t IE lit 1' arid HI 'If. 1 Wmk DEMOCRAT. I-8VI I.. TATE, EDITOR. Bloomsburg, Nov. 7, 1857. Tho. SMonotary Crisis. iiSt now but twonty years -tiaw llio great monetary crisis of .1837 visited our land ; nd tho child Tf that period Las tcarcely readied Lis manLooil leforo wo havo another visit from tho diroftit and destructive monster. Ours is not lLo only country subjert to these Ciiancialrovulsions, but all tho great trading nations of tho earth, are co'oiiiss -Hullo to them, and !i&vomrthan onco been scourged severely or 'overtrading and wild speculation. But no country is moro liablo to thorn than our own, for tho temptation to that wild and adventurous spirit of enterprise 'is greitcr hero than onywliero dso on tho globe. AVo all feel that with a litllo credit, -a fair chanco and good luck, the position of a.tnilhonaira awaita-us. And -no -where elso ro fortunes so certain, anU made so rapidly as' in tbo United States. Whether ILo-banks aro to bo coesurod in whoJo or but in part for this periodical calamity to our country, or wholhcr tho A'lame shtuld bo laid entirely at' tho door of tho trading population, ox should, bo aypertioncd'belwccn the banks antlihcir -customers, wo will riot underlako at present to discuss, TLero is certainly a eauso for 4t somewhere, however deep it may Ho hid from tho plain and ordinary understanding -of the people. Tho banks seem to have 4hocreditoftho crisis thtis-upun usiriiethcr they deserve it or not. JEho -question of banks'is a difficult and complex one; and, whether they aro greater honest to odo portion of tho community than to another, or a blessing to all or a curso to all, wo will not slop to inquire.- They aro certainly used by all civilized countries; and those -nations 'that liavo the amelioration of the human family have recognized most tho associations of cipital in the form of bauks. And it would seem that, from the general use of banks by the more CDligbloncd nations, -theso institutions were deemed, if not an absolute benefit, at loast a necessary evil, 'la a new country like ours, tfbero energy and industry are never su richly rewarded, whero there is overytSing in -excess but capital, it appears Hhat tho credit- system-is- bighly favorable to its development as enabling thoso of skill and eotor,pri e, but without monoy, to tr.y tbtir fortunes in tbo race for-wcaltb. 7 he unprecedented progress cur country (has mado in tbo dovelopment ofhor resources, in tho extension of Jicr. agricultural, mechanical, and commercial .industry, may io attributed, in a great 'degree., to the Jiberal credit system which" so peculiarly characterizes our people. But whether it jta better to inoje a,long morc;slowly upon moro strict cash- system without this jfcriodical recurrence; of bank $uponypi)3, monetary crises, panio and temporary depreciation of tho yaluo of prpperty, .or, .rush ahead, aa wp jjavo been dpipg, stripkpqpipgwilhJhoharapter of ''Young ,Amerio," is a question which tho ambition dot wo'lth.wi.ll.havo moro to do. in.dcciditig 4han the cool judgment of thojiead. There is a great difierente'Wtwccn tho c.ishief 1637 aad ihat.of 1857. When -tho former "took vpMacb, it extended from tbe people to the Federal Government. The money of tho pcoplo had beer, confided -,to certain State Kanks,and when an attempt .was mado'toremovo it ."to others, or to transfer it Id the States, themselves, under Abo' Distribution Act, tho State banks could -cot comply" with tho demands of -the .Government. The temptations which'tho vast funds of tho federal .revceno oCcred to the bmks were too great to 'be -resisted j ,and. when the reaction oaino, and theso funds wcro needed for tho ordinary opera tions of t.lw Government, and for other purposes, tho' banks coiild net comply, .without curtailing their discounts and polling in their debts ; and when thoy did this, it grefly added to the genoral distress ..among tho merchants, mechanics, and .manufacturers, and precipitated the xata'strdpho .which fell upon tho wholo .Union. Happily for tho counir.y, we wcro in' a condit-'on of profound poaco when -theso pvents transpired. Had wo been in a stato fi( ,wr wjth a foreign power, inconceivable tlistrcjs and .dishonor must have, resulted The funds kept as a saarctl.tlepdiil for just jueh (mergeneies xvcull.not have been forthcoming. They had been used by the bannsy to feed tho fuel of privato rpccula f ioo-rato pamper favorites to erect palaeos Tflnd ito oarry forward projects of a doubtful ch.ira.ctar, or bad pissed ioto tho several Stato treasuries, to form the basis of other operations only 'ioos disastrous, Thus was tho General Gover-nraentinvolvcd in tho calamity that attacked individuals and States. The snffoiing was universal. Byt now Uia prostrato mochania or merchant can look .up (roni his gloom, and see ac least ono bright star in dark sky. .overhead. Tn tlns hour of his-de.pondoncy 'ho need lot despiir. The Federal Gov ernment is not involved in the catastrophe, Tho millions of the peoplo' money have jiot been thrown into (ho cauldron of speculation, lo food, the fever of unhealthy and cud.-n gtin, -an1! to add to (ho .can- Burning revulsion in tho money maticl. Had this not bcon so, who can count tho calamities that would havo befallen, us f WLp can tell whco tho mad torront of expanded and expanding credit would have carreid us! Tlis is tho great difference between tbo panic of 1837 and that or 1857. It con stitutes ono of tho Hopes of tho hour. It fpetks cf a wholesome Treasury; of the proud and stainless "reputation we tbear beforo tho nations ; of the security of those citizens whoso means aro invested in the stocks of tho United States ; and it dhows to all men, and convinces all men who caro to think on tho ci!bjcct,'that tho policy of tho Independent Treasury is not only best for us-iit times of war, but is tho truo con scrvntor and safeguard of the pcoplo in time of poaoe, Our Groat ConfodoVacy. At tho meeting of tho next Congress two new Stales will bo in readiness for admission into tho Union Minnesota and Oregon. The progress made thus far fully warrants tho expectation. The Constitu tion of Minnesota prohibits slavery. What position Oregon will tako .on the samo subject is as yet unccitais, In effect, liowover, Oregon -is and will continuo to bo a free State, Theso will increase the members of tho confederacy lo thirty-three, without counting Kins s, whoso admission in some shape now seems imminent. The Constitutional. Convention f Kansas -will moot again in, a few days, reeumo and conclude its labors, and tho Constitution thus framed will cither to submitted itct a popular voto or sent to Congress wjlhout such endorsement, At tbo approaching session of Congress, tbcreforo, tho Union will bo materially increased In numbers, .Stops twill also, no 'tloiibt, bo takon to organize tho new territories of Arizonia, Dacotah and Carson, thus raising tho number of territories to the so mo total as at present. TTho potions. Tho Massachusetts election on Tuesday liast resulted iu thoclioica.JJ'lin.'ol P Uaiiks,tlio Ilcpublican-Aiucnoan candidate for Governor, by a largo plurality over Gardner, American, and Boaoh,Dom6erat. The, combined yote of tho Democratic ond Aroorioan-candidates oxeoeds-that cast-for Mr. Danks. An election was held on tho same day in Now York for various Stato officers. Tho Dcmocratio majority in the city of Now York is 23,000 and Fernando Wood is re-elcoted mayor. The returns from tho interior of tho Stato aro frag, monlary and incomplco, but thay oyery wucro 3now -i-irgo, l7pjjloc;no gains, aa cornpared wtb tho -vote.of la fall when Fremont xarned tbo Stato, Tho result is extremoly doubtful. ter'lt appears after all itho 'fuss mado by tbo Black Republicans, becauso Presi dent Buchanan appointed a Southern man as Governor of Kansas, ho has proven to bo tho .very man to sottlo tho many diffi culties in that distracted Territory. If 0 is administering the Government with the most accurate justice., and making host? of friends ip all parties. Ho .does not,pertait Southern jircjudice or Northern fanaticism to ovcrrido his judgment, bui with truo devotion to his ennntry, and to form de termination to sctt'o tho difficulties there, ho odrainisters tho Government, of Kansas according-to Jaw andgusticc. If Southern Fire.Esters and Northern Abolitionists will keep their, bands off, lio will succeed in quieting tho disturbance in Kansas. IQjTnuEsD op the TttAirons. Lebo, Wagonseller, and Manoar, who committed treason against the Democratic party by voting for .Simon Cameron, the Republican Mndidaio for,U. S. Senator,ihave all'becn left at-bomo and true Domocmts refurnod to tho Legislature in their places. Thus endcth:tho career of tho traitow. They gT to their political graves, ! unwept, un honored and unsung." J5Sy Hon. Biehardson hi Wright, State Senator, from Philadelphia paid our-village a visit a fow days ago, In a few -yocrs, tho ablo and active Senator has made to himself a reputation of iwhioh ho has a right to bo proud, Tho coming session is oce likely to require judgment and 'taot, and wo believo Mr. Wright has the requisite qualifications. Col. James Dcegan, 9? Sullivan county, has bcon in town for eomo days, lie .Iias.dpne jnuch forms immediate county, and having cast,higbroadupon tho watorS; ho shall find it after many days. The Col, is a good democrat and a clever man. eSrWo ore glad to learn that our friend Cochran ofyho Vcnango.iS?r):tator,is olected Prolhonotary of that oounty. T.his mark of approbation is justly merited by him for his able and manly support of JDemocraoy. 855?" Tho Pittsburg Port strongly recom mends Alfred B. McCalmont, -Esq., of that cjty, as a suitable person to occupy tho position of Attorrioy Goncral in Gov ernor Paoker'a cabinet. jCT There are one hundred and seven teen Sheriff Sales advertised in the last Luzcrno Union, Tftanl-sgiviftg Bay in New York, Gov. King, of New York has appointed oi ... i ijb4i.u, Mu wu4iw yu u rial, tu . m . I AND DEALERS IN the 20th of Novembers a day of tbanc ,bj, brother, Mr. Joseph B. Tptc, of Spring-1 6"Mr.Ten Brooclc amwieau hone, 1 FJsJ jxRo VISIONS SALT A giving in that ate. ''Geld, in this county, Prjor.is dead. ' ' h,tiiiy;me.,Hiideipl,1,, ' ' ILdttor from tho Editor. No. 3. Noam SrniNariELD, Ohio, ? October 87, aB57. 5 Ijcar Reader f .r. 1 t. A 111. openuine ooeiy uijs wiiu aw Ji .i t it, n Te ::r:,: t.., :y::"bz, Ul Bl A uivtuiuii niiuni UUV UUt DkUU IV i about twenty.oeo years, and have travelled about 000 miles to see, I feel Uko saying ... , .'.,... things in the BuokovoiState I hae oislt. ! d a portion of tbo Western Bcscrvo, and .otaiirned. fflr a I mo. in Snrinn(lM,l. nnnr Akron, in Summit county, a beautiful see- - - - 1 - r 0 1 tion and excellent agricultural Uistrict Of Ohio. Good wheat is raised here and all , kinds of produce, but tho prico is what WO I North-Eastern folks would.call killing low. Wheat will scarcely command 81 00 perl bushel, apples, and potatoes 25 cents each 1 per bushel, and other nrticlcs low in .pro portion. I Tho scencr-y down -tljo Ohio River, by ' steamboat or railroad, west of Pittsburg, j with Ohio on tho North and Virginia 011 tho South, is particularly picturesque and delightfully pleasant. . Polilically,-Ohio is redeemed. Tho demooracy Las gained great victory, in olecting their .Legislature, and although Chase lias tho certificate for Governor, by about 1800 majority, it is a fact that so mo 1500 negroes voted for him, without authority of law, which wheu in vestigated, as it will be, will no doubt, placo Col. Pay.ni; in ;tho Gubernatorial Ohair of Ohio. To-(lay I re'urn to Pennsylvania. iEx peeting to stop, temporarily, in Pittsburg, I intend to .revisit my uativo ,homo in. Clearfield. And now as thotimc approaches when we must separato,- bid adiou to friends wo lovo nnd from whom we havo long bcon severed how bard it Is to tako tho parting hand to say farewell dear friends farewell. Pinsnuna, Wednesday, Octobor28,.lB57. y P. S. This dull iinomipg iCnds rno in the SmgkyOity. Times hero aro slightly improving. When tho spirit of improve ment becomes more visible in tho cities, cast and west, its influence- will begin to 4UV r r.v.iT-ijnlniic'T;asinos operations of the interior of tho State. A melancholy shooting affair ocourrcd yesterday in tho-cars at .Chambersburg. Josqph and Jeremiah McKrbbcn, tho ono a Mombcr of Congress from California, and tho other brotherf of tho Merchants' Hotel, il'hiladelphia, met their former brother-in law, Isaao Craig, of this city, against whom an alleged wrong upon tho person of their deaf and dumb sister is charged, as tho cars wero leaving, and assaulted him with (Pistols, Eightcon balls ,passed between tho parties. Craig was .shot through tho thigh not mortally. Con gressman McKibben ira.s shot .through tbo coai-slcciwa. , . . i. jL. T. Tho Nortlx Branch Canal. The recent breaks in this canal has caused great los3 and inconvenience to I our Coal Operators. Tho dam across tho Suquohanno, 8 or 10 miles abovo Tunkhannock, is a comploto iwrefil;, and' will probably be impassable for a year1 or more, 'ilius cnus all our hopes for tho success of tbo North Branch Canal. Wo do not pretend to understand tho why nnd the wherefore of theso constant' interrup tion's, bat thero surely must bo somo serious dercliction-of duty somewhere. 'It 'is ex traordinary -that 1I1H Dam should bo so lightly constructed as to give way to a freshet, such as tho ono which caused tho disaster. Hero wo sco.tho work' of somo 200 -men for srx months, demolished by ono of tho lightest freshets wo ciould well have how tho Dam could havo been ex pected to withstand tho high tides', nnd powerful currents which wo frequently see, is a mystery. To say that this new and serious-interruption, is-tho result of acci dent, for which no 000 can 'bo 'held accountable, is sheer nonsense. Thero must'bc gross misman agement somewbera, and wo should-likc to see tho mattertaken up, and -a strict investigation made. Titlston Gatittc, Now York lEloction Tho Stats' Claimed by tho Democrats. New York1, Nov. 4 Tho fow additional returns -received show continued Republl can'losscs, and tho result in tho .Stato is considered Qodb.ful, but lis chimed by tho Democrats. New York, Nov. 4 U o'clock1 T. M. Tho aggregate footings of -returns which are reported from twenty ono counties, including York, -Onedia, St. 'Lawrence, and Jcffcrson, Bhow oDemocratieplurality of 29,000 votes. Tho 'Democratic gain over the Republicans, compared witji tho votefor Governor of lastycar, amounts to 4G,OOOvotes. E5".ln tbo abseaco of the Editor, wo give publicity to tho -following complimen tary notice, whicli vt,& dip from, tho Sum mit pemocracy published in Akron, Ohio : I?EitsoNAX, )Vo received a call on SaturdayJait from .Col. Tate, tho veteran editor of tbo Columbia Democrat) Blooms burg, Pa. Col. Tate established tlio f)emr ocratt twenty years ago. and utilike many others engaged in newspaper enterprise, has l(tmado it, pay," Ho reports that tho Democracy, of tho old Kovstone aro in high gleo over their recent glorjous yictorjf f eatisfiod that they havo givon Sectionalistn and Know-Notbinnisra their death blow in that Stato. Tiio Colonel was oa a visit to Ulurdcr in rbilndelphla. About. vo cJoiook Wednesday nftornoon last, thp'most ihocking tragedy which it has ever been chr lot to record mas per 1 . , - , poirncu'aituo et. iiawrenco noiei, on mo of dhMiD.t street, as far a9 a .11 , 1 il r I J" "f ,B,0W' "H 'u ""TV 1.,? T ,i-r thracito Bank of 1 amaqua, Schuylkil co "i"d tn the c, y and look up """1"" J' il ,ow UU)B Ivi t JUUuB u who gayo his namoas Thomas Washington Smith, arrived hero from tbo -South, and put up nt tho Madison IIouso. At tho aboyo Lour, yesterday afternoon, Carter and Smith wcro observed sitting upon a sofa, in tho corner ofHlio parlor fronting on Chestnut street. Vlicro was nothing, exciting in their manner, and tho casual observer would havo supposed that they woto engaged in tho molt frlondly conver sation. Thoy occupied, their scat-) for a considerable length of tme, when Smith drew from his pocket a Colt's revolver. Bothpartics aroso from tapir seats, -when Smith oomnicnccdifiring upon Carter. .At tho third firo Carter fclj fataljy wounded, and Smith fired two more loads into tho body of tho wounded man -while lying prostrato upon tlio floor, in a pool of blood, and tbo coolness of tbo murderer, whq quietly walked dff, and tho terror which was depioted on every countcnanco in tho room, was a scene most shucking. Tho wounded man died in a few moments, and was convoyed toJiis.rooni, in tbo upper part of tho buildio. Officer Albright, of -tho "Reserve Corps, who happened to bo in tho vicinity at the time, took Smith to tho, central polico station, w.hcro ho appeared perfectly cool and collected. Tho Press, CST-Thc Binghataptou'(N,'Y:) Democrat statosvthat a trial camo off before Judge Balcom at'tho llroomo Circuit; last week, between Mr, Beebo, a respectablo gentle man of fifty years aad upwards, and Mr, Ayros, a conductor upon the Erio Kail- road. Mr. Bccbe had purchased a ticket from Nowburg to Addison, but on. arriving at- Deposit, no'left tko oars, being fatigued, to lay over tut the next day. TI10 next day be took tho ton o'clock A. M. emigrant train, west, but. left it atvQreat Bend, and took tho day "Express train. Ayros, ttho conductor, refused. to recognise rtbniioket, and put him off tho train forcibly. Tho suit was brought for damages for" the as sault. Mr. Beebo recovered a vordict for 8250, undor the direction of tbo court. Minnesota Sattled. It is now a certainty that tho election in'MinnesoU for stato officers has resulted in a Democratic triumpb. The Hon. Henry H. &ibley, the, Administration candidate .for Governor, and all'thoiDerco crmro nntiititoa fur otaio olftcoin aro elected. Mossrs. Becker, Phelps and Cavanagh, tho Dcmocratio nominees for Congress, arc also elected by decided majorities. Tho Domncrats havo also a majority in both branches of the Legisla ture, which gives them tho election of two -United States Senators. Horrible Accident, Yesterday afternoon as 1110 uattawissa train was coming, in from Danville, about half a milo below tho depot, in rounding a curve, a man wasseon on tho track,, but too lato for tho Engineer to stop tho itrqin, ,and .ho was .run over. literally cutting him in two. Hbinamo.is Michael Shell, of Chilisquaquo township. aged, about .35; years ; ho was in liqu ir at the time. Jle has for sover'al years, past been slightly deranged, and lis .without a family. Milloman, Oct. ,00tA. Speaker of tho Honso, A modest man, and ono not likely to press his claims to political distinction himself, wo respectfully suggest Gen, Jackman, of this dis'ricl, for speaker 01 the (House of Representatives. His quali fieations aro unple, and wo aro quit certain that if the mombers knew him tlicy would elect him. We aro suro they would if'tlio ichoico .was not to bo mado until month aftjr they meet. Clinton Democrat, U. S. Senator mom Tunnessee,- Tho election of tho Hon. A. O. P. Nicliol son, as United States Senator, is a triumph for tho'Domocracy of that Stato, and will bo hailed -with pleasure (throughout (lie country. Mr. Nichelson was tho leading editor of tho Washington .Union undor President Pierce, and -was distinguished as ono of tbo most brilliant and effeativo wri tors of tbo day. The Grain Coming, On Satuaday night week, thero arrived at Buffalo, N. Y.,nf wheat 308,104 bushels, of eom 00,001 bushels, and oats 58,000 bushels, tho largest roccipts of any ono day this season. Thero aro over 300,000 bushels of whcatibstwecn Chicago and Buffalo, Tho receipts .aro largely .increasing at Buffalo. ,16? President Buchanan, learning that Mr. and, Mra. Pierce were going to Ma deira, to remain their during the wintor, in tho hopo of restoring ,tbo health of 'the latter, which has failed very much,.-Jba3 very gracefully tendered thcra passage-in tbo steamer l'owliatun. to leavo on or about tto 20th of Novcmhor. 1 Tbo Comploto Voto. Tho following is tko official voto at.thp lato'clcction in tho Stato. for flqyEnNon. William F. Packer,. 188,800 David Wilinot , 140,147 Isaao Hozlchurst j 28,277 Packor ovcr'Wilmot 42,743 Packor over W. and II. . 14,400 CANAL 'COMMISSIONER.. Nimroil Strickland, William Millward, John F. Lindcrman, 187,100 144,428 20,038 Strickland over Millward, 4ai7fi8 Strickland over M . and L 10,130 ffUMEME JUDGES. William Plrong 180,823 Jame3 Thompson, 187,023 Janios Veeoh ,,. 142,377 Jcscph J. Lewis, l4.H.P-si Jaoob Broom 27,840 Jasper E. Ilrady 20,054 AMENDMENTS TO T1IC CONSTITUTION. 1st. 2d. 3d. '.ilh. For, 122,058 117,142 114,000 118,205 Aga'st 130511 21412 30305 14932 Maj. 100005 05730 1 0487 1 03873 Canal Appointmonts. Tho Beard of Canal Commissioners Will bold session on tho il7th 'instant, for'tbo purpose of making appointments on -the publie works. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of David Smith, deed. -M-rrillrT. I. l.A..t,u tin (hi( TnltPr. nrArinilnt-lirfl IN lion. Willi Iho will aiineied, upon tho Ematc of David Bmilli lato of IIcmiock lown.nip, oommura rouirty.dfecaieil.havo been ranted to llio unilerHgnod, ril Jjiia at lluckhorll, In Ilia aai.l township of llrinlock. All pcraona indebted to tho Eattto are requcaiea to counta lor ecltlemeiit to preient them to jfd.-lintitral'eruilA A ulll annexed. nu,ckhorn, Nor 2, ia'7. List of .Causes for Trial Dcc'r'Ifcrm, I ylllbm Koona ci George I.. KIno clal. S William Koona rf Gcnrae L Kline. 3 Jdaeph Stackhouke vi Gilbert Fowler. 4 Tliomia rarker v John II.Tarker. 5 lanae nrown v$ Robert J. Lyon. ft Jncob Schuyler vt Wilson Acer. 7 t leicner u. uouson ei m vi iviiitam ijong. S f.-htiitlitn lUlBi rtonielOiger. 0 Mnrlin Mowrv vt Thomaa ttaekhoiuc. 10 Gilbert Fowler v$ Gilberl II Towler et nl. 11 William Kiucnliouten Samuel F. Ilcadley. 13 David llildebrantvaltenjamin Fox. 13 D.ivid Wlntemtxen el nl vt Chria. Sliumon. 14 William Uonradct Daniel Bmilli. S.Janien Ulttenhoilae etnl.vr llnrny tlote. OUcob Warner -ra Slate Mntiul 1'ira Insurance Co. 7'JnlMi.6nviler'4.j T.v fj.Tflte. IS O. U-Klhtcnforlhc use of Wm, Roblmon pa Frett- ((riek'liabb 19 llenrv Stork ra Mcelv It If ileman. CO Adam Siroup et alra I..n.nuptrt elal. 21 CotnellxsMcCrrcn ra Henry J Vuple. Travereo JurorsDecem'r Term IHnnm Panittrl PhaiTir, Jnnien L. Park lev. John Wl.llrnig.it, John K. fJrolz, Zebu Ion Gro. licnion itpiiupii t'.ivi, er-i leier lasc joiin mc llpnry, tsr. iifar vifek saiimei Kpictincr. t'entre-Lcl Aikiiinti. titention llutton. ('ixUnvslcira Biiiiiitl Kolen'iailfr, MnHhtm Hnrtmin. FiMilne t;iprk-Jtin Hen. .mard Unaiieit, Danle sincKor, ueniy .;vr. i.ropnwooa Jcnniiourc. Ik'iulotk-J.nmes llmmlii, 'John nrubfr, Jesse Oh), J(Hin II tl HuBt. hocut Llini Ilrlwlr, Petfr K.'l)sr,,cifi. ShkhicI Hiu'in-JJOiTli wintflrftifcn.'lieflnarJ Kirkend.ul, Hot at. Bimlial It.., tf.i OtIM Utaitt Orangp Jnliti Aclipnbicka l'inn Uonjiimn Wlnteritn Uonnnx Creek Ailnm fijlilc, Sugnrloaf Alien Cole. Pcoit n.ir,if WhitmirR, Jicoh Krllcr. Ocl3l, 1P57 (irand Jurors for December Term. Tltoc-m l.ewli II. Mao, liar nurd Rupert, fieavcr John J, DrtishnrJir ltrj:r i rf CcSlfpJ.cn 'Af U(ntatii. X.Ttie-MMoti lljrkn. OattawiRa-ReijiinIn 7,err, John Scott. Franklin Joseph Hitter, FishliiR Creek Wlllmin Dudtnlew, fireenw ood Joieph Kellrr, Jackson Robblns. I.ocust William uracil, t-'amuel Menr. Madison IewH Schuyler. Ntilson Kitchen. MontourArt. Bug, Mifflin Iaac Snyder. Main- llamnn John. Mount 1'le.nant Daniel Mor.lin. U range llinim R. Kline. Ucujamin Weflmbn. Fine William Caphner. Itoarinjt Urek John Whltner, Bcott Jlli Creveliiis. UctSl. 165? PROCLAMATION. WUDUBAfl, lli't Hon, Warrcn J, WoocniA4tn;rreii--rlentttfihi Curt of OierandrTermlner ao'd He. nerntiJnilDeliverv, Couil oftautrter 43eanotu of the Peacaond Court of Common Pleas and Orplutn'a Court, in lh Tavpnty-Sixih Ju icinl District, compoied of una counties of Columbia, R'lllivan and Wyoming, nndthe Hon J(a)b DvAaa nnd Pbter Klinc, Assortnte Judges lu Col ii in i) I It county, have issued Hieir prectpt, (tearinc date the lllli day of September, In the year of our Lojd onftiliwiMnd eicht'liundred and fifty (fx; and to me di reftod for lioldmg n Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene.ralJail Delivery, General Uuarter Session of ihe I'eace.uomnion I'leniinii urpnnn s uourt, initiooms burg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Mondav, rbeinzthe?thday)of December next and to COnUiiUo one week. Noticc iBlierehv giren. to the coroner, tbo Ju it Ices of tho Pence Mid Constables f the tnld reuiitv of Co lumbia, that thoy bo then nd tbere ln their proper persons at 10 o'cloek inihn forenoon rf said day, wjlh thair records, inquikitionsnni other reuiembranrea lo do thoe thins which lo their offices nnncrtain to h done, .And lho that are bound by recognizonrc, to proseruta against Hie prironi rs that are r may bo in the Jail of said county of Columbia tn beLhenenilthttrn to prosecute them as shall beiust. Jurors are reaueit. ed to be punctual in lb ir attendance, nereeublvnn their nntircs. Dated at Bloomsburg, tho 26th day of nunureu nnu imr-seven, ana in inervi year oi the in depeinUaj'o ofthe.United States of Amerira, ((GoU save tho Commonwealth.) 8TCriIBN.il. MIlLBU.iAitrtf. octai.isw MADISON HOUSE, NOS. 07 AND 30 NCUTII RKCOND -8THEET, BCLOW ARCH STREET, PJIJUtVRLPJtJA. TUIH popular Home has Leen thoroughly renovated, an-t ettemtivc Imprvvtntni made for the uccommo ilatiens ol-guests, fee. In connection withilhe above Hotel, ih proprietor hn opened, in llio basement, a line KATINf! AND DKINKlN(i HALOON. Altogether th Itablii-hineut omparua favofahly with Hm Jir.t class places ol accommodation for Traveller. Citizens, &c beiog uilhln a short distance of tho'ew.Vork and Pall i more (.indinga, near the Pou Office and Ex JiatiC, her Omtibusca, going to all parts of the Cilyi.tait from. The Proprietor hopes, by strict aiteotinm ,to Hie wants of his guests, to receive a liberslshare of the public patronage. (J.-OITENKIRK, Prffprieidr Utn of Ilaltliuorc.Md, and Cincinoali, Ohio, Oct 31, IW7-6m WIlKATLlirs AKCII ST. THEATRE, IlCn BTRECT, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHIA. TUT, OVA tl COMPANY, composed of theTineit Ar lites in th world, nnd exceeding In Strength and Talent A-y Dramatic combinaiiQn lirretofore otrered lo the Theatrical public, will appear every nifhl in com. eilr. Tragedy, PerioComie Dramaj Vaudavllles, Musi, cal Durleltas, ic, eUc, When Uilliuc the City, go there. ' 40cl31flM7-.3ai BH AH.P NOTICE, ALL persons knowing themselves lndthteilor having unsettled Lime accounts wltb the subscriber aje nerrby uotmed to can upon nnonon jvtyiara, Eiq t whq can, be found in his office every Saturday afternoon, a tin iseftlotha sme befora Ihe Ant of Januaty nvxt For a tier wntcn time an uncollected accounts will be placed in hands of ojneurs for collection. RICHARD TORDY. Oct 31, J837 S. L. Pancoast & Co COMMISSION MERCHANTS, e, JU X Jkl '.W W II CI If I 1 1 V AT THEIR PCCOVD .ANNUAL EOTBITfON. T Am tiT.nnMfamma. . . , . . nn o,- Un Xnunaaiiyj.'riaav.UCl.-iJa-iio.iaai , 1 - NCI. inoitscs. For bent pair carrheo horsci, Wm. Sloan, 4 fin Second bell. N. H.-freDtii. "W lien pair Draft Mono, John l'und, 3 00 Becond beat, Jlobert l'ursrl, 1 S( nm Hlallinn. Daniel Helrer. .0 00 Bccond b-t, Barauel Mtiick, 1 ) Heal brood Mare, J. Deitrlck, 310 Second beat, John Keatar, 1 JO l!citel(ifilecnrriaenorie,j. ii.iunci, w B.cond beat, Teter Kline, 100 Deal Coll, 3 venn old, Joieph Vomer, son Second beat " Daniel Nejhard, 100 Ceil OH, 3 yeara ol.l.Chailea l.te. Ji 00 Hccomtbe'l ' Wm. Ilidler, 100 Second beat " Cleorie Ileia, I 00 Iieit Unit, 1 year o-d, uaac laeier, ju Comniltteo John K. uvea, oi ureenwoou, rnnip llerie, ofOrcenwood. Henry n. Melirb, or Bcotl, K. n. Anliur.ornioom, and Elloa Kline, of Bcoil, NO. 2-OXEN, CATTLE, Ice Host Dull, 3 ycirs and upward, annuel Rumlny, 2d beat do Robert l'uraol, 200 1 00 sou 1 00 1 00 Ileal Milch Cow, Itobert Fursel, 2d beat, A. S Slonn. n?st bulWalf tinder 1 year, Caleb Darton, Jr., tiett Mrtitercn i r, I iiartAn. 1 00 rlnnimlttee Neal M'Cor. of Madlsdn. Geo Weaver. of Dlounsburg, n.inlcl Krelgh,ol Catawiasa, Andrew Freaa and'Jacob Hill, of Ceniri. NO. 3-BIIEEP. Thero wereino heep on Eihibitlon. N0.f4-SW1NE. nest Hoar, Ell narlon. 100 Rest Bow. Itcuben Wilton. J 00 nest Fat Fig, Moses Kaufman, 1.00 uesl lot l ICS. u or niore.v to tu weexsoio, Kiviiron, l tip Contlnitleo. Wm. Rote, of Greenwood, Melieintnn Reecn , ol Centre, Thomas M'Henry, of Oiange, Joseph Mouier, of Montour. NO .1 DOG3. Dcat Newfoundland Don. A. C. Mrnch, .10 M .-hepltera uog.-rnnma naiiuien, ou Committee. l'eter llillmeyer, lliomas Dallmon and t. W. Boone, all of Dloora. vn. fi-touLinv. Dest'Tjair Shanghais, E. P. Luu, no no Dliver urejs, I iivu.Ba uiii.nian, do Gattira, N. B Frentls, " 50 do llantatna.'lhotnaa Dullman, 'r,U do Ducke, F. Mctirfde, io do Guineas. M.SweppfnhciB-r. 50 Best and grcniest variety oi i uwis or ar.ytgnd, The Commillro think C E. Mnreerum la cntlllcd to jnniTiaa in iinan. n Diploma lor his lot or DuCKron-rixntnition. Committee John Ilartmari, lill Uartou and Evan Welllver. wn.TnnrN AND nri-AFS snnna. Dest TIttlliel ol White Wheat, Muses llowcr, 2 00 do Medlleraneaji.'isaaciiowrer, do Rye. Itlclmrd glllea. -1 00 do Corn liars, fGonrd) An'drtnv Mcilirk, 30 do do (Yction) L. D II J perl, SO do Oafs'. M. K. Apnleman. SO do nuckwltcar, O Iiirtoit, Jr , so do l bushelClovet Seed. J. It. Ikelrr, 100 Committee. Geori!f) Yost, of Montour. Jnmea Em inetl. of Hemlock, John llarlinan. of CHtnwIssn, lteese M. Cck, or KrnrcrccK, anu moroeica hicks, or uenire. NO. 8 GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT. WINES, &c. Heat bushel Winter Apprea. William Thomns, so llcsl I buahelil'all Apples, Margerum Wilson, to Rest rpiclracn'IVnN, John Cbambcrtatn, iia .eaenea,iv.fjnoaiaa, irj do auinces.tfuean Abbott. .-Hi do Citnbcrrev. Andrew Croute, SO do Grapea George Yost, SO Dest peck of Dried Apples. It T Folk. SO Host 4 quarts Dried Cherries. W T Folk. so do do Stoned Mra Margaret Appteman, SO Rest peck dried "rnches. I J Reeder, 511 Rest eamiilu Curruit.WDie, Thcunna Palmer, r0 do iEI.--r.tVk.ie,iJUt Edgar, io do CiKrry Wine.Mra'A Dallman. Si) do (Fresh Cider. Thomaa Cieveling, l'U Couimittee. John A. Fiinlon,of Ma'llori, Reuben R9iiihoy. ol Hemlock, and James M astcra, rf Pine. NO. 0-VEOETAItI.ES. llestbuhelMcref.rl'ot.iloea, Martin Rupert, SO .In Common Enoch Keslcr, SO rtort'i bushelBwcet Potatoes, Martin Ibupert, SO Rest sample l..-ans, Daniel l, soifth, do .Feas. do Rest I dozen heads Cabbage, iI.'fHtapert, Uesl V rumpKins, rnnip r nsnonz, Rest dozen Heels, J McMJcliaei, Rest bushel Turnips. Wm Thomas, Restuozen Carrots. J MeMichntl. Rest 1 bushel Onions, Jacob Arnwine, Bent it Squashes , Wm Simincton Best Sample Celery, '1 hoiras Hulllhen, Best Perk Tomatoes. 11 T Fulk, Brpt Sample Cliime f ugir Cime, John Groover, do limn Bunas, Oliver Uvnni, Pest Citiom , John KeRtei-, Host 4;ticunilicm. Win Thomas, r.ctl Vcm table JJzrrf . Mra Urrn Psrtnn, Committte. J.'lteitricrt, oM:Jiliur, Baniucl Fik,ol Ro-iringcreek, nnd Nathan Bonil'ny, NO. 10-IIOMa AND DAIItV PROIlL'CrR. fi'ft Butter, 1 pound nnd npunrd. lJf-ltiia It l'uron, .'Q lie I liOal Woent Brc.id.Mrri Philip Unaneil, Bei Fruit i;rie, P.itv & WiUon, voi;ni i.TOtipim rnuin uimneii. llifct npec(.eii'riekie, Amelia hnlnnnri, .'(! do Preie;reh. Mra U llicki, ':Q Bt qinri flrap l.uttr, Mr UHirkn. .'.i' Best Jar Siralnid Money, Andn-w Mctllrk, M Best Hample Honey In Comb not lis thaiiAibe. Hallis Appleman, ( Cist eured Ham, Philip Unauget, so Bet Sample Hard Soap. M r Uemtey, $q Committee Mrt Hli Uatton, Mrs Joseph -Gharplfii indtMra ti R Dienur. NO. H-linMH AND IIOIMCIIOLP JMNUPACTimn. Dest pieco Cloth, 5 ardi or more, C W Eves, nesi wuiii, runny rursei, Itest Counlerpaine, John Connor, Jr., flest Pair lltaukets, Mary JI illenmn, net Sample Carpet 5 yards and more, R Johnton, i no 1 00 i oo 1 00 100 1 00 lien ooi uarpoi. cnper nressier, Dest Coverlet, Mra Ventali Reese, Uest pair Linen Sheets. ' it! a Filnv Cases Rest pnir'-Yarn I!oeMrr Ilannali Cool. 50 V.en double pair Ynrn Hose, knit double HnnCool, 30 ino conimitie wouiu say mat ior a nouuie coterlet exhibited by Mrs Mary Joi.ea IheSociely should jiv-hCJ' a (iipiniiia. Commluee. Il.irnard Rupert. Mrs Aaron Iloone, f Bloom, and Mrs Peter Hnt, of Light Street NO. 12 LADIL'S WORK AND FLOWP.RH. BestiFancyTnhle-Cover, fa rah A Rtshel, Best Simple Lamp or Vase Mat, Mary Hiilleman, Uest Ladius Collais, MargeriHnvWilsun, Best display 'Jrotchet Work, MrsC A Wilson, no j.mnrui'ifry, iiara Jlperi, 'do Natural Floncrs, lletsie RoUson, do ArtiHcial " ATnrearet Cremmv. The cnnmiiilee would ray tbain Oriental faintlna by Ctiarntte Arnwine, a splendid unrylread Dressby Mrs John Moyor, n fancy Pin C'Uhion by Mrs O T Wilion, Zepliyr Work by Sarah Rupert, and n Card Holder nnd Uox bv Miss Attn Rupert, are entitled tn not ice and prtmium or 50 cts each. Committee. Mrs. C. W. Hartmnn. Mrs. Mori-i Vnn Dmkitk, of Ulooni.and Miss Mary Masters, f fine. NO. 13-rFLOUR. ThffConimitlco on Ffe-ur neglected to hand in their Report, niey will piease ao so wunout delay. NO. H AGRICULTURAL IMPLUMEN-T6, Best Tlow, J F Long, 'J-QO Dest Holier, ur j namsay, rufl Rest Corn Planter, II O Mower, uo Rest Horse Rake. 14)0 Best Thrashing Machine, Silne U Ilultshizer SOO licit iiayfcBirawuuuer, jw unrmer. llestCorn Bheiley, fltone k llultsbjzer, 1 00 lien Orain Drill, George Yost, 1 00 Committee. -L U Rupert.Abner We'sti and Klias DeUnrh Tlie name of tbe.Bxhiujtor having Hie Horse Rako on Exhibition, is lost, Hf calling til our office, if a resident of this county, wc will fil out an order on the Trear-ircjr lor me rrentuin. trks't. NO. 15-WAOONS AND CARRIAGES, Rest 2 horse Wagon, N S Prenlis M)0 yd best, J n neitrjch, 1 00 ifrstshor-eijurriage, ha union, u uo nest Top imgvy, 00 vw For Concord 'I op Bugy, Vm 8loan'i.eoo, 1 M Uest Open'lkiggy, (to do 1 00 Ilijstfiielclii do do 1 an Best spring Truck Wagon, Nryhrrd St Jatoby, 1 00 Tho Committee would say that thev cannot refrain fn 111 romiuoniJinir to favorable notice, the s letch mt. ten up and presented on exhibition, by J Seasholtz, of hit w icr. incy miu 11c iseniiiicu 10 a aipioma ironi the Boeiety, Committee Jacob Arnwine, of Montour Samuel maner, 01 maaiswn, ni uaac, nriuer, 01 , jirtrcreek Daniel Yoeum and Joseph Connsr Jr, NO. 16 MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. Best Specimen Cabinet Work, Wm Rabb, 2 00 Rest sDrinc bottom Bedsteads. G W Coretl. 1 nn UeatSinleSett Carriage Harness, Qrntz&rursel, 1 00 wesi pair nurse cooes, juun uauman, uo Rest i dot Fam.y Chairs, Doiiflrss Hughei, 1 00 iiesi urrss uoat, m van jiusttirK. 1 00 Committee. B. I. Former, Stephen Baldy trA.S J IbllVIKjr, NO. 17 MANUFACTURED ARTICLDO. U Vic it ion. Best Bee Hive, B r Fortner. nest Parlor Stove, Joseph Hharplcss, Best Cooking Stove aiidPriinm,insSt J Shar picas, Best Greatest Vnrleiy Tin Vre, AiII Brown, Best Specimen Wood,Fencc,.Jsse leacock, Best l duz Corn Brooms, J Uietl'enback. so 1 00 1 1 00 1 00 Committee. John Kcifer. of Catawfssa, Jacob Kos icnDoaer.oi iranann, ana uuaries nesa. NO, 18 MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 24 Division. Best and 'argest variety of DentatWork, II O Howards-00 do do Marble do J UBitllsy, it .tarlhcn slVaro.ili -&1 do du Hick,, 1 00 Comtniltee.-'Dr. A P. Heller, f Greenwood, Dr II, II Foi.or Locust.'Dr. J. A. Wilson, of llerwick. pr. Josiah Smith, oftklcoil.JUid'Or J. K Robbioa of Cata. wissa. NO. lO-riOMKSTIC BUOABS, ic. Bests pound. Sugar rroot China Sugar Cane, Ilium .lleederi 20 do Msnla Buear.AllnsaCola. !m Best Quart Syrup from China S. U.JJi Edgar, Committee. Martin Suptrl, JamcB .Kciter, Mis. J, K.Crou and Mra. R B Arlbur. NO. M-PI.OWUIG MA1CII, Brn p'owiag, regard Utnj had to I lie tkii: of workmen aad discipline nf leatns.and eicution of lb, woik.as Mttlai im, occupied.. J K Eyei, f 00 AWABDEq Br TUB. , COLUMBIA COU NT Y v, - V .it .. . SlM tn l.a(l o? clnioiV; &Sl7WbW do KiVb.f.N a i-rVnii. .". .iw Oonimllicour ' 'uinsty, uuii .iicKtivy ana J K I.Grotl. ..,,,;,..,-. ,., a I PI)aoi.illnpijVJUO I HliKJIU'i" 'TIrollBln)OT WHeon, Fair of GoaiajDougloaa llughee, , Tllo for craliilng lamdj.E k J lllika, Aitibrotypea, Georm W Wagner, so to I 00 to to 1 00 CO so JO so sunflower I.. Atmospheric t-ump Jon.i miter, I'MJ'''";.!.'?" fe' a. t.., Mineral Water, Neyhard fc Jacob, O I orrjppermini,Jun ..i(, UollettioiiV-Ilalural Uuiloslliea, Enoa Jacoly, do do . to, , M Wyncoop, lliil.li lloilng Machine, 8 M llolgind, so l!co V!r of Bcalea by 0 It. Weeks, and a rplendlit IHto of lien ny I. rimer, but not being realdents of Doluml(iicouiity,'tlie'rerulationa of tlw Society do not allow us tu award I'remTtlms. L'ommlitee-l.aWiOn llotheaof nenton,Allnas Colt, of Euearloaf, Thomaa E Evea ol Greenwood, l.enls Echutlcr of Madison, and Wm Mather or Greenwood. PIT.CIAI. NOTICE. The Individuate lo whom the above Premiums haye been awarded, will call on Ihe Treasurer J. W. lieu- .(., .iftl-ln,i,l Ihev W'll bOtCtlomOllV Dttld, rj-The ihanl'a or the Boclely are hcrebv lendorcd Mai. Wm. Sloan, lor the uae of hie lot. which ha so nBnrn,itltf ntTercd ttlO BOCletV WlthOUt charge. U3-Woarollkewlso happy to announce that Ihe ralr was entirely tueeeairul that sulTitienllunds have been raised, not uniy to pay lie eipen ""'' mlumi, but that a neat ba'anje will he ffl In the Trea sury. . , Jim C. Stoics, tity. Ulooiusburg, Ncv.7. 1M7 NOTICE. In (As matttr cf (Aa Oiriaaa Itifimti CAsrt Ik i?rtemiaar. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN J Take Notice I That Georgo Weaver, Damei- Fernwald, David Iielz, John Relswick, William onyoer, jacou uouiuoy, and Rev. WIHiani Goodrich for themselves and their successors, all being citizens ol the Slate or Pennsylva nia, and being desirona of acquiring and enjoying the imiiiuiilliee and privilegea of a body corporate, havo exhibited and presented to the Court of Common Plena bf Columbia county, an Instrument in writing, purport ing to bo Ihe proposed chnrler of "The German Reform ed Church In Uloomrburg," In Ihctownsliip of Ulooiu, and county efCotumbla, specifying the objectt, articles, conditions, oamee, atyle and tllft, under which tbey have associated, and mean to associate 1 nnd the sldd Court having per used and examined the said Instrument and having found the objects nnd conditions therein, act forth and contained lobe lawful, and not injurious to the community, have directed said writing or instru inent lu the office of Iho Frothoholnry of -thoCour! or Common Pleas ol snld county, und nntice-to be given In one newspaper p'bllahcd In said rountyrbr at least Itirrc weeks, setting forth that nn application. lina been mado to raid Courl 10 grant a charier of Incorporation, as specified In anld instrument o' writing; (ha) ajipll railon has been made at the September Trm ol said Court. A. I.1657, to cram such n charier; nnd that ir no sufficient reason bu shown to the contrary ly Iho firit day of December Term, 1837, of said Courl,.ll will decree nnd r-celare said persons so associated to be a body politic or corporation, in law and. In met. accord ing to tho said articles and conditions, and to have continuance by the name, stvle-nnd tlllcin saidlnsliu. mctit mentioned. , JACOU EvhRLY, ,Pr4thnotarf, Rloomsbiirg, Sept 17, IM7 COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT an Orohan'i Couri lief d nt nJoom- liurjr, hi ami for lolil County, on Monday Si'ptember tli. 1S37 ; a rni h ti j;rMteli upon mi ino nnit ana ngni repmcma live h of Jliigel rox, Jnle of L?cust town rliin. In Mid tountv. decetueil : to wit. John Tox, Hnrhel KupJics, la-o Ratliel'Fox Franklin ithoike. (tuardiiin nf Kaelincl Tor. and LVtpnr lltnliei , Gunnlian ol Clizabclli Fm, Harriet Cox, lincriliarritU witfi UrtiltTiley nnd Will lorn Fox, riilMren or William Fox, deceived; ron olinlii Enpel Tax. Requiring llirm to be nnd nppenr nt nn Orphan' Court In bu lipid nt I he Coit rl llnune In Hlooni(liirp, In mh counl of L'oliim, bin, on the ith rtnv ol December next; then nnd there Ut Accept -or.rcfufcitlie ratal of tint stall! riptcdetit at ihe vnlnatUn tfureof; sHtl in ense Hie in id purlieu ,.? rleci itr-refuno so to tnketlie mine, thui 10 iiliewrnure, iT fl"y Uiey have, why the samo bliould not Lc lold, according to law. JACOB r.Ynrti.Y. Cttrk, Tlie.Iiciri nnd legal renrenentntlven, nnd nil pernn Ifitrtrnctaai. In tli c Km lule uniie tali! l.nrrl Fox. dfrrnad. Ki . Jrieriu-rrby nollfled of the obtniiilng nnil f-xiitence ol Uia Abov rule. nnd oftliereturn day thereof MD.riit.rt u. niii.LsKK, n'noDifburp.Oct I7.1P57 LIFE INSUIIANCK. TunaiRtnD ufr ixaviMjvcy, jixxvrrr jixd TJl VST COJUVJIW VF PJUMltyLPItM, orrifK. no, 40H cin-stUT sirfict. CAl'l'IAI., (paid up.) 8JOO.U0O. Ctarttr Ftrptfvnl, pONTlNUDto make lNSUUANCr.S ON MVK8 on Withe' most rrnioiialilo terms, Tic capita I being paid up and. in vested, together ilh a larte and constantly iucritaie rtserved fund, offrw ji perfect sefurJty to iheniKtirI. The premium mil; be paid ye.uty, half yearly, o (ftinrtcrly . TlteCmiiinvadd n HOMIS pftrWI fealty to the I run irseefo ltl." Th MHHT IIOVUH npprnpnatf.I in Dercmber, If-'M. tho SKCOVD BONUW.in (December, l.'W.thiil Hlltll BONUS lu Drceinher, HU CS'These ndditinm are made without requiring any Increase inUi prrmiunn.n he paiil In the Company, Thi fnll'.winj are n fi w fknmpte from the llcgisu r Amuu it 01 rh'ay aiul liuims to be Inrrea.tsl bv T'lturP uiMltinns. Pol'cy uin Injured Bonus or ndilition "j'3lv ill ' 132 3W r3 :i S1T.1 ihi ' 109 ' Ac. Jr'.i SO 1SWJ c -mi uo he. &e. 1'htnplill.ls, runtniiuni: taltlcs or.rnl.s anil rxplata linn. Inrms or npiilirnltnn, anil lurltirr Inlorniatinn call be round al llir f IVp. .ITIIOMA3 ItlDaWAY.rr.iu'rat. JNO. r . JAKMi Tcmory, Orlobor m,.ie.'.7-lv ADMIXISTUATOH'S NOTIOK. Eitatciqf Benjamin Piatt. ' LETTKHS of Administration on tho Erlatftor tlfpjanitn Piatt, lato or I'm township Unlumbia ro'lnlv. rlcccaspjl. have brpn emitted bv llio Register nf Columbia rnAt.ily. to tile llliitPrsisnfil wto restoYs in sain 'fine tonnslilp.in Columbia countr; nil pcrstii.s having cliim, nguitisl Its a aslalo or tho Mrcenent nrn rviursiru io prasnt mem 10 ino vomin Islrator without drl r, and all parsons jndeblcil' to niahc.payinenbrirtliwiLli, , iliirt.il ur.uii. WILLIAM 1'IATT, Oct 'Jl,'l7 JMnlltraurl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOK. Estate of Jacob Nuss, dccUl, LETrajRS of Administration on the ' Kslate ol Jaeos Nuss. hl-i or Mifflin twmliin. Columbia county ilcceasfil, have been aranletl by thn ueaistar oi Loiumuia county, to tneunilflrslgneil. who reside, in Maid Mifflin township, in Columbia county; nil perrons having claima bgahitt the estate of thf decedent. are re.quu.led loproxcnt litem tolbe Admin islralor williout delay, and all person indebted to make payment forthwith. Sept 3, ie5r-Ct Min'r. COLUMBUS MALE AND h'JiMALK ACADEMY, Tlin rrutico.o! ihl, institution linve iinamroously elected II. I). Walker, A M of Lawl.burg, 1'rln cinal o said Academy. In place vt 1'roL Anderson. whose limn capitis with the present tiroi. Ihe lmb day orilrtohi.r insl. Mr. Wnlki'r will succeed Mr. Anderaonmmedll,y artcr Ihe close ortil, labn rl. It la destinic by the Trustees, with their new Triri cinal. In inako this institution ono or the best or the Kind in thetHale. UU 17, 1U7 I'A'I'UNT SPUING HEi) BOTTOM 8. ALL you tli. t want to ret and aleep lood, call on rillOlini: V. COUKLL. and buy GOULD'S M TbJfT BED BOTTOMS, lie has boujbi the patent right or Columbia county, nnd is now prepared to fur. uuiium, sppiictiuie loom as wen es new ueasteaae. Ho has also on 'hand all kinds of Chinet.Pitriiliurn. Chairs, Cottage Uedstcads. and other Cottage rurollur,, vhlt Ii lie will sell asctieap aa the cheapest. l,u, i.runy.inutjo vuinns. oEoBau w, nonxLL. Blooiosblirg. Oct 17. IBS7 NOTICE. T11U rrrsidcnl-and Managera oT.tha CallaHissa Utido.CtHnpauy have thia uaydecbued a dividertfl or3 per.ct. (75 cts pet shore) on the Capital atock of said Company ror the last six months, payable to. Ike Stockholder or their legal representative, on or after the loth of October. JOHN BIlAflFLERS. Ccttawirsa'llridgc Office, ' 'Oct,lfJ7-31 1 7divrer. ' E8TRAY. QTIIAVEH trom Ihe aubicrlber at' Campbe'l 4t Won den's Powier Mil Is, In Centra Voivnstil pt Columbia county, on Monday, ihe .Ulli of September last, a young so WHITE -COW. With somebrown .potsupon her. and horns poinllnc if tWiivxrd. Five dollars rewardis w.ilUeigiri.ir her recovery by ihe subser.ber: ELIJAH SNYDER, (Centre. Ortober 10, 1W7 Brick! Brick! Brick! "OIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND JL? rillME 11KICK. uit turned out.al the stibicrl ber'a lirick Vards in Illoomaburg. and ore offered lor aale. The best in the eouatry. Apoly to R. II. AKTUUIt. Cloomsburg. Oclt.ber 10. 1M7 STOVE FOIt SALE. A GOOD l'ARLOR STOVE, in eictllcnt order, ,tx tat, cheap. Apply to Hloomiburf.Ortnbar 10. leJ7 LEVI L. TATE. gu'.U UAliOMileBy W. t W. V, CrtEADY. fer mm v .
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