SPLENDID OFFERS. UNITED STATES JOURNAL, N<* in il fifth volume, and having already reached a circulation of over 80,000 —a newt pa per of tin lafgeet cfaaa, containing fifty-n* spacious columns, filled with the currant news from all parte Of the world, a large amount of litterary and BCientifio met* tor, Rank Note List and Prioe Correct, and ea a dew and valuable lealure. each num ber #lll liereefter contain TWO BEAUTI FULLY ENGRAVED PORT R A ITS OF DIBTINGUISAED INDIVIDUALS, is pub lished on the lirat of each month by J. M. EMERSON & Co., t, 3, 5 and 7 Spruce street, New York, at the unprecedented low price of twenty-five cents a year. A valuable premium luxik is sent to esch person get ting up a club, and inaddition the following rich premiums amoutttng to over $L!oo Will, on the 25ih daF of May, 1855, be a warded to the twenty-six persons forwarding between now and that lime the twenty-six highest numbers of subscribers in their or der. The first premium, in money 8200 The second premium, a sewing ma chine worih 120 Tbo third premium, a sewing machine worth 100 The fourth ptemiom, a gold watch worth 100 The fifth and sixth, each a gold watch worth 50 The next inn, each a silver watch worth 20 The next iwnnh, ea?h, such books as they shall select at publishers' prices | worth 10 THE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE, Containing 32 large quarto pages, tinted co vers, on fine paper, profusely .and elegantly il|n*tra'ed, is published on the 15th ol each month at the low price of one dollar a year. A slpendid premium is sent to each person gelling op a club, and in addition $3,000 is to be awarded to the 289 persons Fending the largest number of subscribers. For fur ther paniculars see specimen copy of the Magazine, which will he sent on receipt of six cents, or specimen copy of the Journal, which will be sent gratis to any one order ing it. Address J. M. EMERSON & Co., 1, 3, 5, and 7 Spruce St., New York. Notice to Collectors. THE collectors of copnty taxes in Colum bia county, holding unsettled duplicates dated prior to 1854, are requested to settle the same on or belora the 13ih day of Octo ber next, as no longer indulgence can be given. By order of the Commissioner*, DANIEL I.F.E, Cle'K COMMISR'S OFFICE, I Bloomsbcrg, Sept. 13th, 1854. ) Election Proclamation WHEREAS, by the laws of this Com monwealth it is made "the duty of the Sheriff of every county to give notice of the general elections, by publication in one or tnore newspapers of the county. at least twenty dys before the eleciiou" and to enu merate therein "the officers to he elected," and to "designate the place at which the e lection is to be held"—-Therefore, I, JOHN SNYDER, High Sheriff of Columbia county, do hereby make known and proclaim to the < qualified elector* of Columbia, tha! a GEN ERAL ELECTION will be held throughout said county, on TUESDAY, THE TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, being the second Tues day in said month. at the several districts wnhin the county to wit: llenlon township at the house of Ezekiel Cole. Beaver '.ownsliip at the house of Christian Sbuman. Bl :om township at the Court-honse, in Bloomiburg. Briarcreek township ot the town house in Berwick. Cattawissa township at the house of Stacy Margerutn in Cattawissa. Centre township at the house of Jeremiah Hestt rleceaied. Fishingcreek township at the house of Abraham Kline, now occupied by William Long, Greenwood township at the house of Jo seph Patlon. Hemlock township at the Ruckhrrrn. Jackson township at the house ol Joshua Savage. Locust township at Ihe house of David Reinbold. Franklin township at the house of Benja min Drum. Mifflin township at the bouse of John Keller. Madison township at the house of Jacob Welltver. now occupied by J. L. Hirst. Mouutpleasam township at tire house of Frederick Miller. Montour township at the house of John Richards now occupied by Jesse Hollius liead. Main township at the house of Isaao Fet ter. Roaringcreek township at the house of Ceorge W. Dreisbacb. Orange township at the house of Adam Gearinger. Pine township at ihe house of Albert Hun ter. Sugarloaf township at the house of Linas Cole. Scott township at the house of Henry Trembly if. Espytowii. r It is further directed that the election at the said several districts shall be opened be tween the hours of 8 and to o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue open without interruption, or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be clo sed. The officers to be elected at Ihe time and daces aforesaid, are A GOVERNOR. A CANAL COMMISSIONER. AJUDGEOFTHESUPRKME COURT. A MEMBER OF CONGRESS. A MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY. A PROTHONOTABY & CLERK OF THE COURTS. A REGISTER OF WILLS k RECOREER OF DEEDS. A COUNTY COMMISSIONER. AN AUDITOR. It ia further directed that the meeting of the return judges, at the Court House in Blootptburg to make out the general relnrna, shall be on the first Friday succeeding the general election, which will be the 13tb day Af October. The wtnrn judges of Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wyoming,'enraprisnig the 12th Congressional district will meet at the Court House in Bloomaburg on Tuesday the 17lh day of October next, to make out an official leinm for Member of Congress. The return judges of Columbia ar.d Mon tour counties will meet at the Court House in Btoomsburg on Tuesday the 17th day of October next to make out returns lor Mem bar of Assembly. And is and by tha said act, I ana lurth direowd to give notice "that every persee excepting justices ef the peace, who sheti hold any office or appointment of profit or States, <>r of ibis State, or of any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who ia, or shall be employed under Ihe legislative, or executive or judiciary de partment of this State, or of any incorpora ted district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the select or common coun cil of any city, commissioners of any In corporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at ihe seme time IDs office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that na inspector, judge or any other officer of any such election shall be eligible 13 any office then te be voted lur. I am also instruoed by law to inser the following copy o'f an Act, emitted : "An act lor '.he suppression of the manufacture and tale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage," in Ihe Proclamation for the General Election to be beld on the second Tuesday of Outo ber next. "AN ACT For the Suppression of the Shmificture and Sale of intoxicating Liquors as a Beverage. WHEREAS. All laws to be efficient should have the approbation and sanction of the people ; And wieieas, It U represented that a large number, if not a majority ol the citizens of this commonwealth, are deeply impressed with the necessity of the passage of a pro hibitory liquor la\v ; And wkeieas, It is impossible to obtain a certain indication of popular sentiment rela tive thereto by means of petitions and re monstrances ; therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by Ihe Senate and House of Representatives of ihe com monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by au thority of the same, That the qualified vo ters of this Commonwealth are hereby au thorized at the places for holding the gener al elections in their respective wards, bor oughs and townships, on the second Tues day n< October next, In vote for and against a law which shall entirely prohibit, by prop er and Constitutional regulations and penal ties, the manufacture and sale of intoxica tion liquors except for medicinal, sacramen tal, mecliauicat and artietical purposes. _ SECTION 2. That the officers authorized by law to hold elections in each ward, bor ough and township ol this Commonwealth, are hereby directed and required at the place fixed by law, irt the several districts for the holding of tbe general elections in said dis tricts, on the second Tuesday of October next, when they shall be organized as an e leciiou board, to receive from each qualified voter of their said districts, a ticket written or printed on the outside, "Prohibitory Li quor Law," and the tickets ir. favor of the proposed law shall contain in the inside the words, "For a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and those opposed to the proposed law shall contain in tha inside the words, "Against a Prohibitory Liquor Law," which votes shall be counted and returned to the court house of the county or oily, in which the said elec tion shall be held, on the following Friday, by the return judges, who shall east up and certify all ihe votes polled in the said coun ty or city, to the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, at Harrisburg, directed and transmitted ill the same manner, the votes for Governor are required to bo direct ed and transmitted, and lite said Secretary sliall, on the third Friday of January next, ensuing, communicate (lie said returns to the legislature, to be opened and counted in tbe same manner; the votes for Governor are-openSd and connted, and considered as the praygrs of ihe voters of this Common wealth relative to a prohibitory liquor law. SECTION 3. That all the election laws of the Stale prescribing the hours of opening and closing the polls, the reception of votes, the punishme- i for illegal voting, the .de fraying the expenses ol publication, and holding of Ihe general elections and return ot the same, and all other matters incident thereto, be and Ihe same are declared ap plicable Jo the election above antnoriznd. SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to insert a oopy of this act, in ttie proclamation for the general election to be held on the second Tuesday ol Octo ber next. E. H. CHASE, Speaker of H. of Rep. M. M'CASLIN, Speaker ol the Senate. Approved the t-wenty eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. WILLIAM BIGLER. Given under my hand at my office in Rloomsburg this 6th day of September A. D. 1854. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY AT SEPTEMBER TERM 1894, To the Honorable the Judes of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the reaoe, ic and lor the said County of Columbia. The undersigned Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring, for the body ot the County of Columbia, Rcspeefully Report, That they have, pursucnt to their required duty, calmly, and deliberate ly, investigated all bills ol Indictment pre sented for their consideration at this term, and have passed upon litem accordingly They have also made a thorough examina tion of the Court House, Jail, and all other Public Buildings and find them generally in good repair. And they also report, that they find a large quantity ol publio paper in the Pro thonotary office in an exposed condition, we therefore recommend their immediate remo val to tke fire Prool where there is sufficient shelving put tip for their recepiien. And they also further report, that it has been staled to this Inquest, that the road leading Iroin Bloomsburg to Berwick, in ihe township of Centre, is in several places in bad repair. Also, a publio road leading from Aaron Kelchner's Smilh shop through lands ol Gilbert Fowler, Paul Zaner, Wil liam Hoffman and Andrew Frees to the Ger man Churoh in Biiarcreek township, needs immediate repairing, also aTownship Bridge over the Canal on a public road leading from Cenlreville in Centra township, to Brown's Mill in Mtfflin township unsafe and dangerous to oass, we therefore call the attention of Ihe Supervisor of the above township, to ihe same, and request them to make the necessary repairs. The Grand Jury further state that informa tion has been laid before them, that the road leading from Lime Ridge to the river road in Cemre township is so out of repair as to be almost impassable. And they would also further report, that they have been informed by respectable persons that Ihe Inn-keepers of Jeraeytown, ui Madison township, tetail spiritons liquors to the neighbots and other* upon the Sab bath day, thereby collecting noisy and disor derly persons about their house* to the great annoyance of all qniel and peaoeable citi zens of the town and vioinage, we therefore humbly beseech, tbent in particular, and ell other good eitizens of Columbia county, to obey tbe laws ol the land, and see that they are faithfully exeeuled, for it is the corner stone upon which the superstructure of ours, the most noble institutions for Ihe govern ment of the human family now rests, and no doubt will continue to rest, if we only provo true to God. our Country and our selves. All of which ia respeotfolly submit ted thii sixth day of Sep',umber A. l>. 1854. JOHN FT A LEY, Foreman. Read, approved and otdered 19 be pub lished, September Bth, t-854. Df Astlprtty. RESOLUTION PROPOSING AmeMdmrßti to the CmiU* fallen of the Common wealth. SECTION 1. Reeolved by the Senate and House of Repretentatives of ithe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That Ihe following amendments be and the same are hereby proposed to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, under and in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: PROPOSITION 1, TO >r ARTICLE XI. SECTION I. The aggregnle amoont or dera hereafter contracted by the Common wealth shall never exceed the sum ot five hundred thousand dollars, except in case of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to redeem the public debt of Ihe Com monwealth, and the money #o raised shall be applied to the purpose for which the debt may be contracted, or pay such debts, and to no other purpose. . SEC. 2. To pay the public debt of Ihe Commonwealth and debts which may here after he contracted in case ol war to repel invasion, suppress insurrection and to re deem the public debt, the Legislature ahall at their next session after the adoption ol this section into the Crmslilutoin, provide by law for the oreation of a sinking fund, which shall not be abolished till the said public debts be wholly paid, to consist of all the net annual income from the public works and stock owned by fhe commonwealth, or any other funds arismg under any revenue law now existing or -that may ha hereafter enacted, so far as the same may beteqnired to pay the interest of said debts semi-annu ally, and annually to reduce the principal thereol by a sum not less than five hundred thousand dollars, increased yearly by com pounding at a rate of not less than five per centum per annum ; the said sinking fund shall be invested in the loans of the Com monwealth, which shall be cancelled from , tirlle to lime in a manner to be provided by law : no portion of Ihe sinking fund shall ever be applied to the payment of the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first section of this article, but the said sinking fund shall be applied only to the putposes herein specified. SEC. 3. The credit of the Common wealth shall not :n any way be giv en or loaned to or in aid of any individual, com pauy, corporation or association, nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner or stockholder in any company, association or corporation in the Common wealth or elsewhere, formed f.ir any purpo ses. SEC. 4. The Commonwealth shall never assume the debts of any county, city, bor ough or township, or of auv corporation or 'association, unless auch debts shall have been commoted In repel invasion, suppress insurrection, ot to defend the Stale in wat. PROPOSITION 2, TO BE ARTICLE XI. Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions. The Legislature shall never authorize any county, city, borough or township, by vote of its citizens or oi herwise, to become a stockholder in any joiuf company, associa tion or corporation, or to raise money for, or loan its credit tn. or in aid of any such oom pany or association. E. B CHASE, Siieuker ol Ihe House of Representatives. M. M CASLIN, Speaker of Ihe Senate. Ir. Senate, April 28, 1854. Resolved, that this resolution pass. Yeas 22, naye 6.—Extract froinAhe Journal. T. A. M/fGUIRE, Clerk. In House of Representatives, April 21, 1854. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 71, nays 20.—Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, J Filed April 29.1854. j C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. PENNSYLVANIA, SS. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, J Marrisburg, July 1, 1854, j 1 Ido certify that the above and SEAL. > foregoing is a true and correct —) copy ol the original "Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution," as ihe same re mains on file in this office. In testimony wheieol I have hereunto set my hand and caus ed to be affixed the seal of the Secretary's office the day and year above written C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Journal of the Senate. "Kesoiution No. 562, entitled 'Resolution [ proposing amendments to the Constitution 'of the Commonwealth; was read a third ' time. On the question, will the Senate a | gree to the first proposition, the yeas and ! nays were taken, agreeably to the Constitu tion, and were as follows, viz: YEAS—Messrs. lint-kalew, Darlington, Dar sie, Furguson, Koulkrod, Friok, Fry, Good win, Haldeman, Hamilton, B. D. Hamlin, R. VV. Hamlin, Heister, Hoge, Jamison, Mo- Clintook, McFarlaml, I'iatt, Quiggle, Sager, Sliler, and McCaslin, Speaker—23. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, C res well, Hen dricks, Kiuzer, Knnkle and Skinner—6. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, will the Senate agree to the second proposition, Ihe yeas and najs i were taken agteeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: YEAS—Messrs. Buckalew, Darsie, Fergu son. Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, B. D. Hamlin. E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Heis ter, Hoge, Jamison, Kinzer, McCliniock, McFailand, I'iatt, Price, Quiggle, Slifer, Wherry, McCaslin , peuker —22. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Creswell, Darling ton, Hamilton, Kunkle and Skinner—6. So the question was determined in the af firmative. Journal of the Honse of Representatives. "The question recurring upon the final passage of the Resolutions, the first propo sition was agreed to as follows, viz : YEAS—Messrs, Abraham, Adams, Ather ton, Ball, Bnrtor., Beyer, Bigham, Boyd, Bush, Byerly, Caldwell, Calvin, Carlisle, Chamberlin, Cook, Crane, Cnmmins, Dough erty, Davis, De France, Dunning, Eckert, Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Fry, Gallen line, Gibboney, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwiu, Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Iliestand, Hith er, Hippie, Horn, Hummel. Hunsucker, Hunter, Hunt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh,) Linn. Magse, Maguire, Manderfield, M'Connall, M'Kee, Miller, Monsghan, Montgomery Moore Moser Muse Palmer Parka I'armlee, Patamore, Patterson, Porter, Putney, Rawlins. Roberts, Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) Lmith. (Crawford,) Stewart, Stock dale, Strong, Struthers, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Zeigler, Chase, Speaker—Bb. NAYS—None. So the question was determined In the of- Urinative. On the question will the House agree to the second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken, agteeably to the provisione of ihe 10th article of the constitution, and are as follows : YEAS—Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Barton, Beck, Beyer, Bigham, Boyd, Cald well, x.avliale, Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugheriv, Davie, Deegen, De France, Dunning, Edinger, Eldretj, Evans, Fry. Oallenline, Gibboney, Gilmore, Gray, Hippie, nnnsecaer, Hunter. Hurtl,*acsman, Kilgoie. Knigbt, Laary, (Lehigh.) Lowery, (Tioga.) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Mander field, M'Connell. M'Kee, Monoghan, Mont gomery, Moore, Motor, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parrnlee, Passmore, Pattaraon, Por ter, Rawlins. Roberta, Rowe, Ballade, Scott, Bimonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Ciaw furd,) Stnckdale, Wheeler, Waakleifi. Wright, Chase, Speaker —ft. ~ NsTs—Messrs. Adams, Caldwio, Bean*, Bush, Hyerly, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hummel, M'COmbs Mdler, 'Pmilaon. Putney, Sidle, Steward, Strong, Rtruihers Zeigler—2o. So the queition was determined in the af firmative. Srcßv.TAn v's Orvtcr, j HARRISBURG, July 1, 1854. I PENNSYLVANIA, SS. J Ido certify that the above and SCSI.. > foregoing,'is a true find correct —) copy of the "vess" and "asra" taken on the "Resolution rela tive to an amendmen of (lis Con stitution of the Commonwealth* as the aame appears on th* Jour nals of the two Houses of the General Assembly, of this Com monwealth for the Session of 1854. Witness my hand and the Sesl of said office thia first day of Ju ly, one thousand eight hoQdred and fifty-lour. C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 18th, 1854—3 m. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. JOHN 8. STERNER BIAS returned from Philadelphia, with a large and varied assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as black and fancy Silks, black and changeable Alpacas, Barege de Laiues. Mous. de Bege, Bombazines, plain, figured and changeable Poplins, Lawns, calicoes, ginghams,'gloves, hosiery, &c. GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Veslinos, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; &c. HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment ot Parasols nod Ribbons. DOMESTICS. — Bleached ft wnbleaclted Muslin, Cheoks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin ens. Ac. BOOTS 4" SHOES —A farge assortment of Men's, YVomen's & Children's Boots and Shoe*, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCERIES. —A large assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &0., &c. The attention of all who wish good bar gians is solicited, for inducements to pur chasers will be offered. Bloomsburg, May 4th 1851. THE POCKET ESCULAPIUS; OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. ®JUrE FIFTIETH h un it re 4 >hig>avings. showing Diseases and Mal formations of the human System in every shape an J form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Femelee, being of the highe-t importance to mar ried people, or those con templating manual. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. J.et r.o father he ashamW ihe present a cop yof the Aesculspius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. J.et no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations o: mar ried life without reading the Porke Aesculapiue Let no one suffer from e harknied Cough Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Despeptic sensations, and given up by their physicians, be another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to lie married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the mesne of saving thou sands of unfortunate crealuies from the very jaws of death. -i .A Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of (bin book, by mtil,or five copiee willhe sent for one duller. Address, Dr. W. young, No. /52 Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Post paid. No 152 Mpruce 81., Philadelphia. Sep. Ist, 1854-ly. R. C. RIDGWAT k €O. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, bin 104 South f-'rout street, f'hllu. nnANDIES. LIQUORS. (of different kinds.) Wine Bitters, Dark and Pale, Stmighlou Rttler.e, Oiard, Depny & Co.of Essence of Pepper varioua Vintages, mint, I'inet,Ca*tillion&Co. Wild Cherry Brandy, of Yaiious Vintages, Raspberry Brandy, Maglorey, do Blackberry do Henriassy, do Lavender do Rochella do Ginger do HOLLAND GIN. Curacoa do Swan Brand, Extract D'Ahsimbe. Comet, do coaaiALs. Fish, do Rosa Cordial, Anchor Brand, Perfect Love, Cordial, Sevdam, do Anniseed, do WINKS. Lemon, do Superior old Sherry Peppermint, do Wine, wmaxxYs. do do Madeira Wine Superior Old Mo non- Port, of different gahela, xinds, Rye Whiskey, from 1 Tenenffa Wine, to 16 years old, Lisbon, do > Burbon Whiskey, Malaga, do Irish do Musculel, do Scotch do Claret, do OKI Jamaica Spirit*, Burgundy Pott, Old Peach Brandy, Old Apple do Aug. 17th, 1854. Cham, and Hock W. ot variou* brands. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE i* hereby given that letter* of Adminiftration upon the estate of Da vid Johnson, late of Mountpleasant town ship. Columbia county, deceased, have been granied to the undersigned, residing in Mountpleasenl. All persons indebted to the estate are reaueated to make immediate payment, and those baling accounts, to pre sent them for settlement to JOHN JOHNSON, Ailmmitlrator. Mountpleasant, Sept. Sib, 1864-6t. BHARPLEBS * MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE ito.—Establish ment on Main street, next building above the Court house. bCjaoaacH>ao. i_Eja*<uu-msi)6o a~ss UJIIW, AT THE CHEAP CLQTHING STORE. In the Exchange Block next to Swartx'e Book Store, have on band a large and fall assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUbt AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enligh'ened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Veata th ey hare every color ot the rainbow, beside* some black, bloe, grey, striped and fancy ; Vest* of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable pots and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing: Also fine white, figured and striped ahirta, Pocket and Neck Handkerchief*, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man' dress good* ; Hat*, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrella* ; and atm ass® admass They have Undersleve*, Spenrera, Collars, Ripalelts, Gloves. Mitts, fed lea' bead-bag Handkerchiefs, to., &c. Also Jewelry and Notion*, saoh as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens end Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Aocordeona. HP" Remember the cheap etore in the "Exchange Block" op osite the Court house. Bloomeborg, May 18th 1854. P S. DREIFUSB, & Co. New Fall and Winter Clothing. DA7ZD LOTTBSrBBRO INVITES attention to hie stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at hie More on Market street two doore above the ''American House," where he hoe a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including • "" IDIEISSS ©(fciiSPSa Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coat* of alt sorts and sizes, pjnts of all color*,shade stripe* and figure, veet*, shirts, cravats, stock*, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and fancy articles. . N. B. He will also make to holer any article of clothing at very short nonce and in the best manner. All hi* clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. • Blnnmhnrg. May 16'h 1854-3 m. EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 Sooih Fourth street, have on hand a large assortment ol PATKNT SALAMAN DER KIKE and THIEF PROOF SAFES, Rank Vaults and Iron Doors for Banks and Stores. BAI^IMOB^ Gentlemen:—We lake much pleasure in rec ommending your KIKE PROOF SAFES to merchan's and others, who may desire to purchase, with a view to the preservation of their Books and other valuables. Ihe Safe we purchased of voir, tnd manufactured by EVANS & WATSON, of Philadelphia, Pa., remained in the fire at the burning of onr store until the entire stock was consumed, the heat being intense, as you may suppose as there were about seventy barrels of liquor in thcstore, besides some seventy thousand pounds of rags and ropes, and other articles ol a highly combustible nature. We had the Safe opened after the fire had ceased and found our books and papers preserved in perfect order. No. 116 Lighl street whatf. Please send as another of your best Safes, of the same size, for our future use, and o blige R. W. W. ISAAC, No. 0! Eight street wharf, Baltimore BILTIMOHE, Mo., May 17, 1854. MESSRS E. & T. FAIRBANKS & Co.—Gen tleman :—lt gives us mnnb pleasure to beat testimony to'the excellence of your Fire Proof Sales, the ope I purchased of you, manufactured by Messers. Evans & Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved my books and valuable papers, when everything else in the honsa was destroyed by fire, on the morning of the 14th ins', at No. 1 16 Lighl street wharf. B. F. WILMS. BALTIMORE MD;, May 17, 1854. Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seal and taller Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Platform and Counte- Scales. Sole Agency for Bulterworth's, Bettley's, Vales' and Jones' Patent Powder Proof Bank (.neks. Below are the names of a few gentlemen and Public Institolors who have our Safes, in use. Hundreds mora can be given : Farmers & Mechanics Bank Philadelphia 12 Safes.- U. S. Mint, " " U. , Arsenal, five Safes California 3 in Philapeljnhia. State treasurer Trenton, N. J. Penn'a. R. R. Co., Phila'd. 2 Safes. Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore R. R. Co., Philadelphia. Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co , " Coal Ron Improvement & R. R. Co., " Belt Garretsou Sc Co. Bankers, Hunting don, Pa., Bell, Smith & Co., Bankers, Johnstown Pa., Bryan, Gardner. Altoona, Pa. Gen. A H. Wilson, Huntingdon, Pa. McKelvy, Neal & Co.; Bloomsbuiut " Geo Weaver, do • " Cateb Barton. do " Philadelphia, August 31 1854 lj*. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY!! (B'j Authority of the Stilt of Alabama,) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS F—TO BE DRAWN 20lh of Oct. CAPITALS. 87000 " 5000 << 30110 I. 1500 In all, 238 prizes, amounting to 830,000 Tickets 85,00 Halves and quarters in pjo portinn. All communications strictly confidential. "Current bills of any bank received at par." SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lione. Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1854. COLUMBIA COUNTY—COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. In the Matter of the Petition if Benjamin Wagner to have satisfaction Entered on the Record of n Mortgage from Daniel Leoan to Carper Rhoadee and Benjamin Corps. NOTICE is hereby given to the widow and heirs of the said Casper Rhoads, and also of the eaid Benjamin Corps, and also to the widow and heirs of Adam Corps deceased, and all persons interested in bis Estate, that depositions of Witnesses to prove the (sets set forth in said petition will be taken before Thomas Painter,. Esq., Commissioner appointed by the Court for the purpose at his office in Bloomsburg, in eaid County on Saturday the 7th dav ol October next, between the hours of 10 A. M. fc 2 P. M. By order of the Court, JACOB EYKRLY, rrothonotary. Sept 5, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of admigjpiration upon the estate of Wil, barn Everet, late of Orange township, Col umbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Orangeville. All persona indebted (o the said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, end those having accounts to present mem for settlement to JACOB D. KLINE. Orangevilfe, ARguet ]7tb, 1834—6t. i2Utta<&aa WEIGHING LESS THAN 2 h OUNCES, FOR THE CURE OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE. ACKNOWLEDGED by the highes' medi c;.l authorities of Philadelphia, incompan ably superior to ony other in use. Sufferers will be giatified to le.im thai the orcas'on now offers lo piocure not only the 'lightest and m oat easy,' bul as durable a TiUss as any other, in lieu o( the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually 'Old, Theie in no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad ia located, it will retain ita poaition without change. I'ersonr at a distance unable to call on the Subscriber can have the Truw aent to any ad. dresa, or hy lemitting Five Dollars for the single 'l'ruus, or Ten for the double—with measure round the hipe, end eteting eide affected. It will be eichauged to auit if not fitting by re turning it at once, unsoileJ For Sale by the Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES, Cur. Twelfth If Race Streets ,Philadelphia. 17* LABI as, requiring the benefit of Me chanical Support., owing In the derangement of the Internal Organs, inducing Filling of the enomb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous, ned Spinal Weakness, are Informed that a corn patent amTeiperienred LADV will oe in attend- Wee at the Rooms (set apart for their exclusive use,) No, 114, Twelfth Sl„ Ist door below Ita. e. June 27, '.854—1y. "SHERI F F'S SALE. ~ BY virtue of R certain writ of Ven ditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne county to me directed,.there wilt be exposed to pub lic ssle on Saturday the 9t)th day of September, 1854. at the Court House in the Borough of Wilkes-Bsrre, Luzerne connty, Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described property,to wit; A certain piece or parcel of land situ ate partly in Salem township, Luzerne county, and partly in Briarcreek town ship, Columbia county,—Bounded north erly by land of Michael Seybert— east erly by land of Jacob Hill—southerly by land now or Inte of J. Yonng, and land of Hugh Thompson—and westerly hy lands of Alexander Thompaon, Jacob Hosier- Michael Seybert? and Kisner and Miller, containing four hundred and fifty acrea of land be the same moreor less, nearly all imptoved, with a Three Story Brick Boise* a alone t-till-housc, two large frame barns, a stable, wagon shed, eorn house and other out buildings thereon. Late the estate of the defendant in said writ pain ed. with the nppurtenances. deized and taken in execution at the suit of Mnry Ann Anderson against Charles Seybert. ABKAM DRUM, Sheriff Siizßirr's OFFICE, ? Wilkes-Bnrrc, Aug. 20,1854 —3D J AUDITOR'S NOTICE, Estate of John Haslet, deed. THE creditors and sll other persons inter ested ia the estate of Juhn Haslet, late of Bloom township, in the county of Colum bia, deceased, are hereby notified that the undersigned has been appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of County lo settle and adjust the rales and proportions of the assets in the hands ol Solomon N-syhard, the Ad ministrator of the decedent, to and among the respective creditors according <0 the or der established by law, that he will attend at his office in' Bloomsburg, on Thursday the 19ih day of October next, to perform tnadu lies of nit appointment. All persona hav ing uUims against the estate are required lo present tham to the Auditor at the time and place aforesaid, or be debarred from coming in foi a share of such asset' or fund. ROB'T. F. CLARK, Aadilor. Bloomsburg, September, 14th, 1854. ESTRJIY CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in Scott township on Friday last, a Ted' cow with a spotted streak on the back, and spotted belly and tail. The end of the left ear is cut off, and she hss a msrk of tar on' her left hip. Ihe owner is requested SO prove property, pay charges of advertising and keeping, and lake her away, or she wiW be disposed of eooording to law. ELIAS KRUM, Scott twp , Aug. 28 t854-3t. THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street, FHILADEIiPHIA ; Manufacturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zine Batning Tubs, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batning apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention given to ordered Work, and goods carefully lorwardod on orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854, To the Voters ef lolaabis Connty. AT the request of a number of personal friends without distinction of petty, 1 in induced to offer rfiySetf aa candidate lor the office ,of PROTHDNOTARY at the ensuing election. SAMUEL MEN DEN HALL. Bldomeburg, Sep. 4th, IHW. ua ao m * Dloomibnrg. s*• . DAVID LoW'ENBERG, riLdtmNG STORE, on Main aUMt. two doofs above the 'Amerlodn Hottih." SIMON DREIFGSS, & C: riLOTHING STORE In the 'Exchange Block,' opposite (He Court hhose. EVAmTr Afl'LEMJii 7 MERCHANTS. —Store on "he of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. C. 8111VV, T%f ANUFACTURKR OF, , FURNITURE ax AND CABINET WARE Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT; rpINNF.R AND STOVE, DEALER A Stiop on South side of Mala ft feet, be low Market. JOSEPH BWARTZ. nOOKSF.I.I.ER, Store in the Exchange Block, Brat door above the Exchange Hel. M'KELVY, SEAL * CO., !%€ ERCHANTS.—Northeast oorneralof Mrt and Market streets. 1000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED, TO Canvass for the best and rr o<l fria ble Books published. They fare writ ten by the most popular Aulho a of the day, inc hiding atnong others, T. S ARTHUR, of whose last (treat work, TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM; 11,000 copies have been sold within amonth of publication. These books are bcautifiully illustrated, (many of them with finely colored plates) and are printed and bound in the best man* tier. | Agents will find n,f>!eSanl and profitable employment ill their circulation. For par ticulars address (post paid) J. W. BRADLEY, PußLrsiiCd, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia: September 31, 1853-Sm. "NEW Q RIST-MILL AT RILL GROVE! IsHF. subscriber has refitted his Grist- Mill at Mill Grove, near Light Street, Columbia county, and is ready the do any add all kinds of grinding. He had ((tree run of Stones, and the Mill will work to geit-' era! satisfaction. A competent miller had has charge of the establishment, and the patronage of the publto is respectfully so- THOMAS TRENCH. Mil! Grove, Sept. 9, 1851. K 4Y Sl BROTHER, LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL, 193 Market Street, three doort below Fifih, PHILADELPHIA, T> ESPECTFULLY announce to the Pro tession and Students at Law, that they keep always on hand a well selected stock of law books, comprising the best Treati ses extant in every department of law, which they will sell sell as cheap, if not cheaper, lhar. any other house in this city or New York. Being the publishers of several val uable works, they are possessed of suoh fa cilities in obtaining their stock as to enable them to sell their books at very low prices. KAY & BROTHER have the agency for the sale of Harris' Pennsylvania Stale Re ports, for the eastern counties of the Slate. KAY & BROTHER, PUBLISH 1. Pardon's Digest of the Laws of Penn sylvania, from 1700 to 1853, by Stroud and Brightly, new and Bth edi tion, in one convenient volume, Bvo. Price $5.00. 3. Sergeant & Rawle's Supreme Conrf Reports, 17 vols. 3. Penrose & Watt's Supreme Court Re ports, 3 vols. 4. Walls' do do 10 vole. 5. " & Sergeants' do do 9 vols, 6. Harris' State Reports, 8 vols 7. Brightly's Nisi Prins Reports, 1 vol. 8. Miles' Reports of the District Court of Philadelphia, 3 vols. 9. Baldwins' U. S. Circuit Court Reports, 1 vol. 10. Chief Justice Marshall's Circuit Curto Decisions, 3 vols. 11. Sergeant on the Land Lawi, o£ Penn'iar' 1 vol. 13. Sergeant on Foreign Attachment itY Fauns, 1 vol. 13. Sergeant on the Lien Law of Penn'e/ „ 1 vol. . 14. Duane on the Law of Landlbrd & Ten-' ant, 1 vol. 15. Dnane on the Road laws in I'emi'a, . I vol 16. Brightly oh the L*W of Costs, t VoL 17. Grnydon's Forms—new ar.d 4th edi tion, 1' vol. 18. Hood on the Law of Executors, I vol J 19. Roberts' Digest of Britih_ statu'es in force in Pennsylvania—3d edition,' I vol. 29. Smith It Reed's Laws el commencing 14th Obi. 1700, lOvols—• The Kth, Mb and MMk volumes told' separately.- 21. Fbmphlet Laws.—The complete acts' of the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania, from ihto year WOO to the pres ent time, in 41 vols. Complete set*,* of the Pamphlet Laws are very scarce.' 22. Wharton's American Crimiual law ami 3d ed ition, 1 vol. 23. Wharton's Precedents of IndictnAents, l' vol. 34. Morris on the Law of Replevin in the United Stales, 1 vol. 35. Binns'Justice—mew and sth edition,' 1852 —By F. t. Brightly Esq.—l vol.. 26. Troubat on the law of Limited Part nership in the United Slates, f vof. 27. Troubat and Halys' Practice, new ami! third edition In Z thick volumes 8 vo, of over 1700 pages. $B. Brightly's Purdo'u's A'nmtal Digest fof 1854, price 50 cents. IN PREPARATION. , Wharton and Stille's American Medical Ju-' rtsprudenue, 1 vol, royal 8 vo, Wharton on the American Law ol Homi cide, with- Re porta of Cases, I v6E royal thro. Barton's Compendium tff the Law of Rett Property, with copious American An notations, I vol. royal Bvo. A new Digest of the Laws of the t Unit*! States, on the plan of Purdqa'a Di gest of 1853 ( 1 vol. imperial 8 vo. Sargear.is' Mechanics' Lien (aw, new edi tion. ' , The Pennsylvania Form. Boql tW Bee Kay k Brother's CaMfagitie, of Law Poblusatioha lor particulars: Orders or letters of inquiry font the country promptly attended to. August f7tb, 1851—i)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers