A KNOW NOTHING'S OPINION or JIFFER SON—The Louisville Cornier (Know-Nothing organ) has an article professing no disap pointment in the result of the election in Virginia, and stuting that "Jefferson too thoroughly indoctrinated her with his radi cally heretical doctrines of government." Gov. Ci-xriK, of New York, has pardoned a man named Higgins from the penitentiary of Rochester on condition that he shall " wholly abstain from using intoxicating li quors except in case of sickness, when pre scribed by a regular practising physician." HYDROPHOBIA— -Mr. Youatt, the celebra ted cattle dealer, has cured more than 400 cases of persons bitten by dogs, with muri ate of silver, which in every instance, pre vented any symptoms of hydrophobia. G, oss Superstition. —Hannah Banks admit ted recently at the Hull (England) Assizes, that site had roasted a toad alive, pounded it, end mixed it with the food of her fellow ser vant, whom she hoped by thut mear.s lo in duce to love her. A Candid Lawyer. — " Do you think I'll get justice done me?" said a culprit lo his counsel. I don't think you will," replied lite other, '• for I see two mea on the jury who are oppose, 1 to hanging." Religious Newspapers in England —The London Patriot says that a religious newspa per is unknown in England, and that in those of a religious kind, religion must be subor dinate, and secularity reign supreme. Wisconsin. —The best portion of this State, it is said, remains unsettled. The timbered regions contain the best land, are best wa tered, are most healthy, and in a few years will lar outstrip tho praries and openings in wealth ami population. Small Change. —lt is stated that the U. S. Treasury is now burlhened with the custody o! over five millions ofdollais in small filver change, from half dollars to three cent pieces. Two or three years ago there was a univer sal complaint of the scarcity of small coins, both Artiericaa'and foreign. IV This interesting uud happy season has commenced in the northeastern counties ol North Carolina, and many of the farmers are engaged in culling their wheat. Tho Nor folk Beacon learus that, although the crops suffered very materially from the drought in the early part of the season, yet the yield will be very near an averago one. ty In the Circuit Court for Lewis county Ky., a suit of slander—Miss Eliza Bark ley Wm. Giddings—was tried, anJ a vengiet ren dered for SIO,OOO carnages. It appeared on the trial that Giddings had paid his addresses 10 Miss 8., and bad been rejected, previous to making the slanderous chargos which the ju ry has so signally punished in damages. W On May Ist, in the south of Sweden the navigation was open, and was being car ried on with great activity; but in the Gulf ot Stockholm, the ice was still so thick that lieavily laden wagons could ply upon it The winter jn Sweden has teen more rigorous than has been known in die memory of men. According lo the last accounts from llelsingfors, in Finland, the ice was there more than a yaid thick. aEAafcatsiß&d On the 4ih inst., by Rev. \V. Goodrich, at his residence, in Bloomsburg, Mr.. NATHAN in, IRVIN, and MISSLYBIA ANN VVANICK, boih of Bluornsbuig. In Light Street, Columbia co., on Thurs day, the tih inst, by the Rev. J. a oorhead, Mr. VVILLIAM-E. SHANNON, and Miss MARY JANE SCOTT, both of that place. In Hemlock, on f.ie'dlh inst., by the same, •Mr. ELIJAH EVANS, and Miss AMELIA COOK, hotb of 'hat place. In Bloomsburg, on the 12th %-t., bv the same, Mr. JACOB RISCWICK, and Mfis CATH ARINE CDLP, both of this place. _a>aaaiM On the !OI|I inst., Mrs ANNA AMI, consort of Mr. Samuel Ash, of Fishing Creek town ship, -Columbia county. TOLLS AT lIKAt II lIAVKN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ) lleach Haven. May 3!, '55. 1 R. W. WEAVER, ESQ.: Dear Sir, —The amount of Toll collected at tins Office during the month of May, 1855, is $27,109 08 Amount per last report, 13.136 21 Whole amount from Ist Dec. lust 40,145 29 " " same period last yoar 43,765 23 Decrease " " this year"s3,6l9 94 Kespectlully yours, PETER ENT, Collector. NOTICE! 7%JOTICE is hereby given that the under signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia county Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charier for a Bank to be located at Bloomsburg, to be called the 11 BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priv iliges of issue, discount and ith a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Waa. Snyder, K. B. Arthur, E. Mendenbali, • J Ephraim P. Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharplees. Lloyd Paxton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenbali, Bloomsburg, June 20, 1855 6in. So 0® KB, L©J ORADUATEof 0 RADUATEof, he Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, oilers bis pro fessional services to the public. References t C. Harlan, M. 0., Wilmington, Delaware. 8. Armor, M. D., Marietta, Ps. H. N. Geurnsey, Frankfort, Penn'a. Prof. VV. A. Gardner, M. D. " Waltor Williamson, M. D. M A. E. Small, A.M. &M. D. Office at the American House, Bloomsburg, Col. county, Pa. Jnne 14, 1855.—31. Registration Certificates For the use of olergymen, justices, pliysi ■an* and ether persons in registering marria gee and deaths as required by the new Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of the Sur of (he North." SPECIAL NOTICES. PERIIAM'S GIFT ENTERPRISE. —The Com mittee appointed by the shateholders in this affair, to distribute the 100.000 Gilts amongst the ticket holders, have deferred the distri bution until the sih of July, on account ol there remaining unsold some few thousands of tickets. Mr. Perlmm, ever anxious to meet the views of Iris patrons, offers extraor dinary inducements to Agents to engage in the sale of the remaining tickets, so that there ntay be no more delays, which are un questionably as vexatious to him as to those who have purchased tickets in his enter prise. We commend the reading ol his ad vertisement to our patrons, and hope that each and all will lend a helping hand to bring the rrinlter to an early and satisfactory consummation. TO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA. St'IHEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. 1 beg leave to call the attention of the citi zens o! Pennsylvania to tho above article, manufactured by myself exclusively, at my Factory in Schiedam, in Holland, expressly for medicinal purposes. It is made from the best Barley that can be sejected in Europe and the essence of an ar omatic Italian berry, of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal properties; and it has long since acquired a higher reputation, ooth in Europe and America, than any other dieliu bevetage. In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism; in Ob structions of the Bladder nod Kidneys, and Debility of the Urinary Functions, its. ef fects are prompt, decided, and invariably re liable. And it is not only a Remedy for these maladies, but, in all cases in which they are produced by Drinking Bad Water, which is, almost universally, the cause of them, it op erates as a Sure Preventive. The distressing effect upon the Stomach, Bowels, and Bladder, to travelers, new resi dents, and all persons unaccustomed totiiem produced by (he waters of nearly all our great inland rivers like the Ohio, Mississippi, and Alabama, from the large quantity of decay. | ed \ egetable matter contained in them, in a I slate ol solution, is well known : as is also j that of the wuiers of limestone regions, in producing Gravel, Calculi, and Stone in the Bladder. The AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS is an absolute corrective ol all these injurious properties of bad tva'er and consequently prevents the disease which they occasion. It is also tound lo be a cure and preventive of Fever and Ague, a com- j plaint caused by the conjoint effects of vege table malaria in the atmosphere, and vegeta- i ble putrescenses in the waters of those dis tricts in which it principally prevail* The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is consequent ly in great demand by persons travelling, or about to settle in those parts of the country especially; as well as by many in every community where it has become known on account of its various other remedial proper lies. More than three thousand physicians. ! i amotig whom are numbered the greatest names belonging to the faculty of medicine in this country, have certified, over their own signatures, to the valuable medicinal proper ties of such an article, as the severest tests huveproved the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps to be, and have accepted it as a roost desira ble uddiiiou lo the materia mcdica. Put up in quart and pint battles, enveloped in yellow paper with my name on the bot tle, cork sod seal. For sale by ul! respecta ble Druggists and Grocers. UGOLPHO WOLFE, 18, 20, & 22 Ueuver s'reet, N. Y 25 South Front street, l'tiiluda. 1 beg leas e to call the attention of the pub lic to the following letters from physicians: "Laboratory, N. Y., May 2, 1855. "MR. UPDOLPHO WOLFE— Dear Sir: lean not speak to highly ol the purity of your Schi edam Schnapps. It is decidedly superior to anything of the kind in market. It is per fectly fieo fiom lite admixture ol fusil oil, or o! any of those arnjl e compounds which produce such a mischievous and irreparable effect upon tint constitution, anil which very few samples of alcoholic distilled liquors are without —most ol them being largely impreg nated with it. 1 have personally inspected the various piocess of distillation practiced at Schiedam, and know that unusual care is taken lo separate the noxious elements Ircm l tie pure alcohol, and your Schnapps is a striking proof of its success. As a medici nal agent for chronic and renal affections, 1 have successfully prescribed it, and recom mend it as an agreeable cordial and harm less stimulant, ami shall continue to do so : as well as to use it as a source of pure alco i hoi for chemical investigations and experi ments. Yours obedient, ISAIAH DECK. Consulting Analytical Chemist." Dr. Charles A. Leas, Commissioner of Health, Baltimore, writes as follows in rela tion to the value of Schnapps as a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, fee. The letter is dated July 27, 1853: "I.lake great pleasure in bearing highly creditable testimony to its efficacy as a rem edial agent in the diseases for which you rec ommend it. Having a natural tendency to the mocous surfaces, with a slight dcree of stimulation, I regard it as one of the" most important remedies in chronic catarrhal af fections, particularly Lioso of the gettito uri nary apparatus. Willi much repsecl, your obedient servant, CIIABI.ES A. LEAS. " PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 1853. " Mr, Udulphn Wolfe, No, 3 eavcr si., N. Y—Dear Sir: List sea son the writer receivod through your agent in this cilj, s botffo 0 f your Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, and since lliut period has prescribed tho tumo in certain forms of urinary complaints, also in cases of debility in aged persons. So faq the Schnapr s fans been of much benefit to those using it • * In conclusion, where a diuretic and stimulant is required, 1 should nso the Aro matic Schiedam Schnapps. Thanking you for your kiuduess, 1 am respectfully yours A. D. CHALONER, M. D, 180.Soulh Eighth st. Tho subjoined letter from Dr PAINE, of Manchester, N. 11., relates to ono of the most valuable medicinal properties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps, and shows that it acta as a suecifi: in a very painful disease—the Gruv " Mr. WOLYK Permit me to address you a few lines, which you are at liberty to uso if you think proper, in respect lo your medicine, colled Schiedam Schnapps. 1 have had a very oustinate case of grovel ond stone, of some five years standing, causing very acute pain in eveiy attempt to urinate, After using many remedies without much relief, I was induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In tho course of threco days it proved effectual, dislodging large pieces of stone, some of which were us lurge as a marrowfat pes. I contiuued the cor dial, according to diicctions, and the patient continued to gain, and is fast recovering, I think a medicine of so-much value in so dis- ■ Irtssing a complaint, should be know,-, lo tho public, and the world at large. And i, for ono must give it my approbation and signature. Taos. PAIRK, M. D." From Dr. JOHN S. REESE, Chemist, Baltt oie, Md. Sept. 15, 18fd " A number o' our physicians are ordering the article, and several have already prescribed it A gentleman of my own personal acquuint* a nee haying suffered greatly with an affection of the ktdneya and bladder, took two bottles, aad subsequeiidy pasted a stone of consider a > ble site, and wss greatly relieved. It will, no doubt go into general use." May 30, 1855 —3m. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL.- The mer its of this purely vegetable extract for the removal ant! cure ol physical prostration, genital debility, nervous afftctions, &c., &c., are fully described in another coin .nil of this paper, to which the reader is referred. &2 per bottle, 3 bottlos for &5 ; six bottles for >8 ; sl6 per dozen. CF"Observe the marks of the genuine. Prepared only by S. E. Cohen, No. 3 Frank lin Row, Vine St., Philadelphia Pa., to whom all orders mast be addressed. For Sale by all the respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. T. VV. J)YOTT FC SONS, NO. 13& North 2nd st., Philadelphia, Sale Agents Tor Pennsyl vania. _____ IMPORTANT TO FEMALES —DR.CIIKESEMANS' 1 PILLS.-- The combination* of ingredients in 1 these Pills, is the result of a long and cx- , tensive practice; thfy arc mild in their oper I atioi*, m.d certain in restoring natuco to iu i proper channel. In evory instnnco hve the Pills proved successful. Tho Pills invaria bly open those obstructions to which females are li.rblo, and bring nature into its proper jhntinel, whereby baa th is restored, and tho pale and deadly countenance changed to n healthy one, Mo female can enjoy goou| health unless she is icgulai ; and whenever au obstruction takes place, whether from ex posure, cold, or any other ca'jse, the general health immediately begins to decline, and the want of such a remedy ha- been tho c&us€ of so many consumptions among young female. To ladies uliote health will not permit an in 'creace of their family, IhcfO Pills will prove a valuable acquisition, as they will prevent j pregnancy. Headache, pain in tho side, pal pitation of the heart, loathing of food, and I distuibcJ slecn do mrvt, tlwavs arise from the interruption of ?:&tuie; and whenever that is tho case, tho Pills will invariably remedy all | these evils. Nor aro they Isss efficacious in the cure of Lcucoirhoen, commonly culled the "Whites," These Pills should never he ta. ken during preg nancy, an they would be sure to cause a rniscarrigae. Waruntedto he purelv Vegetable, and free from any thing injurious to life or health. Full and explicit directions a .'Company each box. These Pills are put up in square flat boxeH. Pcrons residing where there aro 110 agency established, by enclosing One Dollar in a let ! ter p Mlpai dto r. C. h. Clieusemaii, No. 26? Ulecker street, N cw York City, can have the in sent to their respective udurejjos by return of iiiail. ■ill! Ill— I ■■II WI.Mi MIIU .I—Bg—B—M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE JIES WANTED IMMEDIATELY t FEW more active ami enterprising ynnng men can lind immediate employment bv which lliey can easily make SSOO to SI6OO a year, to aoi as Agents (or several new popu lar works just published, exclusively for Agents and not (or sale in Bookstores. We have a great number of Agents em ployed, many ol whom are making from t-15 to S2O per week. Those who wish loengage in this pleasant, profitable business, will (or ! particulars, requisites &c., address, post-paid: C L. DERBY & CO., Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers, Sandusky City. Ohio. Editors cf Newspapers, by giving the above and following three insertions, and j calling attention to it, and sending a copy of I their paper containing it, will in return, re ceive any three ol the following works, viz:- Life ol Josephine, by Deadly, SIJ " Lafayette, do lj " Napoleon, do ij l Wild Scenes o! a Ilunler's Life, 1J Lives of Mary and Alarlha Washington, J j Odd -Fellows' Amulet, 1 Any person wishing any o( the above books can bate them sent by mail tree of postage on the receipt ot the above retail ptiee. DERBY & Co. HC WT~ AND RAILROAD OAINIHUS LINE. fJMIE undersigned respectfully inform thoir ! J- Iriemls and the public that they have taken the EXCHANGE HOTEL, in Blooms burg, located on Alain S'.ieet, directly oppo site the Court House, which has been thor oughly repaired and improved, where they are prepared lo accommodate their custom ers with good fare anil to general satisfaction. Tliey also have in connection with the Exchange Hotel, an excellent OMNIBUS LINE, running regularly several limes per day, lo and from the Depot on the nnival of the Cars, by which passengers will be pleasant ly conveyed to the Depot Station, or tnken from and returned to their residences, it de sired. They will always be happy to entertain a nit accommodate their friends lo the ut most of their abilities. JOHN SNYDER, GEO. A. HERRING. Bloumsburg, May 20, 1855. TO BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. fjMIE undersigned is prepared lo undertake -*• and finish in the best workmanlike style all work in the department of SHXCHZLAYItTGr. He will personally superintend the work, and find n sntfioienl number of good hands for vvtiom he will be responsible lo do all work he undertakes at the shortest notice. Work will be dor.e lo order either by contract or by time. GORDON R. GOFF. Bloomsburg, May 30, 1855. ISOINTY I.AAi IIS." A GREKABLY to the law ofllie 3d March, 1855, persons who have been mustered into the service of tho United Stales, and served fourteen days, are entitled to receive a Land Warrant for 160 antes, and those per sons who have received less quantity, ure now entitled to receive a Warrant sufficient to make the 160 aeres. The undersigned has received the law and the lorms adopted by the department at Washington, and will undertake the procur ing of Warrants for those who may desire his services. R. )V. WEAVER. Bloomsburg, March 16, 1855, SCtUA FOUNTAIN. r>R J. B- TAGGART has arranged a soda fountain in his drugstore in the Ex change Block, where all who are thirsty can obtain a pleasant, healthful und refreshing drink, such as will do a temperance stomach good and wont " muke drunk come." Bloomsburg, May 31, 1855. LEATHER. Frita, Hendry fc Co., No. 29 NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, fIUKRIEUS £i IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS, a.id dealers in lleJ and Oak SOLS LEATHER & KIPP. Feb. 9, 1855. l_y, * BLANKS! JJLANKS!! BLANKS M DEEDS. SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBFCENAS, AND JUDGMENT 'NOTES, paper and desirable forms, fo sale at the office of the "Star of the North-" b ANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new styles, and fresh trom New York and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store M'KELVY, NEAL & CO EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS Syi\ hundred for sale a ibi office Sevastopol not Taken! BUT THE SECOND ARRIVAL, NOT of ailies, but of a new assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS by A. C. Mensch at the corner of Main and Market Stroet. His 1 first lot he soon sold down pretty low, but has now filled 1l out with a so that he can supply ev< ry reasonable want of his customers and tho public. He has re ceived a varietv ot new styls DRESS GOODS, and everything to make up a complete as sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, VIZ. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens ware, Cedar-ware, Holloa-war , Drugs, FISH, SALT, COAL, BLASTER, IRON, Nails, Boots, Slices, ilats, Caps, Ac. Ac. In short, every thing usually kept n: coun try S ores, to which he invites the public generally: CP" Cash, Lumber, Old Ion, ami Coun try Produce taken in exchange lor Goods, at the highest market price. A. C. MENScII. Blonmsbnrg, June 7, 55.—y. DAS LIGUT~Fok COISTRY HOUSES. No excuses fur burning Camphine, Fluid, Candles, <Syc. dj-c. THE subscriber is now prepared to sell County Riff his for using Ucngolc or Atmospher ic Gas. The above is one of the most beau tiful as well as the CIIKAPKST aitificinl light that has ever been offered to tho public. It is more brilliant and less than one half the cost of Coul Gas. It is perfectly HARMLESS, no trruhle whatever, and the Generator is no larger than an ordinary Gas Mater. For further information apply to Hoffman, Leiuau A Ogelsbv, Gas Fitters, No. 13 South Seventh Street, between Market and Cirest nut, Philadelphia, where the Gas can be seen in practical operation. County Rights will he sold at such rales as will enable any person to make a handsome piofu oil their in vestment. For further particulars respecting 'he Gas, or negotiation lor County Rights, address post-paid. W. C. WITTERS, Sole Agent for the Stale of Ponna. Or apply personally to him at No. 13 S. Seventh St., I'hilada. June 7, 1855 —6t. EXTRAORDINARY VOT To Agents for procuring Subscribers for Tickets at #1 Uacli IN PERIIAM'S GREAT 100,000 GIFT EN TERPRISE ! The distribution of the Gifts being definitely firetl for JULY bill, 1855. Any person sending $lO may deduct 10 per Sent, or will receive 11 Tickets. Each person sending SIOO before tho sih | of July, will, its addition to commissions, be presented with a Mammoth Gold I'eu end Case, valued at $lO. I Each person sending S2OO before the sth | of July, will, in addition to commissions, be presented with a Silver Watch, valued at I *- 5 - | Each person sending S3OO before the Sir. of July, will, if. addition to commissions, he presented with a Gold Watch, valued at SSO. Each person sending SSOO before the sth ot July, will, in addition to commissions, bo presented with a Gold Watch, valued at SIOO. The petson who shall send, before 'he sth of July, the largest amount above SSOO, will, in addition to commissions, be presented with a piano, valued at S2OO 1 have been induced to make the above liberal oilers in order to remove a senle l ob jection in the minds of your committee, to I having the distribution take place while I there remain in my hands tickets unsold, and for which cause they have seen fit to deter the partition of the gifts, which was fixed for the 27tii insl., to the sdi of July, us will be seen by reference to their proceed ings, published below. 1 assure yon that the postponement is us vexatious to me as [itis to those who have purchased tickets. I therefore hope that each ande' ery one now interested, will yo-operato wtlb me in the eflbri to dispose ot the few thousand tickets remaining unsold, and thus advance the in terests of the vt liole b.dy of shareholders. Respectfully yours, J. PERUAM. TO THE PATRONS OF Perhniu's third Gift Enterprise. At a meeting of the Committee of Share holders of Periiam's Gift Enterprise, held at the Academy llall, Broadway, on Wednes day Evening, April 18ih, 1855, tire follow ing preamble and resolutions were adopted and ordered to be published : Whereas, in view of the fact that several enterprises have been started and carried on with a seeming positive purpose of defraud ing those who could be persuaded to par chase tickets therein; and such fraudulent proceedings have exerted nn injurious influ ence in the sale of tickets in the enterpiise of Mr. Durham: and whereas, it is deemed essential that all the tickets should bo dispo sed ol before the distribution takes place, be it therefore Resolved, That in order to allow time for that purpose, the distribution be postponed until the sdi ot July, at such place as may hereafter be determined on. Resolved, That the committee have undi minished confidence in the integrity of Mr. Perham, and in tiis disposition to conform to all his published promises to his patrons. ROBE BEATTY,JH., Chairman. REMEMBER! The Tickets are only $1 Each. And each Ticket admits Four Persons to Perham's Burhnpte t peril, fid 3 Broadwav, N. Y; anil that among the Gifts to be dis tributed, are A splendid farm of over 100 acres, worth 16,000 1 Loan of Cash, 6 000 1 do. do. 2,000 1 do. do. 1,000 2 do. do. SSOO each, 1.000 10 do. do SIOO each, l'oOO Trotting Mare, Lilly Dale, 1,500 5 Rosewood Pianos, SSOO each, 2,500 5 do. do. S3OO each, 1,500 The Great Mirror of N. F Scenery, 2a,000 3 Splendid Carriages, $225 each, 675 10 Gold Watches, SIOO each, 1,000 40 do. do. SSO each, 2,000 100 Gold Pens and Cases, $5 each, 500 5,000 Gold Pens, $3 each, 15,Q00 Ac., Ac, Ac. All orders for Tickets, by mail, and all let ters for information, should be addressed to JOSEPH PERHAM, 663 Broadway New York. Orders will now be received for Tick ets in Periiam's Fourth Gift Enterprise. May 11) 1855.—Jw. Fresh Arrival! A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints juat received by railroad and for sale by A. C. MENSCH, THIBET SHAWLS with Silk fringe, a fine lot just received and for sale by A. A. C. MENSCH. Af USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for 64 eeuis just received by A C. MENSCH. I TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! <£& csacE> a HAVE just received and opened (heir slock of merchandize for Fall and Winter sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Ihiu)TOVVNI Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can, compete with tl ,e ' cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving tfa a cr "- We riuve all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADSES DRESS CiOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, do hages, poplins, pjrarnetla cloths, mohair lustres, muslin do laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ac. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, hunaWeroltiefs. flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vol vet ribbons, and braids, kid, colion, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, Ac., All kinds ot SHAWLS, broche, flay State, Watervdle, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ■rd, Ac. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattiuulis, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KIXDS SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We have a large assortment ot Hals and Caps of latest fashions. Wo have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, Ac. Very cheap carpets, carpel bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, Ac. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling*, drillings, Ac., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el e where. We have bought onrgoods at Lowest Cash Prices and will riot be undersold by anybody, or tie rest or mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. E3£l S3aacoco. <£2 HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing ! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on hand a lafe and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bull, casimere, marseilles, lineri and worsted oi all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and" striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of <>enlle man's dress goods ; flats. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and " They have UnAersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelts, Gloves, Mitts, Ludies'a bead-bag Hundkerchiefs, &c., Ac. Also Jewelry and Notions, sach as Rings, Breast pins. Gold and Silver Pens ami Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmonies, Spectacles Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. CsT Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Blootnsburg, May 18th 1854. j>. DREIFUSS, A Co. JYJE WEPRIJVG& SUAGOODS DAVID lOWIHTEBJte INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlothing at his store ou Market street, two doors above the "American House," where ho has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including O'A£ISIII<S2?AISLIB miE3O i|OX, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders uiui fancy articles. 1 N.-B. ' lie will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to i rear, and most oi it is of homo iiiauufau luro. Bloomsburg, May 16lh 1854-3 m. "THE OPEN BIBLE." j iCEKTS wauled lo sell a NEW WORK, I euiiiletl " Paganism. Popery ami Cliris | linnity,"or the BLESSING of an OPEN Bl | BLE," as shown in the Hisiory el Christian j ny, from Iho lime of our Saviour lo the pres ent day, by Vineenl \V. iMiller. With a view ol the latest developments of Rome's Hostil ity lo the Bible, as exhibited in vatious parls ot the world, and an expose of the absurdi ties of tile immaculate conception, and the idolatrous veneration of the Virgin Mary, by Rev. J. I*'. Bern, D. D., author ol "The Jes uits," "Church and Stale," &o. &e. The au- I thor of this work, Dr. Berg, is i to be the most able writer on Romanism in the the country; IIIOSB who have read his | discussions with Archbishop Hughes will need no assurance of this fact Agents will find this the most able work published; it is a large 12irto. volume, of lour hundred and thirty pages, illustrated with numerous engravings, Lieuutifully and substantially bound, and sold at Si 25 per copy. Specimen copies sent by mail, post-paid, to any part ol the United States, on receipt ol the above price. Send for a copy, and judge for yourselves. Address J. W. BRADLEY,"Publisher, 48 North Fourth Street PHILADELPHIA. May 24th, 1856. PUBLIC SALE OF RIfEESTATET ■ N pursuance of the last will and testament -*• of Joshua Webb, the undersigned Execu tor of the said estate will, on Saturday the 4 111 day of August next, at 1 o'clock in the alteinoon upon the premises, expose to pub lie sale a tract of Valuable L;tn<l. In Centre township Columbia county, layin<" ai'mitf the public highway leading Irom Bloo'insbnrg lo Berwick, and lately the resi dence pf Joshua Webb, adjoining lands of ' Nathaniel L. Campbell, John J. Webb, M. 1 Baker and Levi and Philip Miller, contain ing between l> and 7 acres, on which there are a Frame Dwelliiig House, a blacksmith shop, a frame barn, a frame I stable and other outbuildings. ALSO, immediately thereafter upon the ' following premises, a tract of land adjoining I Garrison's limestone quarry, N. L. Camp hell's limeetO! e quarry, in Scott township containing about Two and a hull acres, on a part ol which there is an excellent Limestone Quarry IIJW opened, and two lime kilns abreast and in condition ready for use: as also a lime bouse. There is also on this tract a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by SOLOMON NEYHARD, Executor. Lima liidge,May 15 1855. Public Sale or Real Estate. IN pursuance of un order of the ORPHANS COURT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, on Saturday, the 23d day of June next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Michael Phillips Administrator &0., of William J. Jones, lute of Locust township, in said county, decea sed, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain Tlt ACT OF LAND, situate in Lccu>( township, Columbia coun ty, containing about Iweulv five* or thirty acres, adjoining lands of Richard Morgan, John Pitner and David Griffith, lying along the public rouil leading from Cattuwissa to Poltsville. on which there are erected a one and a half story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, and an old barn. There is on the promi ses a Uood Apple Orchard, and a variety of other choice and good fruit trees : also a never failing spring of water near the honse. Lute lite Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Loonsl and county aloresaiit, MICHAEL PHILLIPS, Adm'r. By order of the Court. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloornsburg, May 24 1865,—t5. ESSENCE OF COFFEE 'Vor sale at iiie cheap store of A. J. EVANS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bloomsbuvg,' |3u. HIRAM W. THORNTON. M KUCHA NT.—Store on the South side of - Slum Street, second square below Mar ket. davidlowenbergl ~ £JLOTiIING STORE, on Main street, two v - / doors above the 'American House." SIMON DREiFUSSrsTCfT HING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. A J. EVANS. - MERCHANT.—Store on the tipper part ot Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8- I SHIVE, MANUFACTURER OK FURNITURE I AND CABINET W A RE.—Warerbom hi Sluve's Block, on Main Street. A.M. RUPERT, Tc, ANU STOVE DEALER -l Shop on South side of Main street be low Market. JOSEPH Sll A ISTZ. Store in the Exchange Hotel 6 " ie Kx<:ba "l e . TTna „*•W ; WEAVER, A fir i n 'r 1 ! LAvv —Office on the first floor of tho "Star" Building, ou Main street. *" SHARPLKSS & iHELII K, j pOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Bui'd J- ingsouthe alley bet ween the "Exchange | ant! "American H'juha." n J. s,r 7" p 1" " !e Sou| li Side of Main Street, first squire below Market. A. C. MENSCH, I\,| I.RCIIAN i*.—Store North West corner JJA ol Main uni Market Streets. HIRAM CT HOWE It, fcjUhGEON DENTIST.— Office near the ►or Academy ou i htrd Street. iH-RELV Y. NEAL & 007, [VI ERCHANJS.—Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. Ml A HPLKSS A M ELI tK, ltf ANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c.-Eslablish ment ou Main street, next building c.bove ho Court-house. I! EN R Y Z I PP7\ G ETH CLOCK and \\ ATCHAI AKETt, south side of Maiu street, above llie Railroad. Every kind ol disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements lailbfull re- ! paired. PU RDON'B DIG EST. A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase n copy of Purdoti'g Digest, can be accommodated bv applying at he this otfee OMNIBUS LINK AND LIVERY BTARLE. S2Tg TATOW runs anew omnibus between Blooms burg ami the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of the town, or the Ametienn House and Folks Hotel; ami he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsburg twice daily at 10 j o'clock A. M., and at 2 o'clock P. M. He has aleo a large livery stable connected with the omnibus hue, from, which he can accommodate the publio, with conveyances lor travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Bloomsburg. April 24, 1855.—1y. IRON STEEL, ami every kind of Hard wate for sale by McKELVY, NEAL&Co, Most of tho People hating teen Sam, THE KNCROSSINO QUESTION NOW I IUVS TOU READ BAM? VVh.oh is supposed to mean the LIFE OF SAM HOUSTON, A beautiful 12 mo. vol., fully illnslraled. contaimng an Authentic Narrative of the Eventful and Stirring Life of the Illustrious Senator, Hero, Patriot and Statesman, and now when ominous clouds of sectional discords, and threatening of Civil War on our Western Frontier, come thick and fastb all eyes are turned to the Men for the Times. 7he Second Old Hickory— Jackson's Ft tend. The Hero of San Jacinto. The Conqueror of Smh Anna. The First President of Texas. The Future Ticsidcnt of the United States. •' This book will win him hosts ol friends.' —-Louisville Jour. ■ i'. ver y American should poseess if."— N. O. Excess. ••Hons.on .is a man of prominence at this lime. His namb ~u the moulhaol men.'" —American Organ, J.'- C. •• A strange uud advci.turnffs life—beyond that ol most men."—A'. O. Ciesceitt, •'intensely interesting, and will be read by millions."— Hinghnm (Mass ) Journal. No uirvel ever presented a more attrac tive taue.''— Star Spangled Banner. " He can capture wuh his sword, or capti vate with ek.quei.cctt'— Troy Whig. •' Thousand* ol his friends will read it with enthusiasm."— Chiistian Enquirer. •'lt should be in the hands ol every Amer ican citizen."— Concord (N. H) Journal. " In languagesuch as will touch the heart, the outline of Houston's career.'— Savannah (Geo ) Jour. " It is a work ol the most romantic, hero ic interest."—A r . Y. Mirror. , •' For executive action in peace or war, a statesman a and soldier.'— Newberryport Her ald. '• His name mid history Americans will love to cherish."— Buff. Christ. Ado. "A reemd riot unworthy a Presidential candidate."— Prov Post. '• A national man, who has fnught and bled and lived fur the American Republic."--finer icun Patriot. " Would t ere were more like him among our public mcu."— Uospet Banner " The woik throughout is one of deep anil thrilling interest.'— Christ. Freeman. " We have read the work with istense in terest ' — Schenectady Il'/lcctor. " l ull ol imccdotc, adventure and thrilling incident '' — Chic. Budget. '•An extremely interesting and graphic memoir. ''-Boston Transcript. " Will engage tho uitenlion of the readur from the opening to the close."— Rochester Union. '• Destined to have a large sale, for Sani is popular."— llirt. Bepub. ' The champion of Jackson, respected, be- Iriei.ded and beloved by him."— Buff, llepub. " Will everywhere be read with much in terest, it is a copious and brilliant narrative." —N Y. Com Advertiser. The above is but the key note of many fa vorable notices, Irotn the leading papers of the United Stales. Thousand* of American citizens are reading he book with delight. Many nibre are waiwrig lor an opportunity to possess it. Price 81,25. And for sale by all booksellers. Shigle Copies sent by mail (post-paid,) ori receipt of price. 10,006 AGENTS WANTED, liberal terms allowed address J. C. DERBY, J'ublislier, 113 Nassau street New York. June 5, '55. ASTOUNDING WORK BY A MORMON OPIUITUAL DELUSIONS—Bnxayt KEY O to tho Mysteries of Mormonism and the • Spiritual Wile" system, as practised by Rrisharn Young and his associates at Great Salt Lake City. By a Mormon and his wife, secedera Irom that singular sect. Beautifully illustrated. This interesting tvork bids fair to ' run like wildfire,' coming as it does at a time when the peculiarities ol the Mormon people, and their defiant attitude towards our government, are exciting such universal attention through out tho United States. The book gives a full and explicit exposition pf the blasphemous M'crtn ceremonies of Mormon ism, the authors having been personally initiated into the Re volting Mystery of the Spiritual Wife System during their residence tit Utah. The numer ous illustrations give spirited representations of the Mysterious Initiation Riles, of the Tern, pie, and other starting scenes, showing the Grand Turk, Btigham Young, at home in his HaretA—the whole forming a book that ought to be earnestly read and reflected on by ev ery family. PRlCE.—lllustrated with Key to Mysteries 23 cents. Illustrated and tuniaiing Scenea374 cle. Fully Do.—richly colored 50 cn. 1,000 Agents wanted iminedia'eiy, to cir culate this woik throughout the length and breadih ol iha land. Copies sent, post-paid, upon receipt of price Address A. RANNEY, Publisher ot Maps St Books, ISS llroadvvay,N. Y. June 5, '55. Orphans Court Male IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, the undersigu ed Trustee appointed by said court in the matter ot ihc Estate of Mary Applemau, de ceased, will on Saturday, the 23d Bay of Juno next, at 1 o'clock, ii: the afternoon, expose to pub lic sale upon ihe premises a certain Piece anil Cot or Land, sitnete in the town of Bloomsbun;, Colum bia county, containing about ONE HALF ACRE, fronting on Third Street of said town, an the south side tif said street, adjoining arid of Robert 11. Arihtir on the east and ■onill, and laud of Daniel Shive's heirs on he West. CONDITIONS ok SixtE—Ten per cent, of the illrchuae money to bo paid on the day of ■ale: one half on die confirmation of the tale by Court; nrid the balance on Ihe first Jay of April next, with interest from the day if confirm ation. JOHN SNYDER. Bloomsburg, May 24 ( 1855. Trustee. Orphans Cotirt Sale! _ IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans -ourt of ilontour county, on SATURBNY, he T.ii day of July next, at 1 o'clock in the n.Venoon, Juo. D. Runyan Administrator of Win. Ileiidershot, late of Madison township, Jolumbia co., deu'd, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain judivided one seventh part ot A LOT or LAND, lituate in Anthony twpg Montour county, ad orning lauds of David Cox, Jaines McDow ilt and John CrawforJ, containing about Five Acres jf unimproved land, without any buildings n use. Late the estate of said dye'd, situate n the township of Anthony, Montour co iforosnid. HIRAM A. CHILD®. ' Danville, June 6, 1835. C'erk ADMINLSTRATRIX' SNO TI GET * Estate of Oliver Helm, dee'd. JVOTICE is hereby given to all person* in debted to said estate to nuke payment :o the subscriber at the residence of the late DliverHelm, in Beaver township, Columbia 3onnty, without delay, and all persons hav. iug claims will present them duly anthenti laled for settlement. HARRIET HELM, Administrdlrix Beaver twp., May 25, 1855.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers