Btltti FiQt"tlliitr Wright belli to Bail. BOSTON, -Feb. 20—Tho examination of Ktirnr Wright was resumed this morning be fore commissioner Halle!, which resulted in his being held to bail in tho sum of 92,000 ' for his appearance at the U. S. District Court on the third Tuesday in March. Mr. Sew ell entered the required bonds. A MOTHER SCIENTIFIC WoNDEn ! PEPSIN, Us True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, alter direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. b. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Streot, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's owii agent, the Gastric. Juice. See Advertisement in another column. MARRIED. On the 26th inst., hy the Rev. D. J. Wal ler, Mr. JOHN PENMAN, and Miss MARY ANN WRIGHT, all of Bloomsburg. CF" THE CAKE and—(Oh no, don't men tion it) for the printer came all rigAt, and our whole officejiold join in the best wishes for the long and uninterrupted joy of a.ploas art life to the happy twain. On Thursday 20th inst., by Rev D. J Waller, WASHINGTON HENRIE, of Liverpool, to Miss HARRIET P. CLARK of Cat tawitsa. On the Bth ins!-, by the Rev H.Funk, Mr. JOHN STADON, of Greonweod, to Miss HAN NAH, eldest daughter of Wm. Cole, Esq., of Sugarlnaf. On the 13th inst., by tho same, Mr. NA THAV, P. PENNINGTON, to Miss MART YOST, both of Fishingcreek. At the Forks Hotel, in Bloomsburg. on Saturday, the Bth inst., by the Rev. J. Rud derow, Mr. JACOI W. Mowjtv, of Montour county, and Miss ELIZA MOWRY, ot Tioga county. By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 20th inst, Mr. PETER MOWERER, nf Mahoning town ship, to Miss MART EVERETT, of Cooper tp., botn of Momonr co. DIED. In Madiron tp.. on the Bth inst., Mrs. IIA OENBVCH, late widow of John Hagenbuch, of Centre tp., In Danville, on 14th inst., Mr. JOIINTRAIN ER, aged 29 years, 8 months and 5 days. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public Sale, at tne Court Homo in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21slduv of April, tho following described property, to wit:—All that certain two-story irame building, situato just eal of tbe main road leading from the town of Bloomsburg to the Canal fronting lots ot John Reiswick and William G. Hurley, and joining lands of William Sloan, a few rods from the Canal, in the township of Bloom, in the County of Columbia, containing in front on an alley, seperating it from lands of John Reiswick and William G Hurley, twenty twojeet, and in depth sixteen feel ; and tho lot or piece of ground and curtul edge appurtenant to said buildi g. Seized taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Michael Heudershot. ALSO, By i irtue of a writ of vendiioni txpona', to mo directed, will ho exposed to public sale, at tho Court house in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21st day of April, the following dow-iibed property, to wit: —All those two pieces ot ground situate in the Botough of Berwick, bounded and described as tollws : the one situate on the South-East side of front street adjoining on alley on the one aide which runs from the front street to the Tiver bank and adjoining Abraham Miller on tha South West and an alley on the tear. The other lot East of the first described on the opposite side of the alley, which runs from front street to tho livet batik and back or East of the alley running on tbe rear of ihe first described, containing each one -eighth of *n acre, more or less, with a Dwelling House on the first described piece, and a stable on tho second 'described lot, with the appurtenance*. ' Seized and taken in execution anJ to be sold as the properly of Thomas Connelly. A LSO, At the court house in Rloomvburg, on Friday the 28th day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, by trirluo of a writ of levari facias all that certain messuage and tract of land situate in Montour township Columbia county aforesaid, (now Montour county,) bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post the south eastern corner of said tract on hill of land of the heirs of Bavlordee'd . thence by said lands, north one half of a dogrco '.vest ono hundred arid seventy ihrro perches to a post, thence south eighty and ono fourth degrees west one hun dredand twenty three peiches to a small white oak, thence by land of widow Ritter north thrco fourths of a degree west sixty five perches to stone head thence ;by lands of Bittcribender sculh eighty two degrees west fifty five perches to a sn all rock oak, thence south ono degree west eighty four p-rehes to a post, by land of C.ouse, south iwoniy twoi'egree* east eighty three perches to a hlaek oak, thenco north eixty six drgrees east fifty four perches to a Ssai, tben-e sooth, twei ty three degrees ta t f y four peiches to a poat, the ice rouih f t.y seven degrees east twelve and five tenth peiches to a post, thence south twenty degrees cast seventeen perches to a post, thence by lands of Henry Wertraan north .seventy nine and one half degrees east eigh ty throe porches to a post, the place of Be ginning ; containing ono hundred and sixty two acres, and eighty three perches of land more or less. Seized taken in execution and to be sold the property of Benjamin Haywood and George VV. Snyder. PETER BILLMYER, Sheriff. Suttiirr's Orrtcz, j Bloo.nebura, Feb. 22, 1851. ( Church Letting. Proposals will be received until 4 o'clock on the Bth day of March next, at ths house of Jacob Dyer in Cattawissa for building a BRICK jCHURCH 82 by 50 feet in the town of Cattawisse. Plans and specifications can he seen at the same place, ti days previous to .tUo letting. Solomon Helwig Michael Brobst, John Cromlich, Jacob Yetters. John Schmick Building Committee. Cattawiafa Fab. 24,1851. Nereis, School Book*) Blank Books, Ledgers, Day books and Journals ; Gift books, Keepsakes fce.,' for tale at the Bio tmsburg Book Store W ' ■ Joseph Swatla Pnblic Sale. OP REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order or the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday th<vl fifteenth day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, John M'Cormick Trustee ap pointed by tho Court for the Sale of the real Estate of Daniel Can late of Derry town ship In said county, dcce ased will expose to sain Vendue, upon the pioinises, a certain farm situate in Derry township lately now Montour county, bounded and deacribed as follows—North by lands of Nancy Murry, East by lands of Abraham Cooper. South by lands of Jonas Lincyhig ler, and on the VVest by lands of Richard Black, containing Ninety Jovr acre*, more or less. ALSO a lot of woodland, situate as afore said bounded by lands ot Abraham Cooper on the East, North and West, and on the South by lands of Jonas Lincybigler, con taining TEN ACRES, moro or loss. ALSO a half lot situated in VVashington ville, Derry township aforesaid, bounded by Joseph Carr on the VVest, by David Carr on the North and East, and by the public street on the South. Late tho Estate of said decesed, situato in the township of Derry and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY Clerh. Bloomsburg, Feb 18th 1851-ts POST OFFICE STAMPS. i TO POSTMASTERS.—The advertiser, Post Master at Pleasant Grove, Alleghenyco., Md , is the first person in the United States who conceived and undertook extensively to publish the idea of furnishing all post offi ce* in the country with cheap stamps. All stamps made by him are warrantod equal or superior to any others than'can be procured for the same price, and whenever any are sent out in any manner defective or unsatis factory, duplicates will be forwarded, on no tice, without any extra charge. All who or der a full set of Changes for dates, at only St. for 30 pieces, shall be kept in stamps ad libitum. Full set with one change, 91. When stamps are neatly made with turn ed handles and screw—same style as the regular government P. O stamps-durable, efficient and warranted. Price one or two dollars only, and special authority to send by mail free. i Address "P M. Pleasant Grove, Allegha ny county, Maryland. OT Any editor publishing the above (with this note) 3 times, and sending a copy of the paper, shall receive credit for 95 in wood letter, or $lO proof press—or if pre ferred, a wood engaving or an engraved newspaper head, or the above value, will be forwarded. Feb. 13,-3t A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A good farm of 176 acres in Mourrtpleas ant township, Columbia county is offered for sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing creek just opposite Light Street, and contains 3s good land as is found along the creek. About one fourth is wood land, the remain der cleared and in good state of cultivation Tho improvements are a convenient and comfortable frame dwelling-honse, a good barn, and other outbuildings. The land is believed to contain a valuable deposit of IROS ORE, and the owner oily agrees to sell it, because ho cannot give his personal supervision to the properly. It will be sold upon such lib eral and desirable terms as to make it a gcod, profitable, and cheap home. For the terms of sate inquire of R. VV WEAVER Agent. Blootnsburg. Jan. 21, 1851.—tf Steam Iron Railing. MORE AND GALLAGHER, Comer of Ridge Road and Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call (he attention of purchasers to their elegant assortment of Wrought and Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES. BALCONIES, VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c , together with | all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAGHER'S BOOK.OF ©m&nsy&Hi ©iEsif©KfE 9 Containing the best selection of dasigijs that has ever been issued, will be sent to any person who may wish to make a selection. Feb. 20, 1851-3 m Administrator's Notice. Estate of Daniel M'Henry, deceased. Loiters of administration havo this day been granted by the Register of Columbia county to the subscribers upon the estate of Daniel McHenry, lalo of Fishingcreek tp., Columbia county, deceased. All persons snowing themselves indebted to the said estate r.te requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned residing in Fish ingereek township, and those having claims against the estate to mako known the same without delay. L. A. CARMAN, CLEMUEL M HENRY. Bloomsburg, Feb 8, 1851,-Ot SHEETS & SELTZER'S WHOLESALE mars & lUftQOTDIB Sff ©lEffia *Ctr3v No. 939 N- Third SI., yu=U (Above Callowhill,) b'lV.lW PHILADELPHIA, A GENERAI ASSORTMETOF RRANDIES, WINES, CORDIALS. And Liquors of every description t .ALSO a full stock of Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, Black If Green Teat. 1 X. SHIETZ. R. P SELTZER. J. M. ARSISTSOKO— - Agent. House k Two lots at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private the house and lot now oc- by him at Light Street," 4(nMlHColuiiibia Cg , and would dis pose of it on fair terms. The lot fronts 60 feet on the main street of the town, and ex lands back 150 feet. The house is a frame dwelling, and has a good well of water with a pump in at the door. There is also upon he lot a good stable. AN OUT LOT, Containing nearly one acre and adjoining ' the above premises on the baok alley, will also be sold upon fair terras. , • MARTIN L. BROWN. Tight Street, Jan. Bth 1851. — 6t BLANKS!! DEEDDS, SUMMONS, - EXECUTIONS, SUBPffittAS, and * JUDGMENT NOTES, of ■roper and desirable forms, for sele at the Otlce the "Star of tho North." PUBLIC SALE OP REAL estate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan s Court of Columbia County, on Thursday the 27th day of February inet, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Abraham Mensch and Peter Bilner Administiators of Adam Mensch late of Roaringcrcck township in said county, do ceased will e.xposo to safe by public vonduo upon the premises, a certain undivided in terest of the said deceased in and to all that certain tract of land in said township adjoin ing lands of J. Watson HP be, Henry Hoff man, Abraham Wittier and Elijah Horn, containing about 0.0.&3 Da 53833. on which are a FRAME HOUSE AND BARN and other buildings. The interest of said do ceased being about 4R one hundred and eighteen parts as undivided, or 48 ACRES AND 134 PERCHES if divided into acres in proportion to intes tates interest in tho tract. Late the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Roaringcreek and county aforesaid JACOB EYERLY Clerk. TV Terras made known on the day of sale by ABRAHAM MENSCH PETER BITNEU Administrators. Bloomsburg, January Slst 1851. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday the first day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Cornelius I.undy and Lot Parker, Administrators of Thomas Lundy late of Greenwood township, in said county, de ceased will expose to sale by Publie Vendue upon the premises, a certain messuago plantation and tract of land situate in Green wood township Columbia county, adjoinin ing lands of William G. Harris on tho East, Joseph Reese or. JVorth, William Courson on the West, and Nicholas Cole on the South containing Two Hundred and Twenty Acres, of which about one hundred acres are clear ed land whereon are erected on the premis es TWO LOG HOUSES, each one story and a half high, a Frame Bank Barn, and a wag -0 i hnusj. There is also an orchard oa the premises. Late the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Greenwood and county aforesaid. tf Terms made known at the sale. JACOB EYERLY Cls>h Bloomsburg, Jan. 22, 1851 -ts. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Larue Rottlct Only One Dollar. The Proprietor of ilio Great American Remedy " VAVOHN'A VEGETABLE LITUONTRIPTIC MIXTDRI," induced hy the ireont ■oiii-itation* of hit Agents, throughout tho United rttatct aud Canada, hu now Reduced the Price of hi popular and wall known article; and from thia date, henceforth, he will put up but one aire only, —hu quart hottlca: tite retail prica will be ONE DOLLAR. The public may ret atred that tha character of tht Medi ••in*, iti atrength, and curative propertie* WILL REMAIN I'NcitAKukD, and the aauae oare will be beatowed in pre paring it aa heretofore. Aa thia medicine, umlaraas mduoed price, wiH be purchaaed by ikoe who have not tttbarto made themelvea acquainted with its virtue-, 'he projeteior troWd Leg to intimate that hi nrtirlc is net to he clnaeed with thaavaat amount of *' Rem* diet of the day 5" it claims for iuelf prtatrr hmlmß power, in ill diseases, than any othrr pwflparatie* now before tht •xor/d; and he* curtained ileal f for eight years by iti snperioi .itedtaal virtues, and, until thia reduction, commanded double Ihe prioe of uny other article in this line. NRTICK PARTICULARLY, thle article acte with gritt heat itig pewer an J certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lung? sntl all other orf ane, upon the proper action of whiuk life and health depend. Tliie medicine hae a justly high repute aa a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and all IUM of that nature. It may b relied upon when the intelligent physician hae abandoned hia patient, and for theer diatrenainjf diaeaae*. more especially DROPSY, the propri etor would earneatly and honestly recommend it. At it* preaent price it it easily obtained by all, and the trial will prove the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the World! er 'leaae ask for pamphlets the scents five them sway they contain over sixteen pages of reccipte, (in addition to fnl medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and whicl will tave many dollar* per year to practical houiekeepere. I TherC receipts are introduced to make the book of grout I value, asiile front its chai"i nt CT M advertising medium for the medicine, the testimony in favor o." "."hicb, in the form of letters front all parts of the country, may be relied a port, j ty "Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture " Groat American Remedy, now for sele in quart bottles at $1 each, small tattles at 50 cts each. No small bottles will be issued after the present stock is disposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. V., 907 Main Street, G. C. VAI'GIIN. Solo Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT MiKESSON k CO., 137 Maiden Lane, New York City. N. 11. All letters (excepting from agent* and dealers witn whrtn he transacts business) must be post paid, or no attention will be given to them. AGENTS —E. P. LUTZ, Bloomsburg ;O. F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Friling, Sun bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John Sharpless, Cattawissa; J K Millard. Espy town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert- Beach Haven Oct. 31, 1850.-ly GUNSMITHWG~~ /IV BLOOMSBURG. Thomas C. Bomboy Respectfully informs the public that he has opened and arrangeil in good order A GUNSMITH SHOP at the Pennsylvania Hotel, in the lower part ot Main Street, Bloomsburg, where he will be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in good order and of approved workmanship. He will also attend to Repairing and Cleaning Guns and will repair and make all kinds of light machinery-, locks. &c., at moderate charges. Guns and Pistols on hand for sale. Bloomsburg, May 2, 1850. THIS WAY GENTLEMEN. RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi izens of Hioomaburg in general and his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that ne has again opened his tai lor-shop where he will be pleased to furnish the best of clothing, cut according to the la test fashions, and made in the best manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that his Work will look well and wear bet ter. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lutz's Drug store. In pay for work, ha will take cash, stora order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. NOTICE. All those indebted to the sobsoriber ID Bond, note, or Book acoount, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that the same must be attended to, between this and the Ist day of March next, or costs will be made on same without distinction. GEORGE WEAVER Jan 29th. IB9D Fall aed Winter Woods. wssm HAVE just received the largest assortment of new and fashionable tall and winter goods to be found in Bloomsburg, And :hoy offer them at the lowest prices to their many old patrons and new. Tlioy have full and large variety of CLOTHS CASSIMERS. SAT TIN ETS, JEANS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES FOR men's coats, vests, and pqnts. French mil English Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines, ALPACAS, PLAIDS. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOR LA DIRS DRESSES . TER KERRI, WATERLOO. WOOLLEN AND LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES—HARD WARE. QUEENBWARE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar waro, Hats, Caps, Coarse and fine Boots and Booleos for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco and Gum Shoes for Ludies, Misses and Childrens wear, and just about every thing else that can be de sired to please taste or serve use. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850. £2TcC£}GD<s>dClas* The subscriber hat just received and opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which he invites the attention of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of . (£>LHCE>C3aOBOaEiaBSS3e HAESWARB, Qutenswrre, Cedar H'are, Fish and Salt, Hats and Caps, Count and Fine Boots, Gum. Morocco and Jenny Lind Shoes for ladies, misses and childrens wear. Also. Terkerri, Woollen, Watterloo, Bay state Mills and JCNNY LND Long Shawls, MUFFS, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids. Prints and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oot. 30, 1850. New Goods in Light street. The subscriber has just received a new assortment of goods from the city, which he offers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. His stock now consists of every usually kept in a country store, including Cs3-ciDa£>caia3 a OnOOBHIESj Qiievuiware Hardware. Caps Boots and Shoes, &c. Ac. He can furnish Cloths, Casimeres Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, C.ashmers ; Delaines, Ginghams and Prints for ttig ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves of every variety. Here is a rare chance for bargains to those who want cheap and good goods for cash or country | produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850- C23-CE>qDi^3s3 FOR FALL AND WINTER The subscribers have just added to their former stock a large ane genaral assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware Cedarware, Fish, Salt, &c., caiefully selected as to quality and price, all of whioh they aie anxious to sell on the most accom modeling terms, aud respectfully solicit a call from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers especially. MEN DEN HALL & MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oct. 31st 1850. Reading R- R. Pnssengci Trans Office of Philada. & Reading R' R. Co | Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1850- j Until further notice there will be but one Passenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted,) between Philadelphia and Pottsville at ha.f past eight o'clock, •'. M., and stopping at the usual places™n the line of the road. Hours of Passing Reading : —For Philadel phiS 2! '0 o'clock. 10 minutes, A. M., for I Pottsville at 11 o'clock, ?° minutes, A. M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary Reading, Nov. 2, 1850. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any Btyle ; butalwaysof the best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon the most reasonable terms.— He proposes to servo his customers to such work as will secure for hirn a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. Ho asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. BOOT AND BHOE STORE. Heio Arrangements and Great Bargains. The undersigned rospccfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in general,that he has purchased air. Frantz's Boot If Shoe Store anil has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in tho Exchango Building, on wain Street, where he will be happy to receive the calls of old and new cnstomers, Boots and Shoes, of every yariety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual, iy He invites the custom of his old friends and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. tyStore in the Exchange Butkhng, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. ' 8 JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, *arch 28, 1850. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAGENBI/'CH has iust re ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, whioh he will sell at the loweat prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. BMkBl BMks!! Joseph Swartz haa just received • new Id of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical Miscellaneous and School boras, to which he invites the attention of the roadieg public of BloetnsVnrj. COUNTY STATEMENT. ttffiOliUßHKS iiK® ieSSI?BSJ!BHIt®IE!iS (SIP (S®ILWHiIMIi. B l ®® The Auditors elected to adjust nd settle the public accounts of the County of Columbia, have examined the same from the sixth dav or January, A. D., 1850, to the sixth day of January A. D., 1851, and respectfully lay before tlio Hon, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the following Statement and Re port, agreeable to the twenty-second Section of An Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, pissed the 14th AMANDUS LEVERs! ESQ.. TREASURER OF COLUM BIA COUNTY. IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY. Dfl To amount of County taxes out-standing and uncollected, Jan uary 6th 1850. For 1846, 2 37 •• |B7, 121 60 .. 1848. 2,007 81 •• .1849. 7i849 68 69.081 46 To amount of County lax levied and . assessed for 1850, 15,119 27 To amount received on unseated landa: County 859 35 . Road 172 66 School • 92 65 Poor <4 >° 659 72 To amount received on Recognixsnee of J. Ciawford 100 00 • of Samuel Creasy, Esq., on duplicate of achoul tax, 28 00 • ' Wm. Sliuliz on exonerations 'J 00 To amount received on aalca ofksunaeaied landa 11 , , • staled ' 61 81 • of over assessment of State taxca 14510 ' of Jury feea and fines received of Eyerly, Prothonotary 32 00 of Jury fees and finea received of Billmeyer, Sheriff 18 00 ' over paid on duplicates of State taxca 41 62, Total amount received 626,144 C 8 ' County orders redeemed, 4-c„ 25,412 00 Amount due Columbia county, by Treasurer 3732 08 CR- By amount of County taxes out-standing and uncollected, Januarv 6th 1851 For 1847, 13 77 • 1848, 023 54 • 1849, 1,767 31 ' 1850. 9.763 37 812,466 09 By exoneration made during the year 1850, on duplicates of Cotituy taxes 365 60 By commissions allowed collectors of County taxes, on final settlement of their duplicates 652 54 By costs on unseated and seated lands bought by Commissioners at Treasurer's sale 109 25 By amount of County orders redeemed by Trea surer and returned to Commissioners 11,627 05 By commission on 811,627 05 allowed by Com misaionera to Treasurer 290 67 625,412 00 EXPENDITURES. Bridge Contracts. Amount paid sundry persons on bridge contracts 1,640 50 Bridge and Road Views, also Road Damages. Amount paid sundry persons for viewing sites and reports on.bridges. and for making reports of public roads, also lor toad damages 362 75 Bridge Repairs. Amount paid sundry persons for repairs done to Bridges 781 19 Jurors tcages and Mileage. Amount paid Grand and Traverse Jurors at the several Terms during the year 1,720 14 Stale Costs, Amount paid Justices, Witnesses in suits when the Commonwealth was plaintiff 172 61 County Buildings. 1 Amount paid for work done at County Buildings, 283 01 County Printing. Amount paid Levi L. Tate, 76 00 • R. W. Weaver 72 75 , * Charles Cook 52 00 • • Valentine Best 53 00 ' • J, R, Baldwin 500 258 75 Election Expenses, Amount paid the the several election districts, in cluding Constables and Assessors pay 704 05 Constables Returns to Quarter Sessions. Amount paid during the year 1850 140 37 Constables Attending Court. Amount poid during the year 1850 89 00 Prothonotary's Fees, Amount paid Jacob Eyerly 53 18 Jailor snd Sheriff's Fees. Amount p , *d Peter Billmeyer for Boarding Prisoners summoning Jurors, tjre. 475 03 Court Crier. Amount paid Jesse F. Sholes 71 00 District Attorney Amount paid R, F. Clark, "Esq. 37 00 ' ' E, O, Thompson, Esq. 12 00 49 00 Attorney to Commissioners, Amount paid C, R. Buckalew, Esq., • ' For 1840 25 00 • • • 1850 57 50 82 50 Auditors Pay, Amount paid Gen. W. Harder 9 00 • ' Wm. S. Davis 900 • • Samuel Johnson 900 27 00 ' , Wesley Roai, as Clerk 600 Assessors Pay. Amount paid the several Assessors far making the spring assessments Assessor of-Bloom 21 12 1 Briarcreek 16 12 1 Beaver 19 12 1 Cattawissa 12 12 ' Centre 10 12 ' Derry 9 12 ' Fishingcreek 10 62 ' Franklin 10 12 ' Greenwood 14 12 ' Hemlock 12 12 ' Jackson 9 12 ' Libert) 12 91 1 Limestone 9 12 < Mifflin 11 73 < Main 10 72 ' Madison 19 77 1 Mountpleasant 12 12 ' Mahoning 13 12 1 Montour 11 83 ' Orange 10 12 A Valuable New Work. AMERICAN HISTORY, comprising sketches of the Indian Tribes ; a descrip tion of Amerioan Antiquities, with an in quiry into their origin and the origin of the Indian tribes; History of tbe (JnMetl plates, with appendices showing its con nection with European History; a History of the present British provinces ; \ History of Mexico; and a history ot Texas brought down to the time of its admission into the American Union. By Marcius Will son, Published by M. H. Newman It Co., 199 Broadway New York. One large oc tavo volume. Price <2,00. The abo v e valuable and interesting work by Thomas Agent, Bloomsburg. Envelopes, Perfe, Ink, Writing sand Ac can be found at tho cheap Book store of JOSEPH 3WARTZ scam smixm ' Roar.ngcreek 17 12 ' Sugarloaf 15 |2 ' Valley 12 12 1 Danville Borough 12 12 \ ' Anthony 9 12— * m 71 Penitentiary Expense*. Amount E. S. Penitentiary 193 00 i'axrt Refunded. Amount of road, school and poor (axes paid to sev rai townships 312 50 Book* and Book Binding. Amount paid sundry persons 51 It Coroner's Fees. Amount paid Andrew Freas, Coroner, and Justices Kilchiu, tt at 47 53 Contingent Expenses. Amount paid for ink,candles, paper, quills and Pos tage ; also fuel for offices, court room and jail 354 57 Wild-cut and Fox Scalp*. Amount paid as premiums Ijq 94 Commissioners and Clerk* Pad. Amount paid James Lake, Esa. 174 So ' ' Herman Labour. Esq. 204 59 ' ' Joseph Yetter, dee'd. 201 00 ' ' John Staley, Esq., 18 00 111 00 Wesley Roat, as Clerk, SOO 00 Amougt paid Emanuel Lazarus, late Treasurer for State monies used f<sr county purposes 1877 |<j Amount paid State Treasurer, as balance due en assessment of Revenue Commissioners 191 9* Amount paid D. Kockefellow, etnl for running divis ion line of Columbia county, according to an act of the Genoral Assembly passed the Jd day of May A. D. 1850 Y to) M Total am't of expenditures during the year 1850 $11,977 IE STATEMENT OF OUT STANDING TAXES DUE THE COUNTY Ob COLUMBIA, JANUARY 6TH, A. D. 1851 1 Amomountdue from Collectors as follows: ' - . - . Ceunfy. Slat* Joshua Stellcr Valley 1847 13 77 Wm J aicfitrs Limsstoao 1818 162 56 194 03 1 Hugh M'Elrath Liberty ' 809 21 46 Si J G Thompson Mahoning 1 SO 00 ■John Keller Mifflin 160 27 H Costenboder Mainu ' 6 20 48 7c John Snyder Orange • 15390 18348 W'm Appleman Sugarloaf • 37 37 256 IB C Appleman Valley ' 165 04 90 17 8923 54 798 OS Moses Coffman Bloom 1849 274 68 177~#i | Wm Hoffman Briarcreek • 56 83 73 jy ■ Dauiel Gensil Cattawissa • 70 59 47 $7 Josiah Girton Derry ' 244 59 41 •; Thomas Jemison Danville born ' 383 53 212 20 j William Robbina Fishingcreek ' 36 85 85 74 ' Daniel N'eyhart Hemlock * 60 69 50 04 | Michael Kemley Jackson ' 16 #7 10 54 I Joseph Fulton I-imcitone ' 62 33 gj j n Samuel Johnson Mountpleasant ' 22 62 21 0 2 Jacob Sheep Madison ' 304 06 43 •),*", Abraham Kline Orango ' 85 08 33 4", ' Jacob H. Fritz Sugarloal ' 158 61 217 78 81,767 31 1 195 K James M'Dowell Anthony 1859 422 91 iotTitn Christian Shuman Beaver ' 229 97 I*o n , Hugl.M Briarcreek ' 581 06 jrn 7o BF Bloom ' 769 06 Wo 67 Benj. Miller Centre 1 452 50 sk as j John Robison Derry ' 88 17 John Reynold* Danville Boro ' 1,011 11 ige t ; M. M'Henry Fishingcreek ' 348 83 2 no .. M Howsr Franklin ' 238 19 Samuel M'Carty Greenwood ' 429 73 aro • Samuel Ohl Hemlock ' 448 03 222 2" John Savage Jackson ' 74 22 24 02 F M'Brido Limestone ' 570 31 381 63 H Montgomery I iberty < 254 65 143 03 Jonas Mowrer Mahoning ' 345 42 1 u 4 |, Wm Roberts Montour 4 332 10 vi 7k C H Hess, Esq. Mifflin 1 341 34 289 14 Isaac Yetter Main ' 171 52 218 00 William Howell Muntplearant ' 159 36 133 g tJ Joseph Sheep Madison ' 641 40 355 go Peter Orange ' 344 67 95 40 Jonas Fahringer Roaringcreek ' 598 40 423 90 S Appleman Sugarlouf ' 350 94 284 on Jacob Sidler Valley < 324 15 44 Total am't out-stand, for A. D., 1850 89,762 37 4 932 61 ,8 < 1,767 II ,; 195 6V ' 1848 923 54 789 02 ' ' 1847 13 76 Total am't out-standing and uncollected 6th January 1851. {12,466 99 86 917 13 Subject to a deduction for exonerations and commissions. ' We, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Columbia bein duly elected to adjust and ae.tle the accounts of the Treasurer an" Commissioners, have carefully examined the accounts and voucher of the same from the sixth day of January A. D 1850 to the sixth day of January 1851, and do certify that we find tl.em to be correc as set forth in the ft reg >ing Statement, and that we find a balance due the county of Columbia, from tho Treasurer of seven hundred thirty-two Dollars and eight cents, and a balance of outstanding an,: 1 uncollected county 'tax and the u.r. of twelve thousand, four hun dred and sixty six dollors and ninety nine cents. Givou under our seals this ninth day of Jan A D .861 I SAMUFL JOHNSON, 1 GILBERT C. M'VAIN, J AudUor, JOHN KKIFEK, ) . Attest—WESl.EY ROAT, Clerk. 1 We, the undersigned Commissioners of the county of Columbia do certify thai the foregoing is a correct statement ol tho recoiptsand expenditures of said county for the year 1850. "Wit,'teas our hands ottd seals, at Blnomsburg, this ninth d.y January A. P 1851. HAKMAN LA HOUR, I - ' JOHN STALKY, j Comm 1 Attest.—W. ROAT, Clerk. -■- FINANCES OF THE COCNTV Am't county orders, issued during the year 1850 £-11,977 12 ' same issue redeemed ' ' • 9,534 14 ' ' ' in circulation Jan. Oth, 1851 2,442 9s 1 issued in previous years in circulatiou 2,400 On ' Unpaid on bridge contracts 1.895 0< ' ' ' repairs 550 on ' Owed by county as above |7 297 9 . Amount due the County of Columbia Jan. Cth 1850, as follows: , *Ot< uncollected and outstanding taxes 812,466 99 From Atnandus Levers, Treasurer '732 on 818,19 a 0: ,7,287 98 Ralance in favor of County, January 6th 1851. 85,911 of> •Subject to a dSduction for exonerations and commission*." CAUTION ALL persons are hereby cautioned against paying any money due me to Benjamin S. Gilmore as he is not authorised to receive any claims, due either to me 011 individual account or on the late firm of Weaver & Gil more, the books of the firm having been as signed to me. R. W. WEAVER. Bloomsburg Dec. 12th KM. NOTICE. While absent during the session of the le gislature, mv professional business will be in oharge of R. W. Weaver, Esq., who will attend to all matters in relation thereto. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. January 2d, 1881. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladias Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured .and for mile by' W A.PFEN WW!" C. C. M ARE, OHR®(S©N DSNdISC, Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor* hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor ding to the best improvements in surgical' science and skill. He will insert teeth either upon pivot or plate, and in such a manner as will ini;ro satiafaotioli. His office is near Peter Ends store. ■ Wi'jtamsbarg, Cel. Co., Oct. 28th, IBM. Notice. Ail those indebted to the subscribers in Bond note, or Book account, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that tho same must be attended to, between this and the Ist day of March nest, or cost# will made on same without distinction. W** Sfetßfvy fit CO Ofo Ph. !*?'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers