TAN COURT'S Nw Monthly Magazine. THE subscriber has just commenced a new Magazine under the above title, to take the place of the LADIES GARLAND, with which he has been connected for the last twelve years. The Magazine will be made up of the choicest literature of the day, embracing History, Biography, Narratives, Tiles, Trav els, Incidents, discoveries, Poetry, Sic. Each No. will contain 48 large octavo pa ges, forming at the end of the year 576 pa ges, embellishoj and illustrated with WOOD ENGRAVINGS, all for One Dollar! !! 1! HT TO CLUBS, the work will be put at the followingextraordiuary low rates: four copies for $3 ; 7 copies for $5; 12 copies for £8 ; 18 copies for $lO, and 30 cr.pies for Sls, and an extra copy to the person form ing a club of 12, 18 or 30. Or. one copy of either Gody's Lady's Book, Graham s or Sarlain's Magazine, with Van Court's will be sent for S3. Or. whoria desirable, Van Court's Counterfeit DoteoHor may form a par of a club at the same rates. The following is tlve list of contents for January, 1851, wh.icli No. is now ready for delivery:—Shoo'.iug Slurs, with two fine il lustrations; The Mysterious Compact; What Horses thick of Men ; Margaret Arnold; The Mirao\& Play of Arnmergau; Music of the World; Imprisoned Laity; Tito Empress Jo sephine's First Court; A Man-eating Lion; The Brown Ringlet; State of the World be fore Adam's Time: California; A Thrilling Scene: Predicted Plague in Engliuid; A Phe nomenon; The Pursuit of Wealth; Death of R. M. Johnson; The City of Venice; The London Fair for 1851, with illustrations. CT" Any newspaper copying this adver tisement entire and sending us one No. con taining the same, will be entitled to an ex change of both the New Magazine and Counterfeit Detector for one yenr. Address J. VAN COURT, Philada. December 26, 1850. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Sutnrday the first day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Cornelius I.uiuly and Lot Parker, Administrators of Thomas Ltindy late of Greenwood township, in said county, do ceased will expose to sale by Public Vendue upon the premises, a certain messuage plantation and tract of land situate in Green wood township Columbia county, adjoinin ing land, of William G. Harris on the East, Joseph Reese or. North, William Courson on the West, and Nicholas Cole on the South containing Two Hundred and Twenty Acres, of which about one hundred acres are clear ed land whereon nre erected on the premis ua TWO 1.00 HOUSES, each one story and a half high, a Frame Bank Barn, and a wag- j oa housa. There is also an orchard on the j premises. Late the Estate of said deceased, situate ill tho township of Greenwood and county aforesaid. or'i 'erms made known at tho sale. JACOB EYKRLY Clerk. Blomnsburg, Jan. £2, 1251 -ts. A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A good farm of 176 acres in Mounlpleas ant township, Columbia county is olfered for sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing creek just opposite Light Street, and contains as good land as is found along the creek. About orto fourth is wood lain l , tho remain der cleared ami in good stale of cultivation. Tho improvements are a convenient and comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good barn, nt.d other outbuildings. The land is believed to contain a valuable deposit of IRON OfttEl, and the owner oily agrees to sell it, because he cannot give his personal supervision to tno property. It will be sold upon such lib eral and desirable terms as to make it a good, profitable, atid cheap home. For the terms of sale inquire of R. W. WEAVER Agent. Btoomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.—tf A Valuable New Work. AMERICAN HISTORY, co mp r istng sketches of the Indian Tribes ; a descrip tion of American Antiquities, with an in quiry into their origin and the origin of tho Indian tribes; History of flic Untied States, with appenJiees showing its con nection with European History; a History of the present British provinces ; \ History f Mexico; and a history o! Texas brought down to tho time of its admission into the American Union. By Marcius Will son, Published by M. H. Newman ft Co., 199 Broadway Now York. One large oc tavo volume. Price 82,00. Tho above valuable anil interesting work for sale by Thomas Ellis, Agent, Bloomsburg. January 23, 1851.-6 m PUBLIC SALE. In pursuanco of ati order of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, on Sat urday tho Twenty-second day of Kebruary next, at 10'rlouk in the forenoon, Hirara 11. Kline, Committee of Malhias Klino a lunatic of Orange township, in said County, will ex pose to sale by public Vendue, at tho house of Hicham Brewer in Orangeville, certain ONE HUNDRED ACRES of the Real Estate of said lunatic, to bo cut olf Irom tho East East end of the hill farm in Orange Township, (by survey prior to the day of to adjoin lands of James Ever ett, Henry Delong, Jesse Krunstetlet anil Jo seph R chart, r.ow of the Estate of said lu natic, situate in the Township of Orange and County aforesaid. Terms niado known at sale. JACOB EYERLY TYnrt'y. Jan. 22, 1851—t s. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDXR ! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron Liebig. the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S, Houghton, M. D, No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, (Pa. This ie a truly wonderful remedy for (Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint- Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own mplhoV, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in another column. " CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against paying any money due me to Benjamin S. Gifmoreaa he is not authorised to receive any claims, due either to me on individual accountor on the late firm of Weaver & Gil more, the boeks of the firm having been as signed to me. R. W WEAVER. Bloemsbutg Dee. 12th 1850. " Notice; While absent during tho session of Ihele gislature, my professional business will be in charge 4RR. W. Weaver, Esq., tvho will attend to all matters in relation thereto. CHABLF.SR. BUCKALEW. January 2d, 185J, BOOT AND SHOE STORE. New Arrangement* and Oriat Bargains. The undersigned respecfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in feneraUlmt ho has purchased Mr. Frantz's loot 4r Shoe Store anil has added largely to b'A stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in the Exchange Building, on Main Street, where he will be happy to receive the of old and new cnstotncrs. Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual. tSTHe invites the custom of his old friends and tho public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. E*"Store in the Exchange Building, Maine street, sign of the Coldett Boot. JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1860. THIS WAY GENTLEMEN. BiliaSrAffilß RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi izens of liloomsburg in general and his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that he has again opened his tai lor-shop whore ho will be pleased to furnish tho best of clothing, cut according to the la test fashions, and made in the host manner. Ho receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that his work will look mil and wear bet - ter. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lutz's Drug store. In pay for work, he will take cash, store order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoany, have appointed the undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, aro elegibie as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for the losses or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of effecting an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES It. BUCKALEW. May 22, 1850. SHEETS & SELTZER'S WHOLE SA L E WHSriE (ib AjtSp®* No. 932 N- Third St, (rlliaa81 (Above Callowhill,) uMS&EIU I'IEICIREII'III I, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF BRANDIES, WINES, CORDIALS. And Liquors of every description : ALSO a full stock of Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, Black If Green Teas. 1. K. SHEETZ. r. P. SELTZER. J. M. ARMSTRONG Agent. Executor's Notice. Estate of Joseph Yetter. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary hare this day been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Columbia county upon the estate of Joseph Yetter, late of Oattawissa township, Columbia county, deceased. • All persons haviug claims against the said estate aro requested to present them to the undersigned, residing in the town of Cattawissa; and those know ing themselves indebted to make early pay meet to JOHN SHAKPLESS, J. K. SHAKPLESS, Executors. Cattawissa, Jan. 14, 1851.—G t. Church Dedication. The new English Lutheran Churcti in Cattawissa Columbia county Pa., will be dedicated, God willing, on Sabbath'the sec ond day of February next. Divino worship will commence at ten o'clock in the morn ing. Christians of all denominations and the public in general aro respectfully invi ted to attend and a number of Clergymen from other places will be in attendance. Stephen Baldy John Hartman Peter Bo.line Daniel Kttiltle Francis Dean Budding Committee. N. B— All Editors in the county friendly to the cause will please copy. Cattawissa Jan. 3d. 1891. WOR|t<9 ON PHYSIOLOGY. Recently Published. Physiology, Animal and Mental, Illustra ted, 50 eta. Combe's Physiology, wish Notes, Illustrated, 50 cts. Physiology of Di gestion. By Dr. Combe, 25 cts. Familiar Lessons on Physiology, I lustrated, 25 cts. 1 Food and Diet, containing an Analysis of Food, 50 cts. Chronic Diseases, especially of Woman, 25 cts. Maternity, or the Bear ing of Children, 50 cts. Combe on Intancy, with illustrations, 50 cts. ty Either or all of these |Works may bo ordered and received by return of the FIRST MAIL, at a trilling expense for postage. rleaiC enc'ose ihs amount, and address all letteis post-paid, to FOWLER & WELLS. Clinton Hall, 131 Nassau St , N. Y. December 26, 1851. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Btoomsburg January Ist 1851. Burnside Elleu Philips Wm. J. (shin Co* William Kichart Charles Crawford Jane Ralph C. Derr David W. Rebegy Samuel Edward William O. Rnich Hetty J. Eyer Wm. Ricby George Freso George W. Rah IT James L. Hagaman Dennis Rogers Geo. H. Heller William Roberts William Hartzel Jaques Struble Susan Johnson Susan Ann Sutart Elizabeth Lewis Charles VV'erwick John Marple^T. M. Weir Elizabeth (ship Meacum Prudence Wasser George. J. M. CHAMBERLIN P. M. FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers, at public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the Ist day of February, 1861, his FARM in Roaring Cr jek township, Montour county, near Yeager's Tavern, containing 18 acres of cleared land . The Improvements consist of two Frame Dwelling Houses, A CLOVER-MILL AND CARDING MACHINE, a wheel right Shop and .a small Barn. A fine never-failing stream of water runs through the premises, and the whole would be a desirable property either for a farmer or a mechanic. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock; A. M. on said day, when conditions will be made known by JESSE YOCUM Rearing Creek, January 9th 1851—ts. Fall and Winter Goods. wig. TJf AVE just received the largest assortment "of new and fashionable fall and winter goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they offer them at the lowest prices to their many old patrons and new. Tliey hate a lull and large variety of CLOTHS CA SSI At Ell S, SAT TIN EES, JEANS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES FOR men's coats, vests, end pnnts. Fronch nd English Merinos, Cashmeres, Delaines, ALPACAS, PLAIDS. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOR LADIES DRESSES, TER KEIIRI WATERLOO, WOOLLEN AND LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES—HARD WARE. QUEENBW ARE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar ware, Hats, Laps, Coarse and fine Boots and Bootees for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco and Gum Shoos for Ladies, Misses anil Childrens wear, and just about every thing else thut can bo de sired to please taste or serve use. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850r _ SJ2TCB ty.jr era cSA as T The subscriber has just received and opened at hi* old stands choice lot of new goods to which he invites the attention of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of IB SB'S? HARD YT AKT, Queenstvrre, Cedar IVure, Fish and Salt, Hats and Caps, Coarse and Fine Boots, Gun, Morocco and Jenny Lind Shoes for ladies, misses and childrens wear. Also, Tcrkerri, Woollen, Walterloo, Bay stale Mills and JENNV L NO Long Shawls, MUFFS, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids. Prints and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1850. New Goods in Light Mreet. The subscriber has just received a new assortment of goods from the city, which ho offers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. His stock now consists of every article usually kept in a country store, including C^j-cocsjdiss^ GROCERIES, Qucensware Hardware. Caps Boots and Slioes, &C.t &c- He can furnish Cloths, Casimeres Satinets and Jeans for moil's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, Cashmers, Delaines, Gingltame and Prints for the ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves of every variety. Here is a rare chance for bargains to those who want cheap and good goods for cash or country produce. I'ETEK ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850 FOB FALL AND WINTER The subscriber have just added to their former stock a large ane g"naral assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware Cedarivare, Fish, Salt, &c.. caiefullv selected as to quality and priee, all of which they aio anxious to sell on the most accom modating, terms, aud respectfully solicit a rail from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers especially MEN DEN HALL & MENSCH. Bloomsburg. Oct. 31st 1850, Readlug It R. Passcngci Trains Office of Philada. & Heading R- K. Co ) Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1850. j Until further notice there will bo but one Passenger Train dnily, (Sunday excepted.) between Philadelphia and Pottsville at ha f past eight o'cloek, A. M., and stopping at the usual places on the line of the road. Hours of Passing Reading For Philadel lihia at 10 o'clock. 10 minutes, A. M., for 'ottsville at 11 o'clock, 20 minutes, A.M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BKADFOKD, Secretary Beading, Nov. 2, 1850. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CAI. FOItNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to i'tuuieh Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, aud made in the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will bo attended to with care, and upon the moat lOOAonable terms. — Hp proposes to servo his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need artiQ cles in his Hue of business. lie asks only a rial of his work to insurq satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respeotfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE £1 Hats and Caps, of DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheap, at his ok] stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the ( ourt house. IHe continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15,1849. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAGENBUCH has just re ceived from Philadelphia a new iof of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, which he will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. Books I Books It Joseph Swartz has just received a new la of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical Miscellaneous and School books, to whioh he invites the attention of the reading public of Bloomsburg. Fancy I'ti per, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand &c., Notice is licrtiby given, that tlia Partnor ehip heretofore oxiating between GOEL ('■ SHAW, as Contractors for the Construction of the Philadelphia anil Wilkeabarre Tele graph Line, and the Susquehanna River and North and west Branch Telegraph Line, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons harimi subscribed nrur paid for stock in "Tho I'hMadclplißfaiftl Wilkoabars re Telegraph Company," are respeotfully re quested to present their receipts fqr such payments lo ELI J. SASGEfb Esq., of Allen town, Lehigh count/, Pa.. President- of the said Company, and receive their certificates properly authenticated therefor; and nil per sons having auhsnihed and pnhl forb,ook in '•The Susquehanna Rivi r ami North anJ West Branch Telegraph Company," are also respectfully roqueßtHJ to [ 'event thai. re ceipts for such payments 10 A. C. GOELL, at the American Hotel, Chestnut street, oppo site the State House, Philadelphia, President of said Company, or to T. O. VAN ALLEN, Treasurer, Danville, "Montour county, l'a., and receive their certificates in due fortn therefor. And all persons having claims a gainst the said Partnership, GOELL AND SHAW, relating to tho construction of baid lines, whether upon promi.-sory note, draft, book accounts, or otherwise, are reject fully requetjoU to present corccct statements of the s&ine, without delay, to JOHN TITUS, Esq., No. 12 Mercantile Library, Philadel phia. who is authornod to and ar range for uMlleijiont of the same. A C GOELL JAMES SHAW. January 3d, 1851. jal6-lm. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF ULUAUI.E REAL ESTATE. The Subscribers will oxposo to sale at public Vendue, on the premises, on luesduy, the 25th day of March neit, A. D. 1851, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, in tho township ot Huntington, in tho county of Luzerne. The following valuable properly being the estate of Amos Franklin, deceased, late of Hunting .on township, containing 217 acres and some perches, and allowance for roads, &c. Ninety acres of it is improved. The unimproved is well limbered and well wat ered On the property are erected throe dwel ling bouses, a barn, stable, &o. There are about fifty fruit trees ott the place, also a good spring near each house. The land may be conveniently divided iiUA 2 or 3 small farms with a building on each, and will be sold in two or three pieces, or togeth er to suit purchasors. Any one desirous of purchasing can view tho promises at any time. A nait of the purchase money can ho secured by Bond and Mortsaga on the property. The conditions will ba made known on the day of sale by PETER FRANKLIN, JOHN FRANKLIN, Executors. Huntington, January 10, 18Sl.-',s NEW SADDLEII SHOP- The subscriber announces to the public that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one doer übovo Rupert's Store, whore, he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, And every other article in his line of busi ness. lie will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at tho lowest prtcos. Those who wish work in itis line will do well to give him a call. rv*"Hides, counlrji produce, and even gold dollars will bo taken in payment for work. W. M R. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. GCUVSMfTHIIYG IX BLOOMS BURG. Thomas G. Domboy Respectfully informs the public, thai ho has opened and arranged in goa l brifer A GUNSMITH SHOP at the Pennsylvania Hotel, lower part ot Main Street, Bloom'buig, where Ito will be ready to furnish any kind of Firearms, in good order and of approved workmanship. Ho will also attend to Repairing and Cleaning Guns and will repair nnd make all kinds of light machinery, locks, &c., at moderate charges. Guns and Pistols on hand lor sale. Bloomsburg, May 3, 1850. For Good Watches. CO Henry Zuppiitgcr returns _ his thanks fqr past pairo- nage, and invites tho pub Z/pV lie to examine bis now T . A. TB '-jjsa& assortment of (fwo-ij .'•<%?* CLOCKS, WATCHES, Glasses, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices, lip will also re pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. I His shop is in the middle room of the Ex change block, nearly opposite to the Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. House & Two lots at Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private AB&Tj |jf sale the house and lot now oc- Bllllat:upied by him at Light Street, aPSEP-SBColumbia Co., and would dis pose of it on lair terms. The lot fronts 60 feet on the main street of the town, and ex tends back 150 feet. The bouse is a frame dwelling, and bas a good well of water with a pump mat the doot. There is alto upon he lot a good stable. AN OUT LOT, Containing nearly one acre and adjoining the above premises on the back alley, will also be sold upon fair terms. MARTIN. L. BROWN. Light Street, Jan. Bth 1851.-^6t - Viii Notice. All thoso indebted to the subscribers in Bond note, or Book account, of ovet one year's standing, are hereby notified that the same must be attended to^between this and the Ist day ot March next, or costs will be made on samo without distinction VVM. McKELVY & CO. Bee. 4th, 1850. C. C. MAR R , £Mtt<©©N SD<gNC3Oa, Tenders his professional service" to the citizens rf Williamsburg nnd its neighbor hood for extracting and tuserling teeth accor ding to the best improvements in surgical science and skill. He will inrert teeth eithe; upon pivot or plate, and in such a manner us will insure satisfactioh. His office is near Peter Em's store. Williemsbtisg, Col. r>jt. 29th, 1860. UREA T COEURREMEDII For the Cure of COUGHS, COL US, HOAHSEHESS, BKOR CHITIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. In olle ring to tho community this jmtly eel nitrated re medy f.r diseases of tho throat and IUIICH, it i a not our wish to triflo with the liv"s of health of the afflicted, hut f-ot My to lay be fore them the opinion? of distinguished men Ac some of the evidence* of its suo.cur. from which they can judge for themselves. We sin cerely | |e<lge ourselves to make no wild asscr lions or false statements of it*-' efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which fao's will not warrant. Many proofs are heie given, and we solicit an inquiry from the puhlie into all we publish, fee ling ushered they will find thorn perfectly relia ble, and the medicine worthy lhe;i best dence and patronage. PROF. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoiu Col lege, Maine, vv rites —•*! have witnessed tha effects of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in iny own family and (hat of my friends, and it gives me satis faction to stu'e in its favor that no nu*diciuo I hive ever known hus proved so eminently suc cessful in euiing diseases of th*. throat and lunge." REV. DR, OSGOOD Writes—"That he considers Cherry Pectoral' the host medicino for Pulmonary flections ov er given to the public,' and states that "his daughter after being obliged to keep tho ruoui four months with a severe settled cougdi accon pauied by raising of blood, night sweats, and thebttendant symptoms of Consumption, com menced the use ef the 'Cherry Pectoral/ and had completely recovered," EX—CHANCELLOR KINO, of New York says. "I have been a great stifler er with LJronchelis, and but for the use of the 'CHRnMr PKCTORAT.' might have continued to be so for many yours to come, but that has cured ine and I am happy to bear testimony to its eft cacy," From such testimony we ask the public to judge for themselves, HEAR THE PATIENT, Dr, Ayer—OtarSic; For two years I was afflicted with n very seveie cough, accompanied bv spitting of blood and pr fuse night sweats. Uy tho adviceoffmy attending physiciua I was induced to use your Cherry Pectsrnl. and con tinue .to do so' till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the ell'ect to >our preparation, JAMES RANDALL, Hamdcn **. Springfield, Nov. 27, 1848, This duy appeared the above named James Randall, n nd pronounced the above statement true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. TOHTLAND, MO , Jan. 10, 1847. Dr. Ayer; 1 have been long afflicted wilh Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au tumn. it bjoughl on a cough which confined me in my chamber; and began to assume the alarm, ingsymptoms of consumpiioi. 1 bud tried the best advice and the best mcdit me to no purpose, until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which has email mo, and you may well believe me. Gra'o. fully yours, J. L). PHELPS, ' If there is any value in the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a med icine worthy of the public confidence. Prepared bp J. C. Aycr, Lowed. Maes., Sold bp E P.LUTZ, B-oumshnrg A B WILSON, Berwick Jan, 10 ,1851 .-1 ill; AH ADVERTISEMENT THAT APPEALS TO THE SODXII SENSE OF TIIE COMMUNITY. Standard Medicines, The following unequalled series of Family Medicines utay bo depended npon with the ut most confidence, They have the aj . ..batnm (.1 the best physicians in the country, an ! are recommended by all who have used them as superior to any family medicines known. They Itavo been been before the Public For Five Veat a, during which time mora than ft,bOU ccrtiHiates have been tocciveJ from tnii nent public men and others, and are now on file nt the Company's Ofiice. Tliey arc Compounded with the ut most care and skill, and ihu it gradients me thor oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and reliable quality ore guaranteed In all esses. The Oricfonbcrg VEUETABL PILLS, Aro par ticularly vniuable for the prevention and cure of Fevers in general, all liillious ant l.iver Cam plaints, Jsudtce, Uonetal Debility, Common and bick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Outn, Cos tiveness, Giiping, Urinary Diseases, Obstruc tions ol the Menses. Influenza, Asthma, and for a variety of ether Chronic ijiseatcs; in fiua, fur all ordinary family uses. Full directions for the various Disea ses accompany each box, Price 25 els. boar. TTio aracfeiiltfig Djscutory Si rup, A speedy and iufa lltblo remedy in Diarrhoea, Dyseritory, Bloody Flux. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, und the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz . vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to euio the worst possible cases of bowel complaints, generally in a lew hours, seldom beyond a dot. It is Purely Vegetable, at d taken in almost uriy quantity is perfectly harmless. The Craofenbetg Green Mouillitln ointment. Nivaluahlo for Hums, VVoomls, Sprains, Chiilblains, Corns, Surcs, Swellings of all kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Hronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in the Side and Hack immediately relieved, inflammation of the llow els, and for all cases whero (herois inflammation. TIIE GRAEFENBKRG MANUAL. OF IIEAL.TII. A Complete hand-book of mcdicio* for fami lies. Price SO cents. Oflico 314 Broadway, N. Y. CAUTIO X. The public is requested to bear in mind that everything prepared by the Graefenbeig Com pany has their seal upon it. Mpurious articles have keen issued closely ro sembling the genuine in every particular except the seul, and the utmost care should ho observed before purchasing. [ AGENTS, — Thomas Ellis, and E. P. Lutz, Blotmfburg; Benjamin Bri ber, Catlauiissa, Peter Ent, Light Street. Hloomsburjj, Jan. 23, 1851-om. TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITH luvites'lhe attention of the fashionable in Light Street to hisstsie of cutting garments Ho makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction itt his warkn,.ni!iip. Ho receives the latest fashions, and when cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for the maker. EF"AII kinds of country produce taken e xchago for work Light Street, Feb. 14. 1850 j KMCKtiRSOCKER MAGAZINE', FOR 1831. In onu of the chapters of the Constitution of tho State of Massachusetts, yet in force, titero is a declaration, ''That tlso encourage meat of the Arts and Sciences, and atl good Literature, tenda to the lienor ot God, the advantage of the Cnristian religion, and the treat LenC'6' of 'hi.-: and thd other United tatas of AtuCricn,'"' It has ever , been the highest purpose T?f the KNICKERBOCKER to ele vate the standard of American Literature. It iics beon tho medium of introducing ma ny of our ii.osi popular autoora 1° the public, lo those who take a pride is sustaining a good American Magazine, entire,- national in its character, wo Took tor support. Alen of jud"inout need not be told that ii is " m possible Jo get up a Magazine entlrefy' ori ginal at tho same prices at which thoue made up from foteign sources are sold. Thd unremitted efforts of the editor and publish er will be continued to improve tho work. I pi ITDLTI I'M irlitn: LO cd and new subecribern. "1 lie publisher, grateful for the large in crease of patronage which this olu favorite ot the readi.i. community has received since it passed into his hands, has determin ed to otler lo tho old patrons, and to ail new subscribers, a splendid engraving, recently published in this city, by Mossors. Gonpil, Vilbert &. Co. ( from a painting by a well known American artist, William S. Mount, Ksq. This print is entitled "Music is Conta gii.lis." It i.s 19 by 24 inciter, is "printed on beam! fill paptrr, and framed, w II make a valuable and elega.it ornament for the ilrawing-ro irn ur parlor. I'ho price of this engraving is thiee dollars, ft will bo given to all subscri bers to the Knickerbocker Magazine who pay theirsubscriplK'm for 1851 in advance or during tho month of Janury, 1851, aud pay in advance.—To cu'die 'ho subscriber I to the Engraving, all pavmeets must be 1 made to the publisher. Subscribers who owe for moiu than one year whLI bo expect ed to selile up all arrears, and pay for 1851, to entitle tliern to the Engraving. The bills of specie paying banks in all parts iff lUo country will be received in payment. The engraving will be rolled on a slick, and so securely done up that it can be sent lo Cali fornia, or any other part ol tire United States with perfect safety. The number for Janu ary, 1801, will commence the thirty-seventh volume of this work. &■ Ledger; Or, The Threads of Life. The publisher lias great pleasure in an nouncing lo the readeis of the Knickerbock er, and tu the public generally, that he has affected an arrangement with Mr. Richard B. Kimball, the anther of this popular ami extraordinary Romance, to give tho sequel in the pages of this Magazine. The first chapter will appear in the January number, and bo continued regularly until completed. This work has already passed through three editions, in this country, and two in Eng land, and has received more favorable notice from the American and English press than any work of fiction which has been issued during the last live years TERMS— Five dollars per Annum in ad vance. All letters on business must be addressed post-paid, to SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher, 139 Nassau street, Now York. December 27, 1850. □Dira CE3aaU!ic6cEis FAWACEA. The omitted nre invited to cali and see Mi Isaac brooks. Jr., at the corner of Third and Wilcox btreeU, and Mis* Christiana Sands, beach street below Spruce street,* n the Sehuyl kill, These two persona have btcn snatched from tho very jaw® of tho destioyer. through ho ag v nev of that moat potent of all medicines, Dli CULLEN'S IXDLiN VEGETALLE PANACEA. Ur- Cullen's Panacea is the only cirtain cure ft)i Scrofula oi King'd Evil, Tetter, Erysipelas Old Sores and Ulcer®, Mercurial Diseases, and all oilier uirestions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising from impurities of the Mood. In the extraordinary cure of Air. Brooks, peo ple who vi-it him, hold up their hunua in as tonishment, that A*Y medicine could have ar rested ins disease—then go away resolved to re commend I>r Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea to ev iy one they bear of who has need of a purifying medicine. So with Christiana Sands—her cujp of Srrof ulous sore throat was quite es estraordinary nn Mr. Brooks', whon we ri tic that front tuo dis cs.-© her lea or collVe would Lequenily pass out of her ears, when attempting lo drink, [See her certificate.] The people aie beginning to understand, too, that the various Syrups of tiartapnrilla are little belter than molasses, and that it is madness to throw away money on article® which, under the most favorable eticuiuatanccn, do not produce any impression on the system until several gnl una have Ireen swallowed. One bottle of Dr. Cullen's IVnncea seldom fails lo produce con viction in the minds of patients that a radical cure is certain. Thus hope, [<o fctfiditoilty. an ally to medi ciue.] springs up at the onuet, and tho patient I® cured before any other preparation cout I have made tho slightest impression upon thedi.ieuae! In fact, the twelve ounce bottle® of hi. Cul len's Panacea, compared with the pint and quart bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in tho proportion of gold to copper. Those who Woulc prefer a penny to u half eagle, on account of its size, would make a poor selection to suy the least. Satstipar'lla a good purifier ! Dr. Cullen's Panacea contain® it* extract in its most cancel trated form. Added to this aie other extracts, more active and powerful, and which cillut in combination witu the .Sorn.iparilla, what the lot ter article, or couihined with the most powerfu poisons, cannot alone accomplish. It bus cured where everything else had failed oiid this in a multitude of cases—not in Puiopc or in the moon, (where so many great cures have been performed.) hut in Philadelphia and other palts of the uuion. And ho it distinctly undeistood that we do not obtain our extract* by "boling 400 gallons down to one," it being known to every druggist's apprentice thai boiling destroys the essential virtues of medicinal plants and roots. ROWAN*D & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C Crier, Danville; Peter fiiit, Light street , Rickets and Stewart, Orangevillo ; Cyrun Barton. Kspytown ; J Schmidt, Cattawissa; AI G Shoemaker, Buckhorn. LIVERY STAllliE a NOAH S. I'RKNTISS the public to rvr\ til, new Stock of hnrs<-i W - carriages anil buggies, a variety oi which can be found at his Livery Stable. He catt always furnish horses anil vehicles of the best kind, and on reasonable terms. He has recently added a numbe.- of fashionable ve hicles and good horses to his former slock.— Ho will furnish to parties four horse convey ances with good and safe drivers, at very lo .- prices. Call at the lowor end of ilopkinsville, on the East side of Main street. Bloomsburg, Dec. 13, '49-ly R. W- WEAVER, AraOBHEY-AMAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., P A rricc—On the Ea it side of Haw Street, three sqiares below Market tf the Senioru] and I'truiancnl Cure ef ail NS.HVOUS DISEASES, An 4 or Ums C...ur'ot -'"'81 co'i.rit Ij- to in puisil. w-talcenaJ I'l itoiidUh- coniilti..ll t'l tho NliltVOL'S SVSTESI. Thi-. ButiUfill .11.1 conres>"t spplirstioii of it,.- n-i --terton. pow.r. of tJAI.V VMSV. oi;-, .MA" Vt.TI v.I, ha, li.on i.uiiiouiiceJ ''v .lAliitgimliciJ jtiy.ji-i.inl, boll, i, Kumpo JII4 the L'mt.l) St.'.-', to t>. the MOD t ■uluohl* M-dicinul ditcuvery oj iXtf Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT and MAGNETIC FLUID, is used with tho most perfact uui certain TUCCVES in kit CMM Of ORNEKAI. DgBILITV, Strengthening tho weakened body, giving tone to the various organ". end Invigorating the emiie system. Aln in FITS, CH AMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DVRPF.R I H\ A oi INDIGESTION. RH'CUMA J'iSM, ACUTF and CHRONIC, GOUT, LPIMfrhY, LUMBAGO, DUAf. NESS, Nl RVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION "F THE HEART, APOn.FXY, NKL'G-VLG!A, PAINS in the SIDE and CHEST. LI Y Ell COMPLAINT. 9PINAI. COMPLAINT, ant CUHVATHUE of tho SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of tho KIDNBVB, DEFL CIENCY OF NF.IIVOys end PHYSICAL ENEROY. .nd a'l NERVOUS DISEAS ES, which complaints ante from onu cimplo cause —iiAnielr, A Doraiigomut of the Nervous Syatem. Cf?- In NERVOI S COMPLAINTS, Drugt and Modi nines / f dictate, lini rhey weak Or. %-*> vital ener gies of *.h> . _ iHdy prostrated system ; while, under tho iilo-giving. vitih.iug influence if GU vauisnt. iyi>lied by tit is beautiful nutl wonderl 1 dis covery .he. exhausted p itient and weakened sufferer is restoiud to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor, i The greut peculiarity a®d excellence of 3?r. Ohrlstio 1 ® Galvanio Curativen, i consists In tlip fact that they arrest end cure disease by i tw/wJtd application, in plane'of the usual in -ic of drug ging, and physicking t'io ptient t.ii exhausted Nature I sinks hcj'clossly under the iudlotiou. 1 Thry tfrertflken the what* lyttr.m, njualht lhs rlrcth [%Hon of tho blood, p'omoli the secretions, never do I the +lif'Vnt injury under tiiy circumstances Since their intro '."UfUoo United States, only three years since, more thaif 60,O()0 Persons inciudi tg all Afl'V, classes aud conditions, Dmnrg woirh were n largo of ladios, who are peculiarly subject to Nervous Complaint#, have been ENTIRELY APTD CURED, when uU hope of reiiaf had been given up, and every thing tsiso been tried in V*in . To illustrate tho use of t!o GALVANIC HICLT, gupr.ue the case iW a peibo:t tffllicled with thnt Dine ot clviiizntio".. DYSPEISI t.oranyojher th: >aiCor ifciv on- D word or. Ja orimeiy cr.sen, stimulants are tiJccr., which, by thoir action on the nerves aud miucics ol the stonuich, uft'.ud tempera>y relief, but which leave thn patient in a lower Mate, and with injuiod faculties, nflei the uction thug excited has c T-.ed. Now compare t:ua *ith tiie effect resulting from the appUc-Lonof tfi® GAL VANIC BELT- -i'a'.e a Dyspeptic sufferer, in thd worst symptoms of .in attack, and simply tin the Belt mound the Body, uviug the .Magnetic Fluid as directed. lu a short period the iu't-nsihle peispiration will net on the positive element of the Belt, thereby causing a G?V vanio circulation which will puss on to the nepxtiv n, ai.:l theurc hack again to the positive, thus up a cwn tinuous Galvanic circulation throughout the r>iteru Thus the inost scveie eases of DVSPf'.PBiA niu PER MANENTLY CURED. A FEW DATS IS AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DIbCASE UK YEARS. I CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the moat Undoubted Oximeter, | From all parts of the country could bu given, sufHcieat to fill every column in this paper ! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, w hick conclusively provesrthut 11 Truth is stranger than Fiction." C U 1113 OF Rheumatiann, Bronchitia and Dyspensii. REV. Drw. LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN pf Now Jersey, of dhtiuguishod attaiiimoaU ar.d eaaltei ! reputation:— SiofKT, New Jersey, July 1 -2, 1949. : Dh. A. H CHRIST tt:— Dear Bir : you'wi.'U to know of 1 ire whet has been ihu result in *• v own ca/o, of the application of THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECK LACE. My rcply is lb follow 4 : For ahJUt iti &ty year: 1 had bften sufTcring fro.*A Dyspepvia. Kvorv year the symolome become worse. ; ;ior could 1 obtain permanent relief from any course >f tnedlthil treatment whatever- About fourteen years •lucu. in conHequcnce of frequent expo.su.ro to the weather, in tho dDchsngo of my o-jstorul duties, I became subject to a ;overo Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after year, caused me indescribable anguish- Farther: In the winter of M 5 and '4B, in cons®, queneu of preaching n great deal in my own end various other churches in this region, 1 was a'.ucked by tho Bronchitis, wh oh soon becamo so severe ae to rtqairo > mr.dilate suspension of my pastoral labors, h , .1-. jus system was now thoroughly pros trattd, and a : my Brr-iickitis became worse, so also di.t my Dyspepsia sr. 1 Rheumatic artection-thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other thuMig'a the medium of tho Nervous System. In the whole phtmnacopoeia there reentrd to be no remedial ujjc.it which could reach '.nd rccit|M.r<ito my Nervous System , everv thing that I had tried lor this purpose had completely failed. At lust I was led by tny fueuds to ex • mine your inventions, and (though with no very san guine h< • e% of their efllciency,) 1 determined to tcv the * fleet of tlii: application ol the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. Thii ww In June, 184 d. To MY ORRAT AIRSSISHMNR, IN TWO •JAVA MV DvsrsFjiA MAD aoisc } m rtoHr LAVS ! w k XNABLZO :o R..SV.MR MV R.vsroi.AC TAOK\ no Its Vic I AlNrr. u .HIT ILL A IIHGLR SKHVICT ON ACFOT TT OK THi BHONCHI ris; AND MT HHKI'MATTC vrsrTis HAS EN TIRKU OEVIRO TO TUOi ni.fc Mfc. Mich iff the wondos ful and happy results of tho experiment I have rtcommoulod the BELT and FLUID to many who havo been likewise suffering from Neuralgic. tions They have tried thorn, WITH iiArrv nasi LTR, I 1 am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, ROBERT n • UANDIfI. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE Is USK * for all coniuluii.ts affecting the Throat or ilead, such as Bronchitis, Inflammation n? the Tiiroft, Nervous and Sick Headache. l>izzine£S of the i-lead, Neuralgia in trio Face, Buzzing or Roaring '> the f- -ug, DcalneM which is generally Nervou*, .hat disticsfiug com vhrint, o®llel '1 lc Doloreux. Paisy and Paralysis. • All physicians Hvfcnowlo.'ge that these terrible di* OA"- areuaii*cd by a deficiency of ,V-r>u Energy in the affected limbs. Ln. I MMISTIE'S Galvanic All eles wiH supply this deficient power, and a completo and entire cure rs thus olfcctcJ. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast Mr vie® in cases of ' ouvuUions or Fits, Spasmodic Complaints, and general N'e-vous Aflb'-tioua of the Head aud upper e:Tremitics. Also in Palsy and I'Hialysis, ami all diseases caniod by a deficiency of |xvwer or Neivoua Energy In tho limbs or other organs cf thi body. Tic Doloreux and Neuralgia. These dreadful and agonizing complaints ate irnms Mutely relieved by the application of tho GVI.VANIC BUT, NSCKIARR. ami FLUID. The Belt THFL'uso* tho Electricity through the system : the Necklace has a locnl aflcot, and the Fluid acts directly open, tho affected nerves. In these listressing oilliotioiu tho application NLVKLT FAILS. FITS AND CONVULSIONS. Thcie alarming and terrible complaints arc al ways caused by a of the Nerves- The BKLT, IIHJCW KI'J and FIUID will cure nearly every case, M matter how young or old the patient, r how .confirmed the complaint. Numerous and astonishing proots are in possession of live proprietor. Qlj' Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the country of the most extraordinary character can he given, if required. rNo trouble or inconvenience attends the tuo of CHRISTIE'S QJILVANIC ARTICLES, Snd they may be worn by the most feeble on 1 delicate, with peifeot ease and safety. In many oesos the sensation attending thoir use is highly pleasant and a-reeable. They can bo sent to any pagt of tne country. Prices i Tho Galvanic BeU Three Dollar!. Tho Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars. Tho Gal vanio Bracelets, Ono Dollar Each. Tho Magnetio Fluid, One Dollsr. OJ7- Tho articles are acoomnanied by Tell pl iin direotioi H Fa nnhloU with full particulars may bo had of the authorise© Agent PARTICULAR CAUTION. r ware of Counterfeits and Worthless Imitation* T>. C. MCRBHBAD, M. GENERAL AOF.N r FOR THE UNITED BTA t P.flv 191 Alromtwuy*, lfW Yorict v or sale in Rioansburg, Pa., by authorized agent, JOHN R, MOVER, and bi/autknrized agents in the princi pal towns of the State,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers