THE STAR OF THE NORTH. K. W. Weaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. THE STAR OF THE NORTH ' . ITBLIBLLED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY K. W. WIiAVEB, OFFICE — Up stun t, in Ikt new brick build ing, on the south tide 0/ Main Stteet, thiid square below Market. TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the lime of sub scribing ; two dollars ami fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISF.MENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three limes for One Dollar and twenty five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise bv the year. CHOICE POETRY. SPA It KING SUNDAY NIGHT. Sitting in the corner On a Sunday eve, With a taper finger Resting on your sleeve; Starlight eyes are casting On your face their light; Bte.s me ! this is'pleasant- Sparking Sunday night! How your heart is thumping 'Gainst your Sunday vest— How wickedly 'lis working On this day ol rest ; Hours seem bui minutes As they lake their flight; Bless me ! airit it pleasant— Sparking Sunday night? Dad and mam are sleeping On their peaceful bed, ; Dreaming of the things The folks in meeting said, Love ye one another!" Ministers recite; Bless me ! don't we do i'! Sparking Sunday night? One arm with gentle pressure, I/tngeu round her waist, You squeeze her simple hand, Her pouting lips you taste ; She freely slaps your lace, But more in love than spite; O! thunder! ami it pleasant Sparking Sunday night? But hark! the clock is striking, It's two o'clock, I smim! As sure as I'm a sinner, The time to go has come; You ask with spiteful accents, If "that old clock is right." As wonder if it ever Sparked on a Sunday night.' One, two, three sweet kisses, Four, five, six you hook— But, thinking lhat you rob her, Give back tnose you took; Then, as forth you hurry, Frotp the fair one's sight, Don t you wish each day was 'Only Sunday flight! SPEECH FROM THE GALLOWS. —Ias. Parks, who was executed at Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, fot the murder of a man named Beat •on, made quite a long speech form the gal lows. Referring to his family, lie said : "1 leave a dear wife, who has, in my long confinement, been ar> angel in her solicitude and care of me. 1 had never known her virtues, had it not been for my sad misfor tunes. I leave a dear inlant, who has beeu Uught to clasp its arms avound my neck, and whom 1 love dearly. I leave aged pa renta, now rear eighty years old, Irom whose kind hearts I had hoped to keep the sad news ol the ignominious fate of their son. (Here his voice faltered, and he burst into tears.) It was fot the sake of all these that I attempted yeste-day to shorten my life a day. "When lam taken hence, give my body to my wife. I commend her and the chil dren to you. Let her no', suffer in waht." Here tome kind person proposed to express the feelings of those present, by taking up a contribution, and it was done on the spot, and sl4 60 was contributed on the spot. On seeing it, Purks seemed moved by the kind ness, and thanked them with considerable emotion. He concluded by declaring his in nocence, and gave the signal for his execu tion, by dropping a handkerchief." WOMEN VS. LADIES —Mr Jno. Bronghman in responding to a toast complimentary to the Ladies, at the Mitchell banquet, usea the following language: There was only one thing about lite toast 'with which he was disposed to feel captious, and that was the word "ladies." Why not say "women?" Ob! what a fine delicious word was that! One had to curl hie lips round it, and it stock to his lips aa though it i would never get out. (Applause.) Woman-- ft kind, he thought might be divided into three > % classes. The nearest thing to heaven upon j earth, waa a pure and perfect woman. (Ap plause.) Then w# come to tire ladies. A cMf expensive thing was a lady. (Laugh ter.) Ob, no! we would have no ladies. A worn art was a thing to be loved—a lady was • 4&t> admire. Then came the third ' rfcestlkl f—•- 1 - Ob! astrong laioito*, cold-hearted class. (Laughter.) i;hilly ■rmU be Rive up the Molly Coddles ,„ f ,tyar ft Woman would give up their females. (Laognter.) "SAM" A NATIVE OF ROM*.— Martin Luth er gave this account of the order which rar y decided in many re- speo(s to the present organisation ; ' m "In Italy there wi • particular order ef friars called fhriret Jghorastii*, i. e. "Breth ren of Ignorance," whAlhok a solemn oath that they would neither kuovr, learn, ner un derstand anything at a!l, s butartswer all things wiih Ntuio, 'I know Lk ther't Table Talk, No. 43t. MORE "CHURCH AND STALPASJFTLF-TL 88 ' •endeu, the newly elected •* " 10 Rhode Island Assembly, is a Un'rtlf Cler gyman BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1855. IRVING'B LIFB OP WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON'* LOVE AFFAIRS. lii one of these manuscript memorials of his practical studies and exercises, we have come npon some documents singularly in contrast with all that be have just cited and wiih his apparently unromantic character.— In a word, there are evidences in his own handwriting lhat, before he was fifteen years of age, he had conceived a passion for some unknown beauty, so serious as to disturb bis otherwise well-regulated mind and to mtke him really unhappy. Why this juvenile at tachment was a source of unhanpiness we have no positive means of ascertaining. Pet haps the object of it may have considered him a mero school-boy and Irealod him as such ; or his own shyness may have been in his way, and bis "rules for behavior and con versation" may as yet have sat awkwardly on him and rendered hint formal and ungain ly when he most sought to please. Even in later years he was apt to be silent and em barrassed in female society. "He was a very bashful young man," said an old lady whom he used to visit when they were both in their nonage. " I used olteu to wish that he would talk more." Whatever may have been the reason, this early attachment seems to have been a source of poignant discomfort to him. It clung to him after he took a final leave of school in the autumn of 1747, and went to reside with his brother Lawrence at Mount Vernon. Here he continued his Mathematical studies and his practice of surveying, disturbed at times by recurrences of his unlucky passion. Tho' by no means of a poetical temperament, the waste pages of his journal betray several at tempts to pour lorth his amorous sorrows in verse. They are more commonplace rhymes, such ns lovers at his age ore apt to write, in which he bewails his " poor restless heart, wounded by Cupid's dart," and "bleeding for one who remains pitiless of his griefs and woes." The tenor of some of his verses induces us to believe that lie never told his love, but, as we have already surmised, was prevented by his bashfulness. 'Ah, wo is me, that 1 should love and conceal; Long have I wished and never dare reveal.' It is difficult to reconcile one's self to the idea of the cool and sedate Washington, the great champion of American liberty, a woe worn lover in his youthful days, "sighing like furnace" an indicting plaintive verses about the groves of Mount Vernon. We are glad of an opportunity, however, of penetrating to hit native feelings, and finding that under his studied decorum and reserve he had a heart of flesh, throbbing with the warm im pulses of human nature. The merits of Washington were known and appreciated by the Fairfax family.— Though not quite sixteen years of age he no longer seemed a boy, nor was he treated as such. Tall, Rtldetic and manly for his years, his early self-training and the code of con duct he had devised, gave a gravity and de cision to his conduct; his frankness and modesty inspired cordial regard, and the mel ancholy of which he speaks may have pro duced a softness in his manner calculated to win favor in ladies' eyes. According to his own account, the female society by which he was surrounded had a soothing effect on his melancholy. The charms of Miss Carey, the sister of the bride, seem even to have caused a slight fluttering in his bosom; which however, was constantly rebuked by the re membrance of hia former passion—so at least we judge Irom letters to his vonlhful confi dents, rough drafts of which are still to be seen in his tell-tale journal. To one whom hs addresses as his dear friend Robin, he writes, "My residence is at present at his lordship's, where I might, was my heart disengaged, pass my lime very pleasantly, as there's a very agreeable young ludy lives in the same house (Col. Georgd Fairfax's wife's sister,) but as that's only ad ding fuel to the fire, it makes me the more uneasy, for by often and unavoidably being in company with her, revives my former pas sion for your Lowland Beauty ; whereas, was I to five more telired from youg women, I might in some measure alleviate my sorrows by burying that chaste and troublesome pas sion in the grave of oblivion," &c. Similar avowals he makes to another of his young correspondents, whom he styles " Dear Iriend John," as also to a female con fident, styled " Dear Sally," to whom he ac knowledges lhat the company of the "very agreeable young lady, sister-in-law of Colo nal George Fairfax," in a greet measure oheers his sorrow and dejectedness. The object of hit early passion is not positively known. Tradition sta'es that the 'lowland beauty' was a Mias Grimes, of Westmore land, afterwards Mrs. Lee, and mother of Generat.Henry Lee, who figured in revolu tionary history as 'Light Horsa Harry,' and was always a favorite with Washington, prob ably from the recollections of bie early ten derness for the mother. Whatever may have been the soothing ef fect of the female society by which he was surrounded at Belvoir, the youth found e rr.ore effectual remedy lot his love-melan choly in the company of Lord Fairfax. His lordship was a staunch fox-hunter, and kept bones and bounds in tbe English style. The neighborhood abounded with sport; but fox hunting in Virginia required bold and skilful horsemanship. He found Washington as bold as himself in the saddle, and as eagre to follow the hounds. He forthwith took bim into peculiar favor; made him his hunting companion; apd it was probably under the tuition of this hard-riding old nobleman that 1 the youth imbibed thai fondness for the chase for which he waa afterwards remarked.— • •••••• Tradition gives very different motives from those of businoss for his two sojourns in the latter city. He found there an early friend and schoolmate, Beverly Robison, eor. of John Robinson, Speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses. He was living happily and prosperoasly with a young and wealthy bride, having married one of the nieces and heiresses of Mr. Adolphus Philipse, a rich landholder, whose manor-house is still to be seen on the banks of the Hudson. At the house of Mr. Beverly Robinson, where Washington was an honored guest, he met Miss Mary Philipse, sister and co heiress of Mrs. Robinson, ayoung lady whose personal attractions are said to have rivaled her reputed wealth. We have ulready given an instance of Washington's early sensibility to female charms. A life, however, of constant activi ty and care—passed for the most part in the wilderness and on the frontier, lar from fe male society—had left little mood or leisure for the indulgence of the tender sentiment; but made him more sensible, in the present brief interval of gay and social life, to the at tractions of an elegant woman, brught up in the polite circle ol New York. That he was an open admirer of Mi's Phil ipse is a historical fact; that he sought ber hand, hot was refused her hand is traditional and not very probable. His military rank his early laurels anil distinguished presence were all calculated to find favor in female eyes, but his sojourn in N. York was brief; he may have been difhdeut in urging his suit with a lady accustomed to the homage ' of society and surrounded by admirers. The most probable version of the story is lhat he was called away by Ills public duties before he had made sufficient approaches in his siege of the lady's heart to warrant a summons to surrender. Washington was now ordered by John St. Clair, the quartermaster-general of the forces under Gen. Forbes, to repair to Williams burg, rfnd lay the state of the case before the council. He set off promptly on horseback, attended by Bishop the well trained military servant who had served the late Gen. Brad dock. It proved an eventful journey, though not in a military point of view. In crossing a ferry of tho Pamunkey, a branch of York River, he fell in company with a Mr. Cham berlayne, who lived in the neighborhood, and who in the spirit of Virginia hospitality, claimed bim as a guest. It was with diffi culty Washington could be prevailed on to hall for dinner, ro impatient was he to ar ive at Williamsburg and accomplish his mis sion. Amongst the guests a: Mr. Chamberlayne's was a young and blooming widow, Mrs. Mar tha Curtis, daughter of Mr. J.Daindridge,both practician names in the province. Her hus band John Park Curtis, had been dead about three years, leaving iter with two young chil dren, and a large fortune. She is represent ed as being rather below the middle size, but extremely well shaped, with agreeable coun tenance, dark, hazel eyes and hair, and those frank, engaging manners, so captivating in southern women. We are not informed whether Washington had met with her before; probably not du ring her widowhood, as during that lime he had been almost continually on the frontier. We have shown that with all his gravity and reserve, lie was quickly susceptible to female charms; and ihey may have had a greater effect upon him when thus casually encoun tered in fleeting moments snatched from the cares and perplexities and rude scenes of frontier warfare. At any rate his heart ap pears to have been taken by rurprise. The dinner, which in those days was an earlier meal than at present, seemed all too short The afternoon passed away like a dream. Bishop was punotual to the orders he had received on halting; the horses paw ed at the door, but for once Washington loi tered on the path of duty. The horses were countermanded, and it was not uni il the next morning thai be was again in the saddle spur ring for Williamsburg. Happily the White House, which was the residence of Mrs. Cur tis, was in New Kent county, at no great dis tance from lhat city, ao that he had the op portunity of visiting her in the intervals of bu siness. His time for courtship, however was brief. Military duties called him almost immedi ately to Winchester ; but feared, should he leave the matter in suspense, some more en terprising rival might supplant htm duiing absence, as the case of Misß Philipse of New York. He improved tberofore, his brief op portunity to the utmost. The blooming wid ow had many suiters, but Whshington was graced with lhat renown so ennobling in the eyes of woman. In a word, before they had separated Ihey had mutually their faith to each oth er, and the marriage was to lake plnce as soon us the campaign against fort Duquetiee was at an end. MOBE EXPORTED "PAUPERS."—A vessel from Antwerp was boarded at New York, on Saturday, on suspicion ol having pauper im migrants on board. Instead of finding pau pers, the officer was assured that there was at least $60,000 cash In the hands of the passengers, and those families who were first reported as paupers we:e discovered to be possessed of sums varying from S7O to S2OO each. W Inventors rarely fail of their reward. Jenkins invented a new style ol lock pioker and was rewarded by a' 'situation' at Ihe jail for a couple of years. Truth and Right dad and our Country. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF'I HE REA. BY M. F. MAURY, LL. D-, UEUT. V. B. H. Creation is all harmony. Neither rarth, air, nor sea is ever out of tune; their adap tations are perfect and exquisitely sublime. Let us consider the evidences of design and unity of thought in creation afforded by one of the minutest animels of the sea—the little coralline. This insect is the architect of is lands. It builds up from the bottom of the ocean the most stupendous works of solid masonry. The greatest structures ever erec ted by the hand of man are but the works of pigmies in comparison. It is without the power of locomotion, yet the obedient cur ' rents of the sea are its hod-carriers; the winds wait upon it, the rains and the dews cater for it on the land. They collect its food from the mountain, the sbil, and the rock; they deliver it to the rivers which run into the channels of oceanic circulation, lhat this piece of organism, almost too low in the scale to como within the domains of the animal kingdom, muy receive its meat in due season. As this little insect secretes from sea-wa ter solid matter for the formation of the ooral islands, the specific gravity of .the drop which yields up its salts (or this structure is altered, and the equilibrium of the whole ocean is thereby disturbed. Forthwith that exhausted drop rises to the surface and commences to flow off, charged with Ironi cal heat, to temper hyperboiean climates through which it may pass in its eternal round; and thus the w.tole ocean is set in motion that the wants of one single insect of the sea may be supplied. As this emptied drop rises to the surfacp, the winds take it up in streams of invisible vapor, and bear it away on their wings to the mountain. Here it is precipitated as rain or dew, to dissolve the lime from the rock or the magnesia from the soil, and re turn to the sea with another hodfu! of mor tar (or the little mason in the great deep.— Thus the Mississippi supplies carbonate of lime for the insects of the sea; the Amazon with coloring matter from Potosi for their ceils; the Nile with metals fur cement, and all the fresh-water rivers with salts of autne sort) Very curious aro the offices of the insects of the sea, and marvelous are the contrivan ces by which the physical agents of the uni verse are enabled to bring about those re suits which make the face of the world ore. ciseiy as we see it. Let us follow up ths operations ol these inanimate agents of the sea a little farther, and see how they are dovetailed, fitted, and adapted to each other. When we consider the state of the sea in one point of view, we see the winds and the marine animals operating upon the waters, and, in certain parts of the ocean, deriving from the solid parts of the same those very principles of antagonistic forces which hold the eaith in its orbit and pre serve the harmonies of the universe. The sea-breeze and the sea-shell, in per forming their appointed offices, act in such a way as to give rise to a reciprocating motion in the waters; thus they impart to the ocean dynamical forces for its circulation. The sea-breeze plays upon its surface ; it converts only fresh water into vapor, and leaves the solid matter behind. The surface water thus becomes specifically heavier and sinks. On the other hand, the marine ar cliitfcot below, as he works upon bis coral edifice at the bottom, abstracts from the water there a portion of its solid contents, it therefore becomes specifically lighter, ami up it goes, ascending to the top with increa sing velocity, to take the place of the de scending column, which, by the action of the winds, has been so loaded down with fresh food and materials for the busy little mason in the depths below. Seeing, then, lhat the inhabitants of the sea, with their powers of secretion, are com petent to exercise at least some degree of in fluence in disturbing equilibrium, are not these creatures entitled to be regarded as agents which have their offices to perform in the system of oceanic circulation, and do they not belong to its physical geography ? It is immaterial how great or how small that influence may be supposed to be, for, be it great or small, we may rest assured it is not a chance influence, but it is an influence exercised, if exercised at ail, by design, and according to the command of Him whose "voice the winds and the sea obey." Thus God speaks through sea-shells to the ocean. It may therefore be supposed that the ar rangements in the economy of nature are ' such as to require thaf the various kinds of marine animals, whose secretions are calcu lated to alter the specific gravity of sea-wa ter, 1o destroy its equilibrium, to beget cur rent* 4n the ocean, and to control its circula tion, should be distributed according to order. Uuder this supposition, tbe like of which natore warrants throughout her whole do mailt, we may conceive how the mtrir.e an imals of which we have been speaking may impress other features upon the physical re lations of the sea, by assisting also to regu late climates and to adjust the temperature of certain latitudes. For instance, let us'suppose tbe waters in a certain part of the torrid zona to be 70 deg, but by reason of the fresh weter which has been talceh from them in a state of vapor, and consequently, by reason of the propor tionate increase of setts, these waters are heavier than waters that may be cooler but not so suit. This being the case, the tenden cy would be for this warm but salt and heavy water to flow off as an under current toward the Polar or some other regions of lighter water. Now, if the sea were not salt, there would be no ooral islands to beautify its landscape and give variety to its features; sea-shells and marine insects could not operate upon the specific gravity of its waters, nor give variety to its climates; neither could evap oration give dynamical force to Its circula tion, and they ceasing to contract as their teperature falls below 40 deg., would give but little impulse to its currents, and thus its circulation would be torpid and its bosom lark animation. The makers of nice astronomical instru ments, when Ihey have but the different pans of their machinery together and set it to work, find, as in the chronometer, for in stance, lhat it is subjected in its performance to many irregularities and imperfections; thai in one state of things there is expansion, and in another state contraction among cogsi springs, and wheels, with an increase or di minution of rate. This defect the makers have sought to overcome ; and with a beau tiful display of ingenuity they have attached to tiie works of the instrument a contrivance which has had the effect of correcting these irregularities by counteracting the tendency of the instrument to change its performance with the changing influences of tempera ture. This contrivance is called a compensation; and a chronometer that is well regulated and properly compensated will perform its office with certainly, and preserve its rate under all the vicissitudes of beat and cold to which it may be exposed. In the clock-work of the ocean, and the machinery of the universe, order and regu lariiy are maintained by a system of com pensations. A celestial body, as it revolves around its sun, flies off ander the influence of centrifugal force; but immediately the forces of compensation begin to act, the planet is brought back to its elliptical path, and held in the orbit for which its mass, its motions, and its distance are adjusted. Its compensation is perfect. So,, too, with the salts and the shells of the sea in the machinery of the ocean; from them are derived principles of compensa tion lliA most perfect; through their agency the undue effects ol heat and cnld, of storm and rain, in disturbing the equilibrium and producing thereby currenld in the sea, are compensated, regulated, and controlled. Tho Jans, i lie laloa, MUG Hie livers nre continually dissolving ceils in minerals of the earth and carrying them off to the sea. This is an accumulating process; and if it were not compensated, the sea would finally be come as the Dead Sea is, saturated with salt, and therefore unsuitable for the habitation of many fish of the sea. The sea-shells and marine insects afford the required compensation. They are the conservators of the ocean. As the salts are emptied into the sea, these creatures secrete them again and pile them up in solid masses, to serve as the bases of islands and conti nents, to be in the process ol ages upheuved into dry land, and then again disolved by the dews and rains, and washed by the rivers away into the sea. Thus, from studying the works of the physical agents of the universe, we are led to perceive that the inhabitants of the ocean are as much the creatures of climate as are those of the dry land; for the same Almighty hand which decked the lily, and cares for the sparrow, fashioned also the pearl, and feeds the great whale. Whether of the land or ol the sea, they are all his creatures, sub jects of his laws, and agents in his economy. The sea, therefore, we infer, has its offices and duties to perform; so, may we infer, have its currents, and so, too. its inhabitants; consequently he who undertakes to study its phenomena, trust cease to regard it as a waste of waters. He must look upon it as a part of the exquisite machinery by which the barmunies of nature are preserved, and then he will begin to perceive the develop ments of order and the evidence of design, which make it a most beauiitul and interes ting subject for contemplation. I IF Profound ignorance makes a man dog matic. He -knowg nothing, thinks he can teach others what he just now learned him self; whilst he who knows a great deal, can scarce imagine any one cannot be acqnaiff ed with what he says, and speaks for this reason with more indifference. EW Mr*. Partington is said to have anx iously asked if Uncle Tom is a better man than Enoch of Biblical memory. She grounds her inquiry upon the fact that she has heard that Uncle Tom has been translated sev* en times, while Enoch was translated but once. 17* A person meeting and old man wilb silver hairs, and a very black, busby beard, asked him 'how il happened that bis beard was not so gray as the hair of his head ?'— 'Became,' said the old gentleman, 'it it twen ty years youuger t X3T "Bob., lower yourself into the well, and holler for help." "What for?" "To frighten daddy, and make some fun." Bob did as he desired, but got more than he bar gained for. It was administered with a hiok ory sapling. Distance five and a half feet. A SIGN OF PaosEEEiTr.—The canal tolls collected al Wrightsville, Pa.," for tbe last six weeks, amounted to $37,482 against $22,- 821 for the same time last year. People's " Useless Fxpeusea." It is aald, on the authority of Parliamentary reports, that the people of England waste two hundred and fifty millions of dollars an nually on intoxicating drinks. The yearly consumption of tobacco, the world over, is computed at 4,000,000,000 pounds, which, at ten oents the pound, is four hundred mil lions every twelvemonth. The ladies of the United States it is estimated, squander near ly one hundred millions of dollars on silks, laces, and other extravagances. In all coun tries, and with both sexes, what is spent uselessly, equals, if it dods not exceed, what is paid lor the necessaries of life. Yet though their follies, rather than their wants, keep people poor, how few are frank enough to confess it! One man complains of his bad luck, and another of the frauds of those he has trusted, as the cause of his failure to succeed ; but not one in a thousand is will ing to admit that, if it had not been for his useless expenses, he would have grown rioh in spite of ill-fortnne. These " useless expenses" will bear look ing into a little closer. For example, a la boring man, who spends a shilling daily on tobacco and drink, loses, in this way, forty five dollars and a half annually. What oper ative is so rich, that this sum would not be welcome, at the close of the year, to "lav by for a rainy day?" In ten years, there would be, even without interest, four hun dred and fifty-five dollars; while if com pounded, it would he nearly double. Thou sands waste even more than a shilling a day on tobacco and drink, so that the saving, which might be effected, by self-denial, would probably be greater, in the average, than what we have supposed. There are few operatives or mechaoics, who, if they could cut off their useless expenses, when they came of age, but might, at thirty, have enough money to buy for themselves a com fortable house. Our merchants, and others who have larger incomes, generally allow their useless expenses to increace in pro portion, so thai, what with fast horses and choice wines, ihey need topraotise self-deni al quite as much as the rest. In a word, men, as a general rule, miss acquiring wealth, by being slaves to some worthless habit, or victims to the love of display. There is still another aspect in which to view this mailer, and one that gives an equal ly striking view ol the folly of "useless ex penses." The aggregate amount annually wasted in this country in luwuuu, urmk, worthless Inoes, and other mere extravagan ces, which we estimate at two hundred mil lions of dollars, would build a railroad five thousand miieß long, at forty thousand dol lars a mile lor grading, laying and stoeking it. Or, to put the case differently, we Amer icans sqander every year more than enough to give us a railroad to the Pacific; more than enough to educate eight hundred tliou sand young people, al two hundred and fifty dollars apiece; more than enough to feed three millions of starving people, at a dollar and thirty-three cents weekly. Between the beginning nnd close of each year—to give another view—we wasie more money than was spent in winning our national indepen dence. Facts like these, one would think, would induce people to curtail their " use less expenses."— Ledger. WH.L OF THE LATE CZAR.—A holograph will—or, IO follow the indorsement, the last wishes—of the late Kmperor Nicholas—writ ten in 1844, has tjieii published at St. Pe tersburg. The first clause is a kind of ad dress to his family. After enumerating the various kinds of property belonging to the Empress, his wife, the Emperor expresses a wiah that her Majesty shall retain for her life the use of her apartments in the different palacep, and ihe clause concludes as follows: " The legacy which 1 bequeath to ray children ia to love and honor their mother, to do everything to promote her tranquility, to anticipate all hor wishes, and to endeavor to render ber old age happy by their devo ted aiteuiions. Never must tliey undetlake anything of importance without first asking her advice and demanding her maternal ben ediction." CHARACTERISTC ANECDOTE.—During the last session of Congress, a man, well known as deeply iuteieeted in the Mail-Steamer bill, then before the house, approached Mr. Ben ton while he was walking on Pennsylvania Avenue, and said:—"Good morning, Mr. Ben:on." The salute was returned. "1 see the mail-steamer bill is up to-day.,' " Yes, sir." "Benton, couldn't you be prevailed up on to go (or tho employment of more steam ers by the government 1" " Yes sir, upon one condition." The fellow smiled as if be was going to gel * " Roland" of a suggestion for his "Oliver" of a bribe : "Aye, on one condition—lhat they could be used to trans port such rascals as you are to some distant penal colony I" BOSTON POLICEMEN ARRESTED FOR HIOII WAY ROBBERY.—We are informed lhat a few daya since, in the city of Boston, several Policemen, under the iuetrueiionrof Deputy Chiel Ham, seized upon and confiscated the horses and wagon belonging to John Mc- Knighl, of this city) and used in Boston for the delivery of beer from his agency in that city. The wagon was being driven through the streets of Boston at the lime tbe seizure ! was made. We hear that Mr. MoKnlght has commenced legal proceedings against the parties making tbe seiEure,and that each baa been held in tbe sum of S6OOO to an swer a charge of highway robbery Albany Argus, June 4th. , [Two Dollars per Annua NUMBER 21, Medical Summitry. The cost of advertising Quack Medicines in the United States annually, is estima ted at #250,00! A Mrs. Booth, of Frank lin, Wisconsin, nged T2 years, gave birth some time since to a fine healthy son! The age of hetr husband is eighty.-—A Mrs. Mil ler, near Harrisliirgj Pa., at her first confine ment gave birth to two children; at her sec ond to three, and some time ago, at her third, to flue boys, making in all ten children in four years, and all living Four millions of men in China are said to be opium drunkards, and four hundred thousand die annually A woman in Canada has had sixteen children in fifteen years, and one of them weighed twenty-one pounds!—— Louis Durand, who died at Panama a few years ago, at the age of ninety, had been, it is said, the father of over one hundred chil dren. There was a spirited Convention of the members of the Southern wing df Re formed Medicine, held at Nashville, Ten nessee, on the 4th of last Month, The commencement exercises of the Metropoli tan Medical College, N. Y., takes place on the 1 2th inst.. The valedictory address will be delivered by Prof. Sperry At the last session of the Pennsylvania Legislature, that part of the Charter of the Eclectic Medical College of Pa., referring to the Degree was altered to read " said College shall have power to grant the Degree of Doctor in Med icine' instead Degree of Doctor in Eclectic Medicine.-—--At the recent meeting of the Middle States Reformed Medical Society, held in Wilmington, Del., the following named gentlemen were admitted as mem bes, viz:—A. P. Heller, M. D., of Fleming, Fa.; F. A. Cutter, M. D., Mullica Ridge, N. J.; Chas. H. Rose, M. D., Baltimore, Md.; W. J. W. Pwonell, M. D., Milford, Del., apd John H. Sinlms, M. D.", Wilmington, Del aware— Med. Reformer. The Laws of Health. At a late meeting of the directors of fieri ot's Hospital, one of the most ancient anil eminent ol the charities of Klin burg, it was resolved to imparl to all the pupil* connec ted with the institution, the elements of phy siology and the laws of health. The princi pal speakej, himself a clergyman, bore elo quent testimony against the old prejudice, that instruction of this character rendered people irreligious; and contended, amid the nnnUnee umi a MiuwitMgfj of the element* of phyeiology, diffused among all clasee*, will not only* materially diminish sickness, but prolong the average of human life. There can be no better proof required of ihe increasing intelligence of the age, than the adoption of this reform in one of the most conservative institutions of one ol the most conservative capitals in Europe. On this side of the Atlantic, the study of phy siology has been introduced into numerous schools; but hitherto, in Europe, this impor tant .branch of knowledge has been ignoreJ in academies for the young, while Latin, Greek and Metaphysics hare been crammed ad libitum down the throats of pUpili. Such a departure from common sense in this practical age will be almost incredible a hundred years hence, when the study of the laws of health will be one ot the first things which youth will be taught. It is astonish ing that physiology has been so long neglec ted as a part of our education. We instruct our children bow to deport themselves in company, how to exercise thsught, how to conduct business; but we keep thein iu ig norance of that which is greater then all, how to preserve health. Ou one we beatow a professional education, on another a mer cantile one, on another that of anaitisan) but bis health, without which all else is nothing, we leave to chance. It is so also with our daughters. Nay ! in their case, we not only neglect to instruct thern in physiolo gy, but actually countenance a mode of life which is sure to impair the constitation, shorten their days and injure their progeucyi It is tree, that, within a few yeats, Ilia laws of health have been made a study in many American sohools; but the great majority of our children are still brought up in ignoranoe of physiology ; and hence the justice of our structures; at least as applied to the mats. It has boon said, we know, that the study is unfit for the young, and that there is lime enough in adult years to begin it. But we can see no indelicacy tn any useful etudy.—• Hnmi toil qui mat ypenst. Besides, it is too late in adult years, to acquire a knowledge of health. Moat of the exceisea of whiob young men are guilty, are committed in adolescence, or when the passions are warm, the reason weak, the oharacler undeveloped- It is In her earlier maiden years, that late hours, excessive dancing, and an injtiriona mode of dreaeing sap the health of the fe male. Young persons are kept ill ignorance of the laws of health, and ere thus induced to break them continually, thinking it little or nd harm ; when, if they knew the penalty that would have to be paid, in later life, a portion of them, if not all, would be more careful. Without health then can be uo real haps piness. The dyspep'io, the nervous, the goaty, the rheumatic, the consumptive may have fortune, friends, everythlsg, but they are not happy- Yet, there are thousands of ■uob, who, it they bad been taught phyaiolo-i gy at school, might have preserved their health, and been happy through a long and useful lit e.—Ledgtr. t* A Clergyman was bung in effigy at La grange, Tend-, for selling a poor mau'e-aoie at auction-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers