TO MECHANICS* INVENTORS 4 MAN UFACTURERS, In announcing ihe THIRTEENTH annual volume jo the Scientific American, the pub lishers respectfully inlotm the public that in order to increase and stimulate the formation of olubs, rhey promise to offer • ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS IN CASH PREMIUMS for the fifteen largest lists ol subscribers sent in by the Ist or January, 1858; said pretni ums to be distributed as lotions: For the largest list, $300; 2d, $250; Sd, *200; 4lh, Siso: sth, S100; 6th, *80; 7th, 880; 8:b, $7O; 9ib, $6O; 10th, $5O; I lth. $4O; 12lh, $35; 13 it, $3O; 14lh 825; 15lh. $2O. Names of sub'eribersenn be sent in ni dif ferent times and from different Pori Offices. The cash w ill be paid to the orders of the successful competitors, immediately after the Ist of January, 1858. Southern, Western and Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian sub scribers will please to remit Twenty-six e.ts. extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage. Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a year or One Dollar for six months. Club Rales—Five copies, for six months, 84; Five copies, for twelve months, $8; Ten copies, for six months, $8; Ten copies for twelve months, $l5; Twenty copies, for 12 months, $2B. tor ell Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only $1 40. I lie new volume will be printed upon fine paper with new type. The general character of the Scientific Amer ican is well known, und, as heretofore,it will be chiefly devoted to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechani cal and Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agri culture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Mill Work, and ail interests which the light of Practical Science is culculujed to advance. It is issued weekly, in lorin for binding; it contains annually from 500 to 600 finely ex ecuted Engravings, end notices ol American nod European Improvements, together with tin Official List of American Patent Claims published weekly in advance of all other pa pers. II is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific American to present sll subjects discussed in its columns in a practical und p"[ nlur lorin They w ill also endeavor to maintain a candid loarlessness in combating and exposing fale theories and practice in Scientific and Me chanical mailers, and thus preserve the clior ncter ol the Scientific American as a reliable Encyclopedia of Ureful and Entertaining Knowledge. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of tbo country-. MUNN & CO., Publlsliersnn(l Patent Agents, No 128 Fubcn Si, New Yotk Sept. t, 1857. * T. RINlibFOltD ii SON'S PUR E OSWEGO STAKCE, (FOR THE LA UN DRV.) 3 11 AS established a greater celebrity than lias ever been obtained by any otliet Starch. This has been the result of its marked su periority in quality, and its invariable uni formity. The public may fe assured of the continu ance of the h gh standard now established. The preclusion is over Twenty Tons daily, and ihe demand has extended throughout die whole ol the United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and under a rigid system, they are able to sprure n perfect and uniformity in ilioquality tnrough out the year. This is :he great Desideratum in Staroh-niaking, and is realized now for ihe firs', lime. The very best starch that con be made,and I no other, is always wai ted by consumers, ! und while this will be supplied to lliein by { the gtocer*, us soon as their customers have | learned which is the best, and ak for it— otherwise they would be likely to get that : article on which the largest profit can be j made. Mr. Kingsford has Teen engaged in the i manufacture of starch continuously for the j last 27 years, and during Ihe whole of the I period, the starch made under his supervis- I ion has been, bevoml any question, the best j in the market. For the first 17 years, ha had j the charge ol the works ol Wm. Colgate & . Co., at which period he invented the process j ol the manufacture of corn starch. fV Askjor Kingsford's Starch, as the name ' Oswego has recently been taken by another fa c- | lory. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, I (For Puddings. Ifc,) Has obtained on equal celebri'y with their I Starch for the Laundry. This article is per fectly pure, and is, in every respect, eqnal to ' Ihe best Bermuda Arrow-Hoot, besides hav ing additional qualities which render it inval uable fur the dessert. Potato Starch has been extensively packed and sold as Corn Starch, nnd has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits ol onr Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and purity, it is coming al-o into extensive use as a diet lor infanta and invalids. E. N. KELLOGG k CO., Agents. 196 Fulton Street, N. Y. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Agents, 23 South Wharves, l'bilad'a. July 28, 1857—3 m. Fanners' Depot and Plaster ItlflisT At the Junction of York Avenue and Callowhill Streets, rillLADFLrillA. AVE offer a large stock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be genuine: among which will be found— -1,000 tons No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. 1,000 tons Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphate of Luce. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best in the world ! Our Land Piaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout thv Union lor its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR De Berg's No. ] Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Snp-nhosphate ol Lime. French's Philademltia Poudrette. No. 1 Phosphate Gnano (Phiia. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano (A.) Extra Land Plaster, Ordinary Land Piaster, Chemical Bone Pure bone dust Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10.000 Barrels Land Plaster. 5,000 •> Casting Plaster, 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3,000 " True. U oman Cement, 1,000 •' Portland (Eng.) Cement. A la SO, DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE •' GLASS MAKERS' GROUND STONE, WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) do Bituminous Coal, do Ground Brown Stone, da White Sand do Ground Bricks for Painter* Chemical Bone dust. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mitts and Farmers' Depot, At Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. September 2, 1857. Of all disease; the great, firfl' cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. CtFPliB NOT, WHEN A riIRII k is guaranteed in all stages ot SECRET DISEASES, SELF-ABUSE. NERVOUS De bility, Sirioture*. Gleets, Gravel, Diabeies, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Mer curial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the body or, Cancers, Dropsy, Edileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and a. I diseases aris ing from a derangement of the Sexual Or gans. Such os nervous trembling, less of memory, loss of powet, general weakness, dimness oi vision with peculiar spots appearing before the eyas, loss of sight, Wlkidti Incus dysuepsis, Liver disease, eruptions upon the face, pttin in tile hack Slid head, female irroaularinea and all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease o'igv nated, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is ceri sin. and in a shorter time Iha 11 a permanent cure ran be effected hv any other treatment, even aftvr the disease has baf lied the skill of eminent physicians and resist ed all tlie means of cure. Toe medicines ore pleasant without odor, causing 1.0 sickness and fiee (rum mercury or balsam. During 20 years of practice, 1 have rescued from the juvvs of dca'h many thousands, who, in tho last stages of the above mentioned diseases had bean given up to die by their physicians, which warrants nieiu promising to 1110 afflict ed, who uiay placs themselves under my care, | a perfect and most speedy cu'O. Secret dis eases are the gt nest enemies to health, as they are the fiisl cause of Consumption, Scrof ula agii many other diseases, and should he a terror to the human family. -As a peimanent cure is scarcely ever elicited, a majority of the coses tailing into tile hands of incompe tent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the dn-casc, 1 hastens the sufic-rci lulu a rapid consumption. | But should the disease und the treatment | not cause death specdilv and the victim mar- : ries,the diseaso i- entailed upon children, who ' ure horn xvnh feeble constitutions, and the ! current of life coriuplrd by a virus which be- 1 truys ilst-il in (scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Brup-| lions and other, utleetioris of (he skin, 1 yes, I Tiuout and Lungs, entailing llieni lo an early ginve. Self-abuse is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes su destructive a drain upon the syiu-rn, drawing its thousands of victims through a few year* of suffering d iwn to an untimely grave It destroys tho Ner vous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, enures mental derangement, pievcnls 'be proper development of-the system, dis qualifies for marriage, society, business, (Hid all earthly happiness, and leaves tbe sufferer wrecked in body und mind, pit-disputed to consumption and a Haiti of evils moie to be dreaded than dcaih itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the unfortunate viaiiais of self-abuse that a permanent and speedy cure tan lie tffcclcd, and with tho abandonment of ruinous practices my paiiciils can be restored to rubust, vigo.ous health. 'Jilt ufllitled arc coutinncd against the use of- Patent Medicines, lor there are so many inge nious snares in thecolumns of I Ire public punts to catch and roh the unwaiy sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by tho vilo compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nostrum* v mied as' Patent .Medicines.' 1 have -.artfully analyzed many of the so called Puieut Medicines ami find liiul nearly all ot tliem tel.tain Corrosive Sunli mate, which is one of the strongest prepara tions ol mcieury and a deadly poison, which instead ol curing the disease disables the sys tem for life. '1 hree-fourlhs of the patent nostrums now 1 in use oie put up by unprincipled and ignor ant persons, who do not understand even ihe alphabet of the Materia Medico, and ore equal ly US destitute of any knowledge of tile human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequence. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by 26 years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the must iciiiurkttbic cuies. Medicines with lull directions cent to any part of the United b-tates or Canada*, by patients ininiiiuiiicnting Iheit symptoms by letter. Business correspon dence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. I)., Office No. 1131 Filbert Street, [Old No. 109] below 'Twelfth, Philadelphia. / A Itctired Physician / '75 YEARS OF Aflß. f Whose sand*ol life have nearly run out, | discovered while in the East Indies, a cer lain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Cough", Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. He had heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of- prepara tions made from the East Ituha Hemp, and the thought occurred that he iniaht make a remedy lor his child. Hte studied hard and succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child was cured, and is now alive and well. He has since administered the wonderful reme dy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world and lie has never failed in making litem completely healthy and happy. Wish ing to do as much good as possible, he will • send to such ol his afflicted fellow-brings as request it, this recipe, with lull and ex plicit directions for making it up. and success fully using it. He require* each applicant to inclose Itirn one shilling—three cents to be relumed as postage nit the recipe, and the I remainder to be applied to the payment I of this advertisement. Address / Dr. H JAMES, No. 19 Grand Street, y Sept. 23.-lrn ] Jersey City, N.J. r Full Slock of Fall Dry Goods. & LANDF.LL, Fourth & Arch St*., Philadelphia. re-pectfully request Cash Buyers to examine a fine stock ot Seasonable Goods, adopted to Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full lane of Fall Dtesa Goods. New designs of Fall Shawls. Good Black Silks of all width*. 4 Cases assorted French Mertnoes. 7 " Poil de Cbevres, Npw Goods. Briish and American Dark Prints. Satinetts, Cassiroeres, Cloths & Vesting*. Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, &o. N. B.—Auction Bargains from New York 1 a<l this City daily received. Particular at lenlion given to Country orders for desirable Goodg— Terms Eetl Cash. Sept. 1, 1857 3m<m. VALUABLE FAItM FOR SALE. THE suoscrther offers lor sale his larm in Orange township, Columbia no., containing 330 'ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houses, two barns and oilier buildings, two apple orchards and a variety of other fruit treds.— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, nod it lays along-Fishingcreek, t mile übove Grangeville, and only 7 miles from the county seat. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the promises or direct o Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Ofange township, May 6th, 1857. Blanks i blanks i i blanks i i DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pe ofporr & desirable forms, fo- sale at the ficef ofo the ".Star of the North." IMPORTANT DISCOVERY* CONSUMPTION, AND ALL .DISEASES OF THE LUNGS Anil THQATT me positively curable by in halation, which conveys the remedies 10 the cat tie* in the hlti|!B :hroii2h the air pas anile*, und coming ill direct coutaut with die disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays die cough causes a free and ea*y ex |iectO'tion, heal* the lungs, pnr:fie* the blond, imparl* renewed vitality 10 the nervou* *}*• icrn. giving that lone and energy o indis pensable tor the restoration ot health. To be able to *tain confidently that Consumption ie curable by inhalation, ie to me a source of unalloyed |>leneurp It i* as much under the control ot medical treatment a* any jther formidable disease; ninety out ol avery hun dred cases can tie cured in the first rages, and fifty per cent, in the second; tint in the third mage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., tor die luugs are o cot up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in halation affords extraordinary retiel to the suffering spending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per eo"B ill the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has 110 arrow so ! fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been 1 the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom c'ometh every good and perfect gift, 1 am enabled to ofler to the articled a perma nent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure Idood. and the immediate effect, produced hy their deposition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air rells, winch causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational 10 expect greater good from nr.edi cities entering 1 lie cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stom ach; the patient will always find the lung* free and the breathing easy after inhaling remedies. Thus, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainly than rem edies administered by the B'omacli. To prove the powerful and direct influence ol this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew min utes, paraly zing Ihc entire nervous sysiem, so that a limb mat be amputated without the s'ighlest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The ndnr of many oi the medicines is per ceptible in the skin a lew minutes after being inhaled, and mav he immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional eficcis of inhalation, is the fact that sicknees is always produced by breath ing foul air. Is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results? Du ring eighteen years' practice, manv thous ands, suffering fro.ti diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, arid I have affected many remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had been pronounced in die last stage*, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a lata! disease.— My treatment of consumption is original, and founded oil long experience and a thorough investigation. My perlecl acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c , enables me to distinguish readily the various forms of dis ease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity in ' connection with certain pathologies! and mi croscopic discoveries, enables trie to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chesl, purity the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone I to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any ' pari ot the United Stales and Canada* by | patients communicating their symptoms by I leuer. But the core would be more certain il the patient should pay rne a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable mn to prescribe with greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 1131 Filbert Street, (old No. 109.) below twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 23, 1857. IS \V AK D A S*OC l ATION, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTANT ANNOU NCE M N ET. r (7O all persons afflicted with S-xual Dis eases, such its Spermorutikaa. Seminal Weakness, Impotence Gonorarha, Gleet, Syjih ilia , the vice of Oman ism, Ifc, Ifc. The "Howard Association," in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name, to give Medical advice gratis, to all per sons thus afflicted, who may apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty nd euffenug, to furnish medicines free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution,established by special endowment, lor the relief of the sick and distressed, af flicted with "Virulent and Epidemic Dis eases." It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to expend in advertising the above nonce. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and wtll fur nish the most approved modern treatment. Just published by the Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhea*, or Seminal Weeklies*, the vice of Omanism, Masturbation or Sell Abuse, and other disease* of the Sexual Or gans, by the Consulting Surgeou. which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope), Free of Charge, on the receipt of two stumps for postage. Address, Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN, Con sulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South NINTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D HEAUTWELL, Pres't GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1857. <*II TS, II TS, GIFT!* ! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, At the Quaker City Publishing of DUANE RULISON, PHILADELHHIA. BY buying a book for one dollar or more you arc at once presented with a prize, worth form 25 cents to $lOO, consisting of Fine Gold Jeweliy, Watches,dec. All orders by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the book. Our list contains all of the most popular books of ihe day, und will lie sold at the usual etail price# many of lbrni for less. Poisons wishing any particular book can order at once, and it will he forwarded with s gilt. A catalogue giving full information, with a list of hi oka and gills will be scut post paid, by addressing DUANE RULISON, No. 33 South Thiid fcSL, Philadelphia. Agon's wonted. Sept. 8, 1857.—3 m. rpIUM MINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy ntli -A- cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of the best quality; alto gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing Bilk, thread, etc., etc., to be bad next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D- WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857. lousiness Directory. Uloomßbtug. P ~~ DAVID LOWENBERCL ' STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." A. J. EVANS- TtJERCHANT. —Stye on the upper part ■' * of Main street-* nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. s. c. siimT TIANUFACTURKR OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.—Wareroom in Shivc's Block, on Main Street. A.M. RII'CRT, riIINNER AND STOVE DEALER K Shop on South side of Maiti street be low Market. R. W WEAVER^ ATTORNEY AT LAW.— office on. the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Maiu street. JOSEPH SnARPLESS. FOUNDEB AND MACHiNEST, Build ittgson Ihe alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT. ' | BAILOR—Shop on the South Side of Main -L Street, first squarS below Market. A. C. MENSCn, !l T ERCHANT.—Store North West corner f'L of Main and Market S'reets. HIRAM C. HOM ER, uENTlST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. IIi'KELVV, MEAL ti CO., MERCHANTS. —Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. THE POCKET £SCIILAPIIS; OR, EVKRY ON K HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. tyiiK F1 FT KITH Edition, with One i un d re d Engravings, howing Diseases and Mai ormations of the human Jyatem in every shape and 'orin ;• To which it added i Treatise on the Diseases >f Females, being of the ) ghet importance to mar. ied people, or those con emplating marriage. Dy WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let r.o father be asham'fd the present a copy of the Aesculapius to his child. It may save him from on early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of rnar rieil life without reading the Poekc Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a hacknied Cough Pain in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelines and the whole train of Despep.ic aensatioo.,' and given up by their physician,, he another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the vert jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book,by mail, or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address. lt. W. Young ,So. - /& Spruce a'.rcct, Philadelphia.' post paid. No 152 .Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep' Ist, 1854-ly. LS3 U <3D tpOL SS Tto tsa OP £3> Cabinet Ware Rooms, s. c^s^ive RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of of ilie Public to his extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture anil Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment ol Fashionable Fnrnitue. . Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from 525 to 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany Parlor chairs, itot-king and easy chairs, Piano stoola, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, delashus, chefteniers, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane 6eat and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring maltrassea fitted to any sized bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, April 6th 1864. if. LEAF TOBACCO AND CIOABS. DENSLOW 8c CO., ft I Smith Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, Commission Merchants, And Whoteaute Dealers in nil kinds of Leaf Tobacco, Manufactured Tobac co, and Hears. HAVE constantly an hand and for sale low all kinds of American and Spanish Leaf To baccos, selected with aptcial reference to Manufacturers' use. All articles sold, warranted to be as rep ■ esented and eveiy opportunity afforded lor examination. Purchasers at a distance can send their or ders, nnd rely upon being as faithfully served as if the goods were selected in person. October J5, 1856. Tinware & Move Establishment. tItHK UNDKHMI.NEU respect Inly in t- forms his "Id friends end customers,that he has purchased his brothel's interest in the shove establishment, nd the concern will here after ha conducted by himself exclusively, ile has just received and oft'eia for salo the ftVw largest and most extensive assortment ment ~f FANCY BTOV ES ever intro dace.! into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured tuorder. All kinds of re pairing done, as usual, on short notice, I'ho patmneftof old frieius and new cue toraera is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT' Bloomsbnrg, Jan. 12. 1853 tf. TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFNCC, ) Beach Haven, Aug bat , '57. j MR. EDITOR: —The amount of lulls receiv ed at this otHce are as follows: Previously reported, . . . 860816 15 July. • . . . • . . 27158 ?1 Total 887974 86 Respectfully submitted, JOHN S. FOIXM F,K, Collector. I ARGE -i-sorimeiil ol Iron, Steel and Nails ■ B - i for sale at the Arcade by May 27, '67. A. C. MENSCH. EVAS & WATSON'S _ Pliil'a Manufactured jag SALAMANDER TRUTH IS MIGHTY, ff MUST PREVAIL. Heporl of Ike Committer appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Heading, Feb. 27/A..JJJS7. READING, March 4!h. The undersigned, members of ihe Commit tee, ifo respectful!,- report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Barrels & Herrina end Evans & Watson, placed side by side it: • furnace, viz: The Sale in use by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read mit Railroad Company, in his office at Read ing, manuiactiired by Farrels & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store,' manufactured by Evans St Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was Marled at 84 o'clock, A. M., and kept up until fourcortfa of green hickory, two cords dry oak and hall chestnut lop wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of Ihe subscribers, mem bers ol Ihe Committee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opeupd, agd the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. La/ttz's store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Commit tee, The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were but slightly affected by ihe intense heal, while those taken from the Sale manufac tured by Farrels & Herring were, in our judg ment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Sale. JACOB H. DVSHF.R, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of Ihe condition of the papers and books tak en out of the respective Safes. G. A. NICOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. The following named gentlemen, residents of Rending and its vicinity, who saw the above fire, hve purchased Safes Irom Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Ist, 1857. G. A. Nicolls, 1 Solomon Rhoads. 1 U. R. Company, 2 W. B. Yerger, 1 H. A. Latitz; 2 Geo. K. Levure, 1 Kirk & Meister, 1 Samuel Easing, 2 W. Rhonda & Son, 1 J M &G.W.Hant9ch,l •H W.Missimer, 2 James Jameson, 1 Dr. Wm. Moore, 1 J. B. &A. B. Wanner 1 Levi J. Smith, 1 Jacob Schmucker, 1 High & Craig, 1 Wm. King, 1 Wrn. Krick, 1 V. B. Shollenberger,l Kaufman & Baum, 1 Leopold Hirsh, l Wm. McFarlin, 1 Ezra Miller, 1 Geo. J Eckerl, 1 W.C.&P.M.Ermqn- Isaac Ruth, 1 trout, 1 Billmeyer, Folmer Wm. Donahower, 1 & Co. 1 Bullit & Milton, 1 EVANS & WATSuN. June 17, 1857. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS J A. J . EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS 4 T his old stand on the upper end ol Main Street which he will sell cheaper than Ihe cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al pnrcss, lustres, barages, de laines, ducal cloths, poplins, brilliants, challies, de bages, lawns, skirling, french and scotch gingliama prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchief*. &c. Shawls and Mantillas ol every sty le and quality. STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths casstmeres, .vesting*, flannels, mus lins, lickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, cot lonades, linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, marseilles quilts, colored and white catpe) chant, parasols, umbrellas, a large and splen did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH Teas, Coflce,Sugar,Molassca Rice, Spices, &c. Also, Hardware, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedartvare. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest cash prices, I can assure my Iriends and the public gener ally. Ibat ( will do all in my power lo make establishmeni known as the -'Head quarters for bargains." Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine my slock before purchasing. 1 will pay the highest market price for BUTTER. EGGS. RAGS, SOAP AND Dried Fruit, and country produce in general. Bloomsburg, Auril 29. 1857. GREENWOOD SEMINARY AT MILLVILLE, COLUMBIA CO., PA. A systematic, course of instruction is given in all the English branches usually taught. The Principal will be assisted during ihe present year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, recently from the Lancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation of seven weeks will commence July Ist. UffllßSGfflo TUITION, for day pupils $3.50, to 84.50 par quarter. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, See., 830 per quarter of eleven weeks one-hall in advance. For circular, catalogue ororlher particu lars address . WM. BURGESS, iVlillville, April 1, 1857. Piincipal. "HIE SECRET INFIRMITIES YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Published, Oralis, the 25 th Thousand. A few words on the rational treat- A#'ment. wiihonl Medicine of Sper- matorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. BY B. DE I.ANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in Ihe imprudence and solitude ol youth, may he easily removed without Medicine,is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by Ihe Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to core himself perfectly and at Ihe least possible coal, Ihcie by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of die day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, two postage stamps, to Dr. B. DE LANKY, 17, Lispeuaril Street, New York City. May 6, 1857 -6m. THOMAS BUTLER, A 'o. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA ; Manufacturer of strong Tinware, Copper) Tin and Zino Burning Tubs, Bathing Pans, and avery kind of batning apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'ven to ordered work, and goods carefully ti.rwpjued on.nrders. ' Philadelphia. August 17th 1864: A FULL ASSOKTMENT of Ladies' Dry-, a* Goods at the Arcade by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. <8 & a a-jRb'H TOTHE FkSHONABI.K ANI> lW CE> o>mr r**zxi&i- TMIE undersigned havingjnstrecoived the latest Palis and New York Fashions, wntild again beg lease to inform his tiuniei ous friends and all the world absut Blooms hnrg.that he is now belter prepared than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that base been turned out lately; and not mil) that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. is at the old stand, (too wel known,o need Inilhernotice) where he maj at all times be found, seated npon the bench of repentaftee,steadily drawing out the/Arena of alftrfckion.siopeing it may in iheenrf provr advantageous to him and his customers. He would tjdso advise his fiends to bear in mine that poor, afllieted ladftTs must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore Wheat Ryfr'Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on the books. Remember, gentlpmen, that in all cases "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. HERRING'S Si3 4£v. UP Ufi a THE ACKNOWLEDGED |*%Sji! cll A-M PI 0 N!! THE recent trials al Read * ' iave endorsed the cur- rent of public opinion, and cnnfirnied the verdict of more than 200 acci dental fires, proving conclusively thai "Her ring's" is the only sale that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Rejiort on the Trial of Iron Sales at Reading: "On the 26th of February all the members of the Committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in them; and were perfectly satistled that all was right.— Tho day following, the burning took place, tinder the superintendence of the Committee. Alter a fair and impartial burning fnr five hours, the Safe of Messrs. Evans & Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire in side, and the contents partially consumed, while the contents in the Sale of Messrs. Farrels k Herring were in good coudition, and no fire inside." Reading, March 2, 1857. U. F. FELIX, 1 (Signed) P.N. COLEMAN. } Com. A. H. PEACOCK. \ And endorsed by over 50 of the best men of Reading. The above Safes can be inspected al 34 Walnut Street, whern the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion," over the de feated and wed-up "inside Iron Door Sala minder." FARRELS & HERRING, 34 Walnut St., Philad'a. Only makers in this Slate of Herring''s Patent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bol ster up the reputation of a Sale which has failed signally in accidental fires in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) by taking one out of ati agent's store, [H. A. Laniz,] made dou ble thickness, (different from those they sell) to "burn up" one ol Herring's, (half as thick) has met with its Hue reward. Herring's Sale could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Sale now made is Herring's, o( which over 15,000 are now in actuel use, and more than 200 have been tried by fire without a single loss. Philadelphia, May 8, 1857—1y. LOTTERIES. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are the managers, are chartered by the slate of 'Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them is done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the intarists ol parties who reside at a distance are as well protected as if they themselves were present at the drawing Another fact which the managers call atten tion to, is, that all persons have a leg .I right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, at lotteries are legalized by special law in that slate. A lottery is drawn every day of the monlh. If no particular class is named, or ders are filled ill the first drawing to take place uher the communication comes to hand. The prices of tickets vary from Si to $2O. No tickets are, however, sent unless Ih e money for the same is received with the order. 1 he-drawings are upon the principle of one number on each ticket (after the Ha vana plan,)and Ternary combination, l'rizes vary ill amount from (20 to $lOO,OOO. All orders lor tickets or packages will receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed In all purchasers immediately altpr it is over. Address, T. H. HUBBARD & CO., No. 39 Fayette si., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1857 -ly. Baltimore, Md. tAf The Drawn Numbers of the Maryland Loteries are published by the Slate Com mssioner ir. the following papers, viz: Sun Clipper, Patriot, American, Argus, ol Balti more; also, the Nntionul Intelligencer and Union, of YVashingtoii, D. C. Eagle Foundry, Bloomsburg STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large npw brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared lo make all kinds of CASTINGS AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES. Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where he has erected a building altogether for Stoves and Tinware.- The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. PENN COOK, RAUB COOK, VAN COOK, and PARLORSTOVES all kinds, the Egg Cylinder S'ove, &c. All kinds of Spouting made to order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, April 16. 1857. Leather, Leaflier! Leather! MMSY w cfiEMAifj IMFOItTICR OF FRENCH CALF SKINS andtiieneral Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third Street, Phtla. IT A general assortment of all kinds-of Leather, Morocco, &c. &c. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. February 28, 18S7.—ly. @v HENRY ZIPNNLER, aT ■fc.jk BLOOMSBURG jtfh J DIFFICULT repairing warranted; epec taclea and glasses for spectacles; glasses for huutflyeaned watches, and other watch malerialjjpr sale. March 27,,18tf A N of confectionary, jew **• elry, Perbfthery soaps, hair oils, &o. Pomades, to be had at C. CLARK'S Book Store. 1 RON*SW.EL, and every kind of Hard wars or sale by McKF.LVY, McKF.LVY, NEAL&Co IyiOUTICED POSTS on hand and for sale at the Arcade by May 27, '67. A. C. MENSCH. FLOUR AND FEED Depot at Ihe Arcade, by A. C. MENSCH. HUE POETRY OP PHYSIC AYER'S PIUS. Ajei> I'..i.- j4iiUe sugar-slinil over the pal ate, but their energy, ahhough wrapped tip, is llieie, ami tells with giant force on the vrry loundalion of disease. There are thou sands of sufferers who would not wear their distempers if they knew they could be cured lor 25 els. Try Ayer's Pills and you know it. Purify the blood and disease will be starv ed out. Cleanse the system from impurities and you are cured already. Take this best ot all Purgatives, and Scrof ula Imligesiton, Weakness, Headache, Side ache, Jaundice, Rheumatism, derangements of the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels, all de rangements and all diseases which a purga tive remedy can reach, fly Defore them like i arkness before the Sun. Header, il you a-e suffering from any of tho numerous complaints they cure—suffer no more—the remedy has been provided fo( yon, and il is criminal to neglect it. That Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, is the best medicine lor a Cough, is kuoWn to the whole' world, and that Ayer's Pills are the best of all Pills, is known lo those who have used' them. Prepared by Dr. JAS. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Muss.—and sold by E. P. l.uiz and all Druggists in Bloomsburg, and by Dealers in Medicine everywhere. Nov. 11, 1857-2 m. JOHN A. MOORE. JOHN W. WILLIAMS MOORE & WILLIAMS, General Commission merchants, and dealers in MI ITERS 9 SUPPLIES, Ao. 54 South Water St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers having been associated with the coal trade and mining operations generally, for several years, are prepared to 1 supply orders lor all articles contingent to mining purposes at the lowest rates, with care ami dispatch. Our stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Sular, Elephant, Bleached, Racked, l.ard, Rosin, Greasing, Linseed. Safety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chains, Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, Wicking, Wire Rope, Tar and Pitch Thornley's Celebrated Gum Belling, Washers, Packing, Hose. Blasting and other Ponders . Soap, Candles, &c. REFERENCES J I Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. J. B. A. k S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " S. Rothertliel, Esq., " John Thornley, Esq., " Wm. De Haven, Esq , Minersville, Pa. Hon. W. Donaldson, Potlsville, Pa. Hun. C. W. Pitman, " Geo. W. Snyder, Esq , " D. P. Brown, Esq., " L. 1\ Brook, Ksq., " J. J. Connor, Ashland, Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1857.-!y. ISN'T IT SO I ' I Use ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Self Sealing Cans and FRESH FRUIT Jars, and yon will have fresh fruu all the year al summer prices. Full directions for putting up all kinds of fruit and To matoes, accompany these cans and jars. They tire made of Tin, Glass, Queenswsre, and Fira and Acid proof Stone Ware. IN WINTER The sizes are from to gallons. These egos k jars are eutiruly open al the tops, and nest, to secure transpor tation. For sale by Storekeepers throughout the U. Slates. Descriptive circulars sent BETTER on application. CP* Orders from the trade solicited. Be sure lo ask (or " Ar thur's." It has stood the test of two seasons, having been used by hundreds of THAN thousands of families, hotel and boarding-house keep) rs. We are now making them for the million. ARTHUR, BUUNHAM & GILUOY, SWCetmCatS- Manufacturers under the Patent. Nos. 117 k 119, S.Tenth St., feor. George.) PHILADELPHIA. June 17, 1857.-3 m. BLOOMSBURQ E*3C3D(3DO2. fIIHE undersigned would in this way call -k the attention of Ihe public to the Book Store at the old stand, next door to the ' Ex change Hotel," where at all limes can be found a good assortment of books, including Dibits, llymn Books, Prayer Books, Histories, Rooks of Poetry, Novels, and School Bocks ; also all kinds of stationary of the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the price of School Books and Stationary to those who by to sell again. Jest received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, which I would ask all to call and examine belore puehasingelsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Rloomsburg, May 25, 1857.-lyr. E. a HOTTER, SWMI&OT BUSSNPEOT, jgRSSSr-y T{ ESPECTFL'LLY offers his Cprofessional services lo the Ladies and Ueutlemen of Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend tp all the various operations in Den tistry, arid is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to look aa well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Al operations on the teeth warranted. CyOflice, 3d building above Wilson's Car tiage Manufactory—Main St., West side. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1856. T AHtjE lot ol No. 1. 2, & 3 Mackrel, also, White Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just received and for sale by May 27, '67. A. C. MENSCH. A LARUE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re ceived and for el by A. C. MENSCH. FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cheap muslins and print* just received by railroadand for sale by A. C. MENSCH. AO nnil lOINTANDLLAP SHINGLES t U)\IUU tor ea [ e B| lhe Arcade by May 27, '67. A. C. MENSCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers