THEEIEES rXTE.It CS.US ~CXS3B CVEBSHOT THRASHERS, FEED CUTTERS, <Se. ThciFtmsfnl represents a sirgle or one birrs*-machine with the hands necessary to attend, ill J.ha subscriber* take this method of in fnrmtng the puhlie in general, that they have 'ir sortie time been carrying on, in all their attune- homi lies, i|,e mannlaclnte and sale nt Wheeler's Patent Chain Horse Powers. 'gattier with Gvvrsitoi Tbrastier". Freti Cut ten*, Revolving Horse Rakes, &c ,in Light St'eet: Civtnmhiu en., ami i tie lnv< n nl IN or lit - Uinherlaml, Nririhuniberfand cn , Pa. Tile Iforste-Powerst *•* Wrong ami durable, ami very simple in tfifir miiiHrttitiinif: rilll littal ure tm' lihMh in ii out ol or.inr. Wilh a *liili! fit - VHtion, lit*? weight alone cf ilie hw*e 01 ir \lite I'hrat-httr with force unit Tliey inay aihO h* hm! lir various fitfter pnrpoM*!* MIOII a iltiviou Ciroulnr Saw* lUitti'n2 f;u||it'H. liocini; Maclituu.*, l>riu<f- Son** CtiiniiH, er. HUT. The Macliinc* haeo several advanuoiea over thn mac-lot?®* llowe in 11-®. Jhe upion or ht-Ji .J lat-le i lawml. hiicl oI a proper hi inlii > allow lh luedftr to *iartd nrwet, and leed wveolv am' eanly wi'.fioill anno).••• • fioiti dio-t'.Slu aricll Moiih arc uol huM t ,f ' ttiri4*iier, null the jraiu o* • t Hmuereil. t n ItlrCVlU down to :he Mfpafalt f. Ihe :v\ horr-o maelline, a ieinlt , l ny Ir .m ivvo o three huud.*, wnl thradi from UK) to 15( huMiel* nl Wheat, or double the HIIIOIIIII ol nHtf-per day. J'lie out 4 hor.-e uiaehife. ju tue !nl bv tvcci er ihrne hand*, w II 'hra-l Irnm 5U lo 75 bulled* wheat, or if• i1.1- tlta am on 111 of ohlh ;er day The I'Ved h'uuer i* a fir-i lateuruele. and i* very much need. It itiim fine and very hut: *tlke art cut bv it 3-8 ol MI neh lunji. ut he rule ul from 3do lo SUO per chiv. The i* a hnel >ialeiuent nf the qnaliiien Mini ehur.ceier of our ui.ivttiue* Tlimh piuh.cblv i* a larger uuiober ol Whel®i a PaiHiit Power* matin unit M-ld tfiuri any oilier kind. U c c'ller our inn ehroe* in ihe liar ruin** enrnriiiuii-y wuh lull eiinlidenee in ttieir nieriin, ami '.nviie all lie teioied lo eail uud iXumioe ibem belore parehatit>K ei^ewhere. For lunher fiurtivulur*, or for purpose ol fm'erin!! tonelliiie*, addre-s the Mih-enhfi- I at Lhi Soeei, L'olurvchiii en, or ai North- | uriiheilaiid. No.ih .1 euiiuiy. I hi., or upj.l\ to | the follow iui ammo:—J.ieoh II trliiiini, Md- | urn : Jo-Hpii V'ankiik, near NonluifiiberlKiid ; i Jlditi I/i ir. rie-ir >el uFvrovr Harnhaf | |> i*buij2: A I*, Mimey; Samoel Dariiiiuu, Uuil-'ucuii; Daniel khvUner N -w ■ Unriiii. STONE Jg lII'LSIIiZER. Oe'nber 18. 18..11 -'ln:. HAV E LT>L SI USCKLREL) I.v THK CGS.IKIPOLITAX ART ASSOCIATION Pon Tin-: rmun vi;. in? cI-EtHURAI!F. IN DP IKM F.N IV—TI e 11,aii.tiiHinenl loixe ilte pU.eino ot ate tuiu 1 • v*"• i! dial Ihe coliec lien ol \\ nk* el Ai for diMiitii.!ii .tir-oe,; ;I: Milx u her*, u 2IAO name* am reeeived pievou to ill® ifcS'h of Jatiuarx. ISo7. i* tnueh iaryer ai d mom i o*ily ilum on any* jeckf Alltoni* ihe leading \A oik* 111 S 4 illpllire— \ •tmled 10 I u ti're-t Maihl —the new and btHoeifol > .one t ilm "WOOD NYMPH," The Uu*t nl ibetliree great Atnerivun Ma rs ntau, CLAY, AVKHSIER .T < AI.UOL'N, Alsrr lite exquisre Bust, UP % g * LI v tM. API'OLLt) AM) DIANA, lii tMarhle, Lite e. Toiieflier wuh dm IOI.OAA (>ruupf and Siai it' % * MI*irn Marhh—ol ho SHriigPt for the Heart. f'entif and .Ipplc, P<t/rhr. Stapdalen, Child of the Sea, Innocence. Curtice liiril rtniL/.it/It Truant. \Y;,t, tturttunai. ,inb in Rruttge, ac..i acol- nf .•!*€*/ I'illc Oil l*:iiiiliit£>> by Hmthna Ah* Tte whole nl v\ \ irb •< tn be #-Irti.tcJ or ullntitH Hn mtv-ffibir* \vlii>ke name* urrr ret*eivel | revioe* id tin* CS.h l iaiiMnty. I>.i7. XAhx'ii it** Dominium wii lake pUee. TKKMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: T\\*er\ Mlh?4 l l*f ni >k*Cf I* OTillllrMt ?n A v <-f IIN >trol 'J. t% Hniitm*y ,\i.U or \ -o|v 4,1 ;,nv 1U soHi>ir4! £3 Mag* kUn A <{ii tt .f t Jx 'trorf o* rx•• r ami A Te*ef m t!i Am-u\il D'Mi t i.immi i■ i U ,tk> x#l A tf. Thins I"' eiety £3 pvtl. n p+ftcr. rrt x>r>\ get** I eimiitiil V*.lf bill mImI fJTIMU'* Hh Afi .lil<rn,il ilrt' war, anil 7 (Lit tne Atm*| Pi* bins n Hintr ***' c/i/ •< tmi'A of Mi rnutif bmlr%ll.' m-kei.bx u n.rh a v.i!u : ir p*t - itit* or piece ol fUMiaiy max te rtitmu in - a|ilhitn Tbn-e rrMr prefer Macaain#* lo fhe Encn* Yn 'Siiuntttv N t:fiv i in iiaVrt e her I : e f one rear lUtper * M e >d*) *► Lai'y * IJonk. I tuuil S a e* Ma.*- su£ % M (.• thani** Mfcii*xme. HlukwiOvi Sou.hern r ;>tap*ron - re-trceil n i ir.Je rhare Thom lfck" i! !i * u.i-u,ler*hi •>-. re nut'tig tlj, am on r to 4\ \ ami t.- tie ken- h • - iii*u'u .1. or am fixe ot tii * c xi\ '. nr. Jvu 'a iff*. ;e remit) n t>. d or merr *M|x. wit plea** tk* Viler a* the I'm Olßee ro prevent i >', i i feci* jt i' iuri • art n( Memtrr' . l .e ?ior xxi;', ihe < r Magay *e , r i, u i!| Or twixxa*iou u auv of ilxo ctxiw ; x . F*r furt 1 rr pftvti<'.t4r%. -ro t!* Noreml-er Aft Ji .unixl -ft i Hi*o on jit p •*'" < i. t > rrnv, *' iA . i4S N V. o* Wftet. i liiif. ISA Hfff - 'kv . O mo ur kour. K. e i. VliK. Hon- >•, U.ounj^D'.rg. !*.. 2fi, ISS. T U.Ur HOUSE ISI.A.VD, an original j N,iMlri, h* die Mlhur of "Zllnil," Ao.. wi,l be |inbil>hnl in Ike SalMliliv En-mug l*n. See jiruspeeiua ia ai.oit vr piece. AWiiUSTINE DUO ANNE wiiiea for lit Atanbr Hwsiiif Pud. TilE ■>lC OF ULTtGL NLiY. a Tale of ibr i|P ii Cswoai. See juuspecm* n an- FOBESGOOCS, afawy daaentKmr and r. aerl.airf * W* York _ - inii'nlali" ; - hormie an Hie ene-p km mxelt. NEAL A CO MT/L TO THE FASHONABLE AM) If# CD<O££2EBIEQSe3. rj>HE undersigned, having just received the " latest Paris nrnl New York Fashions would again beg leave to inform liia nnmei eug friends and all the world about Bloom burg, thai lie is now betier prepared timti ev er :o Brenmmodate any one w ill the nealesi, eusie-i and best fitting suits of Clothes thai have been turned out lately ; and not only that, but be will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too wel known to need furthernotice) where he mat at all limes be found, seated npoii the bench ol repentanee steadily draw ing out the/Ar ret ol alii let ' On. hopeing it may in the end provr advantageous to hint and his ettslotners. Hi would alo advise his friends to bear in mice that poor, ultlioled tailors must live, or tiny ran t be expected In work. Therefore, U heal live Corn. Oids. Potatoes, and with all now and titer: a little CAMI will come might) handy from those who are back-sluiulinjj on V.e hook. Remember, gentlemen, that in ul. caser ••the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. nioornsbtt'g, April Dili, 1853. / GREENWOOD SEMINARY AT HIILLVILLE. COLUMBIA <O.. FA. For loiiili of l)H Hexes. 1 >t)i itiiaa>. I'ithXf ll'ai., I f| 'HIS Insiitntiui' which has been in biic -1 i-esstnl operu'imi fur several years It as recently been enlarged to give belter neeum inmlaiii'iis tor boatilere ami iuctcased fuctli | ties tor i'uitioit. kit. 1 latch qnaner < f tit" School year consists 'ol eleven weeks, anil lire next session w ill .•eminence 1.1 the 1311, ol Angtisl, bill pu .Ills will le .ken at liny season. IT Ritilition In ihe constant attention of the I'liiiipal, the services ol an experienced e.n her have been procured, instruction will tie "ien in all the English branches usually • nltglil. ami al-u in Latin. Naturul Philosophy and Astronomy will be illiisiralsd by appropriate iipparaliis and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Slnttotiu iv will lo provided for all who desire. insi&aifio Tt'tTtoN, S3 Mi, 64 ami ?>4.50 pertjaartcr, ■ railsil t.y the eiiurse ol sillily. Boarding, Tuition, Washing Lights, &c., JJ4 |,or q-i-.irier, one-half payable qliuncily 111 MilVtllU'®. or furllierpaiticulareadJresKthe ptiti pal. Mtlisille. July 6, 1835. o>i Nll i I > r /F-g s '' 1 N B A NI > I E VEs: V IIEE. ci! a l^ufcKuaaasEaa ■V' (IU 1 runs ii new omnibus between Blooms - burg oml the Railroad Depot. which will lake passenger* Irom ami io any of ilit? residences ol >h town, or tlio American House an>i lork* llolol; ami ho will also luriiisli conveyances lo all traveller* w ho may wish lo 'jo into nr.y purl ol the county Tlio omnibus w ill leave Hlooinsl>, Ju'lv t 12 o'clock M., ami at 2 o'clock I'. M. Wl'ini' 12$ coil * each vvne. lie hu ul-o a laige lively stableconoccic.l : Willi Iho omnibus ' nit", front which Ire can aeonm module the pohiiiv wilh eorieevauct s lor tr.ivclliO'j, | h'..>-iiip I'M'lirs'olis . r husi- S .nut ni iho rear ol ll*tfnmi N F'dse a establishment, near the eernie ol -he unvu. j NO All S. I'RF.N I'liSS. llloomsbura, June 3, IS.VS.—-ly. I'miiuiiii Improvfil scrjutfifosriMTK or I.IME. I lie (July silver Medal Y'l.r nwur.i-d I'V Agricultural Soeiegies. wa? given to iki* H'peiirr vrtiile. ai li e IVimsy Ivuiim Suile Fair, ill II tlfisblirg, a? a Fertiliser ol the lies' Quality lor H iteal.lorn. Oafs, lirass \ rotators, Raising i.env\ crop-, ami gieutlv impioi ing li e coil. The subscriber tespoolUiliy mlortii l into'it ami ilealera thai he is prepared lo supply the fall demand wilh (tils superior alol wo li le.ied.aruele. Honied. —A lihcra! discount allowed. \O. 1 ri.lil VlA\ As MEXICAN (.UNO. 1 /\>itnrrltc i7ii./ Lund f'/nsltr. Oi'S , ('<T;ir//fs. AW;). <S' C > Of the best quality. m lovve-i matkei rales. JOHN I. rOMF.UOY. .Yt'jif/i and Trnth lE/iarvr*. hclow .1 far kit A'/i ret, /'Ai/ut/'rr. HT Fain ers can lead at .ivoprico/e alleys, i and avoid Hie crowded Whutl. 1 Alt 0... |9 INMtn. Hi turn* dtnl Small Profits." A. J. EVAKS, UA> v #i receded mid opened new • .-.xr.ineni <*l pxote lioiit 1 l> I* h-'rlpliia, wiiii li !<e t* ilrieimii-ed l* ii cpiu k uiut h***p> He las evet) iliii p xleeii* aide toi and wK\K. tin! al! ill) oftotS tor ilnmf-iir mil lioni li il |i> M , -titifil lor tlf IAII.I Ii AI I*.- Hi' II .► .l-ou hi'l >l;,'.'l\ nl UuvMWtnM* Md* w no. \Vnoilro. hro -m-. I.ookirt: (JUs-osi. 800 IS AM) MU o•• .'• >' 22 hl '' FRESH , AT 1 UK I OW KSI' I Ml I > I'K I UK MAR KK I He ill .ell -<i ton t-l !n mt |mil ;inJ will niitk-> it to :t c luioiest i f i'l'M.a.-i i. :o ilf-al troli il'ein. F&r t-aii . nil see our Sior's. , B Aim Sfl. l>•?><>. \\ HKAri.KVS A III'II t>TIK).T THKA- X TliK ,4iri SUftK ofiory A. Pkit'e. Tiik St*u CoMPiKV. I'oitiroMiJ nl' th,. Hr-i An.aia 111 i'if mirlil. hJ etrfe,luijj j !; renuilt ril l .ilom at V Hranmtn- oocit inr.- ■loii iierpiolote otlorf.l to ilie Ti>f..iriol Pub lip. i ill appear l-.VKHX NKiHrin Chiumi, i'ri>i>ii*. Ser.o-Coin.o Drama, Mii-ical Bourcaii. ir . Ac. gy Xl'ttnn tnwlnj* ( 'v 50 rhpro OK Art tßtiW US, >o >.it-,i bai.--.~~1i.-o J Mull, C'amliru'. 8i-s Mn-lin Im-lioji Uiwim. ?.*; bard Alualin josl r?n. it r,i al liif blOre ol A r MFNSCH niuiiiuilim'j; Fotiiitirt. | OSKI'H SHAKI'I.KSS ta . x t . 1 .k*xi ix.e enurr I ♦ in:ee> e? in* i* r r-r'uer 1 bi- :;. Hp ej urea tw maiai-ai nre .1 /./. KiS/>S OF CAST/XGS, amaily Mut* m hi* line ol buin.iess. I lm lfiil tor die librral ciuot> hemnforp ivniilnl nil* r-it'l l It Oi.l. I luijtes In n,rri< *■> mrreaM 1 Ol |'iit>il<- proi>a*e. B*<>-M-r<ii£, Mav IBa6. Exfcnlors' .X'alirr. NOTICk < twrri't mm, in* 1 i-r* ie-ia WTWDitv Ujion Tfcf r-'ie ol l*bilip K' rkOauni, ile ol Bemor. ionbip, Colombia coo my, deceased, l,av beer, I :o ine undr -•*ned remdiog also lo )he-aid lotrorbip ol Ss ,u>. All persons iudebicd to li e saul e>:aie are mjc>tadre make paymen: vob eel delay, and tbose bating account.- a;ain-i the dacedeni 'o pe-e.ii ihem lor sevlemaai W )>AAC K. KKIC KBAIM, SAU L r.kRiCkBAl M, Zxentiy# Bw fVr t I*sl !|Btegi SALAMANDER ' IHH.— & it itsov, T.rfat Fire, t hestuut 1 Fifth Streets, MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER. I3ih, 18 >t EVANS S: VVAtSON S SALAMAN DER SAFES TRIUMPHANT, as they al ways ate when pu to the test Philadelphia, Ilea- 15 lh> 18S4. Messrs. Evans & Watson, No. 26 south Fourth Street, Philatlelphia. —Gentlemen: — We utke pleasure in recommending your Salamander Sates to merchants and others m want of a secure moans ol preserving their hunks, papers, &v., horn fire, as the one we purchased from you ahuui seven sines has preserved onr book-, pa pers, ami cash in as good condition as limy ware when put into it, before the great lire nf this morning, which destroyed the entire block ol buildings corner <*t Chestnut and Filth Streets. 1 lie above Sale was in use in our office, on the second llonr nl our bond ing, frotn which place it fell i"'o the cellar, ami remained there until the fire was out The sale was then removed, and oppened in the presence ol at least 1000 persons, who witnessed it e good condition ol the cniiletil*. Will yon please have the Safe and locks re paired, as we intend to pin it in use again, having perfect confidence in its lire proul qualities. Yours, repent full V, I.ACEY & PHILLIPS. Evan* & Walton lake pleasure in referring lo tle Ib'Jovvmi*. Hinofii! the many houifrml*, who IntvH ilieir Safe?* in u*u;—-U. S. Mini, Pli'latlelpliia: Farm®'* & Meelnii it>' Bank. Pinl JTIELPIIM; Samuel Allen, EMJ. ILih Sner ill, Plnluile'niiia: John N. Hen.Vieon, Ciy Lniiiioller: Caieli Coj;e & Co.. No. 183 Mar ket street; Itirhnnl Norn* &Sn. Locomotive ImililHtn, Plnliulelphia; Buierofi & Seller®, Machmisii*. vomer Ititli ami James Mreeti*: Kiunkliii Fire ln>uriiu'rt Co., FlnUilelpliia; lViiiH\ I viinia Haihoail Co, PhiUilolphia; Lu ey & Phillip*, corner of ftth ami Minor •irnei; Sharpie** Urn . No. 2r2 south Second sireei ; J itnee, Kent & isiniee, No. 147 north Third etreco, A lar:e m*Bortmpnl of the above S.ife* id wn)A mi hand [warranted to rtum* HI lei*t in per eei,t. mor- fire than any Herrmu> S.He now in o®e.] KVHIIH & \Vat*on nl*o iriaunf.M'lum and keep lor pale, Iron Shutter*, 11on Door*, and Iron Sn*h, lor makmu fire nrnot Vuulta, for Hank*, RT.TUH private tool puhlie*; Seal and Letter Cop) tug pn*K.H> ; P.tent Slate Lined Hulrijjeralor-,&t\ l*lea*H yue u* a call at No. 26 Souih 4 h Mr eel Philadelphia. EVANS & WATSON. March 27, 1856. TONICS WON'T WO. e ß>lll-3Y never did do mure than give tempo V rtt:y rebel and they never will It is be cntiso il ey don't much the cause of the din CIIM*. The cri'isc ol all ague and billions din eases is the atmospheric poison called Alms ma or Malaria. Ncutrahke this poison by XJTURJII. .INTWOTE. and all diseases caused by it disappears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidote 10 Malaria, tiltd moreover it is a perfectly luiimie-s medicine. Ihe certificate of the celebrated chemist. J. R. Chilton of New York, in this cllert, is attached to every bottle; therefore if it does no goud it cut. do no harm. This t- more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as llreti ii-n is ruinous 1" the constitution and brines on DI'MU AGUE, which never allows a per son to feel perlectly weil lor a sonde moment. In ilht-tiatinii nl llre-e Irnths I annex some evirai is Irom a lelitr jttsl received Irom a I'l.i sician : (itorpdoxti) Ok in, March 17. '6fi. Ji. A llhorks. E-q. Dear Sir: Your- ot 2d mst. is at hand. 'I he Cure arrived laie last tear and the ddfieill'y in gelling any roe rn try rr pready iin-rea-ed trorn lire 1.0 I lira, a remedy hid been introduced which iva grown g n, fivor wnh die public, as be ing be lor than using Quinine, —noi knowing I presume Unit "he remedy uiey needed to escape inking Quinine, contained die I)Kill ITSELF! This remedy, (knt • as ' Smith's Tcltio.'') ivonl-l invariably HRr. AK an ague, hip it ilnl mil CURE it. in d II would . fen reinin nb mnewed vigor. The one ritrunisiance I deemed in your favor, if I could Disunite a >e-i eompaiison between ii ami your CL'lvE The tnllow ing i< the resuli: Three persons look your ■•Cure," all i f which were ra-es ol ' Quotidian .line,mil ni. l'-'ver."ol many weexsstanding. The) had tried Qiiiiui.e, and other remedies, oeea i. . why missing w i tilt, but it was (a- in all -m il . m-cs. j slowly wearing them mil, and Isvo jihe louud.uuill of oilier and seven-r inalarlies. I ilnl succeed HI tfeel,og a ta,!.- ,1,1 v .PC of all diree ol llte-e cases w oh v Oil I reiio dy. and. they have oi.l bad a chill since. In all ihree ol ihe-e oa-e- die •Snip' s Ton ic had been n-cl, ai d would, - bel .re sla ted. break die cli'll, but alier a period or two 1,.,. , -, -,' dit wornd return. I il.i- k there will be no ihrtieuiy now in jiv ,i.g io your' Cilia'' lie va.u -ja gtonii'l of any oilier reined, n"W in ,-•• l.eie, &••. 4ic. \\ II 1.1 AM I'll KMX M. 11, RHODE? I FYHv and AI.UK I URE, or I'lfii.'o'r ;o d/,/,.>1,1. ils o: v harmle-s reme dy o, . v,- ei ie, is equ d \ > ellnin as a I'KK VKNIIVF. as a "Cl KF. ' dale u when vuiiieid he chill mining on, a,,d vou will never have a s' g'e one. JAMi.? A RHODES. rieprir/or, l'r,iv, Iv. I For saje In nrnggijis generally. June IJ ISSIi Ybtv Wholesale Ihng Store, So. 26 .Voi ilh Strand S:> rct, I'iiu.inKi.i'itii. Y SrFNCER THOMAS, IMFORTF.R s• Mam lacitirer, and Water c Hnigs. Medicines, b'hemu-uis. Acids, Ove •smiTs. I'.villi?. Oils, Color?, \\ kite Lr.vd. rfnc % i ! V\ hilrt Zinc. Window <* Var nf Spier*, aui r r r arn le un*ljy kep; t y rlihl.r.i , l!irT. ItJiffl. Gift. Shf/ltic, J'otafh, K>- &<• A-o. All nr ier* by mail uf other* n? I 10. COUNTRY MERCHANTS aie itivuni 10 < Mii ai-ti eiNn>our nock be lojf elfe^tiere. I * iOOi\< Mni in *nv of iha Whaires or Ra! ti *J Nation* Prices ion- *uJ gockis ttjirrAM Ptnutteipliia, March 16 1556-y. "^ycyliasao .Ye. 56 .lick Af. hit. SmtiH 4" Tkirti. (Hi'ikim* Mi*l S I*H ) |> U I I. A I) K LP II I A; JIEYE>, RIDHLKS, SCREENS, WOVEN Win ot Mil itn-rhes- mid with nil fcinJ- o idmu and tarri wire H'at; Faulad Wif lot Spuik Csk her-: Coal. San J ■ail Quid Vnew; Peper Maker's Ww; C|lit.drr r.J Dandy Roll*, cohered in tbe 6*l BinTirt; Wire and Wire Fmring. A err .-epenor an New Heavy FeatnJafe' f*wi. AU kinds of Iran Ore Wise ami * BAYLXSS, DABBY k LYNN, Aagmt JO, 856-3 a Uu sin ess Directory. OloomGlmrn, |3n. DAVID LOIVERBERG, {CLOTHING STORK, on Main street, two N-'doors above the ' Atnefioan House." SIMON IHtKirilSS, & (0. CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court bouse. A 7 J. EVANS. MERCHANT.— Store on the tipper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. ~ S. c. SHITE, \| ANUFACTI'RKR OF FI'RNITURF *■" AND CABINET WARE.—VVurerooni in Shive's Block, on Main Siroet. I A.M. 11l PERT, rpINNKR AND STOVE DEALER 1. Shop on South side of Main street, be jow Market. R. W- WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW'.— Office on the first floor of the ' Star' Building, on Main street. JOSEHITHAR PLKSB. I ROUNDER ANN MACHINEST, Ruihl ingaon the alley between tho "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT. r |iAIF.OR —Shop on the South Side of Main I Street, first square below Market. " A. C. MEN'SCH, \I ERCHANT.—Store North West corner '*- t ,f Main and Market S'.eets. IIIRAM t. IIOW'ER, wjjURGEO.N DENTIST.—Office near the Acaoeinv on Third Street. AI'KELI V, REAL if 0„ MERCHANTS.— Northeast corner of Main mid Murkei JQSEPU SHARI'LESS, MANC EAC 1 1 RE AND DEALER IN MOVES, TINWARE &C— Establish men', on Main street, next liuildiiig i bove he Court-house. PVII D O 8 DIGEST. \NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of Purdon's Digest,can be accommodated bv applying *t he this Otil- e IB©®®®# •sraA&ik&fmF' THE I'CCKKT JESCIiLAI'IESi Oil. t:\KHY UNK HIS OWN PIIYMI'IAN. frPHS FIKI KITH JL Kdilion, with One hun re l Engiavmg*. s how i n r l>icic oitl Ml* formnlions of the hwni*H 8y sir in in every *h*p® form . To which •" ihKU'al n Trrttwe on the Intense* of Female*, being ol the highest impoitmice to mar. ried pc | If, or ihotc con. f c niphfi ng niarnuge. ily WILLIAM YOVSG, M I). TiCt no father he Aphiimeit tlie preecnt a copy : of the Ae*culapiu* to hia child. It may save ' htm from no gmve. hrl no young man or ) woman enter into the secret obligations o. mar. | tied lite without reading the Pncke •Aesculauius ] Let no one MitVer front a hackuied Cough ]\ni ' in iho ISide,restless nights, nervous feelings. I and the whole train ol liespeptic sensations, 1 and given up by th ir phyeiei oa. he enottier n. incut without cotixiilting the AFMXLA- Pll'tS. Have the mamed.or tho>e aboitl to lie married any impediment, read this Holy useful hook, as it has hern I lie means of fating thou* -amis of uii fortunate creatine* from the vary \ jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en- ! cloved in t letter, will receive one ropy of this } look,by mail,or live copies w illhe sent for one d >ll nr. Address. Or. \\ . \ ouii|t ~\o. fSS Mprucr ' street*lMiilsdelphia.' Post paid. >Jo 1 '>• >| ruce St., Philadelphia. Sep* Ist, 1804-ly, UL: U utiDiiEifiE3 , [JbQaa i^3 Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. ( SHUT UESrECTI'I 1.1.V invites the attention of ol the Public in f>is extensive assort- I nioni of Cabinet Furniture ami Chairs, vvliieti lie w ill v\ annul made of good materials ami in a workmanlike ma- er. At his Establish- '■ litem, van ul.vms be louud a good assort ment ol Faxhiflnablf Furnitue. Which is equal m t,ie and finish 10 thai ol Philadelphia or New Yoik cities, and ai as loir jirices. He has Sofas of different j and prices, from bUS ... Sfio. Divan*. 1-Oun t;sr. WalnUl ai d Mahogany Parlor chairs, t | Kncking and easv chairs. Piano stools, and a variety ol nphoisiere.l work, with Dressing i and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre ami • . pier tables, delahu*. rheffeuier*, I and con-odes and all km.'.s ol fashionable ■ I w-aik. Ilia stock ol bureaus, enclosed and I cuiuuiou washstamU. dress-tables, corner I cnplioatds, solas, dining ami bieakf.t-l u i bles. bedsteads, cane seat and common ' ! chairs, is ihe largest in this seclion of the country. He will also keep a good assort- j I men! of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and > common frames. He will also furnish spring , ma.ltasses fined to anv sized bedstead,winch are superior tor durability atid comtort lo i any bed in use. KUiomshnrg. April Gth ISS4. tf. LEAF rußAflO AND CIGARS. I DENSLOW 8c CO., ill South I roiit Slrctf, PHILAI'KI.PIUA, CamniiMinn Hcri'uiuts, II itiJtMiJr l)rrlns rn . ~f I LfafTobarcu, Maiiufjciared Tobac co, and ti?ars. HAVE eon-'antly tn tiainl and for sale low j r : klies of American ami Spanish Leaf To ' n -it-os, selected w i;h spetiai reference ;o , J Manufacturers' use. j 1 A I articles sold, warranted to be as rep I I .e-e ,tcd and every opportunity afforded lor j ' ! evscn naiior,. 1 j Pcichusers •! a distance can send their or- j i der-. i d rely upon being as faithfully served J ' as .1 it - were selected iu person. I ' '■ October IV TiLvare & SletrKstakiisharnt. l Nltt.KMtNfcD ic|ectluly in. " fminr hi* dd friend* and ru-lontrr-.lhil hf h I u' KwJ hi> br.nhri' iiii(m4 in Ibe JhaT ■ istincoi. nd the concern will here after K conducted by himself rtclusirely. He A hat jesrraerivtd and offeit tor sale llie la ;m af wul eiirnmr luorinem neat tAACY BTOV Ei twiatre doc J ioto this airier. fiore,.. ( .e and Tinware tonrtintly on hind and Mttfißind lo order. All kinds ol re farafdw. as Mat), sa shart a sues, l'ke i>mi.ui%*sl oM Stents and new CDS toners m iLiurcUalit aoUctied. A M. RUPERT Eic-oatfburfr, Jan I*, 1553 if Pliilari'a. and Rending R. R* KU ANG KN'l.— 1855 Great Northern and VVesteru U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fart reduced. Little Schu Ik ill, Cattawissa, Sunburv and Erie, Williamsport and Ehnira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hour*. " Niagara Fall*, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, 1 34 " ' St Louis. ' 43 " rr Ticket Office—N. W. corner Sixth and Ctiesinnt sireets, and Philadelphia and Read me R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth sirceis. On and after Monday, Mav 7th, Three Pas scnacr Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railiond Depot, corner ol Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as lollows: DAY EXPRESS-e A M. Stopping at Phanixville and Reudinz only. Couueciing with the Cattawissa, Williams port, and Erie, ami Williamsport and Elmirn Railroad; arriving hi Klinira at 4 o'clock P. M„ connecting with New York and Erie and Bnfiiiln; and from thence, via. Steamer, on Luke Eric, or on f.tike Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. AIo, with Elmira, Catianuaigua with New York Cenlial Railroad, East and Wen, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Delioit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Cnnuda and Weslorn Stales. Only on*change ol Baggage between Phil adelohia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breuktast at Port Clin ton ami Dinner ai Williamsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by tins Line have the privilege of Hopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seat* at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, $2 95 Citnvvi.-ta, 4 36 Rupert, 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, 5 15 Will vii*per. 5 90 Elmira, 7 00 Jefferson, 7 65 Siarkey, 7 95 Peon Yen, 8 00 (•urban), 8 00 | Geneva via. Gorham, 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt 8 00 Caiiaiiilaigiin, * 8 00 Honeoye Full*. 8 50 Caledonia, 8 8' l.e Roy, 8 Balnvia, * 9 Oo Rochester, 8 60 Bufialo. via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, . . 10 Buffalo, via Tonawanda, 10 Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, CauandaL gua k Niagara Falls R. R. - |0 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, • 11 00 Cleveland, 10 70 Toledo, 14 75 Cincinnati, 16 no Detroit, via. Rail, 16 oo | " Buff & Lake, 16 00 t Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich | igan Central R. R. - . 20 00 j Chicago, 88*. Buffalo and Lake Shore i Mich. Soothem R. R„ . 20 00 ' Cliivago. via. buff., Luke and Mich, i Central R. 11. . . 20 00 I Rock Island, 25 00 F„ T. HUBBELI, Ticket and Freight Agent, N. W. cornet Sixth ami Chestnut si*. G. A. Nieoi i.s. Superintendent Philadelphia -; and Reading Railroad. T KcKissock. Superintendent Cattawissa, Williamsport ami Erie Railroad. Hknkv Coffin. Superintendent Williams pen am! Etinna Railroad. .lot) 1 >. (855.—tf. THE WEST BRANCH IXST RANCE C®. OF LOCK HAVEN, Pa, i Insures Detached Building*, Stores, Met chao li*, Farm Property, ami oiher build i uiga, ami iherr oonienr* ai moderate rales. CAPITA!*, ¥300,000. cH j n TK N V I: N r £ rUA L. niitrcruß?. Hon Jolin J lVarce. Hon G. C. Harvey * ! John H. IUM. T. T. A brains, Clia'les A. Mayer, 0. K. Jackman, Charles Cnt, W. White, Peier Dickinson, Thomas Kitchen Hon. G. C. HARVEY. Pres't. T. T. ABIUMS, Vice Pres. Titos. Kitchen. Sec'y H CHAS. t'LMAN, Gen'i Ag't REFERENCES. Samuel H. I.loyd, Thorns, Bnwnan, D D jA. A. VVineuartlner Wm. Vamletbelt, I. A Mac key, \V m Fearun, A. \\ hire, Dr. j. S. Crawford, James Quisle, A. CpdegtafT, John U . Msruard, Jme> Arm-irong, | Hon. Wm Biler WESLEY WIRT. Acem,' Bioonoburs, June 19, 1956-6 m. AYRNNSFLIT & CAST IRON ILED- I STEADS. RAILING,SETTERS,TREE Box es, SLnd, Verandas, &•.. Cemetery Lois En closed with either cam or Wrought Iron Rail ing, No. 335 Makekt. Stkket, (2 dour* helow Ninth ) PHILADELPHIA. March 27. 1956. 2DL2dS^r~OPLti^r e H. 0\ ECW3Jt s Mm ay, T> ESPF.CTFI'f.LY oflers his professional services lo r T and Geiulemen of Bloomsburs and vicinity. He is prepared lo an end to ail the various operations io Den tistry. and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, lo look a* well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. ty Otiice near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1856. Gk HENRI ZrPNXGER, J~Jfcl tucla atatd M aumniahtr JrA South side of Main Street, oboce the Xailroad. DIFFICUI-T irti repairing done in the BUST MANNER, and Si ECTACLES of ail kinds tor sale. Bloomberg, March SO, 1856. BLtKKS! fiitißM! f BLANKS!! DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUIIOHS. SUBPCEJi AS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable fonts, fo* sale at the office of the "Star oftbe North." [TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES I Secrrti I'or Ihe Millions A most Wonderful ami Invaluable Publitalian. Dr. UHBter's Medical Manual; S\\WUW//.V. RKINU AN ORIGI v ■Mitif/'A'/ L> NAL and popular Treatise on MAN ami -o'^Hr,wf*"*ey££? WOMAN: their Phys jfA iologv. Functions and ggjjdß-\>" Sexual Dunnler* of '^swy?M every kind, with nev er failing Remedies for the speedy cure of all diseases of a private and delicate character, incident to the violnlion of the Laws of Na ture anil of Natures God. Pit ICE TWENTY-FIVE VENTS. Tits A uthor of the shove volume is a gradu ate of one 01 thr. first metlical schorl!* lit the ("filled Stan a, and having devoted a quarter of a century to tne study and treatment of rtyphilis and kindred disottters as a speciality, he hat hecoine possessed of most invaluable iiiforpia lion in regard to the same, and is able to com pass into vade mecum compass the very quint essence of medical science on this important subject; as the result of the experience of thv most eminent physician in Europe and Amer ica is thorouehly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of su at diseases in tnsny thousands of cotes in the City of Philadelphia .done. The | recti re of l)r. Hunter has long boen, and still is literally uuhounJed, but at the ear nest solicitation of numerous parsons, he hss been induced to extend the spheie of his pro fession a I usefulness to the Community ai large, thiough tho medium of his "Mcdl al Manual Hand-Book for tho Afflic'ed.'' It is a volume that should be in the ha r ,d cf every family in tho laud, whether used as a preventive of secret vice, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of tho most nwtul and de structive scourges e-tr visited upon mankind for the sins of sensuality and impurity of every kl d. It is a volume that lias received the unquali fied recommendation of the fust phvsician* in the Innii, while many clergymen, fathers, moth ers. | liitanihfiipisu and humamtariars, have most freely extended its circulation in all quar ters where its powerful teachings Would lie like ly to he instrumental in the moral purification and healing ol iiiulti'Uilei of our |>eo. pie, among the your g. volatile ami indiscreet, otherwise the pride and ll iwer of the nation. The ouihoi argues particularly, moat strongly against eveiy species of self-dvfilemen', ami warns parents and guardians, in Ma.ching terms, to! the young of both sexe* from the leirihle consequence* concomitant of their ignorance of pity 'otogicnl law* nnd sexual intil purities and irregularities, whether exhibits ey preeocions development or arising from the viscious and corrupting examples of their school mate* or othciwise. To those who have boot already ensnared to the "paths that take hold on hell,'' a clear and explicit way i* shown by which they may secures return of sound health and a regeneration 01 the soul fiom it* terrible pollution. I It is well known that thoussnjs of victim, are snnutlly aorificeil at the slirin of Quack ery—e-pecially those rulTeriiig from Venereal or Syphilitic diseases—Stricture*, Seminal Weak lie,s. Nervous Debility, ami the numerous mal adies which spnng directly or less remotely from the indulgence of cariuil passions and sc. cretviolrtions of Nature. In view of these lucts, and when it i* also considered that about Kttt,ftOtt per-on* die annu ally in the Untied States of Coritiuuipliou—a large majority being the victims of the voluput uu* indiscretion ol" their progenitors, agreeably in the (Scriptural enunciation, that the sins ol the |>arcnts sre visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generation. The Author, imbued with sentiments of enlarged pliillinthro py. will scarcely be censured for any effort to I restrain the vires of rite sge, by the humble iu -1 strumentslitv of his Metlical Manual, j One copy, eevuiety enveloped, will tic forward cd free of pos ageru any part oftha United Stales j for 25 cents, in 6 copies tor #l, Address, post | paid, COSDEN d GO-. UVMLISMKKS, ltox IU7, I'htladeiphia IV Book** l'et*, Uattvssssrs aiic Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. 1000 TONS No. 1 SUPKIU'IIOSPIIATK OF h ME, J DEHURG'S Original uml Genuine, warrant* ! ed ol superior quality, the cheapest manure jin the world. Farmers and dealers supplied I at low prices. • ! EXIKA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5.000 barrels Extra Quality lat.J Plaster, 1 selected (or its (ertilimi a quality. ! 10 000 bushels of same in bulk, i 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land I Plaster, equal to the best usualy sold, at the i low price of SO cents per bushel, or SI.IO I per barrel, with a deduction lor large lots. I 25,000 bushels of same in built. I 1,000 barrels Calcined Piaster. 1,000 l< Ca-tmg " 500 " Dentist " J 5.060 " Hydraulic Cement. 1,000 " True Roman u IVrtiriaii (aiiiiiio, , This article we orter in contidence to ov.r j customers, as equal to any imported, and lat superior to most in the market. 10 000 baa s of this superior Guano, for sale, at the lowest market rates. Also, Poudrette, Mtxican Guano Ground Charcoal, &o. Sir. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. At the Steam Plaster Mills junctton York Avenue an,l Callowhill S.reet, Philadelphia. February 14, IS.')6. JOSEPH A. :\htl)hLa, Manuficlurtr vf WIR E. SI I.K & IIA 1R CLOTHS EI VF.S COURSE, medium and line in mesh; large, middle-sized ami small in diameter. MtlalHc Cloths or If'ovtn Wire, | Oi the best qualities, various sixes of mesh, j trom Nos. to 80 inclusive, and (rout one to six leet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to a : lineal inch,and cut to suit. \ The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand For Coal. Sand, Ore. Lime, Grain, Gravel Guano, Sumac, Sugar. Salt, Bone, Coffee Spice, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, &c. Together with an assortment of Bright and Jimualed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 51 North Front Street. PhtladV May 58. 1856-ly. Wood's OruaneiiU) Iron Works, RIDGE AVENUE, PHII.ADEI.PAI A. THE attention ol the inhabitants of lVnn svlvania are invitud to the extensive Manufac tory arid Wareroonia of the subscriber. whe i.- prepared to furnivh at the shortest notice, Iron R tiling of every description, fur Cemeteries, public end private buildings, else Verandahs Fountains, Chairs, Settees, Lions. Dogs and other ornamental iron works of drcoisiive char ade*. Purchasers may relv on having all ar. tides carefully beied and shipped to their des. tination. A booh of designs will be furnished to thoee wishing to make selection*. ROBERT WOOD, Rulge Avenue, Lti'ote Spi m g Garden St PHILADELPHIA. September 27. 855. THOMAS BUTLER^ AV 7 South Seventh Street, ! PHILADELPHIA; l\Vanofamur*r of strong Tinware, Coppen Tto and Zinc Bathing Tube, Barbing Paos. and every kind of bathing apparatus Also deed end paper boxes. Prompt attention g'van to ordered work, tad goods carefully lonrpraod on order*. Philadelphia, Augur 17th, 1854. GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS. A FREE GIFI TO ALL. miSEttY RELIEVED. '•Nature's Guide." mow wild popular work, is distributed without charge, ami for wanted by mail to any Povl Office in the U. States, on receiving an order eaclosing two stump* for postage. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOl'Sfc- E-tubhshed 80 yettrs ago by Dr. KINKKLIN, corner of Third anil Union street*, between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. INVALIDS Are apprised that Dr. KINKKLTN confines hie practice to • particular branch of medi cine, which engage* his individual attention. He camions the unfortunate against the a bnse of mercury; thousand* are annually mercurialized out ol life. Recent affection* are ptomptly extinguished. TWENTY YEARS'EXPERIENCE in lhe treatment of a cl** of diseases hurt erto neglected ami imperfectly understood has enabled Dr. KINKELIN, Author of i work on Sell Preservation, to prove hat nine tenths of the causes of nervous debility, lo cal and constitutional weakness, menial and physical suffering, are Iruceable lo certain habits, forming the tnosl secret yel dendly and laial springs of domestic misery and premature mortality. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by hoys, in 4fctude, and which, if not re formed in due lime, not only begets tenons obstacles to matrimonial happiness,bill give* rise lo a series of protracted, insidious, anil devastating allliciions. Few ol those who give way to this pernicious practice are a wsre ol lite consequence*, until they find tho nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable leeling*, and vague fear* in the mind. The unfortunate thus affected becomes fee ble, is nimble in labor with accustomed vie. or, or In apply In* mind tn/tudy ; his step m tardy anil weak, he it tltilj, triesolute, and engages in his sport with less energy tuan usual. Il he em*nei| ate himself before the prac tice lias done lis worst, anden er matrimony, hi* marriage is unfruitful, and his sense telle tutu that this is caused by his early follies. ritese are considerations which shnuhl awa ken the attention of those similarly situated. . MARRIAGE Requires the fulfillment of several conditions I in order that it mgy be really the cause of ! mutual happiness. Could the veil which covers lite origin of domestic wretchedness be raised, and il* true source it every in* stance disclosed—in how many couhl it be traced to physical disqualification* anil their attendant disappointments! Apply then while it is yet litre, in order lo have your unstrung and relaxed organization rebiaced, revivified and strengthened. REMEMBER, He who places himself under Dr. Kinkeliu's treatment may reltgiou-ly confide in hi* hon or a* a genteman, and rely upon the tisstir. anre, that the secrets of Dr. K * patients will never he disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter you Irnm making your case Known lo one WHO, from education and respectability, can belneml ynn. Ton many think they will conceal the se cret in '.heir own hearts, and cure I tie mm Ices Alas ! how often I* this a fatal delusion, and how many a promising young man, who might have been an ornament lo society, his laded from the earth. S rictutes of the urethra are rapidly re moved by the anplica'ion of a new thera peutical agent, used only by Dr.'K. Weak ness and Constitutional Debility promptly cured, unit (till vigor restored, •■/am a man and them nothing which relates to man foreign to my feelings." ■DVPffi.YOITII AND MANHOOD j *' ~pr r,/'£w7i v" KINKELIN ON SELF-PRESERVATION*. O/tfy tieeotg-ficc cents, or the value in post age stamps, will ensure u copy of this book, prepaid, per return ol mail. _ Persons at a distance may address Dr. KINK EI.IN by lener, enclosing a remittance, and l>e cured al home Packages of Medicines, with plain direc tions, packed secure horn damage or curios ity, are forwarded by Mail or Express to any part of the United State*. REMEMBER, Dr KINKELI.VS residence lias been for the last twenty yeats at the N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2d, 1856.—if. HliMmnT S3 The only Safe tchich. in every instance, preserved the entire contents at the late Extensive Fires. AT THE BURNING OF THE ARTIZAN BUILDJNGS. Aptil 10th, and in the great fi,e in Market Mreet, May Ist, 1856, the gen uine Hkrring Sfk preserved the Jewelrv of George W. Strums hi Urn ; Bunas, Papers &c. <■( Fi-lier & Urn. and E tward Setnaus & Co., alter remaining exposed in the burning ruins lor nearly Forty flours , and proving mnclu sively wliat we have always claimed for them, their great supetiotity over ail securi ties known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those adverti-eiW as "warranted in stand 10 per cent, more figl than Herring's," came lortit the ed victor, not only preserving their comet I in excellent order, but being themselves in M condition to go through another ordeal. whilSt the bcs-tel "Sslemsnders" of other makers' were badly used up in every instance, and hi somecases'.heir entire contents completely deal royed. To the public we would simply say, that, during the fourteen years of the Herring's j Sate Ins been before them, more than two hundred have pas-ed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, caution purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested | parties. The Herring's Pateui is the only Fire-proof Safe made in "lis city which ie protected by a Patent Right, and we will guarantee it to resist more than double the atnouot of heat of any other Safe now known. FARUELS&. HERRING. Sole Manufacturers in this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes." 34 Walnut St., Pbilad 'a. N. B —"Evans & Watson's Improved Saf emtmilers," "Oliver Evan's." "C. J.Gayler'e' and ''Scott's Abestos," Iron Chests, (a largw ss.-oriment hiving been taken in pait pay ment for '•Herrinj'*,") will be so id at low prices. Philadelphia, Jane 10, Ifts<~~ly. Dr FRISCIS C. UAttttlSO\, reapecifully inform tbtrcuiren* of Bloomeborg ami viripiiy. i hat bo has commenced the practice of Mediant and Surgery ibeir.and ro!icil- aehare of public pa tronage. He can alwaye be found at the £i< change Hotel opposite the Court HOOM. Moomabnrg, March, let, '54. t J HON ST££L, aid oeery" of Hare *■ *ui or ttJ by McKLVY. tCo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers