THE STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W. Heaver, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9. TIIE STAR OF THE NORTH IS rOBMS!IED a KVERT WEDNESDAY MORNINU BY 11. w. WEAVER, OfrnCß—Upstairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south suit oj Alain Street, third square below Market. KR RlB: —Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and filly cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages ere paid, unless at the option of the editor. Advkhtisemknts not exceeding one square Will be inserted three times for One Dollar, end twenty-five cents for each additional in settion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. MORMRT RUYMKH Full TUB TlflEs, Adapted fivm the Oi iginal of Mother Goose, for the Phita. Evening Bulletin. Sine a song of specie, Gotham all awry, Seven and fifty Bank birds Knock'd into pi; When the Banks were open' 4 The Cashiers tried to sing, Wasn't that a pretty dish To send to Gov'nor King! The King was up at Albany Fighting off the brokers, The Cashiers were in Wall st. Working hard ns stokers; Presidents were shinning Up and down the street, Ont rushed a Brown bear And knock'd them off their feet. Hark ! hark ! the Banks do bnrk. The brokers have come to town, Some with "bags''and some with "rags'' To hunt the specie down. There was a man in our town, Who was so wondrous wise, He jumped into the Barbnry coast, And drew out his supplies, And when he got his specie out, With all his might and main, He rushed into another bnnk And concluded that, all things considered, Ho might as well deposit it again. Here"we go up, up. up! Hero we go round, round, roundv! Here we go backwards and forwards, Hero we go down, down, downy! (Stock reports.) Ba ! ba! Bank sheep, have you any gold ? Yes, marry, have 1, three bags tolcd; One for depositors, one for me, [sea! And one for an old eliap that lives across the Note shaver! Note shaver! Fly away home: Your notes are protested, Your fingers will burn. One—Two '. What shall we do ? Three—Four! Close up the door. Fivo—Six ! They are coming liko bricks, Seven—Eight! Ask them to wait. Nino—Ten ! Good friends, come again. Eleven—Twelve! The deposits well shelve. Thirteen—Fourteen! Stop exporting ! Fifteen—Sixteen ! Ain't we fixed in f Seventeen—Eighteen! Keep 'cm waiting! Nineteen—Twenty! Vaults are empty! There was a Public had a Bank, And it had naught to give her. It paid out its notes, and marked its checks, And bade the folks consider. The folks considered very well, But couldn't get their money, And bade them play another tune '•Oh ! specie-paying's funny!" Monday night, it shall bo tho whole caro To say that our Banks are all on the square, On Tuesday morning the folks will come in, Never a one of 'em get any tin. Fifty old banks were bulled up by the Yorkers Seventeen times as high as the moon : When they expect suspension 1 don't know, But come the smashdid andremarkably soon; 'Yorkers. New Yorkers, New Yorkers,' said I, 'Why do you brag so remarkably high?' 'To keep up exchange while we can,' they did cry, 'But we'll fall and be with you by and by.' There was a Teller who had naught, And drawers came to spot it; He stept into the specie vault, And then they thought they'd got it; But he crept out the other side, And then they could not find him; He ran fourteen miles in fifteen days, And never looked behind him. How many days has our note to run ? Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Pay my check, pay my check, Banker's man, No I can't, master, by any plan; Then take it and cros6 it and mark it with G, And then it will do for Tommy and me. Pretty Director! your Bank let me milk, I'll give your wife an imported silk ; And a dozen gloves as you shall see, If you will come down with a discount to me. Richard and Robin wore two pretty men, They laid abed till the clock struck ten, Robin starts up and looks at the sky, To Bank! brother Richard, our specie is dry; Do you go before with the check and the bag, And I'll follow after on little Jack nag. High ding diddle, remember Nich. Biddle, The Banks have gone up like balloons; The Democrats laughed to see the sport, And the Brokers went in for tho spoons. The wise men of Gotham Went to sea in a bowl— If the bowl had been stronger My tale had been longer. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1857. Tllli COUNTF.ItFKir DOLLAR- I A rich dressed lady, followed by a man servant, stopped at a market stall one Sntur- i day, and bought a pair of chickens of the old huckster woman. The lady offered a five dollar bill which the huckster couldn't rhange. j A man making some purchases at the snnte . time, offered to oblige the huckster by in-1 | king the bill, and giving five gold dollars for I | it. He gave them to hor, and she returned ; the just change to the lady. The latter had not walked a square before ! she discovered one of the gold coins was 1 counterfeit. She took it back to the market ! woman who insisted upon her taking a gold dollar instead, saying that she would see the > man who had given the bad one, the next : lime lie passed, and make him tako it back. | Quite willing not to lose the dollar, the lady 1 j consented. A few days afterwards she pass- j j ed the stall again, and stopped to ask if the I woman had seen the' man who had given j her the counterfeit dollar. ''Laws, no, honey," was the reply. "1 i wasn't going to let you keep it, being as you I are my best customer, but I just passed it the I very next lime I had to make change, and no ! fuss. Never you mind, honey, the woman j as I gave it to served me the very same trick I last week. 1 was glad to get a chance to pay I her off." " I am very sorry it is going any further," j said the lady. "1 here on purpose to | get it and destroy it. 1 thought I could bet- I ter afford to lose it than many anothers. Now I I shall always be sorry 1 did not do my duty when I had it in my power." ", then, I wish I'd kepi if, for Peg Bly, who I gin it to, will likely pass ii ofr on some pooi body ; and il does seem fair that the big bugs should lose what iniisl be lost, anyhow. 1 will jusl see if Peg lias got it yet,- if you're willing In wail a bit," No—Peg had not got il! She would have scorned io keep it so long, lint choosing | her victim with some discretion, among those ; she called big-bugs, she gave it to a middle ; aged man, whose fingers were so cold that lie was less partieular in examining his change lhan usual. Arriving at home, he found lite dollar bad, but could not remem ber at what stall he had received il; so in great dignation at the dishonesty of those luick i sters, he made up his mind to pocket his 1055. % He went to church regularly—or, rather, to Methodist meeting—but of all things, he baled the poor-plate, which was passed ! around every Sunday for contributions. Yet ho generally put something into it, because folks, eyes were upon him. The next Sun day when it came around, he maliciously put therein the counterfeit dollar. "There," thought he you are welcome to that!" He did not blush, or feel ashamed. Obser vers would never know the cheat. However, when the preacher read in the Bible-lesson ! about Ananias and Saphtra, lie had to com fort himself with the remembrance that the age for miracles is past. That afternoon a lady called upon him, and complained that a counterfeit dollar, which she had given to such a huckster, hail been transferred to another who had I given it to him. She had come to redeem that dollar, as her conscience troubled her about it, and she supposed it was still in his posession, of course. The avaricious man always look great cane of his'reputation. He protested that the mar ket woman must be mistaken, ns he could show her every gold dollar in the house, and they were all good. She must have given I it to some other man. j The lady was so sure that she hesitated, | and was inclined to urge the matter, when . the unlucky wife said to her husband . j 1 George, you put a gold dollar on the poor ' plate. That must be it." Shame and anger 'suflnsed his face : but i he said plausibly. "Oh, perhaps so ! I did not think of that! Now what a pity! I should have observed more closely. But I will make it up another time." "I feared it would be so. It has gone to the poor, who can least bear its loss," said the lady. "But it is my fault, and I must trace it out. Who is your pastor, sir ?" Being informed, the preserving lady called upon htm. To go back a little. When the deacon, or ! whatever tie may be called, saw the little j gold coin deposited amidst the copper and j small silver on the plate, he was passing j around the meeting, he was rejoiced, and as he was also treasurer, he took the amount j home ar.d placed it in the fund. The minis- I : ters to that church are supported by volunta- ! I rily contributions, and the time being come 1 for paying the nllowance, to their pastor, it j | was counted out, and '.o make change, some 1 money taken from the poor fund, the court- I lerfeit dollar being a part of it. The good man received his pittance with joy, which was shared by his needy wile and their nice children. There was much plan ning and .plotting as to the spending of the small sum. All extravagant hopes from it were brought into due compass, and every dollar appropriated in the most absolutely necessary manner. The father retired to write a sermon upon the bounty of God, and the wife who was banker and disburser, went to put away the money. Then she detected fhe ;base coin.—With indignant flushing cheeks she took it to her husband. "Ob!" he said, "ft is hard, hard! But the l.ord will teach us how to do without it. He feeds the young ravens." "Do you think it would be wrong to pass it husband I I mean at some of those rich dry goods stores. I can't do very well with out my gown. We are so poor! Others would not miss it. It came to us as a good one. We need not bo too particular." I "Oh wife, " was the reply, "this is a temp- I I talion of Saten. Passing a counterfeit dollar j is just the same as telling a lie, and acting I | others to tell lies too. Throw it into the fire, j | that it may deceive .and, disappoint no one I ; else, and forget we ever had il. That is all 1 j we can do." j Tho wile, discontented and sad, relumed 1 I to her work of mending the children's clolh ! es. Her eldest, daughter, a girl of twelve ; j was ironing in the kitchen. She came in \ 1 with a wolul lace, saying: "Mollter, dear, look here! Father's best linen neck cloth was hanging on the chair, j ■ and baby pulled it off and switched the cor- I I ner ol it into the fire. It was half burned up ; before 1 could pull it out. What will falhrr j tloV, The child was reproved too sharply, for; j not taking more heed, and went away crying ' to her work. i "It is too bad," said tho mother, "that wo ! must be the ones tc. suffer always. But lath- ! I er shall not bo the looser by the carelessness ;of his people. I won't put up with it! That bad dollar came from the congregation, and j il shall go back to them !" I • So she pit on her bonnet, and went to the gentleman's furnishing store, kept by Mr. 8., i ; a member ol their church. She bought her | I husband a new neck cloth,.which she hoped lie would never know front the old one. That very day the lady called • and asked |to sse tho Bev. Mr. . She told tho sto ry of tho counterfeit dollar, and asked if ho ; had soon anything of it, saying that she had j come to redeem it. The minister said that . it had luckily failed into his own hands, and i [ joyfully dill he hasten to his wife's room. \ ; "God verily numbers tho hairs of our i heads," he said. "He will not suffer ono ol j hia little sparrows to fall to the ground. Give j me the bud dollar, for a lady lias come to , | give us a good ono in its place." Then came the agony of confession of the 1 hitherto honest wife. She will woep and ; writhe to her dying day al the remembrance I of that look of surprise and wounded trust, which her beloved husband's lace worn as !ho heard i|.—She went at once to tho lady j and told her all. It was a brave deed, for she was a minister's wife, with a whole con gregation watching to delect a slip from up i rightness. The lady, she loured, would re i port her delinquency, but she had fallen into j merciful hands, and her fault wus kept se cret. They went together to the furnishing store. ] The store keeper examined his till and desk. There was no such dollar to lie found, and no one conlii toll to whom it hud been given.—One of the shop girls had propubly ; passed it without seeing I hut il was not gold. ; The lady left a dollar to re| Inee it, should any one bring it back, and went home disap pointed.—Hor husband wus a magistrate, : and she knew that he was so strict in bring ing offenders to justice, thai she never men tioned to him this cnunierleit, for fearofget ( ting the market-woman into trouble for pas sing it, knowing it to be such. That night her husband came home from | his ofiico, looking exceedingly weary and sad. His wife pressed to know the reason. "Oh," said he, "the duties of my office are sometimes so painful! I have just had to send such a nice lady-like woman to the lock-up for the night because it was too lute to examine her al once. She seemed in great distress about something; but she cant ( speak a word of English, so 1 couldn't tnake ! it out.—l think, though, ilia: her husband is 1 sick." "Why not let her go. and take her up ! again in the morning." j "Well, she is accused of a serious charge— counterfeiting—her distress may be all sham, only a plan togs! her husband off. I don't want him warned. I hove seta watch about the house, but can do no more until morning. There ate great numbers of counterfeit gold dollars in circulation, and this woman the j neighbors say, has tried to pass three within [ a week. I have been anxious to discover j the rogues ; and I don't believe this woman | had anything to do with it. However, I had J to shut her up, the neighbors are so indig | nant. To morrow it will be looked into,and j the woman set free I have no doobt." I "Perhaps her poor sick husband man tlie - of anxiety and alarm, meanwhile." I "Well, put on your bonnet wife. You can! ! speak German. I should leel easier, I con j fess if 1 knew more about this matter, and I will go to Iter residence." J Tlie wife hastily made ready. They had I to go to a dirty narrow court, people by the ! lowes' Irish. When they arrived anuinquir j ed for the man, ttiey were shown into a ties ! tilute room, without fire or light, at the door j of which they hail knocked, but received no answer. When they approached the bej, a man spoke as il just awaking, and said in German : "Olga, have you come ? lam so cold, and I have been dying for a drink of water. 1 could not reach my medicine, Olga, and it is long past the hour. But, poor wife, you have gone through muoh, no doubt—and have they paid you ?" The magisiiate sont the officious neighbots for fire and light, while his wife gradual ly broke the news to the husband, lor he ; had not heard of his wife's arrest. The neighbors were afraid to tell it to a man so ill. | He was lying, wasted by a low fever, al- j most to a skeleton. He seemed horror stric ken at the idea of his wife'e disgrace, and turning nway Irom the lady, he wept bitterly. J From ejaculations, and fragmentary senten- I ces, she gathered that he belonged to a noble 1 lamily in some little German principality, j and had been obliged, on account ofaymp*- j thy with Hungary,tolly with hia wife. T.tey , |id expended all their means before they Troth and RUflit — Rod and oor Country. had been able to get any employment, and | aince the failure ol her husband's health, the | poor wife struggled to support them both I with her needle. He turned to his visiters again to explain about the counterfeits. He said the neighborhood and market people gave his wile bad money repeatedly, thinking shrewdly that she, being a foreigner, would not be likely to know the true coin well. When she ignorenily tried lo buy things with j this bad money, she was harshly treated. Therefore, wtien she had another gold dollar given to her, he supposed she had shown it to her neighbors to ask if it were good, and had not been able lo rneke liersell understood by tliern. He had not seen her since she left him to tako home some shirts to Mr. B.'s J j furnishing siorc. The magistrate perceived that these people were innocent, and went nt once to obtain j the woman's release, while his wife stayed and busied herself in procuring comforts lor the destitute invalid, him utullabout it, fur she saw ll.ut his proud spirit rebelled against receiving as charity even the means, of prolonging life. It was not long bulor.t heniusbund returned, 1 And never was there u sadder or tender me*- | j ting than between the sick man and his lib- , crated wife. Although medical attendance was pro cnroil unit every comtoit placed before him, lha sufferer died that night, with hia last words the lady who had thus enabled him to have the comfort of his wife's presence in llio last, dark hour. 1 The lady herself, however, felt keenly self- ! | condemned. She tnld her husband the ( whole story, shedding tears of pain. "What a dreadful chain ol siti and sorrow I have occasion," she said, j "I do not think you were lo blame," her, I husband replied, "for you only left the dollar j j to bo given to tho true passer." | "Oh, no! I was almost sure that the mar- ' ket would not be particular. I thought she would get rid ol it the first chance she had.— Yet, 1 said, "that is no concern of mine." It was difference to right which has had the force of intentional wickedness. Sea 1 what a series ol sins I ocessior.eit. The market woman gratified her revenge first, . i and did a dishonest art besides ; then that I hateful hypnente put it into the poor-fund in I church—cheating in 'lie temple. The mo ment his wife spoke of his contribution, I saw ! detected guilt in his lace, tiut he told more | falsehoods—ho pretended ho did it by mis take, anil that lie would make it up ! Then i iho poor minister's wile, over-tompled by j povoriy to ho dishonest ! Oh, wlmt agony ! it will always be lo her, to remember il, and ■tome to know that 1 occasioned it! And I the starving, innnccnt German lady, who | camo near being deprived of her husband's j last kiss; and who endured hours ol misery, knowing iliui ho was suffering in Iter absence ! j Oh, husband— "One ilFdeed, Sows countless seed. I shall never forget this lesson. Braj God I that everyone of my sins of omission may not be followed by snch a train of mischief!" j Tig be reminded of her fault, the lady had , the dollar set in a plain bracelet, and wore it ! constantly upon tier arm. Every day the j base coin left a green mark Irom corrosion, j and as she washed it off, she thought how | hlussed it would be if the consequences of | sin could be as easily effaced. But that, she knew by experience, could not bo. In three ' days since she had suffered lo slip through her lingers, had brought sin or unhappiness lo herself, the two hucksters, the hypocrite, the minister's wife, and the persecuted for eigner. They—none of them—would ever, during their whole lives,escape from the con i sequences of her culpable neglect, in not stopping the citculation of that counterfeit ; dollar. Shingling u House. I James H was a young man who com- I mpneed file with every flattering prospect, and a wife and lovely children soon blessed htm. Unhappily by slow degrees be became —to make a lon° matter short—a drunkard. One evening he left his wife in tears, as was lon common, repaired to the house of a man j who sold him the deadly poison, and drank | so much that he sank down in a kind of i stupefaction oosilj luialaknC tOt Sleep. Alt ! his companions had deserted him. Near j midnight the landlord's wife came ioto the I bar room and told him: I "I wish that man wonld go home, if he's | got one to go lo." "Hush! hush !"ssys the landlord,"he will call for something else directly." "1 wish he would make haste about it, then, for it is time every honest person was in bed," said his wife. "He's taking tho shingles off hi house and putting them on ours," said the landlord. At this time James began to come to his senses, and commenced rubbing his eyes, and stretched himself, as if he had just uwoke, saying, "I believe I'll go." "Don't be in a hurry, James," said the landlord. "0, yes, I must go," says James, "so good night!" and off he started. After an absence of some time, the land lord one day met and accosted him. "Halloo, Jim, why haven't you been to see us ? "Why," says James, "I had taken shin gles enough off my house, sml it began to teak, ao 1 thought it was time to atop the leak, and I've done it! The tavern-keeper astonished, went home ' to tell his wife about it, and James he* since let rum alone, and attended to hie own ' business. He is now a happy man, and his wile and children are happier than ever. Col. Yell's First Court. When Colonel Archibald Yell, afterwards killed at the battle of Bitetia Vista, had taken his seat for the first timo upon the bench, in Arkansas, the bur was composed of a set of lawyers who bad always browbeaten kin predecessors and bail their own way. Jmigo Yell determined to put a slop to this. The first case on the ducket was called, and the : plaintiff stood ready. It was a case that had ; been in litigation for fivo years. Gen.Smool , arose fur ilia defendant, and remsiked, in an overbearing tone: "Our witnesses are absent, and therefore, I ! demand that the case be continued until next I term, in course." j "Let the affidavit be filed, for not till then i 'can I entertain n mition for continuance, j | was the reply of the Judge. 1 "Do you doubt my word ns to tho facts?" ! Gen. Sinnot exclaimed sharply, and invuluu- i tarily raised his huge sword enne. "Not at all," replied tlie Judgo with his blandest smile; "but the law requires thai the luels jusl dying a continuance must ap ; pear on record, and the court lias no power | to annul a law, nor ar.y will to see it annul -1 led." j The Judge's calm and business like tone and manner only served to irritate die bully, and ho relorled, shaking his sword rano in the direction o f the bench. "Whatever may he the law, I, for one, will not learn il from tho lips of an upstart demagogue and a cow- I ord! 1 ' I Judge Yell s temper was a lilllu moved at I this reply, but lie only turned lo the clerk, and said, "Clerk, yea will enter a line o( j fifty dollars against Gen. Smoot, as I see | him named on my docket, for gro-s enntem,it ; of court; and tie sure you i.sue an immeili i ale execution." | He had hardly communicated the otder, j when Gen. Smoot was rushing towards him, i 1 brandishing his sword cane. Every glance was fixed on the counleiiunce of the Judge, ■ (or all wished to know how he would bear tho coming shock of tho duelist's tierce a*- i snult; but none however could detent the ! slightest change in his appearance. He did not change color, tier did n nerve seem to tremble; his calm eye surveyed the advanc ing loe with lit.le of .'perturbation. lie set 1 perfectly still, with a little rod of painted iron in Ins hand. Smoot ascended the plat j form, and immediately aimed a tremendous blow ai the head of his foe. Althat blow all expected to see the victim's skull shivered lo atoms. The general astonishment then inay ibo conceive.!, when they beheld the little I iron staff describo a quick curve, as the great ; sword cane flew Irom Smool's fingers, and i fell with a load clatter at tho distance of 20 i leel in the hall. The baffled bully uttered a I yell, and snatched his bowie knife from its , sheath, but ere il was poised for the despe- I rale plunge, the little iron staff cut another I curve, and the big knife followed the sworil j cane. He then hastily drew a revolving pistol, but before ho had time to touch the , trigger his arm was struck powerless by his side. And then, for the first lime, did Judge Yell bptray perceptible emotion. He stamp ed his foot till the platform shook beneath him, and shouted in trumpet tones, "Mr. 1 Clerk, yon will blot this ruffian's name from i the roll of attorneys, as a foul disgrace lo the bar. Mr. Sheriff, lake tho criminal to jail." The latter officer sprang to obey the mandate, and immediately a scene of confusion en sued which no pen can describe. The bra ; vos and myrmidon friends of Gen. Smoot i gathered around to obstruct the sheriff, while many of the citizens lent their aid to sustain , the authority of the court. Menaces, shouts, and curses were commingled. The new Judge used his little iron carie with terrible efficiency, crippling limbs, yet sparing life. The Sheriff, imitating the clemency of hie j honored friend, disdaining the use of either | knife or pistol, actually trampled and crush ed all opposition, singing out at every furi ous blow. "This is the way to preserve or der in coon!"—a sentiment which he accom panied with a wild peal of laughter. In less than two minutes the party of the Jiniae triumphed, the clique of Gen. Smoot suffer ed a disastrous defeat, and the bully himself was borne away to prison. Such was the debut of Archibald Yell in Arkansas: and from that his popularity as a man, as a Judge, a a hero and as a politician, went on rap/'dily increasing, till eclipsing, the old and most powerful names, it set on the bloody eve of Buena Vista. Speculators and Capitalist*. The following lively, characteristic and ef fective story is of Parisian origin, but will fit [ this latitude as well as that: Two gentlemen were chattering on the Boulevard. One was a great speculator, de veloping the plan of magnificent project, the other a dazzled capitalist, ready to snap at the bait. He hesitated a li'tle, but was just yielding for conscience sake. Near these two paused a couple of young ! sters of ten or twelve years. They were looking into a tobacco shop close by, and | one cries uui to tbe other: "By the piper! I'd like to smoke a sou's ! worth ot tobacco." "Well," sail the other, "buy a sou's worth.'' "Ah, as luck will have it, I haven't the sou.'' "Hold on ! I've got two sous.'' j "That's the-ticket, just the thing— on* for the pipe, and one for the tobacco." ; "Oh, yes! but what am 1 to do?" ' "You? Oh! you shall be the stock jWioV : 1 you can spit." I It vvas a flash of light. Tho capitalist ! thrust hia hand* into his pockets and tlevi j The speculator cast a furious look at the two utvhuts and turned down the street 'I Ito Tow Mlcrs. A miser living in Kuta had heard that in j Bassora also there dwell u miser more miser- ' ly than himsvlf, lo whom ho might gn to school and from whom lie mighl leant much. Ho forthwith journeyed thither and presented himself lo tlie great master ns an humble commem-pr iii'lhe art of avarice, anxious to learn and.under him lo become a student. "Welcome," said Ihojmiscr of Bassora, 1 "we will go to tho maiket lo make sonic pur- ; chases." Ik They went to the baker. "Hast lliou'good bread?" "Good, indued, my masters, and fresh ant) soft as butler." "Mark this, friend,"J said the man of Bas- j snra lo the one ol Kiiia;*"butter is compared ' with broad as being the bulluTof the two, | as we nail only consume a smull quantity nl i that, il will also be cheaper, and we shall therefore act more.wisely and savingly, 100, in being satisfied with butter." They then went to tho butter merchant, and asked il he had good butter "Good, indeed, and fiavnry and Iresh as lite finest olive oil," said the host to his guest, "oil is rompnredYvjlh lha best butter, and therefore by much bo preferred lo the lattor." They next went to the vender. "Havo you good oil?" "The vory best quality; while and trans parent as water was the reply. "Mark that, Ion," said tho'misrr of Bas sora to tho ono ol Kuta; "by this rule water jis the very best. Now at homo I have a j pailful, and most hospitably therewith will I | entertain you." j And, indeed, or. their return, nothing but | wttor did he place before hi* guest, because j they had learned that water was hotter than I nil, oil better than butler, butler bettor than • bread. ! "Grid be praised," said the miser of Kuta. ] "I live not journeyed tins long distancs in j vain !" 'I lie Bye Lashes- The beauty and expression of the pye is j not altogether dependent upon its color and 1 brilliancy. I: may sparkle with intelligence and wit, or mildly beam with benevolence, I innocence or pitj; and yet, il il be overhung i with a flat and shaggy or but im perfectly shaded with eye-lashcs, composed of a few short bristles set wide apart, much of the beauty will be lost. Hence we find those who attach mrst importance to exter nal charms, have been, in almost every agp, extremely solicitous to improve and preserve the lorm and symmetry of these important I appendages to the organs of sight. VVe need nr.t dwell upon the importance l to beauty of long, silken, glossy eye lashes, 1 which have so often been the theme of lov ers and of poets. Lord Byron, who, to ad enthusiasm of an eastern lover, added tlie deep feeling of of a poet, has hung some ot tlie finest gems ori a beautiful eye lash. He says: As a stream late concealed By the fringe ol its willows, Now rushe = revealed In the light of its billows— As the bolt burst on high From tbe black cloud that bound il, Flashed the soul of that eje From the long lashes round it. While the females of our coantry, as we'd as those of most parts of Europe, pay little at'.ention tn promote, by artificial means, the growth and beauty of the eye-lashes, in Cir cassia, Georgia, Persia ar.d Hindoston, this is one of the first objecls of a mother's care We mention '.his, not as a reproach to the former, nor as a commenda'ian of the la'.tir, but merely as a matter of fact. It is well known that the hair, when left to itself, seldom grows long: but either splits at the top into two or more forks, or gradn aliy tapering from the root, terminates in a very fine, almost invisible point. When this is the case, its further growth is complete y arrested. The Circassian female, aware of this fact, careful'y removes the fire point from each eye-lash by means of a pair of scissors. Every time tins is done their growth is renewed, and they become, close, finely curved, and ot a silky gloss. This operation of tipping is repeaiei every roocih ot s x weeks. Punch's Defence ot ladles' Dresses. There are two sides ot the crinoi.-e q res i tion : hear both—what may re sj j f-r js weil as what nas been sa d agar#;' present a :ire Equity to everybody, but es pecially fairness tn :h* :a-,r. The superfluity ;n .engih and c.-eumte-- o: dresses, so ir.r.i-h compiaioed of, good for iraoe. and aga.nst excess io tfte inii.iner'* bid a set off :s adonied bv noil in that of the taunure-M. S .vart-g* rr.iy now be worn for any leng hof. me M-re over. they m*y be made of the vere cheao esi and coarsest materia.there being as far as the) re conoemeo. no longer a-y ne cessity for even so mica as common tea:- ' rtess. It is very true that 'he ie-gth s>* exclu sion of the tashiooab.e dress g es * wearer ihe form of a bed mouthed tumbler iYi stem to it, turned upside ifowo No doub a lady m ght be a ash ttvm the *ra *t down ward, and stand upou a caudal ao i* ba: dreos, w.tfcoui looking at al. the worse . iu she looks tc it now But this te pcee .sf y s recommendation: that of setting to cocoes those pettec-tieos ot tortu, which, when they are allowed to be oereepttNe. a. r*r< art J amount bf observation wh eh must be u plvasam to 'he oh-ev-t ot ' am! which can [Two Dollars per Annua. NUMBER 45. do ihe observer no good. Many man, now living, urn old enough to remember Ihe lime when ihe stylo of dress, in consequence of being calculated to exhibit, and nol lo hide, personal advantages, affected young tnen with very frivolotn and vain impressions.— Itft*es were then worn so short as not quite 10 sweep ihe street, and wherever you went, if tliero were well-dressed girls there, you were continually ra'ching a glimpse of a inurli too dainty loot and ankle, twinkling with a lar too elegant little sandal. This tri vial object continually attracted the attention of young men, who ought to have been thinking of other tilings. Now you never eeo anything of the sort, nail at the same time a lady can hold her clolhea at uny ele vation she likes, when she simply shows a passing swell how lo step out like a man In hoots the rame us his own —except that lltey urn not so interesting In him. Every husband, father ought to approve of the fashionable dresses, foi they preclude Ins wife fioin attracting unnecesrary atten tion, and il they tend slightly In hinder him Irom gelling his daughters off his hands, they have an exactly equal tendency to prevent his sons Irom marrying lor mere beauty, so that if they tnaity at all, they marry pru dently, looking to the financial and not lo the bodily figure, and thus become comforts instead ol burdens to their parents and friends; And sons who marry imprudently ate infi nitely more expensive than unmarried daugh ters. Lastly, thee dresses are considered very pretty by the gieat majority ol Ihe wearers, who think about dress as they do every tiling else, gregariously, and hove no other idea of what is pretty than what is fashiona blo. Shrouding ihoir charms in excess of muslin, the indulge in a harmless vanity, and flatier themselves that they are creating a j great sensation, whereas they create none but what is exeded in the masculine mind by a bundle ol clothes. I lie Woild■ The world has always appeared lo us a | most ill-used and long-suffering being. It is : represented as a monner of vice and folly Not a crime or absurdity can be committed, i but il must bo abused and ridiculed as its author. Not a reprobate, gcn'rel or vulgar,can lake the road to ruiri, but the world must be exe crated as tiis seducer. It is belabored week ly by tiie parsons, and daily by the press; in every shape from the sermon to the play, and hourly by individuals of ail sorts and sizes; nay, even many of its own members, who either live on its bounty, or share in its pleas ures, will sneer at it lo its very face. Does the worlJ ever retaliate, or ever murmur un der this loaJ of calumny Does it ever pro test against the hardship of beirg made re sponsible for the iniquities nd absurJt'ies of tho-e who are prede-tinated fools and scoun drels! Or of having the abuse of the ad vantages and pleasures which it offers de scribed as its real characteristics' Does it ever insinuate tha' all the slander wiih which it is overwhelmed, proceeds either from the malice and spleen of those who have been disappointed in their speculations npon its good nature a .d patronage, or from knaves and imbeciles, who are glad to father their own vdlanies and weakness upon it! Does it ever complain of the gross injustice and bitter spitit of persecution with which ail its fo.htes are searched out dragged to light and made the theme of every of invec tive, reproach and seem, while a thick ve.l i a kept careful y drawn ovr its virtues!— Doe ji remind Its det-actors that it gives ev ery facility to improvement, aubmi-s patient ly to ci.a-tisement. whe her i: be the terrible scocrg-* of cecin*. or :he feeble stroke of a t putty whipster, and yield a ready obedience to the dehberaie rocs of pablic opinion!— In shor\ does it challenge its opponents to inves.gate human nature, and to pro-dace a scheme of society wh eh shall 'ecu's to mankind a g-eater average c: v -tne, wisdom ar.J happiness than it can afford' So much for the worid, which though, we admit. Uke every thing human, it .s not exempt from faults, is. we must, nti ran upon he whoie. of in air able character and utterly unde serving of the ,-J.scrm : :"a * abuse which is Ur.shed upon it from every side Loostitst Or the i-ffce-ce of the planets and the moo- and-g .re name of unit es. i '.re v; trtp*sss.ous, no pmof wixi;- ever e. sis Aei poys.c *n CI " nuts • Mew! eve-—oav- <a d. The -ivwgs of mad per. - kept lunar pere-ds, ice-cn-pin ed hv ep'.epi en s The trr-rn i~cwaeutly m equi v -nocent of the thru-sand tn sgs is cbe r be* V! aeu tre rams-was ot ami re-- ?do ivcota: -s- f ß '; 9 f more r* bjr-.-.ves to -e-s to ear i n ■*.. -pj tec has Ma' *es ire n ---r-i. 'gh .. ee—s— yere -v. e --e Jnwh oh b-vs t-e mt>-*v. md rr.s -y .xre' an h, n-aivssvf is be tig l -- av* n-ea-T w-en ' s at ire "\trK 'hew are d - u-be-j D; -.e d t -g •hsii.-esdfikwdki which *-e -e J-se.eo en the earth and sat n.-sad ng ob evus. Thus he ana -e senvevte s.-a d.-* o mages or hmur. iad. sqtrwifv ens *vb nrasue hgh.* uoO * tfc'issi ■ tb l iar and revemee i rear mil acd noisy " tr Mexr Nr. -go. Notrht Cxrosirra. xf wri-wo isi moodh. that a gay worms staa ' i •ffwitih bus two •rf'l'l'- Thws s ihe most reprevteustKrs utmaaoe x rwv IS" gs cite Sum tiui we '•eo vewoi oc CT 1 The stemmxr- • i wgo an--ed at X > ovk oo r iesk wy \rv l ecqoe-. weft iVC j specie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers