COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, The Long Ago. On tliu docp rotiring slinro, Frequent pearls of beauty lie, Wliero tlie pnssioiiwavos of yore Fiercely beat ami mounted high. Sorrows that nro sorrows still, Loso ilin bitter tasto or woo ; Nothing altogether ill, lu tho griols of lonjj ago. Lincoln's Crimes. Tho packed convention which nomina ted Old Abo for n second term, was eom posod of tho willing and abject parasites of power to Do found in tho country. Thoy were tho vultures that have- been prcjiugupon tho vital- of liberty, vrhtlo tho CHSniinuiricd' tyrant at Washington J i holds her pinned to iho earth by-bayonets, , , ' . ' and tho nomination was necessary as a . , , , , , , moans of procuring furthor fcubsisteuce from , ,. , , .... hn rnrkinrr Rarriitswriu. nl hnr n in uruil. i.i . . .i . s . ..... ' it up iuur.iii vi.iiH ii iiKcs-iiarru wun n . - - J U1S IS tho only reason Wliy Ultl Attlla huilillutt iii n iicriiianent Itirtitute rir the trL-alnii'tit nT T. , , i.i n .1 .Iho llyo, Uaraml tlcinrul Sutuury. Tliu upotlotici' J.inCOlD Should bo ro ClCCtCll llO IS tllO 'mura than n ipi.-utor or cpiituiy in ami puui-r-, i i i i i it i . , il 1 practico,ho linpua. will l a tnitlliii-nt suataiilLH tu " I keeper of blood hounds who bavo hunted Liberty to tho death. Tho following rea ' sons why he should not bo elected, are. given by n cotcmpoiary : livnana Dem icat. 1. Ho has violated his pledge to tho1 poople. In July, 1801, Congress passed i a resolution, which was adopted by liim,in j theso words: "That this war is not wan-! od in any spirit of opprestion, or for any Lncliauaiilia & liloomsburg IC.-.iliond j purpose of conquest or subjugation, or forcytetS! .t. . f .1 i l..,..f.iJ W AMI AFl'l.K . JAN.-is, -Ot. 1'ASSnMil.fl ! uu jju.jucu in umiiuiu-.iini ui iiiniiuiiuj; with tho rights or established institutions of tho states, but to defend und maintain th'o supremacy of the constitution." 2. Ho has violated the Constitution which ho took a solemn oath to support, in ways without number. His emancipa tion proclamations which he lias issued ho himsclf acknowlcdgcd he had uo power to do it. 3. lib has suspended the habeas cor j J)US 111 BttltCS Whoro there W.1S no llt-CCSM- I cy lot it. hi; u3 causeu to uo arresteu ; and imprisoned citizens for expressing their candid opinion as to the acts of tho administration without allowing them a trial by jury, and has afterwards discharg- j cd them without attempting to produce i any charges against them. I 4. He has muzzled the mouth pud tho j press in a more arbitrary manner than any 1 depot in Europe 5. Ho has prolonged tho war for the J purpose of collecinir a crcat armv to aid i and assist him to re-eleotion as President bj the point of the bavonct. u. He has sent armies to Florida and Louisiana for the purpose of organizing new states forjthe purpose of voting for ' him for the tho next ProsidoDt and by so doiug,twenty thousand men have lost their linaa I ' ! . lie uas squanuereU millions Upon millions of the public money to- eolouize' Support the negroes, and has no sympathy for the Whito boldiers who are blaiu by ! thousands in tho armv. 8. lie has organized an army of necroes ' -. .. c ., . . , i aild lorcctl them trom the plantation", Whet C ' thoy could have raised food for iho army I anu supported their families who are now ! Bl-irt,;., on.l rliinr. M.-.. IIU UV. UjlUg. 0. Ho baa initiated a system of extrvs gance and corruption in the conduct of the war which will souner or later ovcrthow our government. 10. 13clorc he was elected he declared himself against the election of a President for a second torm, Ho has violated this pledge, and now says it was all a joko I 11. JJeintr Sudden V raided .roni the , common walks of life to tho highest honor in tho gift of the nation, ho became vain und puffed up, and keeps a corpse of sol dircs as a body guard, which no other President over did. 12. Ho has a set of fanatics and shoddy contractors, and all kinds of speculators,, lor his advisers, and they flatter him, which ploaacs his vanity, and make him think he is tho grcatc3t man iu the world. Ho will soon wake up and find all these thinga a joko, and honest Ahu will go down to pros npritv nu n rrronf inl-nr nrul,, mni-n ir J b. . 1----1 tj JBSy A llepublican paper speaks of 3Irs. Lincoln as ''our rosy empress.'' ''Em press is good ; but Mrs. Liueolu far moro resembles a sun-llower than a rose." CATERPILLARS. The following which wo clip from the Toronto Lcutle, may bo of interest to our thousands of agricultural friends thoughoui tho country : Those of our readers who havu fruit in their gardens, or who oultivato large or chards, wil learn with much gratification that a certain instrumentality ol'desiruction to caterpillars has been ducovered. That coal oil will cause instant death to those pests has been proved beyond all doubt. A letter was received at tho Lender office,for publication, from one of our suberibcrs an cxtensivo farmer in tho township of Clerk, county of Durham, stating tho fact that as a last resort, to endeavor to destroy tho caterpillars (which had almost taken en tire possession of the trees in the orchard) ho experimented coal oil. Complete t-uo-cess attended tho experiment. A brush of stiff feathers was made and portioim of tho trees iineareil with tho oil, iu addition to placing a imall quanity on tho uchts. Instant death ensued. Tho proprietor of tho JMUcr at oncu tobtcd tho oil on Lis trees at Glcngrovo Farm, Young street, whero tho oatepillars had collected in thousands, doing fwurful damage. lu a couple of hours one quart of it had cleared the orchard completely ol catapillars. The dead lay around fn all directions The effect of tho oil on tho pests ceemcd miraculous ; tlioro was no delay to under go, for one touch of tho deadly substance to nests spread desolation in all directions. 'This is, certainly a cheap remedy, as well a a sure ono, and all our subscibers troub led with catapillars should adopt it. UP D E GRAFF'S KYI. AM) UAK INF1MI.ARY, (On llio s mar, Tilt' i) lluors from Bf-el' s llolo 1 WILKESBARRE, PA. f IMIIS INSTUTION U now- opened and ' 1 furnish".! In tin mntt ct1y style. Itiecpllnii, Private mill Operating Hoonis .-r large, convenient nud welt adapted. Tlio Surgical iipirltnont enntnltm ttio finestcoilpctloii or lnst.iihif-nt in this country. nnl tliu Ilin faculties will enable liliu In meet nny nil. I nil 1 emergencies In prartlcp Ho mil opcrnlu ilpun nil llu I Muloim furlnaof III,INI)N1:3, Unliirnrt, Orelnnu nf ' the I'lipll, Crnns Uy.', I'lintiM (if tin- Tcnr Mucin. In version nf iln' Hyelids, Pterygium, ftc, fcr. Ami will treat ml forms of fores, l'.yu (Iniituled I,ld. Opacities oflhe ('omen, ntnl Scrofulous illseusea nf Mm l'y M i gplhor with nil tho dUernes tu wlilih Hit !')) is sub ject DF, U'N'EFS - Will lt'.-nl Jill tin) llitnnrs Comiitt tit Iho i.rn.111 llli-h:ir,i,a Con, lint I'ur. Niil.ea Ill till1 Lar Ontntlh, dlflictilty oriii-urliiit.totiil Deiiriioas even where the Drnin la destroyed. Will Insert mi nitllii Inl nil, answering neatly nil til purpos , uisi;.si.s in- 'i in. i iti.u.x i . mi uiacinc, c"iu . innii tn Hip Tlirnnt and Nose will ho Ircatod I tlllNF.UAI. SDIIOF.KY.-Ilc will operate upon I. ub ' fppt, Ilnir l.lp. CI" rt fiilhtu.Tuinora, Cancers, I.nlnr- soil Tcnrlls, far rustic opcr.illuiu ny ncainm new flesh Into deformed parts, and (leiteral Surgery or vliniviT rlm.n-tr It limy present. , . , , i in-.iiMA tat llliri i:ii:.l- Iln will tiprfomi "t.iMtu little nr no pnhi. Out rniaiiyliurilrloperntoil iiiniii HimIoii there has been mi having met the pitfpit approbation nf idiwhnii.ivo siiiniii if . Ain iFHU. HYF-H. F.yos ttiv-, in nam tim motion ami expression of tim inituini. - Thcyiito inscrtid with tliu lent pnln. I hiimouiihuihs, (flics,)- This irntibiiniii timnao la readily cured. Those suffering rrom It will do wil' mnit. ... .... . t . r. ...S .. 1 -I. .. It III ...I.I. ..In..- Ill r ntitiy in llonit.-il ami puui-r- Jj', J. 'm a'y Vo "u In il fulllili-nt EiLirantuo tu pu.t'il tu employ him. Jlny H, lto-l If. TO Till! l'UHLItJ. The iitnlcrslffncil w-niilil Infnrui his frlouiii anil tin nulilic acncrully, Hint lu- ia prepureil tu treat umcrsn- fully the folluwiiij; iliHi-urs4 : i llhiiuinlipin, llronclH'ti. trt, Authniiv's Datire.I.oii of Siitht. nml all liluml ilia.'nsea, Willi tJiipop;i.i &c riiiisiucii'ui win lie giw'uur on pay r'-'iiuruit. His remcuii-g arc purely vi-k-i tnblo frio from anv mini ,r Mon,anii micau.i pieuKant. QCj0wn yosT "".oiu.huri;. April n. isr.i. j TKA1NS Wll.l. KU.V AS It'iLI.OtVS: .M o v I N a t) V T II. l'diicngcr. I.i-avp Pcraiiton, I 31 1', M. ' I illusion " lliuniushuri; .... " Uiiperl, ' Daiivillo, Arrivo at Northuinliorlaiiil, II Q V I N (i N U It T II l.envi' N'nrihiimlietlauil. " liaiivlllo, " liitpurl ' Itloomabiirg ... . " Kinealon Arrive at yi-rautuii, I'ri-iijlit II l'am-ue:er leavoa llluorii&biirfj. S..M 8,'Ji 8.3.1 U.15 'J p.nn a. M (Mil n.'J-j II.Sj i -.mj r i,:tii M ! 10.15 A I'assenirors taklni' tin- Vail Tram South imiiu-i I with the lltprera train trom NorUiM, arriviui! nt llariiituiis i at S.:m A. M llalllmoru T.lnl A. M., nml at l'lillinli llilu.i fit T.UO A Jl. Tito .Mall train from Northuniberlaiiil leaves immediately after Iho JInpri'M train from rhilailelphia nt 111.41) I'. M. to leach point, on llii. roatl tltiriiis tliu ncAt fureiioou. New nml ek-aiil Bluepinc ears accompany tim niulit I irnliis cacti ivay m.iwieu nurtniiimioriaiiii liliu iiaiu more, ami Northumbcrlaiid ami I'hilaileliihl.i. II. A. 1'UMiA, Supt. J. O.Wi-lls, dea l y,'ent. Kinrston. J.-mnnrv Itu, IMil "F7ili S 11 A 11 li I VA L Spriny anD Smnmcr -roii- EVERYBODY T 111! iindersipned. grnteful for past patrona?!-. rea,i.o full v iuforinaiiaciiliiiiiers and His piibliccouerally thai he has lust rereiied from the Laturuu cities, the I attest nml most select uloik of SPRL(1ANDSI11!ME Tliat lias yet been npened in liluninsbiirg, tn which he invites the attention of Ills friends, and assure them that they are. utleroil for i-alo at areat bargains. Ills Stoi - k comprises a lurse assortment oi uunti.e.muvs wr.AitiNti aitahi:i.. SK!,, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Srusiienilern.&c. Gold Watches and Jewelry. of every description, rum ami ctm.ip. N. II. Iti-mcmber " iMiccnbtrx' Vhrap f.mportum.' ciln and see. Nucliargo fur c-xan.ini: Omuls. 1!loom8mir, A,)rll m. 1M.S:AV" 1MW??1 , lj. f. tVtll. L .N. MuVl New Drug S T 0 R E, WHOLESALE AND 11ETAIL i rpHR uudersiened would inforii' their friends and the ' X public generally, that they have laken tin- stand for merly occupied by Oeu. M. tlaL'eitbm ii. m the llMiiaugc f till I, line, nu M.mi Mlreet. ill 111 r.oiu K tin ri..! hi- lew Jt remveu n full supply of 19 I'IIIJ.m, il3 licics, JiIs, Sitliups, , UI.".LU "V.'."'', 1'."." moueraie terms ior reauy piy Alsu, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, surlaud size. Physicians' prescriptions larcfully compounded, at alt tunes mid on abort uuuec. Oonfeitiouciy Jf the best tulectiutis, und Soda Water in season. ZJ A share of the public custom is respectfully su kited. UYLT. & MOYUll. (iloomsburg, April 11, lbt!3. I8IJ4 ISS'I. PHILADELPHIA & EIUE XL -A. i: X. JR D- A U H This Rrent line Irnverses the Northern and North- 'v"' '"nnlies of I'l-ousylvauia tu the city ol Uicon , i.aKe line. It has been leased by tliu I'cu'isylv.ihia llailro.ul Company, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout lis entire lenitth. " It is u, mv iu use for Passenger and I'relght business from llarrisburg In Duponuui, (1W miles) on the East ern Division, and frumiiliutheld toUne x?d miles) on the Western Division, TIME OK l'ASSl.intB, TRllSl AT yORTlIl-.MDtSI.IKD. .Mail Truin leaves, Jlait u -ii . M. Ilipruis Tram " " IU 37 1'. M. .Mail " " West r, A1 " Ujpress ' ' " T Id A. M. Ours run through wtrunur utisiii both wuvs on tbesu trains between l'liiladelpbia and Lock liuveii, anil llalliiuoru and I. oik Haven. New and (.'leii'inl Sleep iug Car. act umpauini: tliu Express Train boili ways between Williamspurl und lialtiiuure, uud Williauis port and Philadelphia. For information respecting r.isieugor business, ap ply nl the S. II. Our. II III uud .Market Sis. Ami fur Freight hiisiuessnf tliu Oui.ipuny'i. AguuW S. U. Kingston, Jr.. Cor. 13th and .Market Sis., I'lul'a J. IV. liuviiulds, Hri,:. J..M. Drill, Agent N. 0. It: It., llnlllinore. II. II. Houston, (icii'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, J.cwis I.- lloupt, Ocu'l.Tiiki't Agl. I'hit.iilelphiu. JoM'lilt D. l'otts.Giu'l. .Manager, Willi.uiiiiiuu. .May 7 18U-1. THKOUUAT WOlll.U'H TAIll KXII11I1TI0N IIEL11 IN 1J0NDON lf5l. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded tho I'ri.o Med ul for Ills superiuniy over ull cmiipelilinna m tliu United Male. lur hu improvements 'i'raveUius Trtmics, He bcin: Hie Inventor w Manufacturer of lliastic .teel Sprtns solid Snlo l.eiillierauil rolid Itivcti-d Iron I'mtue TravtllniK Trunks, Valises, Hat U.-iscs, Carpet Kags. Leather Kalis, Umbrellas nml Hobby Horses, Hoys' fligs, I'ropellers, WJiee-lberrnwa, 4.P., which ho is prepared to sell nt the lowest iHauufartiiriut; price. The- ino.t extensive Trunk and Carpet ling Munufuelitr er in Philadelphia 4U'J -M AUK1.T STUlIttT, one door nlu vo I'ooilb, South ride, l'lllI.ADUl.l'IMA, U.riaies room on me nri iiuor ID -Trunks neatly reiiuircd nr Jtchanj;ed for now one., l.'all uud see. as llu mil very cheap lur eiuli. Nov. 11. Idi.;l-li.'iiiu BL00MSEURO SKVLICUT Picture Galleij. rplll; umlersisnud inlorm. the nliaii. of liloi x aim iieiaiiuoiuoou, tiiai tie na taken Hie lars'e roiuu ,U Hie lixchaiif e la. . k . iieudin,- .,vtr ll.irtiej- Stunner li.ikery. and the Hnoksior.- win ,p lie lias jiiu in a lauJkyl'?1 ' " is .illy by iikylichl that food pie lures can ben sen i spccially jronps wlicre each pc-r.uu laubelakcfj utas well us separate. lie lu. gnu lo Kin.iilerublu expense to make bis c. tabli.liii.ont first elass one. and lot Ib-n fore mllcii. a libemlvatrui ago toenablo him, loeou.taiiily niiroduiu Hie mode 1 improvements of tho ait, O"C'0'in y produce taken in FxrhanuH for inciuia. HUNiiv KOiUNa-rnci:. Ulcouiiour;, "lJ f.'us, 0 ig i? 7, '(C -ffl'fSJ 1 ii: ,o . u el1-..' 'ill iLi JiJfi k A. A A, .AlA, -.M. a '"Tn' anil TO'.V.tfe- w Dn. SritENOK'S OWN CASE, whim: i.Aiiomsd tiNtum co.nsumi'tion, 7k how his Pulmonic Syrup, SrauccJ 'J'onir, ami Mandrake Pills net on the System n airing Unit tin case, und the (IHUAT HUOOliSS ATT1:N1)1N(! IT 1 I Tu almi-p n t irrt-rt llkoiu of l)r Pi lionrk lnk n luiiny yuars iipu, aft r In hfnl ti invi-rtil Irmii t'onniiup. . ll"ti fy il totirBC of lila "SLtifNOK's I'dimomi Syni'i'," I'lh likonoi. iittliD.ij it ilnc not ropro.i-nt liliu uny I lliiup like n.lmil an lio Mas nt tliu worfl. yitilip In xtriinil contra ,t with tim hnlu nml vlk'urnus luolianf t ho i Portrait lu-low, which In tin- Inn likrm-ai of him nt in., M-iii-iit lime. Tim cuulrn-.t In tw. ell tlloml Iw-ii Onr. tralln In no itrcut that luiiny w-uiihl not hulluva th-iii in I he tliu Minn- piirnm. Vi-t ilmro are liuinlredit of nor ' finn. in anil arouu.l' lplii.i. who will ri i ui!iili! hutli portraits loin- trim n-prim-iitatloiii.. Wliuu tliu llri-t was liiki-n hi- u-vlelioil InTpuiiiHls ; it tho iiresutit ' tiuh'lin w-1 "lit is pouiiil. New York, Wednesilay, Slurcli "0, lrJOI. 70 TtEE yUBUC. Thirty year ago 1 was in the 1 1st stages nf I'lilinnn nryOoiKUmptinu. and giviu up tn dn- I resided in Philadelphia and Dr. J sepli I'arrisli, then ofthia city, on ered me In .Morestown. N. J,, a distance of nine miles, hith took me two daystu get tliero. On mv nr rival I was put to bed, and tliero laid for imiiiv v.-ei ks. Tills wiis my unlive pliice. wlieronll my family lived and hid died of I'liiisumptinn. Dr. Thornton, who at iKiided my father in hia l,it illness, was railed, and gave nie one week tn fix up my nll'-iin. lie had seen all my family gnthat w ay. and llinught I w as to go.ton. 'I lien 1 be.ird of the reniedn a I now nlli'i- to the pub-1 lie, w Inch cured me. It seemed to me that I could feel tlieui pi-mlrnting my w'liole sytein. They sunn ripened the mailer nu lny lungs, nud I would spit oll'mure than n plntof ofl'-naivc ylluw mat ter every murning. As snuu na tliat began' to subside, my i ougli. fever, pain, night sweats all began to leave me, and my appelitu became i-o great that it was w ith difficulty I mulil keipfrom eating too muili. I soon gained my strength, nud I hav ln-en growing iu l!h I'versinco. Formally years I have enjoyed tniinti-r-rupted good heultli, keeping the livt r and slumaib healthy with the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake I'llKus I uuiof a bilious teiiipe'raineiit. My weight is two bun dred nud twenty pounds. On my n rovory pi uple would semi for iue, far ami near, tn si u if tlu-ir e.ise.a wrrn ! like- mine, l or tills purpose 1 nay nrolos-iouiil iila in the large cities. The i-miMimptivi s w isli tn nee Hie onu thul makes tlieso iiipilictni's.nml who was .uri-.l ,,r mil su nipt in n bylbein. To lll.ikenvw luilgsis Jmjioasl blu ; lull cavities iu the lungs and chronic iileeratioua of the bronchial tubes can be healed Such iacs un dying hniiilv under the ordinary treatment of physi cians, anil Just such nru ruled by Iho proper Use of Sclmm k's I'ulmuiiic Syrup. Soawied Tonic, and .Man. draku Pills. I nni now a hi nlthy man, with a largo cavity In the middle lobe nf tho light lung, tho lower lobu very mm h Iiepali7.ed ami cumplete adhesion nf the pleura. The left lung is sound, and the upper nf the right lung is in u tuleralily healthy cnniuiiun. The ureal reason why physicians do not cure rnnaiimption is they try In du ttio much ; they give medicines tu stop thorough, tu stop dull, tn stop night weats, Ii, cii I'en-r.and, bv so doing, they di range the whole digi slivo powers, lock nig up tliu si i retiuns. .mil eventually Ihu patient sinks middies. Alter I make a carelul evimimiiinn of th" pail' nt Willi Hie I!i sonometer, and final lungs enough left tu cure, I direct Hie patient linw tn use the- three reuieiti-s liemiive-Hie tause an I they will all stupor tlieir on ii ui-i nni. No onu ran be cured uf cuiisiiinp. tien, liver n inplnint, dyspipsia, cit.irrli, canker, ul-rirali-il', unless the luer uud siuiu.-uh aru iii.ulu healthy, lu New jUngland this ranker, ihrunlc catarrh, uln-rute I tin nut, elongation uf tivuit, is more preva lent Hi .i ii iu any oilier section of tim country. This is frequently caused by a fnul stomach. You n ay burn it out with caustic time and again, and ull tbe'y will gel is lempnr.iry relief Curr.'rt the slomaili and liver, nud tin y w ill In .il uptli'-iusclYcs. Good mitiilinu is Iho remedy. If jn-.i have any dis ease in any purl of Hie- budy, il will n-iniin llu-ru and deray inure , mil niuru until you can geltlie stumai li in the condition tu digest food, nud make new blood lu take tin-place uf di.-eased uiatti-r. This is the only way to heal civ ities iH tin-lungs uud ulcerated broil ilnal luli.-s. I nrrect tliu stomach uud In cr, und nature will du the lu-uliiig. .Manypirsnus bavo nu nb-n that certain liicduiiics aro great purifiers uf tin- ido,u. t In u bluoii is unci! diseased it cuutiot be purilied ; it i is disi asi d Hie sniiin as tho diseased mult' i in il,. system , but get the apparatus in order, Hie liver and stomach, and give-it plenty of iiuuri.-liliig fond, it mil make new Idooil, which will lake- Hie place uf ! Wllirll is diseased. Si beuck's I'ulmuiiic sjrup is one of the bestprrpt ratiuus of iron in use, it is a powerful tunic nf it-i If, and when the Si aweed Tonic dusulvcs the mucus in the stomach, and it is carried oll'uy tliu aid of the Man- drake Pills, the Pulmonic Syrup is mauu iutu blood Tins is the only way to euro consumption. If nin not net a good appetite and food does not digett. I tali, not cure the p,.ti,'iil Ne-vur mind tiie cough ; lemuve the cause and it w ill slop of ilsilf. Tina is the most truublc I have Willi my patients at my rooms They say, "Doctor, 1 feel s.rmiger 1 lean eat- my night sweats nre better, nml 1 feel better every v.-.v : in- my cough is su bad yet -," and they are us'ti'Ui"d tn n-,ir nin say that does not mailer i re-mnve lini i-.tiso anu ll will stop itself. Scllenck's Se.ii,e.i t-i'-nu-. a good ai'peliiu ill about nine days, when iheiu mi mhg ills, ease, unless Hie liver Is su rnugo.icd .mi' tli,i .Man. dr.,k. fills cainiut uiiloi k Hie- ,i 1. 1. i.i t.i cad bladdi r in thai of lime. n. oinur to ail.-w the stale bile in p.-ss oil' Kicp Hi.! Iiiel- .nut mo slniuai-ll In ultliy ami tin re is loss ibiugi-r ol r itiiiimptinti or any oiliur disoiie. It is hard to take uud when lliore or gans are- liealthy. Tliuse Hint are bilious, low spirited, dieary, feeling btupid, coated tongue, pool appetite, nervous, sluuiaili full of wind, every thing thin is eat en lies hi-nvy. loss of uieuiurv. trv on bottlu of .-CIIIAUI.'.-I Si:.Wi;i:i) TONIO, and ,.no bov uf S llllNiK'SMAMllt.Mvni'll.l.S. It is ouly a co.t of uni; noitai ini'i lllilliyuvo CUIUS, Willi tun lllreel Ions. This is suitiiieiit. iii many cases, to satisfy w hat tho medicines are. I'ru'iuently ouu bottlu makes a great change in tin: system. Any person that enjoy . ordina ry lu alii, by Using tliu Se.iwee.l Tonic and Maudrakn 1'ills oic.isiomilly, mutt git Iho digestive iirgnus in such a hcnlihy ruiidiiiiui that Un y becouie llesby, 1 can produce a number of my old eoiuiimptivupaiieiils now enjoying good health, weighing nearly JUO pounds. I williuncludu by relating three itirosl have madu in Niw York, and winch are ull differ nt, and wish any one wliu Icels any inierest iu the matter to vtsil Iheiu First is MrB Fallow, residing then at No. ID7 lloii.tnu street. Her hutbaml called Uiou me at mv tuom, a-.1 Ilond street, and wished me to call and i - h..r. llu said I cuiilil du no good ; that he had all tha best ined. eal alti iidance. and all said she was tuu far gone with e;uiisiiiupiiou in bu cured : but sba h ul bear, I nf si. inn gieut curi h i nan luiiue, umt he ibisird t.. ijr.ilily In r ..idiius, . , niiuii, uu ,u, inn ner ij in nonuiieu in tu r neo in iue i.isi siuje oi urnnriuai euu.i.miitiiiii. and witliniit doubi must have in, I onu. 1 1 -d in Ittnits. found bulb bruuelu il tub-.s i ery lunch atl'eetui, but mi i-iivities hail furineil, her i'iniKi uas erv severe, lite spit bia was half full ul thick pu. false 'nu, Kg. swollen very much; ami woisu than all, .Im had ehru-on- dltirrnu-n. Her buwls had been moved eleven liuius Hun day. 1 lold her she had ltiu;a enoiiali tube cured, but tliat tins diarrluea hud been lout; stnudiuj. ami her sl'uuuihwua in urn Ii an ulcerated cuudition 1 was alr.nil iiulbi.i- eould bu done. Shu insisted 1 should i try uud .in what 1 could for Iter, obtirviui: Iliai .lie wuuiu inn last loiia in iho euudilioii she was in, and 1 could not maku her any worse. I gnvu hnr lirst adoseol my .Mandrake fills, and tin. imne uud Syrup In ely. 'I lial was on Tuesday, and by the neJtlSunday Ihu iliariliieawas earned oil', licrnppetilo hud rititrnoil uud she i-oold sit no in l,i,.l ,,.i i...s a. . Ml,,.,. i uuw well, uud liaie mu u tune- e. itit.LutL-. cetiilled iu by tin li v. Or. Howling, llls.n.illlioloiuew, Kl Wist Fwly.fiflll slrei I, came to my looms with a tumor mi her liver, t'ho wus luw spirilod, skin sallow, lunjuu ccuit-d, bowelscn-tne. no app. Iii . and last sinking into the jiruvu. Tin; said lumur li.ul been riliiHii.i; over lourteeu years. 1 glivu her Sjrup, Tonic nml fills, ami loldlier In lake them just a. the din Iii.ii j weie printed. Sliuiauiu back tn my mums, J'.' Ilund slrect in two weeks, suinewhat better, her tuujjuo had begun lu clean a liulu urouiid tliu edjes. her skin whiter and lier ejus bti.'hler, uud the tumor ilin!'int; vory oll'eiibivo mutter, iiiuili Lister liiau it had over done bulure. Shu la pi gr.idm ally impiuiiu', and iu about iwu mouth she lu my louiiis very iiiiulilii.bniicd, saving Ihauliu tumor onnifurt. His huuso is spanou. and enjoys an uxcelleut bad marly slopped luiiuiiu, ud was healmp up, uud 1 biisiuiss lucatiun, lli.ll every donor had told lur Iliat if ll our healed II bV Ouiuibusen run at all times between tho Hirhutigu would runau her death. 1 lold llioiliseasu hud I Iluisl uud tliu various Hull Itoad Depot, by wlilill tlnv all Ml liv r system, andniluru would heal Iue ulier up, elers will be pleasantly cum eyed lu nud from Ihu rc 1 Imy are now healmi and have been fur Eboiit a year, tpeclivc Utatiuiu in duu tituu lu ineel thu Oars and she lu as hearty ami iwuta wnmaiiu. yuu will , VM. U, KOOMi. Iintliii a days walk, fclit i U1 i in uug ivullon ( lllwoitubur;'. July T, Ittitt lirr, nml tAhoi C'l'it pnini to vlalt nuy ( li" lit-nra lin nnjlliliiR llko her cam, nml trio" in Kcl tlifjin In roriif nml dec inc Tho tPU tn.o l .Ml fen. (1i M Trom Ptmiifut't. t'onn. Mtt. Ilatiholiminv r;ot ln-r iloH n lu -i-i- tin uinl lias b-1 n i-v r hIiim nt lu-r hi'ii.i-. Vhiii-tn' nrnt(uino tn my taonm. U was initi h (-nun mil 1 itlt a !itri-ii-4i!iiii-"iiKh. npittluir Inriri tlliililllh . of 'il I pltaililiii'il lli-r lillisn with Hu ll pltMnii it r,ji I in all my prm lli-i- nt-i r fiMiinl onu Willi ntir luitti .i far curio nnil the other I una o .nitu.l 1 toitlil Hot Hi vi- .nut It rnrntirniM ui'-nt. I thuiiKht ho woiilil ill (i ; lull tn tny nitiiiilnliini iit tho ruliiuiiilcf ) rnpi W nwi"0il Tinilr nnil .Mnliilr.ikc I'lll. all mamml to gn ' rlflit to work, tint luntrlnnll h -nlcil over, Innvinr n null)- it lam- pi T(i : cooil nppcllto, llna rplrit.i nml h.. unliK-il pniii-i tlilrly-Dvc poiimlt In wolflit. flu- h.i . miinu roiiuli yi-t, Hlilrh I iln ni li"t tlilukwlll li ar, hnr liclnri Jiini-, I flioiilJ think it 1 w-niilil he of from iiti'rt I" inum- iiiipri-luillri-il ihy ilcl.m In l it Hi " r.i", piilllrulafly ll. Hrolli-lil, nr any of tin m lio have Im-n i uri-il liy niv tiii'illi-lni-ii. '1 1 1 1 y n r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i lu Now Yotk. hut tin- nlmvu turi-ti 1 all illlfi r Iioiii i'i li ulliur . ami tfmy im-ilii Iiii-d uru lin ing what I K i r i - lit tlii'y urn, tin y nhinil.l li.ivo Inn i riii ami tin- iifliituil knuw wh.'rn null Iww tlu-y may he enroll. J, II. iX'lir.NCK. M. I). I) r. J II. fcMt-i. k iihiIi" fnuinliit kin ulllru. u. ,U Ni rlh Olli iri-i-t. 'Iillaih liii.i, i vory Hnlur.liiy. i from i A. M.i tit il I'. l., to tivf iiiKIco, fri i; of iharfo ; Imt lur i tliinniiuli i-,iiulmitiu li" ih.irii-ii i tliri-e ilollurit. I i i! iii'lliu I'liliiionli- r r 1 1 1 1 nml Hi-a. wroil looli-i-ni lilu ur lioltlo, nr i'l tliu half iloi-n. M r.ik. i iii. .'iciiti jier liuv, ami fur pule- hy all 1 1 1 r il l'k i.t k ii lo I Dcnli-rii. Jiiioi 11, l-lil.- I . B';i lilS SPF.CIF10 PILLS- Wah- llutHin HX Caks -('iiii he relied on Nui lull to eiirt-t Iln nut iiiiuacato I Ap-spi-t ilv lu ailioii' Nu i-liaiiKi- of uii t ri 'iuiri'd I lio not luterfure Willi tiusliw.s pursuits! lull ho used without ik-ti-i tlou ' I'pwarila ul anil i uies tin- past inoiilli - simio of lln'in i-ry si vi r" rns,-. I Ivor mn liumlied phy.ii lulls hav o un.-il tliciu III llu Ir priiLtic", nml uP su'ak well of tin ir I llirncy, ami npnrove nf llu-lr i oiiipnailluu, w hull is ontiieiy vi'itable, ami harmli-asou the system. IIiiii dri'ils of ecrtilir.iti-s inn be shown Hell's Hp'-iilh- 1'illa are the mlijliial li rut only l'i'IiuIuo Hpciilli- ('ill. 'I In ) nr.- mlapli',1 for malu and feiuali-, old or yoiiim, ami t lie only n li ill n reuii-ily fori H-- tim; a p'-rmam-nt ami spi-i-tly Litr lu all cases of Hpi-rma-torrh'-a. or Hemiiial WenkiiPss, w i III all its train of evils, stitli us I r'lhral nml Vaginal Discharites, (ilei t, tliu w oilcs. Msliiiy or luvoiiiiil.iry liuus'ioiia. j ncciii- ' tiiiuiiiiu-, t.i In liility nml Irritability. Impoti-me, Woakni-ss or Lusant Power, NerUniH llrbility, . nil of w IiilIi atiH-s prim-lpully Irmn Sexual nccsi nr tfclt- ' l.iise, ur some loustitutiuiuil di I7! ntc-ii T . ami lurnpacitnl'-s the Mitl'nrer from liilllllliitf the duties of ! iiiaini'd 1 1 In ull n disi-asi-s, as llouorrliia. Illi-i-l. nml Slrii lures, nml in llleuses of tliu llliiildi r I nml Kidneys, llieyatt n u iliiuiu I Uelief to expi-ri- I uncnii ny iiikiul' a sinaii: nni. .Soul by all tin- prmiipal ilril.'Clsts. 1'rii-eSI Tlu-y will be sent by mail, securely sealed, anil con lldentfally, uu icceipl of Hie inum'y, ky J. IIUVAN, M II. Nu :o fi bt., New York. (.'onaiililng riiyslciau for the triatmeiit of rieminnl. Urinary, .cmi.iI, ami Nerous Hiaeases. who will tend, free tn nil, the folluwiu' valuable wurk, ill seal ed envelope : Tim 1' Titoi-svMi-llu. Ill'.I.I.'d Tlll'.A'I'Irii: oil helf-Mitise, rriiiuilure reeaj-, lintioteiici' ami 1. 1- i fpiiwiir, Slxu.-iI lUai-nsi-s, Seminal Utakuess, Niihlly Emissions, lieuilai llelnlity, lie, He, a pauiphli 1 in i I pai;ta, i-otitaitiiiiL.' Impurtuul advice to tliu atlliiled, aiul wlilih should he rend by every siitl-rer, as the im-.ius of euro lu tin- si-vuru-t stages la plainly sit forlh Two si imps ii-'pilred to pay postage. lleieinbur 1J. IMil-ly. LEATHER 1 LEATHER 1 ! MM 1 1! under Mgne I would .itinoiim-e, that lu has on hand X utlli-t indt'.in J'ln Mil i ll 111, nn .Main St. , lllooma burg, an u-soituu nt of dill'.-n nl kind ufli-utlii-r. siu h n fine enlf skiu. iimroi hi, i red and black) und linliiL's all 1 er wini h be will sellchi .iu r tli.iii ran be had i Imin lieie il Hiis market, fall and exi'tuinu Hu-in lor nursi l e. JOIINK. HIUTON. lloomsburg,.M.iy '.M, l.-ti4. A T T O R N' E Y A T L A W , Hi.v.oMsiwna, r.i. (Ilficu ill Court Ally, l uinerly occupied by Cli;;ri.. ISuckalcvv. Itliintnhiir?. Der. -J, A, l I'AUL. P A U L A. 11. -IlIOJIPsUN. T II 0 M P S 0 N, WHOLi;SALl! ft-imSSHTj-r, DKAMittU IN XXSX.S iF.F.OVl'sXOJSfvj' &x No. .i;s iV(ii iriuu vcs, PHILADELPHIA, ii u, hams, uc. Nu v. 11 ifln-'I-lSiuo JOILY C. YE ACER, .mani rM'Tunr.itf.u iioi.i:sAi,i:i):Ai,i;i: in JI ATS, CAPS, STRAW (100DS, EOXNEIS AND ARTIFICIAL FLO WE IIS, No'. !2e7 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov , I'll.' FUES1I ARRIVAL OF A T Miller's Store. rjMir. subscriber hi" jnt n turned from the (Mies J. with auulher large ami select asortiuet uf SWING AND SUMM Ell GOODS, pnn.h.ito-d .it'dplit;. at tin1 lowest figure, and w hii'h limy lire di'ti-rmiiit'ii in null on a" inodtiratc turin-, ;a an In- pnnureil uUcuhurtj in Illouiiisbiiig, IIik slorlc rnmpriM-s . L.ilJiKV lillt.S GOODS, if clinic nt tvlot and latent fmdiinn, J)ItV GOODS, .?VJ GtiOCr.lUKS, ii 1 mm inn (iUUF.wt'jm:, enwit tr.ntr,, iiou.oir mint: wax, Moors .y kUQl.S HATS i',- OfiPH, ikr , .yc, Jjc, In i hurt I'vorythini! uHiially kt.-jit in country Ptoru to w tin h lie in wit; the puldtr ,'Uirally, The Highest prkc paid for tuuutry produce. W. II. MILLER. Klooiu.-lMire'. "lay -J,4, l-i; 'm ?s?r am ii a u a ma e r;, rpIIE people Ol 3 am ri'speilliilly, lias fo. sale, at the tho county of Columbia informed that the undersigned III: I OHDEIVS OFFICE, IN IIL.OO.M81IUUU. Till'. IIHST AND OIlllAPHST ASSOUTMHNT OF J3 i'o bo fnund unywhere- in the County. cmi-Utiii? n Note, Loiter, and Cap P.! r. Fens, Huldors, remit, Ink ami I, pes; NEW AND SECOND-HAND ROOK'S si s- Comprisiii'.' Ilistoiv. Poetry, Fietlnii.Thu lIHt y uh'g)' and thn classii-s. of Ilobn's I.nudoii pulillcatiniis, from Willi II ulerilniis cm be made, nud llnnks furnished tu order ; by special urrungciucnlwiih New York Agents. AyaiJCfitATau ROOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches; and copies of the Hulled States, nml Slulu c'uli nil tu lion s, iu ,,iriuusttyp, nlwavsuu hand. JOHN (i. i'KF.r.i:. it oiiifb u ii', Nov . 7. Iet'3 Nos. 9, 11, ID, 10, 17 Couitlnudt Street, NIlAll UitOADWAV, NUW YOKlv 01TV. This 'ild-i'sliiblished 0n, favurite result of tho l!ul- liuss Cuniiuunity lias been recently relltted, and is cum id. to in every Ihini! tliat can minister In Hm enmtorts of lis l.adiea uud I,i tumllies are .pieiully and euro i tullv nrnvl, ed fur. II is ee nl i al ly located iu Hie hii-iuoss nart of Hie rilv. and Is cuntie'uuiis I" the- principal lines i.i steamboats, ears, nmiiiiiusses feiru sc. Iu i onsu'iueiieu ol the pressure caused by Ihu Ite-bel liou.priies have been reduced tu One Dollar u d 1'ijly C cuts per Bay. The table U amply supplied with nil ihu luxuries nf Hi" M'ttsuii, iiidiseiual lu Hut of uny oilier hulel iu the country. Ample accommodations are otii red for upward of wo gll'-sts. U , ' Iln not In lu'V . miners. uurkinoii, and others w hu may say'lliu We.iem Hotel is lull." D. Ii. WINiJllUSTKIt, frcprietor. Tiios. ii. winciii;sti:u. Fob. 15, ltJlW. ri'lli; l'roirn tor nfilns well-known uud teutrally I oca a, leu iiuute, nn' j'.veiiAsoic iiiull, siiu.uu uu inat, Street, in Uliiumshurt:, imuiediattly 'puusite the Coliim bin County Court House, respectfully informs ins friends and 1 1 iu public lit general, Unit his lliiuso is nuw ill ur der for tho reeeptiun ande'iitertaiumeiil of travelers w iln uiity feel disposed to favor it with tlieir custom. He lias spared uu expi usu in prepuiiuu tliu CiriiAM.t, for tliu Hiiti'rlaionieut nf bis L'lli'.l. neitbt'r sit-ill llii-rn lit, line. I Hiiiii' w'aiiliue (on Ins purl) In ininister to their fPIIM IN'STl'I'I'TICN la tinili-r Ihr silo inanngein'ti t nml illruilioii of l'r'if. I). VV. Ii'iWkix, so un I'rlu clpnl of Iho I (..wM.inuv coMMrnvi.1t. ! Tin- course of liislrm tlou r-nilnai-i-s nil the ri"uisites of a Ihnroiiah prm-tli-al liusinesa ediiratlon, nml haa lieen lately cxli'inlud liy Iln- Intruiluitiou of nn Ailunl llilsinesa Course, In which I In: ftnib ill eufaiiis In Urn regular routine ol biMlnesa liansiiilluiis, cxi'inplilli-d und familiarized by lueitna M a store, (III W'hlili Iho m lunl luKinist of buying ami suIIIiil' Roods Is earried on by each Student,) nml Unships Offices, vl. : lliuks of Is.uennd lieposlt, llall-Unadliigntid rteaui-lli.itiug I'ii. I Olllce, Teh ijr.ipll, ttc, r:, , Tho Proprietor hna spared tiotlme or etpunao in ma- 1 klui! this Cniirao tliu iniist tlmroilgh and complete of any ever liri'si'iited tn Ihu public, ami feels lullyaa sured that alter having been himself rtigiuii'd in liiisinesa, nml having had many years' i-iperienie at teaching Hip ."cini-e of Accounts, and bslua nldoil by a full nud elllceii'iit corps nf teachers, In! will be ell tiled tu uiako Ui.trniigh nml success fill uraiiuntus uf all whu may placu themsilves under bis en irgu. rr.XM.i.vsin n In lhl I'sacntl il br.incli of a liiliiias Piliicatlnn uu fkillucu nlfors better facilities tu Ihu learner. Tliu HpeH.-erlaii system will bu tnuchl Iniill lit varieties by Hie must skillful misters of tint tilt, riperliuen of Writing from tlili lus'itutliiuliuvi'reieivoii the highest incoiniunis from Hie press. l'or general inl'nruinllnii, terms, tec, nili'ress fnrl.ol' lego Monllily, wbiili will bu milled freui ror spill lin ns nf I'eniiiuushlp, em lne two tlireo cent stamps, Adilri'sa II. W I.OWI'.I.I., I' Lowell's Oollee, llliiu'iinnitnii, N. V. 1'. A Onu of Hitter & Hiim mi's Nu. I highly finished line, perfirt pnint. ltil sirlllg (iolil I'elli, Willi llolder and ca-.-, wuiraute.l for uiie jear ami In suit, w III bu sent fieuof ch.irifu to any oni wliu w ill remit S.OU to the almvu nddress. Oclobi 4 II. IrbH-ly rfMIC undcrBlgn.'iris also extensively engaged In the X VtiitrrKtMHL' m. in, as, uilii k, , in , uns! nil IV on baud ud fur sale at his Warcrooms, a nruii Hr.Hrtim:itt of FINISHED llv wliirli lie Is enabled to fill orders uii preseiitutioti Al.-u-Keepa a goud Horse ami Hearse, uud will at ul limes be ready to attend l'uucrcls. sniu.v a siuvi:. lllunmsbiTg, January 2:1. It'll) EVANS .v WATSON S M.AMA HM'F.S, i:r, MllVl;l) til .. Hi.suBi fourth MS'' tt,ii:. .V'rci. I'hitailrlnhlit. Iiiivi. ? ' 'iit.- nn, i lure'' ns.itn imeiil n ri e 'Ui, i if 'i'ii i. '1i.l--.r'f Isn. iron dnorJ. I'nr b.-lilka 'rin'.i w fl' stores, iron sliult'i - irun -..isli, all j-.! - , . lu.ikes ut lui ks O' tn .-mv itin.l.. til the I lilted tltates, Fiff ,ifV in our fin. .111 came out ii 41; irith eei tcif in iro-i'l munition. The Salamander S.ifis world. of I'hiladelpliia agaiui tin EArANS & WATSON, nnvn lunl Hie surest demo.i rntimi iu Ihu following cei lilirnt- that tlieir imiuiifu, tun- of S.ilnmiimler Safes In, at I'Mialli hilly warranted the repr.-M-iitalinns wlueli have ln-en made of tliem a r lering an uiidnubted s.-iurily n-.'ainal the lerrihe element. I'll i l.l.l. l i.-t April )?. Ir-nfi. ,lfrsrs r.ran, ,- llatKoii: tlenlleiueii - It atrurds in the lue'beat FUtisfaetiuu tn state tn ynii, that iiwiuc In Hie very protei live 'iii.ilities of tun uf tliu Sahiiuanib-r, Safes which hi- piiiclim.ed nfynu sunn- Iho iimutli sinee we a.-ived a larKo portion of jewelry, and all our hunks. &.:, exposed tn the i uiuiiiinoiiH, tire ill llnilead plaeu on tin- murium.' oftli,. nth inn.. When we relb u Hut then, safes were located in the fnurlll stnry uftlie hilildlllL' wu oirupied uud tlu-y fell ubai-'pu-ntly intna luuip nfliuinini; ruin-', win. re iln vast ( of Hie In at i-auM d tit,, biaaa pl.itea to It, we eaiiiuit Imt r. fard lb.-ii.-. M rvalinu of tin ir val liable eouleius as iim-t i-uiiviiieini; jirunf of tliu great ts eurity allnrdi d by jour sale. We shall lake reat pli-u.un- iu ri-t-'iimuendiur; Ih-'n- men oi bu-ilit-..s as a sure n Iruue aeaui.t tu.-. OHnitOi: U. SIMMONS llliii.. .. i..7;;-(, T. 'I hov Ii ive siiii-e purchased -n lur'e Safe.;. Jnly-.'O, 1-bJ. August '.M JS5 . TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till". underslL'ii.-d n-api cltuily Inrurms hla eld friend Illld I'llstlllners. thllt In, Iiiin iniri liu.,,.1 lilj,,.. ! Iltere-t III tho ubuvo ei tablislinient. ami Iln: culli-em wils here.ifl.-i be londtieii'd by Iniii.ell pi lu-nvelv. i. lie h.-ii just received mid Hirers lor saio, the l.-ir.-;-esi and luot eMeuiivu isnrtun-ul of FANOV TjMSTi) V HS ever iulrodui'id into tins market. - Hi ' -tnrk con-isls of .i mmple'tu inMirtment of he best CiiokiiiL' und pmlor slou-s in Hie market, tugi Hi-i-r with Stove Fivtiires of every .le.enptinn. Oven nml ISov Slows, Kiuliatiirs, I'yliiidar Stoves, t'.i-t Iron Air Tiaht stoves, i 'aiiiinii Stun s. ke tir. Sintopipn uud Tinware enn.taiitl) nu hand aiul maniifat tureil lu order. All kinds ol repairim: done, as u-ii il, mi short notice. Tin- patronaae- uf old liiends and lu'iv cusionuirs re peetfully solii ued. d, y, UUI'UltT. llloiiiu.hiiii,', Nuveiubi-rtbl 1SUH. tf. li'lUSimUTII .i IIUOTIII'.KS. vniOdHSAliK T-O R A C C 0 D E A L 13 R ? AO.lOS.lvTORTIl TUIlin is Til 15 1ST Five doursheluw Hare . l'HII.AUUI.PHIA fj l a in i r j it ft o TO TOfiSi 5sA51'H5iS ! ROTH MARRIED AND SINCLE. ! Oldest RoRiilatoi' iov Females, i Hit. t.'iii:i:si:M.N's i'i:.M.i,i: ni.i.s ' Will iimneili.itely rrlievu. withnut (itiiii. all ilistuibjii-ii-s "f llu- pi riodie i'isi harpe, wheiiier aiisiug Irnni re. luxation or suppression. Yh.-y ati like u eii.irui iu re nnniiij the pains .ii eotnp.iny ilitueiill ur minimi, T-' alu mi'Uslrii.iliou, and nru thu only s.ito uud , liable remedy for I'ln.lies. Siek Iteuil.ii lie.l'.iius iu thu l.iuus, I Hack and Sides, f.ilpi utimi oflhu Hi art, Neivous 'tie mors, lljstetlr.s, Spasms, llro'.i u Sleep, nml nlln-r uu- j pltrisuul tiiul dautt'-iuus utlei ts nf all condi tion of the scxuul luuc'ioii.. In tin. wuist eases uf Fluor A I bus, or W Jul s. liiey eti'iLl a sin edv i urc. ! JHI. CHIil'.M. MAN'S t'UMAI.F, fll'.I.S. Ilnvo bei ii used o er u Ountti r nf si Century, They are ulier, I as the uiily safe- minus ot' n m wiu int. r rupled in.-nstiuatiun, but !. alios must bear in miiiil Hi it, lit' ru is ou- i-oudilitm uf tliu feiuutu system in whUh Hm fills t .i nnut be tiiken without prudueim,' a puiiliar r suit The ruiiditlnii n fi-ir'-d tu is fn-e'iiuucy His resiill, Ml.e.irrlase. Suih ia tliu irroiistiblo ten ileiicy cl thu iiiedii ine to ri'sluru thu sexual font lions lo a euudilioii, thai uven Hie rc-prndiutlvc piiw-i-r of nature . .uim.t resist it. They i annul do Jiariii iu any idhe r way. nu.'s fi:.mai,i: fiij.s. . Aru the only .Mediciuu Hint arrn.-d and S1115I0 l.aillcs have icln-il upmi I'nr many yi ars.or can rely tipuu uuw. Iteware of liuilutinus ! Tkusu fills lurin Hi" I'lnesl f ri iaratioii evi r put forwind, with inuuediatu and . fersistunt suiiesa. DON'T III! HKOIilVI'.ll. Take this advi rtiem"nt In your Druggist, ami tell him H1.1l you want Ihu in si and iiiiisI reli.iblu Feiualu .Medicine 111 thu world, whn h is comprised 111 j Ull. CHHI'.-'.MANS lH.HAI.F, 1'ILI.dlll Thoy hue p eeived, uud aru nuw- rpreiviiig the gaiw 1 ilinn oflhu most emiu. ni I'liysiil.iu. in Ameilc'i. ! JlM'I.IUff HIIIHOIIOXB witlii'tiili l!ux,-tliuptco , One i.;lnr ier Iln., i.iiitaiiuns Iruin oil In Ut) fills, fills sent liy mail, prumptly, by reuniting thu prieo lothu Proprietors, or an nulli'irued Agent, in LUnun funds. Sold by liritKirigiH iieiiei.illv. IIUTIIlNliS & llll.l.Yllll, Proprietors. dl Oedar Flreet, New York. 077" Bold in llluoinsbiirg. by Fyer It Moyer, ami li l' Ll"z- Feb, !, lcf,,y. j A LOGAN GRIM, 1 Attorney ami Cmmsiltor at haw, l.AI'OUTIl.SUHI.lVAN CO., I'A I Military uud ulligi ilainn promptly altwnleit to 1 Oetuber )l, ItW. important fomles HOSTBTTSH'S CELEBRATED STOMACH I E- i ' U "y li M. &-C.?K rture, Al.n-A tine lot ufKtlH.MOIIOi IKMnnd I.imso A piiru nml poworlnl Tninc. rnrretthc and n Ik rat He wlihhho inilles theul etitluii of Sliui-ninkutH ami of wuiiduil'ul elllemy III dlsiuse of lha public. JUII.N h UllUOf. Illoomibllrg. Ill c. 3. Ilil'-a STUMAUM, I.IVIilt AMI IlinnXS. - YOOttEVB Cr'n l)vifpn;i, I.lvpr rumplnlut, tlonilnchis. (JiMicrn )i hilliy, NurvdiiKiirnii. icprfiilMi nftiiril. 1h tipntliHii Colic, Int'TiiiiitiMit IVvcru, O.unpd utit Hiiini-t. nml nil nmiiltitiiti -fritlirr 5i'X, nrlftmr fmni lio.llly Wcnkiifja !n lln r Inhrrt'tit In the ytnn ur ! XoiiitMt Hint i not lin.citiiMi', irnihil nnil nl'T.T , tlvt In It n.itti rr i'litcrs hitn Ike cuinpo-itloii ot IHH i iTtITllll rt riTOMACII ni n'Hl.rt. 'VUU muUr pro 1 , punitlo" rniitn inn m m.Hrtnl nf nny khut, iifnlcnll , lint.niiriit cl-'iiM-iit ; no iWy rvr Itiiit ; hut it in n rnmliV , ti.t fmi of Hk rxtrncN of r.irr u.iU.uiiir IhtIis nml ' plnut-t Willi the purest nnu mihi.-K. ul nil iiiuuaivu turn- , It well to li" fiirriiNMi'il nynlnt iliitMtKC nH1, mi far n (tie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;t i fitriu ran In pintuLti'il Uy Iminan hhmiih njfjuiift iniiliulifr' rtvit'inUTP'l IV nu linw iMtli'Minnc nt ninftplii'ri'. iiiijnir'i Mitr nud other cxtcru-il tuiinn-s, linSl lVrn.lL'd inri'imH may ho ri-lieil on iik it mlc ' gnar'l. " , lit t'lFtrMn iiilVctcl with Freer nmlunr, 11 Ii.h Imm ii ' , foil mt tufiitllhle .n n pn viitiii' aiul im'iMibto a-u , j rem-ily aiul thntiaihls wliu r"rt tn it imhIit nppre ' hull A nu of niinlliti U, npi: t!t'r'nfir' ; .nol tli'Min iinl llu UrfllCLl to lt illl tlO'llMi'lV'-K i f Hi prnti't tlVf '('hit ftit" Iii niUnnti', nru uired l-y ' tv drlrf io'iri' I (llitt llhlf rlnil int'ilii h'ti IVv r nml A(!'H p.tti"lt)n. I ntVt'r Muz pali I u ntt tnr imintli In vain, tin i III fiiirly riaiii' nt cil with thai I'Hiiiii'rntm nlka'nid. nrn I nut tititn pii'ntly ri'olorcil to health within a few tl.iy.i I h Ho- um of lltiWTt.TTUt S lll'ITKCS. , j 'I In weak -t"tii;h Ii in raphl'v )n lomti'it nml Hip up- pi'Mtts r"4'"P'il t y thin niet'.ilili: 'i'miir, ami lo'iii'i it wirk- wnthlem in t jhi' of Di 'prp-'iit nnil lu U'- inn I ti iii'-il luiitiri nf tix!ip'ttioti. Ail in;' at a jji'iitle and I p.tM; i h app rlflit, an well n n po r tliu li.r. it aNt I-.- i n iit'vi" iui i.miMrp.tiii'ii Hiipcriiiinio't iiy IT" : ' uLtmu of Hi tllii'Mi ve nnil M'tri livo or-m-i 1 l'i'-- ,1 i'f ft'rtiln Ii lint Hah).' Xtri imm dttackit. Low in v 1 1 ( ,unl Vtte tf tamitor, li'nt prmiijit ami pirtiiau-'iil it'lh 1' Im, 11 ihu IIittiTrt. Tim Ipftnmniy utt ihit p'llol i- iunt mm liiiYt1, aiul frmn hnltt m x -m Tin- ..Umy of UilliiM t Jul if m iiniiiu.liatt'lv .iHior.'i-i ly a (iuiiht tUir-o ol' tht Mi mill mi, ami hy oi'u.tonally it pi'iliiiL In il, the return of the Loinnlnint may h' ir- ) vi-ntud .n a tf. iii'riii rnii'r, ii(iti;tti;k I'l iTJiU pro tfili fi tt'( l- W llh II IllU-t h! C.XpcrirliCftl or lllirri.ti'il InC'ip' lit ) 'i.n Li lullv app ri iati'l. In r.i t-t Com stitniii .ikiii'-, preiontuitj ih'cay an.I il li'ii ,tul th i r'pii'nl' arUinir trom old n,'f il ri:ri in-H th- Im - , trir iiilhii'iieu Ut t Im t otivn ' 1 ntt Macn of, ill dN.'.ii.'H It tp - .1- a di IisIiU'iiI ilivuoratit. WIumi th pirn vtH ot iianir'' art- r. l:iod, it ojti't.ilcs lo rcinfurru and rt'-o-tsiMi-li thi'in I nst hut not ' it, it 'lie 1 1 1 -r -tat' run ii'ii t . hriiiu NLumiiKliirtid fioni oi ml and niton n oiiK hi.iiriii.U, nml oiiliri'l) frr" t'r-'in tio acid lonu utt pri'Ht nt noire or h h in all the otdiuar) toiiir and toHlal llir- of Hi" day. No f.imilv mi'dli Inc lia ln-en m 11111, rriatly, anTI 1 1 i be truly addeil. di-eri ill ptipuiar w Uii tin- 1 m f J I i eent iiurtlun id Hie eoiumunity, nusi irrt'i.ii'n nu i i... I'ri'pared bv 11 OS TETTER a: SMITH, I I'l'ISIIFIItill. I'v. fSold by nil Druggists, llrueers uud lurel.e-,,'. r a everywhere. Nuiember -I, i:c'.:i-lr. I i ELM B OLD'S Geimino Fropara! ion.s. OOMI'DIIM) I'l.l'll) IINI'IIAOI' lilll'lltr, n poal. tlve uud spi ellie i meJy Inr dise.i.i-s ol Ihu bladdei Kldm-ya, liiavei, and ilr "ps i.-nl swi'llim:s Tlllil llieillt illl- illlieuses tile pawer nf nicest ion tin I evcile the ule nibi-iits into liealtliv ai lion. In- w bull Ihu Wan i.v or I'nli-areoiia ih-pn.itinus. (ml all Hiiuatuiul I'.ulureemi uiuiits are ridiiied, a. will us pain mid in. flaiuatluii. -:o: IIELMROLD'S EXTRACT RUCIIU. I'nr wenkm ss nrliuu' frrun l',sesses, h-ibilsnf His sipnti'Mi, F.iirly liullscreliou of Abuses, alteude.l Willi tie- fi.lbiu syinptoiua ;w iuill-piisltion tu Hxertiun. I.o.a of I'ower Loss nl' M'-nu'ty, Ullilculty uf n iilbiue' Wenl: N. rvei-. Tn-uiblnij llmrorol' Hiseaso, fain m th Hack I'ihvi tsai litis.ntudu of Iho .Musi ulnr S.isteiu, lint lluuils, 1:1 upiim'i, 011 the Face. Drym ss of Hie sH in. I; u-hii,g of the lledi , I'allid Cuiintemim-e-. These si mptnius, if allow ei' to j;ri uu wlilili llu. iiieditiue niMirialdv ri'iniii'i'-, inilow-s l.Mi-oii.MX, Fah-i-iv, F.pii.i-.i'tit: t err, In one of which the Patient uu.y re'pure Wlini-unsnj Hint Hn-v ur" tint fr.-'-.tently Inlluw.'il by Ibuio --lliref'il lllsi-uses." -INSAM'I'Y AND CONSI'.MITIO.V." Many i.r- nwar" "f Hie eiiMe m' tli. ir siilfeiiti'.', b 11 iinue will lonfi-ss the ri-nuds f the liisano A.yltmis, A ml uu laiiebi'ly deuihs b( Ciuiuu.ptjun bea" amp e witness tu tin- mull nf III" assertion. The t'liilslitiilliill once ell'. ited w nil i.ri'anle. We ikt.ess requires the uid of .Mi'dicine to strengthen and m n. ujiiie tin; si stein, whn Ii lleliulmld's i.xlr.nt 1 1 1 1 . I.n in variably dues. A trial w ill cum nice Ihu must ski,uiial --:o: FEMALES K HM ALUS. In nianv atli'itinus pel uliar lo Females lliu llxtr.iel 1 lluehii is uiie.pi.illed b) uny otlii r ri ineily, as iu Olibi msis or I'.eleiition, Irremilarity. paiiifuini ss, or sup-' pn-ssion of Customary evaluations, ulei rated r eir-1 rmius siaie 01 mo ineriis, i.em tiorrinua or Whites, SterilHV, and fr nil roinplaiuls iiiciileui In lb, 1 six w lieiln-r .iriaing from indiscretion h.ibns of disip-i liuu, 01 iu the HiX'i.iNi: on oiiANoi: of i.ifu. -!o:- T.ikeno mnru ll.ilaim Muriury. or uiipleasanl Medl run for u 11 1 l.-.i mii 11 1 nml dangerous dite.ises lleliu bold's Hxtriil lluihti nml liupiuved I'ose Wash ruret si rrei ois'-itses in tin im-ir 6iages. At liltle expense. I.IMIi-or no ihaiigu in diet. Nu incum euiem e. an uu ' expusiiro. , 11 raiisesu freipieiit de-sire und gives siieiie'tli tu I'n hate thereby mum mi: olistrui iious. prexetiliiii! ami curing strn tun s of llio I'rethr.i, nlbnim; pain ami in liamiiiarion, su fiepienl 111 thu ilass"of diseases, ami 1 xiielliiie' all puismiiuia, diseased nml woruout in.iltpr. Thousands upon thousands who Ii ivu been thn vie lims ol .plucks, nud w Im have paid homy fees 10 be cured in 11 slum time, liaie inuiiil they were deieived and Hun iln- PiilSnN" lias, by the u.u of "pnwerlul iistriiienis" bei n diiud up 111 He) system, to break uui iu uu ttiaravated furni.aml peihaps inter laarruge. :o:- Hsu llelmbold's l'.xtrac'. Huclin for all atfeetiona and diseases nf Hie Urinary ilrgaus, Whether existing iu Mule-iiul Female, 1 rum wlrileu-r 1,111,0 originating ami uu mailer ut imw iuiie tiaudlnt;. 1 Diseuse. of these iireuus routines ibc nbl e 111, i.. etie, Heliiibuld's livtrael lluehii is llio Ureal Hitinlii-.. nud isc.-rtain m hm- desired e-HUi in all Diseases fur whith it is reeummemleil. Hvtdenee- of Hie most p'lhihlu an inter Will uceompany the ineduim respuiisiblu char' l'rlcu 1 por Ilotllc, or 0 for Delivered m imy address, securely jwrUi'd from nbser xatlou. Desiribu syiiiplums hi all Ihuiiiiiuuicu'iuii. I. nil's I'llirunteed, iiiHue grnlls. Addiiss lelisrs I"l information lu II. II. lini.MIIOl.D, detain, Illl Potiili Tenth si, beluiv Clietluui, fjiila, lini.MIIOI.D'S Maliea! tir,wt, IIHI.MIIOLD'd llruir unU Vhc.uhal IVarthtmst, ,vi fnoAiiw-AV, .Nrw- Voi-k. l.ewnro nf t'ounterfeln uud iinprliinpleil dealers who eiideavur lo dispose "uf their own" and 1 ntiiet" mm It's on Hie reputaliuu attained by llelinbuhl'H (leu tiiuo i'lepjr.iituns, HAiriut Dm hu, Hxirui l airsttnarilitt. luiprowd lltist- Wash. ' FOR SALE R Y All Druggists Everywhere. ASK FOIt IIF.I.MII011DU I. ill cut tim Adii'ilisaini'utund send for H, Ami iivuidiiuiiusitioii ami exposure vv SI- leuit-ly, G I U T O N S ' Cheap Groucry Store ,'ILSO NX'IS, CAH'S AXtt .SDaOfl''!,, , rplll'. innii fslgnuil hnvlng hoiigbt nut Ihu rri(rii- I I David Stroitti, tins r' mnvr d his Hal -tud I iom,, tip lo Slrmip's old stauil. wluro iu addition tu u tluf nssorliiietit of FALL AND WINTER ,5 Hills and Clips, gjggf CONFECT10NA1MES, CRACKERej, Mohisai'S, Sujar, CollVu, Tciw, Tobai'i'o, Siiiilf, Cigars. Spices, Dried Fruit, Duller, Coal Oil, i'fug., Parlor and Hand Luinpj Looks. W rititis rupor & Ink, ' lliiitwuie und Uttlnriruii; H-ckil A'nluci, Coihh i... .i... .r... .vl'i, . V' , V't 'I'ngilliif With il vnrieiy oi nriu ics generally kipt n, ON 'HIS PLACE. SECOMJ A lilt IV Ah OF NEW (jJOUJDJS ! J, jr0 ROWER, HAS nilarL"'d ami en-allv improved Ills Slot nml slot ke.l 11 w itli n l.-irt''- .imt siii,'rinr k "t sii;i.MiaiidsrMMi:i oiitMK. wiinh will I- low asiiljill) nth' r esl.ibll-lllU''ill III the coulltr.-. Cdicti.i at ri, 120 and 'Si ,c. Muslins, iliai ( and Urnivn at -5 )i to -IS renin il!i:.-' (JtiOIH of fiery ah.nli'.'pi.ilitv audprii'i'; a lull Inn- of Dunn-Mi, t,'oo,i . vi. : t'hi'i ks. Mrlin s. 'I leka.l.luiu u uud t'mt ,t Table III. iper. Hiuuhaiii'. Naukern, ,n , t good supply of l.uiil-'a Hh 'ea nud (i.nti rs New atui k uf Hats uud Cup. All Wnul Ingrain ainl rcUlat! I iirpii a ph'Oilol ailn If iit o)i"ii"d ,iud lur ut A Iroh -'ijiply of Groceries ami Spiei: .1 u 'w it ir ('Al)Al! AM) WILLOW WAR M M'KI.I! l, bv III" Nos. t ami J. ue iliiini ; . ii.' .11 1. r Ii ill and w hide b.i I l.ii'.'. Man .1 l.ll,. .ISI'lllU'lUl "I mwdiMaiM .ls.i. a in w Inl ol I'lil an I (), Culh .S i, ,-,. ItiiVlut.' (im:'ht iln 4'itnlri h fn. tin I " t pl'p.lM'd 111 M'1! I'tt , I It'Up .M til lll'-.lpi nt Loiintry piodto vi: stimv to :,v. s. tWi)0ihuit, ,M .' .Mi( Uic Uorwick Iloutse. I Jit net Ly ( ilttmlwf, to. , 7 ' I eTTJ "' nioh'tc i!f(n'ii Ufiiia t plMIllv Si.' hi- tuiiad and Hi puMii' a n .1 I T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllllv III. II ll.l VI UL' h-.l "d III- Ul l kouw ii liHtlrai- tl" IHm h II a thor 'null r' ioi utrni TJi" rnntui h.i ! n t i r cd and ihi niirt rsf dili-lnio'iit td-'c.itillv i lorni-io i l'a-in pP'ainlly and i hiriL lu"iiiid ,ind ru ,f( , uilh all th" r"-ai-n.' i rt imiihim u -tt it nil' it t" il, pnldic lhi luinlti "il n! t, .itii.i'jCf ti A Firsl-CIass slotei: IMS T Itl-'. will nKwivi In' upplod with Hie l.-'sl Him iniirKii- mt'if.i, -iii'i Mis it i; with Ui" 1 1 m ij iior. I'r.i "1 it'i- diov t-. i a nun r . hoar d r-. Ai a i "il t' r r.ttf-l I- tt'Hi t '.iri lot toil in toiiiiiool.iiiiiL' lloiUi ri ; in .-ill I'dame M ihliu i trie iiiuj. t ( oinplLte and (. tt.'iiu in liliu xctiMi ; J. P. SII'.RH T. i M.iy'Jf. l-nl. ' MORE MEN WANTKDI iiEvoutTioN 7.v man p hives L.I ICD a imn 'Ah OF SPKiMG & S UMtill AT PETER IX 1.11:11 r srnr.r.r FAT'S STORI Cut I'Mlll'l OIC.N I. ' 1 ) 1 1 lu-l r.'-'-iv 1 Ir -in I'lnlnil' Ipbt.i. iiiid is now 1 1 1 1 1 L- .it 1 1 Id slalol lit.' y n.cupi.'d by Mail 11 .sidi-udid ussurlniciil 1,1 . Hut, MI'UCIIA.NDIZI'; w l.ii Ii will Ii" sold 1 heap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PliODrCK. His stnekentli.tsot Ladies lliesi (.' Is , h"ii "t ill 1 s nud lalesl faahiuus t:ili('0S, Mu-linx, Ciii"liaiiiH, ITuniK'ls, Ciirptiti, ShiiwN, lloior1 , Silk.i, READY MADE CLOT1IINO. ' Cashiuiuroi, SaliuuU, ('otlonadofi, Kuiituuky iK'iius, Tliieud, ivu. Ci'oeoiii'.s, Qui'ciisw.-iro, Cudai'w.'iro, Ihu dwuvu, iMotlioiiia.i. Dru, Oils, Paints, An. ROOTS & SHOES. HAT.S.v- ( 'A PS. In slmr, on ry thine ti.untiy kept iu a emiutiy si,e lheitilrnu.T.-uooldfri"mla, and the publie emu'inl ly, Is lespei tfully Mi'iiiled. The lilghe-sl market ptiie paid lor count 11 piu Im . l.iKhl Street, Apiil an. irtii. . I'H'I'Hi: I AT r'B'.w a't;?t.' ; .!, for spthxu ,j. si -mi mi 'T'lJE suliicrihor Ima iuit lorfivt d I IH-vv p tiihorlmi'uiorilosioiv'ft, i v i . SUlll.lS K !IJ V iii 3 ,s ir: r X la A ii Di ' v o o s a Zi VI A I, 0 O ; i.ovf,i:, mu, is, STAYS, riAi'OIIl'.l.s, IIOul'-HUIKTM I'OIIT.MH.MHS, An other notions, Hi which elio invites Ihu atteuliuu ol lliu l.,i. lie. generally. Dj' Wheeler &. Wil 's Sewing Machines for snlo. Also-Sunday Sclmul Hooks and Hiblei. Alsn-Mi. Alien s Hair ttestorer wlilih will give ti gray its natural color, A. D. WHIM, Next Uuor beluw Court House. Hlonmsbur. May 21, IMil, SUIIOLASHIPS FOR SILK.' fillsbuigli Cuniniercial Collige. I ',i iiL'tiainjil in Critlciideii' fblhdol.biit stratiuii, Hryant v 'I lii-su Scrips, are luaiiiuuuts ol $1.1 uud S.iu and aie issuiuuili itisli, byihobtudoiit uu eiitruiKiithir oi'iiib ubuvo i ulliijis, Young men ileirlng lunbluln ulililsh nl l..ollegi.iti) l.diu.iilon will here liudugood spuculu gOud SpUCUlU ....... j iiniit;ui mu uuue-uiiim ,M) I ISUI C0I.U.MUI UIJ MOO It AT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers