COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Corrupt Legislation. The Sunburv & Erie III. II. Ca.. Wvi. , , ' ..." agun boon before tho State Legislature. c. n. imooKWAY, local hdhoh. i ' SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 21. 'ctl in their designs. It has been satisfactorily ' 1 ' demonstrajeil that no State Legislature can gar On Wednesday last, the University withstand tho comiDtinir influence of mon. at IsCWlsuurg uijvuuu iiguiuj u.ivi u tain- tion of three weeks. Horace Greeley was xpectcd to lecture in tho evening. tijy" Tho great breach of promise ease in St. Louis, has resulted in favor of Jlr. Henry Show, ko Miss Eflio Carstang gets no tol'vl lortifort for her broken heart. ey, and that is the influence that frauds lent corporations generally bring to bear. On the evening of the 15th of April, 1859, the bill for tho talo of the public canals to the Sunbury k Erio 11. It. Co., came up in the Senate, on its final passage. Welch, tho Speaker, was hick, and Cress well was in the chair. Wllkins made a County Superintendent. It is a good sign to fee so many good names suggested as candidates for tho County Supcrintondency of common schools Among them is the namo of a gentleman, a good scholar, an old and successful tcaclfer, of high character and unobtrusive manners, whose time could be wholly dc voted to the duties of his olHcc. To tboo who know JEUEMIAII J. 21 (Campaign paper. .11 NciuSVbucrtiscmcnts, TltJEASLKIvK'S SAliE UNSEATED LANDS. A GHEE ABLY to tho provisions of an Act or Ariomblv. entitled in Act direr tin the morle of idling Unseated Landi fortaxri, and for other Tlltl CAMPAIGN IrST The gentlemen appointed to review speech in favor of the bill; Tumcy, Mill Third Street have reported in favor of : Wright and Buckalew against it, but in DISSOLUTION NOTICE. TUT, Tattntrlhip heretofore Mining between the un dersigned, engaged In Mcreantilo buvliicia at Kspy, unner w iirin oi sanies ivrsier at t,o nas been dlssoiv jd by mutual cnnimt. Tho books milt ba lift In the purpose, passed the lSlh dsy or March, MS, and the hands of Fooler fc rrcvelini who will eonllnue the furthef lunDenienH thereto, mticd In. 13th da i,r business al the uld stand. ,...,. ..March, lri. ustli day t,f March, leJl.and Hh day of 11 l??r. p?TE?i. 'March, liH", the Tfeaiuraof the county of Columbia. a. .-nor. .;.,.'.,;:. . U.rt iicnby lvee notice to an persona eouct-riieumereln.thlt n . . . . AI.1KEO CIltVLLUNO, unless the County, Hoad, School, and State Taxes due on Pa April HI. IjCO-Jt. ,. flowlng; tracts of Unseated Lands, situate In Co. A lit I M I OTir A 'ln ma vni'inu lumMa county, are paid before the day 01 sale, tho nnola .,. ... ' y ss nyiiuii or sjcii parts oreacn tract as win pay me taxes and costs VAl lUrensnl . cliameable thereon, will be sold at the COUHT IIOUBK. . . " 1 In llloomsbure, county rf Columbia, on the lllh dav of " " "now."rAUJ.',.fi..l I.- .vX' &U of Wilham i imu n an, notlilllg ncctl be said in regard Wj I I 11 Ml II M I' III HI 1 11 I TZa Administration on tho i:.i.u. of Willum ,. i The ' TMonday and to be onllifued 1 , ... i i , 'V'V v 4 w a- 1U Hhtlh, late of I nhuipcrt ek towrmljfp, Co uinbia hv iuilr..iriih.i.nt from lat lo dav. for ar rntnin i.r ta-- to his competency It IS conceded and I county. dccea,,d. h, hoe'n e,,nt.d by thf Uc,,., of SSe'silS couMy .,ntlo.l accrued on".?h ,1Vc' i . iii i ' Columbia county, to the underilened, residing in Flu i. a,.r-iivnitf WO aro Slirc no Wiser choiCQ COUld bo lliado UEVOrFA) TO TUE.iDtVO.1Cr (IF Tim ELKaTlOX interred township, all persons havlngilaims ajjaintt ,,, "I'lCltvciy, KxTo.v TOWNSHIP for this verv resnonsihle office. I u' "'-t' , 1.1Z. VT W'"" '!''"""""' " "'A' I'JtO I50VO PCIRLICO Tut eomlns Gubernatorial nnd IVsldential Llcelion, dined lo make pamint forthwith. ' John 1. Karns. will be the most important of all our dictions. In the prlj 2( ,Hr0 , tri S""1 "'rusitc ihr UeMocTic Ptv. irur to its old ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC CITY. The landmarks and to Its present hlth duty, plants itself on i 1 vain did thev confuto the arrjiii.KiiU of tl.n "cw eitJ' of Harrisburg held her first elee- principles, which are essential to a mal t -tain uiu mey coinuiu mo argumcms 01 liie ' o Cowtitoiio and the preservation of opposition, as the lint had gone forth and "on lor Mayor, LouiiciJincn. Ac., on Iti- m i,ave to encounter Know.nothlngi.. l.i. o... t. t i ni. c- dav. the 13lh int.. when Mr. Wm. II. Ilcanlim. and all their allies, in their widening it to 33 feet, lleport says that wero awarded to Mrs. ltrikfin. 1 ouposition, as the lint had none forth and uu" ,or uaior) ouutmnin. iu, on in- win ,ave to encounter, lilack Kepub. dim., ri is....- rnn,. ....i .1. ''il.n ,.! 1, l.i...,.l Tl. C. ..!- UUV, tho 1 3 til illt., when Mr. W.M. II. Ilcanlim. and all their allies, in their must deiprata C.j, ciibuh v. swriun, cuu, aim .urs- ' uuu t-'' .. T1 , . , moods. They will assail tho Democratic Chush. with Smith, 810. wa prolonged until one 0 Clock 111 the "'"""""'I '"yui, evt,y wc,ponof political warfare; by misrepresentation, , I morning, when byjho action ear A cc tyjatr, causing cnuiing arrt- vious nucstton" the bill was tatmns, took place in town last Saturday. I great (ca. of cxcitumcIlt Wc refer to the riiow-storm which lasted . a pcrs0I1!,i rccontrc came near twonr turcc nours. un me succecuing .between Gregg and Tumcy uay in air wuj so cooi tiuu water irozc ar. noon in the shade. NhV WAUON SHOP. malnieiianeo of tho Main Mrfrt nunc the tnrlc.i Ilnul the Umoi. It rpllF, undrreigned, hains removed from l:sp)town to . lilack Itenub- ' llloomsliiirif, r speclfully Infcrms his friends and riitoiuers. hf lias opened ii new shop, on Main Str'rt. r.looin.birg, above Iho Torks Uutil, where he win cunuuet m WAGON MAKING Ii US IN ESS, r ,i ,i. UV ntlOUt 1JU maiorliy OVCr VJOI. I'HEUElt- falsehood, and plausablo accllonal appeal. Buchasaults m nil us various ui parlments, and on a more extensive . " iliiam iierrin, 011110 Prel.... ,r . ... .t . , i. ... ,., . 1 mu.t be renelled nd one of the most successful means scalj tl,,,i h;-r. lf,e. J aim t Itoat, rushed throunh. I lv 1,,AS 1,10 "epu.ii.cau canumaie. . . .... , . .,,,.,,,, Df .no . , . ' ; 'r n;. i-uiv e.. uwwff an, , - ., nrnfuilml iuA ' 1 liC Whole TCSUlt 13 a uloriOUS Victory, tho the wide circulation of Democratic Journal. In order wlf nrmt. Also-HorriK and Farm Wiilkl-Oarrohi, 't Vt-hc, ilfCcand, prcMint.u, aim ...... J . . ,., . .... i..,,, ,,., mailc to urJ'-r. (Jenirc Noyur, tahiDK Place ' CD lrC "e!noww t,t:kCt ?an8 elcC- ' II KMO U AT, at so Iow a nrS.V'VrW-"..!;!":!,';',"'1-'11 ""V- : V'iY'li'aVr"- ItiT The election of tho 13th ult., in this place for Justice of the Peace, resulted in iti r.U. Jr.. nf Tiinum .1 AfniinTU V.v. .rything went off so quietly, and so little calll.ns J" "PjT 'lu excitemrnt was here did not kuo Tho whole I I which strikingly indicates tho rapid price as will brms It within Hie reach of eviry Demo- matter was controlled in tho lcl.hv ,,,1 1 decay of Black ltcpublicaiiism in the inte- ,nc voter. And e respectfully sujse.t to tho-o who iiuutr was couiroilLU 111 tuo lobbj, aud . . n ,, sinipntluto with tho only National rriTy, n coopers- from that point orders were issued to the ' llr 0 U1 Koystono Commonwealth. tionftHhusingiviiiithissiieitaiicxunsivecirciiation. .n.l,..,u .... ...i !. I We hail THE NW DEMOCRATIC CITY OF The National and Btale Nominees, shall receive our ",v lu ""I " wai . , , , , warm and ardent ispvtl forllulr triumphant election, Hlooinaburg. April 21. lar -fun. 1'".l-' -n, , li,n s, r.ll Vnuns. Jmlnli(rarcr. UrurH 11. llvss. I Rebecca Vanderstice, DEAVERi Columbia Coal Sc. Iron Co. do do do do I do do do do i Andr-w Clark, Isaac Dat Is, i do do I flo!,, tt DeL I. Ik-njauiiii r. Fritki BltlAECBEEK, JACOll S. EVANS. S .MA UP AY & 00., HORTICULTURISTS, WMiriM an, OarJrn at r.tiir Sun IVInrc, FAia.. STOUK, M). TU I MAI1KUT HTI1KCT, OLinitl ElttMII ivo I.iiiUTII. rlolTII HlOC. ' II iniiiciiini -tl 1 11 warm and ardent suppiirt rorlliilr iriumpnant election. a mortifying fact to nee one or two rwttitVin-. "'"'"SiitRU witii encsrs, and long may ... . .. , tr,h!1,V ....tain, to in- utmost of our rrnr thrnimli I l,ti , i-,.lu . . , !,. (. v . , ' the Democratic banner Wave Over herns humble abilities, the candidates of Columbia county, and A VKUYIaree and ixtenslv,. stock of gcr.s,lYr0Mo IVsrii irramnsm tit Saiutt. , . ,. ,,. f , m ihn neutral f ''ll ""d Fruit Trees. Kvenrjens. I oCi!, .1.. tlto Uitpitol ol a great and power ul Dem-, " . 1 , ' . .h ..,,...,,., ... '"" s-'?'. cuuisated ami for sal CatlOII, tllUS pre . ' 'Election. In short the paper will go for "tf Union, (As and IIlUiI, at r.-duced prices. All ocratio uominonwcaiin. William Ash. Joseph Ulank, Sen,, Jesse tlow man, W. J.T. Clem. Itrv. Oliver Ede, J.imes ttans, Philip Frcas, John Fr.-as' Estate, nilk...! S'.iwl.r. ' Cl..l- n- . ' . . ' ., . " .juanc yn.n. - Anurw rrJai, , Hoses, Plants. I tnlm tr.lrhner. Dip. U' I ... ...lured nrie... All i. ... I .... n..M. and It.!Utioi.." tend'-d to. I'atalnirues on nnnli.nlUn '11...I ....! I " , ... ... : ::r' .7 uu .u - ' Tie MCAMrloN D1.M0CRAT will be puoiisned sern "....uki.u a can, 1 unis, irees, . 1 , ... , . , , t fcc. pacscJ to earry any distance. A V.tni VniiTitv-p -Monthsatllse, for the serl.-s, to a siuslo sub- The Klsini Sn Fminl, nn.l i-..hik o... gram, llamlall, llrewor, Schell and Steele, and I.v.icirv a Good Estate," ' as S, "Wig"""""""' " ' were 1110 j;cmoerats who voted lor the bill 1 proven uy the multitude wuo posau-s a , c,.nt discount from this price 1 to eluhs of twenty, at!.i l'l,,,rl, t I. .till !n I and tlioir l.i- l.i,- ,.,t.;i.,,. 1 combination ol both the former and latter twenty-five per rent discount. Tho first number is is- . . , ... . 1 . , , ., Oliallties. and have and are lliakill" fair sued M-day, and will bo rontinued, on each Saturday, I,, progress. This denomination, in conjue- shows 111 what light they considered . throu.-h the c-ercise of them until tho close of the iv.i lemiM Eienion. .: .1... :.. t.l, :,. Ul.nli- qniln. !..... c. .. .. . . ' imn.rni. will ere.itlvald this undertaking bv for- nun mm me uiuvia lu imi 1IH.V.U ci " W IllCll lOl tUllOS thOy ClirClUlly !l0Ullillf oiiiing a lmalthy inllucnce on the morals of Thoy betrayed the confidence reposed in ing in any speculation, but adopt 1'rank- them by giving uuuy tho works from ' maxim " make small gains, thereby as manifested; il,t number, Ml discussion of the ration and ; Z juow of the election. SW'S mWuS- Strnub, In-j rnu0Ai.iTY I Bair Tho protracted meeting, in the the uoonle. and we hone the time is not far distant, when this place will be entirely 1 which Pennsylvania derived her roveuuo. ' '"'V Kreilt losses,'1 and accordingly deposit reclaimed from the vice aud immorality as was satisfactorily proved by the Audi-, "', v ""in'S . '"p l l;,lllk'il' S,aV"S , . , I ,. 1. 1. , , 1 I'lind No. 1.J0 fcoutli tourth btrect, below in whioh it has been ,o long Btceped. , tor Oencral s Kupoit. 1 hey exchanged a ClieMiut, Philadelphia, at five per cent. T. , . ' , certain revenue for .1 ui-ionary one, as the iuturcst, where it can be withdrawn at SSy-Iua recent visit to Light btrect experience of two ears has proved. At'"v without notice This Saving and Orangcville, wo had occasion to re- le timi, rjf thlJ ti, c . Pund never Mispendcd. See advertuc- tnark the improved appearance of tliora bankrupt, and though th,y had only com nt in auotlwr column, twogrowi,,. villages. Though pome dis- ..... . ... ron,,.'vt ,,,,, a . .,...-,7... t... .1. . ' --7 j' 1 'ii!oytiu. nil" iiuimiiuiiuii v$ iuu mortgage of 1 ,(100,0111) upon it. and not a Democratic State Convention of Mr. ( Democrats will greatly aid this undcrtaklnj by for warding to us promptly, as many names as tbey can for tin! Campaiuk Democrat. In all rases orders must b,i accompanied by the risu. LEVI I,. TATE. r.looni.bJrs. April 31. 1SC0. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS, APRI1. 21, 1850. tance from the rail-road and canal, yet they do conniderable butincssand the streets aro filled with vehicles of all descriptions. V strangor would do well to usit .some of the "couutry towns in Columbia county, if he wishes to gain a true idea of the man ners and customs of the people. cent in their coders. iniitNi; P. .Iacksox for Governor of Mis- Wheat llye Cum Oats WhitoHeans. Buckwheat. . Hams , 1 23 , . .76 .. 08 .. 37 .1 00 , . .30 ,. 125 Shoulder. . Butter.... Kgrjs Tallow. . . . Lard Potatoes., . ...18 ,..10 ...12 ...10 , . 37 Pried Apples. 1 AO CillKAT KXOITKMKNT FltESU A R Hi VA L S or vw p. tininwm i it h ' a .11 11 11 e ir 1 AT IMILLER'S STORE. 'l'lir. subscriber bas just returned from the city with X another large and select assortment of Sl'HIN'C .t SUM M Ult OOOD3, purthpi)in I'lntadf Iphlaat thc.lowi-tt fieure. and which he ii lo kill on o iiin.U'rntf ttrniH as ran bp jirocurtU tlm-wlK-rc in Illoomsburg, His stock coHgiiti I.ADIK BWKSS GOODS, Choicest stjles and Intent fishinn. Dry Goads, Oroctritt, llardirart, Qutentvart.Ctdar Wart lhtloic Hare, Iron. .Vaili, IJoolt and 5to.l, Halt and Capi, c c. In short cvertliin? u.uallv kept in country Stores t. wliirh he lnitei. tha public generally. Zy The llighe.t Trice paid for country produce 1 , . STRI'IICN II. MILLER nlopiushurg. April 21, l59.y. They represented the canals as utteily ' rouri, is receied with much satisfaction by , SP1CIAIj iNU'LlCKS. worthies, yet magiia-iimuiisti offered to th'i.-e holders of the State bonds who are ' - relievo the State of them. Again, llmsc familiar with his antecedents. Mr. Jack- ' M(.dal at W'0I1. ,V,r1"Lon,'ion 'l-:!. forTUCNKti. ,..,. u by 'K ' canals could have been rold for double tho hos has long taken an active part in the carcet iiacs,, shoes and Gums, unat induce- IN ,he .siocoridirgor7hei"oniJbu"riV'nTomp5ny 1 n.,,i..i . it 1 :.. it ..t:.... r .t. c... 1 B..i.irjiiiiiiip,lii..;i. . si, ...... 1..1-1. u.m ill jiui.oj 111 iiiu utap;, nun at pic- cc -, mUf, , Ursc,t fe of trk,, Carpet jia?" In tho country, if a man has prop- the bargain, rcnpoiisiblr) purchasers. ent lills the office of Bank Coiumisuoner. iias. Vniices,ic., in I'tniad. ipiua wry cheap for cash srle of U ,ori, ... tn I if...:.:... ... . III., lo nnn f .1,,, , ,......:.. So. 40J Market Strw-t, on., door ril.ove 4th. ulA siis. ... ... .. u..i ...... j vAu.i.,... . j.m u i-, iiuiros to iii.-cn-s tins iiurstiun, - i......i...wui ...t., n. h..;;f ..n.n it . 1...I .l. I i , . ., , , ... l.l. U.. r !..,.! ..t.:i: ,l IJ I He lleatens wtrj ilhimnialeu outio- eienins . m.. U..V.M.V, in me lonn, ami as long as 1110 pCOplO CIO net elect men ' ""il " i"ui ui m il ivt'i -i 'Jin ij unu ui Aucust I will bi held at Irondate. Columbia tutinlv. on 'Jhtfs Me 10 day nj May next, f"r Hit; pJrpo- of tltctingDirfctors.Rnt. for the traniac tton of oiht-r btib.ncsn. t , JOSEPH PAXTOV. April . 1-i'rft. Pres't. . 1.V). hv ih moit Miilpinliil Aurora Iioreali on tho contrary, lie gi ts carclcts, even to work 'for tho good ot' the Statu intcAd of high character, and whoso firtt conidora- t-er hhi miha cniturv. itays.f tn tuioriisiituflaih. whcn he knows that his property is subject , the good of the pocket, they must expect tlou will bo the maintenance of the credit J' ZtZ to daily inspection by strangers. What not only mismanagement, but corruption. ' an'l eliaractcr of the .State. he fancied h coui.i tho sp.irkiing form them- , selves into lh; follow lui words: "liuynll ourRariiiciilr- -Steuben Jeuk- 01 "' l,n '''"'hios Han of iiuckiiill .t Wiuuk. 0d. tlj lino 10.1 cue. Iliitl sir-.l. auove -iiu. .iiuaoa An Or.i) Tomaiiawk.- Ilirell.VIIlid LTU.V MHV ClOfAISU t7.AK, It'tller of l.i s nut full-iw n the luaten opinion will a stranger have of a town when A pliant I.cgMaturo will next absolve the I,,. En., ii... nil... .a .l , .. .. 1 1 f. I. .1 ....... " . , , v-i ...i.cuggu,. company aitugciner, nnoiiMi me tonnage ' hl K ha, oM .Kl0Ml Tomahawk, ifJ-l'iiihiwlu.1! up with hcapot manure, ashes, and rem- tax, collateral inheritance tax, An.,- unleas I plowed up on the Hats near lilooiiisbur", Nl:u' ''"0' AN" minis of .till w.nmnjninl 1 S I ...! ...l... .1 .. I.... 1. : . .. t ... .1... .. . .!... l nilSCU'l.V.-'- Winn IIailI tj-" . .iiu pi.-vjiii; mar..; inaui.-iuu siiL&L- vci v Jiuillts ' law nu.iaun. Alia ij.iiuni.L- Willi a iiuiiuuu K.eirlh and oi our alleys are disgustingly nitlily, anil at their elections. B. neati.m snap.i tiiesegnit-nt ol a circle, mueti trafk. . are sit.Ml.-d that ih.-oni, way t-bmld up no doubt thu object of inanv in trviutr to rusti-il, and rather light wu bhoulu think and ke, p a iire butiueas n iiiaoo,isdicap nndcive set the streets widencl, is to bare more ' An Encouraging Boginning. lor-u w7 Pnworfl 11 "ul. bo . , .. ., . , aA.u-uui.uuAuo.iig Asuijiiiuiuf,' ciinoiis to know whut smith forced it a room to deposit their .,,e,. , Tho Npw Jm( () wMmy ngQ r lollgBr 3-0n our ocean otoamers. it is custo- furnishes the follouihg fummary of tho JHe above i-cut from the .Vr-fl,v o-Mc nisriMnesrl,si.l H,,....l ulLi. r.....,. neniocratie virtoriov n..l.!r.v...l i.,n.. .l,o VVit'., Wilkcsbarrc. We umlerttand that ..j vivtiistsit un HJ H'UA lUt HUH. -aasv V HIV Estate of John A win soti) rlfifased, X OTICI. it livrrhy civi-n, that ..t-U'TB of Adminiiira I tiun on thr Cstat; of Jt'hn AndiTi'in, lite of Scutt iflwuunift, iniuc iwunty 1 1 uoiumtii.i, tiocenspil, havcb3Pn raTituil in Ham ik I II. Audcrion.nlio i rnnlins iu Csjiy tuw n, in Hi. (ail luuiiI . l horn nit piTns tn ktiteil t'i hind K9t.i! jn ti tunWf p.iyinviit, nn.I t uhom .ill pcrH'mp hstiim clsiimi are t prcs-nt thm jiroptrl) i SAMtEL It. ANOKRPOV. I , GREENWOOD. April ll i-tu-ft. Mmihutratvr. John Coanhovan iut. .Villi Police. djwj a. MiiiL-, to cwrnvm w.vw vm: public air.n.iLLYt tianwci c. io" IIAVU removt'il m tli-i Montour .M ils, and intend Jvumiau t. Henry Trugh, J Oil II ion. Ltiriiupiiv-r UnJr, Lewi UcitJer, CONVN'QHAM. Ebcnir I.ranhaia, ' tin do I Division A 1 d UV Miriln'ilrtJ, j do VS .Mary OsviJiuti, i'lliomu llariik, Hetijaniiii (Joomlte, John Vouni;, Ji'sliaa llemn, l,Kl Walkwr, , .Nalluniul llruwn, 1 I nl" raxton. Khtiv A. ShartUn. John Uuaton, IVtir Haujfuner, Uuorge Atliton, Ujllawn, Jufcpli Jordan, I'll Kb I.uttiiUt-4, William Miller, William Tutlcr, 1), ill Hi lief AC IVtcr duiith, an! 'i'uuifj Jotjn Whitma'i, J till n Warner, John Vo.iiik, lUUtiX Jonian, Andrew i'uricr,. Tlioiiui Kuiton, .Mar Kutt' t, Lwn WaUrr. Jobiuwn lie ail ry, Gcum) UicKham, Ihouius lliUrlutner. llilUluincr. William ilianiioii, Amotj Wicntrihato, FRANKLIN. Jcremiah.Fincher, Ejul, John Allenar. Wllliaui buckalew. Frcas Hodman. Daniel fowler, 'l'hoinas llutcliisun, J. X. 4. It. U. Jones, Mitha.l Lciuon, Uui J. Mcllenry. Kuuld Jiilluir). Geoige .MacH, James Taiss, V illU.u Robbins, Abraiu Vuutir. Aluuroe Merle, salisfartii'il t'i lUsl'Mn-rs rrtlelirn Mill ii'-t answer, and htlinbu U-is had ils dav, and we intin.l t keejunn a supply rf nnd fved on hand, and for I hews . immediately after leaviii" the wharf, beginning of the present month About a V'ar ago the officers of the Mose-s In Cowircliiur, with tho larger vote, Taylor found ueereted behind a coil of ever polled, tho Kepubliean majoiity has I rope, and without tho necesr-ary doeu-' 1,cen ""educed from 1 ,470 to 000 or COO. I meats, a gray headed old man and his n ic"e tstitntl, tho Iiepubliean party ! , ', .r,ii..iiM, a.M.juiiiruev i j I dor UtsClHilJll in the -MuthoJlst hpiCOpal be cl.orly d.-imuislrited. and they Mill not h. male to unaiion, Etateil, in-U Ilia trerc "ovinia L" " '". partial returns inuiciio ' v... v..i. cu-c u their mu.t urdial pjipinace. Th-masss ha p,..ds live per cm. iidvaiice up.jn ci-st. (no m-Te and n- liss uud no .inati'ni in iuarl"d itnei-s. Tlnssjstem will aust.iili lls-lf without 1'illlin;. Wc shall bil and b-t.l exclusivrl) t-tr eash Our asiottiiient f-.r men uni hots is ill- I imi st in riiiladilidn,! an t our nnces iiiurh tlli Tnillaliml'l: was presented to Mr.di'll- lower thin any other. Call at .mci and see lor yourself, kins, by W. Wiht, E.-q., who obtained ",h! WinrB iiaw-clotiiivg i-.vwar. pOS-CFSlOll of it EOOn after it Wa1. found. ' H. W. corner fourth and Maiiiit stl. Phlla. 0 ! for a fpeck of War I r.-bruary -a. isou. -k.,.. - Common lenae ruUr trn maps of thi p'opltf. whattr. 08- The slavery f.uevtiou wa still un- """,3mtd ;"' m ""'"i' "" J 1 Irt Iht! mnlrarv. Show them a fiod t urn! . let Its merits ilii'n uj ,,. .hi...,,., r... nui. i 1 Vnthaniel, s.-ll imr say to all those knuuim Ihelnsilvis ind.bled 1.1 me at Jul''.r , , ' HCMLOKCK. Ohio to visit thtir duii' liter ! Some heart- l"u election of Dixon, Deni., for Chi f Jua- les wags it eecnis had prevailed upon tJiem t'o of the Supremo Court, by a niajjrity to net on board tho r-teamcr. whii-li n. ofa.OUO. r.nnf,.r.Mif,. in BPSsinn at. Sow York, on eive it their mu.t u rdial palpmaije. T , , already ratified the judi;eiiient of a physician, roneiru- Sunday lat. llev. .lr. V, alceley said no n i1Ws of imsTi:ri"KR S iiutkuk, as may be Hie .1'iviJuci .Milts, Hint the, would confer a irreat favor u) canine .nui seuiiuj. up ns i am very ifedy and wisb to close the old Hooks i?jcallnnd s, c u, fit -nds, ai.d your lU.totn and cash will b.- thankfully r. ccive.1. W.M. BEERS. Montour Mills. April 14, 18C0. MASONRY, imiCIC I.AYO A- F'l.ASTERIN'O. TII tin lersuneil respectrullv inf-iruis the rinzens of IMooms'iuri:. .Hid the public hi in rallv . th it li-has located in Uliioinsliur?, nuil is pr.par.-d t tieciite all kliuls of .Mason Work, in short older and on r.a.ouable l. mis, - IlesiJenrc In Mr. llrnwer's house, on Iron Streit. nett door tu Ilrowar's frlore, where nil ordi rs i I his ling orii'i.liie.s will be thinkfully reci-ivid and r.iiHly at tended t- UODCRUV 11AV. Hluomsb'lrg, April II. 1-00 -111. Jacob Itarlinsn, LJeunis 1'nrs.l, Levi Wlijht. John Child'. Vauiah llee.s. Georje Bills. Abrahai. Illlltr. Kainu.l Sijhard. LOCCBT. bound to Aspinwall a distance of 'JUOO tnilei. Thoy were tent ashore with the pilot boal. rtfnrd. Democratic Mavor, tfi7. majority for jNKW Mll.l.INIillY (JtiuUS. S P RI X G A A O S U MM E R i5y- The recent Lieenso law, passed iu the Legislature, refers only to Philadelph ia, and not to the nbole State as ii stated W! tiPn nn snli.slavere mnn I-VIT UMlfin s ;vn in tile limn, n.i oualitlll-s of this mcdlc.ue that are " ill annually sold in ever; si-ilion of thcland. It is liovs he knew what slavery was, but when he ,.... a as creativ sun nir to ail otiicr rcmeiiies set .1.... .1.. .. .1... ...:.! .,.1 i... .l, of th.. diec.nve orirans. such as THn under.i-neil respeclfully iiiforuis tha ladies of saw, iiiu euuise ui iiiu aiiii-i.a v i y ----- --, " I Uloouisburi; and v Klnily, that .he has just r.-turned ..,; i. VI, diarrh.e.i, dysentery, dyspepsia, and for the various f- fr0i tkt eastern cm.-s vvilha splendid assortiHentof new Albany, X. Y. Democratic majority i , , , , mwi.miw.iii. J c,l to remove Ills COIllltcliailCe from them. . th; system, llonctter's name is rapidly bicnmms a ; for Jiayor, 000, -- , hous -hold world, from Maine to Teias, from the flmrca i Mary Myers. Daniel lUesi, Marv Uusluu. Cli,ulttu Huston, John R.- nobis. Willi,iinBay'r; John Uv'. rhurJ. Wnsht Hun J. Sl U. Ilue.ll William Mlll.r. Thoiuas llu.ton, Wil'ht- Uiwson llueh-s. Erastus llciider.het t Co.. Michael J. Groves, I'oitltnd. Me. Democratic rnaioritv, rv Tlin fie,, in rin .Trrnv ninn-i lias'" . ' J " i(ui.5ed. for .'layor, l''. bi-nii extinguished by the recent rains. DUid by an dr isjins m tii: world. Oii.ciiinuti, Ohio. Democratic tickit This conflagration has nroved an exten- i :?-Hcc adv. riisement in anoth-r column. in fome of our cotcmporarics. By tho J elected by 700 majority. I sivc one, and is supposed to have swept , UNI.l'0.1"r""' 1,'""" way, is it not Ftrange what a mania for .Vitwaukie, Wk Democratic Mayor over a surface of twenty miles in length, " 'jon"es tea. Ohaugu has seized Our law-lliakers? U'vV ..Wed bv 1 .055 mnioritV. Ln.l frnm Ilh In wMv.t in breadth, do- ! the Cresent One I'r.ce Clethins 6torr. Xo.500.Mar, ar reminded of the principles of Solon, Rome, .V. Y. Democratic ticket elect-. stroyiiv thousands of acres of pine timb.-r A.l t ... i,.i ........... i J .uu jiiui-uinii lawgiver, -111111 u is ueiier e,i i ii majority. to retain old laws, even though in some re- liroUavnt L. I. Uomocratic Super- poets ohjeclionablcthan to be always eager 1 v-lw t.estcrj 3U1 m:,jority. to change then for new ones, though pos-. ,Sii jau Min.-Kntire Democratic ibly mperior. Little or no conlidcuco ticket elected. aubc placed in the authority of laws, V,0.,.,?i, Democratic majority 1,1 12, which are incessantly altered, remodelled bc.-itloa 2,(iU7 votjs given to an i'ndepen and exchanged; acd those ones which tlcnt Democratic candidate, havo been "auctioned and established by I Trtnlon, X. J., and many other places, long usage, and under which tho citizens too unmerous to mention, have followed have. nR it tecir... l,oon in,l n,1.,,s.l . ... r. . . . .. . , .. .., ,. ULI, u, (no ,ame example. ii is ueginning oi inoi aro likely to be religiously observed." (Cn(, We do not oKiect to wholesomn reform.! but our Legislature seems desirous of tarn-' Ptlrgata tn Churl st.. learn that Urn V" lKMt !,u average ma- of tho delegates lo the '-m-V 01 ,u. ' ' "l-. MILLI.V h.llY (it mi US, compiipind rvirjthinp citimntnly funnel in a first claca Millinery bliop. Hit ttic of UoniHts, cannot bi' Iu-iil m tlun section ot country, mil wi vrk will f.i v or all) ci mi pari-' with tiny donu tin ude of the iitu-t), An.trrW VTUtltt lltiiiry & Jacob Uaaoian, 1 It. e. rnck. I iiauM t'i"1'1'' J.-run'ah r inchcr, jacub llutttr. Guoigii K,t Ichncr, (;irn l.ongaWrser, MAINE. U- Ins nn han. i a lut of ii.-nt mill li-idiliioiiif timincts. hati jctiua Wtblt, 3d. and raps, for little Mlsia, of alt itjlo and prices, , .MAUV IUUKLEV. Hamuel nh tbttrg April M. lt'O-rt. wiiluiii lt.-t.ra. ISIilCTIOi IJliriuihci'"' FOR COUNTY aUIUOlUNTEXDENT. 1 Jub MT. n.EAS.WT. 1 To the School District of Columbia County : ULMLEim in parmuiiie it ttio auction Thomas Aten, Thorna Atcii. Sin , John ''iii'i. Mirruv. . going to ChurWon, aud will avail them , selves of tlii-i arrauumcnt to viit their liomo, it is prohahlo that jenrcely a quorum, it so many, will ha left iu Wash ; ington to atcivl t.j the puhlitt hiiMius. uuv if Uii nioiiUi, at luciuiK in tiu au.riiuun. ana h Uil rtta lucr. b simijnrit) ul ihn wluik iimnbiir of In Kinney. l.rsiin .rittilcr. I..t,.r lilli-r. William .tentinier.. flcn , kct Hrett ebtnc Sixth, rhiladcl nlii.i. (n R-ldition M having th largct-t, mot anel anil 1 of ins Act ctli .Mj. Ifil, nu we h Tcli) nutitifil to j ' 'nnricl ! fashion ihlc htork i f notlimg in rhila-lcliihu, madv ex-'! m C,, at thu Court lluuw, in Ulwiuiburs, V,''" iiall . Kir n.,.nt. 'r.,k.....n n.t tent.m,.. nrnaJv t,,r r.f.llt !. I.ail. rMllsllt UU ll HffV OIIC lll I t . ' ' "l . ' V . .... . "T" 'T' ' "'v. ' hraill .Oltt .j.uiira Liu.iW.iM vu t . iiiiui- . -- - . A. ... . n- ..i own aalt'diiian, by having pnrkcil in fisun'a, on cadi borofthe Opposition will pair off 'itli artllIo ol thtt Vt.ry lmc.t prlce it can oi i for ,o th.y Democratic lUUIllhcrS of Congrc&i W'ho aro cannot pnaibly tary alt mun buy alike. j Thi are wtlUpongi:'! and prci'art-d, an I great I panu takfii Mtli tho itmkinj; t that all ran buy ivith ni iuii pciiins a gouu ar.icic ai uii very lowrKt priru, ANo.s a Iirpt1 fctock of piece RooJa in hand, of thv 1 itfi-t nllc ami he it qualities, which will bu made to ortlt r. in thu most faihionabU and butt nian tur, i5 ptr cent.. Mow credit prices. Reineinher t tics Crcrctnt, in Markit. above PuthSt.. I No. OUI. JONES .t CO. tic'isitri'iueiith and of ulull nnd' in thu art of j3'"'''.', hvuM.p' (t'.i i'IJ l ii I. a isumuy nuperiuiciiunii. ior uio iiiri-t: !(. r, . l ,sa' j ci-fdi il' iwra; deti riuiui! the amount of iotiipjn.itil(u i , , ..,,. for th kitnu , jud n rtny i'ii wuii lo iho Mali S.itK-r J'"lia nhi'uer, riiien, Demo'-u.vtic VlCTOUV IN Buvcrly. The.floi'tiou iu Jk'verly, N. J., on tho Oth hut,, results! iu the Miceess of the cn inttndcnt. at lUrruliart'. lUtll tleCUOlU Of Hdl'l iCt. WM. Ill'lttiUSri. ADplcyate, ,111 nnu, u r r. .1 hi tl. 'I tl. A not. ii I Thoi tlt'inlhilJi ! Thomas Utwa' nstat ! Public Notice lor J jicensos . i". k-tr,.. rise romify SuptrmlcnJent cf Columbia luaty. Mills ill'. April . th. IrAI-Jt, 33 9U Wl 3D 3 CS m AM lm 37i t!5 39 4Utl I'M 9 ISO lou 101 sou l'-l koo 11 io it 41 SO 33 HI 10 1 W 111 511 31 7 uo i;t 411 mo lDi) 3 1SJ i 30 lui 401. UII a 40o 130 III loo 3i) 3j4 331 3T0 aim 3au 310 1VJ 4 r.i 337 UtJ a.7 irj HI 3co 301 3M 100 3-1 354 3 1U0 40 to iS IU suo 110 WJ 'ii SS0 17 41 30 3 31 113 ii ts 24 SO luo liS 30 so ill 13 i II 111 30 i 816 It'll VI3 JM J 30 M 133 100 77 CO 123 33 10 30 17 II 14 33 ill 4 m 113 94 10 II 43 !!J UI CI !3 IS 23 10 Jl CO 10 Hi mu eo 47 SO luo 171 SOU Id NOTICi; is lu'ri-'by given that the fol- !jf';l11"c, Iovmui!'iiis in .oluiiil.ia cniint) . Imvc UK J ...'if"' .Vliar'nes. Jr . luiir n. Illiuii. in til- Court M luart.-rc m. ( tlm it.". KUASINGCUEEK. t nnilf. a nnmii.r nl th ilplrrrfiti- r., , .. . . : U riclccteil Mavor hv U'J rnaioritv over inaricstonuonvcution.siirtuairom riuia- .... pcring with t:veri' 'aw some wy. 2?" Children, though ccnerallydenomi-1 , , ,. ... , ...... r.. I Mr. Nichols, Omiosition . , , , . , ueiniua, on tt cuncsiiaj-iai, in tne ctcam ... ntctl tirsti, yet, arn agreeable ones, and , . T. ' . . . , I , specially to larent,, aunta aud grandfath- i UKone SUti Iroin eight Tho Ncw orU Trilmne u aured There i. much to he learned in their W ",M t T ' T" T " th L "ited ' S,'ai" ctmpany, and a close observer tvill notiee ' Wf V' 0,';Vl1 b( a M "'t, niotlatcd Uh t,,e auhU GonTa' thathey are not only phi.osophieal, but ? 'T V- $ m ' T " B,. qon. -..t,.n,..i.,i a i.,. tr,l' nclu,llnS hoarding and lodgmg clu-1 hitiicrto in ietue between tho two nations . "w ,," i ring ti t) bcsMon of the Convention, it is not tnd natural a theirs. lhe fo lotvini' oc-' .... ,i.. ci.f 1 . i- , , , . likely that many of the third rate or Pine (iirred not far from thw offieo. Mi. P., a knncw B, bo Qn ,h feeling unwell had lain down oarly m the hsve b(!ttcr luck at tho K ,om, evening. A illic, being about four years , Club MrcM(lo at ,h0 Continental Hotel, a oiu, rcitiseu l0go to ne.i unless tu. lamer f(!W :,,, ,;,,. ti,,, nf,..,,l.n,. --o ' i t ' v"v"l iirari.iC7ciQIlUu.oui,a.,..o.,c.i,.u.o.. Mm ,r minion, in til- Court M Uuart.-r Sca.i- llav.i hoiv boi-n l.fur i the yuMic titu yiars, atll have i tdllj fniitj, ir Tav. rn ami Mure- I.Krusn iti iIilis tv eviry v.ln-M koh uuMcricriiiioiu from tlwnun) ' .ii.-itu' ,.iiliin, wliicri sail ijtiti..ns will l.u pres. n who hati- usi-il tll.'iu. tiliiipU'. fr'-u Irmii intricacy. L-ihnicality. nr ilanficr. th'-y hast- bi-ci'int- Hie ri aily resource ana aid i,f tlm pa r.nt, travtlkr. nurse, it intali.l, ami lute ucioiuu the Itu-a U. Kckil. Isate l.iiiiis ill.',;e ll.-i.ts. Haiti. 1 l.nan, S.-n.. aro adjusted, and the uio-it amicable rela tions reestablished. . permitted him to carry tho lamp, and final jily, for his stubbornness, received a slight however, will bo on tho lookout, as it is Luther S. Dixon, the Union and Democratic candidate for Chief Jutice of Whcons-iu, has been elected by a largo majority over Judge Sloav, Iiepubliean. J...t.tntl faiml) pll)ician anil liuettieal nf thousanils "ii J ,,,1,-s .tlill. r. tul t.i tlK a.. l.t l-uurt mi -tlunils) . I lie .tll i!aj t M.i), A n ifi,i. nf hirli .ill tiersons int r-steil ill take nulice. ami Hie Licenses lur the enuiity i.f C.iluinlia, lll lie , , illci,iW, CrallUil "I ill""""). ay ui, lie... ai . ,,-;, clc-, heirs, nli.., ' tl,,..' HO. .Madison. BL'fiARLOAr. families. . vilure have tlie U-tn tried iMllinut has ing been appruteil, and th. ir lushest arcciation is ainonp tliu.u nlio hate Kmuuk th-ui Imisest anil most liitlinatel). N. 11. A full sctof Ht-MriiRits' llaMropninc Hi-t-itrus, tilth Hook of Iltrcrtioiis, ami tiventytlilfiri-nt Ilemedies, in laigu vials, inororco rase. f3 ; ilitto, in plain case, tl ; rase iif firteell liwxes, ami Uool., $. Hinfile boxes, US c litis anil SO cents. These Iteineilirs. by the sinnlc box or case, are sent by male or expre.s, free of iliaiue, to any ailtlrsss, on is ceipl of tlw pine. Address, n. r. iu, No. ol,-.' Uroadtsa) , ts Vorl Hold by 15. r. I.UT.,Al!int. hloo lishurg, I'a. JIOI KATri l.ll i; I'll.l.S.-Tlie.lnsli and cntiid c.l Al-iander Hushes. tito. V. Ilw.', Daniel 1'. It Volfroth, j ic, b fliHid, Johnson Linden. Wlllard I', tiriint, Jno. I'. UiiUnch, (iamilel .Mcllenry, Isaac Y.ttir, k' A. rlinith, 1 William H. Kowns, ! W. A. Kline. ' llaginbuch, Uam.l r.verhart, 1'itil Sihug. IU..,. Ii lloni'U. Jn.tiua Winner. , tllmr A. Jacob. riainnel Kailstanbauder, John Liaroca. punishment, lie went sullenly to bed, i oro than likely that pickpockets will be and then broke out, " I don't love that I among thu outsiders. Tho authorities of Jwan ono bit." Mrs. L .had hitherto feign- j tuat Southern city havo increased their on fiecp, nut now endeavored to awaken r r t t i 1 1 -remorse in the breast of her son, by allu. ' ?!ICC forCtl, nca,r. ' UninA ,UC" and ding to hi father's ill health, and the pos-' 11 18 moro tll!Ul 1,kcl' tIlcro nM be Boston, "'fibility of his death. Ills filenco was evi-' i'rk and Philadelphia detectives .dence to her of repentance, until ho broke ' present, to spot tho thieves. Tho Conven. uuv.uumma, it rapa stiouw tuo irouidu tl tion commences its sessions on next Mon- cbrll) winch Hiss lire-eiiiiiu-nt medicine lias acimreil for ii'jin.thcrs. its inrariabli; clhcacy in all diseases w Ills Ii it professes , Jolin 1.. Hurst, to cure, has rindered the u.ual practice of ostentatious I l.aac 1'alinHELr, piiHini; not only in, nei.e8.iry but unworthy of tliem. , ouh'iivassc'r, jou get another husband I" " Of course I not' biio. indignantly replied. U, do marry Unci John," pleaded tho hard "beortcdr JViUie, while Lis inothr gave up day. Wo shall annouuee tho name of the Democratic Nominco, for President of the United States, in the next f:uo of tho Co Tiny are knouti by their trulls, (;ihv1 uorks test!-1 franklin t.liui,iaD, fv ir ll, nml lh,-v ihrive iiol In- tho failll of she ered. Jo 111 Hnder, Oil IhclJ Inst., by llev r.Oearhirto'r list id Kims to! uoim. In all cases of co.liveness, ilysiepsl.i, billions ' !.'?'" J'.'rfr'v ; .T"".1, ft o!'"b" '",' I and liter afft.,.,u, piles, llieuuia.i.m, fever, t afues. ' TlJ'lo:!h obstinate headaches, and a Senera. derailment, cf Jacob KistKr, M akiiarst 1.. daughter of 31 aj. J, U. duiilll of.Murtland health, these 1'ills have Invariably proven a attain and fl n. n . 1 11 -s nb ol d l.ycoiiiinslo. I'a. speedy remedy. A sinjlc tnalwill placo tire Llfj i'iIIs Johii Orovcr, ' On i tho 3d of February la.t, by the Rev William J-Eyer, beyond the reach of competition in tat estlmati.a of Frederick Nicely, Mr. Josimll. Cunit., of Uashinsloiuillc, .Montour co. ,..,,,.., William Long, .,i ,.ii.s nan. y ..LKseosKoi uiniestono lovsnsnip, .siod- ' ' Jwhn J. sttlcs.( Ml. -IUU.I, luiil. utlKl, n,u utVUBSuof S W8 1 H mjlOO INjll, ficari us in all raicsof nervous dtbility, dyspepsia, head Jacob '"Se'' tnuriouiity. I'a. Onllu ISlli insl., I.y the same, Mr. Chins. Ksnon, and Miss asRiuTsruiK, all ofCattawissa, I'a. DIED. Hicbird Vluuwr, , J, B. Ilrob.t, ache, tho nckneii inudtnt to females is delicate bcalta, and every kind of weakness or us oiicsuve creui. ' a. J. Evans, ror.salo by W. BMoflM4BrMdjy, J.'cwY"'k.-r!''"a'Ei. Tat cm, do do do do ft'O do do do do do do do do do do do do d d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da Stor. do da do dit Orange. t'l.luiigcrtek. do ('onvngham. Uranee. ilnarcreik. Hcolt. Mt. t'leasant. lieiit.ui. Maine. 3ladisoii. lllooiii. o'reeuvionj. Iilooin. licott. du do Locust. lllo.uu. Cattanissa, Iilooin. Ueri.ick. du Locust do Conynjlnrr. do It-aver. Koarinscreek Locust. Cmtri'. -onngbam, t.'sttuvissa Orunue. Cattaulisa Mauve, llerivicjt. BcotL iJioton. Loiu.t, SO 30 CO IO0 103 3i'J 137 153 30 M0 .1 73 17 S3 it 34 U,1 9 CO 1 40 Death of Wm. CoBt Johnson. The telegraph announces the death of this talented former Representative of the City of Baltimore in tho Congress of the United States. Mr. Johnson was former ly a Whig, but like Honry Clay, was too honest to cnteatain sectional jealousies or sectional isms. Ho consequently refused to enter tho Black Iiepubliean camp, and becanio a consistent Democrat from the s:i0timoofthe dissolution of the late Whi'' party. 37 CO a; CO 33 73 V.I 13 1 04 I S3 37 CO 4 ;s 5 4J 7 03 7 03 7 03 II 40 4 7S V 40 CI TREASURER'S SALE -or Real Estate Seated Land. AGREEABLY to tho provisions of the Act of Assembly, entitled an Act to reduce th State debt, fit., passed the TJlh day of April, 1H4, lbs Treasurer of the cojntyof Columbia, hereby gives notic to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, Koad, School, l'oor and Htate Tax, ice, due on the folios. ine Real E.tat.. situate ta the said county of Colum. 1 10 bia.are paid before the day of sale, the whole or audi 34 parts of each as v. Ill pay th charges and costs chares- 3 3d able thereon, v. Ill be sold at the COURT IIOUMC ia I Id Uloomsburfc, county of Columbia, on the lllh day cf Jan., 3 .4 letio, belnp the second Monday, and 10 be continued by U 30 aJlournmenlfrom day to day for arrearages of taxes dus ,sld county, and the costs accrued on eaeh respectively 3 3-J IIEAVKII TOWNUIIlr. 1 00 Oirairs tr Rtpultd OtfRlfl. s 0. i , n . nuDDie. 1 IS George A. Flick, 'I, 36 IIRIARCREEK, John Linden, decdased, G Uarnard Pejberl, deceased, SO Daniel Be) belt, I 00 I 43 Augustus D, I'earce, .fcrff. Dots. Cti 3f,'J 400 110 SO 37 S3 33 121 CO ! William L. Tark., Etirhen u. l arss, John Kline. ci 0 Luther A. German, S.! Kandalph Uerman, t2 Dougherty's estate, "6, Joseph Mellf nrjr, W William Talks, ,,i5 William Faussy, CO H Henry O. Andrew Kile, Jr., .I? 40 William Robblne, l,G b4 no 00 M"y Re"0l'1, fj- 5" 0r"lfrey Kline's estate, t.lias lleese, lis ij lo"th R' Uo"i, Isaac Tyler, r William Chen.berli, S''J' L'ot's Heirs, i. . I hemberliii Jc Sown,, 55 E'ekiel t-'rossley. ij . , 3hn Applegats, if William Cox. ?! SI Solomon Usrk, 34 ii joan jobnscn, 2n K Lott Tarker, i" John II. Parker, ir. ?. Jackson Thomas, 511 m "'"J""1" I'ntfa Eitate, 'ill US 40 00 FISIIIN'QCREEK. GREENWOOD. HEMLOCK. JAI.'KSOy. 33 sst lf MIFFLIN. ORANGE. FINE. Fhilip Ttonio. 1 M v 01 1 3 S3 TarssL-ncR's Orriec. Dloomsburg. April 14. llgf-0 ! 8COTT. JOHN A. II to 63 10 10 not so u 106 47 31 Mot 10 C3 CC0 100 79 100 so (S3 so ISO 40 SO 33 Hot 430 S3 07 30 U0 1 10 1 33 4 a s sc 74 73 V3 1 10 1 10 S3 30 1 IS SI 33 I 00 17 3 37 91 S3 1 W 3 IS 1 13 I Ol 1 go go 1 70 91 so 33 I 10 S 31 Hot FUN8TON TVsaisirsr. 1 71 lMlUOIiAMAIlON. WHEREAS, the Ilo.t, WakKCM J. Woontvssr, rresl dent of tile Court of Over and Terminer and den- s ts t eral Jail Delivery, Court of Uuarter Sessions of tb 1 04 ! Peace and rourt of Common Tleas and Orphan's Court, 4ti in the trtlh Judicial District, composed of the counties S 35 of Columbia. Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hon. Jsroa 1 4d 1 Evans and 1'lter. Kune, Associate Judges of Columbia 3 03 I county, have Issued their prec-pt, bearing date the ninth 4 43 day of Feb., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight S3 5'j 10 x7 I VI SS4l 3 HO s 01 3 U 1 SI 3 SI S 3il S 30 1 3i 4b J ST 3 9 44 CI S SJ SO Ml in ;ii SO rU 20 I'll 50 1-0 3 I.' 51 4.' 3 lil) 3 td S till 6 3S tl 00 I II 4 31 4 3 1 7 711 B K4 1 '.'0 3 Oi 4 C 1.3 e 14 1 7! 1 I f S3 S b'l 4 41 hundred and sixtv. and to r.ic directed for holding Court of Oyer and Tt rminer and General Jail delivery. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Plea and Orphan a Court, in Illoomsburc, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday, tbcing the Cth da) of .viay next, an-l to continue onu ueca. .otic-i is n 'rebv eiven. to the coroner, the justice ot the Peace and Constables of the said county of Columbia that they be then and there in their proper persons at to 0 ciock in tin inrcnooil 01 saiuiiay, uunineir recorus, Inquisitions and othir remembrance to do those things which to their omces aooertain to be done. And lhos that are bound by recognizance, to prosecute against the prisoners mat are or may dj in tnc jail 01 saiu county 01 Columbia to be then and Dure to prosecute them as shall be Just. Jut' rs are requested to be punctual in their at t.-n ianro. ngceably to their notices. Dated at lllooms, bars, thi Svth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand ileht hundred and sixty, and io the 84th year of the Indep.'ndi-ncc of the United States of America. liiOd save tnc lommonweauo.i JOHN SNYDER, Slsrtf M arch 31, 1-C0. List fur .May f eriri, 1869. 1, nnjanija Alfred Cole rs. William Simon. Peter sutler vs. the V. t. Ena Railrotd Co. 'J. Hamuel Linon, n. A. V. Crcumer. 4, John Mci alia vt. Il.nry liana. 2. Leonor t U. Iluptrt tl ah vs. Washington Lie, it r. Eimon Ft'ttcfiiian w. Wrigbt Muphci. 7. John M. BheliU'U ts, Nual McCoy, tl i. f. Hi hard Tnrby ti. riuUp llcfs. Henry Kruaiy, t. Jun.pti Kirkcndall 111. Jii-ob SeliuyUr r. WiUon Ager. 11. Ja tb Smikrn ri. William Ittt. 12. Charlei IIennign t$ Lad wig Die hi, adm'f. 13. Towni.iid W. KahUr rii Uankl N'ejbard. 14. John Mr Mulligan, rf a., tt. SaHiutl KUodc. 15. John K. Girton ri. Kdgar Uarton, ttat. Uu William Smcyer r. John HutTnagle. IT. John Ma bui it at. r. 0. Wilton's eiecutor'f. Ic1. J. I'. Jvknun tt al ,vs. Knorh llouiell. John R. tlcrnll ttat.,t, lllram . Freai, t .. 20. Stephen II. filler . Daniel K. Herbert. '). Ssiiuud Ilea!.', Sen., Hx., n. William SU&t 2'2. John C. Autontf. Itunjamin Itaydon. ia. Edward Lyon r. Uirhnrd II. .Munah. 31. William Garn'ton, tt al rt, L. Sl. II. Railroad. 35. llank of Danville .it. Henj. V, Cole, adm'r. Grand Jurors, lor May Term. Benton-Mnie Vocum, Itrtarcreek CharlPa Whitmtr. Centru Henry Otlontr, Geo. A. Ifcrrla; Con ncham Iti-ubt'n Vairr. 4 35 Fitfiiiiircr.'L-li-EM Hntliln. 1 45 1 i.reinuood J.ito? Van horn. M. Mpinlock Hiubeii (utldi, John N'cuui, Samutl Obi, 2i Jackton John F. Derr TO Locust Dan u 1 Btaver. Chaa. Billij, Wm. Ooednaa, 1 10 I Jacob llarniT. oil I Mainu Wm. Ititlor. John KelthnT. 5i .Mad non U.nj r Kiuit, Uemvr U. MUli, Iliac bi Tin 1 mi runn "i ey ' MoiHuur jonn tlelger. tv l Oranue Himuel Ucidleman, John HerrtQf . 0 yij' Roannpcreek John Lvvan. J Ulooiusb-jrg, March 31, lt00. 3 to j Travorso Jurorsi for May Torm ".u ji I nioom-Ncwton Hoon, John Purstl, Jacob U Croul, u Robert Cathcart, Hicphen Knorr. n ... U iitoii IKitdrick UaiiL'i. 1 Hfi.iitTJek-Moica Davii, Vincent KicharJ, Oamucl 1 1" CcnUr Joshua Fowler. Samuel Hageobuch, Cmaoqot nui. linen ciK'nitaniiiier. 17 tJ i 5( I ('..llinpllllillsona W T M,U'... i 5T 7 34 do' I'. it lie, WU 7 CG Cunrad Item' itatc, J IS WO Aaron l.t-wn. 7J w Lemuel ItobeiH, 17 V4 .larah J.ine ltobefti. Jam, isholtl. M Alirtiham Voune, 47 Willi tm liearhard, h) Anthony (J.arNorJ. 110 Itobt rt fiM), liroal ( njic, 50 siirv i uiiarti. u A, I LI.MII, TRttn-RER'a OFfitr, t Triasurtr. Illooiiifhurg. April 14, 1300. ( Coiinham Daniel T. McKivroian r liinnpareek- William Jklr- lireenuood - John V. Lemon, Hemlock Isaac Fund, Jackaon Tlioma W Voune, John MeHeary Locust - Lucas Fahrinfrer. Aro2l Faux. .Mohtour Win. Robert!. Samuel Laiarua. MatJison-ilvnry l-er. Miriliu-Baumel C'reaay. .Mount riifant John White. n r! i Orange John Vance, David L Ilaymaa, Jacob BaiUr. t.' Abrah.ini Keifi-t. ' - JJ Pin.M-l'.lli. m t'h..intiirlin 3 n 3 hi 3 yd 91 1 5'j Siolt-Dani"! fiiu.Ur tiloQimbtirg. .March 31. Ifl0. .STATE Constitutional Union ionrentiou. deolaration"of principles, jMONMVTCRrEKBNCn with the nbole question of 1 Maver),as not being a subject for Cougrenional Leclklaiinii. 'the maintenance of the Conttiiution.aa expounded by the Mipr'-me Court ol th-j Umu-d tftatef, and the enforce metit of < 1.1 rti euaited by Cmiijren. I'rotection to thu induvtrial mtt-retu nf iha uhAi. Uluoui.bunr, and liic I'ublu iu geiieral, thai liohai, wwunry.diiil prudeiira, tcoiio.n a .id purity in the admin owned, a uirauon oc puouc aiuirs WW II IT QTl 111 K L'ltirena ol l'eiiiiyltaiua. who art opposed to polnitel In the white Frame8toM lloune.on Main Street, near- moving th - cauioo which have endangered the Union rf ly oppgtitithcniihantcelldildings.whcreheliiitjUktre- the St it.a, and reitonng harmony amoagilthe peoplt .NEW bTUllE. Wholesale and Retail II AT CAP STORE rfMIF.iindtrfig'iied resportfully informs th ntuentct Ciieda ttrK'u4Uaofiiui.ii of UI l Y UAiS AND OaI'S, Pirurt froiii the Manufactories, cf all kinds, stiles, si'ri. ant sizes, latest i-'a.hions, which tie mr.-rs. tsuele sala ami irtail, al tery low pri es, Also, tilKWV liOiiDiJ, in 1't.tins all the raoJern ciyle anj fashions. ZJ- I'hese Good, will be sola at vtrjrlow prie-s, for R;ajy i'ay. 8. B. ANEW.VLT- llloonisaart, April 14. lg0- I'lllS WAY il" KY BlIVKKS. liy forming a truly .National Tarty, baiiil upon tbj sbuva lirliii.ipKs.uru requestJil tu aenl delegates t.i abut, i'nnvcution tu asssuiMa at lus Uth of April UWI, al VI .M., for th-i puruose of cUttlna iltl ZUl to tnj National Coilvtntiun, to b. conveii.-d at llal tlincte, on IhJ uth of May, lots), to nominate randidslta fmba I'r.'iUaucy and Vice rtnldtncy if Ui Uniud btates. Dy order of the Eucuiive Committee, CHAKLESLANCAtiJ'EB.Chaijaiu E.C. PKCillN','Ury. April 7. Ico0-3ts. PhiladslphU. Isi.UlUK NUT10K. Jt- -ty.s,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers