Stat of tt)e Kcvtli. TELEGRAPHIC JEWS MOM THE BLOOMSBURG OFFICE.: Asstker rasa te Public Funetioaurite. 1 flgmnnee. March 31.—The Mayor, end themembumof Councils of this city, have . and accepted en invitation from the n iltfigl MtP~ Pennsylvania Legislature, to -visit HanHbnrgon Friday ot iter, week, llth intt., find partake of The Hen. Dutiei Webster has alto been invited. Arrival of Mr. Webster. Harrisburg, April I.—The Hon. Daniel Webster arrived here this afternoon, and was received by tho members of the Legis lature in the Hall of the House. He deliver ed an eloquent addrsss. NORTHUMBERLAND, Match 27th. YYe have again been visited by another calamity of fire. Captain Samuel Hunter's house, barn and out buildings, at Fort Au gusta, about one mile below our (own. A latge briok house and frame barn, 100 by 50 feat, with all the outbuildings, valued at seven to eight thousand dollars, wore entire ly consumed this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Is-g stattvr.' Harrisburg, April 1. SENATE.—The bill incorporating the Far mers' and Mechanics' Bank of Easton TA-as then taken up, variously amended, and pas red finally—yeas 18 nays 9. Tho bill to re-nnncx the county of Mon tour to the county of Columbia came up on second reading. Mr. Buckalew advocated tlse repeal of the act of last session, in a speech of consider able length, and advocated the re-annexing of the county. Mr. Frailey, of Schuylkill, opposed the Dili, speaking until tho hour of adjournment. Death by Intemperance. I.sst Monday evening, March 17th, a man living in Tusearora, named Dougher'y, be came intoxicated and commenced a quarrel with hit wife 1 (who was also under the influence of liquor.) which resulted in her ejection from the house. No tidings of her were hail until last Saturday, when Iter dead body was found ill tho vicinity ofßrockville : it is supposed that she peri-lied in the snow s'orm of Monday night.— Tamaqua Legion. Corruptum of the New York Legist dure Mike Walsh, on Friday, presented lo the senate of New York a paper charging Sen. , ulcus C. D Robinson. J. 11. Johnson, and A. C Stone, with agreeing to stifle tho passage of a bill against gambling, which had been introduced in the senate by Robinson. The charge rests upon the oath of one S. A. Stty- ' dam, a gambler of New York, who Ins sworn that George W. Bull, sergeant at arms : or the Senate, addressed him as a person in- j terestcd, and promised that tho biii should i to stifled by the committee, Messrs. Robin- j ton, Johnson and Stone, if a largo sum was paid. It is stated that much money was J paid by other "fancy" men in New York, j but Suydatn refused, arid revealed the mat ler. Bull nas fled. Tho oeeutrenca has i 'ca.'sed a great excitement at Albany. CAVCHT THEM. —On last Monday Sheriff. Ncyhard of Lehigh county pa-sod through j our town with a pair of prisoners who had escaped from the Alientown jail. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. , Flour and Meal. —The market for Flour is : firm, with sales. Good brands are a*l i,g at 64 31 jas437 4. Sales extra brands at $4 j (121 a $5. Fancy brands are-held at SSJ a $6 . Hi, c riour —ls hultl at $3 37J Corn Meal —Last sale at $2 62 for I'enna. tirain-s-IVhiut —fiales of Pennsylvania red at 97 ; prime white is selling at St 02 cents. Rye —Sales at 66c. Corn —Tho supply about. aaals the demand ; yellow command-- 60c, oat. Onll—Sales at 13 a 44c. Whiskey. —Sales of bblsat22) cts. Hogs heads are held at 21A a 21c. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Blooms- ! bnrg, April Ist, 1851. Amer William Kelly William Appleman Miss S. E Krumtn Ephrairn Brown Mrs. Mary Lewes J, Esq. Baker Charles Mummy tle-irr Butts James Morris L. G. ltowen James O'.ltoul John A Cool Sarah E. Price O. Carriugton Mate Pur-ell A. E. Divers Mary Propst David Daily Phines Reazor Jacob M. Flood John Robbins Eli Flags G. W Seigfreid Dane Freeman Mathew, 2 Scuyler J. W. fi'dbbsoti Francis Slack Henry Griggs John S. Stuart John llsrt Mr. 8 i.te John Knopping, G 11. Trump Adam 2 Killer Mary E. Washburn J. S. Kuiete Jacob Williamson Jas. S. White Sarilt J. M.CHEMBERLIN, P. M. TRIAL LIST—APRIL TERM. 1851.1 J. John P. Leibrick, et al. vs. Perry Dean. ; 'J. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vr. /Charles F. Mann, George Longenbrrger, John F'isUar aud George Miller, jr. 3. John G. Brenner and George C. Guyer, Executors of the last will and Testament of Frederick Beates, vs. Jonas Hartman. 4. Lafayotte Keseler, vs. Elislia Hess. 5. Abraham B. Kline, adtn'r. de bonis non, ef Thomas Wildouer, dee d., t>*. Robert Lnckard. t. Thomas Wilds, vs. Wm. Hart. 7. Sam'l Conner vr. Conrad Adams. V. George Fredericks et si vs. Yeniah Reese. 9. Benjamin P. Frick et al. vs. Charles F Mann. 10. Phiilip Crouse vs. YVni. Koons. It. Wm. VV. Cook, vs. Wm, Edgar and Jo nas Roe. 12. Jas. 8. Campbell vs. John Doak 11. Truman W.llubble vs. David J. Wal ler. 14. John Doak It Son, v. Daniol F' Bey bert. 16. Lewi* Eukie vs. Daniel Sponenbcrg. 16. George Sbuman It Rudolph Shuraan vs. Isaiah Bhumar.. 17. Emery Ink vs. George Mack. 16. Samuel Aclenbaob vs. Henry C. Freas. WINDSOR AfID COMMON CHAIR made to order of anr deeirablo style at the ehatr manufactory of B.HAGENBL'CM 1 ifioeraslmrg, May ] 6th MM . Reading H. R. Paaaengci Traiia O OFFICE OF THE PAILADELPHIA AND READING-RAILROAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia. March 29, 1861 —SUM- MER ARRANGEMENT, from Philadelphia lo Potlsville. Teo PaasengersTrains daily (Sundays cxcoptdd) On and after April I, 1881, two train* evifl be ran each way, dai 1 ly, between Philadelphia and Pottsvitlo I MORNING urns (•eaves Philadelphia id 7( o'clock, A- M., daily, except Sundayss- Leaves Potuvifie at 71 o'clook, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINE Loares Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, | except Sundays. Leaves Potlaville at 3| ! o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Fifty pounds of baggage will bo allowed !to eacn passenger in these lines, and pas- I sengers aro expressly prohibited from taking | anything as baggage but their own wearing j apparel, which will be at the risk of its own : er. | By order of the Board of Managers S March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Secreta lor- | A KEW WEEKLY MAGAZINE. The "North American Mlsceltn tv-'' Issued weekly, inelegant style, with forty ! eight large octavo pages, or two thousand I four hundred and ninety-six a year, will be I delivered at the residence of oach subscri ber, for SIX AN D A QUARTER CENTS A I NUMBER. . —^ | THE CONTENTS—Choice Miscollane ' ous Selections from tita current Litora'ure of ! this Country and of Europe—comprising ' Historical and other Hales, and Romances of • high literary choracter Sketches of the cele : hrateil Dead or Living, Essays, Anecdotes, i Reviews. Poetry, Criticisms, Movements of ; Distinguished Individuals, Current Events, etc., will be properly edited and selected. BY ISSUING WEEKLY we shall present 1 our readers one, two aud three weeks earlier | than wo could do in a molhly form with the most interesting selections from Foreign Lit i eratnre brought by every steamer. | THE "NORTH AMERICAN MISCEf.LA j NY" will equal in tasteful appearance any ! magazine published, and the four numbers a j myntli, costing but 25 cents for the four, will i eontniu a considerably larger quantity of I reading matter than any other monthly in ! America. ; THE BEST ARTICLES WILL BE SE | LKCTKD irom ail of the following publrca ', linns, which sustain the highest character for j Literature. Humor and Wit, among the Pa i liod teals of England, to which will be ad i ded frequent origin Translations fsom the j Literature of France and German.f, all sev. oral weeks earlier than could be prescnten | in a Monthly Publication, j OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly D that I our readers may receive the choicest cclec ; tions from the correct literature at shoft in j tervnls, in n form more elegant and Better I adapted lo preservation than that of a news : paper. .A. PALMER &. CO., Publishers, 111 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. ! A good farm of 176 acres in Motltrlpleas ant tov. iship, Columbia county is offered for | talc upon fair terms. It layt along Fishing j creek just opposite Light Street, and com,tins as good land as is found along the creek. About one fourth is wood land, the remain der cleared and in good state of cultivation. The improvements aro a convenient and comfortable frame dwelling-house, a gov'd barn, and other outbuildings. The land is believed to contain a valuable deposit of . IRON ORE, and tie owner ot-Iy agrees to sell it, because j he cannnl give his personal supervision to | the property. It will be sold upon such lib- I eral and desirable terms as lo make it a ; good, profitable, and cheap home. For the j terms of sate inquire of R. W. WEAVER Agtnt. Bhiomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.-tf Steam Iron Railing. MOllli AND (JALLttJIII-IH, Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, j I'HII, IIH I.TIII A. WOULD call tho attention of purchasers to their elegant assortment of Wrought anil Cait ; Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, U.vI.CONIEB, VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private j Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with i all kinds of Pluin and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAGHER'S LOOK OF ©Uffii<SmiL l©Eßn®SJffi a I Containing the best selection of designs that has ever been issued, will be sent to any person who may wish lo make a selection. Feb. 20, 1851-3 m SHEETS & SELTZER'S WHOLKSALE wnsris & MKgtffOiß Ativ No. 933 A- Third St., iHiaa (Above Callowhill,) yjfcJjW I*lll LA DELPHI A. A GENERAL ASSORTUETOF UItIIDIIIH, WINES, 4OR DIALS, j And Liquors of every description t ALSO a full stock of Hyson, Imperial, I Souchong, Black If Green Teas. I. K. SHBKTZ. T. P. SELTZER. J. M. ARMSTRONG— Agent. CAUTION. ~ All prrsons are hereby cautioned againet purchasing a note of hand given by me lo Aaron llese, dated about the last of May 1850, and tnado payable six months alter date, for 850. A credit of S3O is endorsed upon the note as paid on tho Jlth of March 1851, and I have a legal delcnce to the bal ance on the note. JOHN THRASHER. Centre township, March 11th 1851. NOTICE. While absent during the session of the le gislature, my professional business will be in charge of H. W. Woaver, Esq., who will attend to all matters in relation lliereto. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. January 2d, 1851. Books! BooksI! Joseph Swarlz has just received a new lo of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical Miscellaneous and School books, to which he invites the attention- of the reading public •f Bloomsburg. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladies Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and for tale by WARREN RUSBEL. Boise, Sign and Orntmlenu Fainting DONE to order in the best highly-finished .kjßitn style, by B HAGENBUCH | Philadelphia A Beading Rail Road. REDUCTION of freight on Merchandize, to commence March 1, 1851. RATES OFFREIGHTPER 100 LBS. Between PoUtviilt and Phtlade/jdua. ARTICLES TRANSPORTED.— Ist Class.—Bi tuminous Coal, Jtrioka, Ice, Iron Ore, (lime stone, Fig Iron, Plaster, Slam, Tiles,® Ota. M Class. —Bkimris, Burr "Block., Cement. Gnnsistonee, Ooano, Laths, Pilch, Railroad free, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills. sliir.gtsa, Tar, Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 els. 3rd Class. —Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes, Pot it Pearl, Bnrk, Barley, Bones fit' Horns, Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Li quors, Grain, Iron. Castings, rough ; Rolled, Bar or Hammered Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead and Shot, Mo lasses, Potatoes, Nails & Spikes, Salt Provi sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un manufactured, 12i els Flour per barrel, 25 cts. 4th Class —Appier, Bran. Butter, Cheese Cortkgo. Earthen Ware, Eggs, Groceries (except lhAsd stated) Hemp, Hardware, aud Cutlery. Jlollovf Wa.'o • I-ard, Leather, Live Stock, Manufactures ot liVn, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Bags, Rus sia Sheet Iron, Seeds. Steel, Sweet Potatoes, j Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 ots. : sth Class. —Books and Stationary, Boots Si j Shoes, Campbine, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass I and Quecnsware, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry j Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Moat & Fruit, Fo, ' reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine j Teas, Wines and Wool 22 cts. I March 13, 1851. ! s~Ti7r y — 1 PF. ' > ..i-rnsiv \l ! f. \Ys rl ? lv c ' ! nuiTE&i i S r ' ASTROLOGY — THE CELEBRATED Dr. C. W. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology j Astronomy Phrenology, and Ueounmcy, com j bined with CON-IUKATION, from gwesden, nffire No. 71 LOCUST Street Ph Isdalphis, of | feis his services to the citizens of Bloomabuig | He has been consulted by all the crowned heads of Europe, end enjoye a higher reputation aa an Astrologer then any one living. Netiviliee cal culated accoiding to Geomancy—Litdiee $3 Gentlemen (5, Persons si a distance can hav their nativities drawn by sending the date of the day of their birth All letters containing the ehove fee will receive immediate sltention, and j Nativities sent to any part of the world written j on durable piper; and he is prepared lo make | use of his power by conjuration on any cf the | following topics; Courlihip, advice given ice the successful accomplishment of a wealthy mar | 1 riage,- he has the power to redeem anch as are i givan lo the free uaeoftbe bottle.- auu for all ! coea of hazard, and for the reeCvary of stolen or < lost properly, and the purchasing of lottery tick I ets. Thousands ol the ab.ive named cases have been donr in this city and its vicinity, and in the United elates, to the full satisfaction of all. 10,. - OUO Nativities oi Horoscopes have been cast du j ring the lost four t ears while he-e. Letters will answer every purpose, find will do as well as to call in person, and the mail is now so safe that persons need not fear to trust money through the Post Office. Dr Koback receives from 500 to IUOO Utters monthly, and has never missed one. All Icttera will be religiously attended In, if prepaid. For more particulars call at the of lice of the -Star of tho North," and get an Astrolo. I Rica 1 Almanac graiia. | C'. VY. ROBAGK.7 Locust street .above j Eighth, opposite the Musical Fund Hall Phiiada. f>e particular to mention the Post-office, cuun ly ai d Salute. At! communications kept tali gioiuly secret. March 13, 1851, SEQUEL TO THE MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN. BY ALEXANDER DUMAS. The Ilueen'g lYerklace, Or the Secret History of the Court of Lewis XVI. TJ'.MS work is the sequel to Dumas' cele bra'etl work "The Memoirs ot a Physi cian," by Alexander Dumas, author of "The Iron Mask," "Count of Monto Cristo," &c. Translated fro;n the* French by Thomas Wil liams. Esq., with beautifully illustrated Gov ors and Pot traits. Complete ir. two large octavo volumes. Price 50 cents a volume. Th.s novel is founded oit the celebrated incident of the diamond necklace, which Cardinal Cohan purchased, as' he supposed, for Maria Antoniette, but which fell into the hinds of a female sharper, who personated the Queon, and so dooped the poot cardinal. Dumas always writes with spirit The pres ent is belter than most novels now -a-uays, and we recommend it as an agreaabla com panion for a railroad car, or a rainy after noon. • , Published and for sale at the cheap book' store of T. B PETERSON, No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. March 13 1851. GIVE 'EM FITS II Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in ' these dig'dns. As a sample of his work 1 m.tnship, lie refers you to the B EST FITTING CO A T To be found ir, the town, which is quite ccr tain to have come from his shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMERES, & TRIMMINGS, At the lowest prices,- from which he will make up to order caatr, pants, or vests of any desirable style. ESTHs shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house, lilootnsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from- Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Ei-hth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Sue Advertisement in another column. HORSE BILLS Of any size, cheaply and handsomely printed, at short notice, at tnis office. All orders sent by mail will be promptly attend ed to. Bloomeburg, March 13 1851. NOTICE ~ IS hereby given to all persona interested that the account of Jacob llartinan trustee of Mary Heinbach of Hemlock township Columbia County, a lunatic, has been filed in the Offioe ot the Prethonotarjr of said Connty and will be presented to the court for Confirmation on.the 23d day of April next. JACOB EYEULY Prot Bloomsburg, March 20th 1851.-tc WHITE'S BONNET MANUBACTORY, NO. 41 SOUTH SECOND STREET, spsc & a TWJOVV conducted bv Thomas Wliito, J-a* on 0 f it ß late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where Dealer* will at all times find a stock of Foreign and Domestic Straw, Here, Fancy, Crape and Silk Bonnet a. Panama, Palm J-e*f, and every variety of fWrawlhfk, and " _ ArUfldat Flower* unequalled by v&f "irthw for rxtenc or beauty of manufacture, and at very low pricea, having facilities for producing these goods possessed by no otlikr estab lishment. To the ladies and Milliners generally, he would tender his grateful acknowledge inents for their kind app.oval of the busi ness system of this house, shall be waul ing, to merit a continuance of their liber al patronage, Tliay will still be greeted with the same old familiar faces, who will at all times endeavour to execute their commissions with fidelity and promptness. March 6, 1661'-3rri, " PROCLAMAIIOXT. NOTICE is hereby given that tfi.* several Courts of Conimom Pleas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jeit in and for j the County of Columbia, to commence at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Mondny the 21st day of April next, continue one week. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace Ai Constables, in and for the county of Col umbia, are requested to be then and there in their proper persona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, end other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appartainiog to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the' Commonwealth against any priß oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute ngainst him, as shall be just—and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request ed to he punctual in lltcir attendance, nt ' i.he lime appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given nflder my Mmd at Dloontsburg ihe 10th day of Mate It is the year of our Lord one theuefrtd eight hundred nnd j fifty—aiid the Independence of the U nited Slams of America the 74th. PETEK BILLMYER. Sh'ff. (God save the Common wealth.) Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoany, have appointed the undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and 16 conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of tnemlKh;p therein, areelegible as Directors of the Corporation, bur Wumjui ant, individual liability for the losses or expenses of the Company. The, amount of premium and policy pant when insured is the extent of liability. Person* ileajrous of pllecting an insurance upon property, cart call upon the undersigned, at Ills Office in Blopmsburg. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. May 22, 1850. MACKAREL, •-) SHAD, CODFISH, I Constantly SALMON, I on hand & fot HERRINGS. u 'ale by J. PORK ji'ALMER&Co. H A MS AND SIDES SHOULDERS. Philadelphia. LARD AND CHEESE, j March 6, 1851.-3 m, BLOOJIBBCRG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL I'or Young Ladies nod Gentlemen. J. K. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient qumber of competent Assis tants will, at all times be employed. . Ihe eitxtifrf Stiftmtf will com mence on MONDAY the 14th day <ST April next, and will continue 16 weeks. TERMS. The Academic year consists of 41 weeks. | The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows; s For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A rithineti'c, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge ography, History of U. S. S3 25 For tame, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keoping by double entry, General History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philosophy, other English branches, and Drawing. $4 50 For Latin, Greak German, A Fietich, 5 75 KHPGood boarding "an bo obtained in pri vate familiesat from 81 50 to 82 00 per week. REFERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Paxton, Hon. Stephen Haldy, Hon. Deo. Alack, Michael Brobst; Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. rr" After tliis Winter Session .'be French Language will be taught in this School. Bloomsburg, Mfffth 20, 1851. For Good Watches. sLAjt Henry Zuppinger returns &3C his thanks for past patro dnage, and invites the pub rf"\ '.qßjyj he t0 examine his new VP A assortment of ' j/^SF I CLOCKS, WATCHES, Glasses, aud Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he ofTers for reasonable prices. Ho will also re pair clocks, wdtches, and musical and opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in thq middle room of the Ex change blook, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsbtirg, Nov. 28, 1849. Rt ifi WEAVER BLOOMSbURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA OFFICE— On the Eo. it side of Main Streot three aqaucx below Market. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAGENBUCII has just re ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, which he will sell ot the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. BLANKSM DEEDDB, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Ofice the "Star of the North." BY virtue of a writ of Levin Facias to ine directed, will be oxnoeed to public Sale, at ine Court House in Bloomabuig, on Monday the Slat day of April, Ibe following described properly, to wit All tost certain I ttvo-story frame building, situate juat east of the main toad leading from the town of Bioamabuig to foe Canal fronting lota of John Reiswiek and William G. Hurley, and joining lands of William Sloan, a few rods from the Canal, in the township of Bloom, in the County of Columbia, containing in front on an sfley, separating It from lands of John lteiswick and WiHiaiii U Hurley, twenty two Joel, and in depth sixteen foot ; and the lot or piece of ground and curtel edge appurtenant to said building. Seized taken in execution and to bo sold as the properly of Michael Henderahot. ALSO, By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to mo directed, will bo exposed In public sale, at the Court house in Bloumsburg, on Monday the 21st day of April, the following described property, to wit >•-All those two pieces ot ground situate in the Borough of Berwick, bounded and described as follws : the one situate on the South-East sido of front streot adjoining on alley on the ond side which runs from the front street to the river bank aud adjoining Abraham Miller ori the South-West and an alley on the rear. The other lot East of the first described on the opposite side of the alloy, which runs IrdTU front Btreet to the livet bank and back or East of the alley running on the rear of the first described, containing each one eighth of an acre, more or less, with a Dwelling House on the first described niece, aud a stable on the seoond described lot, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Thomas Connelly. ALSO, A certain tract or piece of land iu Beaver township Columbia County containing eighty nine acres more or loss, thirty acres of which is cleared land, bounded by lauds of Shurnan and floats, on the south, Charles Michael on the south east, an#ot hers wliereon is erected a one two story frame House, and frame Barn, and other out butlditjaw ; also a tract of and situate in the township Beaver coun ty of Columbia, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Catherine Longenberger, cou taming three hundred and sixty four acres, and allowance. Seized and taken in Execution and to be sold as the property oi Charles F. Mann. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of land situate in Centre township, Columbia County, contain ing four acres more or less, bounded by lands of Jacob Nagle on the west the widow Hess on iheeast, the north Branch of the Pennsyl vania Canal on the south, and the Road leading from Bloumsburg to Berwick, where on is erected a two slnry frame dwelling House with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in Execution and to be sold as the property of Lafayette Kessler. ALSO, A certain lot of gr, und situate in Bionms burg, Bloom township Columbia county, containing one fourth of an acre more or le-s bounded on the north by third street, oil the east by lot of Valentine Smith, on the west by iot of Charles Dtrbler, and others, where on is erected a one story frame ten-pin alloy with the appurtenances. 'skeii ou Execution and to be sold as the property of John T.oW and Rob ert Lewis. ALSO, At the court-bouse in I'-loonisburg, on Friday the 28th day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, by virtue of a writ of levari ficias all that certain messuaue ten ement and tract of laud situate in Montour township Columbia county aforesaid, bound ed and described as -follows: t6 wit Beginning el a post the south eastern corner of said tract on hill of land of the heirs of Baylorilec'd., thence by said lands, .north one half of a degree west one hundred and seventy three perches to a post, thence south eighty and one fourth degrees west one hun dredand I wenty three peiphes to a small white oak, thence by land of widow Ritter north three fourths of a degree west sixty five perches to stone head thence .by lands of Bittcubender south eighty two degrees west fifty five perches to u small rock oak, thence south one degree west eighty four perches to a post, thei.ce by land of Clouse, south twenty twodegrees east eighty three perchos to a black oak, thence north sixty six degrees oast fifty four perches to a post, thence south, twenty three degrees east fifty four perches to a post, thence south forty seven degrees east twelve and five tenth perches to a post, thence south twenty degrees east seventeen perches to a post, thence by lands of Henry Wertman north seventy nine and one half degrees east eigh ty three perches to a post, the place of Be ginning ; containing one hundred and sixty two acres, and eighty throe perches of land more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Haywood and Gborge W. Snyder. PETER BILLMVER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, I Bloomsburg, Fob. 22, 1851. { Grand Jurors for April Term 1851, Bloom —Thomas Ellis, John U. Moyer, Si las E. Fowler. Briarcrtek —Cornelius A!berton, Jacob Mo stall-'r, James Jacob), Jacob Cope. Centre —Daniel Fowler. Cattatcissa —C. G. Brobst, John Schmick, Peter i arnpher. Fislnngcrehk— tSamiel Yost. Hemlock— Peter Brnglef, Matthias Ginon sen. Jackson —J. (in Rants. Montour—Jacob Leiby. Madison —Jacob Cool. Mifflin —Isaac Snyder. Maine—John Gearhart. Vountpleasant —Jacob Gohd. Orange —Joseph Buckle. lloarnigcrcek —Philip Cool. Sugarloaf —Thomas Mendenliall, William Cole. Traverse Jurors for April Term 1851 Bloom —Abraham Snyder. Thomas Knorr. Briwetk —Michael B/o.ver, Stephen M. Gilmoresst,e t, Hugh M'Briue, Beaver —Jacob lloats, Cattawiisa —George W. Haider, Win Furry. Reuben Slambach. Centre—Jacob Hagenhuch, Siephcn Hut ton _. Fishingcreek— Daniel Smith, Greenwood— Jacob Evans, John Barret, Yetman Eves, Alba Hangs, Joseph Robbins, John M. Parker, John Moure, Nicholas Knidt, George Masters, George M'Ewen. Hemlock —Thomas J. Yanderslice, William Coxe, Charles Holmes, John Hartman, Syd ney Slater. Mifflin —John Troust, Thomas K. Hess, Madison —Samuel Richard, Orange —Abraham Kline, William White, Wesly Powman, Sugar loaf— David Lewis, Philip Shultx, Richard Stiles. Fancy Paper, Ervolopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand fro can be found at the cheap Book stora of JOSEPH SWARTZ Fall aid Wiaier Woods. SL'&aav HAVE just received the laigpet assofiment of new and fashionable fail and winter goods to be found in Bloornsburg, and they offer them at (he lowest prices to their many Old patrons and new. They have afult and large variety of i CLOTHS CJSSIAIERS. SAT TINETS. JEANS. PLAIDS AND STffPES FOE {en's coats, vesta, m fiants. French and ngtisti Merinos, Cashmeres, Delainas, ALPACAS, PLANM. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOR I.ADIL?S DRESSES . TER KERR!, WATERLOO. WOOLLEN AN!) LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES-HARD WARE. QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES FISII And Suit—Cedar ware, Hats, ( aps. Coarse ami tine Boots and Bootees for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco ami Gum Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Childrons wear, And just about every tiling elso that can be de sired to please taste or serve uso. Blumucburg. Oct., 29th 1850. 2£?CEaNyy C2iFca><E>(£iss The subscriber has just received and opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which he invites the attention of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of aa-aacpcarwf fiARDWARa, Qutrnmvrre, Cedar H'ttre, fish and Sail, Halt and Caps. Coarse (lad Fine Hoots, Uum. Morocco and Jenny l.ind Shoes for ladies, misses and children! wear. Also. Terberri, Woollen, Wattetloo, flay state Mills ami JENNY LND Long Shawls, IW U F F S, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, IMaids, Print* and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloornsburg, Oct. 30, 1850. .Yew GooiU in Light Street. The subscriber has just received a new assortment of goods from the city, which he offers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. His stock now consists of every nrticlo usually kept in a country store, including sjE*irSP CSS-cejqtocilsu, GROCERIES, <(uevuMtTare Hardware. Cup* ■loots uud Shoes, &c., Act*. He can furnish Cloths, Casimeres Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, Cash mors, Delaines, Ginghams and Prints for the ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves of every variety. Here is a rare chance/or bargains to those who want cheap and good goods for cash or country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850 £yEEEI\3F3P C£>3L>C£)U£>SS J'OR FALL AND WINTER The sttbvcribei* haa just aiLled to their former stock a large ane genaral #3soit!Pent of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware. Cedarware, Fish, Salt, &c., catofully selected as to quality ami priee, all of which they ate anxious to sell on the most accpm predating terms, aud respectfully solicit a rail from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers especially. MENDKNHALI.It MENSCH. Bloornsburg, Oct. 31st 1850. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in hiß lino of business, ami is always ready, at short notico, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies. Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of tho bost materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give his perstfual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing Will be attended to with care, aud upon the most reasonable terms.— He proposes to serve his customers to such work as will secure for hint a continuance o their patronage, and from all who nocd arti cles in his line of business. He ask 3 only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JON ATI! AN MOSTF.LI.KR. ALBANY DIiT€HMM, A MAMMOTH WEEKLY JOURNAL. Tho Dutchman is published every Safer day, and sent to subscribers at the following terms payable in advance: Otte copy 82.00 per an. Three copies 6 00 " Five " 8,00 " Ten " 15.00 " City subscribers will bo served regularly with the Dutchman at 82.00 per annum, names sent to the publication olKce, 72 State street, Albany, N. Y. Any parson sending us a chip of fire, at the above terms, will be entitled to au addi tioual copy gratis. GRIFFIN & FARNSWORTH, Proprietors. H ITS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE £J Hats and Caps, of DVRAULF. MAKE ASD IMPROVED STYLE, which ho otters for cash sales vefy cheap, ut his old stand,, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the ( ourt house. Caf He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomcburg, Nov. 15, 1849. (.C.MARR, GttROHW&N iHoNa33ar, Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor ding to the best improvements in surgical science and skill. He win insert teeth either upon pivot or plate, and in such a manner as will insure satisfactioh. His office is near Refer Eut's shore. Williamsburg, Cel. Co., Oct. 29th, 1850. CAUTION! ALL persons are hereby cautioned against paying any money due me to BenjaminS. GiLrnoro as be is uot authorised to receive ; any claims, due either to me on individual acogontor en the late firm of Weaver At Gil mora, the books of the firm having been as signed to me. R. W. WEAVER, flloeaubtuf Dec 12th IBM For llw Removal MM PfnMitfM CNR of ail NERVOUS Dt**Aßßß, And of those Compiling which tie caused by an im paired, weakened or unhealthy condition o( Ova NHRVOUH HTITKTF. This beautiful convenient application of (ha mu teilons powers of UA(.VANIiM and At AIiNKTHtM, he* been pronounced lv distinguished |>)< v sicio, both t hlnrope JIH! (lie United Statee, to !■< (He MON vmlmmkit medicin*l dirovary yf the Agn Dr. CHRISTIK'S QALVANIO BELT aud MAGNETIC FLUID, M used wiUi ihe moat perfect nJ certain success in all eaa of ORNKRiIt DKIUMTt, Strengthening tho weakened body, gltiag lono to lha various organ*, art! Jnv jaoratiag Ihe entire system Atx> in FITS, gRAMI', KvßAl.rtft Hhd PAL#*. pTSfKP •JA or INDJOK&TION. KHKUMATIBM, ACUTE and CHRONIC, 001% KPILUruY, LUMBAGO, DtAF* NEftit, NERVOUS TREMOR 3, FT LPIT AVION OF THE HEART. AfOli.F.jrr. NKURALOU. FAJNR in tha SIDE end CHEST. LIVER rOMri.AfllT,#rfP<AJL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of tka BPINF.. HIT COMPLAINT, DUE ARES of the K/ONEYIL DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENERGY, aud all NERVOUS Dft?EASES, which ccrhpkinU aria# from one simple causa—namely, A Derangement of the Nervoua Syttatn. CiJ- In NCR VOL'S COM r LAI NT#. Drugs and Mad* sines inerout* tie for they U eeXan the vital eaer . flee of ihi pqpiretod system : while, ueder the • st run gift uin.£, Ll-giving. vitalizing influoitoe of Gal* t venisit. a* implied by (hie beautiful and wonderful die | cevery, k. exhautted patient ami weakened sufferer te < i©stored 10 former health, strergtli, eliuticity and vigor | 7 Ire great peculiarity and eaceileiioe of Dr. Christie'* Galvanio Curative#, ronriiU in the fact that they arrant and aure disewce by outward application, in place ol the uiual made of dr*#- ! ging, and nhyairkinf tha potiont, till eahaintad Nature Nuke hopelesaly under Ihe inlliution. i T\ty tlrenfthen tht whola tytttm, rvvaMa* |A cvrrea lutivn of l\t blood, pi o mote tAe ttCroHont, and ttooc da j Ike tlir.httit injury under any cit tnmbldncoi. Biwcw tketr j introduetion iu tho Ct.i'.ed suiu, only three jeere aiaot, ! more than 60,000 Persona Including all ngot, clseaee end conditiona, among wninh ; were a large number of lediea, who ere padukarly aaVJect 1 to Kar*our Compleinta, hat a teen ■WTIEBLT AMU PERMANENTLY OtTMD, when ell hope of relief had been given up, and ovary thing elkc be on tried iu vain . | To illustrate the live of the GALVANIC ORLT, | aup|KKi the cac of a person afflicted with that bane of ' cnihzHtiot, or any other Chronic or M#re- I OUK Uiaoider. Iu oidinary reic, atimuianU are takeo, f which, b> Uielr action on the neitca and aiutaloa of tka atomach, afford temporary ralivf, hut which Uava the |>atiriit in o lower atato, aiuf with injuiod facuhiac, after the actiou thua excited han cvmud. Now compare tha with the effect reauiting from the applicvtioo of tne (iAL VANIC DF.LT. Take a Dyapcptic nufhtrer, even in the a oral *ymptoui* of an attack, and aim ply tia tha Belt hound the Body, living the Magnetic Fluid aa direct-d In a aliort |>erind the |rspiration At ili act OQ the positive element of the "Belt, thereby ctucing a Gab vanic circulation w liich will |n< nu to the negative, arid thence back Rg.iin (<■ the pnaitne. thua keeping up • yon tinunu* (iaivauic circuLitiou throuKhout the avshwii Thua the muct utrore caica of UYSPEPHIA Pt-R --MANRNTLY ft IIM> A FKW DW9 is AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO LHADICAIL JUL L'UL.VHL OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIAIA Of the moat I'lidriiilitctt Chararieri From all pnrta of tho rountrv could be gircn, aufQoiriK to fill every column in thi* paper ! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASK, which conclusively protes that " Truth ia stranger than Fiction." rvusor Rhsumatlim, Bronchitis aui Dyapepaia, REV. DR. LAN'DId, A CLKROVMAN of New JeracT, of diatingulihcd attainment* and amlted reputation „ . amxzT, Naw Jeney, July 18, 1945. Da. A. II CitaisTiK—Dear Sir: You wMi to know of me what hea bs>en the result in my own case, of Mre application of THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECI LACE. My reply is as followa : For about twenty yea it I had been SHlTerlng from Dyapepaia. Every year tho aymidnms became worea. ior could I obtain |>crmatieiit relief from tuy ooureo of medfrttl treatment whatever. About fourteen years since, in couaequenco of frequent exposure U| tha weather, in the divekarge of my naatorai duties, I became aubicct to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which fbr year after tear, caused me indescribubla anguish Farther : in tha w-iuter of '4d and '44, in cooffw quenca of protcbiiig a greet deel in niy own fhd various other cUurchea in this region, 1 was attacked by the Bronrltifie, which anon became so ecvare ae to requiia en immediato auapeueion of my iiastorel lalior- My nrrteMf aya/am wot now thoroughly prao trfiled, and aa my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my Dyt|>*iia and Rheumatic afftctjou-thus evincing that thac disorders were connected wffh each otßeff through the medium of the Nervoua Syaieoi In tha whole phnrmscopnaia there leemad to he no remedial agent which could reach and recuperate my Nerrone Hj atom ; everj tlung tnal I bad tried lor tliis purpose had c>nnplet4y failed At lutj wee led by my friends lo aa iminc your iu vontions, and (though with no very san guine hope* f their efltofency.) f Uatermioad to try tho clfect of tin application ot the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the .MAGNETIC FLUID. This wt ID June, |ii4fi To *tv ORKIT its TWO -vavv MV DvsraraiA IIAO con* ; m EIGHT iAT# I vPar I 10 ar.suaar. MV rvaToaai. IAIOM, HOS HAVE 1 j sine*, own ran A SINGIJC szNVtcc o.t a'-co ft Tor IN* i BHONCHIM* ; Ann ui RlGumaiic imctioa HAS E- I Tir.r.ut ci to rmnraut ME. Hurh is tha woodsv ful ufifi happy reoiiltool tka experiment I have legowmoudad the BELT and FLUID to msnf who haw betii likewise auU'ering from Neuralgic afTro tiona They have tried ti.era, wiru turrr asscLrs, f IRLItVC, IN I.VSHT CASE. I am,dcat sir, vary respectfully voure, HUBEIIT W. LA N LIS DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE Is us%. 1 lb r all mm plaints aghrthig the Thr-at or llraA, such as Brnnc.hitk*, Inflammation of the Tnrnat, Nervosa and Sick Ifeodarhc, Dizziness of the Meal, Neuralgia In the Face, Buz/log i*r Roariof the Mrs, pmbeew whiah Is generally Nervous, .hat dirt re Ming com vlaint, coiled Tin Dolorcus Palsy and Paralysis. .411 ukiK—lftlft >h.t tb. t.irfM. di— i *£.** *l*t,*T d '7 * •/ .v-ri-MM Kn.r,, Ma. limb.. 0.'i Aitielm will . iki. .1.(,c,.nt pow-r, enJ . c imflcM ud birtkr | zmn i. kui eSbctad. DR. CHRTBTIE'B GALVANIC BRACELET* Are fiiund of vast service In case* of Convulsions or FIK ! Sp-WBiodlc Complaints, end general Na'vous AlTcctioos | oi the Head and uppor extremities. Aho In N|v and . raraiyeit, and all dueaiea caused l y a defioi*ncv of powf t or Neiv us Euergy lu the limbs or otber oigans of tha body. Tic Doloreax and Neuralgia. These dreadful and agonizing complaints are isiig* iiately relieved by the application <4 the U*l4*JC BUY, i NcraLAcr. and FLUID. The Belt diffuses thfc Electricity 1 through the system : the Necklara has a local affect, and ( tbs Fluid acts directly npon tho affected nervas. In thes# Jistraising afflictions tho application NEVER FAILS. FITB AND CONVULB(ONB. Thoae alarming and terrible complaints are alvvaTt caused by a derangement of, ike Nervee. The BELT, CRACMi.rra and Fluid Will care noarlv every case, no matter bow jouyg or old the.patient. Or bor confirmed the complaint. Numerous and astonishing proofs o:a m jKissefsion of OM* proprietor. (ty- Many hundred Certificates from nil parts of tha country of the most extraordinary character can ha given, if required. NO trouble or inconvenience nft-nds the use of DR: CHRIS TUT S OALVAVXC ARTICLES, and they may be w<m bv the mhst feeble and delicate, with perfect case ami safety, lu many rases tha sensation attondia' thcif uso is hieMy ptcctant and agreeable. They can ha aent to any pa ( t of tha country. Prices: Tho Galvanic Belt, Dollar*. Tha Galvanic Necklace, Tart, Dollars 4 The Galvanic Bracelets, f)no Dollar Each. Tho Magnetic Fluid, Ono Dollar. (W* Th. "rticl" are cqnpuilM by fall and pl.ln ,ufi f" 1 "'"* PARTIQULAR CAUTION. 09- *•• / Cnmivfnt, .a d 1T.r1W... tmifci.** Z). O. BSOHBHBAD, sc. R, GENERAL AGENT TOR THE VNITEG RTATEA EM Iroadmir, lh To**, Por sale inßbomtbasrg, Pa., by (fit authorized agent, JOHN n, MOVER, by authorised agents in the pri ncipcl •i ties of the State,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers