ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER B> IB IP S H ST 8 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR A Great Dyspepsia turcr, Prepared from Bcnnct, or the fourth Stomach ol the Ox. after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Hopghton, M. D., No. 11, Notib Eighth Street, l'hila delphta, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Juu<lice, Liver Com plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. tST Half n spoontul of this Fluid infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five founds of Roost Reef in about two hours, out of the stomach. DIOIvSTION. Digestion is ChieHy performed in the 'Stomach by the aid ot a fluid which freelv exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state ol health, called the Gastric Juice. This fluid is tho Great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Prescrt ing, and Stimula ting Agent of the stomach and iutenslines. ■Without it there wilt be no digestion,—no conversion of food into blood, and no nu trition of the body; but rather a foul, torpid, painf'il, and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, hull dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, and hence tho disetue, dis tressful debility which ensue. _ Pepsin a>d ßennet. —Pepsin is the chief element, or great Digesting Principle of the Gastiic Juice. It is found in great abnn. dance m tho solid parts of tho human stom acli after do ith, and sometimes causes the stomach to diiresl itself, or eat i'sell up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, call, &c. It is tho material tired by farmers in makirg cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been tho spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling ol milk is the first process of digestion. Ren net possesses astonilii' g power. The stom ach of a calf will curdle r.early one thou sand limes its own weight of milk. Baron Liehig states that, 'One part et Pepsin dis solved in sixty thousand parts of water, will digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this warn may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! Bibon Lif.b;g, in celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: ''An Artificial Di gestive fluid analogous to the Gastric Juice, may fcc readily prepared from the nucous membrane of the stomach ol tho Call, in which various articles of Ic.od, as meat and eggs! will be softcneu, changed, and diges ted, just in tho same 'mariner as they would be in tho human stomach." Dr. Pereira. in his famous treatise on "Fond and Diet." published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, page 35. slates the same great lout, and describes the method of prep aration. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr Combe, in his valuable writings on the "Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity ol the Gastiie Juice is a prominent and all pre vailing cause of Dyspepsia;" anil he states that "a distinguished urofessor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted with this complaint finding every thing clso to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals, which proved completely successful" Dr. Graham, author of the famous works on "Vegetable Diet.'' says : "it is a rerriar knble (act in physiology , that tho stomachs of animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the properly of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind o! artificial digestion of thern in no wise dif ferent from ihe natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Bln'i haul, l'hila.. 1846 pp. 3212): "Ihe discovery of PEJ'SIN fn rr s a new era in the chemical history ot I)i ge:ion. Fiorn recent experiments we know that fond is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep sin as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it aelf." Professor DungUson of tho Jefferson Col lege, Philadelphia, in Ins great work on Iln man Physiology, devotes more than fifiy Eages to an examination of this subject. :is experiments with Di Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from tho living hu man stomach and Irom animals are weti known. "In all cases," he say ß , "digestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the natural digestions." As a DYSPEPSIA CI'RER, Dr Houghton's pre; nation ot Pepsin has prod need tin most marvellous effects, curing eases of De bility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline, and dispept c Consumption, supposed to be on the very \ ot the grave. It is impo-s --bio to give the details o f cases in the 1 mi of this atUeriherrieii'—but r.utl ciitnati certificates have heen of more than two liun died Remarkable Cures , in Philadelphia, Nov York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cares. and the cure.- were not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Ant-dote, nr.d par ticularly useful for tendency to biilious dis order. Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, oi badly treated Fever and Ague, ai d the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and otherdrug* upon the D geslive organs, after a long sick ness. Also, forexcess in eating, and the too free use ot ardent spirits. It almost rec jncilcs Health with Intemperance. Oi.NSR MAtri Complaints I here IS no form of OM Sumach Complaints which it does not seem ,o reach and remove at once "No matter how bad they may be, it give A ,ui.„ removes all trie unpleasant symptoms, anil it only needs to bo repeated, for a short time, to make these good eff. cts permanent. Puri y o Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at oncp. I. is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of tho pit ot the Stomach, distress aftsr eating, low. cr-lc state ol the Biood, Heavir.e.-s, Lowi ess m Spirits, Despondency, Enibiiciaiion, W< ak ess. tendency to Insanity, Suicide, fee. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often effect a lasting cure. PEFSIN IN POWDERS, tf Sent by Mail Free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parts o the country, the ige-tive Mnoer of the Pep •in is put up in tho'lorm rf Powders, wi/n directions to be dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just tho same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sent by mail. Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent (xost paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No 11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle bears the written signa ture or J S HOLGHTON, M D , Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in ovory town in the Uni ted States, ami by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Agents for Blourasburg, JOHN R. MOY EE, E. P. LCTZ. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR marie to order of any desirable style at the •hair manufactory of B. HAGENBUCH Bloomborg, May 16th 1850. ty lb the citizens of Columbia county.CW Read what others say of tho virtues of Dr. KeMer'B i'ordial k CarwiiiUlive. For tho speedy cure of Diarrhoea. Dysen tery, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, all summer complaints, Cholic, Flatulency, and all derangements of the stomach and bow els from teething, &c. Thousands die annually with diseases of the stomach and bowels from neglect. A rnnng tho numerous remedies both public & private, recommended for the above diseases none are equal to the Cordial. Years ol ex perience and trials made with it in hundreds of cases, superadded to the voluntary tesii mony tiom physicians and others, gives it u character not to be unheeded by those cher ishing the welfare of themselves and chil itreu. Speedily subduing the pain and in flammatory tendency, allaying irritability uf the stomach, and constraining unhealthy e vncuntions, its operation is prompt and ef fectual. That it will cure, and has cured, the xvnrs form of disease of dethstomach and bowels read the following evidence : Pliilalphia, June 1, 1819. Dr. J. N. Kcelcr — 1 received yourno'.e this morning asking for information as to the dis tribution I made ol lite package of cordial you put into my possession while in corn mand of the U. Slates transport during the Mexican war According to your direction a 1 part was distributed in Vera Cruz, the other I kept for the use of my seamen and others on board, beliviug I should have use for it, as I had on board frequently from otto to three hundred persons, ami that many when leaving Mexico would be on the sick list i Such was the fact, for Dysentery and Diarr hoea extensively prevailed ; I used tho cor dial freely, arid in not a single instance ilo I recollect of its hurit.g failed to cure. My own crew would often be attacked with Di arrl.tra, Dysenlerry, &c. peculiar to nearly all after getting on shore and eating fruit and vegetables : in all such cases tho cordial did not tail to cure speedily When in New Orleans, a ftiend informed me ot a Philadelphia gentleman, S Church man Esq, who was sick with the Dysentery, and despaired of by his doctor 1 mention ed having a bottle or so of your cordial 1 I sent it to him. and in a few days I had the pleasure of seeing him well. I can give you many names and testimonials of the efficacy of your cordial if necessary. 1 have given it to one ship master of this port, in particu lar Capt Whipple, ship Monorigaliel i. and he informed me ho would not be without it I think it is the safest and best medicine that I have over known to be used in affections ot the stomach and bowels. 1 remain yours res celfnlly, D D Wilcox, 288 S Eighth street Dnvisvi'le, Bucks co. Aug 25. 1847 Dear Sir—l am now prepared to recom mend your cordial from having used it with -uccess in several instances, into 1 am now trying your Sa-saparilla Panacea in a case ol protracted debility, attended with cough, ap parently produced in the young lady by Iter •outgrowing her strength,' to n.-e a common i phrase. Yours, A KAKLE, M 1) From the Upland Union. We are as little disposed as most pet ots to encourage appeal- to law or medicine, bj' with all the legerdemain ol Ihe lirst, aiiu the ignorant e and quakery of the last, appeal I must occasionally be made to both. The I excessive beat and the accomraning pro | duclions of the season are already producing Diarrhea. Dysentery and hnlerii Infantum, lomplniuts which if not promptly relieved produce great debility and frequent death. From a know ledge ol its beneficial effect*, we teler to Dr. Jveeler's Cordial and Crrsnin ative." advertised in tltis paper. Dr. Keeler is a physician ot intelligence, skill, and large practice, and il the remedies and comment dations of medical authority are to be de pemled on Hie aitove named article will be toutid useful in the complaints referred to. FV Also Dr Keeler's Sarsaparilla, a ined icine of great efficacy in freeing the system Irom all diseases arising from impmities ol lie blood. In chrcnir diseases oi the chest, -tnmach liver and skin it is oi great benefit. Females suffering with nervu* debility loss ot appetite, costiveness, pains of the chest, functional obstructions will fir.t a positive •nre in the Sursaparilla. v Set pamphlets. Price 81. All of the above celebrated and extensive | ly used medicines, arts prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail, 294 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. R. MOVER, Blooms burg; Chalfant A Hughes, and Dr. J. A Moore, Danville: E. Franciseus, Jersey Shore; and by Druggists and Merchants throughout the Comity State. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22d., 1849.—1y. Hoots and Shoes. ry Encourage your own Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves £3 | The subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand, and makes to order ail kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, 84 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide I 75 do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 " Lace boots' 162 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufactures his work of-the best of stock, and warrants it to wear; and he is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call ami see for yourselves. : hop on Main 6t., next door below Hartman's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. GIVE 'OI PITS 11 Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and t'a-hiona hie a sn'p of clothing as any other tailor in these digging. As a sample of his work manship, lie refers you to the BESTFIITTNG COAT To be found in the town, which is quite cer tain to have come from tiis shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work lit* has also on band an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMEREB. A TRIMMINGS, At the lowest prices, from which he will make up to order coatr, pants, orvestsof any desirable style. E?*Hisshop ison the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-house. Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. Executor's Notice. Estate of Jacob Good late of Fishing Creek tsp NOTICE is hereby given that letters Ex ecutory were this day issued to the unde signed residing in Huntington township. Lu zertie County , upon the above Estate All 'hose indebted tci the sard estate are reques ted to make payment and tlio.-e having claims against the estuto to preseut them without delay to the undersigned. E. WADS WORTH Executor. Nor. 19, 1860 —w. To the Sick and Afflicted. Cr.nnncATE- and Testimonials sufficient ■o fill every column ol this pnper. can be produced, sotting lorth the wonderful vir lues of Da. Swayne's Cf.lebbated Family Medicines. Di*. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wil Cherry. ANOTHER HOME CERIIHCATE. Great Cure of Edward Hanson, Engineer, at Mr. Pettits' Factory, corner ot 9th and .Wallace Streets, Spring Garden. More substantial evidence of the winder litl curative properties of Dr. bwayrx's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Plitl.AD., April 15, 1850. Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir—Being severely af flicted with a violent cold and cough, which settled upon my lungs attended with great debility, soreness in my side, that I could scarcely breathe, spitting of blood, no ap petite, conld pet no rest at night, owing to the severity of my cough, would spit as much as a pint ot blood at a lime. This mournful stale of things continued until I almost despaired of being cured, having "tried physicians and niimer his things with out relief: but having beard ol the great vir tues of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, and its being approved ol by physicians ol the first eminence. I concluded to make a trial of it, and am happy to state that three bottles peiformed a perlect cure; my sleep is now undisturbed and sweet, and 1 firmly believe that to your medicine 1 am indebted lor this great euro. I s''all be clad to communicate with any person on the subject who may bo pleased io rail on me, and corroborate what 1 have said in the above certificate, at the factory o: my residence. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD HANSON. The above certificate is from a man well known by a large portion of our citizens. Those who doubt the truth of il, are Invited j to call and satisfy themselves that it isannlh ' voluntary, disinterested and 1-ving witness to the ureal virtues of De. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. !V BE VERY PARTICULAR to get the original and only centime preparation ol | Willi Cherry, as prepared by Dr. JSWAVN'ff j N. W. Corner of Eight atnl Race stree.s. | Philadelphia ; all others aio "fictit io couuterteit." ! SIF.IVXF/S J'EIiMIFmIE. i -'-A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dys i pepsin, Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dyspep tic Children or Adulls. and the most uscjul Family Medicine ever of fered to the public. This Remedy is one which lias proved j successful for a long lime and il is univer ! t-a Iv acknowledged l y all who have tried it :io he tar superior (being so very pleasant | to lire ta*ie at ihe same lime aflectual) to ' any other medicine ever employed itt dtren i ses lor which il is recommended. It not j only destroys But invigorates .ho whole sys ! t-rn. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember. | Dr. Sivaua-'s Vermifuge is now put up in j square bo"'e . See thai Hie name is spelt ! correct l\ —S VV AYN E. ! GREAI FURIFYER OF THE BI.OOD." J)r. fwync's Sugar Coated Sursupnrillu and Tar I'ills. Act as a gentle purgative, proilu i cing a healthy state of the Liver, ami Bowels j acting as an Alternative, < hanging that stale of cosiivei.ess, which is very common to ! some individuals, and lor the irregularities j indident to lemales tbey are very \aluable. ! AGESTS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. E. I'. Lutz a John 11. Moved, Bloomsburg, I'u; R1 CGrier&John Moore Danville: John *harp!ess& C Hartman & Co., Catawissa; G K R Shaman Catawissa Forge; Brown and | Creasy. Mililinville; A Miller Berwick; John Doak Briar Creek tp.; Peter Eat Williams burg;''!. Lazarus Orangevii'e; JK Millard ! K*pytowu; Elias Wertmin Hohr-burg;Geo. | Masters Millville; J M Sheldon Jerseylowii; McCay & Patterson Washingtonvnte; Hugh i McVYilliams Moresburg; and by most all | Storekeepers in ihe adjacent Counties. Bloomsburg, Oct. 17, 1850.—6 m. The People's Friend. T. T. POND S. OF UTICA, NEW YORK. fain Destroyer and 'I Heating Extinct.— An extract from fhe ! million, old sores, lre*n wounds and bruises, Piles, and all diseases of the bow els of a chronic nature, tooth-ache and ear-ache, &c., Ac. It is truely what it professes to be. "the feople's Friend I" Providence has scattered along the rugged paths of life many things that contribute greatly to the comfort and j happiness ot every body; hence their great lvalue, t.' sell may they be called 'friends I ol Ine peopie.' One word here to guard against imposition. •V man by the name of spencer, Fas maiiu ufacliired and offered lor sale a spurious ar ticle called the Coryll Extract. —that would be extract of tho hazel-nut :—the genuine is us white and pure as water, while the spuri ous article is colored, which enables the public to distinguish. None genuine, but those mr rked Pond's Pain Destroyer. For sale by VVm Robison, Bloomsburg, John Jcssup, Shickshinny, Chullant & Hughes, Danville. Selh B Bowman, Berwick, Fowler A Trent Iqy. Espvtoivn. 2 18 ly CLOOMSBL'RG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL For Young l.iidics and Gentlemen J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A number of competent Ass tarns will, at all times be employed. Tho ensuing Winter Session will com mence on MONDAY the 28tb day of Octo ber next, and will continue 22 weeks. TERMS. The Academic year ensists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows: For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A rilhmebc, Buok-Keeping by single entry. Ge ography, History of U. S. $3 25 for same, and Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keeping by double entry, General History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philosophy, other English branches, and Drawing. 84 For Latin, Greek and German, 5 75 BP*Good boarding can bo obtained in pri vate familiesat from 81 50 to 82 00 per week. Refejiences.*— Col. Joseph Paxiou, Hon. Stephen Baldy. Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brobat, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., and the Citizens of Bloomsburg. EV After this Winter Session the French ■ Language will be taught in this School. Bloomsburg Sept 28th 1850 The Geatest Because the Best Fam ily Medicine in the World IS VVORSDECLS VEGETABLE RESTOR ATIVE HILLS, they have succeeded in curing some ot the worst cases, of disease ever recorded, and are daily accomplishin the re'tormion of persons after having tried in vain to obtain relief from any other source. One of the Proprietors is a regular physician of extensive experience, who de votes his time exclusively to their prepara tion. For FEVER& AGUE) they have nev er yet failed. At least one thousand cases in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, have been cured since the first of Sept-, '*■ l Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint. Scrofula, for Worms, and a" other diseases of children, they are unequalled by anything ever prepared for tho purpose, while tor the various diseases of Females there ia no me dicine can compare with them, lhere is more of them sold—they are in greater de mand than any other pill—and when once introduced in a family, they need no other medicine. Each box containing Fiity Pills, renders them the cheapest, while they are decidedly the best, as well as the mildest in action, of any now in the ntprket. '/' lie Eilitor of the "City hem," thun speaks of them: IS* READER, you are suffering from fever and ague, and you have never tried If ors- Vegetable Restora ive Pills. Shake no more. There is still hope for yon—you may yet be cured* Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., and procure a box of these unrivaled pills, which are a sovreigh antidote for this distressing complaint. Col. Forney of tl.e Pennsylvanian, says : WoitsDEM.'s PILLS.—This e*oellent family _ medicine is daily winning new triumphs over disease, ami consequently in the high road to public favor. In the removal of the every day ills that flesh is heir to, we know of no belter compound. We heard the oth er day of a desperate ease of scrofulous o ruptions of the head and lace being elikely cured by them. I)n Sullc of the "Times." says : CUT The great popularity ol W irsdell's Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just ner it which they teully possess. They have been quietly gaining the fame they now have, by the force of their own virtues, l ite means usually employed to give eclat to new* remedies have not been adopted bj the proprietors. They have been content to let their medicine speak lot itself. It is now doing it in every section of tho country. , They are for sale by most of the Store Keepers throughout the Country,and in quan tities at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS Ac Co., Proprietors. Agents, JOHN U. A/OVER, Blootnsburg: K. Lazarus, Oranirevilu. M. G. Shoemaker, Buekltoru, Fmiston & Diefetibaelr. Jerseynttvn, M. C. Grier, Danville, C. I ailrnan & Co., Callawissa, and by most merchants throughout the country. GIIUIIIIIMI Cliciip Waitlics. JEWELRY AND SILVER.WARE wholesale ami retail,m N>. 90 Nmill 'din! a'r el, corner of Q iarry, Philadelphia. (ft.ld lever watches, full jewelled, IS caret cases. 53.) anil upwards. Silver lever do. lull jewelled, $lO ami upwards. Silver lepine tin, jewelled, sll and up wards. Silver qttartier watches, from $3 lo 10. Gold pencils, Irani $| 50 to s7' Superior gold rings, iTitui 37 to 80 els. Oilier articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are suld fur. Con-tani'v on html, a lull assortment of line GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, no assortment of AL J Tobias & Go. ;K. Sunns.>n Samuel and Brothers; E- S. Y-ites i§" Go.; John Har rison ; G. A- R. Beeslev's. and other su perior PATENT I.EVKIt Movements, which will be Cased in any stj le desiieil. Arrangements li.iv-brt-n made with all the above celebrated makers, the best mannlaciiireia of Liverpool, to Inrnish at short notice any ieq.'ired style f Wn'rh. for which orders will be taken and die H I rue and residence of the person order ing put on if requested- No, 90 Nortit Third Street. Importer of Watches. January I, 1850.--1y49 AYALIIAKT E "CP aa cis m=> 3:3 Hsi ca cSL .1 T fRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale his TAVERN STAND AND LOT, in Blooms bnrg: which, to any persot desiioua o! purchasing real esime in the County Sent, of fers n fine opportunity tor a proliulile invest ment The property Is upon the Main and business sireet of tlie town, and in that part ol lite plaee which lias been growing mo.-, rapidly w'.lhin a few years past. The lot lias a front of fit! feet upon Main street, and ex tends 21-14 feel back. HOTEL upon the premises might easily be made to do a good business auvFthfi * BIWLIKMES • on it are new ones of the largest kind. There is a good PUMP at the door, and every otli er desirable convenience. I ? It will tie sol.! upon easy terms, by eat ly application to THOMAS C BOM BOY. Bloomsburg, October 2d, 1850. ORAXGEVILLE FOUNDRY AND mAc if 11\ i: shop. The subscriber has inuv in active opera lion tho new FOUNDRY und Machine Shop recently erected at Orangevillo, and will be ready to furnish castings of every size and description, and every desirable kind ol machinery. Castings for Mills, Plough iron", Stoves of every kind, Kellles, Boilers and all niher kinds ol Hollow-ware will be furnished by htm at the lowest prices. He has also on hand, andr wilt make to order, THRESHING MACHINES AND PLOUGHS ready''or use. and equal to the nest made in this region ot the country. Farmer- in need ol Castings or machine ry will find it to their advantage to visit his establishment. Hd will keep on hand a lot ol articles manufactured by him, out ol which a fair selection can always bo made. Ev ry description of machinery neatly re paired on the shortest noti#e and most rea sonable terms. - Old metal taken in payment for work. B. F. HAYHURST. | Orangeville, July 29th 1850 < MARRIAGE: WHY SO OFTEN yNHAFFY. THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! MAST Mil many a wife endures year* of bodily suffering and of mental anenish, proetratc and help lean, embittering her life, that of her husband, and hazarding the futnre welfare of her children, arising from causes which, if known, would have spared the •offering, the anguish to the wife, and to the hns band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and harassed in consequence of tho sickness of the com panion of hia bosom. How im|ortant that the causes should he known to every wife, to every huahaud, that the dreadful and harrowing consequences to the health and hap piness of liotli may he avoided! Life is too short and health too precious to admit any portion of the one to be spent without the full enjoyment of tlw other. The timely possession of a little work entitled as follows has been the means of saving the health and die life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND copies have been told since the first edition was is sued. The author baa been induced to advertise it by tlie urgent and pressing request of those who have been indebted to its publication for all they bold dear (that all may have an oppor/iuity of obtaining it), and who have favored him with thousands of letters of encomium, some of which are annexed to the adver tisement. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, noriiioit or disea.e. or vtomih. Twentieth Edition. 18mo., pp 850. Price, 81.00. THIS WOHK 13 INTENDED ESPECIAL LY FOR THE MARRIED, or t!ioo o ntempla ling mtirriigc, an it discloses important secrets which 1 atiouM be known to them particularly. ! Hero, every I'emale—the wife, the mother—the one either bnildiug into womanhood, or the one in the decline of joins, in whom nature contemplntcs an important change—can diacover the co-ises, synip torn", and the moat efficient remcdiea and moat cer tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is suh|ccL The revelations contained in its paces Imve proved a blessinc to thousands, ns the innumerable letters received by the author (which ho is permitted by tlie writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. I Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, U. "DAYTON, May 1, 1847. "Dh. A. M. MaOHICKAU— My Dear Sir: - The ! Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for 1 j which I enclosed one dollar to your address, ca-no safely to hand. I would not have tmohled yon with ' those few lines, but that I am impelled by a seosa 1 of gratitude, t.r myself and wife, to give utterance to our ainccie and heartfelt ena funis. " My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in conseuut-ncn of her great an guish sod Ballerina some ujudtha before and daring coolinement; every successive erne more and more debilitated nod prostrated her, putting Iter life in im minent danger, and wliMi was. on the last occasion, despaired of 1 supposed that this state of things wna inevitatde, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At tills lime (now alamt two months) 1 heard your I took highly spoken of. aa .containing some matters reaching mv case On it." receipt ami peruaal, I can (Kit express to yon the relief it afforded my distressed mind nod tho joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning that tlie great discovery of M. M. Dcso raeaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to OH! whirh.l little conceived was possible. No jiecn ; niarj consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to you for having been the means of im parting to ns the matters contained in ' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' Hut for ibis, eve another veer wonhl have pasted oyer mv head, in all human probability my wife would have I , beeu in Iter eras" and mv children left motherless." Extract from a Ijeher. ; ' Competence and Health. 44 Lancaster, PA , Oct 21, 1847. . "Mr DEAR I know yon will have the kind- I ncsi to benr with me in encronrhinc upon your time, l while 1 acknowledge (in behalf of nnsclf ami wife) the ohlL'atini-s we feel ouraolvpi nnder to you in bav ! fag made known rertnin matters, contained in your most invaluable 4 Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' It has been worth i'.s weight in gold * ; to nie. If I express myself rulher warm'y, vou will i see that 1 can not do ao too worndy, when inform *j vou of the extent to which I have,'through it, been benefited. 1 will at ate my aituation when 10l tnined * vour book tbrnuL'h the merest curiosity 1 look upon it at olio of the most fortunate events of my life. 1 ; hud been married aoine ten yeaie, and was the father of seven children. 1 was long atmeuling unceaNinely, ! to the end that I might gain a moderate competency, , but the results of my utmost exertions at the end left nie al khi t where I was nt the beginning of each year: i and tliiit only, with the most stinted cconnniv, eufii . : dug with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon , my healths 1 frit Immcapable to endure its oonann -1 snce, while 1 felt the necessity of pcrsovur&nre. * j 44 This constant, unceasing struggle on my part WHS * I imperative, in consequence of tho prostrated condi i l lion of ray wife 'with occasional intermission) for six years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of J course incapable of tnkiug tho charge and niQiuige t ment of household affairs. Her condition arose ftom ' causes of which I wna ignorant. Ob! what would ' j 1 brtve given • d I the six years to livo over again • * | W bat would my wife have given to have been spared . : the long days ami still longer nights prostrate on a bed of sickncHs! all of which would have been ' avoided, had 1 then seen a copy of 4 THE MARRIED ) | WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION.' From a Ph virion* DANGEROUS DELIVERIES, | OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, BcC. I How many are sufferine from obstruction or irreg ularities peculiar to the female system, which un d< rmine their health, the effects of which they are i ignorant, ond for which their delicacy forbids seeking I medical advico! How many miffer from pro/apnv.n uteri (foiling of the womb), or f'n mfli.or-nlbu* (weak ! now, deltfify, Jcc., Ac )! How manv are in constant I agony for many months preceding confinement! How many have difficult if not dnnuerous deliveries, and whose lives u r e jeoparded dunng sucit time, will find I in its pages tho means of prevention, amelioration, 1 and relief! Extract from a Letter. I: To those just Married.Had I known!" 44 PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29, 1847. j 41 DH. A. M- Maukioau : Ilsd I known of the iip portui.t mnttcrn treated of in 4 The Marriel Woman's 1 | Private Medical Companion' Home years ago how , much misery I might have escaped !"I have suffered years from causes which you point out in your book, I without knowing what to do. 1 obtained a copy, and found my case treated of. I trust every female will avail heraelfof the information contaiued in its pages." Letters are daily received of this character, unne csHiy to presciu I To those vet unmarried, hut contemplating mar- I riage, or perhaps hesitating as to the propriety of ' incurring the rerpousihiliiies xU' n.'mt n|ou it, the ! importance of being possess* d ofthe revclnt ions con- J tained in ilicse pages, so intimately involving their *; future happiness, can not be appreciated. It ia, ol course, iinpructicable to convey more fully ! the various auhjecta treated of, as they ar.* of a na j ture strirtly intruded lor th- married, or tltnao con templating marriage; neither is it necessary, since it is every one's duty to become possessed of knowl edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth er. or a sister, may fie subject, can be obviated. BT Copies wttl ho aenl by .Hull free of Postage to the Purchaser* IT On the receipt of One Dollar, 44 THE MAR HIKI) WOMAN'S FiIIVATK MEDICAL COM PAN ION" is sent (mmltil free) to any part of tlie United States. All letters i mat be post paid (except those n remittaii -e), and addressed to Dr A- M. MAUHICKAU, MOV 1024, New York City. Publishing OHlce, No. 109 Liberty St., New York Over 40,000 Copies h- ve been sent by 31 All. within three months with perfect safety and cer * tsinty. Booksellers mi l agents engaged in its sale re making handsome competencies from li e ready und extraordinary demand for it. and the extiemely liberal terms affo.ded litem. Active local or travelling Agents through out the United States ami Canada will be supplied nn the samn terms. Communica tions are required tu be post paid and undres sed as above. I CV CAUTION.—The public are cautioned against various caicli peinii -s iniendeil to be palmed off upon them, the title ot die work as'-The Married Lidies' Medical Companion,'' and various other tides. The title of the work is "The Married IVO MAN'S Private Medical C'omp at,ia," l)r. A W Mivincet u. JOSEPH SWARTZ, Agent, Bloomskurg. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting DONE to order in the bent highly-finished oplain vj'le, by B HAGENBUCH. LIVER COMPLAINT, Taundict, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ner vous Debility, Disease of the Kid neys. and all diseases arts insfrom u disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles v Fulness of Blood io the Head, Aci dity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust foi Food, Fulness or ■ Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tin pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing. Flu tiering at the Heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. <S'u. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Bu rning in the Flesli, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depres sion of Spirits. CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. 31. JACKSON, AT TIIE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other rep aration ill the United Stales, as the cures attest, in many cases alter skilful physicians had hilled. These Bitters aro worthy tho attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liverafid Its ser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and allectiongol the dt gestive organs, they are, withal, sate, cer tain and pleasant. Read and be Convinced. The Hon. Charles D. Hineline, Editor of tho "Camden Democrat,"the best paper in West Jersey, says. July 21 : "HOOFI.AND'S GERMAN BITTERS."—' '-'We have seen many Haltering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came, induced us to make inquiry respect ing its moths. From inquiry wo were pet suaded to use it. :.:td must say we found it specific in its action upon ili-orses ol the | liver and digestive organs, and the powerful I influence it everts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It cnlins and stregtheus ' the nerves, bringing them into a state ol ro- I pose, making sleep refreshing. [From 'he "Boston Bee."] I The editor said. Dec. 22d— | '• Br. Ihni/hind's Celebrated Gtrmm Fitt-rs ! for the cure of l.iver Complaint, Jaundice, I Dyspeyia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is | deservedlv one ot the most popular medi cines of the dav. Theso Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says be lias himself received an eilectual' and permanent cure of Liver Complaint Irotn the use ol this remedy. We are con vinced that, in the use ot these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor— a fuel worthy of great consideration. They are plea-ant in tntte and smell, and can be used by | crrons with the mo-l delicatestom actis with safety, tinder any circumstances. We are speaking from expericu e and to tho afflicted we advi-e their use." Judge M M. Noah, a gentleman with great scientific and and liUerary attainments, said in his ' New York Weekly Messenger," January 6. 1850. | "Dr lloojland s German hitters. —Here is | a preparation which the leading presses in | the Union appear to bo unanimous iu re | commending, and lite reason is .obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one o: lite mod celebrated physicians of modern times, lite ln'e Dr Christopher Wil belm Hoolland. Professor to the Univeisity of Jena, Private Phvsioiun to the King ol Prussia, and one of the greatest medical >vri ers Germany has ever produced. Mo was emphatically the enemy of humbug, anil the.el'ore a medicine of which he was the inventor anil endorser may be confidently re lied on. He specially recommended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Ver tigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of 'lie stomaeh, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and sev eral ot the editors speak of its effects f rom I 'heir own individual experience. Under these circumstances, we toel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack -oil's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE, j The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,"' the | best lamily new.-p.ipei published 111 the Uni ted States, the editor say of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines to the confi dence and patronage of our readers: and. therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoot land's German Bitters, we wish it to bo dis tinctly understood it at we arc not speaking of the nostrums of tho day. that are noised about for a brief period and tlton forgotten alter they have dune their guilty raeeofmts chif, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met tho nearly approval ol the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been re-1 eeiverl (like the foregoing) from all sections ] ol the Union, the last tiuee years, nod the i strongest testimony in Us favor, is, that there is inure of it ns j d in tho practice of the regu lar Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established and fully proving that a sci entific preparation will meet with their qui et approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine w ill euro Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt, of ier using it as diieeted. It acts specifically upon lite stomach and liver—it is prelcrable to culi mel in •; U bilious diseases- the effect is immediate. They can he ndtninisiejed to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high char acter which is necessary for ull medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put lor/h a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE QEMOINE. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are vporious For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Ger man Malicine Store. No. 120 Arch Street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278 Race slteet,) Ph.ladelphia, and by respeuiablo dealers generally throughout the country. Also for Sale by JOHN ft. MOYER, Pa. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERSI THE ENVY OF ALL PILLMAKI'FAC TTRKRi. Because they ste safer, belter and mere efficscl our than any uthers, and because the public wit• take DO others if they can obtain then. 500,000 BOXES have betn sold annually for the last five yetrt. Young *nd uld. male and femnte. can alivayt take them with equal aafrty. withnnt fear. IF PILI.B RE NECESSARY fat purging and cleansing Itieatnmach and bow, ' els, and purifying the blood and fluids nfthe bo dy take no miters—-fur no other pills pr.ducslhore combined eflccls. or contain snrsaparilla in tbeta. Eat, Drink, and Live as Usual, and pursue year usual occupa inn whilst taking them, without fair of taking cold during all kind of weather- I ONE TItOVSAND DOLLAR* are wagertd that more genuine certificates [from physicians,cler„Ymon-, Members of Congtess and respectable citizens] ran be produced of their sf ficscy than of any others, and Ten Dollars will bo forfeited in every instance tvhrrs oxi box will not do IIIUIO good than two boxes of anv o sbers. Forty Pillcarein a Box I and sold at Iwe my.five Gents a Box, with direc tions and much wholesome advice accompanying each hox They hare no lasts nor unpleasant smell free front dust or powdct of any k'tid— do nit gripe tho Sloutath or hwels.—produce no rick in s. vomiting or bail feelings—they arc good at all, and adapted tn most d'scascs common to mankind. N0.,n0 having oiicit taking tliein wilt be willing afterwards to take any others, tiecauss Ihet always JJ good, soil if they do nut then no olhi'ta will. Dr. N. B Lcidy, the Proprietor I Manufacturer is a regular Uruggi-t, Chemist and Physician, o fifeeu years experi< nee in Philadelphia; membu of diflVtenl Institutions ot I'hi'adelphia . New Yuik, Boston. Baltimore, Ac , and assocjats and corrcacoiidine member of several Medical In, stitiitiona of Loud n tnd I'srir hence the rea son of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and there being recommended in the practice of ' most rrspeeuble phystciini tin oughmi the Unt led States. . Principal Depot, Dn. Limit's Dipxa nr No. 114 North l-'onith Street. i'hiludelphii. and sold wholesale ami retail by J. IU Mover & E. P. JLutz, Bloomsburg; Dr. |A. B. Wilson, Berwick: Peter Em I Light S.reet; .W. G. Shoemaker, Buckhurii j J. A. Moure. Danville; Kick oils & Stotvarr' j Orangeviile; Juittt So tniuk, C'attatvissa ; A* Lovers. Wnshiiigtonville; J M. Sheldon Jer | seytown ; J. F. Dorr. Whitehall; J.S. Woods I Columbus; Brown & CTeasy, Mitiiinsbur&t | E. '-Vcriman, Rhorsbnrg, and by Storekeeper j ge..z rally. 49-i'y I' ll II,AI)\]I PII I \ " MEHiCAL KOrK, • Established Fifteen Years ago, bu D. KIA'KIJLI.V, I X. IF. Corner of Third am! Union >ts., b'Jtree i Pine, streets " PHILADELPHIA. Fifteen tears ut extcneivo nnd unintsrinplrd I practice s| ent in tin, city have rendered Dr. K. j the trust et|a-rt and sue cafii| practitioner far A near, to the treatment ot uli diseases nf a privalo ! nature. Persons afflicted with u'cors on the bo. ; dy. throat ot legs, pains in tho head or hones, or | mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease ; arising from you hi".-.I excesses or iinpuailics • j the blood, whereby the constitution has become i enfeebled, are all treated with success, | Ho who places himself under the care of Dr j K. may religiously confide io his honor as a gen* lleinnn, mid confidently rely upon his skid as s physician. Take Particular Notice ! j Young men who have injured themselves by t ; certain indulged in, a habit frequently : learned from evil companions or at school, tho of. I feet- of which are nightly fell, even wlieo asleep j and de-troy both mind and liody, should apply tin. J mediately. Weakness and constitutional debility j loss of muscular emrgy, physical lassitude and | general prostration, irratiiiiliiy and all nervous of. feel ions indigestion, sluggishness of Vile |j ve , j every disease in any way connected with the dis order of t e procteativc functions cuteil, and full vigor restored. A 13 tVHOOD Sfiwai&BpSlS.' Prcmnfiin- Don fit KINKELIS ON SELF PRESERVATION Only 25 Cents. This book just published i filled with useful j inhumation i.n the infirmities and diseases of the genern'iveorgans. It addresses itself aliko to youth. inauhuoJ an J old age, and should be rcsd iiy all. Tlie vnluiiMc advice and impressive warning it : gitv, ivill pievput years of misery and kuflVring i ami Nive iinji:illy thoiiHiiul* of lives. Rin nt hy reading it will learn how Io prevent tho devtrucimn of their children. A remittance of 'i. S rents enclosed in a letter, addressed to Dr. Kinkclin, N VV corntrof J bird m.d Union street*, lu-iwei ii Spruce and Pine, in Phih.h Iphiti will ensuio book under envelop® I per r< turn of mail. Persona ut a distance may ndJrcss Dr IC t-y j letter (pst paid) and ho cured at home. ! Prirfteg s• f medicine*, dir. cliom*. dftj. f >rwrd. ! ed hy MM ding a remittance, ami put up sucuro- I from diimage or curiosity, | Uooksellfrs, i\tw- Agents, Pedlars, Canvasser* ind nil oitiois i upplied witll tho slicve wivvk- at I viiy low rates. Rlicuinalisiu.' I D'. Henry Turner's Rheummic Lirinient.— l itis superior remedy foi the Ifheuoiaiism, h u . reesntly introduced irto this cnuutiv by the prei -ent proprietor, has lima bso,. known in Eng eand. London paitieularly, as lite beat a,id m certain cure fir that distressing and f lection. Its clleet u| on the system is p „|j T i.olliiog, at tho saineiiins certain and effleocwis rarely tailing to g"e relief up, it, |in4 " ' . cation, snd by repeating it n few tl „ lM ,'' ' uianeiU cure is efT'cted. ? We have known esse, oi p,j n in the brea. and back, with soreness, of several weeks d ur . lion, cured in one einc.'.e nighl. snd heard tho patt-nt ex,ness bsgra, P f u | thankstbit such ro medy was eve diccoverod. Wo hav.slso h.srd ini tvidual. say they would give thousands of dnllais tor a cure for rheunntiam, yet the same mdii idols were cured hy two buttles uftbis great Liniment, costing but tifiy cents each. Who would 'egret giving such a price for such s rem edv -to he free fuiin tkc excruciating tortuoe o that most painful of all diseasei. Afflicted go ptocuro a bottle of Dr. Turner Liniment end he honied st once; do not huge' delay, hut cast aside all nostrums end cute allr lot the one thing needful to insure a cure. Boln wholesale snd re'eilhy D Wunderly 4 Co. pro prieturs No 2tr Gom nerce street, and their gen era! agents ILiwaild an I Son, No 81 North Bixte street, I'hilulelpl is Also, by JOHNk MOYER Bloomsburg. 6m A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ot U'bea Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and for sala by WARREN RUSBEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers