"HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIW." HBIiMBOIiB'B FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A posltlre and fpcclfto ttemedy for diseases of the iTUddsr, Kidneys, Gravel nnd Dropsical St. elltnf s. This Meoiclno Increases the rowers of digestion, and itcltes the absorbents Into healthy action, by whlcu tha watery or calcaroous depositions, and all unnatural en largements nro reduced, as well as pain and Inflammation, and li ood for men. women and children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, ForweotneuorlelDE from Exccsbcs, Habits of Clulpa Hon, Early Indiscretion, attended with tho following Eymptorast Indisposition to Kiertlon, loss of Memory, TYeakNervcs, Honerof Disease, Dimness of Vision, Hot Hands, Dryness of tho Skin, Lots of Tower, Difficulty ot Breathing, Trembling, YTalccfulnoss, Tain la tho Sack, Flushing of tho Dody, Eruptions of the Face, universal Lassitude, ralll.l Countenance, Those symptoms, If allowed to goon (which this Atedl tine Invariably removes), noon follow FATUITT, EPILEPTIC FITS, &c, In ono of which tho patient may exp'ro. IVno can ay they are not treq.ucut.1y followed by those " direful dis eases," nraAMTT axd consumption? Many aro aware of the canse of th'lr saffcrlug.bnt nono ' will confess. Tho records of tho louno asylums and tho melancholy deaths by consumption bear ampto witness to tho truth of the assertion. Tha Constitution, once affected by organic weakness, squires the aid of medtclco to strengthen ami Invigorate (he system, which riELMDOLD'S EXTRACT OF IiUClID" iBTUlably docs. A trial will cocvlnco tho moat sceptical. tTt Via a ffl a In many affections peculiar to Fcmalos.tha Exraici tiucntr Is uncqualcd by any other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to tho sex, or In tho decline on oiAuan of life, t3r" 8eb Brjirroais above. KZT No Family should be without 1U Take no Italian, Mercury, or unpleasant medlclno for SXnpleasant and dangerous diseases. .HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Ocoret Diseases In all their stages lltt'.o expeuo, llttlo or no change of Clot, no Inconvenience, and J-'O EXPOSURE. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Tor all affections and diseases of these, organs, whether F.XISTOQ DI MALE OH TEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter bowlons standing.' Diseases of theso organs requlro tho aid ot a diuretic. HELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la tho Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to Lavo tho desired effect In all diseases tot which It li rscommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD I Helitiibolcl's manxT coScramuTED coittocct FLUID EXTRACT SARSAP ARILLA, Tor purifying the Blood, removing all chronic constitu tional diseases arising from sn Irapuro state of tho Blood, and tho only reliable nnd effectual known remedy for tha euro of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt F.hcum, rains and Swellings cf tho Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat end legs. Blotches, nmplcs on the race, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, AMD USATJXIPnX & TUB COaiStBXIOS'. NOT A FEW Of tho vorst disorders that aCllct mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates In tho Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been mado to purge It out, nono can equal In effect Ilrumoi-D'a Cosporxu Extract of Sae bapaeilla. it cleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills tho Tlgor ot health Into tho system, and purges out tho humors which mako disease It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow sndrankloln tho blood. Each a remedy that could ho relied on has long been Bought for, and now, for tho first tlmo tho public have one on which they can depend. Our spacebcre does cot admit ot certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a elnglo bottle will shew to the sick that It has Us virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablcspoonsful of the Extract of Earsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle Is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsa parllls, or the decoction as usually made. HELMBOLD'S BOSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arUlng frcm habits ot dissipation, used In connection with tho Ertractfl Euchu and Sarsaparllla, In such diseases as recommended. Evi dence of tho most responsible and rcllablo character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for cie, wttt hundreds 0 loutand living witnesses, and up wards of 80,000 unsolicited certificates audiccommcnda- tory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, Including eminent Fhyslclans.Clergymen.Etatcsmen.io. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In the newspapers ; he does not do this from tho fact that his Articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. The Science of Medlctne.llko the Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for Its basis, Induction for Hi pillar, and Truth alone for Us Capital, My Extract Earsaparllla Is a F.lood rurlfler 1 mv Extract JJochu Is a Diuretic, and will set as such In all coses. Both are prepared on purely sclent!Co principles frt tacvo and ar the most active measures of cither that can bo made. A ready and concluslvo test will ho a com parison cf their properties with those set forth lu tho fol lowing works 1 See Dispensatory of tho United Etatcs. See Professor DxwxxV valuable works on the rractke of rhyslc. See remarks made by the celebrated Dr. rnrsic, rhlla. See remarks mado by Dr. Ernunu McDowili,, a cele brated Fhyclclan and Member of the Eoyal Collego of Surgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactions of the King nnd Queen's-Journal. Beo JJodlco-Chlrurglcal rtcvlow, published by Disj'.t Tsxvxbs, Fellow of the Eoycl College of Burgeons, Ce most Of tho late standard works on Jledldne. BOLD T ALL DRUQOISTS P.TEnVWUEBB. Address letters for Information, In confidence, to , H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. PEIH0IPAL DEPOTS Holmbold'a Drug antl abemical Warohouso, Ho. 691 BE0ADWAT, NEW YORK, and Holrabold'a Medical Depot, Ko. l&l BOOTH TEMIH ST., PHILADELPHIA. BEWA11E OF COUNTERFEITS. AUK FOB HELMDOLD'al TAKE NO OTnHni -t-f f r?Jci 'w rs L rtf Uk. rrl AS. lire. tH, i Al ' i"LUID EXTRACT 8ARSAPARILLA TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC TIIR subscriber, 20 ycara a practical! Dfifin Vorln Mnniifnrtiirfif-. nf V'w VntL- nil-. . KMnn' nA wonU TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. Tho subscriber is also (bo manufactur er s Agent for Olnckcrinpr, & Son's, Hszlcton Bro'a, Lindcinan & Son's, William D. Bradbury's, Edward Blootntield's, McDonald & Co's Ql A tin r r a ir t r And Carhart & Ncodham's, and rcloubct's Melodcons and Harmoniums, And I,. U. Stuart's ripe CHURCH ORGAN'S. jam Mcdonald. Moomsbtirg, May 20. lSl5.-ly NEW SKIRT FOR 065-6. Tho Groat Invontion of tho Ago in HOOP SKIHTS J. W. HIl AD LEY'S Now Patent DU PLEX ELLIPTIC (ordoublo SPRING SKIRT rpiiia Invention consists of Duplex (or 1 two) Elliptic Ture Refined Steel Springs, Ingonl on sly llriilileil tightly nnd rlrnily together, edge to edge making the toughest, most fUxiblc, clastlcnud durnblo Spring ever used, Tiny seldom bond or break, like llii Single Sprints, anil consequently prescrvo their perfect ninl b uiitiftil shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirl that ever lias or can bo made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady weiring the Duplex Elliptic skirt will bo experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Operas. C.lrraigcs, llailroad I ars, church I'fivs, Arm Chairs, for Promehaiie and House 1)1 esa.un the Skirt can bo fuldwil when In use to occupy n small place as easily and conveniently ns a silk or muslin dress. A l,ndy having enjoyed tho pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the 1) iplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for u singlo day will never Htici waids willingly dispense Willi their up. For chlldrcnl At uses and Young Ludiee they aie superior to nl others. The Hoops are covered with 3 ply double twisti-d thretitl mill wltl wear twicu as long as the single yarn rovcring which is Used on a single Sleet Hoop Skirls. The three outturn rods on every Skirt ure also double Steel, and twice or double cm ere. I to prevent Irom wearing off the rods when draining down stair, stone steps, fcc, which they ure constantly subject to when In uso All are in.". ') of the new nnd elegant Corded Tapes, and oro the best piality in eviry part, givin. to the wearer the most graceful anil pcrfert shape possible, and nru uinpiestiunalily the lightest, must desirable, comTor table nnd economical tikitt ever m ide. WESTS' IIIIAIII.IIV & i'ARV, I'ri'prii tors of the Tn veil tl on , and Sole .Manufacturers, U7 Chambers, anJTJ li. 81 Ki-ade Streets, New York. For Sar in hrst ciass Stores in thin City, and thro' out tho Ulilti'il States and Cannda, Havana do Cuba, Mexico, Smith America ,vut the West indies, Cy Inquire tnr tho Daplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. Aug III, leii3-.1nio. A. .fc C. TUE PRIVATE JIIJDlfAL JDVISUR, (Esclasivi'ly for Ladies,) An invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by uTk si mm ;h:a v.2.y, published for the benefit ol the sex. On receipt of TEN CENTS, it will bo sent postpaid, in a sealed envelope, to all whu apply for it- Address UK. J. BRYAN, Box 5071), 41JIlroadnay, N. Y. July 15, 13(15. COLUMB IA Insurance Company, OOLUMBLrl, LlNCylSTEll Co., Pa. Cash Capital 6c Assets. $500,000. tuiiAiu uit riiiiruiurti..j Directors : S. C. Slaymnkcr, Julin W. Steacy, Juhn rendrirh, Samuel Shocti, Win, I'.itmn, Amos S. Crecu. Ilobt. P. Ityon, M. S. Slinnian, lleo. Young.Jr., N. McDonald, B. P Eberlein, II. O iMinicIl, Eumond Spennir. AMOS S (JUEI'.N Pres't. M. S. SIIUMAN, Treasurer. CPO YOUNO, Jr.. Secretary. tO Wli insure property at ns reasonable rates nq will bo counUlcnltn tin Cnnipauy ind thone insured. L. II. CONOVElt, Airoot, Beach llaveu, Pa. Juna 10, 1SC5. mmm Insurance Company, WILKES-IIAItltE, PENNA. CAPITAL AXI) SUJtl'J.lIS, - - $150, ASSETS. Stork tint called In, ..... 850(100 Hills receivable, ..... jo'uwi U. S. 5 Ilonds, "ViMO Temporary nnd call loans ; npo 10:1 shares Wwimini Hank Slock. . . ii'i-n 5tl tlnres Tirst National Hank at Wilks-Ilarrc, S,U0(l w r,iu,ua uvuniii ..uiiouiii o.tuii a, w iiKes tiarie, 7,onu 4 shares IVIIkcs-Ilarre Uriiljje Stock, . . 2o Ileal Itate, Judgments, .... 'o Due from Agents and others, ... 7,111 Cash in hand and in Hank j s.j DIRECTORS. O. M. IIOLLEVI1ACK, L. D. SIIOEMAKEU,. II. M. I10YT, O. v,'iJI,(,INH, W.M.H. noss. junr. ItUH.II AKU. SAMUEL WADHAMS. CHARLES DORRANCE, 11. I). LtCOE. CIIAHMH A MINER, G M HAIiDINC JI IIOLI.EVHAl'K. I'.hlnl. S2 EWAET PIERCE, G, 1.. I). yilOI'.M Al-r r v!,. v.. .'i It. C. SMITH, SeciUTittY. .. , , I'. IIUOWN, ACent, March 2j, 13 u, , . iii.burg, Pa. American Hotel, CfiB ESTW V ' STR E BiT, Opposite old Independence Hall, PIHLADS'LIMIIA. S. M. I1EULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Heuunqs, Clerk. Hay 27, ieU5. liin Eagle Rloiel, r . ;B o h; it s U H G' ' 9 'til!, undersigned having onnr.! J pill 1 He Ic house, in Unlirtburj;, Coluuibi Culuuibia Count Iteown as thu EAGLE HOTEL, Announces to his friends and the public generally, Ihat ho ill lie happy at all times to udmiiiUter to their cnlertuiiiiiieui. Custom solicited. Cive him a call and you will not r. gri it. WILLIAM EDGAR. Rohrfbtirg, July 8, litis. FURS. FURS. Wfiohmle and Retail. FURS. CIIAUhLS O.'.KFOKI) & S0.S, PHILADELPHIA. Have now opened their Urge and splendid stock of LADIES' FUlt CAPS. COLLARS. MUITS, currs. GLOYES, AND HOOPS, Also the finest assortment ofl'.AI'CV l ull tiniii'.s. CAPS, MUI'l'LEliS. and OLOYES, ever before olicred i by them all of which u'u warranted to be as reprc-1 sented, 1 Shipping Furs Uought. Oct. 31, LW.-Sin. I ""sir" EiAiEQaSa LassirslLo BELL 6c ALLABAOH, Proprietors. CORNER OP THIRD STij' J'ENESYLVANIA AV WASHINGTON, D, Oi A. JB. DAVIS & CO., J JPUIhADELP 111 A, Manufacturers of Rail Eoad Track, Oay Coal and Cattle PLATFOHM AND COUNTER OF EVERY DESRCIPTI0N. BtaT EVERY SCALE Warranted. Orders promptly filled, apply to It. II. E A.TON, Solo Agent, Berwick, J. K. EYEU, iiloomsburg, Pa. July 22, 1805. Cmo. Arcana Watch, Ah Elegant Novelty in Watches. rr-ho rases nf this wnti li nro a new Invention enm- I iincil of several il 111',) rent metals cnuiliiiied. rolled tozcther mid planisncil, proilucliiK nn cxart imitation of Id carat gold, called Aboan. They nro ns beau tiful j ollil gold and are uflordeil a. one-eishtli the tost. Tin- (iiaei aro li.'aultlfuily designed and nin en graved 111 the exact i-tylo of llm celi'liratcd (!nld Hunt Ing Lovers, and sn exact nil Imitation of cold ni to ilcly detection. The iniivenii'iits nro manufactured by tile well known St, Jimlier Watch Company 1 f Eu rope and are iperbly fiuisli"d, having eiuraved pal lets, fancy carvi'd bridges, uiijuatlug legulator. line di ni nu I skcivtou unmix. Chase watches are pizen, the iimiilmt 11 ljrnsX As. sU'.e , tilll l,i, .(-nl iv . r. iir Cxnre one sent ill n IrrTsome tann lur S. mey nin r,a,li,y ,-l, fr tlir.- Ur their c.t. Vo nl. Im- - unrt 11 verv sunirlur tininii'd ami elegant wnun which we can st II tor s:iu em.li r $l.) pur cue of si x These are alsn liuiiiini: fuses and fur l.ailies and Cents. Wu n o sole agents for UiU Watch in the II.. Slate nnd none nru genuine which do not bear our Trailo .Mark. Persons ordering Watches CO II. will please n niit M p.'r ci iit of tliu amnunt with their or der. Orde rs fur nuy kind nf watches promptly and faithfully fulfilled. Aililrets. I AllUAMA WATCH CO., ' No, 03 Fulton St.. New YorkC'ly, Importers Sc Dealers , 111 Watches of t'very description. Successors tu t.irur.l W. Dcvauah & Lo. Oct 7, leuj-Omu. S II S. Purify the Blood. THE GREATEST MEDICINE OP THE AGE A sure antidote for slckncs", and a refuse from Sorrow, Pain and Disease. Bryan's Life Pills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They are admitted to be the Best Family Medicine lor general use. Pnrifyiiv.' the Wood nnd clcasnmg the syi,tem from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to roeulate the Slom.vh, Liver nnd Piliary Secre tions which Is the chief rnue of ucrroiiMicsi, Giddi ness, Dimness of Sicht, Headache, tick Stomach and other Kindred complaints. Hundreds of Certificate can bo Shown. They have been used bv thousands With success, Bryan's Life Pills Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, Thryare composed nf the active principles nf Herbs and Boots culled from our Melds nnd forests. They are mild but certain in their operation producing neither cramps, griping pains or sickness. They maybe taken by all ages, coxes or condition without fear. Bryant's Lifo Pills, Cure Headaclic. Hryant's Lifo Pills, Cum Sick Soinaob. Bryant's Life Pills, Cure Giddiness. Bryant's Lifo Pillf, Purify tho Blood. A Box of Bryan's Life Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They wlllaccompllih faithfully nil that in represented. ' 1 hey are elegantly put up by the proprietor, who , wni the inventor of BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS i n medicine long and favorably known to the American Nation. If j on wi.h to buy UltYAV'S LITE PILLS anil ci.n not get them of your druggist, dont take any other, but tend Twenty Five Cents In a letter to thu proprie tor, and you ill get them by rrturu of mall, post- pain Auurcss DK. J. BRYAN, Box 5079, 412 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by DacnuisTS Generally. EMDAS, HAIi.VES & CO., N. Y. Wlinliirale Agents. July la, ItW. 1'ebruary II, ISM. y 1SG5. l'liilaucliiliia & r.rie ISG5. 2LI A J : h O B s This great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Elie. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them. TIME or l'ASLN.atR TRAINS AT NUtlTlIU AIDER LAND, LEAUJ LASTIVAIU). Erie Mail Train. S in P.M. Erio Eprcs Train, 3 3D A M Elmira Express Train, II '.'j P M Eliuira.MuUTrain, 10 Sd A AI IiBiVE WESTWARD. Erlo Mall Train. 3 15 A .11 Erie Express I rain, 2 41) P A I Elmira Express 'i'rain s HIl A AI Eluiiru Mail Train, 4 113 I' M Passengers Cars run throuch on the Erio Mall i.n.1 Express Trains without iiunit uolh ways between Philadelphia mid Erie. NEW YOltli CONNECTION. Leave New Ymk attl.OD P.M. arrive atErie3.37 A. M. I.eavo Erie nt I..15 P. It arrive at 'ew York 1, 15 P .11. Nu Change of Cars between r.rie ami New York. Elegant Sleeping Onr (in all Night Trains I'or information respecting Passenger business, np ply at the Cor. tliUli and Market Sis. Philadelphia, And for Freight business of the Company's Agents, S. il. Kingston, Jr.. Oor.Elih and .Market Sis., Phil'a J. v . Rejnnlds Erie. William urowii, Agent ,V. C. Rr It., Ilaltiuioro. 11. II. Him, tun, Oen'i. Prelght Ast . IMiiladelphia, - II. W. Gwinner. Geii'l.Tn ket A.'t l'lilladeliihia, A. L.T1 LEU. Geii'l. Sup't Williamspurt. Hi tuner 7, ISnS. NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions JUST received at Hunyon's Provision STORE, n largo as.ortment of GROOLR1ES AND I'llOVIMONS.coii.uting or all the necessaries oflifu bought fur Cash-anil will bu sold to dely competition. Hotel Kocpers and Country Merchants, would do well to call and examine Slock ami Provisions befum pur chasing elsewhere, Amongst the stock may be found srOARS.of all grades. MOLASSES and SYRUPS from Hie lonust price to the best grades Grain & Grouud Coffee, of all qualities, Navy, Plug, Twist, Fine-out Chewing & Smoking Tobaco, Young Hy.son, Im perial, Gunpowder und Oolong Teiis,Cheese,Crackers,Fiuo Salt, Wooden & Willow Waro, Matoho3, and Cigar. Canned Fruit of all kinds. C O IV P 13 T I O IV A U I 13 S , DRIED PRC IT. No, 1 fc 3 I'iSII by the llair.l ion uy mo uairi, one ighth birrcl, jlerrirg h will be sold at the half or one fourth or one Coal Oil, fcc, fcc, all of which lowest market prise. Iiloomsburg, Oct' SI, 1305 BLANKS I ULANKS! I Of every description, for sale at this oflioo "" BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and Winter GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Street, I'a. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fi3h, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, egars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o In addition tn our large slock of Dry floods, we have a laige and full assortment of Heady .Made Clothing lot Men and llos wear which we iro determined tn sell cheaper thin can be bought elsewhere. Call and sen. nndjuilgn for yourselves C7" They nlsu keepn flnu inorluic nt of DRIJfl,s nnd MIIMiri'VES, tnmipply tlio nlui nco nf n regclnr Drug Store in Llalit Strei t, whiih will bo careful'y ruin. pmimlfil nnd suitably d'rected fur tliu ni'Ci)iiiii,latiou uf their customers. II. W. CRKASY, &Co. Light Street, Nov. I, liO.i. , Lackawanna & Gloumslnirg It.nilionil. ear two daily trains, -tea Ar.r,. vn'HAV iitvp 10,1, lurj; QN i's'em'eu'tIIA ?NS ' V.LRUN AS 1 Oil' LOWS: l.EAVK NOHTIIWAUD, Leave Northumberland, H.tiiiA.M. .inQP.M. " lliinvillo, - P.lil 5-M " Rupert. . 11.22 h.'il lllnuiuburg 0 .IS H.2H llerUk, - - 10.2.T 7.SU Shliksliiuny, 11,10 H.IS Kington, - . 12.1.1 p. M. n.13 Arrive at Scrantoti, - l..'m IO.'.'j " New York 5.50 Philadelphia (i.UU LliAVU SOUTIIWARD Leave Scrantnu, . . (KioA.tl 4 20 P. M " Kingston . . 7.011 Sail Ilerwick, - - 7:l " Iiloomsburg 0 05 S,20 " Rupert, 0 23 S.:i.i " Dauvilli-, - - 10 00 11.15 Arrive at Northumberland, 10 10 10 00 " llarri-burg, 1.20 P.M. 1.25 ' Washington, lUlj 10,:i5 " l'lilladeliihia, .1.10 5.00 The shortest and most direct mule to the wot and the oil region I 1," Trains of the Philadelphia and Eri" Rallrnail lenv'e N'orthuiuhctlanil vrry inurtiingfMr Erie, nriiv Hie tliere 11, nflernooii ot iho iutn ilay tu ronn, et i'.h trains for llull'alo Clevelaml, Chuuiin, with all points w.-.t, nnd connecting at Corry nllli all Iraiiih on tho- OH Creek Ruilrnad New ami elegant sleeping cars accompany the night traU9 encli way hi tweeii Niirtliiiiub.irlaud and Haiti mure, and Norfhunibcrlaiul mnl Pliila lcliihia, ii. a. Fonda, supt. Kingston, Juae 17. tiOu. Baker & ConfectioncA THE undesigned has alway on hand nnd for sale, PRES. i iillEAD, GAKES, PIES and French and Domestic Confec tions in gicit and splendid variety ; Nuts, rruits.nnd every thing usually In mil in a fust class confectionery store. Ho would mil especial attention to-his newly re ceived stock of PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. 13. II. STOIINER IUoonnburs, April 22. IcOfl. Stove & Tinware IS hop rPIIE undersigned informs tbo public in . guucral. tliat he lias opened n NEW TIN SHOP In 1 he building fir uerly occupied by I'. S. Moyer, one door halow tin' Columbia Democrat Ollice, nil Main Street Iiloomsburg. wliere be will make all kinds i Tin-Ware and Repairing, in good style and on moder ate terms. STOVCSofall kinds and qualities for sale or fur nished to order. ffS? Country produce taken and public custom respectfully solicited. JACOB METZ.Jr. tllooinsbiirg. April 20. lSli.1. ly f T NEW SADDLE BY AND Harness Shop HP HE undPrsigncd, respectfully informs I The citizens or Light Street, nnd tfo cenerous fllr'n ','f '111 llV T'1""1 " "elV 6"P aT U,, """"" lacutrc oi an hinus 01 SADDLERY AND IIAENES , In the old Store House of Gen .McDowell, r.nd next ooor to Ent's Store, in Eight Street, where lie will manufacture SA1HII.CS. IIR1DLES, HARNESS &.( , lo oril r and tin moderate terms. tfj" Repuiriug of all kinds, executed on thort nolle and in goad siyle. Country produce 'nken in exchange fur wcrit und public cusluui invited. ELLIS L. FRPAS. Light Street, June 3, lt JACOB LAD0 M US DEALER IN English, Swiss and American y i tap, cfs, 'm vrn, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &c. 018 Market Street, corner of Deeiitur, Philadelphia. Dealer in American, English and Swis Watches, making a speciality of the celebrated A.Mtuii an M Aim, whirli nu would rc'iciiniiieiid tn all wanting a good tlinu keeper, ami will be sold nt the lowest gouii tnnu Keeper, ami win uu sniu at tue iq prices and are the cheapest and best tor the price. .'..lieu , irw, y. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. ' 'piltl undersigned respectfully informs his old friend X and customers, that he has purchased his brothers nteiesl in tbo above establishment, and the loncerii w its hereatter bu conducted by himself exclusively. He lias Ju.t received unci oilers for sale, the larg- ,H?3 est and most cxteiisivo assoilment of I'ANCY I2jr5j ST V HS ever lutroduci il into this market. Ills slock consists of a complete iis.ortiueiit ol he In st Cooking nnd parlor stoves in thu market, togetli. er Willi Btnve I'lxiurea of every description, Oven and Itnx Stoves, Radiators, I'ylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, fcc fcc. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly an baud and manufactured tn order, All kinds of repairing done, ns usual, nu short notice, I Thn patronage oi old friends and new customers re spectfully solicited. A. .11 RUPERT. I lllnmiishurg. November 3d IHMI. tf. ; The Forks Ooiei. LOCATED IN EAST 13LOO JISBUP.G. The undersigned having taken thn well .known Porks Hotel, re'peclu illy announces u I, is friends and the public generally, thai lie I. piopait'd tu itccoioiiioilatu all whu may fatorliini witii tin ir custom, tu entiro st isfuitinii. I Ho is provided with ample Stabling am! provimler i ior tue uicummoiiaiioii oi travellers, 1 cuius tors, Uro vers, fcc, on moderate terms IL"' Public custom Is solicited. GEO W. M AUGER. Blooaisburg, April S, leli,1. rr'hn Orii'intrt nnd Genuine AmLrmin I Bi J t a,L r7,:J i , . X 1 is prepared by J, Ati-vN Retves and is t.o o1sif Hot ..air failing out. causes it loerow thick and laun I, nit tt revel,! u It frinn turn inc. lire omln relv i.p.tw It i ' ,r . -", -.v."-, ,' .17 .i-"--. eradlintes il.indrutr, clcun scs, benutihes and renders I Hie hair soft, glussy and curly, liny it, try it and be convinced, Don't bo put olf with a spurious article. Ask for llcuves' Ambrosia und tnku no other. 1'or salo by Druggists and dealers in l'aucy Goods every where. Price 73 cents per bottle -$i),00 per cioinn. Address, UEEVES' AAinROSIA DEPOT 63 Pullon Street, New York City, Ott 7 MS -IJmij, S, II, S, Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, APH AN ri'Ili: undersigned lias removed his Hat and C'npStore J up to Evans' old stand, wluro In addition to n superior assortment of SPRING AND SUMRIER a Uats and Caps gS' CONFECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, ColTco, Tobacco Cigars. Dried Sugar, Tca9, SnulT, Spices, Fruit, Buttor, Coat Oil, Drugs, .. . ' t . " ' ' rarior nnu iianti Jjamns, Books, rltmg Paper & Ink. i Hardware Ulltl Uanrwarc, Meet Knives, Combs, , it'C, i'C, iVC, Together wiua variety of article, generally kept In a T.'..-A fine lot of KID'S, MOnOCEOfl and Ltsisns tn wc iheivltestheateiition of Shoemaker, and .ho l"ll,llc' JOHN K. GIUTON. Iiloomsburg, May 13. IC03 ! J Vu&i L?iftlfl TIlEunileislghf,intsr rtH'nstvety ena-igct tilth Utiflcrtukius: Ilu.'lntus. nnd keeps cnnitaully on liiind nil for sale nt Ills Warcrooms, a large assortment of FINISHED 225 COFFINS, i iiv which lie is euaiiieu 10 on uruers on iir fly which lie Is enabled to III orders on presentation aio tvei'pK n gomi nurse ,nii ueurse, nnu win in ai times be ready tu attend l'Miicrels. SIMON C. SII1VE Itloonii'biirg, January 29. 1850 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. i Harvey's Female Pills I tho iiiot l.ifrt.lllilf mill popular rcincily pvpt Itimunfor I nil (IUfit.t' nl the li iuiile m'.x 'J'huy hnvv lirc.ii iihmI 1 in tuimv llini(i;uitt cnton with tl niall i nu sum'sn and I ni.iy ln rcllt'il m in fvi r ri- for which thi-y am r' ! fitiim''ihl:tl, athl iMrliiMil irly in all La-i.'s arising frinn I Ohxlntttion or Stoppage of Nature, i nn nniitcr rro:ii U'littt catiiii! it nrhcu. Th y an rtlc- nut! in ri'rtoriiiL' tn hi-alih aM who nrn niiHorini; from U i'ukne ami iMnhty. Uturinii lh"cliaryis( crvoun- miss tec , K r., tnul tlify AO P I.IKE A CHARM! tn !trclit'i! iutig ami r'tt'trlng thu syctuiu. Thonp.-iutln l.iilics wik -i 'VL1 sull'TL'tl i'ur yearn ami trii-d vii rittns flliyr riMiicdii's in v t owe u ri'iiuwal (4 ttiuir Itca.th nnd ttiLiitl wlcilly tot... "UU'.tcy r DJt HAliVKl-S F h.i 'ALE PILLS. 'I hey are perfectly harmless on thu system, may Im taken at any tune ith pel feet fall ty ; bat during the early sl'igws ol' Pregnancy they should not be taken, or amis urn, ige may lu taken, or a miscarriage liny be the result. They never cause any sirkuess. pun or distress. Each but contains sixty ptl.s. Price One Dollar. DK. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, lemcily for special coses, four degrees stronger the above; Price Pive Dollars per box. A than the above ; I'ripe 1 ive Dollars per A private Csrriii.tr to ladies with fine nnntnmiral ' engravings, sent Ires on receipt ot directed envelope and stamp. ay Cut this .lutieo out if you desire llr. Ilnrvey's i Pillj, and il you cannot procure them of your Drug 1 gi-t, do not take any othor, for some dealers who ' are uuptiui ipled will recoiumetid other IVurdu Pills, they can iua1.e a larger prollt on but enclose the money ami scnu ciiiect to DR. J. BRYN, COXSULTING I'll! SH.'IA V. i7o. 4-13 JirowhiHiy, Aew 1'orlt. who will take all risk if propeily directed, end will sf nu I rip ruts, sccureu iro.u otiicrvatlon, iiy return secured mail. I'ost P..11I. St I.D IIY DRirOGISTS flCVERALLY. DEMAS I1ARNE-3 : CO.. New Yokk. noiesatc Agents. July lj. IfO.1. I 3, V. EYEIt. N ew Drug Store. WIIOliESALE AND RETAIL 1 rpJIE iiinlerslgned would inforie their friends and the X public generally, thai they have taken Iho .tan. I for- 1 merly nccu'icd by (Jen. AI. ilagenbucli, in tlio Exchange ' ' ililililing, on Vain street, in llluunibburi,', where he has , Jun received u In.',' supply of 1 Wrugx, JTSt!ic5!ic, Painty SJi!s, 1 1 Which will lie mldon moderate terms for ready pay. I , Al.o. NOTIO.NH Sentrally. ot every variety, sortmid I'liysleians' presc. Iptlor.s carefully compoumled, at i all times and cm short notice. 1 1 Ourcrtmiiciy Hie best selections, and Sddu tt illl't III MJUHHII. Lf A sliare of the nubile custom is rcsnectfullv m. icited. niooinsburg, Ap,ii ii, leog. " Min FJ&lESaii WABiSi IMPiKE J ,.-,, . , , , US L received a UCW aSiOrttnCIlt Ol COOU etyles of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR DERING AND CEILING PAPEK, and a general varitty of material in Ids lino, which will be found on the t'lltST PoOOR immediate y eust of I, ul;r.'s Drug Stun, in toe Rupert lilock, where all p, rsous ivLlinig goods ill his Hue will be attended to 111 person nt nil timed, fitiy-Papur Hanging executod lo order and bust stylo, at frhort notice. E J. THORNTON. Iiloomsburg, April -!'J - Iv National Foundry. m nniiciinun r.n, r,,, ... 1 'UU AlblJ U l((jr, OOLUiNl 151 A C O., P A . '1 111, subscriber, proprietor of the nbnve named cv. J tcnsiru eslah.islimeiit, is now prepared toreeeito lers tor All Kinds nf lllapliiiiprv. r CuMerin, Rlast 1'iiriinces, Stationary Engines, Mills THRESHING AIACHIVES. fcC . fcC. He is also prepared to maku Stoves, all si7.es and (interns, p'tiu-iions, and everything usually made In (ilst-class (''oundries His c'xljiislvo facilities and practical workmen, war inull him in receiving the largest contracts on tlio in 1st reatunuhln terms. IT" Grain of all kinds will be taken in excliante for castings. IVJ 'Pliis establishment is loca.cd near the Lackawan na A llloam.burg Railroad Depot. PETER UILLMYRlt. Hlunmshiirg, Sept. 13, 18(13. JOHN C Y EAGER, MAN! I'AOTUUER fc VVHOl ESALE DEALER IN ' STRAW GOODS, DONNE I S AND , . - ARTIFICIAL FLO WEBS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov IS. IhCJ BJtENTISTKY. C. II O W E R, SUROEON DBNTIST, Rl'SPECTl'ULLY oirers his profess ional services In the ladies and gentle men of I'd nnu, burg ami vicinity. Ho is nreiuired tu attend to all the varion. operations in the lino of Ins profession, nnd is provided Willi the lale.tiinpruved POUCKL1IA TKV.TII; whlfli will hjiiiscrted on guld, platiua, silver and rubber bn o .toloukwll as tho uaiuial teeth Mlueral plain and block teeth manufactured nr. 0 erctii'iio on u-ctls. cnii-fully and proiiisrly altriiilei nr nil tilled to, ourl ILitisu, same side. Ulooiiisburg, June G 1PIV1 Flaxseed Wanted. C1ASII will bo paid for any quantity of 'FLAXSEED at RUNYON'S STORE, M e , -- 1 1 fc" 7 i C I II. The I.eltlglt Cfttllc Powder I a warranted to .JL lin tlio most power In fluent it Ihn tmn. ncli ami lilnnjnf Calti, fiwlne, or Sheep, In pre inning dleesllon.cleans- Ins thn Vfftetn mnl f rnn sferlne the nnrlllnl nn. "II, im.11 mild In flesh, fat, milk, butter nndMrcnalli nun I'siniumniiig health and vlgo;. niivovR iiortsr, & Mi'i.ni'ownr.it is iiis only medicines legally patented fn France, Eng land, Htvltserland nnd honored with nrlf.o iiicd- 1 n. anil Invcuti'd by Mr. Duvny. rrwcssnr 01 111c nn- .'.':,,? f'iiro for Acrlniltura nt I'nrls, and now. man- ' ifir ured hy O. CI. IHItNllit, lir of V.. and A., Allen- town, l.eh 3 1 County, I'ciinsyivania. I 111 . f ll,n rilnmnpli. ItlllOil. I.nnCS nlld HOW- 1 itiimi, ':.".-.-., : 1 ...m.,, .i, win . .UI ,,! n rtaltilv lllreil. u.l II IV .. t. i.iehest statu ni nerfrctios', nnn ceruuiiij' "i-'. -,,, .,,,1." -0"-nK,Vffl invc, thousanirs d valuable horses rrnin contnalous ui... I?ir7IV.;rkc".,M,y eirecttinllvnvcrrnuie nil the ob.tacles wliicli usually P-eiac jlj;n;re,',pS;a children. Ho conlldent Is ''! "Y,?tV.r.r Al'o.'.'.oA tinted phylUau, with n written ptescription.as n now in maleri n mcdjea. TI'.RMINATOIl, Is a powder for the sum extermination of nil Vernilns, will never change Willi age and illmato, nnd inucli preferable tnthe old Phosphorous Paste, which hard ins in li sknrl time, making U worthless. 1'or direc tiiius nnd particulars seo Ihn small bills III the boxes. rr? One hundred and thirty-seven preininms liavo been nwnrded to ihesu celebrated preparations, up tu Octnlicr S!l. ledl. ..,.,. ItoY!. Ilovsn, nro tho wholesale Agents In Phil'a. WHOLESALE ff RETAIL. For sale by W. Erasmus, solo Agent fo Bloomsburi;. Sharpies", t.'ataulssa. !,. II. fa J. Shoemaker, Iluck Horn. Mnstcr fc llm.. MillviHe. (!. I'restnii, linhrsliurg. Stewart & Sloan, Orangevllle. Ileinlerhntt, lllnuiusburg. r. Piiwler, ly. Crensv -'.. Light Street l.nw & Spongier. I.ime llldge. llowmuii, & Owen nnd Miller, llernlek, O.ll I'oKler, rnlersiille. C All orilcrs for Columbia County will bo addressed lo IP. EflASMUS, Wholesale Agent, lllonnivburg. C. G. 111RNKR. November 10, P11 1 3m. WESSTAiSS HOYBiHi,. ; Nos. 9, 1 1 , 1!J, lfl, 17 Couttlandt Street n'EaR I1ROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY This nlil-cstnMMicil nnd favorite resort nf tlio Ha si ness t'omiuuinty has iiecn recently rctltted, nnd is coin plele in ever) tiling that can mliiisH'r to tin- romlurts n its patrons. Ladies and families are specially ai- aro fully provided fur. It I i cntrally located in the bu mess part of the r ttnd 1. cuiitiguous to tin: principal linen M' steamboat cars, oiuniliusscH ferries, tec. 'I In- table is amply supplied witii all ill- luxuries r. theseason,audise'i'ial tn that ol'nuy othei hotel in Iv country. Ample accommodations arc ntli-reil for iimurd ol I M guests. Do not liellevt niniH'rs nai kinen, nnd o liers In may s.iy-'lhn Western llotel is full." I). D. WINCHESTER, Proprlet, r. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, lt-112. kTTmt 7 r i a'T r i rr -r , l RW ( T 1 1 ? I S 1 ho undcrsipnnl, rrrmpful fur past put. r.iuage, respei ifiilly inf ruis tiro Travelling I'ii' i gi'iicrally.lliat he hajut proenred from New ork..i new, heaiiiifiil nail can, u ions Phoenix Company Coach, hy w liii ii means lie is now eiia'4",l to convey In sengers tiihl lt.iit'-nr.M. .udii. hj.,1 ,.,,M,r,..,.iiii i,,nt,... 1 !l,''"!'s'"lrff '! sev.-rni Rail Itoad D-pnl. lo o e I ' ,i, '", iH be his siu.lv to ni c ninnu h ru-i"mrs to tiuir satirtailion. II i sulit'iis t r pu l c I pairona:-" I It-' I'A t!E :i.1 CENTS, liloniukhiirg, Janiiarv 7, J.M'Oit L GlltTO't. , New Grocery &orc, I MORR FRESH t.'OODS. ' Fofiiurli i ttswnx' oil Sum') on Men Hlnnislin, rB .IE undprsigncd h is. juit received a RILL AM? WJ.T?:R 1)1 V GOOB.S of all kin.is, Men's Heavy , 0ALr A-BJB iir? BOOTS, the best in Hie m.irkc I a t, ,l irtmuut ui l.a ti and (.In Id reus shoes of u kinds. A Fresh Lfit. of Groce i fall km ', miiIi ii i lUolttsscs, Toas. I lijcr 1 isli. fcugars, j Coffee, Sjiifti, 1 Salt, AND Caf.S Iobacco, S.ars, CarPlior, Bazcn-, Lml, tp tr , tc. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together vilh n great xmieiy of noticm.nud eireto las.joo numerous to ine.i'ion. etcliai '(': .?', In '""' I""'1""' genera'ly labor i 1 exchange fur goods, HENRY GIG Ell. IBS I. Riuoin-hur?, Dec 10. NEW STORE A CHEAP GOODS. ''Qlltv.K JsMLES A SB S31AI.!s PROFITS.' J'HE undersigned, liitvinc inlrnn tho 1 I Store lately occupied by James IC. Ever, mi llain Street, above Iron Slreit. ill Monmsbnri;, and stocked 11 '-very variety of V!?'SM m i I fiTSfT-. i.cspecriti ty in onus his friends ami lie pub'le orally, that huwill be h-ippy rcieivu u share of I s-Vik i .., 7.V . . 1 . ""' rL'11"1'1 f':l"'r " ,,,fe touoi me ocst quality 1 1 iiatEEscEaft'i 1 B rv ' on fair terms ami at salisr.u mry prices His stock consists, in part, uf DRY GOODS. ' GROCEItll'.S. I'ISII, UL'EENSWA HE, WOODEN WARE, HOIJIS,siHii:s. and cspecinlly with a nieuu variety of'' l LADIES DRKSd GOODS, leady'imy." ' t"tttI " ",0 ' for c- sh i e, Vi. l'ro'mc-'- eenerally taken in exchan tiuuu"i ,., J Li.1 ILLIGI It. ANDREW lG5-y. ninonsburg, Jau WMTKS BJION HSOTIEfi. (ilid and (MS .Market Street, Pliiladelpliia, THIS Hotel islocated in thn very reniro of business nnd is near tlio respeitaclo places of umusem -nt '.'.i;", T,u illi"l'ciiiarlyile,raldut .erso, . v, , g I i ladelph a on business or pleasure ; and the lljnuge? hopes by close personal attention in Hie wauls ofhii ills guests to iiiakultacnnifnrtabluhomo fur much a! "' with their patruuage. J. ue IJAVliA rron'r, .May 33. 13f,.;j r. a, 1 ' nilE Proprietnrof Hits well knnwn and centrally In Hoose, tho Evc iiAMiis IIotil, situate on Alt reel, in lllooiu ior". ittiiie,tiniii. .-...' win 1,1.. J-n... .. f- ;.oi),L' no; voiillll b ,i ( nuiity ( curt House, respectfully iiiforins ins friends mid the public in general, that his House is now ill or pireei, in iiioumsnurg, nuinedialely ny iiiioriiisiiisirieiius .l..v .... ... """""I" "u" i "I .... ... V. i T, 1 ' 7- "nemertaniuieiit of travelers who u ,i i . e. ... 11 V"',r rusloiu, He has "pared nn nxpense in iropniing the Exi hamib, for Hie , f i ,,.', ,, "V"''"-'"'. neither shall Ihero be auy.i tiling w an ng (on his parti to minister tn their pnrsoiM cniulort. His house is spacious unit enjoys uu excellent uusinessioratiun. . ItV" oniii Uuscnrunntall times hetweon tlio Ex ,w lintel unci the tarmus Rail Road Depots, by which nag i clers will be pleasantly cnuveyed to mnl from tho it ' spcUivuStatiuns in due time lo meet the Cars. , WAli B. KOONS MAY 1 1400 ' 1 r ITISiriellS I U'lliaifliMlo I ix. I VV . . . , ' J,u) T T wont Mhiskcrs or Mimstachcs 1 Our Grecian Lnmpiiiind will lorco them tu grow on tin; smontlie.t face or chin, or liair, on bald heads, its Six Weeks. Pruu, SI UU, Sent by muil anywhere, closely sea id, oil receipt uf price, Address, WARNER fc CO., Ilox 133, llrooklyn, IT, Y. Icbruary Id, Ieti3-y St:iUiiiciy and BBIaiilr HSook's supplied to dealers auu cash buyers at low wholesale rates, w n ri'nrn' JSfefeL &3m MM ME PHOENIX PECTORAL Will Cure Your Cough THE PHOENIX PECTORAL j on, COMPOUND SVP.UP OF WILD CltEltttY It ,NL'3 i kka saku hoot. Will Curt! llip Disnncna nf tlio f 1 fR 1 .S. W w f V (rv - f u ur Such as Colds, Ootigbs, Croup, Asilirua, Bronobitls, Catarrh, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, WhonpiDg Cough, ko, Its timely usu will prevent PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, And even where thin fenrful dlseno Is fiffly ,cvei oped it will nll'ord more teller tlimi any oilier inmli cine. J, Lawrence nom, ex-Speaker nt tho Pennsylvania House of Representative., says i "Tills couch r,.,. ily is now extensively iised.and Is of the hii!het vnlun lo Iho community, its curntivn qiinlitlr-H having been tested by thousands with tlio most gratifying result It Is carelully nnd skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Hark and r-encka Snake Runt by Dr. Levi Obnr hollaer, n rcputabro physician r.r I'hoenixvilln, P.-,. and Is sold by neatly all clruggl.n nnd country store keepers." I). P. Crnby, ox-Postmaster and cx-lturges of Poll, town, certifies as follows : ! PotTstown, 1H5 Jan. .1, I This retllHes that 1 have used the Phnerlx IVttornl ' In my fnnilly, nnd I recommend il to thu public as thn very best remedy for' Cough nnd Colds that 1 hate eer tried Ono nf my children wns taken with ,i cold, accompanied with a Croilpy Cough, so bad, indeed , that il could ii it talk nnd brenlhe. Having heard sc. iniii'li said nlioul tlio I linenlx I'rctoral, I procured n , bottle of It. The lirst dose relieves the tllliicully cf ' breathing, ami beforo the child had taken one. fourth 1 of the bottle it was entirely well, Everv family sho'.t ' have il ill their house. I), p. CRUSIIV, J. Cl Smith, druggist, nf New Hnpu, Rucks county. , Pa , la writing to Dr. Obrrhnlucr. says: "A lew ctnys since I bought two iIozium i your valuable cough i remedy to try, and liml it vury good, and ns It Is mar ly nil gone I would like you to send niu a gross ofn ' "Your medicines eives luln r siiilsTiril oo Hi. ill rti.v 1 other 1 have in the store. 1 am agent for some of u,,, mnst popular cough piupnrnlloiis, but yours seems tn he dninti the most good. , The following is an cxtrnct from a letter frnm lllrnm Ellis, merchant, nenr I'ntt-tnu n, I'n : "I have trii d the Phrcnix Pectoral, nnd liiid It tn be the best cotisr- I mccllcinu extnnt, It meets Willi a more ready salu Iba'i any other that I have ever had lu toy store." The proprietor of this medicine lins so ni'irh ronfl deuce in its curattc powers from liio ti-slimony of tliotisaiids Ifo liiivu iHed it. that the u o'iey will b ' Paiii llicic in my purchaser whu is nut v.itiaiW.1 with ts ellects. It is so plennnt to take that rhildrcn crv for il -Price I IIIIITY-1'I VE I.TINI'S : l.aigu lloitle. 0,'iK DOLLAR 11 i lnicniled fur only one class f dikuanes, namo ly, tlinsi: of the Thru it and Lungs lL7" Prepared only by LEVI OUliRHOLTZEIt. M. I) . Phn-uiwille, ft. Sold by all Druccl-tsnud St iri'kf-eoers. JOHNSTON, IIDLI.IIWU COWDEV, Nnilh Sixth Streel, i'lillad Iplna, and I'. C. IV El, I S fc I'n, n. Ill I-'r-inklin Street ai Necr ynnc, (teni'iai mio'etnin An nts. Sola bv E. P 1. 1 'IV. and EYI.lt tc MOYER Drus gits, lllooiii.liurg. ami b) nearly i; ery iltugLi't ami couulry slnrekc-i-p.-r in Columbia county. . II.- II our ti ii . diiigui.t or slorrki-i pi'rilo'n not l-i'i-n this lueillf no' tlo not l a hi in pot j mi ot! with soul-oilier meilii int.. but si'iiil at one- to one i l ilw iiireuts lor it Jone 'M i-i'..1 m GLAD MEVv' TOR THE CVi ni:i'('A I II used wrnioiT I)i:tk iton They do not Imerfeie w ith I iiim pursuits, r.ad ai, spi eilc ill ac-tinil. NlitllA.VGEOI' DIET IS NEt'l.tr.s !l v. HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are warranted in all ri", POIl Til E SPEEDY AND PERM SI'NT ft HE "C Seminal Weakness, Creibral npd Vii-'inal In rlin-,- -. Gleet. Sevi il Disias",, Emmis, ions. Imp I. ee- ii, i, ilnl UN I erntls Debility anil ill s .1,i s ol' the II miner atol h nine) Tin are aihpioii for iiinl,- or r.-inal". - 'In v 12 mnl .ire Ibe only ii!li,.ble kimwu 'ur the cureui ,.ii ,11. easesuii-ing from YOU niFUL INDISCRETidN In all Sevual Diseases, as flonorrh r'trir,ir'. (lb 1 1, mnl in all L'rioa y ami Kidney cooipl urn .. they let like n rii, inn. Reliit is i-i- rn ii' ! by tii g a unijle iiux ; anil irom loin tu sit hnxi s g, acrallj i li. " a c ure. Sold in nixes rolltaiutl rl pill, pri- '1:-e Ii I' or six bi'?e-. Pive Hollar ; also, in la c ti.,v run laming Imtr of the smalt pri' o Th-ee i oil irs. Prhate I'irc-nlais In (Jeiitleir-n oniy, sent fr son rereipl of iiirei'ted envelope atiil stamp L'r' If ton need tin- Hie Pills, rut oil! this n-'T' r ti-emetil (or refereutc, ami if, on cannot pro'-ore iliem of your droegisl, do not be iiupin.ed nu by any "tin i remedy, but enclose Hie in - a s - in a lett, r to His pro prictor. Dr. J. BYRA.N, Con n'tinj: Phvsit.iin, . Ho .HiTP. -1 l-J llroa.lw ay, N 1 Who will lake all risk if properly directed ; and inn will receive iliom pi t paid, securely ici.ed (mm ,,u servatiou. bv return mail SHI, I) l!Y DRUGGISTS GENERALLY DE.MASL'AliNES ft CO., New Yo- r Wlio'esalu Agenis July la, lr,i. D Gl U P D E GRAFF'S ! EVB AND KAK LVFl.iIU AKY, (On thu Square, Tiireo Doors from Steele's Hotel WILKESBARRE, PA. t' IXSTUTION in now oppn-d .tni. S furnished In Hie most costly style. Rereptmi . Private and Opcritmg liuoms are larce, eonveni"nt ind well ml ipled. Thu Surgical apartment contains tit' finest collec nun of instruments in tin, eoitutrv, ami thus Ins lac ultics will enable him tn meet any nnd n'l emergent li s in practice lln will operate upon all the various forms of IH.IN'DNESS, ('alarm t, lu-eluoii of the I'upil, Cross Eyes, Closiiro ol Hie T "ir Dunn. In version of thu Eyelids, Pterygium fcc. A e. Ami v,l , Ireat ad forms of Sores, Eye Graniiloil Lids. Opacities) nf the Cornea, ii'id Scrofulous diseases ol the Eye to g llicr with ail the diseases to w Inch thu bis is sat' Jeet. DE1PNESS -Will treat all the dk-c;ws common i the organ. Discharges from Hie Eur, Noises In Hi' i.a 'utarrh, diHiiiilty of liearing.lolul De l'iiuss even whi r the ''ram Is destroyed. Will insert an iiililici.n ox wiswen.75 nearly all the purposes ofiliu ii'itural. DISEASiV." "I" THE 'I IIROAT. All ilisenaes run) Iihii. tn the 'Phi ''at and Nose will bo treated GENERA I. SElJGERY. lie will operate upon 'lb feet, llair Lip, Clell Pallale.'I'iimors, I nin'ers, Eiil.u gud Tenuis, t-e. l'la,lic operations by hi allh: new llesli into defnrin,?d parts, ."lid General Surgery ui whatever cliaraeter it ..my pres-'nt. II ERM A nr RUP'I't ill-..)- lie will perfirm "I aluu opeialiun for llm rullial (cou'PI' tn) cure uf lloniu, ibis is tiiiniii hlional.ly a perfiil n're.nu.1 is m-iie woti litllnir no pain. (Jut ormanv huiluV'ut operated ilpuuls llostoii there lias been on tail cri-s. IV having lin t H" peril c t approbation nf all wliolinvo Biilnii.'ited to it AR'ITl'li'AL EYES.-Wlllin.eriartlllcia. L)1-" , lug llieui th" motion and expression of ihn nuinrai. fi i I Thoynro inseitril with Hie least nam. HEMORRHOIDS, (PilesO-Tlnstroublcjsoiiie ducss is readily cured. Those suffering fruiu it will tlo will to em,, Dr I'p DoGraft" visits Wilkesllarro with allow of buililing up a permanent liuiiiutu lur the iiia'.nui.t "f the Eye, Ear ami G riilSurgery Tim experience of mure than a quarter of a icuury m llo-pilal and Gener al practice, hu hopes, will hua htillicieui guaraiiloo to tin-so who may nu disposed to employ him, Jl) IL leol.-lf. ' Agents Wanted For our new Work, CAMP FIRE and COTTON FIELD, UY THOMAS W KNOX. (Special War Correspondent of the N, y. ifenrntJ.) Tho most thrilling interesting and ex CIUOH ooo iibouudiag , ing, auecd citing book of Army experionco ever published. , niiouiiuiag in personal auvetures, cluedc. of noble dar I nisi niiu"e;o, luutllliill llll'iucins, lllgeinui, strata gluts. Inu in lamii and bivotio. to .1 i nl-scrbing in interest anil repli lo with useful lufuriuaiioii tliuu any other work ever yet published To prospective settlers upeu the rich and fertile lauds of the souili, imw niien tu Nurllicin ciiierprle, it is especially liivaiuiblii. citing full, reliai.lo nnd prailical Inlormatioii relallvu In plantation manage lueiit and coitiiu culturn, liiilispu'i.iblii tu Ho succir.s of Hie Northern cmigraut. Rclnrned and disabled officers mid Eoldinr. and energetic young men in want jfn profitable (mplu- lueiit will find this a rtiro chiiiico lu maku money. Wi havo Agents clearing SJUU psr inuiilh, which wo wilt prove tu any doubting applicant ; fur proof uf tin above send fur circulars and seo our Irrius. Address, , JONES IIRtiS. fc CO . N.E corner Sixlh ond Minor tts, Phil'a. Pa. Nnx. IH,lc!il5. WJI. (1. HiRGIS, E, U. PEALE, fc II. II. ilUHLE Y WM. G. II ARC IS & CO. No 1"0 South Second St., bcluw Chestnut, I'lilla, anul'aoturors of VnrnisheH and Dry' ing Japans niul ihtcilers in White I.'iid, Zler, Oils, Putty, Oakum, Painter's Colors ami loots, Hunt ing nnd I lubiculing Coil Oils, Hentlns Nap'li r-c Of, ?inelll. fn alosls.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers