1 if Stgrrcnltui'e (Holnmu. III tU ly l pltf tcauUlSrivt, rr, In,, h,mrJHre Tho Stoam Plough. Tlio experiment of the Bteam plough is in a fair way of being tested. One was tried last week at Francisville, Indiana. Tho soil was quito wet, and altogether un favorable for tho trial, but tho La Fayette Courier understands from tho gentleman who was present, that the practicability of tho invention was satisfactorily demonstra tcdi A number of ploughs was attached, and tho soil opened to the depth of eight or ten inches. From tho experiments made, it was thought that two men -could plough twenty acres a day with tho stoam plough. Tho Newark (Ohio) North Ame rican says that tho machino works in that city aro aianufaetoring a steam plough for a Mr. Spencer, of Virginia. It will cost nbout S2C00 when completed. Mr. Uron son Murry, of Illinois, has offered a reward of 850,000 for a practical steam plou At,- Thcso ficl show that tho subject is ono which has mado an impression upon tho minds of agriculturists, and that they aro willing to devoto a liberal share of their money to tho encouragement of so great a labor saving invention. Tho farmers havo derived so much advantage from recent labor-saving improvements, that tho ''new things" is nearly driven ou by a moro - -CKligiitencu view of interests.' That steam can bo economically used for ploughing on the level prairies of the West, and upon extensivo farms, i3 very probable. Tho plan of attachiog many ploughs to tho locomotive as at Francisville seems tho mo3t offectivo for economy. In England, where tho steam plough has been used, an engine of eight-horse powor ploughed eight acres in ono day, which is neirly die result . in Indiana, estimated by the actual work ing of tho machino, Mineral Constituents of Soil. No prudent farmer should fail to rccog nizo tho importance of furnishing a liberal nllowanco of tho needed mineral substan ocs, particularly tho phosphates, to tho soil. Thoy form tho basis of all success in agriculture. They determine tho fertility ol his fields, tho fulness of his crop. They aro absolutely indispensable to the success ful growth of vegetation, as food U to tho support of bumun life. Wlicro tho needed mineral cons! ituenis and tho phosophates do not exist in tho scil, successful agricul ture is nn impossibility. AVhero thoy do exist, tho only task of tho farmer is to render thorn availablo to tho plant by preparing them lo assimilato with it. Soils which were once rich and fertile, and ore now poor and barren, aro so bocauso tho mineral constituents have been removed ; but their original fertility can bo reestab lished by restoring iho ingredients of which they havo boon deprived by over-cropping. To Drive Away Rats. Sorno year3 einco a coircspondcnt of tho Boston Culti vator, rcoomended potash for this purpo3o, Tho rats troubled him very much, having entered through tho chamber door. They sppcarod in great numbers and were very troublesome, so that ho felt justified in resorting tocxtremo measures to effect their expulsion from his premises. Ho pounded up potash and strewed it around their holes, nnd rubbed scroo under tho boards, and on tho sides wcro they camo through. The next night ho heard a squealing among them, ffhioli he supposed was from tlio caus. tio naiuro of the potash that got among their hair or on their baro feet. They disappeared, and for a long time they wcro exempt from any further annoyance, SPUING AND SUMMER 43ooils. fpilEundcrslgned respectfully Inlorm lilifnendsann X tlie intb.ic hi litriee anil ilio ri-it ofiuankiud that heliascstabiiaiiciia splendid n the elegant newStoro House, lull i reeled In iloh a urg, Columbia county, ra..uhcrchc I1.11 now opened largo ami cuoioe nsserimcm Ol Snriiic nud Smnnior Goods; Vhlcli licit determine. i tu roll on such term n swill mluco ftllnt least in Ihtsvicinllv. who nre In want ! ii .i-i 1,11,1 nil iu uxiuiiti i hi iiicircusiuiii i his mock hashecn selected vv 1 1 It muchcitra nnd vvllr elerenre tnthuw.i ills oft his community and without join? in enter Into n nil nu too numeration oft lio vorm'is 1 i litis lie nH nothing in assurinr ins menu Mini rV tlilnir eniillv kt nt in Connlrv Siorrf.cun hrro L iadn "little clieapor titan tltp clirnpi-tit.'' rCottntry pro'lucc, including (Jruln.Iiumtcr, Ac.( taken incscliangb fur cooda . WILSfON' Aacn, RoliriHurxi March 53, 1P57, y. Spring and Summci' GOODS' ifS'Iiclvv. Weal & CO., HA VI NO Jnl ri'rnvrii nnd opened their flock of mercim nihzof.tr Hp HngnaK's, wliWu comprKc the LAnnL4r,CII lU'IIKT. nnd IIANDSOMUST apgort. ment now ofl'erod In this TOWN I llnvlng pnldfrreat attention to Ihf icUctlon of lliclr rtitiro stork, u to pricennd qunlitv llif-y flatter themselves that tuey can compcto ivi'lli the chtapttl, nnd all those nislilng i to h'ty cheap, can sae monev hvclvlupiisneii'l. Wc havo all kinds ol floods and Wares to supply the l'conlo. A verv laree lot of liAUUiS' IHU5SS UUUDS, rrnncli .Mcrrnoes.Wooll'laldsi Alpacas, llomliazlnos, dc halio 1'onllns, I'arametti clotln, Sloliair l.nsire", Muslin Do Iiaincs, l'erslan clolhs Ginghams, Oalicocs, &c. wiiith noons or am. kinus, sieves, collars, llandkcnhiels, flouncings, hands and trimmings, ve!lvet'rilihons,an.i hralds.kld, cotton, nnd lisle thread Lacesamleilsings, lionncl rum ons, in larso vnrieiy (rlnupii. Mnlmlr i.ittla. JC'C. Wo invllcourfricnils nnd the puhlle generally lo el vo us a call before purchaslns cIsch here. We havo llOUCntOUr ROO,Sni I.OnCSlUHIII I lltrn.ani, ,,111 ho uii crsold hy anyliody.ortlic rest of mankind. UcKKJjVY, W Hi All CC IU, nioon. turr, Mnrrh SI 1Pu7. j. b a u. h, risityr, I' ro d 11 0 0 and Q 0 11 0 r a 1 COJlIIISSIOx MERCHANTS, No 18 .North Wliarv s, i'lllLADlll.rillA. neFEitcicEs: JolinT renltnn,Cq. rhlladelphln. Messrs Marker, Lea U Co, ' Siler, I'rjcu U Co. ' 11 llncknor. MrCainmon U Co. " " Charles Ellis & Co. " " H. Morris Wnln & Co " Onterhrl.lce, Arvov & Co. ' 11 Clinic ft Joseph Perol, ' Thomas & Matwetl, New York. " C M. MrOlung fa Co., St. Louis, Vo. " J. S. .Morns A; Son, Louisville, Ky Varch 13, I M0 v MUKPI1Y tc KOONS, OCNEItAL COM MISSION MERCHANTS, A XI) WIIOLHSALU DEALERS IN Prsil, CHEESE ti JPMIOVSSIO'S. No. 47 Norlli U'orvea (lietow I ie Street) PHILADELPHIA. Have conslantlyon hand n tarffe as. rf5fTftw nttmcntol 1-ISII & CHEESE Jtl'KO VISIONS, which they aro prepared to sell at tho lowest possible rates. trJ-OIlDr.lid promptly attenlcd to. relmary'Jl, IS.57. Dl'EU'S HOTEL. Cattawissa, Fa. n IIIBoUlanJ wcllknown Hotel, In tlictqu n & J orCattawlnia.lsstilt kopt by tIo under fijocd, ami hi npiteof all license laws, lie jg.LjL'ltij, dele rni led to ninkchis house on" of the mottroiufotu h'e plarcs for traveler to slop nt, that can he found In the inierior ovivniiylviinta His table will hulurnUh cd dailv w in Ute nest inc.MarKcican anord. 53-My old friends and travcllcrencrallyarelnvltod to ran. jaiuu uvm, Mav2l,isj5. y . Ksypiowu Coach anil Vagon Fctory, Tlin undersigned having succeeded Jacob 8. Eva in the Wnmitiud Coach making bust ness.nt his stand, In Espylown respectlully inform their frlcnL and the nulilir, that they rontinui wil I tho Wao)i JUalunz Isusincss. Innll its denaitments, w hercthev willhehinny lore eeive omIts nnd promptly oxecutcitl businees In theii line. Willi nenmessann uernaicjt. Wheel barrows made to order, and all kinds ol repair. nguone on suor inoiicu. 14 ratio CO uaiiLi.1 DUwiii Eipytnwn,Junc7, 1850 y ' M0KT0CR H0IJSB, CORNHR Ol" MARKET AND MILL STREETS (Immediately opposite the Court House,) DANVILLE, PA. TT.V1N0 been recently renovated and refurnished j-xiu atupcrturBiyiunuiD ji-.uiuiiuikiis how reopn tor l ne reccpiiou ni swung'! r anu visuors, wnose ra ronace lsrcpeciljlly requested. 8. A. BRADY, ?yi5,I823. ALEX. G. CATTELL & CO. OslonnndrorwardiucM'Kchants.lorihcsaicofG tin Four. Seeds, iron,jurober tcM o. j.iorui waici Jt rhiladelnhia CooiH forwarded with care, to a nit nta on the Schuylkill. Un Ion, Suaquehan it a .and Jur atta Canais. tXJ-3alt.Plastcr Jrlnditones forsale althef tvetx rlres MJir.lil9.I323. N03 .9, II, 13 and 15 Courtlauti street YORK. n. u.wiNCiicsTr.u. THUS.!) WINCIIRSTEU, hi;nj r wiNunnaTiiii. Mav M,d",(i 3 m LEAF TOBACCO & CIGARS. a. iii Jl, South Front Street, rillLADEl.rillA. 0, IPSO. y Sept. FRESH G A It DEN SEEDS. Dn. OEO.M. HAnENItOCII has Jusl received, and has fbrsnlu.nl his Drug Btoro, a selects tort, ment of all kinds ol Oardm Ftdj, fresh from Mr. Uulsi'R Seed llouss in rhiludclphia. May 9, 1S37. JOHN O. YEAGER, Faslil oua blc Hat & Cap Store NO. 103 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. r Merchant nnnvlsllors from Northern Ten nsy rania.arerespeclfallyllivilcdlo give liiin a call, when vitiunc rniiaaeipniA v June S8,lfc30. y. i)r. J. C. Ruder, II o in o p a t li i c Physician, RESPECTFULLYtcndors Ills Professional Screes to Ihe cl I izcnsofUlooniEbttrfrnnd vicinity, gene rally O" OfllcQ on Ihe corner of Main anil Iron Streets Uloomsburg, Adjoining Mr.llrowcr'sStore. Sept, il'J, less. COAL ! COAL! ! r P. FULLER Co., would resnecfullv 1 nform th iJ neonlo of 1'ittiton and the nublic In ceneral.ths hey have oppned i Coal Yard, of ample dimensiona ire prefareu uiiueir oiuce, corneroi inin anu uaii Jaar-it to till all ordors for coal for domestic and edhcrrsscs. JUST RECEIVED AT OUIt NEW STORE. NO, I MACKEREL Tor 815 J per barrel, nnd othcrB in nronortion. Also, a I ruth suncly of flusar. ol asses, llice.&c. Also, a new supply of Wall ra of diUeranl i Ivies, which will he sold low. U. O. U 1. W. UAUT.MAN. My2. 1857. CENTRE STORE. SI'JUjVG & SUMMER GOODS. HPHE undorsicnod take pleasure of in fi formine tho citizens of Centre nml virt nll. Htm lielias Jim received a large and select assortment Rl'ltlNG & BUMMER GOODS. Comprislngihe heaviest stocks nd most vnrledassort meuioi lasiiionable. tiserulanrl .iiufit.lnllnl.Mcrr ban . dlZe thai havebeen OU. re.l lot lm.tnl,lie nlnverv kind u.... . v.. nivy w i ii set nor 'eauy;pay,ui very CCounlrynroducrtok.nlr,erl,.rnn Cnr Om,li Including drain and Lull her and the public custom va,'Cfc,luilV.uiCl,U. SA.1HJEI. LAMBA0K, Fowlersvllle. March W. 1857. gTO.NE COAL lor falsity W. & W, N. CUEASV. ortnoo LAl Biii.NOL.n8, roit hai.k low uy DUOO II. w, t v. n. CRUASV. QUMJIEtt rIIAWI.danJ M.nlilljs.forsalent ..,5,1817 11ARTMAN'8 SUFFER NOT i When a permanent ci'itr. is ntMRANTRno hi n1lfitirr4nf tmuRIM' IIIHEAPEg. Helf-Abnse. Nervous Hc'iliny, t?iricturcs,U kefs, CrnveLMerturt.il ltiiL'inii.iiisiii. ?cmiuin, raws in mu .wmius nuu imiuoo. Diseases of tho Throat, Noce nnd Eyes, Ulcers upon Ihn llody, IVmalo I r rns larll ! n ntl oil Improper ills charge, tin matter ol how Ions slamllnp.or obstinate thccaie, recovery Is rcrlnln nml In a shorter tlino linn a permanent cure mold bo eirrtrd Uy any other treat went, even nfter thi "kill of the most eminent phyil clans Iirttl failed, nml the disease: retisied nil other menus orcuro. Thi!remrtuicari ireermin odor, ends Inff neither sir km. m nor hicnnvenit nre, nnd without I mercury or hnlMin During twenty year1 praclfr.i, I i ti.ivn fCttliri-d to llPnllll liVIf NP V H ill M?ti lliitninnil li.l tlcnti who wore stiller Inc under the worn mrm nf nil in ni jvl' i r iiiunni iiiuliiki i. n u a nr i iippi mRin 1 n proniMin n perfect nnd must speedy euro. Hi crct dls iiifs nre the greatest emimles tu h cut Mi and Inppineys, ns they are the flfftcaiueol cimsnmntlnu. scrofula ,&c., mm mono, ne n terror i an nations mi nir rat 111 . ior nlie diseao li Incoming so common nud treatment fo hlllo unlerloodi that n pcttnuurut turf I scarcely ever ciTi'dedi us n majority of the cased fill Into the 'i ml 9 of Incompetent purfons. Un not only fait to eiirotht' injlmh. Ixit ruin the ronttlitttlon willi rorro. lvo fcuMlnntr a dnncrou polimiin prrpnralion of mercury which, wiiii inc remain ni HiseaFo in mo yulciu, prnd ici's titanyof tUe nhote namntnirucilotn, which H nally terminate In co i.3tirnption,iiad Ireiuuntly a rapid mtfj bnloIiotiM It not rau3 death fpuedity, and tlio icttm ti dlaenso inarrlcn, the iIiscimq Is then convened from the parent tothe cliiMren.caneing them tocuino Inlotlw nnrld wlilncrnfiili, affliction of the skin, (cj tlirml, &c, and n;alu tnrmlnaies In eon-, tiimption.an.l con sinus its Wt II into an nnilmely praii1, ' liclwccn Urn nfr.-f of sit inontlis and thlrly.flvc jcars. HcKattufi; Is unntlier foriniilaldo enemy to hcallh ; It , ilestroystlie nnrt ons system r.iplilly vllnc away the energies m uiu, ciiising inenini oranzenicni, prevenl Ins a proper iievclopmcnt of the sytem,nnd dlsqilnll fyins Its victim for marriage, society- l.iisiiie, and all eirihty happiness, rcmate I r rejjnla rlt ins nu.l all oilier , dtseansr.i'lenalcs treated In the most fkilfnl and sc. cntidc manner. Medicines, ullh directioni,scnt to nny r part oftlie unit".! stales anil Canada, hv natlcnts conimunicatlna their svmntoms hv letter ... - j. sini.viuitviM.R.M.n., 5 .13, Vost Ol'uc ; .1'iLUEnr it., heluw I'itli, I'liilaJcl phla. l'a. March 11. 1FJ7. O.NU DOLLAR A VlIAIl. Circulation over 100,000 Copies IVccUiJ, 25 Witnesses, OK, TDB FOROEH CONVICTED, toiiw e Tivn Is tho Author, tvtio has til'! ten ' 1 J yeorseporlonceusn llankerandruhlisher, and ( AtHhnrnrac"c0,eclKrfs at ihturoadKayTabtrnaat wnen, ior iuu tuciussivu uisii.niiivuc trr 50.0110 l'eoniof-n Creetcd lllm tvilli rounds of applause, tvhllc he e.T hlhited the manner hi vvhichCoutiterfcitor execute their iraud, and the surest and ihortutt means of delicti nsthem! The Lank Jfote Engraven all tny that Kt is the greatest Judge 1 I'aper Voe; Uchig Greatest Discovery of the I'trscnt Century for Delecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine lt In existence, nnd exhihitirg at a glance every Cotimtrftlt In rlrcuia tlu'i 1 Arrnnped soadmtri.l,ty,lhat Kcfcrenco Is Eay and Detection Instantaneous. ttJ" No Index to exam in 0 1 No paces to lmntiipl I! tit fo simplified nui arraugpd, that the Mo rclnnt, Uuuhcr and Uusiucta Man can sec oil at a glance. English, rrtxch and Gcrttan, Thm each may reau the same In his own Native Tongue. Most perfect Bank Koto List Published. Also a 1 1 Ft of nil the rniVATc uANKnita in amcrica. A complete. Summary of Ihe Tisascb or EimoPE akd Amuuca will ho puulisU't! in eieh edition, u gather Willi all the Important NHWd or Til C DAY. Also, a Bnnix:s or taluh Trom nn old Manuecript found In the Cast. It fur alilics the most complcta history of ORIENTAL LIFE, And describing the most perplexing positrons in whi li the ladies andgentlenicn of that country have oeen so nlicn found. Thcso stories will couiiuuo throughout Hip whole year, and will prove tUo most p nter tninitiff p.vpt ofTurrd to Ihe nuhlic. rrj- rurntshed weekly to Hnhscrihcrs only, at Ql a year, ah jciers musi uo iiiiurfBru n JOHN 8. UVE. Broler riililishcr olid rroprletor, "0 Wall New York. 1857. SPIUNO AND SUMMER, tSfT! sr5i Bimi rea trsi r?i ax t im m m w iai m m an is) a GEO. DULPIN & CO. IMPORTERS JIXD MAXVF.ICrUIlKnS, 174 (JIIESNU T STREET, Arc now prcpared'to exhibit their New Bty tea FOR SPRING TRADE, INCLUDING nlalnck and colorcdSilk Mantillas, Chantlv I.u' flan Mactillas, Trench Laco Mantillas, Embroidered Silk Mantillas, llngled Lace nud Net Mantillas, Mournil'g Mantillas, iiajetues, tainias, oc , cc., Allorwhich willbu (.flcrcd ntthe Lowest Prices. geo. um.riN t co. '174 Chesnut Street, above'lt', l'hlla dehia March7th,IS57. GIIEAF STORE. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE undor9iqnctl take pleasure in an nouncing to their customers and the publirpener nily, iliatthcyliavcjustieccived,ni the LnueUidge Store, a choice assortment tf Spring and Summer Goods. Comprising every article usually kept in Country Store, which have lieen-selected wnh care, andwill be sold at very low prices for ready pay . onsistini: of n larpe variety of Cloths, CasBimers elaines, Urnxcs, Calicoes, &c. E3" Country produce taken in exchange for eoods. uiveusa can. f.onc nceugo Dav uiseauneu, O. ii O. LOW. I.nne Rilge, March SJ, 1817. Mount Vernon House. Second sl'riet, above Srchi Vhilalat rpIIEuniterigned having purchased (lie interest o X Mr I), Ulatrin theabovcoldestablishvd llolel, wil now have the sole, supervision ol the etnbljslimen nnd sot sits Iho patronage of the public, lie leelscoufl dent tint a trial olhis House, Rooms, Table, aerv.n it Sec., will prove thebcsl recoiumendaiion hecanivo 1. ti.IiAUIII.1 i. PIIllENOLOGIAL CABINET. fWLKRS, WKKLS & ro., rilltENOLOHISTS AND rURLIFHERP. 231 Arclt Street, below Seventh; PhilaM. fTitrnisli a 1 1 works 'on rtirennlogv'hyslolofry J. lVatcrCure.. Magnetism, nnd IMiouoraphy, nholeiialc and retail at New-York prices. Professional oxaminalions. with charts, end w-w full written description of character, day and evening. Cal-inctfreo. Mny l, lgu. v- NE W SPRING AND SUMMER W g9 To be Sold Very Cheap, JUST IlECEIV E AT THE STORE OP J. J. Ii ROWER, Clooinbburg, April S3, 16573 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER OP 185 ho undersigned, grateful for form liberal Datronaze. rernetfu Iv inferma Hi friends and cubtomers in general, that o lias ro iiicncHii imsinessin Ills sunciuus New Stora Hour ncxttloor to I?iah mmnian's II otl wfurn ii lino jusi receiYi,aiuniijppiy oi Si'JtirvG AND SUMMER GOODS. eomprislngevery variety of fashion, quality and style uxus.il nrjn ,u n;u ucsi u-res, iocf;ricp,viui netware iiarnware, j jsii, nans, nns, L'aps, Hoots, lhoea, &c, which will be sold on accommodKing Terms. (CTuraiiiand pruduro of all kinds wnud. A k S. ANDREWS. Ma n vil !e, M a rch M , J 8 57, y.! BLINDS AND SIIADES1 OF XF.IV STYLKS. R. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 JSOtlTH PIXTII 6TUEET. rinLsoFLeuiA- TANUrACTUREIt Of VENITIAN nLIM13, Vel. Ill vet, Hold llordered and 1'olnled rJHADES. of bcnulifuldeslgns. Uuir, and all other colors of Hol land useilforShades. f'itlures. Trimmings, ate., &c., IVIiolesnto anil Retail, at Iho lowest cafch prices. IT? filar, Shades painted to order. II. J. W. thankful for ial patronage, rcsaectfully solicit, lha public to call and examine hi. new uud large assortment, before purchasing elsewhere, TIT" H'c Slvit'tf to rieatt.sA March 51, 1657.-3iu WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER! XTTEhtm Jml received. by railroad, asplendid as. IV olliuentof WALL I'APElt, wticli we intend toielltt I'tiitadelphia pne apiece. Call cod see, from rice nit to 37 cent. U. C. & ll W, IIAUT.MAV. April it 1857. Sllirt'fl JOl'JK. BOAltUS AND SUAM'LINd. ', ly 11 W 05 W N CUI5ASY. STEAM d HIST MILL. riTIIH undersigned Jl tlikf pleasure In on. iioiincingtoihclr friend sand tlicpuhllcot lurge.lhatthey liavolustorcclcd anil pulln .uciessiu.uporoiiun , TUB HBl'YTOWNS STEAM QHIST MILL il'i.. Wlietetliey nrc nnkl'ip IheveryueM.ni iiour.ininu ( loaiKinimmliiii. hlicimtoniera Willi goon laro ,orlclllliien"dliitendelllnlJlllielowciil.rlre ,i inispiuml mll-rartion . , "riiereurefour run ol lliiralu lhl Mill, propeleilliy , )(. fl , m eoiiiicctlon nlih ilio Uxclinngc lio ,teanH'o'rnl)perro, tel.nn oxtellent , , , nlollltlllrl) -liuaneianiprniii mi t in u ini iiuRinin-i i - . . .. here pas been exam men "y M, J . i 711 ourlrlendttocal oiiriricniinocni nouncruniipi rinrnruLiw. w ...... iideTamliio "r iiiciii" Unnklnllvrccclved CJ-Ordcrf or llor.lioi . " mJ.,. Ir n.l niv.lntit leninlrM'OliftlilccolnllUona N.ll.-Ca.lipMdrorOrninLcn&oii:vnLrj0 Fpylnwn.Jnlig3.1?A:i UIIIIAl' WATClinS AMI WIIOMIS.M.U ANI i:ill'Atl.alllie;'l,lilla.,-5) ddplila Winch and Jewelry eiorr," No. VI) ti Norlli'Jd'sl'ri'el comer of Unary, I'lilMili-lplila. Se- nolil I .over W.ilrliin.lillljewclod.ia curat (Inld l.eplno, If curat filrcr I.' ver ,mll lewcllcd, 1 1 (ID I'J ill) Hlvcr l.epllie.lewela, li 00 7 ni) J 1)1) 1 5ii 3 l)H I 0(1 Sup. ilnrtl'ierucrsi fiold Spectacle", l'lno Silver do, l!old llrarelets. Ladle's Cold 1'nnells , HiverTPa Spoons. eel. 110 0(1 i-.0 Id Pen's with pencil and silver holder. 1 n . nnncr tn,n Til ceis lo Vl); Waieh class sscs, i L,ln inireiiin.ii.iteutl;.l.inetCi other arllclesln ('". - ..!... 111.,1. .,.irinuteilio li. wlial tin y afe i nrniti.iiiuu b""""' . ..,.... l.ilfrt, tt'l'A Ull liW K llrtli l.tiV. fit linn dsninef!nldanilHilvcrLever k l.eplno III lower than iheahoveprlccs. Octl 1 f 5(1 Aviso's rfef. ciin.M'WATOii&jr.wni.iiY STonn, No. 7-J, iNorlh Secoud Street, or rosiTUTiiBjmuNT vui.xoxiioueii.nl 1 la lloldl.evcrWatclicBrullJowellcd 1BU, Cases , flastl Silver do d lj0 do l.eplno do .,?in (luarlicra, SU0lo 7 0 (inl.lHneclotlcs. 5Ut0lU01l flllvcr do i i lailverTahleSpoona perselt H OOtnlHUfl dn IlKunrlil) do IIUUIOHUU do Tea do do 4 75to 7 50 Oohirenfanilfinl(lUacs, :i !5to 00 do BlHer do 1 00 Toscllierwitti n variety of flne Ootd Jewelry, Oo CurOuart! and Toh Chains. Al 1 poods warrantnHoa ns presented. Watches and i owelry repair tiiln th hestmanner . .... , ,. - N U Alloiderssonthy'jyiaailnrollicrwlscwltluo pnncinallyittcndedto . N ovc ni h e 1 1 -j , , "DOGTOU IIOOl'LAWD'13 ucluhratui) G e r m a n Bitter s. WILL lirrEUTUALLY CU11E T IYER CUSU'l.AIN J , llytpeptia, jaunuice, uuroni lhilitv. Jiii-eii''tn of the Kldues,nnd nil disejFcstiriin(? trom :i ditordeiedLier or tSiumach. Such asCoiiftipalioii,iunru rues, tunncFe or i.uou tu the Head, jichHly of the ijtomath, Nausea, Heart btirn.DisguMlor i ou, I'tiiiiirEHor ripin m oiu maclnSour ErucUilions, Sinking or I'luitepnp at the rti, riinmnrii. Hwliiinilnir of the Head. Hurried ami Dilficull Ureathlnff, I'mitering atlic HrartChok- inU Or BUllOtnilUS SCIlfiailoni-jifii in ii ijiiij: i"nni:. dimness ol Vif inn. Dots of websheforctho Sight, revet bad Dull Tat n In the Head, Dellcii ncy of I'ersplrallon, VcllOWUeS Ol Wiu Chill uii(ij)iii.,iiuiiiii inu ci'".,' t!ack, Clnst. Limbs. &o J?tidaAn riuhcs ofHeat.nurn in" In the riesli, Constantly be tilings uf Evil nub great Depression oi Spirits or the proprl' tor incalhuK the attention of the pub 1 1 i lllS Mrp,irillU'", o rwHIiiiuivviiiiiii.in ,imtuau tnrrltvlrn 111 ilH Vl tlU S and Uf'uiilUlioU t O lilt (1 1 Stf afiCb or which It is recommended. It Is no new nun unirieu immu.'iMJi 'iiriu muui rtood tho test of:t ten years' trial bcfoir the American aeople audits rcputntion nnd nitlcisuuiiallt'ill.janv eunibr preparations extant. Tlietertimcnj of ilsuf ar given oy me iuoi prom uitm " n-nu.m hj -iicianaiidindivltluals in all p:T8 f tlio cuunlryie mnienpc, and a earcful perusal ct the A Imannc, publicli ad annually by Ihe proprietor, and to bo hud gratis nt dny ofhls Agenis, cannot but satisfy the mo&ttkeplicat t Uil-t remedy is really desenins thegrcattelcbrity onthcr e PENNSYLVANIA TESTIMONY. Ccrttfirale tf 11. V.VODtl'JJiO, J? the iccil-hnown 1 Oilier JOT the JJUhCaauua irun nvrna, iiifyt'Mi . Dlklaon, Jui.uury 11, Dr.C. M. Jackson-Jx.ir fcJir '1 was lor live years ucven ly afllicud with Uhioutc liilious Dysentery, lot w, ii ic 11 i v :ih :iiii!iiiu ii iiv ruvurtuoi tin nitu 11 miiaii iu ihijcounlrv.but all of no fuutl, 1 nlso uted various remedied, but could Ami nothing to I" mill me. until I w:m iudiiiiMl loirv voiir (let m.iii i! liters, and afit-r talc ins lour boiiU cf wlutp, I wiu entirely cured, and urn enjoying the bent of I.- .dill " MOiit: LlTlX'I'J Of .THE HERMAN Ml TERM IN lAVl'Ll-HlA AND 1. 'Vr.'t COMl'LAlNl. Certilirates ol J C CL'I. I fci, l'.s ., Keporli r of the Evening ChrouiLle, I'ltlfimr?, 1'a. . who, llirunry Jl, iKi.savs. I or boms witks.pabt my wii has ijen using your (itrmaii l.itteit, with u luippy ciren. Bin has been alll.ctul more or l.x.l'or several years, wilfi diecu'c of Ihe I,lver and DJ pippin, nut until she com iiifiiced using thu liitiert-. nothing had givtn her i.mt L relief. Iter health is iiuv ranldly liiiproviiig.appetitt good, and weliaviievery rcaeo.i to believe si,e will be peN'-iciiy restoreu. one eays iv i me u-i iucuicjiii she has ever iutd. A'LUVUUH Ul.lill.l t. J, M. IIl'Uiiili:, loylcct'twu, la..iunc Sfl, 1S53 pajH . ' My wilu IMS lx en aiiiicteu w nn a nervous tie bility, eincc tfeptt mber. 51, since which time 1 have been unablo to llml nny physician or medicine that would be iu-lit lier in the luift, uniiioueu.ty i caneu ni the store of Dr. lUrvey.ol this town, lor ome thu tore oflron.aiid described I o him the ulilicHon ol my wife he then handed me a lot ol papers to rtud, among which I found one describing your (iriman Hums. 1 j in toe dialcly procured a few I ottles from hi m, a ml am pleusei to blaie that the upc of the Hitters hati'one her mort good than till the medicine she hai herrtoiore taVen . 1 w is h you to feend inn u hal I doen bottles LIVER CUM I' LA INT. J. p. Wick, Mcrlint)iirg. 1'a., May 'ii, lMLsay: With nincii pieasuro i icnuy in mo viriues oi youi fi mi.. m Hitters fciomcllme since, 1 was Feverelvaf. flirted with a disease of the Liver for wli'rh I user vario'is rcmcdiiis, but willi no benefteiul ctlcct, until 1 was Induced lo try your Rl Iters, which 1 nin now happy to state hnvo entirely cured nie,' Theynro entlrt ly vegetable, free from all nlcoliollc cents per bottle . Pold by Drujgii'ts and PioreKecpers in every town and village in the United Plates and Cana'faa.an'd by J. K. MOVER, moonul.urc, H. II. r.OWMAN fc CO.. licrwUk. L. WHRTMAN, Rohrsburg. E It. ROIIIUNS, Lishtetrect. H. A. WOR MAN, Eur. MEL1CK & CREASY, Light street June 7. 1830. IIARN li S S E ST A li LIS II M B NT Ti KSKltfOF Till'. WIIITF.UORSR. rpn E unde reigned rcspeciiuny i niom a X his friends andlhc public that Iie,:;J ConliUllesllio vt SAULEMNG BUSINESS, in.illits various branches, at his old Fin ii do u corner ofMaiuundMirKulstrr?. CXsC?l Whcrehe will keep eoustntitly on hand a lull supply and will manufacture to ord:r , allUlndsand stylcso fi.7yv-;, itjiiuM.ttii ihusix, rstLiuns, ?e, ntthrvery lowest prices .and will be happy to serve jh oso who may favor him with a call in lift lint-. rjj-uruersirom misianro niPiiuTurnnrnoi me n bovebusincss ,wil Ute thankful! vreccivedandprontptly executed. WM, J. HElDLEiMAN. nioomsburg.Au?. in, 1P55.12 v. Stales Union lloiel. rOHMEEItLY UED LION HOTEL.) No. 800 Market street, Philadelphia. C-lEortfiE W. HIMI'LE, Proprietor, formerljofCb. T luiuhia, I'd., would inform hUlricnds and thefub ictliat hecominuesto keep tlio nl.ovo named Hotel which is well nnd favorably known thronghoiittho 3laloae oneof Ihn old. is I and most convenient Hotel In ho city. Ho nioBlreepcclfulI jsolicllFOhliarcnl pub. cpationagc. April 7, ie55. CIDER MILLS. JZ 500 KltAUSnn'fl PATENT IMPItOVEn JKSiirOin'AllLE C1DEII MILLS. We are now I!!nianuraclur'n2 these unrivalled Cider Mills, fc&tegreall) improved and slrenglhencd since last rear, and cnnsuniilv orders at Wholesale nnd Iteinii. Mills shipped to any part nl UieTlniou, l'ASCIIALL MOIIIUS U CO.. Wholesale nnd Rctnil Iicalcrain Agriculturallmple. mcnuand Machines, 7lh and Market si reels, riiiladelphia . si-niXG Axn'sUiiimiiit ;lotiiiiv;, THE unii-irslgned grateful for past patronage, r sperifully iurorms lilscusiomcrs . and thepiibl genernlly, that hnlnsjust received fromtheEas crn Cities, thelarjcsl and most select stockof Fashionable Spring fy Summer Clothing Ihathasycl been openeil inilloomsburg, to winch h invites the attention of his friends, and assures them that theyareolToredfoi salo.al crcat bargals. Jis Block Com prJeialarga and seler; assortment of Gentlemen's "Wearing Apparels, Consisting of FasLionallt Dress Coats, of every do stripliott; Pants, Vests. Shi is. Cravats flocks Colton Ilandkerchlerd, Cloves- Puspouders, &c, dec. Gold Watches and Jitvclryt of every deicripijon, fine and theap, N.ll.-Ucmember "Louenterg's Cheap EffisoriBin ' Call oad soe. Nocharge for czanilnlns Ccods . DAVID LOAVENRERO. nioomshurg. Ma'ch 51, 1657. g Dr. Frauds 0. Harrison, WOULD respcetf.illy Inform tho citizen, ofllloom, burg and vicinity, that heliascommcncedtlieprac tic n f M.oicimk and SuKocity, and lolidts a iharo o public patronage. Iie.anilwaysbij found alllicEtcllanic llotelosposita Court Houso Dleomslurj, Cb 5, ie;i, IKI&HIURSS HOTfili, AND R. R. Omnibus Line. rnilK undrrsigndil rcsppotfully informs I t.lrf frlnn.la nml ilin ttiitilir llml tlf liilh l.llirn 1 ll 0 I Kithangtlhttl.n onmrnit, lorntcil on .Main HIM el, ilin rtlvniitmtille llm Oniirl Itninc. nlilch liaa wenn ilitotirxlil v rennlrcil nml Improved, wli'Te lio H pre UMIV I J) UO 1H1JJ., riinnlncrciularly fevcralllme p ici0ii tlienrtlvololtlioCnn rimnlnnreiMtlartv several times per day, to nnd from )e.mloIllienrrjVO0tiioCnf4lty wliifii p.isen. erllllio iiliafantlytonveyedtoilii, linpniriiniiun.oi taken rroninudrrWrVd lo tliolr tt'Hilencca, If. cilred. , .,,... in (...(..ri-im nin accom .!!lT..- i t...rtBt nMilantiilltlon. Procrittcr, nionmitiiirp .April ,.1 , 1650 y. STEAM EN01NU3 AND UOlLlill. VlIEsiihscillierls now prepared, with new Machine I r. to hullil stationary eiiln.'S.troin 5lo loll horse lower, upon the l.itct improvi d plans, and ulll Imllilto mlcr douUleandsiuBle porialdo unclnes frnni IU to 40 I inrse power, Itipaeilupotictrriases, with Holler tear '112 U pinups nlliouiplelennd rcadyfornollnn. Also . ' -cylinder Ihieand tul.ularliollcrs.cast iron (0.1! hre.iks its patenled In Ittiii.l'or tlircslilns cram andcracklnr 'orn and now made on alargoeilo for erecklim ns orcnl.liip coal . Iteavynilnlnii pinups nml fire ciiglntl tliceil complelcwiilidoulde ncilu2 i'or.'ins pumps, ni kinds of iuill!cailii;iiid home castlnj made lo onlerl I Lincsliafllu;,' vtllli auyitclrid sizes nt pulleys (lulslic .'v """": .tv",':'"?.:::.'. :r.v... .,"..".n,'..,.",,",. V. M. J','.1" " "' n e,i;i,liniir.i.. Miel.lnes.lhnl ever come he fore Ihe nubile. cal Iron and w oilell machine made to order, l.'.vcr power, ci.aln or (rend lower made taerdcr. AIotakcsorl..rsrurthcrilIor,liimia. elilnervi Harrison's llteftnalintcraln mill. SIIKI0 of. feiedhy the I'atetitcclorlliequal. II will crind intjnod fine meal'-.. liulieltn one hour. AMonoii-nnileteva' torn nil In nr. ler.alsollil . lie's I'.tten II! lower. l.inuilf.iclur ed l.v tl. 1) Harris tt Co.. the most powerful Jilowcf now In ue with Hie least amount ofpower, one of e'hlch ulllne puttn uscnt Ihe roundly fur exhibition, 'lut theahovo works wi lino warranted loh" what tliey,... sold lor. Also Take orders for Scott's Talent niacksmlih i Striker, nnd rinlits to nsc them iuthecoiintiesofColum ,hla, Moil.nu r.Nortli'imberlaud.Lvcom inc. Sul lirnu nnd i Ct 1 m..n . one or wllic I can be seen nl Tiiv soon- i.uivi ii. ai.iua, larlll?. 1S5G. nioomsbu.Cnlt)tlill tt,. IiOWAKl) AS0(JAfn0i, riiELAULLniU Jnwortant Announcement, mo all rprTnn nlllirted ulih i-nMint dicens seiirh X rE!INAL 1'AKNE.Jc , IM I'O'I EM,'j;,G0iN0l HtXA.tlLEETSVrillLlS Le.. hr.. Rim llOU'AUI) ASSUIMAT HiN of Niil.nlcll htn U vleivoftlie nwful ilct-lructioii itl l.iiiniii tile nnu liciilili caused by sexual iiirfeuses. nud the tlcttpiiens i MU.n iiracticcu upon uio uuiuriunate viciiuih oi niriMii t a iv (lnakn. have ditecled tin ir L'i 1.5 n Ht hit fntt rii. n CIIARITARLE ACT worlhv o) thrlr nl me to n MEDICAL ADVICE (IR ATltMn nil peuons thus a led, Male or l'cmalc,J who apply ly lettr r, t ilh a rrt nn nn 111 1111 ircii uiiinii 1 1 pc.i 1 r i ih in i i in ni i i ic.. and in ntpen of extrt me poi-nv nnd n lit ih g a Thf. Ilnwnril A tmrhit inn i nlipim ole Ii 1 1 liFl illlHo!1 nci.ilillsl.r'il hv rnerin I I'liilnu mt'iit . lor ll.e 1 1 f fos lilt slicicami (iistreeeu, ri.nitt u w nn v irui in a no i.pmrn In Diseases, and its lumls. ran be for oilier purpose, It li.ii now a t-um ii off uds. with th' i'r dors uavt voted londvertlge the above notice, ll tii'idleBta at'd that tn Assocl ilion renin amis 1m iiiei.i p JMeui ral skill uf thf are. and will tiirni.i I he iio.t rtinrovi mnder n treat men t . Vatuiible tidvlce ;ln civt n to t-it 1 and nervous i-male nliliried v.ith aiidomlt al weak lit e- vomM;omplatnt. (Joftiveni s l.rmorhoi a. f,. Aiiuress. i nosi-Tia ir ii i.t. i . uu.nm a , i n ullinPiiircoii, llowttrd AfEorlaiiou, No. U .Suiitli Dili Street rhiladelphla l'n, liy order oi tne numor . El'.RA D. I1EARTWELL. Tree GEO. rAIRCllll.D itcretuiy. Angnst J), 1 65 y. BUSINESS NOTICE. HERRING' riRCrROOl A I'E Another Victory MoL'STnaYDor&.Julv 1. Id F. Jl.IIcddorm.nsq.i London, C. JV..1gentfor llcrrg Co. l)i:xn Sin: I am sorry to inform you Hint mystorc wiiii inc wimii'oi t lie ciniie nts, laruiiiiic.ciOLiiiug, t:c.t w.isilelroyed by lire lal tiiht. I ;aved noihiii. oil win rememiiej I tiouiiL't one ol ierrlim Sales ironiyoi lasiMarch. and 1 liavc much icaurc in Infonuins voi nitood Hie dri' well, it wac tu rkillv red hot lor sevi r o. hours: the haiiiltej ami l,r:is nlnic both mclledoir. it d niter hauling tt outol the burning embci s wo had ulnpour wait r nn it for nearly half an hour In lore it rould be opened. You may fancy my satisfaction nt muling mv t'OOstP, u:on-ngei, uecus, noiea anu tasn r 1 1 r if ill i mi'i it 'ttr' u.iinuni oi Miiii-uuf p;i;M'r inn which, hau i iom, wouki mvo roai i'uiv tuiiieu me You will uleae send no anollifrsafe dirrcily, nnd 1 wit I Fend on the old one that oi: may bow it to all wI:o v.ishlo have apcrh rily tiro proo.-.n; . I remain, dc.utf ir oourtfroaiH ci fully, J . W EMERiiON. tn Th'' subscribers ltavcon hand for ualo,one ol the nrges'i avjorimem oi i i.ik i.rnor.n. itook bafe 1 1 j world guarr'inlerd loi,c riual tot lie above and an .ciiolto any outer now oi.ereu io tne puiiiie rARKELd 4- IJEIiRlNH II I U'aluul Street. I,iill.ide4nhia UgUitlt 1853 v PIIir.A. AXD READING It AIL ROAD Winlc Arrargement for ratiengtr Trains January is, 1857. raliH, going North, luavo I'liiladctjliia at M. nml a V. M. Down TraUsgoingUouUi, Icavcl'ottsvillenl 71 A.M lcc. nnd 1 1'. M. UntrJlnapasM itcauingni io,--, a. i.anuojr..ii. it ii iv ii Trn in.4 " " ,).IJ.A. AL i.l'J.A. M, a, A3 I'. M. TJicExnreaaTriin is diicontinued until furth-jr no nce. Ulo'C LOll'ieci iuoh iri; niiiuu uy iiiu iu.-j i. ri th.1Tr.1it1 from Port Cliiitontu Lliuir.tiiUd all intcrme tllate points: nud by the hJS V. M L p 1 r.ilulroiii. ort UlllllOll IO ciiiui'itu in.inuai-'ii.i, ii'Jiiftu, iti.iai.i, iiu not. (MiicoL'O. hi. Lnun, DaVeilliort. and Iowa Citv Maklui; this route tbeihorlerimid cheapest to (Ac Lake Ilrlttsaniujanaaa, Oneundays.llm Donn A. M. Train from t'ottiville anu upr. m. irnin irom rniiaueipnia, ouiy.ruu tUnnnciBoCossEnioN, by Dauphin Ralroad tUAn bin n. A special Aecommodation rnseiiper Train ten res Rendinirdailly. (except Humluys,)at7i A.M., returning from Auaurn atoj 1-. 011 airivar 01 j,ju r. at Train irom iiariiauura. WAY KAUES From Reading to i I'hi.KWpIiii, ei72antl 1,43; I'ottsvlflc 31,03 and U,e3; Auburn, 11,75. TIIROUr.H I'ARES.to Ilarripburg. S2.53; Tnmaqua 01,:ri, ViViam.port $l,10i Emira $b;i5; Canandai r-uaswu. Rutr.L) or NiaffraSHMU); Cavcand 3IU, 70; ToJi'do5U.7-; Cincinnati IG,0U , fliica-". J(i 0 Uock LMud$',0U. 0 AM.l'asiicufp'mvii'iprocurc tickets before c nerv h nn; 10 cents extra on t'.tres paid In the ear iy lis. ,0 f n'rsenal i:a;3aceaowcd rarh l'aeBcn jvcrl ha t wets bt charged as Exira Itnnpare O A. NICOLLH. nui ?d. IfiT-tf. Ocu'l 8upt LANMIETH'S EXGELSrOlt CORN fsr 5Iielli:rs, ior hand or rowr.R.- Vc make fuur sizes of tlio above Corn Shelleis, nntl warrant llieiut'jgive satlsfac tlon, or iho money returned. Thovare far r.,s"perior lo nny now in iho market. Will th IKlrccn Com n- well as Dry. Aliberal ilisnuni iu ecrs. uci.iiii'. r.nenl r.nvi'i uoru rhllers auoClea -isars also mniur.icturednudror sale, wholesale and retail, by D LAXDRETIl fcROV.e. lin.,emeut and see.l Wan liousk. No. 51 and-Jl S, S1X1I1 Sl.,helnw Marl,lil November, 13, Hi50. I'hlladciphi pliitt.th S. L. Pancoast &, Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN PIS II, PROVISIONS, SALT, .Jc, ii ..uiiji i.iiiirvu,, i iiu.iueipniu. Franklin J Eousc. PARKER & LAIItl), Proprfplors. Clicsnut St., between Third and Fourth, ruihAUELPIIIA. BeptcmbcrlS, 1830, PHILADELPHIA OARPET STORE CARl'ETINCS, Oilcloths, Window Ehadcs.Matsan Mattingb Jusi received 50,000 pieces newsiyle . . . . . i.i.uiiii ,'pressiy ior CAIII'EV LL, Merchants and Housekeeper, will phase no. ns'VblnirciSI,NOrl'l'iCCOniISlrC!,'',t ""' Mow March SJ, imp, J. SIDNEV JONES. l'ltlSIIPlCTH AillltOTIII'llS. VUOLEBALl! TOI5ACCO SIUA FiERS. fty.lOS.NOHTH Tllin STUKIST l'ive doorsbelowRoce, , . l'lltLADELI'IllA. Janruravlo, 1655.. C. C -AJLER J- CO., NO. 0, North Water Street PhiladcN Phla COMMISSION MERCHANTS . onJdsaler, In Mrd,ouidr,,Ub,, llims, Uuckei,, forks. Aplil 1 li?J5-1y Dr. J. S. SSonhton's GHKAT OUltli l'OH lA'Sl'Kl'SIA. jm irouoixa'ows. VW$it --""T"tMt" Jnlee 1'repnrnl rrnin ;)vfe?hAfe2Hiomnriinl lli.ds.nriir m v i : xm,w -w,vr IHZ. lee prriii i h.iiiih Vv'5S-a 1 cis I I'liuniH, hj J. H ylW 'I'ounhton.M.I) , l'hlla- Wr-Mru,,"l,l,lu,,'a' '1'liihM tXiituro'sutt ii lt?mcd'for nn uttheriltliy no mncli. No nil of innnenn caiuil lln rnrntU r pov rjrs. It contains no Alchnhol ntu x, Andu or Naucrn-ui linms. It ltttremeynKro,it.etolhi tnttc.nnd mny betaken hy tlie most feeble pntit lit p umi cannot rnt a unirTcratiierwiiuuiiuicHip uifiiress HQwati ofinitcatd IiuitnlfmiN 11 iiIm l tint n On1 1 on the A nt, nnd eet n Pescrlpllve t'lrnito f ratH.clvlnp n larpn ntiioonl nf Pcleutlllr Ilvit'cnre fromLfeMjt's A uluMiil.'hemlKtrytllr.OemlieVl'hftiiotopy Ulceftloni Dr IVrelra on I'ood nud IMeiiJtr. John TMrer, nfNew Yorl. liilcrItv; I'rof, Itimcll nn's i' yFimoyy j i ii. c i u nun ii , ii i i niii,iii t't'i j nr yiiricii' tei'sl'hvfciolecv: Ac,,to?e1her with rennrtf of L'uri n frnmntl pallsollhn Umleit Slnei. tiHiiiiy ii. r. ijiitz ami j. u.amyrr. moonifi'iirff (I. Hon-in. th iierwlck Oct:), If "-j 1 ly. LANDitliTirS WAliKANTIiD QAW- DEN SIOHDS. Grass sunns riELU .reeds, nnd ri.ownn BEEIW, for sale hy jl ii.li, ulll, J ll el rvj,,. N-,19. CI and SI Sou til Bixlli il., 1'hiladelphUi March 23, 187. . WEST BRANCH INSUKANGE CO. i)V IMK IMVKX, PA. J- Kirm t'rnnrjriy, and other IJuitdinES.uud lliulr m. tents at moderate rales. (Japan y;i.iu)u,iiuu. IJIKUUI UllfS. Urn, John J l'curcc, lion a, C. Ilnrvcy, Jthn 11. Hall, T. T. Abrnius, 1. li. Jaclison , W. While Thomas ICitehen. O.O. IIAIIVEV, President. '. T. AnntMi Vice Pres. Charles A.Maycr, L'luirlesClinst. I'cU'r Dickinson, IIU. Tnos.KiTciics.KecV. I II. c. Ulmak, Cen Agt. UEl'EEEM'E? Samuel II . Lloyd , Tlio.. llowinnn.D. D. A. Wlnejardor, Win. Vanderhelt. A. Miikiy. While, IVin. renrnn, Dr. J. S, Crunlord, A UpJegrair. James intrnntr, Hon Will nm lllelor, W. WIRT, Af-ent, Iltoomsliiirp, Jniuisdumiilo, Jnhn W Mavnaril, llon.Siuionl'nnicron, June SI, 1850 CAM lilt CORNERS HOTEL- T,1E'TM)uiE⁢Mi', iniorms ni irictuis nan u1" tra'Ul'it! public. Hint he has purchaFfd the nbvi taltial'le propi'n v i'u ii'irrunf-inj nnju n i u mc (uimit; Hotel. located Itj'milcsNoithDfllloo.ibur;. in Cnmiir t, ,u.rrne couniy, min 11 vn-n piipuieu, iu enu'riain stran'-t'r anu rtiHoini.TH. IVrrton-soinKniidieltlmins from thcCity, will of coursetravelbytlic Uctniura man uoact. nndwlllntvvoys find this the inosl coiivenicni pnrto stirtinsaiid ainving. Thceubscni.er.ni'OM'cps n t Livery Mstahlislitnent. tncontiection with hi Hutcliiud Mail Coutc, by vvlikh hecan ntall litnesrarry vifitnrs, lliiatcifi or I Miiiijr. o.iilie(.totho Lonsl'oiid.nr any other d-tinaliou, 011 Mhortnoiice and witligoodtravellin? iTrihiies. Canibra.July 1. 1850. RloouisljurgTitiwarp ainl Siove fiorc. rpllEuntlyMlsncd reaper' fully in IV rm his "Id friends 1 I mid customer, that h" has imrt'liaed Iim broiher't Interest In the above i-slal)li-hin''iit.auilih'(oiiriTiiwiI j herealierbo rontluctcd tiy hinnelf ei ItMivi-ly. Ho lirn jusi leceivcu anu om-is 101 s n no- i.irseM ami 1 frCj moitt exi.MHivo nsoortiiient of l'ANCY tiTOVEd 1 Z ever iulrndit ceil i utothfs marbei, I 'Ci lli tncl con si il of a coiuplete-issortmrnt ol obihsil Coohinsand parlor f(ivi In tin tuarkfLto tiiei-r with Utuve I'ixturenf rvrry iieFrriptlon.Oven nnd imxiioi es. .u-iuunrs.'.- vinuii.r r;tnvea, t-aet 11 011 AIr-Ti?U Stoves, t'aninn i-lnvet, Uv,.&r. Sloveplt pennd Tin warden itantlj on h.indand man ufjctureil to order. At) kinds of repairing done, as usual, 011 sliorl untiee. Th natromae of old friends in 1 new cifjlomers rc spcotfullysolicited. Inamsbnrft. Jan. S. 1fi.it, tf AND ALL DIHUAKliJ Ui' J'.lj; J.UMi.S AND THIIOAT aro nostilvcly curable by inhalation. DIflEASEJ OI- T.IE which rouveys the remedies lo the civitiuK in the iiii4 throu'jh thu air passages, and coiuiuj; iu direct contact wiiii thu disease, nculrulu-H the tubtrrulnr matter, allays the cough, ciiuh n ift-eand ca.y exptc toratlo'i, heals thu luns, purifies (he bioud, tmparu reoLWid vitality li tho nurvnut xjti'm. ivinp Hiaf lonu iindeuurgy ttt iudi-peusablo lor Iho re.ii.iauuu of neuilli. -itiiiTiaDieiosi.no eounueuiiy inai (;uni,iiiiip. lion is curable by i uhalutlou, ii to mi1 a enure of .iu.i. itiyeu pleasure, ii is ns uiiicu iiuuer nie control nl medliul Ircalmciil as uny other furiniilalle disease; ninety mil ur eucry huudrid cast scan be lured in the Dm stage and filly percent, iu Iho second ; l.iit in Ihe third stage il U impossible to save inoru than live per cent., lor Hie ltlun'sare so cut up by ibe illsase as Iu bid deflauco to mciliral wkil I. Een,tiowevcr. in Ihn l.it-l ntnges. Inhalation utr.irds .ttr..ordiuary relief lo thesiinerimiallcndiiigthis leaiful scourge, w hit h nn nually destroys uiiiely live ihnusand pcrtntis in (ho United Htales alone ; and ncorreclealculntinii iIiowh thatol Hie present populatiun of (lie ejrlli, eight mil lions tiro destined tulill the consumptive's grave. Truly Ihe quiver of death ha. no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In adages it has been the great enemy r.f lite, lorn spires toilhrrage nor sex. but snteiis elf alike the binvu, the beautiful, (he gracclul.aud the gifle.l. Uythe help ofthat Supreme L'clng.frouiulioiu coniilli every good nnd perfect gill, I nm enabled In oil- r io me umiricu u pernianeiu ami speedy cure in Consumption. The fir'tcnti.e nflulii rcti ri. fmm im pute bioou. anu nie iioiueuiaic cneei, prodeced l.ytheir deposition iu Ihe tuugs.is to pretenl thefri e iiilmi.ki.1n ofair inlo tlic.uirei'iia.Hliiilicju-eaa ueakuned tila lily 111 roti-li the entire system. Then simly Ills more ralloualtocxpecl greater goodfrom medielnes enleiiug the cavities of the tun';s than from tluife mlininistcred Ihrougll the stomach ; Ihe pjtieni will always flllil Ihe ..i.in ........ .ui.iiiii v..,y ituiT iiinann ' reme dies. True, Inh Hal ion U a local remedy, m tciilieless i il acts c.onslilutlonally, and with mum power and ci'r tainlv than retiieilieaadiiiluMeredby the .tnmarh. lo proi,e ihe powerful nnd direi t Inline nee ol this modnof aitniniinn.tjiiii, chloiolnrm Inhaled ulll entlnlv do flroy sensibility in a few minute.. pai.iy7in ibe rn. lire nirvousejelem sttbata lnuh may be nuniilaled without the f lightest pain j lull. mug Hie ordlnarvbuni. it.g s.n will dentoy life inn few lu.iirs. 'tho iiihalalioii of aunnonn will roue the sistem whenlaintlngor apparently dend. The oilur of many of Ihe medicines is perceptible in the rkin n few min ute, aflir being Inhaled, and may be immediately de. lictcdiu Die blood. A conviuciiignrnor of ilie constl. tiitionaicirecisofinhalaiion.is the fjet that sickness Is always produced by breathing foul nir. Is mil this no.illvo evideuco lhat nroner rei,i,.IL.a .......n.. I pared nnd Judiciously ndnilnMeredihrm'is'h Hie iuns should producethn mo,i inppy remliKl Huiiug rili'. diseases of iho lun-s nnd throat, have been nnder'm'v care, and I have elloclru many remarkable cures, eie,, nuer th" sufferers had been pronounced in ibe Inti slages. winch fully salltfie, ,o lhat cnnsunipllon I, ,, tonger afatal di.cn.o. My treatment of consumption is nr jlnal. and loundeil ton lnnf experience and n Tho rough luveM gation. My perfect neiunintnnee win, Ihe iialiirooriuberclec.&e., enable, molo disllngoi1 readily, the various i,,rms uf disease tliat siniu ate coiisumi.lion. and apply iho pr0er remeule, ' v being mistaken even in n sn,.,. rasn. Tills f.inilihriiv in conneellon ilh cetiiu ..illiolo;ieal nnd mlrrnJin.' pic dummies, enables me to relieve -ho lun..s frnni energy and lone lo ibe entiroVlVt lUJ'',y'6'1' ihn 5a, I'o.l Ofllce, O.W illtAIIAM. M II rifli, Ma'rc""! ,ieS7,.l"!l0W Twclfl"' I'hiladelphia.'ra. NEW DRUG STORE. UXCI1ANOE I1LOUK, MAIN STREET Illoomsbiirir. flMli:iin.lersigne,,woiildresp..ctruii,.nrn,mti, friend JL and thepiljlicgeiierally, ihat ho ha, p ,i,e n, Tesci.fs Iru-ran Cliemlenl rtmrn .' ''"oiiseii Mr rroiu Ihccity wilh ulargeand .elect stock!con,Utini''i, . Irah and Pure Drugs, nicaicinci.ciicinicals.greuiidniidHholeiJpjces, Palm. Oils, Varni.hcB IlieSluirs Window i:i'...cV,'.a "' logethcrwilli .icompleleaiunrlinenl olPalm V..J..!.! Sbavlng Ilrushe,Tobacco,HiEar.1l'aocyHoaii..S.av. llJg Vst I L'hl 111 . ... Pure Wines and Brandies. Tor Medicinal use. nmrtiih. rmirti i a 1 fumov : I ,1m,. . u r ,mt"fi,n rally .'"'yrusgiii, gcnc. rrj'rrescrlpHonicarefulljrouipoiiKded N. ll Tlio Dei ri. I'RoiKiOf, will be usual in Illoonisburii and Lijrlit Biret continued a fo?.,ilcbl,IU"0r,ine0t "f 1,10 ,a,wt Bty,c Teem, CEO. M. it U)m,ijir, tVirmry liNDL'CH. , IM7. National g Hotel. ( IiATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides & Stover. Race Street, above TJdrd. Philadelphia VI.i;."",l41eori,"!fl",i:,,'en,.i;olIiiit.licjvkCo ,"u;ui;wo:0',l,,Ul',onI,0'c'' i "frifia., iii or Tim K.iTiortAVurnrr rnv&T company. fefl'l 5 II lift mm II 1 lgs1 WALNUT Street, South West conur fTIIIIU, rhlliilelplila. Incorporated by th.i mate of Pennsylvania. g.Money is r "eived In any sum. laro or small ami Interest paid foin tho diy or deposit to tho day U uithdrnv.1, The oflice Is open every diy from n n clerk In th morning till T o'clock In ihn cvenlng.'.nnd on Monday Mid Thursday evening., till !1 o'clock INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All suin.lars' oc "niall. arc paid backfill COLD on demand without uotlce.tonny ninnuiil. President. Hon HENIIVL. IIEN'XEI!. VIcePrcsidclit.llOIlEUTHELl'IlIDOU Bccrctnry .WILLIAM J.11EEU. Wircilots; Henrj L. Eenner, O. Lamlrelh Munns iMwai.ll. Carter, 1'. Carroll Itrewstci lloberlSeirrldac, Joseph II. Horry, HamuelK. A.hton , Henry L. Churchman . Jntnesll. Smith. TraiielsLce This cnnipanyconfines in hlilll i s. clillrely lo tho receiving nl mcney on Interest. The investments a "'ONE Wu.uutfw A HAL.' (IE DOLLAUS 1 ts per published report or AGISTS, lire mado in eon nrinilv tvlth 'lie provisions nf Ihn chnrtir in HEAL im i'a it. Mfiii'lnAril.. lir.OI'NI) KEN'TS. nndsuel, i firt class seftnrliies. nswi'l always Insure perfect fe Icurily to the dc-tnsilors, nnd l.hlcll cannot till to givo liermincneynn l .tuilily lo tin, old oni wep esiab- pemiini'iieynnil .tunny i limned I n-l i nil ion , March Till. 1M7. (Teh. 1, 1855.) AIE'E'S a& puis. roil all tee ruRro8Es or A FAMILY PHYSIC. Titmn itx lon oislrtl n piiblie demand for an cfltctivo pur-'nUc pillviihh could be relied 011 a? cure and perfealy Mifo in iU opcralinn. 'Hiii his been prcpjiied to meet that demand, nnd nn oxlcn rIvc trial of itt virtues bas contbisively shown with wlut sueeesH it nefomp.isbes tho tuiipo''0 designed, it U r.i y to tnalio a pbvsicnl pill, but not rasy to make the best of all f one whith fcbould have lmnu of llic oteections, but nil tho advnntagcs, of cwry other, 'i'hh hvs irrn attempted here, nud with what Mieerss wo would respectfully submit to tho public tier i- ton. It bit been unlortunato for the rulicnt hilbcrto Dial r.lmot every purgati' modi tine i acrimonious and iiritatint: to the hov els. Tln ! not. Many -f them produtc so mm ' (rripiiif; tnin ami revu'.-.ion in Vic ijstr m ks to in than countLibalanfC the good to be ncri'- 1 f-. 1 them, 'ibeso jJls piodme t.o Ii . itr1 Ion n, miles it nri-io fiom a pnvimish e.Klinr " -tl-.n or dtr.tri'iement in the bow U. Dun . j id tb'", no harm n.n luielrnM t.i Ir Mie 111 fjuun ilty ; but it it hctb r ll 1 1.1. 1.1 ditlnetl be I'.Imi jmli. ioudy. Mii.ute d'ret tlnns for 1 . 1 nso 1 1 the fcevtr.d 'uiM-a-r-i to whith they aro up pUtrld" uio rivni on the box. Atuoiir tlio rnm laint vhieh lmo hern tneedily tniifl by them, we nipy iiieiiiion Liver (.'omplaint, iu it vaiium foims of Janii the, Jndi-;f it "011, Iiti;ii'r nn-1 l.r.s of tf. petile, Li-lle;irehv, Itrii.ibility, Lirmii Ilradadie, I!i!iiiin Jvrr, lover imJ Ai-i.c, I'niit in the Side aiidl.olns; fur, in truth, nil theho tire but the con tcquente e.f diseased aethm in the liver. As an aperient they ntFord prompt and Mire rtucf In U'e. tivenest, I'ilVs, Cube, Dysentery, Humors, ftr ifma and Si nny, Cold with wirene-hs of the body, I'terr and impurity of the M00J, IrrtRuhtities ; in b r t anv Mid every tasc where a rurp.ttive it required. 'llrv have mho ptoclueca r,ome hinpuhnrly sta-ee-ivful eurett in Ithcuinati'iu, fjout, DropHy, niu l-vpela, 1'alpilalioii of the Jlenrt, Inhis in the IJack, Stomach, and Side, 'Ihey should be frerlv taken in the sprin-i: of the year, to purify the l-Wl and prepare the bvstein for tho thntiKC of a'in(- An oteaMonal doe htlmuhites the (toin'uh and bowcUinto ho'tlihy oction, and relorei the njme- tile and vijjor. 'Ihiyjnirifv the blood, nnd, by tin ir stimulant anion on the emulator) kystem, rum vfite the s'rrrth of Ihe body, nnd rertoro the wnsttil or tlise.i 'id enertiie-t of tho vb de oriraiiisiu. Ileiife an on .iiioual mye it udinn aRM-ns, cten though no hcrmiih tleratp;' iiunt eist-j; but tin l.cechs'trv dobinir ohould n ver be e.irried too far, ot every purgative intdieine udures the tttrenli , when taken to ett e . 'i be thousand eafcf s in w 1 n i a physic is retpiired cannot lie e numerated here, but they bunnct tbdmstlves to the reason ut every bntly; nnd It in rontidently 1 elieve-d tbh pill will answer a better purpose than nn.y thinj,' wltiili haj hitherto been avuihtble In inaiik'ind. Whin their virtues are once known, the public will no loiigir doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathailic in u'J cine. Hem;? sunr-w rapped, they rau pleasant to take, and hting purely vegetable, no liarm can arise horn their ue m any quantity. Tor minute diiectiuin, .cc wrapper on the Eos J'EErAl'LD 11V mi JAMI5S C. AY lilt, I'rncdi'a! :tni! A t::il) tictil ClU'tnitt, lovi;li mass. Prico 25 Ccnls per loi. Ii70 "oxes for Cl. A Y E i v ' S CHEERY PECTOBAL, I'or llic i nptil Cure cif fot'GK.s, roi.ns, hoai?s!:m:ss, I!I!(l.t'IIlTIb', Wll00i'L-t:0II(iil, IROIIP, ASTIHIA, AM) COA'SUitll-nOiV. Tins remedy has von for itself nitch notoriety from its i uies of every v atlcty of pulmonnry diseahe, tint it ii entirely unneceary to lcrount the evi dences of iti virtues in any community wbeie it has I cen (tnplojtd. So vide S tho tit-Id of il1 use fulness, and fo numerous tho cases of its turei, that almost cvrrvw. hon of the eountry nboiii ds in per-tmi piiblh ly ki,own, who havo been ut ""d fioui tthnnting and even depeialc di tiiKsof the lungs by Its use. When onec tried lit tupeiii.uty nver every other nud nine of its kind i too apt u lcnt to e'M-iipe oS-i nation, and where itBvliturMtru lcnovn, tho public no longer hetitotc what nntiihde to employ foi the dhtreshinu; and dangerous r.ik't. tloni of tho imlnionary rirtjani whkh aro ineUer.t to our elimate. Not only in formidable attacks npon the lnp;s, but for tho milder varieties of Colds, 0(ive,n.s, Iln.K.sKNi:rts, e. ; and for Chil hurs it li the p!cut.antc.t and wfett lucdkinc that can be obl-dnra. As it bad Ions been in constant use throughout this fettion, wo need not do moro than nssuro the people Its quality U hept up to tho beat thatitevtr baa Ucn, and that tho genuine nrtiele is told by O E. T. LUTZ.ondnll Drnrplls In Rlogmtbur,, umi Dealers in medicines tvoywhtru. May 10, 1P57. WHOLESALE AND RE'lAIL JSiiEsais'ir. CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT ST01U-. Ojslt'r nud Ealing KnIoons. THE iiniler.lgned, respectfully Inruru., Ihe cilizens of lllooni.biirc nnd Ihe nub ( illC iu eciicr-ll. llml llirv lin l.m.nt.i . I... interest of Mr . Ilulluinn. in ll.e nbcm Liialilishmeni.nnMaiu t-triet, III. inni, burg, and "i n general Hnkery, ( niifc ciinuary. nud ovu rE.ialli ' mini, where they willlll Ml times l.iep u full Hii)l I'roiislons, Sweet meats and End lea, such ns l Tie., Hwei t I'nlaloeK. Cheese. Muckrel. ictirvn.' in good orderiind on moderate u rms. Their Slnckcnmprises a laree tupply ol Almei i ' rigs.Lasoi.s, Prunes, nuis. Wnli.uis. Hairs 'il l. Ci3rs. etc ,wiih ever) Imaginablearlicleln Hun I " ol hu'lncss.und of (ho hi si quality. KS' l'iiiiiilie.u,ipliediitn'l tlnie.witli Ilnad. Cakci lies.Ojdcrs. .c .nnd all orders prcieplly filled Cosh paid for Country produccund the public cu.c tesncelfiilly inviled N. II. A Ladle's Saloon disconncctcdfroiu Inoelo' t',a'ili,liment. has been prepared In good ci.it. r " w 'always he nl their coiiiiniinil I'lO.MAS C. EI.PE. OLIVER T WILSON 'omi.biirg. I'eb 1, 1857. A. M. RUPERT. Tinvuro ind Shert.Iron Manufnrurer-stcr cn M ' Street below Rupert's Store
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers