STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. lltoesMtinrtt, Wednesday, Jul* 24, 1857. Democratic Nominations. " FOR (OVERNOR, WILLIAM F. PACKER, of Lycoming County. FOR JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT, WILLIAM STRONG, Of Berks County. JAMES THOMPSON, Of Erie County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, N I M It 0 It STRICKLAND, of Chester County. JOHN G. FREEZE, Esth HAS resumed the practice of the Law in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa.; snd will give his prompt snd careful attention to all business entrusted to him in this and ad joining counties. He can be found constantly in his office, in Robinson's Row, nvar the Court House. BOMOARDMIiNT OF GREY TOWN. It will be remembered that some three years ago a nest of outlaws, ptrates, slavers and thieves was demolished by American vessels at Grcytown, because it had become ' dangerous to the commerce of all nations, and watMfemenable to no municipal govern ment. The shingle-and-mud town was dis located into the likeness of an old lumber yard. Tnat class of men who are always ready to oppose the government of their country at once cried out that tbii was a great out rage, and that President Pierce ought to be banged for it. Recently the subject came up in the British Parliament, and Lord Pal merslon announced it as the opinion of the legal officers of the British government that tho United States could sot be called to ac count for the aot, nor compelled to pay for any property of British citizens destroyed on that occasion. He said "those who go to a foreign country must abide by tbs chances which may befall that countryand he might well have added that those who lake up their lot with outlaws must not afterwards invoke any protection from the law. Those "intense Americans" who took the side of England and Greytown against tha American administration, must feel very comfortable to see themselves thus deserted -by their British allies. But there are always restless and discontented spirits who will not be satisfied with the management of our public affiairs', and would not he, if even the angel Gabriel administered it. Philadelphia Post Office. We learn that it Is the intention of the Post Office Department 'o establish sub Post Offices in different parts of Philadelphia for lite accommodation of all citizens. 1 his will no doubt meet with general approval. .Pre vious to the eonsolidation of the city,there were sub-offices in Spring Cardan, Kensing ton, Richmond, Germantown, Frankford and other places in the county of Philadelphia, which were found lo be very convenient.— We also learn that a project is on foot lo re move the Custom Hou-e to the ciiy stores on Dock street. These buildings are near the riverfront, and we have no doubt that if the project can be effected, it will give un equivocal satisfaction lo merchauis, sea cap tains, and all others engaged in the commer cial profession. Dtacase among Horses. It is but a week or two ago that Dr. J. B. MCKELVY lost a valuable horse by some sud den sickness, making the third he has lost in this way within about a year. Last week Mr. JOHN LUDWIG lost a valuable horse by eonr.e similar sudden disease; and Mr. I'STCR BILLMBYES was equally unfortunate a few nights after in the almost sudden death of a fine and spirited animal which was recently brought here from New York, and in this market would have been held to be worth S2OO. A* OFFER.—S. V. Merrick, Esq , the Pres ident of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, makes a proposition to the landowners along the road which he bopea will raise funds to complete the work. It is, that the owners of land in the vicinity of the Railroad sbalf sell at fair rates of present value one-half their tracts, to be divided fairly as to quality, taking pay therefor in the stock ol the Com pany, reserving the other half for their own future profit—the purpose being to offer the half purchased, as a basis upon which to obtain tha funds to build the road. BLOOM AHEAD.—'The account of tbe Mount pleasant timothy had hardly been published last week when Dr. J.,Jtamsey brought into our office a bunch pf; hit timothy measuring 6 leet and 1 inch. So Moootpleasaut will have lo give way to Bloom. P. S. Mr. Kreamer has since sent in some timothy stalks from his farm measuring 6 feel i inch. ar Judge Woodward, of this place, pres ided el a special court in Sunbury the early yarl of last week. The Sunbury American in speaking of him says: "Judge Woodward, though comparatively a young man, is of quick perception, and has a well trained legal mind. He made a favorable impression on the Bench, as well ae among those with whom he mingled, in the social circle." IW The afosm of lest Tuesday did moeh injury in the vicinity of Catawiaea ; and the streams there flooded fields, prostrated crops, carried off small bridges, and so much injured the road* that they were in some pieces im passable for several days. FOR SENATOR.—Capt. Witt, Forsytb, Hon. Geo. C. Walker, Mej. Zimmerman and Wm. Follmer of Northumberland oounty are can didates for the senatorial nomination in this district. Public Seatlmeut in Kansas. I A well known and highly esteemed Ppnn- ( sylvenian, who has just returned from the Territories, writes the following to a friend in this city as to the state of politics in Kan sas. The facts are interesting:— n l conld interest you in Kansas affairs, but the limits of this letter will not permit. Gov ernor Walker will have matters his way, and I feel confident that his policy will lead to a happy termination of the difficulties in that heretofore unhappy Territory. TheConven lion, though composed of pro-slavery men, will submit the constitution to a vo'e of the people. The constitution will be unexcep tionable, and the question of slavery will be submitted as a separate proposition, so that the elector can vote for the constitution and against slavery. About three to one will vote against slavery. The whole vole of tha Ter ritory is estimated at 22,000. Of these 5,000 are Pro-Slavery Democrats, 7,000 Free State Democrats, and 8,000 Republicans. 9,25t votes are registered, and of these 2jooo voted for delegates. It is estimated that the vote on the cocstitution will reach 25,000. In Kansas the question of slavery is regarded a settled. The issue now is, Shall Kansas be a Democratic or Black Republican State? 1 did not meet one pro-slavery man in the Ter ritory who expressed the opinion that it could be a slave State. Appoint mcuts. The President recently made a number of appointments, mostly to fill vacancies. The most important among them are the follow ing:— Richaid Kidder Meade, of Virginia, En voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo'en liary to the Empire of Brazil, in place of William Truesdale, of Tennessee, the pres ent incumbent. Benjamin F. Angel, of New York, Minis ter Resident to Sweden, in place of Francis Shroeder, of Rhode Island, recalled at bis own request. Mirnbean B. Lamar, of Texas, Minister Resident to the Argentine Confederation, in place of James A. Pedon, of Florida, the present incumbent. Wyntan B. S. Mow, of Maine, Consul General for the British North American Pro vinces, from the Ist of September next, in place ol Israel D. Andrew, of Maine, resign ed. 1 he Wttebingtou Epidemic. The New York Academy ofMedicine have recently reported Upon the subject of the Washington epidemic, and Bre of opinion that the air was poisoned, and not the fond. The prevailing judgment seemed to regard foul air and noxious effiuvia to be fully ade quate to the production of all the symptoms described, modified as the disease was by febrile indications and periodical remissions, exacerbations, and relapses, in many cases; pointing to the miasmatic climate of the lo cality as contributing to its aggravation. Tt.e Academy after full discussion, seem ed to concur in the opinion that no known poisonous article from either kingdom of na'ure would have produced all the group ** •yswr , '"wa which so uniformly character ized the cases, and certainly not without I t volving the stomach itself in more serious mischief than is alleged to have been pres ent in any case. Mexican l.eiturs of Mtirque. Should Spain be silly enough to wage war. upon Mexico, Mexico will retaliate by an at tempt on Cuba, for which purpose, it is said, Comonfort will employ the filibusters who are so desirous of setting their foot upon that fertile Island. It is slated that he has already sent to some of our ports a number of qui res of blank letters of marque commissions, which lite Mexican Consuls will be ready to fill up an deliver to applicants upon certain favorable terms, the moment that war shall be declared by either party. This will, no doubt, be the result, and as there are so many ways of evading the neutrality laws, even with the strictest vigiianco of the Gov ernment, the schema would probably be en tirely successful We have no idea, how ever, that Spain intends to act foolishly or endanger her possessions. Her movements, so far, military and naval, are of no conse quence, and eviuce no vary warlike disposi* lion. REV. B. S. HUNTINGTON, A. M., of the As ton Ridgo Seminary, delivered a lecture on the Dangers and Securities of the Solar Sys tem, in the Court House, in this town, on last Saturday evening. It was listened to with interest by a full audience, as it had been before on several occasions by audien ces in Philadelphia. It was well prepared, and well delivered. A WARNING —A gentleman recently visited McKim, who is now under sentence of death in the Blair oounty jail, and the un fortunate criminal ended the interview by saying—"It was gambling and ibis woman business which has got me into all the trouble." COUNTY FINANCES —On last Monday Treas urer Harris took in 96,080 96 on the State tax due from Columbia county for 185 T. The largest amount paid by any collector was $1,115 85 by Sheriff Miller of Bloom, being the largest amount ever paid by any collector so early. WE learn that the storm of last Sunday evening did very seriouß injury in Muncy and its vicinity; blowing off the roof of the Methodist Church, the roof of Dr. Rankin's barn, and doing other damage to buildings and crops. THE LATE WH. M yicr —As a jurist, he was not merely wise, but singularly consci entious. While on the bench, the preacher, upon one occasion, observed that he appear ed unusually depressed. He questioned him as to the cause, when he replied that "he could not sleep, and had not foT several nights, his mind was so burdened with a case submitted le him, the decision of which would involvo the character of two of his fellow citizens. Until," said he, "I obtain a clear apprehension of the case, I cannot rest.' No man more dosired to judge wisely and honestly than William L. Marcy. Ex-Mate Treasurers Indicted. Two indictments have been found against Mr. Gibson, late State Treasurer of Ohio one (or the embezzlement of Slate funds, and the other for embezzloatflm in Ihe Sen eca County Bsnk. ! One indictment was also found against Mr. Breslin, his predecessor in the same office, with several counts for embezzlement. W A valuable farm is offered for sale in Hemlock, in our •dvtrlisiag oolamns to-day. ttr The farmers of this region are now busily engaged in taking in their'grain.— Nearly one half of it will this year be cut by machine. BF A valuable ore properly in Pry Val ley, Union county, was last week bought at Sheriff sale by M'Kelvey, Neal & Co. for 83900. IE EF* Thomas Bower and Reuben Keller are announced in Snyder county as candidates for Senator in this district. Tv President Buchanan, Vice President Breckinridge, and Gen. Cass and Howell Cobb, of the Cabinet, are said to be Free Masons. IV Nar Middleswarlh is recommended as Ihe Union Candidate for Ihe Assembly in Snyder and Union counties. tjr The Chambersburg and Hageratown Railroad will be sold at auction oh tbe 14th of August. IV LAGER.—The Philadelphia breweries have over a million of capital invested in the manufacture of the modern article of Commarce. CF" A young woman who was brought be fore the Boston plice, alleged in defence ol her respectability that ehe was acquainted with all the lawyers in New York. She was committed lor six months. IF MCKIM, who has been convicted of the murder of-Dr. Norcross, is to be hung on the 21st of August next. He protests that he is entirely innocent of Ihe crime for which be has been convicted. ETA mo:tg the useful citizens recently de ceased at Harrieburg are Col. Baniel Herr of Herr's Hotel, and Frederick Kelker, long a hardware merchant. rr-The interest due on the Bonds of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad Co., was paid on the Ist insl., at the Mercantile Bank of New York. I T Montgomery Martin, a son of Lewis Martin, Esq., of Williamsport, was fatally injured, on Sunday of last week, near Tarns qna, by his head striking his bead against a water-tank. Mr. Marliu was a brakesman. Itf" The Fallon House, in Lock Haven has been taken by Jacob Leb->, favorably known as Ihe former proprietor of the Commercial House in Philadelphia. The Fallon House is represented lo be one ol the finest country Hotels in the State, having been elected at a cost of $50,000. TV" Th^lichmond^EiifluiiTi^an^man^ ably course to be pie of (y The beauty of Indian names, when translated, is all humbug. Mississippi means no such thing as "Father of Waters," but simply "Big Water, or Big River." An ex change says that Niagara means "Hark to the Thunder." It does not. In the Tuscaro ra language Niagara signifies nearly the same as*' Big water-tumble." TV" The largest chain in the world is that about lo be used in the operation of taising the ships sunk at Sevastopol. It ia two hun dred yards long; and each link weighs three hundred pounds. It wis manufactured at Reading. Pa. The value of the material lo be furnished by the Russian Government, to be u>ed in raising the fleet, will be about a million and a half of dollars. W The house occupied by Mr. Samuel Fowler, a short distance above Berwick, was etrnck by lightning on Tuesday afternoon last. The eleclrio fluid passed down the lightning rod, and under the house, tearing up (he floor of a room occupied at the time by some of the family, but happily without injuring any person.—Berwick Qazetle. fear" The cost of coal, as fuel for locomo tives on the Boston railroad, is about one hall that of wood. All the freight trains on the Providence and Worcester railroads are now ran with coal, as are also all the passen ger engines, exopting ooe, and that is to be altered lor coal as soon as it can be spared from the road long enough to have the alter ation made.' | FF Baltimore has the following (said to be 'Americana') organizations within its lim its; Blood Tubs, Rip Raps, Thunder bolt, Rough Skins, Plug Uglies, Wampanoag Ti gers, Cut Throats, Swann'a Babes, Little Fe|. lows, Stop Lales, Hard Times, Ashiander, Lone Star, Hushers, Bull Necks, Corn Cob, and Mug Smashers. Whew ! HP Lnzerne oounty is ome on legal busi nes. A friend informe us that there are 753 cases at issue on the trial list for August term 1 next. In these are not included the Com monwealth cases. Over 400 executions hare been issued since May Term, returnable to August, and from present indications, there will be as many more. Five hundred and flfiy-eight cases have been plaoed upon the Docket since May Term, and yet about half the term has passed. Luzerne is truly a Commonwealth of itself.— Luzerne Union. E3T A new chemically prepared papar has been invented for the use of the banks, which cannot bo used for photographing or counterfeits of any kind. The invention is endorsed by George P. Lyman, of the Clear ing House, Mr. Kent, the United Slates Mint assayer, and Meade Brothers, the photogragh ers. It is being used by banks both for bills and oheoks, and by railroad companies for stock and bond certificates, &c. It ie manu factrued at Morris oounty, Now Jersey, where paper mills have been erected, A Monster Bakery. A new brick building, 95 feel long by 51 wide, i now in oooree o( erection in Phila delphia, to be hereafter need if a bakery. In Ihe centre of the building will be fix vast ov ens, adapted to receive and discharge bread on an upper and lower alory of the building. In each oven there will be 26 cars, which will constitute, when in the oven, so many shelves, on the bread isirfina pfpces* They are ana<le of iroM> pawed with tile, and will hold eighty loavet of bread each. They will be driven worked by steam. The bread which will be received at the up per moulb of the oven, will be discliaiged at the lower, aod that received at the lower dis charged at tbe upper. The kneading is to be accomplished by machinery, so that the ob jections as the use of hands and arms will be avoided. A rail track will ron in tbe rear of tbe ovens, to provide the luel and take away the ashes. iv Some of the finest railway repair chops in the country, are situated at Alloona, be longing to the Pennsylvania Central Compa ny. They give employment, at the present time, to the following bands:—l 4 Foremen, 47 Boiler Makers and Bridge Builders, 80 Blacksmiths and Helpers, 8 Painters, 9 Tin and Coppersmiths, 7 Pattern makers, 66 Car Builders, 5 Bfass Founders, 47 Iron Found erf, 23 Engine Wipers, 80 Machinist and Shop hands, 3 Siaiiobary Engineers, 27 La borers, 6 Watchmen, 12 Yard Engineers and Firemen, 18 Passenger Engineers and Fire men, 32 Freight Engineers and Firemen, 5 Clerks and Storekeepers, 1 Draughtsman, making a total of 490 workmen in these shops alone; and this does not include other officers and employees, engaged at this sta tion. The Eastern Engineers are paid 62 50 per day; the mountain engineers 62 50, and the firemen 81 40 per day, while the yard engi neers, whose duties are lighter, receive but SI 50, and ihe firemen 81 10 perday. Since May Ist, A. MuCausland, E-q , a smart and practical mechanic, has had charge of the machinery of (he whole road. Tv The product of the United Slates, in gold, is estimated at 200,000 pounds; Aug Iratis and Oceanic*, 156,000; Russia, 60,000; Mexico and South America, 47,100. Of sil ver, the New World supplies 2,473,700 pounds, leaving 491,500 for all other coun- i tries, or mercury, Spain gives the world 2,500,000 pounds, and the United Slates, 100.000 pounds. England and Australia fur- ] dish one-half of all the copper produced by Ihe world. Prussia and Belgium furnish four-filths of all the zinc used in Ihe world, viz: 16,0ti0 and 33,600 tons. England furn ishes more than half the iron of tbe world, 3.000,000 tons, tnd ihe United States, 1,000,- 000 tons. France is the next most produo live country in iron, 600,000 tone; Russia produces but 200.000 tons; and Sweden, 150,-1 000—quantities bearing a very small relation to the celebrity of product of those coun tires. Lead is diitrihuLedbelwearWJmai^^i*^ :>i chemical science, in which lie showed the origin of all forms of force to be in the sun beam. Every existing specific motion on the earlh, whether knawn as wind power, water power, steam power, electric power, or animal power, hare their origin in the rays of the sun. As an illustration of the profes sor's mode of elucidating his argument, he slated that the deflection ol the iron tunnel for railroad Irajps over the Menil river in England, which is four hundred feet long, was but hall an inch under the heaviest pres sure of a train. When the sun laid upon it some hours it bent up an inch and a half from its usual horizontal line. The Bunker Monument is higher in the evening than in Ihe morning flf a sunny day. Tbe little sun beams enter <Sf Iho stones, like so many wedges, and lift it skyward. NEW TAX LAW. —The following is the 3d Section of an Act passed the 21st day of April 1856, entitled "An Act relative to the Sale of Lande for the non payment ol Taxes." The Auditor General has advised the County Tressurers that the provisions of the Act will be rigidly complied with: SECTION 3. That H shall be the duty of Su pervisors and Collectors of road taxes, and of all Collector! of any other taxes whatsoever, to make return to the County Commissioners of any exhonerations claimed by them, on or before the first day of January in eAch year; and it shall not be lawful for the said County Commissioners to grant any exoneration) after that time, nor for the County Treasurer to sell any lauds which shall have been returned, aosl laser eaasseeetedwfier the said lime. 1 * MAKINO A NUISANCE USSFCL. —The Yan kees are some on notions, that is clear. I: is now stated tharChinese fire crackers, for which no useful service greater that produc ing noise on the celebration of the Fouith of July have heretofore been discovered, have at last been applied to practical account. In some of the New England Slates cater pillars are destroyed with them. The way is to place one on the end of a split pole, thrust it into the nest, and knock them all to flinders. It will lake sometimes two or three crackers 10 demolish a large nest, though for small collections a single explosion is suffi cient. The boys don't consider this work, but go at it with a gusto. FODNOGCH,TT.~ On Saturday evening,says the Pittsburg Poet, the aelemn scene Of tbe rendition of a vhrtiot of "GuHry of murder in the first degree" against Henry Life, Mon roe Stewart and Charlotte Jones, was wit nessed in the Pittsbarg court-house by near ly two thousand people. It will be recollect ed that they were charged with the murder, several months ago, of George Wilson and Elizabeth MoMasters, two old people living alone In a retired spot in the country, for the purpose of robbing them of e sum of money they were known to have in their possession. Harvesting la 1831. In the " Republican Prese" of July 18th, 1821, published by J. Cooper, Esq., in Dan ville, Mr. Cook finds the following account of a meeting of laborers held at Washington ville, from which it will be seen that prices then and now differ considerably : "At a meeting of a number of the citizens of Washington and its vicinity, held at the house of Benjamin Williams, on Wednesday, 4ih day of Jaly, 1821, for the purposf Wf ta king into consideration Ihe propriety^ fix-, ing certain prices for laboring bands through harvest—Mr. ABRAHAM STUOAH being called to the chair, and B. WILLIAMS appointed Sec retary, ihe following prices were unanimous ly agreed upon. For Mowing per day, 40 cents. " Reaping " 60 " " Cradling " 75 " 1 " Raking and Binding 75 " I And other wotk equivalent. l /?eio/ued,That the members of this meeting shall not work under the abovementioned prices, and we also recommend it to our fel low laborers to form the same resolution. Always Finding Fault. There are certain people who cannot live without finding fault. No matter what sub ject, or person, coin's up in the course of conversation, they start some frivolous Abjec tion, or make some censorious remark. In stead of living to be ia charity vtith their neighbors, * they take taalioious pleasure in speaking evil about them. They obstinately shut their eyes to good qualities; while they emplo) microscopes to discover and magnify evil ones; and afterwards they torture lan guage to exaggerate what they have seen, so as to depreciate as much as possible. They do not, however, always speak out boldly.— But they deal in inuendoes, in hints, and in ominous shakes of the head. Instead of frankly assailing in front, they assassinate behind tbe back. Practically,they persuade others that all men sie so evil, that there is not even a chance of reform. Eveu in acts incontestibly good, they pretend to find latent selfishness. They spend their lives in defiling human nature, like the foul Yahoos whom the satirist has depicted. To believe them, there are none virtuous but themselves; all the rest of mankind being knaves, brutes, or devils. * 4 A proverbial fanlt finder little thinks that, in censuring so maliciously and indiscrimi nately, he is only painting his own portrait. It is a secret consciousness of his demerits, a gnawing rage at tho superiority of others, which is the real cause of hib want of char ity, the principal inducement to his abuse. His own heart is tho mirror from which he describes mankind. The best men have been thobe invariably who spoke the most kindly of their race. The gr£mt type of all manhood, whose perfect humanity is the admiration even of Pagans and Atheists, ev er spoke in benignant terms, having charity even for "publicans and sinners." It is to his precepts that we owe the great doctrine of human brotherhood. tho hosts of heaven." We never hear a professed faultfinder, but our thoughts recur to his type. We never listen to the benefi cent language of one who is in charity with his race, without feeling that he is advanc ing more and more to "the perfect man." Ledger. Expelled from the Church for Voting for Bu chanan.—The Grand Rapids (Mich.) "Inqui rer" contains a full report of the trial, convic tion and expulsion Irom the church of Dea con P. G. Stebbins, of the town of Alpine, in that county. He was the first deacon of the church to which he belonged—the Freewill Baptist, and the charge against him was that he sustained slavery by voting for Buchanan. He was also charged with deception, because when asked if he was going to vote for liberty or slavery, he said liberty. Stebbins admitted the fact*charged but defended himself by saying that the Democratic ticket, which he did vote, supported the most liberty princi ples of any ticket now in vogue. Da. KANE'S Wonk.—The Philadelphia badger learns, from good authority, that the publisher's of Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition have paid upwards of $60,000 to the estate of the deceased author, copywright money for the nine months' sales of the work ; and that the continued demand for that work will soon make the sum reach one hundred thou sand dollars. Pecuniarily, this is princely remuneration ; the largest, probably, ever paid to any author for so short a time. CW Tho London Times newspaper is printed in in.antique, dingy looking build ing in Printing House Square, and the rooms are all low, dark and uninviting. Eighty eight compositors are always at work on advertisements, and forty-three more on par liamentary debates and othor mattor. Four presses are required to work off the morrr ing edition, and to take advantage of these four presses, part of tho paper is regularly elecirotyped. The daily edition of the "Times" is 53,000. Eighteen proof readers are employed regularly. A new printing press from Hoe's factory, in New York, is soon to be put up in that office. Niw WHEAT AND NEW FI,OUR.—New wheat appeared in Charleston, South Carolina, as long as ten days since, some of which is said to be on its way to the northern market. On the J 2th inst., ten barrels of Hour from new wheat were shipped from Augusta, Ga., to New York. 17* The Independent says that the Five Points Mission in New York has been nearly ruined by a legacy of $20,00; its friends got the idea that it was too rich to need contribu tions, and so the supplies have nearly stop ped. This is au illustration of killing by kindness. TIIE MONTR EAT. DISASTER.—The Coroner's jury has returned a verdict of manslaughter against the owner,captain, pilot and mate of the steamer Montreal. A Mormon Parallel Three Centuries ago. Strange religion* fanaiicirn are not con fined to any country nor limited to any era of tire world's biafory. The Ami Christian world witnessed a* strong delusions as hare sprung np since the advent of the Redeetligl. A writer in the Proiidance Pott, recalls some interesting particulars concerning a strangsj sect, which shout the year 1630, arose iff Germany, and, from their foul practices and thanretencgg of their leaders reve lations, bearing I Pri* jn res e mblauce to the Mormons; the name,else by which they ulti mately became known, and are known at the present day, Mennonitss, it not very dis similar to that of theirsucceasora in depravity, the Mormonites. They were called Anabap tists, for the reason that they condemned the baptism of infants and re-baptised all whom they admitted into their society. To this peculiar notion concerning baptism, they ad ded other principles of a most enthusiastic as well as dangerous nature, among which was | this, which the Mormons of the present day hold in common wiih them: That as neither the laws of nature nor the precepts of the Testament had imposed any restraints upon men with regard to'the number of wives which thay might marry, they should use that liberty which God himself had granted to the patriarchs. Two of their prophets, John Matthias, a bakerof Harlaen), and John Boccold, a journeyman tailor of I.eyden, their residence at Monster. Not wanting in talent or resolution, and affecting the appear ance of sanctity, bold pre'enions to Inspira tions, and a confident and plausible manner of discoursing, they soon gained many con verts, among which were some of influence and eminence. Emboldened by success, they surprised and look possession of the city of Munsler, and set about modeling tha gov ernment according to their own wild ideas. The proceedings were all directed by Matthi as, who, in the style and with the authority of a prophet, ottered his commands, which it was instant death to disobey; their enthusi astic passions were kept from subsiding by a perpetual succession of exhoitations, revela tions and prophesies. Upon the death of Matthias, John Boccold succeeded to the su preme rule ; he appointed twelve judges, ac cording to the number of tribes in Israsl, to preside in all affairs. He at length took upon himself the title of King of Sion, assumed the pomp of royaliy, wearing a crown of gold and clad in the richest and most sumptuous garments. Having now attained the height of power, Boccold begun to discover passions which he had hitherto restrained. As the excesses of enthusiam have been observed in every age to lead to sensual gratifications, the same constitution that is susceptible of the former being remarkably prone to the latter, he instructed the prophets and teachers to harangue the people conoerning the law fulness, and even necessity, of taking more wives than one, which they asserted to be one of the privileges granted to the saints He set of using what be by marrying file up to the most gratifica'ton of their desires. No man re mained satisfied wilb a single wife. Togeth er with polygamy, freedom ol divorce, its inseparatde attendant, was introduced. Ev ery excess was committed of which the pas sions of men are capable when restrained neither by the authority of laws nor the sense of decency ; voluptuousness was engrafted on religion, and dissolute riot accompanied the austerities of fanatical devotion. About fif teen months after the Anabaptists had estab lished their dominion in Munster, they were overcome and the city re-conquered by an army in the service of the Bishop of Mun ster. Boccold, the King, was taken prisoner, loaded with chains, and carried from city to city as a spectacle to gratify the curiosity of the people. After this he was brought back to Munster and put to death. Willi its mon arch, the kingdom of the Anabapii.ts came to an end. Their principles having taken deep root in the Low Counfies, the parly atill subsists there, under the name of Men noriiies; but by a very singular revolution, this sect, so mutinous and sanguinary at its first origin, hath become altogether innocent and pacific. A small number of thia sect which is settled in England, retain ita pecu liar tenets concerning 'baptism, but without any daugerons mixture of enthusiasm. An Important rupture. The Philadelphia papers state that one of the master spirits of the extensive gang of counterfeiters now engaged in flooding the country with counterfeit money, was captur ed a few days ago. His name is Samuel M'- Coy. He resides in handsome style, in Win ter street, and fives on (He TaVof the land.— The officers found in his desk 9805 in spuri ous money. It consisted of 2's on the Bank of Middletown, s's on the Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia, and s's on the Girard Bank. The information was obtained from parties now in custody. The police bave been on the look onl lor a It ng lime io hope of an op portunity to take this person- He is pretty well known to the profession, having, we are informed, undergone a oourse of penal dis cipline in Sing Sing, the Now York State Prisun. SALE OF VALUABLE TOW* LOTS.— The Sher iff of Lebanon county will sell, at the Court Pouse, in the Borough of Lebanon, on Satur day, the 25th inst., ninety-seven town lots, comprising " Weidman'e Addition" to the said borough. Twenty-nipa ol these lots front on the Lebanon Valley Railroad, and all of (hem are eligibly situated near the Depot. STATE CANALS. —The sale OR the Main Line leaves, we beliave, in tbe hands of the State the following lines of Canal in operation: Delaware Division, 60 miles. Susquehanna Division, 41 • N. Branch Division & Extension, 165 " West Branch Division, 76 " Total, 342 miles. # e # Bee advertisement in another column ol "Canvassers waßtod," Philadelphia tUuiketi. Flout and Ktal —The market is dull, and mixed brawji of Flour ard offered al $7 per bbl., andflHpds for home consumption at •7 extra and lancy brands at $7 75a8 75. There is very little demand dor export, and little stock to operate in— |Sjre Flour is held at 84 75 per barrel, and tMMtylvenia Cora Ma*! sold at S3 94 per Sanely Grate—•'There is little demand for wheat. Sales of prime' Pennsylvania red were made at SI 85a 1 87, end SI 90 .2 00 lor good white. Rye is dull. Psnnsylvania U worth Si 02. Corn is in demand. Sales ef Penn'a yellow at 86c.," afloat. Oats are steady ; sales of Pennsylvania and Dataware at 56a 60c. per bushel. Seeds. —Cloverreed is without inquiry.— Sales of prime range at 97 50 per 64 lbs- Last sales of Timothy at $4 and Flaxseed at 81 90a I 95- Sales of Red Top st S3 50— Herd Grass, 83 75. Whiskey is dull at 31a32 cents in bbls. and 310. in bhds. EF" The Laws of Nature are just bnt terri' ble. There is no weak mercy in them.-"* Cause and consequence are inseparable anJ inevitable. The fire burns, the water drowns, the air consumes, the qprth buries. And per* haps it would be well for our raee If tha pnn ishment of crime against the laws of maiv were as inevitable a* the punishment of crimes against the laws of nature—were man as unerring in his judgments at nature—Long fellow. K7 One of Gov. Slade's school mams haa got into a place out west where the children never heard prayer or preaching. So, one day, when she commenced her school with a prayer, one of the youngsters went home and reported :—"You never did see such a school-marm! She got down on her knees and swore with all her might!" Great Robbery i.t Saratoga—93,ooo in Jew elry and Gold —There was a large robbery at the U. S. Hotel, Saratoga Springs, nn Sunday afternoon. The room ot a family Irom Cuba was entered during the absence of the family, ar.rf their trunks rifled to the amount of near SISOO, and diamond and other jewelry ot about the aume value.. SICKNESS AT THE WHITE HOUSE —A Wash ington fetter state* that several of the Presi dent's household are tick with intermittent fever, caused by the fog arising from the Po tomac, which makesthe While House damp and unhealthy. Valuable Properly —O. Bnshneli recently sold to Hon. S. A. Douglas forty acres in the northeast quarter section 28, between Palo Alto end Buena Vista streets, Chicago, west of the Rock Island Railroad, for 5160,C00. POSTHUMOUS PLEASURE. —A paper, In an nouncing the opening of a new cemetery, says: "Mr. had the pleasore ol being first buried there." I he can only cerainly and permanently put them to fliaht with the aid of this unrivalled cathartic, detergent, and restorative. There are multitudes of sallow and feeble invalids, now languishing in the western clearings, under the endemic diseases ol that region, who would soon find their healthy appear ance, strength, and cheerfulness return, un der a course of Holloway's Pills. " WOODLAND CREWH" — A Pomade for beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed, superior to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies Hair it has no equal, giving it R bright glossy ap pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner. It removes dandruff, always giving the hair the appear ance of being fresh hamponpil. Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed FETRIDUE & CO., Proprietors of the " Balm of a thousand Flowers." For sale by all Druggists. New York. In Mnuntpleasant, on Wednesday the llih inst., ISAAC W. MU-ORAVE Esq., aged about 65 years. In Lewisburg, on Wednesday last, Mr. CHARLES E. HOFFMAN, formerly ol Blooms burg, in the 33d jcar of bis age. On the 13:h inst., near Bear Gap, North'd. county, MARY, wile of Asa T. John, aged 68 years, 11 months and 1 day. TUE NEW COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. THE fnurih term of this Institution will commence on MONDAY THE FIFTH DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, the same having been in successful operation since last Ocio ber, under the charge of PROF. ANDERSON, with competent and reliable assistants, and have been well patronized Uv students from abroad, the Mnntiev of Buck-, LMiigh, Car bon, and Columbia have furnished a good portion of tha school besides several from the (ar west have attended the same. P. S. An opening address will be deliver ed ou the day of the commencement at five o'clock, P. M. TRUSTEES. New Colnmbus, Joly 20, 1857. TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ) Beach Haven, July Ist, '57. j MR. EDITOR:— Tha amount of toll* receiv ed nl this office are as follows: Previously reported, . . . 531270 13 June, ......... 29536 02 Fines, 10 Off Total 560816 15 JOHNS. FOLLMER, Collector. Corner Stone L-aying. THE Corner Stone of the Evangelical Lu theran Church, in Mifßinville, will be laid, God willing, on Thursday, the 4th day of Au gust, wi'h appropriate religious services, in English and German. Service to commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. The public are invited to attend. E. A. SHARRKTTS, PASTOR CANVASSERS WANTED. A few competent agents wanted for the Comprehensive Geography and History ancient and modern of the World, by S. G Goodrich, (Peter Parley); handsomely bound and pro fusely illustrated. Piice 83. Bold only by Agents, tc whom rare inducements are offer ed. Address, J H COLTON&CO No 172 William bneei, New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers