Signcti Hurt SEEDING GRAIN TO COLTS. A subscriber inquires of tlio American Agriculturist whether it is ndvisablo tcadoats.o colto in Winter as some of tho neighbors tbink tho 'practicoinjurious. It is objected that grain of any kind is too Q'imulating'fer young nuiraols, tnd that tuej Trill grow up more hnrdy if kept on ecnniv feed We regard this as an error Tho usual food of an animal, including grain, is not "stimulating" in tho saruo tense as the qpices ant drugs used by man ; were that tho case, thoro would be -no ques tion as to tho-impropriety of allowing grain to young horses or other animals. 'Grain contains more nutriment than the same bulk of strswor hay. If fed in large quan tity to one not worked sufficiently to keep tho digestive powor3 Tery aotive, tba stom ach and other organs will be impaired , and ttlio health of tho animal, -will be injured. JJut given judiciously grain promotes the growth and strength of horses either young or old. Tho proper way -to harden an animal, is, ut to cramp the growth of its organs, but-to develop -the ji to the fullest extent, end nutritious food is-indispcnsible to .this end. It is tho practice of some of the best horsemen. to allow a small quantity of oats or .corn tO'Colts, as soon ts .they -will cat them, say from a quart to two tjuarts por day during tho first Winter, And a more liberal allowance. the following year, incrcasing'tlio quantity gradually. Oats ore.preferable, ceeorn ifrom.its oily nature predisposes to infiammatorydizeas os. Ilerbct says this treatment will amply repay the owner in quality of bone and muscle which tho animal will form, and. in tho increased nizo, 'beauty, and stamina, which will be his characteristics when he iis growing toward maturity. Lo gircs'Kis opiuiou that a oolt cared for in this way, 'will .ho, at-two years old, the equal of any ithree year old, allowed tto take his chanca without any food but that furnished by IHs'dam from.hor ordinnry commons, or jpisked-up by Himself, in his .Summorpas liare or -Winter straw-yard. American Jigiiciliturist. iFoOD FOtt COWS AFTER CALVING. It 33-customarywith many farmers to feed sews, 'immediately after calving, with warm !olop3 a , pail of bran or meal and warm vwttsr, well salted.: and a 'bettor diet is iccmmcnced at onee, ,in order to get as much milk as possible. This is objected tio bo some as coutrary to nature, and very sKkely to induce caked-bag and milk fever; also, that tho cow should have rest and quiet. It is an error to supposo that task, iing the ctomaoh, after theiatigua of ;par ituration, can be othornisoithan 'hurtful. .A drink of water and a'little dry .hay is oaongh for the first day, and she should rime nothing better than the best hay for three or four days until all inflammatory nymptiius are past. So says the .Rural iRsgistec. The question is often ashed, "iDo sheep ccquiro water iu winter when having ae "Cet,i to snow 1" They do, most certainly. In my-judgmeutj-waterig -as -esscnlial to (sheep as to any other animal. They will go through tho winter on snow instead of water, and so would a man or horso, if loompelled do co hut enco, I think, would arrruo that it would not 'ha I, :i .1 .1 i.r ..... ?i , u iviiiuu uutore using is. Xlse UUias Of thO SVStera meat be nunnlieci ojaiciu iuubi. oc Buupiica. and pure WatOr IS 'the best Source from mhence.topp!y.tLein -Moston Courier,: 'Pill-SERVED friiittlhniilillrn.'Irnnt'Jn . 1Jr icool place. Care should'be takvn in select- ing the tugar with which tby are prepared, or all efforts to keep them from fermcntin - 1. I :' il ,1 i . wui u-o'iii vuui, powuoveu WUIte Sugar IS . 1 I. ... i -.i e i . , 30 t'lultOMted .With foreign substance, that .:n i.. 4 ti i'ii tit yrillmot keep at all-, sugar which has P. strong slightly aoid teste, will hi suro to .ferpieut. It is safest to carefully clarify even the purest-looking sugar. SrAUTiNO a Balky Honsc Acorics oadsnt describes what to him was a novel vtvay of curing a balky bono : Fasten a strong ropo to his tail ; pass it botweon his Jegsj then attach a team to tho rqno and ;givo thc .word, forward .march ! PAns.N'EP Oysters,- To one pint of miashcd parsneps, add threo well beaten -eggs, a teaspoonful of butter- pepper and gait to suit the taste, an3 sufficient flour to hold tho mixture, together. .ILtko into little .flat balls and fry brown in butter fpAitsxEP Hash. Mash boiled pars :icpa and potatoos, and chop boiled ,pork .fine .Allow of parsnsps and ttwo of.polatoes, to ona of pork ; season with popper and salt ; raako thorn into balls, flnt-thcni, and browu on tho grid dle. 3joci,-JAW in the IIorsk. English papers report a.lato case of lock-jaw in a homo, which was cured by eight ounces of chloroform. iLho animal lay prostrated under lbo efl'eots of tho medicine for nearly four hours, when they passed off, and tho malady went with them. -.War An sditor out 1Yest, who served Jour days on a jury, says that ha is eo full cf law that it U hard work for him to keen TUB PENNSYLVANIA TELE G API! roR TUB ZEGJSLATJFJ3 SESSION, Th tutllrtwt of tin rcxxmvi! TKLtomrn has mads the most atnplo and complete arrangements, by the engtsemml of an experienced corps of reportersto me i'uuiib n complete synopsis ni wo procccuings of the Legislature, embracing nil legislation (hot will be cfn general character ntul inch private business at may nava an eueci or immense on uie purine interest Ad ded to these reports, with tho reports, nf tho Heads tf Derailments, the debate, will all bo published when ttrny aro nf n character Involving questions-ln tehiclitbe pcopie aro imcresieu. -i rices icaiuree rcguiariy and carefully conducted and supervised by experienced re porters, our reports of the proceedings of Congress at tho approaching session, tho current events In tho pro- tress or ine war, logemor Willi audi domestic and tor clgn news as shall daily occur ami coin a within our reaciii will make the rsN.HiTt-VANuTilcojurii one of tin most valuable .and Interesting newspapers in the coun try. TERMS. The Diilt will be published during the session ofttie Legislature for $1,U0 per copy. Thk Blmi-Weekly will also bo published at tho low sate of Sl.00 for the session. The Whkly is printed on a very large sheet at the low rate of 91,00 per year. Address, GEOROH PEHONF.R, ilarrlsburgi renna, Dec 28, ISSIj T H E Wedkly "Patriot & Union." THE CHEAPEST .PAPER PUBLISH ED IN -PENNSYLVANIA I AND THE ONLY DEMOCEATICrAPF.ftPUnillBHED AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT! FOUTY-FOUIt COLUMNS OF READ ING MATTE K -EACH WEEK 1 AT THE LOW miCE OF ONE DOLLAR I WIIEX , SUBSCRIBED FOR IX CLUBS OF NOT 1.F.SS TIIAX TEX COPIES TO OXE ADDRESS The period for which tcany nf our subscribers have .paid for their paper being on the ore of expiring, we taku liberty of issuing this notice, reminding them uflue same, in order that ti.vy may RENEIV their clubs. We shall alto tako it as an especinl favor if our prei ent subscribers will urgu upon tii.'lr neighbors the tact uuiuie r jinkiT and umo:; is me oniy Democratic pa per priHieu-Hi iiarnsuurg, nnu consiucring mo large amount of reading matter, embracing all the current news of lbs day, and TE LEG RA PJ1IG DIS PA TGHES From everywhere up to the moment the paper goes to press, political, miscellaneous, general And local news, uiarkut reports, is decidedly the cucipe&t xmsp.irr.n published ix the x SMTEt There Is scarcely a villoge or tonnlnilio etatn-ln which -aclub cannut be. raised If the irroper exertion bo made, and suroly thero are few p aces in which one or more energeUc men caunotbe found who are in favor of the dissemination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would be willing to make the dlorl to raise a club. .DEMOCRATS OF THE INTEKIOR I Lot us. hear from you. The existing war, and the ap proaching sessions of Congrers and the Statu Legisla ture, are invested with unusual interest, and every man shouldbave the news. aJGRMS. DAILY TATRIOT AND UNION. Single eppy for one year, in advance 81 Of -Single copy during the session of tho Legislature. -1 UO .WEEKLY FATUIOT AED UNION, rMithal uery Thurtday. Slugle copy one year in advance S3 OU Ten copies to one address 10 00 Subscriptions may commence at any time. Pay al Kys in aduanee. Any person sending us a club ot fifty subscribers to the Weekly ivill be entitled to a copy f"r his services. The price is co low that we cannot offer greater inducements than this. Additions may be made at any time to a club ofxubscrlbei's by remitting SI for each udditioitul uainc. It is not necessary to rend us :thc names of those constituting club, us n o cannot .-undertake to-address each paper todnb subscribers sep arately specimen copies oi me wecaiy win oe sent to all wJio desire it. O flAKRETT & CO., Harrisburg, Pa. NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE undersigned, respectfully informs the citizens of Dloomsburg, and the public generally, that ho has es tablished i cew Iftore, on .Main Street, Uloomtburg, in Mrs. Lcacock's Duilding, Whcro he offers for sale, on moderate terms, a large assortment of CLOCKS, WA TCHES tj- JEfPELR Y, Of every sort, and site and description. Ills siock ot jcwc.ry is compieie, inducting every variciy wi i.uuie .tiiu wf,ik,i;iut.ii ti "leiiiiiiuns, ity Chains. Lockets. Ilrenslnlns. Fineer-rings. Hc.iiU tu the examination of which he invites the, public gener ally. l7 Strict attentioi eivos. to repairing ClocksAWatcn os, and Jewelry, and a,', -vrii warranteil. W.M. n. DRAKE. nioomsburg, May 4,ilS61 tf. PROTECTION FROM .LIGHTNING . rpHE subscriber would inform his friends, that In is 1 now preiiared"tnat up, on M-.o;t notice, and In ecientifir. manner, the hen pwrix.1 poiXTED LioiiTXxa hods. at 131 cents per foot. All worn warranteil. E. U.MDLUMAN, Bloomsburg,May 24, 1SG0. HOUSE FOR SALE. A moveable Frame House, will be sold cheap, on ap. plication to the undrsigned. LEVI L. .TATE, nioomsburg, July .13. ,I?G1. JP KOJSJPE VW JUS lOFTHE THE UCST MECHANICAL PAPER IN STUB WOULD. SEVENTEENTH YEAH. VOLUME VLNEW SERIES. a new volume oi iiiisaviueiy otrcuiateii nnHm ilume of tfcisavidely circulated papers the 4Ui of January. Every number com 'PR At Useful Informiitliin. nn,1 fVn... A.. In:cos on Uie 4Ui of January. Every uumbei contains ixtcwi.)agcs oi us. iui iniurmuiiuu, aim irom fiva to . ur hrnu.1 omiravjuirs of new inventions m.,1 .11. -n... I ongraviugs of new inventions and discove- !"' f which are prepared expressly for its colums ' ,eruB0aVscic I utaitures, inrcmioiis anil Agriculture, commerce and o Industrial Pursuits generally, and is valuablo and , i11tructlvu not only in tne workshop nnd Manufactory nu olso '" u'0 "ouscl'u!l11 ,he Library and.uie iteadkyj To the Mtcltanic and Manufacturer I No persons cngaged.ln any of the mechanical pursuits SIIOUIU lu 111 ft 111 uuinij iuiuul U1C 13CIEN Tlrtc AMLItIC IN -it corns but-loutccuis per wceK; every number cun. tutus from six to ten cngrav ngs of new machines ami Inventions, which cannot be found in any other puhli. cation. It Is an established ruloof the publishers to in. i-rt noue but original o. cravings, and those of tho first cins in tue art, .irawn and iigraya by xpfriciiccU DUIIVUS VIUUVI lllVlf V n O sUlVIViiIUU( I 'I c the Inventor I t .The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is in, !vory inventor, as it not oniy contains Illustrated do s rlplinns of nearly all thn best inventions as they come out, but entU number contains an Ollicial List of the Claims of all the Patents issued from the United States .Patent OlUcn uuriug tu; wevk previous ; thus givjn- a correct historv of the.pri gress of .inventions in "his country. .We nro also receiving, every week, the best seleiitlf..! Journals of Great Uritaiu, Franc.) and Genua- I ny, Uius.placing4uour)oees.luii all that is truusnir In in mechanical tei uce jiuI artjii theso lu couti- ' tries. Wo shall contiima to transfer to our columns en. pious extract. Iroin these Journal, uf whatever wc mav deem of interest jo our readers .Chemwts, Architects, Millwrights and FarmersJ Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN will Wound a most useful Journal to them. All the new discoveries In the silence of chemistry aro given Jo its rolums, and tho Interests of the architect aud carpenter -are not over looked: all the new inventions ami discoveries apper taining to these pursuits biing published from week to ,Tetter o found published in tint Siiontltio American which infor. inauun niey iuuiiiji pnssiuiy obtaiu rrom uuy ther -surcc. rlubjicts iu which. planlersuid farmers aro ii.. terested will be loiind discussed in the Sclslitlfle Auier icuni incstof llu Improvements in .agricultural iiunle. incuts being illustrated in its columns 1 TEEMS. .To jnall subscribers! Two Hollars a Year, or One . Dollar, fo i rU mouths. One Dollar pai's for ono com pletc volum- of linkages irtwo.volum'ss comprise cue year. The volumes commence on tho first u(Jx,uinY BUU 4I.I.I. -OLUn KATES. 1 ,F1ts Copies, for Six Months . . Ten Copies, for Sic Mouths . , Ten Copies, for Twelve Months . Fifteen Copies, for Twelve Mouths Twenty Copies, for Twelve Mouths Si - 3 SIS .$ S'W For all clubs of Twuity aiidover.Uio yearly subscrip tion Is only $1.4(1. Names can bo sent In ut dinVrt'iit .limes and from different Fost-omces, Specimen cenles will bo sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or Fost-offlcca stamps taken at par for fubsriiptiuiis, Cunadian subscribers will pl'ase to remit.23 1 cots eilra on each year's sub scription to pro-pay postage. MUNN U CO., Publishers. Wo. 37 Park-row, New Vori. Dee. H, COME AND SETTLE.- TIICFEkuoivingtliem-dves Indebted to tho voder signed are hereby notified to omii and nettln their accounts without further notice, lam now In earnest Ifnotattended to soon their accounts will bo placed in roper haudp fur collcclion. GILL & J'AUIi, Commission Merchants, ssALtas ui Tlh, irnvltlons, I'tmrr, nutter, 'Cheese, O'Ae, Dtlcd Fruits, Clfaln, Scode, -Pcuiis, Whiskey, Woo), Country Produce and Mershandlst generally. No. 34 Noara WiuavM, PniiArtuiiu. t.7"" Consignments Wf Provisions, Flour and Country Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. ORIir.tia for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, ic, filled alius loweit Caih Prices, August 4, lcM-l'.'m. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully Informs his old frlcndl and customers, that he has purchased his brothers interest in me aoovo osiaoiisumcrH, annum concern wits hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. no na jusi receiveu ami uners lur saic, mu larg est nml most cxtenlvn nssorlmcnt of FANCY STOVES ever introduced Into this market. His stock consists of a cumnlctu assortment nf thn' best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven am llnx Btevcs, Itndiutnrs, Cylindar Sloven, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves. Cannon Htuvcs, ic he. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronAge of old friends and new ciKloinnrn re spectfully solicited. A. M. ltUPEUT. Dloomsburg, November 3d 1800. tf. WALL PAPER 1 WALL PAPER 1 I TUST received from the manufactories In lioslnn, nil J article of most excellent quality. I challenge conipc itilioii as to ityle amlfrice. Tho undersigned will kiep borders to mate li any of the Styles on hand nnd-lx the only Etperlcnced Pafck Hanoir In this Section of etho County Oivo my Uxtensivo Stock nil Examination nciorc rurcnasing. C5 Call at Itupcrts Post Ofllco. E. J. THORNTON, nioomsburg Marrh 22d 1P0I . TRUNKS I TRUNKS! I TIID largest, best handsom est and cheapest assort tnent of Pulo Leather solid Riveted Trnvclinir Trunks. Jj-rfleiUniifti$- VrttM Trunk unitorcii's i.oacucs, rropei- lers Lenllier ami uarpet linca if.iKv'Aa Pecking Trunks Uc. &c., a 4sWVcS THOMAS W JTATTISON'S. Celebrated London Prlie Medal improved sheet spring eolli sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No. -IM Marke strcti, aouth west corner rottrui ami iiiarnei, iiiuaua. WugustS lR57-tf. Statea lElntou )oUl -000 .& 008 MA'RKET STREET AUOVE SIXTH, J.'W. POWEH,.Pr(;-Vicrsr. Tkrms: 31 S3 per day. 'May 12, lSGO-Hm. R E M 0 V A L. rC, . SADiiKU & Co., Commission Merchants ami dialers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, No.1103 Arch street, "2nd doorabovo Front, Phl'adel hla, agn. 53ly jr. p. uvjaue, (Successor to J. S. SonvErt.) WHOLESALE DEALER IX TOBACCO, SA'UFFAND CIGARS, No. 8 North fifth St., above Market, PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and'Importerof FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. May ie. leUO-Km. ROOT A.l) 8Ii)E.lS.iai5. THE undesigned, having opened a new HOOT AND SUCH SHOf, on Main street, in llopkinwllle, East Klooinsturg. rctpeetfnlly invites the custom of the citi zens and tho mkllc generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shot's, tc, will 4.C Tironirrtly made to order, on short notice aid moderate terms. From long oipcrienco in hi lino of busini-nho flatters hiniself-thatll.c.will be able to give general satisfaction ito.ail -vHio may favor him with their custom. (C71- Grain. Provision and Produce genern'ly taken in exchange for wojk. D. F. UltOOKH. Dloomsburg, July 0,il66I-Din. .iJOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia ROFfi BLUtJEKtS AKll SHIP CHANDLERS,, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropofs, Twines, Tir, Hitch, Oakum, lllocks, aud Oars, &c. August 4,.lb(;o-13m. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. ' HE undersigned would Inlorm tiio citizens or I IHcomiburg nml vkinity, that he hasjiibt re- Ata el vco auu nners inr sine mm ui mu luoBii-Aii-ithive 52.aosnrtincr.ts of CHOKING and l'ANi Y STOVES ever Introduced into this market. Tho Christopher Co iimbu. James Robb nnd Ololieare among ine ttrst (last cooking Stoves, all of which are air-tight audgns burner His Parlor -toves are handsome and tlie niMirtment va ricd. AL"0-Particular attention is p.ud to Tin.narc and House SpouthiL', upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will bo unite w tin lieaincss anil iiesnatcu. IT7 Country produce taken in exchange rur work. .PHILIP S. JIOYEU, D oomsburg, Oct, 3,.lSCO 31 EVANS, 10,000 I'ltirMTlilS,' sjl Curd icr Hour! ,aa w , Tl.PrllW.Mo..rl.,Vta tyli.U. .lUP'l 1 PUil.'rkl. ltO K. fl.MLH-tHTlTMS WE TU.Pf.M'lt JS. Bik.Hlio. .n-atfJ rrlrt..Cl.lIC..H l IjI tC- TTtiiM4CiiSIllr,U JJ Uw.wylwit il)l-t'P,Wsrll7 fimi. , Cor.Llbrary.FOUISTII ST. btlow ChclnutJ August 17, 13U1. e, is tfsr&E ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBURO, PA. Cffice in Court Ally, formerly occupied by ChacJes R, Iluckalcw. IUooinsburg, Dec. 4 , 1850. (Late Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVS THIRD .CUZIi AI1ELEIII A. JOHN 1IOYER, Proprietor. T, V. RHOADS.-fiup't fjov, iu, leui, (March 2, ISOl-lSm.) PUSI ! MAKING TnE undersigned inform tho they have formed -a co-imrtucrehiu. nnd will contin ue the business of Pump making nnd repairing, in all their various departments, in lllooius.'urg, wl.creiU'l ay win nrnminiyaiieiiii 10 iui uruers in meir lino oi mtsi aiuas, whether in town or country. wen una i.istcrn ruiK, vim. teauai ripe, made tu o,;.0v,y,.8,it,t tax k""i"fll"" " ",0ller,,,0 ac" Worn uie" lonVoxperienco In the business, snd an earnest desire to have their work commend itself to the nubile they feels confident thev cun make it an oblect to those who may give them their custom und render gene ral satisfaction. JOHN (atUTCIILIil.'.j UOHN CULP. illoomsLurg, April 13,,ltMl, Uiu 55 It KMC! It RICK!! THE undersigned is prepared to supply Urick, of a good quality, at fair price, Ho will bo found at U:o Ilrick Yard of II. L, M'Kiuny, near McKelvy & Neal'a 'Furnace. Persons ditsiriugtn purcha-u will do well tu call as brick will be made -and mutt be told, J. II. FUllMAN, -fljiBS. K3 lOU.OliO nov on hand and ready for solo. Uloomsliutgl'cb.V, lltil-3iu, J. il.-F. .WHOLESALE ANO HE-TAIL BEDDINGr AND FEATHEll WARE- HOUSE, No. 15 NorUi Secoud Street, Opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. OCT" Constantly on "hand, n largo assortment of Hods, Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail, and nil articled in the lino at the lowest Prices. V. It -Particular attention jiaU to rtnacating Xiu an Old Feathers. MardiS, liOl-Kio. IF. 0. IIARIvISON, Ms T. Wviu ruspi'viiuny iiiiuuu mu .u&vii.ui ,ivwi,i burg, and vicinity, that he enntinuesthe practice o' jiKVivisrt; aunut.ui , tii solicits a share of public patronage. Omen. on Main Street, first house below tho Court House, Uloomsburg. February 3, lcU-rtf. J SHSFjfjS W H. 0. UOWER, fl C R G E 0 i DENTIST ItESPECTFULLY offers his nrnfessior. al services to tho ladies and gentlemen of II? is preparer! 1 oocrations in wiKth. lite," uioomsiiurg ami vicinity, I lojiffciid to all the various the line of MiiroiciS;oi:tei provided mprovod porcelain teeth, which evil) bo inserted on (old, platina, sllvornnd rubber bate j tolook at well as the natural teeth. Mineral pUtu and block Ifoth manufactured and all IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. ruuLiBUED ny d, ArrLL-ro & co. 443 rtf445 JJroudivatj, Neiv J'ork, The following works are sent to PnlrcrlWe rs tn ntiy par ofthe country, ittpon receipt of retail price,) by mail or oxpress prepaid! THE NEW AMCUICAN CYCLOW.DtAt A popular Dictionary of (lenernl Knowledge, Edited by Qcuroic 1 lltrikvond (.'ntrtbes A. Dixa. aided by u numerous sc-i Ice t corps of writers In nil branches oiBcienctes, Art and Literature. This work Issuing pnbllshed In about 151 large octavo volumos, ench contnliiing 750 two culmn pages. Vols. 1 to XIII 'Inclusive, are now ready.each containing near S,5iw, original uttlclcs. An additional volume wlli be published oncc.ln about three months Price. In Cloth. SJ! Khccp,83 50! Half Mar.. SI! Half Russia, SI 50 each. Tiie New American Cycloprcdla Is ponularwlthout see ing uperAcial, lenrucd but not pedanlc, comprehensive but suTiclently detailed, frco from personal plquo and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It isn complete Icwith tho tcopo of human Intelligence. Every Import, t. ant article In It has been specially written for Its pagi-a siaicmcm oi mi inai is niinu ui'w,, uvii, ii,i'i,u, by men who nro nuiuuiiuui, upmi mu uiiu;ii ,.,ni they speaK, incy arc re-iuircu m uriuji uie suuji-h u, thn present moment tn state Just hew It stands twie. All tho statistical Information Isfrom tho Mfrt reports; tho geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explora tions; historical matters Include thu freshestjust views tho biographical notices not only speak of tho dead, but alsnnf tho living. It Is u library ofitsclf. AnatDOEMFJiTbr tiik Dedatk orCosonsss: Doing a political history of tho United States, from tho organisa tion of the first Federal Congress In 17b!l to 1K50. Edit ed ami compiled by lIon..Tno.MA II. Dkhto from the Of ficial Records of Congtess. The work w ill be complicd-ln 13 royal octavo volumes of "50 pages each 11 of which are now ready. All addi tional volume will bo published once In three months. Cloth. S3; Law Sheep, S3 50; Half .Mort; Half ei An,. a way of 1'BOOunjNBffiin gyclop.i:dia. ont Form aclub of four, ami remit the prlcoof four books, and live copies will bo sent nt the remittor's cxpento for 1 Villi lug tlT IUI i II eillSbllUClB VJvi w II Wjiiva t(( v buss at our uxpemcfor carriftc. TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally reward tho exertions ofAgcnts. As Aoekt WANTtn ts THIS Coi'lUY. .Terms made known on application to the Publishers. Nov. a 1, 1PGU LIFE INSURANCE. .THE OIRARD LIFE 1XSVIIAXC1'., AXXUITY AXD ,THUT COMPAXV OF PHIlJiDELPItlA. emeu, SO. 4(W C11K3TSUT sinti.r, CAPITAL (iald up,) $300 000. Charter Perpetual, CONTINUE to mnke INSURANCES ON LIVES on 'th? most rensonnbln tarmi. The capital being paid up and invested, together with u large nnd constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to tho insured. The premiumns must be paid yearly half yearly, or quarterly. The Company add n riONUS periodically to tho Insu raucoB of-life. Thn FIRST DONUS appropriated In.De comber, ldtl. the SECOND 110NU8-in December, lei'l, tho Til lit D DONUS in Dcu-mbcr, lMl.and the FOURTH UONUS in December, 1WJ. K5"These additions are made without requiring any liicrensi- in tho premiums tn b! paid to the Company. Tho following are a few A'Xumplea from tin: .Register. t Anion lit of Policy nnd Sum i Ilnnus or Policy Insured nildltlu No. 00 SilOO S" 50 ' 13'J 3000 1050 00 " iuo loon ioo no " 333 5n00 1875 00 Utc. &c. &c. bonus inrrenfecd bytfature additions. S.t,3.-7 50 1,05(1 00 1,400 00 .0,875 00 &c. l'ampi.'lets, centnining tables of rates and explanation, forms of application, and further Information can be found at the ollico. THOMAS KIDCEWAY, Pretidcnt. J.Na. F. James, Actuary, tLIlUI L.'IVVTE, .Ji'cul. F. C. Harrioh, Ejaminiui' J'hiliiciaiu October 10, 1857-ly. 'PIIE undersigned is also extensively 1 UndertaVutir Bulne$, and kecpscm cm-arieil In the mr uuslueiM. ami Keens enn.tniillv tin liniiu nil for sale at his Warerooins, a largo assortment of i.'ivrsii u.n nniJi.'ivH COFFINS, Ily wiili h ho is enabled to till orders on presentation Atso-Kccns a cood Ilorso and Hearse, and will at al times be ready to ntleud Funcrels. SIMON C. HlliVIJ. niooniaburg, JanuaryS'J.ilr'Sa iS 35.00 PaystheentirocostforTuitioHiistlio most popular and successiiii uuuiinerciui ociiuui in mo country, upwnru of Twelve Hundred young men from twenty-eight diff erent Btates.hnvc been educated for business here with in the past three years, some of whom have been em ployed ns Hook Keepers at salaries of 52000.00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts when they entered the Colleco. fjy Ministers sons half price. Student enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogue of titi pages, Specimens of Pruf. Cowley's iiusinessnuii ornamental rciimausliip, anil a largo un graving of the College, inclose twenty-five cents In Post ago Stamps to the Principals. .'JENKINS & flMITII, Pittsburgh, Pa, Jan. 5, 1801 y. CAME iata tho enclosures of the subscriber, living iu Locust township, Columbia the early part at IWr.,iili.r. n HE D COW. Buf posed to bo n'jout seven years old ard e YOUNG STEER Supposed to bo soroo three Years old. Tho owner is requested to prove property, pay char- bcs nun uiftu uicin away or uiey win oc Ulsnseu or as '11, U .,,, UlllllU, JOHN DILLIG. L'CC 23, 18CI-3ts. Jtjrc Prooi Cement lor Sale A tot of suporior Fine: PnoorCEMEsr, especially ndnp- ! ims ? Wiii" I " aa,"L "Xfn I'M 'laehadalhoaS!ntC0'frn ' Kmni ' "lliceof the r-. i '. Tr nf-. r ,, - Columbia Democrat. LEVI L TATE. Uloomsburg, JulyiO, 1801. 'GIBSON'S lK(01tATIT' rVMBMsUnlKNT, INo. 12S, South E'evcnth Street near Walnut, IflII, iLHI, Xnamolcd Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting J01IM I.1U30V. 'G, II. UU60V iJauuary l!2,Iriul 3m. TOBAOOO & SUGARS. MARSHALL HUGHES, U A S M & K o :y 8 t WIlOLlIrfALU DBALUHS IN Maiiut'acturi'tl ti Lfaf Tobacco HAVANA GKUMAN AN I) DOMESTIC, SEOARS &Ca, N. E. Corner of Trent and Arch Streets, Artrnuii iiaoln. I jameb m. Bovn. I riULADKLrmA, .Marcli 10, leGO-rl-.'ni, 'THE UNION," Are A Alreel, iotie 7'AirJ. P H I A U B Is P H I A . TUG situation cf this Hotel renders it one of tho most convenient for those who uro visitlne IMiiladrlnhia on business; uhilitto Ikneo iu seardi of pleusnre, tne constantly pasting and repassing City Uailway cars, .and tboea in close proximity, ulTord a cheap and pleas antriJo to nil places of Interest and amusement in or about thu city, 1 TJ10 proprietor gives f.sturance that ''Tlio Union" shall li 1 1- ni with such charart r ns will meet nublic llroblloii, anil would respectfully solicit.! genera! pat' ' i fonage. UI'ION 0 NLWCOMIIU. 1 rbtuarySJ,160-JJn. I'roprlclor WANTED AT THIS OFFIOK. Beef, rork, Poultry, Honey Cruin Trorluee, Cider - ....Ul-.. H,..,n.. I-.-., r-fr VI-" rA f-.w.,.ls-. I 'JThflst; Lnltoriii Under sickness can at ence relieve themselves from tho thou sand maladies that flesh Is heir to, if they w 111 nnl follow thu counsels of nature, and tako the medicine which lHst assists her In her operations. That mcill rino is the .Vegetable Life Medicines of Dr. MorrtT, known as Moffat's JLife Aills and PIia3NIX UlTTEnS. These Medicines Imvu now been before the public for n period of HO years, ami during that time have main tained n high iharacter in almost every part of tho globe for the extraordinary curative progenies which they possess, Motiat's Life Pills. MnfTat's Life Pills are Indebted for their name tolheir manifest and sinslblc action In purifying tho springs and channels of life, nndenrfitiug thumwltli renewed tone end vigor i and tn the undoubted fact that nt a very ctily part In their hlstory. lhuy had rescued sufferers from tue very ver(;u ui u niiiuimiy rrnive, pvricciiy se eiirluirto them that uniform uiijoytueilt of health, with out which life. itself is but a partial biestlng, .So great indeed had thi lrellltncy Invariably proved, that It was .rnreelv li ss than miraculous to thoso who were unac-1 qunlntcil with tho beautiful philosophical principles upon which they wcro compounded, and upon which they couseiuently act. MOFFAT'S FIHENIX B1TTE11S. Moffut'e Phoenix Hitters are so called, became they possess the power of restoring thu expiring cnibors of health ton glutting vigor throughout thu constitution! as tho Phoenix Is snid to bo restored to life from the nshog of Its own dissolution, Alorenriallllsenses. There Is nrobablv no one nrticlu given as n medicine, tho itiliicmus use of which has caused such wide-spread and terrible mischief to the .J-'clafal"l 1,, ,hat nmii :in ns mercury, its poison hiiks ucep into penetrating the substance of the hones, and g train oi paiiuiii diseases, ii is wen known that ninny allections ot the throat, ot tin) bones, of thu noso, nnd malignant sums, which have cecn at tributed to syphilis, are so often caused by the Injudi cious ueo of mercury, -bo Lhat tho remedy has proved worse than the disease, LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX HITTERS. Tho Life Pills and Phoenix Hitters have always been signally successful in this class of diseases, nnd will eradicate all Uiocll'etu ot mercury from tho system, .sooner than tho uiost poweiful preparations of snrsa parilla. They aid nature In custiiiE from the systemnll poisonous matter, uud by thus purifying thu vital lluids, they restore the sytem to health, llilloua Complaint". A well regulated and propor tionate quantity uf bilu upon tho stomach is always re quisite fur the promotion of sound health it stimulates digestion, and keeps tho-intestinal canal Irce from all obstruction. On tho Interior suifacu of tho dver is n peculiar bladder iu which tho bilu Is first preserved, being formed by the liver Irom the blood, Thencu it passes Into thu stomach and Intestines, uud regulates tho digestion. Thus wc see when there Is u deficiency of bile, the body is constantly costive. On the other hand, an over uliundaucu uf bile causes frequent iiausis tn Uie stumach, anil ouen proiuutes very suveruatiacss of diseases, which somi times cud In dentil. LIh'E MEDICINES. .The Life Medicines should, if possible, be taken In tho early stages of bilious, complaints j and if perse- ered iu strictly according. to dtreitimis will positively eiVect n cure. Their uxteui-tvu use in tins complaint in all parts of our continent, renders comment unnecessa ry Hi Ir virtues speaK tor ilium. a i, no i in.. i uc usu ,u iiiL-nc Line, lur ii iry hoit lime, will alio it nu entire cureol Salt Rheum, and i btrikliiir Improvement iu the clearness of the skin. Ciiiuiiiiiii Colds uud lulluciirn will always be cured by ono dose, or by two even in the worst cases. Piles 1 ratst I i nu original proprietor oi incsc .lieu elnc was cured nf Piles of 35 years standing, by the use of thu Life Mcdiciuu alone. Livfr UoMPHiXT. in niKctiou ot tue Liver may uo known by a f'cliug of tension or pain. In tho right sido nboHttho region of the liver, often pungent ns tu pleu risy, but sometimes dull ; it dltllculty iu drawing n long lirentli i drv couch and inclination to vomit. This di- seusu may bo produced by cold, by violent exercise, by intenso summer lieats, by long continued bilious fever ur ague, and by various solid concretions iu the sub - unco of the liver Aud to Ihusixuroduciug causes, aro dercugeiii' nt of the digestive urraii9,-cupprcsicd secre- 1 tlous, and nicntal solicitude, winch up' very fruquttit causes of obstriutlous and i.iseas t of the liver. ' This disease should u ntrunjii in tn ciiuiuieu;ment . which can be done by a few doe. s cf.tlie Life sills. Whcji unco tho liver is aroused tn th s perf ruiance of its proper functions, little more is requisite than loeoii tlnue a proper usu of.tho mediiiiwe, uud a speedy ro covery will i iisue. Fli tn an o Aoeu - For this srourg" of the Western rountrv. these iiieilicines wil1 b" found a s.ifi , speedy and certain remedy. Other iiieuicines leave tin system subject to a return ot tne liiseas a cure uy tuose .lieu- . iclut's is permanent. r?ciion;i.i. Th most horrible cases of r-'crufula. in which the face, hoiiDs.aiul limb- of tl.e victim had been preyed u pun bi tlie insitliable disease, aro pruieil, by undeniable uuthnrlly of ill xulftrcra tli.-iusk.lvcH, tu jMVe.ljji.n couipl. tely cure ! bytliee pnroly vegetnblo uiediciiies, alUr all olli-irs liau been louuu iimre mail useless. In. laestlon and.Dvsnensi.i. If we were called upon n Hiieeil'v one disease w hh-li mor th.m .nu oth-'i is the bane, (wlul i it if the offspring ol 1 1 wlu.itlon) o should , name llyepepsia. It is generally alleuileil, or rather itoiiuciive, oi a.cng iraiu ui ins, sucu us iicnriuurii. riatulcucv, a unaviine naiu at the stomal It when empty a seino) nf uncomfortable weight w h n full, pains in thu, side and pit of the stumach, ro-tjve ucss, chilli- ( i.ess, languor, unwillingness to uiae exercise, i-c MIFFA'I'H LIFE JtEDlClXUS. Mull'it's Life Mediiineu .ire pciiilliirly minuted to thu I cure of this distressing complaint. Tin') act upon the bowels in u very mild, and, at lln runiiu time, v .ry etl'ec- uul manner, and Jiave iiever ycbfniled tu cure this ills- is1) when useii iiceuriiiug to our uireetioiis. (leneral Debiiitv. The most coiniiiou of all com. . plaints is Unit of u general weakness of the wholu sys tem, unaccompanied by any particular disorder, or do- I nnaio symptoms oi uiscasc. nierc is a nine vit.iieu erev. a los of antietite. uinvillinenets, and indeed ina- I bility tu undergo u'prtiuus, frequent heudarlies, iudl- , gesiion, oiieiiniues snnowuess nun i.ryn 'ss 01 llio sain, Tho Life Pills nnd Phoenix Dilters are. ncrhans. the best remedy fur restoring strength to the body for, they net as n gentle eartaartic, nud, by their toiiiu 'lunlities, Birenirineu mo wuniu sysism Jlollats Lite ruts. persons ofn plethoric habit, who arc subject to tits, headache, nudities, iliinuess nf sicht. or drowsiness, from too creat a How of blood to too head, should tukutheie Pills freijuently. ADVIt'Il TO FUMALIlri. Females who value their health should llCVer bC Without tllC-Life 'H.dieHlC3rfaS hey purify the blood, remov,! obstructions, uud clrc tho s Li ii a beautiful, clear, healthy aud blooming appear - OnCC. To Elder v Percons. Manflieallhv aced iiiiliv!ilinii wliojcnowlho value of Molfat's 1. fe .Mei kines. makii itdrritK i to take them two or three times a week, by which rney reniove the causes Unit produce disease, preserve their health, and keep oir the infirmities of , r a. 1 - , . . lacts for Mothers and Niirses.-It is a fact, cstah. Iished hy the annual bliss of mortality, that one half of the children borne nro cut oir before iittalninjr seven years of aire; and the fuitful source of this mortality is. ......... ,u ... ...... .vu.u i uui ..uiuwii uiiu bowels winch produced ,tli cent-ration ot worms. As tlio snfo restorer oMnfnntlle liealth in this critical stats tlio urn M-ciliciiics have loiiij liclil u diatiiiKUIalteil repu tation, nnd for foulness of tlio stomach anil bowels, nnd convulsions, although worms may not exist, it is allow c,l iu uu superior in nuy nuicr, .MoiIUt's l'illt and llitfrs.-No mcilicinoB at present known have done so much good to mankind ns these, within thu last few years; and certainly 110110 have licen rewarded with more numerous nnd autln-nlic tes timonials 01 tneir mvuriaiiic ami extensive cliiracy. They require 1111 dieting nor contlneiiient, nro purlcctly mild and pleasant in their opernliuu, but will power fully restore health-that grvatostof catlhly ilosclnm totlie most ciliaustedund dilapidated cnnstitutions. A'rcparcu ny Dr. W.M. U. JIOITAT, 3S3 Uroadway, New Vork. And,for Sale by all Druggists npl3-Cl ly. r U 'B G It K A T INDIAN HlflRBAL TEA ! FOR FEMAiLES. Dlt BNGJJSH'G l.'l!!N .VKGBIAKIJJ WlrtlENAGOGBIJ, This Celebrated 1'emiili! Mcdicino possesses virtues iiukiiowii nf anything clso oClhe kind, uud proving c 11" cctual al'tir all others liiivcfailedi it Is prepared I'mm an "Indian Herb" peciiHnr to Northern Siexico und Tex as, and is used by tho Natives in producing thu month ly sicKNt'S). It i-i designed for butli miurlcd anil single ladies, und is thu very Lett tiling known furlliu purpose as it will remove all instructions utter other remedies have been tried iu valu. It is n pleiisant lea, contain lug nothing injurious tu health, uud a cure to be relied upon in ullcusos. 1'rolapsus Uteri, or fulling of the Wunib; l'loucs Al- 1 bus. or Whites; Chronic Ullaiiiatlou, or Ulceration of tenuency to leverisnness, uiitttticts tor society, in short I . ,--wiT.n r mnvrini mrru nr all those symptoms of Inncunr. di-quletuiU', and weak- ' I KfifSAS?i , D,Vi, . 7 ' rI' ness that live cvidenee. of ., raiiure iu the vital pow-l W V ! ' p?, ;V"U,r' crs. and alow, ujiliealthy and morbid condition of tlto ! mk&ljk-H"le, " Y'lJ J. ?, !, ,, , e v? sysieiu. j USt IMIls .ana Fhocnix Bltt,rs. ?fel0'';;n casnofthu Bilue. I, "TV? ne opening m in is vast and commodious Hotel. tO- Ladies In tlio early stnso of nreanancy .ate cau- i" 1 . " . .br.C" "in ""eW tnd'vor of tlio proprio tinned aga 11st the use 1 tiY this tea al it will nroduco ,0"i" '"?. ,l ,ha, m?1 sumptuous, convenient and iii,carriu"c tins tea, as 11 win Piouwe t0,frul,iu homo for tlu citizen uud stranger 011 this ,..-.v. -niPAFED AVD BOLD BV I Side tllO Atlantic. DH. C. W. ENtlUSII.' No. 210 OUTH SECOND ST.1 coMlfe'M 1 llll.ADLLrAIA, I'A. ganl tn cost, toprovidc. ni.d to conibiuo all tho elemnnts l'flce, 81.00 nor package, (with full directions for use) "f in livlilual and social enjoyment which niodurii art sent by llxpress or .Mnri to uuy address. as invented, Ai,d modern taste approved ; and tho pa- l)r.E eaubo coinulteilin allobninato remalo Com- lias commanded during the past six plaints, in person orhy letter, and will furnish the (Jut. yarsis a gratifying proof that their efforts have been ta-pertha renmle'Syriiigo. highly recommended by the ..wrcelaied. faculty to married ladies for special purposes, '" mf"i lllt exigencies of the times, whon all are ro. Also Itadical Cure and oilier Yrussi s luijirnicd lie- T'lred to practice the most rigid economy, thu uuJer tary uud ripine Abdominal Support rs Shoulder IJreccs eigeued -Linstic nnd Laco Blockings- rjpiuoi Apparatus.' for lluvt Reduced the Price of Board to Weak and Curved Spino and Instruments ,for all ile- i,... iini,.. Ir. ti l" forinities. A largu Htnck of thn abovo nrlicli s constant- INO I'llllil.'S ' Day, ly on haml, und will I13 furniih d fit irVm'Cst rates by at tha same tlrno ab.ninij none of the litxijriea with sending order with measuri'iiiunt nnrt full partlculais. wire h thjir labia has hitherto been supplied. tq- All cniiimmiicatioiis strictly conll :enlial. lor TltDADWCLL, WIUTCOMU & CO. further particulars uleaso A-luress. Bent II, 1861. 3m. ' 111) Ml llf 1 1011 s . - iui , uiiiu . 1 ciuei lai iieinuraire ui r lunuinr- . nun uis. aiosouthuecondBtreei. briow Dock. VJIIUADtLrillA, C7 I have no aocnts. Not. 10, ItiOl-tlVni. WtiSTtt-stt BIO J KI, Noo.'O, 1.1,. 13 and 15 Oourtland street, 'BOAHD, 81 50 PER DAY. D. D WINOHF.STER, TJIOB.D, WINCHESTER , AND fort THE SriXDY CLTtE OF iTsrTOUiPrestrfttioa, OmicmI Dotlllty, Arlhrnn, Dyipspiia, Ecrofala, MwMmus, Paralysix, . Chronic -Bronchitis, Anemia, Chlorosis-,' ,aad oll'DUorflers of tho Blood Syatta. DO OU IKNOW IT? coNSTjirrnox is thk uott tatal soounoE or MANKIND. It has been truly regarded as A wcrra mi viuriT few ever surviving Its attack. " One nrt cftit vinU Mimcm rat'," sxys Er. CucamiLi , " and JIOHK THAN ONE IU1.V OF AM, THE ApULT rOPL LATiONofmtelvlllMdcommUBltlrnii:iir.YTHH DISEASE." What a tad commentary n tho bcasWd efflcMy orihorlliallr.gArt.l Tho brilliant Mscuvcry of T!r. Chtlrehlll, made to lh Imperial Academy of Mcdlclut Paris, has proved an inettimabltboon to tho world, lty tho use of this asw aud jvmrful rcmeiliul agtnl, Known 10 incniisir no THE HYPOPHOSPHITES, "The CUnE of CONSCMrTlON, oven In tko Sooond nnd Third Btoccs (nt o rsrloJ, llireor, whon.thsro ean be no doubt ns to tlio nnturo of .tbc Disease) Is tho r.CLr, wlilla PHATfl IS THE EXCEPTION. 'I.KNOW," says Br. C, " Hint they will prove not ortly n SCKE A JtEM IDT In CONSUMPTION ns Qolnlno Is In Intsr. mlttent lever, but nlso ns eftVctnnl n l'llKOCli. VAT1VK ns Vnintlon In mll I'ox." Lot no sufferer, who values health and Ufa, delay q hour to try this remedy. I'.Fmeraber that " prcveutloa IS better than cure." Eon-are of scif dsceptlcn , or tho toollllDg assurance of friends that " ( in only a liitit eld I ' fatal error to myriads who how fill premituro graves I Clvo,T entreat you,rrompt atlcntlou to tho EfVRUEST SIOKS'QP CQNSUWPTtQN. "Axd tuimb SIGNS siuu rouow rnnii." ilrrk. " The enrlfcsi symptom of tubercular disease is H precedes tnecoujft, and It ii earlier, In point of tints, than thj nsenc. It is first manifested in tho fate ami hnnlt. Ths musculir tluiica waste ; hence Demurr : thero li a seaaiofseuietlilDg wrong acIi'ny tbtfi Bit vim towers an ruiaoiKO. Tho vaU of lti living machine Is moioaativothan Itirrwir." If. Pollotk. ' If, Wnouiany apparent mnc,ornidsrthelnDnc Of causes which loduco wruKiisa and Biiuvsrrloii j tuch as icanl, griff, oi:emrk,iiretu, peejnoncy, (Hid. hearing, ttunitu), raj id growth, or ilna rceoecry Jren.ditKiu, n person begins to low hlsiUcsh, .strength, color ,-cr .appcllto; If hs suCnira fiom tUmtnett of IrcntA, or il'icteiinesi. aud experience n goneral feeling of Ion piioeanddeirs!iii,TIHir.E 13 EKASON TO ItAll that lie i'j already prlipoitd to the temp taint. If to then symptoms bo added ctntrih, however slight, psrtleuUrly If it como on slowly, or during the fair Mssnn. THE IT.0BAUIUTY 13 CriEATrR STILL." ChurthiU. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. '"If, on the earliest nppcornneo nC these slffns of Consumption, tho pntlcnt tnhss dnllj nbont ten rains or the lIYPOriI03rHITrS, l,o will nsimllr see thorn nil disappear In a period varying from, a I few woeks to a few months and by cviitlnulns tho ' occasional n se of tho nemsdy, HZ WILL SP1SD ILT TIND WIM3CLP IN TUB ENJOYMEHT Or (JUCIt HEALTH AS HE. FSXinAFS, HAU NI1VEI1 jwiotvjf ix Hia-urr. licronrf '"'WJnolietcr'a Gcnuino PrcparoUon" IS THE O.XLT KLLIAIU.i: Form of Pr. Churchill's nemcdy (Madis from tho original 1'ormulj ) Tho action cf th3 Hypcrphosphltci , la two-roiD nud speclfla : intnatxng tho principle wuicn oomtitites -1,'Kittotii Ivrix, Mid itbcy ro tho V01T rOWERFLr.ltIOIi r.KVtlUTlM4 AGISTS KM.WV. TUo Cff.Ct upon tho tubercular ceadition U IMSIHHATri.jiiL tei eorR.iL smnws msai i cikimi win; a sai ioitv vmcn WRC.iiLTM.invra.ors. They rtllerr tht coi'gli,cfiminiiA expectoration, improve tho appetite, etrrttl diarrhcra; tho nijjht sweats, chilli, and ftver ccaso j the bowels Itime regular, end inn hut calm ami rcorov.Mi. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CORE I 3-nnVTAHEof Bogus JfMniVtadisrtleed as It. Churchill's, and alloth.r SWINMJKa HV.V1CC5 to rob FtuTorcrft of their niui5,U!tpricisvs time, and lustcu s, tatal RMCiT, WrlH to me fer CIIttt'LArtS, and for Br. Churchill's Trc.itito oa Consumption, which contain tho only avth'Mic iricmitien In reesrd to this NEW TT!EATlIliT But use to sll Inquire.-. rEICEiIn 7 snd lfLoc. Bottles, ?1 and ti each. ThrvelsrcOtOr six small fcrSS. Sly fuo-simllo Is ea both the I.ibsl and OnUlde Wrrr- iro OTitEn m osHuisr. tf Ve not confound this Kemtdy with tho s-Mil!d " Chemical Food ;" ami partlci-lirly avoid all prcpara llona containing trm, which la rAscttovs, and Cul Ukt al, which has o ctkativi reonoiTr wnsiCTm. cold by the most respectable Druggists throuchout ununited Btatca and British Provinces, and Wholesale) toi p.ctall at tho Goneral Depot in tho United Suits, by 3. 'WINCHESTER, SO John Street, H. -Y. Marrh ft, li?Gl EVANS & WATSON- Irit. . IS-. BluitO. Itoil t, 1 1 ill ?ti'3S.a!! makes of locks cuualto any made in the United States. Fivt Safes in one fir. All came out right; with eon tents tit pood eonditfon. The Salamander sales of iv.llUiicipnia ouainil the -world. ! 1?T A )Q !. iv i 'm. -M I , , ,.JJ' . V?. ,ie,... . .., .iV.i. r....... e..... i.... ...r'ni,ll, r,illv-.irr.-infi.,l tl. renr,.uni,l.nlinn nhlrl, hnv. v.n i r ,i,... , . ., ,., . , . ,. , aeainst the terrific clement. Wiil.nlolnhl-i Anrll I? lB. ' ar.... r- . r. r-..... ',. .r...... ... ,i,. i,ii.n. . i.e.. ... ... .1... ............ the very protective .pialities of two of the Kalamander. Safes which we purchased of you some five mouth since wo saved a lan;o portion of jewelry, and all our books, ' c ' posed to the ealaminous, fire in Itanstcad place on nu. mornlnr; of tlie 11th inst.. v.'hen wo refl-ct (hat these safes were located in the fourth sfory of the building w occupied nnd that rhey fell subsequently intna heap of burniiiKToina, where tho ,vai concvntr-tinn 01 tne neatoausei tne irosa n ates to melt, wi cannot but regard the preservation of their val name conicnts as most convincing proor nt the great se curity afforded by your safes. Wo shall take great pleasure in recommending tbem to men of business ns u sure reliance against Are. GllOItnr. W. SIMMONS & lino., JeutlUrs. K7"Thev have since pnrchascil six largs Safes. August SU. MO .HOW LOST, HOW HKSTORF.D Just Published, in a Seal Envelope: A Lecture on the nature, treatment, and radical cure of Hpt rniatorrliaia, or rii'hiiual Weakness, Bcxual Debility, Nervousness and involuntary emissions, pruduciug im potency, Consumption nnd .Mental & Physical Debility. 1 Dy kout. J. culvi:kwi:li ,M. I)., Tha important fact that the iiivful consequences of I self nbuso may be cllcetiially,rciinived without internal I ineiliiJuei, or Uie duj'gerous applications nf caustics, in 1 stiumeiits, iiicdicasi'illinugiea, iind other ciiipiricul da vises, is here clearly demonstrated, .mil tho entirely new and highly succusslul treatment, as adopted by the celebrated nutluir.fglly explained, by means of whiih every ono Hcuuoieii to curu liinisetr perfectly. the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all 1 useu nusirums i 1110 nay, 'iiitu lecture bomi to thousands aud tliousanils. ' Bunt under seal, iu a nlaiu cuclmi in nnv .-,,.a. post paid.ou the rect-iin of tlio two postage stamps, by siddrcssinj Dr. Oil. J. ICLINII, 1S7 UoVvery, N. V. 1'ost Ollieii box! if ti August 10. l?tH. fApril 20. lciil IM111 ST, .BOLAS HOTEL l.5i oa(hv;iyj i'e.v York. B0.V1U) REDUtKl) TO $2 PER l)Y. ... .... . ..... Tl OWARD ASSOCIATION Prrrr,. is a t st . . - - - ADEI.riHA I A Hens volant Institution cstublidicd by special endow. mem. i.-i in iciii i i in. dick arm iMsiri'8sea,aaiictcd Willi Mrulenl and Epidemic Diseases, an ! especially for the (Jure of Diseases of tlio Bexual Organs, Dis' psnsary fismo patients In all parts of the. U uuedBialos V'ALUAUI.i: HEI'OIITS on riperiiialorrha-s, nnd oth' er Diseases e(,tlie.Bexual Organs, and on the NEW KEMEDIU3 employed, sent to the afflicted in sealid uwr eovsiopt,, iree otcnarge. -i'wo or three Btamps for postage will bo acceptably Addrer, DR. J SKI1.- tif. ii"ui,ni"n nciing c'v.on, nowara Astaels. Ilea. No. 8 fith Nitth lAlt,W-fcl!strrnU v Scroflda, or King's Evil is a constitutional disease, a corrttptlo.t of tht) blood, liy which this fluid becomes vitiate trcalt, and poor. 'Ddng In the circulation, it pervades tho wholu body, and may bunt cut in discuss) on any part of it. No organ it fro from its attacks, nor is theft otic which it may not destroy. (Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, (1U ordered ot unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, tha depressing vlec. and, abora all, by tho vwiercal infoction. SVhM ever bo its origin, it is hereditary In the con ititutiott, descending from parents to children unto tho third and fourth Generation )" indecxL it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho Iniquities ef the fathers upon their, children." Iu effects eommenec by deposition fr6m th blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tha lungs, livor, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swolllngs; and on the surface, eruptions or sores, This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, to' that scrofulous conetitu tions not only suffer :rom scrofulous com plaints, but they haT far lets power to with stand the attacks of other dtscues; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disordtn which, although not scrofulous in their natur, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in th system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates the human family hat its origin directly in (his scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from ox are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our peoplcaro scrofulous.: their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleansoiit from tho system we must renovate) ths blooll by an alterative medicine, and in vicoratc it by healthy food and excrcitat Such medtcino wo supply m AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilliij the most effectual remedy which the modical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active romeuials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the reecue of the system from its destructive consequenoet. Hence it should bo employed for tho cure of not only scrofula, but also those other aflee tions Which arise from it, such as Erbitivb and Suv Diseases, St. Ahthoxt's Finn, Hose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Fcitum., UixvrcKEt, Hlains and Dons, Tojiors, Tttb and Salt IIukum, Scald Head, HixawomK, HitKUMATisH, Sn-niLiTio and Mkuccrial Dis eases, Dropsy, Dtspetsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints Anteixo ntox Vitia tub or iMroitn Hlood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blootf" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound .health is impossible fee, contaminated constitutions. &yer's Cathartic Pills, .FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, arc so comprised that disease within the rang of their actiun can raidy withstand or cvada Ultra Their penetrating properties search, and clcunia, and intigorato every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of thew propcttics, the invalid who it bowed down witU Eain or debility is astonished to find hi elth or energy restored by a roaicdy at on w simple and inviting. Not only do they cure tha every-day eomplalnU of every body, but also many formidable ittd dangerous discsscs. Tito agent below nnmed Is .pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanss, containing certificates of their cores and dirscUprss for their use in tha following complaints : C'attiv nisi, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrem tliierdtred Stomach, Sautta, Indigtttion, 'wn in unci Morbid htaciion of the Hawaii, Fatuttticy, Lou cf Appe tite, Jaundice. nd other kindred oomplalaU, arising from o. lew stats of & body or eUtrrjcHiiJu ot its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, yon tub havid cuius or Coughis Colds, Influenza, Hoarscneos, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for tho relief of Consumptives I'nticnts iu advanced stagos of U idisenso. Co wide-is the field of its usefulness snd so nu merous aro the eases of its cures, that almoat every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming ana even desperate diseases of the lungs by Its use. When onca triad, lis superiority evsr every other mcdicinu of its kind is too apparent to cseap observation, and whero its virtues are known, the public no longer Hesitate vtn anuaai-so evajKi7 for the distressing and dangorous affestions of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. Ayhlle many inferior remedies thrust upon the tommmiity have failed and been discarded, this has pained friends by every trial, conferred benefit on the afflicted they can ncTer forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. mEPArtED BY 'BE. aT. C. AYBH & CO. LOWELL, MASS. E. P. Lutz. J.ll.Miiycr, CM. tlafcnbuch, lUeonisfcorc A. Miller, llerw ick, aud by ono ator in every towa tn rennsylvanla. DU. LACROIX S rtUVATU MUDICAL TREATIBB ON TH3 Pliysiological View of fliainage. MO I'ACr.S AND 130 KNfinAVINGB.-rtleo only TivKNTV-rivK cits. Bent free of pottago to all parts ef the Union. On the infirmities ot youth anil maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bulh sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, palpitation ol the heart, suicidul iiiiugiuinga, involun tary emissions, blushings dofective memory, indljes .Hull and lassitude. icilA confestioni of thrilling inttrett .jf a Boarding School Mist, a College Sudeiit. and Young Married Lady yr, -tc. It is a truthful adviser.i the married aniLUioso-conteniplating murriage, ubuen tertaiu secret doubts of their physical condition, sua who are conscious ufhavinc hazarded the health 'hap piticss.ana.pnvilege, to which every human bcHng is eitiiticn. bVoUNU MliN who aro troubled with weukners, gen. rraily caused by a bad habit iu youth, tho sffcls of which aru dizsiness, pains, forgelfolneee, somethm'S a ringing inthe cars, wiak ujes, weakness of the back nud luwer oxtrcniities, confusion of ideas, loss of niecn ory with melancholy, may bo cured by the author's NLW 1'AltIS AND LONDUN THKATMI.NT. Wn have, recently devoted much of our time In Vlr-ITINti TIIU UUKOl'LAN IIOSl'ITAl.B, availing ourselves of tlio knowledge and researches of ths most skilled rii)eioi;ms niwlSurgennsn Iluropo and the C'np tinent. Thoso who place (licuisi-lvca under our earn will now luvu the full benefit of tho many NEW AND IIIT'R'ACIOUB ItllMLDIU wlilih nu are tnanieu i- L'clly, and at Introduce into our prncticc, and tho public may rest as. I tlio Oliver-, siircdel'Uiu tamoceal, irssiduity, 8i:IlBC and atts.s will nrovtla 1 'ion uemg paid to tliuircaaes, wliich has s successful 1 tyilistingiiishtdiis liertlofore. as u I'liyslc an in out 1'IX'ULIAK ik'tiartmcnt of provisional l'rucllce.r the vatt tieeuty fiec years. . rRiscnl'iMALB 1' Ladies w ho wish for .Medicines the ciricucy of which lias been tested in thousands el rifiii. nml never failed to cflcrt spccdv cures without any bad rcsulls.will use none but Dr.Uel.aney's.l'tjiu'.s Periodical Tills. Tho only Precaution necessary to b eervu is, ladies should not taku Item if lluyhavc ro son to behave they are in certain titimltont (thu parth ulars of which will bo fuund on the wrapper accompa nyiug each box,) tlimigh nlivnys safe (Uirt healthy, s gently yet so active ire they, Prtcii 81 per box, They i an be mailed to say part of tho United Blutej or Canada. TO THE LAMinS-Whonoeda ctvfidcntM medlsal adytsor tilli regard to any qf lltosa interesting com plaints to which their dullcata organization rJnder, tlwin liable, aro particularly Invited to consult us. Tiie"Ei.ctroGaiva!io I'ointcTive." Tor marrlel ladies wjioao health will lint admit, or who have nodo siru to increase their families, may he obtained as above It is a perfeclly sal'o prcvonlivo tn eoueeplion, and has been extensively uoed during the last 30 years, rile reduceod tu ill). The Secrets or Youth Ciivcilftl. .1 Treatise en the, Cause Premature list ey -A ft emn warning. Just published a book shewing theinsiditvt progress aud prevalence among schools, Ibsth malsaso female) of this fatsl habit, imnthg out ths fataltty that iHPariably attends its lictims, ryi developing the u-nelt progress of the disease, from the etmnencimcntte theenlr It will be teat by .Mail on rceiipf of tue a "7,l"; IE?" Attendance daly,."rom 8 In tho morning till v at night, andounr.diysfro2HU3r M- . ..... .Medicines with full directions sent to any pert of M United States or Caiiaas, by patient eoniniuniMtiog their symptoms by letter, llusinsss eorteipondne strictly coiiidcotisl. . . Kr Dr. L's Office, is ttrli located as estsbllshjd.uaaj, the nemo of Dlt. LA CROIX, St No. 31Midvn LsnsA I' Hsny. N. V. Nov. 23 lWJ,-12m. CIGARS & TOBACCO. A large assortment of choice rljars. Tobacco, rip's' Trnits. Conf'clloncry and Notlrns fnealy,teMtlS er with a full slack ofllATBind CAPB eon.V".nr1J.ff hand and for isle cheap, t IDu "BU oiasburg llat cf Empertutn." -JOHN K. CW W. flsrchis, iui.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers