ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER IP 141 IPS'2S3" 8 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR So A Great Dyspepsia curer, Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction* of Baron Liobjg, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No 11, North Eighth Street, Phiia dclphia. Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudiro, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. BP" Half a spoonful of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds I/ Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. DIfIESTKM, Digestion is Chiefly performed in the stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state ol httetlth, called the Gastric Juioe. This fluid is the Great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula ig Agent of the stomach and intonstines. Without it there will be no digestion,—no •conversion of food into blood, and no nu-1 trition of tbe body; but rather a foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, dis tress and debility which ensue. PEPSIN ARD RENNET. —Pepsin is the chief element, or great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the solid parts of tho human stom ach after do ith, and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself, or cat i'self up. It . is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in makirg cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long boon the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdliug of milk is tho first process of digestion. Ren net poetesses astonishi-g power. The stom ach of a calf will curdle nearly 0r.9 thou sand times iis own weight of milk. Baron I.iebip states that, 'One part of Pepsin dis solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomschs produce no good Gastric Juice Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON LICBIG, in Lis celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Di gesiivc Fluid analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from tho nucous membrane of the stomach of tho Call, in which various articles of food, as meat and egcsj will be softened, changed, and diges t -d, just in the same manner as tliey would to in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, page 35. stales the same great fact, and describee the method of prep aration. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr Combe, in ,liis valuable writings on rtie "Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and alt pro vailing cause of Dyspepsiu;" and he states that "a distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with thisoomplaint, finding every thing else to Jail, hud recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals, which proved completely successful.". Dr. Graham, author of the famous works i on "Vegetable Diet," says: "it is a remar kable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving various articles of food, auif of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise dif ferent from tho natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Blaudiard, Phila., 184tj ; pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN fo ms a new era in the chemical history of Digestion. From recent experiments we' know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep sin, as it is IU the natural Gastric Juice it self." .Professor Dunglison of the Jefferson Col lege, Philadelphia, in[his great work on Hu man Physiology, devotes more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject, ilia experiments with Di Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from tbo living hu man stomach and from animals are well known. "In all cases," ho says, "digestion occurred as perfectly in tbo artificial as the natural digestions." As a DYSPEPSIA CI'RER, Dr Houghton's preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, curing cases of De bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and dispeplic Consumption, supposed to be on the very verge ol the grave. It is imposs blo to give the details of cases in the limit of this advertisement —but authenticate certificates have been of mote than two hun dred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par ticularly useful for tendency to billious dis order, Liver Complaint, Fever and A ate, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive organs, after a long sick ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec onciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. —Thore is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives Inslanl Relief I A single dose removes all the unpleasaut symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It is particularly excellent iu cases of Nausea Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low. cold state of the Blood, Heavir ess, _ Lo\vpess of Spirits, Despondency, Emanciation, Weak ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price, ONE DOLLAR per botllo. One bpttle will often eflocl a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS, I3T Sent by Mail Free of Pottage. For convenience of sending to all parts o the country, the t igeslive Mat'er of the Pep sin is put up in the form of Powders, with directions to be dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mail, Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent (post-paid) to DrJ S Houghton, No 11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle bears the written signa ture of J S HOUGHTON, M D.Solo Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in the Uni ted States, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Agents for Bloomsburg, JOHN R. MOY KR,E. P, LUTZ. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable style at the chair manufactory of B.HAGRNBT'CH Uloomsbnrg, May Iflth 1850. [GREAT COUGH REMEDY! For the Core or COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BBON OHZTZS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING -GO UGH AND CONSUMPTION. Tti offering to the community thii juilly ccl chrated remedy for disease* of the throat and lunge, it 1 e not our wish to trifle with the live oi health of the afflicted, hat Darkly to lay be fore thrm the opiniona of distinguished men At tome of the evidence, of it* aucceae, from which they can judge for themselves. We sin cerely pledge ourselves to make no wild asser tions or falee statement! of it efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which fto's will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee ling asiered Ihey will find them perfectly relia ble, and the medicine worthy theji beet fconfi dence aniLpatronage- PRtIY. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin Col lege, Maine, Writes—"l have witnessed tho effects of your •CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own family end (bat of my friends, and it gives me satis faction to ata'.e in its favor that no medicine I bsee ever known has proved to emiuently suc oessful in euiing disease* of the throat and lunga." REV. DR, OSGOOD W rites—-That he coniidera 'Cherry Pectoral' the best medicine for Pulmonary Affection* ev er given to the public,' and states that "hie daughter after being obliged to keep the room four monihe with a seveic settled cough accom panied by raising of blood, night sweats, and (be attendant symptoms of Consumption, com menced the use cf ihe 'Cherry Pectoral,' and had completely recovered," EX—CHANCELLOR KING, of New York says. "I have been a great suffer er with Bronchctii, and but for the use of the 'CHLRRT PECTORAL'might have continued to be so for many years to come, but that hat cured me and 1 am happy to bear testimony tu its cfi cacy," From such testimony we ask the public to judge (or themselves, HEAR THE PATIENT, Dr, Ayer—DcatSii; For two yeara I was (Dieted with a very seveie cough, accompanied V spitting of blood and profuse night sweals. y tho advice of my attending physician I was induced to use your Cherry Pcctsral, and con tinue ito do so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to tour preparation, JAMES RANDALL, Hamden . Springfield, Nov. 27, 1848, This day appeared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the above statement true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. I'ORTLAXH, Mc , Jan. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer; 1 have been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au tumn, it hiought on a cough which confined me in my chamber;and began to assume the alarm ing symptoms of consumption. 1 had tried the beet advice and the best modirne to no purpose, until I uacd your Cheiry Pectoral, which has cured me, and you may well believe me. Gra'e fully yours, J.D.PHELPS, If there is any value in the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a med icine worthy of the public confidence, Prepared by J. C. dyer, Lowell. Mass., Sold by E PLUTZ, B:Ooinsbnrg A B WILSON, Berwick Jan, 10,1851.-dm. AN ADVERTISENLNT THAT ArrKALS TO THE SOCNLR SENSE OF THE COMMUNITY. Standard Medicines, The following unequalled series of Family Medicines may bo dependod upon with the ut most confidence, They have the approbation of tho beet physicians in the country, and aie recommended by all who have used them as superior to uny family medicines known. They have been been before the Public For Five Year*, during which time more than 5,000 certificates have been received from emi nent public men and others, slid are now on file at the Company's Office. Tliey are < (impounded with the ut most cato and skill, and the ingredients are thor oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that medieinea of a uniform and reliable quality are guaranteed In all cases. The Griefenberg VEIJITABLI PILLS, Are par ticularly valuable for Ibe prevention and cure of Fevers in general, all Uillious ant Liver Com plaints, Jaudico, Gencial Debility, Common and dick Headache, Dyspepsia, Hourt IJuin, Cos tiveness, Giiping, Urinary Diseases, Obstruc tions of tho Menses. Influenza, Asthma, and for a variety of other Chronic Diseases; in for all ordinary family uses. Full directions for the various Disea ses accompany each box, Price 25 cts. a box. Tbe Cirnefcnberg Djsen lory Syrup, A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dysentory, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz . vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to cure tbe worst possible cases of bowel complaints, generally in a few hours, seldom beyond a day. It is Purely Vegetehlo, at d takeu in almost any quantity is perfectly hurmleas. The Giaefrnbcrg Green .Mountain Ointment. IVivaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillblaina, Coma, Botes, Swellings of ell kinds, Rhcumaiibm, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, ocrofula, leers. Pains in tho Side and Back immediately relieved, inflammetion of the Bow els, and for all cases where thore is inflammation. THE GRAEFENBKRG MANUAL <H HEALTH. A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami lies. Price 60 ccnta. Uilico 211 Ijroadwav, N. Y. CA UTIO N. The public ia requested to j,ear in mind that everything prepared by the r aefen erg Com pany. has their seal upon it. ttpurioua articles have been issued closely re sembling the genuine in every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. AGENTS,— Thomat Ellin, and E. P. J.utz, Dloomiburg; Benjamin Bti ber, Cattawieia, Peter Ent, Light Street. Bloomsburg, Jail. 23, 1851-Cm. TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITH Invites'the attention of the fashionable in Light Street to hiastsie of cutting garments He makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in his warkmauihip. He receives the latest fashions, and when outting onip is desired, the work is marked carefully forihe maker. W All kinds of country produce taken exchage for work. Light Street. Feb. 14, 1850. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE, (OR 1831. In one of the chapters of the Constitution of the State of Massachusetts, yet in force, there is a declaration, '-That the encourage ment of the Arts and Sciences, and all good Literature, tends to the honor ol God. tho advantage of the Christian religion, and the great benefit of lhi < and the other United States of America.'"' It has ever been tho highest purpose of the KNICKEHBOLKEB to ele vato the staedard of American Literature. It lies been the medium of introducing ma ny of our niosi popular authors to the publio. To those who take a pride is sustaining a good American Magazine, entirely national in its character, we Took .or support. Men of judgment need not bo told that it is im possible to get up a Magazine entirely ori ginal at the same prices at which those made up from foreign sources arc sold. The unremitted efTorts of the editor and publish er will be continued to improve the work, ftpcudld Premium loodandnen Subscriber*. The publisher; grateful for the large in crease of patronago which this old favorite of the reading community lias received sinco it passed into his hands, has determin ed to offer to the old patrons, and to all new subscribers, a splendid engraving, recently published in this city, Ay Messers. Gonpil, Vilbert & Co., from a painting by a well known American artist, William S. Mount, Esq. This print is entitled "Music is Conta gious." It is 19 by 24 inciter, is printed on beauti ful paper, and framed, will make a valuable and elegatu ornament for the or parlor, price of this engraving is three dollars. It will be given to all subscri bers to the Knickerbocker Magazine who pay their subscription for 1851 in advance or during the month of Janury, 1851, and pay in advance.—To entitle tho subscriber to the Engraving, all payments must be made to the publisher. Subscribers who owe for more than one year will bo expect ed to settle up all arrears, and pay for 1851, to entitle thein to the Engraving. The bills of specie paying banks in all parts of the country will be received in payment. Tho engraving will be rolled on a stick, and so securely done up that itoan be sent to Cali l'ornia, or any other part ol the United Status with perfect eafaty. The number for Janu ary, 1851, will commence the thirty-seventh volume of this work. £■ Ledger; Or, The Thrends of Life. The publisher has great pleasure in an nouncing to the readme of the Knickerbock er, and to the public generally,'that he has affected an arrangement with Mr. Richard B. Kimball, the author of this popular and extraordinary Romance, to give the sequel in the pages of this Magazine. The lirst chapter will appear in the January number, and be continued regularly until completed. This work has already passed through three editions, in this country, and two in Eng land, and has received more favorable notice from the American and English press than any work of fiction which has been issued during the last five years TERMS— Five dollars per Annum in ad vance. All letters on business must bo addressed post-paid, to SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher, 139 Nassau street, New York. December 27, 1850. G2QaiiUcsdLEis3 PANACEA. The afflicted are invited to call and see Mi Isaac Brooke, Jr., at the corner of Third and , Wilcox streets, and Mies Christiana Sands, Beach street below Spruce street,) nthoSchuvl kill. These two persons have been snatched from the very jaws of the destroyer through 'he agency of that most potent of all medicines, DJi CULLERS INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Dr Cullen's Panacea is the only cirtain cure for Scrofula or King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas, Old Sores and Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases, and all olhei afleslions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising from impurities of the blood. In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo ple who visit him, hold up their hands in as tonishment, that AST medicine could have ar rested ins disease—then go away resolved to re commend i)r Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea to every one they hear of who has need of a purifying medicine. Bo with Christiana Bands—her cure of Scrof ulous sore throat pras quite as extraordinary as Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dis ease her tea or coflee would frequently pass out of her ears, when attempting to drink, [See her certificate.] The people are beginning to understand, too, that the various Syrups of cSarroparilla are little better than molasses, and that it is madness to throw sway money on articles which, under the most favorable circumstances, do not produce any impression on the system until several gul ons have been swallowed. One bottle of Dr. CUIICII'B Panacea seldom fails to produce con viction in the minds of patients that a radical cure is certain.* Thus hope, [ro necessary, an ally to medi cine.] springs up at the outset, and the patieut is cured before any other preparation could have mude the slightest impression upon thadiscase ! In fact, the twelve ounce bottles of Di. Cul len's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart hottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in the proportion of gold to copper. Those who wonle piefer a penny to a half eagle, on account of its size, would make a poor selection to say the least. Sarsaparilla a good purifier! Dr. Cullen's Panacea contains its extract in its most concen trated form. Added to this nte other extracts, more active and powerful, and which cfi'cct in combination will) the tSarsjparilla, what the Ist ter article, or combined with tho niost powerftt poisons, cannot aloae accomplish. It has cured whore everything else had failed and this in a multitude of cases—not in Europe or in the moon, (where so many great cures have been porfuriued,) but in Philadelphia and other pal'ta of the union. And be it distinctly understood that we do not obtain our extracts by "holing 400 gallons down to one," it being known to every Oruggist's apprentice that boiling destroys tho essential virtues of medicinal plants and roots. ROVVAND & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIX TH street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C Grior, Danville; Petor Ent, Littht street, Rickets and Stewart, Orangeville ; Cyrus Barton, Espytowti ; J SchmicK, Cattuwissa; M G Shoemaker, Buckhorn. IrIVEUY STABLE. NOAH S. PRENTISS 'h® public to trvOgßHlaSc' I 4 /A bis new stock of hnrana W**" g/ carriages and buggies, a variety of which can be found at his Livery Stable. He can furnish horses and vehicles of the bfcift kind, and on reasonable terms. He has recently added a number of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former stock.— He will furnish to parties f our horse convey ances with good and sac"* drivers, at very" low prices. Call at the lower end of Hi okinsvillo, on the East side of Main stroet. Bloomsburg, Dee. 13, '49-Jy R. W. WEAVER, attomoey-ATMLAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA nci—On the Eait side of Main Street, three, sqaares below Market. To the Sick and Afflicted. CERTIFICATES and Testimonials sufficient to fill overy column oi this paper, can be produced, setting forth tho wondorftil vir tues of DR. SWAYNB'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES. nr. Swuyae's Compound Syrup of Wld Clierry. ANOTHER HOME CERTIFICATE. Great Cure of Edward Hanson, Engineer, at Mr. Petlits' Factory, corner ol 9th and Wallace Streets, Spring Garden. More substantial evidence of the wonder ful curative properties of Dr. Swnyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Pliii.AD., April IS, 1850. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir—Being severely af flicted with a violent cold and cough, which settled upon my lungs attended with great debility, soreness in my side, that I could scarcely breathe, spitting of blood, no ap petite, could get no rest at night, owing to the severity of my cough, would spit as muchasapini of blood at a time. This mournful state of things continued until 1 almost despaired of being cured, having tried physicians and numer >us things with out relief; but having heard of the great vir tues of your Compound Syrup of If 'ltd Cherty, and its being approved ol by physicians of the first eminence, I concluded to make a trial of it, and am happy to state that three bottles performed a perfect cure; my sleep is now undisturbed and sweet, and 1 firmly believe that to your medicine 1 am indebted lor this great cure. 1 shall be glad to communicate wiih any person on the Bubiecl who may be pleased to call on me, and corroborate what I have said in the above certificate, at the ffbtory or my residence. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD HANSON. The above certificate is from a man well known by a large portion of our citizens. Those who doubt the truth of it, are invited to call and satisfy themselves that it is anolh voluntary, disinterested and l'ving witness to the great virtues of Dr. Swaync's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Bjr BE VERY PARTICULAR to get the original and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, as prepared by Dr. SWAYNE, N. VV. Corner of Eight and Race streets, Philadelphia ; all others are "fictit io counterfeit." SWAYNE'S VERMIFUGE. "A safe aiul effectual remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep tic Children or Adults, and the most usejul Family Medicine ever of fered to the public. This Remedy is one which has proved \ successful for a long time and it is univer sa'ly acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far superior (being so vew pleasant to the taste at the same time affectual) to any other medicine ever employed in disea ses for which it is recommended. It not only destroys But invigorates the whole sys tem. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, • Dr. Swavne's Vermifuge is now put up in | square bottle , See that the name is spelt , correctly—SWAYNE. GREAT PUUIFYEII OF THE BLOOD." \ i Dr. Stcayne s Sugar Coated Sarsaparilla and j ' Tur Pills, Act as a gentle purgative, produ- 1 cing a healthy slate of the Liver, and Bowels 1 acting as an Alternative, changing that slate 1 of cosUvencsß, which is very common to ' some individuals, and for the irregularities indident to females they are very valuable. AGENTS FOR COLtJMBIA COUNTY. ' E. P. LUTZ A JOHN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg, Pa; M C Grier & John Moore Danville; John Sharplesefc C Hartman & Co., Catawissa; G K R Shuman Catawissa Forge; llrown and 1 Creasy, MifDinville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Eat Williams- i burg;E. Lazarus Orangeville; JK Millatd Espytown; Elias Wertmvn Rqhrsburg; Geo. < Masters Mitlville; J M Sheldon Jerseytown; McCay & Patterson Washingtonvillo; Hugh McWilliams Moresburg; and by most all Storekeepers in the adjacent Counties. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—6 m. The People's Friend. IVP POND'S, OF I'TlJ^^^^tßK^ mation, old sores, fresh wounds and bruises, 1 Piles, and all diseases of the bowels of a chronic nature, tooth-ache and ear-ache, &c., &c. It is truely what it professes to bo. "the 1 People's Friend !" Providence has scattered 1 along the rugged paths of life many things that contribute greatly to the comlort and happiness of every body ; hence their great value, a'. *-"11 may they be called 'friends of Ine people.' One word hero to guard against imposition. A man by the name of spencer, has manu ufactured and offered for sule a spurious ar ticle called the Coryll Extract, —that would be extract of the hazel-nut: —the genuire is as white and pure hs water, while the spuri ous article is colored, which enables the public to distinguish, i None genuine, Rut those mrrked Pond's • Pain Destroyer. For sale by I Wm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jessnp, | Shickshinny, Chalfant & Hughes, Danville, Seth B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler & Trem bly, Espvtown. 2 18 ly BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL For Young l-ailics anil Gentlemen J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A surticiant number of competent Ass tants will, at all times be employed. The ensuing Winter Session will com mence on MONDAY the 28th day of Octo ber next, and will continue 22 weeks. TERMS. The Academic year consists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows; For Reading, Penmanship. Grammar, A rithmotic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge ography, History of U. S. $3 25 For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double • entry, General History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philosophy, other English branches, and Drawing. 84 50 For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 BF"Good boarding can be obtained in pri vate familiesat from 81 50 to $2 00 per week. RcrxatKOEk.—Col. Joseph Paxton, Hon. Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brobst, Esq., John M'fieynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. QT After this Winter Session the French , Language will be taught in this School. ! Bloomsburg Sept 28th 1850. The Geatest Because the Be st Fam lly Medicine in the World IS WORSDELLS VEGETABLE RESTOR ATIVE PILLB. thoy have succeeded in curing some of the worst cases, of disease evor recorded, and are daily accomplishin the restoration of persons after having tried in vain to obtain relief from any other source. One of the Proprietors is a regular physician of extensiveexperienco, who de votes his time exclusively to their prepara tion. For FEVER & AGUE, thoy have nev er yet failed. At least ono thousand cases ill the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have boen cured since the first of Sept., last. In Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, I.ivor Complaint, Scrofula, for Worms, and all other diseases of children, they aro unequalled by anything ever prepared for the purpose, while for the various diseases of Females there is no me dicine can compare with lliem. Thoro is more of tliein sold—they are in greater de mand than any other pill—and when once introduced in a family, they need no other medicine. Each box containing Fifty Pills, renders them the cheapest, while they are decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in aetioo, of any now in the market. The Editor of the "City Item," thus tpeakt of them: TY READER, you are suffering from fever and ague, and you have never tried tfors delt'f Vegetable Ileslora ive Pills. Shako no more. There is still hope for you—you may yet be cured - Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which are a sovreign antidote for this distressing complaint. Col. Forney of the Ptmtylcanian, sayi: WORSDELI.'S PILLS. —This excellont family medicine is daily winning now t-inmphs over disease, ana consequently in the high road to public favor. In the removal of tne every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know of no better compound. We hoard the oth er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e ruptions of the head and face being enirely cured by them. Du Solle of the "Timet," tayt: fy The groat popularity of Worsdell's Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just iticr it which they really possess. They have been quietly gaining tlie fame they now have, by the force of their own virtuos. The means usually employed to give eclat to new remedies have not been adopted by the proprietors. They have been content to let their medicine speak foi itself. It is now doing it in every section of the country. Tltoy are for sale by most of the Store Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS & Co., Proprietors. Agents, JOHN R. A/OYER, Bloomsburg: E. Lazarus, Orangeville, #- M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhom, Funston & Diefenbach, Jerseytown, M. C. Grier, Danville, C. Hartman & Co., Cattawissa, and by most merchants throughout the nountry. A YAL.II.4HI E l o , 3iNyc&ir i f Ji 'P 1 rHXTA.TE SALE. ; • i THE subscriber offers at private sale his f TAVERN STAND AND LOT, in Blooms- ; burg; which, to any persoi desirous ol f purchasing real estate in the County Seat, of- , fersa fine opportunity for a profiiable invest- j mont. The property is upon the Main and ] a business street of the town, and in that part j c ot the place which has been growing most , rapidly w'.thin a few years past. The lot has ! a a front of fifi feet upon Main street, and ex- 1 tends 214 i feet back. c THE HOTEL s upon the premises might easily bo made to s do a good business and the J OaUBHSa &KIE SSAIE3LIE3 a on it are now ones of the largest kind. There t is a good PUMP at the door, and every oth- c er desirable convenience. i [F ft will be sold upon easy terms, by c early application to r THOMAS C. BOMBOY. f Bloomsburg, October 2d, 1850. c ORANGEVILLE FOUNDRY J AND < MACH I INI F. SHOP. • TIIE subscriber has now in active opera | [ tion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop , recently erected at Orangeville, and will be I j ready to furnish castings of every size and. | ( description, and every desirable kind of j machinery. ( Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves of , every kind, Kettles, Boilers and all o'.her , kinds of Hollow-ware will be furnished by ( him at the lowest prices. He has also 011 hand, and will make 1o , order, THRESHING MACHINES AND PLOUGHS ready f or use. and equal to the best made in this region of the country. F'armers in need of Castiugs or machine ry will find it to their advantage to v isit his establishment. He will keep 011 ha nd a lot ol articles manufactured by birr,, out of which a lair selection can always be made. Ev ry description of machinery ueatly re paired 011 the shortest notice ar.d most rea- j sonable terms. Old metal taken in payment for work. B. F.KAYHURST. Orangeville, July 29tK 1851. GIVE 'E'il FITS!! Peter 8. Leidy 'Can manufactu re yust as neat and fashiona ble a suit of eiothang as any other tailor itt these diggir.s. As a sample of his work manship, tie refers you to the BEST FITTING COAT To be found in the town, which is quite cer tain to have come from his shop. He renularly receives the latest city fash ions, ana from his experience in tho busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work I He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH, CASSiMERES, & TRIMMINGS, At tho lowest prices, from which he wiH make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any desirable stylo. His shop is on tho North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. IIATB AND OAFS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has iust re ceived from tho city, a large and select as? sortment of FASHIONABLE H Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheapest his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the ( ourt houso. BT He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1149. LITER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ntr xtout Debility, Disease of the Kid neyi.and all diseases aris ing from u disordered Liter or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles v Fulness of Blood io the Head, Aci dity of the Stomach, Nausea, burn. Disgust fot Food. Fulness or H'eight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. choking or suffocating sensations when tix a lying posture, dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, <s-f. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Bu rning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, und Great Depres sion of Spirits. CAN IE EFF EOT A LLT CUBES BY DR. IJOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, 7BEPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep aration in the United States, as the euros attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and 1 la ser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the di gestive organs, they are, withal, safe, cer tain and pleasant. Read and be Convinced. The Hon. Charles D. llineline, Editor of the "Camden Democrat,"the bost paper in West Jersey, says, July 21: — "Hooflami's German Bittehs."—"We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came, induced us to make inquiry respect ing its merits. Prorr. inquiry we were pet suaded to use it, ami must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, and tho powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strogthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of re pose, making sleep retreshing. £From the "Boston Bee."] Tho editor said, Dee. 22d— '■Dr. lloofland's Celebrated German Bitten for tho euro of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspcysia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedlv one of the most popular medi cines of the day. These Hitlers havo been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We are con vinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength ntid vigor— a fact worthy of great consideration, fhey are pleasant in taste and smell, and can lie used by persons with the most delicate stom achs with safety, under any circumstances. We arc speaking from experience and to tho atllictcd we advise their use." Judge M M. Nosh, a gentleman with great scientific ami and litterary attainments, said in his "A'ctc York Weekly Messenger," January 6, 1850. "Dr Hoofland's German JSrflm.—-Here is a preparation which the loading presses in the Lnioti appear to bo unanimous in re commending. and the rtrasou is obvious. It is mado nfter a presc.ipuon furnibhed by one o: the most eel'obtated physicians of modern times, the fata Dr Christopher Wil helni Hoofland, V roiessor to the Univeisity of Jena. Privafe Physician to the King of Prussia, and tine of the greatost medical wri ters Germany has ever produced. Ho was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and the.efor'.: a, medicine of which he was the inveu'.or and endorser may be confidently re lied or,. He specially recommended it in Live} Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver figj, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation. Mid all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and sev eral ot the editors speak of its effects from their own individual experience. Under those circumstances, we (eel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MOKE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the i be6t family newspapci published in the l T ni- I ted Slates, the editor say of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommond what are termed Patent Medicines to the confi dence and patronage of our readers: and, therefore, when wo recommend Dr. Hoot land's German Bitters, we wish it to be (lis tinctly understood that wo are not speakui" of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of rnis cliif, but of a medicine long established, universally prizod, and whioh has met the hearty approval ol the Faculty itself." Evidence upoq evidence has been re ceived (like the foregoing) from all sections ol the Union, the last three years, anil the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is morn of it used in the practice of the * regu lor Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can casily be established, and fully proving that a sci entific preparation will meet with their qui et approval when presented even in this form. That this medioino will euro Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, al ter using it as diioctod. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is prolerable to calcmel in aliiUious diseases —the effect is immediate. Tbey can he administered to femalc or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at anytime. BEWARE OK COUNTERFEITS. ! Thin medicine has attained that high char acter which is necessary for all medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put torth a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. LOOS WSLL TO THE MARES OT THE GENUINE. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon tha wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they art tpuriout For salfij wholesale and retail, at the Gtr man Medicine Stmto, No. 130 Aroh Street, one door below of 378 Race street,) Philadelphia, atflP by .respectable dealers generally throughout the country. Also for Sale by JOHN R. MOYER, Bloomsbuf, Pa. Notice is hereby given, that the Partner ship heretofore existing between GORL Is SHAW, as Contractors for tho Conatraction of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Tele graph Line, and the Susquehanna River and North and West Branch Telegraph Line, ia ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons having subscribed and paid for stock in "The Philadelphia and Wilkesbare re Telegraph Company," are respectfully re quested to present their receipts for such payments to ELI J. S.EGER. Esq., of Allen town, Lehigh county. Pa., President of the said Company, and recoive their certificates properly authenticated therefor; and all per sons having subscribed and paid for stock in "The Susquehanna River and North and West Branch Telegraph Company," are aleo respectfully requested to present their re ceipts for such payments to A. C. GOELL, ■- the American Hotol, Chestnut street, oppot site the State House, Philadelphia, President of said Company, or to T. O. VAN ALLEN Treasurer, Danville, 'Montour county, Pa. and receive their certificates in due form therefor. And all persons having claims a gainst the said Partnership, GOBLL AND SHAW, relating to the roost re ctiou of said lines, whether upon promissory note, draft, book accounts, or otherwise-, are respectfully requested to present correct statements of the* same, without delay, to- JOHN TITUB, Esq., No. 12 Mercantile Library, Philadel phia, who is authorizod to receive and as tange fot settlement of tho same. A. C. GOELL JAMES SHAW January 3J, 1831. jslfl-lui EXECUTOR'S SALE "~ OF VALCABfJEf REL ESTATE. The Subscribers will expose to sale at' public Vendue, on the premises, on Tuesday, the 26th day of March neit, A. D. 1851', at ten o'clock in the forenoou, in tho township' ot Huntington, in the county of Luzerne. The following valuable property being the estate of Amos Franklin, deceased, late of Hunting on township, containing 217 acres and some petcnes, and allowance for roads, &c. Ninety acres of it is improved. The unimproved is well timbered and well wat ered On the property are erected three dwel ling houses, a barn, stable, See There are about fifty fruit trees on the place, also a good spring near each honse. The land may be conveniently divided into 1 or I small farms with a building on each, and will ho sold in two or three pieces, or togeth er to suit purchasers. Anv one desirous of purchasing can view the premises at any time. A part of the purchase money can be secured by Bond and Mortgage on the property. The conditions will be made known on tbc dav of sale by PETER FRANKLIN, JOHN FRANKLIN, Executor. Huntington, Janiinrv 16, 1851.—ta i>oots and Shoes. VSF Encourage your otrn Mechanics, and yon encourage Yourselves /; Tho subscriber would inform his friende and the public, that ho has on hand, and makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, 84 a 4 fro do kip or cow bide, S 3 A do calf shoes 11 00 do cow hide J 74 do miners', nailed, 0a 5 AO Ladies'gaiters, SaS >4 " Lace boots. J 64 " Thick solea slippers, Jal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 138 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufactures his work of tho best of stock, and warrants it to wear ; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call und sec for yourselves, Hhop on Main St., next door below llartmau's btore. WARREN RUSSELL. NEW SADDLER SHOE The subscriber announces to the publte that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door abovo Rupert's Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of UAUNESd. SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECEB. And every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in avery desirablo style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the lowest pneos. Those who wish work in his line tfill do well to giro him a call. * ryHides. country produce, and even gold dollars will bo taken in payment for work. W. M'K. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comuany, have appointed tho undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia, county. The Company is in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are oniitled to tho rights of membership thorein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for Ihs losses or expense* of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extont Of liability. Persona desirous of educting an insurance upon property, can call upon tho undersigned, at his Otlice in Bloomsburg. CHARLES R. BUCK A LEW. May 22, 1850. For Good Watches; OQ Henry Zuppinger returns his thanks for past palre nage, and invites the pub ( 1,0 lo exara ' n " his new r V 1 ''m3S assortment of clocks, WATCHES, •S&segggS*^'Trimmings, Glasses, nt r Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will also re pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti. cat instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in the middle room of the Ex change blook, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 28, 1849. , Executor's Notice. Estate of Joseph Yetter. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary have this day been granted te the. undersigned by the Register of Columbia', comity upon the es'ate of Joseph Teuer, late of Cattawissa township, Colombia county, deceased. Alt persons having > claims against the said estate are requested to present them to the undersigned, residing in the town of Cattawissa; and thoee know <ng themselves indebted to make early pay* ment to JOHN BHARPLESB, J. K. SHARPLEBS, Executors. Cattawissa. Jan. 14, 185}.—8 t, i '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers