Ivy U I'll ocal anb Special, uliu 0. Freeze, l-'dllor. UTORDAr MORNINO, AUGUST 31, 1891, Kp- To morrow is the Fourteenth Sun day after Trinity ! nnd it is claimed that upon this day 5508, i. 0., God rested from the labor of Creation. Old style ended September 3, 1703, Dog Diys cud. Hudson river discovered September 1, 1009. First Continental Congress assembled at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. General Ia Fayette born September 0, 17S7. Haunah Mooro the authoress, died Scp tiuiucr 7, 1833. S& In the Democratic Convention on lnt Monday the wholo county was rep resented; and the determination to carry the ticket put in nomination, by a larger majority than ever, was npp.ir.mt. We believo there is more than usual satisfac tion at the result, and the delegates parted, with the best possible feeling, for the cam paign. :o: t&r " SUPPOSE YOU GO TO WAlt, YOU CA.VT KtGUT ALWAYS ; AM) WHEN, AFTER MUCH LOSS OX RUTH SIDES AND NO GAIN ON EITHER, YOU CM ASK FIGHTING, T1IK IDI;NT10AL QUESTIONS, AS TO TKUMS OF INTEKOOURSU, AUK AGAIN UPON YOU." President Lin colitrt Inaugural Message. t& " I kuow the Democracy of the North. 1 know them now in their waning utrength. I do not know a possible dis unionist among them all. 1 believe they will be as faithful to the Union now as they were in the by gone days wnen their ranks were full and their challenge to the con test was always the war cry of victory.'" o;avi oj II I hum 11. Stttatd, Ftbnittry iKWi, 1800. " We see it Mated that the indications from the South are that an extraordinary mgar crop will bo harvested in the south western Statcc. On a largo number of plantations the cane is much in advance of that of leM, vhich was, by far, tho most prolific in sugar ever known in tho history of those States. Nothing but an early frost can prevent the growing crops from being tho largest over harvested. terDisiioi' Olii:.Mii;iMKit during the pt year confirmed (Ji.J persons in tho various EpLcop.il ('Lurches iu New York. The present number of Clergy in the dio cese ii 103; families, 3,Ki:ij individuals, 10,531; communicants, .r,y3.r; Sunday School bcholars, 7,11.'); pari.-h do ,703; offering! for ail purposes, CUi!,(!J7,0y 7u tLo Diocese 31,1 15,12 wcru contributed I) tin. relief of the Kansas fcullcrar. t&" The census always shows some tiueer facta. Tho women of England liave n most dull and comfortless lookout before them. It is asceitaiucd by the last Dritish cen sus, that the increase of males in ten years 077,027 was much less than the increase of females 1,1.00,480. The females iu creased iu excess of males 178,91)'.'. iy thu census of 18-11, tho proportions of males was 100 to 103; in tho nsw popu lotion it was 1)7 to 115. :o:- JK2- Tho September No. of tiio Atlantic ' affairs of tho country, it is not surprising Monthly is at hand. It has the usual that some of our bui-iness men should liud amount of matter, of the usual excellence, it necessary to curtail expenses; especially The Publishers etato that they will "give iu iow of the iucroased public burden to its future issues a political tone iu keep- which wc shall all soon bo required to boar iug wiih its high literary dtanding, devo- under the present profligate and corrupt ting much of its tpnee to tho discussion of State Administration. Wo repeat, there importtmt atpocts of tho great questions foro, that wo have no word of complaint to of tho day." If fairly written, these ar- j utter, and to show that wo entertain no tioles would bo of groat value. Tho old malice, wo shall, as soon as tho names aro contributors will continue. Address "all in," advertisu them "ouo week, gr:it Ticknor it Holds, Uostou, ?3,0(l a year. ' is," so that our Demoeratio friends may) :o: know where to Cud this class of business, SSf Tho September Term of Court men. which begins on Monday next, will proba-, It is evident, however, that these men bly continue through the week. The civil have never studied thu "philosophy of lu list is not largo; but thcro are fivo persons biuess," nor aro they acquainted with the in jail for various ofl'cusca, and some under science of "stopping" a paper, aud few of rccoguizance to appear ; which if all dis- posed of will keep tho eourt ordiuarily , busy for some days. j At the next following court thcro will to somo change in tho personnel of tho ' officers. Mr. Josiah II. 1'urman nil! In. the Sheriff, and Mcltcynolds aud Raldy Associate Judges. " Tortujjaj, to which point the mu tineers of tho Rochester rcjjimcnt havo Iwnbcnt, and whither tho malcontents of tho Troy regiment will no tloubt follow to, workout tho period of their ciilistinont, U n bleak and barren sand-key in tho Gulf, of Mexico, about ono hundred miles south ' west from Cape Sable, It is cheerless and ' Uucomfortablc, dciolated by simoons aud , peopled by venomous reptiles, decidedly one of tho most uncomfortable points to I wmcu tuo govcrnuiont is obliged to send its subordinates. 'Iho mutineers bam.hcd -..-o-11 tju ouiuiurs, UUI US lilinr'iiioil 1.1,1,.... .l ...:tt i. ii.i' .uUy. no, uuu irui ou uuuiuuiicu to work upon fortiacatious, as mueh as 1 pemteutiary convictj do in quarries antl wtl' Wliithor nro wo Tonding 1 The Sheriff at Allcntown, Pa,, on Thursday, called out aposso to protect Iho Dcmocal nnd llepublicancr (German) printing offices from an anticipated mob. Tho papers are Democratic. Intense ex citement prevailed. Tho coppics of tho New York Daily iVeics of Thursday's issue, intended for distribution in Philadelphia, tho West and South, wero seized by tho Martial on the boat at Philadelphia, and their delivery to the public prevented. Tho Marshal at Philedclphia also seized tho Christian Observer oflicc, (Presbyteri an,) and it was rumored that ho intended to take charge of tho Catholic IlcruLl and Visitor. Uishop Wood's organ. Whither are wo drifting1 Tho Stark County (Ohio) Dcmccral was destroyed a few days ago by an abolition mob. Tho Democrats wero much incen sed, and troublo among tho people wa3 feared, Thoso engaged in tho mob at Easton are to bo arrested, and will no doubt bo most severely dealt with. The New York Daily iVncs, iu speaking of the action of tho Marshal at Philadel phia, says : "Whilo wo fool that the most sacred of tho privato aud public rights which an A-, mcricau citizen may enjoy has been viola- ted in pure wantonness, wo record tho fact ' and our protest again-t it more in sorrow than surprise. It is but ouo moro mile - biuuu iu uiu jiaiiuii ts uuwiiwuru rutin, xo is but cue now signal-light to wake and warn a slumberfng people to a realization of their duty and their threatening fate. t t n i pn., II 0 SUSHI ClJUUHVOr lllanlully to bulll' our part ot the lortuncs ot tho storm pru dently, wo trust, but unflinchingly ; aud until the pun is wrenched from our hand one press, at least iuNuw York shall daro to be free, and lo speak without a permit from the hand of arbitrary power." Iho Day Book says "Let the freedom of tlii nrcu lir inter. , , . ;rccuom 01 P103 ue "Iter- iereu wun, However, ana no ono can an swer for tho conscfpicnccs. iS'citf York is a slttmUiing earthquake. Already the uiutteriugs of an angry storm have been heard. I ho great social problem that has met mankind at every turn the eternal hostility between capital and labor is yet unsolved. It is never wiao to turn a sim- . .it, i, , , jnu ULipuueUfc IUtO U UCatllV CUCIliy. iUl 10 nllnnlr l,n IV,1 r..j, ,..l ......in v.,o .,te...u.u ui jut;;,, aim mvio.iuui will CfV for rcverice. .sooner or later, who would never have thought of it before. lt'js an easy maiUr to start a rev olution, but a ilijffici.lt one to &t:p it. rroscrlpllon for Opinion's Sake. Some of our whole souled, liberal-minded enterprising Republican business men, of this place, have conceived the magnani mous idea of 'crushing out' the Intelligen cer, and breaking up the Democratic party, by stopping the paper and withdrawing : their udvci lining patrouage. This ingen ious conspiracy was concocted and set on foot a few days ago by a genius, whose massive brain lies chiefly below his waist band, and the next morning tho Republi can business men were duly visited aud so lieited to sign tho "agreement.'' Quito a number at once fell in with tho movement, whilo a few,who wero more tonsiblo,shrowd or, less partizan in their feelings, held ' back and asked time to consider. Iupur-1 suaueo ot tlio "plan" or "plot," wo receiv ed with iu the last three days, ten dicon tiuuauces, which sums up nearly ull the Republican business men of tho place who have given us their patronage. Now, wo arc by no means disposed to find fault with this action of our neighbors. No ono is required, or expected to take tho Jntilltecnccr, to advertise in its colums .any longer than ho finds it convenient, profitablo, or agreeable to do to, and in I these times of depression, iu tho business tlicm seem to have any idea of tint differ-1 once between tho "Administration" and the Government. As soou as wo can find time I ti dovoto to theso subjects, wo shall givo them the result of our reflections and ob-' scrvatious. ami paper. At present wo must attend to the interests of our 2'atrons. Lest any of our friends should bo ap prehensive that this "shock" may mako us "topple," wo beg leave to assure them that the IntcUi uain i:,., ' ,,,,,1 i... u I Vllls Jl.tVllliHIWtl CLlil IIIV,sIl I UU llitlL III will not ''suspcutl." Wo shall continue froin week to wool;, to furnish our readers with tho usual amount of general news, as well as souud political matter. Wo bball continue to sustain tho Government, (which as wc understand it, docs not mean any particular admiimtration) tho Constitution and tho Uniou, an wo have ever douo, not.' withstand tho mis-representations oftheao seeetlcrs. Wo shall continue to onnoso iho DOUllltTU rCUJlllOU, UUtt aiSO CnUO.IVOr 10 i.i. .i ... e .1 . ..- i. s . .. -r CUCCK IU0 progress 01 luu gtutcu trejsua oi ,ho "higher law" .unionists of tho North, ' who aro proclaiming that "thcro can bo uo pcaco or Uu'u, until slavery U wiped out." All theso thina. and whatever clso I is necessary for a sound, National Demo-' cratio paper to publish we shall do, "ro- ,, . ., gardlcss of denunciation from any quarter,' and if any attcmtit shall bo made to put in .. .. ! 1 , 1 , ,1 . execution luo diabolical threats that liavo , , ,, i .i . ,, been made, "may we be thcro to sco." DailVllle Intel lVlCer. REVIEW OF THE MARKET comtKcrKi) iir.KKi.r. fti ... ' " " !;! " ! "' WIIBAT n vi: . si unci.nYT.itfi:i:t., iu iiirnTit 51) KlltlS . 5(1 TALLOW Jj LAHII . aoliwATor.s.... UllllVfnld) .... iniK.Vincw) .... o.vrrt.... IlL'CKWiir.AT. DEATHS. tn VaiHon lowimliln. Columbia eountv. on Hntunln,' thu 'Jlth nfAiigunt, Uov. Jon C, KihMY, iu thaO'ithjeur Special Notices A fuiuale whlto 1'ig, -i Igliing ntiout 100 lln., uith a Muck r-put uu 0110 hip, Iris hcou nhii'tit oerertit iljyn. A suitable rowurd will ho gleti for lul'uriiiatiun of its wliervubouls. JAS. M. TIIOIINTOV. N. n The clian w Im h.11 tho nliovo doscrilH'd I'm clnwii, mil suvc trouble and upeiiso by ellWlliii! its lurly rell'llso. Illoouishiiril, Jul) C, lftil. $25! I"5 1 EMPLOYMENT ! AOnX'M WAN'l'KDI W 0 w ill pay from Si", to sM'perinoiith, nnd all inpi-n- si', to urlivu Airents, wr R e u-eu ilsion. I'nrtii ulars sontfree. dilress IIrik Siwimi Maiiiu Company, K, j..iii.d, ifr11er.11 nueiu, Aiilun, tllliu. Ann. 14. IWil.-f'iu. I A CAltD TO THE LADIES 1 Dr. UunotlCO'S Gulden Pills for Females. Infatlifitr tn rorrrettng, rti'ilntiittt nnd remtntntr all vb irvtuvni,jrvin trnairrtr came, ana aotaijs ueutful as a yrrrtntire. Tilt' Coiiilillllllioii uf iliirrL'iJtenirt In Dr. Dtinnnni'. (Inlilf 11 I'iili an-1 rlVrtlj liariiili'-c They liavt hi-i-n nvA in tin- iriuto iir.tiiitt of ht llr. Duiinmo ruruicr 1,-,-m i pri.uiu iT.iince oi oio nr. jiupnmo lorowr thirty years, utnl thousands of ladies cuii testify to tlitir it rout i.J iH-vt-r f..ilnm nine In iilnmt iviry 'irnii"! iirt-iiiiMnui-Hi rii in it ji.iiniiii .unl itutrci'Hini; niciiiitruutioii. (i.irtii ularl) at thu tliangu nt life. 1'rnni (Ho tu in lilltt will cure tint coniiuoii let dreadful complaint, th IVhites, Nearly etery feiiMte ii !lioluliusuu.-rlroui this complaint. The nbewe pill hi. perinaiielitly uired thousnudf. uud will euro ou it uu use them. They c.ninot linrm voil. on the eonlmrv I they roiimvoa I obstructions, restore nature toils prop, erili.iuiitl, and iuviuorato tliowhole s)steui. Ladiss whoso health will not penult an iiareuso ofl'miuty, , will lllid tlle.o lulls a successful nrcentie. 'l'hso Tills shmihl not be taken durlim thu first three f preminncy, ,is they nro surelobriii5 on mis- cnrri-ice; hut at any oilier time they are safe I'rice, Slptrbox. Hold, wholesale and rttuil, by ! M. IIACLSIICCII, nnpght. .-ole nielli fur niooiiisbur!!, 1'a. To whom all orders mil. t bo sent. Ladies thy ei,d inif Him $I.IK to tho llloomsliurir I'o.l Itlhio, ran li.m thesi1 pills sent to any part of the country, (confidential. U)nd "llee of I'o.tnije" by mail, child also by N. L. linnk&l'o. D.iutille. II. J. i'ry, Tum.iuun, 1. A, l'olk, .Maiull Chunk, and by "ono DriiL'eUi in u very Town and city In the United Stales. N. It. .ook out for counterfeits. Itiiynotlol.len i'ills . -., r" w, ii i. sikiii'ii n, ii. uwe. .Ill ouicm nre a ntlse imposition ami un-life, therefore I on vnluc your li es nnd health, (In say ncthinir of he. im: liiinibu.'si.l out of Jour money,) buy only uf those I fl,OH ,lu' mitunture ofc, ii. Ilowo on cery ho, who show the siirnnture off, II. Ilowo on cery box, wlliLli tns re Heli i,. !,!,..! r f counterfeitofthe I'ills. S. I) IIOWR. Pole l'roprii toe, Xow York, Dec. 52. 1PC.0 ly. The White Hall Clothing Store The iiiidersk'm-d. haiing purchased th" well known "White Hall Clothin; Lmptirium," situate on the Poiitli West CsTin-r of Fourth and Wnrkvt streets, I'liil.idelplu.i respeitfnlly Informs thopublir mid termer customers of the House, tint lie ki-e)is con. t.nilly tor sate uinl luuki-s up lo order, all description of Ci-mlc-mi n's wi nr. of up nroied material uud sells at lery moderate prncs. lie in!.' ii 1'iln in-Ai, Tailok, he i!ii.iriulei-s pond tits nnd wi ll-luailij (iurmellts. E-trict attention given to jubliina Seu.-r.llly. A coiiHiitiiilion of the custom of tho house, whnli lie w nt spare nopaiiii to tue-rit, Is cr) resjn ted. I', S ALiy I, l?ni.-y f"1,1.); Il'l l.L It, Iv. I Tilii CltfcT Cmiiuimi INi-niueM in- hik I'mos. 1'hll.ldelplil.i po.sesses the most spli-llilld Clntlnnj! I'm liorioiiui in the eoiu.li). It is splc-npid us regards Hie palatini structure iu which the immense business of the .-.t.ihli.llinelil is i-onilucted,aml It is i-'plally splendid III re-.jierl to its great f.n limes and la.t resources. Itut to lis patrons its ihiil attrai turns ari-i first tho clipaiico ol the garments for Celitlemen and Vonthsi lii.iiiulai liireil there ; secoudl' , tin- beauly uud durability ol the matc-riuN, ami the suju-rlor veeltciuo of the tit, nml htlj Ho- modi-rate prii - nt w hicll the goods are sold. Wo refer, in this description, to iiouu oilier than Iho llrowu Stonu Cloibiug Hall of llin khill to Witjou, Nof 11113 aud lilliCii.-sllilt .treet I'llllnde-lphhl. Uniformity of Trices I-A Xew 1'. inure In llu.li.e, Llery one his own Sie.maii JOXLS & CO. of the L'reseiu One I'rice Clothing ,r0i j,0i i)u .Markel slreet aboie- Siitlt, 1'hiiadc-tphi.!, In a.ldil tu li.n-iii" the largest, most inried and fishioii.ililj stis Ii uf Clothing in I'liilail.'lphia, made i v lirle nt thalii-ry lowest price it can he so d for lu lu ey cauiiotpos il.iy vary-all must buy alike S The good, are will, ponged nn.t ,,.M,e,l, an! greal pains taken will; Hie making so that nil i an buy with Hie liillns.urnii.-eofgi.tiiiigagooilariiil,. at tho n rv low- e-.t ITlie. Al.o, a large stock of piece goods on Ii uid.of iu-..lieu Mjie-uoi .-- ijiriiilies, Willi in order, iu tk o.t f.islinuialilo and id bo.t l.iauiur, X iiImhc Pith Ptrt'ct per le-iii., in low credit prices. Uemeinber the Cre-aCeut. lit .Market " -oo, JU H t. 'n. IC-TIIOMAS W. MXTTMIX, Iteceiied the I'niu M.-.l.il tit tin- Wurl.JV Fair hi J.nn.fon If-31. rt.rTtli V l t .M.ri.l li-ilti-, IdioU, nliiK- uinl CilliM. (in'.it iiidili r nn-nis iirt mnv inn'n 1 1 lit lit rt luloiTri i'I I lu nt. nm th-. Thix i linn li Hie Urpri.t vIihR !' iruiik-, L'.irintUr lUs. VitlHi'-i.&f,, in rinlaiti Iplii-i i iy rlH'.ip fur ia.li ; ij, Hi.1 .M-irkft Hiri'vt, mm tlur above 4th, SiutU uU ADMINISTATOR'S NOTICK. Estate of John U. Kinney, tlcccascd. TVTOTII'i: is herehy glveiithat letli-rsof administration on Hi i-.l.ilo of John C. KiNMi. I.no of Madison town. hip, I oliimlua coiintj-, d a.ed, hnvi- In-ill gran ted by the Iteglster of saidioiinly, to the under. Iglled. who residesius.ini town.lnp, Cnluiuliia county. All persons h n iug i Ini ir demaiids again. t Hie i stale of the deci dent are re-piested to presi ut Hieui tor si tile. Merit, and thoso indebted lo make payment without de lay. WM SIII'LTZ. I. TILLMAN. Minr'4. August ill, 803EBS CIRCUS. RAIL ROAD TIic ISu'ftCir:iis iu America. WILL EXHIBIT A.T ELOOMSBUEGr, RERWICK, FRIDAY SKl'T. 13th. Admiision 25 cents Only j llloonislnirir, Aug. ai, llil. ' ADJIIXISTRATOR'S XOTICE. I Estate of Jostph lkllcr, dtceased. Lll'lTUlU of Ad titration oil tho IMute of Jivn-n IUu.m Inleof Mddlsltl tjll ll'hip,Coliiiubl.l county !!;'r'.Jouuir".Vra,,;.,J,ie:,'';e! n, i. i iiiini iiyuoiki inv vi thu decedent, iirore-iiiestidtapre.int them lolhe Ad- mini. trator, ill I delay, uini all persons iiidibtcd lu iiiakipa)meiitJortliiiuli. as ,m, -c, u:v' wm,'L y 2'T El) ! ins ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Estate of Mary Shaffer, ilec'il. TVorr,CK "'y Blr-n thnt L-itrr of Adminlstrn. 'I'"' tho i-stute nr.Vdrr 4Arr, lute i.r llrinr- "irk townstiiii, t:niiinii,inn.uiiiy, ,i,,e.e,i, inivc- '!. "ho rpl.le In Salem township.' l.iuerno county. j . I . 'tt I , unions Usnllisi IIIO - S tmonf iin; deu-iiem itf rruuosieii to pr t.t ti m for eillcincrii,niidlhosu Indebted to mako payment uithout uciuy. , a , July ll, lrGI-Ct. MmMimtir. . AUDITOH'S NOTICE. In l Orrhlh't Court for Hi ennui) n Columbia-Hi. i.i. ij vnrau net. fj(0 11 nugartonj leitnsnip. ttct'd rpiir.Aiiditnrnppolntoil hylhii Court tn report dl.trl- J Imtlmi i.r tlic Imliiiir,. In Hip tinnd or William lic.. RtiTutor lit" tho lint Will linil 'IVntninunt irCntiind Ili'jj. Into of Fii; iil,,ar towmlilp, in llw ronnl of L'nl. iiiuliio, ikTcnicd. uiltincit tlio parlii-fi iiitprotti it for the pnrii'ii.0 of hl nipolntiiirnl, on Hulurilnr Iho 34th iloy of Aiisii-t, IClll.nt 10 o'clock, A M., ol unlit ilny.nl hia otliri- in IllHom.burg, in iHid cnuiily, all p'T.nint intf-rri. ti'd In tho rniid Ol.ttoiiro ri"iilrf-d to prevent Ih'-ir r-tnimn licforo tho Amlitnr, or Ira debarred Irani coming in for a eiii.ic 111 iiiu mini. juiin ti. niEi:.i:, Illooniiliiire, July I), IfilL-ll, JIuiMor. ' fl&Ksolutioii ot riii-Uici'Nliip. nillR r.ittniThliiL. ri.'rtti.l'.,r... nl.tlns hilMi eii tho un. I .1 derslgni'it, at LlEht Stri'i t, In tho llutchi riint DikI- nrss, as ilissoli cd 101 the llr.t day of Juno last, by 11111. tuil roil, rut. The Hooks oftho Into firm nro nt tho old Flnnd, w hero nil i'T-.,u ImleMod. ulllplcaso mil nilli. out dclm nnd make '.llli'iiiont. Thu lluUJr rinc Viisl. 1 to'is will In reultcr bo conducted by 11. U.illinc, ut tho old stand. I J. W. SWKI'.V 1 , , , . KALMMi, l.l!ht Ptreit, Aup.51, ltil.-3ta STRAY COW. p AMI! to tlio pri mlses of t tow nship, Lolllintii.l co . I Aujust It'll!, a lll.ACK t.'CIW, tho subscriber. In Heaver 1'a. oil or hbout the rill of . With n hrowtl strioo kIoii? the b ick. apparently nbimt 10 tear. old. Tlio tmrnr Is ri"Piesloil to prove proporty, liny charges and tnkoln-r aw ny or she will bo solduicording I0I11W. I .MOSU3 JIOYKII, August m, nt. EST11AY HEIFER. ..,., . ., fl A VII Into tin fixloaiirpq rtf Kip lindorcicrnMl. in Prott ' In iwii.htu, nl.mit tit-lir-t i.f A ItKI) iii:ii. lilt, utMHWil tu ho itboill two watat t'U. Tho unit r U ri 'iniKit il to ro if(icrty, i chnrjroi and take hvr nwny or eliv will lv Jifiiufuil uf ai Hit; l;iv ilirtrig. AIJKAHAM tCKr.UT. 13 S T 11 A Y. CI AMI! tn tho pri-nrtfa-n of tin fUlturriltrT rrcciutv in - Miuiifon towneliitiCuliiinlii.i cuiihly, I str.iy HJlVr. "nuuiu reu, w nn a w into ureiiK on ner ii.kk, Willi i ted lo, about two ears old tho owner Is ri'iUe.t, ilriiiillu red, with u ulntu olrrtik on Ikt l.uk, with M..t prot anil pay th.irsc andinkc Ikt aay, utln'ruii "" n' xvm ai tuiuiiig m lay, 3. A. SWISIIKtt. Ausfu-t K, It'll. 1 "' VlMtr WMUllf WTiTH ini!TlM.'V'l' ' "'-'i'Ol tiV, IJLIJ lCaUllli1ir.. I or UBJiftf .17' viie cuitxr.it or illaiu and Iron streets, RXOO M s S,iraEj 3 A m l'o )ou want tU,Ki4l (Into llUOWl'.ll'rt Do oii want I.AVF.LLA CLtmi I l.'o lo HltOWLIfrf lloyou waiitCIIALI.l lll'.LAI.NLri t lioto ItltOWI'.K 110)011 waui TAIII.i: CUVl'.llr" I i: to nilllWLll rt lloyou wiiutCLdl'll l)l'HTl:i:S( Co lo IIUtlWLll r) Ho you wnnt SKLLKTIIN fKIHTS I Uo tu UHOWlni." no ,ou w am I in. ii i I I. ii a (JKlUT-SUi-rUMILKS I Dojou waul MCHl.l.rf I In you want CAI.ICOl'.ril Ho ymi wnnt LAWNS I I'.oto IlKOWLIl'S lioto IIUUWLifS !o to IIKilWLIt'S fioloUltUWLIfs (into lllttlWLIl'ri tin to lMtim'ri'-.i lloyou want MAltl'l.l't t P'1 '' I"! IHUilli! I i ""ou want liu.-li;i;v 1 !'"lou wnnt (ll.tiVI'.rfi on want llUSli:i!VI tiutu IIRUA LU s on want til.llVI'.sr (inio ni'iiivi-u. no ion want iiAiiKi:iit:iiii:ps.i :. t, niiownifs D-i ymi want CAKI'LTSATi IILI.S I tin to IllluWUil'rf lloyou want rJTI'.I.I.A SHAWLS I lioto IIUUWLICS llo jouwanl ItllllHllt MITTSI io to lllluivr M Do you wnnt SILK (illllH.LSt tin t j IMoWntM llujou want ti.MNTI.UI'S ( (into IIIKlU'l'll 's llnjiiil want CltOl'CIILT IIIIAIDSI Unto IIKlllVlMls Doyoii want TII1V CD'ITUN I tin In IIUIlWL'lrs Co to IIUOWLK'S l!o to liltDlVLIt'H Jioyoil wnnt l il.il -lS tin joii want hUX SIIADKS I Do )on want i;,miii:i:ll.s! Do joii want CASSIJILlir.s I Doymi want l'KltSIAN I'l.AIIlt Do you want LINUX CilLt.'IvS I Do yon want I'l'.lU '.M.CS I Doyoii want JHANS f Do you want VANKI'.l'.XSr Doyoii wnnt lilMillA IIS t Do .-.in tv.,, lll'ITAI.4 I Co to llltlltVHII'S CotollllllWlIlfs Co to lUtOWCIfs lioto IlltlJWCItS Co to IIUOIVLU s Co to UIIOIVLU S f.'oto lll!l)lVK!-,s i.'oio iiumviiRs Co to mtuwLics coto nitowmi's !o to IlltllWIlll s Coto lllillWKIt S Co lo IIIIOWLU'S Co to IIIIOWmt'H Co to IIKliU'llli-S Co to IIKtlWLll'S Co to ttmnvr.ifs Doyou wuut ta'llT.MX Ml'Sl.lXl IK, ion want I'OL'D tiAMIIKICS ( Do ou want Wlll'I'i: CUU1IS t i no ,oit want Hi;.M UK r lloyou want SILI'.SIA f - lloyou want DltlLLIM.'SI Do joii want Tl''Kl.tiSt Do on wnnt I'HI'.i'KS t Do you want l.ADILS' Slllinsi Co to IlitOWKIl'S Co to IIUUIVCII'S Do ynti want I. MIILS' I! MTl:l:s.' no yon wnnl rni:sil ntiwii citoi:Knii:st co to iiKoivi'ii s iiui:i:xsw.ii:i:. tioto into i-i s I ')?"') ' to imowiiii-5 I no )ou w-uiil ' Do you want Do j mi want H.MiDWAHIW Co lo mtiiWLir-) no )ou want niiuiiS I ' D-i yon want 1'CKi: Sl'Mnsf I Do ion want CUII 1 (iool)S I i.o lo IIKOiVLirS cotoiimiwiiK'S Co to llHOWLIl'Jj iiiooiiisoiirg, .nay p.i, Ic-ou. FRESH A R II IV A L -or ' , ,'l n,s h ,r l'.'rtC''I,.","" l''''..m-r'.lly. 1 '1 , ", .'; ",J, "1,rtt ; i"1,""1" 'ho Ua.lvrtl citic, tlio '"it '""' '""' "'"l "ck f I S MIT VI I VII 5ITAfIlM aU.llJlhll ' U tf, -ii " if V ij'f' 'itSR Ci-i 1 W iii.ii mis yi oeeo openeil III llloiitn.iiiiriT. ,,. ,, i ,. lin lies Iho utli-iiliuu of his Mends, ami a.iiri.s i, i 'J.''" ,!'"' '!r.': "n''r:''l "il" at great barguins. Ills I &U"-K "" I ci:.nti.i:.mi:s wiiAinxc aitaull. I-' Consisting or 1'isiiioveiiil-Diusst'oi-es, of fiery des t I crlplion ; I'aiits. X'e.ls, Shins, Craiats Sloe-Its, c'olloi iinuivei i.i- .i u, os, ,uspeuut-rs, flic. GOLD WATCHES A X I) JEWELRY. on-very description, line ami i hean. ". ll.-p-Li-iueiidii r - iMtrculnrg'tt Cttnp Emporium, " lull and sec. No charge lor c naming Cood-. , , . iiaviu i.owi:.Mir.i!il Ulooni.biirj, Jlarell '.', itil. (Juelrtoll.) HOUSli l'UR SALK. Aliimialde 1'kime Hoise. Mill bo sold cheap, on an plliaiiou to the- uiidr.igui-d. 1 LLVl I..TATI!. Hloomsburg, July 13, lit;. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICU. Estate of Caleb C. Fox, drc'tl. ltOTII'l!l.l.er.l,e.,i, ,. 1 iN .... .7. . .. . ... V,. i .. .. ,. "'oiMisiriiiiou j ii. j. on uie soiiiii ny lot ot sum Isaac Con- , ."" "" ! Vft f!' " L' 1 "' Uu' 111 Mount I'leas- ersiiorth, uud on Ihe ne.l, l,i lit f pt,., fi, Inn:, nliiili nut ton ii.hl,,, L'oHimbi.i eoiinty, d.eon.ed, h.uo been I said biiildiuj i, ,n iU ,1,6 i!,ui,d about .litem by srniited hi- Iho lleoi.tir of said county, to tho under. , i mhle-eii feet, anillhu said ahoie d.-scribe-il lot or pieie sisneii, Mho ri-.i.los in said ton n.liip, Columbia county, ol erouiid mid curtllasn upp.irt, uaiitto said buildiu;. .i. ,,v..""J?s' il 1 s "I ur ('''"'uds imniii.t eieuc.l, taken lu cxeeiiliun and tube sold us tho pro- 11 s'atool the decedent are rr.piested to pre.int H a, perty of L'dliard June-.. 1 mmi i 'i,'l','!,'' """" ""ltU,uJ lu "'"' I'-'JIuent JOHN SNYIIUIt. Wienlf. uithout delay I llioomshiir!. Am;, 111 IHUI, , , , ., John mokda v. : ! 1 J"""'Ur"H"- . .piOWARD ASS0CIATIOX 1'IUL- ISEtCCK! StKIK!l HSJICSi! , A ll. m vob'iit liiftitution entaliliiih.'d by prial in,ow - Cbff iff l'.,;,:.. . i i c i ,,,1t1f"i'tli,MiclrilMr'ii k uud hi-treKjo d, attlirt' d !(h) (Hll) -"UWl iinck, Of CSCCl- Willi ViruUnt and Kpidi-mic Ih.eaaea. and uut Lilly 5 1' nt quality, for tab' at the did for the Cure of luicaa of ihe SumihI Orjr.m. u ItloniiiBburi! Urjrk Yard. 1'artiej intinlint' to build l'in.Jir t,e" lu l'-tl,"K I" all partu of the ruiii-drtaiu4i will do well tor.ill aud eiuiniuu thu uulerial uud get AI-uAHLi: UlIl'OltTd on rpi'nnalorrhn;a, ami otb barifaius. Apply to er Mie.ifii'M of iho ti.-xual (Juan, aud on tin MIU III.Ul f. sIiillUK. I llliifiiilui..r Wnri b l. 1.-lt :tm ,,. in . o U llJiauisnort Dickinson Scmiuary. . yon both KXt qvnir. Tall e'ion of thU Institution, locattM at Wil- IliUHiiort. lscoiiiiui!coiiitV. Til.. Will heiMii Auiiit ou. 4 nm cuiirnw 01 Hiuuy in moral i iinosopiiy nilU 1 Ik-lkfl l.i'Hrt'it. Matliematiirs, Anrieut and MoiUtii I,nn- pii.iij'fi, Natural Hcit-nre. Munic, t'oiuun-ri i il braiicla-, Common i:tiljh u icn. A Normal L'luii will bo formed, if desired, for such nslnivo thu important dutu-i of Tcichini! iu , ii-w, Ti-rmii inod.-riite. 1'ur t'aljloe'uo or further parlliulnrs atuilv to ItllV TliUMl'sON Ml'lCIIKLL, A. M. Williainsport, 1'a. Aujust It), l?HI3l. Normal Institute aud Academy, 01' NEW COLL'MUL'S, LU'.Clt.M: COUNTV. I'A. a'llll ncil Term of this lii.tlluti.il will couuuenco on .vo.vp.tr. jtvovsr wit, I I'mlcr tho direction of I'rof. II, II, Wilkin, hn, as rt Hiholur, aTi-acher, nud n Lecturer, is too widely and too favorably kiioun to need any rcioiumeiidation, Additional facilities to those- hentofore enjnied by r-luile-nls Hill he furnished durine Ihu term and Ji-ar. Instructions in Vucal nnd lustrmuciital Music will bo uu e-u by an accomplished Teacher. 1 or the Trustees, JOHN KOO.NS. 4ie'l, Auiusl IU, Irlil, Tf. jpi,. i i ,lf Pli ..,,.. .R ' ' 4 " ii.iM.uaaa, ORCHARD GRASS SEED ! JOLINE k LEU, No. M, NORTH WIIARVM, I'hlhidt-liihln. s nip a ii a nd h a n s, i CuUuii for Cniilklnjx, Unpoi. TwItivf.'fHr, Spun null, IMIIUUI, DIOl KS, Olid UarS, oLC. Aurusi i. iam-ijiu. - PHUTECTION FltOM LIGHTNING. 'P" --rll-r noul.l Inform hi. rrlnmU, tlint lu l ' liniv iiri iiun-il In mil iin. uti tliuct notice, oiid In n lll-'llllirr MlllO'lur. I It. (.'.! vi.mttA ruua-KU lhiiiv.vixci nons. 13' '! I'CrfiHit, (in wurK unrrmitcil, p. it 1111, 1 1'it a v llloniinlmrir, May VI, IW Slates lmx fi)otd OUO & 008 MAIIKET STREET AIIUVi: FIXTILI riin.tDyj.riitji. 1. W. POWER, rrvpritlvr. ... TniiM!-!! i- per day. May 1J, imi-ljin. ' ' AX IIItWi' WIIOLIWALi: AND KKTAII, 15EDDINU AND FEATHER WAKE HOUSE, No.ii.Nortli Second Street, O.po.ito Christ Church, PlllLA DELPIUA. If" f'onstanllyn linlnl, n larso ns.ortoiont of lied. , I .on, 'furs, 1 mousses, cushions, u.iir, Husk, Cattail, mid nil arthlcs ill tho line lit tit.- Lowest I'rnes. A. I'urluuttir nttcnthn pnut f rcitortititiir an ON Futlicrs, .M1111I1M, 1,-lil-lJin, (I .All-. tUeiE Uuitt..) THIRD STIIEET A HOVE 11 ACE, lIllILADEIil'IIIA. RIIOrlKS, & SAILOR, Proprietors. Til.nnmv V. ltoins, foriiiertyofthe Xalional lintel I'miiLM Minoii, rormerly of,"chu)lkill Co. IM. Msnli'J. Iji'iI-1.'iti. G UK K NWOUD SK M 1 N A II W 'nil'.nddltimi to this Institution being about comple ted, llv-renii comturtjhlii nci oluliioilations now tor nh.iut seventy hoarders, and tho Autumn Term will coimnsiieo on tlx-Kill of August, The si rl ices of II. W. Cilberl, Into rrnfessor of Mod ern l.anij'j.lges III one of ilr Colleges, hale heen seiur ed. la-sides po-sissing tho re-'l'llslte grholastir attain ineiits, ami haling had ye-nrs of successful i xperichcu n te-aching in tli! country. I'rof. cllbert iu his traiels Ins gnuitd speti.il atte-iitioii to the Kducnti-mnl systems In Luropii, nnd Is i iimn, tent to instruct in tie; Latin. Cerm.iu, 1-reiuli, or Italian languages. I or terms or further iartlrul,irs sec the card In another column, or nddre-ssthe Principal. .Milllille.l'a, August ;t, llil, KA'KUUTUR'S NOTIUH. Ilttat of Jarab Jlagcnhuth, late of Ccntr tr;i iccV. Lr.TlT.lW U'dt.uucntar mt tUt'Uitatuof Jaiuu !Uun. lilt H, l.it. ot' Olilru liiM.iii. l'itiui,tj,i tuniit), ilfit a tell, ha been grutitL-il by tin Hcpi-acr of t'nluin. biainuiit lu tln utitb i',lHMit (milling in the ti nliiji nml tiiunly al'uTfriiitl. All 'f-itiii-iliauiiii tlahiH nuaitivt tliu t'nt.ac itf iln- duu'iloitt .nru rt-Mmtcd topn'-m tln-ni for Kfitlniu'Ht, a ml Ilium i ink bud to maU naynitnt ini- IU'-ltUtll to ji:i:i:hiah iiaghniutu. Cutitrt tup.. Juno IS, llij, Ktrrutor. DR.; SILKWORT H. THU ANALYTICAL IMIYMCIAN AND SUKOllON I a U.iily ntttnUlitiig tiU iMtifiil by tli mrc uf lune hI.iikImi!! i1m..',-'.. IILS UllMtllllKS AUK I'Ultlll.Y Yi:t;iU'Atil.K. Ik- will ,i In llii. plnie Hie uniuu Jaj uf em h inimtli ni ht.ilfd below, when be t.ut h' rnnut lfi fur ull tlMfasu tlcdli itt lair to. ITT'tJUNri'lILT . Tio.vrur.u JiTfOnlrorr, tbu UhthI Kitli of cm Ii innnth. Wliiturilloti l, I.otk Ilavtii.tlic UUi and ofiurli IIHUllll, itl.miiibnrL'. Wtli mid 1-t, JiiiinillmsMand 3d. Koftti uinbf rl.iiul lt.tlt, .Milton, li, and 7. Jiuiu C, li-tll Im, KXKCUTOK'8 NOTICK. Estate of Philip Fritz deceased. rlXTn'.ltr tent.tiiH iiiiiryon iho ltatrof I'mur I'niT. J latf of rfncarloiif tow nsliip, in Cotitnbia i mint) cmsM'tl h.uu bi'i-ii craniiMl by the Ktuii-icr of Coluiiibia county t.i th' undiTciirnoil ; all P'tbohj hsvinii chinini nuauut tin 1'xtato nftlic ili-ceiiciit, art' ri''i"'ti'il tnpr ntnt then, to tin- lltiTtitnr, at th'ir n'Biilfiin1, iu haid tfiiL'.irl'Mf touiibliip, without dt'liiy and alt pgruonn in. iKLictl to) ni.iku pa) men I tnriliw iih. JUII. Mil IV,. f Ei ecu tort. AU1JAU FKITZ, Juno r, l'-fil, fct. RUIDGK LETTING. Tim ftmnty Cotninixxioncni uill rcrci'0 propoiali nt tin- hoiiiiu or Jamotf MaitiTii, in I'tny township, iVlmii bi.t County, until H o'tlmk p. in., on 1'riil.iy, tlif tKtJ il-iy of .irifiir not, for biiildiii),' nn open Truss liril om r l.ntlu Fislnnjfcrrtlt, near the rciiidt-nco of tli' wi,i Jainn MnBti rn, tiiiid bridco In l:37 full b'-ltti'i n nh.lt "it, ttldth Hiffft hit; lit 8 tctt 11 inrh.'ji, Irom 0 uati-r mark, tho ntHitiniiits to b fix ffft tlntk. ail,i wincnall-i on lower riiln U fill lonir 1'l.in ami fi ' , llcatioii mn bn ttcen on tint day and plro of luting. Jly order of tho County Oiiiimi.n.i is. n , , r UsOKUn1, Clerk, roiiiiniiistoncr fHFirr, J Utomusljurfc', August y, itWf. j AG RICULTURAL FAIR. TIM'. i:oriilitr-Coimnlttoo of tlio Ci.luiiibi.i Coiintr agricultural Hnrlirnllurnl and .tli cllalilcnl Associa. lion at their iii..i tn,6 nil, dnj-, p.is.ed a Kesolutlon to liol.l a County I'air, oilllio li, li, and l'.l days sf Otto- A. MADISON, ettfy. llloouishurg, AU3,.1t lsrll. Hi. Sheriff's Sales. li i iiriuool a ivril nr.ia Imrl f acios. o i.ei d. I. Icilicd Ollt fif 111, (?iiurt nl IVit M,., ,.f Columbia toLiity, Vn., tl ho ojtpoM-d tn pulitiis al ai tliu t unit rioiiM', in HIiHMiiolniri;, on MON'l.Y 1111) HIX'UM) HAY til' HClTCMJinK, 1H., nt orMjoVlnk in thu iiltiTiioim, the jolluuins dfrlbtd proptrt) lo vit fifirtnoi inuni t i 1 1 . in Ja.kj.on tow luiup, in tho county of Coliunbia. boun- aud donnl.id ,u lollowt m ,t IKpumim; nt a okt. lhoiiiu by lainl ofh.iumi'1 Arli'iitui n, tunt two "" "vi vi 1'iuiiu ui i si ii 1 1 . n. mm iniiuriii iinu Mxtt't'ii pcrili.-H to a putt, tlionro by ih S.lliiO south lille-e II in rrhe. In n ,.., n ,...i.f..i Joshua s.iine'o ea.i siity lour perches to a i lie, mm, Ihence hy landof JuUn I'm, and lluniel Hobluns mirth three hundred perilus In a chi-slliutl ak, them e bl land ol Joseph Colt- and IVilll.uu llrilik, nest tlio huudred uud sol only tour pen lies to a ihestlilit, tln-licu ! land of lliiunus iv. nun-; nml land of John Shult, smith tn Iniudreilniid i-ijlily live periln.-a to Hie, pl.uo of ll,,.,,, iiinij, eoiilainiin! I'our Hundred and sisty-threo acres and one-hundred ami tiirnt) .errhe.aiid iillniiaiici-, Ut, hi-ized. taken in eii-euliiui and to bo sold as the liron erty ol Thouus IV. Viiunj. 1 ALbO : At the s-atnc time and nlaco, hy lirtile ol n unl of Isrtiri 7Vifio, Isjiled nut of the l-onrt ol foinnioii I'leas, lo modiroiteil, Hillle erposed iV1'"., .''.,''1'' "" "'" "llu al"' " half 6tor) Frame l'i'lliii9 Hiiusii or buildine, situite in the lillaiioof Lieut street, iu tho lomislnp of rVoit, in Hie counly nf t uliiuibin, and r-t.ite ot I'eiiii.jlianja, iilnrli said build Hi:; is on a lot toimorly ouuod PJ Isaac Huitelsiiorlh nnd nliitli is said lot, isrminolcd and described us led- :. .J". . 7. '" ' ' " '" ""' "",MI""" riuiin-jrii, ifiii 10 ill" ainicii'tl I u it'iM d I l.'tllT I'livelo-u-n. I run of rharL-n. Tun or thn... U I b'tli'r i'iivi;lopi-H, irti! ofrharun. Two or threu Htiiiiii noauiuH win no ncTt'pMLh. A.idri-tii ini, J K1I M UOUliim. Arliiu Biirjfon, Howard .Wuiin- s.smth Mnti. r-trcvt.nuiadfiphiara. PUMP MAKIXtt nPIlL iinilerslirneil inform tin, put,,c rji-nirnllvth.it i Ihey hme' loruied u en p.irtiiir.liip, nml il coiitln. lie thu liilsiness nl 1'iiuip mjkiiii- im, n pnirliiL'. Ill iitl "', r.:"r"",1,' "epiirtuients. In llloomssuri;, uhere tln- will prouiptly attend tn nil orders iu tlieir Hue of lui.i- Vcll and 1,'istern l'nuips, uith ieuden I'ipe, mndo In tho hesl stjle of iiorliuuiiihip, nn uiodirutu terms, rind on ery thort noliio. I'roiu their Ions i-jperienco In the business, slid n dirnosl desire- to luve lliclr work coiuuiend ii.elf the public, they feels roiiildent tliev can uinko it an ohlect to those nho niayjlvn Ihelll their rustumaiid rendir ceim. ral ti.f.ctlim. Jiiiix IMIL-ICIILIIV. llluomsbur;, April 13, ln,, 3n' X LUI'' JOSGl'II GUKKtf, SO.V k CO. U'liolcs.ile and lleull Healera In t?!BlSa(Dyj AMID SiaSSS'iiis Oil. CLOTHS. H'lXnoH' SIIADKS, kc. Together with a compute ,ariity of OAlllNUT .. ....... ... niu nme-,1 euall prill'S, Nn .,r. VAii'mr cunnvr cm........ -u .ivimi kJJilv.M OllUui, JO-JLTH OIH'.KN, lll'.wi noe-L-M l'llll. W.l.l Lamps Lampsl I a n m u n ti Bill) UUililiUiQ. ANOTHER FRESH AUUIVAT. nif joatw S mili.kic), iMritory.it r.irrjrr cuai vii. nviw us, e, MMrs rvH ,!:'1M',.Kr'"V!',7,j.',"t 'tTrt'ov oils. wr, :S3::j "j,f "-.-"--v'-f"- j EQUAL TO CJASS. Tho bovo lamps. Willi or without, ti, , i,o can bo Ind nt thu I NEW AND CHEAP DRUC STniiR. 1 Exclinnsn llnllillnc. ninnnKlinrr p.i I ..l";"' tho iindrrslilnrd would ltrsperlfllvnfrm M, , I rl' nds and lb., public In Bcnernl. tint he Ims just re CPlvi dfrouit isritie,, nlnriie and will .. cti'd stock ( of t.oods, In his kind ronsisthiir of inr.i-ii rtrtli riJIIKIi IIKUfltt. Mlillll.'INIM ft UIK.MltMI.H, oitmiNii & wiiiiLncricr.a I'AIN'M OM.H, VAItMIKHEH nVI! DTUI'F, IVIVDOtV fiLAW, (IP all sr.iw. I'Aivr. roijTii TO,ccn&.!,.IA.t5,,,,'AV,N0 mVg"M or Tin: m:tr iikanmis: I'Lltl'IIMLHV, I'AM.'V HOAP-4, 'Iltllrnnrt k WIIOIII.IICII It A TM. l'u.!l,.,i.y.!,l''?' "RANtur.-i nut 'L"I' 'JAL VHK. OLASI3 tMITTIMl, noMiTooitiinn.iiii.T ot;i n io rim ri!AMi:n.& aoiiuai' VAlllLTV Ort'AnilON OIL HMrd AMIFIIAIIC r.-r..t, ..., ...'"'.' MI'IIUNKSAriiTV Al.-n-.ll tli most jMpiibV I'ati'iit Mi-ilir inrN f ti. y,pr -iir piiiOM,,,,, family modiHnm rartnlly put u, ' .V II. 1 Im Ik'iital prof.b.n l Mill 7J 1 I coniinur.t and Tei-ih liiiiertfd, iu the moM fVJ .lunroti'd m.imii'r. IVi litisr tlniikfut for past patronagi v......,.imni.i; Vi tV BJllll-'. lUiiitifKhiirs, .May lt,lrfi y. J. n. u v n a it , (riaccessor lo J. . tfoai m.) n noi.r.s.11.1: Drjii.r.it i.f TOBACCO, SXUFF AND tIGARS, No. d North 1'ifth St., abm-o Market. rilll.AIILLl'IUA, Also, MamHatturtr and Imiiorterof FORKIG.V et UOMESTIU SUGARS May li, I-UI-IJiii, (or jLit.-iLvruiv.v.) 'ili; sunsrrllier llould resiertrul npprie hi friends u.. ,i,v i".mii; generally, inai no II has opened A NEW HOTEL I mter the aboie-nnino. iu Jersey ton n, Columbia c i- ty, I'a., nliere In-is tally prepared to entertain the triicliui! eomiiiuiiit) loBeiier.il s.itisraction. Ills TA IILL and IIAIt.urc el siipidii d uud nlll be ran fully superintended. Aud his bfjtUI.K is amnio and m il sin-kid, In iharse of carelul jrooms, will alnnisbo ,.,,.,.,-H, iUl'-lll.l-ll, ( , ''"'" V ll'"': "r I'uWie cil.toin, and1 pledges his beslctrorts, to help Ins cue.ts Ir, I nt home. . HAMULI. UlmiV. Jerse-ytoiiii, My II, Ii-lll ,1m, xV13W 1UJSINKSS l''IH3I. " J 'pill', iiuderslcned re'speitluiiy Infonii tr.-ir friends , "lid the piilln- L'ener.illj.tbittlie) hale entered In-. In win re thej iuttud carrjine on the biiiiiii!. r me -uid Arraili-," in p Inminlni m. f ..i.hmI.;-. , ' Kit. MKRi UMU7Ioi. ill nil . .. ..,-;f1...i i....... i , iltpartm. utn. and t.i w hull they jut ttu' nu clinninii of lb- public p.itronajff. S. II. MlMJ.Il. IllooiiiburiT.M.iy II, 1'iil. if. iinrtman's Corner. JUST rcccivcfl n frc.-h lot of N'o. 1 & -J Jlnrlii re-l aud for rtalu nt HAKTJIANrf. f 00D S. II. Sugar for talo at 01 cents KA p.-rlh,nt IIAltT.MAN!. GJ.RKY dress gooild for salo at low as 1 111 it., per yard lit II AIl'OIANsJ. BLACK Lace Shawls for salo ,,V IIAIIT.M A.Nri. "H'XTRA Syrup constantly on liantl antl XJ for Sato at. ai rts. per unit. I.y IIAUTMANS pALICUKSitMudlina for salo as low as i cts. p.-r yard at IIAUTMANS PATTKX I' Churns ju't received a new' lot and for fale nt JIAIITMA.VH. CK.MKXT by tho Uarrel or Iltishel all ways ot hand at AUTMA.Vt!, rdoooui.huri;, Juno 1, lrlil fallawiss;i llail It on ii. l'ASS ItL'l'HltT .STATION. ! SOLTIllVAKII IIUI'MI TUAINH. , I'lillaiti Iplua He N. V. Mail l n ... M. i " " i:iirnss lll.11 A. M - " " I'rea-bt r-.:in .. jj ' NOHTIIWAIll) b'OLND TUAIN'rl. I'.lmirn A'hi I xi r, .M I M.isra llipre'.j ii.id p. j 1 d ishl in.ti, , i, , II A tlOOtllVI.V, A'l May I, IVitl. XI-IW .IKWKLUr STORM. rr MM underi'L'iii'd, reprtt'ully informs thi citizcna of 1 lllooiu-liurif, and Die public m m ri1ly.ih.il ln'ru t. tal.Mt'hi d it iifw ort, mi Mum Htrcet, Idoouieburi:. in Mrr. l.i-Hi'oik'H lliiibliiii.', whi-ro he oiVtrn for ale, on nioioTiiu- iitiuh, a ..irs'iifof iiin'iti oi- CLOCKS, I VA 'l CUES .J- JEWEL R Y, r ....... . .. i . i... ...t j i . . , -t"rk of Jtwilr) f- r pb-io, iurlu'lme vt rv Sv , v irutj of I.ali. .ind Ciiiilcmo,, ,, Mcd.ihoiii, ,w0b C hain,. l.o k(ti, lln aHpiu I'lu 'cr-rinu. t n-..Jiiii3 Of eierf sort i to the ti.inilnatioiMtf whirJt he lntil.-u thu public nj-mr ally. t r'PiutX aitfiiilon eiwinto rrp.iir i!ic Clorki, Walrli vs, uud Juwi-lry. aud alt wotk warrantid. WM. II. DItAKi;. Ill oo m nb u re .May i, lol-Mf, j JHiOOMrflJUlUr ACADEMY: D. A. DECKLEY, A. B , Principal. Tm: At'Ti'Mv (JiztfriioN or Tiiii iNrirrrL'Tio.v t in i-giii ou Wednesday, the 1th of Augu&t. The buililiiiK ban underwent a ih"piuh renovation It Ji.i! burn xupplifd with new furnitur.'i thu' walU ib-.iiitly p.ipiri.l, and i ii-rjthini.' added that i an iui tribute lu tlio roiiitort nml i otitiMttdiri oft lie hiu.U-nt. Tin' roil rD: of iiintrurtion will I.e tln-rinic, tin Ii rclo fori, and tlni-i- d xiiriilii to (It tlo'iniclvi in t".irh w ill riot-ivo fprrialiitti'iitiou. Tht- Mlm.il nif u condurt'i aitording to thi! iuot iiptrucd Hindi . All tht- Btiiilu'of our ciiiiiinricr urn cnilr-ucd in iu cuureu cf btudj. t t: n M S . l'rim.ir) l)rparliu'tit M Co lliL'lo r lt p.iftun ui si mi o ixtra (Iinrttc mado tuj Hie ftudy of Ancient or .ModiTii l.ausuasi'N (Jood boar.iiuj; can bo prymred at 31,50 or Si,00 pi-r weik. July 13, jyfiMf. OPEN AGAIN. I WILMA I.I II, R.lMUALL, I lJAUHER AND IIAUt DJtKSSElt, i It Court .Wry, OwkUc tkr Cvurt .ir, And ono ibr h -hnv the oiln r of Colitinbiu lJi-Kiocr.it. JUooiiibbuff, July .'D, Ir.il, 5S3 11 U M 0 V A Jj . -!2i C, C. SAlMsHIt 4: Co., Commission Merchant and dealers in Ftslt, Cheese and Provision', N'o. HIJArell street, 3ml douruboie 1'riuit, I'liil.nl, . I '"" Jl! 1 1, .V Ij t'lllSllJlUTIl 6j IIUUTIIKllS nOTnll'ull n I ,1 ti b i T 0 R A COO 1) K A L K R S SO.103XOUTtI Tli HID Sl'llKET I tvcdooriheluwltace,. , ,, rillLAUlXt'llIA. January Ill.ltfSS.. THE WINK STOHK, OK o h; ist H fi W A. R t dm wai.mt iti:i:i:t, ibeloiv Fourth l.,i rtiiLAiiLi.i'iii , r. 1 Aujust 4. 1 "-Unl. Vive 1't-ool Cement tiv Sale. A lot ofsujierior I'nu 1'ao.irl'rnrvT I'spec lally a.lns i c. . c ... .. . .... . " .' , B"" 1 or imi --.yij oosi moi n insure rices, ny the ..illoTl or half barrel, al Ihu orlic-.flh. LATEST lir iWIUPH. Tho Nows from Kauawlia Val ley CoDfumcd. Dttpcrute ISatl'c at Crttss Lanes' A Ulonihi Affair (olnncl Tyler Suriottn 'Inlhij a jiotecrjut Enemy G'allnnt Struggle of the Seventh Ohio ?0ll Missing out tj 000 Tltt lULcl Lnsn Fearful Sajctt) tf the Uaggage Train. CiwcitATir, Auyimi tho fotloulnjt nruntl ttm pnr tirutar no can It-arn of tho battlo ubicli l'k plate nt Cnm Jam. n-nt HnmnnTuvilb1, Vn , on .Vimrtay, th i Ctli liirttiiit. Itnppi nrn to havn boi n n Ltoiity alnilf, The St'VrMh Ohm R guiu'Ut, coinmnndcd hy r,onrl Thir, a urrnimdcd while nl nTinkf.iM and HtUcted imi both ll.inknuihl iu front timiiUaii''iimlv, i OuriiMii wi rt iuitiiidfntr-ty fonuvft in Uus of bsttl mid fought hrnvily, while ttuy mw but liittu rtianri of 5UH, Dm fiii'iny proving too powerful, t'olotc 1 Tvick aout n itici(0t-iigor frward to Uo bf train whirii u,n romiuc up, nnd ttirm-d It buck i ft lt"u lhtn "ul,'s 'lw,Iint from th" Krone of mntlict. lo - ii run i,nui y, wniiii pi.u-o it rearlicil in ml'ty. Coiip4iiivalt0ud I Btltfrruil liioit mtorotr. TbT, partlnilnrly wen in Uiv ltotl -t oftho linlit, and finallr i fousht Un it way through acaiiit foarful odds, making dr a I ful lta of k initio ciieiu'n raukn. i Tlf n bo forrt' roiisi'tvil of three thoiifinid infantry f-'urluimlrt'd rivalry, and ten guild. Th fodcr.il fnrrcs wtre Hriittereil Hfu-r cutting their way, tliroush Lot yvty toon r';rmd ftifain and Drid, 11 received imrrply. The enemy did not puruo. Our In-- hns ict it If tn di'iinitt-ly nctftiintd. Xot fjtr two Luuitri-d aro minriiij mil of tho 11100 liun drvJ who wt-ri' msagnl. Tlif ri bil lodN w & (en 1 fill, I.iuuiiiiaut-t'olotul Crciihion Mptured the cnsiny'f olfini ami two pri-mno. NOTICE. To the Heirs of Titomtm Conner, drc'tl. NOTICC lsherrhyi.ii.-n llwr IS-sicmni f. Co,. Iter. fiiri IviiiL' 'I'm. ten C sl, , .mi.. ..C -i-i....-. - , Couuer.late of CreeiiiioiHl ton n. hip, Columbia county, deceasi d. as tih-d at the .May Trim. I-ul, f this Court I mid nilt he pre.enled for eoiitirmnlioii and allonaiuu ut tho Septe-mherteriii li.. I JACOB IlVF.UI.V, CUrk V. V. 1 llloomsburi,'. July 13, iMil-ht, J ADMLMSTUATOirS NOTICK."" Estate of haialt Shuman dee'd, , "IVTOTlCf: In lo n byiiivfiitbat b tt.-rg of n rn ni .t ration i X on tl'M'itali of Usii-iltbuiiiiin, l.if of Maim twn ihip. Colon bia (uuuty ill n .i.d, hare Ih i it srantd hy Uo Kecitcr ol i;ii roiiuiy to Hi iuid'Tiii;iifil. Hliu , rMidoii tn Centre low luliip, ('olumbi.i loumy. All pr ! pnn i lia itiif iljihii or ih'innudii nsnint lli rttati'of I th.-ib-ci'di'iii nn ro-pii-rifil lo present theui for mttl- ni-'ii, onu luotitj iiniiwid to make imiiDi'iit uithout ilelaj. inly ! Adui'r. Wyoming Seminary. .' T"11 ,u'V.,f'r"! '',lt lntuiion wilt fotuincnce Au mit Mill anil roiitiinic lui'Uii ui i-k Throillihoiit tlio term rniTinl nlti-ii(k.to- u 1H tut totho-H preparniL' I. t.ach, and nllmili may rely upuu liaiiiir an L'l'od Hd,aulue n at any rxrluemly Nnrin.il Hihool, Arraiim meni will be inmlo for an ix. t''ni,ocourr0 of l.-clures bffore tlw Tearlur-' Clann. K. NKUoU.S. kililTftori, l'n., July li, 1-liUlii. CIGARS & TOHA0CO. Alartteassortincnt of rhoico fnrars. Tobacco, l'io-s, rruits. I'oiifi , lionery nod Noiions ecu. rati) .tceeth. rr 11 nil a full stock of MATS ami CM I'M. r.,.,.i .... I hand and for salo cheap, at tho "Illoninsburj flat i.t'i S emporium." JOHN K. CHITON. Iloouisburrf. Mure li III, lf-r.l. X OTIC K. persons aro fori id Ituiimr the I'niied ritatr. iller Wash Marlilne. A. Ilulti r. I'nt.nr ,.....,,, A',!: trotii niillioriseil airents null poni-r of attomvv as vr are- deteruiiiie-d to enforce the lau iu all .uili ca'ses. A. lll'ITWt r.rsaiso THOS. W. UUUAlt. Mspy. Ail". IT, ljr,l.-3m. KXKCUTOR'S XOTICE. Estate of Andmo Dthhnc, dec'tl. IlriTIXS ti-sl.iiiieiitury on tHe Il.r.iteof Andr't. UU. idllle, lute ol .tloutit 1'le-ns.nut tolllislljp, C'oluiobjn loiltily. dei-e.is-il, hnie hi'e-li ci-.iuted by the Itcej.t.r of l'oliiiiibi.i ioi.nl to the iiudersie'neil, resiiliin; in xhr tniiiisliip of tir.iin.'e,itnil soitiity nloresnid. All persons hnviui.'rl.iiuis im.iiiist tlu- csl.vc- cf the .l-reil.-nl nr. r- pi.ste.l to pres. -nl th -in for 1.1-10 ei.t nml HisHia in. dehtud to make u(ttuctil uumedhiteti to A. ft. 1 M I.IH V H. Jllhe 'J.I, loCI. ft. I'.tttutor. LIST OF OAUSKsj I'OIl SlU'TKMHUU TK11M, 1801. 1. l'owufiid V. Kahkr v. Danlrl i lar. a, John McMulIijmi.i t. al. i r. Sanuil Rhom, :i. Amlrt'w Crevtlii'V V. Andrew .MrVlirk, si t. t, 1. Robert J. I..nn. n. Monl2oim.fi Cm. itnL !i. I'lnlip WintiTftpen' n. Vnk'oiiafl Wruurvteun. ti. John i'rabT . Ii.uncl Il-'gir. rt. hi. 7. I.cwin l,;m nbfrj,cl nl .. John Ityer. h. Imhh Mnimain. Jacob I.. Hbutuaii. It. Joitfpli I, orb nrl d. Janivn rtitrniHitoi. Hi IV.' Kfl t'. Hmlu, vi. Jnuo a I'ruiiii.nton, ft, nl. 11 llfiir Tr.iMijh i. Tlr'j Vfci firm h- lniurant Co. M. Jamci fjhu'l'l. tt Icntnh Htniinan. III. fii'orju lives ' bulon 1(. rbult7, ct. at. H. Kit hard II. Mrn.ili , Jhu (Iigjf.'r. li li.nu.'l l Hi-jbvrt, i) vn. A. li, n-nrr. Jii. I).ni() V H.-jbt-it f. .V 11. iVarri.ct. uU IT. linry WulU vn. Ucorc Kinli j l-. Jin.ph Mrll. ui tt Uh y It. Kfnv. 1 1. Wilnon A-ir x. J.ucph 1 attort. faliy Ann VV.i;u(-r t. Ureal U rmrf. -I. I;rnwti&. tfnjdrr vn JauuJ.lhill GKAXD JUHOKS, roi; HurrBMUKu tkilm, 1601. JisViofi-Johii K. tirot Wm, iloiiia.i. Sjim'l Htfttkt Lnttarnta-Mo. II irtman, John tVott, VrtiiUin-Haiiii'l Kuiitlo, r-uimcl 'britmn. Fnn)rrrrfkVi ti-r t'n'Vfliu,,', (In n-ttOiZ-Wllllim KoMunt, llfiulotl. William WacutT. .uririKiMr li)i'r, haiii-l Haut't. ,ii-t.nli'u hoit-rirk. .Vawfuf Y,nn Willm-r. Vfl'Hoi ll.titivr i:.ic k. .WtiH rftiiiiti I Itri'tn "rn'W -jt'r i' Khno. Mlrfi.it! Kclltrt LurnUn Iklliii. Ab'taudtr II, M";, litHinngrrrfk-Vvb t f.'i.irbar'. Cbarli V.k, ror lu-nj t Ken hart, Jarob Killur.Cr. Illoojiiburi; AngiiftJ, i-oi. Tit A V K II rf B Tl L' R 0 R S. I'OH SKl'TUMIIBIl TKIIM, 101. fcs-IViu, II. J.iml,y.l!ciia,d 11. M.nii,h, Hioins. J. 1 hoiuttm, III iil.-imiti lionilioi. Jlrorrr -Jnliu 1'iy. Hri trrmt -Leu Mi.iller. Xiilhnn Msnr., Hand Miller. Ilruton Kuniul Krirkb.'lUIII. Jehu J.Cliles. tVsirc-IMnial loer. Samuel II. Hutchison. I-win tti't ml I'jrlls I' Irllinry, y-Vitsti. nron Laiuls-rsdil. OttrHiritoi Isaac lleaeock. I!'s''el'"'',!,"'l'i""" Wll,U"' iMMt Udir. lloosrl A... o.(Vli, i;r. Ilt-iirj- I'i.hcr. Abraham Yeas,,. .Von,.-Ahrali im Miiu pprnhi,, ,. aank. .ulej,,i (. ,,nti, Daniel Hshcr, llinry llamuati, Snuilii Ureilheluli i .U.,,J,.., Jonatli.iu Ji.lin.oii. Wm. Demon. " Ji-J i oh riii) dir. Dam, I Keller. IVin, Sclmjle-s. omrnievrril-llaiid lloncr, P.uuui I Diet. .vmr J' ih ii fhuiunn, A. li. Tiiomtuii, liliHimsburt,. August u, i-oi PROCLAMATION. WIllinilAr;. th, II.h Viinr, J, W.-nmsmi. rresl dent ol the Courlot U) i raudT. runner nnd Cen. i-ral Jail IMlli r, I'miil of Unarter ti,;.,,,,,. f . i e.ii-e nud tourt ot I ma i I'l.-n, , ti,p,nn's I'ourl, III i l l- Villi JuJiii.il Di.tricl. i,iiiiinst-, nl the lonlitit. ' ..I t duinliiii.rsulliiiiii and IVjomiuo. und tiro Hon. J. i.i evs and tsrsi'iiss lliLm. A..m j.ii,, lii .. ..ri..i i... j count) , Imi o Iss led tlieir prec.t, heariuir ilali the-,1,' ') J'' A"B In tin-) ear of our Lord one thousand i ictit uuiiiireiiuini sii onu una to mo itirecle.1 for 1ml I j rir a , I -I-. ...... . . .' . . '. . ", '".' ""'''' " ''" i'onl'nc'i; anil wipoao i ouri. Ill liliHiui.bllri.'. Ill tin ruullty of '""". .ueiiiK in,. -jna duiiof bi pteiuber, ni-ll. .Hid to loi.tunii one u,-i a. I .Aoii.-i is in-r.-nj giu-il in ii, e I ii. r, (ti Jiislrs-s of the i'.-.ii-.-und loiistabie, ornu. ,,,, rullll rt-UIllbU that tlie, be Hi i, and then- iu Heir proper persons in 111 o-i lis k III Hie toreliooi, of said da) , i, ,l, the,r records, , iunui.itioi.s nml oih.-r reiiieml,r.iiic.- to do those tli.i.es hllllloll.-iroliiesiippitt4llitol. dotie. And t,; that are h"iiml by r coSIiiiaiiee. to pro.u ul nvainst Iho p.i.on. rs lll.il are or ius) lie ,u llpi Ja,l (id eoeiiiti ,,l oluinhla In 1,. tln-nnii.t Hi. re to prn,.cui n., ,a Uijil-I. Jutorsaj re pn-.t -d In Is- punctual in th'irat eiidainv asr- iaM) to Ih-nr not,,,.,, Dal.d at Idoum. b'lr!!. tho ,td dai ,,l Allmi.t. in ll. i..n. .,c . ., . i'i-.i..iil .iclit Ipindred uud .nl) ...in- ttii iii tii,-,t, ."ith. i-nr o tin imi. pend. nt i.rih. t nit-d utit , Auiertrn. itiod mo thu L'ouiiri.iiii.nlili. i.ij a, irni JtHIX Vlli.K t'.tr ,.7j:rnnf",u,,!Pt'US t0 COIIIII.CIICC) HoilO.i adal liianufarliirers rf- t K,'If '""i.V1." ''" "''" lur'1" ''"tru Iho '"""in l'l.iusa:c l IIAItTMAS'S III t I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers