'.PROOLAICATIOH. " NOTICE ia hereby given thqj the aeveral Cauflt of Common Pleat. Gen eral Quarter Session* of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for %he County of Columbia, to commence at the COUNT HOUSE, IN BLOOMSBCRO, ON Monday the 1J Day of % September next, TOOONTIMMONR WEEK. ■>v The Coroner, Juatteea of the Peace Si (/Onatablea, in and for the county of Co lumbia,are requeated to be then and there m their proper persons, with their roll*, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev oral offices appertaining to be done. 'And all witnesses prosecuting in bohalf (of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are nlso requested and commanded IP be then and there attending in their pro] pK>r persons to prosecute against him, sa shall be just—and not to depart without leav# a' thoir peril. Jurors are request ed in' be punctual in their attendance, at the lilfce appointed agreeable to their no tice's, \ Given untfcr my hand at Bloomsburg the 2d day of August, in the year of oqf Lord one'thousand cignt hundred and fifty-six, and the Independence o( the United States of America the 79th. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Sh'Jf. (God save the Commonwenlth.) kBISTER'B NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditor* and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and mi nors that the following administration ac counts have been filed in the office of the Register ol the county of Columbia, aud will be presented for confirmation and allow ance to the Orphans Court, to bo held at Bloomeburg, in and tor the county aforesaid, on Wednesday, the 3d day of September neat, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of Lewia Yetter and Dan iel Yetter, adm're of the estate ol Jacob Yet ter, late of Franklin twp., dec'd. 2. The account of Solomon Neyhard, Executor of Joshua Webb, late of Centre township, deceased. 3. The account ot Solomon Neyhard, adm'r of the estate of Susanna Neyhard, late ol Cen're twp., dec'd. 4. 1 he account of Dorothy Karshner nd Wat. Karshner, adm'r of Michael Karthuer, late of Pine twp, dec'd. 5. The account ol Robert F. Clark, adm'r of Barbara Shurnan, late of Maine township, deceased. 6. Tho account ol Charles Fetlerman and i O-born Williams, adin'rs of Jacob Feller- j man, lute ot Locust twp. dec'd. 7. The account of John R Moyer, adm'r of James Ralston, jr., late ot Bloom town ship, dec'd. 8. The aooount of F.phraim P. Luiz, ex ecutor of James Thornton, late of Bloom twp., deceased. 9. The account of Klisha Hese. executor of Andrew Ideas, la'e of Sugailouf township, deceased. 10. The account of Wm. Eves and David Eves, exucu'ors of Wm. Eves, late ol Green wood township, deceased. 11. The account of Georue Kelchner. ad ministra'or of Jeremiah K. Hess, late o! Centre twp. dec'd. 12. The account of John Keifer, adm'r of the estate of Jacob Gearharl, sen., late of Maine township, dee'd. , ; 13. The account of John Hughes, executor of the estate of George Craig, sen., late ol Roaringcreek tup. dec'd. 14. The aceouul of William Edwards and Thomas Edwards, adm'ra of Anna Margaret Edwards, tale of Briarcreek twp. dec'd. 15. The account of William Edwards and Thomas Edwards, adm'rs of Wm. Edwards, late ot Briarcreek twp. dec'd. 16. The account oi Jacob D. Kline, adm'r of William Everett, late of Orange township, deceased. ' . 17. The account of Jacob 1). Kline, exec utor of Christian Kendig, sen., late of Orange township, dec'd. 18. The final account of John Freas, guar dian of Deborah Knorr, one of the children of Jacob Knorr, late of Briarcreek twp., dec'd. 19. The final account of Johp Hieas, guar dian of Fliae Knorr, one of the children of Jacob Knorr, late of Briarcreek twp. dec'd. 20. The final account of John Freas, euat dian of Stephen Knorr. one of tire children of Jacob Knorr, late of Briarcreek iwp. dec'd. 21. The final account of John Freas, guar dian of Jacob R. Knorr, one of the children of Jacob Kuotr, late of Briarcreek township, deceased. 22. The final account of John Freas, soar dian of William J. Knorr, one of tliechildren of Jacob Kiiorr, lute ol Briarcreek township, deceased. 23. The account of Reuben B. Vorjis, Ad miuisirotor of John Vorris, late of the Borough of Dauville, deceased. DANIEL LEE, REGISTER'S OSTICE, j Register. Bloomsburg', Aug. 6, '66. j Public Sale of Real Estate! BY virtus of a mandate issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county there will be exposed to publio sale upon the premises on SATURDAY, the 30th day of August nisi., at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the follow ing described real estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate partly in the township of Ml. Pleasant and partly in the township of Hemlock in the County of Columbia, adjoining lauds of Jonalhsn Artman on the east, John Mordon on the south, Beigle on the north, and John Mordon on the weal, containing FORTY-ONE ACRES, more or less, of which about seven acres are cleared, and the remainder woodland. There are upon the premises a three-story WOOLEN FACTORY, a two story frame dwelling house and a barn. Th# properly is near the main public road leading from Bloomsburg to Mtllville, and about six miles from Bloomsburg. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by STEPHEN H. MILLER, Bloomsburg, Aug. 6, 1856. Sheriff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed appointed by |he Orphan's Court of Columbia county, Auditor ro distribute the balance in the hands of Samuel Oaks, Ad ministrator de bonis mm of John Marshall, late of Limestone township, Columbia oour.ty, deceased, to and among the persons legally entitled thereto, will discharge the duties ol that appointment at bis office in Bloomsburg on SATURDAY, the !6lh day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persona interested it) said fund are here by notified to attend. ROBERT F. CLARK, Bloomsburg, July 15, 1856, Auditor. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard ware or sale by . McKELVY, NEAL&Co MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cenle, and) good mints for 6} cents just received by A. C. MENSCH. The following is a list of the collectors in Colombia county for the year 1858, and i svceral taxes assessed in their respective townships. It has been kindly furnished us by Mr. Fruit the attentive Clerk in the Commissioners' office. COVNBJtrtS. COLECTOKS. COUNTY, STATE. MILITIA, Bloom, B. F. Hariman, 874 09 1341 92 112 60 Briarcreek, Freas Fowler, 678 78 873 93 65 60 Benton, Peter Appleman, 192 24 281 18 28 50 Beaver, Christian Shurnan, 210 78 318 84 42 60 Cattawissa. Isaiah John, 861 19 532 81 47 00 Centre, Charles H. Dietetich. 475 18 723 08 42 00 Conyngliam, John Uren, 72 18 108 93 4$ 50 Fishingcreek, John Lazarus, 824 46 497 53 38 00 Frsnklin, Reuben Knittle, 210 94 322 17 11 00 Greenwood, Samuel Bogart, 352 51 541 24 42 50 Hemlock, Isaac Leidy, 398 34 604 29 25 00 Jackson, Daniel Poust, 78 26 119 27 18 00 Locuat, William Goodman, 425 68 643 09 52 50 Malison, John Smith, 338 36 625 60 25 60 Mifflin, Lewis Eckroat, 358 93 650 56 27 00 Maine, Joseph Geiger, 204 41 311 91 20 00 Montour, Evan Welliver, 262 03 398 70 18 00 Mounipleasnnt, Samuel Johnson, 169 34 259 37 16 60 Orange, Michael Keller, 264 82 413 39 18 00 Pine, Enoch Fox. 115 11 176 48 27 5(1 Roaringcreek, Michael FederofT, 142 72 217 18 12 50 Segarloaf, David Lewis 86 63 131 43 24 50 Scott, J, R. Robbing, 557 50 860 92 76 00 BOOK, CARD AND FANCY 7" <Uvj£Di_ii THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "STAB" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL. is prepared to execute all kinds ol JOB I'RINTINU In the best CITY STYLE, and at shoit notice. Certificates of Slock and Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, i Bank Checks, Promissory Notes, Bail Road and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-lleads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AXTD FK.INTIHG OF ALL KXITDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Joh Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY <£PQQ.c& Sw££<®dQ.tlo3ill IX£cis>£PcE>apQoa.ttda a^ A monthly periodical is published at this office in excellent style snd workmanship, and with superior material. The public are invited to call and see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. Bloomaburg, June 2, 1856. JVew Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. YJi2AQ.Ha cacD„ HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmet t now offered in this.TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of t'neir entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving ua a call. We have all' kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametla cloths mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. ' WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Bpencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in variety vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, inobair mitts, ic. All kinds ot SHAWLS, brocke, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattmetls, vestir.gs tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS $ SIZES FOB MEN WOMAN ff CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hats and Cups of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings drillings, &c., in abundance. ' We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought ourgoods at Lowest Cash Prices and wijl not be undersofd by anybody, or the rest of mankind. - Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3aCESA<3DOa ££DOPCaiPQU£EJS3 (£2B (3® # HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring Summer Clothing! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a 1,5." i full assortment of "anu a turge and FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about Of P and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue s'rev i d and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all r h ionable cutsaud colore ; Working Pantsand boys clothing. Also fine white fion i i striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of man's dress goods ; Hate, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas • and g en "- WDflt aAIBJSJKS Tltey have Umlersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelts, Gloves, Mitts, LadiWa h.d r.„„ Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast nins Tnld i Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmonies, Spectacles Kni™. Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. ' &r Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Conn hn,,„ Bloomsburg, Apr,l 3, 1856. PP S DRKIFUSs! & Co! IVevv arrival of Spring & Summer Goods ! DAVID L OWE IT BERG TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale slothing at bis store on Market -■- street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including VASSIIKDSIAIBILsIE ©I&ISffIS fflfiDAffßo gox, sack frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore shawl, stripes aud figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves susnender. and fancy articles. 1 1 N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in ture man,u,r - A " his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manjufac- Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. Grand Jurors for Sept. Term, 1856. Benton—Samuel Hess. Beaver—David Gearheart, Elias Miller. Bloom—Abraham Fry, George L. Moyer. Centr—Elwood Hughes. Fishingcreek llurmon Labor, Samuel Coleman. Greenwood—Nicholas Kindt. Hemlock Mnthiaa Wbilenight. Locust—Lucas Fahringer, Leonard Adams, lluhioti Hughes. Mi. Pleasant—Philip Kistler. Montour—Elias Dietrich. Madison—John Fruit. Orange—Michael C. Vance, Cyrus Mo- Henry, Wtu. Fritz. Michael Hagenbuch. Scott—Robt. Ricbarl, Theodore McDowell. Sugarloaf— Nehemiah Kile.Georue Moore. Traverse Jurors for Sept. Tern 1856. I Briarcreek—John Ruch, Jaines Jaooby, Reuben Miller, Nalhen Seely, J. J. McHenry, Elias Gieger, Paul Kirkendall, David Sbafler. Bloom—John Pursel, Peter Smith, Jacob Beidteman, David Beiz. Benton—Samuel McHenry. Centre—Joseph Wise, George Fleming. Catlawisea-Solomon Ho I wig, Francis Dean. Franklin—Peter Kline, Hiram Reader. Fiehingcreek—John Pealer, Ben j. Thorn tori, Richard Jones. Greenwood—Charles Eves, William Law tou, Elijah Alberison. Hemlock—Baltis Appleman, Reuben Bom boy, Dennis Pursall. Jackson—Samuel Hess. Locust—John Levari, Henry Melz. Madison—George John, Silas Welliver. Maine—John Giuver, Henry Bauman, Ru dolph Shuman. Mifflin—Christian Wolf, Btephsn H.Swank. Mt. Pleasant—John Ruckle, William Jack son. Orange—Samuel C. Bower, William Beck. Pine—Benjamin Piatt. Rosringcreek—Peter Gesrfaart,Samuel Eok. Scott—Samael Kressler. Sugarloaf—George Dille, Wm. Stephens, jr. THE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. OF LOCK HAVEN, PA, Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Mej chandize, Farm Property, and other build ings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITAL, $300,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. „ , . , DIRECTORS. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvev John B.Hall, T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. While Peter Dickinson, Thomas Kitchen, Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Pres't. _ T. T. A BRA us, Vice Pres. Trios. KITCHEN, Sec'Y. H. CHAS. ULMAN, Gsn'l Ag't. REFERENCES. Samuel H, Lloyd, Thomss Botvnan, D. D. A. A. Wtnegardnex, Wm. Vanderbelt, „,™ aoke y> Wm. Fearon, A. Whit#, Dr . j. g Crawford, James Quiggle, A. Updegraff, Jonn W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon.SimonCameron | Hon. Wm. Bialer WESLEY WIRT, Agent, . Bloomsburg, June 18, 1866.-6 m. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county, Auditor io distribu'e the balance in ihe bands of John Robison and Isaiah Mehck, Administrator* of William Molntire, late of Scott township, Columbia oounty, deceased, to and among the persons legaily entitled thereto, will discharge the duties of that anpointment at the office of Robert F. Clark, Esq., in Bloomsburg, on FRIDAY the 15th day of August ne*t, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons interested in said fund are hereby notified to * nd. WM. G. HURLEY, , ... Audi/or. Bloomsburg, July 16, 1856. BY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COM MONWEALTH. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the Commonwealth of Pemi aylvania in General Aasambly mat, That the following amendmenta are proposed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accor dance with the proviaions of the tenth article , thereof. riasT AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional arliole to said constitution to be designated as article elev en, as follows: ARTICLE XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. SEC. 1. The stale may contract debts, to supply casual deficits or failurers in reve nues, or to meet expenses not otherwise pro vided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether con tracted by virtue of one or more nets of the general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fitly tlioasand dollars, nd the money aris ing from the creation of such debts, rhall be applied to the purpose for which it was ob tained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever SEC. 2. In addition to theabove limited pow er the state may contract debts to repel in vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the present out standing indebtedness of the state ; but the money ari-ing from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raisei'., or to repay aoch debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SEC. 3. Except the debts ahnre specified, in sections one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on be half of the state. SEC. 4. To proviJe for the payment ol lha present debt, and any additional debt con tracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amend,nent, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to ray the accruing in terest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum nut less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from lime to time owned by the state, or the pro ceeds of the sale ot the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, Irom time to time, by as signing to it any part of Iho taxes, or other revenues of the state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of Govern ment, and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced belowj the sum ol five millions of dollars. SEC. 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledg ed, or loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or association; nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, as sociation, or corporation. SEC 6. The commonwealth shall not as sume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; or o.f any corporation, or association ; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domes tic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, : or to assist the elate in the discharge of any ■ portion of its present indebtedness. SEC. 7. The legislature shall not authorize j any county, city, borough, township, or in- I corporaled district, by virtue of a vote of its ' citizens, or otherwise, to— %ce->me a stock- ' holder in any company, association, or cor poralion; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to any corporation, association, iusti- j lution, or parly. SECOITO AMENDMENT. I There shall be an additional article to said ! constitution, to be designated as article XII, j as follows: ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cul ling off over one tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherewise) without the express assent of such county, by a vole ot the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. THIRD AMENDMENT! From section two of the first article of the constitution, strike out the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, and of each county respectively," Irom section five, same article, strike out the words "of Philadelphia and of the sever al counties ;" Irom section seven, sn roe article, strike out the words, "neither the city of Phil adelphiu nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words, " and no;" and strike out section four, same article, and in lieu thereof insert the following: "SEC. 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the num ber of one hundred, shell be apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, by districts, in propottion to the number of tax able inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred laxables, may be allowed a separate representation ; but no more than three roomies shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the for mation of a district. Any eity containing a sufficient number of laxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall haves separate representation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of con tiguous territory, ol equal taxable popula tion as near as may be, each of which dis Iricts shall elect one representative." At the end of section seven, same article, insert 'hese words, "the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial dis tricts, ot contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible; but no ward shall be divided in the formation there of." The legislature, at its first session, alter the adoption ot this amendment, shall di vide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above provided; such districts to remstn un changed until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred und sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. 7"o be section xxvi, Article 1. The legislature shall have the power to al ter, revoke, or annul, any character of incor poration hereafter conferred by, or under, any apecial, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citi zens of the commonwealth; in suoh manner, however, that no injuatioa ahall bit done to the corporators. la SENATE, April tl, 1856. Resolved, That this resolution pasa. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 5 On the second amendment, yeas 19, nays 6. On the third amendment, yeas 28, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. Extract form the Journal. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. la HOUSE or REPRESENT AT?va k J April 21, 1866. ) Resolved, That this ;esolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 72, navs 24. On the second amendment, yeas 63, nays 25. On the third amendment, yeas 64, nays 25; and on fonrth amendment, yeas 69, nay 16. Extract from the Journal. • ' WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, J A. G. CURTIN, Filed April 24, '56. J Sec'y of the Corn-wealth. Secretary's Office, ) Harrisburg, June 27, '56. j Pennsylvania, ts. 1 do certify that the above and foregoing is a 'rue and correct copy of the original "Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution" as the same remaius on file in this office. <— j In testimony' whereof 1 have here } L. S > onro set Yny hand and caused to be (-—1 affixed the seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. IN SENATE, April 21, 1856. Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution ot the Commonwealth, being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amend ment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably lo the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: YEAS —Messrs Browne, Buckalew, Cress well, Evans! Furgeson, Flenniken, Hoge, In gram, Jamison, Knox, Laubaoh, Lewis, M'- Clinlock, Price, Sellers, Sltuman, Souther, Strauh, Tagga[t, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt. Speaker —24. NAYS —Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mel linger and Pratt—s. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree lo the second amendment? The yeas and nays were token agreeably to .the provisions ot the Constitution and were as follows, viz: YEAS— Messrs. Btowne, Buckalew, Cress well, Evans, Hoge, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, M'CHntock, Sellers, Shu man, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wher ry and Wilkins—l9. NAYS— Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gtegg, | Pratt, Price and Piatt, Speaker— 6. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will lite Senate agree to the third amend ment? Bbe yeas and nays were taken agreeably Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Bit—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Crabb, Evans, Ferguson, Flenniken, MP|e, Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lau nch, Lewis, M'Clinlork, Mellinger, Pratt, Bice, Sellers, Shuman,Souther, Straub, Tag Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Speaker. —2B —Mr. Gregg— l. flpSo the question was determined in the On the question, Will the Senate agree to the. fourth a mendment? The yeas ar.d nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: YEAS —Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Cress well, Evans, Flenniken, Hoge, Ingram. Jam ison, Jordan, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, M'Clin lock, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker— 21. I NAYS —Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt— 4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Journal of the House of Representatives, A.'fti • t, 1856. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably toJfie provisions of the Constitution, and on eh &- i f rope cd amendment, were as fol lows, Viz; * YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Backus? Bald win, Ball, Beck, Lycoming co.; Beck, York co.; Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger, Fausold Fos ter, Get/, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb, Hun seeker, Imbrie, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Lnporte, Lebo, Longaker, Loveti, M'Caltnont, M'Carthy, M'Comb, Mangle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nunnemacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, Allegheny co.; Smith, Cam bria co.; Smith, Wyoming co.; Strouse, Thompson, Vail, Whallon, Wright, Dauphin ; Wright, Luzerne; Zimmerman and Wright, Speaker —72. NAYS —Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cbbnnrn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gib i honey, Hamilton, Hancock, Housekeeper, Huneker, Leisenring, Magee, Manley, Mor ria, Mumnia, Pa lerson, Salisbury, Smith, Philadelphia CO.; Walter, Wintrode and Yearsley—24. . Sn iho question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken and ware as follow, viz: YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Bald win, Ball, Beok, Lycoming co.; Beck, York co.; Bernhard, Boyd, Brown, Brush, Buchan an, Caldwell, Campbell, Carly, Craig, Fau sold, Foster, C-Mz, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heine, lltbbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Hol comb, Hunsecker, Imbrie, Ingham, lanis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, I-ebo, Long aker, Loveti, M'Calmoni, M'Carthy, M'- Comb, Maugle, Menear, Miller, Montgom ery, Moorhead, Nunnemacher, Orr. Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberte, Shenk, Smith, Allegheny co.; Strouse, Vail, Whallon, Wright, Luzerne CO.; Zimmerman and Wright, S t "aker —63. NAYS —Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Edinger, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock, Huneker, Leisenring, Magee, Manley. Morris, Mumma, Patterson, Phelps, Salisbury, Smith, Cambria co; Thompson, Walter, Wintrode, Wrigh', Dau phin co. ( and Yearsley.— 25. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, Will tie House agree to the third amend ment? The yeas and nays were taken and were as follow, viz. YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Bald win, Hall, Beck, Lycoming co.; Beck, York co.; Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, grown, Buchan an, Caidwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Craw ford, Edinger, Fausold, Fo-ter, Fry, Getz, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb. Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innis, Ingham, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Lovelt, M'Calmonl, M'Comb, Maugle, Menear, Miller, Mont ery, Nunnemacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Riddle, Shenk, Smith, Allegheny co; Smith, Cambria co.; Smith, Wyoming co.: Thompson, Whallon, Wright, Dauphin co.; Wright, Luzerne co.; and Zimmerman—64. NAY*— Messrs. Barry, Clover, Coboum, Dock, Dowda'l, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Hamilton,. Hancock, Huneker. Leisenring, M'Carthy, Magee, Manley, Moorhead, Mor ris, Patieiton, Reinhold, RobertsSalisbnry,Wal ter, Wintrode, Yearsley and Wright, Spki-2b So the question was determined in Ibe affirmative. On the queetion, Will the Hooee agree to the fourth amond meat? * The yeas and oaya wote takon, and woie as follows, viz; YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Beck us, Ball, Beck, Lycoming co.; Beck, York co.; Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Boohan nn, Brush, Caldwell, Campbell, Carly, Craig, Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger, Fausold, Foster, Fry, Gets, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb, Housekeeper, Hunaecker, Imbrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, T,ebo, Long aker, Loveti, M'Calmonl, M'Carthy, W- I Comb, Mangle, Menear, Miller, Montgora ery, Moorhead. Nunnemacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Piircell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, Cambria co.; Smith, Wyoming Co.; Thompson, Vail, Wal ter, Whallon, Wright, Luzerne co.: Yearsley, Zimmerman and Wright, Speaker —fi9. NAVS— Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Gibboney, Haines, Hancock, Hune ker, Ingham, Leisenring, Magee, Manley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury and Wintrode— -16. So the question was determined ic the af firmative. SRCRKTARY'S Orricf, J Harrisburg, June 27, 1856.} Pennsylvania, u: I do ceilify that the above and foregoing le a true end correct copy of the "Yeas'-' and "Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution ol the Com monwealth, as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Houses ol the General As sembly of this Commonwealth for the session of 1856. 1 Witness my hand and the seal of L. S. > said office, this twenty-seventh dav —— )of June, one thousand eight hund red and fifty-six. A. G. CURTLN, Secretiny of the Cummonwehltk. July 9, 1856~3m. The ileinoeratic Champion and Standard Bearer. THE LIFEOFBUCHANAN. AUTHENTIC EDITION. sItHE under-igned will publish. Julv 20th, THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF JAMES HlllliMN, OF PENN SYLVANIA, candidate ol the Democratic Parly for President of the United States. Late Minister to England, and former ly Minister to Russia, Senator anil Representative in Congress, and Sec retary of Stale : INCLUDING THE MOST IMPORTANT OF HIS STATE PAPERS, BY R. IIORTON, Literary Editor of the New York Day-Book. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF THE CONTENTS: Birth, College Life, Studying Law, Election of Legislature, Volunteer in the war of 1812, Defence of Baltimore, Election to Congress, Speech against the Bankrupt Bill, Defence of Gen. Jackson, Speech on the Judiciary System, Mission to Panama> Naturalisation Laws, Election of Gen. Jackson, Mr. Buchan an's Great Speech on the Impeachment of Judgo Peck, Ten Years in Congress. Opposi tion to Sectionalism, Defence of the Freedom of the Press, Mission to Russia, Election to Ihe Senato, Executive Patronage, Mr. Cluy and Mr. Buchanan, Relations with Franca. Admission of Arkansas and Michigan, Mr. Buchanan's Great Speech -on Ihe Expunging Resolution Interfeience in Elections. Speech on Independent Tcessury Bill, Reply to John Dfvis, On the McLeod Case, On the United Stales Hank, Oregon Correspondence, while Secretary of Slate under Mr. Polk, Mexican War Coirespondence, Miesion to England Nomination for PreatJcnt, Sic. &c. The above work has been attrition by a gen tleman well qualified by his literary attain ments, and his long connection with the Dem ocratic press. He was furnished personally by the distinguished subject of the momoir with many of tho dates and facta of hi a early life, and from authorised friends of Mr. Buchanan, has been supplied with materials inaccessible to other parties. The proof sheets have been submitted to authorized friends. It can there fore be exiled without reserve. THE AUTHENTIC AND AUTHORIZED EDITION. 1 he price at re'ail is One Dollar. The book makes a handsome 12mo. volume of 439" pages, neatly bound in cloth, and is im bellished with an arcuiale Portrait on Steel, from an Ambrotype by Brady. Engraved by Buttre. Address DERBY & JACKSON, Publishers. 119 Nassau Street, New Yoik. U-000 Agents Wanted • Immeiiately to Canvass for the above popular Book, in every town in the United Slates. Apply as above. [July 16, '56. Trial List, Sept. Term, 1836. 1. Jacob Julmsuii vs. Henry Johnson, et. al. 2. Win. Brown's Atlm. vs. Sam'l Mettle. 3. O. B. Hi Haul vs. Daniel Sponenberg er's Adm's. 4. Eli Freeman vs. Henry Martz, 5. John Gerling et. al. vs. Charles F. Mann. 6. Alexander Edgar vs. D. F. Seybert. 7. Sam'l L. McCullock et. al. vs. 8. F. Hettdly. 8. vVm. Koons vs. Geo. L. Kline. 9. Same ss. Same 10. C. C. Baldy vs. Daniel Sponenberg er'g Adm'ra. 11. Frederick Boat's Ex's. vs. Phillip Winiersiecn. 12. Benj. Peterman vs. Andrew Laubach. 13. Jonathan Mostellervs. B. Hartman. 14. Joseph Stackhouse vs. .Gilbert Fow ler. 15. Amos Ellis vs. Dier Morse. 16. J. M, Berninger vs. W. A. Kline. 17. Malancton Baker vs. Richard Torby. 18. Dan'! F. Seybert vs. Daniel Sponen berger's Adm'rs. 19. David Reinbold vs. Aaron Wolf. 20. J. M Berninger el. al. vs. Milton H. Kerr el. al. 21. Jacob H. Lake vs. Wilson Ager. 22. James Tyson et. a!, vs. J. M. Shel don et. al. 23. Samuel Brugler vs. Wilson Ager. 24. Peter Appleman et. al. vs. L. B. Ru pert et. al. License Notice. TOHE followingnpplications for license have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Columbia county, and the same will be presented for approval by the said court on Thursday the 4th day of September next. The petition of Joieph Kistler to keep a tavern in the honse now occupied by him in Cattawissa township. The petition of Stephen Wolf lo sell spirit ous liquors in quantities not less tbar. one gallon with goods and merchandize, in Miff nnville. The petition of Washington Yeager to sell spiritnus liquors in quantitiea not less than one gallon with goods and merchandize, in Locust township. The petition of Stephen H. Swank of Mif flin twp., to sell spiriloaa liquors in no less measure than one gallon, along with other goods and merchandise. The petition of Frederick R. Wohlfarth, to keep en Inn or Tavern in the bouse now oc cupied by bim in Conyngham twp. Cel. 00. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk Q. S Bloomsburg, Aug. 6, 1856. Term* after the Tint af'hute vnll be S3OO. ' A FAHK VITHIP THE OF KEACH EVERY ONE. 97 ftfWl ACREH OF OOOD Far H <Ct VW AND COAL LAND in Elk County, Hi ui ngpr Townrbip, Pennsylvania Tor sale, giving a Farm cf 26 acre* for S2OO, payable in inataljnenla of $1 per jweek, ro at so mo monthly. Farms of 60, 76, IpO, or more aciea adjein ing in proportion. Each Fairn fronts upon a road thirty feet in width. The Soil la a rich limestone loam, and es pecially adapted to cultivation, aa it la mMw hilly nor atony, "hot gently rolling or fine table land. Around and through ihis property there are already some 20,000 acres under cultivation, and its fertility has been established fromtthn cropa prji uced. Upon this subject it ia easy to be fully aatiefied. There ia a rrady cash market for produce which is taucfc better than trade. It is the CHEAPEST, as land of a similar quality is selling at much Msor prices adjoining, and especially such as contains coal. THE COAL—ThiB in particular fa tho Coal District, several veins underlaying the whole properly, and the attention of miners, and th,.so acquainted with coal lands, is apecially called to it. It baa the Advantage of being the neatest to the great lake, market, with which it will he connected by the Eunbury and Erie llailroad now Under contract and in course of completion from Erie to Kidgsway, with do set-tiding grade the whole way. The soil over bituminous coal ia the beat, lor instance Eng. land and other countries. The price per acre ia trilling for the coal aioue, aa it will certain ly, in ao favorable a location within a short time pay largely. This ia important at an immense coal trade Trill soon open. Four coal companies have already been started to work mil es in the vicinity, and lbs re ato new fifteen openings around Bt. Mary's. THE TIMBER, Stockholder*" also receive,!. 'l'hvre is no reservation whatever either of limber or coal. It is very valuable, and will puj fur a great poll of the lar.il. On account of the excellence of streams there are line op portunities for twills. FOR HEARTH, the location is much re commended by Physicianr. The chills and fevers are uuknown, also pulmonary complaints being protected from the north east winds bv the Alleghanies. The water is pure and amongst the best, the lend abounding on fine springs FOUR RAILROADS will ahonly he coin pitted connecting it by a direct lommunicalioit with New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Erie, llufliilo, and all the cities on the Inkrs. They are the dunbury end Erie, the Allcghariv Valley, the Pittsburg and Buffalo, and tlis Venango. Energetic exertions are also boing msde for Ihe building of the Tyrone and Clear lid,l, which also passes through this property. The effect of this upon trade, and general dei velopmettt, n well as the coal, may be imagined. The large und flourishing town of 81. Mary's ia in the centre of the tract, numbering near 3,000 inhahilanta. It has hotel#, good public schools, saw and grist rqills, alorea, well stocked and every thing desired. There are 235 half acre lots in the town of 81. Mary's which will be r old and the proceeds equally divided amongst those who buy faiimf. Ridgoway the county seat, where an extensive business ia donoad. joins the trait ou the west. The whole district is intersected by good turnpike, and other roads. Thit is a rare opportunity offered to thoso who wish to farm or have a good investment for the future. By making ptoper inquiries, and considering the advantages of good soil, an abundance of coal, heallhfulnesa of cli mate, Railroad facilities, and its location, a correct judgment may be formed of its pre sent advantages and ultimate increase. By writing to the office directions will be given lo those who wish lo visit the land. Asystem of exenrsiona will shortly be adopted There is an excellent opening for vartoua branches of mechanical business, especially lanners, wheelwrights, axe handle makers, shoemakers, carpenters and others. Farms can be bought by enclosing the first instalment. Ladies can hold shares in their dwn right. Title unquestionably good, and warrantee deeds given. Address or apply to Samuel VV. Caltell, Seo'y, 135 Walnut street between Fourth and Fifth Sts., Philadelphia! REFERENCES. Henry M. Walts, Esq., Walnut St., Philad'a. John C. Cresson, Esq., President oi Philadel phia Gas Company, 7th St. above Chest nut, Philadelphia. Geo. Wiegand, Esq., Inspector of Coal, City Gas Office, 7lh Si. above Chestnut, Phila delphia, has been over the land and exam ined the coal. Hor.. Geo. R. Barrett, Clearfield, Pennsylva nia, has been over the land. Henry Schmitt, Esq., United Slates Mini, Residence, No. 652 North Fifth St., Phil adelphia, examined Ihe land. Win. F. Boone, Esq., south side of Walnut Street below Fourth, Philadelphia, exam ined the land. • Hon. Alexander L. Hayes, Lancaster. Geo. Walmsley, Esq., St. Mary's, Elk Co., a recent settler. Ricbatd Gardner, Esq , 636 Poplar St., Phil adelphia, has examined Ihe land. J. L. Barren, Esq., Proprietor of the Mt. Ver non House, Second street above Arch, Philadelphia, has examined the land.. E. C. Schultz, Esq., Justice of the l'oace, St. Mary's, Elk county. Charles Luhr, Esq., President of the Borough of St. Mary's. J. S. Weis, Esq., Postmaster, St. Mary's. George Taylor, Esq., Deputy Postmaster, St. Mary's. Mr. Wm. Lyons, St. Mary's. Mr. John miller, Coal Miner, St. Mary's. Mr. John Corbe, " " " E. 11. Stone, Esq., Wellsville, Ohio, Coal op erator. L. Wilmarth, Esq , Pittsburg Pennsylvania. Borough Council of SI. Mary's to the Public. This is to certify that, having been over the tract owned by the liidgeway Farm and Coal Company and aiven it a thorough ex amination, we find the representations of that Company to be correct. We find the soil to be the most fertile—the coal and iroh ore to lie in inexhaustible quantities, through ibo whole district—lhe Farms in excellent order, and the intelligence and prosperity of tha people to be of the most gratifying charac ter. We know that there is no healthiar lo cation in the State, and we consider h ■ most desirable place of settlement. We make this declaration, As we believe Ihere may be many persons who dre unac quainted with theae lands, and we are satis fied, from out knowledge of the Subject, (hat information upon it will be a public benefit. Jacob F. Shal'er, Elk Co. Surveyor, St. Mary's. Charles laihr, President of the Borough of St. Mary's. John Beeiclt, Member of the Borough Coun cil. St. Mary's. Charles Brooks, Member of lha Boro. Coun cil, Si. Mary's. H. J. Wriggle, Membor of (he Boro. Council, St. Mary's. Fant Jahab, Member of the Boro. Connoil,St. Mary's. This is to certify that the above five gen tlemen are at present the Acting Membete of the Town Council of St. Mary's, Elk 00., and that the above is their band and signa ture. In teslimony whereof 1 have subscribed my Dame, and caused the seal of office to be attached thereto; and I fully eonour in the above recommendation. tsaai.l EDWARD BABEL, Chief Burger of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. See the Land— Start from Philadelphia ot other places on Tueidsy night, at 11 o'clock, for Tyrone, from which a stage will leave ev ery Wednesday morning for Bt. Marya, Elk Co. All are requested to go. It is suggested that patties who connot go will olnb together and send a Committee. It is a beautiful and interesting trip. After the first of Jane the price of Farms will be greatly raised,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers