STAR OF THE NORTH, ■ I IP I 'III! II .. ■ "R. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. Bloeiuskwrg, Wedwcadaf, Seyi. R, tgjHL DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1 TOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, ■Or KENTUCKY. ' CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia County. AFUCTTOR RENERAL, JACOB FKT, Jr., of Montgomery Co. _ SURVETOR GENERAL, JOnR ROM E, of Franklin County. Democratic County Nominations. ASSEMBLY, PETER ENT. PRESIDENT JUDGE, WARREN J. WOODWARD. ASSOCIATE JUDGES, JACOB EVANS, PETER KLINE. 1 DISTRICT ATTORNEY, E. H- LITTLE. COMMISSIONER, HENRY BITTENBENDER. AUDITOR, SAMUEL RHONE. COUNTY SURVEYOR, SOLOMON NEYHARD. CORONER, NATHAN DRIESBACH. WANTED AT THIS OFFICE. An active intelligent bay RS an apprentice to the printing business. One of 17 or 18years desirable. TUB CANDIDATES. The candidate for Congress in this district ia a lawyer of very fair abilities, of respec table character and agreeable, dignified manners. He has the firmness and intelli gence to take his place in Congress with credit to himself and the district. The dis trict will be united for him at the election, and there will be no candidate against Itim with any expectations of being elected. Mr. Montgomery will redeem the twelfth dis trict. Mr. ENT has made one of the very best officers in the service of the State, and we are sure the Canal Board will regret to lose him from a post where tltey will have to be very luoky if they can supply his place by a man so safe and correct in his business. He haa filled a position of much responsibility and labor at Beach Haven, and his accounts have always been kept clear and 'square.— .His salary has afforded a bare living, while bis toil has been unceasing through day and night. His habits are those of the good cit izen, and the reliable business man. It ia such mn whom we want in the legislature; not to consume time by idle and pompous display, but to go right straight to the heart of the public business with understanding and integrity. In hi* Democracy Mr. Ent ha* been as straightforward as in bis despatch of bosines*. JUDGE WOODWARD has the character of ability end fitness stamped upon ill these minds who know him best; and -by high mental culture and an evenly balanced tem per has worked his way to the front rank of the profession. A', the large bar of Lu-**""" eODUIy there was no -co mn elisor to stand in , hie way fot the Judgeship was deci- i dad that a new judicial district was to 6e es tablished. Montour Conaty. The Democratic convention oftdontoor county lest Monday unanimously nominated John G. Montgomery, Esq.. for Congress.— Thomas Chalfanl and Jamas McCormick are the Congreisiontl conferees. George Smith and Jaoob Sheep are Senatorial conferee* The Rapreaentative conferee* are instructed to concur in the choice of Columbia cour.ty. They will meet the Columbia conferee* to day, (Wednesday.) The nomination of Messrs. Montgomery end Ent ia tboe secured, and their election tendered certain. The following are persona nominated m Montour for the cAtoSssf. Associate Judges— RobilfPMoore, Joseph Dean. , Sheriff— -Edward Youflg. Treasurer— Frederick Blue. RtgUfer f Recorder—Wm. C. Johnston. Commissioner— Robert Davidson. So far a* we know these gentlemen they are respectable end active business men, and . will make a good and strong ticket, such as the Democracy of Montour may lake a pride in supporting. Messrs. Moore, Dean, Young and Johnston we know to be just such men as give character to e ticket, and who de earra tbe confidence and respect of the pub. lio. The other* are no doubt of the same •lamp, aince they are found in such compa ny. Mr. Montgomery our people all know, and will be glad to support with much teal as pride that we have such a candi dal#, DANVILLE ACADEMY. We are pleaeed to ftud ear friend end ta'.e our townsmen, Mr. i. E. BRADLEY, sncced so wall aa tha principal of the Danville Acade my. By the liberality of Dr. Wn. M. Bick ley, E. W. Conkling, Esq., and Messrs, Brown Ir Forest, valuable end imported eats of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus Will bo bad for illuairatlon, by tbe teaehers of this Institution. These, together with a fins collection of Geological end Mioeralogi oal specimens, placed in tbe Academy by Dr. Wm. H. Magill, and others, will very oatorially add te tba facilities for learning * heretofore enjoyed by tbe pnpils of this School. * Tke nett seaaioa of the Sohopl* will com mence as the second Mqpdsy (the Bth day) of September. DEMOCRATIC COMITY MEETING, IN BLOOMSBURG. On last Monday evening a large meeting was'held in the Court-house in thie town, which was organized by appointing the fol lowing officers: FKTER KLINE, Esq , President. vrcc PRESIDENTS: Jacob Harris, Hemlock, Isaao Davis, Beaver, Dr. Simon Coiner, Madison, Stephen H. Swank, Mlffim, M. C. Woodward, Bloom, Elijah Albertson, Greenwood, Henry Metz, Locust, John C. Myers, Roaringorek, Philip Kistler, Mounlpleasant, Philip Unangst, Bloomsburg, David Shsffer, Briarcreok. SECBETSKIKS: M. E. Jackson, Esq., Stephen 11. Miller. R. W. Weaver, Esq., announced that Gen. W®. F. Packer, of Williamsport, and Hon.. N. B. Browne, of Philadelphia, were in town, and on his motion a Committee was appoint ed to invite them to address the meeting.— The President appointed R. W. Weaver, William Snyder and Stephen Baldy. After i a short interval the speakers were presented, and Mr. BROWNS proceeded to address the meeting in a logical and clear exposiiion of ibe potiiical issues of the present campaign, and to vindicate the Democratio party from the false charge of being for slavery propa gandism. His address was conclusive and must have worked conviction on every mind. Wbn ha concluded Gan. War. F. PacKSR was called out, and he proceeded to discuss the slavery issue In an impressive and forci ble manner. He showed that the Republi can party was not content'with the compro mises which the fathers of the republic es tablished, but that it was lakiug issue against the constitution ol the Union—where it re cognized the existence of slavery. He held ihe audience until li o'clock with his able exposiiion of Repubiicati hypocrisy; and af ter he concluded the thanks of the meeting were voted to the speakers, and the people retired well pleased. Democratic Meeting al OrangeTille. The Democrats of the northern part of the county met al Orangeville on last Saturday, and several delegations came in with ban ners flying, and wagon, wreathed with hick ory alter Ihe fashion of the olden lime. At 1 o'clock a beautiful hickory pole was raised in the middle of the town ; and then, with martial music and flogs streaming to the breeze, the people marched to the woods near the town, under the Marshalship of Col. Hiram R. Kline. Here seats and a stand had been prepared, and on motion of Mr. J. S. Woods the meet ing was organized by the election of the fol lowing officers: JOHN McREYNOLDS, President. Geo. Mack, John Aclienbach, Doty, Jacob Evans, Henry Bitlenbender, Thomas J. Hutchinson and David Shafier, Vice Presi dents. Jacob Hagenbuch and N. P. Moore, Stcrt-. lariet. C. R. BUCEALEW, Eso , wn then called up on lo eJJreu itie meeting, and tie discussed with much force and clearness the issues of lha campaign al length. R. W. V\ EAVER, KSQ , was then called out, and he continued to dissect the false philan thropy of abolitionism, and the narrow, jeal ous bigotry of Ktiow-Nothingistn until five o'clock, when the meeting adjourned. •wart Proceedings, Conrt opened on laff ||onday with Judges Woodwitrd, WilliMrW Rupert on thefceneh. Elwooi! Hughes of Centra was appointed foreman flfrtrer Grand Jury. The following indictments timed Com. tis. Abraham Cool for assault and battery on Elisha Hayman—a true bill. Thia case was tried, and after trial the defendant | withdrew bis plea of not guilty and submit ted to the sentence of the court. The sen tence was lo psy a fine of $lO and the costs of prosecution. * Com. vs. Isaac K. Sweppenheiser for for nication and bastardy. A true bill and trial. ' Verdict guilty. Com. vs. John Shearman It George Shear man for assault and battery on Heury Shear man. A troe bill and trial. Com. vs. James M. Price for murder of Isaao Dereamer. A true bill. Thia morning the case of Jacob Johnson vs. Henry Johnson was then taken up from the civil list. It is a proceeding lo enforce an agreement which David Johnson the father of the plainifT, in hi* lifetime made to convey to his aon Jacob the farm on which the father then lived, for his maintenance during life. The defendants alledge that the father was not sufficiently sane lo contract, and that the son did not comply with his part of the contraot. These are the points contested. Comly & Weaver for plaintiff"; Hurley & Freeze for defendant. Bold Bobbery, We learn that one night this week the store of D. L Chapin, at New Columbus, Lu zerne county, was entered by some burglar and robbed o( some seven hundred dollars in money and fifteen hundred dollars in notes and bonds. XW The Columbia County Agricultural Society met in the Court House oWlast Tues day evening,; V\m. Sloan presiding. Judge Woodward was.invited to address the meet ing, and did ao with ability in a pertinent discourse. The thatike of the Society were voted to Judge Woodward for bia address. It was resolved lo bold an Agricultural Fair for Columbia county on the 4th and Sib of Ootober. w C. R. Backalew, Esq., addressed the Buchanan Club at tha Register's office in this town outset Thursday evening. RAILROAD — The Syracuse and and all the property belonging to tflQ&npany, are advertised to be sold at auction, by order of tha first bond holders on'the 20th of September, inat. The eolith for Fremont. The Evening Journal, an independent paper of Philadelphia, hae the following re marks in an editorial on the subject of ihe interference of British statesman in onr po litical affairs and the slavery question : "To detach the Sooth from the North has long been, we believe, the cherished aspira tion of English politicians and traders, and if they can but effect their purpose, they care, perhaps, very little whether it in ac complished by a simple severance of the commercial relations of ihe sections, by which means Great Britain may be inter posed between them, or by a dissolution of their political Union. For the fortunes of the negro, British statesmen and merchants have not one particle of honest disinterested sym pathy. They have too large a stake in the profits of American slavery to abolish it to morrow, if they had the power." "Use Nrterbosier." This is the significant soubriquet applied by the good people of Lehigh county, mostly Germans, to the Abolition party of the Stale, now sailing under the disguised flag of so called Black Republicanism. It is a German phrase, and the translation of it, we believe, is "Xigger Kiseeie." When it is recollected lite present Fremont party is only an extension of the old Abolition parly of the State—.the same thing, with a new name— the opilhetj is not misapplied. Our native PennsWcgWi Germans have a world-wide renown as a sagacious and discriminating people, and amidst sit ike serpentina iwir ings of ihe enemy, they never lose sight of his track, and generally call things by their right names. The term " Negerbotstr" is not bad. In Cobtrust with Republican Fanaticism. Last week at a Democratic pole raising in Lancaster City Chief Justice Litwts happen ed to be present, and was invited to address ihe meeting, but lie respectfully declined on the ground thai his position as a member of the Judiciary forbade him from taking so ac tive a participation in the campaign—at the same lime he fell a lively interest in the struggle, and earnestly desired the election of the great and noble standsrd bearers ol the Democratic parly, and deprecated the sectional issue now, for the first time, pre sented iu the history of the conntry. The Judge was most heartily greeted by his old friends tmd neighbors. Joseph Illss goes for Fremont. The celebrated Jos. Hiss, of nunnery in vestigation notoriety—and who raised such a dust in the Massachusetts Legislature a year ago, by taking a woman of a Legisla tive Investigating Committee to which he belonged, and chaining her expenses to the Slate—goes (or Fremont as the best repre sentative of the principles ol the 'American' party which he, the said Joseph Hiss is such a worthy and illustrious member. Jo seph has been chosen a delegate to the Stste Convention of the Fre mooters from the first ward in Boston. 'lhe German Adopted Citizens of New York and IMillnitelphla' The New York News fays that ihe pro fessed German Republican Meeting at the Tabernacle on the evening of the Zlst, wan composed principally Disunionists who were not of German birth,—the latter not composing more than one-fourth of the au dience. The Neun eaya there one hundred Germans at the Democratic Masa Meet ing at TJmrnay Hall where there waa one at the Republican Meeting at the Tabernacle* The Pamsyhanian says that in Philadel pht, the effort to Black Repcblicanize our German adopted citizens fits proved a ridicu •-lous failure. Tho German Fremont organ hat declined ranidly in circulation, and ex ercises little or no influence upon those whom it has attempted to mislead. The Straggle in Coagrest Over. The House of Congress on Saturday fin iahed the work of the extra session, by pass- I ing Ihe army bill without the proviso decla ' ring that the President shall not employ the United States tronps in enlorcing the territo rial laws. The present sta'e of affairs in Kansas, the general rising reported on the Missouri border in consequence of the re cent assault on Franklin by the Lane parly, the probability that the free State party would be speedily overpowered il there war not some lawful authority existing to check their excesses, snd also to keep down the violence of the Missourians, who are prepa ring to drive their opponents out of the terri tory, all show how improper was such a re striction on the executive. The presence of the United Stales troops is the only thing which keeps these two factions from slsying each other. Alexander Hamilton. This eminent statesman is reported to have uttered the following words, a short time previous to his death : "To brtak this Union would bwk my htarl." Let ns pause and ponder upon these re maraable words, and determine that the Union shall be preserved until time shall be ' no more. ONE OR TWO QUESTIONS. [ Did Congress every legislate negro slavery into a Territory 1 No. Why! Because it , has no authority under the Constitution to do . so. Has it then authority to legislate slavery ; out of a Territory, or prevent its existence in i a Territory! Clearly not. Tba rale most . work equally both ways or it is a poor one. Another Query- What has Ihe eleolion of President of the United States to do with negro slavery in Kansas'! We ask for information. Wilt 1 some estate philosopher of Fourierism, Iree 1 love, and free niggers, condescend to answer! VW The Wilkes Barre Timet says, J. R. I Westover, of New Columbus, Luzerne Co., r has invented an instrument for measuring > heights, distance and levelling, a drawing of • which baa been left at that office. It is highly reooramended by Engineers, Elll> B. Schnabel, Esq., [• carrying the war into Africa, and bearding the lion in his den. A correspondent of l>be Harritburg Keystone thus deacribes his late achtevment at Montrose: From this day forward job may dare wonderful change in public opinion, upon the aubjecta of Abolitionism, Freesoil, Bleeding Kansas and other abominationfl on the bor ders of New Vork.andPennsyisar.ia. {went to Montrose the 18th inst., where I found front, four to fiee thousand people in qmiiicil at the Coutt House Square. Just as (arrived, Ellis Schnabel, Esq., of Phila delphia, mounted the stand to harangue the multitude. Gov. Daniel S. Dickinson of this place had just taken his seat, after (as I was informed) having delivered an able address. I have no personal acquaintance with Mr. Scbnabel, although I have olten heard him pronounce in Phfltdelphia those powerful ! political harangues for which be is so distin guished. i expected an able speech—but I was by no mean? prepared for what followed. He threw all his former reputation, as a scholar, logician and orator, ao far into the shade, that I listened with wonder. Beyond all question, be is the mpst learned an elo quent debater we have. He began by defin ing and tracing the long established principles of our government, and holding up to view the many brilliant victories of the National Democracy. Then h brief y sketched the history, principles and purposes of the opposing factions of whatever name. His sharp and tailing fire inane particular direction, soon I betrayed the objset of this eloquent man, and directly it fell, jn the shape of a bold and resolute challenge to his Honor, Judge Wit mot, (of proviso notoriety) who was standing at my side, listening to the speech. Mr. Schnable slated that he had challenged David Wilmot, in wining, some time before, but receiving no answer, he now gave the chal lenge in person, from the public stand, Mr. Wilmot being present. When the gauntlet was thrown, Wilmot, much excited, said "by G , that fellow is after me," and imme diately sent a note to Mr. S , stating that he had written In Mm, accepting the challenge, hut to discuss the issues in Southern Pennsylva nia. This paper did not reach Mr. Schnabel until after the meeting. In the evening, at another meeritjg, Mr. S, in a brief speech, Stated to the audience Hist his challenge was confined to Wilnud's district, where the public mind had long been abused. Bui to return try his afternoon address. For two hours and a half he held that large as semblage, at limes breathless, and anon, rending the air witn their shouts, which it was impossible to suppress. This was the greatest intellectual feat 1 have ever witness ed on the stump; and I have heard the ablest men in the country. Black Republicanism,! and Native Americanism, were called up in 1 succession and crushed in his grasp like the toys of a child. And last of nil, Wilmot himself wns picked ! up—his treason—deceit—inconsistency and folly—were scattered like chaff belore the | wind. After the speaker had by learned ar gument, shown the folly, danger and turpe ludc of the Judge's politics, there came like an avalanche, /he terrible and scathing de nunciation of bis false gods, and an appeal to the people ,with such t> burst of eloquence that the Fremont men found their hearts beating with the old Democratic fire, (fur at least two thousand of them were present) and taken by surprise, found themselves sending up a shout fot James Buchanan. Thu speaker, much estintreled, eat down amidst the most deafening cheers. Wilmot left the ground, cowed by this opening of his powerful adversary ; and the following eve ning to a thin and dejected audier.ce of dia onionists publicly backed out from Mr. Schna bel's challenge, declining, aa a reason, to his friends, that John W. Forney, a debased, un scrupulous politician, and James Buchanan, a G ■ ' d <i——d treacherous old Federalist, should not send out their dirty mercenary hireling into his district to drag him down. Wilmot's worst passions were roused beyond control, and by his abuse and profanity, he P'oved that he had found his msster in Ellis B. Schnabel, the champion of Democracy. When Mr. Schnabel returned from addres sing other meetings at Friendsville and Brooklyn, and learned of Wilmot's vulgar abuse, he instantly proposed lo the friends of Mr. Buohanan, to canvass every township in Wilmot's district, and disabuse the public mind ot bis vile sophistries and widted per versions of truth and history. I learn the arrangements are all made. Look out for a political Waterloo. Mr. S. begins his march next week—l will keep you informed of his movements. The Williamsport Gazette gives the fol lowing account of the manner in which Mr. Schnabel put to flight one of the "shriekers lor freedom" at that place: , On Friday evenfwg, August 22d, Mr. Diven of Elmira, made a speech to a Black Repub lican meeting at the Court House and threw out a challenge for discussion. At the con clusion of his speech, Mr. Schnabel, who was present, accepted the challenge and proceeded to reply to Mr. Divaty The fire was 100 heavy to be endured, ant|soon drove the whole party out of the houai. First the President retreated and was son followed by the orators of the party. "ihe Fremont freedom of speeoh advocates hfwled, shout ed, stamped tr.d insulted, for the purpose of choking Mr. Schnabel down, but without success. He continued his spiech till after the flight of hipponent, when the meeting adjourned without further debate. Mr. Diven after giving the bached out by saying he "he had other fish to fry," &c., showing that bis challenge was mere brag. As he ran out of the house Mr. Schnabel called to trial, that he would meet him at Elmira, in his own town, this week. A meeting has been called for him at that place on Friday evening 29th tnst. ;0 r Col. Reah Frazer last week addressed alarge Democratic meeting at Marietta, and bore strong testimony to the high, private character ol Mr. BUCHANAN. Fatal Mittaki.— Dr. Crawley Finney, a re •peoted resident of Nanseroond connty, Va., died a few 4gga ago, from the effects of taking morphine instead of quinine. Bllltla m a Vubstitnte for the Army. Union, in an article 'bn the Aitny AppropvigtioflUlill, speak* at fol lows : "Whether the army be disbanded or not, there stands at last Ibe great power of the President of calling upon the militia of the "States ; and a brigade fro.-n South Carolina, Pennsylvania, or any other State, summoned to the vindication of law, will be foond thor oughly loyal to the constitution and the Union. If ibe worst shall come, no one can doubt that the President will exercise all the power vested in him by the consti tution to execute the lawa and preserve the integritj of the republic. Hence, what ever temporary triomph or advantage may be gained by any faction or pnrly, in Kansas or elsewhere, against the constitution, cohld only result in signal disaster—the thirty-one etars alone can float in triumph when the smoke of the conflict lias passed away." We took occasion a few days ago, to call attention to this fact, to show how futile was the attempt of the House of Congress to im pose a restriction upon the constitutional power of the President, by annexing a con dition to the army bill, which would prevent the employment of the troops in Kansas to restore order or peace in that territory. If the President is denied the employment of the regular army, hp wilt be compelled to call upon the militia to execute the laws, and how would the Iriertds of free Kansas like to see the militia of South Carolina, Mis souri or Mississippi mustered into service, to maintain the supremacy of the laws! The duties of every constitutional government are best performed when eacb branch of it keeps within its own legitimate jurisdiction. As soon as any one branch travels beyond that, it is likely to produce notltiog but mischief. —Phi/a. Ledger. Frighlfal Ravages of the Cholera In Mu deria. From Maderip we have disastrous news. Some Portuguese Hoops left Lisbon on the 20th June, for Funchat. There is every rea son to believe that cholera prevailed at Beiem before the troope left, yet, notwith standing the ridiculous airictness of the Por tuguese authorities about quarantine, these soldiers were allowed to proceed to Muderia. At sea cholera broke out amongst :lin troops, and when they landed at Funchal a Fair was being held, the troops mixed with the in habitants, and cholera broke out amongst the latter. When the Avon left Maderia on the 3d of August there had been 5000 cases of cholera and 1500 deaths amongst the popula tion of Funchal, which numbered only 28,000. There were no medical men, nor any medicines, in the island, and the people were dying for the want of them. The panic which this calamity caused at Funchal was terrible ; all business was suspended, the shops were closed, and every family isolated itself. The dead lay unhurried in the ceme tery, and fires were kindled there to mitigate the evil effects arising from the putrefaction of dead bodies. The Government at length got twelve men to dig graves, and -ia*jS them literally dug their own, for ihey died almost immediately, and were buried in (he graves ihey lad dug for others. The cholera had been raging fearfully at Funchal for five days before the Avon left. Bishop Mead, of Virginia, has ad-1 dressed a teller lo Protestant Churchmen, in I which he discourages any active participa tion in politics on the part of ministers of the Gospel' He says he "never gave but one vote at an election, and that at an early pe riod." Clergymen shonld be as free as any other citizens to take part in politics ; in fact it is their duty to exercise all the rights of a free citizen. No reasonable man objects to a olergyman voting or speaking on political topics, in proper places, but no truly reli gious man wishes lo see the pulpit turned into a political rostrum, or to hear a political harangue when he goes lo listen to the word of God. It is politics in Churches which people object to, and in cler gymen. BENNITT'S LrsT or NEWSPAPERS. —As a sample of the credit to be attached to the list o( newspapers printed in Pennsylvania, with their circulation, published in the New York 1 Herald, it may be sufficient to state, that the compiler puts down the Reading Adler, which for half a century has been the con sistent and influential organ of the Democ racy of old Berks, as having only a circula tion of only seven hundred t We do not cer tainly know the precise circulation of the Adler, but we incur little hazard in staling, that it is not less than six thousand / nearly lea times the figure slated by Bennett. The list abounds in many other inaccuracies, equally glaring. ANOTHER FAME REPORT.— Gen. Pomeroyp reported killed in Kansas in the last telegraph despatches, is at present in Boston. This is the second time, we believe, that he bas been despatched by murderous news agents for Ibe newspapers, but killing a man a half dozen times in Kansas is no uncommon feat. It only requires an unscrupulous corespond ent in one part of the country, and a gullible partisan editor in another, when snap goes the electric fluid through the wire, a man is "killed in the most savage manner possible," or a score of men, if it belter answers partisan purposes. HITHER THE ABOLITIONIST!— Une of the first Governors ol Pennsylvania, who unfurl ed the black and tattered flag of Abolition ism, was Joseph Ritoer. Twenty years ago, in one of bis offioial messages, this function ary denounced the South, and sought to raise a sectional anti-slavery parly in Pennsylva nia, but was signally defeated. Now Ibis same Rilner is a leading Black Republican, and participated actively in the Convention that nominated Fremont. Shall this explo ded Abolition Governor be more successful now, in Abolitionizing Pennsylvania, than he was then T We trow not. AT Nearly every Philadelphia Whig who was prominent in his party, Is now for Bu chanan. DEMOCRATIC ELECTORAL TICKET. ELECTORS AT LARGE. Charles R. Buckalew, Wilson McCandioss. District. Oitlriet. Ist-O. W. Nebinger, I3lh-Abrshsm Edi nger Sd-Pierce Builer, 14th-Reuben Wilber, 30-Edward WartraanlSih-G. A. Crawford, 4th-Wm. H. Wine, I6th-James Bl.iok, Sth-John McNair, I7th-Henry i. Stable, 6th-Jno. H. Brinlon, 18ih-John D. Roddy, 7th--David Laory, 19th-Jacob Turney, ' Blh-Charles Kesaler, 20ih—J. A. J. Buchanan 9th-James Patterson,2l al—William Wilkins, lOlh-Isaac Slcnker, 22d-J. O. Campbell, 11th—F. W. Hughes, 23d-1". Cunningham, I2th-Thoe. Osterhaut, 24-John Keatley. 25th District—Vincent Phelps. The above is a correct list of the pereoos placed in nomination on the Democratic ' Electoral Ticket by the Democratic S'ate Convention of the 4th of March last. A pledge to support James Buchanan for Pres ident, and John C. Breckinridge for Vice President, in the event of the eleotion of the ticket, has been received from each of the above candidates. Editors of Demo cratic newspapers will please correct accord ingly, a number of errors having been dis covered in the publication ol the ticket. Byaorderof the Democratic State Central Committee. A Two-hendrd Child. The birth of a child with two heads has created much gossip during the last few days in the locality of Temple atreet, Bristol, and, indeed, wherever the intelligence ol the ar rival of thia curious little stranger has reach ed. The mother ia the wife of Mr. Look, baker, 120 Temple street, and the child, a boy, is living, and was a fortnight old on the Bth inst. The ordinary head of the child is of the natural size, and has a really beautiful face ; the superfluous head projects from the right side of it, and is about the size of s man's fist. The child has four eyes, four ears, and two mouths, but there is no chin to the smaller head; the mouth ia deformed, and ihe eyea have become useless; they have lost their lustre, and are falling out of their sockets. There is an internal connec tion between the two heads, for when one mouth works the other wofks, When it cries, the sound issues from both ; and when the child is fed Ihe second mouth moves as if craving food, and we believe it may be fed at either. Up to the present time the child has thriven, and the faouliy are divided as to its prospect of existence, some holding that it may live about a fortnight longer, while others seem to see no reason why its days may not be prolonged to the natural term of man's life.— Bristol {Eng.) Mrror. PORTER'S SPIRIT or THE TIMER.—Win. T. Porter, the editor of the well known Neu> York Spirit of the Timely is Rboul to issue a weekly sporting and literary newspaper, called "Porter's Spirit of the Times,". It will be of Ihe same size and chaiacter as the old paper, and will be contributed to by that large circle of correspondents and writers who gave to the "SPIRW' its distinguished position among the ffterary journals of the United States. C* A w"knowti political economist says: "We py beat, first, those who destroy us— generab ptwcond, those who cheat us—poli ticians atuiqautcka; third, those whom who amuse us—singerftund musicians; and least of all those who inslrtty ui—authors, school masters and editors. RXTRAOBMNARV FREAK or NATUW.—Mary, a negto woman belonging to Dr. John H. Hundley, near Mooresville, Ala., gave birth, i on the 10th oil., to three living infants, iw, whites and one black. It will puzzle the medical fraternity to account for this singu lar event —Richmond Dispatch. l7Gen. Jimon Cameron has come out for Fremont. He ptesided at a large Fre mont mee/ing in the Court House, at Harris burg, a few evenrr?J##ga. The phases of the opposition to the Democratic party continually changing, bu. they mutt change very fast to gel ahead of 'die General, WHIPPED.—Jim the revolutionary hero of Kansas was "whipped like a dog," at Oskaloosgf lowa, by a wagoner he attempted to swifdle. The lowa papers represent his "voluJleets" whose object is the invasion of Kstsas, to be the "lowest dregs"of sootety. Crossing the Ohio Jiiver in a Buggy. The Cincinnati Columbian says, that on the 24th ull a Mr. Patterson, of "Adams' Ex press,"end one or two other gentlemen, rode entirely across the channel of the rfVer in a buggy, at a point near Ba*itr Democrats of this county have made the following nomi nations:—For Congress—Col. Henry C. Eyer, of Union County; Assembly—DanielS. Boy or; County CommUvofiar—Charles Krebs; Auditor—Edward Bassler. President of a Fremont Club. —We under stand (hat the valorous Capt. Raymond, who so brutally attacked an old man nearly twice his own age at Burlington, is President of the Fremont Club at Bordentown. When will he give another homily upon the "Brooks and Sumner outrage?" 17 A large Democratic Mass Meeting 1 was held at Cincinnati on the evening of the Ist instant. Speeches were delivered by John C. Breckinridge, the candidate for Vice President, John L. Robinson; and others.— The utmost enthusiasm prevailed. SNOW IN AUGUST.—A letter received from Gorham, N. H., dated 27th ult., says that snow, three inches in deptb, was then on Mount Washingtor. and other peaks, in that vicinity. On the 26th the mercury at Mount Waabiogior. stood at 21 deg., only il below freezing! %3T A child eighteen months old, named P. Cutnio, whose parents reside in New York, was bitten on the scalp while by a rat. A physician who was oalled wssf anable to slop the flow of blood which e. sued, and tba ahtld dtprf. Who are ihe Trne Friends of the Work* legmen f under the Democratic administration, thh mechanics and working men obtained what they had so long sought, * rule making ten hours the limit of a day's work. In thnlr ef forts to establish the Ten HouTSystem, they were aided by the commanding influenoe end zealous exertions of Jamee Buchanan, then a Senator in Congress, and the rale waa established. . When the mechanics at the Navy were suffering for the want of employment Mr. Buchanan made a powerful appeal, ia their behalf, to the Hon.Mahlon Dickersott, then Secretary of the Navy. In every situfc tion in which Mr. Buchanan lias been plao ied, in overy position which he has occupi ed, he has invariably proved himself the steadfat friend of the producing and indus trious classes. What has Fremont ever done for the laboring man 1 He introduced a bill into the Senate of the most odious character, as far as they are concerned; im posing upon them an enormous tax, and a burden that they have nover forgotten nor forgivon. Then hit advocates in Congress—whit have they done for the workingmon t They st.cceeded, by their factious opposition to the Army bill, 1n defeating an appropriation for paying mechaniot their wages at the Na tional works at Springfield, Allegheny, ka.. M and they werediaege^drTraiirWfiTi"con. sequence, and their families would hare been deprived of means of support had not the Senate rentained faithful to their trust. Can the work'ingmen doubt any lon- 9 aer who are their real friends irrespective of their votes—their friends the year round as well as a lew weeks before an election Pennsylvania!. The Iltgl.t Way to Talk. Al Concord, Preble county, Ohio, a Urge Democratic meeting wa. recently held. A delegation of fifty.four young ladies attended from Boston, Wayne county, Indiana, in au immense hickory wagon, drawn by eight horses. Each lady was dressed in whi'.e, ane hold in ber hand a small ryhite flag bear ing the names of Buchanan and Breckin ridge. Around the wagon was stretched a pink colored canvass, contsining the motto, " White Husbands or None." This ia the way to say it. The reproof of the present disgust ing attempts to elevate the negro to en equal ity with, or superiority to the white race, wav well limed and forcible. We like to hear the wild fanatics thus rebuked, who would crush out the manners of our forefathers, as well as their principles of government. ty Fred Douglass (who is ■ negro) has hauled down the name of Gerril Smith for President, in his newspaper, and now en dorses Fiemont and Dayton. This secures for the Black Republicans the colored rote in New York, where negroes baring 8250 of property hare a right to role. We wish them a happy time with their colored asso ciate*. They may have Frederick, we will be satisfied with such men as Rulue Choate, Josiah Randall, Win. B. Reed. Jamoe B. Clay and others. Douglass holds to the very Christian doctrine, thai every southern slave ought to plant a dagger into hie mai ler's heatt. Further from Kaaaas. ST. lanns, Sept. I. —Kansas dates to the hsve been received. The acting Governor issued s Proclamation at Lecomp ton, on the 26th ult., stating the Territory to /"*~ be in a state of insurrection, and calling upon the law abiding citizens to aid the law -~ gal authorities to preserve the peace, tfffrio protect their persons and proporly, - C<d Lane has tj)^Rrpfrties_^rp i(Terßo , points o.Hh J<wrs aid htm in rece.vitt. sopplies, or to enable him to make his est® y, if compelled to leare the Terri tory. J' "tthiony's Ointment and Pills are adminis- L'f r - e '\ uniform success in inflammatory rtrfiUlnalisin. Warm lomantatinns should first be applied to the surface, in order lr | open the pores, and then the ointment [ in us s The aperient ac tion sf the Pill* has the happiest effect in abating the fever, and it may be confidently averted that any species of external inflam mation will yield to a persevering use nf these two great remedies. The cause of erysipe las, salt rheum, sore leg. contusion, tumor, cancer, fistula, piles, and external injury re sulting from accident, that hßve Desn cured by Hollowuy's Cunment, may be numbered by tens of thousand*. In Roaringcreek township, Sunday, the 241h ult., by Reuben Fahrkiger, Esq., Cspl. E, A. FOWLZR, of Calrfwiasa, and Miss ANNS M. HOFFMAN, of the former place. In Nescopeck, on Monday morning tan, by Eld. E. M. Allien, Mr. Isssc T. Mitty, of Waratk.end Mis.MsIMWBRV* Dsvfi! oTTIie former place l ; 6oth of LuzeTnVSo. Fa. ~ I -Jftgttttw In Bloom -ownahip, abbot 2 o'cteck, on Saturday morrfog, August 30lh, CHRIBTISKW Go***, nd-ss(str,eighty yesrs. The deceased was a sVtm?£r in tbisJNh of the country, baring came hum 'ijA Tfrliltjb with her Ijusband, to spend the re4inderoh*S their dayk with their daughter and Son-in law, Jamie Freeze, Etq. She died full* of years ad lull of hope—she bed passed thw age allowed by the Psslmist—she bad seen children,• grand children, and great-grand children, growing up around her, and ahe was wtiiing patiently for the call thai will one dy be made to each of us. She went caltnly and peacefully to her rest, aa should ba the last end of the righteous. In Mftflinrille, on Friday the 28d insl., of congestion of the bowels, iaima end brain; Dr. C. M. SMITH, aged about 25 years. lu Bioomsburg, on Monday evening, 25th ult., DJVIDS. son ol Jacob F. and Rebecca Ann Bieterick,eged about, it month*. INA-ight Street, on SaturdajTSajt, Mr. HA MAtfi/l. JOHNSTON, of consumption, aged 48 yejfs. An Light Street, on the l?th of August, Mrs. BACHMAN, wife of Cbarlttf Bachmao, Iged about 50 yearl. ' In Berwick, the ISih inst., MITILBA JANS, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hoffman, aged 1 year, 11 months and 27 days. On Sooday morning, the 24th of August, in Milton, of pulmonary disease, Stain Eos BEST, in tna 4TST fear of her ago. /.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers