GOLUHBIA DBHOGRAT. John . Freeze, Local Editor. UATOTtDAx" MOnillllO, JULY 19, lflfj. WMBllll'i I HWSISH MinilWII ! Democrailc County fouvenltou. N&TICBU hereby glvon, that lli9 Democratic Clcc Iiim hi and for (ho several MiariiUKlis mid Llectlon Districts of Columbia county, will meet at Iheir resj,iec tlv place of holding said tflciUous, On Saturday, the 23't rlni) of August,, lUtwson tho h'oltra of 3 mid 7 o'clock I'. M. of snld day, for tho onrpoia of choosing two Ddopates from i-ndi Election )llrlct, to meet In COUNTY CON VUNTION, kt tho Court House, In Illooiiisburg On Mouthy the 2Wi day of Augvs, At eno o'dock V. M., of said day, for tho purpose of nuking tho usual Democratic nominations, to be suppor til by tho Elector of ColunrtJlu county nt tho ensuing Oineral Election, and for 1 he transaction of other bus Insss psrtalnlng to the Intercut of tho Democratic tarty. XV. II. JACOUY, CAfllrmon, Hcmoji Orrtt, I UoiiR MlIIfiry Srtruc Puoa Jkb. IIaochduui J, R. UoatiKa I A. 1. Auirisoh Juil.i M. Ni'sJ. VtmetrttU Handing Comnltttt. t&SrQn Wednesday nftcrnoon a very 2itrd raiu with hail and wind. :o: CSrOherrics in town, abuudant nnd iheap. Sugar and other fixins up in tho allures. CJ$fr. D. L MeKinney,is about again, VTvhich U more than can bo said for Jerry, who is now at liu ease, boarding with :8heriff Furnitiii. ;' :o: .iOrOandulatiM are now announcing themselves, and the Committee has issu od the call for tho democratic delegate eloctions, and county convention. i :o: E4ij General Dix iias ordered all civil ians away from Fortress Monroe, and no person will bo permitted to pass to that point, or to tlir army of tho Potomac, except, timso connected with the military or uavaf'scrvicc of tho United Slates. :o: fi" Ula,, democratic Uolumuia is pro Uiif UlU,,UlilllULlUllW Vtf.U.MU... ,J f . , , , . li'ivu HU'iu illlll l.ll llll III ,. A. , , , , ol gram, and 04 (308 barrels ol flour. m ami upon tiu premise pared to pay oft lmr quota ol general una , , . prosemu of tbo pome, af . , t.. . , ,v n- n lhe:o aro unistially high fii'ures, and at if being warned. th- wii special Mate tax. Our elTicient 1 rcasur-! . . . . . . ; , spect i the true wiiimiiu er, James S. McNiuch, is olfto Uaiiisbui:; for that -purpose. The Commissioners havo put the collections of tax into compe tent hands, and idl work together for one remit. Hurra for Columbia : :o: 8Tlio petitions in the r-aso of Val lniidifrham have been reported buck by the Committee with the recommendation that they lin upon tin table. No evidence being submitted with tlinn, and no d'lve tiou to inquire into the facts being given by the House, tho CoinmiiU'o could not do otherwise, t&ir Mr. Plenties, of the Louisville .Journal',' on:c moro contradieU tho rumor' til at his. paper is ebb-fly owned and con trolled'by rUvi holders and pro-slavery , men.' and assert.-, (hat it is ti . -i i tummy owncu -i .1 . i... .1.... , .!. I uuu aim luni. iiv. jiuizuu wiiuiuvl-l u& urcisoa any control over the Journal's polit leal course. Ho also states that none of ! Iho proprietors own a dingle slave :o: CCr Colonel Angeroth, of tin 112th, or Second Artillery Regiment ol I'cnnsyl vania, has been mustered out of iseniee, and Captain A. A. (!ib3on, of the regular army, who w.n lately in charge of l-'ovi ! Delaware, 'has lieen appointed to COI1I- -maud'tlie rcL'im.'iit. No better selection ! oultl have been made, as Captain Ciibstiu 18 an old ami exiieneneed artillerv oflicer. , .-Hi' ' and a native reiintylvania. t" ' ' - !0; 'SSrTho conscription jjy.-.tem of the South, unpopular as it has been saitl lo bo, has nevcrtholoH brought into the field over half a million of men, some sty 7;U,- ' 000, whilo we, a- we compute, have not 600,000, effective men in arms. The con icquencQ of their r-y.-toin of conscription, ' aud of our Dulf-voltiutPcritiK fvatem.ij, that! at most, poipts they outnumber us, and eonceutrato men in great maso;, and though our hcroea generally fight like tigers, thoy arc borne down, run down, broken down, by bono aud tinow, rather than by mettle, spirit or valor. :o: tB A Wounded oflicor,who reached liar riaon's bar, fronting the James river, whore Goneral MoUlcllan had gathered hij army, on Thursday last, describes the scene and his own sensations with much pathos pow sr. Along a plaloau of bix miles ho haw tho fiuest army in the world after the great- fit hattles of tho world, aud for the grandest issuo. lie arrived in time to sou ..tbo.earlx; mornuig sun lighting up tho leone. It must have beer, a tran.'cendant jpeotacle. Tho troop, gathered in rcgi jnunts, and brigade, aud divuon, seemt-d to 'ha preparing for a feti vo occasion, There .was no defpondency, no doubt no fear. They woro counting over their living, and ' -wero remembering their dead only to ftyengo them. He ofibrcd an involuntary prayer to God that ho had been able to witness such a panorama. Another witness states that ho happened Ao bo present, when a plain, young man, , inot yet thirty five, appoared among the woundod who were waiting for transports after tho five days' battle Ho saw them crawling, nut to gaze upon him; ho saw tho tears with 'which thoy wolcomed him; ho jheard th words in .which thoy praised him; and ho listened to tho young man's re. ply: -'Soldiers," he said, ''you havo trust ed pie aud we ha,vo won, v0u will como cback to Gee us triumph." t ' :o: , tCpTho annual mooting of tho Susquo- '? hanoa Tolcgraph Coinmpany will bs at Paurille on tho Otftb int. Pa?" Tlio gallant commnnJcr jf tho Pennsylvania Reserves, Major Connrnl McCitll, having been wounded nud taken prisoner in tho Into contest liolbru Ittuh- mond, a new leader will have to bo so lected, No moro popular appointment could bo made for tills position than iIu. jor General Cadwaladcr, of Philadelphia, who has not yet been nssigncd to a com mand, and in whoso military skill and courage every Peiinsylvanisni lias full confidence. With Cadwalader at their head, the Hescrvcs, who covered them- Selves With glory 111 tho SIX days liizllt, ,. i. i i. . , would accomplish new prodigies of valor. ,. . , . . . . A.IUH illljlUlllUllflH WOU1U UISU tjUUUTU IIIU rapid filling up of the decimated regi ments of this splendid corps. The correspondence between the War Department and (Jencral MoClollau has been transmitted to tho House, in re sponse to si resolution of inquiry. The lutter says, in the course of his explana tions : "Tlioso who have originated thu fatso statements concerning the White IIouso yard and spring, arc, in fact, as stated in my dispatch of the 7th iust., enemies of this army and the cause in Which it is finlltilic;. TltCV haVC imposed , " 1 Upon the btirgeon-CiCncral, and caused . ; ... i unit to maiie omeiai represciuaiious which, on examination, prove to be un founded in fact, and which are disrespect ful to bis superior ofliccr. They have unnecessarily occupied the attention of the Secretary of War, and have interrupt ed the commander and the medical direc tor of this army in thu iniiht of most arduous duties." oefOuTWAUU UoUND.- TIlCTO aro heavy amounts of CollVaild brcadstutfs now t n on their way to Europe as wo note that , OVCf tWO millions of "Old WOrO (Hupped III . , , OI1C (lay J and 111 OUU Week, tho f.hipniellts - ... Ol brCaJituitH footed Up 1,504,117 bushels tho low price of grain in our coautry, large dbipuiefiLi will continue te be made with profit to the shipper. :o: csrTUe weii known and fast trotting etallion, George M. Patchein, tho wintiiiiff nag ot anuiuDor ot mateli"siii tins-country n . - .... " was recently sold to a sioniuj firm in the ', , CltV Ot Uamiietl, tor .S'J,(I00. RliCEUMS FOR JUNE, TO TIIK 'OBs5J.1E2!!A BJJE.T2WCS8 AT. The following are the receipts to tho office oftha ConiMitiA Di:mochat, during the month of June 18(12 : V I'muton, V.i i, K 1, an. i:s ., 810 01 llinghainptnn Com. 1 nu' meri i ll College, 1 llll r. Kraimr. 1 75 l.i, v. re, I ..n K p'inilli 1 Tfl Win il'.ride. nq . i I il IV derirk In rr. 4 (.'0 U.iharil 1'riilt, l , 1 Hi! T II i;l.itli'H. (ID Iteiiben llersuiau, I ?j Win Caiher, 1 "J Mill.-rnnil willI,r, 1 Until I' Mit'idliiin, 3 M Sninuel Itiuihy, Mi.nVii iin 20 00 3 21 lleniy t. Kilihni'f Jnlili Kelthoer 1 ,U 1 1 (I" li .'.II 1 :s .vin'm u-'ti- V. t.eorire i:eliiicuriu, i 3 n no ni,lttr. IV int. Jncnli Mil aril, Jilill Walt lleury I'hi lips, JnliH Mi-l iii. S'!, ',!?.. ill, list nl i.i'i) I eitertuan a on . J II rurmau V.' I i:iihh II. lki-lur. I Julia Walter, I I) Lnu ellblirg. ! U II Winturst-fii, .Meiauder Mearj, Simon Snyder, I Ji'hu r;icgi-r, ' i'hillip Miller, Jt.ll'l Ciii'lier. Daniel .M.iurey, no lleub' ii l'ahriuger I .'ill ' 1 tin liani.'l tc. I, 1 Din -i.lniiiiiu llelwiz 10 I") Will l.iillgi llhelger. (ill'vniioiial llnrse l'air, -1 Un Abraham Kline. I 00 ( Manuel Kirkendall. 1 '3 Jidin II Hi tler, l.s't 1 W J.n-. li x'olio, jr., 3 .'.'il' hn'iia- U n. 3 .VI jiii .-u)d r i.Millli.ij li lO'Kemhgurd fc N'uss, J 30 Si as lcnMiii:er, I I .'. Cenrge Milh r. Ts , 1 SO, ti m. I'. Sluiman, lis-i. I M Annul .Miller S Do reuj'iimu Miller, 3 ihi .id.im l it. 3 l. i l l.ii i.I.e. 1 (11 Philip Dills, 3 (in1 J hn S' 2 If Win Mrlirld", IV-i.. 4 .'oi l bus W nttson, ."ti'IVi-t i r'.Hing Co., -J Oi ,1 t (i II 'Hhsoii, 7.T i 3 on '. 1 Oil 'J 00 1 T.i i? 4?! 2 no ! I SO t T.'i ' i a i i i 3 on 1 IV I 1 50 1 22 3 III 50 1 21 ' 4 no 5 01 1 M 2 CO 8 HO 1 .VI 1 5i)i 2 O'J 1 Oi Ji hn Diiak, i'ss., J-Vu'lTfi t-iiV'i tman. llernhnrt, John llroh-t. '''" r co iine, Kaj., imi in l eacer, 1' l Herb 'in, Itpq., ix'.ii; .... i...... r i:t of jnim Ciabam, ! J"ii ' H""t. 1 1. -onnr.i Adams. j X'r-i. Ann Keller, ( aroii llenderthot, lu"'Cx'hs '' j j;i;1,,:ar.,s,n!,M' 3 0 i 'rilii ni'en Coin. Col. 50; i Owen June I 1' Holier. I- s , Vm VfXinrli 1 W Clnlils, il M.illigau. Jai kson I iddle 2 Oi Ntitinn.l II. ti 1 (l'liila )J 75 CyWill our friends remit their subscrip tion money to us by mail. Our necessities aro c-pt tially pressing and wo must I ave money. Wo shall s-iucercly thank you, fiietulH nu. p'ltrom, for an early remit tance bv mail. IT7- 15. M. rTTSlNGII.L c Co.. No. 1,7 I'-irk IIow. Mv vcrK nnn tiMuie riri'd ikimou, arc mir cciiis . ... T .... . . .. . .. ' ...-. ... ... t..u-M t.i. ,.,,-,.,, i j ! 1 1 it xj,.ik.vii.tini.s. r.,- us at our iuurtt raius. tD" THOMAS W. MAT'IVOV. Iteci'ived tho l'ri?o Mednl nt the World's I'airin Lmidun IrJI, I'nrTlil'N'K.J (.'Altl'UT ll.iiiri. Ilouts. iho .s nod (Jinus. (Ji.-at induce, m "its are now otr.-ii' I to purilu.ei. id the aboM'arli. cles. This i. ui'ich tiio I. irgesi stock of tiuuks, Carpi Digs. Valires. ;.c . in I'liil.i'lelphi'i very cheap for i ash No. IttJ .il uti -t t-'troet. one door ahovu llll, South title S II 10. ABLE CLOTHING Ml The otit'Ceiabllsheti wiiiti; ham. t:i,orniMJ iiazaak, nt llie so'iiUweti eorner of I'tll'ltl'll AMI MAHKHT JiTIllICTa. Is now- pr 'p irnl illi i n;i,i, mock ok i' snmAni.i: iikaijv M.inn ci.driiiMi rnr. a vm unit w -:aii. nl pilees u liiili challenge (iiiupelilinu. r.irticular iittenuon given tu l.'ii.tiuuer Work, UOlceii I'niforius. al.ii Hiiuie 'iiiarils' Oit" i-c. VHI1T. IIAM. ri.DI'HIVO 1IAZAAU. oiitjnyi nt corner ot vOriU'H AMD MMIKIIT ' TltRHTS. l'HTI.U r. I.HVJrK, I'roprietur. July 10IU IcCJ (.May I, lSill-lUui ) MairtKV I'sironMs. Thero is, perhaps, no depart Hint i, I' nil H.iry Im. mess in whiili thero tins bun a luorj marked iiuproveiiieiit than in thu clothing of sol diers. Not .n.iiiy years mice mtiei rs and pri ,itc wero clad in garinejits whiili wcro almost skiii tight. They wore le.ithei slocks, whiili wi r wiultiy nf llio iinuie, fur they kept Iho wearer in trifullaii'Ui ; w liilc their padded breasts and Ugbt sh eva in ulu volition a matter nfvre.il dlinctiliy. JJjriog the pres. lit war. sm h of our vluii tet'rs as proenj-o fheir iiuilorms at til' llrovvu sloiio Clothing llallof UniUhill t Wil-ou. N"s. i.i'U nnd OHj Chssiniit street, abovu iiisth .'liiladrlplua. obtain do tiling that is perfect1)' easy, substantial and In coming. Th" tirm naiueil li.ive g,,nu l.irgil) into the isiuess of making Military Clothing, nud th'ir families elml.le Ihem to fill the largest onlor in thu sborlcst possible time. bept.21. 1CCI Uniformity of PrUos I- A New J'oaluru in llusl.ie.s Eviry one bis own snl ameu JONIM l CO. i f llio Crusont One lVtco (Jibbing More, No. S'JI Marketstree. above riiiih, I'hi nde phi.i. In addition in hairing thu largest, most varied and fashionable stock of ITi.thins in rhllado'pliia, Hindi- ex pressly for retail sales., Ii.nn constituted every uwn salesman, hy having marked in figures, uu tide at the'very lowest prae it can ho soul for m cannot pos io y vary ml musi nuy uino. Tliu soul, nro will sponged and preptred, ar.d greet pains taken witli the making so Ihnt nl, ratio . full atturaiiCLuf getting n good arliclj at Hie v. oil piiri1 AI'O. a largajbtock of pieco gcodi O" ll r,l.nl .tel. ami I....I fllinlllleS. Wllirh W 111 b' ..tbo toorder Intki most fasbmnabla and.bst luanner. 25 per cnt., Nlow credit ptlrei Hume mlKt tin Crcrit, in MatHt.tbova tUth f t Ko JONTB ft CO The Great National Horse Fair, WILL THIS YEAR HE IIFXI) AT Keystone Park, Witlmmt-pvt, Pa,, IXuidny, Wednesday, nvmdoy And trtfa'J, Siftimtier 2nd to ill,, Inefiulif, Arrangcmonls have boon niado to se cure tho Illicit assemblage of Imported blooded nnd tiallvu bred of Horses, that liui ovir bi n collected In till country. The (istri pi alliums will lc larger, rang' in us high as 8200. Lllwral arrangements havo been nnd will bo made it lid Him iiiir...... itnii tin.,.i- , Wlltlnnnport, 'Itumed In ttimnntrnlflrpiit Valley of Su-iuchnnii.'i, nml nrcussib'o liy Hull from lilt parts niuu united siuto. i eminently win aiitni rnr tiiu i:xhlblton. l'ullur particulars will shortly bu Riven. 110 Altll Ot' ,M A N All I'.lt!) II K Jiicklnnii. 1 llcrdlc. I.dwurd Li on. J X H.itro-. Ilcnrv llilnkor. O I' .Maon. Col. si 0 llnthway, J II Coivdcn, U m. Colder. A. 11. UNA1T, Prcs't. V F toignii, I'Uef Marchal. II i: Tii) lor, Treasurer, George M. Do Tul, Sec'y. Juno 21, leW.-tf K0TICI3 lii IMIiTITtOW r.sr.m: or m.iia nua.xr.it, nuc o. Cnu'MDtA OnuMrv.ssf In thr malttr of h.tlntt Tho (.'oinmnnwcnlth of I'cnn. of ltaac tt'agntr nf llie i ) Ivnula, to thu Mlurlll'nf said toicnt fli of lie mhrk. in C'uinityt ( Hi b'l isti i Whereat!, tktevHtiljj aforttiiiit, J tit an OrhnuV Court, hid nl lllouiimhur;, in and for tin county of Oluiulii.i thu fifth lay of .May. A, II., tibtuon hundred and sivty.twn, bi'foro thi! Ilonoriilili! Aaron K. I'l chliiuii, rri sidi'iit, ami hi Aotintu Justices of the hold Court, thu iL'titiim of luaac Wapni'r, Hon and hulr at law of a.ild ik-icivd, suttiui; forth, Unit Ih" said Isaac VViiitucr, illi.'J Intostato rtl.i.nt llirr. ntniitli. .In... I iiklnn l.un Al.pni.t IV'..... ner, oldest sou, Isaac Wagner, ono of the nbovo nninod iii'tliiom rs, Dlanna, Inti-rmnrrled with John Wluur; Alnriairct, inlenuarrivil with llinry l.o.lt-r ; D.uld U'liiinur, Hnrah, Interinnrrli'd with llcnjaiuin llinihioy, wimis aiintiicr oi tu nnnvn iictiijoiier-.iiiiu un.iiiciii, int.'nnarrii'il with Jacob l.alcii. haw. two of whom ro aido o.itnf this Htate. Abraham WiiKtirr residing in Si'iic'cu county. (Jhio, and M.iriturct iut -riuarrii'd with said i t rn ry l.owdcr, ro'lillnL' In llllnoii, and lllizubi'th lutrruiiifiioil withJacoh l.ntth.iw aforesaid. ri'i-Mi s Ju Juniata county. Ililstati i That the nld Intotatu illod sou.nl In hUdfiiii'stiiHt. of fco of and in tlw follow lu denrihid ll-al llst.it.-. tnwlt: A certain tract of laud luiitajnin; two hundred acres or til. reabouu w ltd tin-iiiiirtcuuuies, sltuato in tbo tow uslilp nflli'iiilnc'i, 'itnl coiiuly ofCidiiuibia aforesaid, boiindi'il ou tin' Nortli I y Is 1,1c l.i lily ami Mat 1 il IViihiiit. on til ' Hast by ImiiN nf .Miithl.is Keller- mi t u fruutli by land of Marshall sjlmeiiinkcr audJi.hu Niybnrd, anil un tin- We, I li) l.niiN uf Joliu Miller nml Jnlili t'ov. Tbat tb" said jiili'si.itu ilu'd slIuiI i.i n- other real estate tliau the above ileii rilii-d tvwi liuudred acres or til fre.ilm.iN. iVu partition or v.iluatiiui of tbo sal J c"l"l,u u 11 ''eon lia I. )niir i.'titiuni.r til -rcfuru pray ,1,J l'roi"H-nfiir.-nii.l. to and nmnuii tbo n pri senta. lives of the -ai I intestate, in sitih uiaiiiier uud in suih proiinrtiiiiisiis by tim laws of iiiN Coiui.ione.i.tii is din'ited. if suih partl'ion can b. ni.tdo willioiit pre- juilleo tu nr spoiliiij-ofilu whole. but If sueli partltl m cautirt In-111. iilo tlierenf, then nliio and pjir uso the sa , unj tuaku ruurn of llnlr pfoceediiij; accinlinj to law 'c tkcr(foit emuand you. that takliii: with you uiore.ai.i, aim in.' m iiiiiii afori"!.iiil, by to bo warned illb' tiresetil, ami haviicre- poct to llie true vain ilinu tin r.iof nud upon the oath-i and alhriuatliius uf tbo aid twolvo good anil lawful lueu.you link.- partition to and among tho heirs and legal rtpri seiilutit .s of tho said iiitcttate, in suih manner, and in such propnrtious, as by the 1'iwa of this Commonwealth is din ttod if tbo same can b' ilnnu without pri'Jii.lieo In or spoiling thu wlmle. Hut il tho Iinpiest liy )o-i tn h sumiiixnod as aforesaid to hi.iLo t :!,!:!:'!::i,,V!l::;:v;.!"ll: ot opinion lll.ll b-patedtud dm t.-.i ammig ail tho perM allies c.iuuoi liersoiis entitled iin.fHin , r. ..ill,.... I i.e i.iiv. u niii.iii nr. .iti.ii, e it, rip spoiiiugjue wind . that jt cannnt bo uiw.ied into ! ,""'' v uin.-, th.n you cauan the in.iuettu I vain-and nppriisi-the w hide nl the said reiU itJti-, I or the sever..l slur i t iiir;i irl.- into which th'-y ni.iy . II... Iiimlu.l lit i,,ive the -nj I r.-aj estaiu. haling U'speit lo the truo valuation wt '"J. agreuility to law. AudUiat Iho p. trillion or laluation so uiado, viu dis. Uhrtly and openly i,ao before ouj s.ud Justices, tit lt,oiupliiirg, at an' Uf pJ;auV Court, then to be held on tho first day of Septeinb' r. after sueh an impiest shall be made under your hand and t-eal and under tho hands and seals of linwc b whuo oaths or ntlirioatious'oK shall inako suih parlittou oraluatluu, Aud lulu you then there tin- w nt. WirM.-- tin; Honorable Aaron Iv. l'eikhuui. . . l'rii.lent Jiiilm- of nor said tinirt, the tvveu- j i.i". I tj-first day U .ilay, A, I)., cijliUvu hundred ' -v 1 nnd sixty-two. jacuii nvKtti.Y, cn. i c. l'er tlitii'i, 1'. Uvini.Y. Ant. C "7" Jury to unit on Ihe'.'lth uny of Julr. lMi.', at Iq u Clock ill til II ir-'llUOll. JUjllll II, t UKXIA.N, tlijt . June T, lJn-i ADMINISTRATOR'S i OTICE. Lit'its ol IJic',a I Wlulini'jht, iicriisril. 1 'Si ' OTH'JJ is hereby giirn that Jitters of flilmini.jra 3 no1 I Mimi'iu the cttije of MJiJia 1 WJiiteuiclit Lite ofllem 3 no loik twp., Ciiliiu.liri i ounly, uece.iM'd, lusru been grant--in oil bv Itr- Iteaister uf said county lo Jacob c? Kv.m of 1 istniigrrrek twp., iiiuiuiiia i. in iet9oit uavin claiuis or d-maii tt against llio estate of the d.'ceiiileut are reiiuet.iil tn preseul tlieni for m ttleiuent, and Ibou indebted to iiiiike p ij lueiil wltlii.ut ikloy. JACOll t?.i:VANM. April 12, IrtiJ-Bw. A.lwr. p. MARRIAGE.- lTri l.oVI.ri AMI IIATH ?7X sorrow s und utiL-ers. Iiupes ainl feIlr, ri gro 'ef'JfJS J o o I M AMIOllli.linw loti bow n-sturu -,,. id . nature, tr.-iitnieiit and radical cult i.fspj matorrbiea or seminal wealtiies ; mvuliintary emit lull, seiual di hiiity and iiiipo'iiim nts to tn.irn.igi' g. n i'rnll ; in rvotisiiess. eimsiiiuplioii. Ills, ment il and pbj -sical luc.ip.icily, resiiltiiii! Irum SIH.r-AIII r-H are lot ly explain, d ill Ih- .M l!l!lA(lii (It till:, by Wil. l)t N(i ii. I). This unHi i xrr.ioriliuary binilt shuiil't bo in th.- h.ui'li of every o,ing parson lontoiupl.iiiug ui.irri.ige. ami i e ry man oi womaii who det-iris t.i limit the numb t uf tli.-ir ollVpnug to tin ir i irnuiu-t in oes. Uvery p un, ilitcaso and iiili'1 ioeiileut.il in iwuth, hiatiirity ana ul.t .life, is fully expL.in -d ; evi ry p.irtic a iii kuiiivl.''igf that should ho hiiowu is liero given, ft in fall of eiigr .viugs. In t-n t. it disiiosis sicrets that t ery uuu siioiild Iviiow ; still it is a hook Hint luiut be locked up. .1 list nut Ik- about tho hous--. It will lie suit to any ou.i ou th receipt nftweiitv livcc.utsin speeio or potago ftaniis. A I rss IIU. Wil. VDI.'N'H, No. -tlti nt'KUi'U H" t. nbovj 1'i.urlli. I'lnla I'lplna. s- Al't'LK'Ti;!) il) tl.M'tntTUN i'l'K. no matter what may bo your diM ate, before you (dace yourself un der tho care of auy nf tho uninnous li'iarks - native or lorrjgn who n.lvertiE.' in this or any (Iherpap r, get a copy of I r- Voiillg's book uud rml It carefully. It will ld tin uiaiisof saving you many a dollar, your health, un. I po-sibly "iir lile. 1)11. VDl'MJ e.iu be nui-'ilt.'d iii any of the diseases il-'-inli.-d in hu piiliDiMUnu, at Im ullice, ,u, -110 ai'lil'Ci; Strei t. above fourth, I hiladelpliia. Uilic hours truuj tlto 3, daily. .M.'iriu S, L-ii-J -12UI. M11S. DHMORKSTS (lua.'tcrly Minor of Fashions. Gicat Impri.vcmciils. ll lilts rTilin Hummer N'umber will contain f mr largu and Mii.im.i I r.iililuu uaies. uireo ion -ir..'ii p.-iiicrus, ,'r. uili U aist, an eb cum Sleeve, i ""M' ifi"t. un At-" aim .iiikscs Mick, togi ther with marly lllii encrai mgs 1 nl all the novelties for riuiitmer llonnei. Cloaks, Trini- . 1 miiMs, t'hiiilreirs Dr.-NS , etc., and valuablo niforiua ' tiou in milliners, dr 'ss milk rs, niothers. and I lilies generally, presenting the l.ugcpt and b. si f.i.lih'ii .Mag- 1 ariiie in the World. piihlihcil -I'll Hroadwa, aud sold I'ierywhure ufi't cents, nr sent by mail free, on receipt id th amount. Yearly $1 with I lies following valuable pr uiiuui. , I'.acli yearly sulucrili t will In entitled to tho sclec- ! Hon of 61 lauis worth of plum pnlUrus from tho dos-, ignsm tho book, or tnuu the show room, or limy may ' be ordered ami stftit by mall auy tune uuriug thu year, I by paying the tin Inge. I fpli iidid inducements to Canvassers. I Slimmer nuiub'r will be ready on or about th3 first or.ilay. I JlnyU, lMiJ-lliv. NATRONA COAL OIL I WAIIIIAVTHD NOV HXI'LOSIVUI and equal to uny l.::uosr.sn. WH V boy no eiplosivu Oil. when a few cents more per gallon "ill furholi you with a perfect Oil t JM'itlr onlltfl PA. HALT MANUFALTI'illVG TOUPANV, No. 1S7 Walnut t-uei.t, I'lllLAiU: Ll'IHA. reby.i.1., lJd.', I ju.r. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to tlio subscribor, f jn anyway, uro respeclfiiily rcuested to luako lmtnulluto si tlleiui'iit nnd var y payment. I must have money, Thosi who havo riijoycd ling credits, it is hoped, will not fail to call and s-'lllj without delay. W..I. ITtlTZ. Orangeville, Pa., .Maya, lcfi5-lm. JX. O ; :c. il T- aAUK's rriutfi. ilooltliiuiler t: B.aiiltbonk M A NU FA f TU R h R; iVlllllIStl t AND ItUTAlb llEAlCK IN PRINTINf!. WRITINU AND ii RA1TIW1 PAPCRc-. AiiiNr roR'ine catawisia rtrtti Mills. Main Stret-t. first doorbelutv the Public gpunre, NVILKESBAltJUfr, l'A. Nov. 5, IFni-PJm. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'i Hi: mi lersigiml nnuld infori.i inn citizens ol r I iilnairi.li n nnd vicinity, that Im lu.Jiist re eived and "IK rs lor sale ouuol tlio mustoxtensit e nssortiiu tits ol nils INC. an I l'.i: i sTUVi;ri trer introduced into this innrki.t. The I lui.topher i.'n umbili, J imes Uobbaud Olibj.are aiimug Hu first ilnss cooking siovcs.all ol which nro air-tight and gas burn r Ills Parlor -tnves lire nitii isomo tinu iu' ussurim-iii tu if rleil. AL-O r.irlic.ilar utleiitioii u paid to Tin-Wnrc :u nml IIouso Spouting, upon short n-tite. All kinds ot repairing ttjil he done with neatness and di rputcli, Country produce taken In tichunpe for work. ' ' PHILIP i. MOYKB. Blonroiloiri May 10, IPfS, Tho Secret Out ! CRBAT B10.TBIBl.NT IN JEltSKl'TOWN, Antl supposed approach of the Rebel Army, AI.t.01' which was fitomtci'.i) iiytiii: AltKIV.M. OP A I'UU. A Nil COMI'Ll.Tll ArMUlll'MUNTOt' in boobs, Of Every Variety and btylc'at. 'Jte miw firm or M I L L K It & S W I S II B II, IS JIHISIIYTOW.V. Having jut received our Spring Stock, from tho llasteni Vnrkets, wo fjel iV'X, milticd In sell (1 mills at a little lower prlcca tlinn tiny can be Niircliii-eil olscMheru, oun MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quv.h Rtturns," K7Thi' public nr-' respectfully solicited to call and examine oar tuck before purchasing elsewhere, n wo cliarce imlhliie fur allowing our goodi. l'roduco of all kinds taken lor goods, MII.M1R L SVv'ISIIER. Jerscytown, Mnyn. 18(2, FRESH A 11 III V A I. -or -l'OIl- 7 llll under.lneil, (irateful ror pat patronnce, respect fully liifiinus lilseii'tiiiuers mid the iiiblicpcnurally tliat li" IrisJiiJt ri ii-ivi'd from thu Easlorno cities, Hi largest and iuot selcit stock of SPUING AND SUM ME 11 . Op t 06 t St, :a0S'' if-?;. oc OiJif'W'C-' That ba yt been opened In lllooinsburir, to whliii lie invite tin! attention nf his filonds, and assures them thai they nro ntTercd for salo nt rent bargains. Ills Mink compri4- a lar :i"iirlinelit of ouvn.'i.Mii.VH wiiAiiiN'ti Ai'i'Aitnr,. t.'onsl-tini! ol fAMllu mii.k Dblss IVhts, of every des cription; l'auts, Vests, Hhirts. t'ratiits h'tocls. Cotton llaudkcrihiefs, ;loves, i?upoiiiler, Aj;. GOLD WATCHES A N' 1) JEWELRY, Of evrry lofrl nl luu fmu rihI f honn. X. It. Ri'iiM'inUer " l.otrmberi"n Ctirap F.tiporiumJ" call mill sec. Nu cliarjjo for cxaniiiia (tnmU. n.vvin i.uvnNni:iio. Htnniiiytiirtfi AT m rcli i!0. let 3. (Juc IKVl . Tho Monitor ON r10 1UCDM0ND5 J, J. BROWEK, lias just received and is now opening a tpleiiaul as-oi ttneiit nt 9. Groceries, liardware.Queeusware Cedar- ... . ' ware, ."laekernl. (Jlii-.-f, etc., whiili will bo sold at llie Innrat llgura for ready pay, Jl s Dry Go'i'iis loisnti, tn .urt of Fine Clnth.s, Black and Fancy Cassiiuercs, Fine Opera Cloakings at S 1 ,G0 per yard Stella Shawls from Sl',30 to S7, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd 8 Plaid.-; Printed Cbalicj, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered atA--.Inl,!r.nie Pnd li,. PI j etc , etc. Calicoes at 0, 8, 10 and VI cents. Mu-lins, oue yard wide at VI ets. Skeleton Skirts, fiom 50 cents to S2,00. DIS GROCEUICS consists in part of be.-t white .sugar at Z cents. A. No 1 Syrup Mohu-es, .00 cenU per gallon. Ladies' and childreus' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full as-ortiuent. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hour., Xtw. 1 i) jViic unci in Quailir anil Hult Jamli, COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and Shot, ls.u. t kc, ix'c. Como, see and judge for yourpclvrs, and you will be sntisUodtli.it llniHcr's Store atth. Corner of Main uud Irou.-tr ts. Utile placo to pcrilusc (.'heap Coods for i.ai.n or i.ouuiry prouuee. lllooiiisburg. ii.ty24, letiJ, NOTIOK. ALL persons Jnt"ri sled are rferred to III" provision of the .Itli sjiTtiun of an Act of A ibly, passed on tile elevi'iilh dar of April ln-J, ns follnus : 1'liie.5. 'I'll. it it shall he thu duty cf every illy and 1 eouuty 'I reasurer to sue for the recovery of nil 1 i erne's duly r. turned In hint by the .ilercautilo Appraiser, If liol paid on or In lorclhe tlrst day of July, in cull mil ivory year, w ithiu t. ii days after tint data, and sail Tn usurer bhall not lie diKih.irged froiuauy such liceiiso unless h.- brings suit to tu recover tin- sumo uitbju said date and pres.es the same to ludguieut mid exeiiitiou ns oon thereafter as practicable, aud pay tho amount of .ill smli licenses reicived by hnu into the Stale Tr-asnry. on or b -fore the nrst day of Oitob 'reiiHiiiiiL", oof shall he receive any cnjiEi.lerutjiut on such licenses, unless lie nukes payment ns nforesniil." 1 JAMLS --. MiMVOli Tceasurrr of Columbia County. Tumsfnr.R's Orutf, ( I Illoomsburg, .May til, I'M. ! RRiCK! 151UCK!! RRICK ! ! ! '.OA AOAGood iJtick, jutrt niittiufactured I 'it! I jt'1lllS 'of elieap, wbolesale and re lrJVM""Utnil. Altlullloom.bnrs llriik Vard. Apply to Iho subscriber. HLMtV S. AUTIIL'll. lllooiii.burg. June '.'8, IdiK. BJiflflTifilD SVAIfis KSlTi TAMAUUA, l'ENN A. Passengers diuu here ou thu passage uf each Train. Jl. .1. MEIIRIOK, Propritlor, TuniaT.ua, Jan 1, 1EK. R.SMv NOTICE. "jVTot'tco is bereby given, that tho Rank 1 1 of Danville, u Hank of Issue, Discount and Dt pos it, located in the l.oroii'jli of Danville, Montour county, u tn aiapitul of Two iiundre.i TheiiSuiid Dollars, in. tends ma ing applio tiou ul Iho m tl regular sisiou of the Legisl.itorH ol t'eiiiisjh.iiil;, fm tin-renewal of Us charter, mi l unteusuiu ol its pnvil gos. for .1 lerm of tweuly years from Ih elliir .lioii ol its pr -sent charier, with thusauiJ ii. line, till j loi.itji.ii aus iu,ilil. liy order ot tueuoar i ul mr inns. D i VI D CI, AitK, Cashier. Danville,. Pa., Juno 2J, iA'J - ti.u PIUJPOyALS FOR SGllUUL I10UWE. IjUOPna.-VL will h- r-ceiv-j I, ly the ,.,i lersi-ncd. at ( In-Oi:ici, in I.ijlit Mr. il, i.iduii. iu ci'jaty. for ttio b .U .in; a FR'l.Mli SfllOd;. lluUSl, at tbo Cm-s II on ils nbov o Li lit '.rcit, on tho mad leading to Llooii'Sburg. ""til the l.imhiy nf July. 1,-1'.'. I'lini no. I sp 'cirVntii'ii tn he si in al ilia oilicu of llio un dersigned, il. i.mlll Ctreel, I'll. WIl.l.l.i.M PHAC'JCK. Pntr.TARV, 1 llotrd Directors, Act ft (icy, j.lgiu r-trO' I, JUiic.l, iruv-i:. AD.M INIS 1 11 ATO.i'S NOT1CIL L'sltf of Jieiijamin Folk, tltuascd, NOI It'll is hereby given that Inters of Administra tion uu tlu estalu of leiijniuin 1'olk, late of Hem lock twp. Columbia county, deceased, hate been granted by thu 111 L'lster of sud O only n the uudersigm il, who r, tide in 1 1 in same tim lump. All persons having ciaims or dciuaiiils against iliecslateof the dt'cedint are re niiest'.'il to, present them lor settlemenl, and those in. dcbW'dio mske payment ttitln ul di'lny, HP.NLVlLi.l! POLK. I CIIKIdTENA FOLK, l'"M JUDS 15 lfl I ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Spring rol At Fritz's Store, flllA VnHVITiTi f!f)T,IIM1tTA f!f) V UUAiMUl iSiU, LiUJjU.UUIA OU., I A. Irctl 1 1,OJ .!.,1 ' r iiu uniuifiij;iiv.u ijfii ju -, ivi't ni-u it liirito and a l"cl ns'ortiiient of choice Hnrliij nnd Piiiniiii'r (loinls, w Is t c will bo sold cheap for rnh or country prodiico. Ills stink const, ts of ladles Dress (looi's, choicest stylet and latest fasblona. Calicoes, Muslim, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, I Shawls, Hosiery, Silk, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12j eta A YARD. CftSiimcrs, Satinets. Cottonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, c. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quccnsware, Cederwaro, Haidware, Msdicinei, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, &c. ROOTS Si SHOES, ILTS & CAPS. In short evcrjtliini usually kept in n country store, The patronage of old frendsj, and tile public generally. Is solicited Slay It, 18C5. WILLIAM VRITZ. At I'roasy's Store, in Light Street, la. FIRST OF THE SEAS0N1 O A' ILL K1XDS OF GOODS i a b a' D E S I II A 15 L STOCKI E S T Y L E S ! AN'UTIIU Ilf.Al'TV Of IT AM. IS XV U CAN AMI WILL SKIiL AT Bs O W 1 SS 5. ii JE JS, CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, ReailY-Mado Clutlimg. Sugars, Molai-ses, fayrups, Coffees, Teas, Fih, Salt, Dacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Stfpars, Hats, Roots, Cap', Shoes, Drug', Oils, Paint', ixLc, &e Wo havo n large ns-ortment cf '.lark and fancy Silks. w nun wear" si; ling Jit m.uee.i puces : uiaeK r-Hks tor u nt-, worth ol.l.J. also I .r fl 00 worth Sl.2.5 Wo aro u lliiig our h -a print- lor 1JJ cents in-r yard lb b'stjuthi markif, ;tll tx-tcolius A ard w trie tiobloa1 lied uiu-liu at I t (' ots equal tn Vow Market 'Ihr.'c ipiail.r ard vu.le unbleached muslin atrJ to 10 cents a )trri. In addition to our large st.'f k i f Dry yno.N, we hay a largo mid full iissnrtment m Heady Made CI'. tiling for n n sod Itoys ui-ar xc Ii i. h wo aro determine. to sell iheaper th'ii ion bo bought elsewhere. Call and see, nud iti.lgo for yoursilves. II. W. CttKASVfe CO. I Jglit Streit, Pa , April 211. lr-C.2 ESTATE NOTICE. COLV.VDIA OV.T; 5S: 111 Ilia Con it of Couiinon Pleas of Columbia coun ty, aforesaid, lurir alia, It is thus uutaiiicd ; lleiijaiuiu ll.ili m 1 Vii.-Ji May Term, lefi, Veil cs. 1 dnioui Hxpou.is. Money paid Jnhn P Levan and f into Court, and now to wit' William Goodman. J May il, li-iej, on mntioii of .Mr Hurley the Court appointed John CI. i'reoze. V.m.. nu- i ditur, to in. ike distribution of the money raised un the sale oi mo ueai i.iaicol Joliu r. j.ovan ou tin1 nbovo Uwj writs of Vend. Uvponns, lis hik Cotur. Cerilfiudfroiu Uielleiords ilayld. lrti'J JACOll l,Vi:i!I.V, Proth'y. Per .MiciiAEt. P HvtKLY, Deputy, All pcrpons interested will take notice that the under igiiL'd appuiuted aiiililur, by tbo Court of Common Pl.as of Columbia county, lo iiiak- distriliiitinu of tin money raised by Hi i salo ul tho Ilea! JUt.no of Joliu P. I'ian, ! virtue of the above stated Venditioni Hupn lias, ill alien. I at tho Recorder's Ollieo, in lllnonisliurg on Tliursduy the '.'1st day of August, 1 -"i J, for the pur pose of making the distribution, AD persons having claims on the said fund aro hereby ti"iicf led to m.iki th. ir claims iofure said uudilor or bo debarred Iron, coming in ou said fund. JOHN . l'Jtllir.n, Auditor. II I r-o iiiihuri.', June 7. IPr.-j - -l PUUL1U SALE o p alimbie Real Estate. IN piirsuanr..1 of an order nl'the Orphan's Court of Col umbia otinty, o.i Saturday, tU" '2Cth day rfjuh, 18IP (it lUo'dnck in t lie-forenoon, John Suiilli, Admt'istrator i tc, of Jan 1 (liriglct. late of .MadUmi township, dee'd . will ep(ie to sale, by Public Vi uduo, upon the prion ses, a ceilaiii Lot of Ground, situate in .ilndi-nn township, Columbia county, nil. Joining lasnl nf .Viiamicr Love oiitlii south and east. .Martha liiiiglrs ou tli"n.irlli, thu IMra nf Jacob Metier on the west, containing JL n 1 1 l y - ir i v c Acred more or less, til re is on tho premises an old LOG HOUS nud nbout Twenty Fivo Acres of Cleared I nud I. ate ih llstatu of anl deci used, situate in tlio totrn ship of .Madison, un.l county iifuros.'ii.l JACOll L'YLULY, Ctcrti, Illoomsburg, June 0, Ir1!',. ICr" Ttu.Msof HtLi-.-Ten per cent, nf Hie purchase tnopey to bo paid by the purchaser uu the striking Uowm of the pnpiriy. Om -I , rO i l the purehaso inoney (less ten p rn nt) toh' p.u I upon llie loiitirmatioii of Mile. 'I be li.ihimo tuwsi- Three f mtlis nf tim pur lb ise moii-y In be p. ml in out- year fioiii tbo uuilirtua tin. i, with int. r st Iromilii' routiro.atiou "f t.Ce. JOHN H..lTil,uinitra!ar. .Mudjsoii luji., Juno 1 1, ici.'-ti. NOTICE. otickis hereby pivcn, tlint tbo under' si -ued hns placed lile r. linn in' n.nii',1 nrooeilv ins-liirge of Samuel ilurr. ot Seott tuniiship, tohim'j.i county, during his pi a.ur". t. : Cow, Pig. Cool, rtove. Clock, two Ilcds and Iledding, Cooking L'l' uvils, Tubbs and Chairs. I orm r Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, nnd ono iiireuu, witli tv hich ull per sons aiu forbidden to lueddje or intirfcre, on puins of llio law's penalties. il. WILKINS. May 24, I8f,2-3t. rPIIE PENNSYLVANIA- KOTEL OAXVILIF., MOXFOVIi COUAT', PA. r.nterlainincut for Mini and Ileast, in good title and at moderate rales, l.'ll tllLLS N. HAV.ifJi:, PrnJ'rktor. Ilanvlllo, April 10, lHn'J N 0 T I U 13. ALL persons knowing lh"ins' lies in nny w ludsb ed to iho subsi nber ar hen by ootifi-d that al. in count must bo speedily rlos d up. or they tt ill be put in til hands of proper orntvrs for collodion. I must hare uv accounts seillsd, come fonvaii, is. I la up and save costs, . MENDG.VII ALL Jsa II IMS-tl I LOW JfRICES RULE! I I s- U i Hi"1 m'j!L 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN tWEaor.n rjrr.ns, oo.n jino i'klvkv nrmnATioxs, JMMit.fi JIM) OAK tlt.COtATIUXS, jtw AXD ciay aijiy.nn pavkiis. vijii.vAXi) nniaiir com.mo.y mrKtis, no ii i ms. FttinnoAiit) t'lii.vrs, &TATUF.S, IIU.VUS, 1.1 C, ETC., Will ho told at (rrcntly rrduccd prices, at the papsr i,.,,..,,. rnollllt ,;f ,h' nnderslciisd In Juilco llunert a Hrora lloiiso.oimccond street, n fow doors below Mar- Kt'is Alio Paper Hanging Executed In tho best style, at mo larntc prices nnd In quick time. V.. 1. THOUNTO.V, niooiiKlnirg, May 3, 18Ci 3m. EW AIUtirAL OF Spring and Summer & & Ji $9 AT PETER ENT'S STORE, 1.V LlnttT STIiKKT, C01.UMIIIA COUXTY, TA, HAH just received from Philadelphia, nml l now opening nt the old stand lite'y occupied by .Mnrtz U Unt, a splendid assortment of m WLSM MMM III v which will bo sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stock consists of Ladles Dress floods choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, CarpoU, Shawlf, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cas;imercs. Satinets, Cottouadcs, Kentucky Jeana, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quccnsware, Ccdarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oil?, Paints, &c. D00T3 & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short eccy thing usually kept in a country store The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, Ii respi cttully so iiiled. The highcat market price paid for country produce, lT.TKll I1XT. Light Street, May 3. 1S6J. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL AT MILLER & EYER'S. rrMIl: siibserilier" hnxo just returned from Iho City X Willi nitoHicr largo aim select nssorimei oi $iriie : Susmnici iiool, niirchasod at I'liilailclnlila, at tho lowest figure, and whieli tliey nro detoriuiii.-d to bc.II on us moderatu terms as ran be procured cisewueru in uioomsuurg. incir sto k cumprises ofchoieist styles and latest fashion. UUY GtlODH, A.Vn Glil)CFAUr.S, inimiYtinH nur.hwwAia:, ClillAlt tl'Altr.. HOLLOW IfAllE mo.v, .vails, noon .t- snaps 11.1TS f( CAPS, ice , c , tj-c, In short I'veryiliiug usually kept In country Etores; to wbii h thoy unite the public giuernlly. The Highest price paid for country produce. MILI.UK & EVER. r.loomsburg, April 20, ls'CJ. -Kit csny,J PITTSIHT.OII, PA Comer Penn and ?t. Clair St. Tlio largest Commcruul Btrool of the United States, with a palrouago of it, arly II.IUIU Mtideiits, in live learn from :1I states, and tlio only one which allordscompleto and reli.il.lo lii-lriii ti"ii ina'l lbe fulloMing branches, Merrautile, .ilaiiufaiturcrs, Hteam Heat. Uailrnad and Itoi.k-keeping. 1'ir.t P-eioiuiii Plain and Ornamen tal Penmanship ; also, riurvejiog, Kiigmecriiig uud .Matheiiiatiis gvucrally. S35.00 T.iys for a ('nmmerci.tl Course ; ynuk-nti mtkir an J ro vifW nt itii' 1 i tins . J -.MinirU'r sons' tuition at half price. I'or Catailnii nl" Mi ;uti. i-ni'eini.'tH ff nuwinfp nml Oriiuiiii'iitid l'ciimiiiiiip. nmt n lt a-ntiful ('ullryi! MuwofH HpiHirt1 ttct, Lniitaiinn a (,'Ofni nncty if writiuir letterini; ainl flmrihiu, inclose Jl cunt in slauiiigtu tlio 1'ritiripnl". J Ls N KIN'S & SMITH, rittaburgh. Ta. April 10, 1HW-ly. OWARD ASSOCIATION, Pbilad- lulu. i -for the KeliiTol the Mi k ami Distressed atlliiied with Viruh nt and Chronic Diseases, and es peei.illy Diseases of the Hexu.il Organs. .Medical Advice given Cratjsby the AitiiiirKumcnn. Viiluablo Pdll'lilfi'S ou sJl'I.U.MATOiil'.lKHA or rli;illN I. Wi;AKi:S. miduther Dise sol'tlle Se- ii il Organs, and on I Ik NI'.W ItltiUlDinrf emplovid In the Dispciif.ary, sent in in ulod loiter envelopes, froo of harite. iddr'ss Dr. J. SICll.Mv lini'CHTOV, Howard Association, Nn. 'J Eolith Aintli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April o, Ink! l'Jm JOLINE & LEE, Nu. -111. NORTH WIIAIlVnf, Pliiladclphia. A Nil . sir IP Oil A ND L ER s, Hpun Cotton fur Caulking, Hopes. Twinss.Tar, Pilch, Oakum, llloiks, and Oars, &c. August 4, Ipo'O l-iii. SAPONIEIEU ! SAPONIFIER ! ! " 'THi: I'A.MILY tsOAP M A Kltll All Ivilchen Crease cau Lo maJe into good KUAP. hy isrsir u.puini:u! ! y-filltLCTIONS ACI'OMl'AN YIN'O IIACII I'.OX I KOAP is ca.ily made with it. as making a cup ofeef jo .ilaiiufuctuied only by the Patenteis.-- l'A. SALT MANUFACTU..1MI COMPANY. No 1'.; Walnut Street PIIILADM.PIIIA. MBROTYPE. PIIOTCGKAPII u MELAIHOlvXrE Ai.RUOTYPKS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Meluinolypes. &.C.. taken u Cloudy as well as Clear iVontlier,' Ambroiypes and Daguerreutypes copied uud l'.uiurgi'd. JSO R Til DA A' V1LLE, TA . Dec. 'Jl, Wil. ADMINISTH AT OU'S NOTICE. Etlatc of Asher M. Ginglcs, deceased. VlOI'tCi: is hereby given that letters of Admiiiistra it lion ou tim estatu of Asli-r M. Glngles, lat; of l alne ttvp, Colombia co dec'U, have been grunted by thu Regirter of said nullity to mi rah Jane (iirigles wlio ru ides in .Mai no township, and James S. McNinch who resides in Cattatt Iss.i lottiiship. All persons hating claims or demands against the estatu 01 the decedent aro requested to present tliciu fur si tlluiuent, and those indebted to make payment ttlthuul dvlay ,11 I5V.1NH, 10,000 I'ltl.MICK, A l CnnU r-tlnur! -a V 11.. I'rM.lL.l.us-.i'M.l.S If U wk.l. isfl.a7' . Ik S.S.Jul.1. C,,.. si a . II - 1 1, . k k k ISITITVSS ' . . . . ' ,,rf I nu ri... tlbil.Lks ..t.tJ1' Srt,. CLt. kt. I'.mu It Ok .-- T. TWui.si t'ttS sn IImm. K , . . - Tor. Library, I'OUHTII 8't'i bkw Cbulmit. Aurust 17, Irl'il- Slmciicau fi)otcL (Opposite Jnaeenc.rnic Hall,) CIIE3T.NUT STRRIPP IIUTWUKN PirTllkfilXTU, till LA O ELP1IIA. XV Y ATT fc HUtM.lNr.Bi Pssrlilsrs. V.scmberM lofll Match 13, IMS 1 1 I I From the Army. mm if ii THE WAll JN KANSAS COL. FITCH HAS TWO FIGHTS. Chicago, July 10. A special despatch from Mom phU to tho Tribune says:-U00 of Colonel Fitch'd command had an en gagement witli the Rebels, numbering 1000 on the ino"t.ing of tlio 6th. The Federal Iosj was 22 killed and wounded, and that, of the Rebels 81 killed, wounded and m'si- ing. Another orgagemcnt took placo on tho night of tho 7th, in which Colonel Fitch captured all the enemy's camp cquipago and prisoners. Both fights aro said to havo tikon placo within ton miles of Du vall's RlufF, where a largo force of Rebels aro said to bo stationed. TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE advertiser, having been restored to health in few weeks. b n verv siniplo remedy , nfler havln sulTored several years with a severe lung infection, and that dread riisi-.it-, Cou-umptinu - is iiiixiom to luako known to his fellow sufferers the menus of cure. 'J o all w bndesiro it, h will s-nd a t opy of tho pre scription used (treu of cliarce). tvith tho directions fur prepa ing nud using tho same, which th'-y will llnd n sure euro for t'outiiinptiou, Aithina, llronchitis, &c Tho only object nf thi advertisir in sending tin- Pre scription Is to lii'iiuttt tho nlltii teil, mid spr 'ad infnriea Hon w liirh ho conceives tn b iuviiluablc, and he hopes every sulljrer will try his remedy, us it will cost them nothing, and may prov a blessing, I'art'es w i.hluir the prescription will rlcase address l!ev. UlliVAIlU A, WlLguN. W'llliiiinsbjrgh, May 17, lPiii 3iu King county, N'ew York. COUGH DROPS ! COUGH DROPS ! ! EVEUV body uses f ItOM'.f IIILDS' COUGH nUOl'3. It acts promptly somctiiuot urresting the tvorstcold in 21 hours. In all ,-inVctiuns of the Chest, Throat, whether amto or chronic il will bo found of immcdiata benefit, Try n single bottle and you cannot full to ap preciate its usefulness, for S.ilo by most all Storekeepers and Druggists, l'resarc d by C. f ROM'.F IEI.l). No. 317. N. 3d. t!t.,i'hitadelphia. Vnv. 1C. ISfll-3in. 0potlu tht Court llouneaud nezt door to Uemotral Ojftca The undersigned, respectfully informs his frieudsamt cUstumers thai he has opened a ,v;:r B.inuF.n mror In Court IIouso Alley, next door below the OiTica of thu Colombia Democrat, w hero ho willjie happy tn wall upon all customers, nod from long experience nud strict attention lo business, he hopes to merit and rucciiu a liberal sharo of public patronage, Zy All tilings here "dono in ir coney and In order " T11U.II AS URUW.V. lllooinshurg, March 1st, 1M!3, I ADMlNISTRATitlX NOTICE. 1 Estate of J'htlip Tronsuc, late cf Scott to:cnsMptClum&U cctt.nl ij decease!. JVT OTICE i.s liprcby given tliat Lctcra of J. Ailmiiiislratiun on tho uts'tnlo of l'liilip Tronsui, l.ituof a?iutU(vviiohi, Coltiinhia cntmly, tloct acl, Luvt lii'tu urantcil by the Uif!tstor if uid county lo tho tin ' ilprirni:il who ri'nitlt h ill laiiiv. Ccutt touiihliin. Co- iuutlnu umnt). All KTh(ms li.ivins c'niuts or iIciiuiihU niiaiiitt tit u rtato o( th; (let-oniluiit are ririuctml to pro hlmU tln'iu for fetiU'incnt, and those indebted in innka nftmotil without tit laj. UKIjTCCA 'J KUN'SUH. April tsI&C2 H. Jidwinistratriz CIIEAr MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAI'ri, of every sort, sii1 and quality fur alc cheap ul llri Illoomsburg liat& Cap ilmpurlum Also (iroceries, Coureclionaiies,!.Cig.irs, 4cc, JOHis li. (JIETO.V. oomsburg, S:yU II, 1S61. T II E G 11 E A T Indian HerbaS Tea. FOR FEMALES. DR. ENGLISH S lnS VK(iE CAssI.E i.hiUi:X.(,OIJjl Tins C'lidir.il 'd Penialf1 .Mi-diiin possesses viituen uiikuoivii 1 1 anything i Isa nf th-' kind, and proving ttr C'ltuiil after nil otli rs h iv fail, d ; it is pre med 'from nu "liiiiiau ileih ' p cull r to North rn M. .iii nam) Tei. as. and is us b. th 1 Nativ s m pro .uciug the mumu i.v silksi ss. Pi i- designed for both uia.iri. il nud singU ladies, an I i- Hi" V'1 r) li. st tiling Limit ti f. rlhe purposu as it w ill ri iiioV" nil i bstriKtioiiH ntli r oth r r lucdies hat eb n t i 'd in viiiu. Una pu.is.int I a, tout.. mi iug notlii'ig injiirioas to health, and a cure to bo rclit-d tipoii in alt cas Pridsp'iis l't ri, nr f.i'.Iinir of tho Womb; Flouos Al bus. nr Ulut'i; li r"ii i c l.lliu.iii.iu. nr Lie '.itinn ot the Womb; Incidental llciuorage of Hooding , ntiddii , case of the ,in I iy l.ii''l s in tile early stage of pregnancy nro cau tioned a.'aiiisl Hi.1 use of tins t. a, as it will producn misia.-.i .jo. ervptm-'n and sold nv , Dlt. fl. W. r.NCMMII, No. 10) it.VCrt STRF.CT I IMIII.ADULl' MA. PA. Prices Sl.KI p"r packase, (w it li full directions for un) I sent liy l.vpress nr il.nl to nuy n.ldross. Dr. II i an h consulted in all i.h-tin.i'.c 1'eu.ale Com. ' pl.tiuts. in p, rou or by letter, und will I.ipii-Ii Hie (Jut. la-perilia I'emiil.. Rvriuge highly tico.uui nilcd by thu ! l'arulty t" inarri il la..n s I'm sp. n.il iii'pus"s. I AImi lla. Ileal I'uro aud oih r Truss' s Improved Ro tary and ruiie Ah luminal tf.ipp irt rs rdiouldi r llrnces J l.ta.tic and Lace lOLkiug-Hpiual Apparatus, fur , Weak and Curt ed Spun- and Instruments (or all de- ' foruiities. A largo Stuck of the above artiiles constant ly ou ban I, and will ho luruisli. d at lowest rates by I sending order with measurement uud full particulars. ' 117". ill commuiilcntionN striLtlv conneetitoil I'n, furlher patuculars ploaso Address, I)U. G. W. rNfil.lfll. T'.'O Race Street PHILADJ.M'IUA, PA. ZT" I Avr no sntST". Nov, JU, lfUl-lgm. AD.M i NIST U ATOIt'S NOTICE. Estate nf William Cool, deceased. TyOTICC is hereby ai t en that letters of Adini iistintion 1 ou Ihol'Hatout Wllll.l n Cnnl.l.'itP of lleuilii lc lun. ( Columbia county , deceased, liave been granted by tlielleg. isterof said Criiniy lol'et.r Werkln iser ar. 1 William II. Cool who reside in the K.nije towiirbin. A 1 persona , liming 1 1 ii l in s or demands nguiiist theittatu of tint .deicdellt are re. nested to or, seul tlieni fl r sitllemeul. "lu,,; "'""'i',u if maite paj mem wimoiu ur isy p-rt.it ti i:uuin:isi:it. WILLIAM. II. t'UOL. Adn ti. April 12, lfO. -ft. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J'jtato cf Jonah Hast ninth, lata cf Scott tovnitp Coin mbt a ibuiitij, dtctaaeJ. "M" OTICE U hereby given lhat Letters of X i Adiuiiii.traiion on th Hstate f Jiliaii llio. I NLi'tli, late of Scott lint iislup, Columbia enmity, de. ceased, have bten grauied by iho ltegi.ti r of said county tn PP.THIt LVP. residing in Scotl tottu.hip, Columbia county. All permus hating claims or do mauds against llie Kstntn ut (h-deredent nro r"l'ietoJ to present them for si-tilenrnt. and those indcLiedto make payment without delay. PP.TP.R HNT. April SS, lc;;Cl. .fdisisixrnror. NOW READY, rarson Dmonlno's Womltrfttl Book. One volume. Csntalniiig upwards of 450 pages, 13 superior Lngravings, an eiccllent rteil Portrait, 4c He.Mitifully pruned, on line whitn paper, and hanj. uiuily bound In muslin. Price Jl.'i5. bent free, by return moil, on receipt ofvrie. AGENTS I 'ANTED, In every Citf. Town. Village, and County, to itll thli thrilliug and remarkable work. Address auonm: w. cim.nfi. rubiishcr, Noi: C!ri and li:id I'lw.tnul street, rinljdel. djla. Applegatt A- Co.. Cincinnati, tibin. Publishers of tlio West. JuneUI, lebi. St. P. 0. IIAR1USON, M. D. WOULD rs.peclfully Inform the citlicns of Ulu o. burg, and vicinity, that Lc continues thu practl it MUDICI.VH A.l HVltaKHY, od' solicits a sbaru of public patronage, Orncr on Main dirisct first hams bslow tb Conn Hours, ploomsburg r'tbiuarj T lr.-if . i mm unn i llll I hi I II' fl It IV I ill ' iniiimi nil in njunui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers