QVfjttcultuvc, ihlling cokn. Tho Hunt! ltcg!tcr lias an nrt'tcla from ono of its correspondents on tlio culture of ... i ,, corn, lrom wiiiou wo raalto tub lonowing 1 l extract : rv. .i t.) .,!., ,. -,,.,,r- nnrn ual J """u ""-"'B"' fa " field of a quarter of an aero, wo sat down a lialf hour ami studied diligently thoDoyouvnntsiiJiniitpi.i:sT character of tho rootlcH everywhere about I luiiiiuuui uin j U3 raUiatlllg iront mu uulu miutvaj nym one to three inches above tho surface of tho ground. It occurred to us that nature designed them for something else than mere ornaments ; and that if the requisite mate rial for their full dcvclonctiieiit were sup plied, they might become roots and add something to the vigor of tho f talk. So, iu order to make our experiment a fair test, wo set to work with .our hoc, and to each alternate hill wo drew up tho earth, covering tho shoots to an average depth of eight inched. After an interval of two weeks, wo found upon examination, that wo had a set of vigorous top roota giving extra support to the stalk and imparting an extraordinary degree of vigor to its growth. Nearly every ttalk thus "hilled up," afford an extra car, grow ono fifth taller than those not hilled, and tho grain ripunod several days earlier. Hcnco wo have ever sinco argued that it is good economy to ' hill up" com ; but wo would remind tho farmer that it is n dangerous practice to run tho plough or cultivator so near tho stalks as to disturb tlio regular roots. A very simple aud efficient cross bar cultivator can bo arranged, so that with a light dip on cither side, tho two outer shares will throw sufficient earth to tho stalks, wi hout disturbing tho roots SLUGS IN STKAWI3EIUIY BEDS It sometimes happens that strawberry patohes. mulched with saw.dust or tanners bark, become iufuitcd with worms though in our experience, this seldom happens in tlte use of bark. Hut when this occurs, if tho bed is an old one, wo should advise breaking it up as soon as possible, killin tho slugs which come to light, and working into tho soil a trood dressin" of ashes or lime. It tho worm arc nut very numer ous, watch where they bury, and then cive a good soaking of tobacco water Make the decoction ai tho rata of ono pound of tobacco stems to thrco gallons of water : let it soak naif a day, stirring it occasionally, and then apply with a water ing pot. Wc Lavo known this to cxtcrmi nato euch 'Varmints' pretty effectually. When tobacco stems are not on hand, try salt and, water, at tho rate of half a pint of salt and two callous of water. The strawberry will endure salt about as well as asparagras. Sprinkle the b'iux on the infected districts at evening. HEAVES. The ''Farmer and Gardener" gives the following as a cure for tho heaves in hor ses : "Tako smart weed , steep it in boi 1 ing water till tho strength is all out ; give one .mart everv dav, mix with bran or shorts, for eight or ten days. Givo green or cut up feed, wet with water, duiing the operation, and it will cure." HAY-MAKING. As tho season for making hay is ap nroachins. wo will civo a few words of caution in advance. Don't try to dry your bay too much. Hay may bo dried till it i3 as worthless as straw. Asa good coffee-maker would say, "Don't burn your coffee, but brown it j" so wo say, don't dry your hay, but cure it. Our good old mothers who relied upon herb tea instead of "potecary medicine," gathered their herbs whon in blossom and enred them in tho shade. This is tho philosophy of making good hay. Cut in the blossom, and cure in tho shade. Tho sugar of the plant when it is in bloom, is in tho stalk, ready to form tho seeds. If tho plant is cut earlier the sugar is not there; if later tho sugar ha3 become eouvcrtcd to woody matter. Hay should bo well wilted in the sun, but cured iu tho cock. Hotter to be a little to green than too dry. If, on putting it into the barn, thero is danger of "heating on the mow," put on some salt. Cattle will like it nono the less. Heat, light, and dry winds, will coon tako tho starch and sugar, which constitute tho goodncts of hay, out of it j and with tho addition of a shower, 'render it almost worthless. Grass cured with the. least ex posurc to tho drying winds and soarchinj sunshine, is more nutritious than if longer exposed, however good tho weather may be. If ever cured, it contains more woody fibro and less nutritive matter. Tho truo art of hay-making, then, con- sists in cutting tho grass when tho starch and sugar aro most fully developed, and beforo they aro converted into seed and woody fibre ; and curing it up to tho joint when it will answer to put it into tho bam without heating, and no more, Ohio Farmer, The New York 2W sajs there lias linen a remarkable decreaso of cuiac in (bat .11." ...n. 1 . . ..,1 I NEW ANDSPLKNDID ASSOHTMHNT or AT mF.COHXf.lt Of v Main and Iron Streets, niOOMSSV&tii SPA- Do you warn HII.KHt Goto IMOWKIt'S llu Jo'il want LAVULLA CLOTH t (in to UilOWEH H llo you wont t'IIAI.1.1 lir.l.AlNl'.SI Go to lllltlWl'.ll rJ U.i nil wnu.TAHI.r. CllVl'.lia? I!u 10 llKUWIlH s Do you limit CLOTH llUSl I'.US 1 t!o to IlltOWKUH I In you n.nlFKCi.BTON BKIIlTlll Goto UKUWllKS no yon wain nit. lam iiu a 8KiiLT-auri:NDi:ibii floto nnownu'9 HotoimtlUTItS tio to llltOWI'.lt'S (!olo UltUWIllt'H t!o to llltOtVllH'rl Onto llWJUTIl'H liu to IIKOiUllt'H l!o to KliOWKlfU Doyon wnntMUSI.IXHI iioouaiitt;Ai.n;6iaj IM jrmi want LAWN 1 iiuyou wont i!Ai;r.isr.m Do j on not Dli HK(1 i:s I llo ynu want IIUSII'.ltY t Do you wantGt.OVIlrJI Do nu want II AMIKIXCllIlU'tt t Co to MlOU'llll'st l)vou.llilCAUn:TATinKM31 tlotollHOWUIfri K5 wSt mohir sirVre? ' Co to i .K (i m to niiutviiU'S notjllROWI'.ll'd (!olo muiU'Wt'H iioyou wnniuitoTuiiirrimAiiiH' Go to mio.VLirtt lliiiminaulTlDVCOlTONI On to imtnVUi'B iiuyou want I'lihii muni Goto BKOtVllU'S Do you want HlV SIIAIILS t In vim nnnt lI.MII&T.I.I.AS I Do you want OASSllUKIii'.S I Do you want PERSIAN PL .Ml) t llo you want LINO I'lllXKS t (lo to llllO.Vlllt'ri Co to UKOIVIIK'H Co to llROUTIl'H I do to I!l!OWi:ll'd nolo UltOlVKllH Gotoiiiiotviiit.s Co to IlKOHlllt.H Co to iiituwinri? i (io to l!IH)Vl:il H i CotoIJItOWKIfrt , coto miownii's I Do you want rraWALUS I llo you want JUAN'S f Da you want NANKKLXSI Do you want (UNCIIAMSJ liolou wani iiut-rti.ni llo ou wn nt CURTAIN' MlMN! Do i nu wnntCOI.'IM'A.MHKICii f do to DlttlWI'.lt'H co to imownirs ci to nitovi:ira Coto llllinVKR'S Co to JIKOlVmt'H on to iutovi:u'H Co to HROU'DK'H Co to IlItOtVKlt'M Co to nitovi:it's Do you want WIUT1I ouuns ( ).i jnu u.nl IIKMMS? Do ynu want PIl.llSIA ? Do you want DRILLINGS! llo you wantWKlNCHI llo you want i lir.i'KSI Do l on want LAMES' SHOES! llo jmi want LAMES' C.MTEKS! Do you want ITtllrill CUODKKIKS t Co to mt()iT.U'S llo you uant (lUEBVSlVAUUI coto nnotvints llo you want ui.rtisVAi(i; r Doyouwant HAItlllVAlti: I Do yon want DRUCS ! llo you want l'URH Ml'I'IES ! llo you wnnl t'HE M' COllIW ! no t nnowi:itr Coto IMtlUTIl'H Co to iutovi:its Co (o IlKOWCK'S Co lo ISIIOWlIlfd lUnoiinJfiirg, May 1, 1.-. WeaT'hout and sTkTij STORE rpHIJ suWrilii'i Invites nUcntion to liisncw stock X llv?ifl nuit Mius, just rocehcJ from riiilalcllila anil cniutriiiig FUll U ENTLEiW EN S WEAR, Boots, flnitt-rs, Oxford Tics, SchotlWi Ties, Navy Unit crstflimiers, &.c.,&c. FOR LADIES WEAR, Oaitcrfiuittiand without lifn-Js, S)iit'rs tlHto. Hii-Miis, I'ri'ncli Morrncco llimttes wltli nitd without lmi-U, &.c ylso, Misses' and Ciiildhln's ((every luflcrimon. at prices much lu-low tlio uitl tan lard, ami loss than tltw sainu quality of Hoods can bu bouclit for ntany other titnro Ju town. Work of uU kinds niathjto order of tlif hcstmxttinl.iii the neatopt manner nnd on rrafouaMc term., warranted toc'iual any city work and much lf low city prices. I ko'p none but tho litisl workmen, and Imvo hotter mate rial than was ever before brought to tills in tact, the cry best to bj had In the city marki t. U1Z0KUU S.SAXDCnS. Danville, May 31, lflfO. y. NEW WAGON7 S7l01 Main tercet above the Forks Hotel 'piin underpinned, having removed from llflpjtoun to 1 Uloomeburs, reHp:ctfully informs his fntmda and customers, that lie has opened n now ehon, on .Main Blroct, Ulooinsbarg, above tha Turks Hotel, where he wilt conduct tho WAGON MAKING BUSINESS, In all Its various departments, and on a more eUtitiv fccslu than liiretofon-. UtiL'cries. tnrtn? Wn-ron. Sulkies, f.leht Wagons, ami nil kinds of vehiUes, mado to order, on t-Imrt uotlco and fair terms. AIco-IIoitlr and Farm Wiicel-uauhows, ruatlo t n ojdt'r, IE?" UEPAinisn, of alfl kinds, including Heavy Wagons, promptly anil ineapiy exeruieu. JACOB S.KVANS. nioomsburg, April 31, 13! 0 -Out. B K 9 X JEL. II. C. HO WEE, SCR GEO i DEMIST :5JCJVCiv,5rf Brick Building hrlow Hart man tStort on Jioin itrecf, uioamtburg , I'a. KnaPECTrrLLV offers his nrrfcsciori aJ services to the ladies und gentlemen of uioouii-Diirir anu icinuy. lie is pr parcri to attend to all the various oitcrntionn In ucnusiry, on i is proviuen w na me iaiet-1 improviucuii Which wilt ha inserted on pivot or gold plate to took as well as the nitural. 0 Asuperior ortie'e or Tooth IVmdtr always on nau'i. unc, 17 '37 nov 13, '3. (TiVTE Cf.LK Hotel.) THIRD STREET ADOVL RACE, HIIILADELrillA. IU10ADS, & S.ULOn, Proiniclors. Tilciihas V, ItOiis, formerly of the N'ntlonnl Hotel 1'mni.rs Bailor, formerly oi'Hchu)lkiII L'o. Fa. MaiflrJ, IdUl-lJiii. JOLIXE Sc LEE, No. 10, NOILTH U'HAUVnS. Thiladclnhia. AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Unpeg, Twines, Tar, Filch, uaitum, iiocKS,anu uars, etc. Auust -J, lwiO lim. PHOTECTION FROJI LIGHTNING. 'pHH subscriber would Inform his friends, that Iu is x now orenareu to put un. on biiurt notice, ami in scientific manner, tho beft platim powtkd iiaiirxrxo nons. at 12J cents per foot. All work warrauttd. Cloonikturg, May 24, 1610, States Mniou tyold GOO & fi08 MARKKT STREKT rAliOVU SIXTII.l riiiijinv.i.rnijt. 1. W. POWER, PnprttUr. Tfrm: ?1 2j ncr day. , lffO-l.'m. May J. WILLIAM QUINN. B. V. Cor.'l'WrJ ami Marlr. I l'IIll.AIIi:i.rilIA. tsy-Canls 81.50 per lOUO.-ea Ausu.l i, lSC0-12m. HEM OVAL C, 0. SARLKR & Co.. Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Che oe and Provisions, No. 103 Ardi alrjel. Slid dor above I'ront. liil'adcl. I'liia. as 1 I, Si ly CIGARS & TOIJAOCO. A largo aisortmunt of choice 171 gars, Toliacco, I'lpPit, I'ruiti. Confcftiont-rV nnd Notioni ccneralli .tocttli er with u full nlock of HATH and OA I' a, contaMly on nan (i anu ir iiuu mviip, ui inu iiiuointuiir iidi iap lSlonnuburg, March 10, 1SC1. qiilC undcrhipned respectfully informs hii frirmia and X old eiutmiu'r that Iio lias opened n vhop 011 M.iji btri'i-t. n fuw ilot.fi nhovo thti l urk's Hotel, 111 Uluoms- buts Micrc 110 avntn continuing tho In alt its various Lranchcn, at low prices, mid on an en largi'd tcale, mi I folHita tliu public patronapi'. ijt ruautt;, uruin, oit., gtuir.uiy ifikvii inr worn. M1LK3 U. AIHiOTT. DIooinEhurffi May&, UHO, pttlMi: ItCULnANni) CLOVEU BllCU.frcc (rout noxious wicili, also. Tlmnthii . Urrh ard Hunt Crjif. Hahon and Ciigti h perennialoV Rny (JrBi, Kentucky Ulup Orats. Whfteriovo liiieiniied Lawn Urai need Ate, nt wlioieuilB and Liail. 1 AeCll ALIj MOI I H ImplcmeiilB and reed Warcliouse, 11 SO Ala tk btreutt, riii;jiipiiiija. March U .mi -I'.'ui. AT TO UN 13 Y AT LAW, itr,on.vsBviia, pji. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied ly Charles R, Hue kit lew, pjoomeburj, Dec. 1, WJ. Flour am! Foci DelivccJ! OIIKArUll THAN THIS 0 HE A TEST rpJIU undersigned has ma do nrranfffineiits that wil L cnahlo him indLlivsr flour and Krcd, FOR C,Hll about ten per C"iit. rhpaprr than aiy body else in tow n 11 ii prices are as follows t Flour, 87 .'31 Corn it Hy Chop, gl f,a Corn tc Oat Chop. 1 I l'ran, i in 1 rcini -tfully sotii it a dum of thr public patronage, woaua KAuniAV j;iooMshiirgr June 33, hQ If. 1JI5TTKR utn at lOrli. per lb. tltaul OCER HAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS 1111! CELEBRATED IIOIXANT) KITMEDV 10!t DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, i, i vi;it iiojipi.aiht, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Anu the vartotii afTcctlons consequent upon a disordero-1 STOMACH Oil I.IVI211, Bncli M Iudlftcption, Aridity of trie Stomach, Colirky rntn llmitburn, I"t of Appetite, Iocpoidonry, Conthenwn, Til I nd and Hired inc; Tiles. In nil Nervous, Ithcumatlc, and Neurnlaic AITectioii It lm in numerous Instincts jiroveJ hiiriily bencflclal, and In uthers edorled a decided cure, 'i hU U a vurcly rtp titdo ccnMwund, prrppml on strictly srhntifle principles. After tlio manner f the oelebiuled llnlltnd rroftwr, llarlmr. Its irptititlou At Iii'Ijiq pro duced Its lnlnduetlon here, tlio demand commenciuff villi tbo-o of tho Fathciland sratlercd ocr tho fiico of thU mighty country, many of uliom tPMigbt with them mid handed down Om tradition of iU inhio. It it noto t-firtd urn 'iV. , ta the American ;iWir, nwcfn7 that i truly leotKfcrnl metticwal tirtutt muH U ttclnptrlntgctt. It H Mirtleiilirlv lecoininendM to thoflfl feron ivhno ronstitutlons may Invo been impalre 1 ly tho conllnuom uio or ardent spirits, or other fgnns of dl'slpstlon. Ocnerally lnntintaneous In effect. It find Its v,ny tllroetiy to tho eet tf llfi', thillllnc aud qulckenlnp every nerve, ralMng up tho drooping fpirltjRud, Iu twt, Infmhig now health mid vigor Initio Mstcm. N0T1CK. AMiorver etpects to fltdthts a lvcraROwM ho dlMppoIutcd; but to tho fdck, weak and low spirited, it will puna a grateful aromatic cyidlal, voMesced of tiugulw rctnedhl properties. READ CAREPULLY! Tho flenulno highly cpiicentrnted lltrihive's irnllnnd Hitters Is put tip In half-pint Miles only, and retailed at Ons Iiiun per bnttle,or lt l-cttles fvt l'ivKPnuns. Tlio rcreat demst lemstidfo lemstnl for tliH tiniy ceieir.ntet .lieuirine lias nmuecit Imltitlons, whkh tho public Miould guird asainBt man1 it Imtt purchnnlng. ii aUenre of Tmitorftlon. Sec thit ot namo Is on thd label or every Iwttls you buy. Sold by Druggists pen e rally. It can bo forwarded by Express to most points, SOLE iMiorniETons, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. , MAIUTACIIIIUSO Ijjliannatcutisls and QIIifmL'ilS; PITTSBURGH, PA. rorP.ilo lyC. y, Ilagciilmch, nriipgi't lUonmslnirg 1'n Oct, 27 lrCU. EVANS & WATSON HAIiAMAN'UKll HAl'IIS, KU- )ct alore third Phitailctphla, have on fw und n large aflsnrtiin-nt of Tiro Thii f prnnfKilaiirilhh'r Hans. Inn, iron doors, for hanks and Ftnrcs, iron shut! rs iron saih, all tnukes of locks t'jual to any madu in the United States. frc Safe in anp firs, Jill eame out right; fit A ton- tents in !'ooil condition. Tin Salamander Safos of I'hilailelphi.i ogaitiEt the world. EVANS .t WATPON, hive had tho surest demostration In tho following cer tificate that their manufacture of H.ilamandi'r Kafi-H has nt length fully warranted the repn-Bi'iitatioiiB which h.ivu liren tnado of them as rendering an undoubted sfcurity against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 12. iT,(. Meters. F.rnnf $ Walton: tJentlemen It affords tig the hlghcfrt satisf.iction to Ftato to ynu, (Nit ouitig to the ery pniti rtive iniahtiis of two of tho fcialnmainler, S.ifes whicli we purchafijd of joh some fivo month since wc saved a larau portion of Jewelry, and all our books, &r., exposed to the cal.iininnud.iiru IiilUutUad plate on the morning of tin 11th UnU Wil"!! we reflect fhatthee isafjs were lnrated in th" fourth srory of th' Imtldiug w'9 ofrunicd and that Uiey f'-ll subsciuently intoa hnip of luirnins ruins, wIhto the vast iniiD'iitratiou of tho In'at caused the brass pi ites to melt, we cannot but regard ttienri'scrwithm if tfuir nl uablo contents as most ronviuefng prutf of the grtat se curity nflorded by your saf 'H. We nhatl trke treat pleasure in rccommenditij them to men of bitftiiii'P'i ai a Mire reliauci1 nc.ilni'i lire. tiKoiun; u, .mmoh& mm, jewiiert. ffTTJiey have sinco prirchasod ei large Safjs. Angut SO, lHj't. 1111! undersigned Is nleo rxtensjvrty engaged in the 1 Uiidertakiuir Itusiuas. and keeimrointinitli' on li.m.I nd for sale at his U'.ircrooms, si litea atsoitinetit of finished ("OFFINS, Uy which he Is riiabl A wo Keens a eon. I I 1 to nil onb'r on iiresentiitiou Awo-Kccps a good llorsn and Hearse, and will at cl times he ready to attend I'liucrd. ttloomsbitrg, January 2 . 1B5'J SAVING FU I U. S. Trust Company. Comer of Tttrd and Chestnut S's., Phili, J A HO Kami email sums rcciinl and pahl Incli on J (Icmainl without liotici1. Willi Pivt flr lest Kter. tit Troni th'J day t'f drp'-eil to the day of .ithdraval, Ornc k IlnunaFrnm U until $ o'clock ecry ihij , ad oil AIomhy V, Etsn, lrom 7 until ) ortock. t'rci'i.icnt-isTj;nii: u. (JiiAwronu. Tr!nHiir t I'mnv Vif k. Teller James It, Hunter, MKKCTOHS. Ptephen n. rrawfur.I, Itciijaiiiiu W.Tmsluyt I'aul i. OoolarJ, M. IK 1'ntrick Ilnidy. (D.-inli! Hi-idleuinii, fJt'drSO Jlltikjll, Ai.'x-trr. Hart. M, U, Willi nm M. Jo'hviu, U. rrankliti Jack to 11, l'liny FisK. Jam I) 'wn-tmr, Thorn-n T. Lci, .March '-''I, icu-iy. F, 0. IIAItUISON, 3J. D. 70UM) refpTtfully Inform the citizens of Plonms r burg, and licimty.tliatho rontiniientliu practice of MK1HCIXF .1X1) svnor.iiw And solicits n than; of public patronage. wrrur. on ,i;iiii mrcti, nrti jiousc ut-iow uie uouu I tonne, Itloomburg. 1 luruary .1, ifo.) 11. TUIIAOUO & SliGAHS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH ac a 6 k r & 55 o y n T wiioixsAi.r. wau'.itti in Maimlaclunil iV Leaf Tobacco, IIA VA NA ( K K 1 A N AN I) DOMESTIC. SEGARS &C, N, E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets. autiu'r hioen. I JiMtM. noto. I I'HII.AIir.I.rillA. Martli III, IdU) JJm. "'THE UNION," JireK UruU Jlhove Third, PI1IA DEI. V II I A . 'pill' situaliou of this Hotrl renders it one of Uia most X convenient fnr lliorio ulio aro 'litiii2 rtntadelphia on huiiness j while to tlintm in srarrhof pleasure, tlic constantly passing mid repaying City Railway rars, aud IhosB iu ilouo proximity, n,(TVrd a cln'ap aihl picas antridc to all places cf intercut mid anmcna-iit in or Tin nnuirliitor cives assuranco that "Tho ITnlon' shall be kepi with such rh:irarti;r as w ill iiiliI public upjuuuauuu, mm oum ri'si'crnuiiy solicit, ffi-nerai pat' romice. UITO.V H NrAVCOMIIlt, I'tbruaryS.!, IMO-Uji. VropiMor. lfALL rAPJUtt, WALL VAVVAl. 1 T Jnt received from New York a lartro nnd Pit. pcrior lut of the uboo named article lor Dim M-rtng trade 4t prices ranging from 0 cents per piuco to 3 rtit- M. v. w i. . II.) Ill .MAN, ltloomsburg, I'cb, 23, lr-Cl. AWES' EXTRA HOOP SKIRTS iu Ladie uutl s t on II C 1.1 II1IT.MN nioom burc. r i' "i. i II OOP 8kulii. fl" .uil tn 4lr wmiml Ayor'sSarsaparilla A roiniionml rcmi'dy, in lildi c Imvc In. Inircit tu iiioiluco the mo' t rirertcml ultcrntiro tlmticsttt bo tiiito It imtimcoiitrutwl citrnct of ljiijd Hnrfaparilla, so roiiiliint'cl villi oilier MiVthuf vf of ,f till greater nltcmtivo power M tu iiilonl mi fcH'cctlVo nutidotd for tlio illicne.i H.irMjiarilln if reputed to cure. It in liclieveil . 'pittiif " a VpHe'.'y I9 wanted liy tlioo h ho iitlVrBim,. Simmon1! eoniplatnt, and that ono which will aecoiiiplish their euro raut pioa of iimiK'iiso urviiu to thii laiga clnn of uur niliicted fellov-citi.cii. How completely this eampimud ill do it ha been proven by exper iment on many of tho wunt cases to be found of tho folloM ing complaints I KcnnruLv Axn ocnoruuivs Comflaints, Kuu rriosi anu liuurriri: Bi9r.Asr., Vi.ri.ii4, 1'iMi'tr.i, Di.orciif, Tumoiu, .S.fr lliu.iiM, Kualu Hvvn, SvriiiMi avii HrruiMTlo Ar ii.cnoss, MmcmtAt. Diseabii, l)itoraY,N'i;u uitntv oil Tio Doi'l.oriir.v.v, Dnnir.iTv, Dvs. ri.rsiv and iNnmnsTiov, )itr.-m'r;r,s, Koni 011 Kr. Anthony's l'mf, and indeed the wholo thi-i of eoniplaints arising from Imi'UMty or mi: 111 ooii. I This compound ill Iks found a great pro moter of health, when taken lit tho fpring, to expel the foul humors which fester in tho I blood at that ktxm of tho year, liy the time ; ly cKpuMou of thcnl many rankling disorders I a'10 nipped in tlio bud. 'Multitude can, by 1 the aid of this lemulv. mi.ho tliLlilsclvos fioni the cnduraiuc oi foul eruptions und ulcerous fcic, tliromli which tho system Mill strive to lid Itself ot corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanso out tho vitiated blood whenever yon find its impurities biiKting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you llnd it is ob structed and sluggi'h in the veins i cleanse it Whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you v hen. Kvcn here'no particular disorder is felt, peoplo enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blond healthy, anil all i well ; but with this pabulum of life tlNoulcred, thero can bo no lasting health, booner or later something must go wrong, and tho great machinery of lifj is disoidered or overthrown. farsaparilla has, and deserves much, tho reputation, of accomplishing these ends, llut tho woild ha3 been cgicgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tljo drug alone has not all tho virtue that is claimed for it, but molt becaii'-c many preparation0, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing cho. During late years tbe public have been mis led by largo bottles, pictcnding to give a quait of Kxtiact of Saienpatilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fiauds upon the fiik, for tliey not only contain little, if any, fjarsnpa rilla, but often no cmativc properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and paiulul disappointment has followed the use of tho orions extiaets of Sarsaparilla which Hood the mnikct, until tho name itself is justly despi.-ed, aud has becomo fynonvmous with imposition nnd cheat. Btill w c call this compound Sarapni ilia, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall lcscno tho namo fiom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think wo have ground for believing it has virtues which aro irresistible by the ordinary inn of the diseases it is intend ed to cuic. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should bo judiciously taken according to dlaJtions on the bottle. N I'ltCTAnni n- IU. J. . A YE II & CO. I.OWKTjT mass. Price, SI 1HT Hottlo 1 til Bottles for g5. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, has von for itself Mich a renown for the cure of Mety inriety of Tliroat nntl Lung Complaint, that it it cnliicly unnecessary for 113 to lccount the eKtciite of tt urtucs, whemer it has been tin iloutl. As it lias louj? been in rnn;tatit u.ee throufilinut thi-J section, wo need not do more than nstiuru the iitoplc its quality is kept up to the best it cur lias been, nnd th.it it may bo nlicd on to do for their relief all it has cur iicn found tu do. Aycr's Cathartic Pills, TOR THE CUHE OP Costtrencxst Jttuntticct Dyspfjxia, Indigestion, Discntci'it lout Humach Ilnjuipelat Ihuthtcic, Hcs, liicuinfttism, V-mpthmttml HiiiJHcascs, Lircr Complaint, Dt'Cpiy, Tetter, Tumors and Sii7 llhatm. Worms, Gout, Xamihjlo, as a Dinmr Pill, and for Purifying tho Dlood. They mc Mtfiar-coatcd, bo lliut the most fccnsi tic can taho tlinu lensantly. nnd they arc the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family phjf-ic. Prico 25 centa per Tos; rivoboiC3 for Cl.OO, Orrnt numbers of Clcrgj men, Vliysu lane, States men, nnd eminent rufj-onnKcs, 'inii Unt thiir name to ecrtif theunpaulliltduscfuli.is of these rtmedies, but our ptaee heieill not ptrmit the insertion of thtm. 'J he Apcnts below nanud fur-nis-lipratis our Amkiiican Almanac invldtlilhey ore pien; wixh also fitll descriptions of the aboc lomphiints, nnd tlio tieattncnt that hhould Lc fol lowed for their euro. Do not be put olf by unpiineipled dealers vith other preparations thVy maho more profit on. Demand Ayi.h'h, nnd tako no others. The -Itk want the bchtnld thcie Ufor thcui.aiid thtj bhould hate it. All our nucdies arc for fralc by V. I I.utz. J.li.Moycr.O.M. tHnlituh, htnomfhiirc A. .Milk-r. llvrw irk. anil liv unn sUtru in cvutv tiv 11 tu rtNiitiaiiia. IiA GAINS JhillGA INS . mv vhh am) uixTi:u (;oods. WOUIill rcfpcrtftilly Inform the citizens of I.hjh t?tro t mid licinitv iliat tlrv luvo hiit uuw and i.'ittusii''; nsurtiueut if Dltv UOODS AND GltOOUIilRS. Hllich they nil) iellclnan for cash. The Imvo a l.irui- and general aricty; nil that id comiiicuity fouiiil in a Unimtry Ktori. nnd nra det 'rmiel to atdlchfap. To the selictlonoftlLcirgondatliey have paid t-tria audition ; thert-'foif, their uierchaudizit ill It ear rLcoinuiendatiou and will prove to ba of the first class. Tho proprietors cordially bolicit 11 liljorat iharo of pat ronage, OiiHomers would d" wull to call and examine int'ir pcuerai arii'ty uemre puriliaslti?tlsc'.ieri country produc lnl.cn in exchange fo for goods at the 11 1 1 hum inaruui price. MATLTZ ii UNT. Light Street, November, 3 12CA GILL & I'AUL, General Com mission Mercliants, l'ibh, rrnvMnns, Thmr, Ituttiir, Cheese, Oils, I)rl(,d l'ruits, tirain, Seeds, jteaus Whiskey, Wool, Country 1'roduoi and Merchandibo generally, Xo. 31 Nor.Tii Winavcs, ruiLAULLriiiv. IT?" ConsiuumcntB of 1'iovlitionn. Hour and Connirv Produce solicited, and returns rroiuntlv lnado. I'ulIi advanced uhuu desirud. Ot:m;itrt for all kinds of I'ih, rrolinns, Hour, Dried l'ruits, &.c, flllud at lha lowvbt Caeh Prices. AugUht -I, lHA) lini. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Tlin undfreljiu'd respectfully informs hii old friemll nnd customers, that he hus punhased his brothers interest In thu ubovo eMabhclimeiit.nndtliu concern wits hereafter bo conducted by Muibdf cxtliihelv. lie iias just, rrci tvcii aud oilers for mle. tho larz .gjj it and most cit-'iisivu nssorliiR'iit nf 1'ANCV t?B3iB " B ever inlrnducul into this market, Ti 'C Ills Stock 00111.1611 of a comiili'trt nnrti!.i-nt nf tho Iirt Cnnklniuidp.iilor ttoves in the market, l. gfth erwithtitove 1'ixtures rf oery description, (iveu and Hot Stoves, ltadl.itors. Cihudar y to von. Cat ir.m Air. Tijiit Hoves, Cannon Htoves, &c, 4cc Stovepipe und Tinware constantly on lian I und man u fa i lured to order. mi nuiim in ii'imiriuii none, ns u Alia I, on hliort notice. TIlO liatnuiaid Of old friend nnd new riictmuarti rr. spirctfully solicited. ,. M. KUPKUT. inoonitiourg, rvoveintierad ipwi, if. a? $35.00 Pays thomtiro coat for Tuition in trie mokt popular and siircriyful Coin mcr rial Scboul hi tlio romitrv. l!twnr,l of 'Hwlvo Hundred young men from twenty -eight dilf tn Ftatep.h-io bciu ducavd for biumee htr Willi- in in; uri inreu yenrst (fiiim oj unoin natu hveu ttu plojtdtn Hook Keeper at t. arii' of S2000.0U per Annum, i immndialclyunon sraduatinii.who knew iiotliiiit? nf ur. count uhputluyiiilpr dltui CoHtf!c. iMiiiinlprii sotMlmlf pnn flu dent tntfr nl any II m ,and ruvjew wlmrt lh"y pb'aijp.wlih'mi eitraiburgf. 't ..imiir ' ui u iaK' rMriioin oi t roi UOWIPV Hjrjim Jtftiid Uruiinit'iil I p nninni.liiii. nnd a atva SMliij(iifthtL,olb'sr lurb tw nty llvs rents n I'ont af imp, to tlr l'ltm ip t , ' mill III ii h r Axn For. mE ppimiY txur. or Jforvous Prostration, General Dctillty, Asthma, Byspopsia, Ecrofola, Marasmus, Taralysls, Chroulo Bronchitio, Anonia, Chloioni", nni alt Bisordors of tho Elood Byjtcm. DO YOU KNOW IT? roxs fMpnoN- H nm mojt vatat. Ecoixnr or" MANKIN'I. H Ins boen truly reRarded an a vm tu rn MAUiir rew ever eurv Ivlncjln allaclt. " One .la fflhe vMe aimnn rvr," fiy IV. nirannit. " and tlDBK THAN (INK IIA1.K OF AI I, 1111! AM'I.T 1WT .ni(INnrmolclvlMz'dCMnlnmiltUl'IT.IIIll TliH MSFAfli" What a rad commmtary on the boailed riioljrlllUntllisa.vcryc.f Tr. fhurclilll, made lo tho Imperii! Academy of Medlrlno, of Paris, lias proved an effleacy (flhn Healing Art I iMttmMt' locA to tho world. Uy the t.so of this new aud jwircrMlr.-mcnutincnt, Known to t urmisiry ns THE HYPOPHOSPHITES, "Tho CUnn of t'OXSVMrTlOX, ccn In tho Pcoml mid Third Ptnirc(ntn period, therefore, when there enn lc no douht to the nature of tho IM-rrtAc) li Iho Itl'Li:, ivhtle M1ATH IS Till: I.Xl'i:iTIONV "I KNOWVnj1 lr. C, "(hot they will proxc notonlf n MHI A It Kit rVln CONSUMPTION ni Quinine 1 In Inltr. mil lent Fcicr, but nlo ni elTcttnnt o I'litSKII VATIVK n VnctJnntloa In Pinctl l'oi,' Itno PutTorcrho valnM hp.ilth nnd life, tlrhyf.ii hour to try this remedy, llomrmhrr th.ii,ircoutlou U hcttcf tbfin core." lJcwaro of pidf-dcrrptitn.or tlio motlilng nsuranco of fi Icndn lliat uJt is tnly t hale cold t " l'ntal error lo myr UJ1 who now fill pi tmattirc fjrnvfsi Uive,Icntrcat you,rrompt attintiou t tho CAFlUEST CtCMS QV CQKSUMPTIOK "An Tiiwn HIONS fniit. roitow TiiM.'' Mat?-, "T.iocTjiKir.yinptoni of tubercular disease Iswast.mi. II prixr-tcs (he cwoh, it i3 f-arllrr, l-i iolnt or tliu tlia.i tho nuTir. It Is first manifested In tho .rV and h-titli. Tin imnruhr ttoucs vrnsto henrti nrntirv: thero i i ft fenso of something wrong- nfatin'i that ma MriL powers ark rucciso. Tho wate cT tho lhh. tn.i(hino h moro nctlvo than Hsrtpair." Dr. V,ifW " K,v iihoutanytrrrnrcnt fav, or under tlio liifiucneo cf cai bv3 which induco wu.vtiM.Kj nnd r.tii rsno.v ; cntli ai uant,prif1 oirriwt A-,crr,f r nity, thitd latrinp, inr-iM.7, iai-il growtht or $1ao itcoirrv frcn disrate, n porson Icpl33 to loso hl3 llcsli, Etriuf.tli, roh r, or npprtiiojif iia euflbra from thvrtnm t.f tnath, tr f.'rj.I(wnfj,rtnd experiences a poncral dcIlnKtf ifjn pHoraod dprcr-tirm,1liUl: IU KtfOX 10 I KAJt tlia; ).c t'j alnwJy rraliTottd lo the comilnint. IT to th. a Jnpt,lll3 bo a Med co 117ft, however ellph t , parllcnUi ly If It fMnc on slowly, or durlcir tho fair Bevcn, Till: IT.OUAIIIIiTV I3 UltmElt fcTllJfc Churchill. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. " If, on tho earliest nppcnrnr.ro of thee lffn f Con.uniptlon, tho rntlent tnl.es dolly ot.oi.t ten crnlns or tho nrropnOSrHITES, lie will UMinlly eco them nil disappear in a period varj-ins from n few wcelcs lo a few months nnd by ronl limine tho occnlonnl u.e of the Itcmrdj, HE WILI, 3rED !LT FIND niMSELP IN THE ENJOYMENT OP EUOIt HEALTH A3 IIE. rEEIIArs, II.VB SLVtU JCXOW.N IX HIS LIPB Iir.rolJE." "Winchester's Gcnulno Preparation" IS THE OXI.Y JIEI.IAIU.E rorra of nr. anirtlilll'j Remedy, Mado from Iho original formula. "Jho nclloncf tlio llypoplmnihlt. , Is thto-i o(j and siwciflc : inm (t'ing tho pi Inciplo n m, n cos-riTrTi.s Mr.uua TTxr., rn.t they arc tho vr t rowEi.rii.cion-(.r.virMTiMjCE.mr;s. Tho ctr.it tpon tho tut.erc.ilar condition Is IMMU.IATi:,it. n.s (i-vrna erwiTovs Ms.uiTAmo unit a euimiymiikh UUUUTftlKVUoTS. Tlieyirl.'ne tho co.'Eh.llimiri'A CTK.ctoratlon, fmrers tho appetite, ctrrai illarrhoa ! tlw mjht tKcats chills, nnd furr cease; tlio bowtra tmn tcalar, and inututa'catu am, tiiorof.sD. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I lll'.WAni: of rius 7.Vm'iVjndvertlbed ns Tr. (l.ur. hill's, and all other SWIM'UXIi HUKIS torol) E.HT.'rer3 or their means, lore prrrfc'iij r,'m, and lmtru a rmi.nc.i-LT. Write toniofortll'.tL'I.Al'.S, cidfor Dr. Churchill's Treato oa ConsTunption, wlilrh connl'i tl.o o,.l aulhrntir infemnnhm In rTnr.l U liila .vnv T.t::.mii::,T. but l lira: to uil lariuUma. PEICSi In 7 tr.d lC-os. Bottlea, fl and fa each. Thrco larce, or six small for CO. Ity fec-cirollo i3 oa both tho Isabel nnd Outaido Wrorpcr. NO OTIIEIl IB GENUINE. t.V To not confound this Kerned y u Hii tLc to-rilicj " themlcalKood j" and particularly avoid all pr. para l.onsc..'italnli'Kiion, vliichlsiuM.nmir,anit (Wliur t"i, which has o cciutm Krneru.Tv hii.tt. m. Vtll'' ,iy "10 moEl resprctahlo Itrnfgltta throtiehnnt a. United Flatra nud llritif h ltovincis. and Whnlooto ii,eiauoi llioiicncralliepolinthoUiiittdSlaUs,l)y J. VIKCHESTEK, S8 John Street. IT. Y. Jl.irrhfi, ifB, Light ILight ! Light! PAH A (i ON COAL Oil, BUKNKKS AXi) Ll.1iiS FOIt coAi., Kintnsr.M'.. 011 c innnN mt.a. rpilUlot loott brilliant, nn-l ihcnpt pirinM Iipht 1 in jn um'. No ihiiicr -f i'pbiM)ii tmtl (huipir than Ilnhl, I inl cil, lish uil or cmopln nu, Z2-yliQUA! TU UAS.-sa Without tin rxprnsa of gas fi vtitre. Th above I.iimpi ith all Ih ir I'uiry trimmiiics) i-iu bo t-e n nnd Ln;'bt .it tho 1i 1 htul.Hfhfil Urux mill ihunictit Htnrc fl ihu nitiliTM'iiiMl, tho il.i iters hiiiisell'tliat from JiU Ioii;cx pcrieiicu in tlie Dniif truik, ho Kim-wh how nnd uhcro to buy, ami In lU trrniirvtf.l iinitobc iin.hTsnl.l by any orn? in l-(H)nibtir, ur :iirrotiinliri'j Louiitry. (.'all and evi hit new it'i'l ui II h lectcd Ftock of DliUlM. Mi;ili;iNU8 ANU CIICMICAI.S. PAINTi? V.M:.MHi:a, UVHRTUFIM. UI1.S. Cil.AiSS FUOM lnSl:!ll, CONriXTION'A- id 1:4, i'i:uru.Mi:uy aku r.wuY ioiii:t. ar. ticmis rait i.ADir.s. & TOBACCO AND ClGJIIiS, AfitlM llrntiilt, Patent Mcdirinea of ccry a arh tj iniift Ist'pnri. tptir ) for meilitiii il nso only, riuiil.C.tiniiln nt Uarli'm (Ml. Tnrpentino nnd Alrohol, TrtiBWH Mmi-bUr llrarcn an 1 Ab.lomhinl Mipurtorc. pi'iruiml and lh-n Ml irwriuretiln, .ib!i u.ul .111 1 VuM Hi 11 lnid, ( .uni.lti 11 liliruy'. Hoiii.i'iMiliii' li m 'itb't. (..mien. ('.mart. !.im I.hrev'. Iloio.ei.all.ie li In 'iH.'s. I.i.r.!. n. I i,.... an ( Ih'iup . mlit, 'llKrintuiKtert1, pioofUsj .Murorro I ....ii 1,-ain rnnirlio I'-wlni" &r lv.. to 'rlhi-r u oh i!m larguM ami mi ariou aaoriuiL-ill ol iJcrinaii T: 108 and l AiNKr Vi XVUTlOiNS, aer brought to tin place, all t.f whith pluaKc call nnd s'c nnd ion iuut btlicvo. IIa in? leaned by tad cprrlcnce that "long credits hiii iiuv kcuji uiiiisa nm ing, i nao iicifriniticil lo ,, lii'iiuiua'ia puiuesaa, tncathbuvrni. to inaKu it nn oMcct io tlom h ui-i thu poller, to deal on tho cash principle, either money or in? i.rvrl a rcpnlar nppr niicHlilp at tho Drii" and .pnihcr.iry bubiucpii, htst-idm Inninti enrrifd it on for th'j last ciliu-en year, on my own hook, 1 flatter iniHjlfiliatl amnbl'tudo justice to all giving mo a trial. Thankful to tlio public for pat f.ior, 1 would nuku trial on tlic now piinaph', nnd will jruarnntcc to an, mm ii nm inaso ions irii uus, nmi pay best in lire end to pay cash nnd buy at r-'duced prici-a. PHYSICIANS PHKSflUITIONS canf.illy compoun led, and nil orders cnrrectlynniwered AI iu ullciueii siiarant. ed a. rcroiuineiide.l, Hlore ltooiii mi Main Street, near .Market, next door to the Post Of. fice, liluoiu.burg, Columbia county, I'a. , , . lU'IlKAIM T. I.UTZ. Au;uit 4, lfl',0. "A little. Ian otini fill, tho purse. SAVING FUNDS. IPKANKMS SAVING I'lIND-No. 130 South I 1 oiirth ttreet, beineru Chestnut and Walnut 1 liiiaitelplua, pay, all deposits on ileinnn.l. I Depositors' money secured by Onvernment Sla( and t;ity Loans, Ground llents, .Morlj-aties, Itc I This Company deems siiMy hdUr linn lame' profits, ciuucmicntly will run no risk Hitli ileposl.' tors' iiioney, but hat c il at nil limes ready to return wltli S per cent, interest to the o ner, as they have always done. This company net cr tu .ponded. S I einales, married or snisle, and Jlluors, can de.'s pos tin ih, r own riiht. mil melt dep. tits canbeV w itbdraw n only by ihrir consent. 2 uiiarier pepiliial. Inrorporaled by IhoSiato ol Z lenUStlvanill. Willi antlu.ritv tn r. r..i.. ;from Iritstee. nnd llcerulom. '2 iJimiK jixii uiwj.su.vsiiF.CEii'F.n. Olhce onen ila le fr,,,.. u tn i t.i. ...... .... I vbu.. ,.,ll,gu,.,I.Ot.,'KK, n;nrnmei, Jacob It. Shannon, l'yrs Cadwalladcr. John Hiiiidlor. Malarhi W. r-lonn, l.pwi Kriiiubharr, Nichotaa Uitteiihoiir. lhluard T. Hyatt, HcnrjfDrliinv. Natlinn Hnioilh v. Jok. II, tiutlierthivaito. Kphriam IHatichard. Johcph I.inDinrott. JAtJuil II. HHANN'OV. Pr ib If nf CVIttrSPAIIWAl,I.AtlUlt,Trea."er. ' SIarch :3, l-VJ-Uni. "A Dollar tuvcifu twice earned." Nov. '.'riiCoT WINK AND LIQUORS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, J Man Mre.l it four doors South of Iron fir' i...,uiii,iiii,g,ouii,,K'U ilwilh t , .llrana t :!a fJ.y -IT' luwpnr"-. h-.--..K,a,u.iuju,iuy 1'UlJll I u omi r p ifuip ,n.i-j TlOhC fjiiborins Vmlcv .lcknr, can nt fneo relieve tliem.eliei from the limn. VwJ im'lfntlc. mnno.li I. Iielr w, If Ihey will nnlj f,,ilow the eonnjcU f imlurc, nnd tnkc the medicine Herlnheropernl.on, Tl.nl n,. diie i the Vcscublo l.lfu Jlcdlclnei of Dr. MorrAT, hnounn. m . B" K)rr r l? MOFFAT S lilFB I. ILLS! . SSS IXl! Mined it lilali tliarnttrr In nlmojl every n.rl . " plt.1,0 for the cttrnordliury curatlic iriiciliualilcli th ) iTOsirnJ. i (1 il i'S LllfC S?illS ' rii?Klll..r. milled fo, their ,,,n,e lolllr "'i n .-n" bio nctliin In rurifylne tho tprli.gs S ni,5Cu I IIK nnd cnnlnit Ih.ra itli renewed tononmWIjon and to Iho nudonHed fat thnt at n very ly part In ti.elr I.Hloiy. Ihey lii.l ;ie. " fronith, ery verse of an untl.uc.ly cruio, perfectly , rnrtnw i thi-nt tin; uniform ciijoymi-iit r lioalth. wltli- .,l which lif.' Iteir l hut n par Ul blel ng. t S cat indeed nan i in 1 1 1 iii.iil j . .. mulnu'l with the beautiful phlloeorhlcal principle, upon which they were lonipminJod, and upon which Ihey consequently act. MOFFAT'S FIKENIX SITTERS. Moft".if riiocnlc Hitlers are to called, because they tv.irs the power of rcstorluj the ejpirine embers of health tua flow Ing vlaor throughout ihv cniiilllutlnii, us llu rimenlt Is slid to bu restored to lire from the .i.lies of Its own illisolution. .Mercurial l'i"ncs. There Is prolniMy no one art do elien inn ineiliclne, the Injucious use nf which has ri: i l,l,..,,rnnd .111. 1 tiirr.l.le mlvrl.lef to the tau'cd such wide-spread and terrible mlnrl.lof to the human extern ns mercury. Its poison sinks deep inln ' tirodiicine it Ions 'niu of painful diseases. It is well , 'klwKn ,nllny nlt.'clloiis of the throat, of the bones, nf the nose, and mnlMtnnl sores, which naic eeen ni trilmtcd to r) philU, aro so oiien cm veil by tli iiijiidi I chm imo of nifrriiry, aotlut tlm rcmeily haj pruil 1 woriii tli.ni tlu disonse. ' 1.1m iiMd and nur.MX nirrrits. I The Lifo nnd Vhoenit Hitters Imc always l-ecn 1 eiunally succesbfal in thh tlu"3 of itisi'nue. and will c-railicato all IlietilVUa ot inoruiry from tie ystcm, somier tban the mol powctfut pn-p irutioiu tf sarm- f inriU.i. They aid ii.itnrc In r.ifctluir lrom tho fj'nteinall MiisoiimiB matti-r, and by tlinu puril ing thu ital llahtu, ' tlu-y rstoru tin) sy-lcm m health. Illllflll IUIIll'I.IH'l-. J "in ivu. ....... l"t'"S t iou.it o "HiaiiUti of lulu upon tho ptomach is ntw n h ro itiisit f"r llu prnmoiion of rounil health It Btimuhiti's iliiLstioti, nnd Kul'ih tlic IntCftinnt cainl trei from all olMtructiom. tin tho intcrinr pnrf.icc of thu ilvrrisn 11cr.nli.1r bladder in IiIl1i tlio Inl j lt first prurvcd, hu'i'ng forniL'd by tho liver from tlio blond. Thonco it p.ifHOH Intollm Ktoinath nml inh'f lincfl, nnd rf?itlttti tbo tllgcslloii. Tlnii wo s't! "hen llu-rii Is n ih lUli-my of hilc, the liorly ia constantly cofctic. On tlu oilier h.in I, nn over aimtidanc! of Into rtuist's fr "pji'tit nansii inl the stumjcb, ati,l iltin pfim-uten , i-ry erJ atLtChU uf iliu-nsi, whith foiii -ti t-nd Pidialh. LIFK JIM 1)1 (JINKS. The I,i lJ Mfiiiiini fl rhuiild, ff pii'siI'lL1, Un taken In i1k cnriv RtiiL'fs of bihotu comiil lintii ; nnd i! lu-rst!- I crod in i-trittly aiton'ing tmliieUioiiii u ill pnsitin-ly eir-'tt a turf. Tin ir t'Xteni'tvo nsc In thisKinipl.iiiit in nil partii of our eniiuiu'in, rtinacrs loitnnuni niuucLSda ry-th-ir irtuert Fpak fnrlliem. Mfffii s I. if 1'illn. Tlu iisu id' thi'pe 1'ilN, fir a very pbort linic. will illicit an I'litirr fiiruot .ilt II In-11 m, and a sjtriMn iiiipri'Venii'iit In tho rlcartics of tlio nMn. CiMiiiiHin Cold and iullucii7..i always curd bj oiik doo,or by two eien in tho oit cases. PiLFdl Piifnt I TU i! oris. 11 tl proprietor ul tlieno Mfd hlnci was c tired of Pihs uf J.i )e.irs tjtaniliiij;, by iho urn of tin' I.if-j Medicnto nluii'. l.ixiR C'oMrr.vm, Aii aif'tlion of th-' Mvermylw known by u f.iliiii! of tiiiimi r p 1111 in tb' rigbt h!: aliout llu repion of tho lier, c.fti 11 pmnjciit an in plon-ri-y, but poind! m-a dull ; a tliilirulty in tlr.iw 111 a Imi" liruith ; dry cough an I inclination tommit. 'i'liia ill tii wsj may be pro.hiced by odd, ly violent 1 Arriiic, by inteiiao iui r hcatrt, by Ions nmtintied lnlioij ftir or n?uc, ami by arimu unlid tuiurttioiis in tho kiiIi stantcuf th livi r. And to iheseprodiuiti" raiiM'H.ar. durangem- nt ot tlu djaffti.e irc.inf t.iipiir'fcneil sei re lions, and mental soli' itinh', which nm iry lr."pl.iit tan 'i'S of olfUmtioits and tlirvjs.n of th llt r. Til is ilisenso shHild buarrrhtod lii'tb.icuiniiienretiii.iit uhith ran bo ibme by a fuwdoa.'s tf tin.' l.if.- Pill. Whi'n once tho liver i ar"tiieil In th purf iriii.iiiiu of it proper functions, little nnri' i rii'i'UMie tJi.in turon tlntto 11 1 r1!" r use of the ineiliciiietj, and a tpoedy re coverj w ill ciku '. 1'lkii mvd Ani'K-l'"r tl.iii tcnmza 1 f tlio UVttern roimtry, these mi'ilicinui will bo ftitmd n p.if , epeed and rertaiu runcd). Otln r ni"iIicineH leaxc tin fty-tein pnbjcct ti a return of tlio iliseaie a cure b) lUm .Ned ii im'n Ik permanent, HifioMMiV.-'lho inojt linrrild.' c.iie. of r-'rri'fula, in ubicli tho f.n e, bones and UiiiIh i f tliu b tint h id been prryed upon by tho i'is.iti.ib1; disetiiie, aro proved, by tmiboiiablo atttlmrii) of iln milVerers tli'inselvtu, to It.ivo b 'en conipUt'-ly rur'-d liyllue piifly f(,'Ltablo inediciiD'S, alLr nil utlurs had been tottnd nnr J tb in useless. ln.Iitf.'i'lhdi and l)ypipii. If w were calb-d upon to spei ify on dic;in' wliuli nur' Hi. m anj otln r I-. th liim'tfnhil.Mt 1 this ollVpring ut (iili.,itiin) wu tbotild 11 nine Dyspi-pia. It it u-nr.ill- aitcinbj.f, nr raib-r nrii.liirtiii',ot' a hm tram t f UN, sin I) ns Ih .irtlnirii. i'l iln! ncy, a .'naming am ai itie f.tntfi-t It uli n -inpty a t-eiiH! of iiiicnitiiiirl.iltle ucilil wh 11 lull, piins in Hi tliro.it, si le and pit f ths Fpunacli, ciolivn -i, tlulli-no)-languor, nuw 1 III ihtiu'mh t t.ikei ercise, A.c .Vor.jr.s itFi: .tKiticixr... .M.iir.it' I.lfe .Meihriin's ate pet llurlj- ndpted to tl..' i.ir ..I' lliis .li'treuins loniplaiiit 'iliei a. l u lit- h.iwil. In 11 t.-rynnl.l, nn.l.nl tliisani.il , vvry. ir.e- ,1 .1 ..i.i,it r. .n.l l.n. n,..r v, , I ... i-n. . .,.1 . ... .. i (i.-neral llelility. Iliu mi.pl i.nnuion of all roin - . .... ..,.. pi.ii.iis is in.ii oi .1 eiierni uvuKne, "t ine .ii.i , t. in, nii.H'coiiM'.iiili .1 t.y any pi.rlicnl.ir nieordi r. . oley. , or d,. I .-rev. .1 loss of ..nmlil , nun lllllitll,-ss. and lnd.,,.,1 ,... :inlily lo illl.l.'N.i -.p rll.,u. Ire.plcnt lieii.lii.li 's, inili lU-Inu olt.'iit .wlloniie .iii.l ,lryn. f the skill. l 'ii.h'iiry lo f,' ritdin.-t..,, iinlitness for s.-iiuly, in nli. rt ; all lho-e hi,i,oi,i of Lumiior. di-liil. tii.le, i..,,l eal.- lies. Hi it five ni.'ene-iil a idlluru in tlioiit.il t m or ami a Ion, iinluallhy and morbid condition oi llu yM.'in. Life Pills and Pliontix Billirs. Th- MB I'illsand Phoenix Ultl.-n an-, p. lhap,, ,he I. it remedy l..r r.'toilnai-treiialli toll... I..ly for, Ih. y a.ta.asu.lleiiiilaartie.uiiJ, l.y uKr toMa .pialili,,, trenlhen till Mholj ry.triii .inm it;, i.im niK.-i'.rtoin oi ap'.t'ioric lieh t,ho . a.,, Hthjert io nm ii,.i.h. flii.r. ,ii,,., ,: .Is it. or i r..fiii,'KS. turn. ..hi iii,.i ...,. ... ..I ..I tee hand, .l.ould lake, tl.e.e 1'illa lrj.plei.lly. AllVIl.'i: TO I'i:M M,iy.reinal a lw u.Mi th health fIi.iuM ik Lr lie ith. . .it !! I..1, M,..ii.i,.ld j . ,o .....iiiuuoiii. ana eue l u - bkni n beauiiiul. tl.-ar. i.-nli i.a 1.1 ancc. " Tn Llite.ly rrrinlir. Many healthy aped i .1 .1 i i ,1 nut a ..-n...., uio ...ni.- ... i....,ii i.ne aieillrlne, make , It a rule to take tl ir lliree times n week, by I wliUll tliey remove tha cuiseri tliat jiroihice dlm-a,.' I preserve Hair lunllh, and be. p oil' tlio laiinniij. a f l!e. I C... l,,,l. n.. I .. 1. . . . i I shed by Hie nunu.il bh.s of m. rtality, Hut nun .,r f ! the rhilarin borne are tut oil' I,, fore utuiuilii! ,e,i n I pan nf ajj: and tho f.ntl, arc of Una morliiity U , oun. toesisl in that loul ,t.,U ol il,u i,ac, .,,,, bowels which produced the feinratioli iifwnnn.. ,3 ; the safe restorer of infantile health iu this critical rtate U.e I.ifa .Mcrliihie. .have l.n,el,,d,lu,'l-tl,,..ul'h-dr,,m'l lalion. mid ,,r oulil.;..o Ih , ,toiiiach and h.nvds, , , "oiimi si. at. i, l ioiieli w,rif,4 in..,-,i, .t..i,, , to ho Mineitor lo mi, .11, r. ..."ii.ii 1 lit, at, I ion rn. An ,n.i or!,.,-., nt.....-.....' 1,111 rn. '.t ,i,Iirlt.,. n -..... .......... ...... , , . i., tiiaiiKiiiii its invf.,., uitlitit the la.l tnv jeiir. j and rerlnliily iiu,i i, been rewarded w ith more numerous and a.tth, ntic les-' tituoiilal. of their iniliriahbi nnd i-Ttin.tl ,,!,..... Tliey ree.liri no tlutlii!! liorroiilliieliieut, u.e ptrleclly mild and pleasant in tin ir oiirali hut will power- lullyreatore hialth-thal creates! or eatll.ly bltslii,.3 lo Iho most exhausted und orapidated cntttiuitious l'r.'iared by Ur. Wil II. MOPPAT, ..,.,,, 3" llroadway, New Vork. And for bale by nlljIlracitlsU. ntj l,l ly. AGRIOULtTUUAls WAUKII01JSI3, i'o4'. 21 i)- 23, South Sixth strict, near tha State, II, use. I'llII.AIUll.I'llIA, l'll.N.VA, Tl5"' "Ulr" "flhis s,ecii,iu buil.liiij., crritnl enre.lv ior .no propriclofstrade, aw stored will, ,ia a;t , Iniple nts of interest to lariiiors' and eiir.len, call, the attention, of ivery ono lntcrone.1 in ",,!. ...,u..,s,,fc.,u atii.,rrli.er. an.l I sar.Unins lo their well wleitcil Hock of Agriciillu' Ilarraalctl Clarim and Vloxtr SttJi arm, and Held r, ?J ;'' ' rrlahle ivollnj. fho Asricniiurnllnipleiiientisoid by us are mostlv maniir.ictnre.1 at our neat,, work. Ilristel I'a 1 e, en I"8 !!l','l' Z ""'"""''"'"M "l""'t re.-ard to ixpcnsf, Willi the most louiiip-to mac hienerv for tl. inauufacltire or , ,io, kintls t!f asiicult . i, L,! e ,t. wo are now prepared to supply all ariicb's in ll'ii li'iu .hS'pic'rS XT, '.'n'V' ,"."'"'S' ''''" t o. year to of,e"s k" tvil,,c,'" "f supe.ionty our ali Country merchants can ho sitppllc.1 wilh seed. In m. pers, or ,n balk, on the most l.hiral tern," '" ra l.l.K.i.is.lalo, near llrMol, l'o., mir cordiu scctl crotind. contains thrnn hundred nnd CVei,ty acres. a,,fl "t ie larscaittatlishitient ..fits kind I,, tho world. ..,., I.ANlmilTll k PO.V, rj-ufelifu; in,": iS:v.nw?"!wta sonal oVp,;,,' paid a Vluation.' " "ra"'-ui"'" I1"' January Ul, lcW-j.; UrKSTIiJS, 110 VK14, Noa. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oourtlantl street ltOAltl), 51 00 PER DAY ' II. H.WINCIIl'sTIlR. ll" iilOrl.ll. WINCIIi:STi:it. M , NEW YORK, May 1, IMS THIS WAY OIIEAP HUYKltS. lvTr;c'-r?i.5?'"-H'u.,e,1 , Wll Jdil L"nC aI"n3 Uit" JUUr i rrodu,;. .... i.ai liii UiNJjX Marfll ,3 mi & I. W II UT.1IA. A IL Da E B3 & Kil ffi 2i ID IL S IMPROVED STANDARD a 1)lmoi li n4 nl' T .' . feUpCl'-L llOSplUUO 01 L 110. I i. ".v., l"C niu unuiu luniuuu! in r.iiiHinoi in o l.u thou.and, of Inrmer. imil ri.mtin r.,r nt.utnWrofye.nrM'"! rice $3 pcr;2000 lbs. (21 els. prrl h GUANO. PEKUVIAN. Rccclvcil illtert ftem tin ( , , ntoren. Il'ofranlr.gfnelnr. "' n IC'IIAIIOII. Thl In thu old fmliioneJ I'emktn ;... Imi'ottcd direct. Allcll & NfCll.CS' JfcW FfriIIZCr. The low nricn ami superior .uality of tin, fltl H fail Mining It Into general ute. ' Vt'fC ?!10 per '20110 lbs. (li end jlcr ;. i O.Vl! DUflr. llutton-mak. rtfnc Lc Dun k (,,, , J " i!ne. "l-Wuinl ,A vr n.ASTI'.Il, Warranted purr. In l,arr,. A il!iMtlm lll0 ,0 tlLlltR, Ml j r' HllllCL' j; arlklc. N. II. Wo have n larso numbtT of Dh t,..,- Tr 'inluiiu nwanleil by thu various ipritiittL.rtii ' tics, which ou arc reiuusted to call und inii,iR 12 South Whnrvos and -II Honih Waul v, (fVrit Ateff nJve Chutnut,) ur HIILAIiLtl'lIU, Teh JCleCI-3m, LlVlS INSUUANtJK. Tiiutr coMpjixr or VnitJtt)V.Unn ornrK, o. 4iHrnmM'T hi hot. CAl'lTAI(pald up.) S'lUU Dtw. Charter PrrpctuvL CONTlMTito mako IMjCUANXTd ON I.ivi'j tlio iiio-l feayonaldo terms. ,,n The capital belnjr paid tip and Invested, tne(.tf,PP ... ,1 larpn nnd contantly in creasing remrved fiin.i " a pi-rfert piTiiniy to tin Inmred. an'H Tho prenilunin must bo paid ) early half Hitiv fpiartcrly. ' ' t( The Company ndil n HONUS periolically in ii,,, rann-s of iffe. 'Tlio l'lllST HolsTH oppn-priat 1, "iV" reinln r, the HCCONU 1I0NUH In Ib-Vr ' , ' ', tlioTIIIItll n(INM;3iul)cceiiiUT,lWl,aiiiMhelVii-i'-., iT7"riic?so nddltloiH afe made Without reiulr!rt nIT Amount r.fp(,iirj ,, boniMtu b.'mri,r j by futurontbihi.H, 5d,:(-7 ;,(, iM'iU (hi I ion mi t 1.1 U) Sum Honm or Injured ndditlni S.',j(K) S"7 .I'l :iuur m.(i (hi Hum 100 tu .yw I5"i w Tolify No. f!l Ul " lll'l 'All I'a nil lets. forms of nppliratinn, nnd further infiiriiiatii'11'1 f tni ud at tho otllce. an h; Jso. P. Jambs, .frfwii-jr. '.. P. C. Iltnni'ov, ratiminhg V,ciaa.' October 10, lf3-ly. Lacitawamia & Dlooiiislmrg XtnHi uad OV AXI) Al'l'l'.ll API1II. 2'.', ltd, I'lMl'v,.,., TIl.MNrJ H'll.l. RltN AH I'OI.I.OW s L' W U V I X O M I) U T II. PnixU t ratfengtr. l;,s, .. ' I.cavo l:cnntnn, ni'. a.m. nil.. 11 Kincstoti " I!lo.,i..,lmr;, " llanvllle, ".Viirfi'iinherlanil, M O V 1 .V t; Leave N'orthiiinherlaHj, linnvillc, " llloeni.hilrj, " Klngaton, r.ivo at Pcranlon, 1.111 P II li (iu 11 J.. io.;n N O li T II .ii" r. .11. i.j.i 5.','3 Tu3 Airhi I III l.im .',.:iu iwu 1 Jim M sir, p m tu.', 8.05 V. il r V ; . . B . 'riiinnisoirnvesK ncmon nt P IS Ml , ZS "' "'"" HI, train r,Vr N-k Vork n, u iih il,,.:Y.ki'"'",'ni""1, "'""'"-""rs Itailmad r.., withthell.-l.ini.re.Ijiclianiinnaaii.l ,t rn I' i i, "' u r','m''.V J" S,"v U"l """ i"tirn". i t.' ., . pniiiuuckt and .oath. ' " 11 May I, Ici.l. 1. .I....... .... GIUCULTUKAL & SV.llD WAliK PASCHALL MORRIS. FUILADELPIWI A GIUC 1 7.7V 11AL ,j- iEED ll-AlLEItUL SI:, Slreels to 1,1. Nli.V STANll, , j,,' I 1 01 I'O-.TE THE rAIIMfchrt I,; IHiCET , OIIWr for sale, as h'Ttofur i d. rrrliulrn of ' " ibl. pn.i I I... ,...!-...... . ,, mi. ri.-Mi .in,. nun,. T . ,, . . . IVnrraiited Treh and i; 1 . r Meed cnuina fi. IJ, ,j0r.l. ai.dn.o, In ureal intuTy. A,, , I ernmeiit lin.n.o. and ..Ihir r.ll.il.le rcrtulr',. I , j .iii.l (.'rali. l.r..,,.-.I'r.,ll ami , .. ., , 7 '' , I llV- Iln . . . V. "!'.''. Kr I ln.pl ent, Seed, unj Nii ' c Inn appli. .ition? rJ Ll""l'Sni , lur. ., .efM, . Afriniltlinl and fteed War. Im'.m. m.'.!111,1!''"' Flrut nnniwlio it. l ' Au AI January pi ' 'ntwcai? m,,.,.,,,', ,. j ft Jj'V AUIU A('1' 8TA IW.ISI I M Wl ' IX ntoninntmn I the X.a 1!,. l,,cc7ri . . , ,l,frW 1 ' 'J .1' rr"K sul,cnl,. r ni,M rT .;,,,.,. ;.. J public, tiut i u i,. C, , ,' ,c. 1 .'7.l"'"INinct ,1 th hiioutx I vi'-H. ""Hill Alt V, 1 i, ,' i o. . lies, tie i , r , or.li rh and i,aB ' I I ar, .1 I ' - tariniij lnnfi.. ,, I """h.d uorii Hli.ril ,..'1 finn, K,,.. ; ,,uu" SllOClllff Qllfl tllfail Klllllllllur Till". .in'derPiB,ic, ,7,.I1tf1, f 1 n i 1 1 II I II c . J f,,,,,. i .u",;-," ), in .f',1 r. I' -1 pa, rn,, n 3 ,, , hat l,e .till coi lii ue. l "J ""' l'W"e In S.n ,., , iVi , , , , , SMITHING BUSIXKS3 ' ,lln ' Mind. ai the 1,, allov ih,. .'Ti ,.' . , Its nrl. ..ih .n.u.i. ... . 1 ' me l.ml j:.,,i H.-tilc, and Mlltl, , ,, lo, '.nd ii I'.n an eitl.ir i:ioom!b-irZ, j,i r,, iw Bi'i!i'iii:N k vhii! l'llUD-K U110W.V, JU., ... m,", HOVEL," aiiiUi ami iiifsliiut sirfrs- olItAP.u .'inl' III.AIHU.PHI l 'VXD DltVCIS. i rticli. loilct A !:.. .. I.ttHn's, CcuilrnvV. Il,ni,,...u ., ... . .. . ..''li's. fat iicts. Willi,;:...::, '"" ' ;.o 'sl'."..inr,oftl,ebest,li , it ,.- .f the best ,11., -''"-" Ilrsr llvoi.isn'l UlMllRKiSAi' IIl-t I1mii.hh i H..-T i:m,u-i, I i,; f"vZt',"i" kiutls.' ' "'Vs. . &e. rcnVI'!'n'a',,V.0'''l',,''' '""" B i- .,''"l;U K UtOWX, Je Au-ust I, lSCO-lim. J"' L'''etnut fts. Spring and Summer. J. SL O AN TT AR In,. iu .i, . 1 fal'ItO AND SUMJIM t nnnnq almost every new- fabric nMch ,.,. , 0 0I,hl lor Mprinp and Stiiunu"?, s , ''"'"" nunuf.t.t.ir. or STAfLB GOODSof ' "'V, "mill ii.otln. i" taricty. and ai aJ1 !'J ''"'f ',' 111 1,1 f' , ptirihasedilsiwlnfr" a lu,vas ''"tilar food, cant as alenraV,;,i:'Kr',?J. f",'U nl low I"""' 1 " fit n Good articlo n,i '" 'luality Hut" Buch an onn" luu?lV i l',rlc0 ' """ tliin f.n may nam" ll0-'vt.r, is oiivred lo any ul" nur aooos, luitntfjinr.. f'.J44 IIH(r, oitocri'jr. QVV.fMM.ikl. visit, TRUNKS! TUUNKBlf 1 4vs emsm Itriu Koo.f, 1 f Tr""k 'nauufaclorV No. It' I ' A-PTK? J'011 ''ave read the ulmv i' not fail m calling at IMlljiOV Hoounburj March, . 1 Ji 1 ' f.l.t,,.!.,,. !.... , ,u i. tv i;iji;i;ix" ii..t. JMl'laioldatOl a-ist.. a. t 1, -1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers