COLUM DEMOCRA it AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER; Levi l tate, editor OL. IS. IVO. 49. " "TO HOLD AND THIM THE TOItOII OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EAItTII." TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE.' VOLUME 28. "The l.rliigli v Is BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1865. A, . als. and limuied by Mr. Duvoy. '''"Hml n" ni . . UoIIckp lor Aurlcutlure. at 1 a Allc I - ur.icliireill.yl.IHIti:iU)r"'f town. Lehigh County IVim-vlva"!"' , nm now All or tin- Mnnntli. Hlu" ' ."'" will flu, speedily dud certainly cured. Ilcnllhy i 'T,',, be brought Into the very l,lBl.ri.t f .E ' una nun or two a week. p B.'.L,.. . .1 to hard workliiB hnrsrs. breeding VolVun Ir nl linr" "V,"' ,.,iV Cattle Powder jS warranted lo be, the most power ful njent for the tom. I; I, niul blond of Cuttle. 8wlne,r hccp, in pro niltliiK dlcestlnn.clcaiU' it.,, stein and trait. ?n,n H"i' 1,1 I"'1'' f'! ' ,Vl k biitti't niulttreniith lIllKkbll.lilns health ""nuvov's nortec fa Mi'LlM'OVVUr.U Is the only iuc.llclnc. l-P1y ""......l In I'runrC, UllK I I , Vwltwr'niKl and I land. a'l 'Y1' if"!!'"' n , . Select JJoctrg. ( tended to go into hor father's room. She received a surly affirmation t lie wasn't a -- . : J going to run all risk and Icivo'tho tin be- To Go, or Not to Go. j hind. Slio proposed itistuntly that she The following parody wbioh wo find in wou'(l go herself, saying ; a rebel journal, is one of the most untner. ! w'" hritig 'ou whatever you wish, eiful satires of the kind wo havo seen lor anu" ou miiy guard mo ihitbcr, and kill many a day. Many ''exempt" on (his '"e if I plj lalac to you." side of the lino will tostily to both its' The fellow consulted his comrades, and poetry and truth. The fellow who wrote ' acr a f'lort parley they agreed to the it should be furnished with a life exemp- P'posal ; and with a pistol pointed at her tion I'roui military service : To ro or not tn jo. tint U Ilia question ; Whether It pays beat lo suffer pestering Ily lule elrls 1 ml garrulous old women, Or lo lake up arms against a bust of Yankees, And by nppnajng g.t kil id-to die. to sleep, (Oltei.ut) and in I lilt. sleep to nay "we sink To rest by nil our country's wishes blest," And lire forever (that's a consummation, Just what I'm after.) To march, lo light To light I Perchance tn die ; aye. there the rub' I'nr Uliitf. Iii. nul., ..I...M (.. ........ .,P M-... Fo confident I the Inventor of I he success 01 hi. laborious studies. In the pnthnlnsica! coinpo,. , ""- ...." ..u. .,, ,. ., B,uull0 tl in nrthis prcpuntinii.ibfil lie furiiisi.ei- ...... .. n.. 1 nere uic re-pc uated pliyii i.111, wllh a written preBiriptiou..i " "l" ira In m ueria lucnlir.i. , .... THIiUNIo.N UO tfll. ItA'l, VK'IJ AM AM 1a 'IMMI t I V IT. IK Is a powder the sure ixli'rliiiiiallon 1 f nil Vermin will npvnr c innzp III nif mill iiimau1 It.., ... disejses. as well at Hie nnru-ynril " , ',,1,1-, "J null m-iri tt'Mii 11 nnK Llil "I'P 114 1) t Jlt 1 111 1 ti trit.ii 1 I pirnctiiallvoiereoiiie nil the nlittaclef ttlilcli '""" I rrevi'nt the cspel ling 01 wor ure p" l,s"nl, ? . ami also bim of Dir. mo.l ugrerable piirgntivi for' children head, the dauntless girl crossed this pas sago and enteied the old recmr's room. Very gently she stole across the chamber High Prices Complaints of the Reasons for not Enlisting. I Letter From Gen. McClellan. Ckocket's Las.t Davy Orookot eayi PeoPle- 'Signa," of the Boston Trauscriptayi : , At the celebration of tho anniversary of in ,lis lif "o oneo weut d huntiDg,and af. For the a.i two or three years all The following reasons for not going (0 the the battle of New Orleans, by the Koy-! tor bunting (or three or four hours, ho clasfes of people havo been loud in their war are believed to bo authentic : stono Club, of Philadelphia, the following como to ' conclusion that tho gamo wafl complaints about the exorbitant rato they I. I was brought'up by kind parents to letter from General McClellan was read t scarce, so to pare nway time, to uso his aro compelled to pay for everything they , do nothing, and have done it for thirty Oranqc, New Jersey, Deo. 20, 1805. ( owu cxprossion,no ptil up a mark against consume, lu most instances these com-Weirs, and cannot think of chaneinc mv ' Gentlemkn : I have received with . a treo aD(J commenced to lire target, when vocation. I therefore pray thco have me pleasure your very polito invitation to he had fired all ) but one load, a deer exouscd. . J unito with the Koytone Club, on tho oo-' came hounding immediately in the front II. I havo a hereditary horror of strife. ' oasioo of the coloration of the anniver-, f Davy who sprang right in pursuit of My grandfather ran away at tho battle of sary of the battlo of New Orleans. uiue 'OMowea it up until he oauio lo a deep plaints aro excusable, and again they aro not. Editors and publisher, of all other men, have good grounds for complaint, for the price asked and received lor wliito (.a per is positively beyond endurance. This is owing, not o much to an advacne in the price of tags and chemicals used in and ni'iih pri-f rable to the old I'liOfphori'iis I'nsli-. which n.' mis In a knrl time, making i un.-tlih f. I "tref CIiii.h and pariii ulars si-p tho mimll bills intli" b"''- t" IM" hundred ami thirtr'-' veii nn minuis nut p be 11 awarded lo these citlibri.Kd pr parations. "P 1,1 Oftuher a 1, Ir-nr. , IIotai.A llovin. arelhn whidisale Agent' liiimi a. i'..r "hm by nil ri f pen able Drug and counirj stores Xovenilu r l!!, Iclil --l.'m. 2a ym& j3J!li2 (DiJ'JD CATAWBA B.iANDY, AM) SIMItKLING MT.11VB HIVES. r.n,'in,1 in iluallty and Ch 'nper in I'rire tl'nn tin limn- . I.'s ami Wines 01 til llld Wo. Id For Piiinun r rouiplajnt. I'Iio'iti Inf' iiiiohii, lloucl Uoiuplaiiil I'rnmp. Colic, ami lliar h.'od 1. ' A sure Cure is guarantied, or tt.r. 1,. e) refunded, In support of III1' above slatuKnt., are pre. poled tho' erlili nlci 01 I Ir Jus. II. (.'uilioii, 1 In' u.i pt New York j llr llir.iin I'ox, Chi'iniial Iinp.ctor. nliin; lr. Jnine-It Ni.hols, f.'li it ll'inon; lloctor N' ',. Jones. I'liPiiiieal In.pertnr. ItcIpviIIp (lino; l'r.f 1;. T. Jllfkson, I'liemut. U-ilon j llr ('his. rphaui tflo i" nr I. rlinrleiton. s (' :amlJ.V '.. 1 latiey. nnd (!. A, Mnrim'r.i'.Mnuiiins fbieagn. n i of w.iou. BD( tJ0 ,R-(,r 0f fUi control under cir- b.ive ao.ilv 'd tlo1 I'.it'iwba Itrnri.'y, and commend it In tiu bun 'st t niK. for m-i:i iinii cuiu-iaueu's ol imtiiiiiunt per. I. which seem' 1 . .1... 1 ...............if. i..t a ' Jl ''CU!fi I 'fir tH"btV'iniiet .10 iiiuo rfio and removing hi 4 purse, watch, keys and tho manufacture of paper, as to combina desk, sbe gave tliem up to tho robbers, tion. Paper manufacturer! have formed who stood at the door. The old man thcmselvos into a league, and thus regulate slept calmly and peaceably thus guarded tho paper market themselves. Tho duty by his child, who safely shut tho door.and j upon foroign papcr is so- foolishly high as demanded if the robbers were yet satisfi- t0 make it prohibitory ,and not a pound nr et' rivoa bore. This fact gives our own man The leader replied that they should be 1 ufaclurcrs the monopoly, and thoy can wnen tliey got the bIiow ot plato spread a8k aud receive just what they please. out below, aud that they couldn't let her j Thoy have made iinmcneo fortunes in two out of sight, and that she must go with or three years, aud editors and publishers them In compliance with thia mandate havo bi'uomo ooor I ti about the same ratio obe followed them down stnirs to tho din- So much for our own business ; now for a uer room," whero a splendid wedding few words about other men'a affdira. bad been lain to save trouble aud -i tio place to hear men and women com- j uurry on tne morrow, lo Uer surprise, plain loud and long about prices, is in our the fellows eight in number, when as- town market. "What's the price of but embled Heated themselves and prepared ter f ask, one. "Fifty cent8,"is the re to make a good meal. They ordered her ', piyi ''uc devil you 8ar,"i's the response to jet them o n wine, and to cut her own of the would be buvcr. as he hurrijs on llU't CBlillll SliCiril Wu(1(li"SC:,kQf"rlhein, and then seated o ask the same question of I'uother but " - ll't at the hcid of the table sho was compolled 1 tar man, who gives him tho same answer. I have for them that makes life su eel ; lor who would bear ihe bag to mill, Plow llobMn. cut the Ileal, dig taters, Kill liogV nod do nil sorts of drudgery, If I am fool enough to get a Yankee llulh't on the brain! Who'd cry for mc ? Would patriotism pay my debK, when dead I Hut oh! the dread of something after ih nlli ; That undlfcovercd fel ow who'd couil Mary, And do my liuggln tint's agony, And makes ine want to sl.iyat home, '.-'penally a" I ain't load with nobn ly .'li.'lls ami bullets makes cowards of us all, And bljiu'd my skin if smirllu' steed And pomp and circuui'lance of war, Are lo b compared mlh feather bed. And .Mary by my side. OXCMPT. Brandywinc. If he had then and there Certainly there is no association with i crcck.whero ho saw the deer drinking un- that colebration ; hut tho courso I have marked out for myself, renders it necos sary for rac to beg that you will aeocpt of ih tre0 lLat hung over tho water, my apology for failing to be with you I will vcntuio to express my gratiGca tion'at tho gallant manner in which tho THE HEROINE OF TYNDON. A M1DMOIIT ADV KNTL'liE rem ale ofn 11 possess prejenco of mind, urcs and voices of the whole set to preside at this extraordinary revel. : jj jg evidently in a bad bumor. "How They ate. drank, laughed and joked ; muoh lor eggs ?'' inquires a lady who had and Adelaide, quick of ear and eye had half M1ado up ber raiud ,0 pIeM0 hcr lms ti.ue to study, in her duiet way the fi b d bv racinB i,:. tai.'e wilh a nice ss O U pound-cake. ''Pifty cents,"is the response d tho 1 jj!63 m0)hoiv dear" and away she goes, paied hnpjpg t0 gCt ijCr egg, n tr i Qc oheaper.but 1 1 1 1 n 1 . . ....... . -. . ... . . - . I 1 1 1 ( I L lllll!ll'll L'l I.III.II II II Lll I IT. i UU IICTVUIII1 -v i. . . , , M , b V . t . . ti .'ti -. . i n u V. ; . . . , r. . I.. .l W I. . n fnn ... Im tfZf .'''. lbT ,U il113 aUO luHvU, UUQ IUU ICU10 WUIIIOII Wh'nernpor.iiedthrongiieie.iii hm n iHi ft no el tin- eijdurinice of a delicate org.ttiiz ttion. ing lit the young lady. For the first time Everything in our market appears dear i'tr,'.oL'hnV"r"' Th' 1. n'lrhVrsl'-H't.V im " lirumiVlt"- Hero is o siiiking intaiio of Mcll-com- Adelaid' s courage gave way, aud she chickens' per pair from 75 cents to SI : a lady whose mu-t have trembled ; but it was not a eonr-ultatlm tarkeys from Si 50 .0 82 50 cucb 5 cab- lV,l";;b'i,urt7n:',!'.;;r,o,,"' ?!"riuZ Icvn mMy excited, and W,.S0 Wo of her, M h proved. The Uader up. b c ao tQ 23 a bl,a(I ,lna at tha( . . I . . I. . I. 4 .......... I .oinU - - . Ill ..til . I . .1 I . ' ' ::.noV,rr.h,;o:;:;,; aniucnw had never before given pn.aeueu uer, ioiu nr mac mey am not plC8 from 8S 25 to 83 per bushel; beef. ;i:7,Vnr,"!ii,M.;.!i. "v nay .-cverer tut thai. U iuci- wi h lo harm her-that she w..s a jolly pork. tnutlon, auagoi, &o , about three Jin ilir s w, f IrU.l. dent to th vi x ttioni ol domeptio circs. weneu, reguiato gaiuo ana mat tney or four lime a high as formerly. These PHAhTv -m,'.!; w'uf'tu .'ou,!o"lo,r.,od Wo copy the. ,uU" nture, way wmildirt htrt Her. but she uiuit war not ani(,,H8 are 0 product oj tlie farm and a va;.. of explanation, thai the lady was the u'nc or ten tne nvxt ,'ew HOrda h, b,ha,' of our afiri.-nliurrl ' re.ims w uu r.g pur '. !;.. . ,if , .,; ; , . aav. wnen tuev sn jU U DO P3I0 Kli.'httv iuere is. rd nimmni ( in.' incii.l" on ho b il n n or ili-pi-mip To this. was delcrunn d by 1'irion Willi lormer i 1. 1. ,.,,. .,'H,,,,, .,,,,1 Un 1111 rlin of COUriC she Was ObllllCU to USSeUt, and ....ii..i .. ,.r .11.,..' 111..1 nil- or.uifiv w"M..v. . , " i- pruh'Ce'l In the Mllll prop's II . UIO-l ol til' llll potted Ural.nv U' -"iifolly. A. A. IIAVI.S. rl-,t.. A-.ner in lloyle-lou M. .Munufattur. d only bv II. II JAl'Oil & O. fTo whom n'l "rd''r suou no'ir' s-.o 1 I. pot. !l l.lbell) St.. ,orrmlier ". Iri. 1. -am. , New York LAB B3 FANCY . a r John fakeika.s olii ijtaiu.ih ITU M AMJKACTOHV, No 7 IB Aieh ot ,alio-.e 7lh P?- 1 III I. A I) K.I. P II I A 1 11V'' r"m In M c "'J'""'" '"'- fonallonatol Mnnufi'iun'.oneol ine i.n..... i ...... ino.l li:Al.liri-.''l' t""M Fancy Furs, 1 .oi.v.i 1'. tit hlM'.VS WI'.AU in th.' city. mWliwer'.'reunns. lU ..t nr-vs, t. ' eve of mai ri.tgo. The wedding day was to be on tho mor row of that of which our ailmonturc hap pcucd. Giand preparations were made for the wedding; and the rector's fine old thoy all insisted on shaking hands ith h r. Sho noticed, during this parVny; cereninny,that .one of the ruflins had only three lingers on the left hand. Alone, and in a despoiled room, Abe laidc faint and exhausted, waited the tirst friiuds may scorn called for. Nolwitlutaudiug everything raised on the farm appears, and indeed ivory dear, in comparison wilh former prions, it nevertheless a fact that farmers, in their charges, couie nearer the mark of justice than any other class of men. Fifty cents plate, and the eo.-tlv j-il'is of the bride was geam l' daylight, then as the robbers did a pouud for butter, and the same for a t ii 1 t 1 ..1 uueusaru mm jiir. , u ..i 0t return, she stolo up to Iter rooui.uo Hare and lloundajn the presence of eomo dressed, and fell iolo a disturbed plumber, strangers who Ir.d come down to a prize Tf. consternation of the family tho n-xt ne'g'iborliiHid. That night, Add lido, who had oecu dozen egg", sounds liko cxtorlion,but then we uiU'.t remember that we pay the farmer ras aud not money for his products. Pay him in money gold or silver aud he will sell at very uear the Barae prices he received three or four years ago. We will ever prnvo by word and dood their loyalty and devotion to our country, and that, when tho duo courso of time begins on tho next great political contest, they will render to whoever may then bo bon 01 cd with the proud position of tho standard-bearer of tho party, tho same honor able and zealous rupport that has filled my heart with pride and gratitude that can never be effaced. With my sineero prayers for your pros perity, and the hope that the celebration may be in every respect a most pleasant one, I am, gentlemen, very respectfully yours, GKO. B. Mc I.KIiLAN. been killed my father would not have bid whom I could more gladly participate in in Ihe cypress swamp at tho battle of New Orleans. My mother always cautioned mc to be careful how I meddled with edgo tools. I cannot go. HI. I am rather delicate ; most havo a fire in my chamber; couldn't live in a tent; must have my mulled wine at ten ; besides, what should I do for lobster salad nnd broiled oysters ? Pray havo mo excused. IV. When I was poor I could not re strain my patriotism ; but somehow or oth er it has not troubled mo much of lato. This war lias lasted long enough. I have married a rich wife. I cannot go. V. Talk not to mo about ycur decorum est pro pat'ici mori. I've no notion of it. I want none ol your dukes and decorums My maxim .is, dttm vivimus vivimus. I bought a couple oftrottors last week cost mc 52,000. Guess I tbau't go while the sleighing lasts. VI. I canuot deny it, iLw nmcll of buaol gunpowder octsjike a cathartic on my stom ach and bowels. Have me excused immediately. VII. My heart in with our ffillant tro.ips, No tonguo can tell how I long to join tho Army. But, when I refer to the subject my poor wife goes into h) sterins. "Dearest Eleezer," she cries "have you tho heart to leave your own, your dearest Jeruiha Matilda Aone I" and over she goos, tossing up her arms, aud kicking out her legs, liko all possessed. It is irrcstis tible. I give it up. I cannot go. VIII, I have no time for it. Tho very few hours I can spare from eating, drink ing, smoking, and sleeping, I givo to the fine arts. War is not ono of these. I would be excused. IX. I should go, were it not for my ro ligious scruples on the subject of war. Often, as I have been sitting all alone, in my distillery, something within has told ine that war was wrong probably the workings of tho spirit I cannot go. X.l have consulted the spirit of old Mrs Pitcher, of Lyon, aud am assured that, if I went, I should certainly run away and dor a large tree. Davy was about to firo his remaining load, wheu.a largo flook of wiM turkeys happened lo alight on a limb Drawing back his gun and resting it on tho groundjhc thought ho would try a lit tle, strategy, creeping onjhis hands and Keystono Club bore its part in tho recent jfcct uulil ho came to a deep ravino, hero contest. I am cop fident that its mombors he came to ono of them wiso conclusion)!, Of course chapter to which he had directed her at tention, and since had paeked up her jew 718 ARCH Street, abovw 7th., south side, els, kc. Sho wa, cons-quotitly, still PHIL VDEI.PUIA. dre-sed when the church clock tolled mid- "-"'-''IohT'SiVa, b-t. t ........ no rnriuer. other More in Philadelphia! Bcp. IU, iftu-i,- mi. I. t. IV R. N E w nor coiiu.iiioii uuh any 1, s. movik 1 light, winch ha.! place in tue nioruiut! tnay be imagined ; aud Aduliude's ptory was still more astounding that tho fact of the robbery itself. Polic were pied a separate room from her sister, sat soul lor from L n-ion. aud they .guitkd by must reoolllect that this trash that tho uplatu, long after all the household had Adelaide s lu.-nl .e.-ciiption of her mid- Lincoln administration issues aud calls retired to rest. She had a long interview rnyht guests, actually rucoeedud in captur- money, is at a discount'of almost if not vuih hcr father, and hud been reading a ing every one of the gang, whom tho l"'c lil'tv-five per cmt. A dollar note young-huly had uo difficulty in identity ing I on'y worth some -.5 eeuts. inn is aud swearing to the 'three lingered J.ick the money wo nso now and when the being the guide to iho discovery. The farmer takes it to the store he gets about stolen property was ueaily all 'recovered, as many goods for S4 or S5 as ho former aud 1 uu old rector always doclaied and ly got tor SI. Again, the farmer labors with truth that he owed his life to the ' under peculiar disadvantages just now. self pos-ession aud judgment of his daugh- ' Everything he uses is up lo an ex .rbitant night. As it ceased ho thought she heard - a low noise like ihat of a file ; she listen- :d, hut could dietiuguisb nothing clearly. G Si TO It L,J U might have heeu made by somo of tho ter. YA'IIOI W1V1 AND Hl'iTAlL seiv.iuts, still al.out, or pcrUsf it,w asouiy Tho only ill effect of tho great trial to '-- ... . , r.i. . 1 1. 1 ... tne ereaKitig 01 tue 0111 ims. cui;umiu nor nerves, was a uipoition on inn pari ; fTMIH under"! 1 publk gpne ., , would inform their friends and the rallj.lhat they have taken the stand for- , inerlv occupied by li M. n' t' ""'""' . nu.lding. on 51'.iu -trecl, in lilooiusourr, " Just rcteiveu a full supply f JUru, M dicints, Paints 4UI, WhlLh will b told 0.1 moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTION" generally, of every variety, sort ami "'physicians' prescriptions ran fully compounded, at .NiXcUo.ol.'y''irie.. selecliuns. arnica Wrlr Asharo of .he public e..t.n is re.peuf.illy .o-'"I"-''1' f; Villi Sl MOYJ'lt. IHnnnisbiirg. Apri1 II. I?n1. OYSTERS ! AT!M8 AMD DBINKJNS SALOON. Tllli subscriber respectfully gives no lle, to the public Unit h" has at h l Main slreet, lllooni.burg, constantly on hand. FRESH OYSTEKS. Sillier in .be all Bl.l. o, by .he r A V '" '"' Fa - an b by tho ca 1 r r )n ISS Aand'lnVXWv mm . U Dtoonisburg. Nov. 2.1, Wi. figure, and its next to impossible to obtain help, Nearly all the able-bodied whita ur u are in the army, and the thousands be shot in my back settlements, I can ot go. XI. My mind is in a very unsettled state. Upon every confederate success I am all for secoision ; and upon every Union vic tory I am for cru.-hing ihe rebellion at' once. If the war w.m over, I think I might be tempted lo voluotrer ; but 1 can- ; not as matters are at present. When I read the little telegrams as they aro brought in at tho insurance office, if tho 1 tidings are in favor of Jeff I find myself, almost unconciouMy, nodding and wink 1 A Heminiscuxce. How the lXews of Peaicwas Received in 1810. Yars ogo the office of th'i old Gazette was in Hano ver square, Boston, near tho corner of Pearl bireet. It was a placo of resort for news and conversation, especially in the evening. The evening of February 15, 18I5,was cold, and at a lato hour only Alderman Sebra aud another gentleman were left with father Lang, the genius of the place. The office was about being closed, when a pilot rushed in, and stood for a moment so entirely exhausted as to be unable to speak. 'Ho has great news!" exclaimed Mr' Lang. Presently the pilot, gasping for brca'b, whi-pered intelligibly "Peace 1 Pcaco !" The gentlemen lost their breath ns fast as tho pilot gained his- Directly the pilot was able to say "An Knglish sloop.ii below, with news of a treaty of peace 1" They say that Mr. Ling exclaimed in greater words than ever he used before and all hands rushed into Hanover square exclaiming "Peace! Peace" The windows flew up for families llf cd tbcro then. No sooner wero the. in mates sure of tho sweet sound of peaco, than the windows begun to glow with ol which Urockct was noled for ivliich was, "if bo fired at tho tu'rkoy's ho would of course sker thejdeer, aud if he fired at tuo deer he would "skcr," the turkcys,"a3 he only had one load left ho would resort to said strategy. Taking out a pocket knife, ho split tho ball in half and ram mod down one ball, and then broke off the blade of his knifo and rammed that also down, in tho centre of his rifle bar rcl, and then forced the other, part of tho ball home, ono half of tho ball now being on ono sido of the bls'do and the other, he (David) brought his rifle to an aim at tbe deer, and then as quiok as a flash of gross ed lightening he drew off andjfirod at tho turkey's which split the limb on wbioh the turkeys had been roosting. He hail now done what ho wanted to do, ono half of his bullet lodged in thu brain of the deer, which killed him as dead as a door nail, and the ethor half ball split tho limb on which the turkeys had been standing, which wont together as soon, as th ball had traversed the limb, and caught the turkeys by llicfect. Davy then climbed tho trco and cut the limb off, which fell into tho creek, going in tho creek for to drag the limb on shoro, he thought he was get ting heavy in his legs all at onco, pulling off his boots he recoiled with terror,for out of his boots rolled fish lo tho amount of five bushels. brilliant illuminations. The" cry of Peace! Death in Prison' Mr. Edward Burke, a native of Cdirib'ra county, dicd-iu prison at Fort Mifflin, on the 25th day of Do cember last, at the ago of seventy-two years' Ho had been in prison for about two months, but for what crime, or under what chargos, neither himself nor his fam ily over knew. He was kidnapped and taken away as many others have been, without notice and without a knowledge of the cause. It would indeed be strango if a man of that age, who bad been a lift jlong patriot, aud whose property and fain I ily and interests were all, here, could I commit a crime worthy of death. But his life was sought, no doubt, by personal, as peace 1 sprc id through tho city at the top i . .i:,:. i l " b , J, . ' 1 well as political enemies, and pnvata of all voices. .o on .toopca e. q . ro ; d A about "free trade and sailors rights - ; f . r,nrnmn. u. I .( t . I fj mw VSV'IU WVU sjlTUWlw i,0,OT7M "Ul "u";:" , as, if the facts had all been known, tho al honor had been preserved 1 he mat. , mnt wou,d blVfl u ' ters bv which the politicians had irrilatod . ... . r. mg significantly at Major Fiddler, who goes for secesbion ; aud if tho news is un-. , . . 1 , , , . ,. . i in the premises. It is said that bo was favorable to the rebellion, my hand seems ' ' u , ou uu "7 . ' , ' "vcn the consolation of religion in of its own accord to uraso that of Deacon v ' , his last illness noting but the winter winds formally f th0 young heroine to listen for midnight j of "frecd,at!,J" whn "a Joafing in the inmates afterward, llouso bieai:ers were souuds aud start uneasily from troubled i country art i uot wimu u .ug. mere myths in primitivo Tyudou, and tho dreallis. bul tim0 and ohangc ol air soon bride licet, without a nuglo tuouglit ol bruugilt restored health . fear, resumed bar occupation, She was I - cazui" on a clittcrins set of diamonds.dos. ! No Pbacb. Sen ator Wado lin, d lo he worn at the weddiug, when her ! thus expressod the gener al bed door sol'tly opened. She turned,look i ' National Foundry. BI.O0.MSBUG,C0LUMBIACO.,PA. ri llUmbscribpr, proprietor 'f tho nuoy,1a'"':'j,.fvx' J tensive C6tahli.hinent, is now prepared lo receive w " All Kinds of Machinery, 0 1 i'iV1 "i" i vacHi tie and practical workmen, war Ja!.u".n'.:i"cdv!n?"o,.argcit contract, cu the ,a'i0,"a0in'1o?al Und, will be taken In excl.a..9 for ( O "f hi. e.tabli.hmcn. 1. loca.ed ..ear the Uckaw.n na UloomsburgUallroad "Tm niLLMUYUIl. llUoiasiurg, Hcpl. IS. I6M, cd up, and bchelu a man Willi a macu mask, hoi ing a pistol in his baud, stand ing before ber. She did not scream, for hcr first thought was of her father, who elept in the next room, and to whom any suddoii alarm might bo death, for he was old, feeble, and Buffeiing from heart complaint. Sho con fronted the robber boldly, aud addressing hiin iu a whisper : "You aro come,"ebc said, to rob'us. Spare your soul the awful guilt of murder. My father hi cops next to my room, aud to bo startled from his sleep would kill him. Make no noise I beg of you," Tho fellow was tistonisbed and cowed. Wo won't make no naise," ho replied suddenly, "if you give us everything qui- "y.p Adeloide drew baok anil let mm taue her jewels not without a pang, for they were prcoious love gifts, remarking at the timo that there wero two other masked ruffiians at the door. As ho took tho jewel of Ohio sentiment of his portion of the Republican party iu tho Scnato lait week : 'You can have no peaoe as long as that relation (Slavery) exists in tho "United States; and, as God is my judge, J hope you wilt have no peace till you nbolish it, I auk for no peace until slavery is extinct in these United States. Wo hear men sometimes talk al.out tho object for which this war is prosecuted. They higgle over the idea was to defend the United States against th aggression of the South. That was a fact, it was, in its commencement, a strictly defensive war ; bul war was com menced, aud thank God, I think sec thul it cannot end Until that which gave use to it shall have ended ; and 1 hope il will not. lfil continue thirty years, and bankritjitv the tvholr nation I hope to God there will be no pctce until we can say there is not a slave tn this land, "I say again, 1 ask no peace until that is done, 1 am glad of tho stubborncss which tho South bold out. I hope they will hold out in their blindness until they provoke us to do that which tho occasion demands, without wbioh being douo you casa and watoh from the tabic, and o I ought to havo no pcaoe, and you'oan hayo manded hcr purse, she nsncu mm u uu m.inopeacc." Blunt, and and "tho Lord be thanked" j slips out of my mouth before I know what I am saying. I must bo excused. I our war was over, .an oiu uu urouu- , ..,., , r m way attracted by the noise to his door, 1 . , . . J . , i .rn t .il his sons aro now in the army, and wero was seen to pull down a plaoard, 'To Let,' ,., i ii i . i vr. I lighting for the flag and laws which should which had been long posted up. Never . 0 3 . ,. i '.!-. a r.... havo protected their father in his old ago. iena f mro snoli inv it. tho Cltv. A lew j-j -- j- evenings after thero was general illumina tion, and althoueh tho snow was a foot Uo leaves an aged widow S.MAMi Pox Panic in New Orleans. The New York Evening post has tho following : "A private letter from New Orloani, dated on the 6th ult., says : The small pox has como to alarm the pcoplo to an extent only second to the worst ravages of the yellow fever. There are not less than fifteen hundred oases in tho city and vi cinitv at this timo. and it is bv no means on tho decrease. Moro than ono hundred !"' PPtu3V 'l lm tin ntil I n mrtinndl We roi.eaUhcn, that it is a fact that farmers, as a class, hold what they have for sale ot about their rates. Their prof fits are not to large, eonsidering all things. We wish wo oou'd say as much for papor makers, manufacturers, dealers in foreign and domestio goods, rail-roads, and mam moth corporations. These aro the gentle men ho are skinning the people alive ; it is not the farmer. A tanner mcutioned to us a few days ago that his taxes were enormous bcveral thousand dollars. Ha was whiuing about it. We told him ho was mistaken, and that ho did not pay one cent of tax, but that the poor man, who wants shoes for his family, paid it for him. This is a faot that every man knows. Il is not the manufacturer, but tho oonsumer who ' pays tUo tax'. Tux any manufacturer, and ho at onco adds Ravid Promotion. In tho beginning- the amount of the tax and sometimes a 0f September last. Sheridan was simply a good deal more to his profits. Hence captain in tho Thirteenth Iufantry. Twen ho pays no tis. Ilail-roads are taxed, ty days later he became a- brigadier, and . .i t . p.. .i i. ' . . ... out tuoy uon t pay a lanuiug tuey masu i mien man two moutbs' timo a major gon- Ho died on Christmas day when others wore reveling in luxury over their ill-got-ton gains. We could not desiro to bo in tho placo of thost who mado seorot infor- deep and soaked with rain yet the streets fulfil mnn '.tnrl nrnnien. entrcr i . i. r .,..ii.!nn- wt,:i, ' matioii against htm- lheir revenge cer-' to see and partake of everything wnicn . . " r . , . . , tainly can afford but Utile gratification to bad in it the sight or taste of peace. . , ,. . , , ,, b , jtheir feelings. May tho good old " rest in pcaco, beyond tho pursuit of his tV t l.VIJ Iu U puiiuw "l uiivwuiiuuu va- citcment. Tho spirit of tho ogo 13 rest- and revolutionary. 'enemies. West Chester Jeffersonian. The rapidly increasing appetite for wealth Sinoleton's Mission' to Richmond. patients havo been admitted into the bos- tho tMte rJr lnry which it ' The Washington correspondence of the pitals in ono day, and the avcrago now is not far from seventy-five a day. An ex tensive hospital is just completed on the extreme outskirts of the city, in tho vicin ity of the Marino Hospital' which is capa ble of accommodating five hundred patients, thoir passengers and their freight-mon pay tho whole of it. So we go. The consu mer is the mau who is saddled with the taxes, and honoc it is that wo hear this cral in the regular army. lay Mrs, Boggs says that sho observes the pooplo in the legislature have put tier universal complaint ahout "high prices," poor neighbor, Mr. Crown, on standing But, enough for the presont. Wo may, at a future date refer again to this sub. jeet. American Volunteer, committee, which will be a dreadful tiial to him, aa ho is vory woak iu tho legs, and never could keep his fust a long time. cngendors, the vehement spirit of specu- Cincinnati Inquirer scuds tho following lation and solfish emulation which it ere- from Washington : ates, the growing contempt for slow and Ti0 of Gonera. g, ,e,on js of m.deraugains.the ardent thirst for pleaa- a 8eml offlcial dlaraCler IIia pIaD3 for ure and amusement, the diminishing rev , brj , about Dor,otirtions for pm.0 were crence for tho wisdom of the past, the d.s- BuWu,e(1 tQ Mr Wnncolll and somo mmi regard of the lessons of experience, of the Ws oftho04Unct and by them approv- authority of tho magistracy and the Ton- eJ. aad fae wenl tQ 1Hcbmond upon iJ erablo institutions of ancestral an(J orderg jesucd by tU presidont somany bad symtoms of a decased ttato cf anfl tho Sccretary of War. This mission the i ublie. was intended to bo kept a profound secret " rTTT!! T" - .i until the result of General Singleton's S- It is doubtful ir any place ,n the conrorenfle wilU jeff Dayis BDd Ao 0oB. world can rival New York in cnterpnso. 4 n w The other day a poor omnibus horse fell federato Oab net .Uould be eommun.cated by the way, and died opposite the aW o Mr. Lincoln, but shortly after tWal House, and before tho animal had ceased Singleton left hero, on la,t Monday, some kicking an enterprising bill-poster had him leakJ Persou 10 lLe ,ecrct ,cl out tho objt covered with "Cash paid for old ragi a f tho visit to Richmond aud the fact rtra No IU Ann street." .no known generally.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers