ut msstn MJutn DEMOCRAT. s AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. '; TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOttOII OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THIS DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE, It 'it Vol. 25. wwmiiirniiTTwinnia,nii iiw vu9:m g.rr-wyiTiwriMqia. jij. ut'.uu. mroirowwmawtwj migi OALTIMO.UE LOCK HOSPITAL 1 Baltimore, Mil. t'STAHLISfTPI) :ir i IM'M'"i(: !' l-MtOM 1.0 I AJJliiail-JJ as a lU.I .At Is 1 HUM , fill ACIdi'li V iu-iK iWAt 1 . , The n,)!ti Pl.iifi ii-hrrt ,1 f,r ,'nn Ur ., I - j ... - ...... ... Dr. Johnson hn dUrot rrrd the most Certain, flprirly, i nd only rBWiu.ll firmed) in the rid i r Wcul-ness nl the Park or Limbs, HirlcturiM , ArTerllnii- i f Hie Klilm j and Hlmlrier, Int oliilitury Hi.i liuri'i . Iinii inn) , (letieral Ucblllly. anoii.. 1 1 . . I i.i, pun, l.ni i'iirr. I.i w r-plrit., i'Diifui-lrii, ot I, tub ' ut) iii,tit,n i,f tlio Heart. Timidliy, 'I renihllni;. I'ltntiKF.I Blflit or CiiMliu i.. I I'liin- nl' the Hind 'I lit. nt. Ni . e. ir 1 ni Is-ilioc Tcrrlldi- iiljnnlprB i rli-il'R Itrin F' limry llnhll. nf Youth- in ret and miliary piailliee loore liilal to tin Ir viitinih than Hie ri,i,r fit f-J ti l, t" I In- Antrim m cf IJI Mr, blichliii!! tin ir hiort I lllllr.nl hopes i r u lit It I pat in nt, rn,leimn loarrhik'e. &c.( iii,in,.iblc. YOU Ml MEN r.p.'lall)-, lin have liTnnie the virllinii ef gelilary Vlrc, that drt fulfill und ilertriittlve habit uhitliniinu. ally iMii'i IpUi iintliiiely Lrae thonruiidt of ynnng lin n nf the lno-1 urnlleil talui I. and fa t ll Mailt Hilillm, ulin uiljilit oiiii ml.e imi-i-ntiaiiitu ll-.ui, lug Men ne. with 'lie thtihili r nt" i lr,qnrnto, or wa!,, il to ec- tar) thulillns I) ic, may rail Willi full lunliileiici:. MAKltAlGw. Married pmon, or jouKjAnon cctUmpIalinj; rmr ring;, h'iing nwarn of fhintcul weaktRsa, organic do hilitv. ilefurnuiic-. ftit'iiilf lv cury,). Hh who (i'iich hiiiKU'lt ii'iilur llif rntn nf pr J. may , n lifflounly foiifliii' in ItU Immr a c'"tcnitn, hiiJ i Diifi'l' n'ly r l ii'hm hu e k i It u4 n j sicrui' OUOAX10 U KAKtfKrS 1 m tn(,inn,l Ctirprf nut! full vljor ruKtorcd. hih (ilr-trt'5rtff all't'clifin-v Inch itstulurd lifi iu j 1 emMo ami iuarrlnc; iinpotmlilM h tin (inaliy p-ij ' hy the vi l im "1 itiitrfi(jr iinluly.'iH'i'H Vnunu ptf oniin ntn t fpl mi commit LAfPsM'. from Tint btiiiR ! civftri of Mm ilruailful coiiM'iuLiict'i U'at tuny pmmu. Vow, who tlut umlfrptHtnl tin niilijf ct will pnlcnil tv ' t any that Pit power of prcr up' n u Iot omitr hy t hfiRO f.illiuu Piio M'per IpiLP i hint hy Pn; pro ! ih iit ? (ti'hiil.4 h my iiiprivt'il ci thu pli-u-urf ol h--ol- 1 ty tilTnprlfii: Pip mohl pfrmns Mint tlcut met I vc iyip ! li nil ut huth hotly atiJ inttHl nrtu'. 'i'litj clem he . r.uun b dfT.mg'i'L Pi- I'hj'ical ami miitil linn Ifitiy w-ji"iu't, t.oit of I'rorrativu mwir. IWrvou Irri-(.ititlttV- Pyttpf pJi.i. I'.iipit.ition ul th Pt-art, In '.it en ' Win, CouBtitutHM-.tl licl),ii, a Wariiiig ot Piu ri.nut' CuUgl). (.'un.-tlhiptlon, PrfiiV -nit Pl.illl int. joiis-tox, Mrm'ifi' rf th" It y.il Cll'g" o) Hnrcrnnn, t.otulon. i,r fi mil 'in if tli ni'"l fiiiiiiunt P'llh'gHs in the j t iiiu.il Mi.it s, mid thn prfftfi r nrt f whoc llfn , n iint in i i liuhpilalu of liouiloii, I'nris, Philfi 1 iielphm aiitl eliw niTf, Una vT rtml o 1 1 1 o the nmrt i.t"iii In i tun f Put win i'vt knoAM ; many Irotj hhilwitli rtuki'is in thf h'Mtl aim) Miih when nircp. 1 gicat iiitmiii 7H, li'Miir u I ii r iu rt I nl Miil.ir-ii utuii ii;i.iifuln -M" with Irr'jUL-nl lilut-hinjr, nitcthlid Kjinn Miift wplt d' Miiim hi ot 111111 1, wurt cuiud iiuiiilmii flt.l). TKL PVNTlrULAU NOTim pr J Hildrmt's all tlpprwhn havu injitr'd lliftn ft I vi n ti v itiijK", r ii.tlult'rnrc Hiid ffiliU'V hattiti, whith ni'ii huln t'M.iy .nid itund, tinfitting ll)''iu fnr i-nhi f ixn-in", ni'i . d'Tii ly, or miirrium-. l'hf' lire "im "I th r id an I uu'larchc.) y elTiH I ru hun I h i'H it.ilip of youth, vu . hi akiurn of 1 III' ll.l.'krf'hl I, hull-, I'.illlft III Pl: Ill-ad, Pllt1:H'hH id j Mjht, In o( .Pi iMihir 'owi'i. I'nlpitatioii of ihf It' art lnp"poit Wrvmi In.itulntitv P r itifnif ut il Pic .'igft-im n nt 1 1 oil . itfMi'tai iKiniiiy. ttymp tni'is t. t'tillllUlplI'in & . Hn-' at f . In- IVjiil'il t'tl't rU on Mo1 tnjnd rt tin rh in h or.n1'd l,nfi ol iMi'Mioiw t'.iiilttloit f f Idc.. ( p 11 inu ut i'iritf, Pu! l't !t idtujrt, Avi'rtMi m Mm iy I'lainjfl, Lint' t' itudr, Timidity, &c .irt oiiu of tliy r 1 pro Uri'ii. I h"iu-in i of pnrMHiK it1' all rgt!4 ran now j 1 1 I u li.ti in in.- i.'iu,- ' l' h ir ilff li'iln; li".ilili, Iodiiii: lb it uor l'i 'Otiin,' w , ,ilx p iti. n rv- nti'i i-11 a:Mt d, li'itin? a -inular Jt'i;iftiif altit thf hkh, cough 3'i - H tenia nf I 111 t j Oil vui ww ,ii;n v b h 11 ' 11 ni" i' ih ii .(. In i f.'t.nii pr.irtiri' in f'tift.'U 10 wiiftt il mii ,1 !i f 1 IIttH' d'.iiu'il tpou j 1 1 ri.t,ip.miiii$ "f .-.imti . th'- I'll- rtii nf v hit li .iu j i-iyjilp nil uvt'it w 'ijii u-li't'p. -tod. il not 1 nti'i mi 1 ..i-jf utnrrt n't io;t"s lulf and tiov l-"Pi mind and ho .1 .1. ti I .ijMili ll.ua. il.i!il 1 im- 'i 1 it :. ' .t V-HH14 itiiiu. llii hep" of our con v ih pli'iH ni hi par ni Iinii I 1 hu natihi'd fno Uli piiiein-iis and t 'ijnyiui'nt ot IP- hj th 101" 'juMHi't.t i!f-tirii tnthi pi.: p ith i f im 1 11 re ami in n.itfc v: pi , 'i..iu ..tift hut. it. t'utli piroim uni-i, riii ,1 p(.it(a l A!!RI tV(!K, rfli, I ..'i 1 , 'i.i I tniiul tll j lni.lv are th,- tuoM n,-rn-fiiy 1 ,(ui-ir,iii pt,,i-iote ronijul.t-il h.-ipi'iu-jM In dfUd, wlinii 1 tiii.i. the Ji.tiriu-) lliinugh tile iHironiei in.-,ny pilL'riiua;-1! ; the pr,,npri.l liouite d.irken-i to In, vii. ti i,.ind hv-com . 4n,i,lovvt:,l wilh despair mid nil'-,, un th 1111 larch, illy r, 0 tl.m 'li.il llm II .p piiivi. nf another bei-,iiu,d bliht,.'d Willi nur uuu, Oflic; 7 Sniiilt f n-'lcikk Sfrrr', lffi-h.in i hi-'e iu ffioi II ilfnnre rireet, a few dcor frini tha curiiur. r'utl not to oh..ei u itaiii'i diitl until h.,. 17-N. letter, ree,,ed enh .. p.iap.id and enn tiiuinj a r mm to I e,l on ill . ri pH. Ccrjon- writini; i,nmil,i Mate at't and .enopiiilni ut ad.,rtn. , Siient ih;. nl.ins tvinplni'i! T(,U I ortnr'- n,pl,.:o hanf in I,., enicr j Entlorsetwnt ol the 'rax, , The many thmitandi, cured at lhi CbiaM.phnKnt w itlna thu l.i-,t twenty yar . ami th iii'iiiw.'Uii mi Tnrliat H.irglcal op'-ratiouti perliuiti 'd, bv llr. IJohiu ton, witnen'itl hy the reporter t.f T,u fun ami iiuny rulier p. per-, nutlte. 01 wbtUi n.i.e appeared .15.1111 nud agtnii h fore the public, br. ides hi .landing n-a ft-iitl-.-tiia.il in chur.uUT and icpont'iuiliiy. iHamitli. tieiit guaranty tolh. iiUliet' d. Skin Jhesfi Sjv'fdtif ' tire I. Aprtl 4i, IsilS. ly UP DE GRAFF'S KYB AMI IvASt l.tPMIIlAKT, (On tie Biuitf, Three Hour, from f-lcile'a Holt I WILKESBARRE, PA. '1 ITIS INb I U 1 ION IS HOW opened Slid f'lrninhcil in the most comv rtyie. liereptiiMi. Private and "penning llnouii, aro large, movement and , wellauapteu. 1111 Biirji-ai 1 paniueiu eoiiiuiits me , tliiet collet lion of iiiai.il.nenta in this rouittty, and (hu. in. I'atuttici wnl enable lnui tn eieet any and all cniergeniiea 111 practn-o Ho will operate upon all tile variuus f 'rui.of I, I.IN'IIN'KS, Cataract. Oceluon ot j the Pupil. Cross nye, Cloture of Ihe 'I ear Ducta In ver.mn ef the C)tli'l., Pterygium, &r c. And will ' treat a'l form, cf t'ort it. Kyu liiaiiuled 1,1,1a. Opncetle. nf the Cornea, and Fcrolulous diiea.e. of the I'.yt t'1-, gidher with ail the tiibcasei to winch 111 l.y i. t-uh Itct. UnArNEOfi -Will Heal all the diicase. common tu the organ. Discharge from the l ar, Nome, iu thu uar Catarrh, difficulty of hratm.tolnl liA.fiii'a. lvch wlirtc the Drum is destroyed. Will inert an artllii ial tint' , niuwerlna nearly all the purpose ol'ilie natural. DIPCASU- UP THU 'I IIIUIAT. All dtfteiiMJ coin moo tn Hie Throat and N'o will be treated f5EU:itAl. SlJllCUltY.- lie will operato upon Club feet. Hair l.ip, CI. ft I'all.ite, I'uuinr.. Cancers, I'.nlar g.d Tencilt, I'laslic operi'tiou. by healihg new tte.h Into deformed part., and ileneral Surgery of whatever cliarartur It may present. ' HERNIA (or ItUPTUKd.)- He wilt perforin "Lablu. , operation lor uie reuical iconipieie) cure i . , 1I1IS 18 tl!i'lii:.ii''"nuiy ,1 ,,(.-rtr-t.. ni..nim,-' little or no pain. Hut ofiuany Uui dred operated upuiini tloston there ha been 110 faiiurea.it having met the pcrftt t approbation of all whnhtve suUiuiltetl to it ARTlr'fi-Al, l-n'ES. Willliisertarttficlal B)e fiv- Ing Hum the motion and expression of the. natural- Iheyare (nrerlrd with tlio lentrpatn. Ili:ltiltllll01ltr. it'll... i-Tl.is irtiultlssome di.eaie Is readily cured. Those .uir.tiiig from it will duwil- locs1'- . ...1- i- ....n....,:n.,uk, ,.,,,1 ,u nn il, Willi tiulliling up a peiiminent liiklilute for Ihe Irentmeiil of the Eye, l.ai and Oeneral Surgery. The epeneii of luotolhana quarter of a eentitry In llmpltal and gener. ai practice, no lltipes, win uu,i luuinont Bummi"-- - , those who may nu ili. posed tn employ him, 1 May II. t.-ol.tC. j TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. rpilE iinderilgiied respectfully iiilnrms hi. old friend .1 and custonicis. Hint he has purchased his hrmhert roWest in tho nhme eslabliihineut.audlhu concern wila hf realler he couducted hy himself eiclu.ivcly. He hit lust received and oilers for sale, the lofu'- jfcft est and iiiost riten.it 0 assortment of PAN'OY ' BTUVIIH ever tnlmdueeil into this market. ! Ilia stock consists nf a comulete assortment of ' be best i:oui;ng gnu parlor stoves in me inatKet, togetti- r with Etote Fixtures of every description, Oven and Box Kiotes, Radiators, Cyliudar Btovet. t ail Iron Air. 'Tiebt ttovts, (,'anuon Stoves, ice. &c, Stovepipe and I mware constantly on hand and manufactured to order AH kindi of repairing done, as usual, on tltort notice. The patronage of old friend, and new cmrtomar. i tfullv lOllmsd A RlTEF.r "I --I'd uri fotrnit'i Jd I ar,o If A FEW II A SONS WHY TICK EH I DAW WATS H is tni: iir.iJT. I ri.ni.nlr 11 Hie best prli.ilple, whilo the foreign a,or,y made on m, principle at nil, Tlio foreign twitch I. mostly Made l.y women and buya, lly lloii.r. White iheirlnbor I. tbcip,thi.lr work l .I.ur lit any prion. H11U1 wntchu. uri nlu without nlnii. Bni ((,,,, uilut uarauli u. Tlio) are irregular In construction, ni'd quite n Irregular In wnveniuiit i ney nrn iicaigneu nniy in sell, iiinl inu l.u cr In Ilia partv mol Ibnriiugnly .old. Those who have kept alien-, ' "It-pine" and "riwts. levers" in profess,', I r. pair fur a tuv year, nil appreciate the ltuthof our statement Tin: ri.Ax ok tiii: amhiiican watch. Instead nf licinr inadu of several Intuited lilllo pic ras, strewed together, t hi; body nf Hi Amciltnn Watch is I'nrmuil of .olid ilatis. No Jar interfere Willi the harmony ol' It. wnrMug, and no sudden flunk can lliratv it. machinery initnf gear In riding nr any business pursuit, It I. nil Indd together n firm ly us a single plete of nn I. il, It I. J n-t what all ma-iliiiii-ry ill, mid Ik; - in ,i (H'Iiati:. a,i. hi.mi'I.i:. btuoxu. 4tii. fllUNOJllOAI.. Wc not tint mtly serine Chcapnes l.y our system, hut duality, Wo not pretend that our Waicli can he bought lor less inline) than tlio foreign Make believes, but that for Its real taluu II is .bid lor one-half tbo price uur rtnli'i"r r Watt h (named Win Cilery) Is what its I name Indicatei'-Holid, Siibdantliil and always lie. ilium: warranted in Maud any animut ol .Matching ItiUing or righting. Our Next Higher Unallty of -Wnlrh (uuiiied P. S J n-i nl lut I ) I liuilariii i70 and general appearance, but h.i. inorejew-eli, and a utnre elithorate IIiiIkIi, HI It i.Allll' WA'I'CII, ruefully Lroiigbt nut It put up In a g n-at aril ly of patteniH, iii iny ul ilit'iu of ' rare heauty ,tiid orkiuaii'hip, i quite, iinall, but w urranleii In keep I i . 'I he proof of the uierild of 'ir Vath ni'ty he found in Ih l.iet tint we now eiuplnt ii(r et-uil liundrad ' v or k m ni iu our factoiie.. anil Hmt e are Mill unablo 1 to supply the rimtl ii'itl) iiu'reavnig deiii.iud. 1 Oiir'I'hui' ih rtrr I'late Walt II i ihlniier and light I tir Ih.in th nthnir we h.nc ilen-rlbctl. II. line clironn 1 meter balanrt i. ilcllral, I) iuljii.ted to torrett thu va ri'ilimi i-huiu"I l.y ili.iiiuen of tbiuperature. Tlii-ue I Watrhrs are the fruits of Hie laii-M i periuient iu rliroiinuietry itudn-e niadu by nur lul wurkineii. in a m paratti Ut pnitinent ol our fariory. l or Hid linenl 1 tluo: keeping pialiiiei Hil'V rlialleiigu cotupariioii i with Hi 'lien works ol the iniit l.iinioui Ihig'i-ii and riii94 ni il.ern. UUitlllN ,S k Al'l'l.i: I'D.V, Agenw for the Am, rir.in WaMt 'Joiiipauy, i 2 IIUOAUV7 ay, m:w i;i:k. Jul) ia',5- i in. Purify the H ood. tub (ir.c.vrcoT su:ni iu dp tiii: aoi;. A Hire aiitidolu for m-kiiim, and a refuge fioin Sorrow, I ain and Diseaso. ESkyas's Ljfk Pills. EN Tir, ELY VEGETABLE. 'J h y arc admitled p hu the csi t: tunny lTjujuioiii (or i'i MM,n n-o t'liiifi in thi Pd.iod and ilcnsniiiK tie' h firm f mil a'l itp inly Brvati'ts Life Pills tn iiL'Ui,iti' the Piom.ii U I.iver and Hillary -i rc In hi M'lnrii i lh i li 1 1' I nii-c'uf n-.rVMii iicjh. Pi Idi ih fM, liiitii'.i'f of Siiilt P a ;v Ins . i 'k t-'tainnli .411 d I'ttl. ? Knnlfi it COIOpI'lIU H Ilutidri'iif. ol O'm tiG;.i cm lie Shown. Ui 'V av be ''li iMfd h) thoiipalids with sticr'M, I?k van's Life Pills Arc a-lnpii'd fur all A).'fs . Coi.stitutions, Thryare cott,p,i.e,l o th - .'o-t :ve prloripli-H of llerlot aii'l rnoli- lulled It .tni 4iv r t'l I, Ik and fore, u They al'j I111I1I but i-.-i 1 1 in 111 '.loir operation producing ii'Mtli-r cr. 1111114 gtipiuc iwium or Mtkn-tH. Tli'- ni 1) b': tak"ti bv all gt h m-i. or i oniljiion w ithout 1'e.ir. B-yntit's L fu I'i'.N, Cure llctdaolif. lir y.int'- Lifo 1'illn, (Jurt- Sick b'tmnaoh. Br .'tilt's L tV I'ills, tJure (! iddiiir-sa. Bryant's Lil'u l'iil, I'oiify tlio Blood. A B x of Bnv.w'ri Lifi; I'n.r.s will co.-t BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. ... ireomi'it-n i.ii'i ,y an n.a leprentc-d I hi) arc elex.tall) put up by thu proprietor, whn i wat.ll. imentorol lilt VAN'S PI'!..MU.ii.' U'At'UKtS a nie.iiniio Ioiik and favon bly kiiinMi tntliii Aiiiericau "yi w,h ,n h,. BV ,.,, ,,,, , g CKn- not en them ,,r y out dru-ist, umn taku any other. but send Tweniv I ive , em. In a lut'T lutb.' prnrri,'- , tor. and you w ill i!et th in hy reluin of mall, ptui p.nu tunn'm I JJll, tl. IIV 1 .'111 , B X SU70. l Oed.tr Street, N. Y. , hot.i, hy Iimi'i.Mis f3fc:,iPAt.LV. ! KMIIAS, llAUNi:;) t CO., . V. Wholu..ile Agenl.. Jul) 13, lrt'..i. I'. biuiry II, ic-tt'j. y TU THE j MUSICAL PUBLIC. i r t i r 1 - 'PIIE Mih-criber. 20 years a practical S piai'.o I'otte. Manufacturer ot vow York Pity. ' re.,ictlnlly solicit order, lur . ; vt i j 15 1,1 u 1 n 1 vn AM) REG- ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. Tho (.ubscriber is uLo the manufaetur cr's Agent for Clhickcring .t Son'ji, lliizleton Uro'H, Liiiile.iian K Sou's, William B. Bradbury's, Edward Blonufi' Id's, McDonald ,t Co'.s PIANO FOR.TES1 And LMiliarl i Veedhain'ti. anil ft'li ubci IVlelodeons and Harmoniums, And Ii. U. Stuart Pipe CIICUCII OllfSANS. James Mcdonald. ... -,i j.. , lllooinsbtirg. Mas .U, Idifl-lj ; . ... .. - - , 1 , . r I A 1 O U L U PVI C3 I A n ,irw d"' 1 1 1 n 1 II T lllStl I llllCtJ V UI11 lltlll V . ,,,.,,, ,..,.,,,., ,-, , COLUMBIA, LANCASIER Co,, Pa. "Jntjl-. Canit'dl 6i AGSetB $500,000. " fen n.l'EU rElll'l.TL' All 1 It-Mtl"-" ir.jm.iuAU) Directors : ' 8. f BlavmaVer, Joltu W. iJlcaty. John Pcndnih. 1 Samuel fhncn, Wm.l'att.m, Amos S. (Jreeii. I Knbl. T. Hymi, M. 15. Slinniau. fien Young, Jr., N. .McDonald, S. V Ebnieiu. 11. 0 .Miuicll, EJuionii Speriug. I A.MOH rt llltHI'.N. I'res't. 11. e. riiiujirte., Treasurer, crn vnilVd. Jr. Eecreteiy. li" Wll inmiit pioiurty at a. reaM.niil.lu tatr. as w ill be cnn.iktmitw llm Cnnipiny and those insured. L. il. OONOVElt, Ageut, Beach lluveu, Pa. Jmi 10. ISM nOOKET DIARIES PHOTOGRAPH I ALlUiMS U ALBUM PICft'ltES, -selling at I t vv rrU-r (ai nth IV 0 PERRY ,. .1. I tst 1 1 so, Hma. I'llil BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA Select Ipoeirn. New England to Oonfed. nv asiier m. wiiroHr. AtR-"8l'ider to the riy." "Will you conio bact to our Onion I" f.iy the Yankee tu t'onfi d j "A. oncu wo llv'd we'll live again, You've nothing now to dread. You may have jnur ruitnn-iilggen, loo, For aught that wo ihall rare j tint don't forget, denr frl.ndt, I pray. That wo .hall want a .hare." "Will you comeback to our Union IS Hay. tht Yankee, to Cnnfed . "The Northern heart now- warm. )oil The fire, of hate aro dead. 'Tl.lrue wo broke llm covenant That made u. li . thren one ; Ilut let that pass w o'll both forget alannssa. and Hull Run." Will you coino back to our Union t" Hay. the Yankee to Confod j "Wc want your cotton -want your trade, (We'll deal 1111 more in lead I) " 1'lK true with .hot and ihell and lire, We ravaged your fair land j rtut let that pn.wf uuw are one Indissoluble hand." " Will you come hark to our Union 1" Hnyi the ankce tu ('unfed j "The linkn arn soldered tighter Hy tile blood wehnlh have shod. Take the fanatic (.arrison, And Wend"ll Phillip., loo, If only nu that score of trade To us you will proxu true," Faitu ExTKAOnniNAtiY. Iu ZaDef vilk', Ohio, there aro many colored per sona, who livo hy harhuiing and other ngiit woric. iney arc lor tlit most part an orderly and quint people, many ol Ihom religious, having a church of their own, aud an cliony minister, of all of which they aro justly proud, One cold evening, in a time of great revival in the church, thij ebony expounder was deliv ering a powerful appeal on "faith," the groans and so!,3 of his hoarers giving to kunofits cfTccts up-m their imprepsihle natures. The tears stood upon his dark eheek, hi? voice quivered like distant thunder, while he ttnphanizud his word? by vigdrou blmva on 'lie talde. In the miJbt .if ali thi-t, tlu' .-lovo, rgita'td liy his iiri'ir.o; blow.-, rolled ovt r ou the floor. Brother Lew1, a high man in the church, had located himsolf near the comforter of liis chins; ho flood irresolute, when the voice of the mitii.-ter came to him laden with faith ' Pick tip the stove, Bruddcr I.r-wi.s pick tip de stove, do Lord won't let it l uru you " Brother Lewis' mind was filled up with miracleH.of faith he hail heard that evening, -ho ho yielded to the i appeal o! hi? pi raelicr, gnbbed tho hot i stiivti but I'l-oriDud it iiKtantlv. aud turn- iog his nprouclilul eye to thu disciple of j faith, exclaimed, " hill he wm'l!'' In New York soaif of the. Provost Mar- : shals pre IHut; hauled over tho coals lor swindling, daiiibgoi), filso imprisonments, j assault aud battery, The secret his- f j , - . fc brought to l"rJ ol luo ,B "-"b 'uou' ,u liirlit and it iinrioiir.S that nnvbodv Was e r J J drnftt'd wild Was e-Uppostd ablu to pay J al)ri goino who rt-fu?L'd to do to wore not only kicked nud beaten but imprisoned in addition. When tbo secret history of the "powers that wero" iu Pennsylvania comes to be written, il will be found equally ras cally. The war paid tho "loyal " and when it did not legally they made it do so any how, It isuo wondur they wero so anxious to have it go on. C5 Stanton, Butler, and Holt, aro all . npoststes of secession. These three men were tiuy instruments in lasning mo Souihern mind to fury against the aboli tion prooliv. ties of the North, Thev uni ted iu deriding Hip idea of coercion by the Federal Government, and in adula tion alike the principles and tho leaders of tho t'Etreme Southern pa'ty. Couvcrt cd to tho fupport of the Union by the ar guments ol plaoo aud power, they havo since vied with each other in tho ferocious unscrupulousness with whioh they havo compromised the good uaiuo of tho Re publio in their own schemes and to tho servieo of their own passions. . tST Tho radicals, now that thoy ' have 'tackled themselves to tho lungs' of An . . i 1 . .1 . dy Johnson, bcoauso their "blessed nig ger" ain't getting his "rights" as a voter, member of Congress, etc, aro denying that tho Administration is tho Govern ment. Tako notioo, thoreforn, that tho Administration is no longtir tho Govern ment. Getti.no Sanage. Gen. Kilpatrick, Chairman ot tho New Jersey Republican --s Stato Convention, rondo a spocch to that body in which he declared himself in fa vor of hanmiiL' counerhoad editor.. uu - - - n - ti . . politicians. Tho convention immediately aflorwards passed a resolution asking the Prerident to detail Kilpsturick for duty in the Slate during the oanvan Una BUm ...A 1 hil ' ""l COUNTY, PENN'A,, A Damning Record. If over Ihero was a record whioh ehould condemn an Administration to perpetual infamy, it ia the recently published list of our soldiers who perished nt Anderson villo, Tho list of Pennsylvnnians,for ono year only, embraces over seventeen lain- died names! Scvontccn hundred of our best and bravest left to die by inches, without Bbolter,without hope, almost with out food aud why t Simply because the Administration, that base tool, Ihast But lor, refused to exchange prisoners unless the Confederate authorities would ac knowlcdgo tho black soldier to bo the equal of tho white on ; and because the "loyal" friend of the Administration would not permit an exohango, for fear that tho Rebel army, when reinforced hy the exchangad prisoners, would be too strong for our forces then in tho field, and that Ihey, the "loyal" men aforesaid, would b'avn to stand their ohancc in another draft. t is said that when Secretary Stanton was urged to effect an exchange, and thus savo our poo: fellows from starvation, ho replied ''I'll bo d tl if I'll exchange fat, healthy, men for rcletons!'' Wheth er this statement is true or not, it is cer tain that our Government could, at any t.imo during thu last two or throe years of tho war, have relieved our starving men Wo had Hourly twice as many prisoner, as the rebels had, and the fact that our men were left to perish by thousands when they might havo been rescued, cannot be dir-proved. At one time tho prisoners at Atidersouvillc, with the couscnt of the Confederate authorities, sent four of their oomrades to state their grievances to our Government; hut theso men wore Kept in Now York, where they first lauded, tho furloughs permitting them to visit Wash ingtou weto kept from thorn, and hut for tho persistent efforts of tho reporters for the New Yoik pres.-, vho visited tho mon .md had their statement published, the Northern pvoplo would never have known an) thing about the ii arrival. The Gov ernment was willing that thou ands of white men should starvo, if negro equality could be o-tablii-hed by the sacrifice. Yet the Abolitionist?, who aided and abetted Sttntuu, Lincoln, & Oo. in their acts of heartless cruelty, pretend to be the friends of tho foldicis. That any toldier, or any citizen who ever had a relative in a Rebel prison-pen, con endorse the poli cy ol a party which has sacrificed thous "f oiiort. by tho n,o-t terrible of donths, on tho altar of negro equality,is Strang.) indeed. Better to havo moro drafts, more years of war, than to h ivo tuns condemned our bravo boys to a lin gering death by starvation and exposure. To glance over the li t of Pennsylva nians is euough to make ono heart-sick. What then must it be to look over the long list of thousands of names, represent ing every Northern State, in the grand total I Thousands of half.naked.frccziug, 6tarviug men, lying upon the bare ground, under the opon sky, perishing slowly but surely, while tho shoddy -'loyalists" re clined in their easy chair, iu tho fulnoss of plenty! Tho dying soldier turning his dim aud sunken cyos sippealingly north ward, at ho murmurs, l'0h, yo who yet can save us, have yc left us hero to dio ?" whilo the bloated nigger worshippers sip his wine in his gorgoous furnished man-ion and swears that there shall be no exchange until black and whites are declared equal ; and then even at tbatn.int is con- oed.d by the Confederate government, declines an exohango because bo fears that the Rebel army will be too much strengthened hy the prisoners in our hand! What did such men caro for tho soldier" 7 Absolutely nothing They wish- od to u-o thu bayonets and ballots of those in the fields tho poor, dying men they wore dono with ', and could uso them no Inngir; they might perish for aught they cared. No nation oan prosper whilo its rulors havo so rouoh blood and misery to answer for as has tbo Administration of tho Abo litionists. Sbaino unon a Government which would resort to such a moan, cruel, cowardly expedient to kocp out of tho Rebel ranks a few thousands of men, as the starvation of twioo that numhor of our Boldiers, while a million or two of "loyal" men, who had never carried a musket, wore clamoring for "a vigorous proseou tion of tho war and moro shnrao upon tho Amerioan people if they oountauco such notion 1 hcrctoloro ! Democratic Standard, The Demo'oratio Stato Convontiou will convene in tho ball of tho House of Representatives, on Thursday, tho 'Jlth tiny ol Augubl SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1865. A Tragrdy at Fort Wayne, Ind. Two Men Killed by a Returned Soldier. A returned eoldicr,namcd (Jonninghnm, Into of tlio One Hundred nnd Forty-soc-ond Indiana, returned to Fort Wnyno on Saturday last, aid found that his wife, in his absence, had (urnod his poacsable home into :t den of iniquity, and driving a life of shame. The following is what oc curred, in the language of The Scntintl of that oity : Judge of his feelings, when in tho house ho found his wife and two sisters, aud sev eral men nt one o'clock at night. After a few moments nf prompt action ho cleared the house of hi lowed f iiior-in-luw and their dissolute companions, and told bis wife that hereafter he would conduct the house as becomes nn honest cit'zeu. Those who had b"cn in the habit of frequenting the house, knew not tho change, and oou sequiiiitly, on Saturday afternoon, Frank Fisher nnd others went to tho house, but were denied admt'sion. Fiaher insisted on going in, but he was warned by Cun ningham that if he did, be would t-lioot him. It is stated that Fisher supposed C. to boa new ''futioy man," antl turned to to his companions to borrow a revolver to shoot Cm while others say he turned to leave the place. Cunningham fired a re volver at him, the ball striking him in tho back. passed through his body and lodging in the skin in front, inflicting a mortal wound. . Fisher's companions helped him into their carriage and conveyed him to tho residence of Still ie Miller, where, dis. pilo tho character of tho houso, tho unfor tunate young man received the kindest treatment. -Or. Myers was Immediately ient for, and extracted the ball, and alle viated, as far as possible, the sufferings of Fisber,but pronounced tho wound mortal. The young man remained there until elev en o'clock, whun bo was lemovcd home,to the extreme cast end of Jefferson street, where he lingered iu great agony uutil six o'clock yesterday morning, at which time he died, As soon as the news of the killing of Fisher becamn known down town, a num ber of his compai.ions repaired to Cun ningham's house, vowing avenge and threatening to take Cunningham's life. As they approached the door, Cunning ham warned them that ho would kill the first man who entered.bat tho caution was unheeded, and tho door forced open. Ono of the iifsailcd party, named Tim Mur- Murnhv. alteuiDtcd to enter, but was ehot . ''..' . by Uunnmgl am trom me top oi a uigm oi stairs lending to tho second storj ,thc ball strikimr him in the neck and pcuotratinc dowuward, iuBictitig a severs and mortal wound. Cuuuingliam, immediately after shooting, arpcared nt tho second story window, and was fired at by ono of tho outsido party, but escaped unhurt. No further attempt to mu!c3t him was made, and, taking the uufortuuiue Murphy with them, the party left, carrying iMurphy homo, where ho was attended by Dr. My ers, who, as in the ca?o of Fisher, did all in his power for him, hut he was beyond medical aid, and lingered until about six o'clock Sunday morniug, when death re lieved hi in of his piin. Shortly after the last shooting affair occurred, the Sheriff and City .Marshal repaired to the soeiio of the t-agedy, when Cunningham immcdi- ntely gave himself up in their eu'tody,nnd and was by them taken to jail, where ho now remains awaiting an examination Fisher was raised iu this place, and until within the last yoar nnd a half was a lino young man and boro an excellent reputa tion, but in an evil hour he associated with the vicious, and his course was down. ward, aud he led a career of infamy. Their fearful cntl should servo ns a warn ing to our young men who are last travel ing tho road to ruin and wreichednets. Thirst Worse than IIunoer. That dirturbanco of the general system known as the raving thirst, is far more terriblo than that of starvation, and for this roa son , during abstiuenuo from food, the or ganism can still live upon its own substance ; but during tho abstinence trom j liquid the organism has no such sourco of supply within itself. Men havo besn known to onduro absoluto privation of food for some wcokf, but three days of absolute pi ivasion of driuk, (unless in a moist atmosphere,) is perhaps, the limit ofenduranoo. Thirst is the most ntrooi oui torture over invented. It is that which most offoctually tames animals. Mr Astley, tho famous (British) circus mana ger, when ho had a rcfactury horse, al ways used thiist as tho effective power of ooercon, giving a litllo water for every act of obedicuce. EKterminating the Negro. Sickness Mid disease seems determined to assist in mikitig Kentucky free ns soon possible. They go from camp to camp, marking out their victims ns Ihoy go along leaving death to follow and "gather them in." Freedom is doing its work well iu our midst. With a deceitful emilc upon itsgastly countenance, with honeyed words upon its polutcd lips, it goes about as if it wero a thing unknown and unr-ecn, critic ing the poor, ignorant negro away from h'u humblo but happy home from n mas ter that is good nnd kind to him who watches over him when lie is ill, fends him, gives hiui a homo for his wife nnd children provides for them at all times. The neyro is more io bo pitied than blam ed. Freedom is establishing graveyards to hide its work in all ovr the State, and, when his work is done, then lot vickucss, disease, freedom and death shout aloud 'Free Kcutueky I" Wo understand that during the past twelve months there have been about twelve hundred deaths among the negroes at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, a!onc ono hundrod victims per month ' At that rate how long will it tako to make Kentucky a frco State ! And sickness and disease are not idle in our midst'. There are some small, dirty looking shan ties in this city where there aro no less than twenty (and some more) cram med into them. During the hot weather the stench that bursts from tho doors and windows smells woreo than a wood-pock-er's nest. Can any one suppose that health nnd happiness can find their way into such a hole as this? And, in most inntancos, all these shanties are filled with women nod children who havo uo means of support in the world. Who is to take care of them ? Is it freedom ? No ! Freedom has done its work in putting them in the fix they arc in. Freedom don't Agree to take care of them, he signs the contract with the United States. Louiiville JJemoaiit. GexekaTj Hunter's Treatment on Soldiers The Doylcstown (Pa,) Don oeril, whose editor served in tho army during the war, in noticing a caco ot ill treatment to soldiors, by tho Abolition General Hunter, tho presiding officer at the military trial at Washington, says : ''This is not tho only instance of tho brutality and insolcncu of General Hun ter. On his retreat from Lynchburg, last yuar, a wounded sergeant of cavalry, who had walked a long distance, overtook a I U'S n'8S? w"u lW0 rsurJ' uuu aa""u u,m to ic-ntt liim one to riac to onmp. no re- fu( al), tho Prgp,in, took ,ho rein9 of ol,0i am Rt ,0wn on tho road eido not having riden tho horso a loot I lie no- gro roportod to Hunter tbnta soldier had Molcu one of tho horses, when he and his staff rodo to tho spot where the soldier I Llill ..l lr..iilm- in Itta liriilnlirr.Arflf rert I a member ol his staff to whip the soldier, securely to her hoops, and started on her which he did, in his mean suhservity, until homeward journey. Arriving at the Cus erreat welts wero raised on Ins body. . torn Houso, tho officer found noihinrt ouu- That night the negro was shot. General limner nas not yet oeC,i ui.uu u a. i uu , but will be when tbosUrs are of his shoul ders. Tho soldier who was crually out raged, lives but a few miles form herc.and himself and friends know how to obtain tatisfaction for a great wrong. Friendship For the SoLDiEit.-The Republican majority of tho Connecticut Legislature have tabled a bill which pro posed to givo a small bounty to soldiers who wnnt into tho armv two years auo. Tbcsu Republican demagogues hive plan- ty of honied words for tho roldicrs, but "Jl,8a"' j 110 nuove is in Keeping witu inu uuu duct of the leaders of that party in nil parts of the country. Now that the war is over, and tho services of our brave sol diers are no longer needed, thcy(are ''mus tered out," aud, though compliraontod for their bravery aud fidelity, iu Jt'o iwhioli cost nothing, they will be 1 eft to shift for themselves, whilo tbo stay-at-home paiii ots will accuro to themselves a monopoly of all tho honors aud offices in the gift of tho government. Now that the soldiers huve returned, to minglo again with thoir fellow citizens, and can road Democratic newspapors without tear of insult aud punHimont, they will be lucoly to find out who their truo friends aro, and how utter ly hypocritical nnd hollow aro all the windy professions of regard for them which have beon made by the Black Re publicans. EST As a preventative against the noc turnal ravages of thoso blood-thir.ty -var minos,' mosquitoes, our Belzebob sugges ted that it might not he a bad iden for the aflicted to get printod on their night gowns "Stick no bills hero." Suffering humanity will plonso make n noto of this, and at tho samo time bear in mind the are prepared to do the printinn; VOLUME 20. "i-juuKun A Bit of War Romance. In tho year 1601, wben tho first call for troops wore made, James Hrndiiek, a younji man ofcightocn, renr-lvcd to Unvo his father's toof, in Wiscon9in,and go forth to battle for tl o flag. At the time men tioncd he was attached to a younp jrirl of nearly thu samo age as hiraj(.lf,whose par ents wrre rated among tho "rich onV in that section of country. lLr n-. "ie wm Ellen Goodridgc. Previous to leavirfor tho seat of war he infermcd her of his in tentions, promising to return in a few mouthe. After tho first bnttlo of Bull a bin regiment was ordered to tViuhinqtou, and recrtving lieutunant'a commission, Ilecdricl: resolved to enter the service for three yeitra, nnd wroto to his par'iii'i anfl sweetheart tc that cUVi The newtr wis received by the girl with forebotJinp, and she resolved to aocompan'y him. 3'ieira mediately acquainted her parents w' i her resolv-!, who, iu reply, turred her from thu house and bade he ncvor ccmo b.ick. She '.vent, and fiudiug out her lover's regiment, obtained permission t'o' !.o tho cooking at tho colonel's headquarter. Sho followed tho regiment through tbo battles of (.ettyshiig, Antietara, V ii ericksburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and Ridbruond, and in the intervening time went out wit'i y arj Ilcndrick in many skirmishes) a 1 ra.ua, in one of whioh she wa3 wound ' l in tho arm, the ball making a very bud flesh wound. After Lee surrendered, tho ob ject of her choic.'' was taken dee ''ly etc':, and wa? rorvarded in an nn' -'wco to Washington, where he won placed in tho hospital. Here, ar-r.io. hor noble heart showed itself. She wa'-.h'd over him, bathed his feverpd brow, read fo him, wrote hone letter for him, and on Thurs day last, with s broken heart, cl":ed his iu death. Tbo duv before an Episcopsl minister joinid tho marriage he djir? with n painful diseiiro and sho noarly ernzed with the thought that, after four long years of suffering, ho for for whom she had given up home, frieuds,evoryth!i doar on earth, p-od for whom sbsr had braved every danger, had gono to another world. Tho poor girl passed uji on tho Hudson Rivor Railroad, on Thursday for her homo in tho the far West, not knowing or caring what sort of a reception awaited her thore. J'oughkeepsie Eagle. Br An amusing story is told of a lady wiio tried to Bmuggk a cloak aoross tho Canada border. She gavc tho clorkcc'L er particular directions to fix the alrrm apparatus so it would strike the minutobo knew she would arrive the at the Custom House. The lady fastened the timepica trabaud among her effects, and was pas.-. . . ncwtravCler.whon a loud wh'r.r-' was heard under thu lady s skitt. Tho etrango noise was kept up foe a full min tits; but to tho lady it seemed an hour, and she becaroi tremulous nnd excited The Custom Houso officer not daring to lay hands on a woman, "savo in tlio way of kindness," obtained an iron rtfd, with which ho felt around the crinolinfe for tho concealed clock, and finally fuofieded in """fime t-owu. J Ea'1If. p, -tivBTtiD FxiTor Free- Dom. Tho hirtory ot th-world ean no where bo opened, with'l n-'iticg with the annals of the doclino nnd fall of freo dour. The rummary is shun. Liberty bicoairi: licentiousness, and bursts tho bounds of constitutional lnw- Factions rage aud war against each otlmr. The war of lactiens is snceecdid by a confis cating and sanguinary anarchy. Anarchy is superceded by tyranny, A baluiy fel'ow, braggiug tho oth er day that he could c..rry u brrol of pork without difficulty, was suddenly put to his trumps when tolu tt it hu was fre quently seen stagjjt-riug uudsr a load of less than 175 puun L ofcorrttU meut! An ccorutrio pi.; (i.-r, in hi a nd drc&s '.o h:;. poiign-gi'ion, lately obaervca that ' thero is an 0"iili chance for a tlrun.. on man to inheii' the kiugdom of beavj.", as tliero is for a pig tu ili nib up nn ap ple troc and sing like a nijjbtiiigsiB." Joo Hooker thinks Sodwiok, Howard Stonoman, At. rill, tc ireru disobedient and iiioorapetciit oflWrs, and by thoir mir-conduei be oh tattle of Chancel lorriHe. Joe i entitled to his opinion, we but ih ''nut piu ij hav CI1 mudc a (rita oi- 1 '1 'or Rai, I'llil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers