6apffeiOjraC \ A. RANNEY, PUBLISHER, 393 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, offers for sale ; 000,000 Hooks a maps; OF nil kimli, it Publishers' pricea, lolie se rein parried with BfiO.GUO Gifti, *nrth from B cnfto|23t) pack; CunaiaUng,*f Gold and fcllv. <r Wtfcbes, Goljl Lorkeia, Q.otu Chair*, Pi" and Drop". Oold Brac>>, Gold ' Pel'Oll", sewing Bird*, In flrort Jewelry of every description; Reticu'ei, LaJiea' I'uiaea, Porimonaiei. fee. Sl 6O wot ill df gifts dlalrili tated with every 600 books. A'gift will be de livered with star* took vofil My one dollar or more- Although no book or article will be sold f*r more than the uvual retail price, tnany will re aold for less. Person* Wishing '• any particular book, ran order at onto aid will be forwarded with 0 gift. Poisons order ing books with gifts should forward the amount nf postage as it must invariably be |>aid in ad- Vance. The average 1 outage Cor $1 ,S6 hooks Id IB cents, aud for #1,60 and #2,00 books, 21 cents. INDUCFMENTS TO CLUBS & AGENTS: A BOOK AND GIFT WITHOUT MONEY. Any person, by forwarding an order for Books, with money elxlosed, will receive an extra Book and Gift with every Ten Book* to bo rent to one eddresa. This method of forming Clubs eaea poat. ege, as the package goes ty 'Express. Kull inf nmaiion respecting this gresl gift enterprise, together with a comple e list or Souks, end gilts will bo furnished in om Cal slogue, which is sent post paid to eny address on sppiicetion. Address, A-RANNBY, No. 393 Broaowsy, New York. Of slLdlseaae; tlie great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. QOFFER RIOT, WHES A CURE O is guaranteed in ell stages oi SECRET DISEASES, SELF-ABUSE, NERVOUS De bility, Stricture", Gleets, Gravel, Diabetes, Disease" of the Kidneys end Bladder, Mer eurial Rheumatism,- ScrofoU. Pains in the Bones and Anklee, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers npon the body or lirr.bs, Cancers, Dropsy, Edileptio File, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases aria ing from a derangement of the Sexual Or . Uich es nervous trembling, loss of memory, power, general weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar spots appearing before the •yes, loss of sight, wakefulness dyspepsia, :U*er disease, eruptions upon the face, psin in Ihebsck end bead, female irregularities and ell improper discharges from bulb sexes. It matters not from wbat csose the disease origi nated, however long standing or obstinate the tese, recovers is.ccrtaiii.snd in s shorter time then s permanent cure can be effected by eny other treatment,even ,f| #r the disease has haf fliFllie skill ol emlneril physicians and resisP ,d all the means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing r.o sickness end fire from mercury or balsam. During 20 years ol practice, 1 have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in tho last stages of the shore mentioned diseases bid bean given up to die hy their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the afflict ed, who may plnca themselves under my C3re, a perfect aud roost speedy cue. Secret die amis tie the gr el lest enemies to health, a, rhey are the first "Use ortlousumplion.Uc.of. ills ottu many other diseases, and should nea terror to the human finiily. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever efflrlled, a majority of tht cases falling lino the hands ol iacompe lent persona, who not only fail to cure the dheasrs hot ruin Ine constitution, filling the system with ineicu'y, which, with ihedhease, hastens the rufierci into a rapid consumption. But should the disease and the liealment not cause death -peeddv nod the victim mar ries,the di.evse 1- entailed on children, who - me'born wt'h feci le cuit-tilut'ons, and the current'of life cor, uptrd try a vuus which be,- irnys itselfin Bcrolula, Tetter, Ulcers, Erup. lions and other affecionn of the skin, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, entailing them 10 on early • giave. Kclf-sbuse is enother formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dteod catalogue of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thousands of victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Ner voua system, ropidly wastes away the energies of pfe, cau-es mental derangement, prevents (be proper development of the system, dis noalifiee for roerriige, society, business, and nil earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a tiain of evils moie to he dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the unfortunate viutims ol relf.abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can lie effected, and with the abandonment of , ruinous practices my patients can be restored in robust• vigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so many inge nious snares in the columns of the public pi in la to eatcb and rob the unwary sufferers that million* have their constitutiona ruined hy the vjle compound* of quack doctors, or the cquallv poisonous nostrums v nded as' Patent Medicines.' 1 have carefully analyzed many of the so celled Patent Medicines and find that • nearly ell ol them contain Gorrosive Buuli mate, which i one of the strongest prepara tions of meteury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease disables the sys tem for life. ' 'f liree-fouilhs of the patent nostrums now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignor ant persons, who do not understand even the alphabet of the Materia Aledica, and ire equal ly es destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequence. lrregularitiea and all diteasos of males and females treated 00 principles established by 20 yetrsof prsetjee, end sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines wilb full directions rent to any part of the United! Ntates or Canada*, patients communicating their symptoma by letter. Business correspon dance strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert Street, [Old No. 109] below Twelfth, Philadelphia. 6RAND JURORS' REPORT. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Columbia: The Grand Inqudat of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of the County of Colombia, respectfully REPORT: Tbat tbey bate examined the public build ings belonging to the said county and find them id good condition, lb® jail particularly being neat and clean. We would respectfully recommend the Commissioners of the county to appropriate #l5O of the County funds for the purchase of a Clock to be pnt in lhe Bel fry or Steeple of (be Court House provided the citizens of Bloatniburg sat rely (hem that tbey WJII pay the balance of sgiti purchase money of said Clock. We would also rec ommend that the Supervisors of Orange town ship be notified as soon w can be, to open and make a road wbit'h is already laid om, leading from Matthew M'Dowtil'e Furnanee nrouud the hilt to Stony Brook- All of which ' Is respectfully submitted this 9th day of Sep tember. A. D. 1867. CHARLES KAHLER, Foreman. BLANKS 1 BLANKS!! BLANKS! I DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPQSNAB, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of porper & desirable forme, fo- sale at the oince of the "Star of the NortW JH ><* AND LAP SWNGLUB IU,UUU | OI vijg „ the Areads by May 2T, 'ST. •K. C. MENSCH. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA _ HON. > WHEREAS by the -Iwa of tbts Common wealth it is mad* "the duty of the Sheriff ol every county to give notice of the general elections, by publication in one or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty deyi before the election," and to enumerate therein "the officers to the elected,-' end to "designate the place at which the election is to be held." Therefore, 1, STEPHEN H. MILLER, High Sheriff of Columbia coonly, do hereby make known Bnd proclaim ro the qualified electors of Columbia county, that a general election will be held throughout said coonly. on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, being the second Toob day i said month, at the several districts within the county to wit:— Benton township, at lhe house of Eeekie) Cole. Beaver township, at the house of Christian Shuman. Bloom township at the Court-house Blooms bttrg. Briarcreek township, at the Town House, Berwick. Catawissa township, at the house of the late Stacy Msrgaram, Celawissa. Centre township, at the house of Jeremiah Hess, deceased. Fishingrreek township, at the house of Abraham Kline, now occupied by William Long. Greenwood lownsbip, at the house of Jos. R.Patton. Hemlock township, at the Buck Horn. Looust township, at the boose of David Reinbold. Franklin township, Bt Clayton's Schoot bouve. Mifflin township, at the house of John Kel* ler. Madison township, at the house of John Welliver, dee'd. Mouninleasanl township, at the bouse of William Holchinson. Momour township, at the house of John Richards, now occupied by William Hollings head. Mtiu township, at (be house of Isaac Yet ter. Roaringcreek township, at lhe house of G. W. Driesbach, nuw occupied by Franklin Shuman. Orange township, at lhe house of Peter P. Kline, Orangeville. Pine township at '.he house of Albert Hnn ler. Sugarloal township, at the house of Ali nas Cole. Scop loWnahip at the house of Enoch How ell, Enpytown. , Conyrrgham township, at the house hf F. R. Wolforlh. Jackson township at the house of Joshua Savage- It is funher directed lhat lhe election at :be said several districts shall be opened be iweep. the hours of 8 and 10 o'oluck in the forenoon, and shall continue open without interruption or adjournment, unlill 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be clos ed. The officers to be elected at the time and place aloresaitl are:— A GOVERNOR, 2 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. A CANAL COMMISSIONER, A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, A STATE SENATOR, 2 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ONE PERSON FOR I'ROI HONOTARY, CLERK OF THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. OF THE ORPHANS'COURT, AN I) OF TH E COURTOF OYER AN D TER MINER. 1 PERSON FOR REGISTER AND RE CORDER. A COUNTY TREASURER, A COUNTY AUDITOR. And the said election of Congressman is held in pursuance of a writ to me directed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wherein it is directed that be cause a vacancy has happened 111 the repre sentation of this Stale in the House of Rep resentatives of (he United States, in conse quence of the death ol JOHN G. MONT GOMERY, Esq, elected a member of the Twenty FIIIII Congress, from the Twelfih Congressional District, composed of Ibe counties of Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wyoming, that I, Stephen H. Miller, High Sheriff of Columbia county, shall hold or cause to be held, in each township, at the time and the places aforesaid, an election for choosing a Representative of this Common wealth in the House of Representatives of the Uuited States, 10 fill Hie vacancy afore said. And, whereas, I have been directed by the Governor to give notice tbat a joint resolu tion, proposing certain amendments to the Constitution ol Ibis Commonwealth, has been agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each House ol the Legislature, at two successive terms of the same, and that it is provided by lhe Constitution, thai any ameutltnent so agreed upon, shall be sub mitted to the people for their approval or re jection. Therefore, for the purpose of ascer taining the sense of the citizens of this Com monwealth in regard thereto, I, Stephen H. Miller, High Sheriff of Columbia county, do give notice and proclaim lo lhe qualified electors of said county, that an election will be held in each of the towusbips, wards and districts therein, on the second Tuesday of October, A. D. 1867, lor the purpose of deci ding upon lite adoption or rejection of the said amendments, or any of them; which said election shall be held at the places, and opened and closed at the time at and within which the General Elections of this Com monwealth are held, opened and closed; end it shall be the duty of the Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of each of said towoibips, wards and distriote to receive at the eaul election, tickets, either written or printed, or partly written*and partly printed from citizens duly qualified 'to vote lor Members of tbe Gen eral Assembly, and to deposit them in a box or boxes to be far that purpose provided by the proper officers; which tickets wball be be respectively labelled on the outside. "First Amendment," "Seoond Amendment," "Third Amendment,""Fourth Amendment," and those who are favorable to said Amend r meets, or any of tbem, may express thc:r desire by voting each as many separate writ ten or ptinted, or partly written or printed ballots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof tbe words "For tbe Amendnieci," and those who are opposed 10 uueh Amend ments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voting each as many separate written or printed ballots or tickets contain ing on (ho inside thereof the wolds "Agaiust the Amendments." And farther, Ido hereby give notice, di | reel and proclaim, that the election on the said proposed Amendments, shall be opened ; and closed at the same time, and in all re spects be conducted, as the General Electiona of this Commonwealth am now condocted, as well as reaped* tbe qualifications of vo ters, the time and manner of making re . ttarns, as in all other particulars. ! It is further directed that the meeting ol . the return Judges, at the Court House in Bloomabutg, to make out the general returns shall be on the first Friday succeeding lhe general election, Wfeieb will be ibe sixteenth day of October. Tb* Congressional return Judges of lhe Twelfth District, composed of tbe oountiei ol Columbia, Luzerne, Montour aud W ' oming, will meet at the Court House, in Rleomsburg, on TUESDAY, tbe twentieth i day of Oolober next, to make out returns ior member of Congress. The Senatorial return judge* of the Thir teenth Senatorial District, composed of' tbe conctie* of Snyder, Northumberland, Hon . tour and Columbia, will meet at the Court House, In the borough of Banbury, in tbe I county of Northuifiberland, on TUESDAY, a tho Twentieth day of October MXR to make Y out relume for State Senator. I The return Jpdges of the Representative 0 District, composed of the counties of Wy. g ing, Sullivan, Columbia and Montour, shall meet at the Court House in Bloomsborg, in the county ef Columbia, on TUESDAY the a Twentieth day of Dctober next, 10 make out „ returns for members of Assembly, j And iu and by ibe said act, I am further j directed to give notice that evgry person, . excepting justices of the peace, who shall g hold any oniee or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of tho United ] States, or of this State, or of any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned n office or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, of shall be employed under the legislative, or executive, or judiciary de partment oi this Slate, or ol arty incorpora ted district, and also that every member oi ' Congress, and of the select or common conn g cil or any city, commissioners of any incor porated district, is by law, incapable of bold , ing or exercising at the same lime, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk f of any election of this Commonwealth, and , that no irspector, judge or any officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office than to be voted for. Given under my hand and seal, at my of fice in Bloomsburg, this 31st day of August, . A. D., 1857. STEPHEN H.MILLER. Blooncsburg, Sept. 5, 1857. Sheriff. Farmers' Depot and Plaster Mills, • Jit the Junction of Fork Jivenue and a Callowhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA. f WE offer a large stock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war -1 ranted to be genuine: among which will be - found— -1,000 tone No. 1 Government Peruvian - Guano.. 1,000 tone Deßerg'aNo. 1 Super-phosphate . of Lime. i The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best in the world ! Our Land . Plaster, manufactured from select slone, is celebrated throughout the Union for its purity • and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR De Bern's No. i Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. 1 French's Improved Sup-nhosphate of bme. French's Philadelphia Poudrelte. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano (A.) 1 Extra Land Plaster, Ordinary Land Plaster, Chcnucal Bone Pore bone duet, t Fish Guano, .Ground Charcoal. ■ 10.000 Barrels fX.nd Plaster. 5,000 • Casting Plaster. ; 10.000 ' Hydraulic Cement. 3,000 •' 7Ve Roman Cement, 1,000 -• Portland (Eng.) Cement. ALSO, DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE •' GLASS MAKERS' GROUND STONE, WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) do Bituminous Coal, do Ground Brown Stone, do While Sand ' ■ do Ground Bricks for Painters Chemical Bone dust. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mills and Farmers' Depot, At Junction ol York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. September 2, 1857. GIFTS! GIFTSI GIFTS I GIFTS'. A. ICANNEY, Publisher, 393 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OFFRRS FOB SJCLE 300,000 BOOKS A HAPS, OF all kinds, at Publishers' price*, lobe accompanied with 500,000 GIFTS, worth from 25 cents to S2OO each ; consisting of Gold and Silver Welches, Gobi Lockets, Gold Chains. Cameo Pins and Drops, Gold Braei-fets, (lold Pencils, Sewing Birds, in short Jewelry of every description; Reticules, Ladies Purses, Porimonaies, &c. #l5O worth of GIFTS DISTRIBUTED wilh every 500 Books. A Gift will be delivered with every book sold for one dollar or more. Although do book or article will be sold for more than (he usual retail price, many will be sold for less. Persons wishing any particular book, can order at once and it will be forwarded with a Gift. Persona ordering Books with Gifts, Bhould forward the amount of postage, as it most invariably be paid in advance.— The average postage for #1,25 books is 18 cts., and lor $1.50 and #2,00 books, 21 cents. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS & AGENTS: A BOOK AND GIFT WITHOUT MONEY. Any person, by forwarding an order for Books, (with money enclosed,) will receive an extra Book and Gift wilh every Ten Books 10 be sent lo one address. This method of forming Clubs cave* port age, as the Package goes by Express. Full information reapeclir.g this great gift . enterprise, together with a complete List of Books, and gifts will be furnished in our Catalogue, which is sent posi paid to arty ad dress on application. Address, A. RANNEY, No. 293 Broadway, New York. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY GOLDEN , PRIZE. One of tbe largest and best lit arary papers of the day. J Terms of Subscription, $3 per Year. > , And a GIFT will be presented to each sub scriber immediately on receipt of tbe sub scription money. Each subscriber will be entitled to * Gift , worth from #1 to #5OO in Gold. TO CI.UBS. I 3 copies for 1 year, #3 00 , 15 do 1 do 15.00 RE A D—RE A D—READ—REA D [ LIST OF GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS, j 1 Package containing #6OO in Gold „ 10 Gold Patent Lever English >1 Hunting Cased Watches #lOO Each. 15 . 75 " ' 28 " Gold Watches 60 " ' 100 " " " " 60 " . 300 Ladies' " " " 35 " „ 300 Silver Hunting Cosed Watches 25 " 200 " Watches 10 to 20 " 500 Gold Vest, Guard & Fob '■ Chains 10 to 30 " e 5000 Gold Lockets 2to 10 " li Gold Kings—Ear Drops '* Broaches—Breast Pine—-Stnd* • Cuff Fins—Sleeve Buttons lite. #lO to 16 each. '1 immediately oh tlid receipt of tbe sub '* seription money, the subscriber's name wil h be entered upon our subscription book, op posite a number, and the gift corresponding " wilh that number will be forwarded lo his n or her address by mail or express, pest paid. • Address, BECKET & CO., B Publishers, 02 Moffat's Buildings, New York. Augusr 2, 1857. e rpBIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arti • X eles, • good assortment of Hosiery of tbe • best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca n bos, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, h sewing wtlk, thread, etc., etc., to be b*d next • door lo tbe "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. - Bloomeburg, May 25, 1867. > TG MECHANIC, wmWIS k MAN ; . IJFACTKEEM. , In snnouncing the THIRTEENTH annual volume of the Stienliflc American, the pub- J lisber* respectfully inloiro tbe public that in ordar to increase and atimoiata (be formation , of olnba, thay propose to offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOL | EARS IN. CASH PREMIUMS . for ihe fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent , in by the Ist of January IMS; said pre mi , ums to be distributed esT'dloes: For Ihe largest list, RfJOOj'Vf, 8450; 3d, . <400: 4tb, 6160; sth, <4OQ;4*,<O;Tb,MO; Bth, <7O; 9ih, <6O; |olh, <5O; 11th, <4O; 12th, { <35; 18th, <3O; 14tb. <25; 15th, <2O. r Names of subscribers can be Sent to at dif- I ferent times and from different Post Offices. The cash wili be paid to Ihe orders of the I successful competitors, immediitely after tbe t Ist of January; 1858. r Southern, Western and Casiada money will be taken for tubscriptions. Canadian sob " scribers will please to remit Twenty-tiz ol*. j extra on each mar's subscription to pre-pay postage. Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a year or Oue Dollar for six months. Clnb Kates—live copies, lor six months, ; <4; five copies, for twelve mouths, <6; Ten j copies, for six months, <8; Ten copies for , twelve mortths, <l5; Twenty copies, tor 12 j months, <BB. For all Clubs of Twenty and ever, tbe yearly subscription is only <1 40. The new volume will be priuted upon fine ' paper with new type. The general character of the Scientific Amer ican is well known, and, as heretofore, it will be chiefly devoted to the mromnfgadon of information relating to the ftwcstt Mechani ( cal and Chemical Arts, Manfffwfcres, Agri culture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Mill Work, and all Interests which the light of Practical Science is oalcnlsted to advance. It is issued weekly, in form for binding; it contains annually frotn 600 to 600 finely ex ' ecuted Engravings, and notices of Amerioan and European Improvements, together with 1 an Official List of American Patent Claims published weekly in advance of all other pa -1 pers. . It is tbe aim of the Editors of tbe Scientific American to present all subjects discussed in its columns In a practical and popular form. ' They will also endeavor to maintain a candid fearlessness in combating and exposing false theories and practice in Scier.lifio and Me chanical matters, and tbns preserve the cbar ' acler of the Soientifie American as a reliable Encyclopedia of Useful and Entertaining ' Knowledge. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. MUNN &CO., 1 Publishers snd Patent Agents, No 148 Fallen St.. New York. ) Sept. 1, 1857. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OR, THR FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR ' Who has had 10 yesrs' experience a* a J" Bgnker and Publisher, and author of iS A Series or Lectures at the Broadway Tuber- Gfl s node, R3 when for 10 successive nights, over E7* to,ooo People him with rounds ot applause, r _ while lie exhibited Ihe manner in which 5 counterfeiters execute their frauds, and Jj the surest and shortest means of delecting them ! g The Bank Note Engravers all say U that He is the Greatest Judge of Paper Money Living. ® Greatest discovery of the present century 5 For Detecting <rounte|fit Bank © Describing every Genuine Bill in exiat ®noce, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation!! M Arranged so admirably, that Reference is easy and detection Instantaneous, j? BP" No index to examine I No pages to 3 hunt up! But so simplified and ar © ranged, that the Merchant, Bank- er and Business Man can see 5 all at a Glance. 2 English, French and German. [a Thus each may read the name in hit own Na -4S live Tongue. J MOST PERFECT BANK NOTE 5 LIST PUBLISHED, u Also a List of ZALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN 13 AMERICA. . y A Complete Summary of Ibe finance of Europe and America will be published in .each edition, together with all the Import- M ant news of the day. Alerfj f 1 3 A SERIES OF TALES m From an old manuscript found<*<he East. P? It furnishes the most ejfmplete history of Oriental Life, ~ In describing the most perplexing posi aetiens in which the Ladies and Gentlemen 2of that country have been so ob*n found. These Stories will continue throughout the J whole year, and will prove the Moil En lertaining ever ofiered to the Public. © H r Furnished Weekly Iqgsubscribers fionly, at <! a year. All letierffmust be ad dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker. £ Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, O April 27, 1857. New York. Full Slock of Fall Dry Goods. EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth & Arch Sts., 1 Philadelphia, respectfully request Cask Buyers to examine a fine stock of Seasonable i Goods, adopted to Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full Line of Fall Dress Goods. New dnsigns of Fall Shawls. 1 ' I Good Black Silks of all width**- 4 Case* assorted Freneh Mehnoes. 7 " Poil de Chevres, NeV Goods. 1 Brit sh and Amerioan Dark Hints. 1 Satinetts, Cassimeres, Clolhsi& Veslings. Musline, Linens, Flannels, Bankets, &c. N.B.—Auction Bargains froul New Yorki and ibis City daily received. Particular at tention given to Country orders! for desirable Goodg— Terms Netl Cask. Sept. 1, 1857—3m0e. 1 GIFTS, GIFTS, GIFTS ! A PRIZE TO IVERY PURCHASER, At the Quaker pity Publishing House of DUANE RULIiON, PHILJDELHHIA. BY buying n hook for one iloilar or more you ire alpnee presented with t prise, worth form 25 ients to $lOO, consisting of Fine Gold Jeweiy, Watches, die. Alt orders by mail will be AompUy filled, and tbe prise or prizes will aeytmpahy the look. Our list contsinssli of thk roosFcopuhr books of ibe day, and wiH be sold at trkusQsl 'Stall prices mtny of them for less. Penoas wishing any K articular book can order aNptves, sad it will I forwarded with a gilt. A ctUlogue giving full information, with s list of gifts will be sent post paid, by atUassfag DUANE HJLWON, , No. 83 South ThirdSL, ItiisdalphU. s BP Agents wanted. Sept. 8, 1867.—8 m. * COOPERINfB. THE subscriber announces that ha will ' carry on the COOPERING Bl INESS at bit * brewery in Hopkinsville, wbe the will make BARRELS, TUBS,KEGS, i, and everything in that line of tuainass. He t will also repair Work of alt kii e, and will do] it akillfully and at fair pries*. CHARLES W HASSERT, Bluomeburg, June 2, 1857. j tmiras AJYD MEDICINES. I rBirPTTTTTt rtK>f< aaTJfCPZa i tTTDULD call the attention of all those who wish to boy good goods in bis line, that he has 1 * * just replenished his (slready) large and well seleoied aeeortment of Ihe following arti cles, viz.—Drug*, Mediciaes, OiU, Paints, Vsrnisbes. Glass, Dfrntafft, Coofectionaries, Per ■ furaery, fancy soaps and toilet articles generally; Gil*™ end Tobacco of ever* vwimy and brand, Harrisofl'sTofca wholesale and retail at tbe manufacturer's pnoes, P VRE WINEB AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paiol, Varhish and Tooth Brashes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Tojfi> and an endless variety* ot useful aed fancy notions not hare enumerated. Physi i cian's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put upcarelully and at sboil notioe. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. E- P- LUTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. ; BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY □p , aaa3cr i o > THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "STAB" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execme all kinds of JOB PRINTING! in the beet CITY STYLE, and at abort notioe. Certificates of Stock and Deposits, r Constitutions for Societies, i Bank Checks, Promissory Notes, Bail Road and other Tickets, ' Catalogues, Paper Booke, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, , Business and other Circulars, Potters Plain and in Colors. AND FRINSXHGr OF ALL ZIFLS i Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, • AS PROMPTLY ANI> IVFATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY i The public are invited to call antl see specimens, as we are determined lo merit patron age by strict attention to business and auperior workmanship. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! sxaqas.?mrtn\y\y, sraBALOa csBcg>„ HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Snmmef sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST tssortmetl now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest. and all those wishing to buy cheap, oau save money by giving ue a call. We Rafb alt kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very lafge lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoea, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, patametfa cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Giqghams, Calicoes, Ac; WHITE GOODS OF'ALL KINDS, Steves. Collars, Spenoers, handkerchiefs. Aouncings, bands and trimmings, Igces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in Urge variety, vel vet ribbone, ehd braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread cloves, mohair milts, &c., Ail kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay Slate, Watervjlle, blaok silk, cashmere, Embrddef ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of ololbs, cassimers, sattinells, veatings, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN IF CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Qoeensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riaee oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purohasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest or mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. SATIS LOWBNBBRC INVITES attention to h'is stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeoo Market street, two doors abovo the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including ' I?i\SlEin@s3"Al£]Llß OOiiSB? gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colore,shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at verjr short notice and in the best manner. All bis clothing is made to wear, and roost of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomhburg, April 1, 1857. A. C.MENSCH AT THE JIRCJIDE STAND HAS just received and opened a full and larse assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. His stock embraces Stella, Ihibet and crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, li.u., .Uh.pa;, crape orientals, alpaccas, Ac SILKS.—A very handsome assortment or striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he intends to sell at vety reduced prices. EMRROIDERIES. An immense stock of embroideries, snch as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaeonel edgings and ; interlings, linens, cotton aod thread laces, t Aouncings and embroidered enrtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings,tickings, | checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan- / nets, table diaper and ready-made bags. , Men and B<y' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, veslings, jeins, cotton •des, denims, blue drillings, eotton plaids &o. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply, in | grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, which he will sell very ebeap. GROCERIES. JTTTI A lot of fresh sugars, molasses. MIJ TEAS, COFFEE, FISH, Sic. Also Hardware Crockery and Wooden ware. Iy Flour and Feed always tor sale at the lowest market prices for cash. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. TBE $lO AND $l3 SINGLE k DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE • FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! AN Agency for the sale ol these Machines for this andMhe adjoining counties can be secured on liberal term* by a personal appli cation to the subscribers, 6th and Arch Su., Philadelphia. No one need apply without i capital sufficient to conduct the business . properly, and without references as to relia- I bility and capacity. ■ We possitively assert that these Machines, ' for all purposes of ' FAMILY SEWING, ' are in every respect superior to any Sewing 1 Maobine in market, (no matter at what ' prices tbey ere held at) and will wherever ' offered for sale command a ready and nn -1 limited demand. 1 JOHNSON & GOOBELL. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1867,-lm. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, has located in Blooms burg, where be will bind books, period icals and pamphlets In any desirable style | and manner; and at reasonable prloee. He , will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, i in library ptyle or in morocco ornamented. He has hit place of business In Hopkins ville with Mr. F. Isler. , 1 Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857. HATS AND CAPS on kand and for sals at tbe Arcade by May 27, 57. A. C. MENSCH. (OLIMBIB MALE AND FEMALE 058 J J ? fti 3 liiizernc Connly, Pa. THE Trustee* of (hi* Institution respectfully snnounce, that it will be opened for the reception of Pupil*, of both *eie*. on Monday, October 20th next, under the immediate care of Prof. JAMEB ANDERSON, aa Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire ments, and enlarged experience as an educator and haa been connected with the moat popular "High School" of Buck* Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known aa a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. 'THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION J Will compiise Orthography, Definitions, Fead i ing. Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng. I Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra, ' j Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical I Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Aatron- I omy, 4c. Book Keeping, History,Phyaiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish fy Latin Language* will be formed aa early a* practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte wiH be given if desirad. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural , Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus | will also be given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to , young Ladies and Gentlsmcu designing to qual- , tfy themselves aa Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIYE and SIX Dollais per Quarter j in accordance with the Btudies pursued, payable , one half in advance and tbo balance atthe close of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at J a moderate piice. W Mr. A. will deliver an address on Phyai oal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the { day of commencement, when hie method of J ' imparting instruction will be illustrated, and I the discipline and management of the cbooi, fully explained. I Patents, Guardians, and the friend* of educa a tion generally, are cordially invited to bo pre*. a ent. I D. L. CHAPIN, I B. M. BTEVENB, JOHN KOUNB. N.D. STILES, c SILAS DODSON, I JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, A, 1850. Trustees. MAP OF BLOOMSBURG. ■ MESSRS. HURLEY & LLOYD, civil En gioeers. Surveyors ar.d Map Publishers, „ are now in this place far the purpose of ma- king a thoroughly correot Property Map, showing the Ground Plan ol every Building, ~ the aize and shape of each Lot, with owners' .. names, or initials, printed iherepn, Colored, Varnished and mourned on Canvas, and Rol lers, all complete. Price per copy, 86 pay. abla on delivery of the Msp. - They are also prepared to make Survey* and furnish Skeleton Matw of Farm*, with contents calculated and iueerted thereon, of C ' any farm within a reasonable distance from a town. f FRESH ARRIVAL* a ANEW lot of Cheap muslin* and prim* • juet received by reilroadand for sale by liiricia Safety-Paper Manafeetac.- . lag Coapaaj of Nov York. F CAPITAI faoo.eeo. A. NICHOLAS, Pruidenl. , Office, TO Wall Street. . A Perfect Security against aU manner of Fraud or counterfeiting on paper. I To prevent Photographs and Anas > . tatie Counterfeits, Erasures, Trans fers or Alterations. ¥J AVING purchased the Patent for the ok elusive right to manufacture and (aill the > new Chemical Paper in America, invented - and patented in England by Henry Glvnn, a I celebrated chemiet and Officer in the. British army, it is hardly necessary to say (hat the Paper ie reoommended by Mr. Kent, AsVsyer of the United States Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing Honse, and Meade Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers, 233 Broadway, New York. The latter say that no imitation cat be made on a check or bank note prihted ow the Safely Paper. Be' low is nnr list of prifeee Bank Checks—'SS cts per lb. Bank Bills—ft 8 for lotio sheets. Bills of Exchange— #25 for 1000 sheelJ. Promissory Notes—4u ets. per lb. Sight & Time Drafts—B2s for iooo sheets. Insurance Policies—4o eta per lb. Railroad Stocks & Bonds—4o cts. per ib. Bank and State Slocks—4o cts. per Ib. Bends and Mortgages—4o cts. per lb'. Wills and Deeds—4o cts. per Ib. For wrapping Silks and other fine articled it is eicelleni, as it prevents moms. 4d cts. a Ib. For lrtdentfi'res and Agreements. 40 cehta per Ib. All State and Connty Records should al ways be printed or written on this paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer, but make it last ing as lime. For Southern Climates it is excellent, and much inferior to hnf tnher; as this moislnese of (he (ilimite does not destrojf It,—the prop erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all the southern states, Cubs, the West in dies and the Central American Slates, no poblie records can be kept oyer 20 years, written on the ordinary paper, while the oils and chemibals ihsefled in this Mber makes ( it indestructible by the ravages of lime. It , is also proof against moths, rats and other ver min, which feast on aud destroy all other pa per not* io use. The Company haw nij* in uperatfon Mills m Morns County, N. J., of about 300 horse power, and are able to fllf tl orders for pa per at the shortest notice. All orders for thb paper dibit be addressed to A. NICHOLAS, President 6f the Company. > No 70 Wall Street, New York. Augnst S, iBb7.—3m. T. EINGSFORb A BOA'S PURR - OS7TBGO STRUGS, JI (FORTHELAtTNDRY.) YYAS established a greater celebrity tban has ever been obtained by any other • Starch. This has bsfen the result of its marked eu , periority in quality, snd its invariable uni formity. The public may be assured of the comma ance of the high standard, now established. The production ie over Twenty Tone daily; and the demand has extended throughout tha whole of the United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large scale, and under a rigid system, they are gble to securd a perfect end uniformity in the quality terough out the year. This is the great Desideratum in Na'rch-maWiog, and issealized now for the first time. The very best starch that cah be made,and ne other, is always wanted by consumers, and while this will be supplied to Ibem by the grocers, as soon as their customers have learned which is the best, and ask for it— otherwise they would be likely to gel that article on which the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford has bedn engaged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the last 27 years, and during the whole of the period, the starch made under his supervis ion has beeh, beyond anv question, the best in the market. For (he first 17 years, be had the charge of the works of Wm. Colgate it Co., at which period he invented the process of the manufacture of corn starch. t3T Ask for Kin gford't Starch, o the name Oswego has recently been taken by another fac tory. T. KINGSFORD & SQN'B OSWEGO CORN STARCH, (For Paddings, tfc,) Has obtained an equal celabriiy with Iheil 1 Starch for the Laundry. This article is per fectly purh, and is, in every respect, eqnal to the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, beside* hav ing additional qualities which render it inval uable for the dessert. Potato Btarch has been extensively packed and sold as Corn Starch, .and has given false impressions to many, as to the real merits of our Corn Starch; From its great dslieacy and parity, it it coming also into extensive use as a diet lor infants snd invalids. E. N. KELLOGG k CO., Agents. 196 Fulton Street, N. Y. ALLEN k NF.EDLES, Agents, 23 Sonth Wharves. Pfailad'a. July 28, 1857—3 m. PhMlc Sale of Valuable Beal Estain, THE undersigned Executor of the estate of Wesley Rnat deceased will offer at pub lic sale upon the premises on SATURDAY, \ THE 3rd OF OCTOBER NEXT, at on* o'clock, P. lvl., the farm belonging to the said estate, situate in Hemlock township, Colum bia connty, containing IW Acres Sc. 37 Perches, snd adjoining lands of Hugh Mcßride, John Mcßsynolds. Petsr Appleman, Caleb Barton, sen., and Sylvester Pursell. It is ilthite in THE IRON ORE REGION of Columbia county, two miles from Blooms burg, and on the pubiio highway leading td ' Buckhorn. A branch of Hemlock Creek passe* through the premise*, and the vVhold farm is in a fair state of cultivation. The im provement- are a Urce new frame BANgION BOUSE, a new and commodious frame tenant house, a large new bank barn, a new wagon-bodse, and other outbuildings entirely new. Pos session will be given on the Ist Of April 1858. Conditions will be made known Qh the day of sale by WILLIAM NEAL, Executor. Bloomsbnrg, July 20, 1&37. Administrator'B Notice. NOTICE.is hereby given that letters of ad ministration npon the estate ol John Welliver latejof Madison township, Colombia county, deceased, have been granted to tbe under signed residing also in the-eaid township of Madison. All parsons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment without de lay, and I boss haviogaccoudts for settlement to preeent them to JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator. Jersey town, Aug. t, |Bf>7. CANVASSERS WANTED. A few oompetent agents warned for tbe Comprehensive Geography and History ancient and modem trf the World; 1 ' by 8. 6. Goodrich, (Peter Parley); handsomely bound and pro tosely illustrated. Price *9. Bold only by Agents, to whom rate inducements an offer ed. Address, J. H. COLTON k CO. No. 172 William Street, New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers