_to. SPECIAL NOTICES. I'ERHAM'S GIFT ENTERPRISE. —The Com millee appointed by the shateholders in this affair, to distribute the 100,000 Gilts amongst the ticket holders, have deferred the distri bution nntil the 6'h of July, on scconnt ol there remaining unsold some few thousands of tickets. Mr. Perham, ever anxious to -Bieet the views of his patrons, offers extraor dinary inducements to Agents to engage in "the sale of the remaining tickets, so that there may be no more delays, which are un questionably as vexations to him as to those who have purchased tickets in his enter prise. We commend the reading ot lit* ad vertisement to our patrons, and hope that each and aft will lend a helping hand to bnng Ihe matter to arrtearly and satisfactory Coitsummaiion. TO TltE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. I beg leave to call the attention of the citi zens of Pennsylvania to the above article, manufactured by mysell exclusively, at my Factory in Schiedam, in Holland, expressly for medicinal purposes. It is made from the best Barley that can be selected in Europe and the essence of an ar omatic Italian berry, ot acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal properties; and it has long since acqntred a higher reputation, Doth in Europe end America, than any other riietio beveiage. In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism; in Ob structions of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Debility of the Urinary Functions, its. ef fects are prompt, decided, and invariably re liable. And it is not only a Remedy for these maladies, but, in all cases in which they are produced by Drinking Bad Wa'er, which is, almost universally, the cause of them, it op crates as • Sure Preventive. The distressing effect upon the Stomach, Rowels, and Bladder, to travelers, new resi dents, and all persons unaccustomed to them produced by the waters of nearly all our great inland rivers like the Ohio, Mississippi, and Alabama, from the large quantity of decay ed t egeta'ote matter contained in them, in a state of solution, u< well known :as is also that of the waters of limestone regions, in producing Grsvet, Csleoli, anil Stone in the Bladder. The AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS is an absolute corrective of all these injurious properties of bad wa'er, and consequently prevents the disease which they occasion. It is otso found to be a cure end preventive of Fever and Ague, a eorp plaintcaused by the conjoint eflects of vege table malaria in Ihe atmosphere, and vegeta ble pntrescsnses in the waters of those dis tricts in which it principally prevails The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is consequent ly in great demand by persons travelling, or about to settle in those pArts of the country especially; as well as by many in every community where it has become known on account of its various other remedial proper ties. More than three thousand physicians, among whom are numbered the greatest names belonging to the faculty of medicine in this country, have cerl'lied, over their own signatures, to the valuable medicinal proper ties of such an article, as the severest tests have proved IheSchiedam Aromatic Schnapps to be, and have accepted it as a most desira ble addition to lire nmlerta media. Put up in quart and pint bottles, enveloped In yellow paper with my name on the bot tle, cork and seal. For sale by all respecta ble Druggists anil Grocers. UDOLPHO WOF.FE, 18, 20, & 22 Beaver s<reet, N. V •25 South Front street, Philada. ' I beg leave to call the attention of the pub fie to the following letters {join physicians: '• laboratory, N. 1", May 2, 1855. " MR. UPDOLPHO Woi.re— Dent Sir: (can not speak to highly of the purity of yom Schi eJam Schnapps. It is decidedly superior to anything of the kind in market. It is per fectly free from the admixture ol fusil oil, or of any of those arnylic compounds which produce such a mischievous and irreparable effect upon the •constitution, and which very few samples of alcoholic distilled liquors ate without—most ol them being largelj impreg nated with it. I have personally inspected the various ptocess of distillation practiced at Schiedam, and know that unusual care is taken to separate the noxious elements (rem the pure alcohol,and your Schnapps i a striking proof of its success. As a medici nal agent for chronic and renal affections, I hare successfully prescribed it, and recom mend it as an agreeable cordial ami harm less stimulant, arid shall continue to do so : as well as to use it as a source of pure alco hol for cheqiical investigations and experi ments. Your* obedient, ISAIAII DECS. Consulting Analytical Chemist." Dr Charles A. I,ea. Commissioner of Health, Bul imore, wtiies ns follows in relit -1103 to the value of Seltriapps as a remedy In chronic catarrhal complaints, ke. The letter is dated July 27, 1853: " I take grcil pleasure in bearing It ighly Creditable testimony lo lis efficacy as a rem edial agent in the diseases for which ybu rec ommend it. Having a natural tendency to the mocons surfaces, with a slight degree ol stimulation,! regard it as one of the most important remedies in throttio catarrhal af fection*, particularly those of the genito uri nary apparatus. With much repseel, your obedient servant, CHARLES A. LEAS. " PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 1853. " Mr. Udolpho Wolfe , No, 2 eaver at., N. V, Dear Sir: Last sea son the writer received through your agent in this city, a bottle of your AromaticHchiedain Schnapps, and since that period has prescribed the same in certain fbrma of urinary complaints, also in cases of debility in aged persona. So far, the Schnap; a baa la-en of much benefit to thove using it • * In conclusion, where t diuretic and atimnlant is tequired, I should use the Aro matic Schiedam Schnapps. hanking you for your kindness, 1 am respectfully yours, AD. CH A LONER, M. D, 180 South Eighth at. The aulijoiticd letter from Dr PAINE, of Manchester, N. H„ relates to one of the most valuable medicinal properties possessed by tho Aromatic Schnapps, and shows that it acta as a specify: in a very paibful disease—the Grav el: "Mr. Wotra : —Permit me lo address yon a few lilies, which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, in respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps. I have had a very onatinatecase of gravel and stone, of some five . years standing, causing very acute pain in * eveiy attempt to urinate. After using many remedies without much relief, I was induced to try a bctllo of your medicine. In the course of threae days it proved effectual, dislodging* large pieces of atone, some of which were at large aa a marrowfat pea. I continued the cor dial, according to directions, end the patient continued to gain, end is fast recovering, I think a medicine of so much value iu ao dis tressing a complaint, should be known to the publie, tod the world at large. And I, for one muet give it my ef probation and signature. 'THUS. PAINE, M. D." From Dr. JOHN 8.-RKESE, Chemist, Balti ote, Md Sept. 15. 18r2 •' A number a' our physicians are ordering the article,end several have already prescribed it A gentleman of my own personal acquaint ance bsvi r,g suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and bladder, took two bottles, and subsequently passed a -tone of considera ble ehe, and WBA greatly relieved. It will, no donlit go into general use." May 20, 1855—3ui. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOLLS AT HEATH HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, I lleach Haven, June 30. -'55. I R. W. WEAVER, ESQ.: Dear Sir, —The amount of Toll collected at this Office during the month of Juno 1855, is 830,803 49 Amount per last report, 40,145 29 Whole amount since Ist Dec. Inst 70,948 78 " " same period last year 68,748 14 Tncre.are " " this yenrHr2,2o'l 64 Respectfully yours, PETER F,NT, Collector. 100,000 COPIES ! Steamboat Disasters on Ihe Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory. THE undersigned have now in course of preparation a new Steamboat Directory, w Inch will be issued in October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, il lustraled in the best style, anil nrntly bound in a durabto mnnner. It will be one of the rt ost interesting books ever published, and wijl be a bonk that writ be interesting to all classes of people. The tftcSinboat Directory wilt contain a complete list and description ot all tho Nlasmhnata now afloat in tho Wealern anil .Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boat, v/licre and by whom built, the name of tho loot, with the trade she lias to. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, dee. The Directory Will contain a History of Steamboats and B'teamhoating on the Western waters, sibce tho application of steam: also, a sketch of the tirst boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. The River Directory Wilt contain a list and description of all the Hleamboat Disasters tbot have occurred on the Western and South ern waters, beautifully illustrated, with o list of all those who have perished by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western and southern waters. 'The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Mis souri, Illinois,Arkansas,Wnite, Red, tluacbita, Yazoo, and other riv.is, with the towns and cities laid down, with cotrcct distances: also, many other Itiver and Commercial items of interest to the people at targe. The book will contain the cards X>f the various U. S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, &c. The Directory will also contain a complete list of ail the responsible Steamboat License ! Offi cers, their places of residence, &c. die., the new steamboat law its icqtiuenici ts, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the in competent officer, and injures the competent officer, &c. to. - ., and all the important U. B. Supreme Court steamboat decisions up to date; the Rates and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ions uf the vanous U. S. Courls in regard lo Freights Lost anil Damaged, &c. &c , with many other lliings of interest. Thy Directory will tie illustrated in the best i stylo, and printed in the best manner. The uuthor haa for six years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to the numerous etenmhoat disasters on the Western and Southern waiers, and now intends pub lishing litem in book form. The piiceofthe woik witi be put at the low sum of One l)Dllsr. Ten thousand copies will be issued for th.e boatmcr.; all others desirous of aubs'tilling > will have to do so at once, as none"will be printed unless ordered in advance. This woik is destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as tl,e publishers ore receiv ing large nulnLere cf subseiihers, per mail, I fiom all parls of tho country, daily. Some of J the oldest bualir.en, as well as most scientific i men of the limes, oro contributors to the j bteamlinot Directory. j the Directory will be issued in Octobyr, I and Will Uo an ornament to the parlor as well jas steamboat. By remitting line Dollar, poet paid, you will teceive a copy of tho above work. AH communications and letters should be addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD if- ltd Post Office liuildiug, Cincinnati, Ohio. I July IS, 1855. ; Universally Acknowledged to be the Funniest Hook of the Age! ITL'V IT. READ IT, IF YOD LOVE TO LAUGH Second Edition going offlike Mot Cakes! liLiljpK IkI.VVEOM)*, Or, Humor* balirr, and Sentiment, TREATED Scientifically and Poetically, BY JULIUS CJESAR HANNIBAL, Of The New Yoik Picayune, Containing Side- Splitting lllnsiralinns, Price 75 cent* in paper; St Tn cloth, gib. This work is unanimnttsly pronounced by the Press of the Old nnd New World, as be ing the G-eatest Work of its kind ever Pro duced— a Rare Combination ol Morality, Comicality and Philosophy. 1000 Enterprising Men Wanted immedi ately , to sell this and other popular Works ; and Maps, throughout the States and Catia- I IIH. I The trade supplied at the lowest rates. : IST Copies mailed free of postage, upon receipt of price. Add rets, A IIANNEY, Publisher, 195 Broadway, New York. List of Letter* REMAINING in the l'oel Office at Blooms bnrg. Pa., July Ist, 1855. Art.ley Catharine Lewis EJwarit Barnhart T. Montgomery Daniel Koarilman J. S. Miller John Criety Micheal Russel Thnmak Dribfebis Catharine Ren Thomas fchip Evaneon T. E. Rupert James Gulick G. H. Shepperlon Thomas Gafiany Catharine E. Smith Spencer 0. Gureland Hiram Thomas Edward R. 2 Gilbert Joseph Verry Wm. Kitchen Martha Jane Wotf Sarah. Link Anna Persons ttelling Tor the above letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, r. M. List of Letters REMAINING in the Post Oftrco at Calta wisa, Pa., for the quarter ending June 30th, 1855. Banghart George McLaughlin Samuel Brooks Benj. Miller Franklin Breiab Adam Morris Donaldson slip Carey M. G. New Berry J. R. Critee Noah Overder Samuel Deer Mary j. Richard James Fisher Sarahan Richard Geo." Gaffres Terrus . Ruff Daniel Horn Samuel Shoemaker Edwahl Hnrly John Schuyler Elizabeih Kerlin Jito. • Valleebamp Dr. Jrio. Kerry hart Wm. Wen is Gilbert & Co. Kenedy W. A. Wollever Adam. Lucy C. ship. Yocum Caleb 3 Moloney M. ship. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. C. RAHN, p. M. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ~~ IVOTICE is hereby given that letters testa " mentary upon the estate of John Kline, late of Benton township' Columbia county, deceased have been granted lo the undesign ed residing also in that township. All per sona indebted lo the said estate are reques ted lo make payment without delay, and those having accounts against the estate to present them for settlement to I. K. KRICKBAUM, Executor. Benton, Col. Co., June 30, 1855.—6t. • - ' Thousands or Delighted Headers AND HUNDREDS OF OUR BEST CRITICS. Now add thcrr testimony lo the "orriginal ily," "beauty," "freshness," " brilliancy," "raciness," "geniality," "earnestness,'' "hu mor," '' pathos," and " popularity" of BEEfHEK S STAIt PAPERS. HEAIt THE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS. A few brief extracts from many long no tices : * The St. Louis Daily Republican pronounces it "Aeliterary banquet." The Neiv York Evangelist says, '' We nd mire ll,em mure than we can well express. The Po-tland Areas says: "These papers are racy, and sparkle like ehnnipngne." The New York Daily Times says: "Just the volume lo lake with you into the coon try." The Bnfialo Daily Courier • says : "It can not fail in reach the heart, and do good wherever read." The New York Evening Mirror says: " We have seldom met wuh a more contagious spirit of devotion to the beautiful." The New York Commercial Advertiser says': "Calculated to please alt and give offence lo none." The New York Observor says: "Full of striking thoughts—brilliant, racy and enter taining." The New York Journal of Commerce says: •''lt indicates sources ot -enjoyment, which, to a mind less (ertile in expedients, would rarely occur." i The Cincinnati Commercial says: "Vivid | words give 9 Ihe paper under which he writes the gleam of his emotions." The Cleveland Adorning leader says: " Ex quisite sensibility shines out everywhere Irom these brilliant pages." The Daily Ohio State Journal says: "It ha the spuilile ot the author's genius." The Albany Evening Journal says: "The most delightlul reading we have met with in a twelvemonth." The Binuhamton Republican says: "Will become fixed stars iu the constellation of our literature." The Congregationalist says: " No summer pocket should be empty of it.'' The Northwestern Christian Advocate says: "They are gems of the first water —stars of tho first magnitude." The Rochester American says: "Star pa pers have taken a range as wide as the sweep of the writer's groat intellect." The Rome Sentinel says. ' Those who have not read these papers have an untaateil pleasure to enjoy." The New York Tribune says: " Flashes of fun suddenly glcant out from exquisite de scriptions." The New York Independent says: ''We welcome this bnolt as a thing of beauty that shall be a joy forever." The Springfield Daily Republican says": "Closely packed with fresh and beautiful thoughts, pleasant fancies, general humor anil rich suggestions." One elegant 12mo. vol. Price, 51,25. — Single copies sent by mail prepaid, on re ceipt of price. For sale on steamboats and railroads, and by all booksellers. A thousand Agents w anted for this, the best selling book extant. J. C. DERBY Publisher. No. 119 Nassau street, New Yoik. I 'I TREASURY OFFICE, J J- HARIUSBURG, May 19 1855. ) To the Treasurer and Commission ers of Columbia County. GENTLEMEN :—You are doubiless aware, that the semi annual interest on the funded debt of the Commonwealth (alls due on Ihe FIRST DAY OF AUGUSI' NEXT. 1 feel impelled unJer of duty lo call your attention to the necessity of prompt and im mediate action to secure an early payment ol the taxes due the State. The reputation and honor of the Stale Hre in a great mea sure committed to your keeping, it is upon the tax due from the several counties, that I reply mainly for the means of making pay ment. lam aware that the late stringency in ihe monetary nlfairs of the country, lias greatly crippled the Manufacturing anil Com mercial interests of the State, that the gener al drought and consequent failure of last year's crops has deprived the farmer of his usual ability lo pay, and that owing to these adverre circumstances, it will require on your than usual efiort lo collect piomptly. 1 know that the highest incite ment to duly that can be placed before the people of this Commonwealin. is to assure them that the honor of the Commonwealth demands such duly at their hands. Which 1 would hold up this higher motive to you, nnd through yon to the people. I would also remind you that by the Act of Assembly of the 28lh day of April, 1844, it is provided that " any county paying into the State Treasury its quota of lax levied on its adjusted valuation, fifteen days prior to the first day of August, in any year, such county shall be entitled to an abatement of live per cent, upon the amount so paid." lam dis posed to give this law a fair and liberal con struction. Where ihe whole amount has not been paid, but an amount opproaching near to the whole, the deduction ol five per cent, will Tie made. I wouid suggest the propriety of allowing the abatement of five percent, by Ihe tax collector immediately to the tax payer, believing that soch a course incite lo a more prompt payment than when the benefit is made accrue to the County Treasury. You will confer a great favor upon me, by letting me know at as early a date as it will be possible for you to 'do so, with any rea sonable degree of certainty, what amount of money you will be able lo furnish, and at what time, Yours respectfully. ELI SLIFER, State Treasuier. NOTICE IS hereby given to the tax payers and Col "■ lectors of Columbia county, lo settle up their State tax on or before the twentieth day of July nef.t, to enable the County Treasurer to pay off the State tax. By order of Lie Board of Commissioners. JOHN C. FRUIT, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, | Bloomaburg, June 23, '55. } <B aKJSIJISIB* SC. ©o GRADUATE of the Homoeopathic Medical * College of Pennsylvania, otters his pro fessional services lo ihe public. References: C. Harlan, M. D , Wilmtnglon, Delaware S. Atmor, M. D., Marietta, Pt. H. N. Geurnsey, Frnnkfort, Penn'a. Prof. W. A. Gardner, M. D. " Walter Williamson, M. D. " A. K. Small, A.M. & M. D. Office at the American House, Bloomsburg, Col. county, Pa. June 14, 1855. —3t. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Estate of Oliver Helm, deed. NOTICE is hereby giten to all persons iu- j debted to said estate lo make payment 1 to the subscriber at the residence of the late Oliver Helm, in Beaver township, Columbia county, without delay, and* all persons hav ing claims will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. HARRIET HELM, Administratrix. Beaver iwp., May 25, 1855. EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS Sy t\ hundred fpraale a ibi office 1 BUSINESS D IRECTORY, Dloomaburg, s)a. HIRAM W. THORNTON. " MERCHANT. —Store on ihe South side ol Main Street, second square below Mar. ket." ~ DAVII) LOWEKRERG, LOTHING STORK, on Main street, twe doors above ihe 'American House." SIMON DRKIFUSS, & Co. STORE in the 'Exchangr Block,' opposite the Court honse. A J. EVANS. " Ti^ERCHANT. —Slore on ihe upper pat iT ■- of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. , S.~C. SKIVE, ]\fANUFACTHRER OF FURNITURT AND CABINET WARE—Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALER.- Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. JOSEPH SWARTZI BOOKSELLER. Store in the Exehangt Block, first door above the Exehangt Hotel. R. W- WEAVER^ ATTORNEY AT LAW— office on th ( first door of the ''Star" Building, or Main street. SHARPLESS &MELICK, I ROUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. Build . irtgson the alloy between the "Excbangr and "American House." TUR N ARD RUPERT\ ~~ r 1 1AILOK— Shop on the South Side of Mair _-*-_ Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENSCn, MERCHANT. —Store North West corne of Main and Market Streets. HIRAM C. HODER, DENTIST—Office near the Academy on Third Street. BTKEIiVV, NEAL k CO., jVI ERCH ANTS.—Northeast corner of Mair and Market streets. SHARPLESS & MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish mentonMuin street, next building c.bove he Conrl-honse. 11 EN R V Z IfPPIN ii EK , CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements failhfull re paired. P U II DON S D I G ES TT 4 N\ Justice of the l'eace wishing to pur chase a copy of Purdon's Digest,can be accommodated by applying at he thii n(f>n EXT RAO RDINARY ViT To Agents lor procuring Subscribers lor Tickets at SI Black IN PERHAM'S UREAT 100,000 GIFT EN TERPRISE ! j 7 he distribution rf the Gifts being definitely fiicdfor JULY nth, 1855. • Any person sending $lO may deduct ll percent, or will receive 11 Tickets. Each person sending SIOO before the stl of July, will, in addition to commissions, bi J presented with a Mammoth Gold Pen am Case, valued at 510. Each person sending 5200 before Ihe stl of July, will, m addition to commissions, bi presented with a Silver Watch, valued a 525. Each person sending 5300 before the oil of July, will, in addition to commissions, bi presented with a Gold Watch, valued at 550 Each person sending 5500 belore thi Slli ot July, will, in addiiion to commissions be presented with a-Gold Watch, valuei at 5100. The person who shall send, before the stl of July, the largest amount above 5500, will in addition l commissions, be presente' with a piano, valued at 5200. I have been uiduced to make the abovi liberal oilers in order to remove a settled ob jection in the minds of your committee, ti having Ihe distribution lake place whili there remain in my hands tickets unsold and for which cause they have seen fit ti deter ihe partition of the gilts, which we fixed for the 27th inst., to the 6th of July, a will be seen by reference to their proceed ings, published below. I assure yon lha the postponement is as Vexatious to me a it is to those who have purchased tickets, therefore hope that each and every one now interested, will co-operate with me in thi effort to dispose ol the lew thousand tickeli remaining unsold, and thus advance the in leresis of the whole body of shareholders. Respectfully yours, J. PERHAM. TO Til K PATRONS OF Perkam's third Gift Enterprise. At a meeting of the Committee of Share holders of l'erham's Gill Enterprise, held a Ihe Academy Hall, Broadway, on Wednes day Evening, April 18th, 1856, the follow ing preamble ami resolutions were adopter and ordered to be published : IVhircas, in view of ihe fact that severa enterprises have been started and carried or with a seeming positive purpose of defraud ing those who could bo persuaded to pur chase tickets therein; and such fraudulen proceedings have exerted tin injurious influ ence in the sale of tickets in the enterprise of Mr. Perhani: and whereas, it is deemeei essential that ull the tickets should bo dispo sed ol before the distribution takes place, be it therefore Resolved, That in order to allow time fot that purpose, the distribution be postponed until the Olh ot July, at such place as ntay hereafter be determined on. Resolved, That the committee have undi minished confidence in the integrity of Mr Perham, and in his disposition to conform to all his published promises to his patrons. ROBT. BE ATT Y, J a., Chairman. REMEMBER! The Tickets are only $1 Each. And each Ticket admits Four Persons to Perham's Burlesque Cpera, 663 Broadway, N. Y.; and that among the Gifts to be dis tributed, are A splendid farm of over 100 acres, worth iiMOO 1 Loan of Cash, i do. do. iHHMR 1 do. do. 2 do do. S6OO each, 10 do. do. SIOO each, •-'f 1,000 Trotting Mare, Lilly Dale, • "^1,500 6 Rosewood Pianos, S6OO each, 2,600 5 do. do 5300 each, 1,600 The Great Mirror of N. F Scenery, 22,000 3 Splendid Carriages,s22s each, 675 10 Gold Watches, 8100 each, 1,000 40 do. do. 860 each, 2,000 100 Gold Pens and Cases, 85 each, 500 6,000 Gold Pens, 83 each, 15,000 &c., &c., &c. All orders for Tickets, by mail, and all let ters for information, should be addressed to JOSEPH PERHAM, 663 Broadway New York. VT Orders will now be received for Tick ets in Perham's Fourth Gift Enterprise. May 19 1855—3w. tm ' * ■>. TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! SXScStQB.UBIXaW'-Sr, cCB 38®, HAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Fall and Winter sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmer.( no*' offered in thIsVTOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to boy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas,.bombazines, de bages, poplins, pa'rametta cloths, mohnir lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes &c. WHI IE GOODS Ol' ALL KINIIS, Slercs. Oollats, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet.ribbons, in large Variety vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, colt'on, and lisle thread alrtves, iriohuir milts, &c. All kinds ol SHAWLS, tiroche, Bay Slam, Watemlle, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &e. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattmeus, vestir.gs, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, kc. ' BOOTS AND SHOES. OF ALL KINDS (f SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN $ CHILDREN Wo fcnvo a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet baas, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, msts rugs, baskets, See. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweltngs, drillings. &e., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el e where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3iliXEicE>EEi £E3aFasa£PaasEisb HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing J In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a lame and full assortment of FHOCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts nnd sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides'some black, blue grey strioed and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bnfl, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted ot all fash tonable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fin while figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dross goods ; Hals, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; mhd swat aaas a&s&as# They have Undrrsleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletls, Gloves, Milts, Ladios'a besd-ba" Handkerchiefs, &c, &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, ,'ach s Rings, Breast ,in- Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies Spectacles Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Aeeordeons. ' ' ST Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Bloomsburg, May 18th 1854. g. OUEIFUSS & Co JVE WSPRIJYG & SITMMER GOODS DAVID DOVfEiTBERG INVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store on Market -"-•street, two doors above the -'American House," where be has* full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including IfABHIIK&KrAEILE IS3IIESS ©©ikffSj, f]ox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirtr, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefssgloves, suspenders and fancy articles. 1 N. B. He will also mpke to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Blonmsburg, May 16th 1854-3 m. "THE OPEN niBLE." A CESTS wanted to sell a NEW WORK, entitled " Paganism, Popery ami Chris tianity, or the BLESSING of an OPEN BI BLE," as shown in the History ol Chtistian ily, from the lime of our Saviour to the pres ent day, by Vincent XV. Miller. With a view of the l itest developments of Rome's Hostil ity to the Bible, as exhibited in various parts ot the world, and an expose of the absurdi ties of the immaculate conception, and the idolatrous veneration of the Virgin lllary, by Rev. J. F. Berg, D. D.. author ot "The Jes uits," "Dhurch and Stale," Sic. Si c. The au thor of this work, Dr. Berg, is acknowledged lo be the most able wtiter on Romanism in the the country; those who have read his discussions with Archbishop Hughes will need no assurance of this fact. Agents will find this the most able work published; it is a large !2mo. volume, of tour hundred and thirty pages, illustrated with numerous engravings, beautifully and substantially bound, and sold at SI 25 per copy. Specimen copies sent by mail, post-paid, to any part ol the United States, on receipt of the above price. Send for a copy, and judge for yourselves. Address J. VV. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 North Fourth Street PHILADELPHIA. May 24th, 1855. PCBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. | N pursuance of the last will and testament of Joshua Webb, the undersigned Execu tor of the said estate will, on Saturday the 4th day of August next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon upon the premises, expose to pub lic sale a tract of Valuable Land. In Centre township Columbia county, laying along the public bighwav leading irom Bloomsburg lo Berwick, and lately the resi lience of Joshua Webb, adjoining lands of Nathaniel L. Campbell, John J. Webb, M. Baker and Lovi and Philip Miller, contain ing between t> and 7 acres, on which there are a Frame Dwelling House. a blacksmith shop, a frame barn, a frame j stable and other outbuildings. ALSO, immediately thereafter upoo the following premises, a tract of land adjoining Garrison's limestone quarry, N. L. Camp bell's limestone quarry, in Scott township containing about Two and a half acres, on a purl ol which there is an excellent Llmcslene Quarry now opened, and two lime kilns abreast and in oondilion ready for use; as also a lime house. There is also on this tract a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by SOLOMON NEYHARD, Executor. Lime Ridge, May 15 1855. I OAS LIGHT FOE COUNTRY HOUSES No excuses fur burning Camphine, Fluid, Candles, iVc. <Sfc. THE subscriber is now prepared to sell County Rights forusing Bengoleor Atmospher ic Gas. The above is one of tho most beau tiful as well as the CHEAPEST artificial light that has ever been offered to the public. It is more brilliant and leas than one half the cost of Coal Gas. It is perfectly HARMLESS, no trouble whatever, and the Generator is jio larger than an ordinary Gas Meter. 1 jt For further information apply to Hoffman, TOinau & Ogelsby, Gas Fitters, No. 13 South Seventh Street, between Murket and Chest nut, Philadelphia, where the Gas can be aeen in practical operation. County Rights will be sold at such rates as will enable any person to make a handsome ptofil on their in vestment. For further particulars respecting 'he Gas, or negotiation for County Rights, address post-paiu. W. C. WITTHRS, Sole Agent for the Stale of Penna. Or apply personally to him at No. 13 S. Seventh St., Philada. June 7, 1855—fit. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cbesp store of A. J. EVANS. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wate for sale by McKELVY, NEAL&Co PUBLIC NOTICE. New Giand Duchy of liaden Lottery Loan. Capital 14,000,000 Florin* THIS LOAN is guaranteed by the govern merit, and will be drawn in different prizes as follows : 14 of 50.000 Fls. I 54 of 40.000 Fls. 12 of 35,000 (is 23 of 15,000 (Is 20112.000t1f 55 ' 10,000 ' 40 ' 5 000 ' 2 ' 4,900 ' 58 ; 4.000 ' 366 * 2 000 : 1944 < 1,000 ' . &<\ &c. &c. Ttie lowest prize being 42 Fls. 12 Florins are equal to five dollars. Tlie next drawing takes place at Carlsrulie under the Direction of the Baden Govern tnent, on the 3ls(A of August, 1855, whet every drawn number must obtain ore of (hi above-mentioned Prizes, which will be paii in cash, at the offices of the undersigned.— Those fortunate shareholders not residing ot the spot, will have their amount of Prize: gained paid to ilrem through an establishe< Bank. The Lists of the result will be sen to each shareholder, and the successful tium bers published in the newspapers. The price of one ticket is Two Dollars. . The following advantages are given by la king a number ol tickets, viz: 11 Tickets cost 220 I 50 Tickets cosl SBO 23 ' ' 40 I 100 ' < 151 The prlhß of tickets can be sent in Banl Notes or Drafts, payablo in any of the com mercisl towns of Germany, Holland, France England, Scotland, or Ireland. For tickets and Prospectuses apply to Ihi undersigned Banking-house, which is ap pointed for the sale of Tickets: MORIZ STIEBEL SONS, livueers. Frankfort-on-lhe-Maino, Germany. | N. B.—Letters to be directed "perStbamei via Liverpool," to Moriz Stiebel Sous, Bank ers, in Frankfurt-on-lhe-Uaine. 1 Hemittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next drawing, at the option of the send' er. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be | inspecteil at the office of this paper, where also Tickets may be obtained. July fi, 1855. Locate your Land Warrants now!! t ST. Because you cert do so now withoui -•- paying oui any money till It is conveui ent, and get a good larm that please* you 01 the piy for your warrant. 2nd. Becrtnee in a few months (he chan ces will be all taken. 3d. Because over thirty six millions 0 acres ol warrartls are to issue under the new law (See official estimate in Washington Union March 26ih 1858. 4th. Because there is not land enough tc fill all these in the Stales and they musl then be located in the wild territories, beyond the Mississippi. sth. Because then the price of warranlt must fall to a mere trifle—ten or twelve cenli an acre. 1 6th Because nobody wants land in the | wilderness among wild Indians, where taxes must be paid for years without benefit. Information furnished and Locations made 011 mot favorable term* (credit if desired) through a reliable agency in the West, on application to I!. W. WEAVER. Blnomsburg, July 2, 1855. ► OMNIBUS LINE AND • LIVERV STABLE. 523 0 EErfkflssas IVTOW runsanow omnibus bei ween Blooms burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of the town, or the Antericar House and Forks Hotel; and he wil also furnish conveyances to all travellers wbc may wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomaburg twice daily at 104 o'clock A. M., and at 3} o'clock P. M. He ha* also a large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from wbioh he can accommodate the publio, with conveyance) for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Htoomsburg, April 24, 1855.—1y. I Moat of the People having seen Sam, THE ENGROSSING QUESTION NOW IS HATE TOO READ SAM? Wh.ch ia supposed to mean the LIFE OF SAM HOUSTON, A beautiful 13 mo. vol., fully illosUaltd, containing an Authentic Narrative of tha Eventful and Stirring Life of the.lllustrious Senator, Hero, Patriot and Statesman, and now when ominous clouds of sectional discords, and threatening* of Civil War M our Western Frontier, come thick and fast—, all eves are turned to the Man for the Timet. The Second Old Hickory— Jackson't Friend. The Hero of San Jirinto. The Conqueror 6f Santa dm a. The First President of Texas. The Future President of the United States. . " This book will win hifn hosta of friends." —Louisville Jour. . . " Every American should possess it"—■ N. O. Express. " Houston ia a man of prominence at thia time. His name U 'in the months of men.'" —American Organ, D, C. , " A strange and adventurous life—beyond that of most men."—AT. O. Crescent. , 'lntensely interesting, and will be read by millions."— Hingham (Mass ) Journal. •' No novel ever presented a more attrac tive face."— Star Spangled Banner. " He can capture with his sword, or capti vate with eloquence."— TVqy Whig. •' Thousands of his friends will read it with enthusiasm."— Christian Enquirer. " It should be in toe hands of everv Amer ican citizen."— Cottcord {N. II.) Journal. " In language such as will touch the heart, the outline of Houston's career."— Savannah {Geo ) Jour. " It is a work of (he moat romantic, hero ic interest."— AT. Y. Mirror. •' For executive action in peace or war, a statesman a and soldier. '—Ntwbei ryport Her• aid. , " His name and history Americans will love to cherish."— Baft. Christ. Ado. '•A record not unworthy a Presidential candidate."— Pibii Post. , " A national man, who has fought and bled and lived for the American Republic."-Amer ican Patriot. " Would tnere were more like him among nur public men."— Gospel Banner. " The work throughout is one of deep ant) thrilling interest.'— Christ. Freeman. " We have road ihe work with istense in terest."—Schenectady Reflector, , . , " Full ol anecdote, adventure and thrilling incident."— Chic. Budget. '•An exiremely interesting ami graphic mernoir."—3o.vfor. Transcript. " Wdl engage the attention of the reader from the opening to ihe close."— Rochester Union. " Destined to havp a large sale, fbr Sain is popular."— Hart. Renub. ■ . '• The champion of Jackson, respected, be- Iriendecl and beloved by him."— Buff. Repub. " Will everywhere ba read with much in terest, it is a copious and brilliant narrative." —N. Y. Com Advertiser. The above is but the key-note of many fa vorahle notices, Irotn Ihe leading papers of the United States. Thousands of American citizens are reading the book with delight: Many more are wailing lor an opportunity to possess it. Price ft,45. And for sale by all Booksellers Single Copies sent by ma.il (posl-jiaid,) on receipt of price. \ 16,000 AUKN'TS WANTED, liberal terms allowed address J.C.DERBY, Publisher, 119 Nassau street New York. June 5, '53. Will be Ready on (be Ist ot July. THE OF lit FA (Ml HOUSE, ABK.A.UTI FUL anil affecting domestic etnry. By MRS. CAROLINE H. BUTLER I.AIMI. 1 Must rated with fine Engravings by Van Ingen, from Original Designs by White. Nearly 500 pages 12mo. Bound m extra blue and red muslin gilt, $1,2.1. The rfame ot ihe authoress of the above work speaks volumes in its favor, and in this she has pro : duceil the crowning effort of her pen. For Ireshness and vigor of thought and style, and for originality—in the charming views of • country life at the "Old Farm House '•"—-id the striking illustrations of the follies of a fash ionable city life—in her description of good and evil natures—in ail the various subjects which she has touched with her magic pen, she cannot he excelled. The gentle heroine, Amy, is a model of patience snt! Virtue, per secit'ed by the evil genius of he! life, (hevil lain Staunton. The hoolc. will be read will) avidity, and none whqcotnmbnce it, will de sire to lay itnside till finished. The publish? er offers with full confidence that its perusal will be attended with pleasure and prufit to all readers. A copy ol the work will be sen| to any part of the United States, postagS free, or. the receipt of the price. Publishers of newspapers who copy this notice, and send copy of paper containing it, will receive the book tree. CHAHLES 11. DAVfS, No. 39 S. 4th St., above Chestnut, Pbila. June 30. ~ ~ NOTICE! [VOTICE is hereby giveti that the under •k * signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia county Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charter for a Bank to be located at Bloomsburg, to be called the '■BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priv iliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Robison, L. H. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wm. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhall, Ephraim P. Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, I.loyil I'uxion, Wm. Sloan, • Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhall, Bloomsburg, June 20, 1855.—6 m. NOTICE I S hereby given that in pursuance of a late 1 Act of Assembly, the county Commission ers of Columbia county will organize and act as a board of appraisers to appraise all lands on which any purchase money is due to the Commonwealth, when desired so to do by the owners of lane, l'ersons who hold such lands, and wish to procure a title therefor should give notice at the Commissioners' of fice. The old act of Assembly on this sub ject is extended until the Ist day of Decern bar 1857, until whioh time the Board will act wbon called upon. By order of the Board, JOHN C. FRUIT, COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, J Clerk. Bloomshurg, July 3, '55. | Cw. BOUNTY LANDS* AGREEABLY to the law of the 3d Marqjit 1855, persons Who have been mustered into the service of the United States, and | served fourteen days, are entitled to reoeive ! a Land Warrant for 160 acres, and those pars j sons who havo received less quantity, are now entitled to receive a Warrant sufficient to make the 160 acres. The undersigned has received ibo law and the lorins adopted by the department at Washington, and will undertake the procur ing of Warrants for those who may desire his services. U. W WEAVER Bloomsburg, March 16, 1855. SODA FOUNTAIN. U|R J. V. TAGGART has arranged a sod* fountain in his drugstore in the ?i --chsnge Block, where all who are thirsty can obtain a pleasant, healthful and refreshing drink, such as will do a temperance stomach good and wont "make drank come." Bloomsburg, May 31, 1855,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers