SPECIAL NOTICES. r Bit HAM'S GIFT ENTXAPMSE.— Tba Com trrittee appointed by tho shaieholdera in ibis a flair, to distribute the 100.000 Gifts amongst the ticket holders, have deferred ibe dietn- I bulion until the sth of July, on account of then remaining unsold some few thousands of tickets. Mr. Pertmm, ever anxious to meet the views of his patrons, offers extraor dinary inducements to Agents to engage in the salo of the remaining tickets, so that there may be no more delays, which are un questionably as vexations to him as to those who have purchaser! tickets in his enter prise. We commend the reading ot Ins nd verti#ement to our patrons, and hope that each and all will lend a helping hand Jo bring the matter to an early and satisfactory consummation. TO TUB CITIZKNS OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCIIIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. r I beg leave to oall the attention of tha citi zens ol Pennsylvania to tho above article, manufactured by myself exclusively, at my Factory In Schiedam, In Holland, expressly for medicinal purposes. It is mado from the host Barley that can be selected in Ettropo and the essence of an ar omatic ltaliau.borry, of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal nronerties; and it hae long since acquired a higher reputation, ooth in Europe and America, than any other fftelio bavetage. lu Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism; in Ob structions of the Bladder mid Kidneys, and Debility of the Urinary Functions, its. ef fects afe prompt, deckled, and invariably re liable. And it is not only a Remedy for these maladies, but, in all cases in which they are produced by Drinking Bad Wn'er, which is, almost universally, the causo of them, it op erates as a Sure Preventive. The distressing effect upon tho Stomach, Bowels, and Bladder, to travelers, new resi dents, and all persons unaccustomed to them produced by the waters of nearly all our great inland rivers like the Ohio, Mississippi, and Alabama, from tho largo quantity of decay ed regntable matter contained in them, in a elate of solution, is well known ; as is also that of tho waters of limestone) regions, in Droducing Gravel, Calculi, ami Stone in the Bladder. Tho AROMATIC SCIIIEDAM SCHNAPPS is an absolute corrective of all theee injurious properties of bad water, and consequently prevents tho disease which they occasion. It is also found to be a cure anil preventive of Fever and Ague, a com plaint caused by the conjoin: effects ol vege table malaria in the atmosphere, and vegeta ble pulrescenses in the waters of thoso dis tricts in which it principally prevails. The Aromatio Schiedam Schnapps is consequent ly in great demand by persons travelling, or about to settle in those parts of the country especially ; as welt as by many in every community where it has become known on account of its various blhor remedial proper ties. More ihan threo thousand physicians, among whom are numbered tho greatest names belonging to tho faculty of medicine in this country, have certified, over iheirown signatures, to the valuablo medicinal proper ties of such an article, as tho severest tests have proved the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps to be, and have accepted it as a most desira blajgddition to the materia medica. Put up in quart snd pint bailies, enveloped in yellow paper with my name on the bot tle, cork and soal. For sale by all respecta ble Druggists and Grocers. UDOLPHO WOLFE, 18, 20, & 22 Beaver e'reet, N. V. I 25 South Front street, Phi lad a. ' t beg loavo lo call lite attention of the pub lie to the following letters from physicians : " latxnvtofy, N. Y., May 2, 1855. " MA. Ul'DOipito WOI.FE — Dear Sir: I can not spesk to highly of die purity ofyoui Schi eJani Schnapps. Ii in decidedly snpoiior to anything ol tho kind in market. It is per feoliy free from the admixture ot liisil nil, or of any of those arnylic compounds which proatace such a mischievous and irreparable effect upon the coiistiuilion, and which very few samples of alcoholic distilled liquors aro without—most ol thorn bojng largely impreg nated with it. 1 havo personally inspected the various piocess of distillation practiced at Schiedam, and know (hat unusual caro is taken to separate the noxious elements from the pure alcohol, and your Schnapps is e striking proof of its success, As a medici nal agent for chronic and renal affections, 1 have successfully prescribed ii, ami recom mend it as an agrOnabln cordial aud harm lees stimulant, and shall continue to do so; as well as to use it as a source of pure alco hol for chemical investigations and experi ments. Ynurs "bcdienl, ISAIAH DECK. t'onsidtiirg Analytical Chemist.'' Dr. Charles A. Leas, Commissioner ol Health, Baltimore., writes as fnilows in rela tion to the value ol Schnapps as n remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, fce. The letter is dated July 27, 1853: " 1 take great pleasure in bearing highly creditable lesiimony to its efficacy as a rem edial agent in the di&easos for which you rec ommend it. Having a natural tendency to the inocous surfaces, with a slight degroe ol stimulation, I regard it as ono of the most important remedies in chronic catarrhal af fections, particularly those of the genito uri nary apparalus. With much repseel, your obedient servant, CHARLES A. LEAS. " PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 1853. Mr. Udo'l'ho Wolfe , No, 2 cavcr Bt., N. y. Dar Bir: Last season the writor received through your agent in this citj, s bottlo of your Aromatic Kchiodtin Schnapps, and since that povind has prescribed the same in certain forma of urinary complaints, also in caioa of debility in aged persons. So far, (he Schnapj a has been of much benefir to those using it • * In conclusion, wlioro a diuretic and stimulant ia lequircd, I should use the Aro matic Schiedam Schnapps. hanking you for vour kindness, 1 am respectfully yours, A. D. CHALONER, M. D, 180 South Eighth at. Tha subjoined letter from Dr Parse, of Manchester, N. H., relates to one of tho most valuablo medicinal properties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps, and shows that it acts as * a specifi: in s very painful disease—the Grov el; "Mr. Notn Permit me to oddross you few lines, which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, in respoctto your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps. I have had a vory obstinate COKO of gravel and stono, of some five ysars standing, causing very acute pain in eeiy attempt to urinate, After using many remcdios without much relief, I was induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In tho courao of threes days it proved lU'uctual, dislodging large pieces of stono, eomo of which were as large as a marrowfat pot. I continued the cor dial, according to directions, aud tho pationl continued to gain, and is fast recovering, I think a medicine of so much valuo in so dis tressing a complaint, should be known to the public, end the world at large. And I, for ono must givo it my approbation and signature. Taos. PAINE, ML D." . From Dr. JOHN S. REESE, Chanted,' Balti ore, Md. Sept. 15. 1872 " A number o r our phyolcuna aro ordering J (he article, and several hove already prescribed i It A gentleman of my own perso noi gcquaiut >" i ' once having suffered greatly with an affection '.f lbs kidneys and bladder, look two bottles, sad subsequently passed a stone of conswera bla ei*o, snd was greatly relieved. It will, ml i doubt go into general use." 1 ! May *O, 1855—3 m, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. k MARVELLOIIS REMEDY I Foil A MARVELLOUS AGE. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT; THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY! BY the aid ol amicroecope, we tea millions of link) openings on the surface of our Through thesu this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, ia carried lo any organ or inward parr. Diseases of the Kidneys, dis orders of lite Liver, affections of tho heart, Inflammation on tho Lungs, Asthmas, coughs and colds, are by its means effectually cured. F.very housewife knows that salt passes free ly through bone or moat ol any thickness.— This healing Ointment far more readily pen etrates through any bone or fleshy purt of the living body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. Erysipelas, Salt lihenm and Scorbutic Humors. No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of djsear-o of the Skin, whatever form they may assume, as this Ointment. NOCSFB of Salt Rheum, Scutvy, sore heads. Scrofula, or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influ ences. Tho inventor has traveled over many parts of the globe, visiting tho principle hos pitals, displuming litis Ointment, giving ad vice as to its application, end has thus been the means of restoring coccile.-s numbers of heullh. Sort Legs, Sore Urcasls, Wounds and Ulcers. Somo of tho moft scientific surgeons now rely solely on ihe ttso ot this wonderlul Ointment when having lo copo with tho worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandu lar swellings and tumors. I'rof. Holloway has by command of tho Allied Governments,dis patched to the hospitals-ol tho East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under tho direction of tho Medical Stall, hi tho worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas. Theso and other similar distressing com plaints chit bo effectually cured if ihe Oint ment be well rubbed in over the purts affect ed, and by otherwise following tho printed direc'ions around each part. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases: Bunions, Lumbago, Burt.s, Mercurial Ertip- Chapped Hands, lior., Chilblains, Tiles, Fistulas, . Rheumatism, Gout, Salt lllieum, Skin Diseases, Soto Logs, Sore Breasts, Swelled Glands, # Sore Heads, Stiff Joints, Sore Throats, Sores ol all kinds, Sprains, <■ Scalds, Ulcers, Wounds of all Venereal Sores, kinds. Sold at tho ManuftirlArie* of I'rof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New Vork, and 211 Strand, London, and by all respectable Ding gists aud Dealers id Medicines throughout tho United Stales, and tho civilized world, in Pols, at 25 cents. 02j cents, and St each. SOOT There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions fur tho guidance ol pa tients irr every disorder are affixod to each i'ot. July 19, 1855. Public Nialc of Kcal Estate. 7TI HERE will be sold at public sain upon ihe pre mites on SAI'UHDA Y thcSthday af Scjitember next at 1 o'clock T. M., tl'fl fol lowing real estate: —A tract of Improved Land in Fishingcreck township, Columbia cout.ly, lately occupied by Itusael Shuhz, adjoining lands of John Aliegar, James N. Jones, and Abraham Robhina, containing 220 acres and 83 perches. Huntingdon Creek divides the tract, and the nails on eaclt side ol the creek will bo first offered at sale separately, anil il not so sold, NRvn as out) tract, 't here is a two and a half story frame dwelling house, a bat.k burn, a ESJav.yy KJGI £lllll a ami outbuilding* of valuo'on the premises, mi J a navur failing woll near Iho house. — AbonHlO ucros are cleared land, mnl the retl timbered will) pine and oak. ALSO. At the saine lime and place, a vacanl town lot of ono fourth iicio in Now Columbus, oil which is ail excellent well ot water, TV The properly will be sold as the oMalo of Samuel lleuler hci-msed, by order ol his will. SAMUEL J. HEALER, J AMbIS S. WOODS, Executors Fishlngcreek, Col. eo., July 19, '65. PE.BSHAKKIT 2LL i Ot Ginghams, Challi Delain, Urago Dolaiii, Dawns, fhambrego, Muslin, Calicos, Gators, Roots and Shoos, Black Silk, Ladies' Mohair Mills,and Palm Funs. July 18, 'BS. A. C. MENSCH. liit of Letters REMAINING intho Post Office ai Blooms burg, Pa., July Ist, .1855. Arlley Calharino Lewis Edward Barnharl T. Monigomery Daniel Bjardinar. J. S. Miller John Cristy Michoat Uuasol Thomas Driblebi* Calharino Ron Thomas ship Evanson T. E. Rnpert James Gulick G. H. Shopperion Thomas Guflany Catharine E. Smith Sponcer C. Gurcland Hlrani Thomas Edward R. 2' Gilbert Joseph Vcrry Wm. Kitchen Manila Jano Woll Saruli Link Anna Persons culling for Iho abovo letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UN ANGST, P. M. - 07, 0* IMIHMfUlfi* ffik GRADUATE of iho Homoeopathic Medical Coltogo of Pennsylvania, oilers his pro fessional servicoste the public. References I C. Harlan, M. D., Wilmington, Dolawarc S. Armor, M D., Marietta, Pr. H. N. Geumsey, Frankfort, Pcnn'a. Prof W.A. Gardnor, M. D. " Walior Williamson, M. D. " A. K. Small, A.M. &M. D. [ Office at llio American 1 fousr, Bloomsburg, Col. county, Pa. Juno It, 1855.—31. Jimltcci of the Pence 4ND CONSTABLES can find all kind of i.f.nks desirable for llioir uso.in propor form a tks office of the Stun or TII* NORTH 100,000 COPIES! Steamboat Disasters on the Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory. THE undersigned havo now in count) ol preparation a new Slaamboat Directory, which will lie issued in October next, the book will contain over two hundred puges, il lustrated in the best style, • and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will bo one of the most interesting books ever published, and will be a book that will bo interesting to all clussea ot people. The Steamboat Dircctoiy will contain a complote list and dcaetiption ol all the Steamboats now afloat ttt the Western and-Southeru waters. Tho length, mor el, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the name of tho l oot, With the trade she has to. Also, the names of Captain , aud officers, her age, &c. The Directory wi|l contain a History of Steamboats onrl Steamhoating on tho Western waters; since the application of steam: also, n sketch of tho Urst boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. The River Directory will contain a list and description of sit tho Steamboat Disasters that have occurred on the Western ami South' cm waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who havo perished by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the wosiern and southern w iters. Tho Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Mis souri, Illinoir, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other rivets, with the towns and cities laid down, with correct distances: also, many other River and Commercial items of interest to tho people at large. Tho book will contain the cards of the various If. S. Mail Doats, with the trade they are in, &c. The Directory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steamboat I.iconseJ Olli cers, their places of residence, &c. &c., the new steamboat law, its trquircmct ts, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the in competent officer, "and injures the competent oiiiyer, etc. &c., and all the important U. S- Supremo Court steamboat decisions up to date; tho Rates arid important Commercial Privileges, Dills of Lading, important decis ions of the various (J. & Courts in regard to freights I.ost and Damaged, dec- &c , with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustiatcd in the beat stylo, and printed in the best manner. The author bus for six years been gathering together all tho facts and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western and biaulhern waters, and now intends pub lishing them in book form, price of the work will be put at ilia low sum of One Duller. Ten thousand copies will he issued for the boatmen; all others desirous of subscribing, will havo to do so at once, as yno will l.e printed unless ordered in udvanco. This work is destined to havo a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers aro receiv ing la rgo numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of tho timos, are contributors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory will bo issued in October, and will 1,0 an ornament to the parlor as well as Steamboat. Dy remitting Ono IKdlar, po3t paid, you will receive a copy of the above work. All communications and letters should be addressed to J AS.T. LI.OYD + CO. I'ost Office Duihling, Cincinnati, Ohio. July la, IHfro. GREENWOOD SEMINARY AT SIILLVILLE, COLImViBIA <O., PA. i For Voiilli oi" both Ncucs. WJI BIRWrSN, PRHtCIPAt. riTlllS Institution which lias been In sur- X cefslul operation for several ycnis hai rocomly been enlarged lo give beiter.accom modiuions for boarders ami increased facitl liea for I'uilioM, Kaeb qtiAttrr </f tin] School year consists ■of cloven weeks, atul the nexl session will S commence on tha 13ih of August,. luil pu j pils will bo takon,al any season. | It: addition lo the constant attention of the Principal, tha services of an experienced teacher have been procured. Instruction will bo givon in all the English branches usually taught, ami also in Latin. Natural Philosophy ami Astronomy will bo illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the uso of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who desire. IfIEmSESo TUITION, 83.50, 84 and 8-1.50 per quarter, graded by rhe course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c., 82 1 per quarter, ono-half payable quarterly in advance. CF"For further particulars address the prin cipal. Millville, July 6, 1855. Universally Acknowledged to be the Funniest I"look of the Age ! BUY IT, HEAD IT, IT VOU I.OVIC TO I.AUOII Second Edition going off like Hot Cakes ! 11 LACK DIATIOAIDS, Or, Humor, Satire, anil Seutiment, ri l HEATED Scientifically and Pooticaliy, X BY JULIUS C7ESAII HANNIBAL, Of The New York Picayune, Containing Side splitting Illustrations, Price 75 cents in paper; 81 in cloth, gilt. This work is unanimously pronounced by the Press of the Old and New World, as be ing the Greatest Work of its kind ever Pro duced—a tiaro Combination of Morality, Comicality and Philosophy 1000 Enterprising Men Wanted immedi ately, to sell this and other popular Works and Maps, throughout Iho Slates and Cana llllS, The trade eupplicd at the lowest rates.: ty Copies mailed free of postage, upon receipt of price. Addrers, A. RANNEY, Publisher, 195 Broadway, New York. ITBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. IN pursuanco of the last will nrul toslamont Of Joshua Wobb, the undersigned ExecttJ lor of the said cetale will, oil Saturday the 4 th day of August next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon upon the premises, expose lo pub lic sale a iract of Valiinblc Lantl. In Centre township Columbia county, laving along the public highway loading irom Bloomsburu to Berwick, ami lately iho resi doricn of 'Joshua Webb, adjoining lands of Nathnniel L. Campbell, John J. Wobb, M. Baker and Levi and Philip Miller, contain ing between (i and 7 acres, on which there are a Frame Dwelling House, a blacksmith shop, a framo barn, a frame ■table and other outbuildings. Ai.to, immediately llmreultnr tipnq the following premises, a tract of laud adjoining Garrison's litnustouo quarry, N. L, Camp bell's limestone quarry, In Scott township containing about Two and a half acres, on a part of which there is an excellent (Jmcslono quarry now opened, and two lime kilns abrCast and in condition ready for uso; as also a limo houan. There is also on this tract u FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Conditions will he made known on the day of sale by ■SOLOMON NEYHARD, ' FttcthO Lime Ridge, May 15 1855 _ IRON STEEL, and cvory kind of Har.l ward for sain by McKELV Y, NEAL St Co '. '* "*'t 11l SIJiEBS lUKCTBRY, Bloomsbnrg* {to = 1i1 ß.\9l H. THORNTON. MERCHANT.— Store on the South side of Main Street, Mound square below Mar kets - ( ( DAVID LOWENBERG, CLOTHING STORK, oq Main street two doors above the 'American House." SIMN I>REIFCb% & Co ~ CtLOTHING STORK in tiro 'Exchange ' Rlock,' opposite the Court house. A J. EVANS. MERCHANT.— Store on the upper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. ~B.~C. SBIVR, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET VV A RE.— Warcrootn in Shive's Rlock, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT, mINNER AND STOVE DEALER— A Shop on South side of Main street, bo low Market. ~~JOSEPU SWARTZ. r>OOKSELLER. Store in tho Exchange I Block, first door above tire Exchange Hotel. R. W. WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW— Office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, nil Main street. 6DARPLES&A MELICK, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Build iugson tho alley between tho "Exchange and "Ametiean House." UARNAftb RUPERT^ '| TAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Main A Street, first square below Markol. A. C. MENSCIT, MERCHANT. —Store North West corner of Main and Matkel Streets. iiiTiam c. hower, DENTIST.—Office near iho k?) Academy oti Third Street. ________ NEAL & —- \1 ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. sIIARPLKSS & MELICK, ]\f ANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN iTI STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish mcnt on Main street, next ouilding p.bovn he Court-house. iTi: \ r v z ?Vp i,\ e k,. [ CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side j ot Main street, ahovo the Railroad, j Every kind of disorder iu jewelled or oth , er newly invented Escapements faithfull re paired. I' CRITON' 8 DIG fi BT. | 4 NY Justice of tho Peace wishing to pur- a copy of Purdou's Digest,can bo ' accommodated bv applying at bo this ofFro Thousands of Relighted Readers *sr> • HUNDREDS OF OIIR BEST CRITICS. Now ad.l their testimony 10 iho "orriginal ity," "beauty," '■ freshness," " brilliancy," •' rariness, ' ''geniality,"' earnestness," "hu mnr,'"' paihos," and popularity 'of RKIUIICU S STAR PAPERS, 11KAn rut: TEviiMoM OK TH-EPRE'S A FVW brief extracts irom many - olitjßn : The St. Loni* Daily R<ptd(irun pronounces it "A literal! banquet," The New \ i)ik Evangelist nays, "We aiij miie ll.em moo; tli.in vt con well express. 'l'lie Pu-ilapil Areas say;.: "'ldiesu papers aro racy, and Minikin like champagne." The Now lurk IXiily Tuner soya: "Just ihe volumo to take witli yon into iho coun try." Iho llttfTitlo Daily Courier says : " It can not fail to reach lliu heart, and do good wherever rend." Tho New York Evening Mirror my*: " Wo hnvo seldom mm with a mom contagious spirit of devotion to lite beautiful." Tho Now York Commercial Advertiser says: "Calculated to [douse ail and give olTence m none." The New York Obscrvor says r " Full of striking thoughts—brilliant, racy and enter taining." Tito Now York Journal nf Commerce sayi : " ft indicates sources ol enjoyment, which, to a mind less fertile in expedidnis, would rarely occur." The Cincinnati Commercial says: "Vivid words gives the paper under which he writes the gleam of fiis emotions." Tito Cleveland Morning Leader says: " Re quisite sensibility shines out cverywhcTo Irom llieso brilliant pages." Tho Daily Ohio Stale Journal says: 'MI has lite sparkle ol the author's genius." Tho Albany Evening Journal says: "Tito most delightful reading we have met within a twelvemonth." The Binghamton Republican says; "Will become fixed stars in lite constellation of our literature." The says: '• No summer pocket should be empty ot it." The Northwestern Christian Advocate sars: "Tltoy arc gems ol :he first water—staraof tho first magnitude." The Uochestor Amciican says: "Star pa pers Itavo taken a range as wido as .tie sweep of tho writer's great intellect." Tlur Rome Sentinel says: •Those who have not road these papers have an untaxed pleasure to enjoy." The New York Tribune says ; *' Flashef of fun suddenly gleam out from exquisite de scriptions." The New York Independent says : "Wo welcome this book us a thing of beauty tkju shall be a joy forever." The Springfield Daily Republican sar.i: " Closely packed with fresh and bcauljill thoughts, pleastrnt fancies, general humor ad rich suggestions." Otto elegant l?mo. vol. Ptice, 5?1,25f-> Single copies sent by mail prepaid, on re ceipt of price. For sale on steamboats Aid railroads, and by all booksellers. / A tbapsand Agents wanted for thisilie best selling book extant. I J. ('. DF.RBY Publisher-! I No. 11! Nassau street, New O, Vi j l.isl T Id'UtTst .[ i REMAINING in the PustQfiMmtftißtng wissa, I'*., for the quartcrja^|^^^H^fi, Brooks Carey M. O. j CrHes Noalt Peer Mary .1. Richard Fisher Sarahan Richard Geo, G.dl'res Terrus Huff Daniel J Horn Samuel Shoemaker Edwal llutiy John Schuyler Eli-rabei Korlin Jno Vatlstfhamp Dr. Ji Kcrryfcart Wm Wents Gilbert k Kontidy \V A- Wollevcr Atlam. I.ucy C. ship Yocnm Caleb Moloney M. ship Persons calling lot tho above letters II please say tlrey are advertised C. KAHN, r TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS ! HAVE just received and opened iheir slock of merchandizefor Fallland Winlet sates, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, ami HANDSOMEST MOortmer.tnow olTereil in ihis'TOWN! Having paid great attention in the selection of tneir entire a.ocir, as to price anil quality, they flatlet themsolvea that they can compote with the cAcopci/, and all thoso wishing to buy cheap, oan save money by giving us a call. We nave all kinds of Goods and VVates to supply the wants of the People. . A very large lot ot LADIES dress goods, French merinocs, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de hopes, poplins, paramatta ctoihs, mohair lustres, muslin de laities, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, WHITE GOODS OF AI.D KINDS, Sieves. Collars, S|Kiiccrs, handkerchief*, flouncing*, bands und trimmings, laces ami edging*, bonnet ribbons, in large vaiiety, val vet tibbolts. nnd btaids, kid, cotton, and lislo ibread uloves, tnobair milts, Ac., All kinds ot SHAWLS, btoeke, Bay Stale, Wttlerville, black silk, cuslitnere, Embroder ed, tut, Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassinters, sattinotts, vesliugs, tweeds; leans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. HOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIXES FUli MEN WOMAN Sf CHILDREN Wo have a large assortment of Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Quecnsware, Cedarware, &e. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, tablo and car riatro oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drillings, Ac., in abundaiicn. We invito our friends and iho public tjenorally to give us a call bofore purchasing pl,e whore. Wo have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not.bo undersold by anybody, or tho rest of mankind. • Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3a.caa<Em ODofoß:a£PMasS3 CSto® > HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing ! In the Exchange Block next to SwarU's Book Store. They have on hand a large an J full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, COX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened ago knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every cc.lor ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, Rtey, striped anil fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bull, casimeru, marscillcs, linen nnd worsted of all fasM iuiiabli) cuts and colors ; Working Pauls and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Tics, Scurfs, all kinds of gentle - man's dross goods'; Hats. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; ami tt&gl2 &jQ.IB3i2S Tltcy havo Undorslevcs, Spencers, Collars, Kigali-Its, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c„ &e. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Kings, Breast pin', Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob cliuins, Porlrnouies, Spectacles, Knives Razors nnd a well selected assortment of Accordeous. CP" Remember the cheap store in iho "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, May 18th 1851. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. JVJE WSPRIJYG & SUMMER GOODS DAVID LOWS XT BURG ■ NVITKS at cnlion to his stock of cheap end fashiotialo vlothing at his store ou Market *- street, two doors above the "American House," where ho has x Bill assortment of mon and boy's wearing apparel, including iyAeEffI©SJASB]LIB UMfiIHSS qox, sack, frock, glim and oil cloth coals of sll sorts and sizes, paritsof all colors,shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, auspeciders and fancy aiticles. N. B. 110 will nlso mako to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All bis clulhitig is made to war, and- most of it is ol home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, May 16th 1851-3 m. 'PRBASUKY OFFICE, ) lIARRIrBUR'I, Ma) 19 1855. 1 To )hc Treasurer and Commission ers of Columbia County, j (it.NTi.KMEN :—You urn doubilosß aware, iliat the semi menial iulornsi on tho Imided debt of the Commonwealth (alls dun on ilio MUST PAY OF AUGUST NEXT. 1 feel impelled under a sense of duly lo call yoor attention 10 (ho neecstuty of prompt and nn mmliatu notion (o (■(•euro an oaily payment ol tho taxes duo llio Slain The reputation i and honor of tho Stulo nro in a great ma --' sure cnmiTiiliod lo yonr keeping, it is upon the tax duo fn>rr\l)io anvoral counties, that 1 I icply mainly fur tlio means ot making pay j iiuun. lam aware that llio lalo stringency in lho monetary affairs of the country, lias greatly crippled lho JVlnmifncluriug and Com mercial interests of llio Slide, thai tho gener al drought anil consequent I'uilnro of last , year's crops litis deprived llio farmer of his ' usual ability to pay, and that owing to these advene oircuiiistaiicos, it will require on : your pari a more than usual cfibtt to collect piomptly'. 1 know that lire highest incite ment lo duly that can bo placed before the people of this Commniiwcalln, is to assure iheio that the honor of tho Commonwealth demands such duty St thftir hands. Which I would hold up this higher motive lo ymt, ami through yon to tho people. I would also remind you I hat by tho Act ol j Assembly of the 28th day of April, 1811, il I is provided that " any county paying into the Siato Treasury its quota of lux levied on iis ■ adjusted valuation, filteou days prior to the j first day of August, in any year, such county shall bo entitled to an abatement of livo per cent, upon the amount so paid." lam die- | posed to'givo this law a fair and liberal con- < struclion. Whero the whole amount has , not been paid, but an amount approaching near to lho whole, the deduction of fivo per cent, will bo ntudo. I wouid suggest the propriety of allowing the abatement of five percent, by lire tax collector immediately lo the tax payer, believing that such a course incite to a more prompt payment than when the benefit is mado accrue to the County Treasury. You will confer a great favor upon me, by | lotting me know at as early a date as it will I be po.-siblo for you to do so, with any rea- | sor.able degree of certainty, what amount of money yon will be able to furnish, and at what time, Yours respectfully. ELI SLIFEU, S/u/e Treasurer A or ICE IS hereby given to the tax payers and Col fcclois of Columbia county, to settle up their Statu tax oti or troforo the twenlioth dtty of July next, to enable the County Treasurer to pay ofl the State tax. By order ol t.id Board of Commissioners' JOHN C. FRUIT, Cleik. Commissioner's Olfioo, | • Uloomsburg, Juno 23, '55. j "THE OPEN BIBLE." A GENTS wanted to Roll a NEW WDIiK, emitted " Pasanisitt, Popery and Chris tianity, or Bio BLESSING of nn OI'EN BI BLE," ns shown In the History of Christieh ity, frtht the tiino of our Saviour to lite pres ent day, by Vincent W. Miller. With n view of chelates! developments of Rome's Hostil ity to the Bible, an exhibited in various parts oi the world, and on expose ol the absurdi ties of the imtnaculalo conception, and the Betatrons veneration of tho Virgin-Alary, by fijwF. J- !' • Ber;;, I). [)., anther 01 St." "Church and State," &e. &c. ■■ this work, Dr. Bury, flpn tt.o most aide writer on Iteinanisftt in lite the country: those who havo read his discussionß with Archtdshop Hughes will heed no assurance of this fuet. fc. A 'cnts w ill find this tho most aide vro;ic published; it i" a large l2nto. volume,'oi four hundred and thirty pages, illustrated with numerous engraving'-, beautifully and substantially bound, anil sold at 91 25 per I copy. Specimen copies sent hy mail, pbsl-paid. I to any part of tho United Sluice, on receipt of the above price. Send for a copy, and judge fof yourselves. Address J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, - It North Fourth Street Pmi.Auri.riitt May 24th, 1H35. c PUBLIC NOTICE. Ncto Gtand Duchy vf Budcn Lattery Loan. Capital 1 1,000,000 Florins THIS I.OAN id guaranteed by iho govern ment, ami will bo drawn in different prizes, us follows: II ol 50.000 Flu. I 54 of 40,000 Flu. 12 of 35,000(Id 250f 15,000 Ud 20l 12 00(1 lis 55 ' 10,000 •' 40 ' 5 000 ' 2 ' 4.900 ' 58' 4 000 ' 3GC • 2 000 : 1944' 1,000 ' 6te. 610. &o. Tim lowest prizo being 42 Vis. 12 Fforirrsam equal to five dollars. Tim noxl drawing takes place al Cnrkruhe, under Iho Direction of ihe Uuden Govern ment, on the 3 lsth of August, 1856, when every drawn number must obtain or.e of Iho above-mentioned frizes, which will bo paid trt cash, at the offices of the undersigned.— Those fortunate shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of frizes gained paid to them through an established Bank. The Lists ol the result will bo sent to each shareholder, anil the successful num bers published in the newspapers. The price of one tickotis Two Dollars. The following advantages are given bj ta king a number ol tickets, viz: 11 Tickets cost *2O I 50 Tickets cost S3O 23 ' 40 | 100 ' • 150 , The pnoo of tickcta can be sent in Dank -Notes or Draft', payublo in any of iho com mercial towns of Germany, Holland, Trance England, Scotland,, or Ireland. For tickets and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking-house, whioh il ap poiuiod for iho salo of Tickets: MOUIZ STIEBEL StNB, Bankers. Frankfort-on-lhe-Maine, Germany. N. B.—Letters to be directed "per Steamer bid Liverpool," to Moriz Siiebol Sons, Bank ors, in Frankfort-on tlio-.Vfainc. ' ({omittances which arrive after the Pay of Drawing, will be relumed, or invested in the next drawing, at tho option of thu send er. The Prospectus of this Distribution can bo inspected at tire office of this paper, where also Tickets may be obtained July 5, 1855. Cx ran (I Jurors (or Septem ber Term 1853. Benton —Bunlarnin Brink. Br.arcrtck —wm. Adams, Gilbert Fowler lilqom— Augustus Mason. Centre —Solomon Neyhurd. • FkMngireek— William Evanr Greenwood —.Samuel Bogart. Hemlock—Hugh Meßnde, Jno If. Faiit. Jackson —Dan iul fousl, John Heath, Joe. Butt, Ebeuezor Kculor. Marks, William Both. Madison —foter Wolf, John hives. Mifflin —Leonard Kirkondall, Samuel Harl zcllt Mt. P'tasanl— John Jones, BenJ. Killer. Orange —D. U. Kline, Thomas MoUtmry. Sugailoaf~Gaorgo Sledman. Bloomsburg, July 12, 1855. Traverse Jurors for Sept. Term 183^ Briar creek —Honry Duilerioh, Audrory ifow. lor, John Kreas, Join. Yost. Bloom— Jacob DiefTenbacli, Mahlr.n n,,„ liit, Charles Kahler. Beitvtr —John Hem.ingot, Caltawia- Oooraa David Ritter. Centre Levi A. %.chinyor. (.oor S f. Schick, Daniel Zarr. ■ Ammerman, Jacob Mocker, Abraham Robbing, Philip Apple man. r. Ront, Polar Oiitoq. Joe. b. oanus, tthnloik—Bali is Girton, Cornelioa Van horn. .Joc.tso/l—Hiram linker. Main —Henry Hnri/.ell. A/mliso n—Jacob Manning AJiJjhn—Thomas lies*. Atowtphamnl —Manillas Kin.lt, Orarnie— Jeremiah llosa, George (Jarraati. Henry Kyer, Georgo Apploman. Pine— fra bunders. John C'orneliron, John Lockart. Hoarineercck— Elijah Yocum Scoll —David Witmire. Bloorasburg, July 12, 1956 ESSENCE OF COFFEE, Foraale at the [•heap store of A J. EVANS hi. J i\ r ! | Mod of (he I'eople having seethe m, | THE ENOROniMO QUESTION NOW IS HAVE VOO READ SAW? Avh.ch is supposed to ma an the LIFE OF SAM HOUSTON; A beautiful 12 mo. vol., fully illustrated, containing an Anlhenlio Narrative of Ibe Eventful and Stirring Life of the Illustrious Senator, Hero, Patriot and SlatenMn, and now when ominous clouds of socti<tpal discords, and threatening* of Civil War on our Western Frontier, come thick aid fast— nil eves am turned to the Man for the Times. 'ike Second Old Hickory—JacksOrTs Friend. The Hero of Soft Jucfnto. 2'fc Conqueror Of Santa Anna. The First President o/Tcxai. The Future President of the United States. " This book wilt win him hosts of friends." —Louisville Jour. " Every American should posses* it"— N. O. Express. " Houston is a man Of prominence at this time. His name is 'in the mouths o( rjflhi.'" —American Organ, D, C. " A strange and adventurous life—beyond that of mom men."—AT. O. Crescent. "Intensely interesting, and wifl bo reaij by millions."'— lKngham (Mass ) Journal. u No novel ever presented a niore attrac tive face."— Star Spangled Banner. " Ue can caplbte with his swoW), or capti vate with eloquence."—lVoy Whig. • " Thousands of his friends will reed it with er.t h nsiasm." — Christian Enqetirer. " ft should be in lite hands of every Amer* ieun citizen."— Concord (Af. H.) Journal. " In ianguasteeuch as will touch the heart, the outline of Houston's career."— Savannah (Geo ) Jour. " It is a work of the moat romantic, hero ic interest."— N. Y. Mirror. " For executive action in peace or war, a ,stnlesman a and soldier.'— Scwbcrryport Her• aid. - . . ■ " His name and history Americaus will love to cherish."'— Buff. Christ. Ado. " A record not unworthy a Presidential candidate."— Prou Post. " A national man, who has fought and bled and lived for the Ainerioail Republic."-.! met - ican Patriot. " Would there were mttre liko him among our public men.'"— Gospel Banner. " The wotk ihrnugltotit is one of deep and thrilling interest.''— Christ. Fiecman. " Wo have read tho work with istense in terest."—Schenectady Rcjlcctur. " Full of anecdote, adventure and thrilling incident."— Chic. Budget. ''An extremely interesting ami graphic memoir,' -.foa/on Transcript. " VVdl engage tho attention of the reader from the opening to the close."— Rochester Union. " Destined in have a large sale, for Sam is popular." — Hart. Rcpub. 'l'ha champion of Jackson, respected, be liiended and beloved by him."— Buff. Rcpub. " Will everywhero be read with much in terest, it is a copious and brilliaol narrative." — N. Y. Com Advertiser. Tlje above is but the key-note of many fa vb:.tjle notices, Irdtn the leading papers of the United States. Thousand* tit American citizens are reading the book with delight. Many more are waiting for an opportunity ti| possess it. t'rice td ; 2s. And for sale by all booksellers. Single Copies sent by mail (pdst-paid,) on receipt of price. lti,OOo AGENTS WANTED, liberal term* allowed address J. C. DERBY, J'ublitherf 119 Nassau street New York. June 5, '55. .Will be Iteudy on the Ist of July. Tin: OLD FARM HOUSE, A BEAUTIFUL and affecting domestic story. By Mas. CAROLINE H. BUTLER LAIKU. Illustrated with fine Engravings by Van Ingen, from Original Designs by White. Nearly 500 pages l2mo. Bound in extra blue and red mtislin gilt, $1,25. The name ol the authoress of the above work speaks volumes in its lavor, and in this she has pro duced the crowning, effort of her pen. For Ireshncss and vigor of thought and stylo, and for originality—in the charming views of country life at the "Old Farm House"—in the striking illustrations of the follies ofafash ionable city life—in her description of good und evil natures—in all the various subjects which she has touched with her rrtigie pen, she cannot be excelled. Tho gentle hetoinc, Amy, is a model of patience ami virtue, per secuted by the evil genius of her life, thevil lain Staunton. The book will be.read with avidity, and none who commence it, will de sire to lay itaside till finished. The publish er offeis with full confidence that its perusal will be attended with plenaure and profit td sll readers. A copy bt the work will be sent to any part of tho United Stales, postage free, or. the receipt of '.he price. I'ublishors of newspapers wbo copy this notice, and send copy of paper containing it, will receive the bonk Iree. CHARLES It. DAVIS, No. 39 S. 4th St., above Chestnut, Phila. June 30. NOTICE I IVOTICE is hereby given that the under -1 * signed citizens of Bloomshurg Columbia county Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charter for a Bank to bo located at Bloomsbnrg, to be called the ' BLOOMS BURG BANK" with banking priv iliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Itobison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Win. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhali, Eplrraim P. Lulz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, Lloyd I'axton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhali, Bloomshurg, June 30, 1855.—6 m. NOTICE I S hereby given that in pursuance of a lata Act of Assembly, the county Commission ers ol ColuitrUia county will organize and act as a bodrd of appraisers to appraise all lands on wtiich any purchase money is due to the Commonwealth, wben desired so lo do by the owners of Isni'. Persons who hold such lands, and wish lo p;ocure a title therefor should give notice at the Commissioners' of nco. Ihe o.il act of Assembly on Ibis sub join is erteuded until the Ist day of Decem ber J857, until which time the Board wilt act "■ion called npoq. By order of the Bcird, JOHN C. FRUIT. COMMISSIONERS'OFFICE, ) Clerk. Bloomshurg, July 3, '55. ) 6w. iioiinttlaFdsT 4 GRKEABLY lo the law of the 3d March. '*• 1855, persons who have been mastered into the service of tho United States, and served fourteen days, are entitled to receive a lartut Warrant for 160 acres, and those per sons who have received less quantity, ate now entitled to receive a Warrant sufficient to mako the 160 acres. The undersigned has received the law and the lorrns adopted by the department at Washington, and will undertake (he procur ing of Warrants for those who may desire his services. R. W. WEAVER Bloomshurg, Marob 16, 1855. SODA FOUNTAIN; I4R. J. P. TAGGART has arranged a soda *-* fountain iu his drugstore ia the Ex change Block, where all who are thirsty can obtain n pleasant, healthful and refreshing Jrink, such as will do a tomperarice stomach good and wont " make drank come." Bloomsbnrg, May 31, 1855,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers