AG IllC UT U R A L1 ' TASTE AMONG FAUMEllS. Tlwro scoins to bo a groat want of tnsto among many of oar farmers. They an p'ar to think that taste is of no importance whatever lotuething they have nothing to do with and if they only attend to tho important duties on tho farm, they care nothing for appearances. Ouo way in which they show want of tasto is tho tup tOUndingi Of tllCtr dwellings they will IcaVi ..I) OX Cart, sled, Or liaV ritrinUf! lU , , , . , , , tJie tloOi'-Varu, Or 111 C.OJe proximity tO the , , llOU' , rilthcr than tO be at the tlOllblC Of , rCinOVine ll a rod Or tWO farther, where It B ' w- uld not be unsightly. Some will havo , pilrs of manure, hcrps of StOllO. Or huce , , , r 103 t.1 WOOd left Where tllCy lllVC (111 nir A , of slovuiiin to the liome.teail, no matter . . ' uovr n-'tv or uauu.oiuc mo uuuuiug3 may ho. 'l'h re are gome farmers who limit their shade tree? to a few so situated that tb.y cr.nnot damage land which they care anything about, niakingthat tho standard, and sacrificing a noblo elm or maple, be ciu.o it draws the juicc3 of tho soil : they fdar they shall have a few less hills of potat..3 or corn, if they let tho tree re main. Porhapi some will say, well, my buildings are old, and I don't think it snakes mush diflerenccwhat I have around th.iu j oat we say it docs mako a great rtiff-rencc. What if the buildings arc old ? I. there h an air of thrift and neatness , about th"m, they will not look half so un sightly. Who would not see a difference 1 in even a hovel with a shade tree, and one - l-i i i , . WltU 703e-DUSlie3 and WOOU-bmCS Climbing iw n.ii.ii.1 uuuluu iviuii, covering lis p.. ,,, ,! numerous impcrtections, and With the ad- uition of one or two shade trees, makim? .... ' taO Spot lOOU really attractive. It makes nsarly as much difference as there ia ho tvrejn ueatnes3 and negligence in tho in terior of a dwelling. All farmers do not ehovr a want of taste, for many a farmer's home exhibits an appreciation of the taste- M, , .... i i. , , ,1 alia oeantltUl, Illghly Creditable to the proprietor. Let not the farmer think it linn,,,, 1.: , .. , . , ., . . uonj-itn mm to attend to such things, nor ' unn, , .. .!, I... l.:.t. 1 1- - 1 wuiu., niuu iuai 11 uiuu lie KJJUI1US lu raakinj tho snrrniimllnrfH of bin brtinc ! Uateful and attractive. t SOAKING SEEDS BEFOKE SOWING. ; Thii practice, sap the Country Gentla mm, is not so extensively adopted -in this country ns it might be, witli advantage hotb for the farm and the garden. .; In this ' respect we are lar uehmd a peoDle whom r p.vy.- WC are apt tO regard With feclillc nearlv , a J approachins; to contempt. There are fw. ' rI ,, , .-! mi i.! probably, cither in England or tliis coun- J ' -vuu -irv, flUO are not dlSDOSed to think thnm. , -selves much superior to tho Chinese, and . 7 yes in one rcsp.ei, at least, we tmiiK they i are much in adyauce of most farmers in cither England or America. Liebig statci, 1 in his " L.tters on Modern Agriculture," that no Chinese farmer sows a need beforo it has been soaked iu liquid manure, dilu ted with water, and has begun to germi nate ; and that experience has taught him that this operation tends not only to pro mote the moro rapid and vigorous growth auj development of tho plant, but also to protect the seeds from tho ravages of worms an.l insects. Thero would bo not only some trouble, but somo inconvenience IliO!. Ill tll.l OllnnlllM, nP 111!. .nrtl!nn -.1 nn , .v ,.v. w PXtCn.ive SOalo: but WO are Prettv confi. have palioin.e4 mlur Uil. Houses uro 'artleul.irlj re ' " V quested to acquaint ihouivi'lvLS mill our terius. liuriii- ttOUt notwithstanding that tllOSO who COlIl- iln-uncuta arc unrnallcJ, and put all otliera in tlio iiience it on a small sealo will" find it pro- ( dustive of advantage enougli. to induce them to extend their operations'. AVe may ' nuggest that we have, on more than one j occasion, been informed byono of our' correspondents that he make.-fiuioh uso of; hen manure in water ai a soak for hit seeds. j FACTS FOK FARMERS. If you invest xuoiiov in tools, and , . j . ICaVO tllOUl CSPO.CU tO the Cither, it it , -"-:""'') 11 luu oau.c IIS loilllinrr innnsr f n n .rtntnlllifitt 0 j .... -j... .-...., Wlthnnr rfn(ilirili n iln.i.l In.. ..i l.-.l. j --i--im .uiuhk-, If you invest luonuy iu books anil lie. ven rjad them, it is the same as putting yout money iuto a bank, but ncveu draw ing cither principal or intcrc-t. It' you invest mousy in line stock and do not food and protect them, and pro p;rly care for them, it is tho same as dressing your wife in silk to do kitchen work. Tf eft,, ,n". .-.. . i.. . .it " u,u," ' a goou farm and do not cultivate it well, it is the eamo as marrying a good wile, and M rdushu ana cnsiavinL' her us to cm. h hr-r energies and break her licart. CURE FOU A FELON. Having nearly lost a finger by ono of tho.o ex cruciating ills to which our flesh is heir, I feel compelled by a seuio of duty to pro- Claim tho iollowing remedy ing so much with tho ono aforesaid tho symptons too welt to regard to them, and after of torture, roso at two o'clock, and ad ministered tho following : Take half a gill oiotrong vinegar, dissolve iu a table spoonful or moro of talaratua heat as hot 03 tho flesh can. bear .oak tho felon as long as desirablo, repent tho applications as often as tho pain returns, and a euro is oertain. Tho writer prevented two in this way. To all afflicted wo nay try it. ThU rcniedy must bo applied in tlio first etagcs a., it is of do avail after it is greatly igw jcw--' svs&v HEAR TOUT THE PEOPLE SAY, The underslcnM hatln. used rrefn'r ItUMPlIRETS' fPKCIVIO ltOMlUOPvTIIIC nKMKDIf In our 'aiull'ie. with the moit MtW-ictory re, ills, an.l having full confi dence In their aeniiliiciie"., purity, an.l efllcney, cheerfully liible.anl eriloaclaualeuirdlcs at hand for pilfnta or'tla- The llev. Wm. IImer, e.l!lor of " Th Nnrthern tn.te- remlent," Auburn, N. Y.j the Iter. K. II. Creer, I' ., Ituctor of HI. I'eter'a Clmreb, Auburn, N. Y. ; the llev. II. I. '""i Chaplain or the Allium Slate 1'il.onj tho lt,V. Spencer i. Ulce, Rector, Ne nelrord, !ta.s.t the Iter. Allen Steele, New-York C inference j the Iter. Simuet NUhol, Rast Ociiesee Conference, N. V. J the Her. 1". s. Vralt, l)r(ct. Vt.i the iter. John n, B.ib'e. lluffuliii A. C. ''". van, s. v. i the lion. Ne.i iii, .'"Hand, Me.i the Hon. Sjlmjler ColNx.South-llenl, Inil. i the lion .we llumphrei., N. V. Henry 11. Cook, rl , tlllor of The Ohll elite Journal, Columbus, Ohio i the lion. It. H. Oralntn. Miltne, lll.i the lto;. Tl;pni J. Chase, Monti. cello, Fla.; the Man. Joseph Ilenelict, titles, N. .i Vini. i'rioi, i- , utico, n. v. , a. s. r..n.i, ii , cum, n. y. , J lines 1-iunkett, Kan. , Nashrllle, Tenn. U8T or PPCIPIO UKMRDIK3. JJo, 1 For Pever, Cini;enllr.n, and Itiitimmatlftn. No. 2 V'or Worm FeviT, Worm Oollc, Wcttlrp the Hed. No. 8. Yot Colic, Crying, Tetlhlny, an.l WultefulncM of In runts, jjtj, 4 For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Simmer Complnlnt. No, , Kor Colic, Ortpttips, tveri1ery, or Il'oody I'Iut. No. 6 F.r Ctolera, Cholera Slorbtm, Vomit lujr. No. T. For Counhs, Coldi, Intluetuii, nnd Sore Throat No. S. For Tooth-nche, Face-ache, and Neuraljria. Nd. 9. For UeaJatche, Virtlf?, Ileal and I'ullucis ot the IUa. No. 10. PTrrpu rnw For WeaV and DcranyeJ Itnmch, CAntIpatIon, ftnd Mrer ComlsInt. Nn. 11. For FhMiLt lRAKoi'MtiiTiii, Scanty, IViluful, or SapprescJ Perlo Is. No. 12 For Leueorrhea, rrofune .Mcuset, nnd Bt-arlng Down of Fetnal. No, 14 For Croup, Hoirse Cotih, Rul Hrpathlnp. Nt. 14. 31 t Uiikcm Pills For Kryslpelaa, Eruptions, ritni'les on the Face. Nrt, 13 liMwrM Ttc P11.IA For riln,I-irjne,i,orSsre-new In the ChMt, Bok, Lnins, cr n-.iba. For Fever nnd Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Afuo, OU Jllamanasted lFor Ill, mind or t)leetln?, Inlernal or Ktternl. 0 For Sire, Weak, or lnCauwd lca and KyHMi; FaH Injr, Weak, or HI trrc I Mit w. For Catarrh, of lonp ptanJlnc cr rent( eltlttr iriut obetruotion or profuse .llmliurc. V. C For Whooping Coufh, abatlne Its violence and ebortenSnp its course, lu all acute dlseaiM, uc! nn Fercri, Inflammatloni, Diarrhea, uiscnlerj, uoup, llhcurnaiisni, aim nucn cruf tlve dUcajei as Scarlit I'd cr, Mca.lis, and trjsl.clai, the Kflvmilnu nf fflrlni Ihp i.rnnrr itni'ille. nromntlv Is Ob- Diarrhea, DjicnleTj, Cioup, lthcuriiatliii, and auch omp a ri.ann. all casts nous, ami in an sucn cai tne rte(.iiKs nci iu.e i ine enure Hiscase is oiien an isie.1 ni once, nni hi mi i.ii3,t the violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease thorh nJ ttlilch io often ltv the fount at Ion cf ilHemid lunir. bronchUii an.l coinunjijtlcii, may all b atouceuu-wJ by In nil chronic dliiHiffi.nuch as Pyspep-'n, Weak Stomach. Cotntipmlon, Mvir Co-npUintJ, Pllea, Finale Debility, ami JrrrKulkrltlw, ol 1 ilciilArh-, Hore or Weak Kjm, Catarrh, Cult Kheum, and other oU trujiliJi, the case has specifics whoso proper KppllcatioH will afford a cur In almost every Instnnte. Often the lure of a sitle chronic tit ill cult?, such is Djiptpsla, rik-s or Catarrh, Headache or Kmale Weai neas has uior than paid for the tine ten times over. .".v.. Ca.eof M vtals comr-lrtf, In morocco, anJ Dook ti riticK. tx clue or 1.1 immfwii ho, i.,i'ii'oVk.'.'.'. Case of C lioxts, l.iitntfreil, 011.I 11 10W einsienumuwi un,., itiiiinictioi. . 11 1 . .2fl ctnts. . ..CO cents. ""K15 "'i""", Large ins.: of 1! oc, tin!-, for i.lnntcrs anj histclaua....il3 ALSO Sl'ECiriCS. loa Asthma on rninisic 0.i.r'is-.l, pldicult, Laliord Ilreiillilnir, ntton.lo.1 oitli Coniili inol llxi.cturatlon. 1'rlce, tO certs for uox. Kon Kan U.aciuliOLU ivoPfirvisa Pl.cliargps rrom the Kar, tt.e u.nlt of ScnriH frier, McasW., or Mercurials. Kor Noises In tle lleml, ILintneis of lle-irlnar, nril r.lnliiK In 11 o K.irs, aii'l Kar ache, l'rlre, f.O cents 1 or box. Koa SOHnri l . Knlarne.1 filai.ils, Hilarfe I ami Inilnrat f.l Toi s'.H, .inilllncs hihI tlnl fleers, ScrofoJous Cnclieay of I'lillJren. I'rice. 50 conls l-er box. I'oa tlt-.lkHit. Iimoi irv. riijbical or Nervous Weakness. the iisnit of flckne... I.viesslvc Meillcallon, or la liaoslloir lil.iliarces. Piico, Ml .-mis .cr box. v..u tiDr.-.. .rii.lil Aei-,iiiiiitnll-iia. Tnfolil Sa clliocs. with seamy Pecietimis. n cui s i r don. j.(m 4 P,c-S-Mj.i,ij piiifM, Verlliro, Nausea, Vomillui!. blcknen from rlJini! or molloo. 1'rlce, Mi ccnu prrhov. KoHfaivinrPuMsui Frfiravei, r.tnaicaicuii, mm. cult, l'.ilnrul Urlaati-n, UKeiiK-sof IheKMiii.s. l'rlcc.W i'r uo' . , , . ,. . Ji(H iSKMINtL KrastON Iniolnntarv Pisrliirpes apil C,n..-.Uiiit .ir.atrnllon ami Dioimy, iia.l itrni is 01 HablLs. Tiie r moil successful an.l etli.Ieut I cn.eily , anJi oo t lions, I Ji be relle.1 upon as a aure. rrice, Hith full direc ,.er l,a. i.-r,.iiis who uUli lo i.laco tloni.ilves the nrofes- llonal cam, or to seek advice of Trof. Itnirnarvs, can do so, at Msolllce tO'.' llroalaay, dally flora b A.M. tlSl'.M. or by letter. ocr nniRmia nv mau. Look over tlio list; make up a cart of uhat kind you choose, and Inclose the amount In a current note or stamps by mail to our address, nt No. .1C2 llroadaay, Nea-York, and the medicine a III be duly returned by mall or eaprcss, free of ebarpe. ACIKNTS WANTFD. We desire an active, efficient Arent for the sale of our Ucmidlts In every town or community In tt.e United Slates. Address Ilr. F HCMl'IIIU'.YS Co. No HI llaoiowAY. Npw.Ycat, Sold byE. P. LUTZ, Agent, Biocmsbur.i la. April 7, IMA WATCHES GIVEN AWAY! I A GUT Milne J from two dollar in one hunlri'd d liars guon with vtt) Hunk sold nt retail pnc. 0X& It'.nVH IS GU.IlLtXTED TO EVERY TiKELl'E BOOKS! These inducuuents are Kir-Ted by tho SUh'i'Ol.lC KXOHANGh: CO. 116 Washington street, Boston, '"pHU mofrt t'xtciuivc and thu most liberal (iift concern I ,,,,..,..... K.,. .. ,.,.,,, n,, who I ihadf. I The folliiin(i are buhic of the f!ifta to ptirchaseri of. nouKi. Kngiish Lever (tM Watrha, hunting cohcb Tali'iit Lever " " " " Lalien' Lver " " open fice. Ueticliud Silver Watch en, hunting cant. Lepinu SU er Watch i. open facf. Grid Locket M. varum biz. 9. La Jie and Gjuu' (iuld C liaine. ariom t let. Ladia and .Jt'nts' tiuld bkee Iluttom and Hindu, all n.iti.rn. Genu' llosom im, nvw nnd rich etj lea. ' oourennUaiKiiviw. 1 land it-' and Genu' tinld Itinen 1 Gnld Watch Keys mid Hclt I'm-. ' A rent variety uf IjrW Jewelry, fttu ani Kar! i Cameo, Moic. Gold (.tune, Laa, Horeiitme, Ac ate. i-c. Grid llraclets. all .1)1 ineiisi ui ilium ci'uiuiiseii .1 Siva, usburiniciii hi staudar.luurka in ctery slcpartincl.t uf literature, liner- eMinj to the yuuiig and til.1. lu nul fail to .end Ur a Tile list ut Honk ciMiiprisci . - enp- -jts ..em., mailed Ircfi tu anv a. Urea.. ----- -... - ..... ...i, - ts-pi-ii . ir.., . . s- I ourruiiiv r.AU 'iahu r. (ju.ut x , i , 116 Washington street, Boston. ' f . W UL&aiDi.a. Treasurer. 1 March 31. l-i-l- 31. 1 T1IJ3 PUILAUKLIMIIA. Cash Urug, I'aiut and Glass Siorc, ti. IV, cor riurth and Callow hill ytr-'iti. riiiL.i)ri,rtii.. DruffgistH, M'TchantH, J'armcrK, and thi- rubiic cv rrh(.re I will m-ll at ttbohalu and retail, tu the Hnring Trade of Irt 11, a heat aUkkuf Hrugi, Mcdaiucs. SW.bW Htixc of Window GUv, at fcoricd bizc &. malitiff. 1U.IWU i'liutidn ot l'utt. Witt.- Llacla. ittd, it., in bulk ur, :a,ouu Gallon uncvd Oil, hjuritu Turpentine, Cam- nliine. Aleohdl. Sec. I .jQ Tons i.f rur. lute Lead, In Ubls., 1 Ilbta., 1CMJ. 50. ' 30 Tyu Lead.. mibi... nM.. m i40 T,?JV ,lhA.inm,.imt..m. , &o, w.Ha iit 1-10 Tuns cf America Pimm U lute Zinc, in iibls., I l:bl... ' IUU. Si). S, and 1.', lb k... V Tuna of belli. ll Amcii.un inc. Ubls., t Ebla., KK1. .'.0, ii and I., lb. Kefs. 3a Tuny uf Zinc ..lilts ul dllT.ri.iit volors. Ubls. J Uld... luil. 30, a and UI lb. Kegs. . 30 Tuis uf Muierul i'aluta, uf ttiirercnt culora, dry or , around in Oil 10,000 founds cf Pure Trench fireen, L'roinc, Green, Vdlow. Illue, black nnJotii.r colors. dry ur In Oil. i i.i.-i luunusi'l cuiaiis uss'irieu uiue, uiaLK, lieu, Urdu, i and utni r culors l.tXW " Culflll.d. Land, ll nlmlrv. 1'nt.tinir A- JF All of tt inch J w ill wli at WHul.LriALU cr Kr; TAIL, at from IU tuUjpr ciit. Iciat.nn otbor tBlobluu invnti. HJ3VKY O. I). UWKrf. Pmpnaor uf th rhilid lpbuCatili irn? r,uiil and C it more, 80 t. sfkt c rncr of Fourth and rallowlull Mi.. Phil a. M trc'i 17. :tm. MARSHALL HUG litis, -Willi- J t A SfiK ij H. 0 , WIIOLEHALE DEALERS IV Manufacturril & Lear Tobacco, ll VANA GKKM AN AS I) DOMESTIC, net e,ii . After SUtft-r-I, Hack KbiV... Ic. v..,,l:','rl"""!.'J'u'V'.V'lT'rG.'r,,'t - J ..,-- ....- - I . !.''' '.".':' rc'''1 f'" al-'. tbe latg. , iknew!SZ."ffi:,- WWWZXWX !r.Ss..S 'J A f. h1 . . . , I,- . : crMltliucomplilous.orlii.cnlor .ua Ouods cm- ; ,,;:. , - ' .,-.ieu.e.. 0 nuillll I IIIII'lll M . I' ll ai l' Mil a h' . rw ,, ;1 1 ,. 1. 1 ' """'""l bo in braced r,ual,ru3andr;ai..,l e... j rv'l .0, , ,;,,., up in .. ' . -M NUPAi"l 01' A!l, KIMia 01 Xl a day and night ; 2 OJO ItUi. Roman Cement. bny? ' "I-""1 Looking (AlSv, Ji fruit, Wivtogruph tin( J 7. JU;.i-t r.tCli i.iar m.iv. $, !nt Iron Air- 1 ...wu uui 'iiuaiu uiu iivu.imiiic- i t-iiif ni. ' rili l ( ' f . u 'ft. I.OIlii OH I I I.OJn M.U!. I' On AM. t M'lIU never ralline. MRS. VAN1IOI1N, l.lltl! best. Vho J succeeds wli.'n nil otlijra liavi- tail.-tl. All u ho are II lluumJ miim-ll, in u ''ii urn. 'mm. u.i ii is rmdMK-s hive been (.Isajiptlritad crtt;li 'd and blamed uy in m ymii hl'b ana urr. u, an uu u ivu u -in ucctiv efl nuj t.illia lth,-fll ily tolur r.,r ajvlco and faction, all nli ; nre In ilmhts 1 f tlu aiTitloiis nf tlu si H.'?.1VV,W.:",';ht.iV,"cl.:!:hm,Jo:,, XTlmllZl inn 1 .ra lulrif In in.itjte li"r. mi I to couv her n.lii'ttiao. luenis. Mu sii- snows jnii in, iA7..v;i o.' yoo.t mrunc i'i'Vmr irumi rif'cmvn I Married icroin, or 0,1118 .Mm contcintilln tuar. nuilL 1 hi. UII ;ts?j., .nj nuroof di)s cul Miakness, oriunlc noahlll l ies h.aliijlj ton liajiiiy , iy, futTorVafittos.. ci.. .liojl.l I nuuolat. I) lon.alt nr. Ii,'!!?;, I'"" "'LJ, ", I jVlinsliM. ...J lb, ti.toro.1 to ivttat I....I1I. Or nln.'iit 1,1 mi l. piii urn i. ilnso. an I inak 1a tin Inarri: Me lias b cnaollcited In Iniiumsiohlo Innanc.'S. and Dm result has alcw hocil tlu means or in .ana of brlnjln manv li.indrod li.'nrts mill lia'uis to- C. t!i T. l liousunds of broken Hearts have been Imal.-d . ". l' l ' . . .' , ., It is wlII koimn to th 1 public at larc that tin 11 us lihjii -as tu rial 1 ly , tiw wlia tan pivn entire patinfacttnii ii all tip cniKwrntcnir.. ttiiicn caiiii. uuca uiu proy- cd by tlhuioaiUti. huui marnca aim auie, who uiuij -j : vtl JS.a iiiiui, li..irup.T l.imu lliauby llu-I' nndrasitiyjiiltlwrat M.Ui u-s b ln3 iici-rlw I el thoi l.aiurc 1 1' healthy Ml- ISO. Ill Jul IjOmhartl t)tlPrt 1 IllllUlClpillil, Kprlu?9, tli.' mom bt-tl.xnaud uibtruitMc ) All tnt.-nL-wi aro ftrictly prlval'J nnd conn lenttal, bvth buily and untul aric. 'Iliv f)l- "i biu..n. .i'iauj( , II'IXILM CMMtX&W K, OOVO IMCA' J , Hi physical an I mviiiiil puuirs wnk twd. iiirou ! AND H.mMNCiriore within th3 r.-nch tf all. Plia ii j ill bilit. nMM''a. pMiltatk'ii cl the hcutt, iiiuUiktiuii, 1 tho mini won tier of tin nli.:ht 'iid ajfei oil who am n waMiiiit cl the i'ramj. Lnui;h. t1 mploma I LonBiiu.) ' s tit lirr ara nstoniflud at tlu trnthfjln.-as or h.-r infor lion, &c. .uidtHmunlpredl.ti'mB. th-.a who hn t bad tttcft , a UitiCJ. No. T fc'oi:rii 1 fttttucx SitiFtT. puvcii iilt-um coi ffdll.'u Jl T. isii'ir na 1 1-11 in , una in urt? now jor- . tun at tap, rkh. emlitciit nndhippv. T.tALL In busln-1 s hi-r fi'iviru I fitnliiubl'. Hli mil forA. I w it!i thurriat lit cettiiulv tip result of all cotntinTct,il and busings ' trausaitibtis. lt'ou f illow- h'r a l ic oii mil l I.MMoi'C JUtVi V (LLWSi.f.WiA J and succ-cd in all your un Icrlukiiut. Thoaj vhf) hue , been fortunate and unsucrcsnful In lif't an I in buiiu is I thus' w hn h iv work 'd bird and strays led ns.itiitt 1 ndvcrvitv an 1 nthfititun? tip creator paitff tluir lls and foun I the hiori? thev trd tn git forward in th1 woild, tli 5 mor-t things tilings went aciint thiml All casjp ha cnnult-d hsr f r the lat tnentr years. Alf th-Jsi who wij'Iv followed Iit mUlce are now hlVIl IUVVY 1XO .'iVLVii'.ShVLI in nil her undertakings; while ttua- bilnjd by preju 1 db'i'i and iznorance, n -glect-'d her adtice, nr.! htill Ij j boring again-ladvi'rsit onJ povditj. If you value jou 1 h.ippHitpa, vuu will consult Inr yourself, and h; success- tut an 1 nappy ain All Litem w arp strictly prlate and confi lentlal. Cvui4 one 1 tomj all! tu NU. 133B I.OMliAlin STUEliT, bstiscon Jnnincr an 1 r.roai, rtiilalolrhia. Mirtli Ii. IrOJ ly KVAN& iV U'A KStJA PAI.AMAMJUH BArCfl, HH MOVLXi tn :t.H Vhrttnut X!rtit cWf third I'httahtphla have un nan i a mrze ap9jn.11 nt it l ire p i 111. f nr'irr Miai.i mJor rijf.s fShr;Z ""," ''u.n I1'""'1 ' MMteH'VK!i;iaai-'aori..rl,i'.iu lor niiiKs and rt. iron smli al 'tuul ti any nindc i tii rniicil Pnt". i firt .Vrf in one Jir-f, Ml fame out right; vil eon , ten' it foo-J roodtftoi. 1 Tli Halaiinndi-T Safin nf rhiladclphia ngolnit tho I uorl 1. I EVANS & WATVON, , hnvr hid th" surest dcinostration in the fjllowing ccr I tifirntf that th tf mauufarturp t f f.ilainau It Hif 9 tun nt length ftillv warnnt-'d the reprjHfiitaiiotis uhirh hit! been ma v of tta'ui nn rtn Icring an undoul-t?d n;curity against tin t.rnnc .lenient. rhilaJtplii.i April V2. lG. .Vfr Eran$ Jr Watson. Oeiitl.'ni n-It tilTi-rug un thi hi?h.,pt sitlsf iclion tn statu to nu. ttut vwing to 1 tn-verv prot.'itlvc 'lualitioa rf tuo of th" Salainandcr, f.ifs iihl-h n iurrlias'il of you somo fliv iimnlli sini-o c i..vfd a lir.'t- txirtin nf lenrlrv. and all our buoki, J A.C.. ctpnacd tu fi ' raUirhmus Hit? in Kant-tcAd place un 1 th morninir cf th' 11th in.t. Wh -n w rc1 rt th $n(- wrfi locnt'd in tli f -urlh n'ory nfth t hinlilini; we ocnipud nnd that thy , f II sabH'TiK,nily iul i heap rf hiirniaR ruiin. wh t. tho I v.i.t Csiucntrntion of jhe h -nt cautcl the bram plates tn in 'It. we cTiuii.t b-it r -parti th prrs alum f th ir al I u.tMi' contiiit4 iiiont cniMinciiijf protf uf tlu grnt n cuntv afl'sjrd 'ii hy ynur t.f 1 V 5h ill lull.' pr -at pKanre in rocinmenJin; thcin tn men 11 u'imucs-j nn n nr n uanc ' npainn nr.'. GCOIMZK W. f-'lMMONSi 1U10.. Jctctlltrt. r7Tii - luvi' since pnrihaa dlv large raf.n. AtigUhtl l-.')s rm: anmnu life ixsumxce jxxvity jxo uwti-r co.y1r.1XY of mumdi wm.i. f)l HI I . SO. -HJ- t IIE1M ' hTRH-T. CAliTAI. (piiJ up.) i$.OiiW)0. L'iarlfr Pirpttutrf, pONTIXL'K to mak ON LIVi: on v tlu iLKifst rauiidt)tj Iltiiih. Tlu capital b-iiu pui I up ani invested, totth r with l a lar?J and citiatiutly intrjasin; reserved fun I. o. rs I a prft-ct s:curit to tlid insured. j 11 m prc'iniuuioH iii u Bi ut p.titi yrnriv hair jctny, or qtiitri-'rly 'i in Lompaii) ntM a litj. p"no !irallv to t!it irj'u rincc's of dt Th I'liwr 1H l s appr prnt-tl ii IK 1 h r. 1?,4. tin- nCCUN'U HOVL". in 1) rcinlnr. I) tluTIIIKI) UllNUSni Dfccinb. r. Ir04. It :h atliutt ns af' nia-u1 without r 'inirlnj nn nur 'a. In the pr -nuuina t b paid to Uij I' . The fallow iii arc a f.w tx u.iplii iroin th it-p(tr (AlimijiH rl lidii) nid b Ulllh .i b nn r Ud u j Toliry u iiiiiir-'iitii.nuiiH. tUIJ -Ml .1 ';; ihi l : no (i 1 l imp -h' rimtiiiiin? t.tbl ol int. v and cidnti..ii.n fir.ii i-f iipplinitiwiti, and M-tlier nifornriiiun i.iu be fvfjnd at lh.- i-ilicv. THOM S KIIMJKWAY, Prtihnt. I.UVI I. TATK. .Vnf r. C. luKftiuON, Emminiair Myurhm. Octob'r iu, IcO. Ij . SA LVfi'l'UNl)" j U. S. TrustCompany, Corner of Mini i rid Chm'mit iS s.,rtth, L Altar, and Hinall sums rcit-ivnl and paid back on demand without notiei', with 1'ivi-put cest IsrtK taT from tlu div ul'dcp s)t lotht- day of with I raw j I. 0fh k lloi'ittf l'rom u until n'durk tmry day, and on Musmv la.CMsu. fro.n 7 until 9 oilock. Pr 'MiU nt -TElll.V K. CH.MVrOKU, Tr'aoar-'r -Pt.iw I'i-k. Till.r -Jam It. Ilunttr. MK I0OTOK Stephen R. rnwiVrd. uj inu'i Hi'iJifinan, (ti.orjfe Juui-in, At er C. Hart. M. D., Oolwid, ill. l'r.iusliu Jackson, l'lui) Yin. Hviijamiu W. Tnub-y, I'aul 11. Con I. rd, .M. D. TairicK Urady, Jam. a D?cr 'au, Thoma- T. t.-'i. I March ild, ldAJ-). N A ION AIj SKVt.Iijlir. " 1 r t rr ir nnmiT - . DAG URuRKOT YPE AND . ,.,.,.-,. tx , 1 AMUROl VPi i'AUiKR . In the M-mpomttif J.mtdnijr. Xtrth Uami'le. HNR ,r",,Vl'n'3,,t un, "teiidne eHtiMish- 1 inents in tin; fitaty. ciur.'ct miluiciitly high to tn 1 able Ilm ucrk la bl iwirrjiitml. 1. -.Vnnu but the li:'i.l mnt. nr.. t,.n.l 1 ,7..., , i .1 . Iliialius an ilee .1 p rsuna Ink. 11 at llieir resilenees. Inslruuiou. eiven 111 llaauureutjiia mid Au.brol)ic . eiy' "-".. ..i.,.-.. .Mmm .Mnnltroiiarv buil iifiLfc tinun ihe third iW.r All lilted 1111 nhovy ,M. ( . .n- r'a 1'rap Store. Arrivt' at nnr t'H,,n, l'ILrf 1110 ve uwty duubt, For the jiiciurtd ttt-JI iii.ikt; ou with boldtuti rtan out. j. n. cox. Ilemiib-r 17. 1-53. NKWUAKKlAliHKaTAIirlSUAlbNT .v nj.on.Msuuifi. In the Xvv Iinek 7 hire kibry Carnage lattery, on .Vein 6da e JIarkrt rilli: fciibciribT would aspect I ulh .mnounco to tho J liubhc, that bo han coinnivnct-'J lh.- I .u.t ( ' A H J I A U f. iV ttSYir ! H'AtiOV MAKING filM'rirt in nn it. varlou branclux. llu nrt'inr-d ta i-x.-iuta in all ltd varloun branclijx. Ilu pr'inrd ta all ordirn and linn un b nni at r ut an afcBortni 'lit uf iiuiMin worn "men p irtnm m win nnd t to th.irnd tmitagj to call and uiaiiiiuu I'Atnixa Will b - dun'j in tin itiogit T'liiii-i iiiitl rari'ful nifiniicr and upon t-'r.iiB whuh t-amiui i.ul io't.'tt'- itim u tiou fflUAWIIKIlK.i; V. WILSON niouinaburs. April 'J., 1c3j. UNITED STATES Cash E' and Color, XVJ.AHUF AGf'URIIfO C.O, Store uml Office, X II'. lonur of l'ouith J' Kuce btietts, Tlalaihtpl, i t: .itmx aoiiis. No. Ml No'llt -. .v i.i.r,i Arch .J I! nee I'liilmlelplii'i T .Mi-Oil TP. R nf To),, hnrv lln.k.n. I'ip.s, ctiniff and I ioli'irio llnxr,, Cases. Oaiii's, IIoiiiiiiucsIic . WI10LKSAM3 k UKTAIU Manufarmrpr of Viae A. Alphahei Llocki r I'br'inrt g5 Ubn :t n. JAMES V, I.A.MUEUT. WITH t TO V !r- 10 fi, m TO IM (1TIIQ I tO IMnMrL'O iriio'iutt-o UJ l II o, j io i.ill.lf r.o. V H I lltjo iiiiHrterinii(i ufjitri in and nnuna iiii. nn in MEN AND JiUl'.S' WEAR. Ko 303 Market Ht., Lower sido. above S Itonna or Iiienirjd ailditinn 1000 :tr. so fillOO 1300 nni. wan-rail .M Co., I'ltitiriHors , ,,.'-. . IU1.TIMU1U. LOOK HOSl'ITA... 1) It. JOHNSTON, I rrMIEfoiimlor of this Celebrated Institution, offers tlio JL moit certain, speedy, nuj only ctlcitu jI remedy In Itle V. HI 1.1 II. "CI. I IT l-e,S, CIIKIUKI, Bimiiwi ... ,,.,. i i.m. i'.,.ilini,nl ll.bilitl. linuo. UIKl Wiakness of tli. Hock and Limb,, AiUilluus of K, " i-riiLmy. uiacaao of tlu lltau, llirout. Him ur . ii. i'i i...... ii. .. i.i .in ,r ! Mufltt iitiiicimi.t. .-r. Kkh ,. , ,. iti.fim scrlfiii lint inv Intit inly unn-riti-rs ' ' iTairoltln h..l .It! of Vouili. l.UH a. ,.. ",. )u,iy uu.i mliin. 'lluse .nr.t ami nJitury brlllla'll,Upe.anda.,tld1.atlo...,te,.uulnll,iu,i...lieo.c In'l'os.mia ' .',", ,.,.. i,i,..-ir itmlir til i lau of Dr. J..lilliton, ,v tilljiiwsl) ci.ullJo in Ins honor us u Ittntklniii, and lmit.dlot(.,.. cut, a ;; i ,eur rtstored. li.Mlly most Irouilitl' -oiJ by t lOSO MIU1 U.11U b.COllll 1110 11,11111 l Ulllliwi' f III. . U.S. if eiiKUo. Nmv who that utiUi'rtuiiUB 1 1 - autilwill I'f-- . . l(l....rf.f (.rt'ctciion H lut iwiumi'ie rn v. in nv ..j. . v . ... r... ticnlar in 1 bsen u tli A A lr and ' , ii III n.hiao the t.iii.-. 1 i tun. llarrfittri. or no UIMrgc .i.oiir, la Jrail toic IP ., u ,.,-..j ,.1.,. ' MC:iLU,a ,, iVuv' ml L"U ' ' Member cf the Rojul u 11 ol tfuigennp. at Lcn-lMi. Ur.tdu it 1 trom one f th. uni.t eminent Oil 'S-'h ct th-t Lnltod ht itf. nJ tin greaUr pint tf wln-folif- bat bjen -pi'iit iu tlu tird Uo-pitalj 11' l'arl-, i hil i dt Iphi.iuud (l-t V. lurt-" h H - ll t-d stiiue f til timet lis lniiluug (.ur.'sthat w.rjc.r known; nuny tiutud with tinging in tlu and cam wli 11 .iuU p, al ncnritiiinj. b (114 ularniad at sudden found aiu b-ish tdhicicwiilifn-'iu 'iit Id ibln attrndt-d Hoiiu'tn-H'it with U v' r an E incut of mlii.l, w-ic curod immo'iiat l. ACLIU'AIN IlIrfLAHi:. Whfn the ml'gul bM and impniiiuit tar cf pi Dh'tre finds h-j has imbili'd tlu seedM of this paiuinl ill. ui . it 1 m cit 11 Ii ippeu t'i it an ill timed b tide 1 1" fl.aiiu or nruad if iiic.nver) . mUm limit run apj 1 mf to lh"s! wh1) from i-dutatuu an I r pcctaiiM c.u abw b In ud him deh la? till 111. cnmiitull'maiy pyuiplDuib . f thn h rrl I uls ade imiki-1 tlu-n .t(p.iiraiiLt', sjih ni nb 1 rat d, dixiUdi-d uo-, nocturce, pains 1 it ill. h ,1 1 and, tlihiiK-n t f kijflit iktifiii f, ilodri on llic :km Ii ii and armi. n t'i hmd. i'u-.- ani t Mr ti.'fi. iirLrreiiini; with rapl.ili - tnl at 1 ibt tli palu- "f III iii'tiuu nun Done ui iii' mi: 1-111 111 tint iliiiifdst: b-iuaicca h-irrid cbiett ini.uthHn.iboiutfth" nusc fall 111, and the U-Miin.d' 1)0tt,. 0f niiUt vmlitc.ilC liim tu a inno Fha , iltiKf d9 bkiyjicitj li'irrid ebjett . t tt'iiiii un fitnni , , . , r i,ni ..1... till dialh putt a n 'nou to Iim dn-ai.f jl nuiV-TiDgi. b mug lit m to "th it butirnv ftoin wiunct no trnell.r t. nun,' 'Iu tudi, th'rire. Dr. jLhif-iiai ph't'jros liim mil to prt'iun e ilu most .-lui-cbl.' wi rery mm iium in exteiKHif r rut ice In th rtfht lio-pii'Ii'if Luropc and am rica. lie tun tend ivlill) rLCouimciiu bafe and r p v.ti cure to ihj uui -nunati it urn if tliU Imrti J iIkoasc. tam: r.i:i ici laii .unri:. D: J. a'.dr."i all tnutc who i.ij ite 1 )hcii.hcs by (.rival, and improper i idulKi'iiron. '11i.hl are nomu ol t It iad and uutancholy eflV.'i pro duced bj earh habit of ,otith. i? ii.knei tf the ' Hack and l.hiitii., 1'aiu In Hie lliud. limii.f uf .luht. Luoh of MiKiuiar 1'owi.r, I'ulpiiaiion of tn' Il art JJ.. h ; p.'pfia, Nirvout Irratalnlity Uoraun niunt of tli'Iiig..i. 1 tiv. i'unclioiid, U.iKral lf.-biht), ijptunib t-f 1 o isii.up j lion &.c. MLN'i'ALLV. Tlu f-arful I'lfoct. upon th" n-i'id are much to be dreaied Lntiol' .M nior ,1 oitiuriuii ot Mi n U.'pri'Hi'i'm ni ill spirit , I'.Ml I''iiiijt'., Aieriju of tiH i ty. 'llinil) , tVc., Ufa -Oiiiu 1 f tlu tills pruuui.a, , '1 lioUr-an-U of persons of all aiies .an tio juf what . 14 th (a't.e ul llieir tUtlniint; h-'ulth. LouMiif; th.ii ior, b.-iuiiiinh' wuali. pals ami tiuaciat -d h i mil; sin guUr app.'araiic obont th.' fa. cuuh and buiptoiiu of 1 t'oiib'imutioii. UJt. JOll.NSION 8 IN'VIGUK TI0 ItLMIIIlV i OUtLWIl Ui.AKNLfrf. It t!iU greiit an i i.ip rt tut 1 m d . ut.ukncs of th. ti(,rans itrd sp-v-lilv curun, and IjII vior rehtured. TiioUsaiiJi ot the inj-t n-itutit and i.i mlitatfti, who nad lut-t all hopv, hau h.e:i immniiatl ril-eil l.iipeiiiiii.i.t ti Marri.i . I'll v en ut ano 'L' I)i--ttaii- lUatiou, .roiiri lrratabilit . .'i'i'ms.liur' , unn a i.r exhu'irUUuii oi tti;iu.i-t Uarlul kin i, i-p- uil,. iui-d . by Luxtor Ju.i.irlou. VOUXO MKX. I Who hat e injured tiium -a b .1 cnari pra. tier, in.'tui f () I't w luii uKvu- .th ib 1 1 f. .'I lent'. I. ,im u (mod 1 ul (ompiiui mis, 01 at (itli jul th t dot i-nt . nie'litlj, even wh.n a&l. ep. an 1 if ni 'ii- d i 1. 1 t. I inairi.isu i.iitios!--il1, uni tlebtru " buth 11.111 i am tnnu , . t.b.i'ili ap.l I l U'lut a pitti tint uiii'j in in tin hope nf hm 1 nttiMu . , ana tli- iiatliiii; t-f bin p,ir.'ni, bo.ii I h- muti 11 1 t.oiii I all priup'Llx and iuo.iii.u1 ot lit' , b Hi t 1. n ll a nt.' rial 11 'ill It lUit. ii' ll per soil- i In. ton I t.'inplatlliS. ' .MAlIHI.U.r. iiaul I ri'fl.'it thu n nmn 1 1 ilml nu.l bnd ire th nt m 1 11 ..taar reijuiriii. tn j rim. t iimihnt.i! i t u. 1 linic w iihoiit th . th .in irn ttir-mu'i 1: i n,',t I 1 1 li t l-ii.i .To. th. p.u-p'tt liO'iilt di h n tlul'n; ill" niiutt lii-i omi'B hailowed "i.ii i- - .mi . IHI -ii with tin in l.iiuhi l.i r tl Huh that lh- liip.-i-i - i't 'III' 111 I ll ( O II Hi lit .1 Hill! Il'ir I'U ll "H H i; ll. tUt I'll 1 l,I.IH:uKK'M' trj'i u r, ,1k, ALL SI KGlL VI, 01 'i Itj.Nr- I r.linu; wi.n I). Lit no Idlne modi -t pre nt jm. bit .t pL iitiiiicoi n (iin r p'Tsun i;p. or nt i.'tiir. uist. -! si r.r.iu i. i 1 ki:u. Th m mt tlioiiMiiida tun -i .it Ihi-. in-iifittnn iiiin tli.tiht J.i vt u. an I tin1 iim iiTi'u-t Opcrainnid perl rnt-t b Ur. Jiili:iriuii, wit.i - tlu t tMim 1 tr- 1 1 tli pi tier an I mailt t It.' t f tt hn Ii lu 1' nppt nr-'d aata an , .unm ! t r Hi public, h Kl'ie-i Iim f-t.i i iz .is 11 noil il in in m t ll.tlt'i t .T ni i i.'ipuiiii'il.i 1. 1- fit tli i mi -1 tilth, atllii ttt, TAkl. NO I l.L. V It.tli.rr -ir.. ... I i.lit -s.i.l UmlM . I rta.i(L niiti rit intr tli-tn It I litii i.iim ruitii.oi tb h.-iilth . fth. ali .tilt ji fit nt ,1 tint Pi. Jhlt.n d.vius litnerMirt tn rpi-tiallj ti th'isj uiid piiiut i with Iim r hiit i ro.Viiti.iN and i.iptiMua- alwajit h'iuP' i.i Ins oince. . s" 'I hi- oiai-. Ml 1 -tl rs in i1 bj ptM pai i. and I ri. utani a pti'-tjjjt- tJinp for lu. r pit. ot mi annttv-r Mill bi it 'til. Manh IT. l-ti laws! i ! iuii-: : : Head Quiirtciv. ANOTHER FItUblJ AHRIVATj 0.11. on, nuHXi m it.ijtrb tun BUrtNING, envt, ki i.ti-i:vn, in: um;iujv oim. W T AKI.VG th: bit and ch ipi t uo, in ut-e, hi it ill abb f r Uli'irrhjit Htot" ur family u", tin dun r r from UtiJoKio'i a ii. I i'ue half rh apor than onj other light, now uacd and The abuvo lauiiis, uilh it iiillnut, tllolus or riliailea. cm behil at th. n ew ani) i;ii io a i' Da uc yyi ) n u, I.'xc'm!;?;!' I.tiiltilii, liliiniibliwc I'.i , Wh -r.' tli iiiidcrbimi"d M o'll 1 It- sp-rtf illv intoi lit, bis Tru'lids mid th pulilir in li ir'rat. that In lira just re-c"ii-e.l Iroiu in. nil s. a lar'e aril i.U a.lj.t'id stink Uf tioO.S. III lllH k id CUtlelatlU of rui:-n ami I'L mil. urn ... .Mllllll IM.S ti,IIU)l1l..lW. CitoI'MI , U ll ll.i; ririCES I'AIVIrt nil 8 VARM.-IIUS nvi: Ml'UI'l' WINllOW (il. trip XV AM. OlZltft I' M I , a. I'OOTII Ml .VIM. l.r.ll.llli.S 'J OB Ofln K CIGAI!.", Oi' THU HI'.- ' Hit VNIXt ' ri ufii.m i : it v . r.ioY i-mrs ' 1KL'S3-i i. hllOI. I. ItA Trt, i uui; ivim.ii a: i:: nir.j nm Sii.nn is tt. ifi' cniiTisc. IIOMl'lll llll.i llllll,ll I JMi I'll! n.lll.S.A. A (Jl! I. A!' VAItll'.l V iircAllllnS 1 lili. I, tlltw Al MIAIIR" I i'i, fin rAiirni.M.fAiiiTV I'l.l'll) I.AMI'F ,t Pll MH.R l Aisn -ll '.lu uio.t po Pat uit Meili in ol the tlai. 'r.senilio l fjiiiily iiuilii in put up I A. II. -ill.' ll. Iital jtruf Is slill a-ici-rs 1 conliuu.'d Tulli in. rUd. in the must ftln' e.P ' nr..l ...I ,.. nil. r HIV. V.. I' -iliuu lllaliklul fur lust ii itrunazc. I. "iJ- hop a a coiitinittLiic, ul Ihe siuie. li. M. IIAOI.NBl'C'H. i'looni.buri,'. Jan l-oO J. No. 118 North I'oioth Strict, ub'.vr. An A, VVIiiilesali. A. lielail linn .l.iiturer i roar .mowaiih, poi kt noons, Kl. XV. I'lli tli IJA-U.S, Jllani-y Hilts, .vitclifls, I'mt-s, d'.i!.s, HanLirs' dis'S, Dirking Cus-s, Urrilin li"il;s, roil lullun, liill Hooks, OCR DIN fill T MOt:if(;p -ii ai.l Oriinmintnl, I'ACSLI'AUI ii ii, ft 1 11 -1. if tlitinuH im t'rauitii. l.Ml'OUTKlt Ol.' COLORI'I AMI ri.AI LNU: VlNfi3 iKAi-.n it urHi.iii r r rulichoniaiiia V,t-r,,u, m.u tiiMMinl rulrttlnf f. Da pha, ir liiii'Mini rt-iiiM-d (i, . dm Liii'iial". 'c W'ltOI.hbHLK JIXH HET.1II. Oclobi'i fi. i.VI-nm lii.iitiMsitiiiic iiAititin: sum' i cptlK iindrrsi.iied resp. rirmls in onus ll.-i cilirrn, of I umiiuiib'.ri!, .uui ll.i' ptbl c eneriliy lilnl, ,. f., rum inr.ui'U npio.ieil Hie on, lloii.e K next diinr In tlip l-oluinhlu llriiii.crat. In tho while Frauin liuildi , upiio.ile the Uiihanttr I'Iocki ivbrrn ho all ll,e, ready io oit upon Hi. cu. voiiirri . eiiiiri. .nil.iariinll SHAVING ) HAIR DRESSING , Will briixsrut-iiwilrt car and ne mess and I.i lha -soiiiMlvh and niMrery moilerale leirra. HOSTETTER'S STQMAGHJITTERS. It In n. fact that, nt some, Ticrioil, ever v mem ber cf tho lutinaii fninily Is tuojoct lo iHkaso .iift,rimmfl 0f ih0 bodHv -functions i bit. , : , ; , . ; . " .t with IliO aid of a good tonio and tin. cscrclso of plain common scueo. tliny may tie nU no to 1 lit. T. 1 1. Ihla ilokioril object; .1,0 truo co..T .0 punm. U ccrlainW that which Mill jiroduco a nalurnl ttntc ol tiling' nt 1110 toast imznru 01 Turn bivchciu imu life. I'ov thin purpiiM!, Ur. Hosteller Uni in troducwl lo this eounlry ft preparation bearing I1I3 nninc, which Is not a new medicine, but 0110 that Ins been tried for years, grririS Riitlslnc lion to nil who lo ufed it. Tho Hitlers operate powerfully upon tlio stomach, boivela, ritid liver, lc'loting them to it hcullhy uud igoroua nction, ami thus, by the flmple pro cees of flrcnv;thcniiii nature, enablo tho Eys- tern to tiiumpli out iiisentc lilttcrs linvo no cqml. Diarrhcea, dyscnlery or flux, po generally con- , lt.iMo.1 l,i now sottlova. ninl rnusm! TU'illcinr.llv by thocluiiisoof watcrnlidilitt.willbc tpccdily j uyiiioii;iHBuui ivuiyiiiiuu...,......-wrj,ivj..v . lcglliaieu uy n, unci use in 11111 j'i ojmniuoii. l)v.-pcps!a, n, iliseao which is prolialily moro rvcvalenl, in all lis rations lonn,, than uny oilier, nnil me cause oi which innj- iiinajs lie nllribntcil to deningciiionls of the iligcslhe orz.iiia, can bo cured without fail liy using HOSTJiTTl'.lV.S SsTOMACH HITTI'.IIS, ai ).er direction i on tho imiile. I'orthin disease uny nln .iciin rill rceomincml Hitlers of one kind : then why not uo nn article liinmn to ho infal lible? All nation have their Hitters, iti n jue veniive nf di lease ftrcngthener of the ..... ........ . itini m pcni-iMl! una nniong uicm an intro is 1 not to bu folttul a moro licilllliy ncolilc tlinn tlio Ocrniiiiii. from whom tins lircparalion wua- , nitctl, mion ori.niifio cxrciiinonU which haro lenikil to pova t lie value of thi. great iircnnriitioii in tlio ncalo or meilieal science. 1 , ., :.....! .,..l, ri.vtu ,uo un i -inn iiji"b p.- inrt tlisoiLi. vrliich IWca tin lLlcnllcSrf CHl) on W M imiiuit nun-, iiuti 1 ...ii.. ...R ...... r.v picnlly oiifl incnfnlly ticlce, enn lio iltivcn from tlio b.ty by tlio 10 of llUSTi-TTKIl'S UUXOWNLU lJlTTKIlS. l'milicr. none of tlio ohuve-stntcil tlisvAsc!. van bo contracted, even 111 pxpnsct! Mtmitiom, if tlio Uiltcrs titiMitctl ne per direct ioni. Ami r.s tlicy ticitlicr cicato nnufca nor ofleinl tlio p.ilatc, nnd rendtr nn neco.'Siiry any clmngo of dint or interruption of onliniiry pursuits, but promote Round blc-p unj licalthy diotion, tho cumplnint ii rc movod as speedily 113 1 conUtent vitli llm pro duction of a thorough nnd permanent one. lor I'cron& in A ilea mm Jean, vno nro FiifiVrliiK from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, the Hitter- are invaluable a- a reeiorative of htrenatli and rlmr, and need only bo tried to be ayiniTciatcd. And to u mother whilo nursing tliee lliltcrs are indi rioniiaMe. esnecialiv where the motlicr's nour ishment is inadeqinte to Ihe demand of tho tliild, consequently her strength must yield, nnd lieio it it wlicie a good tunic, such na llostcltcr'9 Stomach Hitlers, i-i needed to inbuilt I tcmporarv strength and vigor to the sjstcm. I Ladies should by nil means try thin lemedy I for all entei of debility, and, befoie so doing, should ask their ulivsieion. who, if lie ia ui'qiiaititc'l Trilli thu Mrtno of the Hitlers, will locommond their uso in nil cases of weuhneis. CA'JIIOW. M'o cautiuii tlio imMio arjainst Liiu; any of Ilia many iinit.iliona or counterfoils, but aik fir HosreTinnN Ci:m ciuthd Stou.cii Iltrrer.a, nnd ace that dull lotlln has tlui wcnU "Dr. J. IIotettcr's Ftoiiiiieli Ilitlcra" blonn en lb. iul. of tiie brillle, ar.d stami.c.1 cn tlio met.iHic cap covering tlm eurl;, mul obscrvo that our auUigr-rh f-igniituro ii on tlio laid. I t'i- Froparcd and .old by ITOS TBTTER & SM1T1T, Pit'sbm-r-li, Ta., and sold by rl druggiats, nroccrs, and dealers cencrr.2l7 throuRhout the United EJtatos, Cnada, Uouth America, and Germany. .i i . l.i J. It. .ilm r i.. i . l.utr. rtoiiu.liiiri! : A stit r T'r ,1 IV 11. luirk: 11. I . IlM.'lnrl Ki-pit'iiiii M. I I .n ... A S kail', r I !-. I.. I . It 1 i. . Him III', i, i ,i. lortlio cuiool inspepsia, liniigcEnoi), m.u- . h jiiii a u.3 tlj 1 KltIlla. wvriiK i 1 un m .1 . jj jv r.. oi' tlio Stomach ov liowcla, rrclnclng Crnnip, W ill I ii bUUUb Ot ALI, Jilil)8t SANFO It D'S JfSlLiftht! Light! Lishi!j r a ii . 1. 1 1 .v t!.U. (III. tilit'd fiS Wit I.I..J-S rfil! 1'ii.M.. i.iinu-rvi; i un:n ini.e T1 vllEh..-! .ji'ij.1 l.ullisi.t an 1 rh -api-.t ni'ti ihlj hehi N.i itaneer if eiili.nni .ml .I,...,., r tlnli ll U.I. 1 ir.l i ll. !!ih i .1 ill r,i ii It. he, Wl'.ijlill, IU t. . With nil th - rxji.-iia ' nf iin (lilitre.. Th? nh.-ia I,nni,s 1 1 nil all 111 ir i.iiii In., miiiee ran h .1 nn.l I, m.'lil .it III i-l I ,,l'il Ii,,..' .ni. ill n.i.., I M.,r; ,,f ii. j 111 ltrsi;tiM., nil 1 iIjii -1 hini.. If ih it his Imie ex lieri'iirj 111 the lllil'j ti'iue he l.tniivs Im.v. ai, til lii, an I is nit -rni ' ii'ilul,. un 1, r. II In n:le "nel.i lil.mui'b irj 'r',rr'iiiii.ii,iiri.iiuir). lull ana ten In. .Iml Itll.t 11 ill I rl 'ij ,t. K i, tn;u! - inii'l .in:.- mi i:iir.Mii;ii.., r m v r-;-.. i. 1 Ki t rrn i m ,iss n.dW ;i!n.ivi i.. riiSFu.i icia iii.-i ri.i.ri.Miii.v -mi I'AM.V 'KJII ur. ,R. inn 1. nii:-.. ' rontn o'aa'd CIG.II1S, Assl'.t's. I'alent Mcdieines ufeveri lari Ivm use, l.i h.nt. leure, 111.1l ,1 usj nnly. I I.11J fj,,,h i, t arh'iii Oil, Turn-iuiii" an I (Ircl,. 1 ru-s. s. .-I1.1.11 1, r lrve.s an I Aliiii.ini.ial 1, ri.n, I ..... u ... " ' n--i.i i-1 n-u uu.i i.iuiu i.rn,n. rri r. II11111 , I'l'W lli'iii'i'l'iithu lluii.'ua'.. (i inh 11 I'anarv. l(.iiu , Iv.!:.,,''..';' i'1.,': :i!V::r '"":: '".'"i-; l.iri't.1 U'l I imi.t i.irl -.I u-.ort in. rt of( 7i.un 'i'.i.k an.l I A.M.' I. MOI'ION.S. I rlrr to ibis plar, , all rf Mhi.h -mi ) a id j.'u i.iu.t li In vi llannal l.j ,aU . apenenco "Luis rrcdils lll nol keip ihinjs iiiuMti," 1 hu il.t.'r.iiiued lo I ,, Jii5i.Jf i-j.J ;,- . Hiiuslibui 'rs t i link,, it an cbjcit tn tli 'in a, Ml 0E Hie s.ilur. to dial nu i'u prinei.i , i ulit r i.iou 'y ur , re.iU) irade. 1 ' llauii. seried a r.'.-ular opprtiiiii-r-f !,,,, m n,e ir.. and Apotli'iar) bu-ln s. b'.ije. limine iarn-,1 mm , tor 1 1 last i laid, ui ars. on uij 01,11 ho. k. I ilut..r , in.liiOl tint .1.11 HU; todn Jun,.,. .,. -,- m 1ln.1l. '1 iiankful M lh pu for pa,i f.,v.Vrs. r oull ! u.ku trial un llu 11.11 lui.iuple. an I mil ".mantle tu .ill. thai 11 ml. inak.-1.111. 1r1.11 a and p.11 b..l 111 the 111 1 lo pay ..isti an I b i) al reduced pne .. 1'ii .SiUlA.Na l'Hr.M KIITIUNS j rir filly compounded, and nil orders rorr tii ana-n-rcd. ' .i.i.-S'i'i'-'neen nn recoiiii'i.-n ,'d, Mure Kooni .11, Mam Slr.'U. I, ur Mark-l. iiiM ,l.i.,r lo tl, l'n 1 Of. I lie, idooiu, !)..,, I'.lj.uf.j ,,, p., n.,,.i... ,.1 . .. i,.ii. I'UII 0 , 11 , ,. , NKW TIN WAR SHOP. ' Till, un Ltm-MIi-'i r.'m .tl, iiu ini-.r,..., ii.j . 1 III n. .!.. ... 1.. .lt. .....1. . " ...r. I.N..B III'J . ' .1' h' tn." III- I ia-f DII 1 1 ll.l ki'il III li.- Ud pm iha 1 nm m jj.i. .iiuarn am t.i..'n d A VKW'I'IV. 'iV? UAKi; AM, HIM;,;, ,.V 'uriTtill.lSHMLAXj. Ill t 1- kJilu us I.,. 111, il, ,eiipi.., fr ,,at p,,rp.i.ulS !,', , lr' "'"!:' ''- l pr. mill to duel tlu buna, ., ... ,1, nn,,,,, hraurh.'s. I lunar, and I, oils, .poullllll of nil Kinds made In nr. d. r -.hint nilir nnil ut iiuiderate priee.. rlTilt I.S. 1 f va tiou. ... I. u .....1 ...n.. r. .U K pan 111. don, to orili r in ipin k tune. . I'liunli) proiluc 1 Uk.11 111 I'Mliange for nnik. ,., , . I'' W. .MO Lit. Ulooiii'buij, f,briiiir II, TINWAKH ti STOVE SI1UI'. TIIK un lerMjued re.pectfully infonns his old friends an I iii.tomers thai I, h.n p.inha.'d In. hr.nlirr. l.lteri st in toe ah .ve tlu roncerii lull Tiniinr,' rou.tantl) on lun.l and mauulail to order. in n,,i pin' 1113 no,.,, as u, ual on .liott nonce. lh iiaiii.ii.ia.. ..I ill ir. n Is iiu. in u ni.tnruer, re .p.ilfull) solo it ,. .M. KUl-KKl'. im J.iuiiiry l. l-..-f. lUU.NKo: lltLM.ti!! 'I'llll l.trfist I. .1 erl an.l th inn .1 us,. of mini ui Itu led ' u-ies'yaaMrl f lnl ir.n lers Lcalh" I'ackma I'riinks i.c. S.c. al ,'i'X'yJ,lr!V-'J' THOMAS tv llATTane-a Celbratcd Lrmdcri Tri-O Medal, Improved ,r t .prl'ot solid sold Leather Trunk manufactory Mo. joj .Market Mm I bomb uct cornet Kuutth and .Markel Ihilad'o. Aujuaei, l-J7-tr. 1'liANOldU HAUHISON, .M , D. WOULD respertfully inform tbo riucen. of lllooms. burg, and vicinity, that be continue, tha practice cf irs'npA-f! ji.v1 MTuni. tie rule cainer a.. Hi l r.ii.Ho; 'I riink. 3J-'&ZCs? a l.orh .. Win. I Sfl! r arid I'arni't Jlucs 'iT'VT4 GUKA r I2XCITEI ENT AND KMMWiAJjLY At Bloomsbui i.rr r a ii.r.'iii i'ir 1'iiit r. t t ,11(1111, 1 1, .li-.lli n, 1 u.i in Titn rtnt.i) with av increased roncr. AT TUnnnislun'o' ITondOnnvfois! O " VSFtfA urneJi S.J ffi', "l vcty laiBo ns.ortuuiit of ffl U'liliTHl IKIIIilS. Otir Mock of DRV (iOUDS mmpr t imprUei thP hrsrst, cheap- rtd In thin tow 11 1 Ue nre cm. ann iiaini-nmon now on'rm dtteriuliU'd t ) oompctj with tlio nnd all thsc v. 1-hlnp tti buy clicap, cm tav money by l 1 v Inn 'ii a call. Wo nil kinds of fJomlsond Ware to (ni)'riy mi wjiuk or tin1 people, A large M or Uaniiand 1 1 iiu.nlngi, Lacii and Ldiiiu?, jtotin t Kiwifitu dt larjte varl-ty, Vel .t l.lbbon. and brnidii, Kid, tvtten tc LNIv Thread (loon JlohJir Mitir. &r. I I I Iv I 1 KINDS OF Ml AWLS. liKOCHK. . ,,k . , IJ "ttl kl ( Ilmtrolilereit. SMla. fee Al.t, a .soitili'Mtti'l Chillis, rns.linrrs. Sulinr t,. li.lliiB. riii'eilr, Jeans. Ileaur tlollis,' Velutitc. HOOTS & MlUKn ()! A I.I. KINDS ani Pi2..a, ror Men. Wr'iitell an-J riill.lren. AW h.nea large ns.iirtuKiili'f ll.its aii'l I' Intett fash i i.ia Vi- Inu' :il so. , ivare. iVtl.'iriiari', &.e. Wr llieai t'ari'el, I'arp' t U.iir, I'lnifr, Talil. U'nl Uarrlac.' (HI ll. in AHI-. Hubs. 111-kits Ace. ....... ... . in uaiji s I'll l.MMll.-, 1 lUltllin. Diapers. Tmillri.s. Ilrillius Ate., in abtinilance. Also, '."'"'j1 i in.n jii. uwc, a u-c ,v 'Ji.JlU'i,, ft, . femu,, c n. u cill ,'ii,l,i.iin , Ueli Te. We hair Lni.iit fuu'' ;l ,hj ' 'r1' i'hc.-. anj will not lu un I. .-soj i by iiilljiidv, ur Ilia re-lm iiiankliid. M, . vim. t, rn l'lio.iiurf. .Vnv. II. '.'i.i. (Jiiiij I. 1.3J - yi HHKAT A KHIVA I. or N E W GOODS. .( T THIS Light Street Store. Owm llmilirr kulfutrutson netn e duly VI H W.iiild inform our Irii nda mnt T7 rusMniers ivc liavc lust rrehr. an un usually ussurtiii'Mit of NliU" (lOOilS, Winch ni 'rat loner ran reaily pnv. (Sin anv JVjiaJeai " ""' bl lit tliall n"t alt -iPi-t toi.iiuuHrat3tl.evarioi. ertlrl.-e -tll-iar,' .mil il. -Ir nanio Is 1 'Cl in -.i.uis.a. cuius rltnr.' It Mm.. Iiiclii.liiig the L' an.l Ijirrtl are nil .1 l-iov -ill luni- Th r'aret'ihe f.-ntirt tl,e finisl TitricK. in tli c ni'ilr.1 al ,1.1 ial..uiis1,.u rl.-iu.s I'k's utar In irr Jt i Jiirtie., at J per cent. Ijiur lit in ner h t'.,r. i II. r tl. l.'jni.l. ill rll.lNrt. UUOtXRICS. HAT'l. CA1'3. Loots, Shoes, c(c ' nt the pamc rat- In inri plincBt cvirjthfne in th miTf utiil. li.t f oi a ii -die t an miUh r. ; " (tur iiiiuiti tt in di ttch to cill b.-fore they t'i ir . tti .nn. II. U i V. CUY BY. ' 1 Llelit -tr ft irVtrr-iy T. 5 OF 'tf E W G O 008. J17 nil'; mioaoi:. I UK Ip-Jim reluillrd from the Clty irim I imili'i Ir-i nuj a. Il jk.oiI.ii nt nf .l (itJUtl.S, ! rrhased i I'hiU';. 1; I.ia nt ilu-.l-uvcst figure, and .kh Ii . u.l'i 1 '..i s. ll i.n as iiiihUiai terms a. run li pin-urel el.' Allele, in l:l.unil.iir. Mfk e,,,,,,,,, I.AI)II'- I) ess l.OOI'P. Clitiic't itvlcn and bit .tfihitin. "7"?,'etvnrc.(d,ir Hart ..-.... imblhkh, icrtj ana Mf'ry. , x ttvt and lojj tc. A-t. I In fit irt r.rtt.n iiMi.,iV Kcid id munirv Uteres t uhtili h Hi- julilic f in r.ilU. s Tin ?lli'h,-i Tnc- .fH i'.h t procure HlT.I'Hl.ViL , ri"m-hir7,''t'b't-e?, is"i. .'.I iHSjiJS ' Jl.U,(i. .' NEW GOODS ll'. 'l.lf-li'E ij -:vr.;s- s.Tfil'lli t. 11.. . ... ,.T,i,, tniuril in- rll ,,.n. -r I 1 I .-sir... tan 1 in 1. un th 11 11, v Inv 1.....1 . l.ev,''lle,i-i, ..jriiiiiitif 1 ItV (KIODS AiN'l) OUOOKKIKS til eh -ap furnish. Tin v have a la'ree r. 1 1 eeluril i nut) , j is cmniniiiili f.iniid in a t nuiitr Mnre. an. I ate .1. 1 'runnel lo seluiieap Ti reil..ii 1.1 Ih'ir 1'i.u.lslh.y li.iiep.ill ,ri,i ntl-iit,n : III r. lure, in. rihaiiuir timr Keiiiiini.inlaiie.n i'l iiri.ii' tu im 11 llie lirwl r The pr.,,.r, t.n, t.,rd,ally s, liul .."liberal ihnc rf pat- rina inelr lari 1; li-fure pur. Iia.iil). hm her, high.'-t n'.arki l i,ii .MAIITZ .V 11NT. Li?lilStrc.t ricinber IJ, 1-33. 1 'II its . h.' un lurviiio store NEW GOODS. Ilr iindrrri-n,.,! tnkf f ,rPa.ipMrnr.--.. recehirire.If' """ Ar.ii anon. At In. Hi. re, at r..T.len a cvnlre tminilni,, .ilua h n ciiin r., Hhi.l, ,o luiites me aitji.tinn ,f l.i public ci n. r ill. . in. M...1, rnnipri'. s eicry aruty n.u.illv kept In a ?.mi.try Mure. In- been selerUil Hi .n.i V.n tl II - Ms-lit (ill f'lll ! ai'toio!;' "c " tn lllH M'llH. - ;ir-MmK f:r,rrri. .n.i fJ.. r-.i . ccii-inllt ur-. f a iji-Tior .iuality oiuKif.r rare inNc-1 inciii-i tn pure tnir . ) Y -.Luil, i riMiuru, nr., lanrn rnr Gnndn. IU' (tdiiu ruHir nift.nn.nnd nhall aim to render hi cuttiiwr coinpl ti .itiai'attH'ii. rowlcr'ull. Oct.hfrS?. USX V' SLOVN'' .NEW fltltius AT Siutrpless' .Store. ! 'PHI, pri-snt ia. linncr.f prncr-,..Mn ThistruihlJ ...t In. ii.., ... . , V . . ..... iiuueisiu. .m.,i!. ir " "x"'"1 '"'' l', Iphla. a la'ee suppi) 01 .. ....... j ... .M.-ri-t .ii.'u m me t.ut mat th ! If lihlrhh-mil ..II ni bl, Slore i.n Main Pirn t. Illooni.. bur,' ni Hi I.IHMT l.l m; Plilics. fi.ilnlii pr.iduii l.'iUn ill 0X1 banc,!' for roods at 111" maik. t 'i ir . , , . JOPUl'll SlIAIU'I.I'.Prl. I'looinsbllr.. S. , t. It, lr1 l A I'E "N I'l HOG KjTl V. ED7' suPEii puosruA'n or lime IB W. i, iVlLliiW. Illli lielanarr Aienur. I'll I..MJ-. . . B .la acc-iil i.,r I', nil,) hunli. IK I.n'i an and si 1 llll -i'ircai:r, .ll rnual in , ff rl arid I WW la.iii.s noners. 1-5 lh. (.,( ;'.-.r,. n.... d . la'i'i1'.'"1""! '" h"""" :'f- "( m "'" cacl1 "l"l is '11 1 "''.i'v i 7. in I'i-rmmii Ira lr. and Is f.U c. izer lion in use. ainphlil, routo . rrtm. suit tiail. to all who reuurn it nu, ma i xpeiienrprf vra oiuuieild it as the best f 'itiliz,- Samples, rtrrulars and rmnplil h .m ..nil,,., s.iii sians tn ail who request Auiust 21. lril. r v ' Cliciiu'hl! flrol!! I,arfft-st:r Pay. for Tuition in Hind- i;ny llnck-Krenin-. U'.l. 1 niij.(.oiiii,i.rciiil Ant ur ami l.rriure, " llowt 8 weeks ..'JO, Stntimiurt S7, 7,. t'ii7 Si'!'-, tvtire expenses iti'i. U'UM HUH) Inn., li 10 Id 1 . I'. c,a..aii ,u,,r j,,iv.,;;r n ,z olf:,;ra")"",,","!' "d "lM ca' a , alary $aoo TO$ino. P,ud.n,.-I,,,rU,.yl,t..Nvae,,,unr,cvlewo Fii.l Premium, rnrBas! Business Wrll.n. f. i.-n -ecvril al I'm .hu rjr, I-l.ilad. p,3 and ro i.;s7ai.' iulL.. 1 ai o i.rmcipuj loir, of the Uoiou tor I tie past lour years unisti.rsi.oni received at hill price. KmMil.hed View - ..... 1 & .,i;t Bi -.-3 ..i- - . s-tf . xl 7, - i 7. w ! 1 XX . ' J SS I mm iNViiiiiiUTOB, TT iSCOMPOUNIHilt UNTIIlCIiVrilOMOtlMfl.Mal i hii' Iticome hii futibliahed hut Sinmlaril Mi illcme, nndnjnrurei! by nil that rpottrd '0 tvllfi con cs fn. whlcM tt l rrcom. ll tin firrd Ihon tw ' f wlni had ftJ v- bavpuinl it.andM n.i di'ticc in nil thu dtiea ti'rnJpit. and nithtn th Url mi up nil hnpm ni rrllff, fo' rert fiatci In , n llic niiineiiHii un 1 mi' ppMfsfintt show Th ilnp ni'iKt b ft mpntnl the fii ifiitilit 1 d.ijtlcd to lh tcmpc-tia. 1 it It i nit It. nnd nd a ..iris niniillllna .la tn nM . mi trie uoumk. n.i n tin; tip nf thP Ij I 11 II 1W I(OIM ' TOR and it IM cur IT w"f Cew.mnf, ihlt eth ;swBflf CultlrUnt ' M Ckrfft. Ciohta. CAUr jJfftw chahrn frfan M tm HttttttJuu4it$t Ftmnle toknrtt iiinl ' v nan DrJitttirtf l-amly MtJK lli:AlAt;ili. ni.iv nf U't'ii surct tui a Msfitttne, It will etir en 11111(1 ran tcilfV,) or thret TetHpoanfuit crt of af'ark, inf Iheir tcImony (a in ttrenty mlnuttf tftire takrn ni i-omnifiKOiiiPnt T vnn vne t are giv- 111 i.ivor CATHARTIC PIUS mMfotJNpnnrnoM rrt t'tgttnlH lUtrart, tnjyut vpi- tlsi 'ligfr oad irtVkrtptn tiny Sim(y ilm rAM'IA i;A- TIIAUTIi; TILL tn a jrcnlli' but mtiii t'n- nuinir whiih Ihe pi. piiftnrh.i t trrtf 1 icq in w r c t It a o lti tii i-;irt Tit" rriiHtattt y in llto.f mIki ii.'.' loot; nifarihMi birh nil thi'ir ne. iihIiiiM In tin ri'irh ni "It 'I t c prolPiiiit W"H ( tlnnfci sift on HitfWfnt , Tlim r tMM.V v i t i'b dn ' r I mice m .i f ii or iVjinnil (mm ii -ft I i Iip I'll, i.and th ex tcfi tn rpcfttd in no; lo plnce tlitjjn wlth- kiit.w that dlfferrnt C. , loritoiu n( tint lioucbt, I'll A U J If? I'll, , ,a,, th U ttill fs.ilillvh'-l irtiu it v-tri'ty nf Hi irnci" tt Itlch sitl ahlroi nii r.inal.ADd ftr p f tt hna t'nihaitir in HNntirsri. of Hit Sto is Hit- littK avo Lfiii-R, HuRrt rM nv a in il n fibi t hch Ireiriifc. t I- nu ci iiririf Ttvct, t itifriMi hf.nATio' br I.V'iti M r a n 'ii m, nil Isrti'i.Tont 'i mi nni n ir .irtti, i.iri. i.pnrrti Inci, bi'iMi roiiipn'ifidi'til uursi fvery pan i.f Ii .Hi I fioon and tf K In ii'l erj- Ih'i'dtd, ii c h ax vt Mtril HiriciNFot FtiN I (HIlVt-Mf i. AMI tt Hill It MOI'., 1111111 llld- ll if im v ! 't H In Lou o i'i,.im. a Vt t,n iM-nt i in-, ntn. i aciif i r tt . iwir 11 HIK. Ih ti n n k m nt! litifirM'uiM a p i f a ii I'lHIFIfK I-f I llC IlLOi'tl and niitiv N-ai"" in u h b Ib'h i luir ton iiuiinr OUSl't ItflltlOtl I II till ittlV rUM'IIH'Jlt l'Olk.1 I tt 3 Viii i; :tn ri mp Titt Litrn Ur'a-RiMR J'ntY CTnATic Tit it (ire if'hiii-il hi lir'KixN ii n-rahv . and Mild w Utf n iit by i lit 'I i nd f in all I irtfn ttvni h. i w Kini:ii m n M.innfaf iitrir iml rrflprlitrv, 3 3 !i K r n a w i x , S u tt Yum . .tun" 4. IVin sa vii syc 'fund. National 2 M ft. mmm Chirte-cd t.y Ztic of TV nr. y1 an I i. RULES. I. Mn.i i rffitfJ t'-try daj, ont In any unruia hTRi; or "i.idll. YWY, I'I'.It L LT Int. rtfit H lit f-ir pn.y fr . tb i diy tt 11 pm in 3. Th- moni". i altv.iy-pn J tivk in COLD, uhtiu'v 4 r tt If fflllfd ftl, fl'd Ultlll'llt ll llf J 1. Mi. j I rci. it f v-iii t teeu'itrs, .f-jmMiMfft'rtj Guardrail nnd nth ra it ho dc-tr h it m r ulm, , ( 'crf.Tt af ty, and ,h-n nurvl rati t.' tLtiinf tl !or ii .. 1 h ' inoii y r-iift-i! f .ni tlijmft-m Hit rt.d In lim' t'n'r, Mr'.'utn. f mi rd H-tt. an 1 ufh ah.r brt cl;i- ipciifin t-t th b.ut.-r ri--'rt. li. Oi!ir ilu'ir Lv-rt dnt Iro.u .' lill j o'flnrk. mj m Monday and Thnn.'.iv till . nV 1 .ck mi thtf , , l)ln . Hon. IICN'HY L. HI:vm;k, rrttUi. KUlirUT fiLLI KIIif.-K. 1 'rht a. i, Ki ro. fueretant, i)i'i;r.CTdi:!-- lion. JL'nr L. U. trier. Kmiui- Lm, ntttard L. c.irl r. Cam-U I)icwft-r. Htn.ri r linnet, t JumoIi ii !nrr. Hamn.l K..fhtni, - .f ht n. t Jt-N a t.-.. Uindrtlh Muiuu J Ucuv I)itfu IrrtrT O K I'lr ii- ni.aiif .Iriff, S'iiuth li'lft t-rsce of Third frree I'll I I..M H'.Kl'H I A. 'I!ii-J:-;.'; t-l' -i fIVb. 1. ; SUl' l'i;i( Mil'. 1 ns.r.nni.-MiTI ri. No 11 burn, ,--,. r 1' l. iiu'11. Hill eniuiiiii, !M b' vnaitli d rrn all n-s "I 1 I'm ale ur initiate nalure. r"m a lane riiir.eor .lad.-a,,,! ,.iact,r.l uPerl".re rf nli,rl4 still, lira 1. Ailt. haiulh,. giallOrgtlonor prinnl iiieilic iiiir..i ilh r.iiii,li-,ihatli.n. a, u,l me. lue .1 ' in ia .; ... ',i,r".,,"!; rai; r l.onnrrlniaanil Hyi.lnl 1,.. , ran 1 m ir an.,, 11 1 ,,u me liurrnri. rf tfners! l,,il..i t .1... ui. .. ... .'' ." "I'liee. ur .....j-1 uu.i m.iu. s, AliM'ss a, Hij i.ii.r, 1 ritlilul swelling,, sn.llh' h nc train rf h..rr bl Mi,.l...t., nil i, ,.,.ll. cla.. ,f ,,. a..,, are nia". U M.M1A1 WI.VKM.riS ,..i;..r., deei.i n.ii.h "fth lr.,11 nn.11 L.ihelr nliiiini.f ,1, ,:. Iiyus.irt 111,1 lu.irl lulm. ,,lii, , h.i... "j . . '. J 'iii'ii rums ine li-i.r jnd e,a .1 , Inl Z ,e VV'V.V v"l',"l ':" r"n;' nStUui; th unt irliin.iii. I ,.,j-i .,k'i."..' IlL-ss i.f lh.' luik nu.l Inub. l:nDltallon..rih.: II..'. fi l' tltl.l limbs I'alnitat.nn uflh.. 11.',. r... . i', dLraiiL'tiii.i.i rfil,- .i.. i. ..' r..-. lions. uiipl..rasifl,suiiii.tiu ur ,ir. rh r.-,r,u itl'.Us ii Hie u.liid are iniirh tu be iuiji i uf mi iimry, cof,i.ion ufl.leas d, .r' s.i.iri I s;ni its, f . il I'iru.iuiiiBs. aursimi losici l ,ii inn are a 8 ihe r, ,' pr.idur.d. r-u.l, , runs. I, f, J. ecu I t.iil.tliii. nnrnan. should er.niull a ihy.ieis, f skill , j.n,..,pe,ie..c- db'i ntunce r.'sl..,.-,! to ,.ih aid ill , ,, 'V , f" c;""rn' AVfl llil.TAP. 'U. -"!'.'ininc a I a. au,.rc(o o Ilr,. UOI. t SMITH e t i ,"'' "","" '"'I ""! Mill prompt I t ni inn, atid d rtiMi.nall (ir ll'tll't lure. I III- ,.!.. Vi. tl, a.-.. j buis, r.i. " """ "' n I HepU u b-r lu. lri.l-I i.sNXJFtEvaa Af!l!lUUI,Ti;iiAl. WAItl'tioiIOR iVo. 21 ,J- as, ,,. Sttii st,t nmr the Slatr ll )( r, rvn r'"I.Atini.l'III, IT.V.V.t. 1 V .1" ' ' ""' '"" liullaiiiir, urcted riDrcW I farth- propriitoi'Mrade. ar.' ,t,,.-cd "i,h .!f.. .S impleni. nts cf interest tn larn.-ra- and eardene.s I r.U Vta au n lonf 'I't'i'.rdf 'tX'tZ'X'Z V"", w I lie .urituitural lliipl"inents ,1,, ,y UV are moiiur.ct.iinl at our u.iiks, r,iJ,i r. " "w,u' llaiinsfiil-iiupo,,,,.,,,,,!,,,,,., , u jthe ut tfmrd w upi ioe. inn, H.e m c,,,,,,,,,,.. macVi'iierv for ih. mai.uf.1. Hire if various kinds 1 ru.rlculliirn Implement, ic ,i,e l,o,v pu, ar..., , ,upll) af ,,, K. n Ihi, Uui KfciH ,?:,,T.r.i',e.' "' "1"""8 k'3 uarranteil Harden r-e-il. hl.i l.eeii bef..r lb. public foruiiHanlsof ,ixl) "JlU 'Utmi i;".e;:";!-::-v;-r!-ra t'ouiitry nirrehant, ran l.n supplied ulih seed, ... p. r;. 1 r 111 hulk. .,, il, i,t lib 'ral tern,,. P IIUuii., lair, m ar lliisinl, 'a., our cur.lm scci around. ronuin, ihr. t .drcl and sevenu acr,, an I 1. .1 . ' lai.isl.stibl,.l,,,,.,,,of,,ktd iiitha ".',1,1 nJ '' I .1 .o, .,.'! ':hv!,.'!r:n'.4 .,.ih , ii,,,., K ".",;' "".'"-V cun,,,,,,,,,- ,, (iar. ,u, aaJ llou.e CaTalidar i f " '' ir ' '." ' be had. rail,. u,.o rir i '""a1 or pun paid aim hruilan. I'"", upou hc- Jaimaii il. Jri.0- ! Af'Hl' I I. Tl HA I. WA I! EIIOl'SR A LAIinn a..oiimei of the brsl f.rtilUer. In Ji ' t tlu maikel. al r.iluc.d price, fur r.,1, ,L . ;lHni; of o. I I'.nul.,,, ,'j i:,nt,,V ,,., ' ? 2S?? hupe.o ,,lm,,r !,:.;"" ' Mai.h 14 le.V.'. NEW GOOD. ! T'!hE ,w.f,,ll''.', "'rffirully inform, bis friend, .ol has a .plcuuid assorimcnt of ' xuw (ioons, o i .'. i . v. .cr . I". " l"r1' cboic. o 'sortmciit cf 1.1. . ll I- " E It c;ooi. I ,.ll .. ,. ' ." "" ru" terms as Hill 10 , ii"i ,z mVh.'.ivV.lm "c in ,Mfr "i" t'k lias h.i n "tlerted ujlh murh rare and ilb SA'a3M JSLV"S!.W r",- '"'l' ''n tbe cheapest." taktn in i rhHti iFJr,'..11 f I Jcu,n5 Grain, Lumber. A. " WILSON' ACE Bohr.linrt. Marrh IU. lfA 'UMMi;.K HIIAWI.S, (lto-jd & Squ.t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers