gggggl-L A. CURB 70S. ALL i i i <fc IX-S3r < £P La 2Cr<CP Cititens of the Union . Yuu hsve done m* the honor as with ere voire from one end of the Union to the other, to stamp the-character of my Ointment with jour spy>rnh#tinn. it is srs'eely two veers since I me do it knoyyn among you, end alresdv it has obtained more celebrity than any other Medicine so. short period. THOMAS HOLLO WAY, 38, Corner of Jnn tp Kdstni Stt , New York ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE, AFTER NINE YEARS STANDINQ. Copy of a Lct'g- trom Mr. U'„J. I/ingley, oj HimtsvUh , Wrk cotut'v. North ' Carolina, U. 8 , (fated November id 1833. Ilend Ills ow u Words. To Professor Hcllowny, Sir, —It is not my wish to become noton ions, neither it this letter written for the mere tyke cf writing, but to say that your Ointment cured me of one of the most dieadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by ell who knew me, to he entirely beyond the reach of medicine, For nine years I was afflicted with one of the moat painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man; and after trying every midicine f bed ever heard of, I resigned in despair all hope of being cured ; but a Irlend brought me a couple of large pos of your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, snd I entirely je. gained my health to my ogreeatde surprise and delight, and to the aslonisnmei.l of my friends Signed V , J. LANGI.EY, AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A RAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH, Copy of a letter from Mr. U. Durant, New Otleans, November 9m 1853. To Professor, Hounwir; Peat Sir,—lt is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you that hy the use of your Ointment and Pilla, the life of mv wife hna hern saved. For seven years she had a bad hrenat. Willi ten running wound#, (nol of a cancerous nature). 1 was told that nothing could save Iter; she was then Induced to use your Oint. niont and Pills, when in the short space of three months, tney effected a perfect cute, to the astonishment of all who knows us. We ob tained your Medicine from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Uharlres St., New Orleans. I send this from 'Hotel des Princes, although I had writ ten it at New Oileaiiß, before we finally left at that time, not "knowing yout address at New York. Signed R DURANT. The Pills should bo used conjointly with the Ointment iu most of the following cases;— Bail Leg* Gnut Bail Breasts Glandular Swellings Burns Lumbago Bunions Piles Bite of Mosehetoes Rheumatism and Sand-Flies Scalds Coce-luiy Sore Nippies Chiega-j'oot Sore-throats Chjblains Skin-diseases Chapped hands Scurvy Corns (Soft) Sore-beads Cancers Tumours Contracted and StiflUlcers Joints Wounds Elephantiasis Yaws Fistulas Hold it tho Establishment iff Professor Hon LOW IT, 3ft,Corner of Ann and Nassau -HtreeU. New York ; aiao by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicinee throughout the Unt. ted Stales, in Boies at 37c., 87c., and $1 50c. each. To he bad Wholesale of the prin cipal Drug Houses in the Union. tjr There is a considerable saving by ta king the larger size*. N. R—Direction* for lite guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. K. P. LUTZ, and JOHN R. MOVER, A genla, Bloomsburg. < Sept. 29—ly. ZINC PAINTS. One Third cheaper than White Lead, and free from alt Poisonous qualities. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY Having greatly enlarged their works, and im proved the quulity nf their products, are pr pated to execute orders for their Dry and Ground in nil, assorted packages of from 25 to 50U pounds ; also , DRY, in hatreia, of 20(1 pounds each. Their ty'hite Zinc, which is s< Id dry or ground in oil is wsirsnted pure and unsurpass ed for body and uniform whiteness, A method of preparation has tecetjtly been discovered, which enables the Company to war rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this rdspect their paints will he superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint which is sold at a low price, and can only ho made from xt'nc Ores from New Jersey is now well known fur its erolective qualities when applied to irun or pther metallic surfaces. Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the properties of the Brown and is of an agreeable color fur painting Cottages, Depots, OUI-build ings Bridges Dealers supplied on liberal term# by theii Agenta, * FRENCH & RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers an Import-era,N. W. cor. of 10th & Market Sir. Phila. 6m. Regiklrnlion C crt ifii nlo For the use of clergymen, justices, physi ians and other persons in registering marrig ges and deaths as required by the new Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of the Star of the North." H. o. HOWSPL. CUIW '. BIISXSSV, Igiji j . 13 KSPECTFULLY offers Ms professional services to 11 F the Ladies and Gentlemen o Bloomeburg and vicinity. He i* prepared to attend to all the various'operation* in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im ' proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which wil fce inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on haud. All operations on the teetb warranted. Or Office near the Academy. Bloomeburg, Nov, 20,1861, g BISAOT & BBOWH*3 BAfilxß HOTEL,- ,-h >, No- 130 North Third street, above '• ' Ssmvtt A. B*iDY. Gzorgk H. Baotv*, [June 8!h 1851-ly." rjEIVERAL Bailee af l>r. James Mc " Cl ; ntock* celebrated Family Medicinen. PECTORAL. KYRIJP.—This invalua. Syrup, which i entirely vegetable in Its com position, has been employed with wonderful soccesa for many years in Ihe cure of diseases of the Air Passages in the Lungs. The moat common diseases of th*e organs are Irtitation and Inflammation of the Mucous. Membrane which lines the air tufW of 4ho tlirout, wihd pipe and lungs. For any of these forms of disease, wheather showing yhemaelves as Cough, Tickling of the Thrn#t,'tttii<v of tight ness oi the Thvtopt* Spitting of Blood Difficulty of Breathing, hoarseness or Loss of voice, and Hectic Fever, Its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is recommended as one of the best and saf"st rnvdicines for all forms of Bronchitis and Consumption. N. 8., No Laudanum or preparation of Opi um in any shape in this rtyrup. Price in pit t bottles. $l. Cold and Cough Mixture for recent Coughs and Colds. 25 cents. Asthma and V Vhooping Cough remedy. Price 50 cents pet bottle, Dianhca Remedy and Cholera Preventive Pric. 25 ant! $6 cents. Tonic Altai alive Byiup for purifying the hlood. Price $ I per bottle. Vegetable one' Purgative Pills for Coslive ti#M, Headache, &c. Price 25 cents per box, Ann Billion* Pills for Liver Complaints. Disordered action of the Bowels, dec. Price 25 cuts, Dyspeptic Fiixcr for indigestion, Heart. Dizziness, Pi ice per bottle. Rheumatic Liniment for Rheumatic burse Neuralgic pains* Price 50 certs pef bolllutid Rheumatic Mixture for internal use in Rhen inatism, (>out, Neuralgia, &c, Price 50 cents per bottle. Anodyne Mixlure for instantly relieving Toob Ache, ord all pain wherever found Pi ice 50 ccn's per bottle. Fever and Ague Specibc for Ague or Inter mittent Fevers in ail torms. Piice $1 pei hot lie. 8. ELLIOTT, Agent fir Pennsylva nia, to whom all wholesale orders must be ad. dressed, North-we*t comer of (ph an 1 Filbert streets, above Market 8t reel. Philadelphia. Agei\ts in Columbia county. E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburgr. John Van Liew. Light Street. Jacob Harris, Buukhorn. May 11th 1854-6 in. NEW FIRM! EVANS & APPLEMAX. 'pAYE JLST recei'd and opened an en •S u're new and splendid assortment ol Fur Spring und Summer, yl Ihe Brick aiore on Main street abotm Irna Greet, heretofore occupied by Simou Nathans, q which they invite ihe ar.entio.i of the public. Their as sortment will compare in price and quality with any to be found ou this side of Philad elphia, and includes <#iaa*sy C23-CS23DQDS3J QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE I GLASSWARE. lIA TS, CAPS, j ROOTS AND SHOES. | Thpy have on hand every desirable and j fashionable style of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Including silks, a variety of clialli bereges, berege de Imns, poplir.s, lawns, ginghams, prints, and every article of House Furnishing floods, Sheetings, ticking, checks, &o. Their'stock is selling fast, ann will be re plenished every few for their motto is ''small flfofns and quick sales." Calf and see our goods. We charge noth ing for showing them, and will always take countryproduce in pay at the market prices. Bloomshurg, April 20th 1854—tf. 13. New Arrival OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT The Old Stand. K'ZFjLTY. STEAL & GO. ARK just opening the first bqt of jheir new stock of SPUING feftfrMMEß GOODS at their old stand. They are receiving an unusually large, varied and extensive assort ment ot ££>aa"S3r CgK£>3DO£>:S3 0 GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASS WARE, HARDWARE, CEDAR. WARE, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES Morn in quantity and choicer in quality and variety than has ever before been offered in Blomsburg, being a vast improvement over use stock and selections of all former sea sons, ami purchased at such favorable rates as enables them to offet better bargains at lower prices than can be touud anywhere else. Cabies Dress ©oobs, Of every late and fashionable style and pat tern, and at prices to suit all. Beautiful New Designs and styles of silk*. Chaili Bareges, berege de laitts poplins, lawns, ginghams, prints, checks, licks ; cambric, Swiss and Moll muslins, gloves, hosiery, and every other article in the Dry Goods Lane. ESJAWEaS Of the mo6t desirable styles, and admired patterns for Spring wear. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, feci. .lost opened, a splendid assortment of Black and colored French clothe— l/eit makci. Black French doeskin, assorted qualities—black satin andsilk vesting*.—plain mixed and fan cy cassimeres—boy's caasimares and Tweed■ —cassiqets, Kentucky jeane, &e. Their Groceries Are fresh, and their stock wilfbe replenish ed every few weeks during the season. Produce taken in exchange for mercban. dize. Bloomsburg. April 20ih 18u4.-.R. 13. Justices or the Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind fo blanks desirable for'their use, in proper fwty at the RFLJOE of the "Hrs* < thkNortu ( BOOTS, Shoea and ready made clothing cheap for caah by " MANAMA, Braid, Straw and i'atmleal hats ■■ for sale b- McKELVY, NEAL ft C. * MAN KNOW THYSELF ! Jl* invaluable Book for 86 cts.—Ev ery Family should have a Copy." n,AN A YEAR - A now edition, revised a "d improved, just AN INVALUABLE ROOK, ONLY 25 cts. A COPY—MAN KNOW THYSELF Dr, Hunter'* Medical Manuel and Hand Book for the Afflicted, Containing an outline ol the Origin, Progreaa, Treatmet t and cure of every form of di*e**, contracted hy Promia ruour Sexual Inlercourae, hy Self-abuse, or by Sexual Exceaa, with advice for their preven tion, written in a familiar atyle, avoiding all medical terhnicalitiea, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, with an out line of complaint* incident to female*,from the result of *ome twenty yeara successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of diseases of a delicate or private nature. To which ie added receipts for the euro of the above diseases, and a treaiise on the causes, symptom's and cure of the Fever, and Ague, Testimony of the Professor of Obste trics, in Venn College, Philadelphia. '•DR. HUNTER'S MEDICAL MANUAL," —The author of thl* work, uulike the majority of those who advertise to cure the disease* Uf which it treat* is a graduate of one of the best College* in the United States, ft affords me pleasure to recommend him to the unfortunate, or to tho victim of mal-practice. as a successful and experienced practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may place C h e greatest confi ence. JOTIN S. LOXASNIRE, M, D. From Jl, IFoodirnrd, M. D. of Penn. Cnieersity, Philadelphia. It give* me pleasure to add my testimony to the professional ability of the author of the "Medical Manual," Numerous eases of disease of the genital organs, some of them of long standing, have come under my notice, in which bis skill liaa been manifest in restoring to per feet health in some cases where the patient litis been considered beyond medical aid, in the treatment of seminal weakness, or disarrange ment of the function* produced bj self-abuse or execs* of I do not know hi* superi or in the ptofeeoioih I have been acquainted with the author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him aa well as kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion to recommend him as one in whose professional skill and integrity they may aafely confide (hcmsclves. ALFRED VVOODWAIID, M. D. "Thi* is, without exception, the mo*t com prehensive and intelligible work published of the elas* of diseases of 'which it tieats. Avoi. ding all technical addresses itself to the teason of its readc-s It i 8 free front all ' objectionable mailer, and no patent however 1 fastid't ua can object to placing it in the han il of his sons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, with too little breath to not! - , and too little presumption to impose', he has offered to the world, at the merely nominal price of 25 cents., the fruil_ of some twenty yeara' moat successful practice."—[Herafd. '•No teacher or parent should he without the knowledge imparted in this valuable work. It would save years of pain, ni utification and sorrow to the yoatli under their charge,'' [People's Advocate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of "Hunter's Medical Manual" says.—"Thou sands upon thousand* of our youth by evil ex ample, and influence of the passion*, have boen led into the habit of self-pollution, without re alising the sin and fearful cpnaequrnces upon themselves and their posterity. The con titu> linns of thousai-da who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down and they do not know the cause or the cure, A ny thing that can he dune solo enlighten nnd in fluence (he public mind as to check, and ulti mately to remove this wide spread source of hitman wretchedness, would confer the greulest hlca.dhg next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the prescntcoining generation. Intemperance, oi the use of intoxicating drinka, though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is nut as great er scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and believe me your co-worker in the good notk vou areso actively engaved in. One copy, securely enveloped, will he forwar ded, free of postage, to any part of the United S;itra for twenty-five cents, six copies for one dollar. Address, |ospoid, COSUfiN & CO. Publishers or 'Uox 196 Philadelphia. N. U. Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. December 28 1853. 49—ly j LEATHER AND ! fjVHE subscriber respectfully inviics the at- A tention of dealers and other*, to his largo nnd well selected slock of Leather and Find ings, which is kept constantly fresh hy repealed Jrafts upon the manufacturers of this country and of Europe, and which is made up in part jnf the following articles, vix :—l'he beet Oik and RgLSole ; Slaughter. Skirting and Uanuig. Ed do blames*. Bridl", B4nd and Welt Leath er ; Thong and Lacing do. • Wax Upper. Boot ' Grain, Buirand Split do. j City Slaug, Kips Suited and Collar do.; City. Country, French and Patent Calf Skrns j Boot Leg Moroccos, Buck Skins. Pad skins,Chamois,and Morocco ; 1 Bindings and Linings of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent 'thread, Sillc, Boot Cord, Lace, aid Silk and Union Galloons; Black and Colored English Lusting, Worsted Uppers, and Crimped Fronts and fooiinge; Awls Tacks, Needles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines and Eyelets; St™l, Iron, Copper and Zinc Nails, Files, Hasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs. Bristles; and Boot Web; Hammers, Boot and Shoe Trees, Lasta, Crimps, Clamps, Handles. Gum, Color, Cod Liver and Tanners OH; Shoe Tools end Currier's Tools ol all kin ds, ready for use, be sides many other articles not enumerated above all of which will be sele at the lowest market rats*, by JOHN WHII E, Importer and Dealer, 497 Market Street, Above 131b, Philadelphia.. Tin-Ware &. Stove! Establishment. rr\HR UNDERSIGNED, respectfully i„. * form * hie old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brother's interest in the shove establishment, and the concern will here after h* conducted by himielf exclusively. He has juet received and offuia lor .ale the j—3 largest and most extensive assortment mem uf FANCY STOVES ever intro duce! into this, market. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of re pairing done, aa usual, on abort notice. The patronaae of old frieni* tod new cus tomer* is respectfully solicited. , . , A. M. RUPERT, llloomsburg Jap. 18, 1853, 51-tf TUON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wate for sale by McKELVY, NEAL&Co 'jf'ABLE CUTLERY—A Splendid aasor •* nqeniroooived and noig on hand at MENDENHALL & MENSCH'S Fancy Paper,* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &c tan be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPHS W A RTZ, FANCY GOODS, of every description and variety, new atylea, and fresh from New York And Philadelphia, tor Bale at the cheap atore M'KELVY,MYL K CO. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, Purely Vegetable in its f (imposition! This invaluable cordial i* extracted from herbs and root* Which have been found af ter years of experience, by the most skiljfdl physicians to he possessed "f qualitiea the most beneficial in the diseases for which ilia Jrec nmmended, and hence while it is presented to the pbblic aa an efficacious remedy, it i also known to be of that chararter on which reli ance may be placed aa to it* safety. Incase* nf Impotency, Hemorrhages, Disordered Bleril tly, Menstruation, or Suppression of the Men *ca, Fluor Albus or Whites, or for DEBIf.iTY, arising from ny cauue, such as waaknaav from sicknesa, where the patient has been confined to bed for soma time, for female* after eonfin*. menl, abortion or miscarriage, this cordial can not be excelled ir. ita s/ilutory effort* r or in the loaa of muscular energy, irritibilitv, physical prostration, seminal weaknesa, palpitation o the heart, indigestion, sluggishness, decay o the piocreative functions, nervousness &c. %here a toric medicine i* required, it will bit fbului equal, if not auperior to any compound ever used, TO FEMALES. Henry's invigorating coidial ia one of the most invaluaMe medicines in the many complaint* to which females are subject. It assists nature to brace '.he whole excesses and cre ates renewed health and happiness. Less suf fering, disease and unhappiheaa among ladies would exist, were they generally to adopt the use of tliie cordial- |,ndies who ore debilitated by those obstructions which females rue liable to, are res'tred by. the use of a bottle or two, to blriom and vigor. YOUNG MEN, That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence so filial to the existence of inan, and it is the young who are most likely to become its vic tims, from an ignorance of the danger to whi;h they rnhject themselves, causes NERVOUaS DEBILITY, weakness of the system, and premature decay, many of you my r.ow be suffering, n idled as to the cause or source of disease. To those, then who by excess have brought on themselves premature impotency, involuntary seminal em is sions, weskness and snivelling of the genital orgKitSj Nervous Affection, or any other conse quences of unrestrained indulgence of the gen* ual passions, occasi >ning the necessity of re nouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE, lessening both mental and bodily capacity, hold Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a medicine that is purely vegetable, will aid nature to rcstoro those important functions to a healthy state and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare virtues, is h genets! remover of disease and strengthener of the system, AS A TONIC MEDICINE, | iti* unsurpassed. Wo do nut placnthis Cordial j on a footing with quark medicines, and, as is I customary, append a lon, list of -ecommenda ! tiona Ac., beginning with "hear what the prea cher Jys_" und ntcli like; it is not necessary, for Henry'* invigorating co dial only needa a ! trial to prove all that we say. ! THE GENUINE "HENRY'S INVIG ORATING CORDIAL," < s put up in 8 oz Pannel Bottle, s and is eaailv recognized by the maniafccturer's signature on ; the label of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which ia j forgery.) ! I TSold for 81 per Bottle: six fir S8 ; 816 per dozen. ' Prepared only by S. E t'onrir. No. 3 Frank lin Row, Vine at., below Eighth Philadelphia < I'a., to whom all must be addressed. For * S,.|o by all Ilia respectable Druggist* and Mer j chants throughout the country. T. w. UYG'rr & SONS, No. 138 North 2d si., Philadelphia Solo Agent* for Pennsylva nia. Januarv 89. 1854. I—ly ■ PensiNylvnnln Wire Works. A*b. 21 Arch St., nbore Front, HILAOELPHIA. i rTVHE Subscribers have on hand, and are ' constantly maeufanurins,SlEVES. RID DLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of j nil meshes and widths. Also nil kir.ds of | plain and lanoy Wire work. Brass and Iron 1 Wire Sieves of all kinds ; Brass and Cop ; per Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, inc. Cyl inders and Dnr.dy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves lor Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Sale*, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, he. BAYLISS, DARBY & LINN. August 17 th, 1854. To Country Merchants. ■fctiit tinb (Jonfertiotiarn, RUBINCAM & SELL'ERS, WHnI.CNNLK MAKUraCTUREHH AND DKALEHS IN CONFECTIONARY OF ALL KIN OS. No. 113 North Third St., below Race, PHILADELPHIA. FIMIF, attention of Dealers is requested to * an examination of their, stock, which will bo found lo he at lemt equal to any in this oily. FOREIGN FRUIT pi all kinds in season. , ' ' N." B. Orders by mail or olheiwise promptly attended to. August 17th, 1854. PLATFORM SCALES /"\F EVERY DESCRIPTION, SIJITABI E V* FOR RAILROADS, he., for v;elchinn HAY, COAL. ORE and MERCHAN7)ISE generally. Purchasers run no risk, everv scale is GUARANTEED CORRECT, and if, alter trial, not found satisfactory can be relumed without -charge. ' or Factory, at ibe old Sland, established lor more than twenty years, corner of NINTH and MELON Slreet*, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & Co. Successors to Etlicot If Abbott I Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 1854. Philadelphia & Reading Kail Road. PASSENttER TRAINS For Pottsville, Reading, &c. &. MORNINGS LtNES. Leave Philadelphia and Pollsville a( 74 o'- clock, P. M. oxpe.ffl Sundays. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave Philadelphia and Pottavilie at 34 o'olock P. M. except Sundays, FARES. Ist CLASE 2d CLABA, Between Philad'a & Pottavilie,B2 75 82 25 > Between Philad'a & Heading, 176 1 45 50 lbs. Baggage allowed to each passen ger. r 0 ( \ SUNDAY—One Train leaves Philadel. pliiu at 74 o'clock A. M and relume Itom Pottavilie at 4 o'clock, P. M. taking no bag gage. FARE FOR THE EXCURSION, 84. All Tickets must be purchased before en tering the Cars, DEPOT in Philadelphia, Comer of Brood and Vine Streets. By order of the Boa-d of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. Aug. 18, 1854. PfR&QI'R DIGEST. ANY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of Purdon'a Digest, can be accommodated bv applying a! ha this off; e. TOE GREAf iftft ftftCOtORY IS TOE "□ryumaatiD. A wrtntn ogre for,Contemptwn, Brooebili* and all diseases of the Livpj. An In dian cure, (lie receipt purchased front a Ne braska Indian Doctor, who haa saved thou sand* from an untimely grave, 42 cases have been cured out Of 61 within 6 month*, in Phi Isdelphia city and county. Eighteen ol Ihe above cases have been given np by their physician*, and pronounced Inctireable, ami ihsy are now healthy; The medicine js simple end Botanic, nnd can be gatheied from every farm and at all timesof the year. This receipt with printed ditections and cer tificates of cures trom a number of distin guished individuals in the city of PhiladeL phiia, will be forwarded to any person in the Ultited Stales, free by encloeitig two dollars in a letter post-paid to Dr. D. E COLE, Manayunk P. 0., Philadelphia county Pa. [May 25th 1854-6 m. Second Arrival • OF NEW GOODSJ EVANS S- A I'PL EM AN Have just received a f resh Mock of new Summer Goods, lo which they invite the attention of the people. Their assort ment is now full again, and they can fur nish any thing in the department of Dry- Goods, Hardware, Groceries. Queensware Crockery or Cedarwrre, at the lowest prices' Blooinsburg, June Ist 1854. FULDKHKS AND BROOKS* AT THEIR NEW FOUNDRY AM) MACHINE SHOP In Catlawissa, WILL make to order every kind of cast ing that may be desired. They have and will keep on hand STOVES AND PLOUGHS, of different slyles ; and wi)l manufacture to order Threshing Machines, Corn Shelters and other agricultural implements, and every va riety of machinery. They are prepared to make castings of any pattern to order. They will also do turning and boring in iron ; and will repair machinery of any kind. Theii establishment is on the first square above Matkel Slreet, near the Methudist Churoh. GEORGF. FREDRICKS, SAMUEL BROOKS. Catlawissa, July 9, 1R54. JYO TICE ! IVOTICE is hereby given thai the nnder- * signed cilizen* of Bloomsborg'Columbia County Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature lor a Charter for a Bank to be located at llloomshurg to be called the " BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priviliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dol lars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. RobisOn, IA B. llupprt, J. Ramsey, Wm. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, K. Msndenhall, Kphraim 1' Lntz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpleas, Lloyd Paxlon, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhall. Bloomsburg 22d, —1854. J. STEWART DEPIIY, AT 223 North Second Street, below Callowhill, Philadelphia ; has on hand a splendid assortment of Velvet, Q Tapestry, Brussels, Three Play, Ingrain X and Venitian ttARPETS ; besides Drug- 2 < gel*, Canton and Cocoa Matting*, P* 2 WINDOW SHADES. Door Mails, Floot O j and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stair Rods, £ ~ Hearth Rugs, he. Also, the same at H < his other S:ore, corner of Bth and So W Spring Garden .St., tinder the Spring Garden House, —Wholesale and Re tail. April 13th 1854.-6tn SHEETS SELTZERS 5 'WHOLESALE ■ W2SJ2B SVt3>lfiX s9 No. 233iY- Tkrd St., (Above Callowhill,) PHILADELPHIA, A GENERAL ASSORTNIET OF ItRAWDIE*, WINES, COUDIaI 8, Aud Liquors of every description : . K. SHEKTZ. F. P. SELTZER JOHN WOOTISIOES Agent. NEIV ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA mmm VTU'. - a~? "THROUGH IX 7 nOURS." Catlntcissa, Willinmsport and Erie Rat'.road OPEN TO CATTAWISSA. ON and after Monday July 17, and until extension to Willinmsport, passenger trains will be run daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: Leave Catlawissa at 124 P.M., por.iipct ing at Port Clinton with Reading T-. R. aud arriving at Philadelphia, at T\?.yi ' Leave Reading K. R Oepot, Philadelphia. at . 1* arriving at at 3 r. M. Light freight Carried to and from Catlawissa. Freightrains will be announced soon. T. McKISSOCK, Superintendent. Catlawissa, July 11, 1854.—if. STOVES! STOVES! BHARPLEBS J- lIEUCK TT AVE opened a new Stove and Tinware -*-A Establishment, on Main slreet one door above the Conrt-hflusei where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin, Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware. Brass 1 Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying Fans, Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin If 'art, Broom Wire $-c.. at extremely tow Prices. Among their variety of may be found the Home Air Tight, William Penn, Glnbe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrated Kaub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, and other*, too numerous lo men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Otfice aud Parlor ilovei, in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead era, and all kinds of work made to drder, at the shortest notioe. Repairing of all kinds attended to. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.-tf. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNIOX I! The Subscribers 10 the Works of the Ar tists' Union are respectfully informed that from the unprecedented favor which they have received, the Secretary feels confident in stating that the whole number of Engra vings (250,000) will be disposed of within a few months, of whioh due notice, through the press, will be given. Agents are requested to form Clubs and send in their Subscriptions without delay. J. W. HOLBROOKE, Secretary. * 505 Broadway, New \otk. Juiff ?o,th 1854, 3mo. NEW BOOKS. JOSEPH SWARTZ flails attention to the new assortment hi Books, cap, letter and note paper, port folios too, which he. has jnst opened at his book (lore in Blorimiburg, and offers for sale at the lowest price*. Among these are the standard school books, a variety of liter ary, foieulific, religions and historical works; and the new publications ot the day. The following he has among others : Fern Leaves, from Fanny's portfolio. Napoleon Dynasty by the Berkley men. Schoolcraft's Adventures. Methodist Preacher. Sparks Washington. Lynclt's Dead Lea Expedition. Ileadley's Washington and his Generals. Headley's other works. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain He roes. Overman's Mechanics for YVheeliights, Machinists and Engineers. Smollet's select works. Also an assortment of fancy goods, toys, perfumery, confectionary &c., &c. Bioomsburg, September Bth 1853. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. From City Chemical If Union Works, Made after the most improved articles, and very superior. PREPARED ANHYDRITE MANURE, Made after the English Article, and most su perior, being very much lower than Guano, and fully equal. The attention of Dealers and Farmers is particularly called here lor trial. Also, PERUVIAN GUANO, IMPROVED In large or small quantifies, for sale by JOHN L. POMEROY, 22 South Wharves, 3d door above Chestnut SI., PHIL A DELPHI i. July 6ih, IRs4—3m. E® r A A 2. a fPH TO THE FASUONABLE AND 7TIHE undersigned, having just received the *• latest Paris and New York Fashions, would ngnin beg leave lo inform his numer ous friends and all the world about Blooms bnrg, that he is now better prepared than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but be will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too well known 10 lrttther notice) where lie may at all times beTound, seated upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeing it may in lite end prove advHiuuaeous to him anil bis customers. He would also advise bis friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they Can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty bandy from those who are back-standing on h:e book. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases " the laborer is worthy of his hite." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14th, 1853. SIEXDENIIALL 4- MEN&H |(AVE JUST OFKNED THEIR Spring and Summer GOODS, TO WHICH they invite the attention of old and new customers. Among their stock will be found a full assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such a Silks, Bprages, Berage Delains, De haze, French Lawns and Ginghams of every style and price: WHITE GOODS of all kinds : Embroideries, I.aces, dress trimmings, handkerchiefs, figured, plain, Swiss, muff, cambric and jaconet muslins. STAPLE DRY GOODS, including bleached and brown gonds, checks table diapers, flannels,, lickings, Manchester and Lancaster ginghams, crash and liiteos of all kinds. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Vestings, collotiade and linen for pants, hoa. iery and gloves, BOOTS, ANDSHOF.S for Ladies, Men, Misses, Hoys and children. HATS AND CAPS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSKAHE, CROCKERY WARE. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Suss.:, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Spices, iobacco, candles, tnd in short, every article usually kept in a country store, at the lowest prices. Bioomsburg, May 4th 1854. Ca*B paid for Slraw. The subscriber will paycash for Straw de livered at his Paper Mill at Millgrove, near Light Street, at the following rates to wit : Short straw $6 50 per ton, long straw 87 per lon. These rates will be paid for either Wheat, Rye er Oats straw in good dry con dition. For flnx, after the seed is threshed off, he will pay $lO per ton. THOMAS TRENCH. Millgrove, April Bth 1854.—if. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. The School Directors of Bloom Township School District, will employ ten teachers in the public Schools for a period of about five months. One lo lake chsrge of the Upper Grade school with an assistant, he will be expected lot each Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Phi losophy Mensuration and every ttung be low those branches. Five male teaohers competent lo teach all the branches required by tbe late act of As sembly—and three female teachers. They will meet for examinaiionjin Biooms burg, at the rooin ol the Superintendent, on Saturday September 30th, at 9 o'clock A. M. CSC Schools lo open October the six teenth. J. M. CHAMBF.RLIN, President, J. G. FREEZE, Secretary. Bioomsburg Aug. 31, 1864. DRAWER GOODS, spotted Swiss, Bog Jaconett Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just receiv ed at tbe Store of MENDENHALL & MENSCH BLANKSIBLANKS !! BLANK#!!! DEEDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, poper and desirable forms, fo* sale at the of fice of the "Starof tKe North" ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For oale at tho cheap store of EVANS, to APPLE MAN. ftaoasftgiKuattts HIOH SCHOOL For Yoang Lading nnd (jeotlemdi. J. E. 81l ADL EF, Principal. Miss JANE F. UItADUiV) Assistant. The ensuing SESSION will commence on MONDAY tlie I7ih day of July, noil, and will continue 22 weeks. TERNS. The academic year'coneists of 44 week* The pride ol tuition per quarter ia aa fol lows : JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. First Cl(tss.— Spelling Reading Writing and Arithmetic " •' " " 82,50 SrcotlH Class. —Arithmetic continued, to Fractions. Small Geography, Grammar anil Philosophy, " -f?' " " 83,25 SENIOR DEPARTMENT. Elocution, Pennmasship, English Grant mar, Arithmetic completed, Book-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History, $3,75 Algebra. Geometry, Surveying, Mensura tion, Book Keeping by Double Entry, Phi losophy, Botany, Astronomy and other Eng lish branches. " " 55 00 Latin, Greek, German and French, $6,00 " Drawing Extra " $2,00 " Painting in Water Colors, 83,0') do do Oil, " $5,00 tT" A Teachers' Class) will be organized for the accommodation of those who are pre paring to teach. To this class special in struction will be given in reference to the manner of teaching as well as the branches to be taught. Every Scholar, unless specially excused, is expected to attend to Composition and Elocution. Note.— lt is important that scholars enter school at the beginning of the term and be regular in their attendance. Persons desirous of attending to any branch of learning taught in the school, and whose arrangements, will not permit them to be present during all the regular school hours, can study at home and come in at the time of recilution. ty Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at $2 00 per week. Bioomsburg, June 28lh, 1854. —— 111 if. LOQ<3DCE>lXKiajltot3ai3fgg> Cabinet Ware Rooms, 8. C. 811BVI? RESPECTFULLY invttes the attention of ol tie Public to his extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials anil in a workmariliko manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment of Fashionable Furnitoe, Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, anil at as low prices. lie has Sofas of different style anil prices, from 825 to 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus cbeffeniers, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed end common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and bieakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, is the largest in ibis section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasse- with fancy gill and common frames. He will also furnish spring mallrasses fitted to any sized bedstead,wliiili are superior for durability and comfort to any hetl in use. Bioomsburg, April 6th 1854. tf. HITTER'S FAMILY TIED ■ELVES. RITTER'b COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR, WILD CHERRY AND WOOD NAPHTHA.—For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Wooping Cough, aud diseases tending to PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Is one of the best preparations of the dsy lor all diseases of the Throat aud Lunga, a* thousands can testify. Ft contains no nar cotic, it can be given with pet feet safety to the youngest child. Price twenly-ffvn cents per bottle. rittf.r's aromatic dinner cordial. For the cure of biarrhmt, Low Spirits, Nervousness, General Debility, tor. This cor'.ial Wl || be found highly Deneti j •he above disorders; it i* pleasant to I the taste, and will relieve in a shut time ail those distressing feelings 10 which ilispep lics are liable, A few doses will slop the mosl obstinate Diarhrcea. Procure a bottle nnd be cured at once. Price fifty cents pet bottle. RITTEa's PBCTOtUL RTRUP. AVD CARMINATIVE. This preparation has been in use for over sevemy years in Philadelphia; it was form erly manufactured by (lie grand lather of the present proprietor, and as a soothing syrup has stood unrivalled. It quickly relieves colicy pains, and promotes natural sleep in inlants. Price twenty-five cents per bottle. V>N6WEITEN's or black pills, f Also known as Moravian Pills, Hurt's Pills, Dutch Pills, are safe Purgative and Anti-Billions Pill and no family should be without them. Price twenty-five cents per box. , The above Medicines can be obtained of the sule proprtetoi. I. L. RITTER, No. 9 South Front Street Philadelphia. N. B. A liberal discount to Druggists anil Storekeepers. Front Street Wire Manufactory. W ITSOY & COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen If Wire Cloth Manufactur ers. No. 46 North Front Street, Corner of Comb's Alley, between Market and Mulburry (Arch) Street*. PHILADELPHIA. ' V Manufacture of superior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kind-, Brass and Copper Wife Cloth for Paper Ma kers, too. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov ered in the best manner. 1 <■ 1 Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dtsh Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, too. Fancy Wira Works of every description. August 10, 1854-am. CLOVES AND HOSIERS " A full assortment of Geots and Ladies Kid Silk anil Lisle Thread Gloves, elso a titll assortment of Hosiery just received either New Store of MENDENHALL to MF.NSCH. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, LETTERS of Administration upon the es tate ol Susen Neyhard late of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased have been granted to the undersigned residing al so in ttia township of Centre. All persons having accounts against the estate ere re quested to present them far settlement, end those indebted, to make immediate pay ment to SOLOMON NEYHARD, Administrator, Centre, August 12th, 4854 6t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers