?1W 2 y, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOlt. VOL. 18. NO. 23. Wistars's Balsam OF WILfi CIBSvEtltV. ONHOKTIIIiOLDHST AND MOST Itl'.t.l AIILI! hi:.vu:iiii:s in Thi: would roit UoHgi, Colds, ll'hooping Cough, Bron chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, asthma, Hoarseness, Sore ThroU, Croup ami every affection of, TUB THROAT, LUNGS & CHEST, ivci.mnxo nvr.N coksw na r t i o i . Wistar'a Bnlsamoi Wild Ohorry flu Kcnnrnl lint the iMonf lilt remedy become, nnd mi popular It u sryt lieri". tlmt Itis unnecessary l" ro. fim' its vlttno. It works tpcak fur It, nnd tltii' 1 1 Iciniici' In tlio abundant and vi lulilnry testimony i f tin' many who from limit "iitn-ri'iit nil setled il I nrno I nvu tiv it imo been restored to pristine iiior ntul health ttncmi prn.enin mass ot n lilrncu In prubrof our a keMous I" proof nfrwr ass irtlons, that cannot in: iiiscitciirrnn, 'rii BBcv. Jacob Scclilcr. Wi II known and murli respected aiming the Orrnan I p ip il.il idii in this country, nmki'i llm following statc . !i mi fur tlni liciielltnrihe nlllicted. lliMitri l'.. I'eh. ill, l'.VJ. Ilri. Kir. Having renllr.edln my family linnnrtmt , Im loll i from tho ti-e of ywr vu'tiable preparation ; V sri i'slUi.m.M or Willi CiirtiRY- il atl'i rits lue pleas. hi i to reioinineuil it to the pubhr. Homo clfjhl year l unit of my daughters seemed to 1 o inn decline, anil .in I lu h of her recovery uero entertained. I then pri-cure I hotlleef ynur excellent tlalsam, anil hcl'nri; ibe ti nl taken Hi" whole of the mi leiiti ijf the Imttli) thou v,-i a pte.it improvement in I er health. I h.ive in .nr in liriilii.il can, mule rre't'ieiil tint ofymir Mil ml.',: mii.lliluu.aild have always hmi' himrfilted hv It j t on Hix'in.r.u l'nm ,'cssic Smith, Esq,, I eudent, of the Jloi is County Bank, FliriMown iXein Josh, .invins used llr. WistaC-i I! il nn of Wild Cherry f,.r nli'Hit HUei'ii ears. nnl Ii.imi r a'iei ln'm-ilt i,-t ie suits in my f.iiiuly. 1 1 a I Tin ill inn me it pl'-nstire in re i .itfl mending it to I he pnhlir ai ,i vidua ihi rrmeily in i.i. uf weak Inn;;. mil's rniighi, ,Vc . anil a remedy vtitihl consider to !, entirel inn irent.iind in.iv hn t, k, n uill pet feu safety hy thu most 'lai.te In health. 1'iont IJun. John E. !:m:th,a Distin guished Lawyers w ll' Matin ste'r, i! I. Ihav.in several ncraiions used Pr Witar's l'alsnni ti.l tVlhl I h"rry for sevem rolil, ami nltviy with ilen. il ',1 iieniidt. I know f no tiriir.iratinn lli.it is morn i the t( o is ir more ile yen in; i.f ceneral unr . ile lt l'ini Inn iilfoli'en leil will rxrellent i Hi (I h) J ll.Uliott, Jlerrlntl, lln'l's Cron llondf, Mil. Mar's flusain of Wild Cherry, one p'lHljllG lllll, 'IK fl,MM'll "I I! riTi," Oil 1 hi i p'ir I Fur salt- hy I J I' IIINHVOin:. Vo I'M linn clwa , Vollf, ts i i cu i.i', ,t i ii, rirpn tot . iin.tiii', Anil hy all I'mvi'l. , Rill (1 111 g'.S li ILSSIU Kill VI1. J'OKTT YKA!i.S; KXI'KIIIKXUB. fully ivt.'ildirlicd tlu- ii.ipe lority of Kcdding's nucsiu 'salve. fU'er a 1 oi!i-'r I Mling prepi atloui. H , nree all kindn nfSo-eu, Tuts, Se it, llurii'i, rh'ila I'lieri. ratl Ithiiltn, l)i.lpftai iii'm (lien, l.'iiru-i t-tv lipN. Horn eje. ,V ., c, reiioviui: ttiop.iiunt in, ee. Iiml lledlirill? the lilfst ailjxry i ookillg Htv, IlilHM oi't hiil.iniatiou as ifhy nagic. linlv 'j cent-i a hoi." ion mr tiv J I I'lVfMOlM:. No. Ill llmn.lwny New York. t i LOtVLi: Aid).. Ni, lfTremi n et. llofton, And hy all Drugging, Mai 7, lfil-Um, 'iub mm ;itot'i:i. V ST0RI5. MORB FKKSII !Oona. ,(. received at Erasaii i' jw SJrc. 2Jol:H'i('s, Sugars, Tja OolT'p, Ride, Spiro'', U'iVVS AND CAPS Fish. Sail, Tobncco, Si gar, Ctuuli' r, RazotiB, b'EKL) AND PROVIST' "XS. 'I itri'ier with a t,'tial niicly ikimhih d dorr in l"i ii'iinrrnn to hilm1 inn. II f' It liter . K:;f, Mr; .t .iiiil piOituT pcni'riilly taken I I C Utilise lor t'tKMlK, a. rt. i:i.svi'H. It.itniii-lnir iM;iy U. lH). 'I J1IB (JONFESMOivS ANU EXI'E- l: rial of Mi INVALID. t nl llfhid for the hem lit, and as a rautlou to Young M ti anil oihei s, wiio sillier fioin Kervous Delnlity, I u'uii,ln-e Decay if .M.iuuooil, &r., mppl) tin! at the iciij Line the Mr 'ns op ri i.i t'l lie Hy naewhohas in i imI I, until! nfli r innleii,' nug iwiMdetahle ipiarkery Itv i iiilo'liii! a i,Mpanl adi!rei,Feil euvilojie tingle i opiei, tiny he hiii or lh" inithnr. atiianii:l .mayi'aiii, ij, Juno I, li1!!! - ly llrooklvu. Kings co.. N, Y II. 0. II 0 WE R, SURGEON DBKTIST. m.aiipr"el'i ri i i ..,r. t r.. .w in pi ," i ' ni nun" HIC ll"ll-M4 t7& ifliihl .i.n In.j f.. II,. , 1..,!,.. nn.l , men of lll.ioiiihhurg anil vuinily. He is tireoared in attend to all tint various up iratlonr in the hue of his profession, and is provided with the lali-ft improved POltCKMIA 77'' J which will he imerieil on gold, philiu.i, silver and ruliher liaso tnlnokW' II uk the naluinl teeth Mi'ieril plate and Meek teeth lunnufartured and nil o erntii us on teeth, rai dally and propeily attcuileil to. Iteili'euco and olliiuu leir doors iihove the Court II l,e. f.llne tide. Ill Wi.iisliurg, June fi lef3 " Ni lion al FoiuTd vy . HI.OO.MSRURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. n 111: suliscriher, propm tor of the above named ex J triisivu estahlishment, is non prepared to receive in leru for All Kinds if nrncliitiGi-y, r Collerics, lllast Furnaces, ftalionary l!iigmes, Mills TIIIICBIIINO MACIIINCS, &(J.. &.U. He Is alrn prepared to make Hloves, all sizes and 1 atterns. p'nw-iroiis, mid everything usually inadu in III it -i lass foundries. Ills exljniivu facilities and practical workmcu, war jnnti liiiu in receiving the largest coutiucts uu tlio ni'ifct rejkonatdo terms. I7 (Jraiii of all kinds will ho taken In exchange for Cll!ili!S, II? This establishment Is Inca.ed near tlio l.nckawuu na A IJIooiiisburg Uailroad Depot. rUI'Ell IIILLMUVUIl. ttlsomi'lmr;', Rept. IS, le'C3. ESP YMl HOTEL- 'IMir, iiinLrsiciied, having taken Ihe INpy Hotel, I lately kipl by .Mr. L tlowi II, woiihl luspiclfully inform his friends and the public in general, that im pains will be span il for the satisfactory i iileitalunieut of .ill who iiiyl'.ivur linn nilh.tlu It lUtlniu, III?! II M.tCIIIIANU. Uipv, April pt',1 jgf Select Ipoetrn. ft'rnm thrj Aun.1 A LAY OF THE "LEAGUE." mtt nv DRnpKii dy jisno I Am "Hurrali I for tlio Oak," &c llnrrnli I mr tlio League, for Iho "l.nynl League p Whcra thu brithucii" gather etrong, To ' qiiickon" tlm life of their ciiuntry's etrlfo Willi the Jnciitnl npucch utiil iong I At the nations necil, tlicy tiro prompt to "Meed" lit the ipot nhcre tliuy tutnlereat fuel I For thu wounileil "ruli," hy a (Jove rnmet "Jnh" 1 hey nru right well nkilloil tn heal I llut tha ranks or those ulmmunt tight tlio focB, They will 1111 ltli tlio poor "canaillu'. Of "Duinos," and "sick," fur tlu League Is rich, And lighting in not In their .tjl.jl" Their lame Is limit on the gentler lilt Of tlm wine cup ami the Ktmg I In thu "liiiinlnetilhrcaih" ofthu "liunkutn" spcecli 'J hu nails of the League wnv clrong I Amber ami rod in the Mnn.l they vlied, llut it lluurt not from severed vein I It's glohulert shluu ill thu tlaicoii uiue, And gleam iu the hright champ iguu I Their deadliest swords are their sounding untds I (Which they urn oft i nnipelled tu eat I) And thi'lf nil irpest xtmkeiinru thi ir"ordnroUs"Jokei I liat pas when their "Clnel" they meet I Then, huriah 1 for th i League I for thu 'loy.il league I' And the I' lupin where they meet To di ly the foe ! a mtnit n they know lie i on the full ri treat I L! 1 . mw, ri.T WR'a, !"( Pkjfl rWi'tbJ HIl!'. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Air. Liacad's (tiitr.u Hcvixvedfiom His tat; T'riiis an wliick Warivill cease The Picsi'leiit, Jhpose I. . liicngnizc the. Ribcl. Aullmiit'us llallimorc Con vention lirsolulians Unk'cded What his l-'rirnds Think of hit ( ondtict. From tin National liitelligi'iirer, July DO. Ill 1 1 i liftt inufsagu to UotinrL'fis, culled lo tucct in fx'raorilinary scB.-iion oa tlm 4tli of July, 1,-01, Prusidt'iit Lincoln bold tilt) I'ollowiny litiiguiigc : "Lost tliuro bo somu unoasincss in tin.1 minds of candid ir.cu as to what i.s to bo I hu coars- of the govornmout toward the Souihi'in St-ili-a after tlio rebellion shall have broil Ptijiprfa'-cd , thu excoutivo dconu il proper to .iy il will bo bis purpose then, as ever, to lie gmdul hi the Constitution and tin lairs ; and tlmt be probably will bav no dill'nnt tinier tamling of the pnweri antl dnlif.s of ib.i fi dunil jovoru litetit relatively to the rights of tbo States and iIid poople .under the Uon-tit.nl ion, than tlmt rxpreauil in the iirmcural nddtcsa. lie ilfMrt'H to presnve the "joverninent, that it may be tidmiiiittiM i'd for all, as it wan administered by the men who made it. 1 ioy.il fitizeiis every where have the riyht tn claim tlm of the government, and iho government ha" no light lo withhold or neg lect it. It is not perceived I lint, 'u giving it, there, is any coeicion, any conquest or any subjugation, in any just s-enso ofthoso terms." On tbo 2.'!d of Auguft, 1802, in bin wull known letter t) Mr. Orocloy, as orig inally published in our columns, tbo Pres ident wruttt us follows : "My pniamoiint object is to save tbo Union, nnd not cither favo or deslroy tda very. If I could s.ivu thu Union without fieeing any rdavr, I would do it ; if I could save it by freeing soma and leaving "iheia alone, 1 would also do that. What I do about slavery and tbo colored race, I do becanno I bi'licvo it helps to save iho Union ; anil what I foiboar, I forboar be cause 1 Uo nut lielievo it would help ttf save the Union. L shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am de-ino; hurts tho cause : and L shall do moro whenever I believe doing more will help the causo." In iho opening words of the pre!imina ry "Pioclamation of Freedom," issued on the 22(1 of September, ISO'4; tho Presi dent, as if anxious to preclude thu infer ence that lie meant thereby to chango tlu obfet of thu war, was careful to declare "that Itcie iftcr as heretofore, tho war will be prosecuted for the object of practically1 restoring the constitutional rtlutions be- 1 : . . tweet, the United States and each of tiii: status and the pcode therio iu which states that ltL'LATioN is or may be u ponded or disturbed." This is "the ob ject" of Iho war as the Prosident undue- ' stands it to restoio the constitutional re. ' lation betwecu the United Slates and each I of the Stutis in which the relation is now ' ,.., .,(. .. .I....I . I oiiiwwtui il. til llt.ll HI I Clt. ( it snows tuai tue nine naa passed wuen-mo n()t mean to say that il will bo eventually In reply to a communica.ion from the , war will ccaso en the part of the United fouml iLlu l0 ,, th() w nni, rc3tor(! Hon. iH-rnando ood, of New-'i ork.who, States if the people ol tbo So Uhern .States U)l) U)iou witll0ut lho abandonment of sla in December, 180 J, bad imparted to the would ccaPo resistance, and would reinau- j vcrj. but Wo llo not fcay tl)aUhis aban I resident some information to the effect gurate, submit to, and maintain the na- 'lou.nout Mc,d ot bo exacted bytho Pros that tho Southern Slates would send rep- tional authority ;" for tho President now idunk nsa oouilitjoa without whioh ho wiU icsuuiuiivos to mo next uongrcss, provid-1 ded that a full and goncrnl amcsty should , permit them to do so," Mr. Lincoln, un- dcrdatoof December IS of that year" hold t tho following csplieit lunguage : j "1 strongly tmpect your information ' will prove to bo groundless novorthulc,! thank you fur commmiioatiiig it to mc , Understanding tlm phrn.u in (ho paragraph l above quoted die Soutlieiu States would ' AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. "TO HOLD AND TIIIM THE TORCH BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA send representatives to the next Congress, lo bo substantially tlio saino ns that the people of the Southern Slates would cease resistance, ami would rcinaugurato, sub- nut to, And maintain the national authori- ty within the limits of such states, under Constitution of the United State, I Pay ' that, tn such case, the war should eoiiEo on ; the part of the United States, and that if, wit un a reasonable time, 'a full nnd gen- oral ainnostv' were nnen.isnrt? in iiml, .t,,l I it would not be withhold." j j Early in the autumn of 180:3, in his col cbratetl letter addressed to the Springfield Republican Convention the President wro'tc ns lollows, as if to excludo thu cavil ot objection on tho part ofpohtie.il opponents that ho had any design tocoiitinui; the war for thu purpose of emancipation alior the declared object of thu war should have been reached in a r i oration tf the Uuion. To this olio rt the l'residoiitsaid : ''ou say you will not fight to fieo ne grocji. Some of them seem willing to fight for you. Rut uo matter ; fight you then vxehi-nvely to save tho Union. I isuod tho proclamation on purpose to aid you in saving the Union. Whenever you shall have coiiiurcd all resistance lo the Union, if 1 shall urge you to continue lighting, it will be an apt time then for you to deelaro you uill not fight lo freo ucgroos, We have arranged these declarations of the President in the order of iheir chronol ogy, for tho purpoie of showing that his do clared policy under this head has been uni form, deliberato, definite, and determinate. In tho month of July, 1801, he declar ed it hi; purpose to preserve the govern ment that it might bo admiiiisterotl as it was administered by the men who made it, and he added "loyal cilizcu everywhere have the light to claim this of their ;;ov eminent, and the governmdut has no ri.'ht to withhold it.'' In December, 1800, be said that if "the people of thu Southern States would cea-c n'siitunco and would rcinaugurato, sub mit to, and maintain the national author ity within the limits of said stales, und.ii thu Constitution of die United States, in cuoh case tho war would couko on the part of Iho United States." In September, lSG.'J, directing his rn. marks to supposed dissentients from hi. negro policy, hu said : -'Fight you then exclusively for tho Union.'' "Whenever on shall have conquered all resistance lo the Uuion, if I shall urgo you to continue fighting, it will lu an apt lime for you to declare you will not fight for iho nero.'' It ii iu the light of these presidential djclarations dint tho reader is prepared properly to appreciate the inlcet lerms on which tbo war will cease, as far as the President is concerned, and whhout which purposes to 'continue lighting." Wo al lude, of coureo, to tho stipulations announ ced by him a few days ago as the necessa ry conditions preliminary to negotiations with tho Confederate authorities, as fol lows : Exr.cimvn Mansion, Washington. July 18, 1801 To whoinU niuyc-incern, Any proposition which embraces the rosloration.il peace, tho integrity of t Itu Union and tlu abandonment ot Slavery, and which comon by and with authority that can control the armies now at war n.-ninsi tlm llnitn.1 Ut-.,t..-, u-ill l. mm (and considered by the Extcutivo Oovorn iment of tho United States, and will be met by liberal tonus on other substantial and collateral points, and tho bearer or bear- I crs thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. Aim.uiAM Li.m oln. This declaration is important in many aspects. It shows, in the first place, that, according lo the principles propounded by tho President iu tho year lt?Gl, tho time 1m ntl,iw,1 IV-llt.II In! IwAnnan 1 1 f -i nnunn'n ! ' ,..w , ni" iivei iiiiiuuu in, u it, limy u3 uuujitiibiei ed as it was administered by tho men who made it :" for nobody protends that tho "men who made the government" suppos ed that tho President had any pow to dic tate emancipation us the condition of main taining or restoring peaceful relations be tween the states and the government. As compared with tho terms of peaeo piopounded to Mr. Wood in tho year ISOii, I:, i .i , ,i . , ,. .... 1 iu cllect announces that no proposition "will bo received and considered by tho executive governmont of tho United States" which docs not embrace, in addition to "tho restoration ol peace and tho integri- of wI,ol Union," tho ''abaudonniont of, slavery." As compared with tho declaration of 18(13, it shows that the timo has now come when, ic.cordiugto the President's own ad- Ob' TRUTH AND WWK IT O'Elt COUrTIl mimion and consent, .wh of his country- inoti as !tru "lighting exclusively for iho Union' and who con.cientiouslv deny the right of tho government to Gg"bt for any thing else, tiny aptly say thai the new terms on which thu President insists are ucl. that if thQ negotiations were broken down by his persistence on this point.lhev , night fairly claim, according to his own theory of their doty, an exemption from tri,.i,.i r. Hamuli: iu uce uiirroes. It will thus bo seen that, by applying to the lalo declaration of thu President, the principles announced by him in the yearn 1601, 180'4,and 18011, wo ore able to measure the (fleet nnd purport of that declaration by Ins own standard?. And when tho President thus becomes bis own I critio and coufutcr, it would be idle in us 1 to add any words on the subject. ; lut this latest declaration is important1 in other aspect". It servos to show that ! the Ptcfident has ovoreouio any scruples ' ho may have previously had on die ub- tes of recognizing the confederate milita-' ry authoiities. He now makes it a condi- we.iuiu-wmi.gauu uunsiuormg any prop- osition that it ihall conic '.'and with an ! authority that can control tho armies now j at war against the United States." On . mis poim no pant utile HeeU to Hie rcsolu- :,u ouveouon, witcn, - m renominating him, U declared . I Ilesolvcd, I'hat wo approve the deter- offer anv terms of peace oxo.-pt iuch S ' may be'ba-c'.l upon an unconditional stir- rentier ot iheir ho-tility, and a lotum to' iiiesr iir.-ii anoi'iaiiLTj to tno Uonrtiiuiion ,11. il laws of the uuneii Oiaies anil that u unit upon uiu government; lo maintain their po-iitimi, and lo protecute tho war with the utmo-t possible vigor to the com plote Euppression of the rebellion, in full reliance upon iho sell'-saerilieing patriot ism, tho heroic valer and theuudyiii" de votion of the American people lo their country and ih; free iii.-titutioi.s." The 1're. idi.nt, it eecui;!, is now willill'' to "compromise with rebels," for hu Bays ., ... ;,- . -,, . .. ' .. in.ii it nicy win accept tuo terms preuenb-: ed ther will bo met by "liberal tonus on ' other substantial and collateral points." Rut Mr. Lincoln must have been aware that tho President of the fco-ealled Con federate States ('who i.j tho ''authority'' that controls "the armies now at war against the United Slates") is notempnw- ! eretl by any ol his prerogatives to aipu late for "the abandonment of slavery," ' and, therefore, in specifying this as one of lip- tei ni ' of a proiiositioi: lo come "bv! an.I with such an "authority," he asked . tidllSi nnJ b ai, trll0 iu j,Sc,fj tllat itouglt tution, cxpouuded hy tho first Congress, whit Ccneral .leffrson Davis, oven with , t0 aUr.lct attention both ns a confession niaintainod by all our statesmen, rccog tho fullest disposition to do so, had no j iiut ;IS a faot, j-,0 jty, j". Times, amcU" nized in tho Chicago platform, and main right or jiower lo grant slavery being, 0tucr thin.-s, tajs : -, tained by .Mr. Lincoln and his Secretary under the Constitution of die Cor.foder-to , jji y. Would thinks so little of tho ol S'ate iu Vi'cll wcighetl public documents. Stales, ns of tho United States, cxolu-ively ' fortitude and patience of our people, that Mr. Linooln can not amend the Consti- an institution of Iho separate states, over which the ceniial power has no ri'dttful jurisdiction or control. ' Wc do noMlnnlii ,h, ,!.,, r e do not doul't that the people of the United States will see in the impossible re(M,i,i.ion nf iw,u, ,n,ii,i. preliminary to peaco only a new illustra- tion of the iiioxtrio ible entangtements int.) t t00 IMUC, Cl,mmo aeuto to throw away nil wliieh the President has suffered himself the immense, investment of toil and koI lo be drawn by departing from tlio orii'-' A-Tiny, of life and money, which they have inal dicory of the war. And if he desires ,ado " VMn& d"'" ',1,u ebelliou, by . i . , . . . acenntini' as its result only the restoration to kuow the universal impression that is ' r., " , . ,-,t,-. .t,i, r. 1 of the same Stale ot things, Willi its sale- likely to be produced by the attitude in J ,,uart3 weakened, and the eloments of dis which he has placed himself, he may, w e ! integration strengthened and made moro think, read it in such comments us the ! prominent. following, from the only one of the New- j York journals which was wigioually in . favor of his reuoiuiiniion. We allude to I the New-York T'-mcs, which says : "The President made but two condi- tiona to thu reception and consideration ofi . .. ... ftl)y prof ositions tor the restoration ol i pence, which should come to him trout j competent authority : first, that it should UlllUltilU lliu bill.-yj IWILIu UfllUa ) second, that it tdiould embrace tho aban donment of tltivny. We believe ho might have gone .'.till lisrthcr than this ; he might have omitted the second of theso condi tions altogether, and required tho first ,..,,1. ,...., .!, nl' ll.n . alone, as esseutial to tho reception and condition of proposals for ponce. Wo do not receive or consider proposals for peace. The people do not rcquiro him to insist upon any such condition. Neither his onth or oflioo, nor constitutional duty, uor his personal or ollielal consistency, ro. ,.,. him t0 ius:3t un01. it. Th,.t ;, onfl oj. tbo qui,sti03 l0 bo considered and ar- ranged wlioti tlio tonus of peaco como to u(, discussed. It U not & inbject on which tetms oan be imposed by the goverumeut, TUB DARKENED BAIITII." 18(54. without consultation, without agreement, a war upon stato rights i nnd Mr, Lincoln or without equivalents. would bo most effectually defended by And wo Bupposo that it was in prosego bringing ''the old doetrino of Btato rights" of tho obstacles likely to be laid in the into discredit. wav of peace by tho theoretical position j Tho "old" doctrine of Plate rights im which tho Prosident had assumed on llieso plcs gf)ruo tboory formorly hold, but now and other subjects that the New-York regarded as obsolete. Wo do not go to Tiimne was induced lo upposo his rcnotiK jir, OaliIOUn'8 writinga, nor to onyseccs ination, it hold the following langu'tgo : ! sion sources, to loam what ibis doetrino "We cannot but feel that it would havo 1 j,,, 'piiu soeo'sioii school is comporntivoly bqen wiser and safer to spike tho most sor- , mojorrj ; wo must go further back to find vicablo guns of our adversities by tiomi- ' ti10 origin of tho "old" doctrine of state nrtticj; another for President, and thus ! ,ii,a w iii ,,ft nmn Rnr-k it in the Disponing an motive, dMovulty, for furthe save that of naked , r warfaro upou this i admin'.-tratiou. Wo beliovo tho rebellion would have lost sometliiut; of its cohesion and venom from tho hour in which it was known that a new President would surely be inaugurated on tho fourth of Match next ; and that hostility in the loyal states to the national cause must havo pon-ibly abated or been, deprived of its readiest1 most d.tiijn'iom weapons, from the moment that all wero brought to realize that the President, having uo more to expect or hope, could lieucelortli bo impelled hy no conceivable motive but a dc-irc to servo and save-bis country, and thus win for himsell an enviable enduring fame." It was a singular coincidence that tho friondly editor, win held this frank Ian- glngc nf.P t President's renomination, should have been called to act so promi- JU 81" 7 httnAmt rcson to concur with him in his opinion. Tl)c l'fesideut folmuly declared in the veur ltlil, in his message to the Liouiircss ni I be tin in it Stales, that, "ova eitl2onfl everywhere bad the right to claim that 01i,c.g0 plntforni Mrt hlXfsaItS iaug tho 2over:nnent should be preserved 'that lra, illltlrc!5Sj alui tha iustructions to Mr. it might be administered fur all as it was r)Ay.roNi ju wu;ch -lt j3 assorted as an in tulmitiisiored by tho moo who made it. ' UOIltest.,i,, t..uth tLai tiic rebellion mves As loyal citizens, we enter our "claim" iu theso words. And the President said at tho same time, that "the government bad no right to withhold or neglect" this claim. ,, i J hen w e ask that ho shall not "'withhold or neglect" uhat ho has authorized tho nation to demand. Peace and State Rights. ! i'ho Tiiius, with croditablo clearness of' -r I perception, admits that Mr. Lincoln a position on the poaco question, as recently expressed by himself, is incompatible with tho old doctrine of state rights. TLU ad- mission is not, intleeu, maiio in so many indeed made in so many words : but it is ao lullv implied in nn r(;,,i, ou-inr nt nftlm rfnr-nr n,miii. it does not hesitate to fay that ''a major- 1 u" 01 t,l nor'hcrn people would giatlly accept" the recognition ot "the old doe- ' n"-" m "' "nnlr, tho Union, if on ly they could "thereby tor- '. "Mate the war." Setting aside all con- nider uio.n of principle and honor from i th" question we say ,th tt a majority of tho irot-f tii-t ri iiennle urn tno or.let.iri'il .bitrn This is a distinct rcpudi dion, by Mr. Lincoln's nioit respectable organ, of n willingness to seo the Union restored on tho basis ol die old doctrine of state rights. The position taken by Mr. Lincoln that bo will listen lo no lerms of neaeu that do .... ... 0t include the complete abandonment ol slavery, is substantially id- utical with tho position of his orau that no peace should bo made which recognized tho old dootriuo of stato rights. The Tinifs makes a clumsy and dishoacst attempt to distort tho meaning of tho phrase, quoting a3 if fiom Tin: Would tho language of cortaiu alleged, and, us il turns out, fictitious, rebel propositions which wc hail copied from its own columns, and giving to tho phrasO rtato rights a seuso which il know wo rijected. This unworthy trick shows that the Times finds it less easy to arguo ngaiust our actual position than against its own misstatement of it Wo oorlainly did indorse the "old doetrino of state rights," and, although the phrase was not our own, wo havo uo desiro to amend it. It is pertinent to thu peace question in its present aspect only so far as it bears on Mr. Lincoln'!) declaration that ho will oiitertaiu no proposals for poaoo except on an abolition basis ; or, in other words, that ho will ooutinuo tho war for tho mere abolition of slavery A war for that pur pojti, a-i 'no 2ixHj oumotly pucuvou, ia eMlon3 "resolutions of '09," drawn by jIr, Madison, mid so lonir regarded as ,i. -nrnpr.stnnr, of tbo Democrotio creed : thoBo resolutions, with all their groat merits, waro a party exposition, and the state riijhtson which Mr. Lincoln is mak ing war can be amply supported by auth ority open to no such charge. The "old" doetrino ol state rights is in tho tenth amendment to tho Constitution, which ro Lnrvoi lo tbo states nil powers not delega ' tl;t t() tilc fclor!,i government. Tho 'old' ! ,int, :,, ,i, m,,,!,. immediatelv iu question, and on which Mr. Lincoln makes the continuance of the war to hinge, was announced by tho first Congress, iu I 1701), in these terms, lluolvcd, I hat ..rjongrcsa have no authority to interfere ; in tho cir);lli01, 0f slavs, or in the i.Uo.ltmont 0f then, in any of the "states i ! rtmui,lVlg wuh thacvcral Hates alone , "which humanity and "true policy may .,rcquiro.' if ,1(J Times thinks those ,t0i authorities obsolete, we can support . ., . . same doctrine by some comparatively recent indorsement: as. for cxamtilc. the the federal government no jurisdiction over the subject of slavery, which will remain equally under Etato control vheihcr tho robcllion buccectls or whether it fail" ; and moreover, that if cither Congress er lb executive should order differently, Ihe Supreme Court would, and ought to, de clare their action null and sot it aside. Mr. SnwAttD, in that document, declared . lUI'i.uvuiuiii, inwui,iK'JitfMi''i &ft I UU "incontestable," then, that Mr. Lincoln's declaration that ho will not permit the termination of tho war till tho ll,L, ,1,nlrin,i .'.Mnnnlccf nLln " Dout" consents to the auauuonmeni oi sia vrry' is a violation of tho old doctrine of stato fightR as guaranteed by tho Consti- tution ; that instrument provides tor its own amendment by the concurrence ot three-fourths of the states, but not for its ' amendment by tho mere discretion of the . J ,., . , , , commander ...-chief of the army And ' yet ho assumes to do what he has himself , solmuly declared that ho had uo authority to du either director indirect, lie prefers to tear a half million more white men from their homes by conscription to continue a war for tho abolition of slavery, rather than to entertain a proposition for the re turn ol tho seceded states with their old rights, which they cxeroised without ques tion for "-oventy years after the adoption of die Constitution. -AT. 1". I!V. ,.,,,, t .1 i . l r, A Maud Cash. In the late draft.among . i ,- i i- i the persons t ra ted in an miio.iii.ig bor - ough, was an enterprising niachanio. Ile ,., ,,,,.,1.1.. I,, Q-tOll ,,11,1 Ilia e-,l,f ,. , ,,, ,, . ,, .... although wealthy, would not "contribute. , . e .i u money to keep auv ouo out cf tho war. , ,. . , On b rid ay last we saw hnu startim.' for- the front. Ilis children have been thrown I upon the tender charities of tho borough I for support until his return. Tho nartimr 1 of father nnd children, under fucIi oiicum slanccs, wa p, enough to bring tears from tho heart of stone, i.ud yet we aro told by somo of our clergy and other ubolitionists that this is. a glorious war, and must go ou until "slavery is wiped out." Lachu wanna Register. WoNDKllfUL LlllEKALITY 01' Mil- LIN COLN. Tho other day a delegation of Ken tucky members of Congress waited upon Lincoln to remonstrate against tho arbi trary military arrest ol Colonel Wolford in that State. In the course of tho inter view tho President laid much stress upon his liberality. Why, says ho, I have per mitted (III) members of Rougtess upon d. floor of tho llnuso not only to eritici-v w (!!!) policy, but oven lo poraoniiHy attack mo 1 ' ',iulli'. I Uiu . at ' TERMS: 2 00 IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 28 The Draft. It is staled upon good authority that tho Adjutant General of Pennsylvania said, in tlioprosonco of several pcrsohs, in a pub lie house in Ilarriabnrg, that the lastdrnft in Pennsylvania has been made. Wl.ctli er it was said knowingly, iu viow ofeorao negotiations of peace, or in a spirit indi cating forcible opposition to the draft, wo cannot say. Lota ft Hlasphumt Tbo Cbistain Recorder publishes a now song, of whiok the following is a spccinicu verso :J "John Brown was John tho Haptis'l, of tho Christ wo aro to sec Christ, who of tho bondsmen shall the Lib- crotor bo, And soon through all the South tLojslavcr shall all be free, For his soul is inarching on." This is a fair samplo of tlio blasphemy and stupidity which aro ventilated in a majority of our churches. If tho Aboli tionists have failed in their offorts to con quer the South and suppress tho rebellion, they have been entirely successful in thoir raids upon Christianity havinc drivon it almost entirely from nil the pulpits in tho country. Thu FitKi.sr OoTEUNMUNr on Eaixtii.' Wo understand that people who visit tho Stato of Kontucky aro scarohad at eaoh lauding placo by Lincoln officials, to sco if thoy have in thoir pookots aDomocratio newspaper. If they have, it is taken from' them and buruod. This is the liberty we oDjoy under Lincoln's administration. This is the "frcett, best CJovcrnmcnt on earth" that wo havo heard so much about. Thrac proceedings aro not condemned by tho Lincoln press. Comment is needless. Di'cm.MiNAi t.N-o in Favor op tiik Nir CU;o. Ties widowj cf whif.o noldicrs havo to prove ton-Ires to bosuoh by n. tedious and cipipl x prccesi, in which thry are Ii to f i;'. Vfo:- they can secure persioti3. A '-eoioi-i d Imly" has only to provothafc she hu livjil with :i nigger two years ai his wife, and in tho event of his death sho' received a petition. A white woman, it seems from this, is not quite as good ns tv black one, if sho docs behavo licraclf-aa1 well. It is estimated that tho llichmond cam'--paign, under Grant, has ho far, cost tho army ouo hundred thousand men, and tho' Treasury a hundred millions of dollars. Exchange, That money and thoso tuon are much worse that) tin own away, for if wo get liiohmond it will havo uo effect on tho du ration of the war. How sad to think of tho loss of so much valuable lifo and ol tho misery it has brought upon the land. How much good could havo boon done withthis money, thus lavishly expended in an insano enterprise. "Hud Douglas lived," exclaim a Lin coln newspaper, he would still stand where ho stood at the timo of his death." At tho timo of his death ho said that when tho war should become a war for emancipation, he would fly to the aoiislauco of tho South, lie said that in one of tho twolast speeches bo ever made. Why do not Abolitionists resurrect his remains nnd send taunt to Forte Lafayctto X -Chicago Times. tfS1 Prosident Lincoln, on his return from visiting tho army of the potomao, lit tle more than four weeks ainpn, said exul- ' 'K'S'ybtloru the loyal lo.tguo of Philadrl- , , . ? that the rebel capital was about to'fal! i , . ,. . , ' , ---- ..uu ii... ii, ..iiuujei Ulan. Why does hu now demand five hundred ' thousand more ? hou he made his state- , moiit beforo the lrngue was he drunk, or . , , ., . 3 1 r gnorant or falsity iul' ... Uaow.v's IJuonciiial TkochES. A- J,'Pot is opoueil in London for the aalo of "" u nave oeeu so iong in uso in America for relieving Asthma, lirownchitia, Coughs, Throat disorders, and affections of tho Luugs. LiverpooC Post, Tin: horn of a sword-finh, which had pierced tho copper and four and a ha'f inches through tho plank of tho ship Don ald McKay, was taken out of tho bottom of that vossol whilo on the dry dock nt London a couple of weeks ago. CST"! say, Pat, aro you asleep I" "Divil tho sleep." "Then after lending mo a quarlor." "I'm asleep, bo jabors" jtf An Irishman being asked for bs ncrtifica e ol rairvibgtyh iwod a soar on bio fo..,LjaOr.! i tue tihupo of n jhovol,which w. " dr.l'uX 1 iy. M.vNV !rollai!itt oV t'i" ohnteh ire nly '.'Hj.CIL. M '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers