THE STAR Q£L THE NORTH. K. W. Wearer, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9. THE STM OF THE NORTH I n niumn AVEER WIMIMUT aomie IT . W. WMTtR, OFVlCK— Upstairs, in Ike new brick build ing, on the south side of Main Street, third square helots Market. T ER H BTwo Dalian par annom, if! paid within aix months from iba lima of snb-1 seribins ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re- 1 reived for a less period than eta months; no | discootinoanee permitted ontilall arrearages are paid, unless at tbe option of the editor. 1 ADTESTISCHEBTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar, 1 and tweulT-five cents for each additional in- ! eettioa. A liberal discount will be made to ' those who advertise by the year. ' ' ——————— TOE WOkLD WITHIN. Many tell na of the beauties Of the world wherein we dwell; Of the forest, rock and fountain, Of the crysiai light and dell, Of the eoward ties that chain u* With a bolv binding spell; Of the gentle word Of kindness, That invite us—that is well. Still there's a world of beauty Lies hidden from the view— The sacred world within as, With its varied shape and hue. Who can read the happy spirit! Who can paint the pleasing scene ? Are not thoughts that thus inherit than gems may aeem I Have noniupes more verdant foliage Than the palm or forest tree? Do not thoughts mors gently ripple Than a peaceful moon-lit sea ? Though the storms of sdvsrse fortune On tbe ontwsrd world mar frown, Still the inward world may glisten With a radianee all its own. The rock majestic towering, Tbe cavetn-bonnded shore, Afay be matched in mind's imagining Till time shall be no more; The ocean's vast expansion, With its fathomless abyss, And tress ores deeply bidden, Are small compared this. insatiate longing \m endless motions rife, KnoOT no ending or a limit Through tbe active path of life ; Even then its powers expanding When Shis world no more it seen, Proves the beautiful enduring Of the world that dwells within. From Macaalay's History of England. Titus Dates and Know-Nothiagtsai la 1879 la L'nglaad. One Titus Oatss, a clergyman of the Church of England, haj, by his disorderly life and listamfsa disni is, Inm w kits Um •en sure jf his spiritual superiors, bad been com pelled to qoit bis benefice, and bad ever since led a vagrant life. He had once pro- , fsteed himself a Roman Catholic, and had passed some time on the Continent in Eng lish colleges of the order of Jesos. In those seminaries be bad heard much wild talk about the best mean* of bringing England back to tbe'true Church. From hints thus famished he constructed a hideous romance, j resembling rather the dresm of a sick man than any transaction which ever took place in tbe real world. Tbe pope, be said, hid intrusted the government of England to the Jesuits. Tbe Jesuits bsd, by commissions under the great seal of their society, appoint- : ad Catholic clergymen, noblemen, and gen- j lleman to all the highest offices in Church j and Slate. Tbe papista had burned down : London once. Tbey bad tried to bum it • down again. Tbey were at that moment planning a scheme for setting fire to all the shipping in the Thames. They were to rise , at the signal and massacre aft their Proles-: tant neighbors. A French army was at the , same time to land in Ireland. All tbe lead ing statesmen and divines of Eogland were to be murdered. Three or foor scheme* had been formed for aasassiaating tbe king. He was to be stabbed. He was to be poisoned iu bis medicine. He was to be abot with silver bullets. The public mind was to sore and excitable that these lies readily found crvdit with tbe vulgar; and two events which speedily took place led even some reflecting men to suspect that the tale, though evidently distorted and exaggerated, might have some foundation. Edward Coleman, a very busy and not very honest Roman Catholic intriguer, bad been the Deison* uwi s***ah was made for bis papers. .It was fonod that he had jost destroyed the greater part of them; bnt a few which bad escaped con tained some pass ages which, to minds strongly prepossessed, might seem to confirm the evidence of Oates. Those passages in deed, when eaedidly construed, appear to express little more than tbe hopes which the posture of affairs, the predilection* of Charles, lb* Mill stronger predilections of James, and tbe rslaiions existiog between the French and Eogliab conns, might naturally excite in the mind of a Roman Catholic strongly attached te the interests of bis Church. Bat the country was not then inclined to construe lbs letters of papists candidly; and it was utged, with some show of reason, that if pa per* which had been passed over a* unim portant were filled with matter so suspicious, some great mystery of iniquity mutt have been contained in those documents which bad been carefully committed to tbe flame*. A lew days later it was known that Sir Edmoudsbury Godfrey, an eminent jastice Of the peace, who bad taken the depositions of Oates against Coleman, bsd disappeared. Search wee made, mud Godfrey's eorpao was found in a field near London. It was clear that be bad died by violence. It was equally dear that be bad not been set a poo by rob ber*. His fata it ts this day s Secret. Some think-that he perished by bis own baud; some, that be was stain by a privets enemy. . The meet improbable (apposition is, that he BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTYetfA., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1857. | was murdered by the party hostHo to the J court, in order to give color to the story of I the plot. The -most probable supposition : seems, on the whole, to be that tome hoi headed Roman Catholic, driven to phrensy I by the lies of Oates and by the iusolis of the , multitude, and not nicely distinguishing bo -1 tween the perjured securer and the innocent I magistrate, bad taken revenge of' which the ! history of persecuted sects furnishes but too j many examples. If this were ao, the assas ; sin must have afterwards bitterly execrated i his own wickedness and folly. The capital ; and the whole nation went mad with hatred and fear. The penal laws, which had began to lose something ot their edge, were shar pened anew. Everywhere junices were bn sied in searching hooses and seizing paperß. All the jails were filled with papists. Lon don bad tbn aspect of a city in a slate of ■isga. The train-bands were tinder arms all night Preparations were made for barrica ding the great tboroaghfaree. Patrols march ed up and down the streets. Cannon were i planted round Whitehall. No citizen thought ] himself safe unless he carried nndrr his coat i a small flail loaded with lead to brain the | popish assassins. The corpse of the mur dered magistrate waa exhibited during seve ral days to the gaze of great multitudes, ar.d was then committed to the grave with strange | and terrible ceremonies, which indicated ! rather fear and the thirst of vengeance than ! sorrow or religious hopes. The hooset in sisted that a guard should be placed in the vaults over which they sat, in order to se cure them against a second gunpowder plot. All their proceedings were of a piece with this demand. Ever since the reign of Eliza beth the Oath of Supremacy had been el ected from members of the Home of C om* tnons. Some Roman Catholics, however, had contrived so to interpret that oath that they could take it withoot scrapie. A more stringent test was now added, and the Ro [ man Catholic lords were for the first time ! time excloded from their seals in Parliament. The Dnke of York was driven from the Privy Council. Strong resolutions were adopted against the Qoeen. The Commons threw one of the secretaries of state into prison for having countersigned commissions directed ! to gentlemen who were not good Protestants. I They impeached the lord treasurer of high treason ; nay, they so far forgot the doctrine which, while the memory of the civil war was still recent, they hsd loudly professed, that tbey even attempted to wrest the com mand ot the militia bat of the King's hands. ' To <bch a' temper had eighteen years of mi# government brought the most loyal Parlia ment that had ever met in England. Yet it may teem strange that, even in that extremity, the King should have ventured to appeal to the people, for the people were more excited than their representatives. The Lower Honse,discontented as it was,contained a larger number of Cavaliers than were likely : to find seats again. Bat it was thought that ; a dissolution wonld pot a stop to the prose cution of the lord treasurer; a prosecution which might probably bring to light all the . goi|ly mysteries of the French alliance, and ' might thus canse extreme persons! annoy ance and embarrassment to Charles. Ac -1 cordingly, in January, 1679, the Parliament, which had been in existence ever since the : beginning of the year 1661, was dissolved, | and writs were issued for e general elec tion. i During some weeks the contention over I the whole country was fierce and obstinate | beyond example. Unprecedented sums were i expended. New tactics were employed. It : wis remarked by the pamphleteers of that lime as something extraordinary, that horses were hired at a great charge for the convey ance of electors. Tbe practice of splitting freeholds for the purpose of multiplying votes dates from ibis memorable struggle. Dis senting preachers, wl o had long hidden themselves in qniet nooks from persecution, uow emerged from their retreats, and rode from village to village for the purpose of re kindling tbe zeal of the scattered people of , God. The tide ran strong against the gov ernment. Most of the new members came up to Westminster in a mood little diffe/ing I from that of their predecessors who had sent SirafTnrd and Land In lt" T, Meanwhile tbe coorta of justice, which ongbt to be, in the midst of political commo tions, sure places of refnge for the innocent of every party, were disgraced by wilder passions' and fonler corrnptions than were to be fonnd even on the hustings. Tbe tale of Oates, though it had sufficed to convulse the whole tealra, would not, until confirmed by other evidence, suffice te destroy the hum blest of those whom he had accused; for, by the old law of England, two witnesses are necessary to establish a charge of trea son. Bat the sacosss of tbe first imposter prodaced its nstnral consequences. In a few weeka be had been raiaed from penary and obsenrity to oppolence, to power which made htm the dread of princes and nobles, and to notoriety such as ha* for low and bad minds all tbe attractions of glory. He was not long withoot coadjutors and rivals.— A wretch named Caratairs, who had earned a living in Scotland by going disguised to conventicles and then informing against the preachers, led the way. Bedloe, a noted •windier, followed; and soon, from all the brothels, gambling-booses, and (ponging houses of London, falae witnesses poured forth to s*oar away tbe lives of Romao Catholics. One came with a glory aboot an army of thirty thousand men who were to mnster in the dwgoise of pilgrims at Cor xoara, and to tail thence to Wales. Another bad been promised canonization and five hundred pounds to (Border the King. A ' third had stepped into an eating-house in Covent Garden, and there had heard a great Roman Catholic banker row, in the hearing of all the goeats and drawers, to kill the he retical tyrant. Oates, that he might not be eclipsed by his imitators, soon added a large supplement to his original narrative,. He had the portentous impudence to affirm, among other things, that he had ooce stood behind a door which was sjar, and had there heard the Queen declare that she bad re solved to give her consent to the assassina tion of her husband. The vulgar believed, and the highest magistrates pretended to be lieve, even such fictions as these. The chief judges of the realm were corrupt, cruel, and timid. The leaders of the coun try party encouraged the delusion. The most respectable among them, indeed, were themselves so for deluded as to believe the greater part of the evidence of the plot to be troe. Such men as Shaflsbury and Buck ingham doubtless perceived that the whole was a romance ; but it was a romance which served their turn, and to their seared con sciences the death of an innocent man gave no more nneasiness than the death of a part ridge. The juries partook of the feelings then common throughout the nation, and were enconraged by tbe bench to indulge those leelings without restraint. Tbe multi (nde applauded Oates and bis confederates, booted and pelted the witnesses who appear ed on behalf of the accused, and shouted with joy when the verdict of guilty was pro nounced. It was in vain that the sufferers appealed ,to the respectability of their past lives ; for the public mind was possessed the belief that the more consctenlous a papist was, the more likely he must be to plot against a Protestant government, ft was in vain that, just before tbe cart passed from under their feet, they resolutely affirmed their innocence; for the general opinion was, that a good papist considered all lies which were serviceable to his Church as hot only excusable, but meritorious. While innocent blood was shedding under the forms of justice, the new Parliament met; and such was the violence of the pre dominant party, that even men whose youth ! had been passed amid revolutions—men who remembered the attainder of Strafford, the attempt on the five members, the aboli tion of the Honse of Lords, the execntton of the King—stood aghast at the aspect of pub lic affairs. The impeachment of Danby was resumed. He pleaded the royal pardon; bnt the Commons treated the plea wilb contempt, 1 and insisted that the trial should proceed.— Danby, however, was not their chief object. Tbey were convinced that tbe only effectual nay of securing the liberties and religion of the nation was to exclude the Duke of York from the throne. Itrromi nnd Appirntion*. From the experience of many observers, and my own, (says Dr. Forbes YVinslow,) it' seems evident that in all cases of incubus, a disturbance of Iba circulation is the predis posing cause, and the dreamer thus affected invariably seems to lose all power over the voluntary muscles, and this condition of the muscular system differs from others to be subsequently indicated. And, further, we make remark, that in true incubus the inter costal muscles are implicated, hence the im potent efforts of the dteamer to resist attacks, and so forth. One example will suffice to illustrate the latter atatement:— "A pemteman or oor acquaintance, of a robust, active temperament, and well formed head, dreamed that he saw a low, dirty look ing boy open his bed room door, and in the most impudent manner stare him in the face, seemingly without heeding that lie was wide awake; and from this circumstance he became alarmed, from a conviction that there was some adult associate at the out side of the bed-room; that he attempted, nevertheless, to speak to the intruder, but be could not; and yet he saw. with a sense of indignation, the juvenile thief open different drawers, from one of which he extracted a gold watch, and diamond stnds and rings, with a handful of notes and a bag of sover eigns ; and after packing them up, deliber ately, the delinquent came up to his bedside, ■net wWi ■ tmiii impudent loei, uudded I]is 1 head, and said, '-Good night, old chap." The wrath ol the sleeper was so great that he tried bard to rise and seize the thief, but he could not; he was equally impotent in the attempt to throw something at him, or to make any noise to arouse his servants. But these efforts awoke him, lying upon his left side, and his arm pressed againit the heart, while bis lower extremelies were cold." We may, therefore, reasonably suppose, the whole phenomena to the fact, that some of the muscles were deprived of a due sup ply of blood, and to an excessive supply of this fluid to the brain. The Norwegian and Swsdish Lapps make cheese of reindeer milk, and carefully save for nse all the whey, &c. They milk their animals summer and winter, and fteeze the milk which is set apart foi cheese. The wo men consider this as a great luxury. It is remarkable for its pleasant odor, and bus a ready sale in Norway at a rather high price. The Russian Lapps have no Idea or making cheese from their reindeer milk, although the manufacture, beyond a doubt, woald be of great advantage to Ibem. Tbe milk is dis tinguished for iu excellent flavor; in oolor and consistency it is Tike thick orsam from tbe milk of cows, and ia remarkably nour ishing. • j ry Wealth creates more went* than it ' supplies. Troth and HRIU- r -Co<i Md oar Conutry. LAPLAND AND ITS IIUIARITAKTS. | The number of the Russian-Lapps doss not: exceed 2,000 ; those of the Swedish I.upland were estimated in 1844 at 4,000, and those of Northern Norway 6,000 —on aggregatoof only 11,000 souls. Besides the Lapp population, there are to be fonnd on the shore of the While Sea several villsges of Russians, stretching along ftom Kerett In the Uay of Kandalasch (or Candalax.) Between the vil lage of Kandalnschka and Kola, on the eoait at the mooth of the Touloma, a distance of 213 worsts,—l4l miles—there are seven post j stations, the mails being carried from one to ! another bv reindeer, four of which animals: are kept at each station. This mode of trans port, however, is only employed in winter; in summer everything being transported first a few miles by land to Lake lmandra, then the whola length of that fine body of water some sixty miles, thence across to (he River Touloma, and down that stream to Kola. Tbe navigation of the lake, by the way, is not always free from danger. The language of the Lapps is similat to that of the Finns, from which race they are originally an offshoot. The Lapps are gen erally of middle stature. They have lerge heads, short necks, small brown-red eyes, I owing to the constant smoke in their huts, high cheek bones, tbin beards and large hands. Those of Norway are distinguish ed from the Russian Lapps by the blackness, luxuriance and gloss of their hair; the more northern portion of the race are somewhat larger, more mascular and ol a lighter com plexion than the rest. Those of Sweden and Norway are to some extent more oultivaled, enterprising and industrious than those of Russia, and make light of the greatest priva tions and hardship*. Tbe richest of the lat ter have not more than 800 reindeer, while the former possess from 2,000, to 3,000. In Sweden and Norway, whoever owns from 400 to 500 passes for a man in moderate cir cumstances; with 200 a small family with proper prudence can live without suffering from want but less than this number plunges a family into all the troubles of poverty. — Whoever has not more than SO, adds his beard to that of some rich man, and becomes his servant—almost his slave, and he is bound in the proper season to follow him to the hunting or fishing grounds. Fish, game and the flesh of the reindeer are the usual food of the Lapps. Bread they never eat, though of the rye meal which they procure ill Kola or of tHWabermcnln barter for Hie products of their reindeer herds, they make a sort of flat or pan cake, mingling the meal with the pounded bark of trees. For this purpose the meal is first soaked in cold water, and the cakes baked upon a hot iron. They are eaten with butter or codfish oil, which is esteemed a great luxury. The min gling of the bark with the meal is not done merely for the sake of economy, the Lapps considering it an excellent anti-scorbutic.— • They are very fond of salt, and eat nothing uncooked. Their cookery is all done in nn tinned copper vessels, perhaps because in all Lapland there are no pewlerers ; more prob ably, however, it is o long-descended cus tom, since in all Northern Asia the nse of copper was formerly universal, and the Brt of! overlaying that metal could hardly be known j by the rode inhabitants. Nevertheless cases j of poisoning from tbe copper never occur, I being rendered impossible by the perfect cleanliness of the which after every mear are scoured with sand till tbey shine like mirrors. Besides, after the food is rufficiemly cooked it is immediately pour ed into wooden vessels ol home manufac ture. A Clean Sell. A shrewd countryman was in New York (he other day, gawky, uncouth, and innocent enongh in appearance, bat in reality with bis eye teeth cot. Passing up Chatham street, through the Jew's quarter, lie was continually encountered with importunities to buy. From almost every store nee rushed out, in accordance with the annoying cus tom of that street, to seize upon and try to force him to boy. At last a dirty Isoking fellow caught him by the arm, and clamor ously urged him to become a customer. "Have you got any shirts 1" inquired the countryman wilb a very innocent look. "A splendid aseortmen 1 , sir. Step in sir. Every prise, sir, and every style. The cheap est in the street, sir." "Are they clean l " "To be sure sir, step in air." "Then," resumed the countryman with perfect gravity, "put one on for you need it." The rage of the shop keeper may be ima , gined, as the countryman, turning nnon his heel, quietly pursued his way. ty Eliza Emery warns all girls in the Sooth, and West to look out for her gy, de ceiving runaway husband, David. Thinks he may be easily known ; and to prove so, says "David has a scar on bis nose where f scratched him." fcW A law in Kentucky allows any widow who has a child between six and eighteen years of age, to vote in tbe school district meetings. tW It is a singular fact, that wheh the In dian swears he swears in English. There ere no oaths in the Indian vernacular. An old maid, speaking of marriage, •Rys it is like any other disease—while there Is life there is hope. ET Hop? >* ibe light of the laitip, bnt Faith is the fight of the sue. I TUI2 MISERIES OP HOOPS. : Hoops make useful, pretty toys For active lillle gir'a and boys ; Hut hoops on woman, cenile, Are thinjin to sneer at and to scoff, And like the whoop of a whooping cough, Neither useful nor ornamental. For while frail woman bones her skirte, And with a skeleton flaunts and flirts, She has so much to carry, ; Man finds it hard with her to talk, ' And hsrder still >o sit or walk, | But hardest of all to marry. For when a smitten wretch has seen, ! Among the lost in crinoline, I The one his heart holds dearer, : Oh ! what a chill to ardent pasaion, To feel that thro' this hollow fashion, lie never can be nearer! Thai instead of timidly drawing near, And pouring into tne thrilling ear I Ttie flood of his soul's devotion, lie must stand and bellow in thunder (ones, Across a half acre of skirts and bones, As if bailing a ship on the ocean ! And if, by Chance, the maid of his choice, Shall faintly hear Iter lover's voice. And smiles her condescension— Why he captures a mass of hoops and rings, Skeletons, bones, and nther thioga Too horrible to mention. | Thus lovely woman hoops to folly, And drives poor man to melancholy, By her great frigid zones; Then let her hear a warning voice, Between her hoops and hopes make choice, And give the dogs her bones. flatd Study versus Hard Eating. Students and dyspeptics, read this article from Hall's New York Journal of Health: Hard study hurts nobgo'y, but hard eating does, ft is a very common thing to attribute the premature disability or death of students and eminent men to too close application to their studies. It has now come to be a gen erally admitted truth, that hard sttidy, as it is called, endangers life. It is a mischievous error that severe mental application under mines health. Unthinking people will dis miss this with the exclamation of "That's all stuff," or something equally conclusive. To those who search after truth, in the love I of it, we wish to offer some suggestions. Many German scholars have studied for a lifetime, for sixteen hours out of tho twenty four, and a very large number, from twelve i to fifteen Honrs; lived in comparative health j and died beyond the sixties. ! One of the Professor li: the age of neilQHnHltij la jreod j health, deli living i : mentally on the like. Annmer strong example of the j troth that health and hard study are not in- j compatible, is found in the great Missourian, Thomas H. Benton, now past three score and ten, and in the enjoymentjof vigorous health; a more severe student than he has been and is now, the American public does not know. I Dr. Charles Caldwell, our honored precep- ' tor, lived beyond the eighties, with high i bodily health, remarkable physical vigor, I and menial force scarcely abated ; yet for a j great part of his life, he studied fifteen hours j ! out of the twenty-fonr, and at one lime gave j but'four hours to sleep. John Quincy Ad- I ams, "rhe old man eloquent," is another I equally strong example of our position. All 1 these men, with the venerable Dr. Nott, now moro than eighty years old, made the pres ervation of health a scientific study, and by i systematic temperance, neither blind cor j spasmodic, secured the for which they labored, and with it, .years, usefulness, and j honor. The inculcation of these important l troths was precisely the object we had in i view, in the projection of this journal, with I the more immediate practical application to i the clergy of this country, whom we see j daily disabled or dying scores of years be fore their lime; not as is uniformly benevo- I lently stated, from their "arduous labors," 1 but by a persistent and inexcusable ignorance of the laws of life and health, and wicked j neglect of them. We use this strong lan guage purposely, for the ignorance of duty I to '.heir own souls; for upon both classes of ; duly the lights brightly shir.e, fall bright ■ enough for all practical purposes—lights of nature, of science, of experience, and oft grace. How much of the hard intolerant, theology of the times wss concocted and ! perpetuated by dyspeptic stomachs, reflect ing men can readily conjecture. We take it upon ourselves to guard and guide the shep herds. We would like to say much more on this subject, but long orticlos ate neither' read nor copied, and by many a long cigar or a long quid would be preferred. For the present, therefore, we content ourselves with the enunciation of the gist of this article Students and professional men are not so much injured l y bard study as by hard eat ing ; nor is severe study for a lifetime, of itself incompatible with mental and bodily vigor to the full age of threescore- years and ten. WHO OWNS LAND IN GRIST BIUTAIN. —In Great Britain about sixty thousand families own all the territory, which is occupied by over twenty-seven millions of inhabitants.— Five noblemen—the Marquis of Dreadal bane, the Dukes of Argyle, Athol, Sunder land and Buccleugh—own, perbsps, one fourth of Scotland. The estate of the Duke of Sunderland comprises about seventy thou sand acres, or more than one thousand square miles. CAN rr BE TRUE f—The New York Even ing Post says there are at least two thousand gambling houses in that city, and probably a hundred faro banks. Ancient and Modern Water Worm nod Tunnel". We are liable In lorgel the great works of die pif>t| in our adffliritioii cf the preienl ! lienee it ii a good.thing sometimes to recall what the old engineers hare accomplished, an a healthful stimulant to excite oar modern engineers to greater efforts. The old Roman aqueduct*, for anpplying dial city with water, in thedaya of it* glory, when compared with the greatest of modem works of this kind, ilwarf them into insignifi cance. Rome had one aquaduet—Aqna Apia —ten miles long all onderground ; another — Anio Vetus—forty-three miles and nearly all underground also; another—Aqna Marcia— fifty miles long, and the Anoi Nevus fifty nine miles long, with arches 109 feet high. There were nUo four other aqueducts a mountiug to nine altogether, for supplying Rome with water by gravitation, for there were n steam engines in those to pump it up from the adjacent river Tiber for city use, as is now done in Philadelphia, Chicago, Clev eland and other ofour cities. ~ The noblest work of modern engineering for supplying any city with water is undoubt edly the Croton Water Works of New York. Its artificial tunnels are carried over valltes, through hills, and over rivers a distance of forty miles. The work is stupendnus to be sure, (or it carries a condensed river from the mountains into the City, but compared to the old Roman water tunnels is not so much to boast of. The city of Montreal has recently finished some great work of engineering for supplying itselT with in the same manner as the city of Philadelphia, by employing the WBter power of the river to pump itself up to an elevated reservoir. The water from the St. Lawrence immediately above the rapids, is connected by canal five miles long to a basin where two large wheels 36 feet in diameter work force pumps, which drive the water through iron pipes lor about three miles to a double res ervoir situated on the mountain behind the city, at a height of 200 feet above the tivcr I level. These resprvoirs contain 20,000 000 gallons, and were cut out of the solid rock.— Thus from the efevation of 200 feet the wa ter is conducted through the whole city Next to the Croton Water works those of Mon treal, we understand are the greatest of the I kind in our continent. j good supply tell them to go to Rome for en- i i couragcment and example, i Some great works of tunneling or boring : through moutTlaina, have, within a few years, 1 | been executed in Europe and in onrown cou.i- 1 , try, for carrying railroads thro' ibem, and the j tunnel now boring through the Green Moun- i ' tains, three miles long, is considered to be 1 1 the most expensive work of jhe kind ever ; ' attempted by our engineers; but we havo j only begun to execute works of this kind,. I and we require to be stimulated. The Alle | ghenies, the Rocky Mountains and other j mountains have yet to be tunneled to make : pathways through thewt for the "Iron shred." I Look at what the oitl Romans did. They cut | a tnnnel as patt of a drain for Lake Fucinus, j and it was bored one mile through a moun | tain of hard cornelian. It was in the form jot an arch, nine feet wide and nineteen feet | high. There was no gunpowder then to as ' sist the miners in blasting; all the work of i cutting was executed inch by inch by steady | labor with the pick, wedge and chisel. On i sidering the amount of labor required for this | work, our engineers have much to incite them.— Scientific American. AN UNFORTUNATE MAN.—Sheriff Ansel Wright of Northampton, Mass., is something of a wng. A few days ajjp, a scurvy.looking stranger presented him with a paper, ear nestly beggiug for money. Believing him i an imposter, Mr. Wright handed back the j PP e r, saying: "I {Resume you would'ct | have asked me if you had known my situs j lion ; for whether you believe it or not, ev j ery bit of property I have in the world uin : the hands of the Sheriff." The astonished and ! compassionate stare of the fellow's eyes at ; that moment was a sight to see.—Springfield I Republican, PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN. —A writer in Black- I wood's Magazine has the following sensible I remarks upon the system of unnatural forc ing many parents adopt in training their children in ordor to gratify their own pride with their preternatural displays of smart ness: " How I have heard yon, Eusebius, pity the poor children! 1 remember you looking at a group of them, and reflecting, 'For of such is the kingdom of heaven,' and turn ing away thoughtfully, and saying, 'Of such is the kingdom of trade!' A child of three years of age, with a book in its infant hands, is a fearful sight! It is too often the 1 death warrant, such as the condemned stu pidity looks at —fatal, yet beyond his com prehension. What should a child three I years old—nay, live or six years old—bo taught? Strong meats for weak digestions make not bodily strength. Let there be nursery tales and nursery rhymes. I would say to every parent, especially to every mother, sing to your children; tell them pleasant stories; if in the country, be not too careful lest they get a little dirt upon their hands and clothes; each is very much akin to ns all, in children's out of door play soils them not inwardly. There is in it a kind of consanguinity between all creatures; by it we touch upon [Tn Hffiltri per linai NUMBEIt , the common sympathy first sob \ stance, and beget • kindness for our poor f ! relations, the brutes. Let children have a ,! free, open-air sport, and fear not thongii II > they make acquaintance with the pigs, the , • donkeys, and the chickens—they may form i worse friendships with wiser-looking ones: | encourage a familiarity with all that love to ; court them— dumb animals love children, .; and children love them. There is a lan i : gunge among them which the world's lan - j guago obliterates in the elders. It is of more i importance that you shonid make your chd - I dren lorirg, than that you should make I tbcm wise, that is, book-wise. Above alt -( things, make them loving; then will they - be gentle and obedient; then, also, parents, . if you become old and poor these will be - belter than friends that will never neglect t yon. Children brought np lovingly at your ; knees, wiH never shut their doors upon you, > and point where they would have you go." BREATHING. —There are cortain physiolog ical laws which, from their simplicity ar , well as their importance, should be familiar to every person. These principles can hard ly be too often urged upon the attention of the reading community; for it is a melan- I clioly fact that with all tlint has been writ , ten and said upon the subject of health, . there is a widespread ignorance or indif , fcrence in relation to its preservation. , The process of breathing is very simple, though the machinery by which it is per- I formed is complicated and wonderful. And , herein, at least, 'all men are created equal;' f neither can man boast in this respect over the brutes beneath him, for all existence is I sustained by the same process. Here tho , priuce and the beggar—the man of colossal I intellect and the meanest insect, are upon , a common level. , Yot the art of breathing seems but ill , understood, or if understood but poorly pwc . ticed. Certain it is that thousands of peo , pie of both sexes stop breathing altogether . long before they havo lived to old age, for , the simple reason that they do not breathe properly while they have a chance. Con sumption. asthma, and kindred disorders, that count their victims by multitudes which no man can number, of ; the largest 1 prop a gat - | ion cf 06 to when this I stage or contraction is reached, a person had better make his will, and all other ! necessary arrangements for an untimely j death. 7 ! It is just as easy to have a broad chest and fully developed lungs as is to have | them contracted: yet there is only one way given, "under heaven or among men," whereby this result may be a'tained, and j that is to breathe properly. In the first place, if yon would do this, you must keep : erect, whether sitting or standing; and then you must breathe lully—that is, you must • fill the lungs to their very bottom. Further more, you should often give the lungs ad extra, strengthening, by throwing back your I arms and shoulders as far as possible, draw ' ing in all the air yon can, and then letting it '. olTby the slowest process. This invigorates i the whole system, and soon becomes a lux* • i ury which one will not dispense with. It is i particularly necessary for persons of seden ' tary habits, such as clerks, shoemakers, ■ 1 tailors, teachers, etc. These persons should f never allow themselves to sit in a stooping r i posture; and as often as every half hour • should get up and fill their lungs in the t manner just described. t ; There is a stylo particularly common with j Young America, of sitting with the heels as 1 high or highor than the head. What is I. more common than to see a man reading ; his newspaper, or smoking u cigar, with ; his feet perched upon a desk, or some ob ■ ject higher than his chair? The practice is II at once vulgar and mischievous, and, long continued, can but result disastrously to the ' health. - j The true position of the body is indispens ■ ; able. A person should make it a matter of , , serious and solemn duty not to get into the I habit of stooping. They can soon get ac i customed to it, that it is as easy to stand I erect as to bend. Those in the habit of stooping may find it quite a struggle to over ; come it; but tho reward will rickly repay • the labor. Not only should tho stooping i posture bo avoided through the day, but . 1 also in bed. The position should be such ' during sleep that the lungs will imbibe tha : ; greatest possible quantity of air. • j This leads us to remark upon the ventil | ation of sleeping apartments. It is an amsz ; ing fact that hundreds of families sleep with ;: out fresh air, carefully closing all the doors r and windows that can admit any, as though ■ it were an enemy against which they WOTS to barricade their castles, instead of a friend without which they can not live. The air : of a bedroom is thus breathed over and over again, till it becomes impure and un ■ heal liy : and by this means the system is enervated, and disease is engendered—i Dwellings shonid be bailt with an eye to this important matter of ventilation; but even where they are not, a partial remedy exists, for a window cin be raised, or a door opened, or both. These suggestions, as we hare already intimated, nre of tho simplest kind, which every person can understand and adopt Their importance can not be over-estimt ted. The whole subject of physiology is one of the greatest Importance, and no man should be ignorant in relation to the struc ture of hia system and the proper us# of its functions.— Life Mistraled.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers