2ES COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT 9 AND BL00M8BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, I LEVI L. TATE, EDITOJR. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TORCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS : 32 50 IN ADVANCE, VOL. ID. NO. 24. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1865. VOLUME 29. t WMOnuiiimTWif BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Baltimore, Aid. ESTABLISHED as a REFUGE FROM QUACKERY. The Only Place ivhcre a Cwc can be ob tained. Dr. JohnBon Las discovered ibo most Certain, Speedy, mid onlv EflVrliial Itrmcdv In the World fnr Weakness or llio Hack or Limbs, Strictures AfTeclluiis rr Ifio Kitliwyn mid l.laddcr, Involuntary Discharges, I in put c n r j , Ctni-ml Debility, Nervous lies'! I'Vf p i'slii, I .ii u fj 1 1 r r . Low !-plrlts, l.'olifiifloii of Ideas, Palpitation of llio Henri, Timidity, "I ri milling, lliintirtis .if fit tit or Chilliness, Ulreuse of llio Held. 'I html. Nose, nr I'nwils lliuto Terrible Disorders f r I f f ii cr 1 1 f ii l Silltary HuMIs of Vi.iilh-secret mid rclltnry prnctlics n ore filial In tbtlr lcilnis than tliu long nf t-jritis to tin- Mariners nf Ul)scs, blighting tlirir inoit brilliant hopes it anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, Impossible. YOUNG MEN Rspctlntly, wlin have become the vlrllins of Solitary Vlri', that dreadful mid destructive hnliit which nnnu. filly swerrs tor.n iintitiii'ly grtivo thts-t-antls of on lit; mi ll uftlU'l iiici-t exalted talents mid luilllaiit I uti-llurt. who lulfilit ntheiwlsc have rnlrniiu-d listening Sen ii'i H Willi ihe thunders of f lo'-uonic, or wiikrtl to t e stacy Ihc living lyre, tn.iy call Willi full coiilldcncc. AIARRAIGU. Married persons, or young men rontritipl.il iiif niar Huge, being aware of physical weakness, organic do hility, deformitle., speedily rurwil. Hi; who places himself miller llio care of Or J. tuny n'liglously ci.nlMc in Ilia honor as u gentleman, and cmitldeiitly rely upon his skill lis a physician;. OKRANIO WEAKNESS in mediately Cured and full vigor restored, 1 his dlslrcssng ntfectlon-wliii.il renders life nils cralile mid marriage impossible Is the penalty pal by Itic vKtiim of improper indulgences Young per sons are loo apt tn commit excesses from not being ownre of the dreadful cnuse'iui'tiri-s that may ensue. Now, who that titiilcrslnud the subject will pretend to I any that the power of piocre nllon Is lo.t sooner by those falling Into liiipropi'r habits than by the pru dc tit I Hi'iiiltH h i n i; deprived ol the pleasure ol heal toy offspring, the inoi-t serious and dcslrticlhc syiup Inns ot both body and mind arise. 'I'll u- System tin. comes it-ranged, the physiinl and incntnl fumtions Wennrneil, I.osh of I'rocrentlve power, Nervous Jrri lability, D) spopiin, i'.ilpitatloil of tin Heart, In.-liges tlon, ('OM-lllnlicii'.-.l )!,( I ity, n Wasting ol tile I'rame Cough. Coni-URipllnn. Decay an 1 Heath. lilt. JOHNSTON, Member of the Itnytil Crdlr-rq.nl Sargrnm, London, llrailn-tte Item oioi of the inn-.t rmlnenl Colleges In the United Mutes, and the greater pait of whine life lias been mi'iit In I e liosuitnl of luudon, Paris. Phila delphia, and rt-rw here, has tiliTted some ol the inorl iirtnnl Ii 1 1 st nir. s that wneever kiion; many Iron bled with ringing In the head mid tars uhen asleef, e.rc.it nervoii-ni'ss, being alarmed at sudden suiindt Im-iil'iitm-sb with fie-pii-nt blushing, attendttt some, linns u ltd diraiivmciil of niin.l, etc cured niimcui at, ly. TKi: I'Anrirm.Aii noticis- Dr J. .tdilre-ses all those who have injured them sehes by iniprnpi'r iud'tlgruio and snlitni-y habits, wlin h mill hutH body and mind, unfitting tin in for tuber biisinr.s, Minly, s'Hity, or marriage. I'hie are soin.l of lh 1 i.id anil nielaiHhrd'y efl'ect proilut.ed by eaily ii.ilitts of oiVIi, vi.- tv'iakncssof tlb' llai k and l.lmbs, I'.ilns In the Mend, llliiiness ol H14I1I, l.or of Mn-ritl.ir 'owei, I'atpltation of the Heart Dv pep?! 1. NerVmn Irratalnlity, lli'rangenient ol the lllgct-livo run, tmiH, tteiieral Debility, tymp tollM of t'lilisillliptinll, fcc. imi.i.v I he fearlnl ellVrts 011 the mind ate much to be tjreadtd. I,oi.-s nf mcniorv, Cmifiision of IiIioh, llrnii s.-ii.li nl r-pirits, K il I'lebo lings, Aversion to Hoi ii ty. Self Jt'atrusl, l.ovo oT Ho itude, 'l'niiidity,&c are some of the evl.e pindiirnl. '1 lion sands of poreons of all ages ran now judge tviinl is the c.iiisi! of Iheir ilutlinlnj henllh, losing their ngir. iK-eoimiig wonk. pale, nervous and en aci.ili.il, tuviiig Miieiilni iippMr'inie almut the ejes, cuajh mid itiptoiiiH of t'onsii illation. YOUNC; tMEN Mho Iiiim: injured tin nwlvcs by a curiam pun lire In oulgeil in when alone, s li.ibillru'iueiitly le.inied Iroiii .'vil couipaniniis or at boui. the elki ts of w hiih are iniihily fill evn wln o asli eii. anil, if not fiirt'd roil- krs inarriiige iiiipnxible and deslro) both mind mid boily, sliniiiit .ifipty iiuiie'iliately, l b it ,1 int Hi. 11 a young umii. Hie licpe of our conn try. tin piiue ol Ins iari-iils. should be Mian lied from nil pripe, ts and eiijoyiui-iils ot til., by the inline, qiience of de. I ill in1.' Irom ih" path cf naliiie ami m lul; ( 111 iiiinaiu suret liabii. tfmh persuiin luitst, .bUat 'nut. inplntlll .mahriaoe, icflcit that a sound niiinl and body are Hi- iuol iiecoi. s-try re.ini.ile. i.i iioiooie Louiiuliial happiness In deed, wiiho.it thine (lie Journey Ihriuijh lite lieeonies aweary iiIl'Miu.i,'': , the prorpiLl hourly darkens to 'Ihe view, Hie iminl beeoiin-s sli idowed with despair ml filled w ith Hie mel.iiii holly r. Ili-ittou that the li.ip piuesK of number becnine-, blighted with our ouil. Officr, 7 Soulk hctciick Street, 'lell-lianil side pi'iiig I'roai li.iltituure street, 11 few door Iroui the LoniLr, fail not to ubjervu iiamu and 11 inn r-7- V,i l,.ii,rs received on ess nnstivii.l and roll n iii iii li a -t.iuin to be used 011 the 11 lily, Icrsom writing should state ago mid send portion of advertise mint desiiiliiug symplonis The I'octor's Dlplomo hangs in hii ollitc. Endorsement of the 1'ress. The many thousands Hired at this establishment within the lin-l twenty year', and the jnumeroiis 1111- rortaut Surgical operations pennron-n, ny nr. 1 -onus ton, witnened by Ihe ri porters nfTlio riun and many other tioper. notlres ol wliuh ba to aiipeared again niul again h lorn the public, besides his -.landing list gentleman of 1 11.1r.11 tt r and rerpousibility, isaeulli cu nt guaranty In the allliiled. Sldn f)i saxes tipctdUy Cured. April t!J I8H5. - ly UP D E GRAFF '3 EYE AM) liAK lAl'l.HH Alt Y, (On the H'pinre, Tliree Doors from t-lccle's Hotel VVILKESBARRE, PA. fpiIlS lNSl'UTION is now opened and 1. fiirnislied In til" most ro-llv style, licteptiuii, Vrivnteiiiid Oiiernliog Itoouis are large, convenient mid -ell adiipli d. The tjurgicnl apartment contains the "' Suest inllei lion of ii St. il'iirnts ill this country, and thus his Ik III ll cs will enauiu iiiuito ineci any .uniiiii pnicrgcucies in practice He will operate upon all the various forms of III, IN'DNIS, Cataract, Uccluon of tits rupil. Cross r.yes, Closure of the To tr Uiicla. In Tersiuii of the. llyi lids, I'teryaluui, &c, tic. And w ill rcat nil forms oft-'ore. I'.)e lir.inuled I.ids. Opacetlus -of Hie Corimi, and Bciotulous iliM-a-.es of the llye to ccthur with all the diseases to which tlta l'.jo is sub. 3C DIJAl'NU-irf Will treat all Urn diseasea coiinaon 1 to the organ. Discharges from tho Car, Noises 111 the bar Catarrh, difficulty ofliearing.tolal Dejfness even where tlio Drum is delrfced. Will iuserl an ailihcljl one answrrlng nearly all the purposes of ihu natural, DlHHAHHrt 01' Till: TllltOAT. All diseases com tnon tn the Throat mid Note will bn treated CKIMKUAI. HUIUJIJRV.-Ilo will operate upon Club iiuir i.tn. i.'iHft l'ldliiie. Tumors. Cancers, biilar. M ii.. L oif,u,i ..Kiimtiotia bv liealihg new Ousli Into deformed parts, mid Oeueral Surgery or whatever character It may present. ... , , IIUKNIA (or ItUI'TUItli.)- He will perform "Lab us operalion for the rwdiru! (coniplcts) cure of Hernia, nils is uuiuesiioiiuniy a perieci cine, inn, ." Ilttlo or no pain. Oiitofmany liurdred operated upouiii tlnsloiitheru has heeu no fallurei.it bavins met the ticrfeit approbation of all ubnh-ivo siiliniilted In It Airril'lCAb HYIlri. Wllllnseit arlillclal byes giv ing llicni the mutton and expression of tho natural. They are iuscrlrd with tho least pain, HUMUItllllOIDt', (Piles,) This Iroiiblosomo disease Is readily tilted. Tlioso sintering from it will do tvel" feo call. , Dr. Up DeUratrvi.lts Willios-llarro with a view of Ik. .11. II,... .-, nnrniniiiMit I li hi 1 1 lltn for llio treatment Of Wie Eve. Uarand (iencral Hurgery. Tin) expetienco of more than a ipi.irlcr ofu centuty in Hospital and geuer si practice, he hopes, will ben siilllcieul guarantee to tlio.o who may uu disposed lu employ liim, May II, letil If. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. nW. undersigned rs spectrully lurorins his old friend X and rustniucrs. that hu lias punli-ired his brothers iteiesl in the above I'slnblihliiueiu, and thu concern Mils iercafler bo conducted by himself exclusively. , He has Just received and oilers for sale, the lam OOesl and inosl exteusivn ncsnrlmenl of t'AN'CV STO V I'.tt ever Inl rodlli ed Hlli) this market. -21 1 1 is slot k consists of ,i complete assortment of ke best i ooning nnu pariur stoves iiiiuomaiKei, logeiu. with Stove r'ixtutes of every .lescripllon, Oven and .x stloveu. ltadlHtors. ttvlhidar Ktoves. Cast Iron Air -light stoves, Cmiuoti Stoves, fce Vc, Htovpplpu and mnware roiiMauiiy on iiauu una niauuiaciureii 10 orucr. Mb kinds of repaiiing done i iteunl, on idiott notice. The pattonage r f old fiiehda and new ci'rtniiiirs le Sktlfully solicited A HLl'lili'l'- florin bins Nuvmibei 3d Ic'tO. II. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. " Our ConstlltitlonEiiard it ever I Our glorious Unionhold It dear ! Our starry ring forBakc It never! The proud Oaticasslanour only peer! EDITI'D BY LI'.V I.. TATE, TROPniETOR, BLOOMSBURG : Saturday Morning-Aug 12,1005. Freedom. Ocneral 'J'lionipson linn or dered tbitt tho IIou, Emerson 1'Mioridgobc held at Columbup, Ky., until further or dcra. niul not bo allowed to convarsc on politioal n flairs on pain of cloao confine ment, IIu i3 now nudor guard. Baltimore Sun. Where arc the advocates of freo speech ? Whcro i.-s Qrcfloy now; when men aro itn prisoned in tho South, for exercising "freo speech. Wbnt boautiful homilios wo used to get from OrcelcVi Boeuhcr it Uo,. only ten years ago, if soma yttukeo school-master or prospecting clergyman, of the abolition por.Mi.ision, happened to bo gobbled up for violating sotno btutc laws or caught affilia ting with slaves, and lauded in a prisou. How changed tho tiiwM ; iio,not the times but Greeley, Needier Co, Air. Etheridgo is not a Yankee-school master who has couo south, to insult its inhabitants with his Abolition negro equal it v harrnnnucd, and lo ruu oil' slaves to "atiada, but an old Tenncsscau ex-mom her of (Jongro-s, nnu has saul or uono nothing but Trhat any gmlleinan could have done or said, auywbero in the coun try, whilo governed hy tho Democracy. L'tcc speceh for those who wish to frater nic.o with iho negro, but imprisonment or hauisliiiiQnt, for those who dissent. O ! o hypocrites ; how can you os capo the damnation of Hell. SiHf Since tho ad vent of the Republican parly in power, it has bci'.omo tho habit of public officer to do their privato traveling and pleasuring at tho people's espense. Ship-", railroad ears, tind everything ncc-t'jf-ary for the purpose aro appropriated by the public servants with the most unblush ing i ffr o nt cry. The two Scwards and fimily etntted for Capo May in ouo of tho Government revonuo cutters. Socretary M'Uullough and family took a trip down the 1'iitiimac in a Government vessel,aud, followiug,fuit President Johnson and fam ily a'so took a run to Chtsapcako Bay. Mu-. Suuratts Fate. It scorns that five of the military judgoB who sentenced Airs. Snrratt, signed a papor asking for a commutation of her scuteuce to life im prisonment ; and that all tho other mem bers of the court, though declining to bign the document, were in favor of the clem ency for which it appealed. President Johnson, who seems to bo sensitive on ihe score ol puhlio opinion in connection with lii-i treatment of the par ties whose ciimo elevated him to his pro ssijL position, declined to mitigate tho se verity of tho sentence, although recent revelations had rendered it uioro than pro bnble that the woitiau was sentenced on tho fctrength of perjured testimony. ' Col. Raker, Stanton's chief dog having been arrested for false imprison tuent, bribery aud corruption generally now turns round ami says tliat no never made any of tho arrests for which hois indicted, except on Ihe cxprrss ordur of of Air. Lincoln. ThiH.i not tho firat in stance in which rogues have charged their crimes to the dead. Ci2f- Since Aluy 1st over sixty thousand of our "oolorcd brethren" havu orosicd tho Ohio IJiver, bouud for ''do land ob promisoin do Norf." Piirbaps many or them are going lo voto for J. Dolson Oox, tho Oberliu candidate. How aro you, Snowball t Z5J Tho owner of tho house in which Mr. Linculn died, complains that tho vis itors to tho expiring President stole his tumblers, silver spoons, and uthor articles of value, This is tho party of '-great morel ideas." They lioliovo that "godli ness ii great gain" by a most singular interpretation of tho Scriptures. asy A thioving Treasury clerk has been arrested. IIo only gobbled up about 10(3,000 worth of coupons taken from C-1,000 bonds. Altogether accidental wo mean tho discovery. 8" Win. B. Thomas has been reap, pointed Colleutcr of Gustouiu at Philadelphia. Select Jpoetnn from Iho Ilclleroitla Watchman, "Jcsua Wept-" or i. w. ruitET, Beside the gr.ivo whoro latitat slept The Savior veiled hlsf.tco n'td wept; His human heart, overcharged with grief, tn hum-in tears found sad relief. Oh I sight tiko that, nor heaven nor earth, Had wltnca-oil since Creation's hi nil : Nor will, In all tho futuiu years. Again behold a Dod in tears I And "Josus wept I" no words oxpress Ho much of holy tenderness I Tito Author ol Iteilniptloii's Plan Iloro bowed his head and wept for man I Tho wond'rliig Jews looked on with awo, Astonished at lha grinf tiny saw : ".3co how Ho loved llliu,-' whlsporod thoy, As Jesus viewed tho pulscloss clay, 0. trcmbllng sinner tilled with fear, 1, n t tlioso words thy courage cheer. An ) though in sin yo Idii' havu s lept, Remember still that "JcsiK wopt," Tor us, as well as Ii.it trus dead, IIu bond, in gtief, His mighty head i I'or sinners, such as you and me, Ilehold Him in Ootluoinano I And later still, on Calvary's mount, Wo sec linn open the healing fount To cleanse from sin the guilty r.ico Tor whom, in loirs, IIu veiled his face, "Ilehold, IIo loved us I" this is why The H.ivior rami on c.trlti tn diet And this is why that Jesus wept llcsidc the grave where l.:i.irm slept. And wo, for whom lie mut his doom. And lit our pathway through the tomb , Shall wo then heodless Jew more vile, Forget hislovo and scorn His smile I Shall wo forget the crimson tide That flowed from out his'wnmdcd side I Or yet hear not the nng tlsli',1 cry Tint rends his soul "FJeit FM I" All, not sobase a deed as this WouH rob a god of heavenly bliss. Would from the cottli all joy expel, And send an augel down to hell 1 Nay, rather far, on bended knee, With contrite heart and suppliant plea, We'll bless His merry, crave his love. And hopo to inert llim up Above! OT-sriT-Y7T----,--i-aa'-i--rt3Tiiw ir.tfnr-ni Letter from Grn. McOlcllan. Tho anniversary of oar National Iiitlo- pandenco was duly celebrated at Geneva by tho American travellers among the lps. Among the letters from invited guests was tho following, which was re ceived with the greatest interest i Hotel Buyox, Lake Gencva, Tuesday, July 1, 1 805. JIy I)ca .b'tV : I havo received your very poiito invitation, on oenaii ot tne citizens of the United States of America, who aro iu Geneva, to Airs. AlcClellan and myself to join them at dinner to-day. I regret that it will not bo in our power to do ourselves the pleasure of meeting with you in the celebration of this most intt'restin-; auuiversary of the mcst sacred day in American calender. Although I cannot meet sou in person I hopo that you will permit me to eiaprcss tho intensojoy and pride with which, in common with all Anicricaus,! look upon the recent glorious successes ot our gallant armies under Grant ami Sherman, As thoio victories have Gually crushed tho aimed opposition to the General Gov ernmcnt, and havo brought back the wholo of the national domain under tho folds of our flag, I trust that this anniversary of the nation's birthday will bo the opeuiDg of a now era in our history when broth crly lovo will once again prevail between the people of the once contending sections when all the cauies of the late war shall havo di.-appcarcd when the idea of so cession shall bo regarded as a thing en til cly of tho past never again to bo re vi veil , and during which wo shall becomo a stronger, more unitsil anil inoro pros perous nation than ever before. I must tiuccroly unito with you in tho feelings of sorrow and indignation which have boon so universally expressed for tho cowardly murder which deprived thu country of its chief Magistrate, aud in the desiro lo ailbrd tho mo-it loyal support to his successor. 1 trust, too, that you will unito with mo in the hope that, sinco wo have completely vindicated our uational strength and military honor by tho ontire defeat aud rum ol our late enemies, our ncoolo will nursuo a rnacnaniinous and M merciful course towaml a lallcn loe ono that will tend to soften tho bitter feeling ing inevitably caused by a bug and oar nest war,and to rostorc the couudencoand kind fceliuK that could exist between thoso who owe allegiauco to tho same gov eminent and bolong to tha samo pcoplo Begging that you will couvey to tho comuuttcu,and to tho gentlomcn thoy rep resent, my sinoero thanks for their very courteous invitation, I am, my dear elr vory truly and respectfully yours, GEO. B. AlcOLELLAN. Iffi- An editor out Wost haa married uirl named Church; ho says ho lias on inyod more happiness sinoo ho joined the Ur .1 i i, i.! i.r. ..P.... Uliui'i-ti man ue ovcruip in nu me uotuio 11a will loci happier etill about -'church jug Mia?. 0Mi1IUtIATKI. To the Editor of Co. Democrat. A fow thought! in relation to certain articles of misrepresentation published in tho Hqmblican is called for from thoso who tho slander is aimed at, a profligato spendthrift or inobriato, who has wasted his susbtanco ii sure to attempt to fasten the blamo or oausa of his wretchedness on some one elso. Just so Mr. Editor with thoso loj(d eight, who, in rt libellous ar ticle, publish to community that tho Bloomsburg Editors and Lawyers wore tho oaujo of tho arrest and punishment of 41 citizons of Columbia and Luzerne co's. last summer. When theso loyal eight, togothor with othors who wore ashamed or afraid to sign their names, know in their very hearts, thoy wcro guilty of our incarceration, it is true, thoy wero only oats paws in the hands of a fow designing men, as ttio sequel will Uevclope. A cer tain porson who was so sure of presiding over this Judicial District a few years since, stated that ho was responsible for bringing tho soldiors in this county, but when asked by an officer what the pcoplo up tho Crock were guilty of, whcro the Farts, cannon, &o., were located, refcred them to his dupes up the crock, then it was that a few disappointed office seekers thought it would bo a good time to break up tho Democratic party in Columbia co Ono who took an active part in this in famous business is out in an article eigncd Stiles, a fellow who is not likely to bo dangerous politioally, judging from tho run lie made fur Sheriff of Columbia co, but thcro is ono insinuation cannot be tol crated with impunity, let tho source- be over so insicnifioant, viz : when he inakos quotation in regard to liueal desoen da tits of Tories, and then says, "this must mean himself, as all my antecedents pro fessod to bo Democrats." A man who will publicly slander the living is certain- Iv bad ennuah, but ho who vihGcs tho dead, especially his own ancestry, should bo held up to tho scorn and derision of all men. Richard Stiles virtually says that his grandfather, who fought in tho seven years struggle, to obtain that liberty he now enjoys, was a Tory 1 for, he was a Democrat all his long and eventful life. What think you Democrats of this worthy sire of such a slanderous insinuation : Were- it not for the physical disability of tho author of it, some of the offspring of that revered ancestors, would hardly an swer such falsehood with the pen. This disappointed office-seeker feels sore, and now endeavors to vilifiy his relations as a revenge. Wo told him plainly when ho oamo down among us, beggiog our votes for relation and poverty sake, that in poli tics we had no relations, that in all other respects we had no uukindncss toward him, and even now wo pity him in his physical misery, but his wilful misrepre sontations wo will not tolerate. He stated with toars in his eyes in a speech before tho soldiers at Benton, that now ho could express himself frocly without being per secuted, when ho knows all tho persecu lion bo ever received from the Dcmocratio party was his overwhelming defeat when a candidate for Sheriff, and they will per sccuto in liko manner all renegades and trai'ors, to their party when thoy turn tor tho sako of office. In rcferenco to tho man who drovo tho -'inatoh blaoks," tho faots arc as follows : His houso was sur rounded tho nijit the arrests wcromado, he being at Troy putting in a subititue. When ho returned went to the Ex-Sheriff. knowiog ho was in tho ring, and offered to pay him liberally for his day and lurnish a team to go lo tho commanding officer anil seo that ho would not bo disturbed. IIo said ho would go the next day and tako a friend with him aud it would bo all right. Uo reported to a certain manwhon he returned that thcro was so much against him tiiat ho could do nothing, when it ap. peared ho cither bad no influence or work ed against him, as tho man with tho "blacks" received a notico from tho com manding officer shortly after, that ho would not bo disturbed. Wero the man with tho "hlaek.V' as ready to retaliate ho might be called upon to settle somo pa pers with his nnmo attached. These things wo would not rofor to woro ho not so per sonal. But to return to tho losser lights, ono of thoso brother's-in-law ho speaks of. Had tho Commission believed tho hard swearing ho dono against his brother, hu would probably havo been ptrmittsd to oooupy tho old homestead. His story was so irrelevant that bo was etoppod twioo by tho Commission which as tho council said eoomed to throw a wet blanket over him, and his physiogoiuy presented all kinds of contortions. There were oiher3 brought to-si-M.H- i -il - -"I?' j"- rta s then to givo evidenco whoso characters wero so outlandish, both at homo and abroad, that thoy wcro summarily dispons od with, Tho facts in regard to tho assist ance of Dcraooratio neighbors whilst ho, Stiles, was In tho army aro about as first itatod,that his wile did tell ono of thorn that sbo asked aid from Republicans and was refused, that tho Father of tho boy who waited on him in tho Hospital, did work for hor but novor received a cont, thus re turning good for evil. Tho uppor end of tho county has been annoyed by tho in troduction of fanatical notions by certain Doctors of Divinity; for instanco a resolu tion was offered iu Conference by ono of these immaculate Divines, that thouso of tobacco should be dispensed with by tho church and bo as his followers. Others introduced ido.ts that a vegetable idea was most condusivc to health, would not touch coffee and wautcd Legislation on what wo should cat aud drink, but thoy aro abondoninp; tlioso superstitious ideas, and now eat meat, drink coffee, smoke ci gars and aro generally sociable. If thoy can abandon negro on the brain as easily wo may soon look for political peaco and propority. lunally, wo do not ask thoso toyalcigil to plead our cause. Wo know where tho responsibility rests and when tho proper time comes for legal rcdross, wo will then bo prepared to show whom wo do blame, and will not go sneaking about nights in disguiso to do so, but acoording to law in open day-light. Wo now say to all thoso who were instrumental in having us ar rested and who rejoiced as wo wcro forced regardless of law, from our homes, that the outrage inflicted upon us was not so humiliating as tho idea that our system of Government had passod into hands where legal redress for the time being was beyond our reach ; if in retrospection of tho whole transaction you can find anything upon which you can feed your poor revengeful, contracted, envious souls, wo pitty you. Wo have nothing to regret of being firm to principle which has looked up thou sands during tho past reign of terror and lawlessness besides tbo forty-four above alluded to. ONE 01- THE rOUTY-FOUK. A Tiial by Jury. Extract from the speech of Hon. Chas. J. Biddlo dolivored at Ilarrisburg, at tho Democratic Celebration on tho 4th inst. Wo regret that our spaco will not permit us to publish the wholo of this ablo, elo quent and patriotic Address. Wo can only, however, give our readers tho fol lowing brief cxtracts,and wc call attention to the Bound principles so boldly and for cibly set forth by tho honorable speaker. "Ono of tho great charges which tho Declaration of Independence brought against G'uorgo 111, was, "ho has affeoted to render the military independent of and superior to tho civil power," This pre tension revised in our days, and reaching even to tho total suppression of tho civil power, in all it3 relations to oivil liberty, it tho great political hercsay that has pre vailed at tho North, as secession at tho South, Bath deservo tho signal condem nation of tho people. Tho absolute sway exercised by officials in tho Northern States was.in nearly ovcry instance, their usolcs3,wanton,irration usurpation of funct ions that tho Constitution and the laws havo wisely vested in tho civil tribunals of out coun'ry. Do not charge it upon Congress ; no oct of Congress over author ized a military court to try a citizen not conucctcd with the military service. Ev ery act passed duiing this war; oarelully tent all suoh oases to tho civil courts. Even the consoript act provided that thoso aocu6cd of roisting it, if arrested by tho military, should bo "forthwith delivered over to the civil authorities," for trial Yet here, iu Pennsylvania, citizens accused of ilii-i mrv act. waro. in oncn contempt of tho law, imprisoned in tho guard houso at Camp Curtain, tried and eentencod by 'military oommis3ion'' Do not chargo on the military power tho baso acti dono in its nanic. Tho military power of our country has its spheres, and it has filled itgrandly; it neods no triumph over tho oivil institution;) of our country. Tho gal Imit soldiers of tho war aro soiled witu no complicity in the acts of petty despotism dono by Secretaries of War politioiaus in oivil office, You men of Ilarrisburg havo seou tho guard house of tho neighboring camp tcuantod, not by disorderly soldiers or rebel prisoners, but, by editors, and farmers and nion in every walk of life robbed of their civil r'ghU,and subjected to tho ''lynoh law" that is administered by military commissions For all this thcro could bo urged no pica ol "military uo coaaity," uvH as may lcava acomninuder in tho field of war no limit but hi) own will in tho exci'tion of his own power. Tho plea of "military neoossity" oould not, with truth or donconoy, bo urged in Pennsylvania, vrhero no oivil aourt was closed by armed rebellion, nor tho duo course of law, obitruoted,- oavo by those who mado that pica tho pretext for their acts. These acts woro done from no "no ccssity," civil or military. They wore prompted by that bad prinoiplo in human nature which the laws and constitutions of freo governments aro moant to' curb Shakespeare doscribos it when ho says : 'Man proud man Drost in a Ilttlo prlcf.i ithorlty l'lays such fantastic tricks heforo high heaven As Makes tin angels weep." Your highest intcresta and the interests of your children domand that thoso acts shall not pass uucondcuincd, to bo treated horcaftcr as preccdants. Tho highest du ty, now, of tho people of thin common wealth is to vindicate tho majesty of tho law. To vindicato if at tho ballot-box and in tho courts of justico so that never again upon tbo soil of Pennsylvania, her citi zens shall bo wantonly stripped of tho rights that ara thoir birth-right by titles older than tho Constitution, older than tho Declaration of Independence The Plague of Locusts. SINGULAR SCENUS IN JATPA. A letter dated at Jaffa (Palostino,) June 20, describes a visitation of loousts as follows : ''In the month of April last wo obscrv cd two largo, dark clowds, resembling smoko, moviDgto and fro as if 6wayed by the wind. Ono morning theso olowds came down, and proved to bo loousts, so great in number that the whole land was covered with them. Tho grain at that time was full in car and nearly ripe, but the locusts did not touch it or any other vegetable. Soon after, howovor, it was observed that thoy burricd themselves in tho soil and there deposited their inumer able eggs. Tho Arabs and peasants saw tho approaching tnisohief, and went thro' tho land in thousands digging for theso eggs ; thoy succeeded to a certain degree, and destroyed incredible numbers with water and fire, but all their efforts had very little effect - About tho middle of may small blaok creatures, at a distance resembling largo ants, were observed accumulating in largo heaps throughout tho country, and a few days after they had been thus soon, they began to leap, and manifested tho coming calamity and invasion of tho fearful army, as described so emphatically in Jool ii. The pcoplo now began to swocp them to gether aud bury or burn thorn in ditchoa dug tor tno purpose, iiut all to little or no effect, and as they grow a little larger tho extent of their multitude began to bo seen, and the coining catastrophe could not be mistaken. The roads were cov ered with them, all marching in regular line, liko armies of toldiers, with their lea ders in front, and all the opposition of man to arrest their progress was in vain. Thoy first consumed tho plantations around Rainloh, Lydda aud all the smal ler villages near thorn, and then entered tbo towns and villages consumed tho vit- uals, &o., in the market and streets, by degrees forcing themselves into tho housos and covering the walls outsido as well as inside. It seems that everything wln'di is moit-tencd by thoir sliva is poisoned, for tho cattle that feed on the remnants which aro left all die. I mysolf saw fifty oxen dead in tho village of Delta, Daggon and Zaffarish that had fed on tho romuant of durrah (Indian ooru) left by tho locusts, and tho night heforo twenty more died from the samo cause. About two weeks ago thoy wero scon to bo a fearful extent all arouad Jaffa, but still without wings. The town for several days appoared forsaken, all shops wero shut, all business suspended. Almost all tho inhabitants had gone out to destroy and drive away the invading army ; they mado tremendous ditchoa and buried and burnod countless myriads, but, as before, all in vain, for the moro thiy dostroyed the moro socmcd to ariso from hiding places, and as thoy grow in sizo o they scorned to grow in multitude and toward Iho cast from here thoy covered tho ground for miles and miles to a height a several inches, Another letter of a later dato says, that i'They aro in nowiso decreasing ; rath er tho opposite. Every nativo inhabitant has been ordered by government to bring fi(tuct) pound weight of locusts daily, and thoso who do not aro fined XI otorliog caoh time." THE ETERNAL DAY. 4 Death to a good man '13 but tho dawn- ng of an eternal day. Not till thon doo-i ho onter upon roal life a lifo unclogg'cd by corruption. Then is ho "clothed up on," and ascends to be with Christ,whioh is far better, Then farewell oarth, fare- woll toil, and pain', and tears, and death: Ho gocB to join tho immortal company who sing and shiao in the proscnoo of God forevor. "Anil though the hills of death' May hide Ihe bright arruy, The marshalled brotherhood of souls Stlllkocps Its upward way ; Upward I forever upward I 1 seo their march" sublime, And hear tho glorious music Of tho conquerors of time." No doubt, no darkuoss, no fears 1 Tho two leaved gates of eternity aro gontly opening beforo him, and tho light of that brighter world is pouring forth upon tho soono of his departure. Seo tho dying Alozart, as he stands up on tha hither shoro of tho river of death, looks back upon the toils of tho past, and forward to the joys of the immortal future. How appropriato his ' cygaoau song," tho last ho heard on earth : "Spirit, thy labor is o'er I Thy term of probation is run. Thy steps are now bound for tho untrodden shotc And the raco of immortals begun. "Spirit, how bright Is the huinc For which thou art now on the wing I Thy homo it will bo with thy Saviour and God, Their loudhallclujihs to sing." Ill that ''better country" there will bo no moro hunger or thirst, no oold or hoat, no weariness or sickucs, no pain, decay, or death forevor I There tho wioked eoaso from troubling, and there tho weary aro at rest. Tho lamb that is in tho midst of the throne shall lead ui to fountains of living waters, and God shall wipo away all tears from our eyes ! Reader, does your bosom glow with this glorious hopo of joys immortal boyondtho grave ! II so, of what aocount aro our oaithly trials, disappointments, and suffer ings ? Aro thoy worthy to bo compared with tho glory to bo revealed ? Should wo not rather bless God for ovcry pang wo feel, knowing that our light ufilietioa whioh is but lor a moment worketb, for us a far moro exceeding and eternal weight of glory ? "Then, O my soul, despond no more, , The storms of lifo will soon be o'er. And I shall dud the peaceful shore Of everlasting tett I Oh, happy day I Oh, Joyful hour I When freed from earth my soul shall tower, lleyoud the reach of Santan's power. To be forever blast," Suoh prospect that opens before tho Chris tian as ho passes tho gates of death. No wonder he often shouts," Victory, victory through tho blood of tho lamb !" Then welcome, death ! Welcotno, thu tomb and tho bright world boyoud ! Welcomo, yo angels immortal ! Wel come, ye blissful hosts, onco of earth, and heirs of sorrow, pain, and death, but now forsver freo 1 Welcome, my long lost kin dred await my ooming 1 Welcomo, thou gates of day, thou city of my God I Wel come, -thrieo welcomo, thou glorious lib dcemcr, thou tho infinito Godhead 1 All hail, Immortality All hail, Eternal LirE! Matlison on the Immortalili nf tin Soul. The Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Robbery of the U. S. Treasury. Whittlcsoy,tho olerk.in tho loan branch of the Treasury Office, has been arrested for tho robbory of 8300,000 .worth of bonJj Tho bonds stolen wcro not signed nor sealed ; tho coupon wors, however, com plete, and these could be nagotiatod. Somo of thoso wcro paid by tho Assistant Trcasbrer of Philadelphia, and somo by tha Trcasuror in New York. IIo was LOYAL ! Life of Lincoln. Wo seo that several Democrat'o papers are advertising tho -'Life of Lincoln," ex pecting to get a copy for their pains. vVc thought Democratic editors had seen enough of the lifo of Liuooln during the last four years to satisfy them. - c - - - Gone. One of the murderers of Mr. Surralt Jo. Holt, has gone to tho White Alountaius, to rcoupcratohiu health Ex charge. Yes, and if Jo, don't repent of bis orimc, tho next place hc'l go to will bo tho devil. United States AlAnsiiAti1 Colonol P. C. Ellmakcr has been appointed by tho President United Staies Marshal for tho Eastorn District of Pennsylvania, in placo of Marshal Millward. to? Bravo men aro and cwards intolerant always gcuorouH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers