Sericulture. JUNE iVOlUC TO UK DONE. In tliis month tho farmer will havo c&sion to bring iuto requisition tlio plows, ( cultivators, horses ami hand hoe3 to loosen n :i i.... -,i.i, .i , i. i, it.., I.UU ocill uuvui. tuaui,:! nuu lv it.oei uu 11 u 111U weeds. 1 .1 .1 . ... ! Among mo ursi, iuuil' ict iarurus J .1. t.. -.-I .....1 1 1- nl.!t. Tnv mikin" nay iiuhing m lauwiamwuu ibjihibu. nay martin will bo tho order of tho day. in tho lattar , n-c-t nf Ifii. innutli r..-r.rv tlntlcs lift 111 '- b , readiness, iManccl wurtzol arid supar beets should . . . ... . i bo sown durinir the first of this nion'h for . . , stock Lato Cabbage should bo transplanted ... . - ' about tbo last of this month. J.iinc and . . . ,. , ,,' , . ... ashes sprinklcu over tho plants will keen ., . . iiiu luivuw iinujr. .Seed patches in your grain Melds should bo Fclcctcil, ami gono over, removing . I cocklo aud otucr foul stuu. Jlaunrcs for Autumn u?o should bo it preperatlou. Lot your cattle yard bo cov ered with muck or loam tho fresh drop j- i ping3 should bo gathered and mixod with compost material, thus saving in part, that which would cvaporato when exposed to tho sun. A bushel of dirty or cheap fait, to a cord of manure will prevent fire fan giug and tho production of grubs, slugs, &u. A coating of charcoal dust or plaster of Paris will bo advantagcou in retaining tho aunnouia in your manure heap. Sheep should bo washed as soon as pos sible, and prepcration for shearing made. Tho wool market this year is opening brisk, especially in tho lower and middle grades, while tho finer gcades aro hold back for a more favorable market, which will certaiuly tako place as soon a3 tho country recovers tis peaceful commercial prosperity. Seek to improve your stock by saving tho best calves, lambs, pig, &e. Good stock will cost you no moro than poor Why Dont tiid Uutiei Come! Hiram Olmstoad, ofDelewaro county, says . ,, ,,t.... 1 1 intbOCSSay Oil iiuttcr Dairying IU the . r,, ...... . .. .. 1 olulo agricultural iraiisauuuua, unii "uiu .... rt,. ,1 , , luiiu tiiuAj rtti. cviuu vi iiiu i.uu:i.a mil. uuiaj the butter from coming. Tho milk has been kept too cold, which prevented tho creamfrom souring: sour and sweet cream may have been wised; tho cream from- farrow cows may havo been niiscd with cream from those that .arc not farrow; tho cream may not havo been sufficiently war med, and the cows may havo lacked salt while fed on dry food; the milk may havo stood too long before it began to chango. These should bo all guarded against " IvEEriNQ Cows. Tail? Clean. Rev, Mr. Howard, of tho Sutari Cullivitor in a humorous to tuc lastiuious caro some times bestowed upon farm stock in Europe, mentions a caso of this kind which he saw in a dairy farm near the village of Uock, in Holland: ' 'The cow's tails were tied at tho end to a cord which passed through n pully in the roof, and at tho end of tho cord was attached a weight" Tho conse quence was, that whenever tho cows tail was at rest, it was straight up in tho air Borao fifty of them in this position prcsen ted a angular sight. When asking why this was done, wo were sei iously informed that it was to keep them clean.'1 Ilovi Lo.Na Should Cows ao Dp.y. In asnwer to this fpicstion, a correspon dent. of tho Ohio Farmer furnishes tho fol lowing sensible suggestions, After saying that no rule could apply to .all cow3 alike, ho adds : I havo found that cows inclined to tako on fat could bo milked up to with in two weeks of calving, and havo both cow and calf .healthy and plump ; and cows that could not be fattened when milk ing, required from four to sis weeks of calving, otherwise the calf was small and not well formed, and the following year's supply of milk much lessened. For Foul IIiivath. Scores of people havo foul breath, and yet tako no caro of the annoyance. Small doses of charcoal aro an almost certain remedy for this. By washing tho mouth and cleaning the mouth and cleaning tha teeth with water well whi tened with caw ile cologne, tho breath will keep sweet for a long time. , i Fame is often a wayward and a careless mother to poets while they liwj but when they die, sho comes aud presses hor warm lips to their voiceless ones, aud calls them her poor dear cuiidrcn, and wreaths their names on her monument with marble flow ers, tho on'.y ones that grow iu her heart. Uakebs' VAnsisn. A varnish, uelt as bakers uso, can ba mado for lusks by beating the yolk of an egg and or.o tea' bpoouful of pulverized sugar together Spread on just before baking. Put them ou round pie tins to rise. They look nice on tho table. Lemon PuddinqO oz. butter, c oz 6ugar, 1 lemon, 1 glass rose water, 4 eggr. Rcat butter and sugar to a cream ; grab in rind of lcmond,antl squeeze in, tho juice; add rose water, aud beat all up; eggs hst. " " To nitnnsi! Visn Tho evpfc hnuld Im . v. t 1 Lriglit, tlio gills of a Cno, clear red, tlio1 t.rt 1 oitrr ii, n n t. r-, .-..j ..t m c. 1 1. cvill. .IIW llbdl, llllll) ICl 1I4BUV ii uiu , ',. touch, aud the smell not disagreeable. iNEW AND SPLEN DID ASSOUTJlENT or CHEAP &0OP&i .1 ras of w Main nut! Iron Streets, OOM ' M 21 0 i 5? A . l)o jou warn si l no to uiKiwr.ns lid ) nil unl LAVLLLA I'LUTtl 1 llo to UltUWl.ll 8 Io you want ClIALI.l UB1.A1NC8 1 (io to lio you urn taiii.i: I do to imovi:ii n lin vim i.inl I I.CITII HIHllIliHl Un lo tlllOWLH 8 I Do roil out KK I'.l.liTOM XKIK'IS t tlo to IIKUH l:K S ' lki jou want 1)11. ITTI Kll'd i, jini witcAi.icoust J,';; iVauVues i liDjnu want nr. I un id intuit i.ii rs llo lo UllOlVI'.U'H lio lo'U i:oioiii:i)vi:u'rt do to imowi.irn duio nut) it riiH do to tiiiutvint'ri lia j 0i, tvalit llOlMl.ltV c tin ..... .nt,l llt.OVF.M f iifkr.ttrim:ri tin to intou II. 1 1 cm waul H"Nou am Am '' i ' "'' iiMciiii.Liui.u n ,,,,: WttUi sillla Goto iiitowLti s ).)() waul Sl'ULl.A HII AWI.rt I C3SS Si?.tt'iitm.S'r ' (IntoimOlVl.K'S CotjIIKOWl.ll'.S (into Ilium l:tt'tf . lln t ml w Itllt (1 AI N11.1.1FI Do ion CKOTClll.'I ... .11 n i't it i A ma I f. ... ic ii rtt i ixu I . HO Jl'll H 11 III I. ClU I III., i.i.i...".. ..U ... ...iv... ' i,,.. f tiiiv rii'i"m' I cn in itr.iitvrit is I ii... Hitcil.l V KUt (into itmm i:ii t ii.ij.m want hi;n siini J lln (un uaiit LMUhTI.I'AMI. (intollliOULIlrl (iuto mum Klin do lo WloWLU'H i do tn UliOU I'.lfS iioio mtutvr.u 8 ir0 to imov:i; h i do to ijkovi:i; 8 no to mtowr.ii'rj linimiwantiMssiMruEst I).ijnuwnnll'l:i:i'l ... uni im:i:mi n I'l. llll I want 1.1M.X I'lllirKdl I Il.i )ou want l'l.llL'ALl.3 I i I l).l jou want JR N8 1 Il.i unlit .11 V .1..ISI n.,!n.i um diNiniAMdt do to liiillwi.liTt !llnyouwailtllUt!Al.!'l (io In IIUOiVl.n'8 , iwiou nt t i'itrAtN i:o to uttotvru s llotoii walill'lll.'IM'AMIllIlliS I (iotoIlliOWKIl'H l)o,ojw.iiitviinr.uoui)si (io lo IIUOtVl:it'8 ;; J.,," " ", sii'.r.siA i (in to ii:oivi:it'8 dolo IWOlVhlt'8 do to lmimxirs . do to iiiiowi:u s 1 llo to KU0tVi:il'8 1 dotoiiiidivr.iis do io's i ii . ....... i in 1 1. 1. 1 m: 8 1 m waut Ti,mni.i4 i . 1 l.i vnn ticitit lilKl K8 f IMjiiillvaut I.Mlll'.S SHUIWf llo you want i.aijii.5 i m i i.itnc llo jonvnnt l lliyil dUO 'l'.lilKSI dolo llUOtfllU'S llo inn want (1 UIXNS 1VA Uli f tioto uuimT.ira llo ynu want til. P8V Mill i (io to'S do to IIUUWEU'S do to immvi:u'8 do to imim'KK'r) Oo lo DltUWKlty ............... ..... no you want ii ci in i iv n lit. i ii,1yCTiwaiiii,L'iu:''8i'i"K8l liioniiifcoiirir. May i'.i, ii o. CHEAP 1J0UT AND SHOE STORE TIIH pub lifter lnltct attention to Ii9 now stock n Hoot ami bli.KP, J nit tucciNCi) from riiilaittlpliia nntl cii)pritins Fuit UEXTLEMnWS WEAR, Iloot, dnit'M. Oxford Tics, Scliottlih Tic, Nay Cait. era, Sliiuitfi, &.c . Ate. 10 K LADIES WEAK, finit rsuitli an J without Ifds, Plippprs ttitto, i'u'Kinp, rroiah .Murrocrii lint a 1" itli and witiioul lu' ylio, M18KFS and CniLPnts'a orcrcry description, m prio.a innrli Imlnw tlil ulil slatt dnrd, anil lem tlian tlio ixw nuality of Uuods cm bu ban lit for nt nny 4 titer tUoro in law n. Avurkofntl KimU m.iiliiti) unlcr if tho bost material, in lit-1 neatest manner antt on reanonaMt; trrms, warranted lo equal uny city work mil much below ciiy price. 1 keep noil- but tlipb'-nt workmen, ami liaebftUr inatr' rial than was tvrr b.-furo brouybt to llila in tact, tlio rery bust to be bad in the citv m.irkrt. UUOKGU &SAN1)LK3. DaiiHlP1 May 2fl, lO.-y. N MV TVACJON StIOPi Main Strict above the I-hrls lUtd. 'plIU untloriftnod, having removed from i:Bpttnvn to 1 Monniirirtf, rp 'cituiiy uiiornits tin ineiuis nun cntoinerj. that li'i ha pfnJ n tww nhnp, om Mnin Str;ot, l.loor.ifiljare, nbou ttu 1'crkii UuIl.1, lio will coniluU tlio U'AUOX .M9IlING BUSINESS, In all its varintif dpartinent, and on u more txUtmve tcaio min nrt'toiiiru. miscK'i. r.Tirliiir nagons, miikiph, i.ipin n iijrc-.ii, onu nil kinda of rililclu. made to orcUr, 011 Fhott notice and Cilr tiTina. Alio-llorrE and I'arx WiiELL-ltAanoiiii, UtisciL'g. Hpnnit uagonn, Sulkies, Mpht Ha?rm, and ni.i,iu t n order. C7 lUruaiso, of all kinda, induding Heavy Wagons proiiiptly and dic--aily cxicutbd. JACOH S. LVAN'8, DlooniBburc;, April SI, 19C0- U X M X & X x II. C. HOWKIt, SURGEON DENTIST ItF.SIOEJWF.. 5a Brtrk HMJIjig (clow 7ohoii tStori cn Jlnln itrcrt, illcomtburg, ra. HEsri;crri-I.LYolTarf Ilia nrrfemion al BiTiicCD to the ladies mid gentlemen vi Uloonitourj! linn licinny. lie is prermrea to tctlf net to all tlio various oucrations in Dentistry, an i is proittd with the latent iniiiroviiicnts I'lmUtiliAliN TiiiVni Which will be inserted on imol or giilii plate tn look as well as the) natural. X" Asuporior article or Tooth Towdtr always on hand. .l-ric, l"'i" liov 13, '53. Bi s w'a m is vnm se" (Ijaif. Kole Hotel.) THIRD STREET ABOVE RACE, IIIIILADELPIIIA. M10ADS, & SaTloH, Proprietors. TiLoiiMis V. UotDS, formerly of the National Hotel l.'iuRLts 8Aii.nR, formerly ol'bcliujlkill Co 1'a. March'.!, lSill-12m. JOLINE & LEE, Un. JO, KOUTII WIIAI!Vi:8, l'lulalelphla. EifiPE iTIAKSJfiJS AND SHIP C 11 A A7 V L E Ji S , Spun Cotton fr Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, Pitch. Oiitcitm. IMoiAi, aud Oars, lit. Auuit 1, I:uO-Uin. PJtOTEOTIOX FROM LIGHTNING. 'pllU subscriber would inform liU friends, tli it u L now nrcoared to nut un. on thort notice, and 111 u 'ieiitjfle iimnntir, the be ft nt Ki ccnlipsrfout. All wcrk worranted. ij. I). Al llLtU o nit. rioomsbur, May 21, I?CO. States Xlniou Hjotcl COG & fiOfi MARKET STREET ABOVE SIXTH. I'HlIJIDr.l.VlttJl. 3. W. POWER, PnrritUr. Teriis. 51 2i dlt day, May J -2, lfcTO-l.'m. WILLIAM QUIXX, fl. W. Cor.'riiird ami MarlM His.. I'lllLAUKLl'HIA. sar Cards $1.50 ppr louo. -sa August -I, 11 0-12in. It EMOVAL.JrSj V, I'. SADliKR & Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, ChceiK and 'ruvistom, Ko. 103 Arrii stroet 2nd door above l'ront. liii'ndel. phia. as 1 I, ly CIGARS & TORACCO. Alarce nssortniL-nt of choico fisnrs, Tobacro, VipfH, Trutti, Coiift'cti-merv nud Notions et'nertilly,teBtlt it with n full Ptork of 1IAT8 and CAl'rf, coiist.nillv on hand and 1t kale iheap. at tho 'Jilowmbijrjj Uut tCnp uiuporiuiu. ' JOHN K, GIRT ON, CI oonisburg, March 1(1, IC1. 'ptIK undi ri?ned re-nctfully Informs liii friends and x ou cut-iuiin rs uiai n uasoptm-u n rixn im Wr -ct, n few door ubova tin l'ork's Hotel, in ldooms b tri, wlire he ilcucn coutnniing th- SMI 1 1IIN0 I1USINES8, In till its various branches, at low pric s, ant! on an cn Urifd nc.ili-, tut J solicit-. tbt public p.itroirii'. iLl'f oducoi Uraiu, &,c cvnvrallv taken for work. MILKS (.. Aiinurr. DIoomshurs. May 9, pltlMU nr.C'I.IIAMIO (,'I.OVF.K BIH' x iroui noAious weeos, also, i itnoini Urc I aril,. , nt Orass. lulimi and Cngllih perennial S5sa Rey flrss, Keittlirhy lilile (Jrass, Willie Clover -JL- line mixed Lawu (Iras, feed eic . at wholesale and rclail. 1'A80I1AM. MUUU1S, Imptemeats unci Seeil Warehouse, 11 0 Alarke Slreris. I'll t ::i .lo 1 j.l. l.T . ilarctl 12 IfCl -IJm. 55. V . t X W E v ATTORNEY AT LAW, nr.ooMsnvnn. jv. Office in Court Ally, roruurly occupied tiy Charlci n. llnrkulew. liloomiburs, Dec. 4, lei'J. riour and FceJ ficllvt-nd ! OIIKAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST rrHU iiailersiuDd litis ninlo nrranj.ini uts tlistnil I cnsblo l.iui lo deliver Hour end 1'fu.l, l oll CASH utiout t n inr rent, rlienncr lliaii any tody die iu town i 1'lour. '" 7 S3I Cornt nicCuon, 31 CS "' fc PV,. .. '- I l'rn. I 10 I ruinlcllUll) sourll a .Ur" CI lln tiuulin lidtrnnngn, nion Wr, Jllne?,, o-u8 Kkw it. v ucnniL-i o . . ... , ,, ., i J Ji ITER Sugars at lOcts. per lb. tban I 1 ins been .old m ums. rDr ih. un.i vp.f .t UARTMANS. HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEUIUTED HOLLAND ItWIEDV WB DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, TjIVICK VO.IIPIiAIIVT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann tho Tftrloua afTocUons couseiuent upon ft (Jlsortloro-l T09IA0II or i,ivi:n, fuel) as Indict tun, ArlJity of tli Stonitvli, Cold Pitln, Ilenrtliuni, lftM of Ajiictltfl, Porii(lenrv, CoM'liui'f". JUlrii ami Hlwllns 1'ileit. In nil Norrmrn, Klieumntli', (tn t iScurnlnta AlTictti.n, It Iim In nnniemui Inilttirt-s iroUJ lilKlity licnrflcliit, and In otlierf etTcctr.1 a dccllcj euro. ThM l a 1'imly ti cctible rcrjiHmn.l. rrrrarol i n Ftrlri acirntlfie lirinclidcis anor tlio inanacr of t)ia cclcl-ratcil liuUitn I 1'rofijwtor, lloerhave. Its reputation at liouio pro diu'iit Its introiluotkn Iicit, tbo demand comniciiciuK ilth tltrwo of tho ritthriliad n.atttrrd ocr the ftco of lid mhchty country, uiftiiT cf nboni brcugLt with thtm and handed don tlio trailltion of Its alno. ( ti now rffmi to (At Avierican julIiV, faowing that Hi truly wonderful vwltcinal 1 irtuet tnut I- nclmw-JiitffcJ. It U particularly iccommoudod to thooa persons whwa cont!tutloni may Ihtp boon liupnlied ly the cunllnuous mj cf ard- nt Kplrlt or othur frnn of diilpat!on. (loneinlly InMTitAnnn In rfTect, It f lids its Tray directly to tho rent of life, thrilling an 1 ijulckeulnjr trcry ncne, miring up tbo drotiplnc FphlanJ, 11 fct, iufnslng new health nnd igor bl till ftJFltUl. NOT101X Whw-Tcr cjpects to flndthli s Iffteraco m Ul l dlappolnt(Hll 1'iit tr tho Ick wY and low fpirltod. It will prme a pntefnl nrotaitic cordial, cosscsscd of tingulat reiuvdlat prepcrtka. READ CAREFULLY! Tlio flenulne highly conrentrare-l IVrrhaTo'i Holland ltitten U put up In halfplnt UitHe only, and retailed nt Oms ltiitun iTrUdth',r.r fix iHittlcsfnr Fin DoiMiti, Tho (Treat demand lor thl tnily rclebrated Mediclno una lnduecd inanr IinHatKin v,hld tho piUio thould guard f gainst purrliftfltiir. jffS llonaro of Imposition. Ece that our namo Is on the Idwl of i-Tcry bottle you buy. Fold by DrugjUti generally. It Can be forwarded by Expreu to mo it point a. polk rnoi'UiETons, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. K IHVFACTtTRIKQ Ipharmntculisls ami (Chcmlsls,- PITTSBURGH, PA. lot 8atc l.yd. .11, llagontiucli, Drujght. Uloomsburg Ta Oct, J. 1 -00. r BVANS & W ATSUN S.jKJSB!V3iHAl.AVANIli:il 8Al'i:8, nu- Rji 'OUStaZMlWI ttmninl rUMilphla, liaio mi liif BVPE'iJt nn.lnlnrgn n..ortmeiit iC 1'iro lo, iron rinnrp, for banks anil A:i'UV'. tmre, irnn umifru iron gasii, all 'Afcn3CifV5SS makes of lucks cnual to any made in thf. United States. Fire Sfe in one Jin. All tame out right; with, con- ttttf in L'ood condition, TIip Halanundcr Safes of Pluladclplila ogaiit the wurld. EVANS & WATSON, havo Imd tlio purest mostrntion n the f.dl.iwin; rer titicatc that thoir nuutifartura of .damaiidi r f it'-H 1ms nt Icnctli lullvwarraiifdih'! rrpr-n-iiiiilii-'iB Mhicli havo hetii mado nf them as rendermsnn undoubted security againt the lernflc tlemcitL I'hilatlclphia April 13. 1-5(1. JUntr V.ras & Uafton: (intlfincii-It tttrnnU in the lualieil witisf.ictioii tovtatc to ymi, that owin'tn til-) very prntt-divo uahtiPB f twu of tho Salamander, t' winch we purchased of you so-no fii'e month finre wc p.neun i.irtfe portion 01 jewelry, ami nil our book, rxpoed to the rnhniiinoiiii, lire lit HaiwUad placo on Will 11 WO ri'tk'Ct lllit thtftti! saf.-a Wpti tnrftfml t). tl. f-mrth ffury nfihe Imildine w occupied and that they fill fUbsenuenllj iut"n heap r.f hurinui! rutin, when. Hi.. rtHt tone titration of the Jieat raided tln brans plates to im 11, nt- 1 uiniui dui r, rnru inn liri crrinTiin m innif uald ponti nt ns iunt ron iucing priwr of the cn at se curity ndordfit by jmir fafex. Wn (thiill teke crent plea-ure In recommending them to mi.., t uu,,.,. , u mil' riiKinc JI pa 1 111 nrf, nmw;i: w. Simmons into., .artittrs. j- inf www biucoptirchancd tit largo fr'afts, Ah?uetyd, W.7X (I'HH niiderciirncd is alio clensiicly (nparcd in tlio J ruihrteUtiir Bviinua, mid keepMii)ii.tdlitl on hand lid for kale nt his Wnrcrooms, n lareo assortment of FINISHED f-rD 00FF1NS, lUMvhfrh ho Is rnibWl txt mi onler on prefntatlon a pood llorpt nnJ Hoarse, and will ut ai ti.uoH bo natty to attend Tuuerd. SIMON C. PII1VU. nioomsljitrg, Jaimarj 21, SAVING FUND U. S, Trust Company. Comer nf Third and Chestnut S(s.,Philit IAHUliiind f iuall ennn rccfied and paid hack on J diuand without notice, with 1'jvk pfcti ttT lMta kst from th day of tUpcsit to the day of w jlhJrawal. Omth Horns I'rnm M until 5 o'cloikrvtry day, nxd on .MoiniY IsVEsiMi. from 7 until It nclock. 1'rt ni . ut-tTJ:i'IIIAT 11. CKAWI'UltU, Tr-'asuri r 1'mny I'isk, Telli r Jama IL Ilunttr. DIHEOTORS. Btfphen n. rrnwfttrd, Ilonj ainiii W.'Tinirley, il. Coodard, M. U. Patrick llr.idy, James Di'vereaux, TJiotnai T., March -J, IcjJ ly. SDatiitd llcidlpmnn, (Joorjnj Junkin, .k-xVr r. Hurt, M, IX, William AT. !n-lwiii, II. Friinkliu Jackson, (Pliny Piik. F.'O.IIRRISONL D7 T170UI.I) rt'snrrtfilllv inform tho fitit-nnnf ltlnoma. W burg, uud icinil,thathe coiitiuiiiiithepructlceuf nlillnrKt. iji irriiirut- And solicils u biiar-' of nuldic oatron.i'e. Orriti:. on Mam ritreu, firet liouo below- tlie Court 1 IIotlM', lilooiiifbuij,'. I tbrusiry 3, jrij tf. T0IUC00 it. SUGARS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH 9S. A H & Efi?38 WIIOI.ESAI.r. riEAIXUS IV Mnnufncliircd & Leal Tobacco. HAVANA GKKM AN AND DOMESTIC, II. E. Corner of Trent and Arch Streets. ARTIIir. iiaofn ) JAM! M UOYB. I l'lIILAlll'.I.l'HIA. niurcli 10, IfCu Um. "THE UNION," .Irth Sntt, Mart Third. PHIA 1) E I. P II I A . TIIH situation of tills Hotel rrndm it 0110 of tlio mot coDveiiieiitforllinscvtlionrt vinitlnv rhllRdfhiltio onbuiinesnj while to thoi-e in erarrli of pi earn re, tho cunctaatly pasiinp and rpi(t-Mn- City Italhvny rari, and tlioie in c)043 proximity, alloril n f Irnp and iik-as. Btit ride to all placeH of intereBt and amuBement fn or alumi Hid rity. The oronritMnr vlvei nimranrn tlmt fThn i'mIaim fhnll bs kept wiLli aurli rlmractfr at will meet puldlc 4k1.1.i.-ncsnn1 mm f-'i-r.iiijiy ftnirn, ITI'ncrill rat ruiiuva. i:jtiiy s4 vivrr.ii'it t'tbrnary l-oo-i; r, l'rnprletor. WALL PAl'Elt, WALL PAPEll. Jait received from New York n areu and t-'u. pninr lot of tltejiljovu numcd article lir ih tpriiiB trade U prices raniliiisfroui li cents per L itta to iJunist W.JIAll'WIAN'. :lnoinbllrg, rcb. S3, IfCL r ABIES' EX Tit A HOOP SKIRTS, 1 j Just received, rlomeUiiuii new iu thai lino. Cit In Ladies, and gel one. . "' C.-&I.W. IIAHTMA.V liioonisuurs, J '0. aj, not TTOOP Skirts in abuntlanco from 4 lets JLiaad nim-ardafor sab t IIAKTMAfia. A) Sarsapanlla ror s A itimpnuntl rcmrdt. In Tiliieli wo imvo l.i- & topimluce tlio matt dToctunl nltcrativo tint can 1C made. It is a concentrated extract (if l'ura Snrar-rill, no Oomliinwl ith btlur Mt!itnncos of till greater nlterntive jiowcr m to tilford an cTectlvo antidote for the diseases fvirsnriiirilla U nmitcd lo euro. It is bilicvrxt that ml'li"n" reTneily is wanted by tlimc lio uirir from Strumous complaints, timl that ono v liich Mill accomplish their cure miM tirotc of'lmmcno trvlio to thts loro clnss of our ulllicted fdlow-cill.cns. How cumplcti'ly this compound will tlo it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of tho following complaints I ScitoroLA Asn Schofuioi'I Comi'I..m.t, Iiituntoss xn Kucriivii Disease., l'i.ri:i:t, l'lMi'LEs, Uiicncs, TrMor.1", Sait Itm.t.M, Scald IIkab, tirnitus and Svntiunc Ar ri'.cnoxs, Mr.itct'itiAt.I)isr..vsB, Dnoi'sv, Jfr.c on Tio DocLovncirx, I)i:muiv, l)v.i lF.r.iiA and India r.siio.Y, lhasirKLis, lion: on'iSr. AntiioxVs I'ltir:, nnd indeed tho wholo clos of uomplaints nrismg flora iMi'imiTY op Tttn Htooii. This comjxnind will ho found a pro. moUr nf heulth, whtit taken in tha cpiinfc, to cxjcl tho foul liumora which fester in tho blood nt that season of tho year, lly tho time ly cxpul-lon of them many ranhlinrr diwndcrs nro nipped In tho bud. 'Mullitmles tin, by the aid of this remedy, fpiro theinsolves from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores through which the system will strho to rid itself ol corruptions, if not nssisted to do this through the natural channels of tlio body by an nltiTntivo medicine. Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you find Its Impitrltin but -tin,; tlii'iHif,li the skin'iu piniples, eruption", or soro ; clAmio It wlien you llnd it is ob ttructcd and slugsit in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings vill tell you when, liven whero no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, nnd livo longer, for clc.tnsinir the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and nil 1, well ; but villi this lubuliim of life disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later somcthini; mu-t i;o wrone;, and tho prcat maehiniry of life is disoideied or overthrown. Harrapat tlhi ha, and deseivcs much, tho reputation, of nccomplMiiii j; theso cuds. Uut tho world has been errrcgtously deceived by preparations cf It, partly bccauo tlio dm,; alone has not nil tho virtue that is claimed for it, lint more because many preparations, pretending to be cunccntiatcd extracts cf it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsapurilla, or any thing cLe. Iluriiij,' late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give n quart of lixtract of Satsnp.nilla for one dollar. Most of theso have been frauds upon the tick, for they not only contain little, if nny, fc'nrsni a villa, but often no curative propeitics whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment ha.i fullowcd the uso of the :irioub extiacts of Karsapaiilla which llond the mmUt, until the name itself is justly despised, and has becomo synonymous with imposition and Still .c call this compound 8aiapaiilla, and intend to supjily Fiuli a remedy ns shall rescue tho name from the load of 'obloquy which rcets upon It. And we think wo have ground for believing it has virtues which nro irresistiblo by tho oidinnryrun of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to scenic their complete iinuicauon irom tne system, tiicicmedy should be judiciously taken neccrdir.g to diuetious on tho bottle. ntrrAnrn nv DR. J. C. AVE IS & CO. T.OWHT1T1, MARS, l'rlce, 01 lie Ilottlv j Six Ilotllcs for $S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, vnn for itself 5uch a renown for the cure of ocry aricty of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is cutirily tinuocchsary for us to recount tlio evidence of itb virtues, whciocr it has been un 1 loved. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, tto need not do moro than assure the people in quality is kept tip tn the beat it ever has bur, and that 'it may be relied on to do for their ulkf all it has ever Ucu found tu do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron the cunn op CoUircncsst Jainuh'vct Vysptpsia, Indinst'umt litisenhryt lout ttumacht J.'t ysijhlust Jlt(uUuict JVtV, HhiiiDialistn, V.rvptions and H i n Disease s, IJnr VompUunt, l)rcpiiff Titter, Tumors and Halt J'duinn, U'onnst Oovt, XcuraF(!ttt as a Dinner ami for Vuiij'yiny the Mood, They are Mifrir-rnaWl, so that the most sensi tive cbu take thnn pleasantly, nnd they arc the bc&t rperlent in the vorld for all the purposes of a family phjiic. Prica 5 cents per Toz; Hvo boxes for $1.00. Great mmil era of Clersjmen, rhysician?, fetatcs mcn, and eminent pei Minn ires, linvc lent tluir names to certify thcmipai.iiU'lcd ur-cfulnes of these, remedies, but our tpr.n hcrevUl not permit the insertion of thun. The Agents below namrd fur nili pratU our Ami.mcan Ai vi.vN.u in vhi-h they arc gi.en ; v itli nlo full dcucriptiont nf the above eomplrum!. and the ticatmcnt thut bhould be fol low el for their euro. 1)d not ho pat off by unprincipled dealer with o'htr pHp.iriitums they make inoic jnotit nn. Demand Aili.'., and tako no olheri. 'i'he hick want the best aid there is for them, and they thould have it. Ail car Kenudiea ate for fnlo by V. J.U.Mi.r.C V. Il.tzcnhurh. nioonuhurs A. Miller. l'.vt ii-k. ninl liv tit it tlnn. hi mvitv tmvn it. rciiMf)li.uua. . JiA GAINS I BA JiG A INS . m:u fail a.m HiXTi:it (;oos. T 7 Ol1 i-I r sni'itnitH infunn tlie iilifiirt of l.isli ritrn t anil v k in iiy Hint Ukv Iijvc Jihi tl-cl-m t-l n ntvv ninl ritnut- nstrtiui'iil of DRY GOODS AMJ GROCEKIES. uliirh tliPV 111 i-ull (lionn for rntli. Tli -v lnvn n In rue ntnl L' artity; all litnt ij nmime.itly fnuinl inn Couiiiry Sinn1, mill nr.' ilPti rmineil to (tell i In rip T'ili lvti(iii of Ui ir L'tuhlh tht'V have nul.l Kind aUtiiiinn: th r -fore, tlnir iin'rrlinn.lizrt w til ifiir rL'Luiiiinciitlaliiiii ninl will pri in i.e in Hit' It rut t hun. i no iirorit-nirx iruiany fniit'ii n iiiinn mare ri (.at- rouitjt'. t'n hPiucrnvuiulil iln well to cnll and ixuiiiiiu: tlu'ir ufiiural vari'-iy l.fluro I'urch.ninjr c Ucvvhrrc (Jomiir) priklute taken in ujkiluiigti fur gooiU at the luglicst murkit prii.0. I.iht Stre;t. X'-vcintitr, 3 IcCd. GILL k PAUL, General Commission itlercliauts, Vt AI IR I th, l'rnv ifioim. Hour, Itimt-r, Cheese, OiIh, lirictl i'ruita, ;ntm, ri.-t Jg, IkMiM. Whiskey, Wuol, Cutintry Proiincc tttxl MurcluntlUo ffCTI'THllV. No. 31 Nouih Uiunvri, ruiLincLpiiu. r7" Coimizillllfnt nf lrov fslona rimir ninl Hatintri Proiliiro foliriti'd, ami rjlunid proiiU'lly ni.idu. Cntli ntlVHiifi'il nliun ijfRirml, OHIii;iiS fur all k-imla of Pi Mi. Pro islons, 1'lour, Dried I'mitt, &r., lillaJ at tlio lowest fuih l'ricrn. Aujmt 4, ieiu-Um. TINWAUK & STOVE SHOP. TUG nndrrfejjiiipl ffpoctfully InforimhU Md frK'iitll nnd riut'Uii' rx. tlit ho ha purebnsed lii linllara int TPt In the nhovQ t tii!iluhii''nt1nnJtho enncern uilj lnTt.afii'1 Im con.IiictBd Uy hliiiflclfoxdutivtly. a lb' hni J'it,t recdviM ond oircrr! &. the lum t-Ht ami .ii"t xtcti.ivu udortinciit t)f I'AXL'V S l't) V Krt tvr iiitrti.liaed lutn thii nnrki't. 3j5 llii t(nK vf a co.iijdi tit uuHortiiicnt nf iur urn v-iiumuk unu (Hinur iuv b in 1119 k 1, ingeill or vitli ftovu I'uturti i f vury dfucriptioii, Oven and lta Siuvofl, Hndiatom .' tiovtiB, Ctit Ircji Air Tishl fiuvei?, Cnnnon Htovps, Vc., &,c. Htovtiiijm mid Tinware ri'iiktmitly on hand and nmnuf-ict'iroil to tirder. AH Miid vf rtpairin dnn., n usual, oit ltort iK tire. Thft natronae of old friend and new f untoiiiura rc. pectfully solicited. A. M. UL'IXUT. IHoomBburg, Novemlicr3d 1B00. tf. S35.00 rayntheriitirecoBt for Tuition in thi most popular nnd suu-iijful Commercial Htliool in tho country. lTpwnrd of Twttvo Hundred 111113 men from twmt) -eight dill. t rent tHatc K.havc been oducuted for busiuvsi htru with in the pa 11 three ytarn. vomu of whout have been tin plojedni Kook Keepers ut naaricii of 82000.00 jor Annum, iuimcdJatelyupnn gradimlms, who knew nothing ofac. count! when Ihey tntirtd thu Colb'i:i. Miaitfri eoimlialf price. Student enter nt any time.aml ruview whrn th' y pWi f , without ovtraiharue. Tor Catdloguo of c?u pui;i , (?peeluiens of I'ruf. t'ow loy't nuainc-guml Oruameiital I'liiioaiiJhip, ami a largo av travlnf oftl)aC'nllei jucloau twenty iHoctnu in I'tt uzi rUiniu tu tlu1 I'i iunp4lt , r ... JtMiINd tlSMiTII, rmlUKli, pj and rop. tiik L-rrxDV aim op irervoTjs rrcstratlon, Ocnernl Debility, Asthma, Byspersla, Scrorula, Marasmus, Taralysis, Chronic Bronchitis, Anemia, Chlorosis, and all Disorders of tho Elood Systsm. DO YOU KNOW IT? rovsTMrnov rs the io.-t tatai, or JtAVKINIi. II his been truly rcrarflcct as At lxct n 1.1 n mauot few ever surviving Its nttnc k. " On tirih ml icAiM JkMiwii nt." rays nr. Onmrmtt. " nd tllllir.HIAXONK ll.M V OF All. Till: AIH I.T 1(111 -1.AT10X of mcn-lclvllircil rornmniilltra I1.HIMI IIY TIIH M''K.S1:, Wl'titn rati roinmculary en tLo Unstccl (fDc.icy f thfl UoallnfT All I Iho lirll'lii'il I'lscuvpryor Tr. nnirtliill, mucin to lln Impcrhl Acnl' my of M clirino ftf i ..rls. Ins lirovi'd on tVn'iin'tfJ.tnc!! lei tlio world, lly tlio tit' ( 1 tlcis ri'jw i.inl ;cciiulrcwe toil octnt, knoun to ( lxmlstry ns TtHE 3YPOPHOSP!JTEC, "Tin? Ctriti: of CONSl'MirriON, even In tho Pcroml nnd Third Morci (nt n porlod, thcrcfitrt, when there tnn bo tin doubt un to the tintitrc nf the Dlpnc) U tho i:LLI uhtlc HHA TH 1ft Till', t.XCni'TIOV." "I KXOMVSnTP llr. ('., "tlmt Ibex will rroro notonlf tin St'UB A HEM TOVln CONStMPTION (Julnlno Ino Is In Inter. ml n I'llLSLII. px. mlltrnt rev or, out iuho ni rlTictunl VAIIVr, n Vnctlnutton In Bmull Utno E'lfr-rcrtWliovalus heallh and life, tVhy r.n hour to try this remedy. lUraeinhcr that " i rovontlu 1 1 belter tlim cure." IJowareof iolf-derrpti(.n,or tl.o lojthlug nssuraace of fili'nds ii my a liuli cold ' " Intali'rror to myriads who now fill prcmalLnj troves ! Ulve, I tnlreat you, pruinpt nttintion lo thj CMttlEST StQKa OF CQKSUtlPTtQH. "And inr. h MONS urAtr. lottow tixm." .Vu;'.. "Tliocnu ilieaso Is vi aix mj. Itpnrf ti.riviA, an I It Is culler, In point of til.) tha'i tha ifcric. It H CrstmanlfctM la thjmv ond h in U Tui lu'uruhr mtui vv.iilo : hence Vnt ijiy : tlirro Ii afeiis'ofeomcthlcg'wro.'g nMi,i7thuHT:a vital rovvi.aH ami The tm(e of t'ho liv I: a taa.hiao U tnoro actlv o than Its rqiiir.,'lr. J'cUwt,. ' IfjieiViOtiMriyiTrrnrrnf WTtv.or under tho laflnnco cf ctrei whlrli inriuoo vrtaiMxs nnd cxiut-t s ; t uth tmvanlffiifivtcii? A,cc-u,pripmHty,fArd-i((w n , mtn'rtj, t af i,l flciWA, u tlio nan-cry jixvi, iJiuii., n prrsru bii'las to hH Ceih, rtrtryili, colcr, or apiwtilot If hi puffers from thorin'ts ut trcath, or thii4emcitftiu ijj'crlenrca a pcnnnl ftelinBif irn fuvr tiul tlu n -n'en, 1UU;U If) I.L.VtO.N 10 1 LAll that hi it ttlKiVtyrr.-tirrsid to tha conpUint. f to th- ho fjmptoni-i bo aiJi dtow.h, Imwever bUf-ht, i,u-ticulary if It has c.rae en s!owyt or ilurirff tho 1-ir b anwi, TU21T.0llVCIUnJ3t.LkATn;tTlLL.,t VhurtWl, EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on the earUcst nprenrnnco of Ihnc stijn. of C'ouiuptlon, tho pntti'iit tcikcs ilnlty iihoict tin crutu. or tho rirponiospiiiTro, ho win nnniir .CO thci.i o'.l d.'sapnclr in n period vwylnc rrcm n few veo'c3 to ft ftw tionth3 mid ly loiilliiutiic Iho otra.lnmil nso of tho Ilinicilr, XXZ WILL ILV rtND IIIUSELr IH TIIC miOVHEUT or bucii iiEALTn as he. rrcnAss, iiau kevjji KNOWS IX III9 Lll'i: IIKFOKIV' "Winchester's Genuino Preparation" IS TIIH O.M.Y ItrLIAHLC Form of IT. Churchill's llcmcdy. (Mado from tho original IVrmula. 'Iho r.rlicin cf tho JKp The -rhltcs ism o-ioiji and ts?ciflc t incrcU'ini; tlio rinciplu m im u ooMsnnina M.moiti, nrd Uny nro iho hot rov.-n.riLriTioiic:t.i.RATi.oicuMqi.Miv. Tll0 cITit upon tLo tubercular tomlltlua Is IMMUIATI:. Ait inn ( i-:sAiiiui.ia vnu a i-iiii itv Miiidt t3niAuruAl.iaiilu. IhcynhVie tho couth, cirtn'riA cipectoratlcn, i.wjTric! Iho npintllo, ornil diarrhira; tlio hijIU ttctaUy rhilU, and jfciir c-enso ; tho bolicU Ucome regular, ouil lus tixEi calm ami 1'i.oroc.iD. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I JK5-nEWARKof a77iii TOToliVjndvrrtlspd r.s Tr. Churchill's, nn.! all other nriNUUMI HU'ias to rob e.itrjrcrfl or their means, rojcjcreoVtci tim. nud hntcu a i at il Kara. Wrlto io :ao for CIi:a i.ll3, for Dr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption, wlmh contain tho onv t'ulhintie infcrniatHn In rriMM to Ih's AUW TIltVTJlllNT tent iee to nil lscruiurs T2IC2I In 7 nnd 10.01. Eottlca, CI end fa m!i. Throo ltrce, or Btx small for CC My ffiejiimilo Is on both tho Lnbol nrd Outside TVrrrpcr. UO OTHEIl IS OEMUINE, " CT" I'o nol confound this llemocly ilh tl.o Kn'nllc d " llicrclcal FooJ ;" and iinrtlccUrly nvnl.1 nil it. nira I irus cut. lain Ins iron, u hlch i3 iiam.ii.oi , ni d ciil Uut VI, v, lilch has hi. ct rath n l noi itv y HATiini. 'iZW.yy. 51'0 mt rcniitable liriirgleis Ihrontjliout U UnlU-cl Malta and Ilritl-ii l'rot It c' . i ml V, ,.,: iallietall at tho Ccuoral Ucjccl in tho I'nlttd tuk., by J. WINCHESTEE, 36 Jehu Street. N. Y. Ilirrli ti, in.!. Light .Light! Light! P A R A C O N COAL OIL MIKNHKS AMI LA.UI'S VOW EURK1NG cn.r i:r.itnsi:xi'.. on I'tuunN un,.. 'PIIU Ih'iI, me t lriUi.ilil, nnd t ill". lit , I iir!.ibli lishl L nou in nsu. Nn iluiia-r of ca Imiiciii and ilicijur 111 III II II I llll i II IIMI llll ItC C C illl nu, teir EQUAL 'IO Gc.s,'vb,t U itlinut th ' i-Tjn use if prs ti M'lri't. Til iilii-vi Lanijis twilll all tlrir laiicy tnniiilinsl mil In- mtii and bi.iicilt .ii in mil I'siiiiiii'iii'ii iirinr nun (iieimrnl rlciri1 or th. llllilcTsi-'Uecl. Wild rlilt.TS h ililtlf Unit IVoill Ins liniT c. cri. uif ill llie lie 113 trade. Ii" Knows iiow nnd iln re to li'l llll I IS ilcl.'ritllll.'ll tirllnl.e UU'lorscild bj any I'llc in l!l.oiii1.ii rjr. orsinr inn. iiiiu country, ('nil and seu liii nou mid i 1 11 s li-i ti d rtm k of IIKUlIi. .1llllli;lMI Nil IMinMIUAI.S. I'AINTe VAKMrllllltl, llVKr-TUITil. OILS (ILAfS I'liO.M 7! to'.'tslll, CIIM'IXTIDVA. ki in. im:ii-i jinitv kii I'AM.'V 'Kill I'.T. All. Tici.K-i roil IiAllllH, & HINTS. TORALCO A XV CIGARS, rl-tM Hllllldis. l'llli tit Mi (III till' .if . . n- i nn, tv In u,.i l.i iii'iix i(iure) (ir medicinal iu.i milv, riuid,Uninnh-ne t'.irlnni TiiriipniiiM! und Alrolml " 'i rumi !... t,t,.r "'"" ""'I Aiiuoiuuiai rtipi'oriortf, H'trpirnl und Hen. tin iiiMriiiueiiiB, nil 6ii nun unu iiom nri( liiiil, 4 VliiMrli'Ml i hrey V lloiou'imtlnc Uemedied, ilarden, t'limrv, Itane ind Hemp nvilu, 'i hennoiiieteri, prrMif.pinsji Morori-o iji'siiiii-r tin 11 r-jn; j iiiiiiiii:K, ntr.i Hi'., lost me r u in t . inru-t aud im.,-1 varied artortment of Cerman Toi s und i Aivivi' ri mj riuiMa, vf r brought to tin (dace, .ill of which ideate rail .nut h and yon niiiFt b. ict llavui" l.-arned by -ad cvncrifiirH that lni!f tu nut ii't ji iiuii-it iui nig, i jinvi lieu rn.iui'ii to Ui'UiUltj f it toinflihuycrtf, to maU it an ohiiti to tin III 114 Ulil ns th" ulli'r, to deal on the cull iirmcipL'. tither muiu'v i.r n al) tiadc. IIa inn biTved a rt eutar nt'nrt.titirj'i.hin m tim nr... mul Aiii.ll. ..ri-I..Llc.. I. I I ,., lurth. lat i uhl-i n years on my own hook, I umrr hiVm If th it I am ulil to do ludiLii tn nil i-iiintf ,.. n '"J 'M"Mi. met 1 fflll.IS llUtlilU (ilffK'U It I ill trial. Thankful 1 1 l!m ptiblfe for pad fauni, 1 umthl nka trial nn Um new princiid.1, mul win uar.intfe tu nil.tliat it will inike long fri. ntU, and oaj hjst in th. tnd to pay i4ih and buy ut reduced prices. J'UlBlUlAiNd I'll 15 SI JUPriONS rar 'fallvfoinpoundhand allnrderp corrertlvnnsucrrd AI iifdinnes pnaranteed as n'ewurm nd.'d, Vtore Iiooin on Main Street, in ar .Marki t, nvt door to tho Ton Of- i'iaii iituwuiuuijt tuiuinou COlilllV, i n. ACut,...,-rn. 1-ni.iA.M r. I.ur. 1 A lillle. but often fills .lie purse. SAVING FUNDS. TItlNKLIX BAVI0 t'lN'no. l Kouth 1 1 ourili Mrnl, li-iwurn ( heslntit ami Wiclnut 1' lplna. pay s nil del osits 011 ilciitaitil. , '!v. . oi"luJ "i" ' oy i.uterumeiitrllalo, ind ( ity l..i.tiis. (lioiin.l K' nu, Miirtu lyes, Kr This Coinii my iliuns ...ft, r iii.m 'm..I lirohls eon-, ituemli will rmc in. tl.k unh.l ?!.' ttt' luoio ; ,' it ol ull luueaii aid to r linn'. Willi a p 'r eent. Inleit st to Ihe miner, its the, ,:,te S alw.cj. done. This 1 mpan .' 11 1 er .unpend',) g I'i iniiles, tuarrieil t,r sinel -. ntt.l Mi..ra . ... j.. in their ow 11 riirlil, nnd mcli depttiis canbtio Charter prpelual. Incorporatoil by lite Flat" nf roniisyltania, with uiilhorliy 10 rtcelte monev trum triutee. uud Ltceutors. ijtmit: ji.Yi) xM.u.i.iu.vsiiF.CKirF.n OlilC ' Otieil dUllV frillll ll III .'I Ii. tnrl. nn.l 1I....I ugsilay cteniiiuiiiiliio'clotk. iwt'P7ini?.o Jacob It, tShannon, Clrun Cnclwolladrr. John Hhiulhir, ((t'OrL'U It II H XI 11. Vlilatlll W. Moan. I.dwnnl 'i'. Ilatt, lltnrliKlaiiy, Nuthan Hmedlcv. I.r win Kruiiibhiirr, Vn-hol is, Uiitfiilioii r. Jui, il.Hutherlhwaite, Kphriam Hi an char. I, JoiMih Isinuiiicoii. J At tilt II HIIAWiiV h..tu... (1)WAI.L.U1JU. r. ' Ml rib li. 1-rt.l-Wm " Xli3lla"r U Iftlcc'caTntV' N'ov. 'jriBCrO. WINK AND LXQUOKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, TIIH nndmisnril, having opmed a N'evv Sinrc on Main Hirevt a Uw iUm bVnnh of Iron Hired i.ioioni -mis ami fir it 'Unji'iu, , 1 I!r,ims nl nil kinda t( Inportnt IV v willb. It ippy (, v' Hi true: 11111 Hi mcituicoiimuJ'iin'it'rir aiidatumisual W low nrff f iy I nbii-t,u. ioin i i peclfjll i V.- T"ri i w liounix" lihiom bur. July i l,t3 Tlioc iiUfiurins: Under i i kn, e in nt fnro riiicic uiinsi ivr. uum m iu". in. I. ,11c. lint ll.'.ll is liMr to. If lliey "ill I'" I J f.llnvtll roiinilils oriinturo, nn.t tnko tlio iiiliclni'r-j vhlt brst nsslstshcr In her onorinlons. Tim .1.01- ,1,. i. nn iELtal o Ufo Woilltlnt'i of Hr. .Morrtii . known ns Moffat's lifr i ills 1U(BSIX"IITTKRS. 1 TllS-e Mrdlrlnrs have now rsell Iu fore tkp t'llblic for a period cf 30 years, and durlr j that lime lisvo ly i X"i a hiqli Airact.r In alinosl eery n;rt of 10 clobi for tho extraordinary curative ptupcrlicmliwli lllcy rio-soss. ! Molilt's Life Pills. I MniT.ifs I.lfc! l'illssrc Indtbtcd llitlrnwn toitielr ' manliest and s-nslblo nclinn iu (itiriO in- she prlii(rs und rlianiiols of life, und intulnc llwiii Willi renewed toiioaiiiHlsorl and totlin-ndourted ran Hint atntery uirly lent In their lilsioty, they Ii id rsscued sudcrcrs from llf tcry t crcc or an imtlincly Kniv. , nerf.'rt'y y- riirliiiMtlii'i" tint uniform enjoy it ol ho illh, ultli- out wliirh lif If-i If ii. but n I'm";'! ".'f;. " null cl b id tli irtfilinry Invnruicls provi'il, iliat It "as scare '11' I llian luiraeuloiis lo thoso lm ttiruiinac ciu.ilnt.'.l Willi tlm bumtiliil plillcsupliiml prlnciplus llry were! iiiiiipounjcd, u.i.i upon nlilcli i in vi mi si 'iniiitlv nit. MOFFAT'S VUU:iSI luiTiu. riiornlii Hitters nro m tallcil, Ii. rauso tlicy possess llo' power of restorin4 tl.o t tpirins cinbers of icallll to u Blow Ins t leor llir.iushcmt Iho icilslililtloii, ns Hi" riiciotiis II Mid I" bo restored to Iifj from tlio n-liL'S of it own ili-si'liitl'in. .Mcrcrlall)lieasiis.-'riiir'! Is probably no ono art iIj civell nsn iiii clirliie, Hie Injili'ons use ol which Ins luuned such wide-spread and turriLlv mlsclilcr to tlio huiii.iu sistciiins nurtliry. lis poison .inks Jeep lilt; tile sistun, pclKtMliiia tlio snb-ctiinco of lha bones, and prcidiiliiiinluiif ir.iiu of painful diseases. It Is well hiiouu tlial nuuy ailiilloiis or tl"-', of tlio bonej, i r the nose, ami sores, whlih Into Cecil at tnbcite.1 to sjpliilis, lire so Ml. ii caused by the iiiju.ll' tluiis use or inerruiy, the remedy lus proved worse than th. riiscas.. i.tri: ri i.t jj ani riKKvix linTitiw. The Life Tills and Hum His Hitlers have always belli sil'iiiaHy nt cui-t'cil ill tills class of tllseas'-s, and wiii tr'idie.itn all th" i If. tl "f ii" rcury from tho system, siiiiii.'r than Hi' most poueifcil pn pjr.itiOiis i.f sursj- ii. ..1.1 minim i'l i.i. line Until tile svst'iuinl 4 Ljsoiimis liiatl 'r, and hylliu puril)ln; tile titul Ileitis, i J, restore tlio syitenl to heallli. I iiilio'is (j'otiipl ii'ils. A well reciilatccl ami proper- I tillllltle qnatltliy HI .' . I upon lltr nuiii ciu 19 iiiiiNj. ic i ceiisiti' fer the promotion of sound health it stimulates up. sip mil keep. III" lute stiu.'il tuiial tree fiotu all ulMlrnellims. On tli i lute rior sittf leo of tho Uteris a I p-rjli ir IdaJdi r In which tin biU is lirit prescrvud, 1 han" fiiriiifcl !) tin' lli.'rtroiu the Iclnoct. 'I'll 'lice il I iias into llie rtoiintli and intestines, ninl rtcutates ' lliti ili"cstion. Tin'" we seo win ti lll'-ro ti n tic llci'Miry I I r i.ii.? Un. iio-tt i s luiitly eo-tiie. llu tlio other Inn i. an over auiiu.l ilic ol'lulo iauss irfpieiil linusts on lii.' slniiiaeli, .iu.1 1'iton pron.etes er set ere tttlAess of diseases, which so.ii.'tiuiis end in death. LIFE MEUIOINES. Tiia I.itu .Medinn.'t fhotild, il poitffiidu, h: t ikon in Hi early M.ues of biiiou io npl uut ; uii.l if p-rii 'vercd litrnilj todimtiuim will positively i ll'-'tt a cure, 'lln ir LU'iitvu iij In ibiittoinpl uut in nil p-irti of our c ntiii- nt, render touiiiiciit uniiiUEsa rv-th Ir viriin." fpvak for lliuta. Mura' 11 1'! l'ili.-'l Jio unu ol thc"o nlli, for a viry li rt tiiuu, will uif 'it an i-Miro curuol ball Jlhnini, and n Ktri!tin2 iinproVk-'iiieiit in tli.' 1 1- .trio . of tli- akin. (,'oiniiioii Ohlff .in I lull uni'. i tilniiys ha mrcd by on- lUni'.or by two t v-'ii in tli wur-l ta-eM. 1'ii.i ' I'n.ial ! -Tim 01 iinal propu. tor td'tluu Mf ! iiiu . h tured of rile of .!j )Jal ttaii(llll, by the, iid ot tli M dniii- nloir. i l.iwn t.'ou'i,isi, Mi till' it ion of Hi" Idvfi t'liivlc Uiwwh b) .1 f.tluM of ii-n-i-'i or p. un in tlu ribt m.Ivj ut i'it Hit; region if tlo- liv - r, t ti a pungent ,i in pleu n, Lui MiiiK.titn s ouil ; a diilirulty in drawliiL' ;i l.o br. alh ; drv totih ,tl1 1 1-n'in.iii u tovotnll. ThN di n'-va i.iay'h,' prinlut d by tol I, by viol--nt eiriin,b) uiK'Usst' uniuii-i !ualr, by long toiillillted tiliou f, i r or ji ne, auJ hv varl'Mi-i culld (omrUous iu the nb htaiKC if th H'm r. And to tlii. irmlitt iuff taumV.Hre dfraitfc'i'iii nl id llu dixchtuu i.aaiH, uapi-ri-fcd secre tioiiri.atid boliiiti.le. wlntii nr.- erj ir .pient causes of obstriit)oU4 nud did -iiki'ii 1 tlu Imr. 'I'lilx i(iii:i' fIi HciKl b - :ur -t -d In til ( oiiiiiu'iicenn,nt j who h i an b. ilo.u- L) :i -r if Hie l.if 1'it;-. Win ii once l.i In i r It .ir"ii.itlto tli p.rf. riiuuice of jin pi r 1 incU'HH, lime m-ire in ru'iui-uc nia.i ioroii I Inn n pp-p t u- ut tiu n.uli in. b, and a tp-.tdj ro tnvery w ill mm . I I'i-vlh wnAm.: - Tr 1bi (troiirsi ( f lh Weftern nuiutry. tlo'iiv oh'iImui u ill h tumid Hf.tO, peedy ninl ri-rt.uu r m -ilv . itli rni'liiiiui- lent the fc Ucm iriibj c: to ,t n i irn'of tli tin aao a cure by thcta .Vied iiine4 in piTiiium tn. Sc ton t, -'I'll inn-t horiild.i rai' of fit rofnta, in win h Ilic tat Isoiie and IhhIm of tlu v ii tun had ! n prtjed upon b tli iu-.iti..b. iIm- at , aro provud, by iiHdennMt' nutliitritv of th iviiihrer' tli-ius I v. a, to li.ivch- nroiuplit I) ciird lj llui.1 pur -I) vi'Kitibl ! iiieditiiit t, ait. r all others li id been luuiid nionj than! llll'll tM. Indiit Klion and Djp'pfii-i If vvi- wern called upon to np.'i ify one ilia-ii w hi. Ii morn titan any other in tlo' hiueninli1 it i the idlVpttnjinf ( mluahoii) wu th mid nam I) t-pep-M. Il i- p-iier,ill iitii-mii'it. or rath r productive, ol'a lonj Irani id' UK mii It im lliartbur-i, ri.itul. ncy, a ijii.iw mi! pant ul tlo- bloiu.u Ii wh u I'liipt ll ' ol tiui-oiiifort.tbh- Wi ulil w 11 II 111, pi Iti iu tlu throat, i-i lo and il of the ilt iii.u h, rocli.'il',j', chilli Wfr., laiiaiior, unu illiiiiii'M. in t tk M-i riis , &.c inwwfs i.:i r. .v:-7.7AV..r. Moll' i l a Isiti! M'-iMiineri aro p.'ruliarU adapkd to tli i ur- ot llm dilri'rjiiiL' (oiiipl nut 'lln.) ,nt upon lb i Im" 1 in a i re mil I ami, at tlu r-atui- thin-, v.r ' ll'' -liiul iii.iiiii-r. niol !iav i io'V' r y t failed to i nro th'u di i' i-i- uli -it ii at i to!: to our ilirertiiuii. iii-ral Dijl.ilitv.Tlii' inoft oiiiiiiiim of nil mm. i-Hi it ol a g'iifral wcak'i s ol thu whil i -ni. iinatioii pained ly an) partii duordi r. ir le liniti ftyinpt on of diraie. 'i h r it a Utile vital i n- cr? , a inn ui appi ni', ntiw iiiiu-.) hh. ami hkii-liI tni biliiy In u?iili'r,o t' riioiir. fiupient h iadarhcp. ni-li-jr.lion. ult 'UtiaiLK rat low iicm and ill) lU'r of Hi" hkin, I- loh in $ lo ! crihhin mi. niilHiii t r mm i- ij , iu titti rl all thobu nyinptointi of 1 nti;iiir, ilipiifini!(. and weak liesd that fjivu e i'li rtri-of a lailuri' in the it..! piu em a id a low , null, alih) and morbid luiulitioii of the tfytiuti. Lire Pills ami i'liornlx Hitlers. Th- Life TilU and Phornlv iitti-rj nrf, pnrlnps, tin In hi r tu'dy ritoriu5 ctri iilh to the body y ail a-n p ntlc i ariaartn , and, by tluir tonic 'pi times. t.ti' itth .i Iho wind i-) tc.ii Molfit'i Life I'i I lt. l'T'ons nfap'ct'inrlc habit who in Mibji ft t fit)-, h -a Un he, pj.l.i!ni (linn. is- ul 1 1 'hi. or ditiu in- - (r un too (ricut a llow' of bloj I to t.-'llul, -llouM taUot'i m 1 illb Ire pn i.tly. AilViCj; 'I'O ri;M.M,r.S.-lVui-ihti wb-i vahn- th ir heallh thould ncvir bo wiilmnt tho l.tbi .Meilii hiu, an tli"y purify tlii', r tnovi ohiiuition,nml nii iiiu sit in a bi-aouiul, Lluar, licaitliy uud hhH)iiiiua' appear a n re. Tn IjMerly lVn-oim. M iny lunlthy niu.l iudivldiifiU .ho know tlu alu- of Alollal'ii l.i It! .tlLduiueti, nu.ko 1 1 a rub tutakc ili'-m tno r threu limuii a ue-k, by w Imli lliey rtmAi llu r.nifDi that produtu dibjaae, predtrvu llifjir health, and ktip oil thu iiifirnutH'n uf 1'acts for Slathers and Nuriten. It is a fait, oj'tah hflo! I by I lie annual At- of mortality, thai onu ,alf nf llie ihiliireii borne aro tut oil likforo attaining tovt-n y-ari of aw; and tlt fuilfal pourm uf tlii mortality id Imiml lo i-Mel iu tint f ml ttalo t l thu ittoni;ti.i and bowilii w hii h proiliu ud llu g-jiierativit ol Worms Ad llu ii Ho reaiorer of inlaiuila hccltli lit this irilicil t-latu the idfe Mt'ttiaiii'ih.ive 1 mg In Id a I'lMiiijiiiished ri pn 1 1I1011, and for foulm-m-i'ilu ktomnh and Imuilt, ami (MlVlllHlollK. llllll UlL'll W't.ritlrl lll.TV Hut LMit. It I J allelU 1 ,1 to hi. nin-erinr to any other. .Molfit'd i'lIU aud Ilitt rs.-Noiieiliiini'B at present nioinii iiiivt. iiiimi iiiiuh Kuim m maiiKinu lldiniSL', within the la-t few' juira ; uti'l t-uilaiulv imuu Ii.n.i been rewarded vt ilh more numerijuti and autln.-iitic tud tiimiiiaU of their iinnrjuhle audeiieii''ivucihrmy. They n-'pur,) no ili.-inu nor cmfineiueut, aro ptrfoctly mil I ah J plcutuiil in lluir nptraiion, but will powtr full) r -toru healih-Hiat gr.ati bl of caithl) blaiua tJihc in'.ft tAhaUktcd and di apiJ.iUd untaiiiutiuiij 1 fLparod by llr. mi II. M01TAT, HoVi liroadwaj. NVw York. And for Hale by all.l.r nu-u nplll-U ly. 3b ,a, n s si 'x x a: is' AGltlOUliTUllAL WAKKllOUSE, i'oj. 21 ,) 23, South Sixth sticcl, near the Slate H use. I'lllL.MU'.l.l'lll . it.xxa. Tr. liners of this specious bllllilill, ereile I uaprw-tly lor Ilia proprietor'.lrade. aro ttored ttnli seeds uud liiiiluueul. nt lute rest to farmcri' an 1 gardeners r-nrv Visas Us-rAot.isiii.1.. The suliscribers desire to cull, tlio attention, ol it cry one lute're.tjd iu l.iriunii! aalaardeiiiiii! to lluir well si iiiiUiiekof Asneulu- ItarruilU (iarilcn os.i Fhvcr eu"j fjenn anj FiM , .oc fcs, I'fthe luo.t rctatilc quality. ni' irricn liiipl.'iiiini-s"H ,v ua nt0 m,,.. li. mul ii lur. tl ul our .I am ivniks, ltrilc. Pa, llUl ill ' tit t. ll 110 Cllir C-rtJli.llhblll. Ill Willi...,! r,.n..A ... itpeusc, tilth Uiu iiiu.1 eoiiipl. lu lilachK'iiery ",r tho ll. illufarlure of t minus L. ilI .,i-.....I. ..i. . . ' . ui are lion nn o.ireil l.i' nil ,,n,i. u i.. !.. . n.... fully c iiiiii, if superior to niij thiuij of Uiu kind et er u.iiue i.ufuu eu mo paouc. Laudreth'. warraiilid Harden Sotdi bate Isie-n liefor.i th publi. lerupwnrdsol silly years; llteiruido spread l.oi.ul.lrtti. and tie icier in-.:. ,,, ,, I iv. ure the best clcldciiccs of their superionly oter uli otb -rs. I'Uiutry mi iiiiants can bo suppli",l t- nh jceila iu na. pers, i.r in iuilk. on tiie moi.t Itb-'ral lurins. llt.K.iustl.ilo, near llrl.tol. Pa., our (union seed crouuds ciintains three hundred nn.l seteme llcrls, Uud is Iho lured iilubli.liiuenl of us kind m tin, wciild. s. o, . . "' LAM'llllTII & POX, . .. J'";-lY21&oiithSutk. trcil, VhlMiinhui, i I.aildrelli a Kuriil Ki' and Alum,-,,, i.'., i., n cont.iiiiiiis it Turin Card, u itii.l (irern House Ciibiuddr for et, ry itionth iu tho year, tan bo had sratis, upon pel. soual or IIOrI nnl.l n,,hl.r .tl,... I I January il, 131,0 y. Nos. 0. 11, 13 nnd 15 Couitlaml ttrccf. IIMADIl ri rv lien, t. . '"'J """"i'i (?i uu i.-lill VAX. ii. n.wiNi;iii:sTi:u. ava. TIIUS.U. WINCH L'STIJIt. A'EW YORK. May 1, 1858 THIS WAY CHEAP lHiYUUS. D1.0'IM-iBl ltd ebe.nir.ili s. . . mi pi pare, lo ( fl, r in the ,..,L,, u ,cty , indsoiuo i'l tl 6-prinj and rluintm , (joo.l! t u,al ,,T"U J"1 Kl.AJJY PAY ONJiY k 114 UllU- J,ul13 "'lIu"t la-ll and piodile- t.- U J. W HABTMAX March 13, r 1 r.-TTTni ". - KPlIEbct iiiolai,sc3 for tliu iinca in i 1 X Uuulyfo, sole a, l-.ilL.t1'0 IMl'ROVED STANDARD 1)1 I i ' T UnGP-L 110Sl)llfl.tC 01 Jj 11C. I 1 mv Tho oltl tKtabtl'lied nttirlci In ronntnnt tuo ty luuiicui.isn .-i iiuiixm iiiiii iiiiiiiig IUI a iiunilnr of yenrtt pnft, pice i5 prr 2000 lbs. (2j els. frcri b.) GrUAiNO. rnuL'VIAN'. Itccelved illrttl from Iho Cotornmeni ftoros. n'ttrrtintrd fftawne, ICIIAIIlli:. 'I bis Is tlio old fasliiontJ i'roMtrj Os,0 impelled direct. ' Allen & Nreillts' Nciv Fcrlillzcr. Tho low prlco imd supi rlir quality of this fertilizer Is last brinnlnj it into p neral n.e. I'rirc s:iu cr Wdtm Ibi. (1 cad per !,.) IH'.N't! IlOiT.i i:u'.lon iual.inii huite Uml iiGroua! Hones. LAND I'l.ASlTU. Warranted pure l.t barrels. A liberal tlcdiuliJii mado tu likAlritsun nil tlioabev N. It. Wo liato a lir;e liumb.'r if lllplnmns r,t rreiniiliils uwaideil by the aricjiis JJuriivlturnl tm. tilt, wkirli tun nro requested to call and examine JIU.VJtte AWIIUji, 43 ninth Whines uu.l -II Hontli Wuttr c'f First tiorc almrc Chcltnut,) 1-iiiLAm.LrniA, I'tb 1(1, Ur!-3nl. I.IFU INSIJItANOE. tun rim.iii!) mn lxsiw ixei:, .mwrr m:d TllUST LU.WJt.Vf (IF VintJIDV.I.VMfl. omi i'. An. (l- Hint.fcr, C'Al'n'AL(pul.l up,) s:iuu IWU. Chattir Pcrptluat. CONltNl' miko lNCUIlAXUIIS O.V I.IVr.i , tllu most r' asoliablu terms. nn: rei'ii.11 n iicu rein ni un i iiiic-sieu, lojrcinir tli'ci n l:ir?e nud constantly increntiiicj leserte'd lund.olhr n pi rfert security tn th" Insured. i'h orciiiliiiiins mutt bu naij vc.nHv li ill ,nn.i.. nuarteily. ' i. ' lhot.iimpaiiyn.1.. n liu.Mis perlojically In Iho Inn, l.wos of life. Tlio 1'IUS'I' IIOVt'H ni.pri.prluteil in I remh r. I'll, the sr.L'OMI l.OM.H In il,'rn,l,.,, ,'. 111.' 'I IIU!!) IKIXL'S Iu II ci mbi r, lu-.i!.nii.l llio roi-n .V I'.OXI'nl.iIlireii.ber, 1-3 J. L ' l iie-r u.iiiiiiciiii me iiiciiej iinuoill ''CUirill' I i Inrrenso in the premiums to b paid In tbo ('011111:101 '. I.rt l'..ll...l n I...., ..........i..- . Kl ' ...... v.. u 3 tiii.1. v..U.i.rii. Ki.iii mi. . j iiiiouiitni 1'i.hct .ma llonus or iioniis lo ho inrn ndilitlfli b) ftttiironilillti.u,. -n to e.l.V7 .'.u MLVI In) .l.leV) mi lll'l H'J 1,4011 on 13 IIU ll,K7 ui) X- e. 1 . Pit 111 I'nlicy No. l"l iu " I'd :n.i 11 A-e. Insured SJ.",II .11X11. inuil .Mwtj fee, 1 .nn," .. 1 1 nu. a iu rates nun I'tii., ti... , furius id tipplie.tliciu, and fuitli r iitforinatioii , .n futitid tit Ibe oliice. I'.lllipc It Is TIIO.'.IAS I:lllfil',WAV,rrU,. Jno. r. jamfs, Jlctiiarg. 1 . ('. IlAnnisov, ;ffwitti;.c i'Ve.lrias. October M, li-.',7- ly. Iiiicltaivaniia ti lloumslitn Itailroai; 0 V AXII Al'l'l.ll AI'IllI, "I Irtll, p XrVltvarri 'IllAl.VS WILL KI'X' AS I'DLLOH K . ' LK AI O V 1 X (j JOU T II. Frright ,C 1 cemtr. 1'tmnHstr 0 13 A. M. IU.I5 A.M ' l 1.U11 P. AJ Ltavo Hrranton, liint;.Iou I'.liio.u.biiri, Dltititle, "Xort luit'!i'' I, :i un II l.i I.M 7. Id ..5. in.-jii 51 O V 1 , e! N O lT'1' II I.oavi Xnrtbuiiiherlatld, 3 10 P. .11. I .111 .'05 A'"' 1'itle 1 00 A. St s:n I'M I'JOtl V. H.1-.1' .M. I'.llltlll.i, IiloeiuibtirT, Kill", Ion, Arrite at rtcratitou. rja p. ji 4 Do r w.,,. , iciiiii ,...,' 1, 'nves ixitteslou nt M.1 A. M f,,c t" conn. 1 1 u uli train fr .,-u' Vmk. 1,. K "' 5,V '"""i 01. urritul of rrain fro,,, .Sen 'I hi' 1.:,. I. .11 I l.t 1 .. . , 1 .il.i ' '. """"i"i"trs li.i.iroau cnnttetl, with the 11 l.iwaro, l.a.kawitiin.inn,l ltra llallroa. .,1 j.i ratilo., r,.r Xew Vork attd it, run ill He point, e" , Al lliiii.'it it t onneet. w Ilh the C11itawls.11 Hal road t, , point, both can uud wist '"uii.tur At Xorlbuiuli rl.111,1 1 o-rts with the PbilncIclMl,,., it Lne alt't .Norllt. ru I'elitnil It. It. itinf l.riu II K.r,r poillls wc nt 11. id seuih. ' j .. ,.,,.. ., ,., , Jiix r. 11.c1.uv. 4v,..( JiayJVilii ACliU ULTU11AI. & SEKD WAUJ ""mn 1:. PASCIIALL M011R1S.. 1IMIM1 I.r MOVED 11IK FIllLADEI.rilU A G R ICULTU RAL ,y ,EED I I'A REHOUSE, r,onilh.' .'.'i.rth r.'f i n, r 01 M ,,,,, mel ll.irke hlroctstcihit Mi.v SI'WI). . II.D.M.i!Ki;'p.sp (JH'O-irill'IiL lAI.MEhS MAEEET OlT'rs for .nle.ns h r'tofcr", ,.tr .isunallo l.riu s.i v. .v il n option ol -Improied Ae'ricnllnrnl ninl Hortlc iitliirtil In plemc nt U .irrautecl 1 reMi uml (ii uniiio I'i, 1,1, i;,,,,., ' , .,im I . ... . ... ... ii .11 ,niii cj. .mc, ,n. 1 I'ertuliu ;,,, I .rniui-ut (luoiio. und oil, .r reii 'bl" rerti.iAcr, f..r (1,-, , I '" (,r,"'" r.'.'1"'1 "'" ""' 'iiTrecsaiidtbiul, . Ui'rt . 1 II1IM1 1.1 t'ri'rii. lis If i,u. I . 1. 1 . . . . P. 'lie soliiils lieoutinu.inee off, rnier tilslom. ..'sSs' J """ " 1 Agricultural and flee I Wiir. noV.eNo.'Yl ."t'l't-oi silo llie rami, rs'. Market. January IJ, 1-nl. KEWOAIililAUEESTAIlLlSll.MliiNT . l-v t!!ii'i,n. la the Aim ,r(c4 Jrir j,., o,,,, lMr,j, , ,,, , , hclnx X.irl. I. T nubhe lif ,'l" V""''lr'f'' """' :.1""U.IC. to th. a piiUtc, thai he lias colnini need tin. cu?a.S OAltltlAtiK .t VifzlZnPU "AO'OX MAKIXH III' rr i SIXTHS n" , 'iVA'.T; '"c!."s. Ibis prepared t cm cut- f tliii.ii ,l .. . .1, ,. i I . ' " !ln nmrrtni 1 1 .,.. , , , atiduti, hi' ?,',''.!' '''"'"l" ""'""I ' ami tipiui (i mis wltiih emiii.t .1 tll t.iv, M.tii-l.irimi. Wooinsburj. Aprtl S.." ''1!,"Mi A' W11'HO'V' (Jooil shoeing nntl lirap Hitiilliing. T1r,l'!",,!:'f,',i!''';'li,l',nl,r.11 fnr I''1-1 1'-Hronnut.. lesp. , t SMITHO HUSINKSS. it. , ,,1 ,!,'!, J""'',"" Oic liill. abote- (be Kail itond. in ,11 , s.alc.aniUoliats .h u""'s' J I l;ioo,sburf,Jno5,l- m i-rilL.;, Kjsoilll. FltEIVK IlllOWX, JR., CHEJi&JST & DBUeSJST, VO.V1I.VW.U. 1I01T.I.." ' Niiilli anil tlipsliiul Slrfils, orrqsn nic "o.r.Ar.a uni'.i," Toilet Ai'ticIcH. f ' Hvi DkLouioM .iifllwl.e,tiitilli. lmt"i--' iitsr,11 lomi iim i,fii siresnn.i m,. !!;,.,: Comu,. .full kind.,,, l,ila ,.,,,, & R ,. ',)!,l:,,,,K mtnwN, Jr., Au-nsti, irro-um. " 1,11 auJ L'"c""ul tls- r Spring and Snmrner A J.- SI. OAK, HAS lui.1 received, direct from 1'hlladeh hia and IWiv Vmk, u vcrj choice na-ortmein . f , SPUING AaNJ) SUMIMKlt GOODS, altno.t , very new 1,,' , , uhuh ha, L en luailiilaclur ,1 u tiiell nnd at ,f,?.,.i f V'" 'I""""". 111 be louud pure1,'lt.'Ve7:Lhe,r''a3 l0W"' """ It l. an easy matter to tlii.l poods at .-, nvv ..,,. i,t ,"e;.""1a";'1,;',"') ruJu,ta.iot, ,3 'Vi,', V. K'ch r, ,",u Mu0um" V" l0w ',rlcu 'V,""aS;,.s rare' may uunt11 lluBl'vl-'i "'l-'ed to any wbo Jll.y (luut)s. rin,.n. ilf 1iL.nnf.1nr., Wi.Lj.wju.t., 4W.r. H e., H e. u" ('nil liiiil see. yn , COUNTItV PKODLXH VXnT1:I) IW.ioiiiiburs, Ap,n ao, t.i, " 1 L"' TRUNKS I 'I'HUNKS!! i in. lar.'e.t, noi handsoin I il und ilieape.t n'snrc iiirnt 01 nuio Luntltor ndiJ Ittveleil Trntfluiir Trunks. Childreii'. Cisiii,,.,, .r,,. ttst&& TIIOMSW .MATIriONr1 .oil. IrU 'f'.'n "''m' r,!'c A,tl1'" ""i'lovod theet sprli'S t tl, it 1 h. fiw- ir "'" ;.W1.UI .il.vy No. JbJ .Ml.rk.1 "ir'ui i i ff'""'' 1 ou'"' M,li ll-'. I'liilacl a. A A' AMI you Ikivc read iho al.ovo do ( 11 Al fill lit ill in . . . . 1'i.K.i.itbutr, .van i. tu.iiu T-unn n .... 1 K'E Colli lit 01 tl'liL at 1IAH1.MA.KS m
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