THE STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W. wmer, Projrleltr.] VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH is PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY It. IV. WEAVER, OFFlCE— Upstairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south si<te 0f Main Street, third square below Market. VGR HIS Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fitly cents if not paid within the subscription re ceived for a leas peritSrfhan six months; no xiiscoiilinoance permitted until aliarrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. AnvßunscMENTs not exceeding one square "will be inserted three times for One Dollar, end twenty-five cents for each additional in senion. A liberal discount will be made to Hhose who advertise by the year. €i)o4t poetrj). TIIE HUME ANGEL. She dwelt apart from early yooth, In gentle household ways; Cnntented with her mother's smile, And with her father's praise. Hers was "the grace ol quiet born," Ot fancies gay and pure ; Of trusting love that could obey, And strength that could endure. ' Beauty from simplest actions rose, And harmony from strife; So did her kindly spirit fuse The elements of lite. Hers was the hand'that f-eely gave, The reedy smile or eigb, The cheek that true to feeling flushed, | The bright and upward eye. A stranger came, he look'd and loved, He whispered at ber side; I There tell a shadow on ber home The day he clsim'd bis bride. And well she kept her vowe, she turn'd . The prose of life to song; But all to high that strain lor earth— And it was hushed ere long. She died, ere love was fully lold, As dies a flower in Spring ; liarlh never lost, nor heaven gained A fairer, sweeter thing. Ay, hundreds like her live and die, In Kngland's household bowers ; And bletsed aro the hearts that feel "Such angels yet are ours." HUME WITHOUT A MOTHER. What is home without a mother I What are all the joys wo meet, When ber loving smile no longer Greets the coming of our feet? The days seem long, the nights are dreary, And lime rolls slowly on; And O, how f*v are Childhood's pleasures, I When her gentle oare is gone. Things are first to vanish; """* 1 " ■ Hearts at'dase to pas sway And how soon even in oul childhood, We behold her turning grey, lie eye grows dim, her step is slow, Her joys of earth are past, And before we learn to know her, She lias breathed on earth ber last. Oilier hearts may have their sorrows, Griefs that quickly die away; But a mother lost in childhood Grieves the heart from day 10 day. We miss her kind and willing hand, Her fond an earnest care; And O, how drear is lifo around n, What's homo without a mother there ? EXCESSIVE DRESS. The consideration, of dress as a mirror in which it may be Baid to reflect the moral condition of the individual or the communi ty, never had much eerioua considera tion. More than two-thirds of oar race are like floating corks, the blind creatures of all conflicting soeial currents, with little or no consciousness of action ae it should be regu lated by moral principle. A plethoric influx of money, from commercial and other pur suits, is sore lo breed the rankest kind of luxury, which carries with it a vicious pro pensiiy to excessive dressing, and this as sumes so many morbid variations, as not only to insult art, to parody nature, but even to expose that sacredness of personality in woman which has been spiritually purchased for ber by the religions growth of ages. Out of brutal idolitary to fashion, or a degrading concession to the carnal ties of the lime, woman but 100 frequently .poison our social atmosphere by immodestly robbing their persons of ibkb^l)fel e and becoming drapery, which is as enhdblihg to the wearer as it is beneficial lo the beholder. The person of esery woman has a moral dignity, a religious import, which can only be vindicated and maintained by being becomingly and mod estly attired. Whether in the street or the boudoir ibis solemn truth should not be for gotten. Men bnt little dream thai, in wick edly stimulating a love of dress by their overflowing pockets, and ont of an insane -vanity for display, their are busily engaged •in infusing poison into tbo moral root* of so ciety, which most shoot forth sooner or later into a forest of the most terrible and blast ing evils snd obsoenities. Sensuality snd •vanity are in every community interlinked like two vipers, and are not only bom out f, but are perpetuated by a misapplication of wealth.— Cragon. Stiiciri or SanaTOß RUSK. —The dreadful intelligence communicated by the telegraph, that Gen. Thomas J. Rusk, the distinguished Senator from Texts, has committed suicide, will carry a painful shock over the entire country. No particulars are given, but as bis health has recently been very bad, it is probable that it was under depression of spir its, il not ia a moment of temporary insanity. Gen. Rusk is identified with lbs history of the State be represented. When Texas was warring for her independence, his sword aid ed her battles, and when it was achieved, bis counsel wis called into requisition, and be was a member of President Houston's first Cabinet. Of Why are good husbands like dough f Women knead them. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1857. From the Knickerbocker. TUB WIDOW LGKDOU'S LAST LOAF. BV MART E. THROPP, OT VALLEY FORGE, PA. "Calm and deep peace is this wide air, These leaves that redden IO the fall; And in one heart if calm at all, If any calm, a calm despair. "Calm on the seas, and silver sleep And waves that sway themselves in rest, And dsep calm in that noble breast. Which heaves but with the heaving deep." Tennyson. It was evening.—a beautiful autumn Min ing. The red leaves yet danced, rejmftig in the mild air; the yellow sunshine yet gild ed the hill tops, and the soft shadows were creeping silently up the valley, as the gentle widow Leedon^Asi.lh.fccr sWd in henprne, wended her way homeward. She was tired, for she had toiled ill day in farmer Wood's kitchen, and though it was Saturday even ing, she had not been paid for her labor.— The kind hearted house maid at Farmer Wood's had urged her to wait for her supper, but ehe thought of her litllo hungry ones at home, and she could not stay. She had no eyo for the glory of that superb Ootober sun set as she walked wearily on, her tired arms scarcely able to hold the little joyous cream re that laughed and crowed, and ever and anon peered into her bonnet, lisping his sweet toned " mamma, mamma." She thought only of her expeolsnt little ones, and the means of obtaining bread for them to last over Sunday. As she neared the village, she seemed irresolnte whether to enter it or pass on; but a vision of ber lonely, fasting children, rose up before her its imagination, and she stopped, her lips rgoved a moment or two as if in prayer, and then quickening her step, and hurrying on like one who has nerved herself lo a sudden resolution, she turned into the msin street, and was soon standing before the counter of the baker's shop. The baker was an austere man, but it wag not in human nature to resist the Widow's pleading tone and touching expres sion as she falteringly asked him to trust her to a loaf of bread for s day or two. The man handed the loal reluctantly, and was about to insist no prompt payment, when a glance at the widow's pamfully flushed face and embarrassed manner deterred him. With scarcely audible thanks, she concealed the loaf under her tattered shawl, and orawing her babe closer lo ber bosom, hastened homo. "Mother's come ! mother's come '."cried a couple of young, eager voicps, as ehe enter ed ilie gold, and liui Sevan ya—r and his little sister came running to meet her. They were pretty children. The little Mary inherited her mother's mild blue eyes and delicate complexion, and the boy his father's handsome face and honest brown eyes. Poor childrrn, they were accustomed to being left alone, for the widow went out to work daily, and the night was always welcome that brought their mother's loved (eturn. They had a thousand things to ask and tell which fell unheeded this lime on the ear of the sad mother, though ehe instinctive ly answered them yes and no as occasion required. She gave tbe loaf to Robert, and taking little Mary'e hand, they entered the house together. The table was already set out by the little expectant housekeepers, but there was nothing on >1 that could be con strued into anything eatable save a cup of molasses and some salt. The mother cut a slice (If bread for each of Iyer half famished children, and sat quietly by nursing the youngest while they ate it, tor ehe had no heart to eat herself. She was very serrow ful as she looked at those little dependent beings and thought of failing strength, and shading her eyes with her band, tbe tears stole silently down her pale, patient face, and fell among the bright ourls of the little uncon scious bead pillowed 10 peacefully on her bosom. She bad been sorely afflicted. The husband of her youth had been stricken down by a falling beam, while attempting to save a siok child, tbat had been overlooked in the hurry and panic from a burning build ing. Tbe child was saved, but he who per illed his life for it, tbe strong, brave hearted man bad perished. The frnit of this union, her eldest born, tbe pride of ber heart, the noble boy whose every movement and ex pression had been so many smiles of his buried father, was a wanderer she new not wither. Years afier (he boy bad left her, when Robert Leedom came often to see her ih bar loneliness, and ventured to tell her at length how he had loved her from the time they had played together at school, and how he had remained single for her sake, and came back always to the same old port that he might breathe again the same air that she breathed, and besonght her to let him sustain and shield her, to comfort her in sickness and sorrow, she gladdened the honest sailor's faithful heart by consenting to become bis wife. No wonder the young sailor loved her, she was so nest in her habits, so gentle and industrious; and her colm,rweet face and holy eyes shone with "the beauty that dwelt in her soul. She bad learned to love her sacoad husband, and bad borne htm three fair children, when the aad news came that the gallant vessel in Which he had sailed, was wrecked oil Iba dangerous coast near Abaecom, and in his generous efforts to save others, Robert Leedom was loat. She had been a widow the second time only six months, and now, as she thonght of her ut ter inability to support herfstherless children, even in the summer lime, and saw no other prospect belota her whichever way ahe look- Ed, and knew that the cold, dreary winter was coming gradually on, tier heart failed her utterly, and she could ouly weep. The wondering little ones tried by every endear- ing art they could think of, to attract Iter at tention, but in vain. Impressed by thoir mother's mood, they ato -their bread almost In silence; and when they had finished, she arose mechanically, and laying her babe in i>s cradle, put them to bed. She heatd them say their prayers, snd bade good night, and God bless them, carefully and tenderly as usual, but with that subdued, spiritless tone that emenates from a heart without hope. She continued kneeling by their bedside long after she had prayed with them, and wept. — Bitterly she wept, but there was no pitying eye to see now, no tender hand to caress, no loving voice to soothe, as the cry from her overburdened, despairing heart t "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsakeg met" wey up over the ueooaacioM heads of the sleepers in Ihst hour of agony. No pitying eye did I say 1 The eye that netftr slumbers nor sleeps was there; the loving kindness tbal said: "I will be a Father to the father less," was about her evflßsn, though she knew it not. In the power oithe Spirit came the blessed sssrance iiffMbar4o her despairing cry, "I vnrniever leave thee nor forsake thee," and her eoul grew calm, *ll her old trusting faith returned, and she arose from her knees tranquilly, feeling that "the Lord is a vary pleasant help in lime of trou ble." She look down the little worn bible liom the mantel, and as she read .on through the closing chapters of St. "John, an expres sion of peace ineffable, " the peace that passeth understanding," settled serenely on her sweet lace. Pulling the bible reverently back, nd took some mending from her basket, and soon the clear tones of a hymn sonnded through the stillness oL the little cottsge; and "How firm a foundation, etc," when pealed from lordly organ, and echoed through valuted dome, never ascended more acceptable to "Him wbo sitteth oo the great while throne." But other ryes beside the All-seeing bad been looking in through the low casement at the lonely sufferer, and now the sweet tones of the holy hymn were interrupted by a knock at the door. The widow opened it and saw before ber a travel-stained man, who asked only -for a crust of bread and a cup of water. Tbe widow glanced at the loaf which still lay table, and then at the sleeping for a moment; there was snmlllfing in the tone of the stranger's voice that came grate fully to her 'oul as the breath of spring over violets, and she thought of her own beloved boy asking for charity in some distant land, aqil she listened to plaae u clutt and reach hira tbe loaf, Irasting in Him' 'wlio caused) it to rain on the earth where no man is, to satisfy the desolate and waste ground,' for her orphans. "My mother! my own precious mother!" cried the familiar voice in broken tones, and springing fnrward, she was caught and strain ed to the beating heart of her long lost son. "My son! my son I" she could only murmur, while he exclaimed : "I am rich, my moth er, 1 have been to California, and have come back rich beyond all I ever hoped or dream ed of—my poor famishing mother! I am just in time—thank God! thank God!" and the mother and son knelt together in one glad, earnest prayer of thanksgiving. FEDERATION OF NEW GRENADA- A law was passed at Bogota, June 15th, 1857, which completes the division of New Grenada into Sovereign and Federal Slates, after she form of the United States. The in tegral Slates are Cauca, composed of the provinces of Buenaventura, Cauca, Clioco, Pasto and l'opayan, and of the territory of Laqueta ; Cundinainarca, of the provinces of Bogolo, Mariquito and Neiva; Boyac, of the provinces of Casanara, Tundaina, Janja and Velez, with exception of the old canton of Velez, which is apportioned to the Slate of Ssntander; Bolivar, of lbs provinces of Car thagena and Sabanilla and Ihe part of tbat of Mompos which lies west of Ihe Magdaleua, and Msgdalena, of the provinces of Riohacha and Santa Martha, of tne territory of Goadjira, and of part of the provinces of Mompos that is east of the Msgdalena, with the exception of the districts of Aspasica, Brotare, Cunavis- In, Caremen, Convencion, La Crnz Ocana, Palms, Pueblo Nuevo, San Anlonia, San Ct listo, San Pedro, and Teorana, which are ap pointed to tbe Stale of Ssntandor. These five Slates are dependent upon New Grenada in everything relating to Foreign affairs; in the organization and service of the standing army and the navy; in Ihe National credit; in the Naturalization oT foreigners; in tbe National revenues and expenditares; io the use of the standard and escutcheon with Ihe arms of the Republic; in whatever pertains lo the uncul tivated land* tierras baldius that are reserved to the nation, and all other matter of legisla tion and administration, Ihe Slates may inde pendently ordain anything that is in confor mity with the regulations of its own Consti tution. In the individual Constitution of the States, the gusronteos contained in Article sth of the Conslitntion of May 21st, 1853, (except the eleventh paragraph,) shall be declared funda mental and irrevocable. The Slatea shall send to the Congress of New Grenada the repre. sentatives, which according to the general basis of population adopted by the general Constitution of the Republic, which have be longed to these territories considered as one province alone, and while the Constitution and laws of the republic do not establish some other arrangement, the number of Sen ators for etch will be three. The joint ar rangements for the election of one and anoth er's functionaries shall be within the Stales. The elections of President and Vice President of the Republic, Attorney General of the Na tion, aud Magistrates of the Supreme Courts Tralli aid RlgM and imp Wpntry. ol JuMine that are held in these Statee, are within the province of the General Govern ment. For the public service of the affairs that the nation reserves to itself, the necessa ry posts of employment shall be established ; until such establishment, or whenever there after, these posts that are to be established are vacant, the despatch of national affairs nhall be in charge pi the employees of the State, wSo are to be considered in this charge as agents of the national government, and thus being responsible for their conduct in said charge according to the laws of the Re public. Whatever be the changes the pres ent law may suffer, and however the con stituent legislatures of the Slates may alter the dispositions ot the constitulM|s, in no case shall the rights which has 'reserved to itself over the Mterocearde communication be altered. The products and benefits that the Republic should obtain in virtue of such right, ate hereby irrevocably appropriated to the security of the national debt. All New Grenadians shall enjoy in these Slates all the .rights, guarantees and benefits lhat, by the conftltntion ami laws ofj the said Stales are granted to thoM born with in their respective territories ; and in case of the adoption of a reform of the constitution in the federal sense, these Stales are hereby included in al! the dispoMtiomof'the confed eration, with respect to the affairs of general jurisdiction, provided that they do not restrict the powers conceded to tbe Slates by the present law. The national F.xecutive power will convoke for the 15th of September next in every one of the Stale constituent assemblies,composed of thirty-five deputies for each one of the Stales of Itoyaca; £aue ,l twenty-five for lhat of Bdffvar, stiff twenty for that of'Magdalena. The Fxecn'.ive pow er will divide the Slates into electoral dis tricts, taking care that tbe population of each Stale by the number of deputies assigned it in the former temporary regulation. The : cities whose population presents obstacles to the formation of a district of this class, shall be enabled lo compose (with the adjoining districts that shall be necessaryJTSlecloral dis tricts that give as many as three deputies, according to the population basis established. The election of 'he deputies forffhe Constilu- | ent Assembly, shall be held on the 15th ofl August next, according lo regulations estab- I lished for the "election of representatives to the Congress of the Republic, It belongs to I the first jury (or Hoard of In*|fccl<#) of the ! eVicf mwn ol iho electoral district (which the ! F.xecutive power shall designate) to make ! y-r- '—- -I'; g'"-> i i- 1 clare the election if Hie Jfeptf n-s to the Con- | stituent Assemblies, exdfcisfog the powers i lhat belong to the juries and tft the provin cial legislatures, set forllf*fn the law of elec tions, in all thereof that may be compatible with the present law. The Constituent As semblies, as soon as organized, can examine j and decide the reclamations tost are madtai respecting the election of their meinUH qualify them, declare the nullity of the tors that are illegal, and hold rlhw cxamflp lions with valid registers, declaring the elec tion in favor of the deputies legally elected, and in conclusion naming, them. The Na tional Executive power) in the decree of con vocation will designate Vn each Slate the point at which the constituent assembly should be installed, seeking to select the place most central and best fitted for the pur pose. The Assembly once organized, can transfer its sessions jliev tuu deem the must convenient." jS When the Assembly is organized, it designate a citizen who may exercise prol|H ionally the Executive power of the Slate, utW til the Constitution is promulgated, and the chief (Jefe Superior) is elected and duly installed. In the present year, the elec tion of Governors, Magistrates and Attornies of the tribunal of the district, till be deferred until the assemblies of rbe Slates appoint the lime and mode of holding the elections. The provincial legislatures shall cease the exer cise of their functions ftcm the 15th day of September next. The provincial ordinances sh&l continue in force in their respective ter ritories, and the municipal authorities shall continue exercising their (unctions, until the constitutional assemblies ordain and establish such as they deem best for each Stale. From the sanction of the present law, the following ba to be for election proceed ol Velez to the province Nocorro,th Gjpi(on#of Cbrqoin quira and Mouiquira to that of Tunja, and these towns set apart from-the province of Mompos to that ol Pampionas and Santa Martha respectively. The Stale of Santander will be constituted on the 13th of September next, and the election of members to tbe con stiluqpl assembly of said Stale, will be held the same day on which (he elections for members of the other sssemblies are held ; the legislative act of the 13th of May last, which creates that State, being hereby re formed on these points. From this outline of the new Constitution, it will be seen lhat the influences of our government are exerting their "manifest destiny" upon our neighbors, and will go on extending themselves like a circle in the waters until the entire conUafiM becomes studded with federated constella tions of sovereign Stataj. _ tr The following toast was drunk at Lynchburg, Va., by the "Hyena" Club on the Fourth of July: "Hoops and the Equator —Crino-fine and the Equinoctial line—God bless 'em 1 The one encircles the earth and the other the heavens 1" tW A young girl recently committed su icido because her mother refused to give her a new bonnet. Corouer's Verdict—"Came to her death through excessive spunk^jjfo From the Knickerbocker. An Adieu,—To a Ludy In her Hoops. She star is divine from its distance, Anil, gazing at you from afar, I've a theory about your existence Kxlremely like that of ihe-etar. Whatever the orbit they enter, Aslronoisers hold it as sound, That each Mar Itself is the centre Of a system without any bound. Your way's like the course of a comet, Requiring a very wide birth, And whatever's therein most fly from it, If it be to the end of the earth. To wonder is certainly human, And the only conclusion is this: That in such a whole world of a woman There is something more than a-raiss. My fears have lent wings to aflection; And so terribly great sre your charms, I have said on the fullest reflection, You can never return lo qny arms. Love, at best, is a hazardous venture, And 'twera folly to follow, a day, An angel who never can enter The straight and the narrow way. So, accept the farewell of a lover: His heart may be yours tilths dies, But his little attentions are over, [sice. And he trembles at one of your siglial Yeljet me not call you cold hearted, For I know your whole nature is warm. And the process by which we are parted, Is purely a matter of form. From the 11. Y. Post of Tuesday. TIIE BURDELL MURDER. THE FIFTH ACT IN THE TRAGEDY.— MRS. CUNNINGHAM ATTEMPTING TO PALM OFF A CHILD.-JSHK IS AR RESTED. The general report iliat Mrs. Cunningham whom everybody has supposed to h ivc been pregnant for months, was safely delivered of a child this morning, who would claim as heir to the lSurdell estate, created a good deal of excitement throughout the city, which was increased by the announcement that Mrs. Cunningham was under arrest, for what cause was unknown. The following statement of the facts in the case, which were procured at the Dis trict Attorney's office this morning, and elsewhere, by our reporters, will shed some light upon the mystery, and disclose the history of a crime almost without a parallel jn this city. . Dr. Uhl has been in attendance with Dr. Catlin, of Rrooklin, upon Mrs. Cunningham. Dr. Ulil hns been led to believe that Mrs. C. .♦ hi "srs ed all the oxlernal appearance of one about to be a mother—as he expressed it, "grow ing larger and larger every week." But Dr. Uhl remarked about a month ago, that as yet there was no positive evidence of preg nancy, and told her that under the circum- Bho thought it his duty to make a examination. Mrs. Cunningham d very reluclant, and put the matter time to time. "Finally sho told him that she was not pregnant at all; that she had been playing a game, and he (Dr. Uhl) must help her out with it. Dr. Uhl, previously to this time, had had confidence in the lady, but this bold propo sition took him completely aback. Ho im mediately consulted counsel, and upon legal advice stated the whole matter to District Attorney Hall. Mr. Hall told him it was his duty to carry out the matter in order to de- JMUMjeat crime, and supply the proof conviction. Dr. Uhl fiually ■PPbld Mrs. Cunningham that lie was Tfcquainled with a California widow, who was, ho feared, about In bo confined, and it would be necessary to dispose of tho child altogether, as the lady was going to join her husband in California. Mrs. Cunningham was delighted. It was arrangeil that neither party was to know anything of tho other. The "widow" was to bo confined at a house in Elm Street, and tho infant to l)o taken thenCotoNo. 31 Bond street. Mr. Hall then imparted tho matter to Dr. De la Montagnie, and engaged him to assist in the counterplot, whenever the critical time should arrive. Yesterday morning Dr. De la Montagnie went to Bollevuc Hospital, and, with tho consent of Governor Daly, se lected a babe of Elizabeth Anderson, a beau tiful little blue-eyed girl, born on Saturday last. The mother kissed the baby, and con sented to part with it on condition that it should be well takfn care of and returned within 24 hours. Dr. Uhl visited Mrs. Cunningham by ap pointment at half past three o'clock iu the afternoon, and told her he was prepared to carry out tho thing at once; that the Cali fornia widow was about to bo confined at 190 Elm street, and Bhe must bo prepared to receive the little stranger with proper cer emonies. Then sho said she would be con fined that night, if he would produce tho child by nine o'clock. Ho was to come over and let her know a quarter before nine and she would send a woman to bring the child in a basket. Hfttimc was to be lost. Mr. Uhl hired a rospectable lager beer-seller at So. 190 Elm street, and immediately set down "Suitable furniture from his own house, including the basket for the baby. Dr. Uhl took possession of the promises, and he hardly got possession when Mrs. Cunning ham was seen passing the house and eyeing it closely. l'olicemon wero now judiciously posted, and everything was arranged. The greatest difficulty was to procure an "after-birth."— 1)V. Montagnie immediately ported to Belle vuc Hospital, and succeeded in getting what lie wanted, as well ns the assistance of an intelligent Irish girl, named Mary Ragan, who was to act as nurse to the fictitious widow. A physician was also engaged to lie in bed with a night cap on, and do llio - groaning for the "widow." This party ar rived at 190 Elm street just in season. Officer Wm. B. Walsh, of the Quarter Ses sions, was posted in the street opposite, and Inspectors Speight and Dilkes in Bond street. The physician who was to personate the "widow," assisted Dr. Montagnie in certain operations necessary t-give the child the appearance of a new-born babe, and then went to bed. Some private marks were al so made upon the child's head, with nitrate 1 of silver. A messenger was sent to 31 Bond street. Shortly Speight sow Mrj. Cun ningham leave her home; followed her into a Fourth Avenue car, whero she was recog nized by the conductor and some passen gers, who spoke lo Capt. Speight about her. She was disguised in a quasi nun's dress.— The Captain followed her to Elm street, until she disappeared in the lager beer sa- 1 loon. He then returned to his post. In a few moments Dr. Uhl caino out and asked the officers opposite whether they had Been the womau leave the house. She had pass ed out so quietly that they had failed to per ceive her. The officers next repaired to No. 31 Bond street, where they learned that Mrs. Cun ningham had gone out, but had not returned, and that a man with a white hat had gone in. [This was Dr. Cutler, of Brooklyn, who was assisting Mrs. C. in good faith.] Dr. Montagnie at once went to tho corner of the Bowery and Bond street, where lie met Mrs. Cunningham, in the nun's dress, with a largo basket in her hands, in which j he had placed the baby. She went into her house. It had been arranged between her and Dr. Uhl that she should send in urgent haste to his house. Accordingly he had appeared J and went. He soon came o*t and walked down the street. The officers then went up, by the ' District Attorney's directions, rung the bell, I and entered. The were met by two women at the door, who informed them that Mrs. J 1 Cunningham was very sick and coukl not j be seen. They found her in bed with the ' j baby by her side—one of tho "nurses" giv-1 | ing her warm drink, from a dish over a lamp, | from time to time. | Dr. Montagnie asked if that was Dr. Bur-' I dell's baby. Mrs. Cunningham replied, 1 J whoso qlse could it be I" The bfiltert at LFstviiiuJ Ur- J arrested, that the game was played out. She was apparently under the influence of opium, in order to create artificial paleness, One of the nurses was taken to the station house, and the other remained at 31 Bond street with Mrs. Cunningham in charge of the officers. To-day affidavits were submitted before Justice Flandreau, and warrants were is sued for the arrest of Mrs. Cunningham, her nurses, Dr. Cutler and others. STUMPING THE STATE. OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. JUDGE WILMOT TO GEN. PACKER. Toicanda, July 14, 1857. HON. \VM. F. PACKER, Hear Sir: —l propose to spend some time during the Summer and Fall, in canvessing before the people of the State, the princi ples and issues iuvolved in the pending State election. Parly mcotings bring out only that portion of the peoplo to whom the call is made, and the addresses are necessarily all on one side; whereas it is desirable that the whole peo ple, so far as may be, should hear both sides fairly presented before them at the same time. If it should meet your views, I propose that wo canvass so much of the State as is practicable, in company, addressing alter nately the same meetings. Should this meet your assent, please so inform me at your earliest convenience, so that wo may ar range the times and places of meetings, or der of speaking, &c., &c. Very rospoctfully ; Your obedient servant, D. WILMOT. GENERAL PACKER TO THE DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE. Williainsport, July 18, 1857. HON. C. R. BUCKALEW, Chairman of SMe Committee: Dear Sir —l have received the enclosed letter from one of tho opposing candidates for the Gubernatorial office, and inasmuch as it proposes a plan for the conduct of tho campaign which has novor before been practiced in Pennsylvania, and as the suc cess of other candidates, bosides myself is involved in the election, 1 have thought it my duty to submit the communication to the judgmont of the State Committee rep resenting the Democratic party. If it is thought to be a proper mode of conducting the canvass, I shall cheerfully accede to the proposition. Respectfully yonrs, WM. F. PACKER. REPLY OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE STATE COM MITTEE. Philadelphia, July 25, 1857. HON. WM. F. PACKER: Dear Sir —l have laid,before the State Committee the lettor signed D. VVilmot, da ted the 14th instant, and am authorized to say to you that in tho opinion of tho Com mitteo yon ought not to accede to the propo sition it contains. Tho reasons for this opin ion I will proceed briofly to state : The slavery question, which it is proba- [Two Dollars per Annua. NUMBER 31. ble your opponent proposes to discuss, lias very recently been thoroughly considered and passed upon the people of the Com monwealth. The late Presidential canvass involved-(be whole subject so far as it was proper for consideration by olir people, and we can perceive no utility in its re discus sion nt this time; nor any other good reason for reopening debate upon it. The position of our party is well understood and requires no vindication, at least by any extraordinary proceeding like that proposed. A joint canvass by candidates lor the Gu [ beruatorial office has never been conducted in this State, nor, I believe, in any other Northern one, and may well be questioned on the grounds of public policy. If the practice be once adopted, it will doubtless continue, and party nominations be uniform ly made with reference to it. No party wilt venture to select a candidate for this offico who is not qualified for the stump; and ap titude for debate will henco come to be pre ferred to administrative ability. In short the result will be to confine nomina'ions to the class of talkers, and to exclude all oth ers. A rule of parly action which would prevent such men as Benjamin Franklin, Simon Snyder and Francis R. .Skunk from (tiling the Executive chair of thisStatc,musl be a bad one, and to be denounced rather than adopted. We believe lliore is a considerable pub lic opinion against the propriety of execu tive candidates appearing nt alt before pop. ulur meetings to solicit votes. This was first practiced by Wip. F. Johnson in 1848, and has been to eomo extent followed by candidatos stnee. The good- resid's of it are not obvious. It did not originate with the .Democratic party, nor has it ever re ceived any formal, popular or party sanc tion. It may therefore be considered at) open question in future practice, and at all events, as forming no part of the duty of a candidate imposed upon him by bis noray lion. While your opponent holds the office of President Judge, there is a special objection to the acceptance of his project. The pro. prioty of law judges taking part in political meetings is denied by our party, and is opposed by sound public opinion. By 110 act whatever ought we to sanction, or be come participants, in a prostitution of tho judicial character. Nor will a resignation now made altogether remove this objection. Your opponent has intentionally held hut office until within three months ol the elec tion, (rendering it impossible to elect a successor, dio urescui j eaxA f a resiir •...sir*".—*T' 1 "' v 1 v "" rfr ob viously be with the intention of rosnming the otlice alter a defeat for the post which he aspires. The proposed mode of conducting cam paigns may possibly be suited to some of tho Southern and South-western States, where it has been practiced, and where population and political conditions differ from oqflMut its introduction here would be agaiiisrsolid objections, and without any conceivable good. It is, therefore, a propo sed "Southern aggression" upon the prac tices and politics of parties in Pennsylva nia, which cannot be at all accepted or per mitted. It is well that the question has arisen whew we have a candidate capable and fit for any discussion before tho people, and wjicn the decision can be placed, without cmbarrussment, upon public grounds which control it. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. R. BUCKALEW, Chairman. CEN. PACKKR TO JU9GB WII.MOT. Williamipo't, July 2?. 1867. Ho*. D. Wii.Mon Dir Str—Your letter of the 14th instant was duly received; and as it proposed a plan for conducting tho Gubernatorial cam paign which had never hitherto been adop ted m Pennsylvania, and as the interests, of other candidates were involved in the result, I did not feel at liberty to accede to your proposition without first consulting the State Committee to which the Democratic Convention has on its part specially confi ded the control and management of tho canvass. You will receive herewith a copy of my letter to the Committee, as also their reply, bv which you will perceive that yqur sug gestion does not meet (heir approval, and mat, for reasons stated at length, I ought not to accedo to your proposition. It is therefore respectfully declined. 1 am, yours, truly, WM. F. PACKER. The way they get Itlch out West. Tho Newbnryport Herald relates the ex perience of a friend, just returned from the YVest. He says: " Here is the whole story. We complain of hard times, and go West to better onr con dition. If we would live in a log or mud house with one room and no floor, sleep on struw, go barefooted, wear the cheapest and coarsest clothes, and deprive ourselves of all the comforts ol life, anybody might squat upon two acres of common pasture, and with the same labor, be as rich in seven years as upon any half section of land in Kansas; and if there wero hundreds thus squatting, they could get up a land fever, speculate ia lots, and have the prices go up as they do iu the West. Whnt peop'c save in the new States, they crush out of themselves, and that they do anywhere. All the advantages they have, is the privilege of living as mean, and hav ing their children as mean as human nature will bear, with nobody to find fault with it; while hero, living in the same manner, they would separate from the masses, as much as the gypsies do. If any of our people wish to learn practically about this matterj let them take a view of tho basket makers who drive into market from New Hampshire, and then go home and live with them a month in tne back part of Harrington, and they will bo saved the trouble of going to Kansas."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers