Qlfjiicullucc, THE FARMER. Of all tko stations here on earth, Tha farmer ranks tho first Though soiao may rccktsn Lim de.bas'd, For toiling in tho dust : Tis naturo's calling ho pursues, As with a sweaty brow Ho turns the sod all upstilo down, And guides tli3 shining plow. "When spring, in all its nicrrimcut, O'ersnrcads the fields with crcen. ... , .' il)d nought but llOtes of joy lire lieatU, Vnil noiml.l 1ml smiles tire seen. j. bo farmer turns his tillage laud ; And who so happy now, is ho while whistling to bis team, Ho guides the shining plow. When autumn winds blow fierce around ; Or storms of winter come, I'm from thu city's bustling s)und Is the farmer's quiet home : AV'.iou twilight comt he fails him down, No euro to vex htm now ; With conscience cluur he sips his beer, hile reUs tho shining plow. The Granger's over wolcom'd there, His tricuds aro not a few ; Tho wanderer his bounty shares Finds food nnd shelter too : Plenty with peace o'er crowns his board, Content sits on his brow; With modern lore his mind he stores, When not at the shining plow. Ho has no ship at sea to sink. Ho thinks not of tho gale ; He cares not what tho parish think, Nor if the merchants fail ; The pedagogue may laugh at him, Ho scorns tho statesman proud ; He's independent with his team, Whilo he guidoi the shining plow. Good rule and order ho maintains ; He lives in peace with all : And to defend hi- fountry's right, He's ready for the call : Now to live ever free from strife, Is just the lifo for me ; And if I marry in my Ufa, A farmer's wife I'll be. The Hog and His Diseases. y. orlifying as the fact may be to human pride de, it is nevertheless certain that in their internal organs and general structure tho hog and bear more closely resemble nan than any other animal. Most of their diseases, as might bo cspcclcd, closely re semble those of the human species and rc quire similar treatment. Tho diseases of swine, though not very numerous, aro very dangerous, and soon run their course. Tho diseases of this animal have, from' Eomo cause, received much less attention, and therefore thu rem cdies are mora the result of experience than science. Bleeding is i remedy for most of the diseases to which the hog is liable. Yet how many of our farmers ever saw a hog bled for medical purposes 1 , One of the best places that I can find for bleeding a hog, is in tho roof of tho jnuoth. I have seen them bled from an artery inside of tho fore-leg, just above the knee. My objection to tho latter meth od is that I have always found it more lifficult to stop the flow of blood in the ar tery than from tho roof of tho mouth. My usual method is to apply a cloth well sat urated with cold water. One of the most dangerous diseases to which swino are liable, is ono which I bavj nlwaye heard termed '-Blind Staggerj.'' l'ho first symptoms are a manifest ui easi ness on tho part ot tlio pig j nu wil lay down for a iniuute or SO and then CCt UD I uovru ior " uiiuun. ui D auu '" fcu uf I lYttlK BUOUI, lur u auuu uuiu auu tucu iijr downanain. This will bouietiuica contiuuo for eighteen or twenty hours. I kllOiV of I but OCO inStUUCC WlCre 11 lUbteu moru lliau i ... i . lWentV-loUr hOUrS. Altera UllOrt tlUie the disease becomes more violeut,tho an -mal rears on its hind legs, foams at the mouth, grinds its teeth, aud is to all ap pearaucei blind. Bleeding, if restorted to early in tho disease, followed up with a light dose of castor oil or cpsom salts, will give relief. Another diseaso, which is often fatal, is tho Kidney Worm ; tho first symptoms are a wcakncs of tho loins and hind legs, and if not checked is followed by a general prostration of the whole body. As toon as the first symptoms appear, copperas given at tho rate of i to 4 tablespoonfull Saily for ono or two weeks will geuerally effect a cure. Spirits of turpentine rub bed on tho loins, is very good. Xho Itch, (otherwise known as tho 'jaence') i another of tho most common ot tne diseases to niim tnc nog is nauio it Is not dangerous, but a "mangy"' ho; of the UlSea8eS tO VrhlCll the bog IS liablo; Tfill never turivo. aoapsuas, wuii appiieu with a good stiff scrubbing brush, is a remedy ; a ru"",'-c stream to wallow iu, or p enty o! e'eau wnsat straw, will effect a cure in time. For coughs and inflammation of tho xw b i iit a . r i lung DleydlDg SUOUIU D0 resorted tO, JOl- lowed by light doses of somo purgatiio 1 - n.mnailin.. An medicine aud oue. or half (according to . . . - '. . A good Tfarm beJ, with plenty of etravr, is a preventive of all the diseases to vrbioh (i pig id liable. I have always found it economical to Drovido my pijri with a patch of cluvej tO roam in during the Summer! if there is 10 roatil iu uunu0 .uiiimu l ,i i tor; but becauae you provide the pasture dn not stint them in their food. I think it is a great mistake to ttarve a pig through ! ' 'the' summer and then cram the corn into I ' ' 1--- . 1 4UIIU JUT llru ur two sun i usu iiiuuiua IU ft..,!- , T , ,. . j, ... -.wo all. I bcliece l,K pays to latten a f, oflnillv fig grauuaiijr, ( x uavo o ... .ujjj-u. I- ,, .st,,wl I InlUriillVO mi... i"b "v , . , ' , . . , filled alteijuatcly with e kitchen.i'aiid water. ceaus wim-u aru n meal, slop from the UDO OX 100 lurjsis mi'i oyy. ut.owiu r.o S fl.l.l.l.!. fill...! J ..II..J 1. sour, while .tho otljelr is being fed. 1 Gtrmantoun Tel, Light ! Light ! Light ! P A1UU0N COAL OIL hOI.NKKS AM) LAMPS FOIt BURNING coal, Kr.norfENi:. on carbon on. p. TlfC best, most brilliant end cheapest portablo Hghl nowlnuBC No dancer of explosion onil cheaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil or eamphene, mif-KQUAi. ru UAs,-a Without tbe expcn.rt of Baa fixture,. The abote lnrr.ta i (with all their fancy trimmings) can be reen and bought I it th old established Urui anil chemical Store of the undersigned, who Natters liim.cirthat from liia long CJt periencj in the Drug trade, be knows how nnd where to buy, and la determined not to lie undersold by any one In ltlcomsburg. or surrounding country, Call and seo Ma new and well .oleclod slock of UKLIM M i:ul,.l M) Clir.MUMLS, MINTS vahmches. uvr.tn'urri oils glass faCM "III lii'Jliril IIIIMFECTIONA- mm rcKFi'.MKtiv and FAMJV '1OI1 CT. AR lid. E.I FUR LAIIU'.-i. Jc 'If) HA CO AND CI CM ItS, .A i it' J Hrands. rat nut Medicines ofcveiv varittv In use l.lpiors, (put ) for medicinal us i omy, Fluid.CAinplK'nu Carbon liil, rurpeiitiim tiu.l Alcrdiol. Trus"s Shoulder uracil nnd Ab. oiniiial u)poilor,. surgical nnd Den t.l Iiilruinr.ut,,8iihnall and tooth llru lulil, t'amlih.n P1,r.c:V "omon'alhlc ll.-m Jlcs. Garden. Canary, tape find Hemp ieeiJi, Tliermowilers, proof-glass Morocco jjcainur ana bhoo firming.., ace., togciner wnn me largest and most varied assortment of German To) g and YANK K NOTlOiNS, crrr brought to this place, all of which pleae call and ipc an t yt'U inui-t b lieve. lint Inn Warned by so I experience that long credit! n ill ml k Lp thinga moing," 1 have determined to fliilUBflSSo to cariibuvers, to makcj It nn object to thoin as well as the nelljr, to deal on thocash pifnclple cither money or ready trade. Ha. in? served a regular apprenticeship at tho Drug and Anollvcarv bntiness. besides limine carried it on for tli i last rijht-cn years, on toy own honk, I flatttr inVfijlf th it I am ablJ to dn Jtistico to all gmng me a trial. Thiukf il lathe Dublic for Dast favors. 1 would nka tilal on tlu new principle, and will guarantee to all.that it ill niakj long friends, and pay best in the euu to pay cam aii.i Duy at reuucea prices. I PHYSiUlANd PRKSl'KlLTIONS cnrt-'fitllv coin Doun Jed. and all orders correctly answered, . At medicines guaranteed as recommended, Store Room on .wain street, near iuarKct, next ioor to me rosi ui t ficc, Ulooinsburg, Columbia county, Pa. LT1IKAIM T. I.UTZ. 1 August 4. lfifiO. GRAND ATTEMPT TO HUMBUG FARMERS. COME ncriona must think rartnera are Fools, or thev O would not have tho intpudcic nnd audacity to use tho name ol Froncficld for the purpose cf deceiving the public and making copital out of his name. Any per aon or persons who use my name in any shape, form or tninncr.on show rards or hfiiiillillls.to aid liiin in .elllnc: bogua articles, l it Vegetable Cattle Fonder, Cattle l.lnimcnt, Ilcavn l'ovvder, or nnythlng else, is a doun. rixnt iniposicr, nna uescrtcsio ue sacoiuucrea Dy an cnliebtencd community. Heine: the author, discoverer. role tnanuf-icturer. and compounder of nil the celebrated Cattle Medicines formerly prepared liyhim for llrelniir, Froneficlil tc Co., from iheirtlrst Introduction to the time of their dissolution, IJr. FltUNKFIIll.l) feels an honest pride in protecting the public, and Farmers in particular, from turthcr dcreptitn frombujing useless and humbug mittiires put up liy Tom, l)iik and Harry, without a particle of knowledge or eipcricnco in such matters, depending entirely on his name to make them sell. To put a stop to such dishonorable tricks. 1 have determined to put my written signature on each pack of the Vegetable Cattle Fowder, and each bottle of Cattle Liniment, and all my other preparations, as I expect soon 10 see uiem an cotiiuerieiieu. l.uoi; iikfoki: voir nnv My signature vitl be a guarantee for those vho want to Duy a pure una genuine article prepared in a scleuti nc manner, .uanuiacturcu only dv mi. miLii ii;i,ii, Atthe old stond.No.3I North 3d St., Philadelphia. For sale by DR. C. a. l).KK!i, .Mam and UeKn Knlb streets. N'orristown. Agent. February 2, lS01-3m IMPORTANT NATIONAL WOKKS ruoLtdiicn by d. atvlutos & co. 413 awl 440 liroathcaiu New York, Th4 following works arc rStiittoSub'crlberdinunynart vi hhiv..imi;i .-4v.. ii,i.ilri "" l'"vvij uj imn ur ciuresa prepaid : TUG NUV AVLltlCAN CYCLOPXniA: A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, KJiicd Ly GtoauL K'flev una ('Haiilkh , 1'ArtA. Qiueu uy a numerous e 1 ct corps ot wrltcrsin ail brandies orctcncies, rt an Literature. This work is boinz nnhliDhetl in about 1 Urge octavo volumes, each containing 720 two coliiiu pages. Vols. 1 to XI inclusive, nre now ready, eacli containing near 3.5'ki, original article. An additional volume wilt be published once in about three month I'rlfe, in Cloth. 53j Hheep,$3 50; Half Mor., 91; JJatr Russia, 51 50 each. The New American Cyclopredia is popular w ithnui pl-c ing superficial, learned hut not pedanic, coiaprehrnsive but lUiliciently detailed, free from personal piquo nnd party prejudice, fresh nnd yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is kimw n upon every important top ic with the t-cepe of human inteliienca. livery import, ant article in it has been ppccidlly written for its pases hymen who are authorities upon thu topic on which they speak. They urc required to brine the subject up to the present moment to state Jut how it stands vow. All the .statistical information is from tlio lattst reports; thj RiOftraphinil account keep pace with tlie latent explora tions ; historical matters include thu freshet just views the biojtrapliicat notices not only Fpe.ik of tlio dead, hut of the living. It Is a library uf itself, AsRiDOEMeitT ur the Dedate nrCoNUREss: Ceinga political history of the United states, trouilhe organiza tion of the tif-t TeJeral CungrefEiu KE'Jto lrtfo. Ldit ed and compiled by Hop, Thomas II. Hekton from the Of ficial Records if Lon?res. Tha work willle complied in 15 royal octavo volumes of J0 papeseach 11 of which ore now ready. An adJi lional volume will ho nublished once in three months. Cloth. $J; Law bauep, 33 50, Half .Mor,. 34; Half uau s-i ou vacn. A WAV Of I'UOCUBINO TUB CYCLOPEDIA, OR DCBATL3. Torm a club of four, and rtmit the price of four books, and five conies will hi ent at the remitter a exnenvi fur carriaja 'r tor ten subierib.'rs eleven copies will he tent aiour ciii.'i gior carnage, TO AOKNTS. No other works will o liberally rewar.l the exertions of Admits. Ah Aoeht Wanted in this Cocstt. terms mau Known on appuratiun in the fun iihcrs. Nov. '24, UCQ. BAUAlNs I AlNi ! . Sim FALL AM) U'lNTKIt GOODS BBAOi'iTS IS 53 "J WOULD respeitrully Inform the citizens of Llgh V street and ucinity that tu-y havo Jut received a new anu cxieu.ivc assoriliieut vi "lit' IHX.IDS NIJ GROCRIIIES, rA'SiXS''lSJ "ihco'n,,lon,yhrun'd,'i:.!a uouniry ciore, anuar.ueierinincuto.eucneap. 'lotnu selection of llieir goods they have paid .trict attention ; Hirore. their luerehaiuliu will bear rerominendallui! therefore, their liierchandlte will beur recommendation and will prove to be ofthe nrst clajs. The proprietors tordially .oliiit a liberul share of pRt. naje. Outuiuers would do well to call and elamiuc th-ir general variety before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce takcu in exchange for goudg at the highest market price. MARTZ & ENT. Light Street, November, 3 1SC. GILL & PAUL, Gcueral I'ouiiiilssion Olercliauts, CEAtERI IK Fiih, Proviiiont. Flour, Jiutter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, Oram, Heeds, Jteaus, U'hiskey, Wool, Country 1' rod tice and .Merihandio genernllv. AO. 34 noRiu mi4EVB, VmLkDHtpuik. ITT Consinnments of rrovlsions. Flour and Country Produce solicited, nnd returns promptly made. Cash, nuvancen wnen nesircu. OKPr.HS fur all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, if., Ailed at tha lowest Cuiii Prices, August 4, leoO-l.Jr.il. NEW BLACKSMITH SHO!J. TI1H iinderriigneil repfft fully informs his friends ami old cuEtomcrs that lie has opened a shop on Mai burg, where he designs continuing the In all its vurious brunches, at low prices, and on an c& Urged ecnle, and solicits tho public pat ro no (re. tC? Produce, Grain, iic, gencrallv taken tor work. Illoomiburgi May?, 1:5D. LBATIIBIt, LKATI1EU. QOLU Leather, and all other kinds of Leathers, Mo roccos, Lining aud Minding, theclieapcsibythundcrlgedi WrftX, .1 .1 I. .n n hu I h .l,..l... (. , i roccos, Lining aud Minding, for cole Hieuper tlian u ni ins .Tannery i.iao mbiaco., l'u., ALBO A li. ilrv unit in in,nst rim. , tiitmn. rheap by thu i.u-dRior bami. t lr Cflkli naid fur Hides. 3. W. SANKCV, LijIilBtrcel, Jan 5, lHl-3m. WINK AND LIQUOKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T1IH undesigned, having opened a New Htore. nn Main Street, u few doors South of Iron Strett, piooin.burf, and storked Uttith the best ilrand. of all ki'",u t Imported liquor., y, ill bo happy to .upply the lor' i-ut'iic custom i. rc.P.ctfuiiy intitei. I u- w. ruubiks, Illooinstiurt;, July 7, 1SG0. THI8 WAY CHEAP BUYERS. , , , , , . 1 nLOOMSDI'IlG cheap cash Ptoro. aeain replenished I j with a fresh stock of spni.n (wods-wi are now prepared to offer to tho public a very handsome lot . of gprinj and Bummer CoiHl.-ntueual low price., for HEADY PAY ONLY. I Coma aloe, with your cash and produce. II. C. 4. I. W, HAm-JIAN. March 13, leXO. I TT) KADY-MADB OLOTITING can ba I -LVi boui tora of U ,iayiJ, iu i bought causn it tLJ ch:tp cath j 'iharvle... BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THU CKLE1I11A1E0 HOLLAND HESIETJT FOR DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, liIVBIt UOJlI'r.AINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann tb various affections consequent upon a dhorik-rotft STOMACH OK LIVU11, Such M Indication, Acidity of tho Stomach, Colti-hy Fnlns, Heartburn, Lpm of Appetite, iWpondeiicv. Owtiri'iifcn, Ullnd and IlU-fdlnjC Pile. In all Ntrvuii, llhctimntl?, aud Neuralgic AnVcttons, It ha In numerous lnt.Hin.' proved, highly tivnenclal, and In others l fleeted n decided cine. '1 his Is a purely vegetable coryjuniTut, prepm-ed on tU ktly scieutlflc prlnciptes, after the uuitmer of the eulebmUtl llolUnd I'roftwdor. Beer hare. lt remitatlon at home nro- ducl Its Introducliun here, tbe demaud com mend tiff with those or tho lather land scattered over tne race or tin mlphty country, many of whom hrought with tlivm ami handed down the tradition of Ita value. It it nnw rfTernt to the American pullk, knowing that iU truly xeonuerful mrtirinal tirtwt must t aeknow1gtd. It U (mrtlcularly recotnmeniod to thoso person flbr constitutions m.iy hn e toon lniIreil hy the eontinumis ubo of ardent spirits, or other forms of diMipntlott, llenerally limtanttneoua In effect, It findi Us way directly to the sent of Hie, thrilling anl qulckeniui; eiery nerre, raifcinjj nn the dmopine si'irtt, and, in fact, Infusing new health aud Tiger In the S) utein NOTICi:. 'Whoever expect to find this a l-cTtrnne wM he dlappolntetl hut to the sik, Mialt and low spirited, It will prore n p-atrful aromatic cordhil, possessed of Blngulai remodi.tl pn'pertiert. READ CAREFULLY I The Genuine highly concentrated IWrhavo'i TlnllanJ Bitters Is put up In half pint bottle only, and retailed at Okk Dollar per Lottie, or six lottlea for Five Dollars. The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine han Intlnred many Imitations, which the puhlie should guard against purchasing. JEff-l-aware of Imposition. Bee that our came li ou the lahel of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggist generally. It can he forwarded by Express to moat points. soli: proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MANlf ACTUM SO iphnrnrnfeufisis nnd dSnemisfs.- PITTSBURGH, PA. rorSalebyO. M, llagenbuch, DrujgUt. Bloom?burg Ta uci.ujrou. U V . W A I'Sl l 3.a it.am ivnrn kippj pp. t,rvi.-r n 'iit, 'cv... o&om HirJ p'uiairhhia. have or! .... u .uij,v ,i. v. I., ,ro. ronT r'fikfS atoree, iron phuttern Iron saih. nil makes oflocks equal to any made in the United States. rn iafea in one frj. All came out riff hi; with con tenia in rood condition, Tho Salamander Safes of Philadelphia ngiinst the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had tlm surct demotttrntton in tlie following cer tificate that their mnuufacturc of Salamander Safctt hag at length fully warranted the representations which have been ma 1c of thnin ns rendering an undoubted security against the tor rifle element. Philadelphia April 12. liWO. .Mr K$rs r.reni Wataon; Gentlemen It allbrds us the highest satisfaction to state .to you, that owing to the very protective qualities of two of tlu Palam-inder, Safes whlih we purchased of you some live month since we saved n large portion of Jewelry, and ult our bm.kn, &.C., exposed to the cal.iininous.fire inKaiutead place on tha morning of the 11th iust.. When we reflect that these safes were located in the fourth sory of the building wo occupied and that they fell subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, whore thu vnst concentration of the heat cattifd the bras nlntes to melt, we cannot hut regard thi preservation of their al uable contents n most cnn iucing proof of the great se curity atl'urded by your i-afe. Wc shall ttkc preat pleasure in recommending them to men of bumiipm an a sure rtliaiic! uauiut fire. liMJHUU HlMllU.NH & 1!KU JetrcIUrS. C7They hawi since pnrchased six large Safes. August 20, SlX gasiiriai'iiiSi' -' r-t 7tnt,JJtl ;:.riEM?z THE undTiijned is also extensively eneaged in thn Undertaking- Business, and keeps constantly on hand nd for kaU at his Warerooms, a large assortment of FINISHED i OFl'INS, By which lie is enabled to nil orders on prepentutlun ALso-Keeps a good Horse and lleurse, and Mill at at times be ready to attend I'uncrels. I 'loomsb,.,e. January SJ. SIMON C. SlllVE. CAVIVP lI'UVli S3AVlJllj rUl.U I TT C3 mi i , . . . , , U . O. JLlllSSl VJUIll ltlll . 1 , Comer nj Tlnniana uiestntii es s., iiiu i, T AKKE and .mall sums received and paid back on demand without notice, with Five per ct-tT Ihtlk est from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office UocBS-From U uutil 5 o'clock every day, and on Muniiiy L lmku, from ? until U orlock. Preddent-.rEl'HllN R.CHAWFOHD, Treasurer Puv Fk. Teller Jamea H. Hunter. DIKKOTORS. Stephen It. Crawford, (Daniel lleidlcman, Gcort'o Junhin. Alex-rr C. Hart, M, D., lljailllll v. J lllgiey. 1'aul 11. ;oJard M. D. Patrick Llrady, ' Jamea Devcreaux, Tho man T. Lea. William .M. lie luin. n. Franklin Jackson, rimy 1'ish. March 20, ld59 ly THE 'illount tlcrnou SECOND STREET, ABOVB ARCH. puti.inr.Lriivi, !I. II. EUWARU3, rrtpncler. M.y 15- lfC0-3m. TOliA..i;U & Sr-0 Its. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITU SEC A & 3 K & SfilB, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MnmilacUiTi ii LruC Tobiicco, HAVANA OKKM AN AN I) DOMESTIC, N. E. Comer of Trout and Arch Streets. ARTHUR IIXOXN. I j.Mt. H. niiVD. l'lllI.ADI'.Ll'IHA, March 10, IbCU ljm. HENRY ADOIJ'H'S CABINET WAItUfitOtmS, No. 3li NORTH BECONU STREET, f.BOVR M.RK.T.l Ono lloor above Christ Chiireii. AOeneral Assortnient of CoriWIK tUHKlTUUK, in. cuding CH.U' 47(JOiS, ic. 1'llH.AlJUI.l'mA. May IS. ISfiO-Um. fPIIt; best molasses for the prico in the 1 County for .ale at IIAR'RMAKt!. "THE UNION," Jink Strict, Mori Third. V n I A D E I. P II I A . THE situation cftliit Ilot'l render. It one or the most movement for those v, ho are visiliuv Philadelnhia cnlmrliie.a; while to thoso lu search of pleasure, tho constantly passing and repassing City Railway cur., I and those in clo.e proximity, atford a cheap and plea.. I ant ride to all place, of interest and amusement iu or luu'll'"W , .. .',...,. .h. Ill biiZi iVitU Such character a. will meet nubile, xlapprobaUon, and would respectfully .olirit. aener.l pat. 'Itjffttary SJ, lWO-Mat, rroprirtor. l lr.-I ft rtrn-TT nmm mmwm HOSTETTER'S , i li a fact that, at some period, every mem ber ef the human family In subject to discuss or distuilmnce 01 too bouiiy runcuona; uut, I Vlth tlto all of a good tenia and tho cxcrclso of plain common senso, they may uo ablo so to i rcgnlalo tho system ns to eccurg permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired I object, tho truo coursu to pursuo is certainly that which will produco a natural state of things at tho least hazard of vital strength nnd life. For this nurnoso. Dr. Ilostctlcr has In troduced to tills country a preparation bearing his narao, which is not n now medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who havo used It. Tlio Hitters opcrato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, and llvor, restoring (hem to n healthy and vigorous action, and thu3, by tho tlrnplo pro ces of ttrengtlionlng nature, enable tho sys tem to triumph over disease. For tho euro of liyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or ony Wlious Complaints, arising front a morbid itmctiou of tho Stomach or Hori!., jroiVcing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Chokra Morbus, He, theso Bitters hove no equal. DiArrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by netr settlers, aud caused principally by thochango of vrr tor and diet, villi bo speedily regulated by a brief uso of tlds preparation. Drsnensia. n. diicnso which is mobablr mors provalont, in all its varioua forms, than any ither, ntid tho cattso of v.hlch may always orgnn, can bo cured vrithout fail by using HOSTETTEIVS STOMACH HITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle For this disease every physician will recommend Hitlers of some kind ; then why not ihu nn nrtlclo known to bo Infal lible? All nations havo their Bitters, as nprc- ventivo ofdiscaso and strcngthener of tho sys- teri lvin puneral; and among tlicm nil thcro is t to bo found more heallhy people than 3 Germans, from whom this preparation una- not tho nated. based upon scientific experiments which havo tended to j-vovo tho valuo of this great crenarilion in tho tscalo of medical science. Fkvkr axo Aaoc This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on tlio body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short timo, nnd rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo driven from tho body by the uso of HOSTETTBll'S RENOWNED B1TTEIIS. Further, none of tho abovo-stated diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Bitters are used as per directions. And us they neither create nausea nor offend tho palate, and render un necessary nny chango of diot or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promoto sound sleep nnd healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure. lor J'erions in Aavancea lean, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and innrm oouT, mcso liiiieru are iiumuiiuiu restoratlvo.of strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to bo appreciated. Au to a inoilicr TTJiuo nursing ineae xiiiiera mu juuw- Tiensablo. csneciallT where tho mother's nour islimcnt is inadequato to tlio demands of tho ohild, consequently her strength must yield, nnd hero it is ivhcro a good tonic, such as Hoslctlcr's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength anu vigor to tlio system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before bo doing, should ask their physician, who, if lie is acquainted with tho virtue of the Hitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. We caution tha publie njainst using any of tho many Imitations or counterfeits, but ask for IIosicnEB's Cilibiutid ETOHicn Birrrns, and sco thnt each bottio bos tho words "Dr. J. IloJtcttcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho rido of tho bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap covering tho cork, and obscrvo that our autosrph signaturo is on tho label. r-Proparod and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., nnd sold by all druggists, grocers, anil dealers generally throuRbout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. Sold hy J. It. Moycr. E. P. I.ut, nionmsliiirs : A. Mil ler.&rn. Uirniek; II. F. Kullurd, Usiijtoun; M. V. Grier, Jus. I,e i, A. S. liank, & Co., Danville. Octoher 1. 1S31P lSln. NEW AND SPLENDID ASSOltTMENT of 'r,i bo1 am- r,- .M1 . S. Rk Ml' Jl ME COAAVfc OF Main mid Broil Streets Dn ou want SILKS f go to liuownu'a Dj jou want LAVKLLA rLOTIIf t;o to i;iiovi:u t Uoiouwautl.HALM U1U.A1N C.-l I (io to HllOWTK S 1)0 lou wau, TAIil.i: CDVUKS ' Gu to llllOWI'lf. Uiyouwauti LOTH l)i:S'li:itr!i tio to illlOWUU S Uosou wenlSKULUTOX SKlll'lDt Gutu UltOWLliti i uoyou u am nu ('i"i'n:ii-.- PK1UI1- II l-UMiUltj I Goto liROVVCK'S Do you nuut .MULI.s'M I (io to HllOWI.U'd Uo Ji.u N.aut CAI.Ii.'Ol.Sl Go to i:iluU'i:il'S Uj jou want l.WWt I Go tu CROW lUt'S Uo ,mi wunt llAUUIUd I Go to i,KUVi:i!'rt IJoynu want 1IU l.L'll'S t Gotu IIKOWKU'H 1)0 )na w.u.1 IIDiC'.l ' GotollliU l.lt'rS Uo jou wa it (ILtlV. o Go to UiUIWLUM U.i yoa want II ANDKUItC'lllEra t Goto UllUlVCItM UoyouwantCAItl'llrSAT- IIULSI Go to IlltOWLU'S' Ho ou wa it Sl'I'LI.A 811 AWI.M I Uo to IIUUIVKII'S lio joawant MO Kill MITTS ( Go In IIKUlVUlt'H I)i y .a wait rill.K GIUIH.i:3 1 (io a IHOiVKIfri li i jou want G.M'V 1'I.UTe) I Go u, illKJiVIlifS Da jou waul t iluTCllirr IIIIAIUS I Go to JiUUVVLIfrt Do you wanlTlllV ("OITOV ( Go to IIKOUXIt'S Uo you want ril,M 1' NS I Do jou want SUN gllADtSI Uo yon want U.MIillKl.l.AS I Uo jou want rAKSl.MCIItSI l)j jou want rmiSlAN I'LAII) i Do you want I.1VK.V fllECK3l Do jou want l'lilll.'ALllS I Do jou want Jll VN'SI Dojou wai.t KANKRUKSI Do you want (HGU msl Go to IIUOH'Klt'S Go to IlltOVVEU'S Go to i:uoivi:ifs Go to IinuWEK'S Go to IlimiVEll'S Go to HltOlVtilt S Go to UIIUWKK s (Jo to lii!oivi:it'.s Go to l:iioivi:ien ;o to llllotl i;u-.s Go to IIHOIVDII'S Uo you want UUU'M.-'I Uo jou want CURTAIN .MIISI.INJ Go to IIHOWEIft Do jou want COI.'II I'A.MIiUU.'S I Go to HIIOlVEIt't Uo you want WHITE GUOUS I Go to IlKOWEIfr a 'S Uo jou want DUMir Uo you want SILESIA I Dojou want DIIILI.INUSI Uo J on want TICKINGS I Go to DHOtVlill-S Co to iiiiou'i:it'S Co Ih liitOlVl:ii-M Go to IMtnlVIMt'S Uo jou want -lli:i KSI Go to itI10lVi:it'S Do you want I.AU1KS- SMOESI Go to IlllOlVKlt'S Do you want LADIES' UA1TEKSI Go to llllOWEIt'S Do you waut I'UES I GllO 'EMES I Go to llltOWElfS Do you tvunl aUEENSUWKm Do you nnt lll,AKSVAKU I Ho you nut HARDWARE! D . you aut IlUI'dM I II. you un.it TUltESI'I 'ESI U you anl Cil E I T COUDS I lllooinsb tr;, May 13, l:OJ. Uotu IIEOIVEK H wo in lllttHVEll'! !n to IlitOWER'H Oo to UUOIVER-S Co to HIimVEK'N Co to BuoivEira 'A little, but often fill, the pr. SAViiG funds. pRANKMN SAVIVG FUND No. 130 South I r ourtn Mreet, u -iuteu i iiettuut nnd Walnut Philadelphia, pa)s all deposits on demand. Depositors' nimiey betured by Goeriiiutnt State and (Mtv Loans, (J round Kent. Mortirtiirrs, etc. , This Company deems safely better than large nrnfitii. conmj.niL'ntl v will run no riik uilh dftuwiJ tori mouuy, but have U at all times ready to rtturn rr alunysduti . This Loinnuny never nufpu titled, Females, married or single, and .Minor.), can rle puait in liitir own niiht, and nueli deposits can be U withdrawn only by thfir umtttnt. ig '-f unurter pepLiuiu. intorpoiiiieu ny tnebtate or lVniifj Ivuiua, Mth uutliority tu receive money frum trunlies uml Kieeutors. LAHUiZ A.YD isMALL SUMS itl.CEIt ED. Oilire open daily troin M tu J o'clock, and on Wed! nenday ctcmug until d oVImk. DIJiECTOtlS. Jacob II. Hhunnon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Phiudlur, Georgo Kunsell. Malachi YV. Sloan, lldwnrdT, llutt, Ijewis Krumbhurr, Henry.DeUuy, Nicholas Ititteiihouse. Nath.tn Si tied lev. Jus, II, duihcrthwuite, Uphriam Wan tha rd, Jooeph J.lppiuciut. JACUB il. SHANNON, 1'r.iJont CVIUTrf CADWAI.IiAUKli, Tnusurer. fllartn r-', imji: ' A 'Pol 'aTeuvtTd fa twItiTc" arnell?'"" Nuv.ii IcMhj. yUPPINGER'S ESTAlil.ISIIMENT Fur the liberality w lib which the fublir a I way have Iiatronized Henry Zuppiuger. (come sco his g.w. h me) io means to bIiow his i;rutiiude by trtlmg lacts nut iu t-inpty words. His ambition isliotsu much to make inou ey us tu occupy tkt beat or one vf tho beat shops, audio be generally appreciated as one of thu bct workmen. Forsite hiuilhlsindultencc, he shall try tu direct It well. Ofcour.e, tAe laborer whether with head or hand 1. ....thvnri.Id ltln New Watches, new Clocks, a lot ot good Jwt-lry,afull mint of (Masses for Wtttchs, inside and outside j i and Clock triininlnicsi a good assort i-ent of com n.t ..iu.. fB... b.i ,.,-rt:iriea; ntntHt for kiiecinri.-c assortn Watch moii and kiudi: and induction to work' ihe.i.,"tc.ic..ali to suit when HO spectacles win , otwuig niacinuvs inu I term., surely rcasouablefor ail. .,.. I Bloom.ourjr Jan J. 19M. HE TEOPLK'S COOK HOOK. 1 T IMODIiKN COOKKKY. IN ALL ITS unANCllLS. BY MISS ELI.A ACTON. CARinuY RLUscn nrMna. S. J. iialb, HTM You nowtochoescnllklndaofMcnls, Tnullry nnd Oainc.wlth ntl thu various and most Rpnrnvnl iiiodemf dressing nnd cooking liucf nnd Pnrk; nlso th) best nud sliu plirt wny of salting, pickling and curing thti eauie. f 7ett You All tho arioua nnd most appropd modes of dressing, cooking, and bonlns Mtilton l.imh, Vrnl, Pmillry nnd Gnmo of nil kinds with thn dill'ircnt Drcpfinea.Gra vie, nnd K tunings appropriate to cncli. It Tell You Mow to chuose, clean, und prt'scrvo Fish of nit kinds. and how toxnecten it when tainted! ulau all tho various and most oi'nrovt'd iiindea of cookttiir, with the ci.iiW.'nt Dt sslnff), Sauces, and Hat of In it nrnifiitiriJ.li! tnrfirll. ivif. 1di All ihn vi'.rimi nnd mnptt nimrovi'tl modes of preparing over fifty ililfcrent kinds i f itieni, i;rouif, ami cicwp, n mi in n r iltcs and Seasoning appropriate to each To You AH thu arluii4 and mot-t appro ml imdes nf cooking Vi'pctahls of i' fry descrip tinn almilmw tu prepare rickles.iliitsupa anil curries 01 nn aiuus, i-mieu I'iih. ennui Miistirooiim. &c. Tt (th You Atl the arious aud inot opprotcd modes of irepJrliig nnd rookhiit all kinds o l mm nnu lancy lasirj.jt uimhn(i. wm rl..n.L' l'rhli-rn. Cnkei rniiffctiouarV, Preserves, Jellies, nndswcot diihes of every do cripthm. It TelU You AH the varioua nnd mot approved modes of iimklnir ilreiid. Husks. Miilhns, and I Hi sen it, t lie hfftt mrthod cf preparing CniT. ft. ( hoeolatc.faud Tea. and liowto j tiMke Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of nnous Kiuas ,;t Kilt nu ilow to sit outanj rtnamcnl i n labtc, how r.0rn5'i:,,,.y'"!. whole art of t.'oukini; an to hrinif. thu choicest luxuries or the tabic nitnin cv rilwt.tv' renrh. The hok cnntaiin 4lt) pages, nnd upwards of twelve hundred Itciiprs, all of which are the results 'l actual exparlenco. havinif hren fully and carefully teste 1 under tlio ticraittinl nnirliilciitleiiLO oflhc writers. It is prin ted In udenr and opt u tpo. Is Illustrated with appro prialo engraving", and vill he forwnnled to any address, ,niy bound, j icsstatr imiJ, on receipt of the rrlce Siou, or Intioth, extra, Sl.'W. YE AR oyn!er7.rl.- H'Jivvv m. m. wvnKve, ryivherc, in sellins Iheahoio ork. onr inducements all such beiutfvery liberal. For single ropies of the book, or for terms to agents, w ith other iiiforuiulion, apply to nu.uli!reBi JOHN l!. l'OlTKU. fuli'i-hcr, No, onPansom Street, I'hilautlpiim, ra. Vovember 9, IPGO-Ctu DO YOU WJIXT mttoKOiS I HO YOU U'JIXT U'UtoKKRS t DO YOU ttJWTA MUST.HJIIKl DO YOU li'.J.TW MUSV.ICHEI o!)itii;Ii;un s Celebrated STIMULATING ONGUKNT, For the Whiskers and Hair, 'pllH subscribers take pleasure in announcing to tlio 1 (Titlz.-n i.f Hit! tfiiiti-d intLn. thnt thev h j u ob tained tlie Ascncy fr, and nru now enabled tu oifer to tlm American puhlie, tlio uboo Justly clcbrntcU uud woriu-rcnowneu nniciu Thi: Stlmuhitini! Oneueut In urennrcd by Mr. G V Uctl iiigtiam, nn eminent physician of London, and is war rained to unrig nui a iuilk hci oi uiiiskcih or a inns tnriifl in from three to sit weeks. This article is the only one of tlm kind ued by thu French, and in Loudon ninl 1'cria It In in uilivL-ranl use. It Hu b.'autiful, economical, soothing, ) et stimulating compoond, acting ns if hy mafic upon thu roots, caus ing a beautiful growth of lu.turi.iut hair. If upplicd to iiiu xrnip, it w in cure oaiuneM, nnu cause io hriiir; in place of tin bald spot- afiue growth of new hair. Applied iicconltng to direction.), It will turn red or towy luir dark, and rut to re cruv hair to its i-richial coltir, leaving it soft. FUiuoth.nnd lL'Xihlc. Tho ()ngucut" Is an indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, nnd niterone wi'VK' usu iney wouiu uoi ir any c on finer u tinn be without it. The subscribers arc the only Agents for the article in the United Mate a, to whom nil orders must be nddresscd. I'ricj f)ti3 Dollar n hx for s.ue by nil Druggist ami Dettlors ; or a hot of tho "Unguent" (warranted to h.ne the dcfeircdcllectl will ha tent to any one w h dceircit, by m til (direct), securely packed, uu receipt of price and posiage, si.is, rtpp'y io nuurem iioiiAur. l. nun OMAN AiCO. d a run (sis, &c. 21 William Street, Xew York. February 23, ISGl-Cm. XT K W S T 0 It K . 1 miOI.lZS.1LK .1X1) RKT.1IL sat e&p air(oss. TIki uiiderslEnod TCPiiectrullv Informa the citizens iiloomsliurc. ninl the puhlie in cemral, th.it ho has pur chased the A':!' UAV b'VQRVn in tho white frame store hou, on M.nii Street, nearly cppoMte the Exchange suiuimgs, wncrc nc nas ju&i rtteiveu a spienuia as rortmeni oi CITY IATS AND CArS. Direct from the Manufactures, of all kinds, H tea, sorts nnu iz:s, laifft l.innitnm, wuicu ne oner wuoiekaic una PL'tuil. at verv InW liriftn. L These Goods will he soldnt very low prices, for iteuoy ray. JOHN K. UIKTOV. Eloomsburj, October 27, 1SG0. TUB FOUNTAIN HOTEL. (l-OltMIXLY THU MADISON IIO 'SF.) Second itrctt, btlutcn Matlct anil Jlrih, PKiladtlfhla, W. 0. FOUNTAIN. I'RorRUTon. rPlII3 Hotrlis now u.icn tor me rcccp.ioii u( m. I ifiiors. 1 1 has ln i. titled nnd rftturnlfhcri Eii ihro'i"houi. fur Hi' belter u.tmmodatinu ol cueets iudhoardcri. 1 in oration is in tnc very entire thn business portion of the city. Hoard, i 'Jj p HIV. Au-ustin, 10. JOKES & l5S'.t-:l5, IRON RAILJNG OltN'AMH.VTAL IRON VVCI1KS, Xo. 222 (Jallowhill St., brlow Third, VltlLJID V.t.PlUA. Iron Railing for Parks, Cemeteries, Verandas, Steps, &.c, 31 arm iu, im.u--im. S35.00 Tavs the entire cott for Tuition in the moht nonular nn burressful Commercial School in th-i t mi nt r v. t'ownn of Twelve Hundred jounc inrn frum tncut-eltht dill' runt States, haw been educated for busineso here uitli in the past three lears, some of uhnm luie been tm pio)euas uuok utipers at su uries or Saooo.Ol) per Annum, immediately upon graduatni.uho knew nothing of ac counts w hen they entered the Colhce. L" 3iiuiters Boils nan prm. Muuent enter oi any time, and review when they phase, uitlmut exirarhnrt'e. i or uuiaioguc oi eupatien. pfclloI rrot. .o leys llusinetsnn.l Ornamental IVniiifinFl.ip, and a larpo l',n era in t -,ft.ha tolltuff, iuclorje twcnly-Iitecent In Post uge Hta. ps to the 1'riuripuls. jL.rrviAa sjuuji, i tusuureu, ra. Jan. 5, ICOI ly. I'Oll sAEsE. Oud Uuudrcd Tuns of Cayuga Lake Plaster, at tup: cattawissa mills. rpHK underiuirned vould respectfully Inform the nub X he peiic rally that they have on baud ulargu amount CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, nil of which they oiler foriale.lnlarpe orsma'lquntitics upon tint 111011 reasonable terms. 1'crsous wulung a good article of platter would do will tu call and ex am inethisbefore uirclufiug elsewhere. U. V. M'KULVV&CO Cbttawisn, Jan, 30 laCl-3in. TIIK0D0IU3 STILKS St'ClESSOKlO COXFElT10.K AMI FllUlTUJER J.SD WIlOUiLK PE.LEK IN FOllEIQN & BOMESTIO FHUITS. Raisin,, Prune,, Ten Nuts, Currants, Almonds, lVacan Nuts, Citron, line. Walnuts Oranges, Figs, I'llbrts, Lemons, Dale,, iCreain Nuts, 1'iuo Annie,. Dried Apples, lenciiea Street Oil, Syrups, .Crackers, pi nn nujths, 0.1.'. xi: No. 1711 Market direct. Into or 3rd & Vine Street. PHILADELPHIA. March 10, llGO-ljin. WISSTERN MOTEL, No9. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Courtland street. 11UAK1J, SI 00 I'EK DAY. n. U.WlNu'llliSTER. TllOa.l) WINt'lllitTUK. NEW YORK. May 1, 1MB rpo FAHMKKS 60,n00 BAKU ELS 1 r OUDUETTIl. made bv the JjiJi Manufrturmif Co.. fur sale inloti to suit imrrhimera. Th Is l tl.M t hk'I'lbi i lktilizi.k In Alurket iHEH'ktfl t LKTiLlZkK In Alurkft. .t worth will iiit..irn an ocra of corn, will iucreasu tha crop from one third to une-half, and will ripen the crop two weeks earlier, and unliko ruano. neither inlure the teed nor land. A mm oo willbe .cmgrati. to an, one ;,,n?i, : ,dd,,., ,t !""" mu-iuuhij tnuenw aim iuu I'mucuiarf, I . LODl MANUFACTURING CO.- 30 S.uth Wharves, miladelphta Ftbruary p. ISOt-lOw. 7" . ,rr,- I 'Iln mm HEAtt WHAT THE TEOPLE SAY, Tlie nn tr rstcnc.l linttnsr nl Vnfmor HUMl'IirtEtS' H'ECIMO IIOMIKOI'ATIIIO IthMKDIM In our f.nUlcs olth the nvwt ratlsrictory rewlta, an.l hallnj full cokO. dence In ll.elr penulncncst. iwrlly, an.l eaicacy, clifcrjully remm.non.l thorn to all ,er.,tn who l to J; '. ' lUWo, an.l eillcailous reuiedlcs ul liana for private or do- "'"lie li'v. Wm. ll,mer,e,lller ef "The Northern ln.le. Ires, Clmi'l'iln of the Auburn Sun I'rlson t the Iter. Q hn, MoUae. III. I the II.... ' c,i" ' rrllo,H.; the lion. J.i ' U'"' "'... v- V I llrlJtol, Kl . HUM. N. r. ! A. r. i - J.iinei I'lunWetl, I'Jl , Nmhvlllr, Tcnn. I.Hr OK II'KCIFIO UKMEDIKS. ' K., 1. l,r Kcver, Cineillon, ami Inflin.ni.tlon. Vo i -V Worm lever, Worm Clio. Wetilnr the ned. No. 8. for Cellf, Crj Ins, reeUilnB, an.l akeiuluns ol '"noI'J'. for Dlarrlien, Cholera Infan'.um, ami Summer C0No'.'r!!-tVr Colic, Orlplum, D.senlery. or Woody Flul. fto K. rr Cliolern, Cholera Mollius, onilllnj. 7 for Coulis, Col-U, Intlneiita, and Sore Throat. No! 8. For Tooth-ache, F.ce-achc, anil Neurjlsia. No. S. I'or llc.nlache, VertlBo, Hest and Fulluess el lac ""o.- 10. DrsriMli Tut. For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Cnrt'rniiioii, and Uvrr ConplalnU NO. 11. roll t KM ILK lM(BUtl.ii,i, uta.t.j , , Baj.preeaiV!rl;d,. , ISO. li. ror i."u';oriiiv, hv.ubo ...... - Down of Ftmah-s. . No. Io. ror urnup, norsc .'iso. v .t No. 14.-3HT Emm 1'iUJ-For Erj.li.ila., l.ni.lloDS, rlinplesontheFace. r,0. 10. UUiiC.Tie i ii i - " oca In the Chest, luck, l"ln, or IJn.b.. A For Fever nn 1 Airite, Clilll Fever, iwren .sne, uiu Mliman iscl Airmi. i 0 For Sore, Weik, or InOamed Ijci nd Ljelldsl Fall In'W'.k. "r lilorr,' lt c For c.larrh. of lonn standlnt or recent, either wlU ohslructlon or profuse discharge. . W. C. For Whooping vougu, auaiiou iw - Bhertenlng lu course. . In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammatloni, Diarrhea, Discntcry, Croup, lUieumatlsm, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, nnd Lrjslpclas, th. advantage or pving tne proper rimeuiej - -- .Jr., tn . ...t. nB..a ti.n .r fl act like a charm. Tlie entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all case. Iho violence of tlie attacn l. rooacratcu, too uucuow ,uvir coed, and rendered less dangcruus. CourIis and Colds, which are ol such rennent occurrence, and irhlih so often lay the foundation of diseased nines, bronchitis and consumption, may all he at ooce cured hjr U.0 Fever nnd Cuugh Tills. i,..i, In all chronic diseases, such as Drrpepsla, weak Ftomach. Conjllpatlon, Uver Complaints, Files, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak lyes, Catarrh, Salt llhcum, and other old irurtlons, the case has speclhc. 1iobo proper appucauon bio buwiu bm, '"",,, 't laslanco. Often the cure of a single chronic, difficulty, such as Di sntpsla, Tiles or Catarrh, Headache or Female tail scss, lias more than paid lor tbe case tin times over. I'RICE. krr- Ceso of 50 vials complete. In morocco, anl Book IJ Case of 20 vials, and Hook, plain Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Hook Case of C boxes, numbered, and Hook 1 Single numbered boxes, nith directions So ccntB. Single lettered boxes, v. Ith direction...... .... .....W cents. Large case of 2 ox. lals, lor planters and physicians... .110 g- s ' ALSO SPECIFICS. Foa Asniul oa PuTautc Oppressed, Difficult, Labored Dreathlng, attended with Cough and Expectoration. Trice, t-0 cents per box. Foa KADiscniR0t3AnPsrsS3. Discharges from th. Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, .Measles, or Mircuilals. For Noises In the Head, Hardness ot Hearing, and longing In the Furs, and Earache, Trice, US cents pir box. Foa BcmittLA. Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, Spellings and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy ol Children. Trice, 10 cents per box. Foa OextaAt. DniLiTV. Thjsical or Nervous Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excesslv. Medication, or Ex hausting Discharges. TYicc, CO ecnla per box. For DRorar. I lulJ Accumulations, tumid Bff clllngs, alia Scanty Secretions. Trice, M cents per box. Ton iu-Sicaxtss. Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickuesa from riding or motion. Tilce, 50 cenU ' "obVrisjiiv DiseASR. For Orsvel, Renal Cilciill, Diffi cult, Talntul Urination, Diseases ot tlie.KIdneys. Trice, W cents per box. . , , Foa Simimi. EHIS310S3. Involuntary Discharge, and Conseoiient Troslrotlun nnd DcLUlty, Rail Risulta of Evil Habits. The moat successful and efliclent remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Trice, nith full direc tions, l per box. . , Fcrsons ho wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to scik advice ol Prof. Ilusipnai-vi., can do to, at his oillce Broadway, dally from o A.M. lu S T.U. or by letter. OUR RCMFD1E9 BY MAIL. I.eolc over the list; make up a case of vvhat ldnd you choose, and Inclose tlio amount In a current note or stamp, by mall to our address, at No. fiE'2 ltroad.ay, New-York, and the medicine !U be duly returned by mail or express, Vrr r rhnrn- AQENTS WANTED. We desire an active, .Sclent Agent for the sale of our Remedies In every town or community In tt. United Stales. Address ur. r. itujn-iittr.,a a uo. No M2 CROxnwar. Net.Yorx. Sold by C. r. LUTZ,Ae(.nt. u,wou.LUts- r. April 7, IcUl. AGW0ULTU11AL WA11EH0USE, iVos, 121 tj- 23, South Sixth &Uttlt near tho State ll vse. wiiLAuixrm.v. puxna. rCV fioorn of this bjiecious buildins, erected expressly fur Hi-' proprietor's trade, are t. to red with seeds aud iinpti'ineiiu of ii.tcn.nt tu farmers' aud gardeners. Hixi v Vtin KirAELihiiKn. Tho bubecribers desire to call, tlio attention, of uwry one interested in farming and gardening tu llieir uell selected stock of Agricultu ral Tool it. Warranted Harden and t'loirer &crda Grasa and Field it.ed4, cf the moat rdablc quality. The Agricn turul Implements sold by us arc mostly ninnufitciim'd at our flt'nm works, ilristcl I'd. Ha 1113 fitted up our establishment without regard to et peine, with the inott compleio iii.ichi.Miry t-r thti niaiiutafture of vurious kinds of agricultural implements u uru now prepared to supply all art tiles in this line fully t'iu;il, if not tupertor, to an) thing of the kind cwr bilore oilVred to tin public. J.andntli's warranted Harden Soeds have been before thn public fur upwards of sixty years; their wide tpread popularity, and tha increasing demand from )car to j ear, am tli j best euiiluices of their superiority uver all others. Country merchant run be supplied with seeds in pa pert, or iu bulk, ou tha mobt liberal tcnun. Illoomsdale, near liritol, l'n our garden seedKroundB, out iiiu three hundred nnd seventy acres, and is the .sirg.'et i&tablibli.uent of its kind In thu world, I). LANUlllVni tt PON, Xon. 21 & SI Southsiith. ttrctt. 1'hitadeiPhta. tC7" Laudreth's Uural llrnistcr nnd Almanac for 1800, ciuitniiuiiK n ritrm, Cnnlru mid (Jreen House Calandnr tor eery iiiouth lu the enr, can be had gratia, upon pel suu,u ur poi lain appucuiiou. January .1, jeuu y. LIFE INSURANCE. THE OIH.1RD LIFE LVSUltAXCE, AXXUITY A.VD invar vuMf.t.w uy viuutDrj.vuiA. omit:, ao. ItJHcntrr.Nur sirlt, CAI'lTAI.tpuid up,) S3U0 two. Charter l'ernetual. CONTINUE in make INHUUANCUS O.V LIXM on thu n io . t reasonable terms. Tim capital banir naiJ un and invested, topf-thcr uin, n larpe uud roiiBtanily incrvasiiii reserved fund, o!l.rs a ncriict suiunty to the intiured. I'h-t prcmiumns must be paid yearly half yearly, or i tie company nan n hum h periodically to the mim- ranceu of hie. 'Ihu 1 lllHr liUN'l.'ri appropriated in He. cember. UU. tha tlXOND UU.NUH In Deicmber. IeJ9, ",B.r.V: va "--roui.T. ici.aim 1113 lUUKI 11 ICri lieae additions arc made Hilhout reriuiring any '1 lie follow in g arc a lew example, from the lleeilti-r. ii 7 ,i ...... ,u iv- toiupany. rtinouiiiot feuryaiid r?unt Insured :ii)us 11)00 SQOO bonus to be inrrcasea Toliey No. fa 132 " 111!) ' TO " ic. ndililim IDoO Oil Hid (HI l."73 01) &.c. ny luture additions. SJ.3'T 51) t.KU 00 1,100 110 ic, ic. Vampelets, ceiltaillilli: table, of rn.e. itnd inl,n,ilA.. forms of application, and fuilhtr iuforiuatioii can be found at tlu olllce. THOMAS HIDCEIV.VV, Pretidcnt. Jho. I . J.ME8, Actuary, ., , , LEVI ' TATK. JlSent. r. O. lUtiaistiv, r.ramUl! Ph'jMian. October IU, lrW-ly. STOVE AND TIX-WARE SHOP. .fccT".1? nderigne.I would inform the citizens of ,nva j Ulooiiisburit and vicinity. Hut he basju.t re- iuxslh - ia iiiosi exten.ivu CS assortments of L'OOKINGand FANCY BTOVFS ctcr introduced nto this market. Tho Ghri.lophcr Co', lunibus, James Knlb ami Globe are ninonj the llr.t el... cooking: Stovcall of which aro airtiflil and aas bur.",. Ills 1'arlor . tote, are liaiid.omo and the assortment vac ned. Al.sO-l'artitular attention is paid to Tin"Var,, anu i iu.o Bpoutiue, upon ,hort notice. All kinds of , renairine uili lie dnm, u ,tl, n....t... ... , ' I IT Country produce taken iu cirhan,. for work C"' Boo..n,.,j.Oct.3.1i(,0. '"-"' . WO VCB. TIIUNKS ! TRUNKS I! rplin larsest, best handiom. 1 tut and cheapest assort nifnt of Solo leather solid KiveiBu i raveling Trunks. Siies' l!onitet A- DresM 7VuL -'bildrtiis Coaches, IVopf . 'iSviw , leather uud Carpi t Uags 'JC ? i'ackini Trunks Lc. if . h TIIO.MAEI 11' MllTcnvu IVIebratcd London I'tiio .Medal improved thect .an'nt aoli. .old leather Trunk manufactory, No. 403 Market atteoi. Boiith west rotitci Foutth JadIarlttt, rtiiUa'a. AU.un c r-3i tf. rf n j ten . Spencer M. Itlee, nlor, ".er-ue,ugrn . . Allen Sleele, NewYork nrercner ! II e Iter. Samuel NlchoU, li.l (lnejee Conference, . 1 . 1 ,' 2" rralt, )r-t. VI. t the Kev. John I- "''"'f0 ?!rlLS' Hart, Esq., fllca, H. Y.i the ll)n. Nrl IMw. Me" the Ion. Del Uller Oolflt, Smlhllelnl, Irel. I lhH; (V.; m llSl" '.s N. Y.i lle'wy !. .Cook, Kso. , Wllor of .all. C.Ll. ( .,..., nnlnmllllil. II HOI I IC IIUII. O.K13AT WORK ON THE HOUSE. The noise and His Diseass. bV 110DERT JENNINGS, Y.B. Professor oj Pathology and oyer attv Sur genj in (he Veterinary College of Phil adclphia ttc. etc, WILL r.. I'OtOf tho nrlglon, history and dlstlnetlni traits of the various breads of Luro pean, Asiatic, Altfican nnd American nurses, with the ptiyiical formation and tlio peculiarities of the animal auu no to ancenain uimr" uumher and condition tf his teeth ; Illustrated with numerous cxblaoato ry engratinss. The 11 irac and his Dncates WILL TIL I'OtOf llrcedlnp, Hreaking, stablinR feod Inf, grooiniiif, shoelnif, and the fen eral manngt ment of the horse, nith the best modes of administering med cine, alio, how to treat biting, kick. I nn, rearing, h)ing, stumblinf, crib Mtlujr, Itcstlessneis, and other vifl lonhislilio Is subject; with numer ous ciplanatory tngrrvingt. The Hone ami his Uiicuses Wilt 1KEL I'OPOftlic causes, spmptoms, ani Treat ment ufHtranslcs, Sore Throat, Pis temper. Catarrh. Influenza, I'ronrhit tin.l'neuinnniii, I'lcurisy.tiroken Wind Chronic Cough. Roaring and U'blstlinc I.aiunoi.Poro MDUthand Ulcers. and Dccajed Teeth, with other diseass of the Mouth and Respiratory Organ. The Hone aud his JJscasrs WILL TFJ.L YOU Of theenuscs symptoms. and Tnat mf nt of Worms, Hots. Colic, r-'tritig'j latiuu, Stony concr lions, Ruptures, I'ntsy, IHnrrhcea, Jnunttlce, Ilcpitir rhixa. Illoody Urine.Htoncs inthe Kli neysaml IMadder, Inflamatlnn, and other diseases of the Stomach. Ilowi els, Licrand Urinary Organs. The Hone ud his fhscases triLL TELL YOY Of the oamcs, rymptoms, and troal mnt of Hone, Iliood and Itog, Fparin, Ring Ihme, Sneenle, Strain, Urckon Knees, MnJ Uails, Founder, Sole Urui") and Grnvcl, Cranked Hoofd, Scratchf, Canker. Thrush, and Corns also, of Megrim, Vertigo, Epllepiy, Htnpgcru, nnd other diseases of lb fett Legs and Head. The Hone and his Diseases WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Trat. ment i.f Fi - tula, rollLtil, Glanders, Tarry, Scarlet Fever, . angc, fturiott Lo'keJ Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the K)e and Hi art, Ste., ice and how to managn f'atra. tiou, itlesding, Trvphinnlug, Rowe'. ling; Firing, Hernia, AmpuutWn.trapi ping, and other surgical opeiatfont The H'ifse and Ui& Diseases WILL TELL YOU Of nerey's Method of tamin-Horses how to approach. Ha'ter, cr tnblo a Colt, how to nc uitom a hcfa tt strange soun-Js and iphts, and how to it. Sad la 111 jf. and i rcak him to Hnrness; alsnth? form anl law of WAMiuNrY, TlKu.-ie being the re mit t f u.ore tinn fifteen years' careful Btn ly ofih-hjIHti. pecuirarltias.waDU nnd wenhnvis of this noble and usuful nniiii.il The bftok eontain" 3t -tinges, anpropi.-te'y ilfustrit4 by ncHrty One Ilunir") Enrrivli'ks. ItU prinud In u clear ana open xyp-.R..u iYi,in?iuriiiin?a m any aeoreis pontage pal 1. on receipt of price, hnif hound , 81,00, vt ,ia rioin, eiira. 91.. $1000 t CD f,tl mad. enttrpii- 1:1c 'ii 11 cr' here, in scllins; the abore nnd other popular work of ours. Our inducemants to all au.h utJ aclnlft tib'-rai. Kor fin sl eonlet of lh9 took. or f u tfrmi to BTCCts with other information, apply to or addr -ss No. CI? Sai'som street, Fhiladclphti. Tt. Nov 17, lECO-Cm. It AYHOND'S PVIENT SEW IV G SJ A t IH I IV E I I'-iTCYrilD .tlAUM 9, 1 S3. PRICE $10 EA .. t EPSHS. ZUTTIN'SIER c llOillNS.of EInomsburs, ll hail il, tiiinliused tlie ex iuklt. rtiht cf the above nluniilo I.Mi-novfco .'ii.ap Tatlm dw.NU .Macuiiic, for tlucouiity of Columbia, will bu luppy to supply tboir iriiniii. iviin mis artKiu lor uu ai,u..iinojuiion iu incm stl.e. and tauiilies. 'Tlw lollowiii; are .oiuc of tha .u lienor adiautiigc. this iiupleni'-ul possessj. over any eir )"el oller'-d to the publii-. Vir. : 1. it .- Iront IM 10 iO'J stiuii:. per minute, thu savin? both time nuJ labor in thu operation. lis roniirui lloii la no plant utu Hiinpie, wun any. hill" tUe fair iis.il-c. it is easy Kent in urucr and v, u iveintlru HatUta, tlon. o. uu-111 1113 most t aiuaoi- icaiur.-. oi loin utimnn, is the ttiiiulliiets an J til.! . u.upa' toes ot it. met haul, n 4. J.i iiii.'-llin-nti niuf.11111 s.areanvny. iiii.i'aittoniau ige, uu lVny unhandy in thr;a..lng, hat thin Mai bins is enrier threaded than uV'Mi a oniniuii neeuK'. j It inn be utt.itli.'tl tu a bnara, tabe or stand, in op crdiTiigordfr, mid deta lied iu Kbri than half a minute, t. It gr-'aily eionoiiiiob Uu thread, and jet, products a scum, Buthc iently olrong for any work far whnh it is dbtinsd, u ijualihiatiou nut known tu othjr stwmg Ma chiiu-s, 7. No human hand is capable in producing a scam so regular uud Bjsti'iiiHtie, tf. Among ttie arrjy of I'atent Sewing Varhiucs, there are none to 1 h.np an I (!umM as Ka hosd's I'ati nt, but nu Mathiuu is aua;'t;ltoall tads of work aseiperiimo has pr(v uu. :i. The opt-ratnr ran uh.ip nisi ruom, Jutt as lu pi eat- f, waves, Ijaves and flowers, itc, u.i II rprioivutej or imitated, IU. It is particularly a .apte t all ki.iJs of stitching nurli us guiitUmeii's bbirtx, bosom. riMband, rollsrs, etc., nn J all binds of i,j.itcs' su.viug i.i-luJinp silhs. law ns, delaines, caii oes, it., exr iptiut; far men's htsry wear, this Machine is r.Ular too light 1 1 onstruclion. 11. IiUt all tlm for.'i'nimr H.lt nut.iL'fft. llifttifh runl in thcuiseUus, dwindlo into iiisigiiitkumu, whenceinparo'l iui me preservation ot iiealth, being a Hing of bom labor and eyeiRht, and lueaiha operatorwitho.it rtoop. trig, nnd is enabled to pvilurm his work, iKCupUnsanti turol position. Hy Tor rale- by the undersigned, at their respective residents, iu lilooii.ebnrg, who will put tho macbitu ta operation and give all necessar instrm tion. IIENltV ZUITINOCK, DANIEL W. UOUBINd. Iiloomsburg. May 12, ItXO. A GKICULTUKAL & SEED WAKE- PASCHALL MOR hlS, imiMi r cloven the PHIL A DEI.P11U A u HICUL Tlf RAL J- bEL'li II AliEtlOl'SE, From the North Eat '.'o.ncr rt Sivenlb aii'l .Mjrko Htrcetsto his :,i' STAND, No. UJO MAUKETaT orrc-.m the FAnr.iEtcs' mabset OITera for sale, a, heretofore, at reasonable prices.cv.rr description of Improved Agricultural nnd Hoiticiiltural Iainlemirts, Warranted 1'rerh and ticiiuine I'leld, Garden and l lovr er Seeds. In great arieiy. Al.o, No. 1 Peruvian Oov crmm-nt (luano, and nlli, r rc liable I'trtl'iicrs tor (Irasa and Cram Crops, Fruit and Oruanieiita, Tret, and bhiub bery, choice Evergreen, Iloees, Dahlias, ic K7" He solicit, a continuance of fi rmer custom. Implement, Seed, and N'urs.-rv Catalogues, fuml.hed on apjiticatiun. PASCHAI.I, JIOREIS. Agricultural and Feed War. hou.e. No. 1120 Market Ptrect, opposite tin Formers' Market. January YJ, ItXl. NEWOAIiUIAUE E8TAHLISILMENT w aiooMsnvita. lit the .Vtie Brick Three H.ry Carrige Factory, en A'ela abcloio Market. 'III. subsrrib-r would respectlully announce U Bio public, that lie has commenced tlm OA till At, I-. WAGON .MAKING SINFH3 n an it. tanou, branches. He is orrpared to ei.cuta 11 order, and ha. on hand at nr a. lit an assortment f rini.hed work ulilelh nurrh...... utn e.na , kv io ean auu txaj.in ut tjtirii-n Will be dona in th) most crn.nt an.1 rari-rnt m..... and upon terui. which cannot f.il to .i. aatibfaetio.. AtYllKlUUJ. A. W1L60.V. llloointburr. April 2h. It Ji. Good Shoclug mm .tlunp SiaJlliing. q'lin iindetsisncd thankfull for paitpatrnnii., respect. 1 fully informs hi. friend, and the public fa leuwaf hat he .till continues the 8MITIMMJ nUMNK-SS. At the Old stand, on tho hill, above tho Kail Bead, rn all its tarinus hraachra, at low prices, and oa an n!arf.4 scale, and solicits tho public palronaee. ,, , , , STl-rUCN RK3CR Dlooaisburf, June S, 1US- l'RKD'K UltOWN, JR., CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, CO.VTl.YENT.It. HOTEL,'' Mnlli aud tbi-sttiut Mrfcls, orrostTK tqb "oik.ro hocie." cy .i.vr.nicji.v. Fitrjvir. AVo'llwuMJ'iys ciiejiicjius .1.YD vituas. Toilet Articles. Lubln'., CourIry'i.llalcy'i.tc., ie.. it, rcrfumcrf Soap,, Sathels, Toilet iowder. and Cosmetics. I. IV l)kL'ulxoae,oftlieb.f diniller. II. sr E-iousii Tooth lltiwri, of all .Ireland style, JEvrifKMuf i'ootii W.mu of approved kinds. Iiiu i;omu Hun Uat-suu, t'o.ie.of all kind., lluiruio, India r.ubber, ic, ic. lojur.Es niTB lUiR-Lubtu-s, (.oudray's aud t'liet ir i r IVKIlM.'.n.. Mau; J'taa Com Cooa Waim from ivtclaiit Tounnin,. Hock lan Sana ith .! jice St rup.. HIBH'K imoWN. J. . . ... B- u Co'- ''J Chciinui St.. Aucun 4, 1600 lSui. CP ALBINO'S Celebrated Preparea K2n, ifor ,,le ' Tr Hnrtlcj' cheap uab Stoic Mam Ettcct.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers