. Tho paper is now under the control of MR. A. li. TATE, son ol our friend Col. Tale, of the Columbia Democrat. A. B. TATE was formerly asso ciate editor of the Democrat, where lie re ceived a pretty thorough training in the Col's "immaculate" Democratic faith. The Gazette uider the present management makes a pretty good appearance. By a strict and careful attention to business the Gazette establishment may be made a pay ing concern. ON MOTION of M K. JACKSON, E-q., A. il. Dit.t., Esq., of Berwick, was, on Monday last, admitted to the practice of lite law in j the several Courts of this county. Air. Dill was admitted to practice in the courts ol Frederick county, Maryland, on I the 21st ol last November, where he read law. He is a worthy young man, son of Rev. H. Dill, presiding minister of the Ber wick Circuit. THE GENRSKE I'ARM EN.— The February number of this popular agricultural journal is received. In this issue we find fourteen ! articles \\ ritlen expressly lor the Genesee Far mer. This certainly speaks well lor an ag ricultural journal. In such an one its sub scribers may be able to protit. We advise ! all our readers interested in the culture ol \ the soil to get it at once. Address JOSEPH HARMS, Publisher and ' •Proprietor, Rochester, New Vorlt. Ma. 11. A. FONDA, Superintendent of the Gattawissa, William-port & Erie Railroad, which he so ably and creditably manages, will please except our sincere thanks for so estimable a lavor. This road is one of lire most important links in tho Statu, and one ■of the lest conducted roads in the hln'u: and wo arc pleased to hear, is doing an en •couraging business. MR. C. M. DONOVAN, ex-member of the Legislature, has been sentenced, in tire Court ol Quarter Sessions, of Dauphin Coun ty, to pay a fine ol #2OO. lo i>e imprisoned three months, and to give security in SlOOO to keep tho pence, for the assault commit ted by him lately at Harrisburg upon Air Church, member of Ore Legislature, from Philadelphia. W CLIP from the money article of a late ■ntrmper ot riTe Philadelphia Dress, the fol lowing cheering comments upon the pros pect of better times. We fondly trust that the " good lime coming" may speedily arrive: " Business is not only reviving among us, but the prospects abroad are reported by good authority us very cheering. The com mercial classes in England have re-establish ed confidence and trust in themselves and eaclt other. The manufactories are in oper ation everywhere, labor meets ready em ployment in the agricultural districts, and food, generally, is cheap. It is asserted that in any ordinary tunes, under such a state of things as prevails there, money would soon be in demand at high rates of usance, but lite extraordinary caution of the moneyed men lias brought homo such tut immense amount ol money, that the current rate of discount out of the Bank oi England is one and a half to two per cent, per annum, while the Batik rate ol two arid a ball is expected lo continue unchanged lor a considerable lime." • AN ITFM FOB oi'll LADY RB.UIRHS —The Paris correspondent of the Nottk American fays, in thai gay oily, w hero fashions origi nate, "the most fashionable bonnets are made of terry velvet, with a scarf and trim mings of plain velvet, anil decorated with birds or feathers. We also see bonnets composed of white crape, covered with bh ck tulle and lace, and of bright colored velvet. I'he crown is of crape; the curtain and front of the bonnet ol velvet. Crape is not certainly an appropriate material for the month of January, excepting in a ball room, and yet it is now worn, even in walk ing, as a morning bonnet. Day dresses are still made with a deep flounce, l eaded with a pulling, or with several narrow flounces Waists are generally round, with a wide scarf sash, bordered with lace or with fringe, or else a waistband, without ends, fastened by a gold, or silver or steel buckle. Very email lappets are still in vogue; they are cut in points, and bordered with lace. Sat in, both black and colored, is inuch used again as a materia) for robes. Two skirts, richly trimmed with fringe or lace, is the usual style ol these dresses. The corsage sometimes open, with a plastron of tulle puffings and lace trimmings. Horrible Murder in Philadelphia. About 10i o'clock, on last Sunday evening, a brutal and shocking murder was commit ted in the Nineteenth ward in Philadelphia, and lias caused much excitement there. It appears that a difficulty occurred at a tavern at lite northeast corner of Second and Oxford street, between the proprietor of the j place, John Alexander, and a man named I John Sloan, but they did notenme to blows, j Soon after litis Sloan, went out of tho tav- I cm and stood upon tho steps conversing with some one near, when Alexander, came to lite door and deliberately tired both loads of a double barreled pistol at Sloan. The balls passed through his cap and into the left side of his head, shattering and crush ing his skull, and strewing his brains upon the pavement. The accused was at once arrested, hut re sisted the officers violently, but is now lodged in the cells of the Seventeenth Ward Station House, awaiting the result of the Coroner's Jury. Sloan, the deceased, was about 22 years of age. His remains were conveyed to the Seventeenth Ward Station House. His fath er came to the Station House soon after the body was brought there, when a most ag onizing scene took place, 'l he Coroner was to investigate the case on Tuesday, and we have no doubt but it resulted in the convic tion of Alexander. Loltl Attempt nl Bobbery. On Wednesday night last, says the Dan ville Intelligencer injlween lite hours of 8 and 9 o'clock, while our Sheriff, Mr. Edward! Voting, was crossing the Washington hills, j on his way to Danville, his horse became unmanageable, having become friglite.icil at sotne object, near the road--do. While lite Sheriff was endeavoring to pacify the ani mal, a man sprang GI., from behind a tree, and seized '.he njins by the horse's head.— Ihe Sriil very coolly inquired his busi ness, when the would-be-robber demanded liis money, stilling that lie was poor and stood ill need of it. The Sheriff very indif ferently stated that if that was his object, lie would be gl. d to accommodate him, and proceeded forthwith to put his supposed to j be benevolent designs into execution. But i instead of money, he presented a "Six- ! Shooter," which he had wisely loaded and I secreted, and aiming it at the rascal's head, pulled the trigger, but it unfortunately miss ed fire, n heu the scamp, supposing it to be j harmless, proceeded to cut the reins, and i had nearly succeeded in his efforts, when ' the Sheriff fired a second time, discharging I the contents, bin with what effect he is un- 1 able to tell, as the villi,'in took to his heels, j and scampered off through lite woods. The reins were nearly severed in two or three places but the Sheriff wis ignorant of the fact until he arrived at homo, when on examination he first made the discovery. The rascal unduubtly intended, by thus succeeding in rendering the animal power less in the hands of the Sheriff, to accom plish his designs. The person is supposed to tie an Irishman, by hi.-language, although the Sherill lured to recognize him. This is itiO MMlontl olitiuupt ol ilia Lin. l ill unr t.oitcU i borltood. as we learned that the County Su perintendent. Mr. I'i'T.NAM, was attacked in a similar manner a short time since. We trust prompt measures will betaken to fer ret out the rascals, and have justice meted utit to ilium. WE learn that i'rof. Curtis of Levvisburg, received a telegraphic dispatch stating that his lather, Rev. Mr. Curtis, ol South Caroli na. bad been lost by the burning ol a steam er, and subsequent reports confirm it. Mr [Curtis was oil his w try to visit his son at j Lewi-burg, and had arrived as far as l'liila j dclpliiu, when a dispatch was received by I him that a sun's child of Ids had died, ami ' lie should return. Me at once started home, | taking tho steamer "North Carolina," which I rati from Baltimore to Norfolk, Virginia.— 1 There were 80 persons on board, and all ! lite pasengers saved except Mr. Curtis. He [ was upwards of eighty years old, and the lire occurring after night, when all had re tired, it is supposed that lie did not awaken until the flames were all around him cutting off ail hope of escape. Mr. Curtis was ex pected to preach for his son last Sunday in the B.qiti-t Church in this place, hut these | circumstances disappointed a full house | which had collected to listen to Inm.— He j Mi Hernia n. AN AURKEABI.K WAV OF CONTRIBUTING TO TUK MOUNT VERNON FUND. —An agreeable way ofcoiitribiiliug to the fund for the pur chase of Mout.l A erooii is to purchase a copy of llie gold mounted oil portrait of Washington, lrom the original painting by Stuart in possession ol the Boston Atheueuni. It is a splendid work of art, and lias been prepared expressly for the purpose of aid ing the Mount Vernon fund Tim prion of it is but St per copy. It is suggested that clubs be formed in ihe different towns, who, upon ihe reception of their remittance, will bo supplied by express free of charge. Clubs may consist oi live and upwards. A HOY CAKRIKOOVKR TIIB FAI.LS OF NIA OAIIA—A sad accident aceurrcd at Niagara Fa'ls on Saturday last. An adopted sou ol Air. C : ibbs, foreman of the paper mills, ac cidentally fell into the river and was carried over (he American Full. Wo understand that the ijd was on tho tee, near the mills where men had t ceu running the drift-ice from the liuinc, and accidentally fell into the swift stream. Ho va not seen to fall, but was seen some dielauc*) down the river, in the rapids, when beyond the reach of hu man aid, and speedily classed over, of course to rise no more alive. 'The child was twelve years old, and a lad of much promise, be loved by his adopted parents and all who knew him. The calamity caused much sen sation at the village where it occurred. Rochester Union and Advdrtiscr. We LKAIIN from an exchange, that the baggage room of the L'ullawissa, William sport fk Erie Railroad was consumed by fire on last Wednesday evening at Williamsport. Some baggage, but of little value was con sumed. The total loss was about $5OO cov ered by insurance. Teachers Association. In response to the call of the Executive Committee, the Teachers Association of Columbia county, held its second annual meeting, Feb, sth, 1859, in Lightslreet, in the school room occupied liy L. Appleuian. FORENOOII SESSION. The Society was called to order by the President. In absence of the Recording Secretary, L. Appleman, was appointed pro tent. An election of officers occuring. On mo tion the following persons were appointed a committee to nominate candidates, and report at the afternoon session :—George VV. Utt, J VV. Schwartz, P. S. Kishel, Rachel Wilson, and A. P. Voting. On motion ad journed to meet at 1 o'clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Executive Committee reported the following programme of business, which was accepted: 1. Report of committee on officers. 2. Treasurer's report and xniscellanious items. 3. Essay—l,. Appleman. 4. Subjects for discussion : Is it practicable to dispense with the use of the rod in the government of schools. Should rewards bo ollered as incentives to sttuly. Means of securing regular attendance at school. 5. Miscellnniotts. Iho committee to nominate candidates for die ensuing year reported as follows tor President, William Burgess: Vice presidents, J.etvis Appleman, and finch-', YVil-on; Recording Secretary, J. K. H'tsltel- Corresponding Secretary, L. T. Shnrpiess! Ireasnrer, A. P. \ omiir ; Kxecpiivrt Com' niiiteo. T M. I'otls, G. \y. Utt, P. S RUheli Mrs. L. Uynkocp, M A . Rich; which-re pn on motion was roceivcti from the com miitee ati'., the joove named persons were elect-si. to ttrlico. I he. l'reasurer reported that he had re ceived as inliation lees during lite last year, #l3 75, and paid out 89 12j, leaving a bal ance in the T reasnry of #4 P24 cents. Mr. Lewis Appleman then read a very instruc tive essay on the obstacles that retard the progress of our schools. Mr. T. M Putts ioliowed with some interesting remarks in which he said I e highly endorsed the senti ntettls expressed in the essay and spoke Inrlher, ol the maimer in which the true leacher might bring about great changes in our schools. Mr. J. W. Swurtz then made a lew remarks on the propriety of the Teach er becoming acquainted with the parents ol the pupils under his, or her, charge.— The subject referring to the use of the rod in school, was then discussed by Messrs. .1. \\ . Schwartz, i. M. Potts, A P. Voting, P. S. Kishel, L. T Blturpless, and L Appleman. Mr Putts, then olfered the following motto, which was adopted : ''Commend when you can, and reprove when yon must, but ilo both judiciously." The subject, should rewards he ollered as incentives to study, was then discussed by Messrs. Schwartz, I'otts. & Appleman. On motion,.the further discus sion of all the subjects closed. Mr. Potts then offered the following resolution, which was adopted:— Uesnirctl, That the sincere thanks of this Association arc due to the hoard of arrange- 1 ments, B. F. Eaton. J. VV. Swartz, 1.. T Sharpies*, anil E. Hicks, for the untiring and efficient manner in which they disposed of the arduous duties imposed upon litem at the late Teachers' Institute of this county." I Alter various other remarks the following resolution was offered and adopted : lie* Iced, That in the signs of the times, we see favorable indications of the onward movements of education, in the wotkingel emonts of our school system, in the increas ing interest, taken in proper qualifications ot teachers, and tliu immovputeiil of pur schools; u' ll we hail with joy the noble sentiments at d suggestions upon the sub ject in the late Message of Gov Packer, to the Legislature; believing them to he an 'in dication of that progress in puWic sentiment which the people will never permit to go backward in its movements, and of that sta bilily of judgement among our law givers, which should renew our confidence in ulti mate success and give us increased strength to overcome the trials and impediments, which surround us. It was then moved that the Secretry make out a synopsis of the proceedings of the , meeting, and present them to the papers of ( the county for publication. A motion was then made that ihe essay ' as read by Mr Appleman, be solicited for publication. Mr. Appleman thanked them lor llieir kindness and for the high opinion in which they held the essay but respuciuliy declined. On motion, adjourned. J. lv KISIIEL, Sec. TUB INDIANA D.VORCB LAWS. —Mere is a specimen of tiio o; eration of divorce laws in Indiana, demonstrated in the person of one not quite a "model wife, - ' and att outraged husband. In the discussion on amendments to the divorce law in the Senate, a case was dis covered in which a gentleman in Leaven worth, Kansas, had furnished his wife wi h money to visit her friends in the east, and to travel for the benefit ot her health. On arriving at Indianapolis, she concluded to take advantage ol the Indiana divorce law. and procure a nullification of her marriage. She then went to Kokomo, where she made an afiidavit that she was a bene fi.'e resident ol the State of Indiana, and filed a com plaint in the Howard circuit court against her husband for a divorce, a notice of which was publi.-hed iorthe benefit of iter husband who was a non-resident of the Stato. la the meantime, Iter husband thought she was in dm cast, us lie received letters trom her postmarked first at Cleveland and alter wards at lioston. While still under the impression that she was at Boston, the husband received a copv of the Howard Tribune, containing notice of the filing ol the complaint against him. He immediately left Leavenworth and arrived at Indianapolis, reaching the city on Satur day. the 20th ol November. Tho Howard circuit commenced its session on the follow ing Monday, the 22d, and to reach Kokomo in time to answer tho complaint against him, he had to hire a locomotive oa the Peru and Indianapolis railroad, to take him to Kokomo, in order to be in court at the proper iiour. The reason stated for the defence made in the case was that the wife had been in duced to ask for a divorce under improper influences. Site had been, for some time, half crazed by spiritualism, and the husband thought if tie could place her beyond those influences, she would abandon the suit.— The case is still pending. SERIOUS ACCIDENT—A young child of Mr. Micheal Reap, about five years of age, ac cidently fell into a tub filled with boiling water on Saturday, and died ill a few hours after he was taken out. Mr reap, who is now in Europe, will receive the painful in telligence with much sorrow.— Pittston Ga zelle. Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania. JANUARY 26th, 1859. The officers of many County Agricultural Societies have oncmitted to nominate candi dates for admission to this School : whilst many others desire to name a greater num ber than their ratio of representation entitles them to. Onr charter enjoins upon us the observance of this principle ; and we de sire to comply with it if the recommenda [ lions be made to us. , If the officers of Coun j ty Societies do nof make nominations on or I before the 16th of February, when the School j will be open for instruction—we will admit | the surplus of other Counties or those who i are recommended to us by individuals, if ( such possess the necessary qualifications In the mean lime individual applicants must be 16 years of age and qualified by a knowledge of reading writing and Arithme tic, grammcr and geography, to a degree, sufficient to qualify a boy to commence a collegate education of the highest grade. It has been deemed advisable to defer for the present the arrangement of the studies of the higher classes. Among the studies for the first and second years will be the follow ing Physical Geography, Map-drawing, Orthography, Elocution, Composition. Dec lamation. Lnglish Grammar, History, Rhet oric. Arithmetic, mental and written, and its application to business, Algebra, Geometry and the application to Mensuration and con struction. The Naturaji Sciences including llotany, animal and human Physiology. Chemistry, Geology, Entomology, Natural Philosophy, including Mechanics. The principles of Soil and Plant Culture, Farm Management and the application of Science to all branches of rural economy. All students wil be required to perform every description of labor necessary at the Institution, whether on the farm, in the shops, or at or about tho College buildings, and three hours of active labor may be re quired each day, but no moro unless upon some special exigency. All kinds of labor will be equally honored. One hundred dollars, paid in advance, shall be tho charge for tuition, boarding, washing, fuel, light,and text books, for each session of ten mouths. Students should bring, beside their ordi nary apparel, comfortable clothing, suitable for lartn work, to be worn only when at work. A principal has not yet been selected, but for the present the Institution will be under the charge of WM. G WARING, as general Superin tendent and Professor of Agriculture and Horticulture. J. S. WHITMAN, Professor of Natural Sciences. SAMUEL BAIRD, Professor of Mathe matics. It. C. ALLISON, Professor of English Lit erature. All communications will be addressed to WM. G. WARING, Gen. Snp't., FARM SCHOOL, P. O. Centre County, Pa. FREDERICK WATTS, President. ItcmarktiMc Funeral iu OineiiinaH. Josephine Ellison, the young girl of aban doned character, who was burned to death at a house ot ill-fame in Cincinnati, was not even allowed to rest in her grave. Some medical students had her "resurrected,' but tho police recovered the body, winch was handed over to the undertakers for the pur pose of re-burial—The frail sisters of the poor unfortunate contributed liberally to purchase an .expensive coffin, and to pay the funeral charges. They applied to sov oral clergymen to allow the funeral to take place in one of their churches, but all refus ed, until finally tho Rev. Mr. Plunders, (for merly of Baltimore,) of the First Universal is! Church, was applied to. He readily con sented, and preached an impressive dis course to a largo assemblage in the church, whither the body had been conveyed. Near ly one hundred courtezans were present, and those who resided in tho house where the girl met her death where dressed iu deep mourning, and seemed to appreciate the solemnity of the occasion. The Cincinnati Times says: At the ciose of the address, Rev. Mr. Flan ders addressed the Throne of grace, appeal ing especially in behalf of the parents of Jo sephiue Ellison, 'lhat closed the services. The undertaker then lifted the lid of the coffin and invited alt who wished to view the corpse. There was quite a rush toward j it. The courtezans, however, remained in , their seats until the rest of the congregation | were gratified. They then approached the , corpse. All wept over it, some ot them bitterly. It was a strange scene that. To behold these abandoned women, outcasts | train society, victims of vice, weeping anil j sobbing over the remains of one of their ! kind, upon the altar ol a church, was a sight . never belore witness in tins city. It was j touching, too and draw tears from the eyes of many of the spectators. . A lady writes to the Commercial: "1 knew the young girl, Josephine Ellison. I warned her to 'tlee from destruction and go home.' She was a ripe scholar and of good patronage. Thousands are going this day the same road, and tiie moral por tion of the comu.iily stand by and permit these liell) to exist all around us. When she came to this city her object was to leach needle work, and Italian and French. Those in whom she trusted betrayed her." JUVENILE PRECOCITY.—A little child of this city was holding a very animated conversa tion with one of about its own years, a few days since. A portion of it was overhead, and it appeared to be a dispute as to what their "mothers could do." After naming over various meritorious act of which their tnateruals were capable, the one in ques tion put an end to the dispute by exclaim ing : "Well, there's one thing my mother can do that your's can't— my mother can take every one of her teeth out at once.—New Haven News. THE COMMISSIONERS of Montour county have introduced gas into the Court House of that county, which is at Danville.— This is a fine affair to have in all public buildings. ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Receipts anil Expenditures of Colum bia County, Pa., for A. D., 1838. 'T'HE Auditors elected to settle and adjust the public accounts of Columbia coun ty, have examined the same from the first day of January, 1868, to the first day of January, 1859, arid respectfully lay before the Honorable Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas, the following statement and re ports, acreeably to the 22nd Section ol an Act of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, passed the 4>fi day ol April, A. JAMES S. McNINCH, Treasurer of Co lumbia county in account with suid county. Ir. 1858 January, To amount outstanding for 1857 and previous years, £1330 31 Feb. I, To cash of Jonn Chills, 50 April, To cash received for Military Assessment, 1858, 15 00 May 3, To cash, Fines of Stephen 11. Miller, Sherifl, 30 93 May, To cash of And. Freas, Land redeemed,- 21-16 May 1, 1 o cash of Jesse Hartman, Land redeemed, 4 47 May 6, To cash ol Geo. K. Hess, land redeemed, 4 87 •Jbne 1, To cash of R. F. Clark, Esq., Land Redeemed, 22 55 June 4, To cash of Franklin Myer et al Land redeemed, 147 80 June 14, lo ca.-h of Jacob Ilossler, Land redeemed, 4 21 June, To cash ol James G. Clark, lax oil land sold June 9th 1856, 32 69 June 15, To cash, Jury Fees & Fines of Stephen K. Miller, Sherilf, 44 00 June, To cash, ainount ol County lax asses.eil lor 1858, 10432 37 June, To cash, County Tax 011 unseat ed land, 165 07 June, to cash, Road Tax on unseated Land, 1200 02 June, To cask, School lax on unseat ed laud. 915 73 do do Poor do do 282 02 June, To cash, County lax on seated land, 29 36 do do Road do do 11 39 do do School do do 6 83 do do Poor do do 3 37 Sept. Tocash of Jeremiah Cooper costs 8 91 Sept. To cash of Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company, 23 00 Dec. To ca.-h Jury Fees of Jacob Ey erly, Proth'y, ' 28 00 Dec. To ca-ti Jury Fees and Fices of Stephen 11. Miller, bheiti, 63 00 To balance due 'Treasurer, 375 72 818503 57 Cr. By Taxes outstanding Januaty Ist., „ 1859 - . 88746 86 By exonerations made during tbeyrar. 79 59 By Commis-ioos allowed Collectors. 269 08 By amount ot orders redeemed. 9177 66 By Commission 011 87679 66 al 3 per cent. 230 38 818503 57 EXPESDITUKES. ROAD AND BRIDGE VKWS AND TOW SHIP LINES. Am't paid sundry persons lor Bridge Y'w. #23 00 d" do do Road Views, 89 00 Ain't paid Viewers dividing Biiurcreek township, 7 op 8119 00 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Am't paid Daniel KoslenbarJer for building bridge, Franklin township, . 1857 8217 00 Am'i petit Ira Sanders for building a Bridgft in Pine township,— 157 50 Aril 1 paid Jacod B. Stoker lor building a Bridge in Eishingcreek lowushioT . '? 57 . , 45C 00 l |) it ill Daniel Kn.iterthnder for a liriJ;e in (Jaliawitm low lift lijai, 1 184 50 Am i paid David Savace lor building a Bridge in Kiahingureek iwp., 50 $2203 50 BRITGE REPAIRS. Arn'i paid sundry persons lor repairs at Bridge near Bloom-burg. 892 £0 Am't paid K/.ekiel Cole far tepairing Bridge in Sugurloaf township, 20 00 Am't paid 11. F. Cole for repairing a Bridge in Benioii township, 72 32 Am't paid 1. s. Monroe lor flank &u. lor Bridges. 4 0 97 Am 1 paid Isaac Yetler for repairing a Bridge 111 Maine totvnsqip, " 173 32 Am'l paid sundry persons lor repairs done to die Bridges in llie several towusliips, 8S 59 5487 70 ROAD DAMAGES. Am't paid John Hagenbuch, Road damage in Cenlro Hvp. $l5 00 Am't paid A. \V. Weaver, Fishing creek Hvp. 6 00 Am't paid John Boston, Fishingcreek township. ' 17 50 Am't paid MargarotKrickbaum, Ben ton town-hip, 5 00 Am'l paid James Ralston, Bloom township, 15 00 Am't paid C. W. Eves, Greenwood township, 87 00 Am'l paid J. F. Daubach, Sugarloaf township, 5 00 $l5O 50 JURORS' WAGES & MILAGE. Grand k Traverse Jurors Feb Term 8286 89 do do do May do 183 05 do do do Sept do 310 72 do do do Deo do 203 18 8983 84 CONSTABLES' RETURNS. Am't paid Constables at leb. term $25 82 do do do May do 24 91 do do do Sept. do 25 46 do do do Dee. do 24 34 8100 53 DUE EX-TREASURER. Am't paid Jacob Harris, Eq. t 8620 00 TIP SfAVEo. Paid Tip Slaves February Term, 812 0" do do May do 8 00 do do Sept. do lb (10 do do Dee. do 700 843 00 COURT CRIER. Paid Moses Colluian Feb. Term 810 00 do do May do 8 00 do do Sept. do 12 00 do do Dee. do 10 00 do do Extra Courts, 6 00 Am't paid C. Rahn, Cryiug bridge sale 1 50 817 50 COMMONWEALTH S COSTS. Amount paid Sundry Persons as Wit ness 4te , 146 52 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Amount paid K. H. Little, Esq., 138 00 ATTORNEY FEES. " Am'l paid R. W. Weaver, per George Weaver, administrator remonstrate against Rnad in Hopkinsville, '57, - 5 00 Am't paid John G. Freeze, Esq., 1 mouth's salary, 1857, 4 16 d° do do do 50 00 Paid John G. Ereeze, lor depositions in the Caltawissa & Frank liu road, 500 864 16 SHERIFF'S BILL. I Amount paid S H. Miller, boarding 1 prisoners & notifying Jurors, &e., $250 31 [ A tn't paid Conveying Jacob l'off and Si 111 net Trumpets to the E. Stale Pemleniiary, 75 00 Cunveying, E. Kelchner and Arzz to ihe K. S. Penitentiary, 75 00 Amount paid S. H. Miller, Common wealth's cost, 55 37 Amount paid John Snyder, boarding prisoner* & notifying Jurors &c., 22 37 Paid John Stiyderconveynig Wm. Si rttotts lo ihe E. S. Peni'etitiary and James Burrors 10 the Mouse of fief- Si 75 no $553 05 PROTHONOTARY'S BILL. Am'l paid Jacob Eserly. as pet Bills, 178 12 PKINIING. Am'l paid Williamson H. Jacoby, $69 80 do do do do 66 00 do Levi L. Tate, 113 00 do Irwin & Hibbs, 25 1)0 do W. 11 Htbbs, 25 00 $298 80 . BLANK BOOKS. Am't paid Cliaa. Sluhl binding books 500 do Caroline Clark, Duplicate* &0., 21 64 do do do lioatl & Appear ance Dockets for Ptolli'y's Office, 19 00 Am'l Wm. G. Parry, for assessment Books, 6 00 $5l 51 PENITENTIARY. Paid E. S. Penitentiary for support of Cotivtc s, £Bl is ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid sundry persons huluiug spring "Elections &c., 35j 26 Amount paid sundry persons holding General Election, etc. 321 02 $672 28 INCIDENTAL. Amount paid sundry persons for arti cles used in ami about the C. H. $4O 14 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. Am'l paid Ann Long per year, 17 00 do M. F. Eyeily Proth'y office 3 50 $2O 50 INSURANCE. Paid B. F. Harimun lor the Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company, °l9 17 Paid B. F. 11 .< rlin an tor the Lycoming Mutual In. Co., asa'ml No. 15, °!9 33 $3B 50 INQUESTS. Am't paid J. J. Mums, Est]., body of Allison Shun, 11 40 Am't paid Titos. Painter, Esq., body of Noali S. Preuii*, !3 12 Ain't paid Titos. Painter, Esq., body ol Jaiues Letiiion, 12 37 $36 39 A G RIC U LTU RA L SOU lET Y. Am'l paid Col. Co. Agrtcul. Soc'ly, 10C 00 POSTAGE Amount paid Philip Uifangst, I 50 do L. B. Unpen, 3 00 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALPS. 4 3 " Amount paid sundry persons, $93 37 FUEL. Am I paid Elias Meiidenhall for coal 44 13 do Elias Bogar for wood, 225 do tor sawing, cutting U split ling wood and cleaning coal, 5 00 $5l 68 AUDITORS' PAY. Paid County Auditors and their Clerk 27 50 do W. V\ irl E-q., Piotli'y's Si Reg ister's Accounts, 0 12 50 40 00 COUNTY BUILDING. Am't paid Cyrus Fry, making Blinds lor bellry oil Court Itouse, and book Case and 1> for Comr's oliioe, 67 63 Am't paid William McKelvy &i A. J. Sloan for Town Clock, 150 00 Paid Mills Chen.burltii for repairing and winding Powil Clock, 32 06 Paid Joseph Shurpless lor two new cylinders for stoves, &o. 18 40 ! Paid S C. shive repairing Prothy door Is 50 Paitl'l W. W alter repairing doors, windows, &c. 6 12' Am t paid sundry persons for repairs 36 84 ; l'uid J. R. Leaeoek watching C. house 3d 00 J. M. Tnarinoii, do do 20 00 Am'l paid W. Wngner, Official Seals '°, r 'I' 0 ' 11 *'* am ' Register's offiee 30 00 1 alu McKelvy, Neul & ' 0., Lumber &c. lor itie \eur6 JBSG-7-8, 50 77 COMMISSIONERS' & CLERK'S PAY. 4 ' Am't paid Jonas Fahringer, 146 50 do Henry Biitenbender, 150 00 do Eltas Deiteiick, 156 00 do George Miller 10 50 do R. C. Fruit, Clerk, 300 00 $763 00 ASSESSORS' PAY. Annual Assessment: Paitl J. M. Cbemberlii), Bloom twp. 12 58 Wm Erwine assessing B. Creek twp. 13 52 Henry Schell, do Beaver twp. u; 62 Joiah Stiles, do Henion do 13 91 Solomon N'eyhard do Centre do 8 62 H. Kerr, do Calawista twp 12 28 I>. fi Wohllorth do Conyngham tp 10 64 Aaron Lainbersou do Franklin do 749 William Buckalew do F. Creek do 12 87 W.M.Eves do Greenwood ip. 13 42 11. D. Mcßride do Hemlock do 16 95 Elijah Yocum do Jackson do 10 12 Gera llower do Locust do 15 25 O. P. Runnyan do Madison do 15 72 Peter M. Kastiner do Mutilour do 663 Aaron Andrews do Maine do 10 08 Samuel Snyder do MifHiti do 968 iuuUoon ttuwoi itu Mt.PI-a.vm Su lo 05 A. W. Kline do Orange do 12 34 Ilenj. Wintersteen do Pine do 12 05 Charles Dyer do Koariitgcreek Ip 641 John M. Cola do Sugarloul do 10 65 U. S. Howell do Scolt township 15 30 $267 71 Tripnnial Assessment : J. M. Che in bet lm el ul ass'ing Bloom tp 17 00 William Erwine et at do li Creek tp 17 37 Henry Schell et al do Beaver ip 16 75 Josiali Snlcs et al do Benton do 19 75 Solomon Ney bard et al do Centre do 16 37 M- H- Kerr el al do Cattawissa 16 85 r. R. Wohllorth et al asse Conyughutn 15 37 Aaron Lainbersou et al Franklin twp lo 75 VV m. Buckalew et al do Fishingcreek 21 75 W. M. Eves etui do Greenwood Ip 22 37 H. D. Mcßride el al do Hemlock do 17 30 Elijah Yoeum et al do Jackson do 12 50 Gera flower et af do Locust do 18 37 O. P. Runny an el si do Madison do 20 75 P. M. Kashner et al do Montour do 875 Aaron Andrews et ul Maine do 11 87 Samuel Snyder et al do Mifflin do 13 3" Jackson Hower el til Ml.Pleasant 13 25 Abiter Welsh et ul do Orange lowp 18 75 Benj. Wir.tersleen et al Pine do 15 75 Charles Dyur et al do Roaringoreek 9 69 John M. Cole et ul do Sugailouf do 17 75 R. S. Howell et at do Scott do 16 00 Assessing Inns Sr Taverns in Bloom Cattawissa & Scott townships It 10 $379 34 TAX REFUNDED. Amount of Road, School and Poor tax on unseated laud returned to tps. $1570 58 Whole am't orders isstiediri 1858 $10865 81 Amount of tax refunded $1570 58 do paid ou bridge contract* prior to Ihe year 1858, 824 50 I Pali nuudry persons for previous yrs 49 10 $2414 24 ' Artusl Expenses for 1858. $■1421 60 TAXES OUiSTANDINO AND UNCOL LECTED. IRSO County. State. Samuel Applemun,Stigarloaf, 159 973 1851 Nelson Kile, do 727 363 1852 Peter Dayman. Orange. 48 80 1953 l'eter Dayman, do 93 25 88 36 1854 Bonj. Dayman, do 132 22 152 84 1856 Isaiah John, Cattawissa, 26 15 28 17 *Enoeli Fox, Pine, 761 28 42 J. 14. Bobbins. Scott, 46 77 420 83 1857 *S. D. Miller. Bloom, 206 00 15 91 C. Sliuman, Beaver, Co 15 Jacob Wooever, Benton, 2 5 97 7 5 60 Adam Suit, Briarcreek, 91 28 404 06 John Scott, Cattawissa, 179 07 Joshua VVotner. Conynghara, 3 35 26 93 John Lazarus, Fishingcreek, 37 45 85 72 G. L. Shoemaker. Hemlock, 43 16 109 77 VVm. Goodman, Locust 125 94 Isaac Yotter, Maine, 81 92 165 87 . Beiij. Wintersteen. Pine, 17 )2 52 9S ! John M. Cole Sugarloaf, 13 07 73 69 *Elisha B. Purse!, Scott, 158 87 7o 47 1858 Robert B Arthur, Bloom, 7oi 15 523 42 I Josish Bitten house, Beaver, 250 30 181 87 Jacob YVoolever, Benton, 268 09 195 94 1 Freas Fowler, Briarcreek. 684 68 258 44 i Geo Kelchner, Centre, 568 58 357 92 I John Scott, Cattawissa', 335 89 192 41 1 Reuben Wasser, Conyugham, 38 59 17 7d | Martin Andrews Fishingc'rk,4l7 49 310 34 I Thomas Hower, Franklin, 251 02 68 63 j Jsitae Dewitt, Greenwood, 3lts is 176 51 John Nevins, Hemlock, 450 20 282 t7 John Savage, Jackson, 68 98 850 Hamilton Fisher, Locust, 521 84 429 38 i Samuel Rimby,Madison, 2-19 39 93 | Evan VVelliver, Montour, 371 45 98 02 1 Daniel Yetter, Maine, 242 73 95 75 1 GeorgeCavenee,Mt Pleasant,lB7 37 111 40 Lewis Eekroate, Mitiliri, 432 86 204 89 Michael Keller, Orange, 368 43 224 4 4 Joint Leggott. Pine. 152 41 144 6 e I Michael Federolf, R Creek, 85 62 13 58 ! Richard Kile, Sugarloaf, 132 86 95 04 Jacob Clossen, Scott, 658 70 528 25 T° tal $8746 86 7769 10 I WE Ihe undersigned Auditors of the Coun ; ty ol Columbia, duly elected to adjust j and settle I tie ueoounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners, tiuve carelulfy examined Itie aecounls and vouchers of the same Irorn the l-l day ol January, 1858, to the Ist day ul January, 1859, do eertily ihui we find them correct, as set' forth in me foregoing statern •n\ and that we find a balance due James S McNinch, Treasurer, from the County ot Three liuudrert arid Sevonty-five dollar- ami Saventy-lwo cents. Given under our hands this fifth day of January, 1859. SAMUEL RHONE, ) „ JOHN R. yoHE, (County DAVH) DEMOTT. ) Au,l o- A'test — JOHN G FKEIZK, Clerk. We, ttie undersigned Commissioners of the County ot Columbia do canity that the lore i a correct statement ot itm hccouqia of said County fur the year A. D. 1858. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand this filth day of January, A D 1859 HENRY BITTENBENDER,) Corn's KLIAS DKITEUICK, ( ol GEORGE MILLER ) Col. co Aucst — li C. FBUJT, Clerk. Fl NAN CHS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Balance due from Collector-, 48746 86 •Note due horn Risltel & Rhoada, 83 00 do do Vanaueher fk Hartman, 22 62 Ju o' F*e-r 12 no Amount ciiitsanding, $BB6l 48 Older* unredeemed for years previ ou- In 1858 cstimaied, $6OO 00 Orders unredeemed lur 1858. 3415 311 Ain't due Treasurer, 375 73 $4391 62 Balance in favor of County $4473 46 e, Hie undersigned Commissioners of the County of Colombia do certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the Fi nances ol iliosaiJ county, for toe year A D 1858. ' HENRY BITTENBENDER, 1 Com'* KLIAS DEITKRICK ( of GEORGE MILLER.' \ Col. c, K F'ebruary 7lti, 1859, approved by the court 4 JACOB EVANS,) As-ocia.e PEIEB KLINE, j Judges. ♦l'hese have since paid in full, Bloorrisburg, Feb. 9, 1859. p 1: (iposalsT ~ Sealed Proposal* will be received between this and the 19th by the Ex. Coin., of the Co lumbia co. Agricultural Society, lor build ing a lence around the ground of said Socie ty, lor holding annual exhibitions. Said lence to be seven feet high, boards up ami down, good lence boards. Posts eight feet long, chestnut; eight inches in diameter a< lite top, without hark. Puttnels twelve feet long; rails Hemlock; lower rails five inches by three, let in the posts; upper rails two inches by six, spiked on top ol posts, with bevil sutlicienl to carry oil water. Tight fence, a board ol Iwetve inches wide not less than six nails. Po,ts to be set Ihiee fuel deep. *81)50 w '" he paid, when the material is I delivered on the ground, and fitly dollars more when fence is finished; the balanoe will be paid in October or November, pro vided it is taken in at ihe Annual Exhibi tion. Fence must be finished by first ol July, 1859. J. RAUCEV, ) JOHN PIIRSEL, ( Commile* KALKB BARTON jr., J Bloomsburg, Feb. 5 It, 1859. "OSIUUT A WAY." IVEW Cylinders, Spindles, axils, rods, wheels, pinions, springs, screws Sic. &(!., made into watches, also jewels and dia monds into jewelled escapements, fitted anil guaranteed to perform well, "right away.'* It ntny be proper to call ultenlion to Ihe fact, tliat any job in this line, which can bo. done in the Cities, is and always has been done at this establishment these fifleepy ear* and at leas' as good, in point of neatness as' I well a* in regard to punctuality ami durabil-. ity. and always much cheaper.—Gold plat-" ing & silver plating &o. &o , at prices to euil Ihe times. Sppclaele glasses fitted into frames, five steel spectacles for sale very cheap. HENRY 55UPPINGER. Bloormb'itg, Feb. 9, 1859. N. S. LAWRENCE'S PAPER, PRINTERVCARD & ENVEL OPE WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce. Street, Rhilad'a. Cash buyers will find it for their interest "> fnll - Jan. 7, 1858—lv M'KELVV, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS. Northeast corner of Main and Market Sf. A. M. UIiPERT, , TINNER Sf STOVR DEALER, .Shop ou South side of Main street, below Market.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers