JtTKnf sriinsi I Htlt I , s- . ,t . ,'. i.,--'sssWJSBSsSSSs COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. John 0. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MOHNIKO, JANUAUY 25, 18C2, To-morrow is the third Sunday af ter Epiphany. N John J. Audobon died. January 27, 1851. Sir Francis Drake died, January 28, 1500. Georgo III died, January 20, 1820. Charles I beheaded, January 30, 1649. The celebrated cold Tuosday of Janua ry 31, 1815. Lorenzo Dow died, February 1, 1834. :o: EST The New York World aava it costs S110 per day to keep the prisoners at Fort Warreu. -:o:- JSSjr Simon Cameron wai confirmed as minister to Russia ; the vote standing 14 -to 24, Several republicans opposed him. BQr'l'he "Winnebago Chief" having tomahawked and scalped the "Woolly Horse," has boon himself laid out by tho "Kail Spllttar." :o: CSS The Farmers' Almanac for 1SG2 the Lodt manufacturing company, is received. Seud for one to No. CO Cort landt Street, New York, gratis, and see what it is all about. !Oi- CSr The proceedings of tho last Teach ers' Institute have been crowded out, until supposing they have lo.H their interest, we ahull not publish them. Wc regret the necessity, but could not control it. :o:- tST The Atlantic Monthly for Fubrua ry is ou our table. Lowell has another "lliglow" paper Prof. Agassias a paper A story of to-day, is continued. Several poems and prose articles of merit fill up the number. Ticknor & Fields, Boston. :o: BtS Tho small Pox is prevailing in Honesdalo, Wayne county. Care should be taken that the traol between this and Washington city where it is ona of the three moH prominent diseases j may not bring it among us. I0i Cs3The Chamberiburg VaWy Spirit has changed hands. Mr. Geo. II. Men-g-jl retires ; and the paper is coutiuued by .Messrs. P. S, Deeliert, I). Y. Uamsher. No otlior change will be nif.de. Indeed we do uot see how the paper can be im proved, editorially. Wc really wish some of our young ftiends who have thu time, would employ a little of it in getting up a club for the IViitf Yoik Weekly Argus. It is tht most complete newspaper wo know of. Its rates aro, single copius 8'-. 00 three copies .").0U eight copies S10.00 twenty copies lo one address $'.20,00. Addicts Comstook k Cassidy, corner of Broadway & Park Place, New York. :o: USf Tho Reading Adltr commenced its sizly-iixth year, a week ago. Wo are very sorry wo cant read the Adltr, But then we arc in the situation of tho Deacon; who, when a stranger preached, kept wide awake and watched him narrowly; but! when the old domino him.-elf was in the"! pulpit, went to sleep, because ho kuow the doctrine and application would he all right. :o: JBS) A Dedication Deferred. In consequence of tho inclemency of the woather, tho Dedication, of tho new and beautiful M. E. Church, at jMi(Hinville,was deferred until Sunday 2d of February nest; at 10i o'clock A. M. Wo are authorized to announce tho names of tho following distinguished Miuistcrs, who aro expected to be present, nnd participate in tho servi ces of tho occasion. Rev. B. B. Hamlin, D. D. of Danville ; J.JW. Langley, of Milton; A. E. Gibson, of Williamsport.. I :o: tS Col. J. G. Freeze has takon charge of tho 'Columbia Democrat,' during the absence of Col- Tate at llarrisburg. Ho is an 'old hund at the bellows,' and will not compromise the 'Democrat's' Loco Fo co principles iu tho least. Being a polish ed and poetical writer, wc shall look with increased interest to its columns for tho weekly pabulum ho will provido for his readers. Danville Democrat, Please to believe that wc havo made our very best bow, for tho aforesaid. Wo shall endoavor so to conduct tho old Co lumbia Democrat) a3 not to disappoint ei ther its supporters or its opponents. :o: "Tho Susquhanna Confercnco of tho Ev. Lutheran Synod of East Pa. will com mence ou tho 3rd of February nei:t, in tho Lutheran Church of this plaeo. Preaching by tho members, may bo expected caob cveniug during its session. All business will bo transacted with open doors. Tho public generally and tho neighboring min isters especially aro invited to attend. A conferonco is tho smallest cclesiastical .body in tho Luthoran church and is a Subordinate branch of tho district Synod which again, is Cub' rdiuate to ttio Gene ral Synod of tho U. S. This couferenco cautainn iixt3u minttsr . Third Annual Kepo.l' 01' THE Farmers' Mutual Fho Insurance Co., OP MIDDLE PENNA. Offlles in Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania. Capital 904,858: 0.7 Amount of property Insured Jin, 8, 1E0I, 81.3C3 45(1 Amount Insursdthe past yr, Ssillio l.TM.O'Jfl 4,607 Amount surrendered the put year, Total am't Insured Jan, 11, 1801. fil 737 asii Amount of premium notes In force Jan. Eth, 1B01, QO. S(Q7 QQ Amount of premium taken past year 33,052 07 83,579 13 Amount of notei cancolleil pait year, 25J.35 Premium notes In force Januaiy Cth. '02, B2 328 78 Balance In the Trc aiury, aud am't loaned January wh, 1601, 1,535 G5 To amount of preuilumi collected tin pait m I,ar' - . 1.319 41 To amount of interest collected past year, jj 34 To amount of iiilercat duo and unpaid, i 5u To amount due from agents, 101 go Oy Ion of Hoffman is Co, dotnag by Are, $7 oo by Directors, Exscutlvo Comiulttce, and Pres ident's compensotlou, go By amount paid for printing Rcport.Clanki.&c.. 37 50 liy amount paid for stationery, postage & fuel. 30 in Uy amount refunded, 7 00 liy amount of ntlico rent, 3900 uy amount paid for adjusting claims, 0 75 Ry amount of Secretary's compensation, SSd 50 uy Treasurer's commission, ) (jn Dy amount at Interest, balance In tbj ra. sury, and am't due, 3. sji 77 83,005 77 too To am't of orders not presented for payment, J3.0H1 59 A3SSTS Of TllC cnMPAMV. JisriOT l,th 1PAO Amonnt loaned at Interest, 1,731 00 uuc iroin agents, 101 CO " Interest duo and unpaid, jojo " Balance in the Treasury, Cd5i7 Purplus fund, u 523 7; Amount of premium notes, in force Jan Oth ' -' 92 3"0 76 Amount of office furniture, Including Are prooreafc, 500 po 05 05255 Amount of liabilities, and unjusted claims, 333 00 UIRECTOlld: Xerthumbtrtmd County Vm, Tollmer, Esq., Abra ham bhipiiiaii, Ellda John, Ptt,.r llaujhanout and Isacc Uldlespach. .Ven'ei-r Uinaly-Abrabain Wjgner, William Yorks. John McWIIIhms, John Vnught.Jr. and Jesse Grcsli. CtjMliaCjuiilji-Lmaiiuel Lazarus, M I. Applenian. David W. Clark, D. A. Unwman.aud damucl auyder. OEI'ICEUS: Presl.lent-W.M. FOWLER, Es. Vlco President W, VOItKH, Esj.-Wecretary-P. Jflll,HO.V. Treasurer- SA.MUEL YORK?, Jr. The directors of tin Farmers' .Mutual Fire Imurano) Company of Hlddlc Pennsylvania, take pleasure in pro senliiig their Third Annual statement, to the members orsajd (7aiupany. riif i-ompany lias passed throiigli neatly three years operation, with, perhaps, less luss tlian any other Com pany in the State, In proportion totlie amount of nron. erty insured. hile many stock Companies havo been compelled tn advance their tafs for Insurancf, and mutual Com panics, having town und manufacturing property in sured, have made heavy assessments to meet their loss es, the Farmers' .Mutual of .Middle I'eiina , has been in- I cre.ulng in hu-iiioss and capital, and able to meet all 1 liabilities without assessments, and each year showa an Increase of surplus funds. The Company is mutual, and confinde by Its charac- ' tcr to thaeicluslie insurance of country property. Therefore oHl-rlng to the farmer, and others owning 1 country propirty, u af and reliable insuranca at rates only corresponding to the risk. The Directors feel confident that Under ordinary cir- 1 cumstnnces, the Farmers' Mutual, will meet the expec tations of its most sanguine friends. 1 , wm. c'UWLCS, President P. Johnsov, Secretary. Danville, Jan.ilth. leC2.-3t. Shekiff's Sale. I ) Y virtue of several writs of venditiini S. ) iiponaa issued out of the Coutt nf Common pleas of Columbia county to me directed, w ill bo uxposud to public t-.ile, nt thi Court House, mi .MONDAY THIRD I1AV OF FEI1RUARV, ie.-3. ni 2 o'clock Its the utter noon, the following real csi.it to wit; All that cortain tract of land, Situate in Sugarloaf tnhlp, Columbia countv, bounded and dcsftiticd in fuilmvs tn wit : On the North by laud" of Jacob Fritz on thu Eat by lauds of John Lewis and David Low is, on tile Smith b lands of l.zuUcl Cole, on tin West by lands of Ezekiol OnR- and Andrew I.aubnch containing two hundred and furt)-four ucrei bo the t,.-iui mop.- or lst. About one hundred and forty tier.-s cf which is cleared land, .wXerucci nro i-roct.-d a two sinry lr'g Uwii'ing house u two story plank dwelling house a large fraui- bank L.iru, a Irauin wagon li d a stonu spring U .ie. an 1 uth.-r nut buildings, alio one othrr one mil u half tory frame dwelling houso a frame bain and nther OUV btliltUrui. uNn a Inri-t! llllinliiir nf fruit trees with the nppurtenancpg. Seized taken iu execu tion and to be suld as the property of Fredoricltl.nu bach. ALSO, at the same time and place, all that certain tract or parcel ofl.ind sitsate in Sugaileaf tup. Columbia enmity, containing Seventy Three ten k. iiunuL -j acres ciearcu i.ino, iiouuucii unn ite scrihvd afulnws. to wit:-On tho North by lauds of .Miles Sullitr, on the South by lauds of I'tielondry Her riiigtou, on th e,il by the County linn of l.uzuruo ,iiut Col. Counties, and on thu Wet by T. (I. A. Stevens, whereon aro erected a one f-tory Log Dwelling House, ,t log barn n till the appiiitcnauces. Seized taken in ex ecution and to be mild us tho property of Oren Parks, ALSO, at the same time and plaeo, all that cert liu lot of ground, situato in Etpytown, Scott townslup Columbia county, Pa boundeii on the North by limn Street of Snnl town, on thu east by lot of (I. G. D.iaii, on the South by N'o-th Drain li Canal, and ou thu '.V'-.t by lotof Jniin Kr.-!.fcl-,rliouUii!iiig ouii third of ait Acre bo tho aiue more oriess, whereon aro erected ,t t .mi ion traine dw -iling hutiM- with a kit - lull attached i) it. A franirt stable, a traiiio carpenter shnp and utlitr oulbiiililiiigs Willi the appurteu.iiirea. Seized taken in etecutiou and to be sold as tho property of George Van tickle, JOSI.M1 II.runMAN, Slitrif. llloouuburg, Jjii. 1?, IcC3. PROCLAMATION. WHERE VS, the llov. Aakun K. Peckiiam, President J idg f the (,'ourl of Oyer anil'lVriiuncr and Gen eral Jul Delivery, Court of llunttir Sessions of the Pence and Court uf (.'oiuinon Pleas and Orphan's Court, in tho 20th Judicial District, composed of thu counties cf Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, und thu linn. John JIc Reynolds & Stephen llaldy, AssncjatcJiulgns of LVluni bia cnuuty.liavc issued the irprecept, bearing date the 5th day of D.-c.Jii Hie year of our Lord one thousand eighi li'tudreil and si!ly,"e ,ipd to me directed for holding u Court of Ojer and Terminer and CeuerjJ Jail dclnr-ry. Generul (luarter Sessions of tho Peace, I'oiiimou Pleas nnd Orphan's Court, iu liloomsburg, iu thu county ij Cidiuubrii u,i tie- first .Monday, (being tho 2d ilaj) of l'cbriiarv. next, and (o continue one week. Notice is hereby given, to the Cormier, tho Justice of the I'eaui and CousuMi h nf tho said iniiuty of Coluuibin that they bo tln-n und th.-re in their proper persons nt 10 o'cloiU in tho forenoon of said day, w ith the ir records, inquisitions and other remembrance to no thosu things which to their olhces appertain to be done. And Hinto tbat are bound by recognizance, to prosecute ngaintt the prisniiijrs that are or may be in the Jail uf said county oi Ciiliiiubiu tu be then ami there to prosecute tlieiu us thall be just. Jurors nru requested to bu piiuctual iu their at tendance, agreeably lorhir notices, Datfd at lllooms. burg, the 2S day of necemter. iu tlie year of our Lord una thousand eight hundred ui.il juity.one, mid ill the eighty sixth your of the Independence of the United States of America. (God suvo the Couiiiiunwcilih.) JOSIA1I II. FUR.MAN. Sherifl's Offlce, j ihtriff. nlootnsbnrg, Jan. 1, 18C2 f LIST OF CAUSES, FOR FEHIIUAUY TEU.M, 1802. 1 Cyrus n.ittou vs Hiram O. Fowler, ct ol 3 2 Sollathii I Eckroat vs Eliza Eckrote. 3 Tuunseii'l W Kiihler, vs Daniel Neyhnrd. 4 Andrew ('reveling, vs Andrew Jlellick, et nl. 5 Pliilili Winteriteon, s Valentino Winterstesn. 0 Icitin.li Shiiinau,admr. vs Jacob I.. Shuinan. 7 James Shields, et al vs Isai'ih Shuinan. 8 Mellaril U. .Menagh, vs John Gigger, 0 Hugh Thompson, 1 1 nl Augustus II. Pearce, et al , 10 Daniel F. Suybc-rt, vs A. II. Pearce, et ul. 11 Henry Wells, vs George Kinley. 12 Wilson Agcr, vs Joseph tattou. 13 .Michael U. Prown, it ul vs James J. Dull, ct al 11 Clinton r. -ilerring, ctnl vs Daniel F. Seybert. 15 .Michael Fogle. vs Peter Cauipbull. 10 Thomas C P.obison, vs .Wrlliani Fausey. 17 Thomas C. Robisnu, vs Wit'lnm Pnusey. IS Thomas C ltolil.on, vs Win. Fausey. 10 tf.uuucl Wh.taker, s Margaret Smith, So Nathan Tuyler, et ul ys James Lake, 21 Frederick Judy, Leouatd Adams, i 22 I'lnrles Toiiiliuson, V9theExcctituriiUmllieits of A. 0. Wilson's admr. 2J Henry Traujli, vs the West Ilrancli Insurancs Com pany. 21 Jacob flerninjcr, admr. vs John Oimon. 25 Samuel J. Healer, v Abraham W. Rfbliifll, ct nl. 'Jil Jacob Kyer vs Abraham Kluzo. 27 Abrahaiii Klazn, vs Jacob Dyer, . 2-1 Jcsso W, .Merrill, vs Henry Ale. '."I David W. Clark, el al vs Lackawanna and Blooms burg ii R Co. 3d Frederick Nicely, vs Lactawanna and Illoonisburg R 11 Company, 31 Daniel Ki.llers Ex, vs Jacob Kistlcr, tt al. 32 John 11. .Merrill, vs r-aiuuel W.T!atrUoii. 33 David Lee, it al vs Samuel L. nettle. 31 Sylvester Pursel, vs Levi L.Tata. DISSOLUTION. pYTOTK'E is hereby given, Hint tin partnership here 1 tofore existing between tho subscribers under the flrmofCiiiri u Ssyui-k, in tho .Milling lliuineas, hi the Locust Valley .Mills, in Locust township, Columbia county, was dissolved, on thu litis of OUobur, led. by mutual consent. All persotii Iudtbted to thu la.o Ilrm aro r 'quested to muku settloineut with gratis Styitr re siding at th.? Mill and by whom all debts uf tho lato firm will bo srttl-d Thu N it s, llotids, Hook .accounts, A.C. aro in thu hands ef sail Snyder, for early payment. NO A 11 LIUTiS. ,X AMOS STfVDlW 0'toberlJ, H6l,-sm ' TRAVERSE JUUOIIS. FOll FE11IIUAHY TERM, 1802, 11 2'"",rAn,,rCl1w,fiCro,,ll'' Ml"l Uiioort, Leonard II Rupert, Joseph Weaver. William llnwmaii fleam Conrad Erwinc, Jtoics Bchllcher Jrlnrtrrrt--Augustus II I'earcc Cal'aiclrsa-Johii Marte, John ltlttcr Crnlre-Iamos Warden Conynghitm-William llohrback JVanUin-Jeremlali S J'nliringtr, William Mcnich Orffntfcoil-Sninuel llognrt, Jacob Evans Jlevlc-tk James Einmltt, Levi Wrights Jackten Michael Remedy atnj'""-1'0'0' "dMl8w,lll"' Goodman, Samuel Ad. .Maine Michael Grover .Wlri-John Heller, John Mnstellcr Mt. Pleasant-Jaeoh Uoho, Erie lkelcr Maditen Conrad Kramer Orans Isnac Vncum, James Ilarman me tlcoreo Wrlllror h li"Jl"UC" I'ah' C1""lca l'0"lcr' Samuel Hagon Xugarlosf William Moiteller, Joslah Frltt Jan 4, leoj GRAND JUUOIIS, fou rcunuAnv term, 1802. BtecmV. Jackson Thornton, Stephen It. Miller BrfareriU--Josinh Thomas, Levi Illnard, Daniel Jtartz Jlcater John Slngley JJenttit Jacob Wclllvor Ftthlngcrt Joseph U Uunyan Greenwood Francis Eves' Mathini Kllnis emMft Cbnrlcj Nclhsrt.Aaron Smith, George Dries- audi .ocast George Jlowry .U$in Lewis EckrotU, Charles Kllngaman Maine Wm l.ongcnbcrgor, Daniel Ycltcr Montour John (lulck Mt Pleasant John Ituckel. Orange Samuel llcldleman Skug arenf-Willlam Hess, Emanuel Laubacb, Pamuel I ritz Jan 1, 1BG1 KEOISTBE'S NOTICES. NOTICE Is hereby giving to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested 111 the estates of tho respective decedents and minors, that the following ad ministration and guardian accounts havo been filled In the oilico of the Ri-giter of Columbia county, and will bo prcsentodfor confirmation and allow ancolotlioCrnliain Court, to bo hcldut UloetusliurgJn tbe County aforesaid on Wednesday (he 4th day of February nrxt.nl 3 o'clock 1 111 inn iiiiuriiunil 1. Final account of David Allen, Surviving Executor of John Allen, late of Madison township, deceased 2. Final account of .Margaret lltass, administratrix of A. J. Itrasj. late of Rerwlck deceased. 3. Final account ofdeorge Applcman Guardian of Ef lie Catharine ratterson, daughter of Aaron rallcrson de ceased. 4. Final account of Jacob Ilagenbuch, Guardian of Amelia C. Dowinaii, inti- Amelia C.illdlcy, as tiled by Jeremiah Ilagenbuch, Executor of Jacob llagcnliuch, dcreasud, 5. Final account of John J, llarkley, administrator of Iddiuzs r.nkley, late of Uloom tuniisliip, deceased. ii. Final account of Evan Adams, Ihe admiuiBtrnlor of William Adams, lato of liriarcrcck townslnp, deceased. 7. First account of John Applemuii, ailmiiiistrator rf Caltis Applcman, late of Hemloek township, decensed. 8. First urcoiint of Crus U. Mcllenry, (lllvcr Coven hoveu mid Wesley Wirt, administrators of John Coven hoven lato of Orange township, deceased. 0. Third account of Peter Cut, one nf the Executors oi Mnltli...- ...tl II I -I- .. t - ... , I 'ui.iis.1 .ui.i'uivii, iuiii ui ccuii iui nsiiip, uvceusou. 10. Third account of Theodore .McDowell, one of the Executors of .Matthew McDowell, late uf Scott lou-usUn deceased. deceased. II. Firt and Onal account of Daniel G. F.nt. of Elizabeth Cut, late of Scott townshin. deceased , D.l.VJCL LEE, Register's Oilico j Iicgiittr. Ljiuuuif uurg, juu. xo, loui, ) NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves in any wlo Indeit nil to the snbsorlb.-r ari hereby notified that all accounts must bo speedily closed up, or thev will be put in the hands of proper officers for collection. I must have my accounts settled, come forward, settle up and save costs, E. MENDENHALL. Jan. ii, leo'j si. riVT I lli,,ln.Bli.n,,.l ..'n.,1.1 .no.C..II.. I..r .... L zens of Illnoiiisburg, and the piiblic generally, that he has opened u NE W SHOP, In the frame building lately occupied by Chatlcs II. Noll where ha is prepared tocxecute Miit-vni:ssixn axd siiampoolxo, In the best manner, with despatch, and to general snti, faction. GF,Q. f, ADDISON. I llloouisburg, Nov. S3, lfOl. :tin. H- MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL UINDS OF w & i m m w AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No. 444 North S-.cond Stmt, AMOVE WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. IC, iSfll IT.t s r j riHIE Proprietor of this uell-knnu u and centrally loca i ted Douse, the EcitAMin llniti., situate on .Mai. Street, iu Itloomiliurg, immediately ipuosito the Colum bia County Court llmir rrspcclfiilly ii'forms his friends and the public iu general, HuttJtis House;s now in or der for the renptioif and entertainment oftruw.-lcrs who may feel disposi d to favor it with tin ir c iistoin. Ho has , spnied no i vpense In prep, iiing tho Ei iumh:, for tho ' enteituiutneiit of his guests, neither shall there be any. thing wantii-f fun hi- part; to minister to their p'-rtnual comfort. Ill, house is spacious and enjoys an excellent biiMiies-t location. 1 Jiy Omuibii-cs run at all times betw een tlio Exchange lintel and thu vnrioiH Rail Road Depots, by w tiirh trav elers will bo ple.isxntly coueyed to and from the re spective Stations in due time .to mee.t tin- Cats. WJJ. II. KOONS. liioomsiiiirg, July 7, Ifcu- JIIirGEXE SEE FARMER. ESrAIH.lSIIED IN IStl. THE FARMER'S OWN PAPER. The Cheapetl .tgrirultur.il Paper in tin World I ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSURIBE ! Published for thirty years ii.01.0 nf-thi' best wheat and fruit regions of Anuilca, with correspondents in nearly every State und in Canada, it contains information ot great iutcret and importance to every fanner, gardener mill fruit grower. No tanner cauallord to .be without it, It cosis only liftv cents a year ' and cuntuids more agricultural and horticultural matter than uiuit ot'tho two-dollar weeklies-. ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS. Of the London, New York, Philadelphia, Rochester, llullalo.Chicago.i 'incinnntti auilTorotito markets are giv en lu each number. All the leading foreign aud Amer ican journals are rccciv ed, and snttial pains nru takin to give tho latest and 1110, t reliable information in re gard to tlie state of the crops. -it home nud abroad. A copy of the paper scutireo to nil who wish to ex amine it. Addicsu, JOSEPH IIARRIrJ, Pctmsitiit ASU Pr.OfRltlOll, Eodietter. N. Y. Z7- Agents wanted everywhere, to wlueit the moit liberal oilers tire made. WOOD CUTS FOR SALE. WE will sell Stereotype of the Wood Cuts used in tho Oenneme Farmer and Rural A 11 turn I Horticultural Di rectory. A boo; containing impressions of over Seven Hundred of these cuts will be sent to those wishing tu purchase on the receipt of Stlceiits. The bookcontaiiis nu index, showing where descriptions of tha cuts will l.c fuitiid. Address, JOSEPH UARRIS, RocuisTtR, N. Y. Dec. 8-!, leu. FALL & Wm GOODS PETER. ENT HAS' Just rsceived from Philadelphia, and is now openinj- iit.tlio old stand latu y occupied by .Martr. c Ent, a splendid assortment of merchandize, which , will bu sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles nnd latest fashions. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD-WARE. OUEENS-WAUE, CEDAR-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE. lltOX, .V.11LS A.Vlt SPIKES HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING. A.C. A.O. In short every thing usually kept iu a country store The patronage uf old friends, and tho public general ly, Is respectfully sn'iclled. Thu highest murket prico paid fur country produce. PETER F.NT. Light Street, Dec. H, 101. HOUSE FOR SALE. a moveable Frame Hot'se, will bo cold cJicap, on op- Z s plication to the uudr.igued. LEVI L. TATE. Uloouisbtirg, July 13. letlj . AMDROTYrE, PIIOTOaRAPII U MELAINOXlf PB i A i M 'm W w AMRROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Jlelainotypes, &c taken tn Cloudy as well as Clear Weather, Ambrotypei nd Daguerreotypes coptsd aud Enlarged. NORTH DANVILLE, FA. fitc JL.leei I RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER I vo the COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following nro the receipts to tho oflico Ot tllC UOLl'JIHIA JJEMOOUAT, UtiriUg tho month of December, 18G1 ) r.ic. i nicks, t'JSI do Win Siiydcr,(liloom) 3 32 2 00 3 00 11 50 John mien, i uu J i. mem, i George ruternian, Georgo Vanco, I John (3 Jacob)', I William Krickbamn, Jcsrc 1 1 nr t in it ii , 1 (in Adrian Van lloutcn, J I! Sands. John S. Merner. 3 Wl 4 Ufi .1 75 1 50 1 ill 1 75 S 35 J.aznrus, Woods It Co 5 William Fritz, 57 Cntit A oble, 1 (HI Col J lllchter Jones, S.00 Col A Gordciilcr, 3 00 S Creasy. 1 50 (! II llrss, H llll Abraham 8wfpcnhlicr,8 00 i nonius weaver, Eph Evans, fr., Samuel Johnson, Georgo Oman, Alexr Mcars. 75 8 OU '2 llll . M it 8 Darklcy, ! Jurigo llaldy, I Esau Glitou, Jacob Troup, i John A I'miston. U 00 s no David H llrnwn, 2 1)0 1 oo 1 00 j n Jamison, Jnseph llrelsh, llenj Stlncr, Rev M Thompson, Johnllillig, P S Levlck, Joseph Rosenbaum, Tlios Oitcrhout. Hownrd Assonaljon, 1 75 1 50 4 40 2 (10 1 .00 10 00 :i oo 1 25 2 00 1 (III I.ii.crno Agr, Hoclcty, ,3 Reuben 111 ss, (llloom) 1 fiu 1) W Armstrnnir. 1 hO Geo I. Shoemaker. Jnicpti Lllley, John GNcvliu, Juliu Kistler, llrl'K WollTarth Alfrcil Unwell, 5 Oil 1 50 5 Of SO I 110 3 50 ty'oi jonu utiviiKitK, 3 00 Mrs 8 Morgan Drown, 5 00 John Zelsluft, 2 (III 1 S ' 1 5ii 1 (10 i e-i ji Attiiiiormaii, 1 50 F.t iu" II Kitchen, Sr Matliias AGiiton, Dr F It Wolfarth, J to II Gibson, lion W J Woodward, E J Thornton, LI, as Dicletick, Isaac llnai'iibuch. Huntington Vat M I Colo Oo linn ii I, l.'liapin, , II M Stevens, Jiimcs Mclleiir)'. lion John Kooni, 1 1 IC Krlckbaum, , Jacob Wolcver, Tliomns Hnvls, H (10 S on 3 4t. 1 50 1 50 3 '.'5 3 oo) Andrew Freasi joon i suics, Henry Hess, Urangcvillo Arndcmy,11 OtsJessn IUII'iiiiiu Moiiteoinnry Cox, Jnhii Whit-, Willlaui Idler, George Krcxlcr. ' 50 K'st of Caleb C Tox. 5 OH 'I'hos F. Eves, Jeremiah llngclltucli, Alexr Hughs, 87 MiTEID StfirYffdsS DHQiTBlLo TAMAQUA, PENN'A. Passengers dine here on the passage of each Train. JIM. MERRICK, Propritlor. Tamaa.ua, Jan 4, 16G2. 1 SOBS 9 P. ii'ItiaiTAS5ffiI3 $2 HAT, S. E. comer Third and Bock Streets, 1'IIILADELPAIA. Hats ma Jo to order, of any Style or duality at Short Notice. January 4, 1cOJ. Cm. rUadclphia & Rending Rail Road. WINTER ARISA NGEMENT J-tf-ifiSiXS. ttS?. JS5t fc-J,;ii-'a-v,iT;,V! . ... V1 11 e OF PAS3EVOF.lt TRAINs". November 4. 1SGI. iinr- ItcniliiiL-l T1m.-Ii PI, It... I..1, .!.;.. - f. fin i , in nno i i .u Up, to Pnttsvillc, at 10,50 A 51, and 5,43 J' M. I WEST, TO LEIIANON AND 1IARR1SI1URO : ! Western I'.xpress from New York, at 1,07 A M. j Mail I'riiins. at 10,55 A JI, and 5,15 P JI. On Sundays, the Down A JI Train passing Rcadlus. at 0,20 A JI, und Up Train, nt 3,57 P JI. llotli 10,50 A JI unit 5,43 P JI, up Trains connect nt Pott lintoii for Tuiuo'iu.i, Williunitport Emir.'t, Diiir- aln, Niagara and Canada. Th 10,50 A JI, Train only connects at Port Clinton for Wilkusbarre. Scrautou and Pittstou. i The; Wustern Express Trains idiincct at Harrislnirg i w ilh F.xpro'ss Trains on the PcnnsjlvniUa Railroad for Pittsburg, and nil points West : ami the .Mail Trains i connect at llnrrisburg for Lancaster, Chainbcrsburg, Sunbiiry. Willlamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira and thu I Cauailas. I hrniigh I irst-Clas Coupon Tickets, nnd Emigrant Tickets at reduced Fares, to all the principal points in the North nnd West, and the Canada-. CO.M.MUTATION TICKETS, With lit! Coupons, S5 percent discount, between any points desired. JtlLEAGF. TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, between nil points, at $13 for Fumilie-. nud llusiness Firm, and Season VSckttf, good for the holder only, for throe mouths, in any Tar senger train to Philadelphia, at 10 each. Schoul Season Tick, ets one-third less. Parseiigers will take the E.pres Train West, at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other Trains, at the LOW ER DEPOT. MJJbs uf baggage allowcc each passenger kJ" Passengers arc requested to purchase their Tick ets before entering the cars, as higher Fares charged if paid in cars. Up trains lcan llhiladclphtafor Reading llarrisburg and Putts-, tllu at 8 A JI, 3,15 P JI, and at 4,30 P JI, for Reading only. uj" Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by 0,03 A, M, Accommodatloii Truiti to Philai'elphia and return at 52 eO each. G. A. Nirou.S, Gcntra lauiierihtcndetit. JiWuary 4, 160?. Slmciicau f f otd7 (Opposi te liHtectKteiuc Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET.I1ETW EEN FIFTH li SIXTH, PJUUIDKl.PJll.1. W It ATT U HEUI.1NGB, Pronrietor M. November 30, IPG1. March El, IB58. ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. N OTICE is iiereby given, that tha cn-pattuership heretofore existing between the umlerslgiied, ra iding undcj-the Unn of Jlar.tz it. Eut. nt JJlMit r-lreK. Ii: i this day. (Nov. 25, letil) dissolved by mutual oonscut of itnepaiiies. ino hooks, accounts tc., remain iu the hands of Peter Ent one of theiiieniberh of tjie late flrni, vy w iioiu uu ciiiiius ugaiusi me sain ;irm w HI l paiit: und those indebted to said firm will please cnll and make payment of the same. GEORGE 51ARTZ, PETiat ENT. Light Street. Nov. 30, JSCJ. :j E 11 E NO II O T E L. 'I'irr. im.1,irirrnni1 . rnu nn M ful Iw ltir.,.ina i.f .,.). aii-1 tlio imWie puuf rally, that he ti.id upt-noil ,i lioiuc Tor i the t'litcrtniiuiipnt of rtutonuTS and travelers, nt N'U.ln (irueiiwooii tuwitLhip, Culmnbm Cuuntv, (uljuut t.vo miles wusl of.MillvilJe,) calleii tho Sercno Motel. Where hois prepared to accommodate the public, ar.d all who may favor him with their custoni.logctiorul sat election Ilia Table and liar, will be well supplied and careful ly conducted, and his Stabling is ample unci well stocked " f lie will at all times be li.tppy wait upon his friends and cuetumers, JOHN LEGGOTT. Sereno, JIarcli 23, ISfll. JONAS RROOK & BRO'S PRI3E MU.VL SPOOL COTTON. 200 k 500 yds. White, Pluck, k Colorod 'I his Thread being mado particularly for Sewing Ma chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its strength is lint imp.iiied by washing, nor by friction o the hcccUu, For .Machines, use Urooks' Patent Glue, For upper thread, and Crooks' Patent Six Cord, lied Ticket, For Under thread. Sold by respectallc dealers throughout thu country. Also, lu cases of 100 each, nssoitud Nos., by WM. HENRY SMITH, Sale Agent, 30 fesey Street, New York. Nov. fl, 1661. (im. COUGH DROPS ! COUGH DROPS 1 1 EVERY body Uses FilONEFIELDS' COUGH DROPS. It acts promptly sometimes arresting the worst cold I in '21 hours. In all uflWtluiis of Hie Chest, Throat, whether acute or chrome it will bo found of iinmediuto benefit. Tiy a single bultlu and you cunnoi fail tu up- ."' I,USI '""' ' , , luJ I'V most all -storekeepers and Druggists. trepareuuy v V'. J. m . . , ' Nov. JO. 1801-3,.. ' 3'" N-.S,., Philadelphia, THE PENNSYLVANIA TELEGAPH FOR Till! LEGISLATIVE SESSION, Tho publisher of thu PeknuVLvajiix Th-eiikai-h has mado the most ample und complcto nrrangi'iiients, by tho engagement of an experienced corps of rcportrrs,!,tu give the public a complete synopsis el tho proceedings ofthe Legislature, embracing nil legislation that will bu of n general character and such private business as may have an effect or iiilliienco ou thu public interest Ad ded to these reports, with thu reports, of the Heads of Departments, tho debates will till bo published when tl, ev nro of a character involving questions iu w hich tlio peoplo aro Interested, These features regularly und i carefully conducted and supervised by experienced re , porters, our reports of the proceedings of Congress at the approaching session, thu current events iu tlio pro l gross ofthe wnr, together with such domestic and lor lign news as shall daily occur and come within our reach, will maku thu I'lNssvLVAMi'l'tnompii one of ths most valuable and interesting newspapers in the couu- try. TERMS. Tlic Daily will be published during tho session of Uifl Legi'isnire for $1,00 per copy. The.... .WtKatir Hill also be published at the low rate of SI.OO for Iho session, The Wecxt-Y is printed ou a veiylaige sheet at the low rate of $1,00 per year. Address, GEORGE HERGN'ER, lUrjIiburf, r.na'a, ls- " I) 00 3 75 S1 ' 5 ? 1862, r S si S 3 5 J c g s I a JA.V. l 8 7 8 1.1 14 15 80 21 !M 27 23 S'J .14 5 10 11 12 17 IS 111 SI 25 20 3 .1 (I 10 m 17 23 21 30 31 1 7 13 14 20 SI S7 28 JULY 1 3 3 4 5 7 8 0 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 IS 10 21 32 33 24 25 SO 2d 2J 30 31 1 2 4 5 0 7 H II 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 20 27 Ii 2J 30 FEI1. 1 1'Aua. o 15 siAn, 3 4 5 10 II 12 17 16 HI 2 1 25 2(1 31 1 2 7 8 0 14 is in 21 SJ 2J 2J 20 30 5 n 7 IJ 13 14 111 21) 21 f. 7 13 14 30 SI 27 2d SEP, 1 2 3 B II 111 15 111 17 22 2.1 SI 20 30 I 0 7 8 13 It 15 20 21 22 27 2d 2J 3 4 5 10 II 12 17 IS 10 34 35 20 4 5 0 11 12 13 18 10 2') 25 20 27 2 .1 4 U 10 11 10 17 1H 23 24 S3 30 31 1 0 7 8 1.1 14 13 20 21 22 37 23 39 APU 3 4 in It 17 18 21 35 1 3 8 0 is in 21 2.1 2'J 30 .'. 0 12 1.1 10 20 2d 27 OCT. MAY, NOV. SO 37 3d J'.VE, 1 S 3 4 DEC. 1 3 3 4 5 0 8 0 10 11 IS 13 15 10 17 18 III SO 32 23 St SJ 20 27 S'J 30 31 8 a in n 15 10 17 li 51 23 21 25 SJ 30 Bl 33 John Faroira. 718 ARCH Street, between 7th, nnd fill. Streets. f.a(e-ei8.Var.rt itrrct PHIaielphia.) Importpr & AlAKCPACTt-Ren or, and Dkaler in am, xisiis of FANCY FURS, for jtiiiet Mines' and Children' veer. Having now manufactured and in store my usual largo and beautiful ns suitmeiit ofall tho various stiles and qualities nf Furs adopted to the com inrr Fall nnd V!n,.r Hnn i un,,i.i 1 rf jpectfully invite an exntiiliiallon of inv stack and pri ces from those Intending to purchase, ns lam cuablcd .1o offer them very desirable iiuliireiuetits. I All my Furs havo been purchased for c.i'h, and inatlo ,by experienced ami loinpctent hands, and ns t'ie present monetary troubles render it necessary that I should dis pose nf my goods at very small advance on cot. I I am Nitisiieil that it will be to the Interests of those (how design purchasing, to give me n call. MJ uccoiieti. mo name, nunitiei nud street: John Forclrii,(.ew Fur Store,) 7I8 Arch Street, Philadelphia. September 7, led 5iu. Thirty Men Needed i THE undersigned having been detached by AdJ'tRen Thomas for thu recruiting sen ice, lias conio to Colum bia Co for that purpose. Tho recruits w III be attuchd to BATTERY I . (or JIalthsws' llaltcry), FIRST PENA'A. ARTILLERY, now under tho command of JIal. Gen. Hanks and doing duty on tho Upper Potomac. Ithasnlreadv an extended reputation, aim lias seen much service. Wc number six I guns, ISO men, and have all the necessary equipments. One section is composed nfth'i cel.lirntcd steel rilled I Parrot Oun, inpable of doing execution four miles, Tlio recruits, ifthoy desire, can ha hu.d as reserves, tin. ( til they nil. tin the necessary proficiency. Thoso who . pref.-r going as drivers can do so. (Jon. McClcllan has I declared that "this is to ba a war nf artillery ;" hence it is coiisiui-reii uiu most i mpnriaiu arm ol tlie service. The drill is lively and jiitereslin!. Inaction, while cnvslry and Infantry are waiting for," or moving towards the enemy, we can plough their ranks or storm their fort i Ileal ions wrth shot, shell and canister. Artillery men never stand guard duty.tior tippearntdailyparadrs nor travel nn foot. While the idfantry are ploddin" , H.iM.ti ., ..,j Mi,ii,di a unn gun eqiiiiineillS, can- I nnneers can rido along pleasantly and nt a compnrn lively fast rate. The objection to heavy artillery is.tliat j the men are always cooped up In narrow fortifications, and "doing nothing" is a soldier's abomination. Tho chances for promotion in thisurm are double-that of any , other service, I To arouse the patriotism of tha young men of this : community, l only need relerto the threatening atlituds I nf England. Ho not let her Had our men backw ard when she thrcntans. Pay is due from enlistment. Tor particulars enquire at thootlice ofU. II. l.mxE, Esq.. when I can generally bo found. Recruits will Le promptly cared for upon their nrrital. LIEUT. C. n. lUlOCKWAY. Recruiting Otbcer, llattcry I' ,lst Pa. Art'r. lllooimburg, Dec. 21, 1SUL the coinra miii.de it trial : TRIAL OF WILLIAM T. COliWIN, T r. TIIKM0RDIR OritU Wtru, CROI.ISES. CORWIN. jji' Auit in press and toill be published on Monday, Novcmbce 1 llh. A full and roiipleto report of this most thrilling and important .Murder Trijl the ftrangcstnnd most singu larcasoonthiuecorils nf Lttertie County. THE CORWIN MURDER TRIAL, Phnnogrnphically reported by A. II. Winton, Esq. About 100 pages, octavo. A limited number having been n.ilili hnl. persons wishing In obtain a copy will do well to apply til once. A ropy, postage free, sent by mail on the receipt of 23 cents. it- Wholesale price, ?2.f0 per dozen. All orders accompanied by the cash promptly attended to. liOIIERT DAUR. Publisher, Wilkcs-Rarro Pa. Nov. 23, ieoi.-iw. DISSOLUTION. mill' firm nPC.nn .V C-n 1 .,! I - -"- ciu.c-iniori; uoing UIIOIIlCFS X ill tlie Hlnom-burg Uakery and Coiifectioncry, was dissolved on Saturday, the 2-th of September, lull, by tlllitllnl n..na,i All I...... i t ' ' ' - p, suns ii.i vi o iiiisc-iiieii account with the Into Ilrm, will pli.isu call on II. Sloiior nnd pins,, tl.M linnlr, M ..Ill .1 . ,. a.-,.- ... ...uin., n,, cnilllllllU 1I1C UUKI-- ing aud (.onfectionary business at the old stand, und solicits u conlinuaiico of nubljc patronage. II. STONEIt, FOX. llloomsburg, Januaty 1, 1801. I M P O R T A N T ! TO those whose Subscriptions ore unpaid to the fund ui inj "iuu.s iju.iiui.-i, ttiai ino uoscriptioii paiier Will be Placed iu the hands nf l'snuira t.-heiiitiertiii nn tin- first day nf January next and all persons iu arrears will be waited upon by Constable Coll. liy order of the WJI. NEAL, Treasurer. Illomnsbtirg, Dec. 2-1, 1801 tf. NOTICE. Office ofthe Lackawanna Jc llloomsburg R. R.Co., KtMisrnv, Pa., Dee. 23, 1661, J 'fill! annual Jleeting of the Stnckholders of this com I puny will be held at tho "Kingston House" near the Depot on "outlay Hie 13lh day of January between the hours nf is o'clock noon and 5. o'clock r. .u., for the pur pose of electing -l Fusident, and twelve Directors, to servo for ensuing yinr, liy order ofthe Roard, P. PETPEllONE, Trcas. Dcr.e, 18.11. fPIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, D.iXVlLW., MOXTOUIt COUXTV, PA. Entertainment for Van and lleust, in good style and at moderatu rates. GEOKGE W. FREEZE, rrol'rutor. Danville JIarcli, S, ifiil, Sheriff's Sale. Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex ponas to mo directed. Issued out of the Court of common rtiaint coiumnia county, fa., w ill pc exposed to public .alo at tho Court House in llloomsburg, on SATURDAY the 25th DAY of JANUARY. IHC-2, at 1 o'clork iu the afternoon, tho fudowing property to wit: All that certain lot of laud situate in the town of Espy, Scott township, Columbia county, I,ut No 22 in plot of said tow u, bounded on tha Nnrtii by .Main Street of said tqw n uu tho Essl by un Alley, on thu South by an Alley, nud on the West by lot of Neliemiah Richarta-nii-mining slay f.-ct in front, ami ono hundred and eighty f -et in depth, wh 'ienti arc erected a large two Story Frame Dw Iling linnso, h Frame Stable, a Frunio Pig Pen, an I oth r nutbuil lings with thu appurtenances. S.-i.od taken in x -rutinti an t to bo suid as thu prop erty of Philip F Heitfrich. JO.-IAII II. FUR.MAN, Sheriff. Rheriirs Ofllee. j llloomsburg, Jan, I, lfCJ. j NE W S T O R E . M10I.ES.1U: AXV HETAll. am !im alp aifiB3s The undersigned icsnectfullv informs tho citizens niiiomshurg, nud the public in general, that ho has pur chased the .Vi.'ll' Jl.1V SWIti:, iu tlio white frame stare hoitue, on .Main Street, nearly opposite the Exchange suildiiigs, wheru he has Just received a splendid us rortnient of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from tho .Manufactories, of all kinds, styles, sorta and sizes, latest fashions, which he offers wholesale ntd retail, nt very luvv prices, C These Goods will be sold at very lowpricvs lor Ready Pay, JOHN IC GIRTON. llloomsburg, October 27, 1SC0. lllAlHOIV JEtHJsS (OF JERSEYTOWN,) Till! subscriber would respectfullyapprice his friends apd (he public generally, that lie has opened A NEW M HOTEL Under the above name in Jerscytown, Columbia coun ty, l u., where he is fully prepared to entertain ths traveling community tu general satisfaction, His TA 111. E and IIAlLaro ell supplied and will be carefully superintepded. And his Sl'ADLJ', it utuple and well stocked, tp chargu of careful iqjms, v.ill always I c properly attended. lie invites a share of the public custom, aud pltdgcs his beitetfotts.to help his guests feel at liome ui.irir I pi...... nflOAUS,U fvtiiiut. hi 1 73 1 CTTN i eo f . V!fi Cimfiis) JOURNAL OF ; X (J.MMERl'E. iv otin xvasenmr.ns. The approorhlng .Vew Year Isngoml time for re nsnlng subscriptions and increasing tho circulation to the Journal of Commerce. Wendilrsis ourselves to the old readers of the paper, with eiitlroxoiitldciiiu In their willingness to aid us, and to eitend tho Influence of the sound conservative principles and nmrals which ' have liithctto characterized and will horcnUer rjjarae tcrlzo this paper. Evtm Bunscsium lo the Journal of Commerce might do n great service to thru principles, and strengthen us in our ability to support and circu-1 late tnem, uy aenuing us ina name ui nt least one new subscriber In his town. Devoted (Irmly us we have been to our country's In terests, and havo long been called "Union Savers" as n term of reproach, wc aro and shall bo the Arm uphold ers of i THE UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION opnoslug with heart and pen every man.Soutli or North wlio Is nu enemy toeithcr. Every form of dlsorgatilia. tlcn and revolution will dud us ready for the combat. Among tho lix's of tho American Union and American p'iiiciples, we rank side by side, AIIOL1T10NISM AND SOCKfSIONIBM nnd wo propose with alt our strength to defend the na tion againstthc attacks of both. Wo belong to no political party, on a obligations to no government nr patty patronage, but retain in nil respects our indepcudeiit right tn uphold the good while no oj pusu me uan, oi wnatcver name. We aro firm defenders of CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIAN MORM.ITY, in public nnd nrltate life. Without titibllsltlne a relic inns newspaper, or making any pretences to religious character, wc shall be found hereafter, what we have . heretofore been, the only daily newspaper in New York which Is conducted w Ith consistent regard to the scntl- mrnts of Christian people. We do nowoik on tlie Sab- oatu, nuu wc urn nine lo issue as goou n uatiy papor oa .Monday mornjng as any office which vjoalnica lljc (liy of ret-t. For tho good Influence of the Journal of Commerce in the nation, we refer tn the record of the pait. In times I oi trial ii is our aim to encourage, in times ot uouet to cuecr, iu nines ot excitement, to calm the mind. The Journal of Commerce is the Best Commercial Paper la America, The merchant, the farmer, the mechanic, the profess, lal man, in short every newspaper reader will find it lietiitl- lllti.l tn Ills IVtinta ttmli n,, r.tl.A i.-n,.!,!., I.......I I in tli-t metropolis. The Immense resouiccs of the es tablishmonti tho growth uf nearly forty years, including currL-spoouence in uu pans oi tye worm, leiegrapnic reports from the -bores of the AUaiMic and the Pacific, market and money news ; full accounts of the war, fice trom sensation rumors; carefully itrcpnrcd statements of the business uf the country, tables ufjiricts, foreign und domestic ; a carefully prepared CATTLE MARKET, nttni-ctlier enable its in fiirnlali n cveelttw nonet- ul.lh I will abundantly satisfy tlie wnuls of every man. what 1 ever his employment. Notwithstanding tho enormous expenses mane necessary by these arrangements, we are able to publish THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY TAPER in New York or America. We appeal to our readers in the present crisis nf our country's affairs, to aid in giving Increased circulation to tho principles of the Journal of Commerce. Wu do not suppose wc h ivo one reader who could not If ho will, lake the opportunity, send its the names of friends to swell our list. j Cl.Uj.tS may be orgaejeedin roniuiiiuities with great advantage- The present is the best period fcr their commencement 1 The terms un vvhirh we can furnish tha paper are as , follows : To companies taking . 30 copies or upward ONE DOLLAR, each- j 13 copies - -rirrEL-i xaLtiKS. I 8 copies Tm " 1 copies six I 3 rojilcs rtvE " Under .1 copies two each. I The paj.cr will be addressed to dilTerent persons at i the same Post OlSre, if desired except iu the case of I clubs of 1.1 or moro copies, which will lie mailed to one j address. ! iD" Specimens sent gratis. BIT WiMrcss Kditvrs cf the Journtl ef Commerce, AV, 1 01 H'oll street, AVv VsrL j PRIME, STONE, HALE & 1IALI.OCK, 1 Editors and Pfotirletors. Dec. 21, 1801. CatLwissa Rail Road, PASS HUl'EIlT STATION. SOUTHWARD ROUND TRAINS. Philadelphia St N. Y. .Mail 10.55 A. 51. i-.tpress 1-2.25 A. M NORTHWARD UOUSD TRAINS. Klmirn .Mail Niagra Express 1015 p. m Lackawanna & Dloomsburg Railroad ON AND AI'TMl NOV'EJI. 25, IP01, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Freight j Passenger. 10.30 A, 51 12.15 P JJ Patstnger. 5 25 A. JI, 0 31) S..32 F.1U 0 IC JO 00 N O R T H 4.30 P. SI. 5.11) 5.-I5 5A7 S.OO Leave noo p. ji. Leave Scranton, " Kingston " lliooiiisbnrc " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Nortbumberland, JI O V 1 N CI Leave Norlhiimbcrlaad, " Danville, " Rupert, " Ulooinsbiirg " Kingston, Arrive at Scruiilou, 1.15 r. 3.40 JI A Passenger Traill alsolcavea ICingstou nt S.3 OA. JI for Sr.r.iuloi, to connect with train for Now- York. Re turning, leavea Scranton on arrival of lVcciuf,oni New York at 1.15 P. M. Tlie I.tickaw anna and Rloonisburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at ,-craulon, for New York and intermediate points cast At Rupert itconnectsuith.tlicCattawissalXailroad.for points both east and -vest. At Northumberland it connects, with the Philadelphia it ErjcR. R. andN. C II. R. for p'oints west and south. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't J C. Wells, Oen'l Ticket Agn Nov. 30, ldiil. Printer, Hookbiudcr & r.Iankbook M ANUFACTURER ; Wholesale and Retail Dealer ik PRINTINti, WJtlTING AM) WltAl'l'INT. TArCRE. JIQENT TOR T1IK CATXVI?S TPFIl MILL4, Miijn Strcot, i r f t iloor below tbe I'liUic gputtre. WJLKES13ARRE, PA. Nov. 3, 18Gl-12in. W. Willi JDSQ., NOW occupies the room up stairs in front in Mr. Unungst's brick building, on .Main Street below the American House. A most convenient olllcc ; where he will be happy at all times .to fee lis friends aud clients. llloomsburg, Nov. IStil. 3in. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rplIE undersigned icspertfully inform their friends K and the public generally, that they havu entered in to co partnership, under the name, stylo and firm of MILLER & EVER in the ilCercaiitilc fEusiuess, In tho "Old Arcade," in Illnoiiisburg, Columbia co vvhere tin. y intend carr ying ou the business of nisr UAt, .Mtacit.Miizisn, in all its diversified branches and departments, audio whiih they invito an extension of the puuiic patronage. S II. .MILLER, FRED'IvC. EVER. llloomsburg, .May 11, IPGi.-tf. e ii i s ii m ut Ii"&T7j n o tTijV: ns. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER? y.l03,NOHTII TI1IIID STUEKT Five door t below Rare. PHILADELPHIA ADM INISTR ATOll'S NOTICE . Estate of George Ilartman, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Georgo Ilartman, lata of licntoutwp. Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by Ihcltcg islerof said County to George JI. HartNiau.uho resides iu the s nun township. Ail persons hnviugclaims or de mands against Hie estate of the deiedeiil are requested to present them for settlement, nnd those indebted to tnaka piiyinent without delay. GEORGE M. HARTJIAN. Oct. 12, lSfil-fd, .lin'r. lTitTS Wholesale and Mlctnif,. "Small Fronts ami Chick Sales." JLl Q 4'c St., between ith bthsQuthsyle. PHILADELPHIA. Mantles, Capes, Half Capes, Victoriies, Muds, CiuTs, manufactured ofthe best & richest Skins of .Mink Sable, Stone .Marten. Chinchilla, Siberian Smiim-l, Fitch, Er mine, etc. Furs altered into the present fashions, OV No business transacted on Saturdays, The highest prices paid for .Mink, Fox, Coon, Musk, rats tic. skins. Nov. 10, ieL 3m. PUBLIC NOTICE ,r ... l large now COOMNG STOVE, has been tresspass, in it on tha nremises of the undersigned, in Centre township for sovetal years past, and as it is likely to reniain tiucJaimed, tho owner or owners of said Stray eenui yir iv'iuvs.vii iu i; viiuittri., unu uig ii away or it will bu disposed of as tha Act ot Assciiioiy pro- vldes In all such t coses II A BWEPENIII3CB. I'i'IIE WHHKLY LATEll PARTICULARS OF THE BATTLE OF SOMERSET, A Decisive Victoty lngloronus retreat of tfic rebels. upturs of nil thair Ar tilery Ammunition) Horses, lf'ago7ict ij-c, 'lvo Hundred Dead Rebels found on the Field, ZollicojferH lody Found in a Wagon, Cincinati, Jau. 21. A special Louisville dispatch , to tho) C otiimerciul, says that despatches rocoivetl at Head Quarters announce that tho bat lie took plaeo on Sunday morning., &n4 'lint Genoral Thomas continued tho pur suit until night. Our forces followed the rebels, who ran before them liko a flocfe of frightened sheep close up to their .en trenchments on tho north bank of tho riv er. In front of tbesp they laid all nigh.1 expecting to storm them in rho morning but with the aid of jllieir boats aud bargetr tho enemy managed to get across tho riyei beforo dayligbf; Thoy left behind all their artillery, ammunition, horscu, ionls eighty wagons loaded with quarter routte. and jaedical stores which fell into ou. hands. Our troops had poicssioa of tho jntrciiehmeuts yesterday morning. After reaching tho opposite ado of tlu. river tho rebels dispersed in crery ditacU ion. Two hundred dead and wounded rebels were picked up ou the field. Gcu. Zollicoffer was found in a wagon mortally wounded. Our loss has not yet been definitely ao? stcrtainedjbut it must havo been considors ublc. Tho surgeon of tho Tenth Indiana Rcgt iment telegraphed that his regiment had seventy killed and wounded. Gen. Thomas' division embraoos somtj of the best rogimcnts in this department. A3 far as Ic&rucd, tho Ninth Ohio, Tenlh Indiana, Second Minnesota, Eigh tr.enth Regulars and Fourth and Teuth Kentucky regiments wero among those en gaged. Col. Manson,s brigado, including th-i 10th Indiana, 18th regulars, and some Kentucky regiments, ro-inforpoc General Thomas. During Saturday nigh I ttey ,na:,B a forced march of twenty fiv- tnUcB through heavy roads, aud managet to arrive three hours beforo the commence rnent of tho fight, in which they took t, glorious part in spito of their fatigue. Tha teuor of all the official dispatches gee: to show that tho affair resulted in tho uiosi brilliant victory of tho war. No pro.niinent officers aro said o b killed on our side. Gen. Schoepf was utterly unable to oui off the retreat ofthe enomy, owing to the bluffy character of the couutry, and the obstruction of all the roads by felled tim bcr. FRESH ARRIVA L -OF 3 Hi FAJi ANDiFIKTMRI 1 Uxnf!.sit'1; fateful for past patronage, tespr i fuEy informsi.custMiiiers and the publiigno.l r that hu has Just received from tho Easterno cities , ti largest and mcst select stock of FALL AND WINTER vsr That has yst been opened In llloomsburg, In which le invites the attention of his friends, and assures t' to that they art; offered or .sale at great bargains. 11 e Stock comprises ajsrgc assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WH.UUNG APPAREL, Cminstiiigot Fasiiionablv: DnEss Coats, of every dei criptioiii Pams, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cat.ou Handkerchiefs, Glmes, Suspenders, ttc. QQLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. 11. Remember " Lotcenberg's Chen? rjnjtrivm " call und sec. No charge for cxainlng Goods. DAVID LOWENI nonisburg, Sejtem,c; 23, led. Jus 'iV Look to your Interest FRESII ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOOD5?, MILLER & EYER'S THE subscribers have Just returned from the Citj With another largo and select assortraet of Fall anil Winter ioodi, purchased at Philadelphia, ut tho lowest figure, and which lheyiro determined to sell on Rstuodorats tetme Ui can be procured elsuwhcro hi Dloomsburg, Tacit MimJv rouipr.le.s LAV I Kit' llltt-SS kOUDS Of chnieest styles and latest fashion. uhy aoons, axd ohocehies. mUDWinF. (lUKEXSWARC, CEDAH ll'AltF., HOLLOW IIWJE 7iOA. XAILS, BOOTH .,- SJ10F.3 ii.i i .y lvji-o, s.c , q-c. tyc.. -c , ?- ., usually kept in country Sttuci he public centrally, id for country produce. in soon uveryiiuug usuutiy tn with h they tnvitu the pub ino nignest price paid for country nrod ., . .MILLER & KYER lUnomjbiirg, May U.IeCI. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTN1NC i 'III! subscriber would inform his friends, that lis a I ipiw pr p.irad to put up, on short notice, and F, e ccientifl manner, tho best fMf.vi poixir.n i.toiivxixn novs, It 151 cents per foot, All work warranted. E. R. IliDLEMAV Blonmsburg, JlayQI, 1800. NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE undersigned, respectfully informs the citizeru . Uloosushuig, und the public geitt-rally, that he'has tablislicd a new Store, on Jluin Street. Idoiimibiirg. . .Mrs. Lchcch-k.' Uuilding, wheru ho nifjrs fo'r sale moderate tonus, a large assortment ol I CLOCKS, WATCHES $ J EWELRy, Of every sort, and slxo and description. Ills stock of Jewelry is complete, IticluuMng evcK vV vn.-iv nf t.adlrs and Gi iitlemen'i nedalinns 't Chains, Lockets, "reastplns, l inger-ritigs, etc., 4f"" to the exatutpation of w tich bit mvttestbe public gn Mtv u j- r-.nci aucniion ctvonto rersirinr t-tocis. w e., and Jewelry, and all wolk wsrianted. -FOR-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers