Cuhunlmi Utraarrot EDUWHY LKVI L. TATH,. mOl'IlUJTOIl. BLOOMSBURG , PA. JATffnrTAY MORNINO, 3r, 1881;" "' DEMOCRATIC liO M I N A 'HONS. iushieskntativj:, JLEVI li. TATI2, Ah1I Is tas ibdfioa s (As Htpnttntatlvt CVnsrsacs. snr.nivr, JOSIAII II. FURMAN. ASSOCIATE JUIH1E8, JOHN McRUYNOLDS, STEPHEN BALDY. TBEArjUKBR, JAMES 8. McNINCII. CO.MM1SSIONF.I1, CHARLES II. HESS. COIlO.NXIl, JAMES LAKE. auditor., JOnX F. FOWLER. AaTicLt 1. Congress shall make no law respecting ft estahli-hmcul of religion or prohibiting the tree el ercisethereot ; or Abridge the Freedom of Speech, or of tho Freii t or tliv right of ttiu people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a rebress of grievances. Conttitullu fifth! Umttd Statcl. Altlilvfl Ttint lliai.rlndim ah nil t... f.nn tn eterypersnnulionnderlnxestofxamiiiethe proceedings of the legislature, or any branch of government ; and I no law shall evir he made to restrain the rich! thereof, The free communication of thoughts and opinions isl;n cunnnrr. til "Sir Lincoln when Ilia ou.oftha Invaluable rilhts of man ; and every citl-1 ?DS support 10 Jir. liincoiu wuiu ms zan may freely speak, onto and print on any subject; inauguration Was lUCnaCCll, and WllCtl .ccu-tW supremacy of the constitution was the official conductor officers, or men in puidic capacity, assailed by tho practiccl assertion of the or utitre the mutter published is proper for public ill-I ... J . . .1 t -formation, the truth thereof may bo given in evidence; i right 01 SCC0S51OD. UUt tllC UCmOCracy and in all Ihdictmeiits for libels, the Jury shall have a .l:,! nn4 Rn rm tlioir linnrir np t linir Rnfftv right to determine the law and the facts, under the di-1 J"11 not SO read lUOir UOnor Or lUCir SaiCiy. ruction of the court, it ill other case. CVajfitutie of PERSONAL. We need oioncy badly, and it v. ill be n rcry great re lief to.uslf our friends and patrons will furnish uswilh littlu of the -'needful1 without delay, if they cannot pay all, let them at least give us a parr of that to which wo are Justly entitled, in order to relievu us fromour embarrassments. V think we hae buen very indul gent, and therefore hope to meet with a ready responsu to w hat we conceivu to be a reasonable request. We shall bepreparedto receive ourfriends at the office, nnd fur riish them promptly with receipts for whatever amounts they may desire, l'ersons at a distance, nnd those ro. siding out of tho county, can remit by mall ut our risk, Come, friends, give us a lift without longer delay, as wcmuithave money to keep the old CoLtraou Demouut m motion. tST Hon. CiUKLKd II. BucKAi,EAr,and family, relumed on last Thursday, from Saiuth America. Tho President's Proclamation for tho ohifirvati(.a of n dnv nf trpTirrnl TinnnlintTnii and prayer for tho "rc-estabUshment of Xat,OnDEii,nnd PEACE throughout tho , J o eountry," will be found in this Columbia) Democrat. Last year when tho then Exccu- j tive issued a similar requisition upon the , Christian community, such Union-saving Republicans, as Dr. John, said "it was ttttin tlin oldsinner wnnlil MiiinPrsvi'i's. . --o - J Unlike them, wc advise tho religious ob- servance of this occasion, by every citizen in onr wliolo country .North and South territory, or for revenge; but simply and East and West. j exclusively a war for tho Union. The ob- jeet in view should never be lost sight of. tXf There is a clasa of Repub.ic an cdi- II men talk of prosecuting tho war for tors who expect to carry their party do- other purposes than tho restoration of tho signs by intimidation. Is such a line of Union, they do not sympathiso with tho conduct proper in a frco and christian great purpose of tho Nation. If men ad country ? Wo imagine not. And wo havo vocatc poaeo at'thc cost of separation, they more confidence in good sense, justice and are equally hostile. In no event ought wa independence of the people, of all parties, ' agree to a dissolution of tho Union. In than to suppose that they would cudorso It. If carried out, it must lead to anar- chy at homo-one of tho most horriblo evils that could bo brouchtunon anv com-'siblo vrmnit. .nil nr. itin morn rvmtomnlntinn nf which every good citizen should stand gbast. Columbia Democratic Coureutiou. Tho proceedings of tho Columbia County Democratic Convention, held on last Mon- day at Bloomsburg, appear in full in this " Columbia Democrat." Every township st .i..i.. i ..Iii- " in the county was duly and legally rcpro-, sentcd iu tho person of two of their best ... . , .tj,!.- w ,Aoft 1, nuu bituiu toiiuw iu. tuv iiuiovab of measuring strength in support of tLo ' claims of their favorite candidate for uomi nation for which they fiercely nnd hono rably contended end as tho proceedings of llie (Convention w.n fair v conducted, it is but proper to say, that the Delegates , " w K' ". norney discharged their various duties with fidelity , ahrS sh" tl "0lHt' fr ot,hcr and to satisfaction. May such ever be man'.,save' rerhaPs 1Iorac0 Qrccly, has tho record of the great Democratic Party i contnbuted so largely to hasten our Na of Columbia I t'ona' ru'n" 'iaa Deon fr tH0 last far m ' years, in close communion with tho Abo- Tho Democracy Firm. u.l, leader3' wLo ,hav0 bccynsascd in 'plotting treason, and heaping slander upon Wc had many opportunities, last week, head3 rf ouf safcst aD(1 beJt ofconvsrsing with Democrats from all , rf part3 of the county, and found but one de termination to exiit among them to stand by their old time-tried principles and or ganization. Thoy "see through" the "trap" tet by the Ilepullican leaders, and will not bo gulled into it. They know and feel that tho Democratic party has always been tho true Union party always "right on tho record"-always for the country and its sacred constitution. So convinced, they sec no reason why their party should bo abandoned, but havo every reason for adhering to and preserving it. If tho Op position, in their weakness, find it ncccsary to chango their name, they have tho right to do so, but that is no argument for Dem ocrats to follow them, Tho Dumocracy were, a few months ago, derisively styled "U.MON-savers." They aro willing to wear that name, now and hereafter. Their flag is and a. tho country. always have bcon tho flag of Atrocious Sentiment. Tho Philadelphia Inquirer a. Rcpubli can organ in its attempt to justify tlio attacks upon the Dcniocratio printing presses throughout tho country, lias tho following editorial sentiment in its issue of Wednesday last : " Heing in a stato of war, ire must adopt tho lloman maxim and set asulc the laics WHICH CONTEMPLATE ONLY THE CONDITIONS OF PEACE." Set asido tho laws, because they are not intended to have any binding effect in time of war. They wcro only enacted for a timo of peace. This is tho atrocious doc trino inculcated by a newspaper making somo pretentions to respectability ! It is enough to make every law-abiding citizen start back with horror from tho tcrriblo nbyss to which wo aro rapidly drifting.' What I No law, but mob law, in timo of war no person to bo safe in his person or property 1 Is this tho cntcrtainmoiit to which frco American citizens arc invited by the organs of tho party now in power ! Tho protection of all law to bo taken off. nnd the wildest anarchy and confusion and bloodshed to rulo supremo! May kind Heaven avert tho frightful catastropho which seems to bo rapidly approaching. The Democracy. The New York Timet, a Republican print, tells tho following truth : "It would havo been casy,pcrhaps,for the democratic masses of the frco States to haVO OYCrtbrOWU tliO COTCrDDlCDt and per ,, j ri it t .. - r. mancntlv dlSSOVCrcd tho Union, by TClUS j.hey iovcu tneir country moro man party and In Mr. Lincoln they .saw, not tho sue. ccisful partisan oandidatc, but the consti tutional President of tho United States. And, therefore, they supportcd-not grudg ingly, but heartily as earnestly and zeal ously, in fact, as if had been their own party leader in tho cauvasd that preceded his election." We commend this to our rabid partizan friends who insist npon reviving the wasted issues of the past, and in the very midst of a desultory war, clutching for the spoils of offico with as much avidity as if wc were in the midst of prosperity and peace. If President Lincoln believes the abovo ex tract let him practice upon it. If his followers and chieftains desire to end this war and recstablish the Union, thsy must cultivate the good will of all, and proro ' their devotion to principle by somo other j .1 .i i r i Procc53 ,ua" " E"" '"P'i officc3 ..... Where WO Stand. Tuo narrisburg Patriot says that no ' war or pcal:o h d0fcnsiblo which is bascd , upon the Mon of tbo scparation 0f these' Stales. Thn sr-nlimont U im.t nnrl nntrW- -ri ..! r t.. tt!. s. I iv" "v .eaiviuuuu UL W1U ouiuu la luu great purpose of tho war it is not a war for subjugation, or for tho acquisition of every event, whether conducting war or arranging terms of peace, tho Union must ( bo uppermost. No war or poaeo is defen-1 which is based upon tho idea of tho ' ultimate ECnaration nf tliftan ! ii Now and Then. Wo publish on our ' out-sido this week an extract from the ad-. dresses of tho Democratic Stato Committco ",uu "' r ,as thon CunlrmaD- lhc predictions then ulado Mr- mcy, aro now being ful- Clled t0 tbo ? ttcr, yet who would havo supposed that any man carrying an locn f ti. it' tj i "J, ""tho lath dav of September. 18(il. to nom- havo supposed that any man carrying an icnc urn ossisi 10 iuiu uuuub witat itir, Forney seemed (0 much to deprecate and 1 ueuut iu iouu u uissumutm ui mc Union t The impartial historian of the " Dcclino and Fall " cf tho American llenublio .- 1 1 V- L ' - - If Tl jtSTTho "National Zeitung" is tho name of a German paper recently started in New York City, " for tho purpose of aiding in rescuing this country from tho consequences of this horrible war.1' " It is the only straight-out German Peace Paper now published in this country." Tho "National Zeitung " is a beautiful, large, doublo sheet paper, fine largo typo, and got up in excellent stylo. Address "National Zeitung," No. 49 Chatham Street, New York. lion. nENDMCK B. Wnionr, mem ber of Congress from this District, has our thanks for a copy of tho " Acts and reso lutions passed during tho first session of tho Thirty-Seventh Congress." t6r Tho Ladies' (Ohio) Repository, the favorito Magazine of tho West, is upon our ) Maga Tabl fer September. f uo. iurn;in!lto Uyo cnaMBs for tb'c ncxt Legisla Columbia County DomocratiOl Tho ad, 3d, 4th, and nth ballots wercl ConVOntion. . tic, and upon tho Cth ballot Fiirtnan ro- Agrecably to notice given by tho Stanil-j ceived twenty.five votes and Billmcycr ing Committco, tho Delegates elected by tweiity-tbrco, whereupon Furman was dc thc Demoeratio voters of Columbia County clarcd honornbly nominated. Tho vote on Saturday tho iMth inst., met in Con-. stood as follows : ventiOn, at tho Court Houso in .Blooms- Fuiiman Bower, Shuman, Brcdben burgon Monday, tho Gthof Augu'st,1801, ller) Hngonbuch, Frcas, King, Kuittlc, atl o'clock, p. hi., for tho purpose 0f a-'"ngcr, Dogart, Albertson, McBrido, . . .... , . . i Shugars, Bowman, (lirton, Fruit, Mouser, forming a county ticket and nominating, I Hoimbach, Shiptnan, Zciglcr, Herring, cxprcssivo of tho choice of this county, a , Bellas, Shoemaker, Hunter, lint, Jacoby. candidate for tho Lcgistaturo, to bo sup ported at tho coming general election Tho townships wore all by sound democrats. c.ii.. ..i fully represented On motion of Iraui Dorr, of Jaekson,the Hon. GEORGE SCOTT, of Cattawissa, was chosen Chairman of tho Convention. On motion, Peter Ent, of Scott, and Jons G-. FntEZE, of Bloom wcro made Secrotarici. On motion of John Fiuit, of Madison, tho townships wcro called over in alpha betical order, and tho delegates presented their credentials as follows : Bloom Jno. 0'. Freeze, David Lowcn berg. Borough Berwick Hudson Owcu,Froas Fowler. Briarcreck Jacob B. Mastellcr, Ooo1 M. Bower. Benton Rohr McIIenry, William llulmo. Beaver Andrew Sliumau,Nathan Bred bender jr. Centre Androw Frcas, Jeremiah Ila- gcubuch. Cattawissa Gcorgo Scott, D. C. Gear hart. Conyngham Jos. B. Knittlo, James A King. Franklin John Mcnsch, J, S. Fahriu- gcr. Fishiugcrcok J. II. Millard, Jas. Ed gar. Greenwood Andrew J. Albeitson,Sam- ucl Bogart. Hemlock Hugh D. McBrido, George L. Shoemaker. Jackson Iram Dcrr, Thos. W. Young. Locust William B. Goodman, Muyber ry Snyder. .Maine J. Slmgars, Henry Bawman, Mifflin Lewis Eekroat, Samuel Nuss. Montour Jos. Mouser, Peter Hcim bach. Madison Jacob M. Girton.John Fruit. Mt. Pleasant Jno. Shipiuc.u, Daniel Zeiglcr. Orange William Bellas, John Herring. Pine Jos. Shoemaker, John W. JInu. icf noarinL'crcok Chas. Lovan, Henry . . Hclwig. Sugarloaf David Lewis, Mont, Colo. co" Peter Ent, John U. Jacoby. 0n mot!on tho CouvcBtion proceeded to ako a nomination for tho Legislature. U(It0W l''rca3 nominated Levi L. Tate. oflloom' John Fruit nominated John A. Funst- on, of Madison, Tho nominations here closed and the Convention took a vote as follows : i Tate Freeze, Lowcnhcrg, Owcn,Bow cr, Mastellcr, Shumau,Urcdbender, Gear hart, Hagenbuoh, Frcas, King, Knittlo, rahrinaer, Mensch, McJJride, buviler Shugars, Bowman, Eekroat, Nuss, Mouser I lleimbach, tihipiuan, Zcigler, Lewis, Cole '20. I Funs ton Fowler, McIIenry, Hulmc, soott, milliard, i-idgar, Uogart,.VIhertson, Shoemaker, Dcrr, l'oung, Goodman, Gir- ton, Fruit Herring, Bellas, Shoemaker, Hunter, Hclwig, Lovan, hut, Jacoby. Thus will it be seen that Levi L. Tate wail nominated upon the first ballot, ho having received tWOnty-iix VOtCS OUt of lorty eight. On motion the following resolution was adopted : . '""'"f'. Ttat Hudson Owen, of Ber- land aro hereby appointed Rcprscutative Conferees from Columbia County, to meet similar Conferees from tho other counties . of this Representative District, at the Ex- c.hanS0 .Hotel, in Bloomsburg, on Friday, hick, uu uuuu u. Steele, 01 UlOOUl, uo ture On motion of John G. Freeze tho Con vention next proceeded to nominate a can didato for Sheriff. Jorcmiah Hagenbuoh nouiinatcd Josiah II. Furman, of Bloom. David Loweubcrg nominated Peter Bill meycr, of Bloom. After tho abovo nominations wcro made John G, Frcczo roso and read the Conven tion tho following which explains itself. Bloomsburg, Aug. 20, 1801. 2b the Democratic Convention of Columbia County. Having been named as a candidato for tho nomination of Sheriff at this Conven tion, I would respectfully withdraw my nauio from coming before you in that po sition, and decline being a candidato. j. n. Giiour.. Tho nominations hero being closed, the Convention took a ballot, which stood as follows : Billmeyeu Frcezo,Lowcnbcrg,Owcn, Fowler, Mastellcr, McIIenry, Hulmu, Scott, Gcarhart, MilUrd,Kdgar, Fahring er, Derr, Young, Mcnsoh,Shocmaker,Sny der, Goodman, Kckroat, Mouser, Hclwig, Lcvan, Lowis, Cole 21, Fuiiman Bower, Shuman, Brcdbcu der, Hagenbuoh, Frcas, King, Knittlo, Bogart, Albertson, shugars, Bowman, Nuss, Girton, Fruit, Ilciuibach, Shipman, Zeiglcr, Herring, Bellas, Shoemaker, Hun ter. 21. Lakk McBride, Ent, Jacoby. a. Thero being no nomination elected on the first ballot, tho second was called for, but before proceeding tho nauio of James Lake vas withtJrawu. Frccro, Lowcnhcrg, Ow- on, Fowler, Mastellcr, McIIenry, Hu QchaHj m Edg' Mw Shoemaker, Dcrr, Young,(!oodman, ! liullno, ensch, ouiiK.l.ooilman, Bny der, Eekroat, Nuss, Hclwig, Lovan, Low Tho Convention then proceeded to tho nomination of a candidate for Treasurer. Peter Ent nominated William T. Shu' man of Maine. George Scott nominated Jas. S. Me Ninch, of Cattawissa. There being no moro nominations made, the Convention took a vote, which resulted in McNinch receiving thirty votes and Sliuman eighteen. McNiiich was declared the regular nominee. Tho voto was as fol lows : McNinch Freeze. Lowcnborc. Owen. Fowler, Bower, Mastellcr, llulmo Scott. Gcarhart,King,Knittlo,Fahringur, Mcnsch McBrido, Shoemaker, Derr, Young,Good- c 1 n!. nr.. it.T i i uuiu, oujuvi, vuriuu, inousur, iiciuiDacn Shipmau, Zeigler, Shoemaker, lluutcrj iiciwig, i.evau, Xicwis, uolc. yu. Shuman McIIenry, Shumnn, Bred bender, llaf-cnbuch, Frcas, Millard, Ed gar, Bogart. Albertson, Shugars, Bawman Eekroat, Nuss, Fruit, Herring, 15ollas, Ent, Jacoby. 18. Nest in order was the selection of a candidato for County Commissioner. Androw Shumnn nominated Franklin L. Shumnn, of Beaver. No other nominations for this offico wcro made, and upon taking a ballot Hess was duly chosen, as will be scn by tho follow ing vote : Hebs Freeze, Lowenberr'.Owcn.Fow- lor, Bower, Mastellcr, McIIenry, Hulmc, Hagenbuoh, Frcas, Scott, Gcarhart, Mil lard, i.Ugar, Uogart, Albertson, McBrido, Derr, Young, Goodman, Shugars, Baw- , .hckroat, JNuss, .bruit, lleimbach. Shipman, Zciglcr, Herring, Bellas, Shoe maker, Hunter, Ent, Lewis, Cole. 35. Shuman,Brodhendcr, knittlo King, Mcnsch, Fahringer, Shoemaker, Snyder, Girton, Mouser, Hclwig, Lcvau Jacoby. 13. On motion tho Convention proccded to select two candidates, for Associato Jud ges. John irtut nominated Stephen ISaldy.of Cattawissa. Andrew Frcas nominated Jno, Mcltcy- nohh of Hemlock. A. J, Albertson nominated Jacob Ev ans, of Greenwood. Peter Ent nominated Georgo Mack of The nominations hers closed, and upon taking a vote Baldy and Mclleydolds were nominated on the first ballot. Baldy re ceived 37 votes : McRuynolds 33 : Evans 10, and Mack 10. On motion of John G. Freeze the Con vention nominated John F. Fowler, of Pino for Auditor by acclamation. James Lake, of Scott, was nominated by acclamation for the office of Coroner. Un motion tho Chair appointed tho fol lowing gentlemen a Committee on resolu tions : T,n.m TW, Volo,. Av,,1M J. G. Freeze Joseph B. Knittlo, Jo'hu Fruit, David Loweubcrg. j On motion of David Loweubcrg tho fol lowing named gentlemen were appointed as tho Democratic Standing Committee for tho ensuing year : Bhom Win. H. Jacoby. Jlor. ficruick Hudson Owen. Benton Itohr McIIenry. Mifflin Stephen Poe. Centre Jeremiah Hagenbuch. CattaivissaJ. K. Bobbins. Greenuood Androw J. Albertson. Maine Johu M. Nuss. Tho following resolutions were offered by the Chairman of tho Committee on res olutions and adopted unanimously by tho Convention. ltesolvcd, That tho Democratic party of Columbia County is now as it has ever been in favor of tho unbroken Union of theso States that wo will maintain the Constitution, the Government and laws, and that wo will sustain the prcsont admin istration in all lawful and Constitutional measures for suppressing rebellion, restor ing tho Union and enforcing the laws. Reiolved, That whilo wc arc in favor of supporting and sustaining tho Uovcrnmcnt, we arc nevertheless in favor of the admin istration entertaining the first honorable propositions for Peace, looking to the con tinued Union and equality of all tho Stato. JlcHolvetl, That wo pledge ourselves to uso our best endeavors to sccuro the elec tion of tho ticket this day put in nomina tion. On motion tho Convention adjourned sine die. en (As Cclunthui (OA io) statrtmait, Tho Democracy in Earnest. Tho Democracy of tho State arc going to work iu earnest. In almost every coun ty tho calls of tho local committees arc out for County and Senatorial Conventions, to present candidates for tho fall Cam paign. In a short timo every county and district will havo its sound Dcmocratio U nion ticket iu tho field, and the grand ar ray will move forward with a united ener gy that will defy iu any feeble opposition that may bo got up against us" Every thing looks well, and there docs not now appear lo be any doubt about tho result of the contest. All eyes aro turned to tho Dcmocratio organization, and its success is deemed essential to tho preservation of the Uuiou. Bir.r.MEVEn- The Democratic Convention. j Every district was fully represented in tho Dcniocratio Convention on Monday, and although much personal prefcreno existed in regard to candidates, wo never know a political body to bo so entirely unanimous in its general purposes, nor ouo to pass off so entirely satisfactory to all interested. The candidates nomiuatcd are eminent ly worthy, whether as citizens, Dnmocrats, or business men, and will rcccivo tho en thusiastic support of every genuino Demo crat. The nominations, though conducted in several instances with much spirit, were all fairly an honornbly mado. Tho reso lutions speak tho sentiments of tho parly in this county, and are eminently national and patriotic. Indeed wo do not see how any fair man can find fault with any thing that was done. Assembly Co. L. L. Tati: received tho nomination of this county, over his op ponent, John A. Funston, for this impor tant and honcrablo position. Wo have no doubt that the other counties composing the District will concur in this nomination. This county is entitled to ono Member and Wyoming the other. Tho person presented by this county is known as a man of ago and experience, and if nomina ted by tho Representative Confercnco his election is a forcgono conclusion. Sheriff Vor this office the Democracy of Columbia saw proper to nominate Jo SIAH H. Fuiiman a very worthy gentle man, indeed : and withal a sound demo cratic Union man. Ho is satisfied with the Constitution as it is written, nnd is willing to sustain tho administration in all Constitutional mcasurs. Mr. F. docs not enjoy the acquaintauco of the pcoplo of Columbia county to as largo an extent as the balance of tho ticket, but wo will ven turc to say this much for him, that there is not a moro pleasing, honorahlo, worthy and honest man upon the tiokct than the person in question, and if clcctod, (we will vouoh tho assertion) will make a most cap ital officer. Julges It will bo seen by the proceed ings of tho Convontionjthat thero wcro four candidates for this offico. Wo elect two this fall, howovor. Tho successful ones wcro John MeRKV.oLDS,of Hemlock, and Stephen Baldt, of Cattawissa. They were chosen on tho first ballot, over their opponents, Evans and Mack. Mr. Baldy is at present ono of our Associate Judges, filling the vacancy caused by the death of Peter Kline. Tho nominees aro well qualified for tho position thoy aipiro to, and with fair dealing will be elected. Measurer. For this most important office in tho gift of the pcoplo of this coun try, wo placa before you for your support an amply qualified and tried person James S. McNi.scn, of Cattawissa, prede ccssor of the present worthy incumbent. This office is of great importance to the tux-payers, thcrctoro wo would eitccm it highly important that thoy should seo to clcctiug a man who has proved himself an efficient and ablo officer. His nomination over a very cstimablo young man Wil liam T. Sliuman speaks much in his fa vor. Ho will bo triumphantly elected. Commissioner Thero did not seem to bo much strife for this office. The people pretty generally conceded tho nomination I " vam.iu.u. ivHAHbbb U. tn ll.n a..nnAC..I At.rnA. I St I Uess of MiU1!n- 3Ir' U- is nn llonost) intelligent and industrious farmer, posses sing all tho qualifications to make a good officer. He knows well how taxes aro oarned, henco wc have reason to suppose that he will prove a judicious and careful Commissioner. For Auditor, the Convention nominated John F. Fowler, of Pino, who, wo no doubt will givo general satisfactiou as an officer, and make a btrong acquisition to the board of Auditors. Jamks Laki:, of Scott, was nomioatcd for tho offico of Coronor. Ilo will make a good .officer. Success lo him and tho wholo ticket. Star of the North. "Wo Still Live." 8oma of our moro virulent Itepuhlican enemies bavo been busily at work the past few days, circulating a report that within a week wo had lost some two hundred sub scribers. Our patrons are not quite such stupid creatures as our enemies would have tho public bclievo. Wo havo lost, so far just ten subscribers, nnd this number cm braces those shrewd (') business men, iu this place, who, by their actions in con spiring to withdraw from us their adver tising patronago, would indicate that thoy vish to havo no dealings with Democrats. As an offset to the action of theso conspi rators, wo nro pleased to say that more than that number wcro added to our list yesterday, through the exertions of our staunch Dcmocratio friend, Mr. Ammcr uian, of Sagoburg, Ho, and others, as suro us that this is but the beginning. Let the good'ork go on. Danville Intelligencer. S" Tho Trenton Truo American very properly takes exception to tho classifica tion of that papor as "Secession" by the New York Herald. Tho application of tbi3 term to papers which do not approvo of tho action of tho President, and which favor pcaco rather than war, is gross jus. ticc, but wo suppose will bo persisted in, as long as politioal objects can be thus ac complished. The truo Union papers arc those which insist upon a strict observance of Constitutional obligations. Journal of Commerce, Mifflin Domocratio Mooting. A Mass .Meeting of tlio Democratic eltlKens of Cotitm. bla, Luzerne, Montour and Kcliujlkill counties vaslield on Friday last, tlio Sid of August, at lbs l'ubiia House of Join Kkllkr, In Mlflllntlllc. It was largely attended and Hie err best order prevailed. Tie meeting was organized by appointment of the following officers : ANimuw nuiAtf, rMurnitJim. lire rri,(sts Samuel Creasy, Michael Uavert, Aaron Andrens, ti. U. M, Yantr., Jcb llartsil, alert , Peter flearliart. Lewis llckrnt. Jacob Yolie. John Mi cliucl. Ilelil. Yoho. Christian voir, uijnii vone, litnry Uel as, Jolin rlnyder, Jacob Ewenpenhclier, rJecrtarfc.-Lnwrenre Waters, Alcm tl. Tate, Win. li. jacouy, William Krickuamn. Mcssers. TtTit and Hakes wen tho speakers. Col. Tato opened the meeting by annouhclng that llliad been called In pursuance to tho first arlideof llicConstitiitlon oi me unneu oiaies, miicu guarantees me " rigiu nt me people peaceably to assemble," and the ninth article of tho (Janstltiittun of Pennsylvania, wherein "cvrry citl ccn may freely spenk, nriu or print on any subject, be. iog responsible for tho abuse of tlitt liberty." Tho speaker adverted dispassionately to the state of the eountry, its present alarming rebellious condition and of ihe fearful crisis II was approaching. Ilo eihort cd tlio people to exercise patience, tlisiretlon, and calm ttess loyally to the Union and the Constitution (Hie course atnajs pursued by the democratic parly,) to uphold atl its provisions la their true letter nnd spirit, and never to vinlnto Its provisions under the pretence of maintaining its cturicney and supremacy, ltvery democrat In the Noith, lie fearlessly averred, uns and ever had been for the t'nton. That was the party and foe only party, V.I10 originally made the country, had over sixty years preserved tho Constitution, and tvilh whom alone was the hope of the Union Our Father's unbroken heritage, lie calmly, honestly And legally invcitigaled the official actions of tho State and national administration. Hp thnved their great official deretic' tlons and provod otcry position advanced by the publlu records. Da Harcs was called to tie; rostrum. He mado a titling speech of over one liourin length, during whiih In: closely scrutinized the acts of the powers that be, the Inconsistency of thlr ndiiiiiiistrntlte policy nnd ex posed the abuse of the trust confided to their hands. He deprecated the doctrine of ri hellion and secession shone! that it neter had originated n llh the democratic parly or wns it encouraged by their practice, Hu d( fen ded the rights of tho soldiers who were bravely serving their country tfiisight they ought to hu better paid and fairly treated and predicted the day of reckoning was coming which would cansu a rattling, if not ofdr, bones a correction of existing abuses and corruptions. Dr. 11. advocated the rights of the tahttrinjf mnn o,er the entrvathmenti 1 ntgrvialtr opposed the Importation of colored porsuiis in our State, thought there should hu u law enacted to prevent their tnigr.itioit here took a vote oil tho subject mid if w as carried vnanimtnttly iu the nllirmative. (VYe omit the resolutions this week for want of room. A Roign of Terror. The Lancaster Intdligcnicr says, the Democracy must prepare to maintain their rights under tho Constitution, if need be, nt tho point of tho sword, Tho bitterness and malignancy of tho Republican leaders have reached n point, that it becomes tho bounden duty of every Democrat and of overy real friend of the Union and the Constitution to stand up manfully iu de fence of their persons and property, and of their saored rights to dUcus the meas ures and policy of our rulers. Since the elevation of Mr. Jkfi'kiison to the Presi dency sixty years ago, to the present time these rights havo never been assailed ; but now a second " Roign of Terror," more odious than tho first, has been inaugurated, and every man who presumes to speak or write or publish aniUnrig in opposition to tho " powers that be" is hunted down as a traitor, and' his life and property placed iu jeopardy. Wo arc no longer frco men in this herctoforo froo Ropublio. The country is rapidly verging to a military despotism, and unless the honest masses rise in their might and show an unmistako able determination to defend themselves and their property at overy hazard, wo bball become the moat abject slaves to tho veriest tyranny that hn3 disgraced the nineteenth century. Tho Democracy hero and every where I elso throughout the frco States havo op posed tlio heresy ot secession and stood by by tho Constitution and tho Union, and will do so to the end of this unnatural and suicidal war- Nay moro, thoy havo nobly volunteered by tens and hundreds of thousands to defend tho flag of our com mon country, and to save tho Union from tbo bands of tho spoiler; and they tcill continue to do so as long as the tear shall last. But they will no longer tamely sub mit to the threats and indignities of a viru lent and usprincipled political foo, whoso ill-gotten power has mado them insolent and overbearing in the highest degree. The Republican leaders aro evidently bent on inaugurating a civil war in our midst. They are not satisfied with tho war fur tho Union, now being waged by onr gallant troops, and which may tako years to bring to a successful issue ; bnt they must needs produce violence nnd bloodshed hero nt home, where all ought to bo union and harmony in defence of our time-honored institutions. It therefore becomes the De mocracy to bucklo on their armor and prepare to defend their rights at all haz ards, not as aggressors, but as defenders of Constitutional law, order nnd civil lib erty. In no instance should thoy com menco tho conflict ; but, if attacked, thoy should not merely defend themselves, their families and property from violence, but likowiso retaliate by " carrying tho war into Africa" and giving their black-hearted enemies their fill of it. Our motto is PEACF, LAW OIIDISB. ; but no in sultno personal or unprovoked attack no reign of terror should for ono moment be tolerated by any true-hoartcd Democrat and lover of his country. Wo repeat, let us ono and all bo determined that, knowing our rights, wo daro and will maintain thorn at any anU overy hazard. BQ-Tho Pottsvillo Standard says : "Wo utter what wo know to bo tho prevailing sentiment among tho Domocraoy of Penn sylvania when wo counsel them to stand by their organization in a spirit of patri otic devotion to the Constitution and Union. Show our rulers that whilst Democrats wiill sustain tho Government, thevwill not endorso Republican misdeeds. Let the' despised 'Union-savers' rally to tho do. fence of the Constitution, nominato can didates for tho Legislature, as well as for tho other offices, and tho pcoplo are ready to conio to their support." Shall wo havo Poaeo P Tho present deplorable situation of our country is truly alarming, and should ex cito every man to notion who is capablo of originating a single human reflection. Notwithstanding our boasted intclligenro as n pcoplo, says tho Cttarfitld liepubli' can, no man can fail to seo that our wit- ..-tl.t I l t'lil . - ... troubles, and that wo aro fast drifting into , , . , , , a tOUndlCSS SCft of confusion and anaf chy. Do our pCOplo forget that this boasted in tclligenco can do them no good as long at they refuse to excrciso this advantage, thsy possess by means of this intelligent I Do they forget that virtue is not hereditary, and that national folly often usurps tho placo of national wisdom T Wo assume that, setting asido n c:rtia class of mad-caps and fanatics both North and South, all tho rest of tho American psoplo havo or had but a fow months ago but ono national hopo and object, via tho preservation of tho Union, tho Consti tution, our present form of representative government, anil tho perfect equality of tho several States. That all theso bless ings nro now in most imminent danger of destruction, cannot bo denied. Havo our public rulers mado uso of tho proper efforts to avert this threatened ruin I Boforo s nation takes up tho sword it is bound to exert every effort to effect a peaceful set tlement of tho matters in di.iputr. If it fails to do so a just God will hold suoh nation responsible for all the horrors of tho war thus rashly commenced. Have wo ns a nation exhausted all tho means at our command to effect a peaceful settle ment with tho Southern States! Were thero not somo things left undone, that should have been dono, to effoct a recon ciliati on, before wo put on tho habiliment of war ? Are tve now doing that which u required of us as a God-fearing and God. adoring people, to stay Oujlow of fraternal Llo xl ! Wo aro aware that it will b answered, that the Confederates " struck tho first blow" that tho attack npon Fort Sumter made the Secessionists tho aggressors, and justiftcd ,1 roort to war on the part of the federal government. Grant all this. Still wo should remember that this blow, and this insult, came not from a foreign nation and government, but from mistaken and niiguided members of our own household children of the same parentage with us and that whilst the parental rod of cor rection may bo properly used, no feeling of vengeance should bo harbored. Na tions, like individual-!, should not disregard tho lessons given us by our Divine Teacher on this point. Tho first great ohjoct of our government should bo l'KACC. A government that cannot live in peace with its citizens, or which is unablo to give peace to them, U worse than no government at all. We aro thereforo for peace a peace that will be ' honorable and enduring. Or, hatisg no confidonco in tho efforts now making t conquer a peaco by the sword, wo aro iu J favor of at least trying to negotiate pcae. upon Miint terms it is poissiblo to ettcd a. reconciliation, we shall not attempt to paint out. It may bo impossible. Bnt beforo we go further in this work of wido-apread and universal destruction, lit m at Itatt ascertain tits fact that reconciliation it impossible. It has been said that peace presents it self in but two forms reconciliation, or, separation. Tho former is what every patriot mutt desiro. Wo doubt its possi bility oven now ; but most inevitably a continuance of tho war will render recon ciliation still-mora impossible. Thcrsfor every man who hopes for a reconciliation and a reconstruction of tho now dissevered Union should uso his influonco to effect a cessation of hostilities until proper efforts for reconciliation aro mado. Who can sco ought elso bnt separation inevitable and final in n further proso cution of tho war ? This is now candidly admitted by somo of tho leading journals in tho advocacy of tho war, tho Chicago homo organ of President Lincoln among tho number; and that tho war must bo further prosecuted in order to demonstrate to tho world that tho South, in case ot scparation, would be tho woakor party 1 Will tho pcoplo submit lo bo taxed, nnd to have their posterity burdened with 6 national debt that will eat out their sub stance for generations to come, for a pur pose so unbecoming a christian nation ! If separation 7iiust come if thero is no other escape for us in God's name let us havo it without tho shedding of any moro blood. We know that to raiso our voice in bo half of pcaco, is to incur tho denunciation of tho " On to Richmond " brood of politico-military quacks, and perhaps tho still severer denunciation of that other class whose watchword is "no compromiso with rebels in arms." But we love our oountry moro than wo hato thoso who seek to do spiso it. Blcsiod with poaeo, a fow years will euffico to rcstoro it ns tho greatest powci on earth henco denunciation is without any terrors. War is disunion i War is final, eternal separation," said th late Sonator Douglas. If so, why continuo tbo war I A stato of pea?e cannot b'j wors, and is not one-tenth part as ox pensive. Those who opposo all efforts fus poaeo should furnish the pooplo with some good reason why tho war should bo con-, tinued. Until this is dono thoso who nro ontrustcd with tho administration of public affairs must bo held responsible as well for what is, as for what is not dono.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers