met ii AMD BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. 1 A 'VI? EDITOR. 'TO HOLD AND TIIIM TUB TOUCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'Ett THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS : 2 50 IN ADVANCE. Vol. i9. no, 45. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, JANUARY G, 1800. VOLUME 2fl. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL llaltiinoro, Mil. ESTABLISHED as a UEFUGE FROM QUAOKEllY. The Only Plata ulu c a Cure can be ob tained, Dr. Johnson Las discovered tho most iVrtnlii, ripeuily. mil only Uirecliiar Krinnly in tlto ll nA-l fi.f Wmkiioa nf thu Pack or Mini), SJirlcttirea il'i:rlo- of the Klilm ya riml lllii.Mcr, involuntary i-lsrhare"t, iininui'iirj, flem-riil liability, Nervous ' i l.y-W-riiln. I.alisiior. l.'iw fiilrila.'t'niiriinliiii of J l,r; I'alpitutllu of ill" lli'att.Tiuililltv. 'I reinl.lliiK, II iinesa of 'S'1' trf (Jli.ilii.ra. 1'ln air or lliu lie ,ul T-irn it. NnJfli i" H'Wi'l-lli"M' ts uirn.... i. . , . ... ni,ii of Ynul i-secrtl am n,,!"r.. , i.u.rn . thi-lr vktlnia than tho 1 any ui"ili.lin- in ihu worlil. ami nru'llii h.imi ,.,i,., i n ..V Avrilia lo Hi'' MhHI.TJ "f Ulifcaos, hllahtiin; I'lirnatlvo which haauvcr yet Iiclii inmle hy ittitl.mly. .1? ir i oi brilliant hopea a1 anticlpatiuik, riiiiktms 1 hey nr.; i-afe ami plea-jut to lake, Mil pnneiful in . . rll li-L : it.-traUiitf .rop.-.t ea sl.iniilaiu M,,. vl. inuirUfci-. -itl'V taI..cilvitiea.ifthol,n,i, ruinnvu til- oh.lriiil.nin of HiUii" i'liii us "ruuua, puruy inc moon, aim e-pell illsi-it-u. I ii-y l"iii.uu. ...Mi iii. iiiit n null llf'-Ull Ulia yri.W 1114. "wwnwwia uHjiiiMiaamss Dr. Talbott's Fills. (ANTI-I) Vril'llTK.') Coniposoel of liljjhly Ounccntrak-.l Ilitrada from HOOTS AND IIE1U1S Of I n grr-ateat iiimliclnnl valun, prcparoil from llio tk'liial )ireiripllou of the cckliralul Dr. Talhntt, il tm-il hy him wllh reniarkalilij biiccujs for Uvuiuy A-ara, An lnC.iltlblo rumuily In all y DidllASIls) OP THU 1,1 VCIt, or any (Icraiitfoniuiituf THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, 'i'liny cure Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Scrof uln, .laundico.lliliousncss, Liver Complaint. 'I'ho wi-ll-known Ilr. Mull ay of th.-in Pills:"! havi- tixuil tin. funnnl.i front which your PUN an-inaili-. in my practicn for over 11 y-'.ira: limy havi-ilro niif .l ciii-i t upon lliu Liver uml liif-ti v- Org.iin of . i. ...... nr .ii.qr.. I piiriiu out tin- foi tVpoflatly. wlm liiivii o ...v, . '..V (r I t"i"per. atimulato aliiL-irlah or LMur.k-ru.l i.raiiM li.tu Vice, llial.ln am n ''"" I.... ,r ...., - tln-ir natural nitimi, ami Impart a h.-allhy li.m- .till) ally aui-i-iia iiimi """ . i t InH II.-i 1 1 '"'"ntn tho uhule ayKtuni. .V t only no th,.y tnra oftiv !".r' ',!' ,f" ,.i n-V..!. i?- : i ey'y c....i.,it- ,t c-v..rvim,fy. ma m... for. iiiiiiaiiic ami o.intfuroiM iliNi-,i-,aiil ocnu purely vi-i: i ale I'.uu from any riknr harm. n pcuou Hhi. li.ii once iiuil tli"i. Pillj ill ever lnj tvitk-i.u th.-m." Thuy irL-.ili! puru bluml anil remove all imuunties fiom thu jytti.'in, li-.nco uru u poaiiivu euro fur wliV. init'til f.llii-rtMi"J li'iv- i-iitr.iiii.-.l ll-li-iiliiif n'-n-W ' til Ihun.kra of .-lo-ninuy, or ttak.-.l l. i-c-otaty tl'u vi'b' lyi.n.jy"l ' I"" toiilkk-iici-. SIAUltAl.GE. Marrlc.l ni-rfima. ' mine moll rnnl.-inplallu!! m-ir-rliii!", hcinc awntu of pliylnil tveaUiiuaa, organic Uu Liliiy, ik-formiliu-, .'-i'.iily lie tvlin niac-s himsi-lf u nli-r lliu rar.- of l)r i. in.iy rillcimihly coulUlniiiliiilioioii -ik Mt-nlli-tnan, uml Lunllikntlv luly upon hit -kill an ,t physician- Oi:OAM UUAIiNCf.-J im im-!iatrlt L'ntud anil full vicor rc-hifttcil. i hit .IMri-H-i! alf-illon-t' hiih n.-nf.-ra I f.) una anil niarrmi;.- i i.i -Bit.l . i a tlm J'-"-uvlh- vntiui-of inipi.ip.-r iiuliiU-un- nws "-r-.ouaar.-l'' apt loiommit hiwi' from not h'-mf ,aruof lo- ilr.-n.ll-i """ "'"; ? l,,i lhal ill r-t.i.i.l tin. aiil.j.-it will pr-'l.-iol to lanv that Hi.- rower of i lo-t sooij. r hy! ...... i,r..p--r I...I..U I.y th-' pni iicm.I .in; .1. pin-' ! "I tie; pl.aMiru ..I h'.al- lev oirnprius. ihi- nif-t 'klriiilive hjinji- hniaoi ami miml una -. Tin- s i-m Im- "I I'l-.i po...-r. ..eifoo- I. I- tal.HUJ. tM l-.lpit-.-i ... "I t.i II.-... 1. ! tion. loiiflliul -.1 ' ' a Uu.iiM-io. in u. a...- Couth. I.'ontunil'llon, in ".it a" ' Ik ,Ui. ). JOIl.N.-'illV. M.-ml.-r of ihu It-y.-.l ..I Hiirifniij. I.- ml- n. from l' III'-1 1 l '"'' '- "i'h- t lillcil Mate., ami Hi- M'-"- r part "I tt l'w.1 '"' -'-1 .m ill in t e "t l.omloil. 1'i-ria, l llll.f nelelll-l. ami i-la.- le-re. I.a ' if-' t'-'l MUlie ol til.- 't a.l'.iH iri-iir-a Hi n - r.--t -r k v.i ; many tr.ui M.-.lwilh ri'isin-J in ihu In -"I ami h-u na e.-p -n-al mrvoiii-"-. le iii.'-ilariii.-.l at m.,1 ,.-i. uu.M l.l.hllllueas. Willi lf"l'"-"l I'l'i'tiiil". "'I "il ".lie liioea with th ruliAliKlil ol I""-J- ll""'---" ouly. I AUlT l'A'iTHVI.AIl N I K ('. Ilr. J. ti'lnr. -f-s all (Hum-who li.iv injareil ih"ue , vi-i in- iiiiir" "r iiiii-.-f-'"" i - FJ3VHKS. IIEADAUIIE, PIl.liS.MEIl CUUIAL DISEASES AND I1E11- UyiTAUY IIUMOHS. DOSIl-Tcr ailillt. oun IMI in Hie nioriilug ; f n clnl druil umli-r s jt-ura, lull' a fill. RSd" J'ricf Ona Dollar per Dox. 'l'raiio fupplifil, nr aunt hy Wail, post paid, lo any p ut of tlif LJuittiil Statrs or (Janudaa on receipt of price. None Guiinitio with out the i'-it-Minile .-iijiiature of V. Mott Talboti. M. i) V. MOT1' TALDOTr Sc Co.. N i O'J I'ulton St.. New Yoik. .Way -27 Ir-lki I JUlilVAL o? whitl. niin I'.'lt ''' ""HI""-! 1""" "" .ulier liii-ni'---. t'i'it a-'-i-ty. or i-.ianrii:.-. I an- ami. i -'-1 an I ne-lal-. Iml y ell., t, ,,, l.i-i ...It I...I.H-"I "'iih, vu: t.eakocio h II.. Kami". "'una .u ".t'l. umm-a el I Mu .ular '"''.!iil-'li"'i "I Vl, .- ,i lit p-ia. Neii'.a- IrralalMlilv. ll,-r..iein.-..l f Ihe lliceMlve I mi. Holla, Ikllural lWltllt), .-yil.p tiilll of I oll-,llll'll"" 'v' , , , Ws i ai i v -1 h. i- '.trill ''ir-cu "' Hi" ! In'li. or, .i.le.l I tlil.ii."lt. C.illHlbl' II ' I I'l'--- . . ',; ,., M IMI r.'l Ave.:."u ."'iM'ii". I"'-"' "l.i'1'.T....i..iV- .... n of ll 1 1 a pro,liii-,-il Th i fauaa of porw!,.i of all .if-a .an tio't vi'la- V.I . I, - ....-' of 'heir 'I' ll X I- 'It'll. I H ... ' .... iv. i; o.ili.-. in rvo.ia anil 'I, li.ivni n Mini'iMr i.pp-.iniii-'- -i"""1 Ho iyc. wi" uii'l yiiipioii'i 'i ' o I..-.1 in ptt'i-i. YOL'NU .MEN ..eit.-s lit a c.-lain practi'i- in ,T,' l'i'.' HI Wllfl. ..I".!'-, -l l.-lUHti'-pieillW I.M. I.- ;l It"'" ev.i .".Hi'?.'""'"-"' ::i..v. "i::::,. :z "(v '""" . I ,i, I...... hum iiiia-l uml i,i ri. .n,uri.ii.'e in. i - ... . U'tily. kIii"i"I a,iplv' ! . i ,. ii.ii i in Ho- hep" if '"ir i,,u n. h'..ll.- he aoalili' -I I'oiil ..II ...... ami t I.J..J ....-HI- "f HI-' I')' Hl'l .'ill-'- .,, , .0 of .levlallim ll.'in Ih-v l-'Hl "'1"r" '" ,'' ' .lulu ..u; in ii.wh.iu .M..UI...I.H. t'ltli pviaui.amust. uctull. lu.iI. laplatlll MAUIUACE. ,elll-,l thill .1 Millll'l iniml '"'' ""'in . ,.t.- . niiuiililal hiil'1'iliei.a 111 '.'." . v .hn.UL-ll Ife I.e. ."" -a h w e:i ry pi I l n ui-i t u nui pr'-P-.t ; ...... Il.i. In. ml I" I oil). S an OI".veii nun . ami Wle.l with 1 1 1-""' J r' to ' ll"n Hn- ,i pi.a-.a of .in.uh.i Ih.c.ii.. a Wiiliu-u wnii ..... u.w. 0,'hi, Suttit I icUiid; .SlnU, . ..r. i i .l.i,. .. ,.,i! f... i. I',.,ltini')tii ire.-t, a I'.-" ilouri ,. 'ihu u'liic-i. l'uil not to oiirurv. iinmu ami nui'i l"T -- i i...l i'i.lea-1 iii.-ip-.i 1 ami roil .' ...'.. u.eil n thi'r'i'lt. l.-r-.'iif. wHinil. .1 .1 'ihi.. ai-i- ami a..u.lpoiliuu of ailtuill.f mi ul ih-.ti ihniy viupioiu ' Thu l.-ittor' Iliplomo lnnJ" i ''I ",IU"'- l,ulji sviutnt ul U,c Pras, ii, -.mU fiiri'.l at lliia i-?tahlili nt '. ' . ,. , ,,.1 Hi,- lofnierous n.i- wiiiiiu uu- oii . ,, i.,,,,. foiiaiil r.u a p.-ri-'r , - ., ; - imi wiini ..l.I hv lliu n po'i'-ra "I lli-i n'1" '"'-1 . ,;. I a -, m il' us ol' w in, h ha . "PI-; '"; " VHink- i ol .hatailw ami ru-puii.iuility. Latum runt guar.iniy to lliu alllule.l. Skin Diicanii Hisai'ily ( uicd. April '11. li-'Vl.-ly ONK l'AUCE CLOilUxNU. Fail i ntl Wiiilr.r Jj.ijjatjiiljUMl.lli.j.ijri.tiijitiiwjuWpll,,,MWlwm,1l1KMm, TO TUB 1'ATItONS 01' Till! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. The Situation at tho South. eminent within the Union as soon aspos siblo HPJLlwuwi'Jiaji JWWMWMJiiajafWiwiuuuiua nm'oiiT or IjIuut, a en, quant. A T Miller's Siuro ('ItK uJi nlier Ul rctiiriii tl friun Ifiv t'itJcs i wtth :liiitlii'r ljr'r'c .tin! mjUtI .isorimi t of L AND WIS I UU HOODS niitth-iM-il ,,t 1'hil.i.l.ilnlila. at the Inn ..nt name, uu.l tvlin h limy are ,l.-l, rmin'l to a, II on aa uiuiler.ito U Hos an he pi". uru, I uljLWhuru in l,luuiu-hurg. ilia ooi k i-tiuinri.ea LllJlF.f ;K. GOODS, ol choir..-.,! etylea .iii.l luluM lalnoii. uur is. -ixt) (inuur.uiKs, ii ttnii' itr. cy..v-ir..'.-c, CKDAII W.IUR. IliiU.OII' H'ARK IlillX. X.lll. lil,0TS A; M li.rt's .V (W'.l. .S-., Jr., In h-..t i-t'-rtlhiiit' iHii. illy kept in i-oiiitiy toru tn will' I, h- in Hi no- p ,Mi-- ci-ii'-rally. Thu lligliwi pri. c- i.ui.l tor ' "iiul ry pr",nice. r II. MIL 1j Hll. lilCKIIHs'ttiraJ. Nnv. '-.. IHol Gold 1055, I860, 1367, Silver. 1 to 75,000 ! I if,2 I ! $2 ! : ! Dollars ! ! Two JONES' Ol.l) i-Bl'AIU.lrilll.H O X i: i' It 1 11 CLOTHING HOUSE, GOl Market street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. M JOM1M- OrOLeut 0,,,, Wr. .n::'!',,, Manufacturers' A gent '. I OUIl NEW MODE. Ouu of our GOLD ir Ml-VEIl Wmuli-t-a, or Silver Tea Seta lor '.!, :id t-ulow ttalitl. fin,, nr our lea cla or onu i,n-u of our H..1 or Si tur-tturu 1. w orlh a I ol thu (heap ilollai Ju.t eily Wu have a.l.iple.l Ihe lullowlni; ii.o,lo of E5 i ri t V i J U i I o ii , hy sale i (' J,l.Utl urtiLk of t aluu I OUIl NEY MODE ! ! Tim arllch-a of iron la are iiitiiilieri'.I froni nrru up to T.I litl'l I HT.-li'il riill.llu-- of I'l.'il.-,-., Meloileoiti., liol,r ii, ul Silver Wall In a rSuw mil' .tlai-hiue-,,Te,i ami Tatlu m-i.. Soli.l Hilv.-r T.M iih.I Taiihi Minima mi l rVrka, el,-., etc.; ail I III' (i her 117 aim ;trti,-.-a ol taluahlu J w-i Iv. tVork ami T.mIui I'aM-a l'h,Ho.raph Alliums Up'-ul'ieur'tlver It, I I'.incv arlic'ia in v real tail ty. ..I hh'l nolicua ii,tuil'.-re,l Iroin ouu t-i ?",,l I'll are ori.ili'il ami mil into i a,-,1 en Vl'loous nml tv mixeil. ami one ol lliuae n liken out ami aeul to lliu i,, ruii .LiuliUL' t'l ua tia n.-iila to cm-ur t-Mi"iisu of i.u.i- ' u-e. orreapoii'h'ii'-e. Lie ami tho article of iiooila .1 I. !,., I...r.., .1, .! ,.'111 l, ii holik-r ol the a.niiu llllllieil alulv 111 llu ik i.,n tin' arti' le.) on Ihu rt-CLipt of two "!,.... 1 i'.,r .ii.i-.ii,"' : If llu 1111111I1.T on the nolle" .ent tii't-ou olL'iil't h- ami. mi'l ri." ii. r I Illinium! .-! ,, 1 lil Wnl'ii -li'.ul.l hu iiiiiibre.l Jll it tt ill hu to .,-...1 i i:. auJ 3'j "'i fii -'-vu. .u.i'i 1.1 v.. ;j li-ui .iiliclea. !-,. t-ec-ivin' an arllcl.ll it unua n-tt nk'.iai . .... , . 1 ... it r vi....t'.iil 1 in rnuia 11, aui. iur iuu.i,-v w.. ...... ... 1 .... IM'IIV'I'II." I -I'lveaiy live cent iniiit lie neat to pay one'n.ei, of ' ...,.1.. ... . nt.e.lion.lence. etc.. Oil ouu liolieu I 11, uie.aliiir, that it hati-i-i-r arm 1.: L.iiru.pnuJs w ill! lliu uii.iiUer o,i your nonce, t.iu i in, o ll nv pavius ....... It. n.,r I'nr il. w liellt.-r ll hi. ll orlh SlUO or a'-')!), lotvaat aelliui? price ia inarkcl in ... .1 .... , Imi1 ll ll v uu"' 0'u joyns: ooi iii.c One l'rieu A'toro. I Slay m. lctij.-iy : U P 5a r n Hi N rou Ueturncd Solsllei s aitd All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Great Sale of Jewdnj and Sducnvore. The Arrandalo Groat Gift Distribution. Our AccnL are iiiuUna I'min I'lt u lo Thirty llnll-ir" per l,,?,fei. tvu 1.1.1 u.ti'.l n.or., I.atu .i.yo.cua lr . Ciirnoj have aw. lle.l our .lock to over t uu .Million ltol ari. A "plei.ili'l aa.orimi-nt l V rli, K.;.e-. I,i itV aii-l li..i.llcu,i.en' Jewulrv of all kiln ., ol . 0 I f., hionaUI. pattern-, aullnu; at 81 uach. la, ... ,5 cnta for a crtlluat. u.,lyuu ' h at t. nr thirty? or' LVmla 3 Mai,,,, for our L-rn.a to Ap'tilj .-,. of I IU IllUal HUtrui lit.m . .. I tlll"jl AlllUNllAI.I- & f- No H'7 llioattttuy, Nctv iui- Nov. 4, 1FB5-8H 3'" " ti- Anil it la fur our inter-.! lu ileal fairly, uii.1 n-inl out ami IhuiLuy iiiLrua.tJ our aaiua, Try Our New Mode! Upon rcciipt of J., c-iiia. which paya fur correapon ilencu, pu.iaai-, c . -"" Upon reu-ipt uftjl win-ii paya lur currcfpuudcuci ......i,,r Hff . IV.. .ellil S, V ILilllt i:p,m lUrt-ipi of wlinli pay. for correipomlt-itfi- pi.itai.'U, 4.C., tt'O fill.', so none.:., uu . ... i-. vaiti'-ii at no iui iii.u. .. u,... to-.-... L eon receipt of S Id. wlmh paya mr corieapoiuluiu-e, po.Ui: -. etc wu it nl semi l.'a. nolicua. auJ ar-OhlU w VlL'ii, py ri-turu nun- AllllNTd W'ANTUU. duiiil fur uur circular I A"0Uts allnwoil a I urge eash coajiuitfsion, "by which they can uiako weekly. Address plainly, llKHIJ .S; nilOTHEH. aleariKtm. " ' 31 Lllierty M Uct 11, lc',3 January 1st, 106G. Ooinn let's be gny Oh New Year's day, For that's the way, Tho Doctors say, To lengthen .nuoh our lo.ue of lifo ; With cheerful voieo Let U3 rejoice. And pr.-y again Good will lo men, And ecaiu thin most unholy strife. When wicked men Usurp the rein, And wield tho power Dili for an hour, Tha scriptures say tins people mouru j For lour long yearj, With sighs and tears, lu sorrow deep Tho people weop, And ask, will gladuew ne'er return ? No, no'er return ! Ami hate rhall bin u With growiug flame. No art eau tamo, If Stevens shall Mill longer rule ; ' And lit'rocr far Shall be the war, When heathen rajo The light thall wage, Aud bail men be of worse tin tool. Half flave, half free, Wo f.inuot bo ; So Sewaril siiitl 'i'ho John Drown raid VCud the first fruit of that lalse 8jn.ceh ; Ami uow, say.a lie, Tho Darhie free, Of purer blood, Is rpuilo ;is good, And Ji'.ll t'jaalit' hii followera loach. The church and Stuto Have both, of late, Together sate In grave dubatc, Aud vowed tho D-trkio jhonld go thro' , And Daeehor, who, If tales bo true, Is infidel, And dtmbti of liell, Hold Buccher leads the j.;odlosj crew. At W'afhingtou They daily run Willi .ipi'UUlllllg si:il 15 -fore the gale. Grot-ley 'Iojm down the iUuuting lie,' And Natty Backs lu foremost rank, Will li t, he cried, "The Uuion slide" Aud those two men are patriots high. For many rears Mid Htuilcs and cheers, The Union tood Through storm aud flood, Thu Constitution wu3 our chart ; And honest mcu Upheld it then. Tase-J were light And right was might Thu Union was the hand ami heart, Fanatics ro?c, Our country's foes : Without jiif-t eausf As.-a'tled the laws, ' Aud lo great wrongs did nieu impel j And fal.ely taught That Wa-hinglon Was in tho wrong, And his pro at work " 'A league with death, a covenant with bell.' Oh soon again, Will hone.-i men, In happy hour Ucstored to power, Oucc more control the ship of state ; And Wa-hiugtou And Jellorsou And their oouipeers With shout- aud ohcers I3e honored, with all hearts elate. IlEAiMiUAitTKits AitMins or Tin: Uni ted States, Washington, Dec. 18, '05. His Excclloncy, Andrew Johnsou, Pres ident of tho Uuited States Sir : In re ply to your noto of tht? 10th iustant, ro questing a report from mo, giving such in formation as I may bo posiosscd of coming tvilhiu tho scope of the inquiries made by the Senate of tho United States in their resolution of tho I -ill instant, I havu tho honor to submit the following, with your approval, and also that of the Hon. Sec retary of war: 1 loft Washington Oily on tho 27th of last month fur the purpo'o of mikiuij a tour of inspccliou through some ol the Southern States, or States lately in rebel lion, and (o see what oliangos were ne cessary lo be made iu tho disposition of tho military forces of the country, how these forces could ho reduoed and expen ses curtailed, &o , aud lo learu as far as possible tho feeling iiud intention of ihe citizoiH ofthoae States towards ihe Gen eral Govjruiueut. Tho Stale of Virginia Initig So accessi ble to Wa.-hiiigion (lily, qui! information from this quarter, thitfore, being re-.dily ..htaiu.'il, I hastened through thu State; without conversing or meeting with any of its citizens, lu Ualeigh. N.U., ono day, in Charleston, S.U., iwj days, Savaiirah aud Augusta, Georgia, each one day. IJth in traveliug and stopping I saw much, and converged fieeh with citizens of thc-o States as well as with officers of ihe amy w ho have been stationed amoug them. The lollowitig aru the conclusions come to by tiiii : I am satislied that tho muss of thinking men of I he South accept the pros cut rituation of aif.irs in good faith. The That whilst reconstructing they want and require tho protection from the Government that ihey think is ro quired by tho Government, not humilitiating to ihem ns citizen-, and that fl'sueh a course was pointed out they would pursuo it in good faith It is to he regretted that ihcro cannot be a greater commingling at this limo be tween tho cilizous of the two sections, and particularly of thoso intrusted with tho law making power, I did not givo tho operations of tho Freedniau'n Mureau that attention I would A HuhTau Dafllcd. Ho turned his head and perceived to his My chum, Tom Hawser, did not long surpriso that tho Chilian was rapidly gain remain in Valparaiso after ho was dis- iug upon him, charged from tho ship Cumberland. His Yes, iu spite of his utmost cllbrtg, his nautical uoso led him back lo tho watoi. follower was ranidlv lcssonim-tho distancu Ho shipped in a Chiliau vessel, bound between them. to tho Satulwich Llauds. Tho craft was . bearer anU nearer lio camo, and at .. I .!,-.. 1 . . l... . ... a beautiful a trim little brig with tnnsto that were round and tapering, liko the up lifted arms of a hello, and a bow as grace fully moulded us tho bo&oui of a swan. Her well pioportioned hull scorned scaroc ly to touoh tho water when, with swelling sails, she elided along her course liko a while winged bird as it skims along the grass ol tlio pairie. Tlinr.t veprn littirMn.i liavo done if moro time had been at my men iu tho forecastle, bcoidcs himself, as disposal. Conversations on the subject, dirt' i,QU" disagrccablo a set as, had ever however, wtth ollicers connected with tho encountered, beveu ol them Wcro Chil bureau, ltd u;o to think that in So.uo of 'TiTL '!'U "i" i ICillakrta' Thy iuL scales its nuairs have uotbccii cou till tiiivti i . muh't mr Lft'l. nntaii tlmf rP,...i ducted with L'ood indement or eciinnmv. i.mnil it ii.inii.Lihln m .l,.nn in il.o ,1. .oti...., terrible pressure caused his mouth to open aud that the belief widtdv n.i1 .,... when it was his'walch below. Tl, salt wat,;r IU'hed iul aQU u0.Ililt tlt frn.1.n ftr.i. ,.' c... On a certain occasion hu remonstrated. tuat 110 wa3 straugliug-that ho could livu ..H......w, , ...u .j-jnuv.i. Liaiun, t . it . . ' length Tom could hear him pufliug olosu upou his heels. At tbu samo moment a fearful sight broke upon his view a long blaok llu cleaving iho smooth stirfaco ot tho water like a knife, His blood ran cold in hid veins, Tho fin was that of it shark 1 Deioro ho could uiter a word, howuver, ho felt a pair of hands grasp his ankles under the water. These hands pulled him beneath the surlaec, aud tho next moment ascended to his throat. They grasped it they pressed upon it like & vice. Ho struggled vainly to release himself. Tho ...;.t. . 1 : . ........ e .. . . .. . , tho la'uds of their forninr ntunn,. will ... ' -8i y w 1 'u0 no longer. A horrible pain was in his .mums I... ml . nml will. al,n,.i.i,.r.i nl.-.. .i.n.r. hcad.a laadcii weight seemed to Uavo becu least iu part, bo divided amoup- them, has nf stnnr.l in his f,.t o,,,! i-e..w. placed upon his bruin. coino from thu n.'p.ntu c,( tliia iinrmn inr. a knit.!, or.lnrn.i il... mmaininntii tJ Opposite to him, while his eyeballs wero This belief ii se.ii.usly interfering with aBi- forced almost from their sockets by tho thewillimruessof the freodmeu to nml,,, 'u i cut your ti.roat it you make .TTi' "rZ"" i,.; .;, in the blue depths of the sea, liko tho face Iu some form tht! Frtuduien's liuronu Lsed tho anry Hash that cleamcd in oi some hidoous monster of tho deep. Tho is au absolute uieesaity until civil law is Tom's eyes. eyes, wero ol a dull, greenish hue, aua ..ufnt.ii.i.,.,1 ...... ...,f i : Tins b-jliviiir iiiaimer of tlm .nan!. mut-V. tuc uaru taco seemed covered Willi a mill- nj,uu.i'uv-u u i iituiiuii, outuiniL: LU r r j n o - o -j...- . . . -.uu lui. protc. iion. 'hl,..Sll .,,,... ;.,,. .u.t,, , , .i, caused by tl.o distorted state ol Ins vision' At present, however it is independent of i,r.if irnn. Mm ,.rn.n nf ).. nivm-r i.-iti. ., Iu a tow minutes both men rosu for au tho military establishment of the country blow upou his wrist. Leaping from his instant above tho surface of the water. and seems to be operated by tho differuul bunk almost at the same mouientjho threw ljut 'i0lu H' i llott A yellowish sub- agents of the Dureau accordintr to their """sell upon tt.e person ot the buily-ur...i : ' . t. iiiiiihu witit a mi (.-o wnieii scni mm nuav- ly backwards. As ho fell to tho doJ; his temple came in contact with an oak chest, aud hu lost all conscioutucss. When his eouuiryincu beheld his mo individual notions. Everywhere Gen. Howatd, tho able head of tho Djreau, made friends by the jut and lair inslruc tious and advieo he gave ; but tho com nlaint iu South (I.-.rolin.-! Kn h-,t ,.,. tionlo.-s figure, they levelled a perfect tor- i . . ... rent of yells and execration;, against tho he Jelt th ng-t went on as hehirc. Manv. t i i it i i t i o , i-iuujr, Amorican ; and liardly had ho regained perhaps the majority, of tho agents of the his feet when thev rushed towards him in Freedmen's L'uroau advUo tho freodmeu a body, with tho intention of avenging that by their owu industry they mii't ex- lliclr -"hip-mate. obscured hid sight. Now ho could not even see tho faue of iho man whose hand was upon his throat. Failing oonscious- noss seemed to convert that hand into a fiery serpens twisting its folds about his neck. That terrible serpent 1 How tightly its folds wcro clasped about his ucck ! Agony feai'lul agony I Would he never die I Ah ! what did it moon I The sorpent r.i i !-.!. -.1 .. i i I Mlilil,.til v unitrnitml it.anlf frnttt liia tlirnitt. i-jestioas which have heretofore divided pect to live. To .his end they endeavor lo ' Heck ami "h ZuilH Tho dark vapor grew brighter, tho lo- tno seiiunicnis oi tne penpio ot tlio iwo secure empinymeni lor tueui,aud to see will, coutrived to keep his antagonists at Clll,ts "ow away lrom his brain, hu toll sectmus, sluvery and State rights, or that Loih ooniraeting parties comply with bay. himself ascending. the right of a Stato to secede from tho their engagements. union, tuey regard as having Ueen scitled iu some instances, i. am sorry to say, fonvor by the highest tiihunal, arms, that ihe feeedtnen's mind does not seem to ho linn can resort to. I Was pleased to di. abused of iho idea that the IVeedmen learn from tho leading men whom 1 met, has the right to live without caro orpro- that they not only, accepted the decision vision for ihe future. Tho offset of the the handspike from thu gratp of tho youug nrrii-,1.1 :, t -i liti',1 lull nntt- tlirif. lit, smnlrf! hullL-f II) f Ii n Hi i-tMii n nf l.-.rtils ij i.lli...,.cd sailor of htittlo has cleared away and time has I and aceumalation in camps, towns and cit- Suddenly bo seemed lo stop ! Thu vapor was passing from beforo hia oyes. A sweet teeliug ot relict entered his bosom. Ilo had risen to tho surface of thu sea, and had breathed a mouthful of fresh air. Deforo ho sank again consciousness rushed into his brain, aud gave him back his nai- As Tom was the best seaman in tho ural sx'Ai aCBSa and 'eeling. Ncvcrt helrss, he would soon have been overpowered had it not beou for tho in terfericuct! ot tho captaiu aud his mates, who, attracted by the uproar, arrived up on tho spot at the very moment when two of tho men had succeeded in wruuehing brig, and as few rations wero required in I ecu oiveu for reflection, this djeiiou has h's. Iu tueh ea-es I think it will be thoVoretopnms t shrouds, tho officers tool: been a lortunato ono for the whole couutrv; lound that vice aud disease tt ill tend to ihe part ol our hero, aud ordered the iliot. rppoit-in,. rim lil.-.. hunr-fits. frmii it iho ex 'oriuiuatiou or fTPiit rnilnp.tinii nf Chiliatu to disperse. The men obeyed re wiih those ho opposed them iu the held ihe colored race. It cannot bo expected luetantly, casting many dark glances up , . ., ' .i . ,t !.,. , . . on Tom, aud brcathio'' low, muttered and in the council, that the opinions helti by mcu at tho bouth ,!,,.,. ',i v,.r..ttna Z,nnt. him. Four years ol war, during which the for yoars ean bj changed in a day, and Iu the meantime, the giant, having rc law was executed only at the point of the therefore the Ireedmon require for a few covered his senses, had risen to his feet bayonet throughout the States iu rebjl- years not only laws lo protect them, hut lion, have left tho people possibly in a eon- tho fostering caro ol those who will givu ditiou not to jield that ready obedienoj to Ihem good counsel, and ou whom they civil authority the Amuiiean people have rely. The Freedtucu's Durc;iu,being sip yonerally besn in tho habit of yieldiug aratud from the military establishment of This would rendei tho piescueo of small the country, requires all the oxpenso of a g.irrisous turouguout ttu'se oiaics neees- .operate orguijizatiou. Uuo do,is not no- w t nary until such tiino as labor returns to its ecssarilly know what the other is doing proper channel, aud civil authority is luliy or what older they aro acting under. established. 1 did not meet uiiy ouo, It seems to mc this could ho corrected lithcr those holding pltffcs uuder the Uov hy regarding every olliecr on duty with eriimcut, or citizoui of tho Southern States, troops in the Southoru Slates as agent of Viho think it practicable to withdraw iho the l'recdmaii's Dureau, aud then have all military fiom the South nt present. The orders from tho head of tho Dureau sent .vi.ii., ml tlu. blnelr ..mi. mil v t-i rniirn iho through department commanders, llus , ... e ,. I (,.,.,.,. would create a respon.iibility that would n.-nlri'l n.i nr llu. (innnifll ( 1 1. Vfr!init!lit. I ... ... . I cpftni-n tntifnri.itlv nl nitttnii lltrnn.ilinnt trie There is such universal aoquiusceuce in Sout, woul) 1)surc on,,;i.s u)lll in tho authority of the Oovernmcot Ktructious from tho head ofthi'Duieau He moved his hands and kept himself afloat. His bewilderment passed away as he looked aroud hits1. Here was tho soa, thcro was tho sky, and far in tho dis taneo tho litilo brig. Dut where was his companion tho man who had attempted to murder him I Why hud he relinquished his savago in tention 1 Doth questiona were soon answered, for ,-ater. Although he did not say a word bo suddenly noticed thu water iu ma vi o Hawser, nor even look towards him, .' thickly clotted with blood, hero was a certain expres,ioa iu his eyes 'I hen ho remembered the shark. 1 ho -Kin. Ncit-'utk. Tho Or initial and Genuine Ambrosia iapri puri.-,! hy J. Auki Uinta ami .a '' hair .Ir-nini! ami now II a op. the nnir lailinK out. lauaea .1 lour on- ii.h k am. .u.14 undprcventait from liirnma preiual.iru.y i.-rey It rrailliatuailanilruir, i-liMiuaua, Ueautnii.-a uml ii in i ra ll.u hair tuft, sloa.y ami curly lluy it. try it ami Uu fonvlniiil. Don'! " l"U Willi a apurloua nrtitlu - Aak for Ueeviia' Aml'mala ami inko 110 oilier 1 or aalo lit UiiiSl?i.lK an.l .l.'lrai 11. rain y J.ooila euiy ttliiire. Pricu TSti'iUa P'-r Iw.ulo -'l.on per lo7.un. . 1 1 uiijii rHr-' t Nut nil. tily , tin 1 IlIj i. mu ri. i B Ladies' Fancy Furs 1 ! AT JOHN FA11E1RAS L'ui'm .Uamilheturs No. 718 Arch Street, above 7ih, rhiladelphia. . ,, i,r uu- i7J -IV ..or.i.t.oii ami Maiiulacture, onu of JS3iM,- inrLl ami tix'.t hcautiful uk-c- 1,0,19 0fri,wV tFlDE'-S. ,.., , h'm,. m tlio Tiiy, ALo.aano aaaort ,. ."';". I wm'ii.1 ih'-ruMre. ol.:-.', i v Iri-nJu in ('oliinihiacoui.iy. u'" Work for that day ; And ever pray That law and right, Not foreo and might Agaiu may bo our guard aud stay. And when i', comes, As como it will ; Get oul the drums On tho bishcr, hills, And shout and cheer that Now Year Day a" Friday's internal revenue receipts wcio Sll'-'G.OOO. rrrv- It. Jinn llnnliilis. of V CrillOIlt, IS Oil a charity lecturing lour iu ihe .South. t General Mitehel, of West Virginia has been appointor! Goveuor of New Mex ico. throughout the portiou of tho country viv itcd by me, that tho meio presence of a military force, without regard to number, is sufficient to maintain order. Tho iiood of tho rouiiti y aud economy require ihufoice kept in the iutciior,whore ihcro aro many I'reodiin.u. Elsewhere in tho Southern States than at forts upon the sea coast no force is neees;ary. They should all be white troops. The reasons fur this aro obvious, without mentioning many of them. Tim proenee of blaok troop., lately slaves, demoralizes labor, . . . . . . . . f ., -I ..w both by their advice anu Dyitirnisntng iu tbo ul,owiQt, m.Ac.a t0 tc.atify in the their camps a resort ior tno iret-umcu ior t.-Ultu of Teuiu'ssoi-, which passed tne what wo had been led to expect kent in bodies lo defend thorn- Kaat Tennessee Unionists have been per ..... . I . . . i . ....... i IT..: selves. It is not tho thinking portion who nutted ny a wean unit wormiest union would uso violence towards anyclassol Oencral Commanding and a lUcccnd ttuuiu j Blackguard win u muled Oovcnwi; lo troops sent among them by tho General . . . t0 ,b ,0 , Tim ..ivil ivur iii Uoliv a continues uovernmont, out mu .giiumiii, balauco each ol the paroieu ami returiieu with better prospects' for tho revolution- places, might, and Iho lalo slave seems to R0bel soldiers whom they have seen fit Willi ULiUr iiobiili,! r .i,,,,,!,,,, ,!,, ilir. nrnnnrlu likovi SO to dispatch Until tllOV llSVO COOll UU IllJUlllA. ll III. i..u j l.-J ',.,. 1. I ..!.. ..C M. of hUlato master should by right bolung - ' ' - " .- to him; at least should havo no protection b . thc) .f th'erfl WM uny Beml,w00 of juw aud commenced to wash his head in cold watt to ,l,..e.. i.,j , erphuii I'lnrrn-mn in li, nuia which warned the Amorioau to bo on his crcalute had saved his life; it had ,i il., l,P.iivr,M ri,:.t hia Ini.. nntnon. atlaokcd the Chiliau while the latter W4S Lin would adopt some scerLt plan of re- mgaged iu his foul work, and dragged him ven"o. ho would await an opportunity to "way lrom his intendod victim. .... :.!.- him wl.iln lm was unniptitued lor It v.a.-. evident taut hu was not aware ,i,.fn fct,?Lfi i.i... frn.,. lii-liitnl n.- it. of tho viciuiiv ol ihu creature when ho ,i.u tiar'i. made his cowardly assault upon Tom, ua ,l rlnu nlW ilat- na-ssod iiwav. huw- tho head ot tho latter had concealed tho ,,1 tin. fliilio.iM iliil imt :itrrn.iir ti ;.,..Jr,-,. witi. l,iin T.-.H. rtnino in tho mm. A cold ihudder ran through tho veins of elusion that ho had been mistaken, and as our hero. The shark was probably ut a natural cjusequcuco he became les that moment devouring tho person ot the watchful. giant, away down in the dark depth ol tho Ono morning while the vessel was with- sea. : , miina nf .l.-Mtiiintion. He was followed by tho Chilian giant, she was brought to a 'stand atill' by a dead and striking out simultaneously, both men ,.!.,. swam awav lrom the brig. ' 'n.'c snrfnM of thn sea was likoanol 'A race 1 a laco !' shouted tho rest of j w I.i in i l . il,,. ,wi m ....i: t....t .;r.. Vnf n r nt. . niwm t in wit I iu crew, xoia Kiautcu uiwjiu mu uiuutr, ilmu nn,1 rine,. Inn,, nnniltrir nf nnmlnv. tnr. not a oloud iu tho skv. Tho suu's aud the later returned tho glanoo which j .. ,...,.-.... . . . ...1,1 ..l.,lnl 1 1 ,,li ft 1 1 nn mi vnii." ees of the Government. 1 have tlio honor heat was lutt-nse. iuo piicu siaricu irom i.....ji - b- j .l. .1 ...I. .,l....l..t. tli.t ,,,,, ti., Inr at- liCSO Vdl U01 10 UU Ulivuuuu u, uii uu.. llIU ULUU. hum ...u .u... D". i - . i , I emsd upon tho shrouds. Tho men who had shipmate, the Amerieau cserted himself l.P..n in the habit of coias b-are-footed were with such sum that lie was soon euauieu compelled to wear shoes on this occasion, to pass the other. i.. i .-,1 ,.i .-a .ui,i ii..v... He could hear the Chilian bl wing like 01 eitVIBU IUU lli'uiiu '""" "vi l 1 .1 . . . I - , .,.,1 1.1. n nr,,l . nnrr rta thnt blistered tho soles ot thoir leci. porpu.ou uo...u ium, -rB rresontlv the captain and his males noise saluted his ears no ooinn ue,i u. -. for. although he was already a miii". Iu a short time they wore diving long distancu from iho brig, he deteruun from the bulwarks, or rolling about lusu- ed that he would not bo tho hrst to turu. iu the water. With a laiewell glauee at the b ood Tht' men decided to follow their exam- stained water around him, (ho -,- . g sailor ii . .,n..n iiionr until strufk out for tho brig. But ho tound PIO. 1 UUI IIUWOU1 UO ' L J.. LI.LM. ....... . , .... fnrf.. uml !t mind htvimiuer. Mouutinc to tlto that his late csortmn, joincti wim icanui fore ton-sail vard ho ran iuto tho weather ordeal through w ueh ho pasted, nan end, and sprang into tho sea. made it tlo Uitlul whctner no wouitt sue- fi't ... ... ,.,T Itnim twtnnrl ni.nil in rcucliiiiir ihe veascl. and follotved his com- lu a few moments, however, ho was . auun boldly. Ho was a good sv-immer, gratified lo observe a boat shoot out irom ffi ad Tom watched him ,-losily, he the side of the brig. It aPPronc cJ p,d ly , , i .i.... i.., um nv- mill ha was soon inched up. 1 ho ollioeia " i liiinself L much as ho m.iiht huvo had feared that his companion ami ..un done, but scorned well sati.-f.ed that tl.o self would not bo able to get bacit to u.o American Bhould take the lead. vcesel after the oseruon o BWimuiing off T m distancu be ween iho two men and to so great a distance, and had therefore to be, ver iL-r-pcetlully, your obedient servant1 U. S. Gkaxt, Lieut. General. Tuu 'I'ksnkbsee,, Unioxisis." Our opiuiou ef "Goveuor" Drownlow aud the members of the Tennessee "Legislature" has heretofore been freely expressed. Wo aio ploas.-d notv to be ablu to add that of uol.'fs a personage ihau Uor.tee Greely of the New York Tribune. He says : "The telegraph has informed us that Ion" distances around' White troops gon- Se-nate by lo to 0 ha been dele.Ucd in iho orally excite no oppo.-itlou, and therefor,, a House by IIO to a7-tho Ka.t Teuno.-seo . , , . i Unionists generu y opposing, while uiauy u,ull number of them can muiutuin order Aho cX-Kebol, ti ,i pu rtcd it. Thu i in a given district. Colored troops must be wiat ,v0 ,al been led to expect. Those l inn lo p. A. . ... n.,, .i,h). I'hilaih'liiliia Vt C!!it' n'.' pari... r 'iu, , villi any Hi r ' 'i t pi J ' I lu I'lnl.iJell'hu 5 I Hi" iota. car General Scott arrived at Key West on thu 7th inst., aud lift on tho 6th for New Orleans. Cgy An incnrablo-old bachelor, who rejoices in his iuDriniiy, deseiibcs mar riage as Icinulo despotism tempered with puddings. fiom the colored soldier. Thero is dan or justice in that region. Acecrdiug to ocr of collision being brought ou by such our information not less than a hundred causes, My obsorvalions lead mo to tho coiulu- siou that tho citizens of tho Southoru I rjtalos mo anxious to reltiin to f."ll gov Robels and negroes have thus been butch orcd sinco Juno last iu and arouud lvuox- villo alone ; and thwro will of course bo mom il tbo sttoug hand ol auiuority uc not stictehed oor 'houi Tho distancu between their vessol became creater every moment. I'ho hull of tho brig, as the Amorioau eould pereyiver when he ibrev an occa sional glance belaud him.Bceiuod to settle lower iu the water every moment His iirinstiud togs ached with his csoriious. Ho lelt that hU strongth wa3 gradually passing away. Dut his rosolutiou'stouvly reiused sympathy wilh these warniug of approaching weakness. The porpoise-liko blowing iu his wake still ooutiuued i uup pieseutly ho thought the uoise founded uaart-t than bubri sunt ihu boat for them. Tho rcador can imagine tho feoliDg of tho orow when Tom had mado them ac quaiulod with tho facts wo have just rcla tod They wero all moro or lc33Pupcrstitiou and the torriblc fate of tho giant, together with the fact that ho bad been attacked by tho shark while engaged iu an attempt to tako tho life of our hero ito-piicd tbcuu with Icelings of .two lov.uid ,l Uuu. that ho remained unmolested by ihtui tliuiuj'thi rciii iutlor of the voyago
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers