COLUMBIA DBMOORAT l!DITDIIV LEVI L. TATC, l'BOMltfiTOR. BLOOMSBURG, PA. BATOHDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 186J. K EMOCIIATIO 1 iTATlf TICKET. AUDITOR GENERAL, IS A AG SLENKEFU OF ONION COUNTY. 6ORVEY0R GENERAL, JAMES P. B AR.R, OT ALLLQnKNY COUNTY. IHiiMiniiiivirjiiwMtL i Biammi mujmm ami Sim NATIONAL PLATFORM J TURPOSES OF THE WAR'! OoHHUfl, llT A -VOTE HE.BLT rSASIMOCS. ftlfED TltC 'nnMnvitd ptiott'Tio.t, vviitrit ixrntssra the voice or TUt NlTIOI AND 19TIIET11UK STANDARD or LorvLTV : "That the present deplorable civil war haa been forced upon Ihs country by tlio dliinlonlits of the Southern Mates, now in arm against the Constitutional Government, ami In nrim around the. Capital ; Hint in trill National omersoney, Coimrcss, banishing all feel' Ing of mere pan.lon or tfscntincHt, will recollect only Iti duty to the n hole cuntry i that this icar it not waged on fneirpiirttn nity spirit of oppression, or for any pur pose ofcooouett or tubjugaiion orpurpotcef overthrowing r interfering vith the rights or established (nililulloiu of those States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Conslilulion, and tipreserre the Union, utth the dig' Mlty, equality, andrigktt of the severr.l itates unimpaired; jndthat ai toon at these objects are accomplished the war tught to ecatc." Opinions of Jndgo Douglas.. Hepublicans of our day, now that he U no more, profess Implicit faith In the opinions of the late Hon. Stephen A. DotoLAS. We call to the witness stand the living aiatory of that tried patriot and eminent In the United Statci Senate, upon tho 3d of January, IBC1, .Judge Douglas ald : "I address the inquiry tn repuhlictns nloncer the rea ton that la the Committee 'f thirteen, a jca days ago, erery .uember from the South, Including Utosc from the rctton Sat' j (Meisrs. Tombs and Davis) etpretted their readi ness to aeteptthe propotillon of my venerable friend from Kentucky (Mr.CriltendciO is u FINAL SETTLEMENT .tf thc controversy, if tendered andsustaln'd by republican .members. "HENCE, Tlin SOLI! Itt'.sTO.Np'lilILlTY .OF OUIl niaAGREEMENT, AND Till. ONLY MP .FICULTY IN THE WAY OF AMIC.UU.E ADJUST MENT, IS WITH THE IIEPUULICAN l'AKTY," Stephen .1. Douglas, "'Ihold that this Onvernment was mads onthu White Paris by White Men for tho benclltof White .Men and ttheir I'oitjrlty Forevc rl Setphcn .1. Deuglat. SOor Farmers aro gatboring tho lrnost abundant crops ever grown in Coluin Ibia -co. .SsSrJohn W. Forney and John 0 Knox, tapostato democrats, are Dc'.egate3 to the Abolition .Republican Convention at Har cisburg. 4J6- We call thu attention of our road r -to ithc advertisement of Rev. John 'Thomas, 'in another column, ot re-open ing -of his school in Vashingtonvillc, Pa. C"TJie Jlurrisbwg Tdegruph is as cmfortunato in its references as it is pro verbial for its misrepresentations. It iuotcs.tho Huntingdon Globe, to vilify our aandidates on tho Stato Ticket, and pro jionnces it a Democratic paper. Just as much; and no more to, than Dr. John, Forney and Bergner. B&KTho Carbondalo-tuicc, says tho remain in thekUnion, if slavery is to con Court at Wilkcs-Barjc has decreed that tinuc 1" JMr. 0 Harrison ofthis city is entitled to tho scat of Assoeiato Judgo of Luzerne 'County, in place of Mr. Grant. This is deus Stevens, who recently said in Con dono in accordance with tho lato decision I gross that he "was not for the restoration of the Supremo Court, declaring tho army j 0f the Union if slavery is prctcrvod." votc unconstitutional. The Currency. On Wednesday Gold advanced to a premium of Sevonteen per cent in New York. Wliat a beautiful currency tho people will be blessed with ore long, should tho tendency of things continue. Already shinplasters of 10, 25 and 50 cents, aro put in circulation by somo of tho privato establishments in New York, and it will mot be long bcforoithc-y are floating thiekly ovcr .tho whole land I A Heal Treat Comino. Iu these days of grim visaged war, wo naturally Ec6k for tomo relaxation from tho cares and anxieties which oppress us, and wo there fore congratulato our -citizens upon the promised advent among us of the R Sands' Equestrian establishment, whoso advertisement will bo found in another -aolutnn. Tho company consists of a splendid army of first class artists, such as have commanded tho applausa of tho most critical audiences in tho larger cities of the Union, and aprogrammois promised which is rich and varied. Among tho porfoomers aro Madame Sherwood, Charles Sherwood," Pete Jenkins." Sam Long, tho clown, tho Carlo family, aud many others. Tho Arabian horses Joo must not bo forgotten. Go every body, aud go tarly. - j Another Call for Troops. Tho call for 300,000 additional soldiers to rcrvo for tho war will rfford an opportu nity for tho Wide Awakes and tbo Rcpub lican party genet ally to make pood their boastod patriotism, by rushing atonco to tho support of tho President, before any draft U resorted to. Tho huudreda of rabid war men who throng our streets and clamour for a vigorous prosecution of tho conflict, whilo reinforcements aro pressing ly needed at every point, should now be up and moving. These- men who tell us their hearts are in the fight, should loso no time in responding to tbo call at once. To refuso their services at this timo of per il will show that their loud-spoken patri otism is but a miserable and ling prc- tenco. Hitherto this class havo beon very "backward in coming forward," but as j enlistments aro now but slowly raado, itijj presumed that thoy will at ocoaoueklo on ( their armor, and roon fill up tho needed tjuote Tho New "Union" Party. Tho Republicans, says tho Patriot y Union, havo adoplod an ingenious plan of rroltinrlTI, inn Slam ('nr,nn,i ?. : ... , ; r'" Wlierover thoy can find a renegade Demo crat, they elect hitu to thuir Convention, with tho hope of gulling tho publio into the beliof that n large division of tho Demo cratio party lias gone over to tho AbolU tion-Rcpullican party. In Philadelphia a committeo of Republican politicians so-j leetcd delegates to tho 17th of July Con vention, and who do you think wcro ap pointed to represent tho Democratic olo nicnt? Why such Dcinoceata as John W. Forney and John 0. Knox, who ior tho past two or three years havo bosu among the most conspicuous haten of tho Demo, cratic principles and tho Dcmooratio or ganization, to bo found in tho Common wealth. Tho selection of these men is an ovidenco of despcrato shifts to which tho Republicans aro driven to procuro Demo cratic decoy ducks. Tho antocodants and present position of Fornoy scarcely require notice. Since ho sold hituscif to the Re publicans ho has endeavored to cam his wages by tho most vindictivo and reckless aspersions of Democratic men, and mis representations of Democratic measures. His colleaguo, John 0. Knox, belongs to the samo class of treacherous trimmers. Like Forney ho was nursed and petted by the Democratic party which he is now en deavoring to destroy. Through tho Dem ocratic organization ho was made a mom- her of tho Legislature, a judgo of the Su premo Court and Attorney General of tho Stato. Ilia gratitude for those marks of favor, is shown by his present course. Wo wish, tho Republicans joy of their dis. tinguished acquisition. Not a Word. Has the Republican party had a word to say against Wendell Philips, who pub licly boasted that ho has .been engaged for -niuitcon. years in tho work of destroy ing itho 'Union? Xota word 1 lias it had a word to say against Vice President Hamlin, who knowing Phillips' treasonable sentiments, publicly left the Speaker's Chair, in the United States Senate, and almost embraced him on the .floor of that boQvy. Not a word 1 Has it had a word to say against Sena tor Wade, who declared publicly in the Senate that "the man who prates about tho Constitution in this great crisis is a traitor ? Not a word! Has it had a word 'to say against Rep resentative jj'tngham who said in thollous: only a month or two ago, "Who in the name of Heaven wants tha Cotton States or any other State this side of perdition to Not a word ! Has it had a word to say against Thad- Not a word.! Has it had a word -to say against any of.tho fanatics who doclare "the Consti- tution a league with 'hell," and the "Uui- on a covcoant with .the 2" Not a word i Has it had a word to say against any of its friends who havo plundered tho trea sury in ono year of a greater sum than tho yearly current expenses of IMr. Bu chanan's administration V Not a word ! Lebanon Advertiser, Meeting of the Democratic Stato Central Committee. Tho .Members of .tho Dcmocra-ic Stato Central Committee, aro hereby requested to meet at the Merchants' Hotel, iu ths City of Philadelphia, on Tuesitiy, the 2Qtt July, instant, at 7i o'clock. P. M. A full attendance of all tho members is urgently requested. Beside the business of tho organization of tho Committee, it will be nccccssary to adopt measures for tho the Government to cruik the rchsllioB, l h(iCansQ (, un mperUl0el l-dtmanded.-thorough organization of the loyal masses! lllJL S1? We have met wi-h no revolt that should throughout tho StaU', who desiro that their j political action the ensuing Fall shall afford ' convincing evidenco that tho great body of! tho people of this Commonwealth aro ro- solved to 0rniniT.fxT !"! . "CAL C0N"! S1I1U110N, and that the Union of these States snail not be broken w,athcr by the open and armed assaults of enemies South, or the couallv direct but mora insidious or the equally direct but more insidious movements of foes in the North. It is also desired, that in viow of what tho course of events has rendered probable, foreign intervention in do,atlo .Irlfc and the completo co-operation of abolitiou ists at home and abroad, to prevent the restoration of the Union on the bais of tho Constitution, tho Democratic party aud otber loyal citizens supporting our organ ization, should present an undivided front to foreign aud domestic foes, F. W. HUGHES, Chrirman Of tbo Democratic Stato Central Commit tee. JCGy An important War bill is now be foro tho U. S. Sonate. It gives tho Pres ident complete power to call out tho mili- j tia of tho country whenover ho may deem necessary : and when such call is made nono aro to bo exempt on account of color, case or nationality. The President is to organize ioto rogimouts and other divisions as bo eeti fit. A tVT nnlrr Cnnninn I IUUU1J UUUllvUl Woll would it be for tho country, wcro . . ' all Republicans of tho samo stamp KJMr Cwan. onn f a.t, Pm.nsvl vnnla 1 Senators. Wc cannot forbear rcpubliahing, a... ,':" ,. :" , in inis couucctiou, ins atinnrauio auu in- dependent letter to tho Chairman of tho CoiumiUco, who had in charge tbo man-1 . . , . .... . n . Hall. It will bo seen that tho Rcpublioan Senator has raised the warning voice. Will it bo heeded 1 This leUor ehould bo circulated. It is mukitm in inirvo. Washington, July, 7 1802. Dear Sir I received jours of the 5th inst. duly, and would bo much pleased if I could avail myself of your kind invita tion, but so many of our body have already gono away, that it is difficult to get a quo rum. 1 .trust you majvaetho "People's Party,' bo enabled to servo the couutry m this tho hour of her greatesr need, because uulcsa' i country iuo wise auu moueracj men oi iuo now unite with locked shields to stand round tho President, himself wise and mod- crate, the Union will bo lost, with all its blessings to us and our posterity. The republic is in clanger. IT . , ts . rt ... iours, iruiy, ivdqau uuivan. T. S. Daulinq, Esq in tnc lirs t place, we arc lntormeu tliat, net withstanding the Republicans determined that there shall be .mcnt as long as they can avoid is difficult to get a quorum. for itself. Senator Cowan says, ,I trust you may, as the People's Party, bo enabled" to do thus and so What could bo more cxpres-1 sivc ? Tho Senator is not only a stales- j man, but he has proven himself to be a very shrewd politician. Ho is too much of a gentleman to flatter tho wire-pullers, and too honest a man to let tho occasion pass without expressing a folio of doubt as. to the ability of stereotyped clique to bo of any service to their country- its letfl hour of greatest need. Now comes tho language of fearful ini iport. Wo almost shudder as wo read it. We havo never yet permitted ourselves to indulge even the thought, that so teriible a catastrophe is within tho range of the possibilities. "Tho Union will bo lost 1" Whcreforo ? Is there no hope ? Aye. The outspoken Republican Senator iuforms his party, whence may be derived that hope. "Wise and moderate men" must unite to "stand around tho President.'' What a killing rebuko to thafoalhh men and radicals, who havo been impudently annoying tho President and his Union Generals with their infernal sophisms and crudo notions on great National 'questions. We hope the vipers will cease their hissings at the only reliable Uuiou men in tho country, now that they havo been sigually rebuked by ono of their own friends, who is an honor to his State, and tho bcuefac tor of his country. The fanatics, the radicals, tho office lovers, the gormandizers of publio pap, tho fellow3 who love their country because it is so easily .plundered, may now read the Journal with profit, instead of falsifying it, since its course has been so fully sus tained by a Republican Senator, whose lead is a safe oue, becauso ho follows the path marked out by a Washington, trav elled by a Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Clay, Wcbstei, and put in repair by a Douglas. Mr. Cowan concluded his letter with an anounccmcnt which should cause tho radi icals to leavo Washington iu hot haste. He says "Tho Republic i3 iu danger." Aye, and tho whole country will hold tie fanatical radicals responsible for that danger. We do not "despair of tho Re public" But, the Uuion cause would bo speedily triumphant if radicalism could be crushed, and conservatism govern iUo; councils rf tho nation. Philadelphia Evening Journal. Democratic Siato Coiivpnli;m in Ohio. The democracy of OhiOjliko their bietlro.i in rcnn-ylvania, helu a Convenuoii at their Stato capitol, on tho 4th. which, like i -wuuvuilliuil ilk ours was the largcit gathering of the kind ever assembled in the state. Their plat - form, like ours, is sound in its supporr of tion. 'llio following is a coudensed ao- count of their proeecdings. We, thorcforo, tho representatives of nearly or quite 200,000 voters of tho State of Ohio, who havo as deep a stake in the ,r,.lf..,. nftlinnniilili-t- nnrl (1... r,nr,l of the Union as any other equal number 0f men, in tho cxorciie of our duty and Constitutional rights, and with the desire of upholding instead of weakening tho just i I'owo" of.our Government, and anxious to uuito all uieu, without regard to their former party associations, who agree with' us in opinion, and to treat all loyal men who iioue-uy tuner iro.n us w.tu uocoming 0ne point, ours aro scattered ions and lluso of our constitnniiU nsi fnl owih. liesoioed, 1, That thc Dcmooracy arc for the Uuion. 3 The Abolitionisis alono arc forcing 3. Denounces tho abolitioi.uts for criti- cisincr tho Pio idont and tho conservatives, 4, Condemns tho letter of John An drew, Governor of Massachusetts, to tho President. 0, Is in favor of meeting out merited a - . - logal puniihracnt to the plotters of rebull- ion,but opposed to conGsctttion as uuconti tutioual and likely tOt irritate tho South and opposes emancipation as unphilauthro P'0. That, entertaining these views, wo! though for a long time detached from tho oannot too strongly condemn tho refusal main body. ofour General Assembly to prohibit, by, I hopo Columbia Co., will promptly law, tbo immigration of negroos into this1, 0, , ' , 1 1 J t!,,L turn out her quota. Eho has tho mcn many hifto. . . 1 . . J 7. That we are opposed to being tad topurohue thefreedora of negro slav. Will. .11 .!.. . -i r. !..! UIUI III! UUU lUSpUUb JUT IfjU upiUlUIISUI others, wo think that Mich a measure would 1.- ... .!....! I !. . 1. I . I MuiiooMUtuMonol, liiipolit.o ami unjust. o- unpor.lluU trUUs ami lie; l!'.!,4.! U,I;Parr?lll!d hAm nml T; ' by the invo,tigali.ig o nimitleos) and oth- .culu ,0U3 PU "io uovornmcnt, rovoalcu onviso, ueuiiina tno stornest comloninatioii os every uoucst nutii nna Iriciitl ot tlio . . 1 cou,,tr al1, call for tl.o severest punish. mcnt pcrscribed bv tho law?. anj I skill innnifested bv our avmin hav?, muni-. been excecdeii iii t'lrc historv of tho world. and deserve and receive our highest ad miration and gratitude 10 That whitu wo will, a3 horctoforc, disoourauo all mere factious opposition to llio Administration, and wll continue to givo our earnest support to all proper meaurt'3 to put down the rebelliou, and wilNnako all thu allowances that tho no ccsities of tho cttj.0 nrfuire of good citi- oii3, wo proteht ngaint all violations of 'itho Constitution. n, hat wo hold sacred, as wo do all other parts of that instrument, the follow- lin.nvovWons ol the ( ost,tutirm of tho United States. ((Hero follow all those amendments to the Cous.titntioa J:nown Rights.) the bill ot l'J1 That wo view with indication and alarm the illegal and unconstitutional sci euro ami imprisonment, for aliened .iioliti- cai oiteuscsjot our citizens, .wituout juu ung and repr,llir hueh ,tla grunt violations of tho Statu and Federal i oii-titutions and ,jri auuio.ii uin aci.oi. oi tue r.gitu . nu nu- ni'lin nt A.nnrtn ill niii'rin.j nml lltnt in lyiauutuai iiu.acuoii oi iuo ngnti .mu nu- nconle of this Stato cannot .-afcilv. and will not, submii to have thu freedom of speech and freedom of the prcis, the two cscntial bulwarks of civil liberty, ut down by un- watrjuwu auu uospouo exorctsu ot power. Al'imr nm'i.nt'nmulr.nnn j . kU,ulllll,,i.wv. Wamievion, Va July 14, 18G Col. John G. Freeze, Sir: The beautiful city of Warren ton is .now occupied by the Federal troops for the first time. Geary's Bii-' cade and Blenker's Division have been through, but never slopped long enough to try the efficacy of the celebrated Fan quier Springs The place has been .quite a .Summer resort for wealthy Southerners and presents rather an aristocratic, ap pcairanec. One of the hotels is said to he. capable of containing 1000 people. Its register shows some very familiar names. Immediately under the signatures ot some offices of the C. S. A., I noticed the names of two men from Berks coun- l-v- a- Wo aro momentarily expecting orders to inarch. Gen. McDowell's forces are divided between here and Fredericksburg. Gen. King's Division containing Augur's and Patrick's Brigades aro there, and Gen. Rickttts' Division containing the Brigades of Generals HarUuff, Tower, 1- .i . t: i .p i i- l seem I process, in btntes wlioro such .process Oraugeville, was sent mo, with the names In Lewisburp, 29th ult. no adioum- s """""ruowu, our. oy ieeuuve oruer, f , t , ucnlh mo :. as a commit-' wcoka illupus. JOHN il. ii it. that it -ii . ..ii.. it . '.i . ... '. ter.itriit'.d i.n one hand wri inf. sill stran- , 1 I'a"0i "b-"""""-' lit, f,i nrrnr,l nr nl,nn,. nml ,,,11 .,, " .l . I -I -..i That snoaks ! iU .i .,...!,., .:.i. .... nivseir. Jnnn iitmicMliatti iiinui. v. Jn cany uloi lUr uaum 1 kii wno tin loiu liio union, rno tjonnt ltiun o i i , ,-. n. i- n(lu inU -iiniai 'U -UIJIM, nitl lU"1 III 111. IJUUIIV C3 'V i 1 - I uuryea, anu a r.S.,o wva.ry un. x polnocr;U thc cmml (Jolumbia. Gen. Bayard, arc u. this vicinity. Banks , rc8peotfllUv Corps is here also, aud he has Willi hrni (J. E. MtlGHT. Geucrals Williams, Crawford, Hatch,) Green, Geary and Sigcl's old command Editor Dhjoceat, under Generals Cooper and Slough. Mc'-1 JJ sir Sir: I stated in my last that I Dowell is to be Anther reinfoicud by a would prove the E li tor of the Afiican tq Brigade from Wa-hington. Gen. Sigol'a ry Republican or his informant to be a liar; Corps, formerly Fremont's, is in the Yah on the stilject of the chaige in it made ley, and wi l join us at another poii.t. ' that a cit'uon of Beuton had in Philadel Another evidence lhat tho "Army of Yir pbia registered hiss name by the initials ginia 1 arc .soon to move onward is, thai! only. I now proceed to make good my wo haye all been ordere I to draw ten days ' as-crtiou. Hero is a copy of a letter re rations., a very uuusual amount. There I ccived from the Proprietor of tho National is no doubt as to our destination. Wo aro Hotel, which letter is conclusive on the to go to hiehmond by laud, and make an attack on its flank. Thci enemy dare not send any considerable force from Rich mond to stop us, and thoy soon will find themselves surrounded by the armies un ncr Gens. McClellan, Pope, and Burnsido. Thoy can scarcely resist a simultaneous attack by theso forces. In the meantime it behooves our peo ple at home to sec that tho 300,000 men , . ,!.. 1- ! 1 , 1 "centiy caiicu ior are prmupuy luru.s.iuu. Wo havo gono too far aud sacnGeed too ' much to falter now. Young men at home ,. nn lnmmr snv i.W am not netdbd." stop us in our purpose!, whilo the enemy are daily lo-ing grouud. Contrast our ,!,! ,ti,h ii,i.w nr..nni..l mm var , .. , , ,, ,- , ,,, a nnd .,t.iCums almo;t provide ntial that WO StlOUlU UftVO SUCCUCUeU SO WOll. ACar- ly one year ago to-lay wo were twiibly defeated ou thc plaius of Mauassas, aud naw wo khold thc eno coopcJ up ; w . j hjch u threatencd on cve .... a,uv " i Mississippi is ours and tho most iiuport- ant southern strongholds aro in our pos- gcs.iol. While their forces aro concen over tho face of tbo Union, and yet are strong enough to resist their combined of- forts. It may bo wondered why wo need tU Wo want to fill our depleted ranlj9 and ,iav0 mcn euoueh to ,nect al,y force which Forein powers may send w against us, Pennsylvania has now a glorious namo through her sons in .almost every battlo which has been fomrht. Her "Reserve'' Jjos now u vorldvitlo rcputatioUj nuil it is the boast of this Battery as it is of many - n . ,. ... bcloll (0 it of wbom exprened great anxiety to meet tbo .Southerners before tho war broke out. rlVT - . - !.. it...!. ,!.., in ma flints- rvntrlfll. I AlUVV 13 illVIl lllliu lu j3m, ... All I ILL Eli 1ST. P. S.-Sineo writiiiK the above I faato ' Jonrnocl that Sigcl'a Corps (f-romont's old , ,..-,",,,. i,l .cointiiaiitii is witniii a suo t uisciuco n icri!j udvuiicu guard buinj- Lomond Cul- ... pepper 0. II. Gen. Huol ii in thu vail ... H....I !. ,. II... i n l..r with a largo number of his troops, among whom aro somo half-breed Indians Tlmv wi 1 makn snlendid scouts, and wilt : a tBll jeil0y t0 itop mioiilla iUhtiug. I , . "." ' UoillliUllllCilUOUS. 'r Ton nil Ciiluxsia Hejiouut. Wimii-.s-Baiiuk, July 11, 1602. Levi fi. Tate, C'OL near sir:i sense oi jusucu unpuis mo to notice two articles in the Cvlumlna County tiepublicun, of List week, to which .. ! I I II t .1 !.. i !lUenll0 1,as bccn callct1' ,ul 1,1 which I am made lhe subject of some , very abusive and undignified remarks. i h 13 not my purpose to reply to them, hut rather to make an explanation of thu , , . , , , , circtimstaiices under which I attended the meeting on tho llh. An invitation to .iddres the incolinjr at I was informed tli:.t these gcntlnncn wcro -ill mr-inhers of the Dimiocr.uic party; .,, ,,...nh, in .,, (iM.r!l.. ,lf ..... ., tlio iE-onU- in rli- ' 1 whvra 1,10 i t io u was to lake Pllici-'i w'exe nlroiigly Dcnincratiu in their sentiments. 1 was at the same time, as wcll as afterwards, Ictl to mulcr.staud, lmt ny a.droS8 woul(i bl, cxpct!lc(l t0 be, ii a great measure, on tho principles off ill tt...i. .1.: . : ....:.. i 1 -j- i ..innt 4n ... I I. .....1 ...III. ,.M(.W.. went to the inceiin.;, u.ul with perfect honesty of purpose . in. nil: ii(-ii .in .in i . ..t -.1 j j j - dress as 1 supposed was looked lor no one oi the Committee intimating a simile topic fur my remarks at the time, After my address, greatly to my -surprise, 1 Was assailed by several speakers, in :i -:, Kn,i .,,,,,. ,,.:,i1 ,.,, ,.v..pntimi CXCf.ctigly vituperative and ungeneioiis.' If it was improper on that occasion to ad vance the principles of tho great national party to which I have always belonged, and under which this great Republic has .rH ....... ...M I ci- a llinl I that I IIM'II III JIW;i, U'.I 1 i-uii a..., 1.3, . 'entirely misconceived the dutr required at my hands. Atihn same time, it will not Admit of denial, that those principles an: not ain worth; of consideration and re- JUari-j cvc on tlt! Fourth day of July. ! Such opinion, at least, would . seem to 1avu IlGC11 cnturtained by my party, in , selecting that day for their State Convcn- lion at Harrishiirji. It seems, therefore, ; not a little .slraujic, if Democrats from all ,. I, i . .i ,,, lj;uit in i uuiisyit iuiw uje 111.1111111v.11 , pass their resolves at the Slate Capitol, j a man should bo proscribed for being a ! point. " Philadelphia July Hth 1602. " Mr. II F. Evcritt. Benton Pa. "Mr. James Melich iuforms mo this " moruing, that you havo not as yet re " an answer from us, to your letter l written some live or six wciks ago. I " have written to you tviice. Strauge that " you havu not rmeived my letters. Your name app.'nrs on our Rci.-tor. " uuder date .May Sth 1802. 11. F. Ev " critt Bullion o . Co, Pa. "And I feel confident in saying to be 'your own lcind writing, Hoping this " may be sati-faetory. lours Ui-sp'-cttiillv, D. C. S1EGI1IST, Proprietor, iXutiotml Hotel. This letter ii op:n to tho inspection of any odc who desires to examine it. Let the author of the malicious lie now own his progeny if he dare. Comment is useless. It is of a piece with the manner in which people who havo no character do buiness. Let, the author avow it, so that tho honest community may despiso him as a publio, malicious, and branded defamcr. BACK WOODS. The late Battle Wo givo below tho names of tho localities of tho various battles which havo been fought by tho con tending armios before Richmond. Thursday, June 20 Battlo of Jlcchan icsvillc. Enday, Juno 27 Bait o of Gaines'' "" ' vA.lIUCfl j Mill. , , Saturday, Juno 8 Battle of tho Chickahominy. Sunday, Juno 20 li ttlu of Peach Or cnard ; battlo of Savago Station. Monday, June ail Battlo of White Oak Swamp: battlo of Whito Oak Creek; battlo ofCharles City Cross Roads. Tuesday, July 1 Battlo of Turkey Bend. 3 J VmUta cd fc bill securing freedom in all tho pro-oU a cll as tho future territories. ' ' i . ,av. n . T ir , tor Col, E. B: Harvov. nt Rtinmi, Pennsylvania Rcfervw, isVcmndcd in Ttho neck and thoMers. MAttRIAGES In Pmctwp., lo'jmbu t'janly Jmiu nr.. I. I... T,, ,im M .cMrs. 'isfl . OyUCS Day m.d hiMA IlnoU ,Tuiy :id, by Kev . S. j feolomnti, ilr. wax- t..,....,i u..u,v m slmfin. Mr. DAM- IRSS-mJfaWW ' -., - -,,., ,,..', M . L:,.iiiiI I HTLTniVU ni lllllul ilill'JUl MtV-n- - . - , . Ifjll yl. T ' y In P.netwp., Colimbia County, on tin- v w; to Miss MARY Ai-pleoatk, both of said mMBlum& " " . ! . ' ' . township, On tho -'Jd inst , by Rev. G. Hunter, Mr. William II. Claywi;ll of Fouudryvillo (0 JIaiuiahkt IIudlsto.v, of Summer IM1, t olumbia County Pa. DEATHS. In Greenwood, on tho Ud int , Maiiy, wife of tho lute Solomon Uruiustetler, aged n ..c,,.s T nanvii0. on ti10 30th ult . Mrs. Ann Di:sx, aged 75 years, 0 mouths, nnd 12. .1 I , In Foundryvillc, ( olumbia tounty, on , J hursuay, Juno Join, ot ecarict lever, ( j-"luu" fa , , . ... n , , - .,, , i ! In Fouudryvillo, uolunibia Coutty, on j Tiu,.s(iay) Jny ad, of scarlet fevor, Em-' MA ). Mead, aged '2 years, 4 months and I 111 days. after several I aum, publisucr .10 years. was connected with tho "Union Times,'' and for noarly! twenty years had borne a promiuuut and influential part in the local and political ' coutc.-U of Union County, having been at j one election a candidate of thu LegUlnturc, ', In all this time he adhered to thu varying j t ! fortunes of tho Dcinociatio party with his constitutional ardor and inflexibility- in West Hemlock Township, Montour CoutltT, Oil .tho Jd itlrft., Fl.O-i.V. O'RlLLA i ilfcTZ, d . ' tiinlitnr- rtf (!,,ni'ir.i mill ITnim.ili ng(,tlc1 yonrj monfhij) ,md a3Uay4. "lhou.wast a heavenly visitant, l'uro as the opening lilly bell, Upon an earthly mission sent, With lcving hearts to dwell.'' "T hy life hath icon a aunny path, But now alas ! 'tis pa--t ; Like moi'iiitig's roay tinted dawn, Too pun; and sweet to last,' ' RE VIE A OF THE MARKET. n'l.KLl.Y. , WHEAT SI i'I.oVEKHEEIi. M'I'll "lTl.ll 3'i ... . .uli I'AI.I.UW a'ii.i:n JUU'UTA'l'OES.... Si in W 10 l'.' Hi . 87 uvi: miiVfoid).. !K,!I.;.H","' O ''S ' "i-'i-iiU'iiE y .'liinounceinent Fee S2.00. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WillTv.itl Ii a raulilat.i for DlSTlilCl' .If VUiAV.!'. at the cunnm' fall i Icrtiun. Milil.-il to the ill-, i- Ion uf tlu II -mncralic Cuunty :.;u vcutii.n. July li, lH.i COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 Eare autlinrized toaniio. nice tlirnueli the rnluiniH I' our imiier KOIUi .MillJAKV, i.f l.ciiliui (own-tip. "ill In a r.inuiibti' at I.Ik' .i.prn.ii.liiiis I'ull eli iliuiil'.ir (:ul'.yy nubjut lo the divi-i I' l k i ll-inueratie County Cumuitrjn. Mhirli mil b ' h -Id in August next. July l!!, leu,1. New SMiucvtiscmml OR EXWOOD SEMINARY. '1'IIE Autumn toxin of lUm Institution will eoinnn'ii JL i'U Monday, August ill), I8C2. TCKMS Tor Ibiarilni!!. Winning, Tuition, etc., fur Eleven VA eiku UD One half hi it'lviinei.. Mn.l.'iils wliii Irive net engaf(i roniin will Jo well to make early .'ippliuitiun tn W.M. IlL'IlKESa, l'rincipal. .Millv illi-, Cul. io., r.i July III, 1m',.j. Choice Wheal. Why sow the Ljncastir, when yov can prwurc Whrut, yiilditig double Vie amount per acre, Kcvs toe ri.i.owis rVnTtnt'ATE rito.-j ExrEBituriD l'Al.MLlH I We. list uuilerMUue I, rnrmera. reniiliiiKin Hie rniinly of . N't. rthu, ivIiiyIiiuiI, do certify, lltai ivt; purrjtased of A vki-1 Wni.f, o new article of Wlutf llu) piian lleartled VN h'-at. I'.ill, nail &u it t'nr -uiiriiln anjliiiue Srovvn in thi-H.'ctit.n. Tlioleiiiintnlluii'l -irims r.peiii i early a- to . I , -1 lite i iiii!uiiuc utui' if th' Hessian fly and Wcvil. anil will yield at 1,-a.t, one third more In tlieai M than any other wheat nun crown in tbm i mi ui i.f c miitry Wt'Jwoiild cheerfully n cniniiienil ii lu our frit-nun. thriiuirlitnit tu Silate, aa in Isaac Vincent, iieij way wt.riityi.i tin ir run lui alt iiii'in. llennev illn I., inl.lcll. ThotitaH Dearinoiiil, .1111111-1 Ilea rtiioud, SiIiih liainbaih, (tolii'iii)ii II, W title rd, llenrv - alts. John Mi 1'arl.iud, J. ;. Iiurhutti, John I.t'iiin, I). Iieiirer.liurh, Joseph Nuely, I. II. bcinl.ittll, lli.heit.M, liiiii.i'l, Peter IlaL'L'iibnrh. 1'nr particularn cmiccniiiii; this valuable hct, en ijitiroof tndrevv S'reai, of Centre, or J. K. (Jroli, of filocmvliiiri.', July '., liij0vv. o v Valuable Real Estate. In pursiiante of an order of thu Orphan's Court of Columbia county, nn Saturday, the 2M day of .lit gust, 1802. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, J.cvl A Iluuliiton and fainuel II lliiichnnu, (iuar.liann i.f the peron ,im Ce. tates of A rtliur and C'litria J lltiicln.nii minor rhililri u of illiaiu IliiuliUi.ii. Int.- of v.niint l'lia-aut tnwuship in (aid county, deceased, will eipuM- to kale, by Public undue, upon the prelum's, a certain PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, minute in .Mount rieanant tovviinhlp in said county, con. Uunius about EIGHT .ICRL'S, on whiih ii erected a Taveru Stand, with oiiibiiiiiiinj,. I.ato ,), Hit,, tovvnililp of .Mount 1' t num and county afurruid. JACOII EVEKLY. Clirk Dloomsbiirs, July II, IECJ. r r?d " pfWi'' Vi""r. nn,ip.,yitt, ih..p,i,ip"i Jui ' fr'S "Mil,; rl"""-""""i theheiri oflred'Tiilh .inlti'raft'r her tlL'cea.e, aiiioiini i1 , 'J' ' L,l"l "r- r-'pi- .n-.l i. t.r. " . '?' 8 Tenpercint tn tlayt f , , , V'l i'V11 n,i,,,at,'r, 1118 r '.id. n e . In third leu leu , cent ou coitUriualioii uf a ' Th, i''1"1'' ' 1 " TERMS 01' fl l.i: -To b.'.tJd nujik-rt to Hin ,ln.v, , 1 f r l"letl b) tlio lit gi.l.-r of I'nliiiiibii r u 'imu'.r.".f '-j"" HhU"'-"" t',, u 7m,Vv ' """" lJ',,,H",1 tiuinni iter iuo, auu principal nun year altar her ,i cea.e, Willi itm-rest lite balnnr-lu be paid ,, fo, 'rm"; ! 1!lo'"l"'ri', JuneSI. ISK-Cw iiiinnnl imvniriiiuitliintcroi nit n lL '.' ."' : ', T.'r. .I"" iiiinnnl payiiiriitwiiliintcrcit.all to be ncure by boud I ' ."""IliiS". Julj' IV, Ie02, BA'KERY k COFECTIONARY. miaiEs.ii.r. s,- ur.v.m. 'Tho iindenijiifd cniiiinupt , I tionaryup .Main Htreit, Et. lie keen. I'akerr and Tm.., . utaiigu duhuiiibi, wher' FR I1SII ltIiT.A T nrim ,,,,.. ?.""' rlniitii fire cnrcfullv c v a iniriKl t li L"Ji UK&nl), PIES AND CAKE P-i",nt. mil it la nrtha iii int fmporlanr. . era " iZ ""'",' ,'"r,i'" 'uiM '' on 1,1, jii. u7Cttr vupartit at .')! cts, per qt, ltf,n,,llb,,,,c,i,dl"':,,,8r' pi for ' . Bllwunibiiri JnoOl, IfB? iOr.B, J. 0. A All it,. nH.iu.ujj GRANM.) MULTIUIIIal COMBINATION CIRlli And lIoiiioiilpiMiiIcnl .liiiphllliciiio Tho mnrt p, rfdrtly ortnnli.j 7 iniiKt nttrnrllvi, t. vhll. in. .. S l,ihll.l,n,l N hibiiin 0,,,,'' BLOOMSBURG, 1 Aloirt'ij, an, "' Clias S-Jicrwoiiil, i;.pi ( ,', lii-nj lliintinpun, M.iliraiiu ' the c.hEAT Mtiiitv op , AniotiK Ih.i many novolu , , ihnracterlr.,! HiIk elnt,ljhmill.' bo fiHiud the iwrl'urniaiic t uurlil reuuwned IVIIUir Mtiinu-imi i'A,iif ,, lenned the ndmlriilloii oi'tti," , AmonK this tuinllv are si, , t'jiln, the ( Tiick Clum, (iiiilliamo Catlu, h ho will i,, " hlsTE'-ltll'IU I All-A 1.1, ii ' tiCE.N'l!, and olhir ei)iiull i, and lieiirt-stirriiie feats r,tbl. Illlamo uuu lajo i en in, . 1'y ptrfiiru unc- Jli, I'miius riiitr.uiHin, ih, , Bci'iiic mid llittriumr. i:,. , and rt'iiuunud rcpirfwulativt , Jenkins. Mauime ViruiIa Pmnuiitii mott pepular. beaulilul aim ., I'.'luci-trU'niie ever s-eu, .UK. litonuu lii-rlji. tlio '-rilslit of Ariel)" nnd li. n., livulliil "isciinei nil w.iuii. Ham I.omj ilit- great llinnot, th It i .1 T iu Ms cliuicj Mill.,. Coniicalilli h. Utusits, Hiurne anil Uun til,. I rap !' and liar furfur .u W II IlkKiisiu, the gnu (.yiuu.ikt. l'r.inrn (.'oMMUt, uui , of nili-r nriiit". A ritild of Ma?nii1cint p ItyV' -A uhi' h. tor rorui. CM"r, an I h "H.- . , Alj.l I v544iW rvJuli" uivl really a.t.. i?.sDi:V Irickn nr IhJ delijht of 4lj'ViwS "J,,i' A Wee Troupe of ". Vault. r Arr. Iml. t , I (Mill' uin V- ' '' ''' near at Mill jh- f.'n i.n. aiui.'.'Jj i nut i .". . s w'lirli. Inr pecta, ill ir j-i 1. 1,:. mi' I In rii r In f' r- . tnl III b.-rnriui-,1 bv tin ii t-ilalillikiii-'iit 'on nit rim II I-.I by i Ii War' Imri.n, f III an n h- a t mi nl Aralu 1.1 " ami f.di wetl fit- til I a Oli. riu in which tin' Inil ! of I'oil' w ill nt'pctir s Cele ral'"l I'tirti' t '..iurl p. rt all I he popular aim f ihe i'iu Auicrf : : "4 . ioo- ' p n at 'J an 1 T Prf 'nttaiiL b to eJiunietic at. ' 71 n. l-i. Ms? At II rwrk. tf.ifirday. July cv l-i-j ll.tnvil e, Tuetliij'. Ju y i- t July 13, l;C2-i'w. s a y 1 s Il.lW-ISONE Super -Phosphate of Liii, B A U G II AND SONS. Blnmifai hirers . nil Iro! ittrr- Io, 20 Hotith Ihltiua c .'li'' "f. I'UILM'ELl'liL Tbii rnanitre in inaiiuf.irtitretl from pure I!, f and warrant jtl lu cont tin ull 111 -ir oriental m" l-T noburti''d or i ulriii-jd bun are iiu'd. ne i n 1 miller a eiiar.iut) from the itiaiiuf .cttileri llul it .t froin adullerulititi. 2'T" Last i-ann the ileinaiid for this initn-i-p ' mI lli.Tt of any f.irtiier on.', an I wttli few esi ,n r.mtills It'ivi b '''it In.'lil) f vi ruble, N - tut i .. i par d t-i iiiaiiit.ini it- slat .itsu t.f pot SUM) II VutJ.toKUhlU EAItLV. l'UK.'E, i.ti. per 21'Uii lbs. ai-'I GROUND RAW BONES. WAIlllANTI'.l) ri'BB. A-larce iupplyi.ii hind for I'iiII ttikn. I'liicu per 2IUI0 lbs.'i Lr" The abovo Maiiiiren r an bo had of r. jj-.U ' en or of HAI'lill i -1'' Nu 'J'l Smith Delawaro Avcuim. I'hilaii. , t July HI, 1-itf -:it,i. EDUCATIONAL. Tin KUb.rrihir would tako thin inetluid of in'' hia former pupili and fri'Mids seiierally . It- TO ItE-OI'KN 111S SCHOOi in Wukhinjtonv 1 1 to, on Monday, Au;uel Irii I"-' J. THUD" July 19th IfOi. AUDITOR'S NOTIUE. f IIEDITOUS, and other peroni intereiili',1. t 1 notice llio iiniler igued. Auilltor'ii tlio Or,ibaii' t'inirt of Columbia roiiuty. t' ut" ailjiiFt tho ratei and proporliDim of Un, as-. ii. I.'htate of Uf -J .tin t it llayuiaii, ilec'd.. iu It.. It uliiiiim N'.'Vliard Ins ailiuiulittr.itor. tn .-tul nt. . creditors of the said ileceato'd. according Io la . tend In the iHm haree of bi- iluti.'s, at hm " i.looiinbur!;, in f.ii.l county, on H.itunlay. lb - ' ' day of Vusimt, A. II one tlinun md . i-Mii b." r ist) leu o'cliiik. A.M., I the nmlli mi le fiut Auili(or'. Hi-port bavins been taken ,rt I.) ' Court, anil the gal, I report re-commitlcd the sam ' Inr. when aud wlieie all inturi-i-ti d sr.' ted tnprexentlbeir cuims to the Auditor, or be .!t -fromcuiuiuj in lot a ilure of Uica-met. W. Willi", .-ftji Illooniburc July li, 1?02 w. FRESH HAY, Wanted by the Editor, load of Tiniollif ll' inediately, for Cash. July .1. I" CAUTION. ! otico is hereby given tint Mary A i , , 'ly. my wife, hni lelt my b-dantl board in sU ' tHiip Ctduml'i.ii.'iiiinty. vvilhiitit jit caun- n li 'on ; unit till permnsare li ri by iai:iont"l at''1 ' boring or lrutiiii the mi.i .viary A, llttlily on m,. ' "1 will payutii'cljtaofli.'rcouir.ictiiii;. WII.l.IVM l.V Bcott township, July IP, IUW 31 INFORMATION WANT EI' Of n boy named John It.iinlolpli Jamb, a: ' lhirl..f it Venn. II is loiirf.'et 1 1 It ll.'hl iiuir ntitlii a lull. i h nup.sliotil.leri'il U. h II Ini worn a iic.ivv dark mat ami dnrl: '"'' ral rnw iril w ill bi paid tn an, p r-ii:i''" ' ! iiifiiriualitiu of the wh.'ri'uboutd of i.uu bo) , ev hitts A 11. JACOIIY, t'aii.bra, I uzi rn " or to SAMI'EI. ALE, i.iu-k Horn, CoIujiIuj Juno e-th IttiJ- 2t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTII i lta of Jaa-b R, Knr.rr, da " Ji: l' IEI! of .iiliniiii.tratinn on the E.iui,' ' J K. Knurr, I.He ol O mro tw o. Cul .i . in, bTEriir.N KV!" TO WHOJ! IT MAY (0XII5K.V Having made uch arrangements, aa end" procure at iitice, I'eiHiuni, liounli M"' ' 'ilV I I'eR to call the Mient'irin of ilium, u iu .tie lopmv l Alltlliiblod tlohlirj.tlio widowa or nun t . oldierj. whoilie.orhavcl.eeu killed iu the " eniitledtnpeu iiiiK. Tho w lnw or oih. ri'f oldiera irliu havo tied or been killnd Hi the ' entitled tu thu $100 Bounty- ttiemniojn'iriilarandfiicrieiiceilcouuii'l tl . . ....,.., . ,,. iiu rarci entruateil tn my r" tended ti at once, and all litttra aiimv r.J " ' innll, anil no charge is made, until llio I'eni '" .1, ' ',' . eroiij ciitnluij in tin jiuo llouitlv ( , tiwir claims cBihod nu application ut my "I1 m len.iiiii Ak'cnti, wrillng for' blank a. and I U' Mruclioni.alin piirrom wUIiiiift inforiuailt. i l'J Ihein tu lobate ItinJi under th rrovuioui vtt llotmitead Aet.ihoulu ntlou atao. h w i.CANDKttfl l l Junnvw Hrw,a,u, UjvinJibuu "" MITT 171 T DAtn """
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers