i iiniiT,'-',l','1? COLUMBIA DBHOORAT. juicai ana ypcctai, Special Notice I (7-THOMAS W MATTHON', nirrlved the I'rl7i Medal at the U'oild's Fair 111 London I rial, forTIIDNliSI 1 i.lliriir IIAtia, llouts, almca ntnl num.. meat Hitmen. lr(t fc )iawinati. niB HIU IHllV (HUTCH in lllircii'ipvin I.,.,,,. l'oa, 'clca, Thin J lunch tho lnrsi'i.t ntntk of trnnka, Cnrpit ,. n ,. , llata, Vnllrrv.&r , In l'llllt.l. Ijilii.-l very cheap for cnali j.Voi Cren "i Nil. Mi .Market Sired, una door abol ci 4tt, Soul M Hmaiillcl 11111, Cupl. JidinUrulcr. I Tn (Inrvr CLOTUito r.Mi'omi'M or the Urno., !'f;lc,,V'!I''r! lilll.nlcll.lill IMKIIII the most splendid Clothing r.m- VV III. 11. Ilrnke, porlouiii In tlm country. It Is aplenplil na rcgarda tho .l1;! t.VY? palatial atriicturo In mIjIi lithe iiuincnai' hilslncaa rftlio ,.,,.,,l?Yim, "",,r; I-" m . i-,'rl o i , e calabllaliincnl la cununuui.aiul it H cpially aplcnilld in ,u-i,.. ..-i gigff la iuu i-'iiiu uuuuaj ,- reapeci in nn grcui ianm ica aim vaci roaou ri ea coLUMBAj3EMocaAT. 'Look to your Interests! Tbo followinir aro Hid receipts to the offico I . of tho Cotu.MiiiA Di:.mock.at, during I tho month of May, 1801 I I FRESH ARRIVAL John (.'. Freeze, Editor. SATURDAY MOHNINO, JUNE 29, 1801. I5 ("I'llst. F.acklel Colo, 510 no 1 "3 Ana Utcrrlt. 1 AO 3 (Hi Pi tir M. Illi Iirr, 1 ta 3 ,3 F.at. of Mucin Fot. 1 !tt 3 .Wtllrnrd Life Ina. t'n., fi ll 1 in,Frahklln Having l'uud, 4 2 tin Peter Kinney, 2(10 1 SJJamoa Fred", 13 lnl 1 1 oo'Hr.tvtor II. Frcrje, 2 W ., 1 ooTrcderirkllnltriibuch, 1 SllliiillnS. Crcaev. 1 .Mlllli nJ. Wlntcrstccn, 01' Lamps ! Lampsl ! II BAD QUART MIS. AMn'Miwii rm.'cm aiuitvat. no SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. ins $ filler's, improve! vjiTKirr coal I Jllt vuhjv r.nv, of injui a run AT :i ihi reaped In ila great rarillllca and vat roaoiirioa. Ilutlo " m krlekliniiir, 1 l, li nj. It Intcr.tccn , Its patrons ll thief attractions arc, tint the vlcminio 'i",""1 ' 'J Li I rc,'' , 1 nflliu garments for (Iciitlcincn mid Vimth aniifac, ""i f rlls. i liv i . v ' tcrlTrluity. . ..Mn.cnrn nf WvnTiiitifT .Tnlv 1. 17GS 'KZ..'t v.. . . -r- T..1.. o lastly tlio'inuJurnto t.llci'H lit ul.lcli Ilia con.U nr.r 't.ol.1. 1.'cl't '.V llPrlioln. r.'.. 1 Sll I.aar. K, lliMliir. iuaitiu ui .'i.iioiuu wuui uo nter, in till .loacrlpliun, tu none uth.r tha 1011. Miry tic McdicU died July 3, 1012. JclTersou ami Ailamsdied July 1, 1830. PrusSt. Monroe died July -1, 1S31. liattlo of Chippewa fought July 5, 1811. Montorey tr.Lon, July 0, 1817. lure.! tlii-ru t m'eon.lly.tho hcnniy ami ituraMlliy i.ftho .'.ikroto, iiiiultiiim, nun uio inpcrior cxcfiicniu 01 ino in, nnn T, , ,7 . than tho J'',l, Uelnotl, V.t. Ilruivn CtnilM Ciotlllna Hall nf Ituckl.ilt k Wlliun. No. ." "arrlsun, I.U3 an.l ouj Chcanut ureei, I'hlla.lcli.lila. ' Hi.l Hhninan. (.'olun.hla t'ounly, 1 OU'Wrlim-r Yonnir. 1 7.1.11, tv. unlililna, jJS" TIio return Judge of th different counties iu thii Congrei'sional District ill incTl at the Court House, iu this place, on Saturday next. 2 V.'.iCo). Illram U, Kline, 3oUaci.h Kyerly, l:i'(., l ji'iiwin. iiuninnn, 2 .IU I no 1 T.1 1 r.li;i:itati'iril. Sincthcra, 1 '.1 5 2 III MILLER & EYER'S. TlIU BiilircribCM have Juit returned from I ho City Willi another large and nek-d assortmct or 1 uu iMircnifcn ni rminu? ipiiint bi uio iowch njture, nnu 5 DO u filch they aro (Itturiniiifil to sell m ai moderate tcrmi 3W nirnn bo urncurud clacwhcro In IHoomeburg. Their I ! fturk comprises 5 Miimw nnkss noons. BURNING. no a i Knuo.-iJNi:, on CMitnu.V otr.s. AUTIIOUIHKD MILITAHV UOOKS, t'utllihcd by order of the U, S, Var Cepartmonl. BY JlUTtWRITY. DXIT1JI) STATUS IAIFANTHY TACTICS, Fnr Hip Inrtructlon, czcrriad an.1 maniirrea of the U. ri. Infantry, Including Infantry of tho Line.Llgkt lnfaii' try, and Itlflemcn. Vreparcil under tho direction of tllo War I)eartmcnt, and authorized and adopted by Simon Cameron, Secreta ry oi m nr ! AIUNO the brat and chapcat Light now Inuac, anlt- Containing tho Brhoo) ot'No SoMlcr, the School of tlio I 111 nlilo for Churchca, Blorea, or family uae, no dancer ! Company, Inatructlona for rjrlrmlilica.tho Uinerrlralla , iron, i.xp.ur.oi. ni... one nan eneuper lliai. any uiner light, now uaed and 11 37'Shcriir Pnv.lcr. lat. of Henry sillier. 1 T3;(ienrge K. Itcaa, Innrk Fot, Ka1., 1 .m lohn Keh liner. .1 i..iii.eo. ii. Kcicnner, ftoT A mot gloiioud rain visited ui on Wednesday afternoon. It was worth thoujand-, of dollars to Columbia County. " flianlt Hod ! fir Thoro will be a regular meeting of lemoeratie Aspociation at its reading room on tho (irst Tuesday of July, in the "Evening. Those who have not paid, will please hand in their fubsciiptions. jRjy-Col. Wiighfj majority iu Luzerne county is said to bo thirty-eight hundred nmP"' forty-eight ; and by rcfeiing to tho official vote in another column, it will be seen that in Columbia lie has 07') In Montour county 0 10 Wyoming county 'n'otflicard from. tft&' The Atlantic monthly for July,th uSt no of tho VIII volume h alieady on ouptablo A good deal of it is devoted to politics, which we think a mistake-the "newspapers are fo filled with that subject) iSat one docs not desire to meet it in a lit erary monthly. It is a tlirieo told talc daily, weekly ami monthly. Ticknor k Fields, Boston Mass S3.U0 a year. ''fey In the Keller caao of which we spoSe last week, the Jury found tho De fendant guilty ; but in the mean time ho batUitcpped out leaving the marshal to lindjhim at his leisure. Judge MeCnndless was very unich annoyed at the escape of 'thtjlpii.-oiior; and Mr. Marshall Murray willlhave to keep h'n eyes open a little wi-der The White Itall Clothing Storo TIip iiinli'mlrfticil. linvltirT tinrclifioful t Tin Urlt.knnuii t i-u7..t.i .... ...i J.U'.S.uiki'y. Woet lrmr Tourlh mid .Market Street, Dillidelidila h. Jj. IVltlc, " rcKi-L-ctfully inforiiM thopuUic mid Miner customers f Mfltt K. V.nt, tho ItouiiMtiatliokciiHcuiirtaiitly fur paIo and makeg jjjjjj i"iiej"ier up tu order, all dccriptiou offienllcKicn'tt ncnr( of np i;imrlt!ii I). nVtnlch proved material and eclta ntcry moderate price, lie lug n Ph actio At. Tailou, he gu.iriiitei'i gimd tits and nvii-iiinnuuoriiivmB. nrmmirmi.... given i..ju..uinK .,.,, ,,,, ,r..,w.flfllv u,r,ttmi hU MtmU nnd of chicit tslcK nnd Intcft fanliloti. DRV GOODS, AMI) tlKOCEIUKS, it niimVAR K U UKrX WJIREt CI'J)AU tr.UlK, HOLLOW IVARR 1ROX, JMri.$, JiOOTH fr SUOr.ll It ITS CJt PS. tc . At.. Sr.. til ntrnt rvi'rj thiiij iniully Kept In country Blorea i r nIIenrv U. Kelchner' ao'Cco'co Itartman, 3 IKiISiihT. VV IlHrlman 1 TS!MiMU.&.n llouck. .,!('. II. V.auXh i .UiWiu. n.nrai a .'.ii S Ml 1 13 1 till a no .1 no ETKR.'S SHOVE jyirtliS, tow tii Ii they invite the public ceiieriilly. iuu iiiL'iiciipncu n.iiaitir louiury proouro. M1MXU Sl l: YF.lt. ! lilooingburg, May 11, lfCl. ) NEW 11USINESS FIUM. I 'Pill; itiidcrrfKiied reaper tfully infurm their friends nnd llio public generally. Unit they have entered In In ni iartnrililp. under thu name, it to nnd linn of , milluil 8c i;Vi:iiin tho iHcrcniitilc ISumiicss, The above lamps, with nr without, Globes or Shades can be tied at tho NEW AND CHEAP DUUC! STOltE, Kxcliiiiigo Uullilliig, llloomsbiiK. l'n., Where tho underaianeilunnlit Heaprctfiilly inform, Ilia Friemla and the public In geiieriit. that he baa Juat re reied from till cities, a large ntlil will tclected atock of flood. In hia kind cotmiating of ruiiriii anii ft! it ti i: imun.i. ,Ml:l)lt'lNy k l.lln.MICAI.M. (IKUIIM) k WilOLI! KIMUIIS. FAINTS OILS. VAtlNltflltS nVIl STUFF, WINDOW 01. ASS. OF A LI, HI. US. FAINT. TOOTH SIIAVINU r.iiusiius TOBACCO k. CinAlf, OI'TIIF. IIBSF IlitANOSt FLIIFUM tiaV, FANCV BOATS, TltUSSF.S & SIIOUMir.lt ItA IF.il. rum: wives & iiranoim for MLIIICIN.M, list!, (ILAM'CinTINO, llONll'I'OOItimil.dll.T. M (Jill. I) INtl FOIl FliA.MLS.b A III; LAP VAUILTV OFOAItllON Oil, l..Miy ANDSIIAIins. FLU 1 11, CA 11 l'l I i:n i; s A FF.T v prnerally. , I tbo public eeiieriilly llial be h.iaju-t lon.plete.l hia A roiitlnuat onnftlio rusLoin i.ftho bnH.o. ublrl. I.o w Mill, on Littlo Flvliinerr. ek. in (lreeliw.io.1 ttinn. ul'l ei.nr.i iionnliwto n.o.lt. i.n- ,....... I r.,lle li.il. ahlp I olnuilil.t ti.uuty. and Haling enoncen one oi me in the "Ol.l Arcad"," In Illooiii.biirg. Columbia rn.. ... ,, u I I'l'IIM.- l.ifmin.rt,M.,lin.nu.i-...i.i.ij, ..,.., ..i,.,.-,, .ll.rilll llir J ll.J on UIO IKIAinra4 (l IIKIK- t'l.U 1 II I. A U'H SC SI I A Vf.. H'1! . . . 1 . o. .L ll.li. in riorittotiiiv ,u no., in liU I no i.riuiint V nnd Satla nil. SUni iMni9i,i. in nil t. .Ilvnr.ia...l i.,n... i.n. n...i i. ..... ... . ........i.. nn.nn. r...il.lnn. .May I, lft,L y f.utnrily. The building la a largo ili.ul.lo llrlck .Mill, (leparlmi'tita. and In ul.kli thev illiitu an rtM,.l..i. of ,l:.v n,...'ri,...,.1.,l V,.,.iv modlrln... rnren.llv I...I .... ninC.nrlnil I.. . I.n . ... n.lr r 1 1 ,, ...i . m.tlnva foil r . I... ...il.l l. .. ., , ' I. . ... .... ........ L.: ,,. ; . , 1 41 u. mo ueinni i.ri.n'aaion IB m. a. .1 . .11,1.1.11, FiimrKC. F.ven. Unlformlll- of Prleoa I A '.u' Foiituri! In llualnpaa . .... nrtli.rrrt. Sl.lrl nil.,.. lion 11 11 1 bo I'lvcl. to the bllai- Ijiery one bla own S.iloatu 111 1 joVFS A. t'O. of thu nea un.l 110 p.ilna apared to render general aallfacllon. Fyer'a tlrove, June, Ir1!',!. liu jaucii i;vi:k. EXEOUTOlfS NOTICE. HU'ttr. of rulip l'irtZ) rcceisc-l. I'r.iAt lit O110 I'rif.t riiilliiiii' .inn V.i 'till M.iLt l I nii(ie iut, i'lit ntie'pni.i. ; Iu ntltlition tu h.iijiu the Lirscitt. mast niicd nnd i f.i-hiomildc stiu k uf Clothing in rtiihiiliHphia, muilo v- prnsly for retail mlc., U;iv i ijiisliintetl cvi-ry ouo his i hwii i.iIokiii,ui, by h.u in- mnrked In tiiirt'H, on null nr j llftn nt lli.l wrv liiuitit nrlrit it Mil hit um.l Cur atl th.-V tnnimtpOB II) y ary-nlt must Imy iillkf. I T I.t.Tl'I.Itf tPstiuiPiilnrynntli' IMntcofPiuttrrFiT. X 1 Im K'K'iin nro well rptiiiguil ami prt'pircd, nnd crrnt ol Him.itin.it townnip, in mimhi um lmuiu.uu pniiid takuii with tlio m.ikiutf so lli.il nil inn hn with the rernt'd h;m- b.-cii urmitcd by ill" Iti (.'litter nl Cidiitubi.i lull avBtirJiict'of itttln a c.nd iirtulu nttho irvhi- emmty t th uinlcrrtk'tied , all prtsmitt havlm tlniina ei.t price, Ainu, it lauestuik ut pietu ml n hiind.'f ac.tiuit thell tto nt th" h itsdeiit, are reiiii'ftd tit pre th" latent ntjlo and h.-t tiujlitlea, wliiin will be iiiado 'tit Hiuiii to tlm l.'rutr(i, ut lh-lr n'siitcncf, In v.u to order, In t'u tmtti i.is.liiuii.ilrlu and hett maun r, .5 SmtarhMl louiuhip. without dday and all ioroiia Iu, per rent., b.-hnv i red it prii.-i. dtbitilto make p.ijiiKiit furthwttli liciiiumu.'r um iri'kuni! iii.ti.itKei.nnnte mmii r-ircci r .1tu.1t 1 mi., Jiiuee, laCI.-r,t, tltoomsbiirg, May 11, JSCl.-tf, the c.il N for Hklrmtihers. Iltu HlIkiuI of tho Itattnllion. the Articles of War Including a dictionary of Military Terms, Une toiiimr. roinnlctc. lUttltfttteu wlu numerous en graving i, QlMt. war utpARTHKST, v Anutmri, ?rtT i4 jriii, 1'hls RVstein of rutted states Infantrv Tnctkn fur l.lttht Iiihintrv and Itillo i en. nronafed iimlir tlw direc tfoii of tho War Dcp.iniui'tit, liavinit been npproted by Ihu rrenblciit.is adopted for tlio instruction ul tho troop when nitltig as I.ielit liif.uitry or Ititlemeit, and, under tho Act of .May, U JtiJ0, for tho obscrtanco of the ml litla when so emplow-il, si.mu.n UASIIiltOX, Fttrrtnry rj Har, Tho above EVstcmoflurHlitrv Tact leu tinned tnnii the lati'it improvement! in Trench military experience, und adnttted to tho iecutiar wnnta of our serv ice. has been prep.irvuoy urueroiiiio unneu ttatcs uov.-rtimeiii,aii 1 in now. a icr 1 ne tiiour aiiiiriorv e Kunrern 11 tin- rlcncy, authorised ami adopted by the Herniary f War iur inn inriruiiKMi ui iniopi. iiii.iuiry is oiviocu 11110 nenvy iinniiiry nmn caucu Infantry of the Lino and J.ioht Inf.intrr. 'Ihodiifer eme bctuern Heaty and I.lght Infantry istivufold : Ut. 11 tiirir wvnpnni aim u'luipineni, ine former wing arm rd with the mti-kt-t, and the latter with tho title, when It maybe had. i-'d, in tho order of battle.lleavy Infantry being iu loiiiimtt order, while I.lirht Inf.inttv i ilisiiL-ri. cd or deployed n skirmli'herft.lhe men being seperated iinti iiiorvinucpuiiuciii 111 ueii"( ring iiieir nru tu enarp-sliuntcrii. Ill tne Krliool of the Cnmn.inv find nftbn ltnttal iin.thu instruction for Heavy and J.lght Infantry Is tho name. vwty regiment of Infantry having one Company of MADisoN house, (OF JLKSnVTOW.N.) continued ntldTeetll lliaertcd, in thu inoatj upprnled inntl.ler. ' Feeling tbanklul for pait natronage. he hopea a roiitinu.ince of the anuio. , O. .M. IIAOII.MIUCII. I nlooinaburg, .May If,lfCl-y, 15. ltUSII PETltlKEN DECLINES. U. Hush Petrikeu has declined tho ap pointment of Lieutenant-Colonel. Ho do- eo,u!;,!,tnK Colonelcy, and could not get what a;rie... nowpreaciiu.l pn.'a n coiupiite Cl.nw OI 1 hn wantCll. SO IlP lldV 111 lot. nn ..ti.l initruction for both klndaoflnfoiitry, in tho acliuula ot WJUl-,, so ue HOW IU a passion and thu company and battalion, and liaa Waidea a apeci.il would tiot talto invdnn drill for Light Infantry u ben rmp'oeda aklrn.lah. ra. "oum "ol l!1K0 anjtUing. -IIIC auhaciibcr Mould reapettfully apprize hia fricnda 11 ff nil) xl)tl VO ITftfltl Oil fl l'tftl'N . ami Ihu public geneiull;, that hu baa opened J) I U UllllJU III q IIVjiIU VUlll IVI O N'o. vIiK). JUNLS iCO. A CAltD TO TIIK liADIKS' Ir. IHipotiroVs Gold n Tills lor Females. Jaf alt tbl r tu torrfrting. rrutatinff and remoiinff nil ct btructiotti,J'roni trhnerrr rausr. and always turtti'ful as a prciciititr, 1 lie Couihlu.ttinn of imiredlcnta In Hr. Diipnncn'fi liotdi'tt l'l lit nre pirfe(tl h.trmlep. Tli-v hnvo been tifcd In the private pr.it-iico of old Dr. Dupom o fur over thirty jciirn, mid Itoiiu.iudrt of lailiew cuu t t i t" to their groat nnd never fjiliiiL' Mitreti- iu itlinft every etirte, iu torrectlng irn-LMilanii'-H. relieving painful und tlit racing ineiKlruation. partirularty at tho change oJ life. 1'rom five to I 11 pilltt wilt euro that coninum yet tUautnn. I nder the abovu name, in Jertrj town, Columbia coun ty, Hi., where hoi- tully prepared to entertain the iriveltug (omimuiity tog rnl HUiiafaction. Ill TA- lli.l, nud ItAU.uro wl1 Kiipplicd and will bo carefitllf Fiiperiiitendt.l. AndliU AWBA; id amplo and well aloekid, in (barge of careful 'roonid, will always bo .ItrKEIaTV, XIJAL Si 1 0., IN Till! Fllll.l) WITH AM INLilUASliU St'lTIA' UF WV. would announce to the public nnd our frlen.la that uu li.uo juat ruurnoit from thu City ulthn very large aaaortutent f ' NEW CHEAP GOODS, Our atock ofllllV CtlOIW comprlaea the largeat. cheap est, and haniUnuioat now i.tlVred in tbla townl Wo are k I il t't H1J1 ll's i ril'lini i j. lie imilea a ahare of tha public ruttoin. and determined to compete with ,tho 1 111 Ltlltlll 3 VUIULI. liledtea Ilia bi-atcirort. to lull. Iila iiio.tro..l I. ....... ffli1 Ue A UJ'!i JUST rcccitcd a fresh lot of No. 1 .t 2 Mji k. rel uud for S.ilw at II AllT.M ANS. pledges hia bestelforta, to help hia cue. la feel at home. &..llUi.t, UlllUl, Jeraejtown, Slay II, !Gl-3m. LACK Laco Shawls for salo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . L'tlute of Jacob Ucariatl. rftcrasul, iTIITICn l-h. r. I.,- ,-nn ,1,-,. 1.,,,..' r IIAKT.MANS. dcadful (nmpl tint, tlu Wllitea. Nearly enrv female in tne i ma auiiera iroui una con.pi.iiut. l lie ai.oiu pin , -.rM,,. . .1 . i i in- p'Tiiuneiniy r ire.i ihouaaniia, ami will rur.i on ir J I .'A 1 Jv A by nip constantly on hainl ana y.m iiso tliiiu. Tiny cannot harm ) on. on the ii.iilr.ir) 1 Ji for Sale nt.ii; ita. nor gall, by ilAllT.MANS tliey r move a 1 oli.trui liona. reatore naturi' In in prop- crillannel, and Iniisor.ite Ibawholo ajatem. I.n,lm "1ALICOES it Muslins for Slllo as low JA 001) S. II. Sugar for salo at fi cents VJT peril., at IlAllT.MANS. tv 1 i . o. . 1 1 . AlUl 11.1, la Ik I 11111 1 Itrcss gOOUS lor sale as IOW as 1 tlou oil the i-laleof Jacob tiearharl, l.ttuof .Malno iu m. pur ) urn ui Ji.viti.ti.v.is. un ihiiip, l-oiiiiii B fj l3f We understand that the !li::rvick , National UuariU" have tendered their scr UccTto the Marshal of tho Day, to take 7nrttin the Fourth of Ju'y Celebration. 'Ofcourse they will bo accepted. The Company comprises tho firat citizens of 'ilcrwick, is well oflieered, and numbers about Fifty men. Wo hope to see the Guards on hand, and that tho Committee vrill'co to it. "sHif At a meeting of the Executive Pom mittco of tho Pennsylvania State Agricul tural Society, held at Ilarrisburg on tiie llth'intt, tho Committee appointed to make arrangements for holding tho next annual Fair, reported a resolution dcclar ing that owing to tho unhappy condition of our country, it is inexpedient to hold a Fair during the year 1S01, whieh, after aninleich'iiigo of views, was adopted. wlioao hcallh Hill not permit .111 inert a. e of Family o.i 11.... io.'.u .....a ii an. recto ill p.ei t'ltiii e, T!l?-C Fll'a alioiild not he t ik.'li during 111,1 firt tbrea monllia of pnv.naiiiy, na tb.-y are an re to bring oil inia currlie; but ut any other tiute th.y are aal'.'. I'rue, i pir i.o. ri.i.i. w no i. sale anil ri lull, ny tl .M. IIAIIF.MII.M'II. Inu'A'f.f. Sole agent for lllooiuaburg, I'.t. To whoui nil ortlers unlet be aenl l.it'li.a!bv a. lid ilig Him $1,011 to III 1 lilnninshurg Fo-t Olllee. 11111 II 110 I beau pilla aenl lo any part of lb. country . (cniiti.lt utial lv)and "free of l'o-Ugo" by in.ul. Sold atao by N. 1.. 11.111K ft .'11. luuilliu, 1;. J. t ry. T.im.i'iu.i. J. A, Folk. M.iurh I'liank. and l one I'.rugglstineicrvTiiwn and lltv i'l the I'l.lKd M iti a. . II. .'.ok nut for counterfeit, ruviiorli.l.len Pill, of and Ititi.t, uul. aauvt r) box i aigneil S. II. Iloue. All nthera lire a baae iiiipnaltioii uud liii.at'e, tberefore. aa 1011 laltl" your iiv,a an.1 h allh. (to a.iy iiolbing of he Inglnii.ibiigg-il ..ut ..f our inoiiey.) buy only of thoa wbo allow lb 1 aiginiUire of S. II. Howe 011 ovi'M box, w hit Ii b ta receiitli h jn added, on aieoiint of a recent 1 . ;un teir.il t'l'lliL rnia. s. i iiowi:. Sole I'roitrietor, N'ow Votk. Dec. l'CO-ly. c ll.UtTMANri us 5 i It. per yard at T)ATTKX 1' Churus ju4 received a new 1 tut ami tor hjio ai CKMKNT by the liarrcl or nhcl all uu) ii hand at nAKTMANV. i:t.ioombura;, Juuo 1. lriiil. VOTlCi: In Ikp by P'vnn tint b'ttcr of adiulnUtra- uo ei.iieui aaeou (ieariiart, l.itoof Maine llllllbil COUIll V . dOrciHi'il. Ii.ivii lrii irrm.t- id by tho Itejiicterof said tounty to tho illidersicm-d.whu rcfoo-tj in Liiuan i-tow n-iiip nnnuinia ( u. All person haviugrlaimi or itemauds ngulm-i the ertate of the de cedent are rtmie-ted toprem-nt them for aeUlemeiit, uud lhue iudtbtod to nuke pnpmeut witbotit ilehi). . . JOHN KliU'KIl .May , lfCI.-l t. AdnCr. NOTIOK. rplin riliivin of tho d liferent couutleji and town and nit thofc w Ishlng to buy cheap, ran fave money by giv lug in a call. We have ull kind nf Hood nnd Wares tj supply the wants of the people. A largo lot ot I Ladies' Dress Goods, I OF EVUHY D15S01UP1ON. irillTE GOOD OF ALL KINDS, Blucvos, Coll:irst Spencers, Handkerchiefs riouncingn, Uaiutannil Trimmingi, Ibices and IMgiug, ' llonuet Ililihoiifl in larce variety, Vel vet ItihhotHUliil braids, Kid, Cutteu fc Lifio Tliread tilove .Motiair Mittt. tcr. ALL KIND OF SHAWL IUtOAOilKS, lilack Silk, C.ihuicre, Kmbroidercd, iSclla, &r. Also a large aHortmeiit of Chih, C;inimcrft, batineti, Vetiugit Tweedi, Jean, Iteaver C'lotlu, i;oatmz, velvet tc, HAUTMANd. the place at whirl, tho ne.t ANNUAI. STATU 1'Allt HOOTS & S11OI0S OF ALL KINDS AND COLUMBIA COUNTY AT MlLLVlJiliE, PENN'A. alMll be held. Proposals lontliluing itidilu ineiila and adiautagea direrteil to the iiii.ler.igueil Ciiimiltee, up polletl by the IKccuiiie Coiiituittee, will ha received up to and iniltiilius May 3Ut next. Communication should binddreaaed toeilber of the following iieroiia : WM. Ot II.llt.lt. Jr , JOIIM F. KUTIIL'ItrOBD, JAL'llll MISII. . i juiix ii. innLr.u. Ilarrl-burg. Fa. AMOS F.. KAPF, Nurtiiuiiih.'rlanil, Fa,. April en, 7t Louimittcc. IlEVIKW OF TIIE MAKKET. miiitr.cry.i) irr.r.htr. wiiijat itvi; C'llltV(ol.l) (OltV(i.) .... OATS . . HL'ctnviir.AT. si i. I.OVI'.KSF.r.ll iiiiTTin: ci;s TALLOW e l.Aini . M POTATOES . . SI Ml I! Ill li 111 . 1 on MARRIAGES, On Thur-day Juno STth 1 t;i , iu riooiusburg, by tin U"r. I?. J. Waller. Mr Wn i um V,u vrin.vK i.f ('rcc.i wood, to Miitfl Mvit'UitKT, daughter of Jauob Manuoii, of .Ma IUo:i, Columbia ( ouuty. Ou Juno H til. li'fil. by Key. V.. Wadnwnrth, Mr. An- nitEvv II. MlWainb to Mi-a Marv A. IIhittvin, ull of Huntington, l.ui rnu count j'. On Tlitirid iy, th; itist., by Rev. J. Yeoman t, I). I), .Mr. JvMr.d Uovp, an J Misi laoem Ylo'ivnj, atl of Da'ivill-, i'.i. DEATHS. In Mouritpb'.'iH nit towiistup, Culuiubiaiounty, remit ly, Mr. Callu C. t'ov, agod about 47 years. NctoSliJucriisnncnts. Important Additions & Improvements. Autumn Terra to Commence August 12, 1G1, I MI1S IiiMiluiiou whirh lias been in tuici v( opera ii,,ti t.ir tint n.iht ten venm. in nbont utiih rcoiUL' a vur important renovation, in urdcr to plaeo It on u innro The Half a Way House THU tiudiTigned, having taken the well-known "jtatf-IVag Jfotmc," formerly kepi by Samuel Harmun, 1 , totuiito in Centre towitbhip, Columbia county, ou mi.- main iioau, niia-way iietue-fMi ttioomsiiurg una ner and Hizoh, for .Men, Women nod Children, We have larg-'afunrtui'.utrif Hats and Capj.ol latest fash ions Wo have also, llardw are, (lueciia ware. CedariVare, 5te. Very Cheap Carpet, Carpi t Hags, l'loor, Table ami Carriage Oil Cloth, Mat, lings, Il.i'Ketn. &.c. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINGS, Diapers, low iingn, liriiiinsK, cc. ui anunuauce, iso, a largo .nsoruneni ni irmi, niia i-neeBe, a larire nuantilv of Suit. Ate. Wc invitf our frleiuN and the public generally, to civo us a call bi fore purchasing eUewbcre. We have bought our goodi at tho taiwehtCiifh I'rices, and will not be undersold ny auvlioiiy, or tne retuf nmitKiihi, MeKllt.VV, NUAI.d&CO, Dluountburg, November 10, lcGU. i r. ..!..:.. i... i. ..... main liiiau, lillil-w nal iu V I v oril narv Anoh iul In Nt.rthern lVnu- .. T.I,-!t.,f,lIl' .illf"111 1,111 tiil.niier an.l - i.u Anions the Imurov emetiti will bo n larKo " ""'c U1 '' 'l,,fc,.V llA "" ' 'l'r eu una re no. tbreo-i-torled bnibhng w ho (l w i'l give mueli udiliti..ul : ' ' j " "J GALUSHA A. GltOW FOU SPEAKER Grow, for Speaker, lias many warm friends, who will fight hard beforo lio it allowed to bo told out. NO GENERAL LEGISLATION. The leading members of Congress bavo resolved that there shall be no legislation at tho extra session of Congress except on subjects connected with the War, All general legislation will bo postponed until winter. room and greatei coniciii. tires for bo.ir.lir., a column- e liaa tit-oil improved und renu-! -r ttti -wrTrr .1 trootl.la lone ,'io..riet,ro In the I FfJ B . tW btl.lti.. I, , II ...... I ..Ir .I.... I... .. Ill I... .. I Jl J ll.iua li.il! V..r u U-l.ir.i ri.n.u mid ,ullic eunlif., tint- u-l.o. . i .t .. . i, ? a Vr'" ""'t, ,, le , i i. Inarooma. a library and reading r ni.mtain. J) J '. V " i" '.1". ",".L',, b ''"'"''i . '" I1! ,"!1" ...-..-.I ..,- r.U i.i.,1 rnrio a. ..it t r na. hi. i.u.iiiio.ia ii.eotiN ut.o u.t ,. no to ii h r nil. I let tur-r w i'l b ut tlie liend ot thj Itoartl of liistriu tioii, tint I no rrini tpat win invo me general mi pcrinteinlenee itt'iiio itiiititotnui an.l aitttiiiie' a hli-irt- nf the null. id l.'uihliiit. Il-ifular ! ttiren w ill be doti v i red iipiui .inoiit fcientilic bubjedi, u well an upnii tho tlu'tir and prmtin- of teat him: and aNoriu.il Cl.fs of young men nit. I women whovwh to miahty them h. Ive ir leaih tu" prDfoHtion, will r-xeive efpeeial at t aiion uud nnii t ime i'ho courH' nt iiibirm lion In liie nhoot w ill boilio. rouyli an J h-teiii itic, calt libit oil to embraeetho various liraacncs i a prauirai enio iilm'h lit; in:ile Tor 111 ' r-lmlv ot tho t-iai hlatinu of I'liriii, and tho .Natural rfiii-itces, by I Hit Har. Ftbliii' pri'pjrly .ittendod. Contra tnwimhfp, April fi, 1?. &.C, will be well stored ami JOHN CJKOVin: NKW JKWKLHY ST01U3. rplin uiidiridgncd, renpettfully inform the utiens of GliEAT AltlllVAL OF GOODS, AT THE Light Street Store. CYrt v, Brother tj all hands on active duty WK Would infoim our Iricnds nnd ctnttonirm. that wc have Jutl received an uu uxuallv larL'c a&onmenl of iS7-A'.AG MJSD SUlVEMR GOODS, Which vvoolferat lower rates, for rendy pay, than any ntu ..f .Liii.il.li, nnoariitiia. ami tor tho tudv of tlio Of ev vty fort, ami mzh ami ilcKiripttnti. Ills Latin, On ek. and (;erman languages, to t-naide ttudLiit-i fctotk of Jcwvlry i-t eoniplete, iiirlu.tiug every to 'luai'fv tli-iiisclvi' Mr comm. n i tl ami ientulc pur- variety o Lint leu and i.enilohien .Medaliom, . ..... ,i.,,.., ,.i,w4 t.i rni !..(. Chaiutt. Lot Kt'ts, It reast ii iiii. 1 ingor-riugti, etc.,' Thotouutry loratiou ofthi Bemiuary in a pleaiant f. tha exainiuatiou of whuh he inv itesthe public gom.r ill.me, iu a hoaltliy und tloiiri"hing neighborhood, will . . . ., . . . , , known tor tho elevated tm of it moral outim. nt, and I 7 Wricl atleiitiou civoiito repiiirihgtioel:, Watch .l luooiosiiuri:, .inn ine onoiie ueueiaiiv . iiiai no uas ta- , .1,.. . i tibliHlied anew-More, on Main Street blooiiisburg, iu i Ve shall not attempt tnenumcrate the arious artlttcs . m, - ..v.a xuav, . ...a. r(t imm, IWrj I .'If Ua ilO 18 I'L' H - IU l i (ions Htoro rooms liiilnding the Cellar and Carrel, aro tllC lllKBt country at attouihinglnw (izureti l.a The advantages tlainiLil tivtM. .v.irni t.rtHrtlr nti r former ones are numeroug and derided: great telerity iu movement, farming in Hncfr Kil'inin without halting, chancing direction from front to rear while manning, uouming tiiotiieK when manhing by n Hank, lite ominilon of tlUiiecemiarv rnnim.iiKln.nf tinrti ofrom- imnds, (r more varied lot mat Ion uf S'luareiiagaiiii'tiuv ulry, and many olhe-rti. mi oencvou iiiai, witii tm game vintertcl, tliid pystcm will ronder acompuiiy or regiment ninth more ctUitive than any other, With a view to Insure uniformity In a system of In ptniction tho merlin of whirh are nikliowledired by the hi i Irk I authority, it is mm- presented to the v oliintcern and mililia LHlk-d inla M-rv ice, an tho nutlu.rized ,!nii for the U.tf. Infantry, and that by whiih th.-ywlllbe Aiuiimitom, l). u., May 1, 1?G1, HAltDEE'S TACTICS. Ulllo and Lliht Infantry Tartfr. for the exercise and mamt'iivresoi ioop wlu-n tiding n Light Inf.mtrv or ItilletiHii. 1'reparul under tho direction of t lie 'War Iiepnrtiiiciit, Uylirevet iaioultnaiit-CoIotal W. J 1IAK- uiai;, u.t, A. Vol I. SmIioo of tho PoLIIlt a ml Comnnnv ; Intrnr- tlous for HltirmifrhiM. Vol. 11. Sschoul ot tho IJattulliun. Two Vols, complete. LYWItUcrtOX IX VIKLI) ARTILLERY. Prepared by n Hoard of Artillery Officers. One vol. fvo. 'J0 Cid.S. dioprr, Adjt..Geii. U.y.A. Dalllnioro. Md., Jan- nary u, imj. Hir : Th Msbt Artlllerv Hoard nembtod bv Hnerl.il Orders .No. UI, of Jt-5t), uud Special Orders No. 111!, of irj-nan iiia jimiur iu snuniii a rev Mi'u fynom n i.iini Artillery Tactics and Uegulat ionn recommended for that arm. Win II. I RHM'll, Hi. Mnl. Caml'lri't Arlillery. WM. 1. I1AKUY, Captain Second Artilliry. lll'NKY J. HUNT, l.t.Maj.Cap.ilJ Artillery. CAVALRY TACTICS. I'lildUhod by order of tin- War Department. First far School of tho Trooper ; of tho Platoon and of thejJ-iud nm Dismounted. Second l'art-orthe flatoonand of tho S'luudron mounted. Third Tart U.otullom, of u regi ment. Tbruu vol, ltfmo. War Deiiartiuent, U a?hincton, Teh. UI. l.4l. The svltem of CnvalrvTarltc-i ttd.ititud to tho orirani- zntioii of Drngotiii r.cinnnts, having been approved by the President of the United Mates, is nuw publislmd fur the government ol the said service. Accordingly, instruction in the name will be given af ter the method pointed out therein ; und all addition tu or departures Irom the exerrise and mana-uvros laid down in thu eystemare positively forbidden. .MC.KI.UiXa IiAYOXKT KXERCW.S. ' Minuet of Hit) one! eiercisej rrepnred for the nsoofthe IJinte'd State-. !W OHOIUiK lb M CLU1.1.AN, Captain I irst Kegtiiioiit Cavalry, U.SjA. I'riuted by order utttio War Department. Cno vol. l.'mo. gl.'.'a. llon.C. M. Con rod. Secrutarv of War. Heailaitatter oftho Armv. Wn-hiii2toii. U. C. Dc rem tier 31. It-Jit. &ir: lierow tin l uuvu ttio Iiouor tu ,u limit aPvtUem oi HajL-iKt evercito, triintl.itL'd Trom thu Trench by Cap. Ceo. It. McCUitai, Corps engineer, U.S. Army. 1 1 strung I y iLioiutiiLUdod iu being printed fur distribu tion to the arm) ; and that it bo iiiado, by regulation, u part of the "S)fctJin ol instruction,". The im..Wd txtracts trout reports of the Inspector General, etc., show the- valu. 1 havethe honor to be, tir, with hiith respect, jour most obedient bervant. WlM'tHLI) SCOTT. Approved. C. M. CO.N'UOI), Seen tary of War. Jauu ury 2. lt'ivl. lt.Jl)i:. Aillulaiit-Ceiu-ral. Any of the abnc workB forwarded by mail free of iii8i.iRc,iui mo ret-eipi m ino piibiiaueu price. Kcmii THE KKliKLS CONCENTRATING AT MANASSAS AND NORFOLK. A lirilish subject has just reached hero from Richmond, and says that there aro but few troops there, the main body hav ing been divided into two divisions, and one sent towards Norfolk, and tho other lo Jlanassas Gap Junction. GEN. DIN IN COMMAND. General Dix had an interview with the Secretary of War and General Scott this morning, and will at onco assume the com mand oftho Federal forces across the Po tomac. Tho campaign in Virginia will hereafter bo carried on with moro vigor and advance movements will foou be made, Tho cause of this change is believed lo bo an unmistakable demand of our troops and tho country at largo for decisive attion. eier bftore opened Here and mil uo ai.iu "Uieupir man , tamuacau be made ineold dollar, and poatace bUiupa, Addreaa J. II. I.UTINCOTT t '0., Publiahara, llookaellera.aud Btationera, a. Ample proliaiuu li ill ino.hr.itu lirina. a Jars; laaanjiiiiciit l- ! eioiia ntore l!o iiiiludliii: the Cellar and V. higher liiatlienutica, the VLUUKf), I VA I UljLS Jhn LI,R 1, , Illicit to overturn inf. There are to be found t be .Natural riiieucea, by ' i.i. ,ii . fabriiba, In the country at a.loiilahinslow li?i N'oa, 22 nud'JJ North Fourth street, Philadelphia May S3, lftil -ini. '"tSjy It is reported that Henry Winter Davis, recently defeated for Congress in Maryland, has been tendered tho Minion tcAusti ia, iu place of Mr. liurlingaine, antlthat bo will except it Mr. Rurlin gamo will be tsuiit as Minister to China. We leiiieiuber when Mr. Duchaiiaii was ProfUleut, how he was abused for appoint ihlSefeated candidates to Foici"ii Mis 'cionsk How ii it now'1. Mr. Lincoln scemfluiKcd to take care of bis lame ducksuifter tho same fashion, It is not wr'ougfnow. is it '! !0: aaV iay;Tlie Hariaburg Patriot & t'nion tdyA new regiment oftho Pcunsylva niuvRescrve was formed at Camp Ourtin on Saturday, with the following officers : Cojouel, W. W. Rickcttsj Lieutenant Col. onel,, William Penrose j Major, William Mcdill, Col, Riclatts was educated at Wcstll'oint, nnd will prove himself a very ablopfficer. The lle'dincut will be Fccond to nononxt formed at Camp Curtin, or nowihe .service of the Government from this State. The compauies composing it will probably be armed and uuifonned this 4TH OP JULY Union National Celebration, AT BLOOMSBTJRQ, P-V. niodiuMir. or TllC CKLKIIILITIOX: ritlin Cel. brntion ll ill be under the chnrso of the fol I I.. .. It... ..rlli.pr. ri.L.r Mrrl.nl f-nl lllrr.il, It KUti ot iiraii.'Viiue, ana a. i . .iienaru ana iit.r iiinniijir. lie ira , of Itlrtomilturir, A-.l.t.inla t'.d. I.. 1.. Tutf, ilr. 1". John, nnd W. Wirt, Hal., com milieu to r.-reive the Speakers. In the morning at 13 o'clock, there will be a rcpri&culaliou ut tlm Battle of Bunker 11 ill. The prorcn,ii(.n will form in front of tho Court House tu lilotiiin-b irg.at 1 o'tlork am procet-d to thu huautiful fro io of Win. Sii) tier, Hi .,u tltoit dutaueu eat oftho IVrU Hotel. Kd by HOWEU'S CO It NET 1LVXD, Wh -re lit j Declaration of Independence will bo read by EtOIJUKT E' 4JLAKK, Ehj National Union Oratiom, wilt bo delivered by GEN. R.OBT FLEMING, A N D Hon. John W. Maynard. A party t.f la lies and gentlemen wi 1 Miig the "Star where tho iiuiuU ato not nurrmiudcd by tliene demeral iiug iulliienres, and toinptations found in our rilled, larger tow ns and many oth r lunilitieti, w itli no out&ide in 11 'i -nres to ilivert th 'ir attention from litrruturo and th j work of mental t ulture, protioiiu attra tmng uud in ilucem. nt tocoiiPhlenitu parent tnniluu studeu'., sel dom found Mirrouudiiig 1 i rttf trhi(l uml ar.uleuuo Tho I.n -rnrv -oui.'tyaliu, ono of tlm ol b t ami ben conducted in thi M'ctiou of country, preftnli an attrac tivofaatur'anduielul auvilliary, M a practical edu a IIHIl. The imprnvenimt w ill boun ler the immediate rhargo of an r Oicient Hoard of Ti tistces, appmucl'd by the rtem mary Company, and will be (oumict -tl in time for the Autumn t -rm. lo cnmmei.ee the i Jlli nf Am-Ubt next. ! While thankful !r past patronage wc wmh to merit a cont'iiuance nf n lunar f ivors, a we intend to include a hiEher trrade an I wldtr range iiriiulruction via respect fully solicit a cartful exuuiiuatiou into our lauliiivi and (latins. I T HUMS: I Honrdintr. washinc, tuition, lights and iiifidentit e- petiae, fur one 'pi irti r of eleven wi'ks,will bo Thirty ll.iPnrri, one half payable iu advaueo-thc otlxr half and all tuition hilln will bj expeitod jtrouiptly ut tho e , piratiou uf each 'piarter. i Unit ' Itoardmjr, with furnished roonm.onB pinrtcr $3;oi 1 Tuition inrouiiuoii l,njilih bramhes 2,ui) including Maihciuaiics and hok Keeping by IMublo I'.ntry C.OiV Tuition in l.aihi. Creek. and German extra l.uo Waithiug, I.ightrtaud iiiiidutal expiiisoe, i one iiuaiter, 3,00 eu. and Jevvelrv, uud all work wurrauted. WM. U. DliAKH. Hloomsburg, May 4, lf-CI tf. dies' wear in great varieties, at 2a p:r cent, lower than . over tietore oiieri-u. CIOTIIS, .IlIJSLlW. UUUL'LKIU. HATS, L .1 115, Coots, Shoes, etc,. at tlio vaino rate. In chort, almost ever) tiling iu the lllI'M illIIIIU IIIIU I I UNI II IIITUIU 1" till "til ll'-l. ,17.1,1,. .ta-tilla. C Our friends will do well to call before tiny make """ '"-""o a. t int-SEnaouoit. J.NO. ALLES. A. F. OIIESKEHOUGII & CO., P O IV 5C, P A d ,K, E R S T CaMAfftalXV Ml.ltCIUXrx If miOLKS.ILE lit u Ilia IN I'iIi, diiH'M'a : lid Provision1, 10 North Wharves, above Market St. 1'ail.liig and Curing llouae, llih and Ileetl sta PHILADELPHIA. Annual I. lrtJl-12iii. l'UlSIl.HCTII & IIUOTI1I3KS. WIIOLFPAI.E T O Ii A C C O D E ALE 11 S .'J.1U J,.011TI1 TIM III) STREET Five doorabelotv Rare January ni.IH.15 FlIILAULLl'lllA. THE WINE STORE, Thnie who donre to procure echo'arshipa or attend by the year! w ill bo itecoiuuio.lated ut u rensounMij iliicmnt und stuilenu w isblut; to procure room slmntd make m a 4 nil tide nppluatioii, Tor furtherparticuiars nd.lrrst. W.M. liaunrS, I'rinclpal. .Millville, Penu'a. f.eortr.F Mvsrms, J K. I.vts. 5 Dr. A.I'. Hli.llr, I n.t Hves. Trustees. :j.viin K. I.vts. Miilville. May iiH, I -nl. ,1 O X N Ji. S W A j 311 WAI.Xl T flniUUT, ibolovv l'ourth St..) l-'IILAHULl'lltA, Ausuct I, 1 u-i:m. New Wagon Shop. ' Willow Grove, South Btoomsburg. rl 'HE undersigned rcspcctfuU' JL ly inform their friends, and theCES uibtic generally, that they have taken RATHER TOO INTIMATE. Tho pickets of the Federal and Rebel Soldiery up above tho Chain Rvidgo have exchanged civilities. Two of them drop ped their muskets and took a diink of whiakey together, a day or two since. The Rebel picket cried out from a distance asking the United States soldier if ho had anything in the drinking line. Tho reply was satisfactory, and an arrangement was soon made, whereby both parties left their arms and met half way, "smiled," and re turned to their picket duty. Inauguration (if the AVw State Givem incut of Virginij. Wheeling, Juno 20. The Western Virginia State Convention elected to-day Frank P. Picrpont Government of tho State, Daniel Paisley, Lieut, Governor, and Messrs. Lamb, Paxton, Van Winkle, Harrison and Lazcar, Governor's council. The new Governor was inaugurated this afternoon, and the city is in a blajo of ex citement to-night. The event is bcins cel ebrated witli salutes, fheworks, &o. II. IV. Citl'.ASV, i. CO. tlwir selettiona. LigblS trcet.Mny 4, lc-01. 1000 Reward!!! WILL UC l'AID Fur Any Mnlicino that will Excel t) O li U E It T 'S &AJ..3$ IS "fi I jt SAB. HEALTH AND II APPIN ESS. Tor the ipiirk cure of Headache, Toothache, Khcuina tin in, fCcurnlgia, Tain in the bide. Hack or ttomaih, I'aiuters Cholir, or Cramp, frosted 1'ei t or Hars, HuriiH Trcsh Cuts, sprains, llrniucs Diarrhu-a, and Soru Throat and all similar complaints. Toothache cured in ten minutes. Harachc cured in llvu miuuteH, Heatlurho cured in ton miuutrn, Hums the Hand lately ocnipiedby Mr. WeUh, in Willow Crove, tfoutli bloom sh urg. beluvv the Kailrood where they will (tmliuuuthc WAG OX-MAKING BUSLVESS, In ull its various departments, in good st)le and on moderate term. A I u-Repairing Wagons, Hii(rcies, carriages, Sulkies, Sec., done to orl r and nu thort time, i'roduee taken for work. DAVID IIKOItST, WM. HOWMA.V. tloomsl'Utg, April ls50. GEORGE II. ROBERTS, i I.Ml'OltTlllt AMI 1IUAIXU IN' Wt ini n m?? .a, aai v. r 2si mtvi : J'i toa, y K,.elnl. ,u CUTLERY. GUNS. &0. .imkofNtu m.u Xos. 235 mid 237 Vorlh Tliinl Sdccl, T?XTRA E'SEILAIIUIarillA. 1 """" in fiif niniules. To the Sons and Daughter of atlliction, These thing we prove on tho epnt and before our eyes, only bring on your cufex, HJdC'asen hive been cured by one Accnt in a single da)1 livery bottle warranted Try H ! Try H II Try it If 1 PRICK XAXJ) 50 CiWS PER liOTTLE. D" A liberal discount made to Agents, and ouo wan ted iu every town, also few good traveling Agents. All orders and couuuunhuiinus Miould bo addressed C. S. COI.IJUUT At CO, 1th ti. riiildilelphu nmnciTONs rou using COLBERT'S BALM IX GILEAD. l'or Toothache apply It over tho f.u-o and gums of thf tooth allicted' prestung hand upon tho faco; repeal if Iron Hailing for Turks, Cam lories, Verandas, Steps, Sic. Jxnir,vTli3 tm-th and gums! l'or lleadaehe, bathe the Mann in. -Im. 1 templei-and apply lo tho noo; und take from ten lo i iinrtv ilroii' inhdlfa tumbler of water bvve( teued. EUOXS about tO COinmCIlCa IloUfeo' l'l,r Cnmp and Soro Throat, take from ten to thirty KICII AXD ELHGAXT CARPETS. S.C. ruiTI.K, No. r North SHCON'D Street, opposim Christ Chutch, iuv tten the partiiular attention ot Mer chants and others to his uiy large and tUgant assort lllLllt of i"r.Ml fr(.m iuarting Itt tw " , ' " "h,,1 N,ti! LF V1.. ' 1 J'1"1 " ived fro.,, i'ho Ino-t ctlebnited'nianufactorieii nf z, : i t 7 . ,.r . . . i Liuropo ami Ainirica. im in tug at tuo nowtht patterns Sprains relieved in ten minulca. tutu throat nlietetl t.Jla',, ,llh , be aold ut n lery amall ndiiuce on 111 flit III I till (eft. ...... a ......... a .. ....... i . . - com. i an auuexamiiio piauiy, tijio uuu prices ueiure purrhariingel-icwhe'if. Heiuembi r. No 35 North Snund Street, fiiiladelphia March 5, 1MU 3m. .SiE!S i'l- fit lilt, IRON HAILING AMI OUN'A.MHXTAI, IHON WOIIKS, No. 222 Callowhill St., Itflow Third, PHILADELPHIA. do well to call an- a uc. at Syrup sold at GOcts. per pal riMIH t'roprietor of tiiis well-know u and centrally I oca i tu ilium .. ih.i lIxeiivNUk- Horki . siiuatu ou Mui Hpauytod Hnnneri" and other patriotic song at inter- , Street, in IHooiuxbnrg, iiuiueillately ?pinite the Cotam v uls during tho exercise. . County Court House, respectfully informs his friends A PAIR OF lllitl. XOVL'LTIES. 1st. Tun P.U'lu Nloic Tie. (Patent applied for.) This Tic la made cntiruy of paper, in 1IK1 dilferent i Uia WOUIliy i-onn iiwo.v, n.ii uiuio .n.ui.u. ,, , (.,.. ,l) lea, lino in prrirti inn i.n.M,, ,.. aim unn u,tn:r i.u.iica. COL. niCLETTS AND Tim IKON GUAHDS, , ,er frn,u tereplion iiiideliterlalnuient of tralelera ulin nc crtTj Joy, and vt net be llnrgealdu mill ejtraia. Have aisniUed their intelilion tu M.il ui on farlnuch, may leel di. posed lo falorit with their custom. He liaa ganco, or one Tie can be Mom 3 to tl days, it luccb.ary nnd liarlicili.ilo In tho Cilsbratiuii.il Ihe Liehti.llUh f pared no cipili.e iu prepanus the Hit iumik, for tbo to eionomlae. Anniveraarv of our N'alional IndtnenJeiico alter nhicli eiitirtalilineut of hia iraeata, neither shall there be any- Un.l !.,, l(Kr,iKP Tin. iney inn return to ii. air. ice oi men country 111 uaup . itniia ..,,. i". .- ... day- The followiua receine. tho discov. fvtofa French chemiat, 13 selling about thccountry as a faecret, at various prices, iwnfane to fivo dollars, It is a handy , nudvaluable compoaitiou ; it docs not go latiza.uor undergo putrefaction and fer- incntation, and becoino offensive, and can jboji?ed for all necessary purposes of glue, jiSiinaking or mending furniture or broken ycScis that aro not exposed to water. In "alwWc-inoulhcit bottlo diisolvo eight ouu- ccsQfjbe.st of glue, in half a pint of water t'JSlT:.... !. : 1 .. .,..1.. .,,! Iijr riciuu 11. 111 ,b i;.)ai,i ui niiivi, ... lioatipg it till dkiolved. Then add slow ly, constantly i-tiriiiig,two and a half oun ces of stiong aipra fortis (nitric aeid ) Keep it corked, and it will bo ready for use 'I bib 1 thi. "Cdcbrated Prcpuicd (.ilut,'' ol vlm.lj wt laai r- ninth t?tiTtln. The citizens of Columbia county, und tha public gen irally, ur. cordially imited to attend. Uloouuburg. June e, ltjl AD.MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Cnkb C. E01; dte'd. VtOriCJl la liereltv given thai I tiers nfadmjniatration colnLri? HU uouao ia'Viou.and cnJnV. an SXita I ,. Thi- i- doubtlea. the ,,,o., rfic. 'k Tietver in. Uelief from ull lurthcr trouble in t)ing bows. 3rd. The Laojs Edoe Tib. An 1 vpiWitely beautiful article it has only to be seen to be admired. SMITH & HKO UW (ill, solo Manufartunrs. l.iiiiiu.cri Im nt ion fXT Omnibuses run ntnll times between the Hxchango Ilotil uud the various Kuil Uoud Depots, by which trav elers will ba pleasantly convejed to and from thu re spective fatal i uu ii lu due time to meet the Cars. 1 WM. 11. KOONS. Hlooinsburg, July 7, 1?C0 H HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL ADUU'IUA. A Honevoletit liiBtitution established by special endow nt, lor tlio reiiei i ine pick ami nitirem-eu, amuieii on tha i-ctaie nt'CnUb C. 1'ox, lato of Mount I lia nut t'jvvuihip, Ctdumbij county, dereaaed, htvo bcru grunted by tho Keg Mer of said county, tu tho under siifued, who reside iu raid towiislup, Columbia county. WJl Virulent and Hpidemic Dneaes, ami especially All persons having having claims or drmauds against for the Cure of Diveuscs of tbo Sexual Organ.. Dis tho estate of llio decedent ur n piestod to rcscnt them ,.Linaty free to n.nieiits in all parts oftho United States iur stiiiirjineui, uuu iiui-liu-u u lujuu Njjmvni VAI.U AllUli Hl.l without delay. Juno SJ, IcCl-Ct. john Monn.w, Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Andrcio l)ldmc) dee'd. I r.THltS testamentary on the K.tatoof Andrew Dil lid i na, I at- of Mount i'leananl township, Culuiubla 1'OItTd on Soerim-ttorrha'a. and til It I cr I)inenes of the Sexual Organs, nnd on the JVI.W Jlr. llalH- eiiipit'j eii, iirn i ui'- iwuiLiuu lit niiiMi) letter envelop s, free of charnc. Twu oi three Stamps for postaire will bu acceptable. Address DH. J SKlh I,IN HOUCIITON'. Acting Snrfcon. Howard Afcsocia tlou, o. l2 South Ninth fc Creel, i'hiladilphia fa. Starch S, IcOl-Kiu. ! t ..rMi.i.,.. ti,,-1 drops internallj.on suL'ar or in swecu-ned warm vvatei ii irrv fvJ i bathe tho throat freily nod bind mi a llaiiul l'or ii. iiii.ii. i.o. 1 Heattaehc, rjieumati.m Neuralgia, L imo liuek orSide bathe I ree-ly Willi liaim in uiieau ; ana gcturatiy tune iniernally lor Burns mix oncpatt Halm iu Cilead and tvvoot water and llour, to makn it paste, rover burn with the name, l'or Cholic, take frm ten to Lutv drops iu hot water; ImUio tbo biiweln and apply wet (flaniui. In the above, thu biualler dote is fr Children, and thu larger for adults : vuryaecordinetoageaud cirni instance Colbert's llaliii tu Cilea 1 is harmless, Colbert's Halm iu Cilead given ttutUfaitiun. Those who hawi uod Halmiu Cileud wilt not bo wilh out it. Agents wanted. Tor terms, uddrens C. S. CUI.UKUT c CO., No. 1-21 Smith Fourth Street, t'hiladelphia, I'a. N.H. Orders sent by Kxpress to any part oftho Cni ted Stated at tho shortest notice. May i, Irtit.-Om. NEW MILLINERY GOODS, FOK sjTBtifG Ann su5w;ivx:i:Rr I rillrtr) MAIIV 11 MIKI.UV, would riapullally inform i It I her TO CONSUMPTIVES. The subscriber will cheerfultyLr.d (free of thiireo to nil who dcsirult, tho copy of a riiMiLU lttiii'i: by which he was cured of that dirk disease Consumption, SnllVrers with Con&imi'Iios, Asthm, ititoMiuTis. or any lung tiJfection, hosinctrely hopea will try this Kc tipe, well calistied it they do to they will bo more than rationed w iththe renult. Thankful fur his own complete restoration, ho is anxious to place in tho hands of every sutlerer ttio means of cure. Those wishing tho recipe with full directions, &.C., will please rait on or nddres. ltov.WM.H. AI.IXN, No. 60 John Street, New Vork. Jtincl, lrCl. v.i. na Wnrrati. ytr.n v v i 111 her runtoiners. in l.loomburi: ami v trinitv. that K.H. We sell to Wholesalo Jobbers ontv. Couutrv the h i Just received from tho city an eiccHcul usuott- iiiereitauis can oruer our goous oi any vvnoiesain iimae uieni oi iivn with whom they aro dealing. up!U -m UNITED STATES HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. TMMQVI PKJf.V. AVELDV & LEVITT, t'HorRlCTORi, Ti)raso'ncers in the Pbiladelphia Mail 'train going South ami l.lmirt Mai) Train eoing North, ItlXE ct ikeUntttd Matt Hotel Tauta-tua Pa, March If, le'U-liui. (March 12,5 0 ) I MILMNKUY flOOD., I'tncr th in ev er. and more calculated to ,f , phase the tal of the mst fat-tidious die has paid strict nttentiou in nuking tier seleeti0iu of bonnet. coiiie'iuciitly h im Hie bet atHo, intent, probably, ever brousht tu tins place, t Hht loiiiitii nu t,nr t m tHil of neat and hauddomc Data ami I Caps fur little .Misses, all of which she ruudittpuftj of cheap, (iive her a call before purchasing elsewhere. - , cliop on 3iaiu street, noiuvv .narxei. iiorui siue. Illoonisburg. Apiwat MAltV HAHKhUV. STOVE AXD TIN-WARE SHOP. i i IIH uiiderbisued wiiiibl inform the citizerm of JILia inoouiatmrg ami Kiuiiy, thai lie tusjust re cived and oth t lor sale ouu of the uiont extensive Wis uasorlimiits ofCOOKlNtiand lUNOV HTOVHH, ever inirodtirod into this market. The Christopher Co. umbiiit, James Uobb and Ciubo aro among the first tlas s conking htoves.all of which am air-tight and gas burner' His Parlor sIovlh aro handiioitie and ihe usuortinont va ried. ALSti Particular attention in ti.ild to Tin-Ware nnd House Kpoiitiui. upon sliort uetiee. All kinds of repiirmg will bu ilouewith neatness uud despatch. Counlry produce taken iu exchange for work. HUMP d. MOVHIt. ltooi.isburc,Oi-t..1, ltrt'0, GIBSONS 1)K(0UATIVH KST.VltMSIinir.XT, No, 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, I'lmiAOl.l'l'MIA, Dinmitcil Claas, I ri'BCo, Uil mid Lucau.tic Fainting John tliu.nv C, 11. GlB.01,, Jauuaryl2, lriul-3in.. s. .tiain-Aiv a$Wi's WIIUI.KSALF. ANII KF.TA1L REDDING AND FEATHER WAKE HOUSE, No. i North Pfi-oud Hired, Opposlt-j Christ Church, 1'IULADELPHIA. fTT" CoiiKtanlly fn hand, n large asortuienl of tied-. Mattresses, Patllanses, Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail, and all articles in tho Hue at the Lowt st I'm in X. it Particular attention juud ta rcnoratia ,Viw aa Old feathers, March4,', ldHl-Um. MAN HOOD. HOW 101T, AMI ItOW llVBIOrtED, JL'dT Tublishijd.in a healed envelope, ou the nature, treatment und radical euro of t-p.rmatojrhooa, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Kcbility, nervousness and involuntary emisFiuns, inducing juipouncy and .Me uul and physical incapacity. Hy UOltT. J. CU IA' IHI UTU L, M . If., Auihorof the "Crecn Hook," kc. Tlie world-renowned author, in this admirublo Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful rone'ucucusbl' fielf-ubute may be ciiV dually it, moved w itliout ineilit nte and v. i than dangerous surgical operation, bougies, instruments rings or cordial pointing out a mode of euro at oucu certain and tUeciu nl, by whieh cm ry fuU'jn r. no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately uud radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands anil thutitumiiif. tc it t under seat, in a plain rnw-lope, to any address, post paid, ou thts reci ipi of the two postage damps, by addresJing Dr.Cll. J. KLlNH.l.'? ttnwery.N. V, upU'Gi Km roetOihee boxlSeNG NE Ar STORE. ll'HOLEME AXU RETAIL wi Mm (SA? stosc The uudcrslsneil :esiM-rtfully informs the citizen .f Hloouisburg. uud the public in general, that ho has pure rhaoed the A7.'i' HAP STORE, iu the vv Into frame store home, ou Main Strett, nearly opposite the Kxchang suildings, where he has just received a fj Undid as- (onnieui 01 UI Y HATS AJU CAPS. Utrecl from tbo .Manufactuiiea, of all kin. Is., u lea. an, I. anilaies, luteal faaliions.il hicli lie otreta uhuleaale and retail, at very low piicea. L These CuoJa Mill be sold at cry lou prices lor Ready Fay. JU1I.1 i uiiiiu.. Uloomsburg. October '27, 13G0. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. I .1 to or a nt them for atttleuu'l.l nu.l thoau in. .Ubted to laaki pat uient fmmedial. ly to A, U. IlILDINC, Jan. -J. 1WI. Ct I'.iuuter. "PV.RES coods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls. 1 and t'1 twii.i ol .li s tod I ab iheaner thm umb. IIAIIT.MANH JOSEPH GREEN, SON & CO. Wholesalo and Ketnil Dealers lu thia A3. Ja: JT-V .IP'JSiYA. CP ;a OIL (1.0 1 IIS. U lMtOU' SHADES. ,Vc. of each liionlli na atalod bclo, itlieu ha can lie rouaal. a l r'a, I, uisburg, and at Woll's stable, lleiiart'a sta. ,r,..,,,,. ,. ,,.., .,,, i r r y llilSLT ted lor ull diseases liuau la neir to, uVCU.NSULTJi-1 lion, ftorlliumiterlund county, uurlnir tho season. i' i,,iin. ,t, r,7 , ...r.i. 'J-ION' FKUU. Voung Waaliiugtotiiia. bred in Wayno county, N. V u Alll., at tn loucltasli prices. Jrraejahnre.llulSandiaihofcnrlilimnlh. by Filer Sujder, F.at., ia seven years uld, atanda full NQ. 15 NORTH SECOND STREET, Whites Hotel, Lock llatin,tli3 Utli and 15lli of v As 1. Iiauda high, oud v,iiti!s l.taal pounds, lie is con. ... month, li.l'r 'd Hi' large t Imrac. tho ben blood, and finest i;T,i".'rfit' ) ,.,,.,,,,.,,, lllooiusburg.juiliaild l.l. liantillr-.daud.IJ .?aU breed tier latrodiltld into tne couutyol t.'ulumbia i.i,,j, i.tibtv uui..iiii.i.iiii.i nbcrland Utli Milton, t and J For parti. jWr tec laif bill. .li JOMIH I.FSILR ) juuv i wi im am u iv otyi.ii, nifu.m . DR.. SILKWOR.T H, louuiy. dec. aa.'d, nave been granted by iiiaKegl.ter of thi. aisai.i'i ifrtt. nil niciar. a.Mi re'i.i'i.t rpnF, Morjan iaiupaoii llorae, YUl'NR WASIIl.N'fl Cul.H.il.l.i louuiy tu the underaljlleJ. reaidiug la tho -rg dally aatonialling hia patieula by the euro of loffl I TON', lull be alationed llio present scaaon In thi: tuHlialllp of Dranite.aildiounlyaroreaald. Allpcraona J aundms diaeaaes. HIS llKlli:illF.;S AllL PCIlKsK scdtoii, Ho can ba aeeli nt ItimleyV aluble, Jiraey b ii las claim' a .till tthe eat itu i f t'la d.-cedellt nra re. Lini."i.iil.iv I In u I It h, I,. il.l, t.lnrt. tlm n ,,,n a. ....... m ki,.,.,.' eml.ln ii'bio,.,,iia . m Wn., P U M P JI A KING . rpltt. undersigned inform Ihe public generally that -L Ihov have tunned u (U'liartiurshin. uud w ill Kintin V!,1,J.I...J 1 1,.1! i u l""''si of Pump making and repairing, in all Ji ,.i.a 8a r their vaituus.lep.iilmenu, in Hloom-ouri!. where they will promptly ntteiul to ull orders iu their tine of bust nesn. whether in town or country. Well und Cistern t'uuios, wilh leaden 1'iiie. midc iu the best stjle of wockiuuiuhip, on moderate terms, uud oi) very short notice. from their long experience in tho biisturss, sud an camubt dei ire to have their work commend itself to the public, they fecit cuilldchl thev can make Han object to i nose, vv no may giv e mem uieir riisnuu ami rtnner p no- rai butiuieiioti. jiuin ( ui j tviimv JOHN CULl. r.looinsburg, April 13, Kl '.Im (Opposite Iiulccailcncc Hull,) CIILSTNUTUTUDIIT.IIUTWIXN FIFTH t HIV! II WVAI r t IIH-I ivr u. Mai 1 1 F 'fin' " 2 13 11 E N 0 HOT E L. s IIH undersigned., rrsnrrtfullv in forma hi CnrnrU and the public eenerallv. that he ban oncned a limine r, r the eutcrtaiiiment of customers and travtUrs, at tir.UU NO.iu fireenwood townoliip, Columbia County, (about tivo miles west of Millville.) called thu Sereiio Hotel. A VI if re ho H nrenarcd to nrmmmndnte Ihe teilitir nnd all who may favorhlm with their custuui,to;envral tat inf.irtion l is Table nnd Har. will be well suiudiej and careful ly roudiKted.nnd his Ambling 1 sample and wi It stocked 7 He will at all times ba happy wait upon his fneiidtf and customers. JOHN I.UUGUTT Srrcno, March 53, lefl. EA'ECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate ff Jatob 7cnJtcA, late of Cmtre ttrp tlte 4 LUTTUHS tcstatiiLiitary mi the estate of Jacod Haupn ne i h. late of Centre towm-hln. Cnlumtua count v. U ceased, li ive bctn grunted by the Uegister of Coluui Dlacouniy to ino uuuericue-ii, rctming in tno township und county nfurvsnid. Alt persons having ilaims against the estate of the iletedeiilaro rcr)uetcd topreseut tin m for ( tilciuent, and tho indebted to make j aj intnt iui mediately tu JI.KUIIAII II.lUL..MILi;il. Centre twp.. Juiu 15, 1 ul 'tutvr 1 11 E HODl'GGE It. Thi won lcrfal arlide hrt rit nt i, is t-oincthini c-if'tc y ii- - nnd m v - r b f"r otl rt d if aceiits. who are want dLU'MWh'i Tuil p'jtii it i hi fi , Vldi WW k I ti) 1 ' M in. ' t t.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers