STAROffffl NORTH, g R.,W. WEAVER, EpjTOR, Uloomehurg, Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1837. Tllli lIIIIIDELI. NUUDGK CASE. The papers are filled with details and com mentaries o'l the murder of Dr. Burdcll in New York. We fear lil/le good will grow out of such discussions for they minister to the worst part of human nature, and it has already j frailties enough. The evidence discloses a dark page in crowded city life, and exposes ] depravities so deep in mystery and sin that they ato yet fathomless to the keenest of Itu- , man ken. Dr. liartlell was a gentleman of I wealth, and occupied a pair of rooms in a j bouse which lie owned on Band street, while the rest of it was occupied by a woman j whom it is now impossible to say whether I she was his wife or mistress. A favored lo- I ver of hers named Eckel boarded with her, ! end the genera! impression from the evi dence is that these parties procured the nitir- j der. Mrs. Cunningham is said lo bo a j widow of about forty, with a vety bail char ecler fur virtno. Her former reputed litis- ! band, on whose life there was nri insurance | of 810,000. died one day quietly in his chair, | I and she pocketed the insurance. Bite has i been recently persecuting Dr. Burdeil with j I suits and threats until he told his friends scv- ; ' rrol limss he was afraid of his life in the | < house. j' The woman presents a certificate of her I marriage wiib Dr. Burdeil, but the clergy- I man who performed the ceremony and the ! I servant then present tail to recognize liurdull ; i by corpse or daguerreotype as the man mar- J ried at the lime. It is believed that Eckel personated the Doctor for the occasion. Her ' two daughters swear in the loetli of other; 1 witnesses; and taken together it is a case which illustrates only how depp the fester- I u ing vice of city life has eaten into the social i ° purity of its people. COIfKT PHOC't'EDI NO!S. In the charge for larceny ngsinst Aaron Hartman he was sentenced to sis months imprisonment in the county jail. John Mason was nrxt tried for fornication and bastard) with Hannah Mcßride. Ver dict guilty, nod motion fur a new trial. Jonathan Mosteller vs. B. I'. Hartman.— This was a claim by Stephen Baldy for rent, and there were two snits between the same parlies tried together. The question was as to how much rent was due from Mosteller to Baldy Verdict in the first case against Mos teller for $36 75, and in the second case case 5 186 70. Baldy for Hartman, Freeze and Clark for Mosteller. The next case was Daniel F. Seybet'. vs. the Administrators of Daniel Sponenberget. This was a claim lor the rent of a boat and other items. Verdict for plain!i(T 5371 61. In the granting of licenses, llie applica tion of David Miller, nf Briarcreek wa, up on objcclinn being made, refused, because an Indictment for | selling liquor without hcenss is at this time pending in Court. The appli eaiiou of Ilcnry B. Firmer, nt Kupert station was, upon objection being made, refused, because the petition was s'aued in part bv citizens of Bloom and not ol Montour, and because the house was manifestly not adapt ed for such a public house as the accommo dation of strangers nrd travellers would re quire at such a point—having but iwo rooms on the lust floor. Court adjourned on Satur day morning. ONS CAUGHT. —For some lime past horse stealing has been cartied oti pretty bolily in this vicinity and along the West Branch. A young man named Whipple is now in jul at this place under a charge of this offence. He was brought here from Lycoming county, and promises to tnsky such developments as will lead to the arrest of the whole lawless gang engaged in this business He is a bro ther to the person of bis name who was a lew years ago sent to the Penitentiary fiom thi* county in company with Warner. GARROTIXG —In New York the ruffians be gan the trick cf covering men at night wi'dt bags and then, after a stunning blow, rob bing them. But after a liuie tins became faOfionab'e ; and clerks, rent collectors, &c., got garroted nearly every umu they had much uf other people's money in band. Neatly ev ery delinquent debtor has become so by be ing gairoted. Shrewd people put their digits to the nose and look wise. G?" lii the contested case for a teal if. the Pennsylvania LegUUtute between Jno Ram aey and (>eotge U. Smith of Philadelphia the records show thai Mr. Ramsey, the sitting member mid Democrat. is justly entitled to bis seat by a majority of seven votes. Tne Committee so reported, sud the House con firmed the decit'on. giving Mr.; fits mileage Slid pay to the present time. Broke t'r—Tne ice on the Susquehanna at this place began to move on Sunday eve rting, nd the river is now pretty high. The iVilksabarre ina.l was detained on Monday by high water. C¥* Lexeme county canities 50 lawyers, 36 of whom reside in the borough of V\ i'kes barrt. OT The Delegates from Philadelphia City to the next Democratic State Convention are instructed to rupport Hon. Wm. H. Witte for Gsvtrasr QT Judge Wood wtrd holds special Court at Saubnry this week in the plate c f Jttdge Jar das EyTbe Borough of William sport, being in money, advertises (or saie its Boro' loadsu> tia mournfSt€.ooo. - , red States Treasury, subject to draft Thanks to Van Buieflar&c Fnb-Tresmrj Something New. Dr. Durdell was recently found murdered at his residence, in Bond Street, New York, under circumstance* thawing thut ho must have been assassinated with extreme brutal ity by some person intimate with him, or the employee of some such person. At the Cor oner's inquest a juror made the proposition to examine the retina of the eye of the mur dered man, according to the fanciful notion of a French philosopher that the image of his murderer would be there impressed, but it was not very favorably entertained by lite medical men to whom it was referred. They thought that the time sinco tho death would produce such changes as to erase any im pression which might have beon made upon the eye. The uncertainty of evidence ol ! this character, when life depends upon the ] decision, must certainly deliact greatly fram its vnlue, supposing that it is true, as stated, ' that the last impression made upor. the eye in the dying moments remains impressed in ; dclibly upon it. A matt may receive a death ' blow from behind while looking his friend in j the face. Tho image ol the latter would be I impressed upoti tho deceased person's eye. Should that be taken as evidence (bat he ; gave the death-dealing blow ? Burdeil at the time ho was murdered was seated at his desk ! with a looking-glass in front of him. Sup- j pose his murderers entered utipreceived while he was looking at his own reflection ' in the glass and dealt him one ol the wounds J which went to the heart. JI is death would I have been almost instantaneous, ard the last | impression upon tho retina would doubtless j be the intago of bis otvn countenance. — Would that prove lual he was not murdered, or licommitted suicide ? Such methods t of detecting crime may suit the notions of a j fanciful Frenchman, but they would scarcely be considered reliablo in a court ol justice, lor they would be just as likely to Lang an ! innocent man as a guilty one. I'W It appears that tho wine crop of Berks county lui ynur was abundant. Wine has become quite an item ol production around Reading, and tho cultivators have overcome all the obstacles that generally lie in the way o! new enterprises. The Reading Gazette, in noticing the wine crop, says: "For years past llie culture of the grape lias received much attention in this county, hut never before have those engaged in it been eo successful as during the present ecu son. The grapes wore abundant, and the wine produced therefrom (which is now just beginning to be used.) of the finest flavor. We have now in this county hundreds of barrels of light wines, ns floe in all respects as any grown upon the lihine. When our people learn to use these ligliKy wines, they will have advanced far on the rosd towards true temperance —not the temperance of fa naticism, but that lomperance in ail things which is so greatly to bo commended by all right thinking men." PorrsviLLK.—Tiiis thriving town is fast becoming one ot tho most important centres ot population in Pennsylvania. The Mi ne/ s Journal estimates the population of the botough nt 10.850, ami sums up an aggre gate ol 28.950 inhabitants living within a ra dius of four utiles from the office of that pa per. The towns included are Mincrvville, 5.420. S:. Clair, 5,290; Schuylkill Haven, 3.450 : l'orl Carbon, 2,650 ; I'uln Alio, I 260. Several of these will doubtless be united with Poltsville in the course of a few years NORTIIVMBRRLAKD-R. M. Frick & Co. have resumed the publica.ion of the Aliltonitn. Jos. Weitzel has bought from the Grnon ough heirs, Shamokin Island for §14,000. This is the splendid estate of 200 acres lying in the river between Northumberland and Sunbuty. Mr. Berkley, of Philadelphia, has bought the old stone house, on Broadway, Sutibury, built over eighty years ago by William Mc- Clav, said to be the first structure erected in the place. It" o good and substantial building, but the new owner intends to 'mod etttizo' it. fc" One of the three thousand New land clergyman who signed the protest against the Nebraska bill, and afterwards went up and down the Union crying against the Democratic party and James Buchanan, has just conclu fed llie third act of tho series by committing adultery with another man wife. He was otic cf the eloquent Boston divines, of the Beechet school, who turned the pulpit into the. stump, making the Chnr -h a sort of political club room, for preaching from the New otk Tribune, instead of the Bible. There is much excitement in Boston and other parts, in consequence Oi this scan dalous act. UtMEr.sifts.—Tiic I.ewisburg Chronicle say* the Rev. A K Bell, of that place, baptized twenty-three converts in Stni'h's mill race. ctMorelatid township, Lycoming county, on the 25th u!t. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about seven hundred spec tators. Four converts were also immersed in the Susquehana, at Williamsport, on Sun day, the Ist inst. HIOT —A; lite last conn in Chester coumy a number of boys were indicted as rioters for what is known as the calaihumpisn serena ding of a wedding parry. They were found gniiy a' d fined 625 each aud costs. We su; pes a Cc.'nm! in is the couii j in the Stare in which the liratid Jury ever ignored such an indictment. It ooenrred too in a mof eggravatsd case several ycats ago—:bat cf Mr Kobison. BT The Mocntour Courts begin at Par. ville on the 16th inal. US'" Land Warrants have advanced, and small ones now sell in the Cities for Si 13 per acre. . tT" The Ladies of Lewistowr. in this S'ate have petitioned to the Legislature for a law giving them the right cl suffrage. GT The Mdl property advertised in oor columns to day offers a fine opening for a man who wishes to make • fortune at n mpdetate but sure gait. ®y The Senate of the United States has voted an appropriation of $70,000 pet an num K lite European Telegraph and ahips to lay u down „'I lie New Coinage Bill. The currency doctors at Washington ieem to be in a dilemma in their endeavor* to get rid of the Spanish coins.- The first passed a bill, reducing their value 20 per cent., when received in paymont at the government of fice*. Under the impression that the bill would become a law, the people acted at once upon the subject and relueed to receive the Spanish coins any longer, except at their depreciation. This drove them immediately from circulation, and few lost anything by it, for the coins were sold at their nominal value for silver. We see now that the Senate has amended tho bill, so that for the space of two years it shall bo lawful to pay out at tho Mint the new cents authorized to be coined for the fractional parts of l|ie dollar ut (lie nominal value of those Spanish coins— twenty-five cents, twelve and a half, &n. The Washington Intelligencer, which pub lishes the fact, does not say anything about the rate at which they will be received at I the Post-Oflice and Custom House, so wo | infer that no alteratiou has been mado in tho ; bill in this respect, and that the coins are j ihero received only for 20, 10 and 5 cents, j Buying thatn at the Mint for their nominal I value, payable ill the new centa, will be an | inducement lor persons to lake them to that i establishment, where they will be recoinei! jin American money, ft will further help therefore to gel (id of the Spanish coins, and , put in circulation the new cent pieces. It ' is no matter what form tho bill now lakes, \ the Spanish coins are banished effectually in business operations, and are scarcely to be found circulating anywhere. The amend ment of tho Senate wiK have to go to the House for concurrence.— l'hila. Ledger. j The Truth Coming. A Republican Ksnsas correspondent, of the Republican New York Times, write* as fol- j lows from that territory : "For the information of Northern men, 1 I submit a few remarks concerning Kansas I matters. With Gov Geary a now era was inaugti- I ratnd in this Territory. He found the people j of Kansas in a state of civil war, and con- j tending factions calling to their aid and as- j stance from both northern and southern j States, and destroying all their hopes for the ; luture for the sake of gratifying temporary feelings of revengo. Having resided in Kansas about two years, j I have bad opportunities for learning facts | connected with the late difficulties which 1 have never yet been pnblishod. especially concerning original plans and personal mo- ; lives. In due time many impoitant facts i will be brought to light, when the masses ; who have hee i active participants in the laic 1 events, will discover that they were misled, j end that a firm reliance on the General Govern 1 ment would have obviated murk trouble, have t saved many valuable lives, and secured a peace- . ful settlement of the great question that sup j posed to be involved." Helling into 1 rouble. ! Some of the California Vigilance Commit-1 t tee, who thought it a high moral duty they owed 10 society to hang and banish men ac i cosed of crime, without submitting to the in conveniences cf delay such as the laws of ' the country think necessary for the protection 1 of even one accused of crime, find them ' selves in considerable difficulty whet; they 1 have the city of Sati Francisco and come to ! | one where the laws lulo ar.d its adtcinistra j lorsare respected. A Mr. Myers l'ruett, who, - if report does liiin no discredit, was a veiy j ! busy and bold member of ilia Vigilance Com- j 1 mittee in San Francisco, recently arrived, at | ' New York. Mr. Reuben Moloney, tvbo was ' banished by that Committee for acme suspi | cion of crime, and whose business was in consequence broken entirely up, finding Mr. I Trust! where the laws could reach him, lias had him arrested just at he was about to ro- i nirti in the Illinois. The sheriff had some trouble to got at Mr. Trttalt, who seemed to i 1 fear the action of the law us much as the ban j talied Cshfornisna feared the Vigilance Com j mitteo. The officer was compelled to break ' open a room in which Truett lay concealed, J and found him huddled under s berth in great ; fear and trembling. He was immediately j brought forth and identified, although he had : 1 o!1 a false pair of red whiskers, a slouch hat, and coarse dress. He was committed to jail in delauh of bail. The question here to be ; I tried is whether Mr. Trueil is not responsible j in damages for breaking op Mr. MaloneyV , business. — Ledger. An Irou Itrldge Messrs. Kidd and Weils, Iron Founders in South F.aston, have the contract to furnish the castings to be used in the erection of an immense ifon bridge on the Catasauqua and Foglssvillo Railroad, five miles above Allen : loan. The road crosses the Jordan Valley and it is necessary to erect a bridge 1100 feet in length. The structure will be exclu sively iron and is to be supported by pillars 55 feat high, resting on piers of solid ma sonry 21 feet high. There are to be eleveti spans and the rails when laid, will be about 90 feet above the ground. It is estimated that 330 tone cf cast iron and 187 tons of wrought iron will be used in its construction. The builder ol the bridge is Mr. F.ioihrope Tl e Railroad w ill be ten miles in length and i intended to open a more speedy commu nication with the extensive beds of iron ore in Macuagie.— Eastern Argus LIVING rx low*.—The Davenport (Iowa) Gjzctte says that butter, at that place, is sell i iug a: 30 cents per pound, eggs 35 cents per dozen, chickens 25 cen's each, turkeys 75 cents to $1 25 ; potatoes $1 per bushel; coal 16 to IS cents per bushel; wood $6 to $S per cord. ry The Sefinsgrove Drmocral of two necks ago notices the death of a child of , Mrs. Henry Walters, by fire, which waseom- I monicated to a bed from a candle in the hands of the child. When the mother en tered the room it was in a blaze and filled with suffocation with smoke. She grasped the child end extinguished the fire en its clothes as soon as possible: but it was so j much burned that in ats hours afterwards ' death pat an end to ita sufferings " * z '" No Gicat Dancer. The N' Y. Herald, in spoaking of the fash ionable follies of the first circles in New York society, saye, "the present generation bit's fair to exceed in frivolity and exlrava ! gance anything that has erer preceded it since the foundation of the Kepublic. Let it not be forgotten that the effeminacy ol a a people is the surest forerunner of the de cay of a nation." This is certainly truo when the disease cx tands over the entire people. If the evil el i fects consequent upon the modes of life de i scribed by the Herald were oporating in the ! country as well in the city, among tho sub ' stantial classes as well as among the ffivo j lent circles of fashion, then there would be some cause for apprehension. But as the case stands no one need trouble himself muoh about it. The nation doss no! depend upon the fashionable snobs of New York, or any other city, for its moral health and vigor. Should Fifth Avenue become as degenerate, corrupt and debauched UB ancient Sodom, there ia a strong and hetdthy substratum ol virtue and morality underlying American So ciety, and extending all ovor the whole coun try, which would preserve the social organi zation from corruption. What are a few thousand fashionable debauchees, in point of moral influence, compared with millions of virtuous and orderly at'iruna and farmers, spread over a country like ours. They are in the social system, but us trifling sores up on the body of a strong man, which the vigor of his constitution casts off as oflon as they appear. If these fools degenerate them selves. by their follies, their example serves but as a warning to more sensible people ; if they destroy themselves outright, society, instead of being injured, is actually benefit ed by getting rid of useluss incumbrances. The Herald, we think, need give itself no uneasiness about naiioiifl degeneracy spring ing from the dissipated butterflies that flut ter in the attenuated atmosphere of New York fashionable society.— Pollmlle Gazelle. Ole Hull TII. rowan. Tliia cane wan tried in the Superior Court yesterday. Suit was brought by plaintiff to recover the value of a diamond pin. The defendant is said to be a gentleman of landed property in the interior of Pennsylvania; and when Ole Bull came to the United Siatea with the intention of settling, he became acquaint ed with the defendant, and loaned to him several diamond rings, snuff boxes, and a breastpin, for some purposos which did not clearly appear. The plaintiff finding the de fendant at the Metropolitan Hotel, made a formal application for the return of the pin, which at first was not complied with, but, the present suit being brought, and the de fendant served with the writ the pin was sur rendered to the Deputy Sheriff. The defence set up was, that the diamond pin was given to Mrs. Cowan by Ole Bull. The Court said a verdict must pass for the value of the pin, as it was not returned before the suit. The Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff for 8300. N. Y. AMrroi'. ty Ohio appears to have increased in population fifty per cent, in the last sixtenn years, and its present number is now C.400,- 000. In the past ten scars, thete has been an immense emigration ftom Ohio to Illi nois. lowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. This has been uniformly tho case with all the States, where lands come to 830 or 850 per acre; and is caused simply by the fact, that it then becomes a speculation for farmers to sell out, and commence new farms at Gov ernment price. This process will go on for only a few years, for the Government is rap idly parting with all the good lands it pos sesses. In the meanwhile the rapid increase of town population compensates, in part, for the loss of farmers THE UmoN CANAL —The annual meeting ol the Union Canal Company was had in Philadelphia on the 3J inet. This old im provement is entering upon a new career of prosperity. The receipts for lolls in 1856 were $107,8144 43 against $72,915 34, an in crease of $34,929 09, or 47 per cent. This was obtained merely from local trade, as through trade was prevented by the work on the enlargement. The canal in its improved form Will be finished by the Ist of March, and the ptospects of trade for the coming year are quite flattering. MUNICIPAL SUBSCRIPTION —Just s we ex pected, the counties of Butler and Lawrence are practically repudiating their Northwest ern Railroad bonds, by failure to provide for the payment of the interest. These snbsctip tions were made against the consent of a majority of the tax-psyers, as is alleged. We have ever coniidered the bonds issued by counties ar.d towns, that are not closely with in the influence of commercial ussge, as very unreliable security. This thing called good faith, and which is so essential to credit in ci.ies, in the country is considered of lit tle, if any, more consequence in the prompt payment .of interest on a funded debt, than the payment ol a debt incurred for wheat or pork. No extra eflon will be mads to pay one more than the other. LANCISTCB MUNICIPAL ELECTION.—The an nus! election for Mayor and municipal offi cers took place on the 3d inst., resulting in the election of Zimmermen, the Democrat, for Mayor, by 42 majority over all the other candidates. Zimmerman had 1117 votes; Burrows, independent, 504: White, Citizen, 341; Ho bar, Old Line Whig, 230 ; total Op position, 1075. CF A man has declined being a candidate for office in one of the new States, because he is not a legal citizen—has r.ever paid a tax or any c'.her debt—own* no property— can't read nor write—is blind—has bnt one leg—has ins, .out lingers Irom his left hand— has ten children, and can't leare home for fear they will abhse their mother. He can step down. tW The laM MMonian nayp, (he Town Coaactl have appropriated one lira to (be Harmony Fire them to theii engine The . pawed • reaotation lo appropn -1 ate fifty dol'.ari annually to aaid Com piny. Scat let Fever, Small Pox and f-irnptive | Diseases Generally. A correspondent of one ol our cotetnpora ries, in noticing the ''pork treatment," or rubbing with bacon, in ease of scsrlet fever, says that such fevers are supposed to be caused by a poisonous substance floating in the air, which it first inhaled and then con veyed, by nervot.s influence, to all the mu cous membranes, but particularly to the in ternal surface of the scarf skin. He says, that if the precise time was known, when the seed animalculse, or whatever it may be, is received into the system, it might perhaps bo destroyed before it could do it arm; but as this cannot be known, then the next best thing is to hasten its development on the surface, where it will die speedily from con tact with tire air. He thinks, therefore, tbat the be6t trcatmont is that by water. Absti nence from food and bathing the skin with tnpid water, would be enough itt ordinary cases; while ill sevete ones, ice cloths to the throat and wet sheets, tie supposes would be generally efficacious. He would give the patient as much cold water to drink as nature demanded. When even the medical pro fession, confessedly, knows so little about scarlet fever, it msy not be without benefit to give this theory as wide a circulation as possible. It may, at least, set oapablo phy sicians to thinking, and so lead, finally, to a beticr understanding of tho disoase. This theory reminds us ol otto which an eminent physician holds regarding small pox, it not, indeed, regarding eruptive fevers generally. Instead, however, of attributing small-pox to animalcules, he considers it taiher as of vegetable origin, inclining to think the disease produced by a sort of fun gus, growing under the scarf skin, and flow ing in the pustule. Light, air, heat and moisture, all indispensable to vegetable growth, ure certainly necessary also to small-pox. All aro agreed, we believe, that what produces ibe eruption, causes the fe ver, and not that the fever produces tho erup tion. This is one point in favor of tho theo ry. Another is that the face, which is most exposed to the light, is generally more se verely marked than other parts of the body. Another is that lite disease is propagated of seed, for how elso explain inoculation f Kveo vaccination favors the seed tlteory, the only difierence beii\£ that the fungus, in a vacillation, does not spread, but is confined, so to speak, to the development of a single flower. The theory, at first sight, aeems fanciful, nnd we are far from endorsing it ; nor, indeed, has its author, to our knowl edge ever publicly taught or maintained it More facts, in his opinion probably, are re quired to demonstrxte it. Nevertheless, it may be substantially true ; and should it turn out so, it will revolutionize, to a groat de gree, the treatment of eruptive fevers. One (act, which, so far forth, sustains the theory, is that keeping the patient constantly smear oil with oil, as is often done in Southern Knrope, is incoiitestibly bcheficiel. The oil excludes the air, without which vegetable life cannot livo, and consequently the lungus dies. Doubtless, if batbing with bacon is efficient in scarlet fever, as many parents lately have assured us, it operates in the same way. The writer in our colemporarv, and the ! physician we hare referred to, agree in many points, as to the causes of eruptive fevers.— Both regard the fever as the result of a poi sonous giowth, affecting the mucuous mem brane, especially the internal surface of the scarf skin. One attributes its origin to seed animnlculiß, boue; the other considers it to be a vegetable, or fungus growth. The one, by the plentiful application of water, seeks to bring it out on the skin, when, as he says, it dies. But if, as the other thinks, the dis ease is of vegetable origin, then is not its appesrance on the skin, especially in small pox caused by its flowering 1 Of course, which ever notion (if eiiher) be correet, the disease censes, soon after, in consequence of this appearance on the surface. But it cesses, in such case, only because it has ex hausted itself—it has vegetated, bloomed and bore its seed—and therefore it dies ; and if the patient recovers, it is becsase Nature has been 100 strong for the disorder, and not because the disorder lias been cut short.— , Now, if it could once be proved that erop- j live fevers, small pox especially, were of ve- I getable origin, the better plan might be, by \ the exclusion of light, or heat, or air, to | starve out the disease at once. Of course, ' i we give no opinion, oniselves, on these theo-; | ties We only notice them, as part of the events of the day, and in the-hope that they ; may lead to a bet'er knowledge of eruptive i fevers. Even to disprove them would be to i gain that much negative knowledge. That ; the theories appear, at first sight, fantastical, j is but little against them ; for the circulation of the blood, tbrte centuries ago, seemed I quite as absurd to the medical profession. ! "Prove all things" is the right motto.—Plula i Ledger. Occupation of Members of the Legisla ture- The occupation or professions of ihe mem ; bersof the present Legislature have been as certained to be as follows: SKSATORS. REPS. Farmers, R 36 | Attorneys, 17 16 ; Merchant*, - 3 6 Physicians. 1 4 Editors, 4 Printers, 5 Lumbermen, 2 | Carpenters, 6 Surveyors, - 2 Druggists, 2 Iron-masters, 1 1 Iron-founder, 1 Coal Operator, 1 Coramiss'n Merchant, 1 Artificial Legmaker, 1 Blacksmith, 1 Moulder, 1 Drover, 1 Mason, I Cabinet-maker, 1 Potter, 1 Contractor, 1 Shoemaker, - , - 1 Gentlemen. 4 23 100 [F American* are immense favorites with the Rosßian government. It is staled that the English employees of the Cxar are to be dismissed sod Yankees sabslitoied to their I places. I be Triumph of P>Uolnif. A Multiform and Many colored Multitude. Philology, or Ihe acquisition of languages is in itself a vary harmless and amusing pur suit for those who have lime to spare, and not enough of btains lo devote themselves with any prospect of success to the creation of original ideas. But the importance laid upon a knowledge of the dead languages by all the European Colleges, and by too many of our own, is supremely ridiculous. It is very Irue llint cn acquaintance willLthe works of Homer, Plato, Sophocles, and Cioeto may be desirable; but have we not translations of these in the English tongue, and .night it not profit us somewhat more to have carefully rehearsed and studied the noble teachings ot Bacon, Sbakspeare, Milton, Locke, and Web ster? If a man has but one idea, though he may have half a dozen different lotiguea to express it in, he lias but one idea after all. Elihu Burrit for example "the learned black smith" o( Worcester, can converse and write in over half a hundred different languages and dialects; but lie has never been suspect ed of any inordinate supply of brains—and up to lite present moment —we are unacquaint ed with any river lint has been set on fire by his genius.. Philology pursued for its own sake is a rank humbug end nothing else ; but when a mastery of tongues is used, as Pioteasor Hollowav has used it. for the dissemination of new ideas and truly valuable discoveries among ail tribes and nationalities of men, wo recognize in it one of tne noblest inrtru ntents ol civilization and are gratefa! for ths assistance it imparts. Whether the long and laborious scientific researches and experiments which Holloway had to undergo before he succeeded in per fecting his universal remedies, left him time for the personal acquisition of all the langua ges now apoken upon earth, we do not know, and, were we speaking of an ordinary man, should say they oould not possibly; but in our estimate of such a character as his, the com mon standard of intellectual measurement is at fault; and it seems not improbable that tha mind which obtained dominion over all forms of human malady, could easily obtain the keytoeveiy tongue. Whether this be so, or nol, certain it it that Holloway has established printed jour* nals in all the known languages of the world —journal? specially devolad to the further ance of medical (ruth and a proclamation of the saving principles embodied in tho use of his Universal remedies. Ths philologist could desire no richer treat than a perusal ol the many thousand files of papers, all of them in different tongues, which can bo seen in his establishment; uud the British Museum, endowed as it has been by both the munifi cence of individuals and bodios corporate, is indebted to no single individual mote than it is to l'rofessor Holloway. If we needed a grand interpreter of human ity, an interpreter whose former deeds und general character would every where sooure a favorable audience for whatever new ideas he might choose to lay before the assembled congregation of mankind, it is to Holloway ! that we should of necessity apply. He, in deed. has turned philology to good account; and his reward is this, —that it onablos him to understand the manifold and ceaseless songs of benediction and gratitude which j arise to him Irom the full hearts of the mill-! ions his Universal Remedies Itsva rescued irom the very jaws of the gtave. This indeed is tho most pregnant triumph , of philology, and by far tha most useful pur pose that the possossion of many tongue: has hitherto been applied to. All hor.or to Prof. Holloway, and may he long continue to dis pense bis Universal Remedies to the multi form and many-colored multitude who have been taught by experience to look up to him as their medical redeemer.—A'. Y. Nat. Polict Gazette.' Advance til Tea. The nsws of the bombardment of Canton has materially increased the puce *of tea. | Housekeepers are in a slate of a cup of Sou | cltong at its last drawing—all the strength is ! drawn ont ol them, now that meat and ' drink have both gone up to starvation point, j We have meal and poultry at famine prices j —the wine crop destroyed—no more brandy coming—vegetables worth their weight in | gold—house rent upend rising, and the very { air, light and water doled out to us through : meters. Where are these things to end 1— i N. Y. Post. A LIVELY TlME— Pittsburg seems to be suddenly waked up to universal transports by the breaking up of the ice in the Ohio and tributaries. The first niorement of the ice downward was the signal for a general rejoicing. A great crAvd assembled on the wharf and all the steamboat bells were set ringing. Business at once began to look up and everybody seemed to have something to do after a pause of inactivity always at tended with inconvenience. It is expected that a general resumption of trade and busi ness wiF follow, the good effects of which will be felt all over the country, and particu larly in our own city of Philadelphia. REWARD OFFERED. —The Governor of Penn sylvania has offered a reward-of SSOO for the arrest of the murderer of Norcross, who met his death on January 16th g>n the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Pittsburg Dis patch states that the supposed criminal is not named M'Kinney, hut, as he registered him self in that city, M'Kim—that he belongs to Wilmington, Delaware, and is well known to the police of that city, and other places in the East, NEW Cot'NTEarEiT.—A new counterfet SIO on the Htrrisburg Bank, is in circulation. It has portraits of Washingion and Rillenhouse in the centre—canal boat on one end, and male and female on the other—with a train of cars at the bottom ol the not*. The genu ine $lO has the State Capitol in the centre, with the Goddess of Liberty in the fore ground seated. The vignettes on the end are both alike—two females. iy The Daity Times Washington corres pondent says the committee oo territories wMt report a bill wipieg ont of existence the oppressive and nneonatttnttonal law* of Kan sas Passcavroo its OrtxiTt.—The House of Representative* of Ohio, has expelled one of its members, a Mr. Sough, from-Hamilton county, for an eesault on Mr. Caldwell. ~ ■— 1 -- ■ ■ Hollo way 'i Ointment .—Exlraotdmtry cu ofjlrysipelas —Mrs. Emma Eoweeraft, agad 42, of St. Paul, Minnesota Territory, suffered severely from periodical artScks Of Erysipe las in ihe face, to which nheeppeared to have a constitutional predisposition. In July last she had a return of the complaint, with unu sual violent nd dangerous symptoms, aril under the advice of a friend from New York, obtained a lot of Holloway'a Ointment and applied it according to the directions. Tits result amazed as well as tleligh'ed the unfor tunate sufferer and her family. Tito inflam matory symptoms subsided; the redness fa ded in the course of a few days to a yellof • ieli hue, utid the ceuticle, or scarf akm, on the parts affected, catns oil in the lorm of a whitish scurf. A second bo* completed the cure, leaving neither scsr nor blemish on the face. The Pills arc as efficacious in subdu ing internal disease, as the ointment is in removing all external disorders. On the s;h inst, by Rev. W. J. Eyer, Mr SAMUEL B HARTRASVT. and Miss ELIZABETH HARTZKL, both of M'Ewsnavdie, Northum ! berland county, Pa. i On the sth inst., by Rov. Gee. Warren, Mr I TIIOMAS BIRD of Light Street, arid Mrs. Jam | WILLIAMS, of Bloomsburg. j On the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. ANDREW J SitosMAKCn and Miss CATHARINE SHIPIH*, of I Mt. Pleasant. ! On the 291h ult, by A. K. Heacock. Esq., | Mr. JOHN CIIIST, and Miss MART A. SHVLTX, | both ol Columbia county. At Limestoneville, Montour County, on the ! 29111 nil., by the Rev. J. Thomas, Mr. CONRAD KREAMKU, of Jerseytown, and Miss MART, daughter of Evan Hendershot, of the lotmet place. At Flat Rock, Ohio, on New Year's day, by Rev. Mr. Arb, Mr. JOHN ALIEN, and ML HARRIET FAUS, formerly ol Huck Horn, both ol that place. On the 3d inst.. in Wilkesbarre, by Rev. J. Dorratice, Mr. E L BETTEKI.Y, M. D., and Miss MATILDA, daughter ol M B Hammer, both of that place. On the sth inst, bv Rev. T. Ramhart, Mr. C. D. CCLVER, and Miss HULDAU LINE, both of Luzerne county. At Millville, on the 4.H inet., ELIZABETH ABI \V., daughter ol J mies and Mary Hamp ton, in tlid Bth year of her age. Alas 'tis truo that "ABI'S" dead, Tha silent tomb's her lowly bed; Her metry voice we ll hear no more— The cares ol life with her are o'er. Our Father, who doeth "all things well," Hath called her home with him to dwell, In peace then let her there remain, Nor ask to hare her back again, t J On the 4th inat., in Philadelphia, Rev. la a FOSTER, formerly Pastor of the First Baptist CuU'ch of Danville, aged about 30 years. In Bloomeburu, on tho 4th mat., of Con •umptiau, Mrs. MARY F., wife of Win. Sny der. aged about 35 years. In Sunbury, on the 3 1 tn*t , Mrs. MART IUTII.EV, wife of Hun. Alexander Jordan, aged 62 years. On the 18dt nit., in Roaringereek township, YOST DRIKSBACH, aged 82 yea>aand 9 days Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers at private Rale the ! farm containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIF j TY ACRES, on which are a log house, a i log barn, a good spring of wator n.ear the I liocse, and a good apple orchard. The prop ' ctty will make a good home for any persou j who wishes to farm. i He also oilers for sale another tract of land lying in Pine township, Columbia county, containing j SIXTY-FIVE ACRES. About ten acres is cleared, and ths balance well limbered, so as to support a saw-mill. For terms apply to the subscriber in Jack son township, Columbia county. JOHN KESLER. Jackson, Feb. 10, 1858. I'IBLICSALE OF REAL*ESTATE-" In pursuance of an order of the Orphans | Court of Columbia county, on i Saturday tlic litis of March next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Benjamin I McHenry, Executor of Elias McHenry, lata i of Fisbingoreek township, in said county, I deceased ,will expose to sale by public voit j due, upon the premises, a certain PIECE or 1 PARCEL of LAND situato in Fishingcreek | township afoiesaid, adjoining lands of Jack | son McHenry on the north, Wm. Ikeler on the west and south, and Henry Bittenbender on the east; containing FIFT7 TWO AOKSS, more or less. Also ono other piece or par cel of land situßte in the township aforesaid, adjoining lands of Moses McHenry on the Esst, James D. McHenry on the south, Wm. j Ikeler on the north and west, containing SEVENTEEN ACRES ; more or less. And also one other piece or ! parcel of land, situate in the township afore said, adjoining Kinds of Moses McHenry ou ; the oast, Wm. Ikeler on the south, James D. | McHenry on the north and west, containing TWENTY-FOUR ACRES | with the appurtenances, late the estate of said deceased situate in the township of Fishingcreek and county aforesaid. BENJAMIN McHENRY, Administrator. Bioomsburg, Feb. 10, 1857. P LB L IC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order pf the Orphans' I Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY, the 7th dry of MARCH next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, H. R. Kline, administrator of William Paieraon, Itte of Orange towmhin, in said comity, deceased, will expose to tarn by public vendue upon the premises a cer tain CE>£T HLjSAoadQL situxte in Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, containing about 70 ACRES, ad joining lands of Amos Spayil, GoUer, J. S. Wooda and the heirs of Elias McHenry. The property is very valuable as a mill teat, and there are on it no* a large GRIST MILL, A SAW MILL, A TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and other outbuildings. It is the best water privilege in the county, and Has all of Fish | ingcreek as a feeder without a dam. It is six miles above Orangevilie, aud on the wa ters of Raven Creek, late the aetata of said - deceased, situate in the township of Fishing , creek and county aforesaid. H. R. KLINE, Administrator. ! By Older of ths Court, JACOB 'J Bioomsburg, Feb. 9, 1157.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers