aim r i ,Nl - .lc.ll - . '.7 la'iK ' i i-i in i 1 1 ii I ii u I ' I I . I AND, M,00MSBUE6, -$,3!CETU f : - " To l(flu!anti tr?in tW-torCli of Truth aiid Wo if o'er Uio- darkened .Earth"- - untie ii '''' "T o tvt. I ... . TETlMet. $ flue D6Ifar& Seventy-five, its, )n a'dfaa cr. Editor, I'nbllsher & Proprietor. or. 'J - T" tj i r- -J 3 """T"! .. 1! 'r ' I -r .'''- -ea Jo, js.I -4 I- ' , M , . VOL. SX-mSfc (JOIMBIA 'Published tvcry'SatUtday Morning, by LEVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburg, Columbia Co.i 'Oi'fiob. In tlie-ncw Brick Building, bp posilctie Exchange, by side, of ihe.Cou't House, Democratic. llcad Quarters," TKttMS or SCBSCntPTlO)). 01,00 In advance, for oho copy, for lit toontks. 1.7.1 Tn advance.' far one conr.ono Tear. 2.00 If not pul'l wltlilntbo first three months. 2,25 If not paid within tho first six mouths. 2,50 II not naiawunin ino yoar. and no paper .Ujoontinoa until Ml htt e.aAci shall hive boenpaU. , - ( HT-urainary navoruacmcniB insoriea uu, pp; work e.tocutod nttho cstahUihod pri903, i : l J UAJiTIWOItE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOCTOR, JOHNSON, THE founder of tliiaOclobratc.d Insti tttllon.oir.'rs Ihfl montcTrtaln. ipeciiy, njul only fiicclual remedy In the world for c(rerwrfor Gletli,, viriftturK. Seminal vvaeknesiY TalriB In the Loin,, Uonitlldtional PeMUty. Impoleney, AVeaknesi of tbe Unekand I.I nib i, Affections of the KMncys, Talnlta. tlon'bf tlii Heart. Dltipcpsla. .Nervous lrrlt,1Uility. Disease ot tbe llffld, 'J lirniit, N6BTor gkln.nnd all tiiof fcrious timt melancholy Disorders ariilnj from tlif destructive Jialuts of Voiuh, wtiicli destroys both body fltid itifhd Tlteie lectel and solitary practices, nra more fata) UMlieir victims than tlic song of-1 ho Hyrons to the innrlncrf Ulysses, bligbilns tbfir most brilUani'bO)ts of anticipationfi rendering marriage, itc , impositible. Married pafsrfni,rir Voiins'Men'conteniiilnll'iif; mnr rtagc, b-slnn ownro ivcakiif4i, organic tie billty. deformities, &x'..fb6'tM Inmifdiaicly consult Jjf Joltnuon.'and be rctttired to perfect beallb, lie wliopllces himself under tbe care of Dr. John ston may rellRtonsly confide In bis honor as a gentle- mrn nno connanny my upnn nn itiu airpiiysicuu, Organic Weakness immediately cured and full vigor restored. Tills, disease U the pentlty most frrquenlyi paid by those nlioluve become lit victim of Improper Imiul (icucicg, Yo-iujr persons are too apt to commit ex a rrss from not being aware oflhe dreadful consequence that mayensu'. Now, who that unUerstandi tbe tub jpcl will pretcnj to deny that the power of procrcs tiou Is lost sooner by those falling Into lmpronrr liahisthiii by liia prtiilent, Ueides being ileprivcd nf l tie pleafuM nf ht-ultlty oiTspiing. tho moil serious and destructive symptoms to both body 'and iidmt iiri3C. Tlxrsvsteut becomes dernnged; ibe physical and Tiiittl ptmera uenkened, ncrvnnt debiliiy. ilys pep ia, uJlprlJtion of tbe hear I. Indijes I ion. a walnig nflliu fiuiue. couiili, ymptomsf consumption AcC.' 13" Office No.doeTii doors friiii Ilnllimore btrcn. Uast sidts. up t lie ntcps. Ho punlcnlar iito'mrvinj the NAMC and ywuwill mistake the, piece. I . Cure Iturranled, cr no C'Aari Madt, tn fxAM One to 7Va Day. NO MnUCURV OR NAUSMJUd DRUCS UtSHD. I Or. Johnsteii) M'tmbrf tbp-Royil Co Meg ft of Hurgeiirf. l,in(Jon 1 (rndii iii' trom one of ttitt Innst cmineut ctllfgrn o( the j Unit ft I riiaii s and tbecreatrr pait ufwho lili has b.-en uprnt in I lie llrsl Ilospitala of hunilou .I'jrls.r lili 1 Is Jrlpina and eUewlmre. lias cllutCil soimM.f the ntt I H4tnniihiu3 cures ttiat wre over known ; innny (rouli .11 with rni;iii inilif head and rats wk-n utl-ep, cfat iiitvoiiiiii! briif a United at sudden sounds. nd bnsiif Hii-ss, Willi frt'qiienl bliiflung, nttendni t-oniiit lines vv j lit dera neiiiculu I mind We,re cured J in iudiatty A Certain Disease, Wlipn Mi misguided and tmprudeut vot.ny of pica 'irfiud lie ilia unbilled the sefds of tliu pmiilnl ilii-nc, li too of if ii happens timt an illtipttd m nee nl liiunc. or lirp.ul rip dii.urery, tl fieri him from nppivi ins to Uicr; w h t from eilticaimn and r specttibillll fan atone b 'fi if ml Mm dfliymg till the cmistitu tinny nyidplnniit uf this lior ltd ilifasf mnkx IId'I r nppcnraim 4itis ulriruid (tnf.' tbruat, ilisunsrd iiohi. nortiirrc, , pn in III Hie hr.iddrilimb,djuijH'a nf afnniii iu.Unii the skin h'Mifs. iihI arms, bloulirsffon brad l.iro.and cxiiinitte , progn-sstni; with h ip tli, rnpiditt .tilt at list the palnte oflhe mouin fit n hour s r the noi fill in ,a nd the viHin of tbtim the Unv beenmes a horrid object of rnminii"ratioii til) d nth puis a period tn his dre.ifil ullerinps, by en ninjhjni in'thil bmunu from t(wbencr no traveler rMrns.X "h tberefnte ,J)r. .Johnstnn pledges hiniK-irio preserve the most envlolnble secrov and "1l'i hisjiitensY'" prnrlkn in thersi llotpl!als of llurapu aiTinirir:i. In- ran rnnrtdmitlv rirommena .ife and sporty cure to the uuluttaimto.vircini of this hoiud disino. Dr J .iddiessvs uM tliot-e who have Injured ibem selffs by private and nuprnper iiidiilgeiii e, ' TJiese arc soir.ent llio sad and melanc,fiolv eflVrts Pindird Ly early lialdtc nf youth, viz U'vakiiis of tba ItacK oud I.imbs, Tain in the Head, 'hjinnrFttol Higbt, I.nis of Muscular Power, Palpiiation nf Uie Iliiart, Dvsprpsia, Nervous Irratltillty, Dcransciucnt nf Hi- niertive Funciions,GencraiPtbflity,Kyniutoj;is nf Coniumptlun, $c. MIJNTALIiy -The fearful efn-fta upon tj.c mind are' mucli to berlreiried, hois ol Memnry, Con Tm ion o( Ideas, nirrsion of thu hpirtti. Ilvil I'orebodlnc, Aversion of Society, Timiiy , ic, are some t iheevits produced. TInHSftnds of perrons nf nil njies ran now judge wlu. Is tlnrauic(rticir Jpcllnln he.iltli. Looyiug t lie! r vigor, becoming v. eak. pale and emariated, having singular appearance abouttlm eyes.cuusliAiid sju.jf touis f Consumption. Dr.; Johnston's Invigorating Rern&ly for Organic Weakness. Ily tills great and important remedy, weakness or he organs are Mieedlly cured, and Lul vltinr rffctoifd, Th'Kisaiidsorilie most ncrvoufc and dcbj!jlaW. whd liad I 'ft all hope, have been immediately. telle ved. All .lOt.on Nervous 1, ,,,,jly.-rre,nJ;m,5.Vn;iW, k. priumqms iu marriage. rnysicRi anu Menial uirua r.,J!ihiniX.j;i Si ; " ,ca,ri"-1""u' l'""y rured by Doctor Jol-nilon . lOUUg Men AVllft llBVfl I II 111 r fiit I m in inlvfi hu n i rt tl IT hl.irl B. f ruin evil com puninusnr nl school the erlecis of whir h nrn uigUtty felt, etcn when asteep(sjHl if not cured rendcri nnrrUe impostiibte, nud destroys both mind nud body, should apply immediately Wiatn pity t)u a voting p. an, the hope ofhis roun fry.andtbe dartintt of his parents, should be snatched front al prospect and enjoynefits of life. by the coiipc' msnres of deviating from the nath of nature, and in lulfitng Jn a c -ilia in secret habit, .Such parsou before contemplating Marriage should reflect that a sound mind and body are the runs necessary repiitltles to promoj&conunbial liapptnettf - ndeed.wittioMt these 4 he Journey through life becomes n weary pllinmiige.tueprospeclhourly darkens to tha -tew 1 the mind becomes shadowed ufth despair and ..lied with the melancholy reflection tliaithe happiness f another becomes blighted with our own JFFI0UNO.7SUUTII FitKDlitUL'K 8P.,fisiVuaer,tfUJ ALU HUItGlUAI 01' DILATION a PKltFOUMLl). VU, Lettiofdlse modesty prevent you, but apply mi -tldiately either personally (r by letter. rJb Stratrgcrs, The manv thousands cured at this institution with'n (he last lSye;irs,andtheiiumernusimportantHurf!icnl Cpdratlons performed by1 Dr; Johnston, witnessed by t lie repo'rtersdl ttid papers and many oilier ti'-es of which have appeared a ft am and iiRiin before tbe'lublff.-bosides'hii standing as a gentleman of cha r-f'!r'nd responsibility, Is a sullicicut nuataulce to the afflicted.'- Take Notice. N n. There are so many Ignorant and worthless inrlri n rlwntl 1 n a ihannalvui lhuiiltsi .. ;!.. - tie "tialth ofthe alretdy afflicled, that Dr, Johnston I d:-mslt neccisary tosay, especially Jo those unac R'lAinled with his renutation. that his rtedeiiiiala nA dipromas always bans in his office. C3rTAK0Tic, Aiuetiers ran si he postpaid, and f mjsin a postage slump for the. reply, or noanewer ten uj KM '(tarly 7 1857- ... f . . i. i f -HOOT ANOi SHOE' MAKING. iSK-7 patrouagawlihuhicl r 91 years goneby.wuuli Vcuilulncis, 'flat h, ci TMIi Undersigned, thanklut for the libera! men lie uas.necii lavord lor lid Inrormhis Irlends aud eoatlnuea to manufacluie Boots' and ,Sibes, I ' iM .a 1 . ii : , -7i ,: . Did and wn.knownilaud,.on Mainstreel w.-ianHI utg, 10' M neir various.nno,iprms,iu goon it UAndun mnderate leruia, Ui lujitf piTiui-iince in, tho business. aoA centra kni? - Veof iha people of u'olumbiaii ounty, super jiir; Jttaa,flBd determination to render satisfaction rA rti riuinmers, should secure him increased pti ' '-niee-whieh he hopes to merit. . JACOB F. DIRTCRICK, r -lr.MiurcMftUb 0. W7 "nOSKNDAIiE CEMENT, "C Nfl wishing flosrndle.'cmeM eant-nd It by X tintnthtsjbKrifceret Rupert Tft. - f. nr.7 ' " H-CMAM ' , BLOOM fno caMdkn and ambov raimioau and pHiijfnr.LruiA and trcnton kailtioad COMPANY'S LINES. ' From Philadelphia JVw JVr, and IVay PUtu ' At I A. M., from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City Mall i At A A. M.. vln Camden ana Jersey City, New Jersey Accommodation 2 mo Am,,via wmiuen unu rauoy, Accommoua lion. i. nun.. ...... '..... At 7 A. M.. via Camden and Joney City. Morn Ins Mail..... At 10 A. Mm by ilcambonl Trptitoti, via Tncony and Jersey Ultv, Morning Hiiircta ...t..fc At sr. via vi'Ddco unu dunooj, vana Al a M; vta camjen'anj je,Bey city Enlni" Mail u. in........ ai 3 r M . vf Umnden and Ainitoy, Accommo . ilatinn. lit Cla 3; At 3 1'. a . via Ca in den sncLAhibovi Accommo-' ' riat Ion, tfd Cl.its ..t.Y..'i.....vski.t 1 At o r. M.. via i mnden and tAmboy, A teem mo- dMion, 1st Clafs ...i..J..-v4i.9v... 3 At o t , M.. via, cmden ana. Araboy, Accommo- ilttlon Sd Class. ..H. i(itif.'..'j(. i.w.. 1 The 5 P. M line runs daily, nil. others Sundays ex cepted. J&pff'ss Lines Mop al the principal stailjns onlyj il'orjnelvldere, Jlniton..Flemington. &.c, at ti At M. and 4 I'. M., from Walnut street wharf. For Water Oup.Bltoudfl.urg.Scranicn, Wilkes bar re. Montrose, Crent nend. tc, nt b A, M , via Delaware, .acka wan naa t H'c tcr n Ha) Iron tL For freehold nl OA. M.andS P. M For Mount itoliy nt 7 A. M nnd and.i. M WAV L1NI'.4 Tor Bristol, Trenton, 4c, at '.'l and 4 P. M. WAV MN Tor Palmyra, Unn cocoa. Dtvcrly. Duriinelon. ftor dentdwn. &c, at 3 p. M. . WAV MXE . Tor Mount Itolly'.ilurlingiun jmt Way Stations at 3 4. M . ' 8tcambrnt Richard Stockton (or Rurlin(ton and tlris tolateiA M., nnd for' Bordcntown ,and Intermediate places at 3 P. Mi Htpsmboiit Trenlnn for Tntnnv nt Ifl nn.1 111 A. M.. ! and 4 P. MM and for Burlington nnd Rnstol at 4 P. M. All lines, excrsl 1 A. M , leave Walnut st. wharf. tCJ- Fifty ounds of baggage onlvallawed each pas senger. Iase(ijcfs arc prohibited from.tnkiiiirflnythliij 1)2 pnpgagi- ii ii i ineir wenring nppurei. All baggage over titty pounds lobe raid forejftra. The Comnnny limit their responsibility for baggage to one doUir per potinri, and will not be Hablu for any amount bs)ond $t0, except by special contract WM. II. (JATZMCIt, Agent. (.'. St A r R. CO. R. R. MORRCLI', Agent, Pept 21, 1857 JM!a. ar-.RRsCo. FALL ARRIVAL. TIIH undersigned, grateful for past patronage, re spectfully in firms his ci stomrrs nnd the public generally, Hint ha lia Just received from the Jtc,;i rill s, the Inrgesl anil most select stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, That Ins yet been opened in llfoomsbunr. to whlrli be invites the tiiPMiiion of his friends, and assures them that l hey npi o He red for sa p nt great baigalns. His Btw,k comprises n large asrortment of Gentlemen's "Wearing Apparel, Consisting of FASlllONARf.K DUHSS COATS, of every dernplion; Pants Vests, Shirts. Crnvats, stocks, Cotton Iitnilkcrche(s,(j'vrt f usjienuers, &e. Gqhl Watches and Jixvcltyx Of rvery description. fln nnd cbeon N.Jt Reuieiol.rr "jAXtnb&ff'a Cheap Fnptrtvm " ..mi see. Jo cnargc lor examining uioua. DAVID LOWilNllLKO PltitjinsljjKe Aug 3, 16J7 STAUFFEll & HARLEY. Clir.Jtr U'JtTQIlF.S JUtl) J KWKI.Il,Y. 1 IIOI,:rt t.H AND llCTAII.,nl Ilin -TlillnJi Ipliia N'urlh HIXOM) Slnrel.cnrner ufaiinrry.P iiaiin Hiinmtftvi'irvmoro,' no iim 118 (Olil No lie) Cnld LeerVatf lies, full Jew tiled, l?rnretctucs, f -?3 W flnld lupine. IH tartt, - . 51 ( Silver lver, full jewdled, 13(10 Silver Irfpin.. Jewl, 0 Oil HupiriQr.siuarlivts, 7b0 Onld PpecUiJaf, , 7 0U Fine Silver do. - .1 ip flold Hr.icelels, - ZOO l.ndy's Gold Pencils, I mi Hilvcr Tea rip..nn. pet r, 3 no Gold Pens, nith Peuci1 nnd8ilver bolder, - 1 00 nuinif.iiiiua. Gold Finder Rings, J7 ccpts to JUO ; Wntfh Glasses, pliin. V2 rents, patent Ir1!, Luuet 25 1 oiher attirles in proportion, Allgoodd warranted to bo what they are so.d fo'. STAUlfriJIl &xIAJUlV. 'BTOn hand soma GoUl nnd Bitvrr Levers and Leplnes still tower than the above prices, October in, 1C67 BLOOMSHUltG 1JOOT STOllE. &Kp SHOE rplP unilor.igticl reiitclfu(lv inCurnm .lUcn. 1 it liliioni.biirg nuil ilie public in genual, ilmt Ii. tia v?V,liiI r Bool and Shoe Eilallishmcnt, In itt'i wlnto builtlinrt on Main flrct, oImivr Kl.e. u WiMun'ii liukery, wneru lie mi cnmtantly on hand n large uesnrtmclit of Roots, 'Shoes, Gaiters, &o,, Au,d.YiM uiaVeup work lo nrJtr on iliort notice Uif IdnRf.ienvnfe rn the bunnr.t, and general know, leilK til li4 wnt.o, the people, will enalile liim to lentler nati.fartion to allfJis,U9liiuiurtt and should secure linn patronage wlucli he liopeH In merit. UENltY KLEIM. UlDointliiirc. Mny S, lEi7, KBJlOVAli. ' T SS'Si S, VSSi S?' 1 wr of MAIN and MAUKfiT .Ircels, In Itupen's How, '.vhjro he H prepared lo allklnds or Vr).- ,1 ... , " ' MONIT.MUNTg.iCrndlo.'loiiihs. Pox Tomhi.nn.l Head 3 louts of everv descriDtion. His stock is of the best.lSiud, Ue workman, ship not stirpawed by any in I ho iiiiiiitrv. nilit in imu iirVa. I'ntl nml luylaa r,.a yourselves, 0 He wi'l nto furnuh Tnble nnd r.tircau Topi, Mantels fot thrumes, Ilasa Corses,- Linties, and Sills for Wim'ovV and Doors, nt a low fieure. Thanhtul for paiit favors, wo hope for a contlnuatico A N Til ON Y WITMAiV. llloomisburc, April 4, ie37. (im KW TINWARE SJIQP. main stijuct. gpposrrnTin: uxciiANnn Till! understand! respectfully Informs his frlen and the public generally, Hut he lias opened Jl iVfitf Tinware and Shctt Lou Esta Ifahmenty In tho bui'lihns formerly orrunlcd for that, tmrnose bj Joaeuti tliarpletis, wliera.he. is, prepared pj conduct the lillsi iicH In all Ifs various brani-hes. ' ' Tinware and llutjio Spouting of all, kindtuado f.o it run vh kiiui i mitjiu uiiii tn niuuf ja (ii ivv. Also-STOVUd, of various nylcs, constantly for ae. Kenalrinc done to older in nutck'timc, 1 Ejf Country produce taken in exrhango for work li(tbntttburt.'SIoy iff, IP57 y D. U. MlIjsLAnD. NEW WAHULW.iYAKUIX BLOOJISBURG HIRAM S. CAJIEV HAS opened n Marble Yard r. CJoyrt Alley, pppoiitn the Uxchaiiite.hero.he js prepared to flnish.lhe besl.workfrnm Italian or'Ameriean Mnrblefor ' - MOiNUMhNTS. TOSIilS, j Tomb-stones, Tables, Mantles Window-sills and ten 1Ui i Forlie character nnd,fiitiih yfbia work" ho refers to lucrtaslifl has made i is this couuty,- Ue will furnish (nesigns forv"rk or execute any that may bo furnish.- lAidtohlra.- Hit work shall always be satisfactory in .ly.!r"!,wBb'?.'!.P' GOOD NUWS FOR IlAllD TIMES. iT""3. subscribers' havo Just relumed from the city, r X wllh a' good orsoriment of flood, nl prices la suit lhe tint... VVllirl, III., u.111 .ll......n nt At n,l... C.v rrn, p.?. . VVelrivHe nit person, who wlshtohuvchean. to call and examine our stock'. Country rroduce uiiial. II. 0,'fc I, XV. MARTMAN. ,,Ocl 17il957 Dr. Francis ft. Han isbii, -ITTOULD re,p,ctfully inform I liecilliensofliloom. V burg and vicinity, that he fiasco mmenced the pru ctlc of Mcdicimi andStaosRy.and lolleitsaslisrc of publicpatronag, lie 6nnnlwaylieroiinilMthe Uichnntelletelnp rnstl. Ilie Court House, Ulr omiiiur; f'b 3 lfia SQYEMBEB 14, 1857, IjfEGRQ .DEVOTION. An.Eb'gKsii'gbntlcman nnd his lady, who word .011 their passago to tlio BaBt-lndloSj in ;ono'df, tho, vessels of an Englisli fleet, paid a visit to tho Admiral's aliip, leaving ' two young children in tho caro ofaNcffro Ecrvcnt," who was about eighteen ln voars of . age, A violent storm arising during their " I absence, tlio Blilp containing .tho, twp chil. drcn,,was fostlsiniing, wlicn a boat arrived wild 'firo aud this ono( was ,not long in,''vcry closely investigated my personal 'his from tho' Admiral's ship", for their relief,! reaching tho oars of Mr. Mosro, ono of his , tory. Of ono thing, I am certain, however, tho crew eagerly crowded to tho boat 5 but , . -.i i ,for him -alone, or tho two children, gorjo rously put jthem on board, and remained himself on -tho wrcok, which, with he generous boy, was immediately cngplfcd in tho ocean. This interesting circumstance has been made ,tho subject of the following lines, 'by SellicH OsBOttN. u Tremfniloil, liowli the nngry hlart t The boldest heart, with terror quake t High o'er the vessel', tottering must The liquid mountains fiercely break I Each eye is fix'd in wild despair, And .If alii displays its terrors there I ' T ' Now plunjing In the dread abyss. They pierce the hosnm of the deep ; Now rise where virid lightnings hiss, And seem Ihe murky cloud. to sweep Through Ilia (lark nilit (trend tbundcrs roll. And horrors clil.l iho frigid soull The storm abates ; bul shatle'M 'sor, The Irsky vessel drinks the brine ; They seek in. vain some friendly shore. Their spirits sink, their hopes decline l But. lo I what Joy succeeds their grief, Kind llcav'n giants the vlsh'd relief. Bcc, on the deck, oung Marco stands. Two blooming cheiubs by his side. Intrusted to hlsfaithrul hands; 'A mother's Joy, a lather's pride;' Tlio'black his skin, as shades of night. Ills heart Is fair, his soul Is white! Kach lo tho yawl with rapture flics, Cxcepttllo noble, generous bo. Go, level) infants, go.he crle,, And give your nniluus parents Joy. No luetlirr will for Marco wi-ep, When fa to entombs him In the deep I Long havi my kindred cea.'d to grieve, No sl.ier kind my fat. shall mourn, No breast lor me n sign will Itrnvo, No Iriend wbit my return. Unsaid, and sinking .sought the shore, U'heic toil fcu,i slavery .vex no mure Btktltb Sioxn. JENJMY IRVING, on Georgo Lcnnnx was clerk in tho .whole sale grocery of Messrs. Mooro &.Hccso, in nno of the eastern cities. George was on ambitious young man, had many bright hopes lor the.luture, generally in cooJ spirits, though sometimes the groat high pathway of lifo scorned darkened, and iho .Etar of hopo shono feebly on his path, But georgo was honest, and Mcssm. Mporo & Ilccso hadilong since como,to ,tho copclu- binn that ho was justho c'erU for-them. So much for Georgo Lennox. Some diatanco from Messrs. Mooro & Reese's, away down street a quarter of a mile, perhaps and nearly opposito George's boqrdtng place, was a.rflilliiier shop, a real fancy Jibop. witli handstimo windows, with splendid curtains on tho inside, displaying i.uu unu iu.,uuiui unuj ui tuusu Liuuaurei that so delight the fair viz: dear liltlo beauties of bonnets of ond trim med in every imaginable way, with bright ribbons and delicate flowers formed. with, exquisi'o taato by tlid'fair bauds of bloom ing maidens. ' Wore not these ntrncttonsf Yes(Gcprgc ucvc'r naBsod tho door of, Madamo JbiODhino Lavelle, from Paris, withbutcastihg'agUnco'i into tho wiudptts or through thoscboautiful i, glass doors. " George did so often for ho often passed a low. musical yojco behind him, aud turn on bis way to and from tho boarding liipg, ho saw Jenny who glided in noiselessly, houso; but it was not for tho sako of tho to bring him an invitation to a party, wliicli bonnets or ribbons of Madamo Joscphino sho had, just received ,for him, .holding for ho could see thorn equally as fino at another in her hand, on which her own other milliner shops in that neighborhood; 'but it was to steal and get a look as often bs possible at M.adauic'a littlo Jcnnylryipg .or " Qucon of Itoauty,',' as sjic was oalje'd. ics, Uppnyiirvtngntho.orphan, or "poor orphan," as somo termed her(was Mndaino Lavcllo's favorito apprentice, and possessed ,(ho firtt lovo of Georgo I.onnox;, Sho had caught a, prizo without angling for it. In our hero's .estimation, .sho ws tho most bewitching of maidens. Her tinv. .but fapltlcesfprm, golden hair, b jight bluo joyes, dimpled cheeks, ami dainty mouth, offered attractions which ho, could pot re sist; and then her ,voico, so 'sweet and musical, was melody' in jtfcjf ; arid 'her almost baby hands, so 'fair and .soft, and her fairy feet that seemed scarcely, to, touch vtho ground pn which sho trod, actually -.1 1." .,' i iiaimcu iiui, auu coinpietcu 1110 conquest which Cupidt littlo kna,yo had s,o .artlessly planned, so EuccessfulIy,.orricd torward. Aftpr haying discreetly admjred Jenny for months', Gcorco becamo acnuamtetl with her no though of courso iu the samo that young men get acquainted who aro' str,ucki wiiJuOaeh.ofhci'a appear anco. Pirst with ap introduction at somo party or social gathering, "nd I aih'bappy to mako your acquaintance,": tho lady's part, and allow mo to seo you homo," on tho gentleman's ; then a muoDligbt walk with a great many silly foolish remarks, made on botli sides, concludes tho first day's pprformanco soon makes fast friend's. George continued to attend to his buii. , rcss closely, but the evcuinga were gene i'M'y his oWD(' and tlicn 'wtien Jotiny. was 1 not busyc'bf ioUfqo Ahoy had" Iho'dellhtfiil not timcsf M 1 11 ii I (J.Jpnnywa5 .1' D7 any weans without o,ther aumirors. Jllany a youog man in tlie noigbborliood would discoounodo liitn self much to nccommodato her, and consi-. der himself well paid if lid could thus win a.smilo,.of a " thank you," from her sweet ijjig. 15ul Georco was tho favorite lover, and ho sedulously improved his opportunitrcs"'' .. h 1 : I i: n 1 1 . k r. I..' .1 1 1 pretty freely', too, that ho and Jenny wero .dnnan-Qd. Such ronortn nltvnvrf nnrnnrl Kirn . imploypr. ' Now' Mr. Mo6re hnd a5 daughter' who took qiliW 'a fancy to our young fribodyftbd ho was awaroot it nut. could not appreciato . tin compliment. Her father alsoi know it that'Georgo was a smart fellow, and would, , as ho hid' often1 saiU, "make a star in the world.". He thought that Gcdrco'aiid his -daughter would) make a good nia'tchj and tho iformer would feci highly complimented by tho proposal. Theroforo soon after, Mr. Moore first beard (lid fofcgcini; report, iio called Georgd tb ono eldo and opened the caso to 'him concluding by hinting at a partnership, in 'case matters' turned out favorably,, Tho old man's proposals took Gcorco somewhat by surprise; but as a young man of principle, ho felt duty bound to givo au iinmcdia'to and decided answer. .yi feel flattered by your tproforonce, Mr. Moore," said he in reply, " and it is very gratifying to mo to know that you hold me in such high esteem ; but I cannot nccodo to your proposal I am engaged to another." "Well, sir, as you please," said Mr. Moore, with a sudden assumcjd sternness of demeanor; " but you will lose much by your decision. Allow md to ask who your intended is 1" " Mis3. Jenny Irving." "Miss'.lry'ing?" said Mr. Mooro with feignSd a$toriis.h,raenf; Miss Jrvihg a penniless girl I" '' "Yes,8ir, and ap c,rpha,n,"'was George's rptiok reply. 1 Indeed'," said Mr. Mooro ;, "well I pity her then as all orphans, ' Ilut roally, George, you'ro throwing yourself away you will not get a cent' hy, her " " 1 kno,'w".it. eiran'd'JL'ido'.riotVish it," replied our hero, with spirit. f' J .iaarry her for herself, not for money." " Very well, sir," said Mr; Mooroy and turning left tho room; "Ah, ha, my lad, in lovo wth Madamo Lavclle's queen, the H'tlo milliner," said young Tom Moore, addressing George", as tho former camo running into bis1 father's! storo one afternoon, after George's oonver satiqp with Mr. .Moore ; " ha,- ha, in love, eh ?" " Well, yos,. suppose I might as well own up first as last,'.' said Georgo witli a smile. " Of oourso you might. Wtll, man, what's her dowry." " You'll, boautyi and a .youthful, epp tcptcd wipd, is her dowry, and that is enough for mo." " iinough ! that'll support you, eh I" said young Moorr, provokingly. " No, but it will make mo happy," said Georgo. " llappincss and poverty are two exact oppositos ip tny qpipion," replied Tom, " and such, as ou will find hflrd work to rcconcPc to each othqr," " I will try it," said Qcorgc. " Well, do,. if you ploaso," replied Tom snecringly, ".ano by apdby report pro gross. I fanoy that girl myself, but I am suro I cant afford to marry a beggar. ..A wife without money is a poor prizo in my estimation," i' Jenny is no beggar," was on George's lips, inlrcply j but ere ho had tiino to speak ho was.sunimoncd to attend to acustomor. " Jenny will show her valuo yet," said nanio was written Sho had unintentionally heard Tom Mcoro's remark, and well understood its ncai)ingj.much better in fact than Georgo jindprstood.hcr, when sho said with unusual emphasis : ' Jenny her valuo yet.'? But a few days'.clapsod cro tho 6tory got around that Georgo had been offered tho Jiaud of, tho rich Mr. Moore's, dacghtor,in marriago, and had declined it for that of Jenny Irving. Somo wondered at his choice, while others considered it ono of truo lovo, and I, consequently of truo wisdom. 1 nno woro away, and puo year brought around tlio day fixed for Goorgo and Jen ny's wedding. Opo evening, but a fow days previous to iTin finiA nnnni ntm . llinv ffpn rnlH'nrsinff altogether at Jenny's aunt, where sho boarded. ' " Wo shall bo obliged to havo a plain ral wedding, 1 suppose, doar,'' said ucorgo; b".ur yunra wijiuju i """j "-k-n,l pnm,nr.nJ.r, llfn i,. n .nno, , inr , land her father s brothcr--had died in... ; ,v.r i,n bnAT.. , M.J III.UUIV a 1V. .V.l JUM MUWH. , . .' s" 9. ... ' . "AS ypu please, ucorgc," was tho reply, " any way that is tho mobt acrceablo tu you, and in which wo can liye tho happiest, 1 ! ' , ,.i - . I ilut, ' said sho, with a ringtug laugh, " are T.n r,M nsf,,,, in ink dm to' ilm h,',rr, in your carriage!" " In a oarriago, perhaps,1' aaid Goorgo, "'though not-jprobably in wycarrjago, as 1 havo not the pleasure of owning one," f'Ju3t so," wid Jcnoy " well, then, fcupjifHc I send mine after you?" -j . Yours 1 that would bb a joko for a mil. linor girl, hardly out'of her.apprpntjlceship. to set un a oarriapo of her owo. and scnu it off aftcr'lier'iDlcnded on tho morning of her weddine." "Stranger things than that havo hap. peiifcdj" replied Jenny. " " Yoa. mav bn. but. tho tbirjir does not seem possible, or at Joast probablq .in our ,.ease. Jtou wero not oorn 10 lonuuc. Jinnv." ' Indeed I! replied 'Jflnnyj fyour remarks' k I I. H n'na.w AT. Im aro, not.oalculated to givo'mo a'vory exalted' opinion in .lifo -but L. will -forgivo my fii' tnrn liimbdnd tlu timn. as ho lias not vot and that' affords mo no little gralifieatlon, y6u.did no marry mo for my money, littlo beggftr as. l,am,;or at loast as Mr. Tom ftloojc 6aw,,ut to.ucaignato me.' Nolhine moro was said about fortunes then, but Goorgo had a suddon surprise in sloro lor him something ! startling and as unotpectqd asany event that could'happen to any mortal 5 On his" bridal morning, as ho was dress ipg at .his boJxd,ing" liouso, an' ologant ear riago witli a spau of milk whito hprscs, stopped before tha door, and tho driver springing from his seat rang tho door bell and inquired lor jur. ucorgc jjcnsoz. 'What docs this meant' was'Giorge's first thought. ' I epgaged a carriage, but potnoar so .elegant a one as this. There's something wrong here.' ' Xou vo mauo some ntstako in the name,' said ho to tho driver. ' I think not, sir,' replied tho 'driver. ' Then who has sont you,hcro.r inquired Gooro. ' Miss Jenny Irving.' ' Miss Jenny t Impossible 1 ' Yes, sir, that's her name, and this is her oarriago ond horses.' ' Jenny Irving,' said Goorgo Xo himself musingly, and striving to unravel tho mys tery. ' What street does she Hvo op J" 'Hand street: No. 30. sir.' -' Tho same, all I dear girl,'- thought he, 'she is trying to mystify mo a little,-by. sondinc round a carriago at her own ex- penso for no doub, s,he .pays for it out of her own hard earnings. 'Well, I will grat ify her and tako a ride down to her aunt's i ; .t. j: n i, : ,111 l.ur Ult,r.lilgU ,43,U1U liana i.. hers. I suppose, while' sho hire3 it." So in jumped our hero and was soon at Jenny's poor. ' How do you. like my travelling estab lishment ?' said Bhc as Georgo entered dier room. '.0, first rate,' was his rop'y, Mtis splen did. I seo you practice woman's rights, arid hire your own carriage. Well, thero is no harm in that, it will answer admirably for to day, and then tho owner nill havo ,it I suppnse.' Undoubtedly,' said Jane,with a pleasant smile. ' ' ',, After their marriage nTtho church they returned to Jcnny's aunt, and sat down to await tho arrival of somo friends whom they wero going to treat to a fow viands prepared for the occasion. After setting a few moments, .Gcnrgo oast a glance out of .the window, and seeing tho carriaco they had left' at tho do ir still standing there,- said " Why don t tno anvcr uko mat carrtago homo!' ' Porhaps ho is awaiting the order of iti owner,' replied Jenny, "llts.owner, whero is ho?f , ' His' namo U Georco Lennox, apd lie occupies tho vorysame .place whero you sit now,' said Jenny. Any lurthcj explana tion necessary,!' 1 Georgo Lennox 1 not ine'said George, fairlv startinc from his soat. Yes, you I' was. tho reply.- ;' It was my carriage, and I.have now .mado, you tho ownor of it. ' Your carrjagCj 1 jvly.'.cnPy' I sur, nrised.' said Gcorco, 'how camo you to. havo such an exneusivo 'establishment 1 ' I bought it and paid my, own money for it.' ' Boueht it and paid your pwn monev-rfor -itr said. George slowly, apd pausing slightly before oaeh word, as ,if VvUlgHll'b .null luvuuiug .u. ..v glJ.v foundly perplexed. ' Yot, "my-dear,' oou'inued Jenny, 'it was jnino, now it is yours. Ypu aro its owner, and ihcro it stands, subject to your it you wiau wo wui.unvu io iur cotj'ptry ihouao',' just out of the city this cltprnoon.' ' Country houso just out pf tho cily'l belicyo you are crazy, Jenny I' exclaimed Georgo. ' No. I am not.' " Well, tboo, what do you mean 1" said he. ' Explain yourself. There s somo mvstorv hero th'at l. don't understand.' ' I know you don't understand it, dear,' ronhed Jenny: "and now that l navo mystified you a little I wjll solvo tho rid dle.' ' And then Jenny, with sparkling eyes, and in her happiest inood',itold him bow her parents died whon sho was quito. young . and.lcft.hcr penniless, and in tho caro of u'lt w1"' aJoptod hpr. and that loavinc nor it U larco proporty amounting I M ,1 " 1 ,1 . I l PA..n...rtA ti.j.n,l ,111ji.c. nrwl II, nf i 'u ou,j-iw is there wjs much courting heiress for their monov. she had resolved to keep tho mat tcr a secret, and. pass among her, people as ! d'co'endent for her support ppon' hdr cxer- tions irotri day to day, so that if sho was wood at all it might bo for herself and not her money; aud for this served as an ap- prentice in a milliner's shop, 'Am I dreaming! exclaimed Georgo amazed at a revelation from Jenny, so astounding and uncxpoc)cdt s,cd .wliicli incraascd. if possible,. the esccwo already had for Jbor who Mubjl xsonccivo so noblo a nrojeet, and so successfully carry it out. 1 No, Gcorgd, it is aot' a drdani, bul a ploasjijg roality. You know I said Jenny woujd wpw' Jberi.viijno'yot I then rorcrrod to my fortune. Of my valuo vasido from that it ja not foe mo to spoak. Jd nowj said she, jooking' confidently in the faco of him whoao loyo alio prized Higher than all oartmy troasnrcs, ' Jonny entrusts to 'you herself and Jbtt ortunc,t Without any'foars oi tucir luiurc fciitu peeping. George's income was cow amply sufficient for his and Jpnny's wants', but being ono who abhored' idleness, ho in a few weeks opened a 'wholcsalo grocery ?n tlio city, and was soon engaged in an cxlensivo and flourishing business. . Prayo for tlio Times. Tho following prayers have been directed to be offered up in tho Episcopal Churches in this Dioceso, by Bishop' Potter, and con tinued duriog the present disastrous con dition of business affairs. ".Oh most miahtv God! Kincs of kincs. apd jLqr'd of lords, without whoso caro ,tho watchriian wakcth but in vain, we implore, in this our ttmo of need, tho succor and blessing m bchalf ol our rulers and magistrates,-and of all tho people of this land. Kcincmbcr not our many and great trans gressions; turn from us tho judgments whioh w.o feel to foarj and givo us wisdom to discern, and courage to attempt, and taatutulucss to do, and patience to enduro whatsoever shall bo well pleasing in thy sight, that so thy chastonings may yield tho peaceable lruits ot righteousness, and that ut tho last wo may rejoice in thy sal- potion, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." " O Lord, flo b, .theo. mercifully hear our prayers, and spare ail these who confess, their' sins unto thee; tpat .they whoso consciences by sin are accused, by thy merciful pardon may bo absolved, through Christ our Lord. Amen." A Mother's Influence. 'Hon. Thomas H. Benton, in a speech in Now York, turned to the ladies,, jjpd re ferring to his mother, sud, "My mother asked mo novcr to use tobacco, and I have never touched it from that time to the present day. She asked mo not to game, and I havo never gamed; and I.cnnt tell this day who is .wlnping aqd who is'.losng in games thai can bo pliyed, Sho admon ished mo too, against hard drink ; and whatever capacity for endurance I may havo at present, nnd whatever usefulness I may attain in life', I attribute to having complied with her pious and earnest wishes. hen seven .years pf ace, she 03kcd mo not to drink, and I made then a resolution to total abstinenco, I formed an absti nence sqciety at a fjinic when I was. the sole constituent member of my own body, and that I havo adhered to it through all time, I owo to my mother." 63" 'ThcrOf is a world' whero no storms iPtrudo a heaven of safety against the tempests of life-p.(litlo.wprld of joy apd love, of innocence and tranquility. Sus picions aro not there, nor tho venom of slander. When a man eutoreth it, he. forgets his sorrows and cares, and disap pointments he openeth his heart to con fidence and pleasures, not ,pripglcd with remqrse. .This wor.ld is the homo of a virtuous, and amiable mother. j5-"Pa, (didn't you whip mo for bitiug Tqprny !" ' ' "Yes, my child, for you hurt him very much." " Well, then ,pa, jqu ought ,tp whip mamma's music teacher, oo fpr he bit her yesterday right in tho .rao-jiii ; nnu i know it hurt .hr, because, she put her arms around Jus nock &nd fried to ckoalc him." tSfA Medicine, scientifically 'com- pounded, which performs all it 'promises, and is -recommended by persons 'of tbo highest respectability, deserves our oonfi- donco. Such a medicine' is tho'OeMofe Billets, Euro euro for Dyspepsia. "A Soldier .Boy." Tho li tie Prince Imperial, of France! is catered upon tho roll of tho FrcncUGrcnadicr Guards, draws pay, and his namo is called at - muster, when answer is made (or him, "on leavo with his family." rAS3 ii Around. If poison should be swallowedi. accidcntially, tako two table spoonfuls of ground niustartl, mixed iu water. It will operate as an. instantaneous emetic, JSkiT Tho Masonic Order of tho United States numbers threo hundred thousand persons, and includes a lirgc portion of all tbo distinguished civil, military and pro fessional men. 05?" Key. Lloyd Ktiight of Hollidaye burg, it is Btatod, reoontly shot twcuty.five pigeons at ono discharge of his shot gun, VOL. XXI; Select ,8oittp THE OLD my?SBOUMD. Ah Suh'g li Add, WcaScr, ti Phelps Ant I'm .sitting fo day io tbo old play.groundj Whero you and I havo so oft sat together I'm thinking of tho' joys, whdn 'you and I wero toys, In .lUoao merry days rio gepe; John for o-v-e-'r. Twas hero wo satj in themerry olden time, And wo dreamed of thoiwild world bo forous, , - And our visions and hopes of tho cdhiiu'f time, , .. Wefc'a'a, bright' as the sun which ehono 3'er us.' ' ' . j t rsl (, . O.'cr this threshold John, we passed forlorn For to .wander wo know' not where, Tho heaVon' wo thought so bright,' was dti sh ado wed by nigit,' . And thd pathway lay. dark and drear. ,'' - . ' But I'm fitting to-day, in tho old piay gron'nd, WJiero you and I'havo sat so oft together And Ibcso mum:o-rie3wiId mado mo a child As iu theso merry days, now gone, John, forovcr. , .. A Curious Caso. About, three pio'.ths ago a German gonman named Henry Hartmancamo to this city (rom near Berlin, in Prussia, for tho purpbso of arranging ,t,te purchase of a farm. II o brought with him $10,000 in notes of the Bank of jlpcrliDj and nearly $0,000 in Prussian gold. He also brought with him his son Fritz, a gay and showy youth of about twenty years of ago, Fritz ',foll desperately in doyp with a respectable young lady diving in South Camden, and urged bis .father to consent to his marriage with' iier, but the father urged .the youpg man to have patience nnd reflect atlcisuro on the step he was about .to, take. On the 18th .cf tjeplemb.qr .M,r. jijEartman wont west for .the .purpose of negotiating .fpkc purchase of a farm, leaving behind his son! and the great bulk of, his money. The father returned to this city a few days siqoe and found that his son'ihad decamped, (taking r,lltho nioney with him. The young man left 'behind him a letter staling that tho young Udy know where ho had. gape, and that if he desired his return he had orily to signify to the lady his consent to the marriage,and the fugitive would return ,and givo up all the money except 55,000, which he would retain to set himself upiu business. '!,:e girl .tjeida.rcs ,that she ia ignorant nf his.whcreabouts.- 'ijhjsorninw the matter was put in the hands of the police." The last heard of tho youth he was seen 'at the Baltimore depot on tho 10'ih of September. Mr. Ila.r'.rn'an is ip great distress of mind. Hehi.E a family at Berlin. Piila. Bulletin. A Remaukab' e Stokv . We tako, the following from tho Walkulla (Fa.) 2ttre of tho 1 '1th inst., a nd give it to our readers for what it is worth i A friend informs us of tho following occurrence, which is re ported to havo taken place recently at Attapulgus, Georgia.- .V gentleman who had received a considerable sum of money, was cpmpelled tp gp from homo, leaving hia wifo alono in tip ,house situate cmc dis tance from any ether dv.clhug. Towards eyeniogwo negroes entered tho houso and demanded of tho lady the money, or they ,would take her life. Being a woman of great coolness, sho saw at; once' th'a't -it' would be useless for her to attempt to evade the demand, so she produced tho money, and gave it to them. Tho negroes thpp rcmarKcd, that as supper wasuoarly ready, thev would sttv npfl eat with "her. Sho told them to bo seated until she got it ready, The woS'nan had a vial of strychuiuo in her cubord. .Tho woman, in swectnine their cofree, managed t. put a doso of tbo poison in their cups, Th'-y drank, acd d few moments were dead. Tho neigkbSrs were called in, and tho negroes discovered to bo ' J"0 J110" W-pear neighbors and friends of her husband, whs had kco.wp qf his receiving the monoy and his absence. Queuv, Tell mo yo winged wind that round my pathway .roar, do ye not no somo I quiet spot whero hoops jiro jsorn no inoro! Some lone and silent del), fomo Island or somo tavc, where women can walk threo r.brcaft qlqpg.lhc iljjgc pave ? Tho lpud winds hissed irouud my, face, and wiicker. ing answerod, "nary place." iCSr"Johu,"8aid aujjicr ts Lis ,on, ono day when ha caught him ehaviug tho "down" off his upper lip, "don't throw your bhaving water where there aro any barefooted boys, for Jhey might get tkei. fect pricked."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers