CIRCULATE THE DOCUMENTS. THE CAMPAIGN STAR. ONLY 50 CENTO, to Club*. DENOCBATS, SEND THE NAMES ALONG, FAST. THE tpproscliing campaign will be one of great importance— sr> great that every friend of oar Union, our Constitution and 00 Liberty wif! be 'called.Xi'pon to act —promptly and faiilvfully. It brcrfhtea the Democratic party of Columbia County to make good preparations for a Vigorous contest with the opposition. In order to place tlte "STAB" within the reach of every Democrat in the coun ty we offer it on the following TERMS: One copy 50 ;ta. Five copiee #2 00 Ten do 350 Fifteen do 4 50 Twenty copice 6 00 At the above rates, we will supply subscribers with the STAR from this date until after the November election- We hope our friends, during the present month, will exert themselves and send us in numerous clubs from all parts of the county- Although the paper will be mainly devoted to the interests cr( the Dem ocratic party, otlter matters will not be Local and general newe will places. Address. R. W WEAVE!*. Bloomsburg, June 24, 1856. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. WE lire requested to announce that GFEO. H. WIt,[.ITS. of Montour township, will be a candidate fur re-election to the of flee of Asociate Judge of this county at ihe ensuing election. ESTRAY. CAME to the pretnives rrf the subscriber, in Locust iwp.. on ihe 9ili day 'oi Ann. 1856, A STRAY gmmfiK COW, black otttr the greater part of the body, and while ahout the belly, with a ■TMWT II TI whilefacoand vrooked horns. Tlte owner it requested to come and prove pVoperty. pay charges and tske her sway or she will he disposed of ac cording to law. JOHN STETZLER Locust township. Sept. 1, 1856 -3i. Teacher* Wanted ! FIVE teachers for the common schools of Beaver township are wanted by the Directors of that district. The schools are to he open ed at such lime in tie early part i f Novem ber as the teacher may desire. The pay Will be according lo the qualifications of the applicant, and need apply without a certificate from the County Superintendent. CHARLES MICHAEL, Pres'l. TILGHMAN RITTABNOUSR, Secy. Beaver, Sept. 2, 1856. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TWELFTH YEAR. One Thoueancl Dollar Cash Prizes. riHIE Twelfth Annual Volume of this use •- ful publication commences uti the 13 h day of September next- The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is sit J/- luttroted Periodical, devoted chiefly to Ihe promulgation of information relating ID the various Mechanic smt Ctieinic Arts, Industri al Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inven tions, Engineering, Milhvnrk, umi all inter •sts which the tight of practical science is cal culated to advance. Reports of U. S. PATENTS granted are also published every week, including Official Copies of ell the PATENT CLAIMS, together with news and inlormation upon thousands of other luljecli. k. 31000—IN CASH PRIZES—wiII be paid January next, for the largest list of subscribers, as follows 1200 lor the Ist, $175 for the 2d, 3160 for the 3d 8125 for (he I 4th, #IOO for ihe 5th,~*75 lor 'he 6 h, SSO for die 7-h, 840 for the BlhJ #3O rbf the 9th. . #25 for the lOtli, #2O for Hie llih, and #lO for the 12:h. For ailclubsnf 20 and upwnnls the subscription price is only #1 40. Names can be sent from any Post Office until Jan'y let. 1857. OT Here are fine chances lo secure cash prizes. The Scientific American is published once e week; every number contains eight large ,yvunn . • forming annually a complete riHuf splendid volume, ifjustia ed jp.i h sevi ral handled original engraving.. TERMS: Single Subscriptions, #2 a year, or #1 for six months. Five copies for 6 month", #4; for a year #B. Specimen copies rent gratis Southern, Western and Canada money, or Postage stamps, taken at par for sab-crip tione. -Letters should be directed, post paid, to MUNN 4C CO.. 128 Fulton St., New Yoik. W Messrs. MUNN & Co are extensively engaged in procuring patenis for new inven tions, ami will sdvise inventors, without charge, in tegard to the novelty of iheir im provnen?*. ■A Septembers, 1856. (■ ■ ■ TOLIS AT XIKACU HAVKN. CoLLccToa's OrrtcE, ) Beach Haven, August Is', 1856. ( J- I B.W. WBAVXR, Eso-j—Dear Sir:—' The a fount of lolls receiviNMf this office dnring tie past month of July is #44,126,14 previonsly reported 68,392,66 Will am'l since Noy. SO, 1855, $112,518,80 , v " same period ir. '56, 98,822,68 foeiense in 1856, $13,696,12 7 Respectfully yours, [ PETER ENT, Collector. NQJICE it hereby given that Isttors testa- upon Ihe esiale of Thomas Mcßrtde, )ate of Madiaon township, Columbia county, geceased, have been granted to ihe nnder- FAgned. All persons indebled lo the said es -rjMn requested ig make payment without daisy, and those having accounts lo present i them for settlement lo ll „ ANNA McBRIDE, whits Hall, Aug. 20, 1856. Executrix. hfiX. riersens are hereby ~nptifisd not to narchsse a promissory note signed by me to Leonard W Kaufman fc John I}. Rishell, as lhave not received ,value forihe same, and will not pay it unless compelleffAby law. - 'A LEWIS V^MYERS. * Light Street, Auj£-11, 1856 Dr. FRANCIB~c7HARRi4^ VA7OULD respectfully inform mA citizens " of Bloomsburg and vicinity tthat he kw commenced the practice of Metlwhm* and Surgery theiegand lolicits a share of puWc pa tronage. He can always be found at tu Ex •nange Hotel opoeajgig'tbe Coort HouseV Blyrgeferutg, March, ut, '55. J rmjfMET SHAWLS with silk In/ATo JE bee lot just received and tot ssaLhy L/ A CfMSMtjßr [ FROSFBOTtfS HFEFC THE VIILY PENNSYLVANIA* A DOUBLE SHEET MORNING NEWSPAPER. The Proprietor of the Philadelphia "baily Penttsylvdhian," in view ot the Presidential has made ample arrangements for the improvement of that Journal in all its Various departments. A double sheet, con sisting of eight pages of six columns each, printed on good paper, with clear type, is issued daily. No puius are spared lo do lull justice to every part of that paper. The lar gest (elegraphto news from all parts of the country will be fount? in its columns; and al great expense, talented correspondents from whom trigtfly interesting letters are received, have been secured, not only in England, France, Washington and New Yoik, but in maoy other parts of the country. Great at tention is also paid lo the monetary, com mercial, and especially the shipping list de partment of this Journal, as well as lo Ihe local news of the City. And while every desirable feature Of a Newspaper is thus en grafted upon the Pennsylvarmm, it will con tinue with redoubled energy and delermina linn to do battle for the Constitution and the Union. The editorial conduct of The Perfnsylvanian has met with general approval, on account of the fearlessness with which it assailed the dangerous political heresies introduced hy kn organization acting in secret, and corrupting Ihe whole moral structure of society. Abo litionism also, has foiled in The Pennsylvani ■ un, an unrelenting enemy because the doc trine is subversiveuf the Fights of one portion of our country. That ol course has been approved of by our party, and intelligent citikens generally, is attested by the prosperity of our estab lishment. Our subscription has increased fourfold, and our advertising is • still crosier rtPto. Already hss our issue reached ten thousand; anu at our present tale of progres sion, before the year 1855 shall have expire'd it will be double that number. The Propri e'or intends lo spare no erpense to make 7 he Pennsylvanian one of the first journals of t'r - country in all its departments, am! in this nay mer.l the patronage of a deserving put lie. f'he Opposition, fully aware of ihe im i incuse power and influence wielded by the press, avail themselves of it lo the fullest ex tent. The circulation of their organs an in creased by every possible means ami the w hole power of their or. anizaiion is used lo accomplish that object. The speeches of Iheir disunion orators, and other incendiary documents, are town broadcast throughout Ihe land, and obtrusively Ihursl into the hands of every voter. Those who have so innch holier a cause to advocate, and upon the suc cess of wliose labors rest the durability nl the very canter stones upon which our happness is founded,-—civil and religious liberty,—and the perpetuation of ihe Union itself, should not be less active. We appeal lo the true Democracy, and to all Canstitulion loving citizens, to come forward and aid us to dis i semirtaling correct political information, and exposing the nefarious designs of our antag onists. We nppcai alike lo (lie citizens of thp North, and ol the South to aid in the cir culation of those sentiments, and support of those measures, which are advocated by the only National I'uMicul organization now ir: existence. The Proprietor can already boast of a large circulation in the Southern States, and he is anxious to inctease the number of his read ers in that region, so that h • hands may be strengthened for coming cmifbcls against those who are not the enemies ol the South, but the enemies of all true men in ever portion of the Confederacy. In Penn sylvania, and the Northern and Western mutes, an increased eircutsoor. of jo*iinigk vaiil do much as an antidote to the poisonous doctrine ol the Union-haling Black Republi cans, ami lyrauical mid corrupt Koow Noth ings. We tberelore confidently calculate upon the hearty coopend'un of our political friends to ifc*j*njnrfbn of our circulation, and fVWcotifUlenirWat this appeal will not be made to the|t%rzvain. T firM S : DAILY PKNNSYLVANIAN, Double Sheet, #6,00 per annum, it paid in advance, or #7 ut the enyl ol Ihe year. TRI-WEEKLY, #3,00 per annum, if paid in ; advance or #3,50 at the end of the year, j WEEKLY 31,00 per snuum, invariably tn i advanoe. The price for the WEEKLY PENNSYL VANIAN, lor a single year, is ONE DOLLAH [>• ' annum, but fur the purpose of further in creasing the circulation, we offer tlto follow ing inducements to agents and others to raise Clubs: One Copy one year, — * $1 00 Six do do 5 00 Twelve An 10 00 ' l F,eighteen do 15 00 I wemy-five do 20 00 TUE CAMPAIGN WEEKLY. Persons who ivish to receive the paper merely during the campaign, will have it sent on the following terms, fur six months from the time of subscribing: I Copy, 0 50 5 copies to one address, Si 00 10 " " 400 20 • " 8 00 30 " " 12 00 40 " " 16 00 50 " " 20 00 100 " " 40 00 Large Cluba in proportion— Cash always in advance. Although the rate at which the Weekly rennsylvnman is offered falls far below the teal value of such s publication, we are wil ling for another year to test the experiment of continuing lo issue it at this reduced price ,in the confident hope that, by an extensive circulation, we may be secured from the heavy pecuniary sacrifice which such an ex periment involves. Postmasters will confer a favor by sending to one address when convenient. N. B.—Letters to be addressed, post paid to WM. RICE, Sept. 3, '56. Proprietor. House and Lot for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale a lot on Third Slreot in the lowet end of Bloomsburg, on which is erected s FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, which would make a cheap and good home fnr a mechanic or laborer of moderate means. He will sell it on very reasonable terms, for learning which apply to R. W. Weaver Esq., Bloomsburg, or Ihe owner at Mtffiinville, LUDWIG LICHT. Miffiiuville, Aug. 22, 1856. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given thai letters or ad ministration upon the esiale of Daniel Rob bins, late of Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted lo the undersigned residing in Ihe said township of Sugarloaf. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment wilh , out delay, and those having accounts for set. dement to present >bem lo DAVID LEWIS, Administrator. Sugarloaf twp., August 25, 1855—6t. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wate or sale by McKELVY, NEAL k Co "NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." A RESISTLESS REMEDY. HO LLOW AY ' S OINTMENT. Circular to the Sick. lit H E first hospital suigehns and medical pub. J licinta of Europe, admit Ihe unparalleled anti-inflammatory and healing properties ot this Ointment; governments sanction its me in their naval and p-ilitsry seiv cea; and the masses in this country and throughout tha World repose the utmost confidence in ile curative propeities. It peritliaies the sources of iuflamniation and corruption which underlie the exteinal eviden ces of diease, and neutralize the fiery elements which feed hnd exasperate the milady. RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA, ERY SIPELAS. These ate among the most terrible and ago. niziug diseases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin; yet in their worst forms, arid when seemingly incmable they invariably dis appear under a persevering application of this Sdolhing, healing antidote to pain and inflam mation. SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, STIFF JOINTS. In cases of Balt liheum, where m'edicSl Wu ters, Intro,is, and every tecipe of the pharmaao poea have proved useless, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cu r e. Fever Hores heal quickly under lis influence, and iu relating ef lect upon contractuJ sinews ia truly wonderful. DISCHARGING ULCERS. A most remarkable ar.d happy change is pro duced in the appearance of malignant ulcers after a few applications of this Ointment- The surrounding redness vanishes, and granules of healthy flesh begin lo take the place of the dis charged matter. 'I his pricess goes on more or less rapidly, until the orifice is filled up with sound material and (he ulcer radically cured. A WORD TO MOTHERS. The ynung ate the most fVequent sufferers from external injuries, and therefore every mother should have th : s healing preparation constantly on hand. It is un absolute specific for sore bressts, and quickly removes the en crusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads and faces of children. SIGNIFICANT FACTBJ This Ointn.ent is universally used on boatd t K C AIUI tie snd Pacific whaling fieet as a cure for scorbutic affections and as the best possible remedy for wounds and bruisea. Large supplies of h have recently Keen ordered hy the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. Both the Ointment and fills should be used in the following cases : Dunion*, Skin Oieea*e, Hum*, Swelled Glands, Chapped Hands, Sore Legs, Chilblains, Sore Breasts, Fistula, Bore Heads, Gout. Sore Throsts } Lumbago, Bores of all kinds, Mercuiial Eruptions, Sprains, Files, HiiflT Joints, Rheumatism, Te ter, Ringworm, Ulcers, Bait tilie'no, Venereal Sofes, Scalds, Wounds ot all kinds. # # # Sold al the MonufortGi ICE of Piofcssor HOLLOITAT, 80 Maiden Lane, JVew Yoik. a d 244 Sufcud, London, hy ol ic-pcrtuhle Drug gibiaf and Dealers in Mdu iue throughout the u/ted S ate*, and the civiliz n d world, in pota, rU *TC 25 centa, 62$ cents, snd $1 en.-h. tdF There considerable saving by taking the Drger sices. N B. Diiections for the guidance of patients in every disorder are nfllxed to each pot [3l. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME TH E snb-rribqr inform. Dealer, and Farm era thai tin y have greatly improved the qual ty of their Super-Phosphate of Lime, and now confidently recommend Ihe article as superior to any in the market. Also, con stantly on hand PERUVIAN &. MEXICAN GUANO, Oils, Candles, Soap, &r., at the lowest mark et rates. MITCHELL & CROASDALE, Successors to G W. Ridgvwy $ Co. No. 30 North Wharves, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. Farngers can load on Water Street, I and avoid the ciuwded wharf. I Aug. 27, 1856—1 tn. ! PENNSYLVANIA No. 56 Arch St. bet. Second $ Third, r (Opposite Hyuul. Street.) i P H-HSJHDE L P II I A: 5 SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN ol all meshes rind widths, with all | kinds ot plain and fancy wire work. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher.; Coal, SanJ and Gravel Screens ; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, coveretl in the best manner; Wire anil Wire Fencing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. 1 BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. August 20, 1856.-3 m. PEKUVIAN GUANO. , ¥?XPEUIK.\CE has taught Ihe Farmer that B the only reliable Fertilizer is the s PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. B The subscriber Sole Agent in Philadelphia for - the sale of it, has now on hand a large slock I PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, which he will sell al the lowest Cash price, i in lots lo suit either dealers or farmers. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia. - No. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North Water Street. Q Philadelphia, August 19, 1856—3 m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of a administration upon ihe estate of Joseph Jones, late of Greenwood township, Colum r bin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Madison town ship, Columbia county. All persons indebt ed to the snid estate are requested to make payment without delay, nnd those having - accounts against the decedent to present them for settlement to JACOB DEMOTT, Administrator. Madison twp., Aug. 13, 1856. I W/HEATLEY'B ARCH STREET THEA r " ' TRE. Arch Street, above Sixth, Phil'a. J THE STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first Artista in the world, and exceeding in * Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comie Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burleltaß. &c., kc. QT When visiting bo oily, go there. J IMUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and I AT* good prints for 6J cent* just received by A. C. MENSCH BOOK, CARD AND FANCY 3J3DH3 a 3323353' t THE PROPRIEtOR OF THiE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added tn !he fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to exeonie all kinds of JOB PRlttTlKfi in the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificate* of Stock ami Deposits, Constitution* for Societies, ■Bank Check*, Promissory Note*, , u . fyad. and other Ticket*, Catalogue*, Paper Roeks^JliH-Heads, Check Tin Us, Plain and Fancy Card*, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Color*. A&D FRXITTIH& OF All, KINDS Con be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMFILY AND NEAT I/A PRINTED AS IN THE CITY 'O A monthly periodical is published at this office in excellent sljle and workmanship, and with superior material. Tlie public are invited to call and see specimens, as we are dererminad to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. Bloomsburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. HAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assoYtmm t now offered in thie.TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to price and quality, they flattei themselves (hat lltey can compete wtlli the cheapest' and all those wishing to huy ehwap, can-save money by giving us a calT We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES BRF.SiS GOODS, French merinoe*, wool plaiils, alpaca*, bombazines, de hn-jps, poplins, parameila cloths mntutir luoires, muslin de lAines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Slevca. Collars Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and tVimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in lare variety vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts &c AH kinds ot SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere. Embroder ed, &e. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattinstts, vesting* tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. ' BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS (f SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN J- CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet baga, floor, table Bnd car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, lickings, diapers, towelines drillings. &c., in abundance. r ■ 6 ' We invite our friends and the public generally to us a call before purchasing el-e --where. We have bought ourgoodsat Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold bv anybody, or the rest of mankind. ~ 3 Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. • ___ Stsaca&ODaa £E3a°®fl£Paaffl33 G3ca> a HAVE KECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring &. Summer Clothing! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a lur"e and full assortment of ° FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of nil sorts and sizes, that the piesent enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cu|sand colors ; Working Panisand boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas : and They have UmVerslevea, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletls, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bit" Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, sach as Rings, Breast pins. Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallidns, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. ' CT Remember the cheap store in the ',' Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! DATID ICWEJTEEF.G INVITES1 NVITES attention to his storjf of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store on Market ■*- street, two doors above iffe -'American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including nDmisss gox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, patusof nil colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, cellars, handkerchiefs, gloves suspenders and fancy articles. ' • N. B. ' He will also make lo order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. AH bis clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of homo manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. "Quick Returns aud Small profits." A. J. EVANS, TJTASjiisl received and opened a new as ■-"sortmenr o( seasonable goods from Phil adelphia, which he is determined to sell quick anu cheap. He has everything desir able lor Ladies' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, and all dry goods for domestic and house hold u§e, suited for the FALL TRADE. He has also a lull supply of Qneensware. Hard ware, VVnndware, [irooma, Looking Glasses, LOOTS AND BHOEB, and a good stock of FRESH gggcrgjfp , A.T THE pUCESOF THEMIAR- ; KKT. He will sell at itieTnwest living profjfe, I and will make it to the interest of purchasers | to deal with them. RfiyUall and see our Stock,_Bl9 I Blosmsburg, Aug. 20, 1856. I STORES! STOVES! STOVES! Jya TtVE undersigned informs his friends ||Sj|3 1,11,1 die public in general, ihat he has ,lle entire interest in the Tinware anil Stove Establishment, on Main Street, ie door above the Court House, Btoomsburg. where he is prepared to furnish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, and ' Spouting, and alt other business in his line on short notice, and in good order, s- The New Raub ad William Penn Cook f ing Slove, and also a large assottmerrt of Parlor Stoves, constantly on hand and for sale at moderate prices. , HP" Thankful lor former patronise, he re spectfully solicits a continuance a! the same. JOSEPH SHAfiPLESS. Btoomsburg, May 6, 1856. Mootasliurg Foundry. ** having taken the entire interest of hie late partner in BCfflflSES*Slhe Bloomsburg Foundry .and f s prepared lo manulaciure JiLL KINDS OF CASTINGS, usually made ill his line of busintga. • Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore awarded ibis establishment, he hopes to merit an increase of public patronage. Bloomsburg, May 5, 1856. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate qf Elizabeth YVelliver, late of Madison township, Colum bia co., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing also in Madison town ship. All persons indebted to ihe said estate are requested lo make payment without de lay, aud thuae having accounts against the decedent to present them lor settlement 'o JACOB DEMOTT, 1 Administrator. • Madison twp., Aug. 13, 1856. Fresh Arrival! I A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints I just received by railroad and for sale by I A C. MENSCH. OMNIBUS qJOFS. LINE AND iltervl^^stable SCSTo 5530 UPuf cstxi.aS.sess ■JVOW runs anew omnibus hniwnen Rlnorna ■s* burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residencea of the town, or the American House and Forks Hotel; anil he will also furnish conveyances lo all travellers who may wish lo go into any part of the county. The omnibu. will leave Bloomsburg twice daily at 10 o'clock A.M., a ncl at * o'clock P. M. tyFare 124 cell s each way. He has also a large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi _• Stand in the rear of Hoffman & Else'e lestablisfiTiivnt, near the centre of die lown. NOAH S. PRENTISS. Bloomsburg, Ayie 3, 1855.—1y. PORTRAIT OF JTIMEB BICHANAIV. TxHK most correct liker-eswever made; ex ecuted in the ti'titiesi aiyla of Airland printed on fine luda paper, published and I for sale, wholesale and retail, by L. Ff. Bssemliral, Lithographer, N. W. cor. Fifth if Chestnut Sis., Philadelphia. Size of paper, 17 x 26. Retail price $1 00.-- A liberal discount will be allowed those wish ing to sell again. Philadelphia, June 23, 185<>. Executor's Notice- TVOTICE is heteby given that letters testa- T™ mentary upon the estate of Wesley Roat late of Hemlock township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted lo the under signed residing In Bloomsburg. All persons indebted to the said es'ale are requested to make payment without delay, aud ilinse having accounts against the estate to present litem for settlement to WILLIAM NEAL, Executor. Bloomsburg, July 19, 1856-6. t ■louse and Lot for Sale. riXHE subscriber offers for private sale Ihe House arid Lot on Third Street, Blooms burg, new occupied by birr.. The lot fronts 864 leet on Third Street, and extends 198 leet buck loan alley. There is on it a double frame DWELLING HOUSE, which car. bo used lor two fatnilte-, and some othrr outbuildings. The properly will make a de sirable ami cheap home for any laborer or mechanio of moderate means. Terms will be made known upon applica tion to VALENTINE SMITH. Bloomsburg, Aug. 13, 1856. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, pnysi ians and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by the new Ao Assembly, can be bad at the office of the Star of the North." Justices of tlie Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of banks desirable for their use,in proper mtfa'o lbs office of the STAR or THZ NORTH. j The Democratic (-(tampion and Standard Bearer. THE LIFE OF BUCHANAN AUTHENTIC EDITION. WHE undersigned will publish, Julv 20th A THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICE! OF JAMBS BUCHANAN, OF PENN SYLVANIA, candidate of lira Qemocralit Party for President of the United States. Late Minister to England, and former ly Minister to Russia, Senator ana Representative in Congress, and Sec •retary of Stale.: INCLUDING THE MOST IMPORTANT OF HIS STATE PAPERS, BY R. . IIORTON, Literary Editor of the New York Day-Book. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF THE CONTENTS: Birth, College Life, Studying Law, Election of Legislature, Volunteer in the war of 1812. Defence of Baltimore, Election to Corgrcs, Speech against the Bankrupt Hilt, Defence of Gen. Jackson, Speech on the Jtidiciaiy System, Mission to Panama. Naturalisation Laws, Election of Gen. Jackson, Mr. Bucban au'a Great Speech on the Impeachment of Judge Peck, en Years in Congress, Opposi. lion toScctioeli sin, Defence of the Freedom of the Pi ess, Mission to Russia, Election to the Senate, Executive Patronage, Mr. C'luy and Mr. Buchanan, Relations with France. Admission of Arkansas and Michigan, Mr. Buchanan's Great Speech on the Expunging [ Resolution. Intcrfrience in Elections, Speech I on Independent Treasury Bill, Reply to John Davis, On tlio McLcod Case, On the United Slates Bank, Oregon Correspondence, while j Secretary of State under Mr. Polk, Mexican War Coirespondence, Mission to England, Nomination for PiMiJnl,As, Ac. i The above work has been written by a gen tleman well qualified by his literary aitain ments, and his long connection with the Dent .ocratic press. He was furnished personally by the distinguished subject of the memoir with many of the daics and facts of his early life, ; and from authorised friends of Mr. Buchanan, has been supplied with materials inaccessible to oilier parties. The proof sheets have been submitted to authorized friends. It can there fore be called without reseivo THE AUTHENTIC AND AUTHORIZED EDITION. Tho price at retail is One Dollar. 'Plie book makes a handsome 12mo. volume of 439 pages, neatly buund in cloth, and la im bellished with an accurate Portrait on Steel, from an Ambrolype by Brady. Engraved by B ultra. Address DERBY & JACKSON, Publishers. 119 Nassau Street, New York. 3,000 Agents Wanted Immediately i Canvass for the above popular Book, ill every town in the United Ststea. Apply as above. [July 16. '56 j CAUTION! ASTROLOGY!! LOOK OU T ! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! I rpHE never failing MRS. VANHORN is JL the very best ; she is sute lo succeed whn all others have foiled. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, de ceived and trifled with ; nil whose fond hopes have been crushed and blasted by false prom ises, all who have hsd bad luck, fly to her for advice and satisfaction, from whatever cause, fly to her for relief and comfort. In lore affairs she was never known lo fail. Sl.e has the secret of, winning the affections of ihe opposite sex. It is this fact which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her. She shows you tho likeness of your future wife, husband, or absent friend. It is well known to the public al large thai she in the first, and only person in this country who can show their likeness in reality— which can be testified and proved by thou sands, both married antl single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one, come all, to No. 534 LOMBARD Street, between Juni per and Broad, PHILADELPHIA. April 16, 1856 —6m. Tinware k Stove Establishment. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfuly in forms his old friends and customers,that he has purchased hie brothel's interest in the above establishment, and the concern will here after h conducted by himself exclusively. He has just received and olfeis for sale the ' £"8 largest and most extensive assortment ' t®? ment.,f FANCY STOVES everintro ducr-J into this market. blovepinc and Tiuware constantly on hand and inanurabltrreir —-a*-. jk.u i~: u- —c ~ pairing done, us usual, on short notice. The patronage of old frients and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. if. Trusties Trusses! Tl'iisscs! C. H. NEEDLES, TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, S. W. COR. OF 12TH ASD RACE STREETS, I PHILADELPHIA* IMPORTER of fine French cs, combining extreme lightness, jSiVsj ease and durability with correcyagmelruciion. Hernial or ruptured paUerfls can be suited by remitting amounts, as helotv :—Sending number of inches rr>onil ihe hips, and stat ing eide aflectej^- Onst of Sirtgle Truss, 82, 83, 84, 85. Double, 85,86, 88, and 10. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Ban ning's Improved I'alenl Body Bruce, for ihe cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex panders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with ttoop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syr-, inges—male and female. I Ladies- rooms, with lady attendants. August 2. 1855. FIRST AICICIYAL! OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! AC. MENCH respectfully informs his * friends, customers, and the public gen erally that he has just received from Phila delphia the first goods of the season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirable feffijCob OP sit For the spring and summer trade comprising, for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored Frenoli Clothe, Black French Doeskins and Cassimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestinga. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Cashmeretles. LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualitias. Barege De Lainea and Challi Bareges. Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De Lainea, Bombezine Finish Black Alpacas. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all pailernsand descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damaska and Tabtf Covers. Besides a large ass<|HMtf of Boots and ; Shoes, Sugar, Cnflfes/TeaJ), and all kinda of , Groceries, Hardware, &0., which will be aold remarkably cheap. Call at tbe old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. ET FLOUR & FEED always on band, r and lor aale at the loweet market prioe, for CASH. A. C MENBCH. Bloomsburg, April 2, 1866 wr&. & n TO THE FASHONABLE AND W cotpaacsaasß. rfIHE undersigned, having inat received the ■*■ latest Patia and New York Fashions, would again bag leave to inform hie numer ous friends and ull the world about Blooms* burg, that he is now better prepared titan or er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the beat order, upon the lowed terms. His shop is at the old stand, (iqq well known to need luither notice) where he,mar at all times be found, sealed upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeing St may in ihsenffprotfo advantageous to him and his customers. He would also advise his friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must Jive, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, Itye .Corn, Oala, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come piighty handy from those who are hack-standing on lite book. Jlemeniber, gentlemen, that in all oasee "the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14th, 1853. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE7 COLUMBIA CO., PA. For Youth of both Stexe*. Will. IIUKUEM* PRINt'IIUL. ritHlS Institution which has bean In suc- JL cessltil opera tor) for several years haa recently been enlarged to give better accom tneditions for boarders and increased fuili lir for Ttiitfoh, flic. Each quarter of the School year consists bl eleven weeks, and the next session will commence on the 13th of August, bul pu pils will he taken at any season. in addition to the constant attention of the Principal, the services of an experienced teacher have been procured. Instruction will be given in all the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatns and ao* cess given to a Library end the use of Math ematical instruments. Rooks and Stationa ry will be provided for all who desire. EIBISiEGBo TUITION, $3.50, $4 und $4.50 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Hoarding, Tuition, Washing. Lights, &c. t $24 per quarter, one-half payable quarterly in advance. ETFor further particulars address the pan pal. Millville, July 6, 1855. SAtHACI FllAI) OF THE C. 8. Insurance, Annuity * Trust Co. S. E. cor. of Third & Chestnut Sis., PHIL'*. CAPITAL 250,000* MONEY is received on deposit daily.— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or if prelerred, a certificate will be given. All sums, largo and small, are received,- and the amount paid back on demand, with out notice. Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent., commencing from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previous to the with draival o( the money. On the first day oi January, in feach.yaef the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as be may prefer. Tf.e Company have now upwards of 3,- 500 depositors in lite City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be (I'M by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, Pres't. Wm. D. Godwin L. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. Goddard' A. VV. Thompson, George McHenry. Bettj. W. Ttngley, James Devereux, Jacob L. Florance, Gnstay... PLINY FISK, Secretary tf Treasurer J. C. OEHLSCH LAGER, Teller tp Interpreter September 6 1855. ly. New Wholesale Drijf Store, Ao. 26 Smith Second Street, I'iill.inri.piiu. N SPENCER THOMAS, iMpOftTER, • Manufacturer, and Dealer ir. Drngs| Medicines. Jm<bicalSj Acids, Dye Stuff's, Paints, While Lead, cnrt and American While Zinc, Window! Glase, Glassware, Varnishes. Brushes, Instru ments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually ftepl by Druggists, in cluding Borax, Indigo. Glue, Shelluc, Potash, &c. Su\ &c. All order, by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. COUNTRY MERCHANTS__ are invited to call tmrl r rnmjipi 111 ITTTIII"II~ be~~ fore piireljasingeJssufrTierer ent to any of th Wharves or Kaiptfiad Siationa. Prices low and goods -Warranted. Philadelphia, March 6, 1856.-ly, Premium Improved SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Only Silver Medal XTfCT awarded by Agricultural Societies, was given to this superior article, at the Pennsylvania Stale Fair, at Harrisbnrg, aa • Fertilizer of the Best Quality for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Grass & Potatoes. Raising heavy crops, and g really improving the soil. The subscriber respectfully informs farmers and dealers that he is prepared td supply the fall demand with this stiperict tad wall tested article. Agents Wanted. —A liberal discount allowed. NO. I PERUVIAN A MEXICAN GUANO. Poudrette and Land Plaster. Oils, Candles, Soap, dpc., Of the best quality, at lowest market rates. JOHN L. POMEROY, Ninth and Tenth Wharves, below Mar ket Street, Phildd'ai FF- Farmers can load at two private alleys, and avoid the crowded Wharf. Angus) 19, 1856-3 m. DENSLOW 8c CO., Commistiion Merchants* rlml Wholeside Dealers in oil kinds of Foreign and Domestic Leaf Tobacco, MANUFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign ami Domestic Segars, 21 South Front Street, Philadelphia. Importers of fine Ha vauna Segars of the choicest growths of ths Vuelta-Abajo. A large assortment of which are kept con staiitly on,hand, and for saleataamall advance on coat of importation. Consignments respectfully solicited, on which liberal advances will l>e made when deaired. N. B. Special attention given to orders for purchase on commission, of Tobacco, as al to every description of Merchandise, for ac count or partios living at a distance front this market. Sole Agent for F. A. Goe'te'S Celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties. Philadelphia, April 7, 1856. lyr. BLANKS! BLANKS!! BLANKS!! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPffiNAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTEB, paper and desirable forms, fo- sale at the office of the of yte North,!.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers