COLUMBIA DBHOORAT. Itocal anfc Special John 0. Freeze, Killtor. SATURDAY MOnNINO, JUNB 15, 1881, JST" To-raoroow is tho Third Sunday nf tor Trinity. Battle of Bunker Hill fought June 17, 1770. Battlo of Waterloo fought Juno 18,1810. The groat Magna Giiarta aigncd Juno 10,1210. Lord Cornwallis evacuated Richmond Juno 20, 1781. Thalcs tho Philosopher died Juno 21 0451. 0. Bonaparte's second abdication Juno 22 isfo. (STTho Protestant Episcopal Conven tion at Burlington,N. J , refused by a voto of 08 to 8 to tako up a resolution on the "Stato of tho Country." Considering themselves as strict'y an eclesiasticalbody, thoy thought it more consonant with their character at christians, to dcclino the dis eussiou and adoption of resolutions, having even a quasi political character ; than to turn a religious Convention into a politi cal meeting. Wc ventura to say that tho members of tho Convention separated with moro of the fueling of "Peace on earth and good will towards men, ' than if they had been heated by u political discussion. In tho Pennsylvania Convention uo at tempt to introduco any other except prop er and regular religious and Diocesan business was made. BSy Governor Curtiu has tendered to tho lion. Wm. M. Meredith, of Philadel phia, tho place of Attorney General of the Stato, inado vacant by tho resignation of Mr. Purviancc, and tho offer has been ao ccptcd. a"" Mr. Lovejoy, member of Congress frolu Illinoiso, is accused of displaying a great deal of war patriotism and readiness w'fight, uutil ho was rejected for colonel of a regiment, when he concluded that his was in tho civil service. jt& Two pretty girls, Catharine Quirk and Itubecca Ellcnstcin, ran away from tlicir parcutJ and liomcs in Xow l'ork,and joined tbo Garibaldi regiment as vivau dierj. Thoy were followed, detcetcd, and CUI hoiiif. , Pomisylvauia has now twenty-niuo regiments in the scrvico of tho United Stiitea, of wliieh thirteen aro for tlireo months and sixteen for thrco years, if their ic'rviccs should be so long required there. BSyJudco Black, lato Secretary of Stato, who has returned to Washington from Wheatlaud, says that Es-l'rciidout Buchanau is slowly recovering from his ieVcro siekucsa. 'fttaTThc Hon. David Taggart, formcr lySpcakcr of tho Pcnnsylvnuia Senate, andjlato a caudidato for republican nom ination for Governor, Las been appointed wo a'Payinaster in the Army. 'Tew names are cherished moro proudly by "Old Wcstministcrs' than that ofWilliam Pukeney, Earl of Bath, whose career, till he accepted the peerage, wad onoof almost unexampled brilliancy. Ho was an admirable scholar, a great debater, perhaps the greatest of his day aud the untiring opponent of Sir Kobcrt Walpolc, and the man to whom, more than any one else, tho final overthrow of that rcmarka Mo minister is due. In connection with their antagonism is a curious and amusing story, not "gencraly known,' During a fierce debato in tue House ot uommons Walpolo disputed tho correctness of a quo tation from Horace, which Pultcney had introduced, Pultcney insisted upon the accuracy of his version, and wagered HVal pole a guinea thathc was right. Walpolc Accepted the bet ; a Uoracc was sent for from the library, and, pendiug the settle xnent of thid momentous question, it is said that the debato was suspended, and party Ychemcnco allayed. On rcfering to tho passage, Pultcney's memory was proved ?o have served him best; whereupon Walpolo tossed a guinea to him acrosscd tho treas ury bench. This guinea, of tLo dato 1740, thu year beforo AValpolc's administration was broken up "13 preesrved in the coin room of the British Museum, accompanied with tho following note in Pultcney's hand writing : "This guinea I desiro may bo kept as a heirloom. It was won of Sir Robert Walpole, in tho House of Commons, hVasserting the verso in Horace to bo ftuHi pallcsccre cutycC) whereas I had the -wngcr of a guinea that it was Nuth pull tsccrculpa, lie sent for tho book, aud, ongoing convinced that ho had lost, gave jco'this guinea. I told him that I could taVo tho monoy without any blush on my fiidofW believed it was the only money he cvr gave in that house where the giver and receiver ought not equally blush. This guinea I hope will prove to my posterity the use of knowing Jatin, and encourage them in their learnto",' London lllus ttntttl tXcirt COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to the- office f 1 1 rt... . t . 1 ! OI IHO UUbUMUlA JJIiMUOUAT, Ultriug tho month of May, 1 601 : Drobit k n&wman $ts no'Eit r.tcVki con;, 1 75 Asa Everett, jio oo 1 so 1 so 1 OS Jamea Koat, Evan C. Jones. 3 onrcter ni.iiicorr, Jacob Creasy, r.inmiiDllllll, Cupt. John (Jrovcr, n "si Rit. uf Untie I ox. 3 wnirnrd Life Ins. Co., G 00 I txrFranklin Having Fund, 4 t i-cicr miner, Win. II. Drake, Fouler k Crevellnff. 3 llll'eter Kinney, 1 SSJatnce Freexe, 14 oollir.rcu-r ll.Freeie, 1 50 Frederick Ilagenbuch, 1 .noriilllnK. Creasr. 9 00 13 00 2 00 3 00 S 00 3 00 1 00 S 00 3 2J 1 31 73 3 50 4 00 Christian Wolf, Eil Washington Aiianis, Wm KrlcR&ame, 1 S0!UenJ. Wtntcrslccn, reter Crawfotd'a nst., II "STrcd'k fox, nanlcl Prlu, 1 73 J. A. Jones. M. P.. Lents Eckrote, Jacob Moycr, 1'ctcr K. llcrholn,Esi. Jacob Dctnolt, Esl , J. t). Harrison, John Nuss, Sol huinan, Columbia County. 1 OOjWrhner Young, 1 75!n. W. Ilobblna, 1 SO'Iiaae K. Uridine. 3 33Col. Hiram R.Kline, 1 30.Jacob Kyerly, Esq., 1 .TO'Wm. Iloblion. 73 1 .luc.tatc of II. Sincthcrs. 1 73 II 3? Sheriff tJnv.lcr. i sir S SO 3 0.1 1 73 3 SO 3 00 1 13 1 00 3 00 3 00 i;st. oi nenry inner, Knock Fox. Est.. 1 ".liGoorgo K. licit, 1 ?HIohn Kcleliner, 3 MCico. II. Kelchncr, 7 3'JjllenryC. Kelclinct' J, W.Bankcy, II. W. Creasy k Co., 8. 1,, r.cttle. i iw.weo'go iianman. 3 .HilSainT. W. Ilartman 1 7SMis llouck. Martx k Hit, Jotin?hclhunicr, John Heller, Clinics ll.Dlctirlcli, I C. (1. lUrclay. 1 SI Win. n. llrnk ke, House & Lot for Sale. riMlfi undtTiinnctl, nflcri to atMl tit private talc nit 1 Dwelling House, with the hot ground upon wtiicti It is 1 nested, lucludin? all tlio oul-liuildlnes and Improve tiicnti. Said property comfst nf a full tov, n lot. w hereon is erected a new Two Htnry lirick 1loust, and Kitchen, w lib tho rc-piiiito out-buiMings, nil of which are In pond condition, located on Centra Btrcot a few doon below Third street, JUnomburg. Prlco very moderate and tcrini rem on able. 8, 1S61. liu. DR; SILKWORTHr Tlin ANALYTICAL PIIYSICIA1V AND SUHOF.ON, IS daily aitonlihliig Ms patients hy tho cure nf tone BUmling iliscnpcs. HIS URMKDIK9 AR1I PUKHLY VflOliTAUUB, Uo witi b In lhi placu the name days of each month a tnti'd below, whvn h can br comul' tod for nil dlicoac lleeh is heir to. uyt'ONSULTA TION FUCI3. Jimnviihdrp. the 12 and 13lhofcacli month. Whitea Hotel, Ltick Haven, the Hth and 15ih of each month. lttoonubure,30ttiaiul lit. LUuilIa 2d and 3d. North umbcrland lttli. Milton, II, and 7. June 8, lbOl Ini. tBYEXtiS GROVH SiIJiltSj riHE underiigned, respectfully tnfirins his friends and I the public Kenernlly that ho has jutt completed his N'cw Mill, on Little Fiihinecrtck. in Greenwood town. ship Columbia county, and hating engaged one ofthe best Practical Milltra in the country, Is now prepared locxecuieany iiusiness in nis line promptly and inhis factorllr. The hulldine Is a lame double llrlck Mill. constructed in liu most modem etvle and eiuotova four run of tlurrs. Strict attention uilbe given to the busi ness and no pains spared lu rentier geii"rni satlsiaction. JAOUU EYLIK. Hjer'a Groe, Juno, f, ICC1. lm EXECUTOR S NOTIOE. Eil-tle of Philip Frrls, diceiseJ. r LETTERS testamentnryontho Eitaftofl'iuurFntTZ t A late ol sngarloartowiislnp, in i;o'uiiiDia county.ue ceased have been granted by the Register of Columbia county ti the undersigned ; all persons hav lag claims ngninst the Entato of tho decedent, urc requested to pre sent them to tiro Executors, at their residence, in said Sugarlnjf township, without delay and all persons in, ucbieu iq uiaae pa mcui iiiriuw 1111 AUIJ.VI1 ntll'Z, K""or' June 8, IMl.-n. llartmaii's Corner. T UST received a fresh lot of No. 1 & tf Mackerel and for tlala at HAIlTMAMi. 1 OOD S. II. Sugar for sale at 01 cents VJ IIART.MANS. GREY dress goods for e 10 cts.pcr nrd ut a!o as low as IIART.MANS, CK Lace Shawls for sale IIART.MANS, T?XTUA Syrup constancy on hand and JtJJ tor al.iu cts. per gall, oy iiAiti.iAj?i CA1 as ALICOES & Muslins for sale as low per yard at HARTMAN3 OATTEN I' Chums ju.'t received a now. S ioi aim lor oaie ui iiinn.,iin!j CEMENT by tho Barrel or Bushel all nijl on hm at IlAUT.MAN'f. Fdoooituburg. Juno 1, 13111. AND COLUMBIA COUNTY iNSTITUTE, AT MILLVILLK, l'KXxVA. Important Additions & Improvements. Anturan Terra to Commence August 12, lfcCl. THIS Institution xwikli lias tit-cn iti succesetui opera tion tor'ilio p-it tun e.ira. la nli'iut undergoing a vary linnnrtant renovation J u order to nUce it on a mora stable bai Utlian ever, and prufiit t.iiihtics which aro not aurairiiMi by oriiiitary Acaiiiritiii'H in iorin'Tn rcim ivlvanin, Aniaim lliti liiipruvi' will be a Ijrtfu thri'f-btoricd tiull.iiun uliiili ui!l t'tvc much ndilitioutil room nnd'i couvcuUncca fur boarder, a commu- UIOUH 1 1 ill 1 tor ll lecture room auu i".nc valtcick, cuu voniont t U rootiu, a library and ret ding roum contain. Ing a ciibint'lof iniin tnU and curiosities, Imtli rooinn, ftrf. An pinoricncL'il nnd llmrouehly qualilied clna leal teachtr auu lecturer "i'l b3 at ilii! lieud of iha Hoard of Instruction, but Hie i'rinriiml will li tve tho generul su iieriuteudcncu of the iiirititatiou aud assume a sliaro of tlio duties of teacliinp. UPKular letturea will bo Ueliv 1 trod upon vnrious niieiilillc Hubjects, us well as upon' the theory and practice of leadline and a Norma) Claim I of)ouuj nicu and women who wish to ualify them J ..ssitlnn mill nutti llHI'i! Hie course oi insirurnon m mib Brnooi w in ue mo. rouifh aud svtciuatic, calculated to embrace the various brauihesofa practical education. Amplu provision will bo made for th'i Ktudy of the higher mathematics, the elucidation of 1'hyiics, and the .Natural Sciences, by means of suitable apparatus, and for the tudy or tho Latin, frefk,ud German languages, to enable btudents io qualify tbeunelves Tor commercial and siieiititic pur hints, or to enter any clans nt college. I Tim country loruiiuu 'i iuh seminary in a pleasant v lllagc, In a heulthy and nourishing neighborhood, well known for the elevated tune ofitx moral fcntimc nt, and where the pupils are not surrounded by these de moral- Uing lullucnces, and teiuptatious found in our ntieg. Ur'er towns and many other localities, with no outside influence to divert their attention trom literature and the work of mental culture, presents attra-turns and in-ilucemt-nts toconsiderate parent emulous students, sel dom found surrounding large schonij ami ncadciuie The I. iterarv foclety alio, one of the oldest and best conducted in thi section f country, presents an attrac tive feature and u.eful auxilliary, to a practical cdua "'i'lie iinproyementf will bounder the immediate charge of an efficient Hoard of Trustees, appointed by the Hem inary Company, and will b completed in time for the Autumn term, to commence the Uth of August neit. While thankful for past patronage wo wish to merit a toni'nuanco of similar f Ivors, as we intend to include a hichcr grade and wider range nftustructinn we respect fully solicit a careful examination into our facilities and claims. T K II SI S : Hoarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental ex peiisw.forouequarUrcf eleven weeks, mil be Thirty l)utars. one half payable in advance the other half atidall tuition bills wlllbj fipected promptly attheex piratiou of each tpiarter. jttms: Hoarding, with furnished rooms, on quarter Tuition in common tngun urunenvs including Mathematics and Uok Keeping liv nnutila Knlrv 5, Ma C,00 I.U0 Tuition in Latin, Creek, aud Herman extra Washing, i.ignti aud lnciutmai expenses, ono quarter, 3,00 Thnsa who 4cslrc tonrocuro scho'arshins or attend bv the year, will he accommodated at a reasonable discount and students w ifhing to procure rooms should luako seasonable application. t or lurui.T particulars aourrsi. WM, UURGF.33, rrlnripal. Millvilte, I'uiu'u. Oeoroe Masters, J,K, Evfs. ) Dr. A. I. llti t.Eit. Elus Efcs. V Trustees. Rlmjahih K. Eves, ) Millvllle,'ol. '- - QEOllGK H. It O U K It T S , I.MI-OKTE11 AND DCALElt IN ' Sps' a 'm) WO? fl 'TSP X5!l (t-L i3l W ;l AC T niiinnv rTrivTC! on CUTLEItY, GUNS, &0. Nos. 235 nml 237 V'orlli Third Slrccl, iIIIfj(lDI3LrHIA. 3 rpllK Proprietor of thli well known and centrally Inra L ted House, the J'.suianui: HoTfcL, situate on Mai atrcft. in Illoomsburg, imiucdiatfly omiosilc the Colli in bia County Court Mouse, respectfully inform Ms filcuJa aud thu public in general, that his House Is now in or der for the reception aud entertainment of travelers whr may feel disposed to favor it w ith their custom. He has spared no t'XpeiiFR in preparing the ExriuttOE, for tho enteruiniiienl of Ins guests, neither shall Ihero be any thine wanting (on his purl) to minuter to their persouiil coml'orl. His house is spacious and enjo) s an excellent business location ,,rr ....11... ...rfr.,,., ituii itnml liiii,!.. hv ivhlrh Inn. lL" UlllUlUUSes lliini un imwi uvirv '""'"'6" clcis will h pleasantly coniyeilto and from the re WM II KOOXC. 1 I'l.ioinklp.r? July 7 lf.O- Sheriff's ualb. TY virtuo of a writ of Fieri Facias to Aj me directed, Issued ou of the Court of Common l'lcas of Columbia County, Tennajlvanla, v.111 be ex, ioted to public sate, at the Court House, In Ulooinsburg, OA" SATURDAY THE MTIl DAY OF JVXE, 1881, At one o'clock In the afternoon, all that certain LOT OF 0) ROUND, situate in Iron Street, In the town of Mtoonisburg, liloom tov, nsliip, Columbia County, Tenn'n. bounded and described as follows : Fronting on Iron Street aforesaid twenty-seven and a half feet, boundod on the South by lot of Michael ("nyder, one hundred and Blity,fWe feel to an Alley tv, el re feet wide, tho right to and passing over Is one of the privileges and appur tenances nf tbia lot. thence alona said Alley twenty seven feet and a half, to lot nnued by Jacob Sllner, erected a FRAME mVELLINtl HOUSE, arranged for two tuiuiiies, one. nan ot wiutii ison ine lot to ue soin, the other hair belonging to tho adjoining lot, ono half of the well and pump, and out buildings ou lot described v. un me appurtenances. nciznn, taacn in execution auu iu do suiu as mo prop rly of John Etiner. juii.i D.i x, .ncrijj. Fueairr's Orricc, ( nloomsburg, .May SI5, 18C1. I J 10 CONSUMPTIVES. The juhsrriber will cheerfully nend (freo nf chared to all who desire It, tho copy nf a Simple Ui-cirR by which he wax cured uf that dire disease t'onBU!iit.)t ion. tiiisTuri-ra with CoaeuMrrio, Aithma, ttnotciiiTm, or nny lun arTection, hetinccruly liopei will try this clpe, well eatUfled Ifthcy donotliey will bo more than aatiifled with the reiult. Thankful for lilt own complete retoratimi, he is anxious to placo in the hand oft very tuflererthe means of cure. Those wishing the recipe with full directions, ice, will please call on or address, No. GO John Street, New York. Juncl.UCt. IlloOimliur Academy: 1). A. IlhUU-i.y, A. It., rrlucipal. fllC SrBINd AND BUM.Mr.ll SESSION 01' THIS X lm iistitutioti Mill begin MONDA Y 7 111 15 OF APRIL The buildiiictls at presr nt undergoing a Ihoru rcno vation. Itnlllhi supplied with new furniture; Tho walU tlteantly papered, andcverithmir added that can contribute to the comfort and convenience of the Student. Thuconrss ofiuctructionwi!! bo thoroueh. ns hereto fore, and those designing to fit themselves to teach will recche special attention. The bcIiooI itself Is conduct ed nrcnnHng to thd moxt approved model .in in; siuuics oi our aennnaries are ciuoracco in tn course of study ft!. 00 X U U M S. Primary department. Ilighrr department, 00 No etra charge W made for tlm study of Ancknl or tnnilcrn I.nniriinci uonjDonruingcanuc procurcaai;i,ovjor 5-, pc r wecit liloomiburg, March 7, 1801 tf. Sheriff's Proclamation FOR THE SPEOHL CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. WIIEKKtVS, by tho laws of this Cnininoiiwcatth. it is nindo "the dutv of the ah'.-rilT of every county to give notice ofthe general nnd spfiial elections by puldlcntioti In one r more newfpa' pi'rs of the county, at least twenty days before the elec tion," and to enumerate therein "the officers to b 3 elect ed," nnd to "deeignnte the place at which Hie flection la tobeheld." Thwrefortj, I, JOHN a. YD Ml, High Shcr ItTof Columbia county, do hereby make kiMw n aud pro i lai in that, In pursuance f a Writ, issued liy Andrew IJ. Curtiu, doveriiur cf the Commonwealth f Pennsjl anla, bearing date tnu iimiuay oi .nay, a.u., isui, auu to me directed, us u PUMSil"H'AilA, US: In tbo uamc and by tho au- I tliority of the Cotmnouwealtli oi l oiinsyivama Andrew G. Curtis?. Governor of the send Commonwealth , 71t John &nydcr, Sheriff cfthe County of Cotutnhia. ! sumw c;ut:cTiN;: WilKUEAdfi vacancy has hnppeited in the represeti I tat'ion nf thii Statu in the House of Representatives of the United Hiairtj, In cnnsciudicc oi the dtalh of (.UOIUiU W. aCltAXTUV r.-'imre elected a member of the thirty seventh Congress from th-j Taefftk Congrtss ioaal District lempnscd of tlio Counties of Montour, Columbia, Lucerne, and Wyoming. NUV TIICRIiruRB in pursuaucL' of the provisions In sue h ra3 made by the CoiiMilutimi of the united States and an act of the (iencral Assembly of tins fc'tatc pass ed the dt'cuud day of July, A.I), onu thousand ci'hl liuu dreil aud thirty nine, I ANIMlTAV (i. CURTIN bcinjr etded with tlu evetutivo authority uf the State of Pennsylvunl i have laiud llim writ hereby commanding you tli i paid John Snydi r to hold an election in the tuid County of Columbia UN' SATURDAY TIIK TWENTY" HIX'ONI) MAY OP JUM1, one tluni3-ind eifjbt hundred and nixty one, for rhnnsiug n Representative nflhia Comniouwealth mlhe llouio of Rtpr'm ntative of tho (Tiut-cl Mnti-a. la fill the vacnnrv wliuh has hapnened as af(iri'aid; uud)ou are hereby reuired and enjoined to liotd and conduct the -aid election, and make n return thcreoi in maimer and form as by law id directed and rc'i'iirc.l, I U i veil under my hand and the Crtnt Seal of thu Siate, , ntllarrifburg, thij Twenty Kigbth day of May lu Uio year of our Lord one thousand i-igbt hundred ntid sixty one and of the Commonwealth tl,c cigty Tiftli lty tho Uovjr.iur, Secretary rftke Comuonvealth, ' Therefore, I the said JOHN &NYIJLR, High Micrilfor Columbia county, alorcsaid, do hereby proclulm to tho qualified blet tors of Columbia luutity, that a special LU-ctioii will hi held throughout said county, OX SATURDAY, Till; Viil DAY t)F J IIM., 1801, At the several Election Districts, within tin County to wit; . ,, Kenton towinhip, at the house formerly occupied by Ezukiel Cide, i Heaver tounship, at the house f Franklin l, Shu man. Itbioui township, at the Court House, Ulooinsburg. i liriarireek the School House near Uvan-s 1 ville. , ltirouhor Rerwlck. at tlio Town IIous in llerwicK. Cattawiata towiuliip, at the li'tuae ot Samuel Kusten badcr. Cuttawbfa. Centre townnhip, at the house of Jeruniiah Ilcsn.dec u, Conjiigham township, at the house cf It. IC. Was-aer. ! l-'isluugcreeh twp ,at tlio house of Geo, W. Iloll'man. Franklin tow nli)p, ut CI j ton a SlIk.oI House. Creen wood township, at the house of Joseph R.ratton Hemlock township, at the Ruck Horn. Jarksou township, utthe house ( Kirkiel Cole. Locust tow luiup, at thj house of J. L, Uurst, Slab town .Mi ill i ii tow nihin. at the house of John Keltcr. 1 Madison twp., ut the house of ?amuel Ruuby. Aloutit I'ltaaaut the fwuku now occupied by J. F. Deiterick. Montour township, at tnc house oj joim uei.iiiiiu vy imuiii iiumiiB-mun, Alum tow n tin . ut tho house of Uaac etter. Ronringcreek tow nhip,atthe house formerly occupied by i. W. Un'lsbah. Orange township, at the house of Alexander Hughes, Orangevitle. Tine townihip, nt thrs house of Albert Hunter. bugarloaf towiiblnp, alt he house of Almas Cole. Hrottiwo.. at the house nf Unocli Howell. Usdv. It Id further directed that the election of the taid sev cral dibtricls fahall be opened bctwten ttu hours of8 and 1U o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue open with out interruption or adjournment, until o'clock iuthu evening, when th polls hall bu dosed. The officers elected this spring to serve at the special Tlw officer t ba elected at the time and places afore aid, is A Member of Cottgrrssy It is further directed that the meetines of the return Judges will he heUl at the Court House in Rloomsburg on Tuesday, the 25th of June, to inakejyut the election re' turns. 1 The Consrcasional return Judges of the twelfth Dis-' trict, composed of the counties of Columbia, Luzerne,) Illoomsburg, on Saturday, the 9Jth day of June, to imiku Pt onion r ana yoiniug, win meet ai me ecun out rtturui for member of Congress. Aud in and by the said act, I am further directed to j give notice that every person, excepting Justices ofthe 1 peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit, or trust under the Coverument of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated distrirt, whether a commissioned other or oiuervvistt a sutiorui nate olllcer or agent, who is, orthall bo employed under the legislative, or executive, or ludirary department of this State, or of uny incorporated dUinct, and also that vvvry mc-uiuer i unirBB, aiiuui uic- vvivit. vi iuiiiuiuii council ofany city, commissioners, of any incorporated district, is, by law, incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the otltceor appointment of judge, i tic pec tor or clt-rk of any election uf this commonwealth, and that uo Inspector, judge or any officer of any such elec tion shall W eligible lo nuy office than to be voted for. Given under my hand and seal. at my otllce in Ulooms burg, this firil day of June, A. .. lerl. JOHN SNYDER, Uloomsburg, Juno 1, UGl Sheriff. NEW STOKE. WHOLESALE A.VD RETAIL bait Mm (sap airE3 The undersigned respectfully informs tho citizens cf Illoomsburg, and the public in general, that ho has pure chased thu XEIV HAT S'TOHE, in tho w hilt frame store house, on Main Street, nearly opposite the l.xrhang .i..l.lin. oti tin h.irf lu.t ri-n it-ixl n enlit.l..l I roitmeJt of I U1TY HATS AND CAPS, ' Direct from tlie .Manufattuiics. of all kinds, styles, sorts ami is, Uti'itfusliiuiis.wlikhliuuircr.uholc.ale and , at vtry low prices. Tlic.eUooJs wllllio solJat crylopricc, tor y Jom K 0IRT0J. ISIoonisbllrS, October 57, 1!C0. ENO II O T B L. TIIF, imdcrslcned. espoctfully informs his friends y, that hu lias opened a house fur nml the nuhlic eenerallv, iho ciitL'riainmeiit of cuitomers aud travclfm. at tiKKC M),lu ireetiwHi township. Columbia County, (ubout tivo miles west ofMillville.) called the Sercno Hotel. Where lie is prepared to accommodate the public, anil all uliumay favor him with their cu.toui.togent'ral sat isfaction Ills Table anil itar, will bo well supplied ami careful Iv cniKlucted.anil his Stahluiz iiamnic ami w all stocked - Zr II" will atalltiuicsbshappywainipoiihufriciicli I fcitaa, Mauli .'3, 1 ;01 JOIIV iXCtiOTT mis Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT MILLER & EYER'S. TUT, subscribers have Just returned from the City With another largo and select axtortinet of Spring nnrt Summer xoo1s, rehaacd at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, nnd ich thev aro determined to acll on as moderate terms can be procured elsewhere In Uloomsburg. Tlicir stork comprises LADIES1 J1HKSS GOODS, of choicest stylca and latest futhion. jjyir oouds, Attn ghvckuies, HARDWARE HVF.KlfSirARE, CKDAK IC.IRK, HOLLOW WARE IRO.Y, .V.J.S, VUOTH i- SHOES HATS CAPS, fee . e.. e.. In short everything usually kept in country Stores 1 lownirn iney invite the public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. MILLER k 11YEH. Illoomsburg, May 11, 1S01. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rTMin undcrlirnfd respectfully Inform their friends K And the public cenerallv. tli til thev have entered in to co partnership, under the name, style and Arm of Mercantile Kiimiicss, In the "Old Arcade," in Illoomsburg, Columbia co.. whcrutlicy Intend tarr ying on the business nf ueke RAt. .MERciitNDiKivo. In nil its dlvcrsiriod branches and departments, and to whkli they imito an extension of iuc puung nairunago. S. II. MtLM'.n, ! niUDKC.EYCR. Uloomsburg, May II, 13Gl.-tf. I?IAllSOIV HOUSE, (op jcnsnYTowN.) THE mibiicribcr would respcctfultyapprizo his friends aud (he public gcncially, that hu lias opened A MEW HOTEL Under the abotc name, in Jericytown, Columbia coun ty, ta., where hois lutly prepared to entertain the trjveling community togenernl satisfaction. His TA UIB and BAR.are wcllsunplicd and will be carefully supennienucu. Anunis bi.iuuti is amine anuweu itockt-d, In charge of careful grooms, will always be nroncrlv attended. dv Uo invites a thare of tho public custom, and pledges his help his gu'ts fetl at home. ciAMUllL RIMUV. Jerseytown, May 11, 1SC1- -3lil. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I'ttnte of Jacob Ucarhatl, tlcccascd. TVTOTICi; Is hereby given that letter, or adniinlitra 11 Hon on the estateof Jacub (jearliart. lateof .Mahio township, Columbia county, deceased, turn, been (tram-I i'U ny me uegisu'roi saiu couiuy 10 mo uuuersiKueu.w no , resides In Cattawissatow nshlp Columbia co. All persons hav in jj claims or demands agahM the estate of the de cedent are requested to present thfMii for settlement, and those indebted to make pa pine nt w itliout delay. JOHN KIF.FHR May 4, I?f.t.-Ct. Mnt NOTICK. TIIH ritizena of iho ditrercut counties and to'.na throughou: the Mate aro inviO-d to competition for the place nt which the next ANNUAL STATU FAIR elall be held. I'ropnsa's containing inducements and Rdvantazt's directed to th undere lned Committee, an- potKtcd by the Uxecuiive Committee, w ill be rcrelved sr.AB?.!ffi nimuiix v inc ne JOHN l. RUTIlLItrOBD, JACOI1 MH, JOHN II, Harrisburg, Ta AM03 KAl'l, Nurtiiumberland, Ta., April SO, Tt Coiniuiltcc. The Half 1 Way House Tlin undert-lgned, having taken tho well-known "Jlatf-lVatj 7tmsp," formerly kept by Samuel Haruian, Us , situate in Centre township, Columbia county, on the main Road, mld-wuy between Kloomsburg and Iter wkk, would respectfully inform hi old customers and the public that the House has been Improved aud reno. vatud, in good style, nnd from his lonjf experience In the bu-fjnesa, hu tlatu-r himself, that hu will keep A FIRST CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL, Where he will at all tune bo haimv to meet and sails factorily entertain liii numcron lriends and all who may favor him with their patronage. &s His linr, stabtiug, &.C., will be well etorcd and properly attended. JOHN GROVCU. Centre township, April 0, lfCl. NEW JEWELRY STORE. rpHR undersigned, respectfully informs the citizens of a uiooiiiKburi!, ami uiu putfiic generally, mai nv uases tablitihed a new More, on Main Htrect. i;ioonis.burLf. in Mrs. Ltacotk's Iluilding, where he offers fr sale, on moderate terms, alargcfassnrtmeiit of CL U UJCH, l VA U CUES JEWEL R Y, Of every ort, and size and description. His stock of Jewelry Is complete, including every variety ot Ladies aui (ii-ntieaien a nuMianons, Chains. Lock) ts. ItreahtuiiiH. 1 incer-rlnss, etc., to thu examination of which hu invites the public gener oily. U-ftrict attention civonto rcpairihs Clocks, Watch cb, and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. H. DRAKU. Itloonibburg, May 4, lcCl If. A. F. CHESEDROUnil. J SO. ALLtN. A. F. OIIESKBROUGII & CO., 3f O 31. K 3? ,A. CJ Ki H S'T COJUMISSIOX MERCHANTS WHOLESALE DLXl XKS IS Fish, Iicc!si) .'i net Provisions, 10 North Wharws, above Market St. Tacking anil Curing House, litli nnd Heed St. . l'lllLADULl'IIIA. Ausurt I. l"CU-iam. i-'iusimcTii &. imoTiiiius. WtlOLKS ALE O B A 0 0 O DEALER ftO.lOS.NOUTII TI1IIID STREET Five doorsbelow Rare . I'HILADCLl'IIIA. January 1 0,1855.. THE WINK STORE, or it o si it iiK 341 WAr.N'lJT stri:kt, (below fourth St..) r!iiuiicr.rui., r.. August 4, 1 O-Uin. IRON RAILING AND ORNA.MUN'TAl. IUO.V WORKS, o. 222 Cnllouliilt Si., brluw Third, FHILAliF.I.PHl.1 iron Railing for Parks, Cemeteries, Verandas, Steps. &.C. March ID, lft0 24m. . . . - TpT, jnr3 n limit tn nnmniAnpn Trnnen IJJJjHcUAo aoOUt to COmillODCO 1I0USC I Keeping will do well to call and examine the stock of New DUhes Ate. at UART.MAKd. i invmo t o t.i ..t rn.i. i L'AilVA rup sum at uu"; P rgni I 1 Ion at IIARTMAVS. IIIBIB ni- 1M,1 I. ll VkI. Til- S AND ONE WITHOUT A MATH. 1st. The Paper Neck Tie. (I'ate nt applied for.) This Tie is made entirely of paper, in 100 different styles, and lu perfect imitation of tilk and other fabrics. The price is so low that a gentleman may wear a new tie eeery Jay, and yet net be chargeable with extrava gance, or one Tie can be worn 3 to 0 days, if ue cos nary to economise 2nd. The Heltep Tie. This Is doubtless tho most perfect silk Tie ever in vented, and is just what the nami implies, a perfect Relief from all further trouble in tying bows. 3rd, The Lace Edge Tin. An exquisitely beautiful article it has only to be seen to be admired. SMITH & BROUWER, solo Manufacturers. No, 3ti Warren street, N. V. fi, n. We sell to Wholesale Jobbers only. Country merchants can order our goods of any Wholesale llouo wilh whom they are dealing. npiO Sm UNITED STATES HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. TAMAQUA FEX.Y. WE1.DY &, LEVITT, I'ROrRIXTORS, Hr.'isseiiiers in the Philadelphia Mail Train going South. and Uluiira Mai Truin eoing North, ftA'K at tkt United Steti Hot$t Tataequ. Pa, Mu rilr-', Iwil Vim. (March 12.5 0 ) IMPUOVK YOUlt STOCK. rplli; Mursail raiupsoii llor.f, VOUNC. WAHIII.N'C J TOV, will be stationed the present season in this section, He can be seen at Keinley. .table, Jersey towiii atPhecp's stable, Washington llle . at Vagon. seller's, lwi.biirs, and at Wolf's stable, Dewart's U tlon, N'orlhiiiiiberland rnunly, durinir the season. Yomiz va.hin;tonwas bred in Wayne county, ft, v. by Teler Snyder. Ks.., is seven years old, stands full 17 hands high, and welsh. l.UK) pounds. Ho is con. sidered the largest horse, the lit.t blond, and finest breed evcr inlruduccd into the cnuntyof Columbia, t or pitticuiars seo targe uins. apl M, VV. Si VULU, i'ltoti.t, u Lamps ! Lampsl I 1111 AD (lUARTIiRS, ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF iOMES t- JMU.F.R'S. IMPROVED PATFJfT COAL OIL VUR.YERS, i Ml MPS FOR BUBNIIMGi COAL KmtOSKNi:, OR CAIIDUN OILS, AKINfl the best and chapest Light now In use, suit 111 able for Churches. Stores, or family use. no danacr from Uxplosion and one half cheaper than any other 1 1 slit, now used nnd EQUAL TO GAPS. The above lamps, with or without, Globes or Bhadca can be had at tho NEW AND 0HEA1 DRUG STORE, Kxchangc Untitling, Illoomsbup. raM Where tho undersigned, would Respectfully Inform, lils Friends and the public In general, thai be has just re wived from th cities, n largo and well actcctcd stock of Goods, In his kind consisting of rnill AND 1'UltRU IlltUOat. MEDIClNia & UIIHMUJAI.H, uicouNi) ti wiioli; sriUEa, TAINTS OlLS.VArNlCllEaDYn flTUFl-, WINDOW UI.AStf.OP Al-I SI7.M, PAINT, &.TOOTII it SUA VINO MlU&IICtJ. TOBACCO Ac CIOAU8, OT TNI! BEST HUANDSt n;uFi)M nrtv, fancy foaivi. TUUS3C3 & HIIOUMHIR I itA':nH, i'llltn WINES & DRANDIFW TOR MHDICINAL Van, OI.AHBCUITINU. UONC TO ORDIIR, OILT. MOULD 1NO FOR FRAMKS,tk AORBAT VARILTY OF CARBON Oil, hAMPH AND 8IIADC3, I'lAJID.CAmMICNnSAFETY PI, HID IiA MPS Ac SHADED. Alho All tho most nonular Patent Mcillclnrs nf the day, prescriptions and family medicines carefully put up. n. ii. iim Denial proiesston is sun cniiiiiiiii'ii mill iccin insvrveu, in inu inusi aim rot ml nmiinrr. fVrlinff thankful for nast Patron ace. he hopes a continuance of the same. (3. M. HAGUNDUCII. nioomsburd May I8.16C1 y. Bloomsbiirg Head Quarters .McKKLVY. nkal & co, IV THE riELI) WITH AN INCMIABUIJ BLTrLV OF Wll would announce to the public and our friends that wo h-ivejiut returned from tho City viitua very lame assoriiuent oi ' NEW CHEAP OOODS, Our stock of DRY OOODS comprises the largest, cheap est, and handsomest now otfered In this tunnt Wo are determined to compete with the nnd all those withtug to buy cheap, can save money by giving us n call. Wc have all kinds of Hoods aud Wares o supply the wants ofthe people. A large lot ol Ladies' Dress Goods, OF EVERY DKSCRIPION. ri'TTTniT? nrtrn ATT x'rwnp " "'it? " ,i It , ' w.-.....o, . .uu..t...fiS, Ron net Ribbons in large variety, VlI vU Ribbons and braidf, Kid, Cot ten Sc LiMe Thread Gloves Mohair ALL KIND OF SHAWL BROACHES, Black Bilk, Cashmere, Embroidered, Sella, tec. Also a large assortment of Cloths, Canslmers, Satinets, Vc. tings, Tweeds, Jeans, Heaver Clothi, Coat 1 UK, Velvet &c. ROOTS & SHOES OK ALL KINDS and Sines, for Mm, Women and Children, We have a largi assortment of Hats and Caps, of latest fasli ionj We havo also, Hardware, Queens ware, Cedarware. tec. Very Cheap Carpet, Carpet Rags, Floor, Table and Carriage OH Cloths, Mats, Rugs, Raskets. i.c. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINGS, Diapers, Towlinjrs, Drilllnps, &c. In abundance. Also, a targe nisoriiucni oi iron, iaus iwiicuse, n lame nuantltv of Salt. &e. We invite our friends and the nublic eenerallv. to civc us a call before purchasiiif rlsew here. Wc have houpht our goods at the Lowest Cash Trices, and will not be unacrsoiu oy auyuouy, or tno rctot inanKinu. Roombburg, November 10. ltibO. GREAT ARRIVAL NEW GOODS, AT THE Light Street Store. Greasy t Brother all hands on active duty WE Would inform our Iricnds and customers, that wc have Just received on un HRually large assortment of SIUIJSG JIN I) SUM EM R GOODS, Which we offer at lower rates, for readv nay. than any ever before, opened hcronud will be bold "cheaper than tho eheupest," We shall not attempt to enumerate the various articles thev are immense and their n.unofs teuion nsoursna cious titore Rooms, including the Cellar and Carrel, are filled to overflowing. Theru are to be found the Illicit fabrlcks, in the country ut astonishing low figures La die' wear in great varieties, at per cent, lower than ever before offered. Uoots, Shoes, etc,. at the same rat. In short, almot cvcrjthNg in the mercantile line from n needle to an anchor. tD Ourfriends will do well to cull before they make th-jir selections. II. W. CRKASV, t CO. Lights treet.May-l.lSCL 1000 Reward!!! will m: paid For Any Medicine that will CxccI V O (i B E It T 'S HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Tor thc'iuick cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheuma tisui, N'eurdlgia, I'aiii in the side, Back or stomach, Painters Chollc, or Cramp, I'rosted Ttct or lars, Hums I'rcsh Cuts, sprains, llruiscs Uiarrheca, and tioru Throat and all similar eoiuplaints. Toothache cured in ten minutes. Earache cured in Ave minutes. Headache cured m ten minutes, Hums cured from smarting in two minutes. N'eurulgia pains cured in five uiinuteu, Chollc cured in ten minutes. Hpraius relieved lu ten minute s. tforu throat relieved in live minutes. To the Sons and Daughters of affliction, These things wo prove ou the spot and before your eyes, out) bring ou your cases. I'tO Cases have been cured by ono Agent in a single dayt Every bottle warranted. Try It I Try it ' 1 Try it I ! ! PJilCi: 50 CEXTS rEIl BOTTLE. tJy" A liberal discount made to Agrnli, and one wan ted in every town, also few good traveling Agents. All orders and communication should be addressed C. H. COLUERT II CO, 123 8. 4th kt. I'lnladelphia DIRECTIONS TOR L'SINll COLBERT'S BALM IX GILEA1). For Toothache annlv It over the face and cums of the. tooth Billeted' prcsttug hand upon tho face; repeat if nt cured. In cxtremo cases, wet with ihe balm and cover tlie tooth and gums. For Headache, bathe the temples and apply to tuu nose; ann taice ironi ten 10 thirty drops inhulfa tumbler of water sweetened, For Croup nnd Horo Throat, take from ten lo thirty drops intcrually.oii suear or in sweetened warm water , bathe the throat freely and bind on a Harmed. For lleudache, Rheumutisui Neuralgia, Lame (tuck or Pido . bathe freely with Balm in Uilcad ; and generally take I internally I For Uurnstnix one part Ralm in Gilead and twoot 1 water and Hour, to maKe a paste, cover tue burn with 1 thu same. For Cholic, take from ten to forty drops in hot water: bathu the bowels and apply wet JlaniuH. In the above, the smaller dose is for Children, and the larger foradulls : vary according to age and circumstances Colbert's Ralm in Ciload is harmless. Colbert's Ualui in Gilead gives satisfaction. Those vvhohavu used Halm in Gilead will not be wilh out it. Accnts w anted. For tortus, address C. S. COLURRT & CO., Ko. 123 H-mth Fourth blrert, rhiladclphia, 1'a. N.n. Orders sent by Express to any part of the Uni ted Rates at the shortest notice. May 4, lttil.-Cni, I NKW MILLINEHY GOODS, ,s3iiHit as svmmKR, MJdd MARV 1IAUKLEV, would respectfully inform her customers, in liloomiburg and vicinity, that she has Just received from the city an cxccllunt assort- ment uf nerr MILUNEKV fiOOIH. . rmcr tnan ever, anu more calculate! to .i flP3 please the of the modt fu.tidious.. JGzr the haa paid slrict attention in inakinz j her suiecti.ns of bonnets, coneiueritly has tho best nrsoituicnl, probably, ever brought to this place. She has an assortment of neat ami handsome Hats and Caps for littlu .Misses, all of which she ran dispose of rncap. uive ner a can Deiuru purcnasing eiscwncrc. enop ou aiain street, neiow aiarsei. norm Blue. mooHuburg, Ap :u si m mi v uarklcv. JOSEPH GREEN, SON & CO. i Wholesale and Keull I)culcrf in OIL t'LOIIIS, U'l.VDOW SllM)i:S, &C. Together with a coniplcto variety of CAUINnr WAKb, ut tue lowest uasn prices, NO. 45 NORTH SECOND STREET u' iu ' uul" VL'Wi.w o l i w. 1. J. , WKl'll RIUXN, ) HENJ. UKLXN. rjiiLAucLriu.v E. JONUH LESTER Marrl.ll. IXImU. LATEST M TIMOM'll I Wm Jfews. Important from Fortress Monroe. ADVANCE OF UNITED TllOOI'S. STATES A KEPORTED BATTLE NEAT, HOJj'HOLiK. FATAL MISTAKE. ITKIi 11VOS FIMEiYDS Ttcn Pcgiments of U. S. Troops and a large Body of Rebels said to Ic Engaged. REPULSE OF THE U. S. TROOPS. A MASKED BATTERY TirexTr-vivE killed axd o.vr. hu.vdrf.d UOV.VI1FM. GREAT LOSS ON THE REBEL SIDE LIST OF KILLED J- WOUNDED. Baltimore, Juno 11, 10 o'clock, A. 31. News lias just been received hero by a boat from Old Point, bringing a report of an engagement having taken placo between two regiments of Federal troops, under General Piorco, and a largo body of llebel troopa, ou Sunday last,uiiic miles from Norfolk. Tho Federal troops aro reported as Lav ing been defeated, with a los3 of ono hun dred killed and wounded. JIany of the enemy were also killed. The rumors at this time aro conflicting. ANOTHER REPORT. Baltimore, Juna 11. Tho steamer from Old Point Comfort has arrived with the following intelligence, dated at For tress Monrcc last evening. This has been an exciting and sorrow ful day at old Point Comfort. Gou. Butler having learned that tho reb els wero forming an entrenched camp with strong batteries, at Great Bethel, nine miles from Hampton, on tho Torktowu road, ho deemed it necessary to dislodge them. Accordingly ,movenicuts wero made last night, from Fortress 3Ionroo and Newport News. About miduight Col. Duryca's Zouaves and Col. Townscnd's Albany regiment crossed tho river at Ilampton by means of tix largo battcaux, manned by the Naval Brigade, and took up tho line of 3Iarch, Tho former wero some two miles iu ad vance of the latter. At tho samo time, Col. Bonedix's Regi ment and a detachment of tho Vermont and 3Iaasachusctts regiments, at Newport News, moved forward to form a junction with tho regiments from Fortress 3Ionroo, at Little Bethel at ubout half way between Hampton and Great Bethel. '1 ho Zouaves passed Little Bethel at about 4 o'clock P. 31. Bencdix's regiment arrived next aud took position at tho in tcrscction of tho roads. Not understand ing tho signal, tho Zouavo regiment in tho darkness of tho morning fired upon Col. Townscnd's column, marching in close or der and led by Lieut. Butler, son of Gen. Butler, and also his aid, with two pieces of artillery Other accounts say that Col. Towscnd's regiment fired fir.-t. At all events, tho fire of tho Albany regiment was harmlcss,wbilc that ofthe Germans was fatal, killin man aud fatally wounding two othcrs,with several slight casualties Tho Albany regiment being back of the Germans discovered frcm tho accoutre mcnts left on the field that the supposed enemy was a friend. They had in tho mcantimo fired nine rounds with small arms and a field piece. Tho Zouaves hearing tho firo had turned and tired also upon the Albany boys. At daybreak Col, Allen's and Col Carr'a Regiments moved from tho rear o tho Fortress to support tho main body. The mistake at Little Bethel having been ascertained ,tho btiildinga were burned .and a Major with two prominent Secessionists named Livery and Whiting, wero made prisoners Tho troops then advanced upon Groat Bcthtl m tho following order tho Zou avces,Col. Bendcr,Lieut. Col. Washburne Uol. Allen and Uol. uarr. At that point our regiments wero formed and successive ly endeavored to take a largo masked batte ry of tho secessionists. Tho effort was futile, our thrco small pieces of Artillery not being ablo to cope with tho heavy rilled cannon of tho enemy according to somo accounts thirty iu num ber. Tho rebel battery was so completely masked that no men could bo seen, but tho flashes of tho cuns only. Thcro were probably less than 1000 men behind tho battory ot tuo rebels. A well concerted movement might havo ! secured tho position, but Brigadier Gen.' Picreo, who commanded tho expedition, soil which bred them j that they long for seemed to havo lost his proseneo of mind, 'cooler skies and fewer mosquitoes than ae and tho Troy Regiment stood an hour cx-1 company an Alabama August, and sug- posed to a galling firo. An order to re treat was at length given, but at that mo ment Lieut. Grcblo, of tho U. S. Army, and in command of tho Artillery, was struck by a cannon ball aud instantly killed, He had spiked his gun and was gallantly endeavoring to withdraw his command. ' Capt, Geo, W WiUon of tho Troy Reg- iment, after tho order to retreat, took possession of tho gun, and, with Quarter master 3IcArtbur, brought it ou tho field, with the corpso of tho beloved Lieutenant. They brought them to tho fortress this evening. Thoro aro probably 25 killed and 100 wounded. Lieut. Butler deserves tho greatest cred it for bringing off tho killed and wounded. Several of tho latter aro now in tho hos pital here. It should havo been stated that Col. McChcsney's regiment formed a reserve, and that Col. Ilawkin's regiment moved from Nowport News during tho day. Tho armed vessels went up to Newport News, excepting tho Cumberland, All tho regi mcnts aro now probably at their former quarters, Much indignation is manifested against Brigadier General Pierce. General But ler has been ubquitious, doing all in his power to save our men and tho honor of our cause. Another Account Fortress 3Ionroe, Juno 10. Tho contest at Great Bethel was moro sevcro than was at first appprehended. The en emy were so strongly entrenchod in and protected by battcrios that, after moro than two hours and a half severe fighting, our amunition given out, wo were obliged to fall back, which wo did in perfect order. The details, as near as can be in tho confusion ascertained, aro as follows : "Brigadier General Pierce, with tho First, Second and Third New York, from this post, joined with detachments from Newport News from tho Fourth 3Ia?saehu- setts, First Vermont and Seventh, (Colonel Bendixs,)and ninth, (Colonel Ilawkin's,) of New York, with two light field-pieces under Lieutenant Grcblo and a squad of regulars, drovo iu tho enemy, numbering four thousand men, and soon came on their position, protected by the firo of sis heavy batteries, mounted with six and twelvo pound howitzers and heavy rilled cannon. Tho engagement immediately becamo warm the guns under Lieutenant Greblc return ing tho iutensely hot fire from tho enemy's battery. "After somo tirno Gondral Pierce gave tho order to charge on tho battery, and Colonel Duryea's Zouaves gallantly march ed in quick time, under a scorching firo, up to near the ramparts of tho battery, when a broad ditch intervened, which could not be passed, when tho gallant lads fell back. "Col. Townscnd's regiment also went nearly to tho battery, but, meeting tho samo obstruction, were also ccmpclled to retire. ''After over two hours' hot contest, tho amunition for tho field pieces and tho mus kets gave out, and tha order was given to retire, which was effected in perfect order and safety. "Want of timo prevents tho details. Wo lament tho loss of Lieut Grcblo of the United States Artilcry, ono of the most brave, gallant and chivalrous officers in tho service, who died bravely at his gun, from a cannon shot, which struck him in tho forehead, killing him instantly. "Our loss iu killed and wounded is about seventy-fivo, among tho latter Cap tain KiIpatrick,of tho Zouaves, was shot in the leg. "Lieutenant Dumont, Company B of tho same regiment, had a bayonet wound in tho leg, most serious, and others slightly wounded. "Tho enemy's loss was heavy. Every one on our side behaved most bravely, and did their duty." Colonel Bondix captured two rebels in the act of firing ou his men, Guerilla fash ion. Ho fired tho houso, and sent tho pris oners to -General Butler, nt Hampton, where ho was receiving reports, forwarding re-enforcements, and giving orders. The enemy numbered between thrco and five thousand. Their battery had twonty guns. Somo of them tho Whitcworth guu. Tho battlo raged thrco hours. Our men rctirad only when it becamo evident tint the enemy's battery could not bo carried unless supported by artillery. Thoy re tired iu good order, and the enemy was in no condition to pursue. Tho following aro among the wounded at tho Big Bethel battlo : S. F. Southern, Company 11, Fourth Massachusetts Regiment ; seriously in tho lung. John Dann, Company II, Duryca's Reg iment, shot in the arm. John Conway do., shot in tho leg, not bad. C, Ghent, Company K, Col. Bondix, shot in the left chest; seriously. tttT Jeff. Davis and his cabinet, are re ported as having taken leavo of 3Iontgom cry, and removed their headquarters to Riuhmond. Davis is to tako command of the rebel army in person. Tho Slontsom- cry papers aro indignant at tho removal of tho Confsderato Capital to Richmond. Tho Mall goes so far as to intiinato that tho President and Cabinet aro above tho - gests that if thero bo Southern men in tho - Confederate States who cannot enduro hot weather, and who desire to bo moreconvc- nicntly located to Saratoga and Niagara, ( they ought to remove permanently within thu rango of tho smell of frco ncgrodoin as soon as possible Tho Mail forgets that it was always a Southern wcakucss to come North,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers