; 52 ASpssm. 1 In ihe T.nthefa* Church, on taM sonday evening. by ihe Rev. Shurretts, Mi. Ru- JDOI.PH liiNai.Kß and MIM SARAH ETXHLY, daughter of Jacob Eyerly, Esq. Bright flower* hti bloom whatever We rove, -A voice divine shall talk in each stream ; start shall look like worlds of love; yind ibis earth be all one beautiful dream •' In our eyes—if ilion wilt be mine, love! /On the 3.1 insl,. bv rhe Rev. William J. tyrr, Mr. Joruti Rtto,u>s to Irlisw SARAH ANN HAIIHIO, both ol Roaringcreek township. At Bergen Point, N. J., on the 20lh dir., at itve Dnlch Reformed Church, by' Rev. J. C. Dmcher, STUFIICN S. WIUCIJESTKR, Esq , of VVilkcg-Bsire, to AUKA "L. C., daughter of Jacob Burdelt, K*q , of New York city. In Beaver Valley, on the 19ih ull., by the Rev. J M Young, Mr. WAVHtNuTON Fisiir.a to Mi-* LCCISB* YOUNG, both ol the former place, Columbia Co. ~ j&aaib*' ' In Madison town-hip, Colmnhia coitr.tr, on ihe 2nd inst , Mr*. LCCTSDA, wife of Elias Began, ag d about 34 ysars. In Mifflin township, on the 18th ull., Mr. PKTKR UOLLOCIIER, aged 81 years, 6 months and 20 days. In Ccn 1 re township, of Wednesday of last week, Mis. CATHARINE FETTAR, aged 84 years, 2 months and 24 days. In (Range township, on Monday, the 2nd mst., ANDREW JICISON HAXLETT, son of Alex ander llazietl, aged 5 years, 4 months and 14 day*. " WOODLAND CREAM" — A Pomade for beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed, superior to any French grlir.le imported, and for half the ptice. For drea'sint? Ladies Hair if lies no equal, giving it a glossy ap pearance. It causes Gentlsmdii'il Hair to cutl in ilie most natural manner. ' removes dat.druff, always giving the hair the Appear ance of being fresh shampooed. Price on'y fifty cents. None genuine unless signed FETRIDGE-& CO., Proprietors of ihe " Balm of a thousand Floaters." For sale by all Druggists. New York. FAUTIONI WHEREAS my wife, Catharine, has left my bed and board without any just cause, I forewarn all persona against trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting he'eaOer. THOMAS COURSEN. Pine township, March 2, 1857.-31* L^IO.VCANAL. THIS wotk having been enlarged through out In silmit the largest sized Pennsylvania i Canal Boats ; the water will be let in Irotn Middleiowu lu Reading, on the first day ol r.pril. Toll Sheets and information respecting the CSIIAI can he obtained at Ihe Office ot Ihe Company, No. 56 Walnut street, Philadel phia, on application to R. RUN DEE SMITH, President, jrc. March 7ilt, 1867-31. H 7~W A R D~ Manufacturer and Dealer in <J£3-ceke>gSlS3 q -Non. 77 & 79 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. WE ate receiving our Spring Stock, which will coroprhe a large and desirable assert meat of all kinds ol 4<3pt Straw and Lace Boiinetsi&A^ •Our.Stock ol Flowers will be pnusu ally large this season,and we will invite your | special aiientioti to that department. Please . call and examine them beloro making your ■U|TR. II WARD. No*. 77 & 79 N. Second Si. 18,5 7.-2 m. ■BE SALE OF REAL ESTTTET of an order of the Orphan* Colmnhia ronnty, on TUESDAY, DAY OF MARCH next, at ten in the forenoon, Kephard Kline and Kline, Executors &c., ol Godfrey late of Orange township, in said cun- will ex'pose to sale by public upon the premises, a certain ■ TRACT OF LAND, in Orange township, in did county of adjoining lands of Benj. Steiuer F.ast, Samuel Lowry ou the South, (layman on the North, Daniel W. on Ihu West; containing Hue ULuudi'ed and Sixteen H Acres; is erected a two story Stone House, Stone Barn, out houses, and there are ninety acre* of cleared land in the Hrncl. (.ate Ihe estate of said deceased sit uate in Ihe township of Orange and county aforesaid. I JACOB EYERLY, | ( Blonmshnrg, March 11, 1857. wII'FI Il NOT, WniA A Pfclt manent cure is guaranteed in all stagea of SECRET diseases, Self Abuse, Nervous Debility, Striolures, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Ankles and Rones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and 1 Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, and all other improper discharges, no matter of how long standing, or obstinate tits case, recotyry ie certain, ami in a shorter lime than a permsnent cure could be effect ed by any other treatment, even after the skill of the most eminent physicians had failed, and the disease resisted *ll other means of cure. The remedies are free from odor, causing neither sickness not inconve nience, and without muroury or balsam.— During twenty years' practice, I have re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa tients, who were suffering under the worst forms of all of the above mentioned dis eases, which guarantees nte in promising a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret dis eases are the greatest enemies to health and iMppinass, as they are the fiut cause of con sumption, scrofula, &c., and should be a ter ror to all nations on the earth ; for the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so lillla understood, that a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases lal! into the bands of incompeleot per sons, who not ouly fail to cure the malady, but ruin the constitution with corrosive sub limate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with tho remains of dis ease in the system, produces many of the above named affections, which finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause death speedily, end the victim to disease marries, the disease is then conveyed Irom the patient to the chil dren, causing them to come into the world with scrofula, affections of the skin, eyes, throat, fee., and again terminates in con sumption, and consigns bis victim to an tin liraely grave, between Ihe ages of six months arid thirty-five yvars. Self-abuse is another lormidable enemy to health; it destroye the nervous system, rapidly wasting aivay the energies of life, causing mental dsrange mstit, preventing a proper development of the sysMna, end disqualifying ii.i wfclirn for mairisge, society, business, and all earthly happiness. Female Irregularities aud other disease* of fsmalea treated in ihe roost skill ful and scientific manner. Medicine*, with directions, asm to any part of the United Stales and Csnadas, by patient* commauioa ting their symptoms by Inner. J. BUMMF.RVILLK, M. D., Box 53. Post Offieoj Filbert !Strei. below Tenth, Phila delphia, Pa, K- CDNsvmrTTow, A NB ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS "• and THROAT are positively curable by inhalation, which conveys (he remedies to the cavities in (he lungs through the air pas sages, and coming in direct -contact with the. disease, neutralize" the tuberceiar matter, ellay'a the eongh, causes a free and easy ex ptetcrSiion, heals the lungs, purfie* the blood, imparts renewed 'vitality td the nervous sys tem, givingnhat tone and energy so indis pensable lor the restorative of health. To be able to stale confidently that Consumption i* curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under Ihe control ol medical treatment as any other forrhrdaM* disease; ninety out of every hun dred cases can be cured in the first stages, end fifty per cent, iu lite second; bat in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the luugs are so cut np by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stajes, in halation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per sons in the United Slates alone; and a correct oaiculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des | lined to fill Ihe consumptive's grave- Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal us Consumption. In all ages it has been the gteat enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex. but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and Ihe gifted.— By ihe help of that Supreme Being, from whom corned) every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to ofler to lite ufflcted ■ perma nent ar.il speedy cure in Consumption. Tbe first cause of tubercles iy from impure blood, and the immediate effect, produced ■ by their disposition in the lungs, ieto prevent - the free admission of air into the air cells, which oausss a weakened vitality through ! the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from medij oines entering the cavities of tbe lungs than ' Irnm those administered through the stotn ach; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy after inhaling \ remedies. True, inhalation is not a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than rem edies administered by ihe atomaoh. To prove ti he powetlul and direct influence of this mo.de of administration, chloroform inhaled will b'nt.'rely destroy sensibility in a lew rain n'.es, pa.ra.'vzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb' ' Da > be amputated without the s'tghlesi pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destrov ' n ® w hours. The inhalation o' ammonia will rouse the system when faim'.'ng' or apparently dead.— The odor of many o.' L- 8 medicines is per ceptible in lite skin a It"w iflinules after being inhaled, anil may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing P ro , 0 ' °' 'he constitutional effects of inhala.'ioii, ' 8 the fact j that sickness is always produce.' b'V breath ing foul air. Is not this positive evidence thai proper remedies, carefully prepaid ®nd judiciously administered through the lunT/h should produce the most happy results? Du ring eighteen years' practice, many thous ands, buffering fto.n diseases of the lungs Ai.d throut, have been under my care, and 1 have affected many remarkable cures, even after ihe sufferers had been pronounced in Ihe lael stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease.— My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perlecl acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c.-, enables me to distinguish readily the various forms of dis ease that stimulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies rarely being mistaken evpn in u single case. This familiarity in connection with certain pathological and mi cioscopic QivCoffiries, enables rue to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving d?ißrgy and lone to the entire system. Box 53, Post Office, G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 109 Filbert Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. March 10, 1857. WILLIAM G. PERRY, S. VV. Corner ot Fourth and Race Sts. Will Supply on Low Terms, : Rill Heads, Cards, Cliccka, Jtill of Lading, Promissory Notes, , Drafts, iVc. ACaOTJWT BOOKS, i Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. Letter, Note & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, OLD BOOKS ICE-BOUND, In a handsome and durable style. I V Your orders rsspeulfully solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, T857. Leather, Leather I Leather! EEH3EY Ms IMPORTSR OF FRENCH CJiLF SKINS and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third Street, Pnila. X3F A general assortment of all kinds of Leather, Morocco, Sic. &c. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. February 28, 1857.—1f. Dissolution of Co-Fartuersliip. THE Co-Partnerbbip hertoforn existing be tween I ViUiam G. Perry If William Ercly, Booksellers and Stationers, trading under Ihe firm of PEKRV & ERETY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WILLIAM G. PERRY, , . WILLIAM ERETY. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1857. I THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of his late Partner, will con duct the Book, Stationery, Blank Book Man ufacturing, and Binding Business, in all thsir branches; with increased facilities and strict attention to business, lie hopes to receive an increased proportion of public patronage. WILLIAM G. PERRY. S. W. cor. Fourth & Race Sts. "Ly HEATLEY'S ARCH STREfciT THEA TRE. Arch Street, above Sixth, Phil'a. THB STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first Artists in the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lie, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burlettas. Brc., &c. BP" When visiting bo city, go there. Administrator' Notice. IVOTICE is hereby given that letters of ■*-' Administration upon lite estate of Elijah Albertson, late of Greenwood township, Co lombia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Ml. Pleasant township. All persons indebted to the said estate ere requested to make peytnent with out delay t and those having accounts against Ihe decedeut to present them for eeitlbihent to WILLIAM J. I^ELER, Administrator. Mt. Ple.asaot, Feb. 7th, 1857-fiw. f'aNcY GOdDS, bf every description and variety, new styles, and fresh from New York end Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store M'KELVV, NEAL&CO I I RON STEEL, and every kind of Hard *• ware or sale by McKELVY, NEALfc C*j — gwe— —siOWi ANNUAL. STATEMENT, RECEIPTS INI) EXPENDITURES Cotumhin County, FOR THE YEAR 15M. THE Auditors elected to aettle and ad just the public account of Colombia Co., have examined the same front the first day of January, 1856, to the -first day of Jan uary 1857, and rospectfully ley before the Honorable Judges of the Court of Pleas the following statements and re ports agreeably to (he 22J section of an Act of the general Assembly of this Com monwealth pasted the 14th day of April, A. D. 1834. J JACOB HARRIS, Esq, Treasurer, Of Oefattbta cb. in Account wfth said Co. DR. 1856 January— To taxes ooisunding for 1865 and previous years, 84842 08 To Sam'l ('reveling, Fishingcreek Error 1855, # 100 To Bcwj. McHenry.Fisltingereek Error 1885, 1 00 Cash of Andrew Frcas, old plank, 30 50 Cornelius Bellis Orange enor '56 2 00 Error in Centre ip. duplicate 1855 7 00 Am'lofTax assessed for 1850, 7043 33 Philip Wintersteen land redeemed 0 00 Hugh SltulU do do 1 70 Isaiah Kline do do 5 87 Jones Snyder, do do 8 60 Caslt.H. J. Inglin.useof C. House 3 00 do Sam'l Shaffer old plank, 10 00 County tax on unseated land 186 06 Road do do 485 00 School do do 304 71 Poor do do 119 40 County do Seated land -54 04 Road do do 2 75 School do do 576 Poor do do 6 17 Ten day* Assessment, 31 84 Andrew Hess fees on Com'rs deeds 2 87 Jury fees ree'd of J. Eyerly Proth'y 24 00 Cash received for military assess ment 1855 At 1856 30 00 Balance due Treasurer, 473 64 813600 68 CR. Am't of taxes uncollected for iB6O and previous years, 84870 74 Commissions allowed collectors 353 60 Exonerations do. during the year 130 87 Ain't of orders redeemed 7840 14 Treasurer Commission, 235 20 do do on unseated land 65 31 Am't in the hands of John Doak, late Treasurer, 35 00 Supervisor's receipts for road tax 169 82 813600 68 EXPENDITURES, Road <s* Bridge Views. Am't paid sundry persons for road views, 896 00 do do do bridge views 16 00 Am't paid sundry persons, town ship lines, 0 00 8121 00 Bridge Contracts. Paid Slinematt & Goff,Orange, 8100 00 do Rob't Derr, Koaringcr'k do D.Koßtenbader,Slahtown 17b' 50 8400 68 Bridge Repairs. Paid sundry persons for repairs 8350 21 Blank Books $-c. Amount paid sundry persons for blank books Sec. 885 78 Commonwealth'B Costs Am't pd. sundry persons s wit i ncss &c. 859 53 Penitentiary. Am't paid K- S. Penitentiary, 8220 92 Flection Expenses. Expenses of Spring election, $375 69 do General do 315 87 do President, do 3 94 12* >995 t>B Assessor's Pay. Paid to the different Assessors for making Spring assessment, 8273 38 For making Septennial do 180 11 8453 49 Constable's Returns. Return to February term, S3O 53 do May do 22 07 do September do 21 60 do December do 23 38 $97 58 Jurors Pay. Grand & Traverse Jurors Feb. term $246 12 do do do May do 255 87 do do do Sept. do 200 00 do do do Dec. do 360 31 Paid J. Leacock for boarding Jurors, 18 00 |do P. Billmyer do do 40 00 sll2O 30 Tip Staves. Paid Tipstaves during the year, S7O 00 Court Crier. Paid Moses Cofftnan as Court Crier, $52 30 j Inquests. Inquest on body of Catharine Mensch sl7 75 do do K. McHenry, 16 12 do do Isaac Derearaer, 25 87 do do John Masters, 18 12 j $77 86 Road Damages; George Leiby, Locust, S 5 00 Isaac Ilageiibuch, Orange, 30 00 Conrad Adams, do b 00 James Dewili'a heirs, Greenwood, 25 00 ' Art Buss, Bloom, 9 37 Lewis Apploman, do 9 37 John Johoson, Mt. Pleasant, 35 00 ■ Simon Craig, Greenwood, 20 00 Wm. Girton, do 45 00 t Baltis Appleman, Hemlock, 28 14 s2ll 88 Tax Refunded, Road, School & Poor tax on unseat ed land refunded to townships, $946 85 Prothonotary. Am't paid Jacob Eyerly as per bills sl7l 07 [ Register's Fees. i Am't pd. Dau'l Lee for Recording &cs6 00 Sheriff's Bill. ■ Paid S. H. Miller as Sheriff's bill, $291 35 , County Bui/dings. , Building Stable and sundry repairs, $238 23 Am'tpd. Mills Chamberlin for paint ing Court House and Jail, 189 60 $427 82 f Printing. Am't paid R. W. Weaver, $133 75 do L. L. Tate, 67 00 I do L. F. Irwiu, 60 50 1 8281 25 ' Incidental. Am't paid sundry persons for articles 1 used in and about the court house 339 60 1 Cleaning Court House. Paid Ann Long cleaning C. House, 319 00 Attorney Fees. Paid R. W. Weaver All'y to Com'rs SSO 00 I do do Com. ou tax collected 15 95 : 4- 'i , tis 95 State Dead View; , Arab p3d James Masters, $75 86 i do C. F. Mann, 600 do Goo. W. Wom, 900 fk 89 District ftttorney. | Am'tpeiJtLkCla.k, s4* 00 Fuel. Ain't •paid Jefaph Coal $37 76 do Lewis Raw, wood, 187 .V ? " •' iag 62 BUditoPs P*y> Am't paid Cot Auditor & tbsirClerk $27 90 Amt. Due Me Treasurer. Amount paid iJM T $447 00 Insurance. Am'i paid Lycoming loauianoo Co. assessment No. 12 & 13 $46 T9 Ftrx Scalps, Am't paid di ffere•.•sloo 11 Postage. Paid Philip Un an gal 1 years postage $4 42 Commissioner's Deed", Paid Jacob Harris for Com'rs deeds $261 " Commissioners and Clerks fay. Am't paid Imm Derr, $l6B 00 do William J. Ikeler, 1192 60 do Jonaa Fahringer, ' 170 00 do Henry Biltenbender, 16 50 do K. C. Fruit, Clk. 300 00 Mercantile Appraiser. Am't paid Richard Slilee, #3 00 Medical Services. Am't paid J. B. McKelvy, $4 50 Post Mortem Examination. Am't paid Ramsey & McKelvy, SSO 00 Agrkulturai Society. Am't paid J. VV. Henderehot, s6l 97 Total Expenditure* for the year, i#sß4 90 Taxes outstanding and uncollected. 1850 Count*, tj Slate. Samuel Appteman, Sugarloaf, fl 973 1851 J. IV. Warner, Madison,- 23 68 Nelson Kile, Stigarloalf, 787 363 ( 1852 8 ♦J. B. Mosteller, Briarcteek, 756 a I'eier Hay man, Orange, 48 86 n 1853 Peter Hayman, do 98 25 88 36 1854 Lewis Dietorlch, Rriarcreek, 42 76 j *O. R. Albertson, Fish'gcreek 154 49 76 20 r ♦Samuel Uillaspy, Greenwood 22 20 29 48 Jacob Stine, Locust, 1 74 , Lewis Eckroat, Mifliin, 13 95 Benj. Hayman, Orange, 132 22 152 84 1855 J. W. Eck, Briarcreek, 4* 250 63 6 Samuel Rhone, Benton, 15 25 27 20 J *T. J. Hutchison,Fishingcre'k 31 80 72 73 ♦Jacob Girard, Greenwood, 53 68 Benj. Wilson, Hemlock, 143 41 89 90 1 Thomas W. Young, Jackson, ?3 58 ' Thomas A. Fbnsloo, Madison 68 02 32 48 1 Wm. Stephen*, jr. Sugarloaf. 732 46 60 1858 B. F. Hartman, Bloom, 586 04 183 33 1 Freas Fowler, Briarcreek, 220 13 332 85 "Peter Appleman, Benton, 161 09 190 94 Christian Sbnresn, Beaver, 211 20 284 47 tsaiah'John, Cetawisea, 186 82 93 17 C. If. Dietrich, Centre, 395 9p 329 67 ' ♦John Uten, Couvngham, 19 86 John Lazarus, Fislungcreek, 262 Sk 292 40 Reuben Knitile, Franklin, Samuel Bogart, Greenwood, 192 16 270 17 Isaac Leidy, Hemlock, 263 62 341 46 Daniel Pousl, Jackson, 757 805 . Wm. Goodman, Locust, 235 15 316 06 , ♦John Smith, Madison, 90 63 35 03 Lewis Eckroat, Mifflin, 15293 3!|68 Joseph Geiger, Maing, 129 61 108 34 Evan Welliver,Montour, 17481 59i80 I Sara'l Johnson, Alt. Pleasant, 1(08 10150 I Michael Keller, Orange, 115 18 2)3 15 I Enoch Fox, Pine, 21 25 103 42 Mich. FederofF, Uoaringcreek 29 48 29 84 1 David Lewis, Sugarloaf, 86j89 89 33 J, R. Robbine, Scott, 559|70 |54l 67 548D0|7455005,9t We, the undersigned Auditors of thecoun to of Columbia being duly elected lo adjust and settle li.'e accounts of tbo Treasurer and Commissioners' have carefully examined the aciiPC o ' 4 arul vouchers of the same fiom the first dt" 1 ' °f January iJ?S6, to the first day of January do certify that we find them correct as set forth in the foregoing Slate inent, and thai we find a balance" dne Jacob Harris, Esq., Trc'as.'trer from the Lpunty ot four hundred and seventy three dollars and sixty-four cents. , Given under our hands tic's 6)b d*y of Jnn uary, A. D., 1857. DAVID YEAGER, I m-nlu JACOB DFMOTT, [ %%tj rt . SAMUEL RHONE. ) AU ATT. DANIEL LEE, Cite. We, the undersigned Commissioners of ti*2 County of Columbia do certify that the fore-. going i a correct Statement of the accounts of said ClMinty for the year A. D., 1856. In tesiimcny whereof we have liereunto set our hands this 6th day of January A. D. 1857. WM. J. IRE.LER, ) JONAS FAHHiNGER, > Com're. HENRY BITTEN BEN DER} ATT: R.C. FRUIT, Cik. February 6th 1867, approved by the Court. JACOB EVANS t Associate PETER KLINE, j Judges. ♦Theeo have since paid in full. Bloamsburg, Feb. 11, '57. Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers at private sale the farm containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIF TY ACRES, on which are a log house, a log barn, a good spring of water near the , house, and a good apple orchard. The prop erty will make a good home for any person who wishes to farm. He also offers for sale another tract of land lying in Pine township, Columbia county, containing SIXTY-FIVE ACRES. 1 About ten acres is clesred, and the balance 1 well timbered, so as to support a saw-mill. 1 For terms apply lo the subscriber in Jack sou township, Columbia county. JOHN KESLER. • Jackson, Feb. 10, 1856. 1 Administrator's Notice i NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of ' administration upon the estate of Robert Fairman, late ot Greenwood township, Col. Co., deceased, have beer, granted to the un ' dersigned, both of whom are also residents of Greenwood township. All persons in ' debted lo ibp said estate are requested to make payment without delay, ami those hav ) ing accounts for settlement to present tharo forthwith to ELISHA HAYMAN, 1 EDITH FAIRMAN,; Greenwood, Feb. 25, '57. Adm'rs. Executor's Notice. ) NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa -2 memory upon the estate of Peter Herlocher, late of Mifflin lownebip, Columbia county, . deceased, have been granted th the nndier i signed residing in the lownsbi p of Mifflin. . All persons indebted to the estate are re . quested to make payment without delay, and ' those having accounts for payment lo present them to JOHN H. HETLER, Exeeutor. > Mifflin township, June 91, 1857—Ot* , . F0& RENT. A store building on plain street, Blooms- XM. b r g for rent on reasonable term*. GEORGE WEAVER. : Bloomsburg, Nov. 84, 1856. ' FOJt SALE 9K RENT. > A DOUBLE HOUSE AND LOT in the vil -1 lage of Buokbem. Foe terms apply to 1 GEORGE WEAVER, i Mareh 4,1(57. * Bloomsburg I BOOK, CARD MD FANCY djaDaa ~- tn THE PROPRIETOR OF THE '"STAR OF THE NORTH," , 0001, , Having added lo -.be&xtures of the "STAR" Offlee good end extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared 1° eiecme all kinds of JOB PRINTING in lite best CLFT STYLE, end at sheri notice. Certijlcates of Slock and Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, Blink Checks, Promissory Notes, * Pail Jload and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. JLITD PKIITTIITCr OT ALL XIWDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, iS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY. (gpoaoß SXi® cfl aco ecs.ll A monthly periodical is ipebHebed at ibis office in excellent style and workmanship, and , With superior material. The publio are invited C.o call and see specimens, a* we ere determined to merjt patron age by strict attention to business audeupeiior workmanship. Bloomaburg, June 2, 1856. m t * New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. &*. cacE>„ HAVE ju9t received and opened their stock of npeitha.odize for Spring and Sumner sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST" assortment'how offered in thisJTOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can aave money by giving us a call. VVe have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wantshf the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoee, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, Sic., All kinds of SHAWLS, brouhe, Bay Slate, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattinetts, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, &c. HO UTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN Wo have a large assortment ot Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweiings, drillings, &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Priees and will uot be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. New arrival of Spring and Snmmer Goods ! DAVID LOVFBNEB RG XNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlothing ot his storeon Marker street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assprimeni of mVn and boy's wearing apparel, inclnding IFABSIIKDITAJMaIS IE)I£SS3S OCSJASSa gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, panlsof ail colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. 'He will also make lo order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1896. FIRST ARRIVAL! OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. AC. MENCH respectfully inform* his * friends, customers, and the public cen erally that he has just received from Phila delphia the first goodk of the season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring"amTsumtner trade comprising, for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Dneskins and Cassimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestings. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmerelles LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Barege De Laines and Cbalii Bareges, Pink, Blue and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. French Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Cellars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of ah' kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all pgtlernsaml descriptions. FURNfSi'.ILNG GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Mu.lins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, &c., which will b^sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old sla.'td, corner of Main and Market streets. iy FLOUR St FEED always on hand, j and lor sale at (be lowest market price, for 1 CASH. A. C. MENSCH. 1 Bloomsbnrg, April 2, 1856. jjJJSS MARRIATT'B NEW NOVEL: HENRY LYLE: OR, LIFE AND EXISTENCE. By Mies EiTiilia Marryatl, daughter of the late Captain Marryatl. 12 mo., cloth. 420 pages. Price 81-00. What the PRRSS say of Henry Lyle: "We hope to see it,is book in every well selected Library. It is worthy of a place among the finest works of any eraFVa zer's Magazine. "It is a crushing rebuke lo the tendency of the nresent generation to infidelity.—Lon don Aikentum. "We have seldom had an opportunity of i enjoying a more fascinating or a more in structive novel."— Iribune. "The lady writes in a style to please tho people quite a well and as skillfully as ber father did. * * Get a copy of "Henry Lyle l ' forthwith.— Times. Published by GARRETT, DICK & FITZ GERALD, No. 18 Ann Street, New Yoi'Jf- Fur sale by T B. PETERSON, LIPPINCftTT & CO., W. P. HAZZARD ft CO. Copies of the above work veril to any ad dress free of postage. '. February 25, 1857. NOTICE. JWOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad •F" ministration npot- the estate of James Allen, late oI Madison towurhip, Col. Co., deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing—John Allep near Limestone ville and A. S. Allen in JeraeyUitVri, Columbia county. All persons indebted to the laid es tate are requested lo make payment without delay, and those having accounts to present them for settlement lo JOHN ALL F.N, A. 8. ALLEN, Bloomsbnrg, Feb. 8, '57-81. Ailm'rs. jlstlookTtlt. ALL persons having aceounta of over aix months standing are requested to come lor ward and settle up by the first of Marob ; and all accounts ol one and two year* stand ing must be attended to immediately or boat will be added. A. fc. MENSCH, Bloomtburg, Jap. 28, 1857, COLUMBUS MALL AND FEMALE csa UD JJEB SJQ "SJT s Luzerne County, Pa. 7IIHE Trustees of this Institution respectfully i- announce, rhst it will bo opened for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20th next, under tho immediate caro of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire ments, and enlarged experionce as an educator, and has been connected with tho most popular "High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known us a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Pentuuuship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Plune and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigalion, Astron omy, Ac. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Murul Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the. French, Spanish ,$• Latin Languages will be formed as early as practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus wilfslso l-e given. SPECIAL ATTEN TION will be paid to | young Ladies nn-J vlentUmcu designing to quai | tfy themselves as Teachers. J „ TERMS: ■ _ FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollars per Quarter ' in accordance with the atudies pursued, pay oble one half in advance and the balance althe close of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price. tdf Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on tho day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will he Pluatraled, and the discipline nd management of the cbool, fully explained. Patents, Guardians, and the friends of sduca lion generally, aro cordially invited lo be pres ent. D. L. CHAPIN, I B. M. STEVENS, JOHN KOONs. N.D. STILES, SILAS DODSO.V, | JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. LOTTERIES. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are I the managers, are chartered by the stale of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything with them jj dortb in a strictly hoporable manner, and j that tlie inlerists of parties w'uo reside at a distance are as well protected as if they Themselves were present at the drawing.— Another fact which the managers oall atten tion to, is, that all persons have a leg; I right tq sand orders for tickets to Maryland, as lotteries are legalized by special law in that state. A lottery is drawn every duy of the month. If no particular Class is "named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take place after the communication comes to hand. The prices of tickets Vary from SI to S2O. No tickets are, however, sent unless lit e money Inr the same is received with the order. 'T he drawings are upon the principle of one nutnber on each ticket (after the Ha v ana plan,) and Ternary combination. Prizes . vary in amount from #2O to 9100,000. All orders for tlkkets or packages will receive ' prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to ' all purchasers immediately after it Id over. ' Address, T. H. HUBBAItD Se'fco., ' No. 39 Fayetre at:. or Bos No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1657~1y. Baltimore. |Jd. FRESH ARRIVAL i A NEW lot of cheap muslins and T,n n g just rec, Te j by railroad and C Qr „£| a b " | A. fc. MENSCH. I The blood ia the life euslaining agent- It furnishes (he components el flesh,' bote, muscle, nerve and IntOgdiltienf. The stomach is its menufacicir'y, the veins its ditflWtorf ? and the inlesilhes ihe'cftitinellhrotig'b wbiktt the waste natter rejected in its productive i| expelled. Upon the sfo'rnncfi, the circula tion and the bowels, these Pfrh act simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regulalitg the excretions. TUE SATIONAI. COM PL AWT. Dyspepsia is lite most comrnpn disease among all clashes in this conniry. ilaseumea a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever itriype or symptoms, ItAwever ol> stinate its rssistance to ordinary preparation*, it yields readily and rapidly to this eeembieg airil men-ring remedy. BILiaUS AFFECtIONtt Tba quantity and quality of the bile are oi vital importance to health. Upon the tltrbr, the gland which secretes this fluid, these Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying lis.if regularities, and tjlJocwally curing Jaon dice, Blfio'rfs RemiftanrshfeßS afl the varieties or disease generated try an -unnatural condi tion ol the organ. BOWEL CONPLtIHTft Unless the bowel- perlortn their (amnions properly, the whole bddv tuflers. Tens of thousands die annually of Dysentery, Diar rhoea', Chronic consumption, and nlbanfis eases of these waste pipes of the system.-*' The effect of the Pills upon all intestinal dis orders, whether casual or epidemic, is n phenomenon Tn medicine, By following fba printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel cnmplaifA are promptly oontrolled. A Word ft Females. The local debilily ahd irregularities Which are the especial annoyarfces Of the weaker sex, and which, when nrcgteeied, always shorten life, ore relieved fur Che time being, and prevented for the lime to oome, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. HOLLOWATS PILLS Are the best remedy known in the world fee the following diseases: Asthma, Diarrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever aud Agmvj Chest Diseases, Female Corapluiais, Cosiivenees, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward weakness Worms of all kinds Liver eoibpltime Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at the manufactories of Prof. Hollo, way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 S.rand London, by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the U. S. and the civilized world, in boxes at 2( conts, 624 cts. and 31 each. EE" I here is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to eaclt [Aug. 13, 1866. PUBLIC SALE OF SEAL ESTATE- In pursuance of an brder of the Orphans Court of Columbia couhty, on Saturday the 14th of .11 arc ft next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Benjamin McHenry, Executor of Elias Mcllenry, lato of Fishingcreek town-hip, in said county, deceased ,will expose to sale by public vea dne, upon the premises, a certain PIECE of PARCEL of LAND situate in Fishingcreek township afotesaul, adjoining lands of Jack son McHenry on the north, Wm. Heeler oti the weal and south, aud Henry Bittenbeuder on the east; containing TIFT? TWO ▲GOUM^ more ot less. Also ope Other piece or par cel of land.situate in the township aforesaid, ail joining lauds of Moses Mcllenry op the East, Jamas D. Mcllenry ou the south, Wm. Ikelet 011 the north and west, containing SEVENTEEN ACRES more or less. And also one other piece or parcel of land, situate inthe township afore said, adjoining lands of Moses McHenry on the east, Wm. Ikeleron the south, Jumes t). McHenry on the north and west, containing TWENTY-FOUR ACRES with the appurlepHttces, late "\he estate Of said r.eceased situate in the township of . i 1 nshingcreek and county aforesaid. BENJAMIN Me HENRY, Administrator. Bloomaburg, Feb, 10, 1857. rißLit' SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND Personal Property. THE subscriber will offarat public sale up on the premises now his residence on TttURSDAY THE MTU OF MARCH next, two tracts of land aitoate in Locust township, Columbia county, the first con taining about 100 ACRES, more or leaa, adjoining lands of AJama Si Price, John Lee, Jacob Helwigand others. Oh this tract are a good kpple orchaid, other fruit trees, a frame DWELLING HOUSE, a bank baVn and oth> t outbuildings. There is a well near the house, and also'three 'prjnM on the prem; sftg . A stream of water TJI ? c uWet sufficient for a mill runs Irtough '.he properly. Most of ibe land is I Cleared and well improved. The other tract contaihs 12 acre's,.and is well timbered. It ia at tit* foot,of the liulo Mountain lb miles from Ashland. He will alio a: the same time offer for sale his personal property, viz: £SP<£)l3lLr> 3ilCE>a?iSS>s£J d a coll, horned cattle, hogs, wcgons, plows aad other farming utensils: also Hon ate hold Furniture, Settee, Chairs, Bureau, tablvs, stoves, bed steads and bedding, and Potatoes by the btlahel. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when terms Will be made known by ; •. LEWIS BUSH. Locust fwp., Feb. 25, 1857. THOMAS BUTLER, Ao. 7 South Seventh Street FHILADfeLFBIA ; sss tea y™- Prompt addition S ordered work; and gdotl* carefid , y | o r<r,pieed on orders. " ..liaiie'.pllia, Auguet 17th, 1854. '"l RAWER GOODS, Spoiled Swiss, Bog j *-J Jacooelt Muli, Cpmbticj Swiss Mualin ) Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just raceiv ! ed at the Store of I A C. MENBCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers